About Salman Zafar

Salman Zafar is the Founder and Editor-in-Chief of EcoMENA. He is a consultant, ecopreneur and journalist with expertise across in waste management, renewable energy, environment protection and sustainable development. Salman has successfully accomplished a wide range of projects in the areas of biomass energy, biogas, waste-to-energy, recycling and waste management. He has participated in numerous conferences and workshops as chairman, session chair, keynote speaker and panelist. He is proactively engaged in creating mass awareness on renewable energy, waste management and environmental sustainability across the globe Salman Zafar can be reached at salman@ecomena.org

Environmental Best Practices in the Cement Industry

Worldwide, cement production  has almost tripled during the last 15 years, mainly on account of high population growth rate, rapid urbanization, increasing industrialization and large-scale infrastructural development. The growth of cement industry in MENA is marked by factors that are directly connected with sustainability, energy efficiency and raw material supply. Although the factors differ from country to country and cannot be generalized, there are major concerns regarding shortage of raw materials, GHG emissions, dependence on fossil fuels and lack of investment in technological innovations. For the cement sector, key points for an environment-friendly industry are use of alternative raw materials … Continue reading

Building a Plastic Bottle Village From Rubbish

This is an inspiring true story that demonstrates a solution to the rubbish problem, especially discarded plastic bottles, plaguing our planet! We hope it will encourage and inspire other visionaries to take similar actions around the world! Robert Bezeau moved to the tropical paradise of Bocas del Toro, Panama, after he grew tired of the cold weather in his home country of Canada. He loved Panama, but at the same time, he was dismayed by the rubbish removal left behind by more than 100,000 tourists visiting the area every year. While he walked the beaches, he began collecting discarded plastic … Continue reading

Buying and Trading Gems in the Middle East – A Brief Guide for Beginners

Ever felt the pull to dive into the glittering world of gem trading? If yes, you probably aim to explore this shiny universe in the Middle East. But before scaling those jewel-capped peaks, you’ll need some sherpa-level guidance. The good news is that this article will lay down a sparkling path that leads you from “huh?” to “heck yeah!” on begging and bargaining for those precious stones in the Middle East. Do Your Homework Before you dive into the sparkling pool of Middle Eastern gems, the first thing to do is to sharpen your smarts. Swipe through info on sapphires … Continue reading

Everything You Need to Know About Psychotherapy

Mental health has emerged as one of the most common contemporary health issues, affecting around 13% of the global population. The stigma surrounding mental health problems has made it important to look for effective therapeutic solutions. Psychotherapy has the potential to treat a wide array of mental disorders, ranging from depression to Schizophrenia to personality disorders. Read on to know more about psychotherapy techniques and its benefits: What is Psychotherapy? Psychotherapy, also known as talk therapy, is a collaborative treatment process for treating mental health issues through the use of scientifically-validated verbal and psychological techniques. The relationship between an individual … Continue reading

Green Finance: Powering a Sustainable Tomorrow

Green finance provides linkage between the financial industry, protection of the environment and economic growth. Simply speaking, green finance refers to use of financial products and services, such as loans, insurance, stocks, private equity and bonds in green (or eco-friendly) projects. Green finance, which has grown by leaps and bounds in recent years, provides public well-being and social equity while reducing environmental risks and improving ecological integrity. For example, global interest in green energy finance is increasing at a rapid pace – in 2019, investments in green energy reached the figure of US$ 282.2 billion, which underscores the significance of … Continue reading

