How Home Lighting Affects Your Daily Life

In the days to come, all aspects of our lives will be optimized and digitized, including light and the manner in which we relate to it. Both artificial and natural light has an effect on all life on earth. It does more than act as a source of vitamin D for humans. It enables sight, affects mood and improves overall well-being. If you experiment with light, you can change the manner in which you experience your home. The following are five ways on how home lighting can affect your daily life.

eco-friendly home improvements to increase home value

1. Regulating the circadian rhythm

Light plays a significant role in regulating the human circadian rhythm, also known as the body clock. It is one of the natural biorhythms of the body. The body clock does not work in agreement with the artificial clock. It is a little bit slower.


On an average, the body clock runs for 24 hours and 30 minutes, meaning that humans are naturally included to sleep and wake up thirty minutes later every day. When the body is exposed to bright light in the evening, the sleep cycle is delayed, and this makes us prefer sleeping later. This can hurt health. Due to spending many hours at work, you may not get enough sleep during the work week, and you will sleep longer during the weekends. Sleeping longer during the weekends can compensate for lack of rest.

However, it may reset a later circadian rhythm in the coming week, making you feel groggy. If you expose yourself to the appropriate quality of light at the same time every day and night, your natural body clock can synchronize with artificial clocks. It is advisable to have a dim light in the bedroom since it has a soothing and drowsy effect that prepares the body to sleep.

2. Concentration and productivity

The place where we need to stimulate our minds such as offices and schools are usually brightly lit. However, fluorescent lights are most often used in these places since they are energy efficient and cost effective. Spending many hours in harsh artificial light can make you feel edgy and uneasy.

For this reason, use warmer lights to make your home more soothing for activities like reading. You can also use warmer garage lighting since it can be more comfortable on the eyes when you are working on something for a long period.

3. Emotions

The lights we are exposed to throughout the day greatly affect our emotions. You may have realized that natural light coming through the windows has a great calming effect. Lack of lighting, on the other hand, can be depressing.

sustainable ways of home decoration

4. Eyes

Both artificial and natural lighting can strain or even damage the eyes. Spending many hours in areas that are brightly lit may cause tiredness and headaches. Adjust the lights in your home to avoid this strain.

5. Decision making

Under bright lights, emotions are experienced powerfully. The effect that bright light has on the emotional system may be the result of the body perceiving light as heat, and the perception of heat may trigger the emotions. Dimming the lights can help reduce emotionality as you make everyday decisions.

Final Words

Light affects the way to live on a daily basis. Humans and animals have always used the sun and the amount of light at different times of the day to regulate their body clock. This is natural and the body does it automatically. You can use lighting to create a family hub in your home, encourage guests to sit in a particular area or assist with the transition from day to night.

المخاطر البيئية لمرادم النفايات في دولة الكويت

دولة الكويت هي احدى دول الخليج العربي الغني بموارده الطبيعية, وهي كذلك من أعلى الدول نسبة في توليد النفايات الصلبة مقارنة بعدد السكان, حيث ينتج الفرد الواحد – في الكويت-  يوميا حوالي 1.4 كيلوغرام من النفايات. اضافة الى ذلك مازالت الطرق البدائية هي المستعملة في التخلص من النفايات الصلبة. و المدهش اكثر هو أنه على الرغم من صغر مساحة دولة الكويت الا انه يوجد عدد كبير من المرادم  المنتشرة بكثرة. هناك 18 عشرة موقعا لردم النفايات, 14 منها مغلقة, و 4 مواقع مازالت مستعملة.

مرادم النفايات في الكويت هي خطر محدق بالبيئة وصحة المجتمع.  واضافة الى ان تكديس النفايات الصلبة يحمل كارثة بيئية نتيجة للردم الخاطئ لتلك النفايات. والذي يتسبب في انبعاثات غازات سامة وروائح كريهة وربما نشوب بعض الحرائق التي تؤثر سلبا على البيئة وكذلك الحياة الصحية للساكنين بالقرب من مواقع مرادم النفايات. 

landfill in kuwait

مرادم النفايات

تبلغ مساحة دولة الكويت 17,820 كيلومتر مربع, ومنها 18 متر مربع تستعمل مكب ومردم للنفايات الصلبة. حيث تستقبل المرادم كافة أنواع النفايات سواء نفايات الصرف الصحي او النفايات الصناعية او مخلفات المنازل والانشاءات. وفي الحقيقة فان حواي 90 في المئة من النفايات المنتجة تجد طريقها في المكبات المنتشرة للردم بطرق بدائية بدون فرز للنفايات في ظل ما تخفيه هذه النفايات من ملوثات و أبخرة سامة تهدد صحة الأنسان وتسبب في حدوث الكوارث البيئية.

والجدير بالذكر انه قد تم اغلاق عدد من المرادم لمدة تجاوزت العشرين سنة وذلك لأسباب عديدة منهامنها اعمال الصيانة, عدم اختيار المكان المناسب لردم النفايات وقربها من المناطق السكنية, اختيار المرادم العشوائي وعدم وجود الضوابط التي تحدد بموجبها نوعية وكمية النفايات مما يساعد على تخمر النفايات وتولد وتصاعد للأبخرة السامة. وتشمل هذه أماكن مكبات النفايات في منطقة الصليبية, كبد, القرين, الشعيبة, وغرب اليرموك والوفرة.

كما ذكرنا ان اغلب النفايات المنتشرة في المرادم تدخل في نطاق النفايات الخطرة من المواد الكيميائية والنفايات السائلة التي تؤدي الى التلوث المباشر للتربة والمياه الجوفية وتضاعف من المخاطر الصحية على حياة السكان.

ويعد مردم جليب الشيوخ و الصليبية والقرين من اكبر المرادم للنفايات الصلبة في بلدية الكويت. على سبيل المثال يستحوذ مردم القرين على مساحة تبلغ 1 كيلومتر مربع, وقد كان يستخدم لردم مخلفات البناء والنفايات المنزلية وغيرها لسنوات عديدة ما بين عام  ال 1975 ال 1985 وقد قدر حجم النفايات المدفونة في مردم القرين الى خمسة ملايين متر مكعب من النفايات.

