الفساد البيئي في نهج السلوك البشري والتنمية المستدامة

environmental-corruptionقصاصة ورقية عبارة عن مسودة معلومات تُوجز جوانب حدث بيئي مهم وتُبرز في مفاصل أحداثه جهود نشطاء البيئة في أحد بلداننا العربية يعود تاريخها إلى بداية عام 2001 وجدناها بين صفحات كتاب «الثروة الطبيعية للأمم» أثارت اهتمامنا إذ تضم بين سطورها معلومات قيّمة للنشاط الاجتماعي البيئي وتحدد محاور مهمة للبحث في قضية «الفساد البيئي» التي تعد من أكثر القضايا المهمة في علم البيئة الحديث لارتباطها بمشكلات استنزاف الثروات الطبيعية وتدهور المعالم الرئيسية للنظم البيئية.

معلومات القصاصة الورقية تولي أهمية بالخبر الذي تداولته في ذلك التاريخ وكالات الأنباء العالمية بشأن إطلاق سراح مجموعة من المدافعين عن البيئة، حكم عليهم بالسجن لرفعهم شعار «الفساد البيئي» والدعوة إلى وقف عمليات تدمير البيئات الطبيعية، ومحاسبة العناصر التي تدعم عملية الفساد البيئي، وإحداث إصلاحات بيئية واجتماعية واقتصادية في بلادهم، وجاءت دعوتهم هذه بعد ما شاهدوه من مظاهر التدمير الواسع لأكثر المناطق البيئية والاجتماعية قيمة وجمالاً وثراء في تنوعها الإحيائي، والتي تشكل إرثاً وطنياً وحضارياً لارتباطها بمرحلة تاريخ مهمة للحراك الاجتماعي والوطني في بلادهم.

الفساد كظاهرة يمثل سلوكاً غير أخلاقي وغير مرغوب في وجوده، ويحظى بمعارضة شديدة على مختلف الأصعدة الوطنية والدولية لما يتسببه فيه من آثار سلبية، اجتماعية واقتصادية وبيئية، وأضرار فعلية على الخطط التنموية وعلى واقع حياة المجتمع البشري، وذلك ما يؤكد عليه المجتمع الدولي في المبدأ (266) في وثيقة مؤتمر الأمم المتحدة للتنمية المستدامة – ريو + 20 إذ يشير المبدأ إلى أن «الفساد يمثِّل عائقاً خطيراً أمام تعبئة الموارد وتخصيصها بصورة فعالة ويحوِّل الموارد عن الأنشطة التي تعتبر حيوية في القضاء على الفقر ومكافحة الجوع وتحقيق التنمية المستدامة».

والفساد بمختلف اتجاهاته وصوره السبب المباشر فيما تشهده البشرية من أزمات اقتصادية واجتماعية وبيئية ويجري معالجة المشكلة في الكثير من البحوث العلمية المختصة في القضايا الإنسانية، ويورد كتاب «الثروة الطبيعية للأمم – تطويع السوق لاحتياجات البيئة» حقائق لحالات مختلفة لأنشطة الفساد يوجزها في جوانب نهب ومصادرة المناطق ذات الأهمية البيئية والغنية بثرواتها الطبيعية والتنوع الإحيائي، وينفرد كتاب «من يدفع الثمن؟ – الإطار الثقافي والاجتماعي للأزمة البيئية» بمعالجة ثوابت مهمة في شأن الآثار السلبية لظاهرة الفساد في انتهاكات حقوق الإنسان البيئية ومصادرة حقوق المجتمعات في استثمار الموارد الطبيعية وحرمان الأجيال القادمة الاستفادة من تلك الثروات.

كتاب «الموارد الطبيعية والنزاعات المسلحة – خيارات وتحركات – تحرير أين بانون وبول كوليبر – إصدار البنك الدولي – منشورات الأهلية للنشر والتوزيع في الأردن» من البحوث المرجعية المهمة في تشخيص مشكلة الفساد وأبعاده الكارثية على البيئة والإنسان، ويبين في سياق معالجاته الضمانات الشرعية لمكافحة الفساد كجزء من العمل القانوني للحكومة نذكر منها المبادئ المتمثلة في:

توخي العدالة والإنصاف في عطاءات البيع وعقود الإيجارات.

شفافية في التسعير وفي الكميات المباعة من السلع.

إعادة ترميم وإحياء البيئة التي تم استخراج السلع منها.

إيداع الأموال التي تأتي من الموارد المستخرجة في خزانة الدولة لاستخدامها في تمويل العمليات الحكومية.

وفي السياق ذاته، يشخص الكتاب الجوانب غير الشرعية للعمل الإداري التي تعزز ظاهرة الفساد نشير إلى البعض منها وتتمثل في:

عقود سياسية أو قائمة على المحسوبية في بيع السلع.

معلومات محدودة أو مغلوطة عن التسعير والكميات.

انتزاع الموجودات دون أخذ المستقبل في الاعتبار.

فشل في إعادة وترميم وإحياء المناطق التي تم تجريدها.

اختفاء عائدات مبيعات الموارد بحيث لا يمكن تتبعها، مع إبقاء منفعة شحيحة أو لا شيء منها لخزينة الدولة.

الفساد البيئي النهج والسلوك الأكثر خطراً على الإنسان والبيئة، ويمثل نتيجة فعلية للفساد الإداري، وتعزز واقع المحسوبية، وترسخ جذورها في السياسات والممارسات الإدارية، ويحدث ذلك المنعطف السلبي في ممارسات وسلوك الأفراد والجماعة بفعل الخلل في النظام الإداري، ونتيجة جملة من العوامل الضاغطة والميسرة لنشاط هذه الظاهرة والتي منها تعمق جذور النهج الشمولي في القرار البيئي ومصادرة حق المجتمعات المحلية في صناعة القرار البيئي.

وظاهرة الفساد البيئي كأكثر العوامل خطراً وإجحافاً بالمصالح الأساسية للمجتمعات المحلية، البيئية والصحية والمعيشية، وانتهاكاً لحقوق الأجيال القادمة العيش في بيئة آمنة وسليمة، أخذ يتعزز وجوده وبشكل أكثر وحشية في العلاقة مع البيئات الطبيعية في الربع الأخير من القرن الماضي، وتصاعدت وتائره التدميرية في المرحلة الحديثة.

