About Salman Zafar

Salman Zafar is the Founder and Editor-in-Chief of EcoMENA. He is a consultant, ecopreneur and journalist with expertise across in waste management, renewable energy, environment protection and sustainable development. Salman has successfully accomplished a wide range of projects in the areas of biomass energy, biogas, waste-to-energy, recycling and waste management. He has participated in numerous conferences and workshops as chairman, session chair, keynote speaker and panelist. He is proactively engaged in creating mass awareness on renewable energy, waste management and environmental sustainability across the globe Salman Zafar can be reached at salman@ecomena.org

صيانة الألواح الشمسية: الأساسيات التي يجب أن يعرفها اصحاب المنازل

في الوقت الحاضر، ينضم الناس إلى ركب الممارسات المستدامة. واحدة من أكثر هذه الممارسات شيوعًا هي استخدام الألواح الشمسية لتوفير الطاقة المتجددة للمنزل بأكمله. وعلى الرغم من أن شراء الألواح الشمسية قد يكون مكلفًا، إلا أنه يمكن أن يكون استثمارًا ذا جدوى على المدى الطويل بفضل الفوائد العديدة التي توفرها. واحدة من هذه الفوائد هي توفير فواتير الكهرباء، حيث تقوم الألواح الشمسية بتجميع الطاقة من الشمس وتخزينها لاستخدامها في منزلك. ومع ذلك، لتعظيم استثمارك، يجب أن تكون على دراية بالأساسيات التي تساعدك في الحفاظ على جودة الألواح الشمسية. كم تدوم الألواح الشمسية؟ بشكل عام، يمكن للألواح الشمسية أن تحتفظ بـ … Continue reading

Industrial Cardboard Baler Problems and How to Fix Them

Industrial cardboard balers are a vital part of waste management for businesses that generate large amounts of cardboard. They compress cardboard into tight bales making it cheaper and easier to recycle. But like any piece of kit, industrial cardboard balers can have problems. This article will explore some common issues with industrial cardboard balers and guide how to troubleshoot and fix them. Problem #1: Won’t Turn On If your industrial cardboard baler doesn’t turn on, there could be several reasons for this. First check the baler is plugged in and the outlet is working. Check the circuit breaker or fuse … Continue reading

How Landscaping Adds Value to Your Property

There is no way of predicting what might happen in your life. Not to mention, the housing market is always prone to fluctuations. In other words, the option of selling property is always on the table. This is why if you’re a person who thinks ahead, you should always be looking for ways to add value to your property. While there are a lot of ways, a simple, foolproof, way to boost your property’s value is landscaping. A proper, well-maintained garden can easily add up over a thousand dollars to the value of your property because, as you probably know, … Continue reading

How to Estimate the Effectiveness of an Outsourcing Team?

Developing applications and games without outsourcing teams is practically never done nowadays. If the project is large enough, the company almost always engages outsourced workers to help. It may be cheaper, more efficient, and more profitable, but only if the outsourcing team fulfills the set tasks accurately and if these tasks are clearly formulated. Working with an outsourcing team is similar to cooperating with a writing service like payforessay.net, where students order papers. At the same time, they must describe the task to the writer in as much detail as possible to get the desired result. So it is with … Continue reading

Easy Guide to Become an Environmental Writer

Environment is becoming one of the main topics in the global media. How do you identify current issues concerning and how to choose the right words to convey information to your audience as correctly as possible? There are many challenges the world is facing today. These are problems that need to be solved immediately. Pollution of the ozone layer, exhaustion of the freshwater supply, climate change and global warming, pollution of the world’s oceans, depletion of natural resources, destruction of flora and fauna — these are all topics that you, as a paper writer, can cover to get the world … Continue reading

Why Eco-Friendly Cars Are Important?

The transport sector is the largest source of greenhouse gas emissions for many countries. The biggest reason why is because of the conventional car, as vehicles account for over half of the emissions from the transportation sector. Your typical car emits carbon dioxide and many other harmful chemicals that are hurting the environment and human health. This makes driving the right vehicle more important than ever. Driving an eco-friendly vehicle is a great way to help human health and the environment. A green vehicle releases less harmful chemicals into the air, as it emits low carbon compounds when running. Find … Continue reading

Biogas Potential in the Middle East

Anaerobic digestion is the natural biological process which stabilizes organic waste in the absence of air and transforms it into biofertilizer and biogas. It is a reliable technology for the treatment of wet, organic waste.  Organic waste from various sources is biochemically degraded in highly controlled, oxygen-free conditions circumstances resulting in the production of biogas which can be used to produce both electricity and heat. Anaerobic digestion is particularly suited to wet organic material and is commonly used for treating animal manure, organic fraction of MSW, sewage and industrial effluents. Anaerobic digestion is a unique treatment solution for organic wastes … Continue reading

Solar Panel Maintenance: The Basics Every Homeowner Should Know

Nowadays, people are joining the wagon of sustainable practices. One of the most popular ones is using solar panels to provide renewable energy for the whole household. While purchasing solar panels can be expensive, they can be worth the investment in the long run because of the many benefits they bring. One of these benefits is saving electricity bills since solar panels collect energy from the sun and store it for you to use in your home. However, to maximize your investment, you should know the basics to maintain the quality of your solar panels. How Long Do Solar Panels … Continue reading

The Environmental Impact of Guitars

Since the guitar was invented in the 16th Century, Spain, it has been enjoyed by people all around the globe – with an estimate of at least 900 million guitars existing today. Although, many musicians do worry about the carbon footprint that their instruments leave behind. Guitars are made from rare woods and old growths. Over the years the manufacturing industry has had its fair share of issues, from illegal logging, scarcity in souring, and environmental regulations. In this article, we are going to be speaking in more detail about the impact guitars have on the environment. Do guitar factories … Continue reading

How Low-Calorie Meal Planning Supports Sustainability

You probably have never considered how the type of food you eat can impact the environment. Yet, your meal choices make waves. If you are sustainability conscious, then low-calorie meal planning could be one way of minimizing the impact your food choices have on the environment. Mindful eating reduces waste and resource use, acting like a smart thermostat for your pantry and planet. Plant-based meals and ethical sourcing also add layers to this eco-friendly puzzle. Imagine taking small steps that ripple into global change – it is possible with the right plan on your plate. Let us dive deeper into … Continue reading

What is a Healthcare Reimbursement Plan – Explained

Healthcare Reimbursement Plan or HRA are reimbursements offered by an employer to their employee for health expenses claims. They are an alternative traditional group healthcare plan. Healthcare reimbursement plans are different because the employer covers health expenses by offering a certain allowance amount instead of choosing a “one-size-fits-all” group health insurance. A healthcare reimbursement plan can provide an employee with an allowance for medical expenses that includes insurance premiums. How Do They Work? Healthcare reimbursement plans require some legal documentation to be constituted as a formal arrangement.  They are also subject to complex federal regulations which need to be fulfilled … Continue reading

13 Ways to Minimize the Carbon Footprint of Your DIY Projects

Most of us take up DIY projects as a hobby. However, did you know that you can take up DIY projects to reduce the carbon footprint of your home? DIY projects offer you the perfect opportunity to reuse things. You can create things yourself. You can use eco-friendly materials and resources to do so. When you take these steps, it will be easy for you to reduce the carbon footprint of your home. You have to change how you do things. When you plan and use such resources, it will be easy to reduce the carbon footprint of your DIY … Continue reading