Reviewer’s Blog: How to Become Popular on Social Networks?

To create a promising blog on the site, it is important to be interested in, and ideally love the topic you are writing about. This is the point of view of Ty Christensen, head of marketing at Clearlink, an expert in content creation and blogger. Read on to learn how to create a blog on a topic that was not close to you and / or of little interest, about the important tips and recommendations of this expert in the field of blogging.

interesting blog

How to make the uninteresting interesting?

There may not be universal solutions, but three examples that I will give below will definitely help you turn a not very interesting or relevant topic into an interesting one.

Start with questions

The first effective way to make a topic more interesting for yourself is to ask questions. They are very effective because:

  1. They suggest a clear goal and direct the main efforts. As soon as there is a question posed, you begin to look for answers. As a result, the search for information turns into an opportunity for learning and self-development. This process is exciting and brings satisfaction.
  2. Closely associated with the target audience – those readers who are looking for answers to this and similar questions. That is why the ability to ask the right questions and then give comprehensive answers is so important for a blogger.

These factors make blogging more efficient and easier, while helping its authors create meaningful, high-quality content that can attract the target audience.

Together with the right goal and due effort, a question can become a powerful tool for expanding horizons. It can inspire new ideas, give motivation in situations where other means have ceased to help.

By asking questions, the author can consider any topic, even one that is far from close to him, thereby generating ideas for creating and maintaining a successful blog. Let’s look at the blog of Wild Earth, a company specializing in outdoor excursions, survival skills training, etc. Initially, most of us, including you – the reader, do not know much about this topic and are not very interested in it.

But by asking the right questions, any blogger can interest themselves first, and then the readers. Even if you don’t know anything about the required topic, you should start with simple and clear questions that begin with the words:

  • who and what;
  • why or how;
  • which;
  • when;
  • where.

What questions can be for the mentioned topic about nature? Here are some options:

  • who started the “green” movement, which is conventionally called “how nature helps us”?
  • what is the positive effect of a person being in nature for a short and long time;
  • where is it better to go to get the proper experience of interacting with nature?
  • where is it worth visiting to experience more sensations?
  • why does a modern person need unity with nature?
  • how does wild nature help a person in terms of psychology?

When you already have a small list of questions, you can work further. Try to find 1 or 2 of them that are really interesting to you.

Having one important question, a blogger can always create several others on its basis. And all these are potential topics for publications. The more new key questions that interest you appear, the easier it is for the author to solve the task.

how to write like a pro

Use all available tools for research

The basis for creating interest is asking questions. They help to explore the issues that fascinate not only the author, but also a wide audience. What happens next? What the question implies – searching for answers. And even if you have not yet asked good questions, you can search for them using the same scheme as the answers themselves.

A successful blog and its maintenance consists of 60% research work. Given this, the bulk of the time spent on blogging should be devoted to research, namely reading. The author’s task is to study the issue independently, so that the reader does not have to do it himself. Subsequently, the information obtained during the research must be presented in a concise, accessible and easily perceived form.

Where to look for the right answers to the questions posed and those that you have not yet found and asked yourself? You can use resources such as Google Alerts and Blog Search, Topsy, Quora, and other similar services with detailed information.

Let’s say your topic is cleaning – cleaning in residential apartments. One of the first questions that seems interesting is: How safe are the usual cleaning products for health? To find the answer, you can go to Quora or another knowledge exchange service, find the “Cleaning” section there (there is one).

The very first visit to the Quora will prompt several ideas at once, as well as new questions that can subsequently become blog posts. Of course, there may not be comprehensive information on individual topics on Quora or similar services. Perhaps changing the search keyword will help – instead of cleaning – detergents or germs. If this does not give results, then it is worth moving to those resources that offer more information on the topic.

So, searching for “cleaning” on Quora gave a lot of food for thought, which in turn gave several ideas for new publications. Among them – in fact, an entire subsection of the blog – “Life hacks for cleaning.” Here you can write, for example, about using orange juice to clean the insides of the dishwasher, and this method works no worse than expensive products.

Then we move on to other resources. Initially, the primary goal for a blogger is the high quality of the posted content, which is extremely important for beginners and only developing resources. Make sure that the number of additional topics (questions) is sufficient to interest a new audience. So, you can write about:

  • using natural, organic components for cleaning instead of “chemicals”;
  • a list of chemicals that are recommended to be avoided;
  • the harm of certain cleaning products for children, allergy sufferers, pregnant women, the elderly, etc.

If these questions are interesting to you, then it would not hurt to answer them for the potential reader.

A lot here depends on the blogger’s natural curiosity, his ability to find the master key to certain questions that interest him. I quickly get new questions:

  1. How many elements of the periodic table are in the cleaning products you use?
  2. What components in cleaning products should alert young parents?
  3. What do you really know about cleaning products: facts and myths?
  4. How to keep your home clean if there are allergy sufferers in the family?

If you would like to get answers to these questions, then it’s only a matter of the main thing – to create high-quality and useful content for readers. Any of these questions is a potential blank for publication in a block on this topic. It is not difficult to study the described problems, since there is plenty of information on the network, and the questions asked are essentially very simple. Looked through several web resources, received information for answers and you can fill the blog.

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Salman Zafar
Salman Zafar is the Founder and Editor-in-Chief of EcoMENA. He is a consultant, ecopreneur and journalist with expertise across in waste management, renewable energy, environment protection and sustainable development. Salman has successfully accomplished a wide range of projects in the areas of biomass energy, biogas, waste-to-energy, recycling and waste management. He has participated in numerous conferences and workshops as chairman, session chair, keynote speaker and panelist. He is proactively engaged in creating mass awareness on renewable energy, waste management and environmental sustainability across the globe Salman Zafar can be reached at
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About Salman Zafar

Salman Zafar is the Founder and Editor-in-Chief of EcoMENA. He is a consultant, ecopreneur and journalist with expertise across in waste management, renewable energy, environment protection and sustainable development. Salman has successfully accomplished a wide range of projects in the areas of biomass energy, biogas, waste-to-energy, recycling and waste management. He has participated in numerous conferences and workshops as chairman, session chair, keynote speaker and panelist. He is proactively engaged in creating mass awareness on renewable energy, waste management and environmental sustainability across the globe Salman Zafar can be reached at

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