التوصيل الأخضر والتسوق المستدام: دراسة حالة في الإمارات العربية المتحدة

في عصر يتصدر فيه الوعي البيئي قائمة القضايا العالمية، يتساءل المستهلكون بشكل متزايد عن استدامة توصيل المنتجات ويبحثون عن طرق لجعل عادات التسوق لديهم أكثر مسؤولية بيئيًا. يتناول هذا المقال مختلف جوانب استدامة توصيل المنتجات ويقدم رؤى حول كيف يمكن للأفراد المساهمة في جعل كوكب الأرض أخضرًا أكثر من خلال اختياراتهم في التسوق. التأثير البيئي لوسائل توصيل المنتجات التقليدية تعتمد وسائل توصيل المنتجات التقليدية، التي تعتمد غالبًا على مركبات تعمل بالوقود الأحفوري وتعتمد بشكل كبير على التعبئة والتغليف الزائد، بشكل كبير على تدهور البيئة. يعتبر قطاع النقل مساهمًا رئيسيًا في انبعاثات غازات الاحتباس الحراري، حيث تنبعث شاحنات وفانات التوصيل ملوثات … Continue reading

Green Building Trends in the Middle East

The Middle East region faces a unique set of environmental and socio-economic challenges in the form of water scarcity, harsh climatic conditions, ecological degradation and abundance of fossil fuels. Commercial and residential buildings in the Middle East consume more energy than those in other parts of the world, mainly on account of extremely hot weather, rampant use of glass exteriors and heavy reliance on air-conditioning. The Middle East building industry, in recent years, is actively trying to make widespread use of eco-friendly architecture, traditional building methods and sustainable construction practices. Some of the other drivers for the progress of green buildings sector … Continue reading

Why Should Kirkland Homeowners Hire Gutter Cleaners?

Gutter cleaning is an essential maintenance task for homeowners in Kirkland. Properly functioning gutters are crucial for directing rainwater away from a home’s foundation, preventing potential water damage. Over time, gutters can become clogged with leaves, twigs, and other debris, leading to water overflow and damage to both the interior and exterior of the house. Homeowners often overlook this aspect of home care, which can lead to costly repairs in the future. Hiring professionals for gutter cleaning Kirkland offers a practical solution to maintaining the longevity of a home’s gutter system. Professionals have the necessary equipment, knowledge, and experience to … Continue reading

Eco-Friendly Initiatives for Sustainable Commercial Plumbing

Voices like those at Coastal Commercial Services, Inc. are spreading the word about the importance of ecologically friendly business practices. One area people can learn more about is how commercial plumbing can meet ecological standards. Now is the time when all domestic units can be outfitted with eco-friendly plumbing. Here are some initiatives that could be helpful: Smart Water Efficiency Water efficiency just may be the diamond standard for sustainable commercial plumbing. Water-efficient fixtures are part of how we make low-flow toilets, urinals, and faucets that don’t leak or run. Advanced technologies like dual-flush mechanisms and smart sensors optimize water … Continue reading

Things You Should Know About Combined Heat and Power Systems

Combined Heat and Power (CHP), also know as cogeneration, is the simultaneous generation of multiple forms of useful energy (usually mechanical and thermal) in a single, integrated system. In conventional electricity generation systems, about 35% of the energy potential contained in the fuel is converted on average into electricity, whilst the rest is lost as waste heat. CHP systems uses both electricity and heat and therefore can achieve an efficiency of up to 90%, giving energy savings between 15-40% when compared with the separate production of electricity from conventional power stations and of heat from boilers. CHP systems consist of … Continue reading

Environmental Allergies – Common Causes and Remedies

In recent years, anthropogenic climate change has led to proliferation of environment-related diseases. The allergies caused by environmental factors are a major health problem for tens of millions of people all over the world. Environmental allergies involve an immune response to something in your surroundings, including home, workplace and outdoor. In contrast to food allergies, environmental allergies are an immune overreaction to triggers you come into contact in the daily life. Many people with perennial allergies also show signs of mood disorders and anxiety. BetterHelp has more information on how to find a free therapist online. The most common environmental allergens … Continue reading

Environmental Factors to Consider While Investing in Real Estate

Many people are just concerned about location when it comes to buying real estate. You need to keep in mind that there are a variety of different factors which you need to consider. Only when you take into account these factors, it is easy for you to make the right buying decision. The most ignored element while investing in real estate are environmental factors. When you consider all these factors, it is easy to make the right decision. You cannot ignore these factors in the long term if you plan to become a good and successful real estate investor. 1. … Continue reading