ويتجلى ذلك النهج في السيطرة على الموارد والمواقع البيئية الأساسية، وإحداث تغييرات مباشرة في طابعها البيئي، واستغلالها في إقامة المشاريع التنموية غير المتوافقة مع نظامها البيئي، إلى جانب تزايد ظاهرة الفساد في تيسير نشاطات المافيا الدولية في نقل النفايات الخطيرة عبر الحدود، وطمرها في أراضي الدول الأخرى، وتلك ظاهرة عامة شمل وباؤها مختلف البلدان في العالم.

الجميع يدرك الفعل غير الأخلاقي للفساد، والكل يتفق على ضرورة أن تكون هناك إجراءات فعلية متنوعة الوظائف، والمناهج لتقليم مخالب هذه الظاهرة واجتثاث جذورها كضمانة أكيدة لحماية الأمن الوطني للدول أولاً، واستبعاد المخاطر التي تسببها، الاقتصادية والاجتماعية والبيئية والإنسانية، وتأكيد السلطة القانونية وإرادة القرار السياسي للدولة كعنصر رئيسي في الجماعة الدولية، وتلك مؤشرات لا غنى عن تأكيد وجودها في خريطة عمل الدول، والعمل الدولي للتمكن من إنجاز أهداف التنمية المستدامة.

The Impact of Plumbing Materials on the Environment

When buying a home you may be interested in having a sustainable home, and one of the most important aspects that you should not overlook the plumbing systems. With water contamination getting more and more common lately, it’s important to understand how plumbing systems work and their impact on the environment. Drinking water is carried through these pipes everyday and when choosing plumbing materials we must consider ecological toxicity, air pollution, fossil fuel depletion, and global warming.

Low Cost

When buying a home you may be looking for the cheapest way to be sustainable. Although some environmentally-friendly products may be somewhat more expensive than their competitors, money will be saved in the form of reduced water usage and decreased energy consumption in the long run.

A Life Cycle Inventory of residential plumbing systems done in 2011 showed that CPVC systems demonstrate 5% less energy waste than PEX systems and 17% less than copper. This study also indicated that CPVC systems wanted 30% less water than copper and 15% less than a PEX system. These numbers are likely due to the differences in thermal conductivity between these materials.

Copper has a thermal conductivity that is hundreds of times higher than plastics. PEX materials are the least thermal conductive of the three tested and this is why it is better in conserving water and energy.


While environmental performance is important, people can still be concerned about the sustainability of their home. The use of proper plumbing materials when building a home can greatly affect the future sustainability of the home, which can also affect future costs and bills.

A relatively new factor in plumbing, eco-friendly pipe materials can reduce both energy costs, and the overall environmental footprint of your home. These materials are not as widely available due to their recent introduction to the industry, but an understanding of the benefits of each can help save both money and the environment later down the line.

Environment-Friendly Materials

The two most common types of piping material in use today are metals like iron and copper, and PVC piping. Of the two, metal piping is more environmentally friendly and sustainable, but not without drawbacks.

PVC piping however, is notorious for low sustainability, contaminating water with chemicals, and increased waste or “greywater”. While PVC is recyclable, the process is expensive and not in high demand due to the cheap price of fresh PVC.

Metal piping however, has a longer lifespan with less chance of deterioration and no harmful chemical waste that could contaminate your water and potentially harm you or your family. Metal piping is susceptible to corrosion however, usually after a long fifty year lifespan.

The best alternative to these two pipings is relatively new eco-friendly plastics like the ones mentioned earlier. Polyethylene and polypropylene are the two main ingredients in these pipes which are recognized by Greenpeace, an environmental organization, to be the only “future-friendly” piping material on the market.

The more natural and longer lasting materials prevent long term contamination with eco-friendly materials that last long enough to rival the longevity of metal piping. Even local Atlanta plumbers and plumbing installers should have access to the materials you need to make your house eco-safe.


When building your home, be sure to be involved in its construction so you can make sure that your house, like these new and eco-friendly plastics, are set for a clean and safe future of reliable piping.

إدارة نفايات الإسبستوس في الشرق الاوسط

في كل عام تعمل دول منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا على إستيراد كميات كبيرة من الإسبستوس بهدف إستخدامها في قطاع الإنشاء. و بينما تُمثل منطقة الشرق الأوسط وأفريقيا معاً 20٪ من الطلب العالمي على مادة الإسبستوس بحسب آخر الإحصاءات فإن أكبر المستهلكين لمادة الإسبستوس في المنطقة هما دولتي إيران والإمارات العربية المتحدة. فى الواقع، واردات الأسبستوس في الشرق الأوسط بأكمله تزايدت بشكل مطرد بإستثناء مصر والمملكة العربية السعودية حيث أنهما الدولتان الوحيدتان اللاتي وضعت حظراً على الأسبستوس ولكن  بفعالية مشكوك فيها. وقد بلغت واردات إيران وحدها نحو 30،000 طن من الأسبستوس كل عام. و قد تم استيراد و إستهلاك أكثر من 17،000 طن من الأسبستوس في دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة في عام 2007.

تداعيات الحروب والثورات

تتمثل خطورة الأسبستوس عند تعرض الأشخاص الغير محميين بالأقنعة و الملابس الوقائية المناسبة. حيث أنه لم تؤخذ الإجراءات الوقائية المناسبة للتعامل مع الأسبستوس في الماضي. في الوقت الراهن، معظم الناس يعتقدون أن التعرض للأسبستوس هو جزء من صناعة البناء والتشييد. وهذا يتضمن الهدم والتجديد والبناء وهي الأوقات الرئيسية التي يمكن التعرض إلى ألياف الإسبستوس.

بسبب الأوقات المضطربة في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا فقد ارتفع خطر التعرض لألياف الإسبستوس في جميع أنحاء المنطقة. منذ عام 2003، كان هناك حرب العراق، الثورات في مصر وليبيا وتونس، بالإضافة إلى الانتفاضة في سوريا. ناهيك عن وجود مجموعة من الصراعات في لبنان وفلسطين وإسرائيل. ونتيجة ذلك هو أن المباني التي تحتوي على مادة الأسبستوس و التي تتعرض الى ضربة عبوة ناسفة، من المرجح أن تنتقل ألياف الإسبستوس للغلاف الجوي المحلي، مما يُعرض الحياة المجاورة للمنطقة المتضررة للخطر.

إدارة نفايات الأسبستوس

في العديد من البلدان في جميع أنحاء العالم لدى الشركات والمؤسسات والمنظمات مسؤولية قانونية لإدارة نفاياتها، فهم ممنوعون من استخدام المواد التي تُعتبر خطرة على العامة والتي تشمل حظراً شاملاً على استخدام الأسبستوس. حيثما إكتُشِفت مادة الأسبستوس فيجب إزالتها والتعامل معها من قبل أفراد مدربون يرتدون ملابس وقائية. في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا، فإنه من المهم أن يكون هناك تطوير لسياسات مُكافِحة للأسبستوس على مستويات الحكومة وقطاع الأعمال لزيادة حماية مواطني تلك البلدان.

