Carta: Creating Art-from-Trash in Jordan

Carta, a novel paper recycling initiative in Jordan, was launched when Najwan Al Masri noticed the increasing amount of paper wastes being generated at her home (especially when her son started to write and draw) and she thought “Why not to upcycle waste papers into beautiful Art and Crafts”. The thought developed to an idea which then grew into a project with careful research and study about how to make something unique and useful. Carta is trying to give paper recycling a new dimension of creativity, innovation and passion. EcoMENA talks to Najwan Al Masri, the Founder of Carta, to know more about her innovative art-from-trash venture:

art from trash

EcoMENA: What are the main aims and objectives of your initiative?

Najwan Al Masri: The main aim of Carta is to create beautiful paper waste-based art pieces that are environmentally friendly, touching the values and interest of our communities, and building a meaningful relationship with those around us. Recycling paper is an elegant civilized treat to Earth and it can be mixed with Art to create something that decorate our life in the real sense of the word.

EcoMENA: What motivated you to launch Carta and what drives you to continue?

Najwan Al Masri: As any woman who would like to be an effective part of the community especially that I have a great passion for art, and what I noticed (through teaching my son how to paint and do simple crafts for his school) about the amount of papers we throw every day; I decided to start something that represent what I love and believe.

The amount of support and appreciation that I daily receive with each piece I make drives me to continue and dream big.

EcoMENA: What kind of impact Carta has made on the society?

Najwan Al Masri: Carta has helped in increasing the awareness about paper recycling in our community, and we now have many partners supplying us waste papers to use in our works. I really appreciate the huge amount of support received from the community and I hope that my message of art, peace and love will spread all over the world. You may visit our Facebook page for more information about Carta.

EcoMENA: What are the skills or values required to run a social enterprise like yours?

Najwan Al Masri: I believe a social entrepreneur should have creativity, patience, good communication skills, cultural understanding and the ability to learn, develop, and to accept criticism.

A beautiful handicraft made from waste papers

EcoMENA: What are the major hurdles in establishing a successful social enterprise in MENA countries?

Najwan Al Masri: It is crucial to get the acceptance of the community for new ideas and concepts, especially when providing a product/service that compete with the imported products.

EcoMENA: How has been the progress until now and where do you foresee your organization in the coming 5 years?

Najwan Al Masri: The progress is exceeding our expectations as our small community is growing every day. We expect to have our own shop that will exhibit many products representing our idea of art-from-trash and recycling papers (and other waste materials). In addition, we also hope to have our own space to hold capacity-building sessions and training courses on art, crafts, and recycling.

EcoMENA: Do you have any advice for young entrepreneurs in MENA?

Najwan Al Masri: Believe in yourself and your abilities, focus on the value of your work rather than profit, and think of ideas that can make your country as well as the world a better place to live.

6 Easy Ideas to Teach Sustainable Living to Your Kids

Talking about the environment with children is one of the best things we can do to encourage ‘green’ habits for a sustainable world. Developing the habit of thinking about the impact of their actions on the earth is as important as learning about other aspects of faith and growing spiritually – they are interlinked.

To make sustainable living a way of life, we can make small daily changes. Here are a few ideas to teach sustainable living to your kids:

1. Getting serious about waste

Consider the waste your household generates – what can you buy less of? Is there a way to avoid extra packaging? Can you reuse items from friends or family instead of buying new?

ideas for sustainable living

2. Recycling

Get children involved in creating waste management systems in the house to keep paper and cardboard recycling separate from plastics, metals and glass. Check out your local waste disposal and recycling website for guidelines. Discuss these with your children to understand the full range of recycling services on offer locally.

3. Water conservation

Share some visual prompts online to show your children what 1 gallon of water looks like to help them understand this fact: the average person uses 80–100 gallons of water a day. Practise water conservation by not leaving the tap running whilst washing up, brushing their teeth, or making wudu.


Save water by using the shower instead of filling a bath and using a watering can instead of a hosepipe. Even better, use a water barrel to collect rain to feed outdoor plants.

