About Salman Zafar

Salman Zafar is the Founder and Editor-in-Chief of EcoMENA. He is a consultant, ecopreneur and journalist with expertise across in waste management, renewable energy, environment protection and sustainable development. Salman has successfully accomplished a wide range of projects in the areas of biomass energy, biogas, waste-to-energy, recycling and waste management. He has participated in numerous conferences and workshops as chairman, session chair, keynote speaker and panelist. He is proactively engaged in creating mass awareness on renewable energy, waste management and environmental sustainability across the globe Salman Zafar can be reached at salman@ecomena.org

Essentials for Every Pathology Lab

Pathology is a specialized area of medicine that is concerned with the origins and causes of disease. If you are considering opening up a pathology lab, you will need the right equipment. Without high-quality medical machinery, you risk getting inaccurate and unreliable results. Error-ridden results can be detrimental in a pathology lab. It could lead to the wrong diagnosis and, therefore, the wrong treatments being administered. Of course, you’ll also need a great team of staff, but that’s a subject for another article! Here, we’re going to the key pieces of equipment that you’ll need for your pathology lab. 1. … Continue reading

5 Ways to Conserve the Environment From Your Home

The environment has numerous benefits that it offers to us which is the reason as to why it needs to be well conserved. There are a lot of measures that one can take to help in environmental conservation. However, it is a task that begins from our own homes. We have a lot of pollutants in our homes and we can prevent these from going into the environment through simple acts. Below are 5 simple tips to conserve the environment from home: 1. Minimizing wastage of food Food waste causes a lot of environmental pollution. Statistics have proven that a … Continue reading

Environmental Benefits of Tire Recycling

It is estimated that there are more than a billion passenger vehicles in the world. Imagine the number of tires that will be eventually disposed of. In the United States alone, an estimated 300 million tires are discarded every year. Where do you think those tires would end up? With the size, volume, and inherent durability of tires getting rid of them is no walk in the park. Fortunately, tire recycling has made substantial improvements in the past several years thanks to innovative technologies. The next time you are to replace your car tires, make it a point to recycle … Continue reading

Effective Energy Management for Businesses

Middle East has been witnessing a rapid increase in energy consumption due to high degree of industrialization, high standards of living and exponential increase in population. Infact, the level of primary energy consumption in the Middle East is among the highest worldwide.  These factors have made businesses in Middle East to realize that effective energy management is not only good for the businesses but also an essential requirement. In recent years, many businesses in the Middle East have come up with dynamic strategies to achieve immediate reduction in energy consumption. This trend towards effective energy management is expected to continue … Continue reading

5 Unique and Advanced Solar Lights You Must Have

The world is turning to solar power due to depleting natural resources. Energy efficiency is something that everyone is thinking about at the current moment. It is due to the rising energy bill prices and the costs associated with alternative energy sources. The most viable option for people these days is to make use of the energy available for free. Despite the initial investment being higher, people are turning to unique and advanced solar lights. These advanced solar lights can perform multiple tasks, like being able to provide power for the CCTV to operate in different places, and more. Top … Continue reading

Credit Cards For Bad Credit – Why Everybody Needs to Get One

If уоu аrе оnе оf thоѕе реорlе whо саnnоt tаkе a brеаk wіth gооd credit ratings аnd аrе wіllіng tо restore аn оbѕсurеd ѕtаtе, thеn bad credit cards аrе rіght fоr уоu. Thеѕе аrе ѕресіаllу designed cards thаt tаrgеt реорlе tо help thеm overcome thе сhаllеngеѕ оf bаd сrеdіt. Thе fаѕtеr уоu focus оn hоw tо rеvеrѕе thе ѕіtuаtіоn; It wоuld bе easier tо build thаt impressive сrеdіt аnd start getting gооd credit ѕсоrе ratings. It іѕ vеrу easy tо gеt thеѕе best credit cards for no credit thаt mоѕt mаjоr соmраnіеѕ аrе introducing nеw орtіоnѕ tо аѕѕіѕt wіth negative … Continue reading

How to Choose the Right Crypto Exchange for You?