لم تُصدِق  أي من بُلدان الشرق الأوسط على قانون منظمة العمل الدولية رقم 162 ، والذي تم رفعه في مؤتمر الأسبستوس عام 1986 م و الذي يُحدد إجراءات الصحة والسلامة المتعلقة بالأسبستوس، بما في ذلك القوانين الخاصة لأرباب العمل في محاولة لحماية سلامة جميع العاملين. إدارة النفايات الأسبستوس في منطقة الشرق الأوسط تحتاج إلى أن تأخذ عدة إجراءات متميزة ، و تتمثل أول أهم خطوتان في التعليم والتشريعات تليها إدارة النفايات الفعلية للأسبستوس.

إلى حد كبير، منطقة الشرق الأوسط لديها أنظمة ضئيلة أو معدومة للتعامل مع هذا النوع من المشاكل. كل عام أكثر من 100،000 شخص يموتون في جميع أنحاء العالم بسبب الأمراض ذات الصلة بالأسبستوس و بأخذ الاستخدام المتواصل للأسبستوس في المنطقة بعين الإعتبار ، لا بد من وضع استراتيجية قوية للتخلص التدريجي من الأسبستوس في صناعة البناء والتشييد.

استراتيجية المستقبل

قد يجادل الكثيرون أنه لا يزال هناك عقبة فلسفية للتغلب على الأسبستوس. ولهذا فإن التعليم يجب أن يتماشى جنباً إلى جنب مع التشريع. اعتبارا من عام 2006، كانت مصر و المملكة العربية السعودية فقط قد وقعت على فرض حظر على الأسبستوس. و مع ذلك هناك أدلة على الاستخدام المتواصل. سواء كجزء من التصريحات الرسمية  في الصحف، أو على أجهزة التلفاز أو في المدارس، فمن الأهمية أن يتم دعم إجراء حظر استخدام الأسبستوس بالمعلومات بهدف إيصال لماذا لا ينبغي حظر الأسبستوس فقط، ولكن إزالته للعامة. من المهم أن تنظر البلدان الأخرى لحظر المواد وتعزيز الوعي أيضاً.

تمتلك الحكومات الموارد اللازمة لفتح السُبل للشركات المحلية أو الدولية لبدء برنامج إزالة الأسبستوس. في كثير من الأحيان هناك حاجة  للتعليم لمساعدة الشركات على أن تصبح مستعدة لهذه لبرنامج حظر و إزالة الأسبستوس. يبدأ برنامج إزالة الأسبستوس الصناعي بدراسة إدارية لتحديد ما هي مواد الأسبستوس في مبنى ومواقعها. ويتبع هذا الأمر دراسة ترميم و ما قبل الهدم لمعرفة أفضل السُبل لإزالة الأسبستوس واستبدالها بمواد أفضل جنباً إلى جنب مع عمليات تقييم المخاطر وخطط مفصلة بالكامل.

إدارة الأسبستوس لا يمكن أن تكتمل بدون هذه الدراسات.  و قد يكون الجزء الأكثر صعوبة في تنفيذ إدارة النفايات الأسبستوس على نطاق واسع في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا. وبالرغم من الكلفة العالية  والوقت اللازم لتنفيذ هذه البرامج ولكن البديل غير وارد وهو التخلص من الأسبستوس دون الأخذ بعين الاعتبار سلامة العامة. ولهذا تُعتبر الخطوة الأولى إيجاد البنية التحتية والتدريب اللازمين لبدء العمل الطويل في إزالة الأسبستوس من منطقة الشرق الأوسط.


م. لينا مراد خالد الكردي

ماجستير طاقة متجددة و كفاءة الطاقة باحثة

الترجمة ليس بالضرورة أن تُمثل رأي أو توجه المترجمة

Environmental Justice – The Core Essence of Islam

Every human being has a right to enjoy a clean and healthy environment. The most crucial aspect in the long-drawn fight against environmental pollution is environmental justice. Environmental justice is of great importance for marginalized, low-income and remote communities as such groups bear disproportionate burden of industrial pollution.

Traditionally, grassroot campaigns led by people of color and low-income groups have been the hallmarks of environmental justice movement around the world. Environmental justice has the potential to provide protection in the equitable distribution of environmental benefits to all sections of the society.

environmental justice in islam

In the last few decades, the distribution of environmental benefits, such as green spaces, clean air, pollution abatement and clean water, has assumed greater significance for all city-dwellers. As a result, environmental justice has now transformed into a fundamental outcome of environmental regulations, including public access to environmental data, improvement in quality of life through equal access to environmental goods and, most importantly, conservation of natural resources for the coming generations.

Environmental justice is inherently embedded in Islamic teachings on environmental sustainability. Infact, a Muslim is a steward for all creations, and has a special responsibility towards environmental care. According to Shariah, the elements of nature, such as land, water, sunlight and forests, belong to all living things, not just homo sapiens. The mankind has been given the liberty to exploit natural resources on a guardianship basis with the promise that it will not be overexploited, damaged or destroyed.

love for nature

سيعيد التعليم البيئي اتصال الاطفال بالطبيعة

Islamic principles on environmental justice highlights equitable distribution of environmental goods (air, water, biodiversity, forests etc.) among all communities and groups, irrespective of religion, race, social groups and region.

In Islam, each human being is a custodian of nature, and must live in harmony with other creatures. This implies that every Muslim must respect, nurture and care for the environment, and should desist from overconsumption of environmental goods and recklessly damaging the elements of nature, including forests, water bodies, soil and air.

Do Not Corrupt the Earth

Islam dislikes corruption of all kinds, including environmental corruption, such as industrial pollution, environmental damage and reckless use of natural resources. For Muslims, environmental justice is not only a religious duty but also a social obligation.

Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) gave high degree of importance towards environmental hygiene, sustainable cultivation of land, waste minimization, humane treatment of animals, preservation of forests and protection of wildlife. He discouraged overconsumption, lavishness and encouraged moderation in all walks of life.

To conclude, the concept of environmental justice is an integral part of Islamic beliefs. As environmental stewards of Planet Earth, we should use Allah’s Bounties in an equitable and sustainable manner to ensure its availability for the coming generations. We are custodians of all of Allah’s creation, including land, air, water, animals and trees, and bear full responsibility for its sustainable consumption and preservation.

