About Salman Zafar

Salman Zafar is the Founder and Editor-in-Chief of EcoMENA. He is a consultant, ecopreneur and journalist with expertise across in waste management, renewable energy, environment protection and sustainable development. Salman has successfully accomplished a wide range of projects in the areas of biomass energy, biogas, waste-to-energy, recycling and waste management. He has participated in numerous conferences and workshops as chairman, session chair, keynote speaker and panelist. He is proactively engaged in creating mass awareness on renewable energy, waste management and environmental sustainability across the globe Salman Zafar can be reached at salman@ecomena.org

Everything You Need to Know About Hiring Hi-Rail Cranes

Are you considering investing in hi-rail cranes but have no idea where to start? Hi-Rail Cranes are an essential piece of equipment for any job site that needs to lift and move heavy loads, so understanding how they work is incredibly important. For more information, we’ll explain what you need to know about hiring hi-rail cranes. So whether you’re looking for practical advice or want to expand your knowledge on the topic, you can trust that you will be completely informed when it comes time to hire a hi-rail crane. Benefits of Hiring a Hi-rail Crane As you learn more … Continue reading

How To Trade Sustainable Instruments Online

Many people assume that sustainability and online trading doesn’t go well together, but where are here to prove the opposite. In fact, we would argue that online trading is the best type of financial investment for people that encourage sustainability and in this post, we’ll explain why that is. What is Online Trading? In this guide, we refer to online trading as trading done using online brokers, also known as CFD trading. These brokers provide traders access to trading platforms where you can trade everything from stocks and commodities to cryptocurrencies and forex. Now, unlike a traditional stockbroker, for example, … Continue reading

Evaluating Different Investment Platforms in the European Market

To invest money online, it is necessary to pick the strategy first. Classic investment solutions exist, such as stocks and bonds. However, investing in individual stocks is rather difficult, especially for people with no experience. In this case, it is recommended to invest via special AIFs or alternative investment funds. These solutions have numerous benefits and can be accessible even to people with zero savings. There are many investment sites available right now for the European market, and you can find some of the options below: Quanloop Quanloop is an alternative investment fund with a unique business model. This investment … Continue reading

What are the 5 Causes of Global Warming?

The extra heat in the earth’s atmosphere is called “global warming.” It has increased global temperatures. To date, global warming is a top contributor to climate change. It also results in extreme weather conditions, the destruction of communities, and rising sea levels. Today, the earth is warming quicker than it has in history. Because greenhouse gas emissions also cover the earth, the heat from the sun is trapped. It also disrupts the average balance of nature. Causes of Global Warming Here are five top reasons why global warming keeps increasing today. 1. Consumerism It is easier for consumers to have access … Continue reading

How Green Campus Help Students to Save The Planet

Although some people don’t agree that there is climate change, the subject is very real. Unfortunately, people who are bearing the full brunt of this situation are underdeveloped countries that experience flash floods, rising sea levels and droughts. There are other repercussions of climate change, such as food shortage due to severe droughts or floods and that increases the prices of basic needs in stores. Some college campuses have taken a stand against damaging the ecosystem and are helping save the planet. How are these green campus students accomplishing that? Here are methods that have been employed by green campuses … Continue reading

6 Eco-Friendly Tips to Move into a Small Apartment

With the minimalistic trend enjoying more popularity than ever before, many are looking into simplifying their lives. A lot of people are adopting the belief that simplicity is key to a stress-free and peaceful life. And since the idea is to incorporate simplicity in all aspects of our lives, our homes were naturally a great place to start. No matter their level of income, young people nowadays are preferring efficiency and functionality when it comes to their space over needless extravagance. Quaint little apartments are in high demand and it is actually unsurprising. A single adult does not need a … Continue reading

How to Balance the Looks of an Interior Decor Predominantly of Wood

The go-to when it comes to hard furnishings in the home is wood. But when you’ve got TV stands, cabinets, bookshelves, coffee tables and more filling the one room, you might find yourself overtaken by patterned tan. Wood is timeless and natural, so it’s a great investment, but you might want to add some variety in there so your eyes don’t glaze over when you step into your home. How do you do that, then? Well, we’ve got a guide to balancing your wooden décor so that your home looks stylish and timeless. Vary grades of wood There are a … Continue reading

