Going Paperless With Automated Reminders For Your Business

With the environmental conservation advocacy going around the worlds, people are trying their best to do their part in preserving their surroundings. And it’s for this reason that most businesses and more so are going green. The benefits that this move provides are great. But that will be a heated discussion for another day. Today, we are going to share with you various ways of going paperless with automated reminders for your business. Sounds like something you want to know? Read through the end!

automated reminders

Using An Automatic Digital Stock Management System

Every business owner knows the importance of keeping track of stock in their business. It helps to prevent unnecessary embarrassments and delays where there is an order(s) and you have nothing to offer. But instead of using many papers, that can even get messy or worse still misplaced to manage and track your stock, it’s better to use a digital stock management system that will send pop-ups or notifications whenever a product has been sold, is out of stock or booked, so that you know when to restock.

The good news about this is that you get to customize your system settings according to the information you need. For instance, if you only want to receive notifications about “totally sold” products, then you can mute the ones for each sale to avoid inconveniences.

Invest In An Automated Employee Management System

Paper timesheets and manual schedule management can be quite frustrating especially if you have to follow people around to sign in and off. Digitizing this will ensure that your employees receive automatic reminders when their shifts are starting or ending.

And on the other hand, employers get to know the exact time when employees report to work and when they want a day off. This way neither party will have an excuse of forgetting important dates, thus encouraging workplace efficiency. The system can also be used to remind the internal public of various meeting times. Less worrying equals more productivity.

Automatic Follow Ups

Feedback is a very important part of every successful business. So if you want yours to continue thriving (which you should), then stop ignoring your customers once you finalize your transaction with them. Yes, we understand sometimes this isn’t ill intended as the manual following up procedure can be quite tedious and time-consuming when you have other things to do.

Thus automating your follow ups and review requests will make your customers feel appreciated while giving you ample time to manage other issues. You can create a general reminder, or a customized one and set the time and date when you want it sent out. To improve your customer service includes an email survey once in a while. It’s important to know your position in your clients’ lives so that you get to adjust/correct issues accordingly and in time.

Use Automated Service Reminders

No matter the size of your business, sometimes it can be difficult to keep abreast of each customer identity and needs. This is because apart from their needs, there is still so much more that has to be done. So instead of consuming most of your precious time going through various paper records to identify the clients that require servicing, you can always set and send automated reminders to your cellphone or even computer.


This article on https://www.getweave.com/custom-reminders/ talk about how health practitioners can use customized appointment reminders to remind their confirmed and unconfirmed patients of their possible appointment dates and time. It gets even better with the flexibility to choose the dates according to their preference and inclusion of a personal message to each one of them.

Marketing Via Automated Email

Marketing your business takes center stage when it comes to brand awareness. So many such activities such as the creation of posters require the use of paper. But you can still do without or at least significantly reduce the paper postcards and flyers by choosing to use the Email option.

Collect a list of addresses and request your customers to provide their Emails and do automated marketing. They will receive the messages at the most appropriate times, thus improving the success of the message. Just ensure to include some pictures or video and use fewer words. No one wants to spend most of their minutes going through your bulk written message.

Automate Online Orders

Gone are the days that people have to visit a store pick their orders. If you have an online store, let your customers place their orders and then give an option of automating the reception of receipts via email.

From the above-mentioned points, it’s evident that there are various ways in which you as a business can contribute to Eco-conservation. You just have to identify the various areas that could do much better and efficiently with paperless reminders and start there. You owe this to yourself, employees and customers. Take that digital leap!

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About Salman Zafar

Salman Zafar is the Founder and Editor-in-Chief of EcoMENA. He is a consultant, ecopreneur and journalist with expertise across in waste management, renewable energy, environment protection and sustainable development. Salman has successfully accomplished a wide range of projects in the areas of biomass energy, biogas, waste-to-energy, recycling and waste management. He has participated in numerous conferences and workshops as chairman, session chair, keynote speaker and panelist. He is proactively engaged in creating mass awareness on renewable energy, waste management and environmental sustainability across the globe Salman Zafar can be reached at salman@ecomena.org

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