The Holy Quran, Islamic law and Hadith emphasizes climate justice for everybody, and to build and maintain a healthy and clean environment which is free from all kinds of corruption, include human-induced environmental degradation.

التسامح هدف سامي

تطوي البشرية ببزوغ فجر اليوم الاول من عام 2022 صفحة عام مليء بالمآسي، المآسي التي صنعتها النفوس الشريرة وعم بسببها الدمار في البقاع المختلفة من العالم وتدهور بفعلها النظام البيئي لكوكب الارض بيتنا المشترك، وخسرت البشرية بسببها مقوماتها الاقتصادية والمعيشية، وتوسعت قاعدة اللاجئين وجيش الفقراء والمعوزيين، ودفع ذلك الواقع العقول الحكيمة في رفع قامة دعوتها لتبني الحكمة كموروث انساني في معالجة الخلافات بين الجماعات والمجتمع البشري، وثقافة التسامح القيمة الانسانية التي يمكن الاحتكام الى قيمها وعقيدتها وهي القيمة الكفيلة في جعل المجتمعات تعيش في أمان وسكينة.


التعايش بين المخلوقات صفة تتميز بها الكائنات الحية في محيطها الكوني، وهي أكثر رقيا في منظومة علاقاتها ضمن خريطة التنوع الثقافي والانتماء العرقي في المنظومة المجتمعية في بعض البلدان، وذلك التنوع ذي قيمة حضارية يساهم في التفاعل المتناغم والمتبادل بين مجموعة الانواع البشرية في اطار التعايش ضمن الخلية المجتمعية الواحدة، والارتقاء بقيمة الوجود الاجتماعي، وبناء مقومات الرخاء والاستقرار الاجتماعي والتطور الحضاري للمجتمع البشري.

ان ذلك يشير الى ضرورة الحاجة في ترسيخ قيم التواصل والتفاهم والتشارك والصفح لنتمكن من الابحار الآمن وقيادة قاربنا المشترك بوعي وحكمة للعبور الى الضفة الأخرى، لذلك علينا ان نبادر ونشرع في بناء عقد التسامح، وعلينا ان ندرك حقيقة ثابتة بان ثقافة التسامح تمنحكم السعادة والسكينة، ولنسعى في جعلها منهجا لعلاقاتنا وحياتنا المشتركة في العام 2022.

Water Scarcity in Bahrain

Bahrain is listed among the top ten countries that are likely to suffer from a water crisis in the next 25 years. The World Resources Institute (WRI) have estimated that 33 countries, half of which are in the Middle East, would suffer from a severe water crisis by 2040. According to the study that included 167 countries, the top ten countries that would face water crisis by 2040 are Bahrain, Kuwait, Palestine, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia and Oman. The finding shows that the Middle East is already probably the least water-secure region in the world as it depends heavily on groundwater and desalinated sea water, and faces exceptional water-related challenges for the foreseeable future.

This warning comes in the wake when we are utilizing huge potable water quantities and misuse is increasing due to low cost and lack of awareness among the users in Gulf countries. This is a fact that spring waters and ground waters are fast being depleted and wells are drying up and cost of treating and conveying water is increasing. Due to the severe shortage in freshwater resources and despite the higher cost of the desalinated water, as compared to other conventional water resources, the GCC Countries have constructed a large number of desalination plants, since the early Seventies. These facilities were constructed to bridge the gap between fresh water availability and drinking water demands. These desalination facilities consume huge amounts of fossil energy mostly natural gas and fuel, and release enormous quantities of CO2, which has adverse environmental impacts that might lead to an increase in the average temperature and a decrease in the precipitation quantities.

We need to understand the technical, financial and environmental consequences of water wastages as seawater is to be desalinated, treated to potable water standard at a huge cost, transported and stored and when wasted in drains and sewerage system, cost a lot of finances going down the drain. The Government has taken cognizance of the situation based on which the Water Resources Council (WRC) was formed in 1982 which reflects the government’s efforts in the protection and development of water resources, as well as increasing community awareness of the optimal ways of using and exploiting it.

The main duties of the WRC are drawing up the country’s water policies; protecting and developing the country’s water resources and regulating and coordinating water utilization between competing sectors. As per the Edict 42/ 2015 issued by HRH the Premier, stipulates the re-formation of WRC under the Deputy Premier’s chairmanship and membership of Follow-up Minister as Deputy Chairman and ministers of Finance, Works, Municipalities Affairs and Urban Planning, Transportation and Telecommunications, Housing and Industry and Commerce as members for a four-year renewable term. The re-formation of the WRC is the result of the developments Bahrain has experienced in the field of water use for human, agricultural and industrial purposes, which have resulted from demographic variables and the expansion of the geographical area and rise in industrial development.

While the Bahrain Government is continuing its effort in providing potable water to all its residents, we need to understand and participate in water conservation to avoid any future water crises. Let us at minimum adopt these basic steps:

  • Turn off the water tap while tooth brushing, shaving and face washing.
  • Run washing machine and dishwasher only when they are full.
  • Using water-efficient appliances
  • Avoid wasting water and turning off faucets tightly after each use.
  • Repair and fix any water leaks immediately

7 Easy Steps to Write Essay in an Hour

It is important not to procrastinate when it comes to writing essays. However, you have only 1 hour to write your essay, don’t give up! We’ve got you covered!

If you are always on the go and need to submit an essay fast before the deadline, then these seven steps will help you write that essay in an hour.

how to write an essay in an hour

1. Turn to Professional Online Writers

If you are in need of an essay but don’t have the time to complete it, then you can always turn to professional online writers for help. They can usually finish your paper writings in less than 1 hour.

The number of orders for essays is growing rapidly day by day. It is hard to believe that people are actually ready to pay for someone else to write their essay for them.

People are looking for the best essay writing service provider that they can find online. The truth is that there are many essay writing service providers but few of them will meet the standards you want in your essay writer.

It is quite easy to find a good essay writer these days because the majority of writers have already updated themselves with all the latest trends in academic writing.

You can just put in Google “write an essay for me fast” and you’ll find and a lot of services that can help you out.

They know all about how to get an A+ on your paper and present it in an interesting manner so you will get maximum grades for it, but there are a few things you should keep in mind when looking for an online essay writer.

  • Check their samples of papers that they created for other students quickly.
  • Skim through their reviews.
  • Google their brand name and read what people say about them on third-party websites.
  • Ask their support if they can complete your essay within an hour.
  • Ask them if they can give you an on-time delivery guarantee if you pay them their expensive fee for super urgent delivery.