4. Get growing

Gardening is a great way to nurture the skill of caring for our environment and taking responsibility. Balcony and windowsill pots are ideal ways to grow plants any time of the year. Research seasonal vegetables if you have an outdoor garden to use. It will also help children understand the time and effort that goes into growing vegetables to reduce food waste in the home.

gardening by children

In the garden, making bird baths, bird feeders and insect hotels are wonderful activities to help the survival of minibeasts and birds.

5. Food

Buy local seasonal fruits and vegetables with minimal packaging. Freeze fruit and vegetables that may be in excess. Get children used to checking food stocks in cupboards and the fridge before grocery shopping to make sure older items are used up before fresh food is stored. Make a family recipe book to collect favourite recipes that use up fresh produce.

Leftover food scraps and peel can be put in a composting bin and not in general waste. There are many child-friendly instructions on how to make a compost box in the garden for general food waste.

food waste management

6. Plastic patrol!

Explain to your children what the problem with plastic is: it does not degrade and can cause harm to plants and animals that come into contact with it.

Children can help to spot the alternatives to plastic when you’re out shopping, such as cups and bottles made of bamboo; wooden hairbrushes; and metal or ceramic food containers.

Note: This is an excerpt from Suma Din’s latest ‘The Gift of the World’ published by Beacon Books.  The article has been reproduced with the kind permission of Beacon Books.

You can purchase the book directly from this link

Water Crisis in Egypt and Degeneration of the Nile

Egypt is struggling to cope with water shortages and food production. It is expected that Egypt’s per capita annual water supply will drop from 600 cubic meters today to 500 cubic meters by 2025, which is the UN threshold for absolute water scarcity. Egypt has only 20 cubic meters per person of internal renewable freshwater resources, and as a result the country relies heavily on the Nile for its main source of water.

Water scarcity has become so severe that it has been recorded that certain areas in the country could go days without water, with pressure sometimes returning only for a few hours a week. The country can no longer delay action and must act now.

Degeneration of Nile


Agriculture contributes roughly 15% of Egypt’s GDP, and employs 32% of Egypt’s workforce with rice being the biggest produce in the country. Rice is an important part of an Egyptian family’s diet. However, the cultivation of rice is very water intensive. On average about 3000 liters of water is used to produce 1 kilo of rice. This number can vary depending on climate, soil type and water management practices.

The government has restricted cultivation of rice to an area of 1 million acres (farmers were previously able to use most of the Nile Delta for cultivation) in specified areas of the Nile Delta. The government has even resorted to taking drastic measures as spreading incendiary compounds on rice fields cultivated outside the area allocated by the government. This has caused outrage and demonstrations by farmers who insist that the area allocated is not enough for them to be able to make ends meet. This type of tension caused by the lack of water was one of the catalysts of the Arab Spring in 2011/2012.

To alleviate population tension and unrest the government has been trying to increase water supply by exploring with reusing treated agricultural and municipal wastewater for agriculture. However implementation of such initiatives is not being applied fast enough to cope with the rising demand.

Government must enforce new irrigation methods in the country (Egyptian farmers still rely heavily on flood and canal irrigation in the Nile Delta) as well as smart agricultural practices such as using less water intensive crops. Resorting less water intensive water crops could drastically cut water used in agriculture and help increase water supply.

Pollution of the Nile

The Nile has been a lifeline for Egypt at least since the time of the pharaohs. Yet, despite the world’s largest river’s importance to the country, its water is being polluted by various sources, and pollution levels increasing exponentially in recent years.

The degeneration of the Nile is an issue that is regularly underestimated in Egypt. With so many people relying on the Nile for drinking, agricultural, and municipal use, the quality of that water should be of most importance. The waters are mainly being polluted by municipal and industrial waste, with many recorded incidents of leakage of wastewater, the dumping of dead animal carcasses, and the release of chemical and hazardous industrial waste into the Nile River.

Pollution of Nile

Industrial pollution is wrecking havoc in Nile

Industrial waste has led to the presence of metals (especially heavy metals) in the water which pose a significant risk not only on human health, but also on animal health and agricultural production. Fish die in large numbers from poisoning because of the high levels of ammonia and lead. Agricultural production quality and quantity has been affected by using untreated water for irrigation as the bacteria and the metals in the water affect the growth of the plant produce, especially in the Nile Delta where pollution is highest.