أما مردم الصليبية فقد استقبل حوالي اكثر من 500 طن من النفايات يوميا مآبين العام 1970 الى 2000م على مساحة شملت 3 كيلومتر مربع. ويعد جليب الشيوخ من اكبر مرادم النفايات في الكويت ويغطي مساحة 6 كيلومتر مربع, قد كان مردم للنفايات المنزلية والصناعية ما بين العام 1970 و 1993 وقد قدر حجم النفايات المردومة فيه حوالي 20 مليون متر مكعب.

ومع مرور السنوات بدأت مشاكل المرادم في الكويت بالظهور نتيجة للنمو السكاني والتوسع العمراني والحاجة لبناء شبكات الطرق, وللأسف لعدم التعامل السليم والادارة  الجيدة للمرادم وضعف الخبرات للعمال البلدية فقد تفاقم الأمر سوء من انتشار للغازات السامة وتلوث للمياه الجوفية. ونتيجة لذلك أغلقت العديد من المرادم على الرغم من ان بعضها لم تستوفي القدرة الاستيعابية لها, ولكن بسبب عدم مطابقة المواصفات والشروط البيئية التي يتم استخدامها لمواقع ردم النفايات.


الهدف من هذا المقال هو دق ناقوس الخطر مع كمية المرادم العشوائية الموجودة في دولة الكويت, والتي جميعها مخالفة لمعايير الاشتراطات البيئية والصحية وعدم تطبيق الاساليب الحديثة في معالجة النفايات لصلبة وضعف الادارة والرقابية في معالجة هذه القضية الخطيرة التي تؤثر على حياة وصحة مئات الألوف من السكان في دولة الكويت.


إيمان عبدالله أمان

Clean Energy Resources in Jordan

The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan is heavily dependent on oil imports from neighbouring countries to meet its energy requirements. The huge cost associated with energy imports is creating huge financial burden on the national economy. In 2022, the peak electricity load in Jordan was 4,010 MW, compared to 3,370 MW in 2021. Therefore, the provision of reliable and clean energy supply is playing a crucial role in Jordan’s economic growth.

The country has established the necessary policies and regulations to support renewables, including solar photovoltaic (PV) and onshore wind development. In 2007, the Government unveiled an Energy Master Plan for the development of the energy sector, requiring an investment of more than $3 billion between the year 2007 and 2020. The share of renewables in Jordan energy mix rose from 0.7% in 2014 to over 13% in 2019, making Jordan a regional front-runner in renewable energy.

The updated Master Strategy for the Energy Sector 2020-2030 highlights the need for a sustainable energy supply, diversification of energy mix, reduced dependence on imported energy carriers. The strategy targets a 31% share for renewables in total power generation capacity and 14% of the total energy mix by 2030. Concerted efforts are underway to remove barriers to exploitation of renewable energy, particularly wind, solar and biomass.

In 2022, the installed renewable energy capacity in Jordan reached 2.6 GW. The largest electricity generating technology in Jordan in 2022 was natural gas, generating some 74.42% of electricity, down from 78.94% in 2021. The technology with the biggest increase in electricity generation in 2022 was Solar PV at 17.52%, up from 11.25% in 2021.

Renewable Energy Scenario

Jordan has been a pioneer in renewable energy promotion in the Middle East with its first wind power pilot project in Al-Ibrahemiya as early as 1988. Systematic monitoring of the technological developments and implementation/execution of demonstration and pilot projects has been the hallmark of Jordan’s foray into clean energy sector. However, renewable energy remains largely untapped due to high cost associated with non-conventional energy resources.

With high population growth rate, increase in industrial and commercial activities, high cost of imported energy fuels and higher GHGs emissions, supply of cheap and clean energy resources has become a challenge for the Government. Consequently, the need for implementing energy efficiency measures and exploring renewable energy technologies has emerged as a national priority.

Wind energy is feasible mainly in areas overlooking the Jordan Valley and Wadi Araba. Solar energy potential is also high since many parts of the country experience 300 to 320 days of full sunshine throughout the year. Biomass energy potential is also attractive in the form of urban wastes, organic industrial wastes and animal manure. With rapid technological advancements, other sources such as waste-to-energy, hydro power and geothermal energy are also realistic options.

Presently, Jordan has 1MW biogas plant that utilizes methane from biochemical decomposition of organic waste for electricity production. Expansions are underway to increase the total capacity to 5 MW. There are 2 MW wind farms at Hofa and Al‐Ibrahimiyah in the north working successfully. Moreover, there is an area of 1.35 million m2 of installed solar water heaters panels in Jordan, and a 150 KWh of installed photovoltaic power. In addition, there are 25 solar water heaters factories in Jordan which produce 4000 solar water heater annually.

Future plans include three wind parks with a total capacity of 125‐150 MW, and a hybrid Solar Power Plants (CSP) with a capacity of 100‐250 MW. 60% of the wind turbine parts in the wind parks are supposed to be provided by local wind turbine manufacturers. Meanwhile, private consortiums are looking to establish photovoltaic and concentrated solar power plants in the Ma’an area.

The €10-million ‘Capacity Building in Wind Energy and Concentrated Solar Power’ project, funded by the European Union, will support Jordan’s National Energy Research Centre (NERC) to steer and facilitate the implementation of the Jordanian government’s Renewable Energy Strategy 2007-2020 by installing a wind testing facility, as well as a pilot Concentrating Solar Power (CSP) plant.

Investment in Clean Energy

Jordan has tremendous wind, solar and biomass energy potential which can only be realized by large-scale investments. This transition from conventional fuels to renewable energy resources will require capital investments, technology transfer and human resources development, through a package of investments estimated at US $ 1.4 – 2.2 billion. The investment package includes Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT) deals for wind energy with a total capacity of 660 MW and solar energy plants of 600 MW. This will be paralleled with the reduction of energy produced from oil from 58% currently to 40% in 2020. The Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation (MOPIC) is actively seeking support for renewable energy and energy efficiency initiatives through continuous cooperation with international partners and donors.