If you think that you can still make it happen on your own, go ahead and follow these tips below.

2. Choose Your Topic Wisely

When it comes to writing essays, the first step you need to take is choosing your topic.

If you have an hour or less, it’s best to go for topics that you can write quickly about and may already know a lot about. That way, you can spend more time on the essay’s content rather than research.

Make sure it is something relevant and something that interests you. Once you have found a topic, spend some time researching it and create an outline of the essay. This will include the introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion.

Furthermore, one thing that people often forget is that they should always use their own voice when they are writing essays for college or high school courses. This will make them original and scholarly.

3. Brainstorm Ideas in 5-10 minutes

Brainstorming is a technique for generating a number of ideas quickly. Definitely, you can use it to generate interesting topic ideas for essay writing.

An important thing about brainstorming is that you should not judge your idea as good or bad because it might be the stumbling point. And you need to work fast as you have only 1 hour, right?

The idea is to just brainstorm, so don’t worry about the quality of your ideas. Write them down quickly, without thinking too much. Then go back and work on the ones that are most interesting to you.

4. Skim Through the Sources Quickly

Doing research is an important part of any essay. The introduction of the essay would have to contain a good number of ideas that are carefully chosen and then backed up with solid evidence.

To do this, students would have to spend hours reading through books, blogs, websites, and other materials to find appropriate arguments for their points. But with the advent of search engines, all you need are a few minutes to get your point across.

Students should focus on using their time wisely to get the most out of their search engine experience. Here are some tips for saving time while doing research:

  • Use only credible sources when researching.
  • Conduct searches in specific formats that will be more likely to provide results.
  • Find reliable statistics or studies that back up your points.

What’s next?

5) Make an Outline for Your Essay

An outline is a plan for your essay. It is the structure on which you will build your essay.

The outline can be in any form; it can be a list of points or paragraphs that you plan to include in your essay, or it may be a more comprehensive hierarchical list that includes subtopics with their own subpoints. It may also simply be a few words you jotted down on paper before starting to write.

What’s important about an outline is that it helps you stay organized and keep track of what you want to say as well as how to say it.

6. Start Writing With Confidence and Urgency

This technique is helpful for those who are not confident in their writing abilities. It helps them start to enjoy the process of writing and learn how to write quickly, while still getting content that is readable.

online paper writer

After you’re done with your first draft, you can go back and edit it.

It’s time to stop writing like you were taking a test. You always need to edit your content, but you should not have the fear of making mistakes when you first start the writing process.

As a writer, you can be creative and imaginative during the first draft. But if you are too afraid of making errors, it could lead to writer’s block.

You should not be afraid of failure because if that happens, then you have nothing to lose.

7. Edit for errors before submitting

It is important to edit for errors before submitting it to get a good grade.

Sometimes it is hard to catch all the mistakes in your essay. This section will show you how to edit your essay for errors and submit it to get a good grade on your paper.

Follow these steps:

  • Read over the essay for grammar and spelling errors
  • Add transitions to break up paragraphs
  • Remove any unnecessary words, phrases, or sentences
  • Use a dictionary to check word usage

You should revise your essay for grammar, spelling, and sentence structure errors. If you can’t find them then ask someone else to do that for you.

Muslims and the Environment: A Mischance

sustainability-islamThe detachment of the modern-day man from the environment can be attributed to the desacralization of nature, and the modernist destitution of the inner state of the soul which, according to the scholar Seyyed Hossein Nasr in ‘Man and Nature’, accounts for the phenomenon of the ‘prostitution of nature’: “For modern man, nature has become like a prostitute ─to be benefited from without any sense of obligation and responsibility toward her.”

Eradication of Natural World

Mankind has surrounded itself with square walls and barren concrete structures for the sake of creating this artificial industrial world. Its constant need to feed the badgeringly ravening consumerist lifestyle, is rapidly and dangerously eradicating the natural world ─humanity’s very own cradle.

Drifting along into this new design of a world, are Muslims who today, have been alienated from the roots of their own religion. It is harrowing to see the population of one of the world’s biggest religions, so acutely uninformed about the current dilapidated state of the natural world, so cavalier about the fact. But why is this the case?

Seemingly, the Quran never outright demanded the ‘jihad’ to conserve nature, or what some are calling, eco-jihad. No verse can be found that literally calls for Muslims to mobilize every tool in their hands for the sake of saving the environment. But this was obviously the case as the state of the world in which the Quran descended, was not in disrepair. Ergo, this fact does not only apply to the Muslim world.

Notion of Nature in Islam

Never has there been in the past, a philosophy, literature, religion or societal movement intensively committed to the idea of ‘saving’ nature before the advent of the industrial revolution. Nature simply did not need much saving back then.However, the primal essence of Islam as a religion, encapsulates and engulfs the notion of Nature in the extending intricacies of its own doctrine.

The very message of Islam is conveyed by the Quran through the use of Nature as its auxiliary pedagogical tool. God honors Nature in the Quran by elevating its position as ‘Aayah’ or ‘Sign’, which is so imperative that it is termed to validate His very existence:

“We will show them Our Signs in the horizons and within themselves until it becomes clear to them that it is the truth.” (41:53)

In another example, after establishing the orbital paths of the sun and moon, God explains that these celestial objects are Signs that he uses:

“…He explains the Signs (in detail) so that you may be certain of the meeting with your Lord.” (13:2)

The Quran constantly utilizes natural elements to impart its canonic principles. It refers to inanimate creations and living species as serving their purposes in the larger scheme of this world:

“There is not a thing that moves on the earth, no bird that flies on its wings, but has a community of its own like yours.” (6:38)

Additionally, God remarks how every creation is subservient to Him in their own ways:

“Do you not see that Allah is He, Whom obeys whoever is in the heavens and whoever is in the earth, and the sun and the moon and the stars, and the mountains and the trees, and the animals and many of the people.” (22:18)

And the Quran goes on to address the grave magnitude and the vibrant eminence of this natural world, mentioning how most people could not even understand it:

“The creation of the heavens and earth is greater than the creation of mankind, but most of the people do not know.” (40:57).

Mizan – The Philosophy of Balance

Subsequently, in regulating our interaction with the natural world, the Quran introduces its philosophy of miizan or balance, stating:

“And the heaven, He raised it and He has set up the Balance (mizan). So that you transgress not in the Balance (mizan).”