Choosing the right cryptocurrency exchange to get your cryptos can be a daunting task. You should consider many factors when deciding on the best place to purchase cryptocurrencies. Some crypto exchange allow you to trade fiat for crypto while others only offer crypto-to-crypto trading; some exchanges require more identity verification than others; some exchanges charge higher fees while some offer traders maker/taker fee structures (so make sure you do your research there). Lastly, some crypto platforms make buying and selling cryptocurrencies more difficult than others. We’ve done the homework for you and broken down all of these factors in detail … Continue reading

إمكانات توليد الطاقة من مخلفات النخيل

يعد تمر النخيل احد المنتجات الزراعية الاساسية في المناطق الجافة و شبه الجافة في العالم خاصة في الشرق الأوسط و شمال افريقيا. يوجد اكثر من 120 مليون شجرة نخيل في العالم تنتج عدة ملايين من الاطنان من التمر كل عام، بالاضافة الي المنتجات الثانوية و التي تشمل عروق النخيل، الأوراق، السيقان، السعف و الليف. يمتلك العالم العربي اكثر من 84 مليون شجرة نخيل و اغلبها في مصر، العراق، المملكة العربية السعودية، ايران، الجزائر، المغرب، تونس و الإمارات العربية المتحدة. تعتبر مصر اكبر منتج في العالم للتمر حيث بلغ إنتاجها السنوي في عام 2012  1.47مليون طن من التمر و هو ما … Continue reading

السماد الحيوي

هو نوع من السماد الذي يحتوي على انواع معينه من ديدان الارض والتي تستخدم لتحسين تحويل الفضلات العضويه لانتاج مواد افضل . في وسط درجه حرارة معتدله هذة العلمية تجري باستخدام كائنات دقيقة و ديدان الارض . تتغذى ديدان الارض على الفضلات العضوية و تمر عبر النظام الهضمي لها و تنتج ما يشبه الشرنقه المطحونه و التي تعرف ب (السماد الحيوي ) ( vermicomposting ) ببساطه , السماد الحيوي هو فضلات الديدان , و يطلق عليها القالب ( الصب )casting  والتي تستطيع ان تحسن صفات التربه الفيزيائية و الكيميائية و البيولوجية , الافرازات الكيميائية للجهاز الهضمي لديدان الارض قادرة على … Continue reading

النفايات البحرية

بدأت قضية النفايات البحرية في وقتنا الحالي بإكتساب بعض الإهتمام بعد أن كانت قضية مهملة لفترة طويلة من الزمن. تتكون النفايات البحرية من خليط متنوع من المواد ذات المصادر المختلفة وعليه فإن استخدام طريقة واحدة للتعامل معها لا يوفر حلول فعالة لهذه القضية.من أبرز الأمثلة للمخلفات البحرية الأكثر شيوعاً: معدات الصيد سواء المتروكة أو المراد التخلص منها أو الضائعة من أصحابها، ومواد التعبئة والتغليف البلاستيكية (من زجاجات واغطية واكياس تسوق… الخ) بالإضافة لمواد التصنيع الأولية للبلاستك. إن تقيم الجدوى الاقتصادية للتعامل مع هذه القضية من خلال جمع هذه المواد من البحار للتخلص منها، مقارنة بكلفة منع إلقاء المخلفات في المقام … Continue reading

العدالة البيئية – جوهر الإسلام

لكل إنسان  الحق في التمتع ببيئة نظيفة وصحية .الجانب الأكثر أهمية في كفاحنا الأزلي ضد التلوث البيئي هو العدالة البيئية. حيث يُعد موضوع العدالة البيئية من أهم المواضيع بالنسبة للمجتمعات المهمشة وذات الدخل المنخفض والنائية أيضاً حيث تتحمل هذه المجتمعات عبئًا لا يتناسب معها بسبب التلوث الصناعي. كانت الحملات الشعبية التي قدتها سابقاً الاقليات العرقية والمجموعات ذات الدخل المنخفض هي التي وضعت السمات الواضحة لحركة العدالة البيئية في جميع أنحاء العالم. لقد أثبتت العدالة البيئية أنها قادرة  على توفير الحماية من خلال التوزيع العادل للمنافع البيئية لجميع شرائح المجتمع. في العقود القليلة الماضية اكتسب توزيع المنافع البيئية، مثل المساحات الخضراء والهواء النظيف … Continue reading

The Impact of Plumbing Materials on the Environment

When buying a home you may be interested in having a sustainable home, and one of the most important aspects that you should not overlook the plumbing systems. With water contamination getting more and more common lately, it’s important to understand how plumbing systems work and their impact on the environment. Drinking water is carried through these pipes everyday and when choosing plumbing materials we must consider ecological toxicity, air pollution, fossil fuel depletion, and global warming. Low Cost When buying a home you may be looking for the cheapest way to be sustainable. Although some environmentally-friendly products may be … Continue reading