The best prospects for electricity generation in Jordan are as Independent Power Producers (IPPs).  This creates tremendous opportunities for foreign investors interested in investing in electricity generation ventures. Keeping in view the renewed interest in renewable energy, there is a huge potential for international technology companies to enter the Jordan market.  There is very good demand for wind energy equipment, solar power units and waste-to-energy systems which can be capitalized by technology providers and investment groups.

Government Initiatives

The government has also established a new Energy Fund to support the infrastructure development of new renewable energy facilities. In addition the government is seeking to provide tax incentives to remove the barriers for the comprehensive use of energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies in the Jordanian market.

The strategy will be supported by a “Renewable Energy Law” which includes regulations and incentives for renewable energy production from investments in areas designated to be utilized to build renewable energy facilities. The law provides investors with a lot of incentives including 100 percent exemption from income tax for 10 years.

Private companies with renewable energy projects will now be able to negotiate directly with the Energy Ministry as part of a series of changes to the sector. Investments in renewable energy will be quicker as part of sweeping changes included in the recently endorsed Renewable Energy Law.

One of the major components of the legislation allows local and international companies to bypass a competitive bidding process and negotiate with the ministry directly to establish renewable energy projects. Also under the law, the National Electric Power Company (NEPCO) will be obligated to purchase any and all electricity produced by renewable energy power plants. The law will also allow citizens with solar power or wind turbines to sell electricity back to their electricity provider.


There has been significant progress in the implementation of clean energy systems in Jordan, with active support from the government and increasing awareness among the local population. In the recent past, Jordan has witnessed a surge in initiatives to generate power from renewable resources with financial and technical backing from the government, international agencies and foreign donors.  Jordan has the potential to become a regional energy hub characterised by political as well as economic stability.  The already accomplished projects and studies in this field has provided Jordan with scientific and practical experience, qualifying it for entering a new phase of renewable energy development by means of cooperation between local institutions and foreign companies.

Environmental Education: Key to a Better Future

Tomorrow’s leaders need to be equipped for tomorrow’s challenges, and we must adequately prepare our children for the future they will inherit. As climate change is being felt across the globe and its long-term catastrophic impacts have never been so scientifically clear, environmental education is the key to a better future. In an era where more and more children are disconnected from nature, we should recognize the importance of making a real investment in environmental education and outdoor learning. Studies have shown environmental education engages students in learning, raising test scores, and encouraging youth to pursue career in environmental and natural resources. And not only that: environmental education can help children perform better in social studies, science, language, arts, and mathematics.

steps in environmental education

Engagement at Different Levels

The secret to environmental education is to act at different levels, engaging the entire school and addressing students, teachers, parents, administrators and all members of the schools community. Eventually, it will link up all the participants within the community. The components of this initiative depend on interaction and participation, with teachers undertaking a guiding role by encouraging students to discover solutions on their own.

At first, students should determine and check the extent of their use of natural resources in the school. Through this, they evaluate their efforts in the field of environmental management.

As a second step, children should set up and run Eco Clubs. Eco Clubs provide an opportunity to students to participate in environmental projects and activities. They also serve as a forum through which the students share environmental problems, along with the school staff, parents and the community surrounding the school, in order to work on finding solutions, and promote a positive environmental behaviour. In this component the schools can implement internal and external projects, such as introducing efficient methods of irrigation, lowering the volume of waste, reducing the consumption of electricity and water and trying to reduce air pollution.

The third step focuses on organizing training courses for teachers and releasing educational resources in different themes and curricula, helping them to teach environmental concepts in innovative ways and through various educational materials, such as environmental friendly games. This will help teachers to adapt and to provide students with information about different habitats, biodiversity, climate change and other issues faced at the local level, as well as faced by the planet on a global level.

The final step should be to connect students to environmental causes and issues, and identify solutions through the provision of field trips. Additionally, such trips can be associated with the educational curriculum as they offer direct learning method. This helps boosting the understanding of various concepts by the students, and increasing the chance of using multiple senses such as eyesight, hearing, etc., which helps to raise their capacity to understand what they have learned. The success and engagement of schools to take on the environment field trips is great and extensive and it represents a set full of amazing adventures of exploration and knowledge.

Undoubtedly, the final and greatest outcome is to educate our children on the importance of becoming good environmental citizens.

environmental education in Middle East

Environmental Education Challenges in the Middle East

The Middle East region faces difficult natural conditions, and it is clear that steep population growth, poverty and the consequent degradation of natural ecosystems make it a priority when it comes to environmental awareness and sustainability goals. One of the biggest challenges is certainly the lack of awareness.

Most countries are blessed with high levels of education, with a large portion of the population pursuing secondary and higher education. Unfortunately however, human development and wealth are not always synonym with high environmental awareness and interest in sustainability issues… Jordan and Lebanon, for example, have their primary focus in tourism, which mostly contributes to their GDPs.

An interesting survey conducted in the Sultanate of Oman revealed that the environmental awareness of the Omani public was related to education level but also to gender and age. Males were found to have a higher level of knowledge about environmental issues than females. Males were also more environmentally concerned and tended to engage in more environmental behaviours than females. Younger and more educated respondents tended to be more knowledgeable and concerned about the environment than older and less educated respondents.

Another challenge that countries such as the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA), the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Qatar are faced with, is trying to reduce their consumption patterns. Even though awareness levels seem to be higher than in other countries, these nations are notorious for their unsustainable consumption rates. For instance, KSA and the UAE’s water consumption have reached 265 and 550 liters per capita per day respectively, which significantly exceeds the world’s average.

sustainable schools initiative

Eco Clubs provide an opportunity to students to participate in environmental projects and activities.

Participation of Emirati Youth

Educating the UAE youth and preparing them to lead the country’s sustainable future is the first goal in the UAE national environmental awareness strategy and the Ministry of Climate Change and Environment encourages the youth to innovate and be part of global environmental efforts.

Recently the UAE has taken a major step including environmental education in all schools: back in November Thani Ahmad Al Zeyoudi, Minister of Climate Change and Environment, announced that awareness of climate change and how to help save the environment will be taught in classrooms across the country.