It stresses this warning against the upsetting of the terrestrial miizan:

“Do no mischief on the earth, after it has been set in order.” (7:56)

Further than that, the Quranic dogma teaches Muslims that their existential purpose in this world is to serve as the position of ‘viceroy’ or ‘khalifah’ who is responsible for the preservation of the Earth:

“Then We appointed you viceroys in the earth after them, that We might see how you behave” (10:14).

It becomes clear that the natural world, living species and the ecosystems are regarded as being more dignified than our devalued and secularized perception of them. Veritably, Nature which the Quran imbues with effervescent spirituality, is more exalted than the industrial mankind’s current treatment of it. Against the backdrop of our current age of excess and overconsumption, these verses certainly leave us but with an unnerving sense of disgrace.

Detachment of Muslims from Natural World

There is no grain of doubt then that the responsibility of preserving the balance of Nature serves as an integral part of the Muslim faith. To say the least, a Muslim who professes to espouse the Islamic creed should have fundamentally grasped the spiritual import of Nature to begin with. In other words, so conspicuous is the significance of the natural world in the Islamic scripture that it never had to spell out the blindingly obvious. The conscious Muslim should already instinctively be alarmed at the current precipitating deterioration of the ecosystems, wildlife populations and their habitats.

Clearly this has not happened with the majority of Muslims, considering how muted their worry for environmental protection is. But why? The majority of clerics, who supposedly are the flag-bearers of Islam, do not even arduously champion campaigns for environmental conservation. This, at a time when scientists have been presenting fact after fact on the damages caused by detrimental everyday human activities on the environment.

Imagine for a second if this enormous section of the world population is energized by clerics who actually comprehend the spiritual intimacy between Islam’s Revelation and the world’s nature. Vast areas of the natural world could be saved from anthropogenic crimes and benefit from sustainable attitudes emanating from the Muslim world’s endearing concern for the environment.

This evidently tragic detachment of Muslim societies from the natural world will not only affect the lives of future generations, but ultimately, demerit the quality of their very own faith. It is an injustice to the Islamic doctrine that Muslims remain aloof from the destruction of these Quranic Signs of God.

The Way Forward

Now is high time to disseminate awareness among Muslim scholars and preachers around the globe, to revitalize the discourse on the spiritual bearing of Nature to a Muslim individual’s faith, in the endeavor to once again sacralize Nature in the eyes of mankind. Realizing this spiritual connection between Nature and the Islamic faith, it can never be too late to initiate sustainable development and the preservation of the environment.

The Quran reiterates this, as even when it foreshadows the destruction of the environment by the hands of mankind, it closes the same argument with a reconciling persuasion that we will be able to learn from our mistakes:

Corruption doth appear on land and sea because of (the evil) which men’s hands have done, that He may make them taste a part of that which they have done, in order that they may return. (30:41)

The Unending Benefits of Wetlands

Wetlands are wonderful for numerous reasons but these wonders weren’t always known to man and it was often common to overlook the importance of this distinct ecosystem. The mention of a wetland used to bring to mind images of murky, mosquito-riddled swamps or unused lands that needed to be developed into a space which would be more useful to humankind.

Wetlands were grossly undervalued which led to loss of many and provoked the Convention on Wetlands to be signed in Ramsar, Iran in 1971. The Ramsar Convention still serves as an international wetland conservation movement and currently holds over 160 nation signatories.

azraq wetland in jordan

Late Nelson Mandela illustrated the biological diversity that exists in a wetland when he once mentioned the St. Lucia Wetlands in a speech:

‘The wetland park must be the only place on the globe where the world’s oldest land mammal (the rhinoceros) and the world’s biggest land mammal (the elephant) share an ecosystem with the world’s oldest fish (the coelacanth) and the world’s biggest marine mammal (the whale).’

Wetlands can be natural or artificial, can be saturated with freshwater, saltwater or brackish (which is water that contains salt but not as much as seawater) and supports vegetation that is especially adapted to grow in saturated soils. But apart from a wetland having such unique characteristics, the real wonders of a wetland lie in all the functions it has that benefit people and the environment.

The Importance of Wetlands

One of its most amazing characteristics is that it acts as a sponge or natural flood control system. The structure of wetlands enables them to absorb rainfall and thus reduce the volume of water that enters into rivers and streams which naturally lowers the risk of flooding. Wider floodplains also help to pan out and store the rainfall.

Another amazing feature of a wetland is its ability to purify water by trapping pollutants in its soils and vegetation. Wetlands are so effective at purifying water that they are used to purify wastewater from industry, mining and sewerage.

Wetlands replenish groundwater supply which is an important water source as well. Wetlands also support a large variety of animal and plant species. Sadly however, whilst wetlands have so many wonders that enhance the environment, there are many factors that threaten this landscape type. Wetlands in South Africa are threatened by overgrazing, pollution from pesticides, commercial development, alien plants and poor urban storm water management.

In the dry regions of the Middle East inland wetlands like rivers and lakes are vanishing due to the increased demands for fresh water. Azraq Lake, the sole Ramsar site in Jordan and Mujib River are good examples of water stress in the Middle East. Wetlands in Iraq are also facing extinction due to decades of conflicts, mismanagement and overlapping oilfields.

benefits of wetlands

Flamingos at Dohat Arad marine reserve in Bahrain

The loss of wetlands is a clear indicator of larger problems from declining water availability; a problem for both nature and the people who used to depend on these areas.

Bottom Line

As custodians of the Earth we should take time not only to visit and learn more about these environments but should try and become actively involved in projects to help preserve, protect and rehabilitate the remaining wetland ecosystems around the world.

May Allah guide us and bless us abundantly in our efforts to conserves and restore our environment (Aameen).

Fracking – A Risk Analysis

Recent events in the Europe and the United States have propelled fracking up the public and political agenda. Is the case for drilling full of holes? Despite apparent economic benefits, fracking has got entangled in a good deal of controversies with some countries outrightly banning or suspending it. Public health concerns, environmental issues, geomechanical risks, groundwater contamination, air pollution and waste management are some of the issues are coming under increasing public scrutiny.  


No Sense of Well-being

The oil and gas industry does not inspire huge public confidence, as attention focuses on major incidents like the Deepwater Horizon blowout, which have cost lives, caused huge environmental damage, and bolstered the arguments of green campaigners. Concerns about engineering methods and well integrity are more serious than any number of dubious YouTube clips showing people setting light to gas from their water taps.