طرق جمع المخلفات البلاستيكية

اصبح استهلاك البلاستيك في نمط حياتنا اليومي بمعدل هائل متجاوز للمعدلات التي كان يتم عليها الاستهلاك خلال العقدين الماضيين, حيث ان البلاستيك واللدائن يلعب الان دور مهم في الحياه العصرية الحديثة.كما اصبحت جمع و طرق التخلص من النفايات البلاستيكية تشكل اعباء وتحديات  بيئية كبيره نظرا لطبيعتها غير القابله للتحلل. وتوجد اربع طرق رئيسية تقوم  بها المجتمعات المختلفة لاعادة تدوير البلاستيك والاوعية: اوعية الفصل الصندوقي من المنبع, التجميع واعادة التدوير من المقالب العمومية, اعادة الشراء للمخلفات و برامج الودائع المسترده. الطريقة الاولي اوعية الفصل الصندوقي من المنبع تعتبر اول عمليات الفصل والاكثر انتشارا واستخدام. وهي طريقة جمع المواد القابله للتدوير من … Continue reading

الإسلام و حماية البيئة

حماية البيئة هو جانب هام من جوانب الإسلام. بما اننا خلفاء في الأرض، فإنه يقع على عاتقنا كمسلمين العناية بالبيئة، فهناك غرض محدد وراء وجود أنواع مختلفة، سواء كان ذلك نباتات أو حيوانات.  لذا يتوجب على المسلمين التفكير في العلاقة بين الكائنات الحية وبيئتها والحفاظ على التوازن البيئي الذي خلقه الله فحماية البيئة أمر أساسي للمعتقدات الإسلامية، والبشرية لديها مسؤولية لتضمن الحفاظ الآمن للبيئة حماية البيئة والحفاظ على الموارد  المنظور الإسلامي حول حماية البيئة يعكس صورة إيجابية عن الإسلام وكيف يحتضن كل مسألة  تواجه البشر على وجه الأرض.  الموقف الإسلامي تجاه البيئة والحفاظ على الموارد الطبيعية لا يعتمد فقط على … Continue reading

النفايات الطبية في دول مجلس التعاون الخليجي

كان هناك وعي متزايد بالحاجة للإدارة الآمنة للنفايات الطبية في جميع أنحاء العالم . تتولد النفايات الطبية من جميع القطاعات الصحية بما في ذلك المستشفيات والمختبرات ومراكز التشخيص والبحث، وعيادات طب الأسنان وبنوك الدم والمشارح ومراكز التشريح، والمستشفيات البيطرية والمختبرات الصناعية ,, إلخ . النفايات الطبية التي تشكل أكبر خطر على صحة الإنسان هي النفايات المُعدية (أو النفايات الطبية الخطرة) التي تشكل 15 – 25 في المئة من إجمالي نفايات الرعاية الصحية . ويمكن أن تشمل النفايات المعدية جميع أنواع النفايات التي تلوثت او يشتبه في تلوثها  بسوائل الجسم مثل الدم ومشتقاته، وأنابيب القسطرة والقفازات، والفحوصات المستخدمة لفحص البكتيريا  ومخازن … Continue reading

How Algal Blooms Affect The Environment

Algal blooms are thick layers of small green plants that appear on the surface of lakes and other water bodies due to excess nutrients, especially phosphorus and nitrogen. This covering on the surface of lakes and other water bodies is known as eutrophication. The excess level of nutrients that algae depend on results from human activities that cause pollution, such as fertilizer, wastewater, manure, and sewage runoff. Eutrophication can also be a natural occurrence from moderate accumulation of organic matter, silt, nutrients, and sediments gradually from the watershed. Algae come in different colors ranging from green, red, yellow, and brown. … Continue reading

How To Dispose Of Paint

As with most home improvement projects, it is likely that you will have some leftover painting supplies when you are done painting. However, you will soon discover that landfills will not accept paint. It is considered hazardous waste and not something that they want to risk putting in the landfill where it might leach into the water supply. Since you are reading this article, you clearly want to get rid of your paint in an economical manner that is also safe for the environment. Why Paint is Harmful to the Environment There are a lot of chemically-made compounds that go … Continue reading