Under plans to tweak schools’ curriculum to include learning on sustainability, school children will also be shown how to take energy-saving measures. These include schoolchildren of all ages, including in private sector schools, learning the importance of turning off lights and air-conditioning when not in use, and how to use less water. Each pupil will also be encouraged to spread the message to their family and friends.

As a consequence to all these efforts taken by the government, I observed an increase in the numbers of Emirati volunteers participating in our programs: we’ve usually had a majority of Indians and Europeans taking part in our tree planting events or in the anti-pollution awareness drives, but lately large groups of young Emiratis have come forward to participate actively in all our programs and we continue to receive many emails asking to become long term volunteers. This is one of the biggest achievements we could wish for the UAE.

Eco-Friendly Design Trends To Create A Sustainable Home

48% of consumers are ready to change their shopping and lifestyle habits to save the environment. As more and more people begin to prioritize sustainable living, interior design trends are evolving to meet this increasing demand. Using eco-friendly materials, replacing old appliances, and incorporating a minimalist aesthetic are some key ways you can be conscious, mindful, and eco-friendly about your home design.

Use eco-friendly materials

Eco-friendly design materials can help create a stylish, sustainable home that minimizes your carbon footprint. Recycled metal, for example, is typically used to create eco-friendly furniture, lighting fixtures, and art sculptures. Steel, in particular, can be used to establish a modern, industrial look while being durable and non-toxic (it can also be recycled an infinite number of times).

Eco-Friendly Design Trends

Alternatively, bamboo is a sustainable alternative to wood; it has a range of interior uses from furniture and flooring to utensils. Unlike wood, bamboo requires less pesticides and fertilizers to grow and harvest and takes just three to four months to reach maturity.

Replace old home appliances

Older home appliances are typically less energy-efficient than newer models designed with sustainability in mind. A still-functioning older appliance that’s seen better days will generally require more energy to run, in turn driving up your power bill and carbon footprint. Replacing old appliances with new, energy-efficient models is often therefore kinder to the planet.


For example, old refrigerators typically use around 33% more energy than newer, sustainable models. In this case, a replacement would also save you over $140 in energy costs over five years. Just be sure to dispose of any old appliances responsibly. Consider recycling, selling, or giving away old appliances that are still in working condition.

Go minimalist

More than simply just being on-trend, creating a clean and simple minimalist home can help you live a more sustainable lifestyle as less resources are required. For example, multi-use furniture like nesting tables, coffee tables that double as seating, shelving that functions as room dividers, and daybeds lets you reuse and repurpose pieces as needed. With multi-use furniture, you don’t need as much furniture as you otherwise would, which in turn helps conserve natural resources.

benefits of marble

Creating a sustainable home can help save the environment and lower your carbon footprint. By using eco-friendly materials, replacing old appliances, and incorporating minimalist design, you can easily create a stylish and greener home.

How Loving the Environment Radiate a More Beautiful You?

Everyone is striving to exhibit beauty on the outside by donning expensive clothing, hairstyles, makeup, jewelry, and anything else that could add an extra touch of elegance. But, did you know that there is a deeper beauty than the external beauty we run after? Radiance is an aspect of beauty that resonates from the inside. It’s not about having a perfect face, body, or image. Radiance is more awe-inspiring than the regular beauty everyone is chasing after. It’s actually the light that shines from our hearts.

So, how can one experience this magnificent form of beauty? Here are a few ways you can love the environment and radiate a more beautiful you.

Be Mindful of Mother Earth

There is overwhelming evidence that being mindful loving the environment can help people reconnect with nature and appreciate every gift that the earth has to offer. Actually, many people suffer deeply without even knowing it. They tend to cover up their suffering by being absorbed in busy lifestyles. The truth is; they are simply alienated from Mother Nature.

The practice of mindfulness enables you to touch Mother Earth within your body and help you heal. So, as the people heal, the earth heals as well. This insight can be practiced by anybody and the overall enlightenment goes a long way in ensuring collective awakening. Everyone should be aware that the earth and its inhabitants are endangered.

Mindfulness boils down to simple everyday life activities like taking a cup of tea. Your life can be totally transformed if you truly devote your attention to it. Enjoy the tea by slowly savoring it. Be fully present in the cup instead of being carried away by life’s sorrows, fears, work, past, or even your future. Be available for life.

True Beauty is Reflected in the Soul

The true beauty of a woman is reflected in the soul. The caring that she seamlessly gives and the passion she shows both emanate from deep within. These are the inner qualities of a woman that make her radiant. Compassion, kindness, love, and decency are just some of the qualities that the soul produces.

So, why is there so much emphasis on the outside look? Women are harshly judged on how they look regardless of their age. There is always something that is wrong and needs to be fixed, and many women fall to the unrealistic expectations marketed to them by the world. It’s a continuous cycle of change, and when you manage to change one, you’ll be told there is something else you need to fix to become even more attractive. So, women are often shut off from their true selves and waste their time and energy chasing empty demands.

How Nature Impacts Our Well-being

Research indicates that our environment can improve or worsen our stress levels, which by extension impacts our bodies. Anything you see, hear, or experience at any time is changing not just your mood, but the way your immune, nervous, and endocrine systems work. Stressful situations can cause you to feel sad, anxious, or helpless, which in turn elevate your blood pressure, muscle tension, and heart rate.

A pleasing environment, on the other hand, reverses all that. Humans often find nature pleasing, and that’s why you should spend more time with Mother Nature. Even simple viewing of nature scenes will reduce anger, stress, and fear and enhance a pleasant feeling. Nature has a way of reducing mortality and improving the overall well being.

Caring For The Environment Brings Out Your Inner Beauty

The earth is naturally endowed with beauty. You may not live close to forests or parks, but a mere act of bringing a plant home can create unmatched beauty to your home. By creating beauty in your environment, it reflects on your true beauty that glows from within. Furthermore, Mother Nature brings a whole pack of healing effects. For instance, fragrant jasmine is believed to attract more love and wealth to your home while every plant helps purify the air around your home.