Of course the pollution of Nile is a complex problem that has been continuing for more than 30 years and the government is trying to implement stricter rules on the quality and type of waste/wastewater dumped into the river to reduce the pollution of the Nile. However, swift and decisive action must be taken towards cleaning the Nile, such as treating the wastewater prior to disposal, and placing stricter restrictions on industries to dispose of their waste safely and responsibly. This issue cannot be ignored any further as the continual increase in population will cause an increase in demand on Egypt’s dwindling water resources. Every drop of water counts.

The Blue Nile Dam

Another challenge at hand is tackling the issue of Ethiopia building a dam and hydroelectric plant upstream that may cut into Egypt’s share of the Nile. For some time a major concern for Egypt was Ethiopia’s construction of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) in the Blue Nile watershed, which is a main source of water for the Nile River.

Construction of the Renaissance Dam started in December 2010, and has the capacity to store 74 to 79 billion cubic meters of water and generate 6,000 megawatts of electricity for Ethiopia a year. This creates major concern for Egypt, who is worried that this dam would decrease the amount of water it receives (55.5 billion cubic meters) from the Nile River. Egypt is concerned that during dry months, not enough water will be released from the GERD thus decreasing the water received downstream. This will greatly hinder Egypt’s attempts to alleviate the water shortages during those months.

Earlier this year, Egypt, Ethiopia and Sudan assigned two French companies to prepare a report on the impact of the dam on the three countries. This report will clarify the affects the Dam will have on downstream countries. The results of this report are yet to be released.


In case of business-as-usual scenario, Egypt runs the risk of becoming an absolute water scarce country in less than a decade. Therefore Egypt has a battle on its hands to ensure adequate conditions for its population. Like many other water scarce countries around the world, it needs to mitigate water scarcity by implementing smart water conservation techniques, adopting water saving technologies, and control water pollution.

With climate conditions expected to get drier and heat waves expected to become more frequent in the MENA region, Egypt cannot afford to neglect its water conservation policies and must act immediately to meet the population’s water demand.

Sources of Information

What Does The Quran Say About The Natural Environment

For a Muslim, caring for the environment is a part of faith. There are many verses (known as ‘ayahs’) about the natural environment. The Quran describes plants, animals, the elements of rain and wind as resources for use by people and animals. Some features of the natural environment, such as water, are mentioned several times as proof of God’s existence and power.

What Quran Say About Environment

The Holy Quran asks the reader to ‘think, ponder and reflect’ on the natural signs in the world and contemplate their purpose. Read on to know more about the Quran and natural environment:

On Rainwater Cycle

‘It is He who sends the winds as heralds of good news before His Mercy. We send down pure water from the sky, so that We can revive a dead land with it, and We give it as a drink to many animals and people We have created.’ (Quran, 25:48–49)

‘And We have sent down blessed rain from the sky and made grow thereby gardens and grain from the harvest.’ (Quran, 50:9)

quran and the natural environment

The Variety of Crops

‘And it is He who sends down rain from the sky. With it we produce the shoots of each plant, then bring greenery from it, and from that We bring out grains in layers.’ ‘And from the date palms come clusters – of its emerging fruit hanging low. And [We produce] gardens of grapevines and olives and pomegranates, similar yet varied. Look at [each of] its fruit when it yields and [at] its ripening.


Indeed in that are signs for a people who believe.’ (Quran, 6:99)

‘Eat and drink but do not be wasteful: God does not like wasteful people.’ (Quran, 7:30)

‘Let man consider the food he eats! We pour down abundant water and cause the soil to split open. We make grain grow, and vines and fresh vegetation, olive trees, date palms, luscious gardens, fruits and fodder, all for you and your livestock to enjoy.’ (Quran, 80: 32–34)

On Animal Life

‘And there is no creature on [or within] the earth or bird that flies with its wings except [that they are] communities like you. We have not neglected in the Register a thing. Then unto their Lord they will be gathered.’ (Quran, 6:38)



‘And He has cast into the earth firmly set mountains, lest it shift with you, and [made] rivers and roads, that you may be guided.’ (Quran, 16:15)


Note: This is an excerpt from Suma Din’s latest book ‘The Gift of the World’ published by Beacon Books (UK).  The article has been reproduced with the kind permission of Beacon Books.

