About James Greyson

James Greyson is Founder and Head of BlindSpot Think Tank. He has an engineering background and over 20 years professional activity across sustainability and security themes. James’ published academic work includes coherent economic and policy designs for critical international issues such as climate, resource, ecological, financial, societal and international security. James is an associate at MIT’s Climate CoLab, a Research Fellow at Earth System Governance, a reviewer for Journal of Energy Policy and an ‘Exemplar’ in the Resource Revolution Steering Group. In his spare time James designs biochar-making cookers, advises the International Biochar Initiative and coordinates a carbon-negative ‘Climate Rescue Centre‘ in East Sussex.

A Glance at Waste-Free Economy

Growth from trashing the planet was never a clever idea and linear economics has now reached the end of the line. The ‘more is better’ economy does not need to be stimulated to grow nor constrained from growing. It needs to be entirely replaced by ‘positive development’ in which markets work to automatically, systematically make things better both locally and globally. The folly of endless resources extraction, endlessly unmet human needs and endless waste dumping can end. Linear economics can be replaced by ‘circular economics’. Waste-Free Growth Model A switch towards waste-free economy would preserve and regenerate material value and … Continue reading

Making a Switch to Circular Economy

All forms of wealth and security, including climate stability, biodiversity, resource availability, soil fertility, air and water purity and health, are depleted by the systemic error of running a linear economy. Linear economics consumes the basis for future growth so what is now growing fastest is unproductive activity, inactivity and instabilities. The credit crunch marks the withdrawal of faith in growth-as-usual and any reliable revival of growth and prosperity requires a switch of vision. Circular Economics The future for growth is circular economics where more economic activity would mean a faster pace of change away from waste-making and towards looking … Continue reading