Don’t get overly frustrated when you wake up one morning and don’t feel on top of the game. Once in a while, life will bring its fair share of frustrations and that should stop you from walking out with your head high. Look straight in the mirror and focus on what you truly love. Spending time thinking about the positive gifts of life reinforces the beauty attributes and help them radiate out into the world.

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The Role of Water Treatment in Environmental Sustainability

Water scarcity is one of the largest threats facing humanity today due to constant water shortages being experienced all over the world. Only a small percentage of the world’s water (about 3%) is fit for human consumption with two percent of this amount present in glaciers and ice caps. The United Nations has given water due prominence by making it one of its millennium development goals. Such is the importance of water that governments have started developing new technologies and projects to cushion its effects on the world population. These initiatives include desalination, rainwater harvesting, wastewater treatment and water location transfers.


What is water treatment?

It is the process of eliminating harmful contaminants from water so that it can be safe for human and animal consumption. In order to make sure that excellent water is obtained and sanitation quality is observed, the process is divided into several phases. A rudimentary breakdown of the phases is as follows:

Preliminary phase: large filters are used to remove big inorganic solid materials like metal, paper and plastic.

  • Elimination of silt and grit that is abrasive to machinery.
  • Primary sedimentation to remove solid organic material.
  • Sludge phase where microorganisms are used to dissolve organic solids and the resulting biomass is decanted.

Tertiary treatment phase: where chemical (chlorine) is used to remove harmful pathogens. The resulting product is fresh water that is fit for human consumption.

Water treatment helps us achieve environmental sustainability in the following ways:

1. Reduction of Waste

Water treatment reduces the volume of waste that is released into the ecosystem. When wastewater is treated, the quantity of waste that is released into the environment is cut down significantly resulting into overall improvement in the environment’s status. By cutting down environmental pollution, water treatment helps to reduce health hazards that emanate from a polluted environment.

There is reduction of water wastage that is induced by water pollution. Water treatment has a financial benefit in that it trims down the amount of money that is used by a country to rehabilitate a polluted environment.

2. Production of energy

As described above, there is use of microorganisms (bacteria) in the sludge phase to breakdown organic matter and produce a large quantity of biomass. In this process the organic matter is mixed with the bacteria, enclosed in bio-digesters and subjected to medium range temperatures of about 35 degrees C. Biogas is produced during this process. Methane constitutes a high percentage of biogas and can be used for generating energy to power the water treatment complex. If the energy produced is of significant quantities it can be injected into a country’s national electricity grid.

The advantage of this green energy cannot be overstated since it decreases the over reliance on non-renewable sources of energy like petroleum, coal, wood and charcoal. This will reduce the carbon footprint of a country and its expenditure on meeting its energy needs. Case studies in various countries have established that an efficient water treatment plant can produce forty percent of the total energy that is required to run the plant.

Biogas can also be used for domestic cooking fuel, for generation of electricity and heat energy for homes and for powering vehicles.

3. Source of clean water

As mentioned before, the water resources in the world are dwindling at an alarming rate. The available water resources will not be able to sustain the projected population increase in the coming years.

Wastewater treatment will ensure there will be a balance between water supply and demand. Through filtration of harmful contaminants from wastewater and giving out hygienic and safe water, there will be adequate supply for everyone. offers the best solutions for water treatment systems. The lurking fear of harmful water supply, drought and water shortage will be a thing of the past if water is recycled.

4. Production of fertilizer

The biomass that is produced from the sludge phase is decanted and dried: this turns it into organic fertilizer. The current trend in the world is to use less of chemical (inorganic) fertilizer for farming. This is because scientific studies have shown residual presence of these chemicals in harvested crops has long term effects on the consumer.

The other deterrent aspect of chemical fertilizers is eutrophication that results when used fertilizer is leached into water bodies. Eutrophication is the exponential increase in aquatic life (due to leached chemical fertilizer) at levels that cannot be sustained by water ecosystems. Use of organic fertilizers does not result into eutrophication because their level of leaching is negligible due to their slow process of biodegradation and absorption into the soil.

5. Disease prevention

Wastewater contains potentially harmful bacteria that can make consumers of water contract parasitic infections. Parasitic infestation occurs in people of all ages: toddlers and adults. The infection may range from mild to severe and even critical. It may affect your gastrointestinal tract, skin, body organs and blood.


Gastrointestinal tract infection is common in children of all ages and normally involves giardiasis, dysentery, cholera and gastroenteritis which are spread through contaminated water. This infections result into diarrhea. During water treatment, waste water is passed through filters that remove contaminants and destroy lethal microorganisms.

Water treatment therefore plays an essential function in removing pollutants from water (approximately ninety seven percent) that could be awfully harmful if consumed. There are no harmful bacteria that end up in the environment that would otherwise have damaging effects on animals, plants and people. Waste water also contains harmful chemicals which if released to the environment would destroy flora and fauna life forms.

6. Clean environment for recreation

Wastewater treatment ensures people will be able to enjoy water sports without having to worry about water pollution. Water from treatment plants can also be supplied to areas experiencing drought. Thus water treatment is an eco-friendly process that helps in reducing water wastage by recycling water that would otherwise have been deemed to be unsanitary and end up being disposed.

Final Words

The process of water treatment has many benefits and that makes it viable in the long and short-term answer to the water crisis bedeviling the world today which keeps on multiplying simultaneously with increase in world population.

Mathematical models project the world population to increase up to nine billion people in the next few years. This is bound to increase the volume of waste water that will be produced, making water treatment a critical aspect of environmental conservation and sustainability. Expanding wastewater treatment sector will produce large quantities of fresh water and help bring down the level of water scarcity.

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Water Resource Management in GCC – Issues and Challenges

GCC countries are suffering from a huge deficit in their water resources reaching more than 20 billion cubic meter, being met mainly by an intensive over-drafting of renewable and non-renewable groundwater resources for the agricultural sector, and by the extensive installation of highly expensive desalination plants for the municipal sector, and by reusing a small percentage of treated wastewater in the agricultural and municipal sector. Furthermore, conflict between the agricultural and domestic sectors on the limited water resources in the region are rising, and as a result, groundwater over-exploitation and mining is expected to continue in order to meet growing demand in these two sectors.

water management in GCC

If current population growth rates, water resources management approach, water use practices and patterns continue, annual water demand may reach more than 50 billion cubic meter (Bcm) by the year 2030.  With the anticipated future limited desalination capacity and wastewater reuse, this demand will have to be met mainly by further mining of groundwater reserves, with its negative impacts of fast depletion and loss of aquifer reserves and the deterioration of water quality and salinization of agricultural lands, of which these resources usefulness is questionable with the expected deterioration of their quality.

