About Angie Sánchez

Angie Sánchez is an (MEng) Environmental Engineer with more than 7 years’ experience as a consultant in the fields of Air Quality and Climate Change. She has been involved with the small and large-scale emissions quantification and reporting from various sources in South Africa, and has participated in multiple projects involving renewables, energy efficiency, carbon assessment and climate change vulnerability in South America and Africa. Angie has recently moved to the UAE where she wishes to collaborate with the sustainability agenda of the region.

Energy Efficiency in Residential Sector in Saudi Arabia

The energy demand in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has increased steadily with an average annual increase close to 5% since 2010[1]. Such rise is driven mainly by the economic prosperity of the region, the rapid industrial development of the Kingdom, and the population growth. However, the per capita energy consumption of KSA is almost three times higher than the world average[2], explained by the presence of energy-intensive industries, harsh climate conditions, and a high energy demanding lifestyle encouraged by historical low energy prices. Link between Economic Growth and Energy Consumption Although the link between economic growth and energy consumption … Continue reading

Air Quality in Abu Dhabi: Perspectives

The air quality topic has taken relevance in the media lately, perhaps because 95% of the world’s population is breathing unhealthy air, or because in a year it can contribute to the deaths of more than 6 million people [1]. We are starting to realize that those beautiful sunsets which we enjoy across the Middle East are the result of pollutants and dust; and most likely each one of us know of someone with asthma or any other respiratory disease whose condition worsens under poor air quality. Poor air quality is more common in the big and developed cities instead … Continue reading

Energy Efficiency Implementation in GCC’s Residential Sector: Actions and Technical Requirements

The huge existing stock of residential units in the GCC region, and the expected growth in residential construction projects, convey different challenges at the time of energy efficiency implementation. New developments require the definition and the enforcement of standards to be included at the design process; while owners and users of existing units require motivation and financial strategies to implement different levels of energy efficiency actions. A set of actions and requirements have been identified to improve energy efficiency in residential buildings, these include core management actions and specific technical requirements; and are defined for new developments and for already … Continue reading