About Salman Zafar

Salman Zafar is the Founder and Editor-in-Chief of EcoMENA. He is a consultant, ecopreneur and journalist with expertise across in waste management, renewable energy, environment protection and sustainable development. Salman has successfully accomplished a wide range of projects in the areas of biomass energy, biogas, waste-to-energy, recycling and waste management. He has participated in numerous conferences and workshops as chairman, session chair, keynote speaker and panelist. He is proactively engaged in creating mass awareness on renewable energy, waste management and environmental sustainability across the globe Salman Zafar can be reached at salman@ecomena.org

How to Improve Employee Engagement with Employee Benefits

In the modern corporate landscape, organizations prioritize employee engagement as one of the top components of driving business success. One foolproof option to attract top talent and foster their loyalty is creating a positive work environment. So, to get to the point, businesses use different strategies, one of which is offering attractive benefits. This article will help you explore why offering benefits to employees is essential. We will also discuss top strategies to enhance your staff engagement through the following benefits. The Power of Offering Employee Benefits Attracting, retaining, and engaging top talent is the dream of every entrepreneur. A … Continue reading

Environmental Therapy as an Emerging Therapeutic Method

Environmental therapy is a therapeutic tool aimed at treating both physical health and mental health issues by detoxifying the body. The basic idea behind environmental therapy, also known as ecotherapy, is that the human beings are connected to the natural environment and are influenced by the changes taking place in the external environment due to the presence of environmental toxins. Detoxification of the body through outdoor activities is the mainstay of environmental therapy. The Rationale for Environmental Therapy In the past few decades, the deterioration of the environment has not only wreaked havoc for natural ecosystems but also led to … Continue reading

تبني الذكاء الاصطناعي من أجل مستقبل مستدام

يُتداول في الاونة الأخيرة مصطلح طنان بعالم التكنولوجيا، الا وهو الذكاء الاصطناعي AI ، وهو مصطلح يناقشه  الخبراء المؤيدين لاستخدامه ويؤكدون على أن الذكاء الاصطناعي سيلعب دوراً فعالاً للنهضة بالتنمية المستدامة والاستفادة في العديد من المجالات التي تسير نحو مفهوم الاستدامة إلى جانب الذكاء الاصطناعي. حيث سيعمل كلاهما على تعزيز الكفاءة وتحسين الموارد وتقليل الأخطاء البشرية. هدفنا بهذه المقالة هو إكتشاف التأثير المحتمل للذكاء الاصطناعي على التنمية المستدامة ومناقشة الطرق المختلفة التي يمكن للصناعات من خلالها الاستفادة من الحلول المعتمدة على الذكاء الاصطناعي. الزراعة الذكية يمكن للحلول المعتمدة على الذكاء الاصطناعي تحسّن السلوكات والممارسات الزراعية بشكل كبير،مما يؤدي إلى مستقبل … Continue reading

Tips to Effectively Take Care of Your Backyard Trees

There is a lot of yard work that is required when you own and live in a house with a backyard. If you own trees or are even considering planting new ones, there are a few things that you need to know in order to effectively take care of backyard trees. 1. Watering Your Trees According to the tree specialists, the most important aspect of caring for your trees is watering your trees. This is especially crucial for smaller, growing trees that have yet to fill out their plot. Watering in the early stages would vary, depending on the tree itself, … Continue reading

Polluted by Noise: When Silence is an Oasis

The roar of a car engine coming to life. Howling dogs and screeching cats. Airplanes are flying above. Karaoke blasting through the air at the worst possible time; in the middle of the night. The hustle and bustle of construction throughout the day. These are all relatively familiar, everyday sounds and occurrences. But do you know that they all constitute noise pollution? Maybe you’re wondering if noise pollution is even a real thing, and we’d like you to know that it most definitely is. It’s an invisible danger that is always present, all around us. There’s a reason informative websites … Continue reading

Learn on the Go: 5 Educational Podcasts You Can’t Miss

In the fast-paced world we live in, finding time for learning can be a challenge. However, thanks to the rise of educational podcasts, learning on the go has never been more accessible and enjoyable. Today, the podcast world is teeming with exciting and insightful content that can turn your commute, workout, or even household chores into valuable learning experiences. This article will look into the five educational podcasts you simply can’t afford to miss this year. 1. TechTalk Today In a world that’s all about constant tech upgrades and innovations, being up-to-date is more crucial than ever. That’s where TechTalk … Continue reading