Under these circumstances, water will become an increasingly scarce commodity, and would become a limiting factor for further social, agricultural and industrial development, unless major review and shifts in the current policies of population and adopted food self-sufficiency are made, and an appropriate and drastic measures in water conservation are implemented.

A diagnosis of the water sector in Gulf Cooperation Council countries indicated that the main problems and critical issues in these countries are:

  1. Limitation of water resources and increasing water scarcity with time due to prevailing aridity, fast population growth, and agricultural policies;
  2. Inefficient water use in the agriculture (traditional irrigation practices), and municipal/domestic sectors (high per capita water use, high rates of unaccounted-for-water);
  3. Rising internal water allocation conflicts between the agricultural and municipal sector;
  4. Rapid depletion and groundwater quality deterioration due to their over-exploitation, with multiple impacts on agricultural productivity and ecosystems;
  5. Inferior quality of water services in large cities due to fast pace of urbanization; and
  6. Weak water institutions due to fragmentation of water authorities and lack of coordination and inadequate capacity development.

Currently, there are two main challenges of water resources management in the GCC countries. These are the unsustainable use of groundwater resources with its ramification on these countries socio-economic development, and the escalating urban water demands and its heavy burden on their national budget and negative impacts on the environment.

As the quality of groundwater deteriorates, either by over-exploitation or direct pollution, its uses diminish, thereby reducing groundwater supplies, increasing water shortages, and intensifying the problem of water scarcity in these countries. It is expected that the loss of groundwater resources will have dire consequences on the countries’ socio-economic development, increases health risks, and damages their environment and fragile ecosystem regimes.

Moreover, the development of many GCC countries is relying heavily on non-renewable fossil groundwater, and the issue of “sustainability” of non-renewable resources is problematic, and requires clear definition.

aquifer deterioration in mena

Sustainability of these resources need to be interpreted in a socio-economic rather than a physical context, implying that full considerations must be given not only to the immediate benefits and gains, but also to the “negative impacts” of development and to the question of “what comes after?” An “exit strategies” need to be identified, developed, and implemented by the time that the aquifer is seriously depleted. An exit strategy scenario must include balanced socio-economic choices on the use of aquifer storage reserves and on the transition to a subsequent less water-dependent economy, and the replacement water resource.

Despite their relatively enormous cost and heavy burden on the national budged, limited operational life (15-25 years), their dependence on depleting fossil fuel, and their negative environmental impacts on the surrounding air and marine environment, the Gulf nations are going ahead with desalination plant construction and expansion in order to meet the spiralling domestic water demands – a function of population and urbanization growth.

The rapid increase in urban water demands in the GCC can be explained by two factors, rapid population growth and the rise in per capita consumption; per capita average daily consumption in the domestic sector ranges between 300-750 liters, which ranks the highest in the world. This is due mainly to the reliance on the supply side of management with little attention given to the water demand management and the non-existence of price-signaling mechanism to consumers.

water conservation in Middle East

The other strategic issue is that, despite the current and anticipated future dependence of the GCC countries on desalination to meet its domestic/drinking water supply, desalination remains an imported technology for the GCC countries with limited directed R&D towards these technologies.

Furthermore, desalination industry have limited added value to the Gulf countries economies (e.g., localizing O&M, plant refurbishment, fabrication, manufacturing of Key Spare Parts, qualifying local labor to work in desalination industry, etc..).

SEA as Sustainability Mainstreaming and Planning Tool in Jordan

Seeking to find its own recipe for sustainability planning, Jordan is piloting Strategic Environmental Assessment as a tool for planning and managing development zones or special economic areas. Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) is a systematic process for evaluating the environmental consequences of proposed policy, strategy or master plan in order to ensure they are fully included and appropriately addressed at the earliest appropriate stage of decision-making on par with economic and social consideration.

Using a unique model, the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan has prepared Strategic Environmental Assessment and Strategic Environmental Management Plan (SEMP) for the Dead Sea Development Zone which was given a special status in 2009 to attract quality investments and to share economic gains with surrounding local communities.  Despite the fact that EU member states have well-established systems for SEA, this particular Jordanian-tailored application on the Dead Sea Development Zone Master Plan has incorporated specific aspects to introduce this project as a regional/international model in sustainability mainstreaming. The major benefits of SEA include:  

  • Enhanced sustainability of natural resources
  • Prevention of costly planning mistakes
  • Conservation of time and money
  • Simplification of Environmental Impact Assessment
  • Promotion of compatibility amongst Master Plans
  • Enhancement of development strategies
  • Improved public sector efficiency, and
  • Enhanced credibility in decision making

Key Takeaways

For years, Jordan has pushed for more serious consideration and buy-in for environmental issues from various players; the government, private sector, and civil society. While this has worked in some areas, it is no secret that it has not been quite successful in many others. Many argue that the standalone environmental policy and plans are not enough when it comes to balancing economic and social development needs. Key takeaways from the Jordanian SEA experience in the Dead Sea Development Zone are being discussed in the following paragraphs:

No Environmental 'Surprises' for Developers/Investors

The SEA process exists to ensure the early integration of environmental considerations into the preparation and adoption of Master Plans and development programs with a view to promoting sustainable development. The preparation or amendment of a Master Plan and the work on assessing the likely environmental effects should be undertaken in parallel so that the environmental considerations can be integrated into the preparation of the plan from the start. 

As a result there should be no environmental “surprises” for the Master Planning Team, no development “surprises” for the SEA Team and no expenditure wasted on designs which have environmental difficulties. The key result of the SEA will be Master Plans which respect the environmental carrying capacity, and therefore avoid, reduce or offset the likely significant environmental effects from investment projects. 