Fracking is often carried out at considerable depth and involves pumping high pressure water into the rock. Deep wells and high pressures place strain on the engineered infrastructure and reduce the margins for error. The average depth of a fracked well in the US is around 2,500 metres, while the Bowland Shale in Lancashire is at a depth of some 4,750 metres. North Sea reserves are typically 3-5km below the seabed, but all are shallow compared with Deepwater Horizon, the deepest oil well in the world, extending more than 10,600 metres down into the rock. The Royal Society and Royal Academy of Engineers have produced a report on shale gas extraction, which highlights the need for good construction and well integrity.

Water Mess

Engineering challenges are not the only risk to account for in an Environmental Impact Assessment – contamination, water impacts and even radiation need to be considered. The evidence to quantify them may not yet be available in all cases, but the absence of evidence is not evidence of absence, especially in a developing industry.

The fracking process requires a huge amount of water, some 2-5 million gallons per well – although this estimate may be somewhat low due to the way data is collected and the fact that some wells are fracked multiple times. An MIT researcher has calculated total water use for US wells in 2011 to be around 135 billion gallons, based on a 5 million gallon average. It’s a lot of water – but represents just 0.3% of US water consumption, rather less than is used by golf courses. Fracking’s additional demands are not trivial: the industry’s impact on aquifers in some Texan counties is starting to foment concerns amongst previously pro-fracking populations.

The process of pumping large quantities of high pressure water, sand and sundry drilling additives produces a lot of waste water, which also contains toxic material brought up from the shales. Common toxins include heavy metals (such as barium, strontium and arsenic) along with a number hydrocarbons and bromides.

Evidence being amassed in the US shows that fracking operations have polluted groundwater and released fluids and gas into drinking water aquifers. As early as 1984, the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) reported a case in West Virginia, which rendered an aquifer unusable. In 2011, the EPA also reported extensive contamination of groundwater in Wyoming, and similar events have been recorded in Canada. In each case, the causes have been identified as faulty well installation, with seepage back into the ground from inadequately engineered waste water storage. There are of course also reports of cases where no contamination has taken place, which may serve as case studies of good practice, but the evidence suggests a degree of inherent risk.


A recent study by the University of Texas at Arlington found elevated levels of arsenic and other heavy metals in groundwater near fracking sites in Texas’ Barnett Shale. Whilst the study is not conclusive, elevated arsenic levels have also been detected by the EPA in domestic well water near a fracking site at Dimock, PA, necessitating additional treatment systems to be installed by householders.

In Pennsylvania, state authorities have responded to EPA concerns by requiring fracking waste water discharges to stop unless properly treated. Some had been discharged to sewage works that were incapable of dealing with the pollutants and therefore affecting river quality. Some US fracking wastewater is not treated: much is re-used and then stored, whether temporarily pending treatment, or long-term in deep wells. Above ground storage in open (and sometimes leaky) lagoons carries the highest risk of land being contaminated, but underground storage also holds risks.

Menace of Radionuclides

There are two sources of radionuclides from fracking: those deliberately injected to trace and profile wells, and those occurring naturally in the shale that are brought to the surface. Around a dozen short half-life isotopes are used in controlled quantities for injection. Their use is of less concern than the naturally occurring radionuclides, such as Radium, Radon, Thorium and Uranium, which have a longer half-life. These materials require careful management to avoid environmental and health impacts.

The EPA has detected higher than permitted levels of these radionuclides in the outfall from wastewater treatment plant, and drilling industry studies have found that dilution in rivers may not be effective, meaning that radionuclides could enter drinking water inlets. Workers and local residents at drilling sites and wastewater treatment plants are exposed to health risks, most obviously cancers of the internal organs and the lungs, where Radon escaping as a gas has the opportunity to evaporate from storage or at the well head.

Fluid Situation

An extensive range of additives may be injected with the sand and water during the drilling and extraction processes in varying dilution and mixtures depending upon the geology of the fracked well. Most are quite widely used in industry, as operators are keen to point out, although they may have toxic characteristics: ammonium persulfate, hydrochloric acid and mineral oil being examples.

These additives constitute around 1% of the fluid, a significant quantity given the large amounts of water and sand being pumped. In the US the makeup of fracking fluids can remain unknown under commercial sensitivity laws, but UK rules include better disclosure on what chemicals are being used, allowing them to be vetted for toxicity and other hazardous properties.

Shaking Shale

Fracking is thought to cause seismic activity, and operations at the Cuadrilla site in the north west of England were suspended after a minor earthquake hit the news last year. A DECC report co-authored with the British Geological Society concluded that “the risk from these earthquakes is low” in terms of structural damage, but I would have concerns about the risk posed to the integrity of the well lining itself.

A recent report in the journal Science concluded that a large earthquake many miles away may trigger a swarm of smaller earthquakes around a drilling site. The resulting destabilisation of the fracked area can later lead to a larger earthquake. Fracking wells might act like seismic lightning rods; but there’s no safe path to earth for an earthquake and they could pose a more serious threat to habitations and structures than previously thought.

The International Energy Agency (IEA) has published a set of ‘golden rules’ for fracking that include examples of best practice in policy and regulation. These controls will be costly to establish and maintain – the IEA estimates that implementing its rules would increase the costs of a well by around 7% – which may harm the business case for unconventional oil and gas. However, without such measures it is doubtful whether even residents of the desolate north will be induced to welcome fracking, whatever its economic benefits.

Note: The article is being republished with the kind permission of our collaborative partner Isonomia. The original article can be viewed at http://www.isonomia.co.uk/?p=2204

Humanizing Architecture – Through the Eyes of Abeer Seikaly

Through the jasmine-scented roads of L’weibdeh (Jordan) I navigated my way to Abeer Seikaly’s studio, an old house that resembles Jordan’s genuine and inspiring identity. Abeer Seikaly is a young Jordanian architect who has been featured on several global and local media platforms because of her innovation “Weaving a Home” that was shortlisted for the 2012 Lexus Design Award.

Influence of Education and Local Knowledge

Top architecture schools in the Arab world are heavily influenced by international trends in built environment and sustainability, and unfortunately Arabic reference material is largely ignored in teaching. The emerging thinking around built environment and its relationship with people and nature rely largely on digital and virtual practice leaving students with minimal interaction with communities and building materials.


Moreover, the growing disconnect between research and market requirements in most developing countries magnifies the gap between engineering and sustainable development. Acknowledging the uniqueness of traditional Arab architecture and its historical importance in shaping sustainable building concepts raises concern on the diminishing role of local knowledge in responding to contemporary sustainability challenges.

