About Salman Zafar

Salman Zafar is the Founder and Editor-in-Chief of EcoMENA. He is a consultant, ecopreneur and journalist with expertise across in waste management, renewable energy, environment protection and sustainable development. Salman has successfully accomplished a wide range of projects in the areas of biomass energy, biogas, waste-to-energy, recycling and waste management. He has participated in numerous conferences and workshops as chairman, session chair, keynote speaker and panelist. He is proactively engaged in creating mass awareness on renewable energy, waste management and environmental sustainability across the globe Salman Zafar can be reached at salman@ecomena.org

All You Need to Know About Carbon Monoxide and its Recycling

Carbon Monoxide is a chemical compound made up of 2 elements which are carbon and oxygen. The proportion of each element is equal which means for every 1 part of carbon, it has an equal part of oxygen. Carbon Monoxide is formed through a lot of processes. One of the most common processes is through the burning of wood or coal or other substances that occur naturally. Vehicles and exhausts also contribute to the creation of this chemical compound through combustion engines, which means every day, there are a lot of people contributing to the creation of carbon monoxide. However, … Continue reading

4 Popular Types of Reusable Fabric Shopping Bags

Reusable fabric shopping bags are an eco-friendly, practical, and affordable alternative to disposable bags. Using reusable fabric shopping bags helps the environment by reducing pollution and conserving energy. Plus, switching to reusable shopping bags can save you money in the long run. Up to 1 million birds, turtles, and many other sea animals die annually from taking in plastic bags. Animals can confuse floating bags with sea life to eat, such as plankton and jellyfish. Once they eat it, the plastic chokes up their digestive system. The animals typically starve to death. Other animals may drown after they are entangled in plastic bags. Thus, we … Continue reading

The Environmentalist’s Guide to Responsible Credit Card Use and Debt Management

Credit cards are a powerful financial tool with several advantages when it comes to managing money. There may, however, be a temptation to overspend. And besides damaging your financial health, the resulting spiralling debt can severely limit your ability to make eco-friendly choices. This is why responsible credit card use and debt management are crucial. Table of Contents Credit Cards and the Debt Trap Risk Credit Card Debt and Low Credit Scores How to Use Your Credit Card Responsibly and Build Your Credit Score How to Manage Credit Card Debt Summary Credit Cards and the Debt Trap Risk Credit cards … Continue reading

8 Top Reasons You Should Start Using Solar Lights

Most people are looking for new ways to cut their power bills in today’s age of energy awareness. The advancements in technology come with its advantages, as there are now more and more gadgets that make life easier. Appliances are getting more high tech, but this also means increasing power bills, because of more energy consumption. Appliances can make lives more convenient and comfortable, but not doing anything with the electric bills can also result in financial stress. This is especially true if your home is equipped with a lot of appliances. With that in mind, there’s no better way … Continue reading

Everything You Need to Know About Jatropha

Jatropha is a genus of nearly 175 species of shrubs, low-growing plants, and trees.  However, discussions of Jatropha as a biodiesel feedstock are actually means a particular species of the plant, Jatropha curcas. The plant is indigenous to parts of Central America, however it has spread to other tropical and subtropical regions in Africa and Asia. What is Jatropha? Jatropha curcas is a perennial shrub that, on average, grows approximately three to five meters in height. It has smooth grey bark with large and pale green leaves. The plant produces flowers and fruits are produced in winter or throughout the … Continue reading

قم ببناء منزلك الصغير من المواد المعاد تدويرها

بدا الناس بالعودة الى الحياة البسيطة من أجل توفير المال.  إن مفهوم الحياة البسيطة يكمن في العودة إلى الطبيعة، وترك بصمة ولو صغيرة على كوكب الأرض، وأيضاً في نظر العديد من الناس ان تكون مقتصدا∙ لماذا تخلق كما هائلاً من الديون عندما يكون بوسعك أن تبني بيتك من مواد معاد تدويرها يمكنك العثور عليها مجاناً?  إن بناء منزلك الصغير “Tiny Home ” من المواد المعاد تدويرها ليس بالأمر الصعب كما قد تظن.  في الواقع، عندما تعرف ما تبحث عنه، فليس من الصعب العثور على المواد اللازمة فقط اترك العنان لخيالك كي يفكر∙ ما المواد التي تحتاج إليها؟ إن أغلب المنازل الصغيرة … Continue reading

What is a Solar Power Generator?

As the global climate worsens, governments and people have shifted to renewable energy sources, making solar power generators a viable option to consider. Solar power generators harvest the sun’s energy and transform it into electricity. They require no fuel and produce no emissions, adding to their feasibility and environmental friendliness. Let’s explore them further: How Solar Power Generators Work? A solar power generator generates electricity by converting sunlight into direct current (DC) power via solar panels. The charge controller receives this electricity and controls the power flow to the battery, which also helps avoid overcharging. The energy is stored in … Continue reading

Can Bitcoin Go Green One Day?

Many people who love to live off-grid or practice being self sufficient love the premise of cryptocurrency. It is perfectly aligned with the ethos of those who wish to unplug from the mainstream and do things their own way. Since cryptocurrency is decentralized and has no governing authority it seems like it should be a perfect fit for these types of people. Unfortunately, there is one glaring area which makes bitcoin and other cryptocurrency an anathema to those off-grid lifestylers. The price of Bitcoin is the key driver behind the environmental impact of the mining network. The mining of cryptocurrency … Continue reading

Recycling of Aluminium: Trends in Middle East

The demand for aluminium products is growing steadily in the Middle East because of their positive contribution to modern living. Aluminium finds extensive use almost all walks of life including transport, food and medicine, packaging, construction, electronics and electrical power transmission. Infact, the use of aluminum exceeds that of any other metal except iron. Aluminium is the second most widely used metal whereas the aluminium can is the most recycled consumer product in the world. Recycling Potential of Aluminium Disposal of aluminium wastes is a challenging task as aluminium exposed to fires at dumpsites can be a serious environmental problem in the form of poisonous gases and mosquito … Continue reading

How to Train and Motivate Your Lead Generation Team

Dreaming about hitting your lead generation goals? Are you searching for effective ways to train a lead generational team? Do you not know how to keep your staff motivated? If you are seeking answers to these questions, this guide has all the necessary information. Today, we will delve into the core tactics for effectively managing a lead generation team. Additionally, we will explore strategies to enhance your staff motivation, as motivated employees are key to success. So, let’s dive in. How to Train Your Lead Generation Team To achieve your business goals, you need to have a strong and skilled … Continue reading

Environmental Psychology: Key to Understanding Human-Nature Relationship

Environmental psychology is a relatively new branch of psychology which explores how the environment impacts human behaviour and vice-versa. It is an inter-disciplinary field which encompasses all kinds of environment including natural environments, built environments, learning environments, informational environments and social settings. The key objective of environmental psychology is to improve the relationship between mankind and the environment using theory, research and practice. It also endeavours to find ways to improve our relationship with the surrounding world. The popular areas in environmental psychology includes: Perception and evaluation of built environment Environmental consequences of human actions Evaluation of building and natural … Continue reading

How to Find the Best Marketing Firm or Tools For Your Company

In today’s business life, effective marketing is a game-changer. The choices can be overwhelming if you seek a dedicated marketing firm or the right tools. Worry not as we embark on a comprehensive exploration to demystify the process. In this article we will find the critical situations, hidden treasures, and expert insights to ensure you find the best marketing fit for your company’s success. Let’s go into the marketing distinction together. Boost Your Online Presence If you want your website to glow on search engines? Check out these effective SEO strategies, mainly focusing on wise link-building: Quality Content is Essential … Continue reading