Clear Guidance for Development Programs

SEA and SEMP includes enough details to guide further detailing of the Master Plan and development projects. They provide specific environmental objectives that are extracted from national goals and zone-specific considerations. The involvement of stakeholders in the SEA process is a key success factor. The key groups and institutions, foreign investors, environmental agencies, NGOs, representatives of the public and others, including those groups potentially affected by the likely environmental impacts of implementing the Master Plan should be identified and consulted. Due to the unique nature of the Dead Sea are, several levels of consultations were organized including concerned Ministers.

Good Governance and Private Sector Involvement

SEA places the environmental protection burden on government's shoulder. Through the proposed SEA/SEMP framework, roles and responsibilities of environmental management are clearly defined amongst various regulators, developers and investors, as well as some NGOs. The institutional coordination and good governance principles would be typically covered in contractual agreements and memoranda of understanding to ensure proper implementation.

Nevertheless, both SEA and SEMP are legalized and enforced according to the development zones legislative framework, which is the first attempt of its kind in Jordan to require SEAs. Throughout the process of preparation and implementation of the SEA study and SEMP, regulators, planning consultants, developers and NGOs have been learning a lot.

Going Beyond Compliance

Due to the environmentally sensitive nature of the Dead Sea area, measures to go beyond regulatory requirements are introduced in the SEA and SEMP. For example, an enhanced energy efficiency target of 30% and water efficiency of 20% would make the Dead Sea Development Zone a real destination for sustainable tourism. Such pilot would also serve as a national model for others to follow towards cascading the national water and energy efficiency targets on zone (regional) level.

Enhanced Partnerships

Support and buy-in from the government is needed to bring the SEA and SEMP to reality. Water, wastewater, solid waste and energy infrastructure elements are crucial for the successful achievement of the set environmental targets. Innovative financing mechanisms to green the area's infrastructure need to be investigated including those with public-private partnership.

National Readiness, Awareness and Capacity-building

It is clear that the knowledge and skills needed to prepare SEAs and SEMPs are slightly different than those needed for EIAs. Jordan has been requesting big projects to submit an EIA (Environmental Impact Assessment) for over a decade now. Consulting firms providing such service are becoming used to the EIA model with little or no exposure to SEA and other environmental planning and mainstreaming tools.

During SEA consultation sessions and with the presence of dozens of NGOs representatives and national experts, the level of input is still leaning towards the EIA/individual project impact rather than plan/policy/strategy interrelated impacts. Even the regulators need to review and approve SEAs with a more strategic eye on the potential impacts.


SEA implementation in Jordan is expanding to other development zones and this will change the very nature of planning in the country for the better and will position Jordan as a regional leader in environmental mainstreaming and sustainability planning. A similar approach might be designed to assess the environmental sustainability impacts of urban/sectoral community development plans and propose guidelines for promoting compliance and beyond compliance measures in the MENA region. 

التأمل والبيئة

للتأمل أنواع، ومن احدى أنواع التأمل هو المشي في الطبيعة او ما يعرف ب “تأمل المشي”. والبعض يفضل المشي على الجلوس في الحديقة او على الشاطئ. فسكون الطبيعة وجمالها يساعد الفرد في إيجاد الانسجام والتوازن. ولا أهدف من هذا المقال الى القول ان مكان التأمل هو الطبيعة بل يمكن ممارسة التأمل في المكتب أو في المنزل. لكن من منظوري الشخصي يكون أحد أفضل الأماكن للتأمل هو الطبيعة.

البيئة لديها قوة تحويلية، فهي توفر الصفاء وتساعدنا في العثور على أنفسنا مرة أخرى. ان التأمل في مكونات البيئة من نبات وحيوانات يؤدي الى احترام وتقدير هذه المخلوقات. وهذا الاحترام يؤدي الى الحفاظ على البيئة.

مكافحة التلوث وحماية البيئة

في عالمنا الحالي نحتاج للتأمل للحفاظ على البيئة. ففي ظل الثورة الصناعية والتكنولوجيا واستنزاف الموارد الطبيعية، بات من الطبيعي خلق مفهوم جديد بعيد عن تسليع الموارد. ان جعل الموارد الطبيعية عنصرا اقتصاديا قابلا للبيع والشراء عزز الانانية وأدى الى تفضيل المصلحة الشخصية على حماية البيئة.  كما دفع الكثير للتعدي على الموارد البيئية واستنزافها لأجل تحصيل المال. فنرى اصطياد الأسماك تحول من الشباك الى سفن ضخمة تجرف كل ما تمر فوقه. ولا يسعنا المجال لذكر التعديات البيئية.

وهنا يأتي دور التأمل والذي يزفه المرء بالإحساس بهذه الموارد وتعظيمها.

تغير المناخ والتأمل

تغير المناخ من المشاكل التي تواجه العالم أجمع وتجر عليه الويلات. ولكي يصبح تغير المناخ أولوية عالمية، يجب خلق وتوضيح نقاط الاتصال بين حياة الناس اليومية وظاهرة الاحتباس الحراري.ومن احدى العوامل التي أدت الى تفاقم هذه الازمة والعديد من المشاكل البيئة هو أن الكثيرين منا لا يدركون ارتباطنا كبشر بالبيئة وأننا جزء منها ولسنا اوصياء علبها. كثيرون لا يدركون فائدة إقامة علاقة أفضل مع الطبيعة. ويأتي هنا دور والتأمل، الذي يمكن أن يؤدي الى الوعي المستنير الذي يمكن من فهم أفضل للمناطق الطبيعية المحيطة بنا.

 يمكن لليقظة ان تؤدي الى تغير في طريقة تفكيرنا وطريقة معالجتنا للأزمات الاجتماعية والبيئية التي تواجهنا. لذا من الممكن بتضافر الجهود ان يساعدنا في بناء مجتمع أكثر استدامة.  نستنج من أعلاه ان التأمل يساعد في تنمية التعاطف وتعزيز قيمنا الأخلاقية الجوهرية مما ينعكس بدوره على رفع الظلم وإدراك العدالة الاجتماعية وتغليب المصلحة العامة. وعلى الإنسان أن يعي نعمة وجود الطبيعة الجميلة حوله فيحافظ عليها، فالوعي بالأخطار الناجمة عن التصرفات الغير واعية تؤثر سلبا على حياة جميع أنواع المخلوقات. فالتفكر ومعرفة أهمية الحفاظ على توازن الطبيعة يؤدي الى تنمية مستدامة على الصعيد البيئي والاقتصادي والاجتماعي.