For Abeer, having the chance to study abroad provided her with new insights not only about architecture but more importantly about her own potential and abilities within a larger context. What her culture-rich home environment gave her, on the other hand, was respect and appreciation for art, creativity and surroundings. With time, exposure and experimentation, Abeer defined her own architecture. Emphasizing that the pure definition of technology is craft, weaving, and making, her definition of innovative architecture combines old and new, traditional and contemporary. It is also thinking about architecture as a social technology.

Re-defining Success

When people are focused on the product, they usually tend to neglect the joy and benefit of the process itself. Focusing on the process boosts self-confidence and self-awareness and yet requires diligence and mindfulness while enjoying experimentation. It enables us to engage more deeply with the present, and thus, allow us to learn faster and experience life to the fullest.

According to Abeer Seikaly, architecture is not about the building itself but more about getting into it and experiencing its metaphysical nature with time. “Ordinary architects nowadays are inclined to use computer software to design buildings while sitting in closed offices. This is only dragging them away from people and from nature. As a real architect, you need to be out there to feel, interact and test your designs”, says Seikaly. “Creating is about the process and not about the outcome.”

Thinking through Making: The Tent

As a firm believer in the process, Abeer Seikaly has been working on her creative structural fabric for years. When the time was right, she used this creative work to bridge a gap in human needs. Participating in the Lexus Design Award was part of engaging her fabric with people and nature.

Disaster shelters have been made from a wide range of materials, but Abeer turned to solar-absorbing fabric as her material of choice in creating woven shelters that are powered by the sun and inspired by nomadic culture. The use of structural fabric references ancient traditions of joining linear fibers to make complex 3-D shapes.

Study Model_AbeerSeikaly

Study model showing movement of the system and its collapsibility

Tackling an important issue like shelter for a humanitarian purpose can’t be more relevant to both innovative architecture and sustainable development. With Jordan being host to more than 1.4 million Syrian refugees, this is about humanizing architecture and meeting basic human needs.

She passionately mentions her ultimate inspiration: thinking through making. “Experimenting, looking at material’s behavior, testing, and slowly you are there”, says Seikaly. “It is about thriving and not about surviving. Revelation results from years of hard work and continuous perseverance throughout the process”, she adds.

Recipe to Innovate

There is no recipe for innovation, Abeer Seikaly explains, but Jordanian engineers and architects need to ask themselves the following: What are you about? What is local/sustainable? What is Jordan about?

When asked about role of engineering firms, Seikaly stressed the fact that most corporations nowadays do not provide an enabling environment for youth to learn and grow. Emphasizing the importance of innovation, she says “With no personal attention and coaching, engineers are disconnecting from themselves and from community. Despite all the difficulties we face in our country, innovation goes back to personal drive and motivation: if you need it, you will make it”.

“Define your role as an Architect in a developing country, I have discovered mine and became an aware human being. To serve society and improve well-being is who I am”, concludes Abeer.

Architecture and Sustainable Development

The straightforward link between architecture and SDGs is Global Goal No. 11 i.e. Sustainable Cities and Communities; nevertheless, a deeper look at how architecture influences and gets influenced by other elements brings about a link with almost each of the other Global Goals.

The unique relationship between built environment, people and nature makes it an opportunity to demonstrate real sustainable development, as highlighted by Abeer Seikaly’s innovation. Around 60% of the world’s population will be living in cities in 2030 which dictates a new and integrated way of thinking about urban design and architecture.

How Security Lights Enhance The Protection Of The House?

Security lights come with many benefits. When the natural lights of the day turn to night and spread darkness, you can opt for Olown security lights. When you get the fixtures mounted outside the house, they can cover the large area of the house.

During the night, the darkness may feel safe and secure. It is what you cannot see that is the primary concern. When you choose the outdoor lights, you will get a simple and efficient method of protecting the house. There are still many people who look at the benefits of adding the security lights outside the home.

How Security Lights Enhance The Protection Of The House

Why Are Security Systems Essential?

When leaving for work, you go with the expectation to come back to the smiling family and a safe house. There has been the growth of crimes across many cities. For this reason, it is highly essential to opt for the security system so that you are always protected and get the peace of mind to assure that your family is safe when you are out.

Choosing the home security system may be tricky, as selecting the most appropriate method is essential for house protection. If you’re not in the condition to invest in the tight security system, just having the security lights will be sufficient to increase the house’s security.

Adding the LED lights and the camera will be the most efficient security method to opt for. With the help of the security light systems, you will get various benefits such as:

1. Security

Having outdoor lights will become the best way to expose the burglars in the shadows they usually try to hide. Lights will leave them exposed and reduce the potential of a burglar to be deterred once they know that they do not have any other way to break in the house without being seen.

Your neighbors and the pedestrians will also be able to alert you when someone is lurking outside of your home. If you have security cameras, lights can help you capture them quickly.

2. Longevity

Security lights, particularly LED, tend to last long. You won’t be required to change them for many years to come, which can help you save money in the long term.

The reliability of the outdoor lights will provide you with ease of mind and keep the thought of maintenance away for a long time. Whereas, when you have the traditional light bulbs, they come with limited lifespans, and you will have to change them frequently, which will consume more time and cost for the investment.

There are also some lights with batteries in them. You can opt for the best light from the HlcBattery. They have the best batteries, which will last you a lifetime.

4. Energy Savings

When you have LED lights, these lights tend to consume low voltage that can help you to save a significant amount of energy. Operating at a lower voltage than any other type of bulb, LEDs not only use less energy and reduce the bill but also get rid of the chances of them catching fire.

The extra energy will be required to keep the house lit from the outside, so there will be no reason not to have the LED lights experience the benefit by themselves.

5. Increase Property Value

When adding the exterior lighting, you should consider it an investment for the house as it can help you to boost the property value. It will also help you increase the demand for the house, and the potential future buyer will look at your property and consider buying it.

Another way it boosts the value lies in reducing the insurance rates allowing you to save over time. You will save money on unexpected costs when break-ins occur.

6. Control

There are different types of control options varying from on/off switches to time-controlled switches that you can program to go on at night at particular times. Others also include the photocells that can detect the dark, and it will turn on the light by itself due to the motion detector.

When it is on, it will turn on the light when it detects the motion nearby and turns it off when everything is settled.

7. Weather Resistant

Most fixtures can withstand dampness, but some are more resistant to weather. They will generally work whether it is rainy, dry, or snow. They can work at any weather changes during any type of season.



Having security lights can be the best way to protect the house, as you will always be able to see outside the house and leverage the benefits of tight security. Security lights can be the way to protect your family members and kids because the burglars think they will know that they will be caught.