About Salman Zafar

Salman Zafar is the Founder and Editor-in-Chief of EcoMENA. He is a consultant, ecopreneur and journalist with expertise across in waste management, renewable energy, environment protection and sustainable development. Salman has successfully accomplished a wide range of projects in the areas of biomass energy, biogas, waste-to-energy, recycling and waste management. He has participated in numerous conferences and workshops as chairman, session chair, keynote speaker and panelist. He is proactively engaged in creating mass awareness on renewable energy, waste management and environmental sustainability across the globe Salman Zafar can be reached at salman@ecomena.org

How is Crumb Rubber Produced and What are Its Uses

More than 1 billion tires are discarded around the world every year. Disposal of waste tires is a challenging task because tires have a long life and are non-biodegradable. The traditional method of tire waste management is stockpiling or illegally dumping or landfilling, all of which are short-term solution. Crumb rubber is a term used for recycled rubber from automotive and truck scrap tires. The two major technologies for producing crumb rubber are ambient mechanical grinding and cryogenic grinding. Of the two processes, cryogenic process is more expensive but it produces smoother and smaller crumbs. Ambient Mechanical Grinding In ambient … Continue reading

5 Tips On How To Successfully Trade On Forex

So you have finally decided to try your hand in trading Forex. Although it seems quite simple, a little help drafted from the professionals’ experience is always welcome. Here is how to start trading Forex on the right foot and keep your trading successful. 1. Always go for regulated brokerage There are so many offers today when it comes to brokerage services. Although you may have stumbled upon the one that exactly matches what you need, you need to be careful. Always check if the broker is not on the blacklist. Some brokers, at some point, fail to comply with the … Continue reading

4 Tips on How to Find an Eco-Friendly Portable Generator

Everything we use now depends on electricity, and with the increasing demands on power, and as technology continues to advance, seeking eco-friendly solutions to our day-to-day challenges is quickly gaining popularity. As mindful individuals, we all have a responsibility towards the environment, and should always opt for the eco-friendly choice whenever available. Practicality, on the other hand, is not something to be compromised. Generators play an important role in most locations, and portable ones are now all the rage since they are a convenient, affordable way to fulfill the requirements of any outdoor activity. When the lights go out, an … Continue reading

Green Career Tips by Salman Zafar

Salman Zafar, Founder of EcoMENA, talks to Bhavani Prakash of Green Collar Asia about cleantech industry trends, and offers tips for professionals trying to enter renewable energy and waste management sectors.   Green Collar Asia: How did you become so interested in renewable energy and waste management technologies? Salman Zafar: I am a chemical engineer by education. After completing my Master’s degree program in 2004, I got the opportunity to work as a Research Fellow on large-scale biogas power projects which initiated me into waste management/bioenergy sector. During the course of my fellowship, I was involved in the design, operation and troubleshooting of waste-to-energy plants and biomass energy … Continue reading

How Science Helped our Homes be Energy-Efficient

Technology is advancing every day and the need for more energy is also increasing. The linear progression of energy consumption is going to be bad for us all if not handled correctly, so energy efficiency has become a priority for every industry. The more advanced technology gets, the more energy sources are utilized. Homes nowadays use about double the energy homes in the 80s needed. Trying to conserve energy has been the sensible course of action; for the environment is mostly polluted by non-environmentally-friendly energy sources. Conserving energy also means conserving money, it may be expensive to get all the … Continue reading

How are Eco-friendly Properties Revolutionising the Housing Market?

Sustainability has been a rising concern over recent years, and the term has become more familiar as carbon emissions and protecting the environment has soared to the top of people’s agenda. Due to the rising environmental concerns and public awareness, homeowners across the UK are relocating from traditional bricks and mortar to different types of property whereby eco-friendliness is the main concern. Developed using environmentally friendly materials, properties that aim to have a limited effect on the environment are built to be as self-sufficient as possible. Through the use of natural resources such as wind and light, sustainable homes can … Continue reading

8 Signs That You’ll Need A Humidifier At Home

Weather is an important factor in determining our health and the quality of our daily lives. While this might sound quite obvious to some people, if you’re well traveled, then you must be knowing how a slight change in the weather patterns can affect not only the body and but also the immediate surroundings. After all, there must be a reason as to why human beings live in houses while other animals are out there, right? So what happens if your home becomes too dry as well? You will need a humidifier. But before that, you have to recognize the tell-signs … Continue reading

SEO Basics for Green Businesses

As the clamor for sustainability continues to grow, so do businesses that gravitate towards being green. But it’s not enough to be a green business to thrive in the industry. You also need to market your green business well. Keeping up with the times, marketing needs to be present online as well. This is where SEO comes into the picture. If you are not familiar with it yet, here is a crash course on everything you need to know about SEO basics, most especially for your green business. What is SEO? Before jumping into the basics, let’s start with what … Continue reading

Food Wastes Disposal Methods

Food waste is one of the most prominent waste streams across Middle East, especially in GCC region.  The mushrooming of hotels, restaurants, fast-food joints and cafeterias in the Middle East region has resulted in the generation of huge quantities of food wastes. The proportion of food waste in municipal waste stream is gradually increasing and hence a proper food waste management strategy needs to be devised to ensure its eco-friendly and sustainable disposal in the Middle East.  Food waste is an untapped energy source that mostly ends up rotting in landfills, thereby releasing greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Food waste includes organic … Continue reading

Organic Industrial Wastes in the Middle East

Organic industrial waste includes a wide range of organic materials obtained from industrial and commercial operation. Industries in Middle East countries produces a large number of organic residues and by-products whose disposal is a major problem for stake-holders. In recent decades, the fast-growing food and beverage processing industry has remarkably increased in importance in major countries of the Middle East. Since the early 1990s, the increased agricultural output stimulated an increase in fruit and vegetable canning as well as juice, beverage, and oil processing in countries like Egypt, Syria, Lebanon and Saudi Arabia. There are many technologically-advanced dairy products, bakery … Continue reading

Arab Program for Sustainable Energy Youth: Call for Applications

The Arab Program for Sustainable Energy Youth™ (APSEY) is a regional sustainable energy internship program which targets young professionals and post graduate students of engineering, economy, and law fields from the Arab region. The program aims to boost technical and operational capacities of the region’s young talents interested in renewable energy and energy efficiency fields. The program recruits 12 interns every year on two rounds for a hands-on experience in the center’s research and analysis, policy briefs, technical assistance, and other related activities. The opportunity covers full travel and accommodation expenses in Cairo in addition to a monthly salary. Intern … Continue reading

إدارة النفايات الصلبة في قطر

تعتبر إدارة النفايات البلدية الصلبة أحد أخطر و أصعب التحديات التي تواجهها جميع البلدان في الشرق الأوسط. و قد أدت عوامل عديدة في زيادة تراكم هذه النفايات الصلبة على أرجاء المنطقة. و من هذه العوامل على سبيل المثال إرتفاع معدل النمو السكاني، المدنية، الهجرة، النمو السريع في المجال الصناعي والتوسع الاقتصادي أيضآ. فمن المثير للإهتمام، أن معدل النفايات الصلبة التي تنتج من الشخص الواحد في دول مجلس التعاون الخليجي تعد الأعلى نسبة في العالم. و قد أدى هذا الإرتفاع في حجم النفايات الصلبة إلى خلق بيئة غير صحية لسكان منطقة الشرق الأوسط. حيث قدر حجم هذه النفايات ب 150 مليون طن سنويا.   النفايات البلدية الصلبة … Continue reading