Recycled Clothing: 6 Creative Ways To Upcycle Fabric

Whether you’re an avid recycler or not, chances are you’d have quite a lot of fabrics from old clothing with you. For the clothing pieces which are still wearable to re-sell or donate, you may have given those away already. Although, for those that can’t be worn as shirts anymore, that’s where fabric scraps come into play.

Fabric scraps can still have a brand-new life to them, so don’t throw them away. With a few crafty tricks here and there, you can make better use out of those fabric pieces. Hence, read more for some of the best ideas for recycled T-shirt printing and fabric scraps.

Creative Ways To Upcycle Fabric

1. Coasters

The pandemic has brought about the coming in of many new hobbies by homeowners. Now the hype seems to have shifted to the dining area. Table setting has gotten higher up a notch with many homeowners now putting more effort into table cloths, placemats, and even small details like napkins and coasters.

If you buy brand new ones all the time, sets can be quite expensive. However, the good news is that you can also get started with table-setting even when you’re working with a limited budget. You can do this by upcycling old fabric into coasters.

Let your creativity shine as your coasters don’t always have to be identical. For as long as they still fall within the same theme and vibe you have in your home, those coasters will still be able to do their job.

2. Fabric Scrap Shoe Laces

If you have plain sneakers in your closet, you can add some sass and style to it by switching out the laces. Yes, you can easily buy new shoelaces. But, if you have fabric at home, you can use it as shoelaces.

For instance, floral fabrics make cute prints for shoelaces. If you have a little girl, those laces are going to look dainty in outfits. It’s also a unique break away from the monotonous choices available at the market.

3. Baby Bibs

Do you have a baby along the way? Or, you maybe you have someone dear to you who is also an expecting mom? You may give them the special gift of hand-sewn baby bibs. After using your fabric scraps for this, you can go the extra mile by embroidering their name.

4. Coin Purses

This third item on this list is for those of you who have a knack for sewing. All you need to buy is matching zippers, and you can start sewing small coin purses. If you’re interested in adding a personalized touch to these coin purses, consider delving into embroidery digitizing. This technique allows you to create intricate and custom designs that can be embroidered onto the purses, making them even more special. If you don’t like using coin purses, you can make some for your kids and their friends. You can even give those away as thank you gifts during their birthday, or perhaps as small, Christmas gifts for the entire class.

5. Luggage Tags

If you know someone in your circle of friends who also enjoys traveling, fabric luggage tags are another good way for you to make good use out of your fabric scraps.

When luggage tags can be quite expensive, you can save so much money when now you’ve got your luggage tags. You may create one for each bag or each member of the family. If you have a fair or weekend market coming up in your local area, you may also opt to sell those luggage tags.

6. Create A T-Shirt Comforter

This sixth item on the list is a special keepsake that moms will love to do. If you’re at a loss as to what you should do with your little one’s onesies, you may have wanted to sell or donate them. However, there might be a  part of you that also wants to keep some of those onesies as memories from when your little one’s infancy.

recycled clothing

The solution to this dilemma is to sew those clothes or onesies to a comforter, duvet cover, or quilt. This would also be a special gift to give your little one. You may give it to them one day when they may leave home and they’re not little anymore.


Making the conscious decision to live a more sustainable way of life is one of the best choices you can make. This entails making the most use out of things you have at home and even those that you’ve already thought of already as scraps. Hopefully, the list of fabric upcycling ideas above could get you started with your DIY craft projects. Now you can finally repurpose those clothing items which are simply waiting for a push of new life.

Eco-friendly Tips to Buy an AC

Many homeowners are now aware of the importance of conserving the environment and how they can contribute towards the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. They realize that through saving energy, they can not only save some money, but they can also play a part in making the world a better place. One appliance that definitely consumes a high amount of energy in most homes is the air conditioning unit. That is why it is so important that you look for the most eco-friendly brand when making your purchase. Fortunately, these brands are not too hard to find.

In order to find an eco-friendly AC unit, you need to be aware of the most important features to look out for. It’s not just about going to the store and asking to be given one. Once you know what you want, finding it will be very easy. Here are some eco-friendly tips to help you buy an AC:


1. Choose the appropriate size

Size is very important when choosing an AC. If it is too small, it will end up overworking your system and increase your energy bill as a result. At the same time, such a unit will not be capable of balancing the air being cooled by its condenser with the hot air it releases. You can have a technician look at your house and recommend the proper size for you.

2. Find a unit that has two-stage compressors

Compressors consume the most energy in AC units. The work of compressors is to push out hot vapors in order for the refrigerant to cool down. If your AC has two-stage compressors, it will be compressing less on a cool day and more on hot days. This will save you a significant amount of energy.

3. Go for highest energy efficiency ratings

The ENERGY STAR® or SEER ratings are hugely significant in a wide variety of appliances. Any AC unit that has these types of certifications or ratings will use much less energy than one that doesn’t. In fact, the amount of energy saved can go up to 50%. At the same time, the unit is likely to have a thermostat that you can use to set the system’s temperature.

environmental impact of air conditioner

4. Install a programmable thermostat

This is one of the cheapest ways to make your AC eco-friendly. When you have a programmable thermostat, you will be able to program it to turn it off when you are not at home and on when you are just about to come back.

5. Regular maintenance

Having your AC inspected and serviced by a professional contractor is crucial if you want it to remain energy-efficient. Service entails checking for leaks and also ensuring the air flow is good. If there is a need for a new AC filter, the professional will make the recommendation.


Air conditioning provides us with some comfort on extremely hot days, especially during the summer. However, they can also be the source of considerable environmental harm. The best way we can prevent this is by investing in eco-friendly AC. These five tips should help you in this regard.