Boosting Fruit Crop Productivity: A Guide To Irrigation Systems

In agriculture, the health of fruit crops is paramount to a bountiful harvest. For fruit crops, consistent hydration is vital. Irrigation systems supplement natural rainfall and ensure balanced moisture levels, which is key to preventing drought or disease from overwatering. But before you install an irrigation system and discover how to maximize your fruit crop’s potential, read the guide below. What is an Irrigation System? An irrigation system is a man-made installation designed to deliver water to crops or landscapes. Its purpose is to aid in the growth of agricultural crops, maintain landscapes, and revegetate disturbed soils in dry areas … Continue reading

How to Live Off Grid in a Tiny House: A Beginner’s Guide

As people are becoming more focused on alternative living, the tiny house movement is becoming increasingly popular. It offers a few different experiences all rolled into one tiny package. For those looking to live debt free, it provides that. Others are looking to live in an environmentally friendly way and that is certainly the case with living off grid. And others just want to accumulate less stuff and more memories and since your house is tiny there is no way to not do that. Whatever the reason for looking for ways to start living the tiny house life, there is … Continue reading

التنميه المستدامه في العالم العربي

التنميه المستدامه هي قالب  للنمو باستخدام المصادر بهدف تلبية حاجة الانسان والحفاظ على البيئه ليس في الوقت الحاضر فقط  بل مع الاحتفاظ بحق الاجيال  القادمه.  العالم العربي يواجه تحديات رئيسيه لتطبيق التنمية المستدامة  لتحقيق اهدافها على المستوى  الاجتماعي، الاقتصادي والبيئي.ففي طقس شديد الجفاف و نادر المياه  و مع الاستخدام المفرط للطاقه والتلوث الناتج عن صناعه النفط والغاز الطبيعي  فيواجه العالم العربي تحدي من نوع خاص. هناك اربع ركائز للتنمية المستدامه وهي  المجتمع، الاقتصاد، البيئه والمؤسسات المحلية. المجتمع توفير الطاقه له تاثير مباشر على درجة الفقر، فرص العمل ، التعليم ، الانتقال الديمقراطي ، التلوث الداخلي والصحه العامة مرتبطة بالعمر والنوع … Continue reading

8 Reasons to Hire Eco-friendly Cleaners for Your End of Tenancy Cleaning

Moving out of a rental property is an inevitable part of many people’s lives. While the market is brimming with end of tenancy cleaning services, there are several reasons to consider cleaning companies like Skycleaners, who use greener options. Making the switch to sustainable cleaning is a decision that benefits you, the environment, and future tenants. If you want to learn more about the perks, keep reading. Health Benefits The problem with traditional cleaning products is that they often contain volatile organic compounds (VOCs), which are notorious for being carcinogens. Moreover, they can cause eye, nose, and throat irritation. Continuous … Continue reading

Embracing AI for a Sustainable Future

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been a buzzword in the tech industry for quite some time now. Proponents argue that it has enormous potential to drive sustainable development while benefiting numerous industries in the process. The concept of sustainability goes hand in hand with AI, as both strive to enhance efficiency, optimize resources, and reduce human errors. This article aims to explore the potential impact of AI on sustainable development and discuss the various ways industries can benefit from AI-driven solutions. Smart Agriculture AI-driven solutions can significantly improve agricultural practices, leading to a more sustainable future for food production. These solutions … Continue reading

Why Eco-Energy is Important?

Nowadays, eco-friendly energy solutions have boosted in a world where following sustainable practices has become more critical. As our planet faces environmental challenges, adopting eco-energy has risen to global discussions. If you know this, it is time to understand why it matters and its consequences. This article speaks about the significance of eco-energy, examining its impact on the climate, human well-being, and the future of our shared home.  Awareness of these changes is essential, as it is not just a trend anymore. It is Important To Get Environmental Education In this world of environmental challenges, achieving ecological education has never … Continue reading