You can purchase the book directly from this link

ما يمكن أن تفعله أندية كرة القدم لتصبح أكثر مراعاة للبيئة

تواجه بيئتنا مشاكل خطيرة في عصرنا الحالي، مما يتطلب الجميع حول العالم أن يبذلوا جهداً واعياً لحياة أكثر صحية، وصديقة للبيئة. وإذا خطر ببالك أن هذا متعارف عليه عند الجميع، فلماذا لا يطبقونه؟ فاعلم أن الأمر ليس بهذه البساطة كما تعتقد.

كيف لأندية كرة القدم أن تساهم؟ تعتبر الاندية جزءاً رئيسياً من المجتمع، وتستضيف عشرات الناس أسبوعياً وبهذا تستطيع أن تكون بارزة ومؤثرة لانها الرياضة الاكثر شعبية بين الناس على صعيد يومي.

how to make football club eco friendly

يمكن للأندية توفير بيئة خضراء آمنة للأطفال للاستمتاع بها، بتحول أندية كرة القدم إلى نوادي صديقة للبيئة، وهذا الامر ليس له فوائد هائلة للبيئة وحسب وإنما سيثبت أنه مؤثر على جميع أعضاء النادي ولاعبيه من الجيل الحديث. لكن ماذا على أندية كرة القدم أن تفعل حتى تصبح أكثر صداقة بيئياً؟

فيمايلي نود أن نشارك دليلنا السهل لتطبيقه في نادي كرة القدم ليصبح صديقاً للبيئة:

إستخدام الطاقة المتجددة

بدايةً، يتوجب على أندية كرة القدم أن تدرس وتبحث جيداً في استخدام الطاقة المتجددة، لأنها تحتاج قدراً كبيراً من الطاقة لضمان كفاءة عملها، فمثلاً، الكشافات الضوئية ومتطلبات غرف تبديل الملابس لوحدها تحتاج قدراً كبيراً من الطاقة. وبالرغم أن الأندية تستطيع الحد من استهلاك الطاقة، فالافضل تغيير المصدر.

إن الخلايا أو الالواح الشمسية وطاقة الرياح أو حتى تخزين البطاريات، كلها تعتبروسائل صديقة للبيئة وبإمكانها تشغيل النادي. إن استخدام هذه الوسائل أكثر فائدة للبيئة وممكن أن توفر بعض المال للنادي. حيث سيكون بالامكان بيع الفائض من الطاقة المتوفرة من المصدر الخاص بهم وذلك سيقلل الكلفة الاجمالية لتشغيل النادي.

تقليل النفايات

تعتبر مشكلة النفايات مشكلة كبيرة عندما يتعلق الموضوع بسلامة وصحة بيئتنا، وهنالك طرق متعددة تستطيع أندية كرة القدم أن تحد بها النفايات وتساهم في التقليل من هذا الامر السلبي. يمكن للنادي أن يوفر المزيد من مرافق إعادة التدوير وتشجيع أعضاء النادي بزيادة وعيهم حول كيفية التخلص من الاشياء، وهذه التوعية كافية لجعل الاعضاء واللاعبين أكثر وعياً بنفاياتهم مما سيحدث فرقاً كبيراً.

Electric Vehicles Pros and Cons

تخصيص مرافق للسيارات الكهربائية

إذا استطاع النادي أن يُشجع الاعضاء واللاعبين للتحول الاقتصادي الاخضر فهو يستطيع أن يصبح نادي كرة قدم “خالي من الكربون”. وما الافضل من تشجيع استخدام السيارات الكهربائية كطريقة للوصول؟ سيكون ذلك عبارة عن قصة نجاح ومثال يُحتذى به في النادي نفسه والمناطق المحيطة به حيث سيوفر محطات شحن لهذه السيارات، وحتى توفيرها للمشجعين في أيام المباريات.

التسوق المحلي

يجب أن تحاول أندية كرة القدم أن تحصل على جميع منتجاتها من مصادر محلية وقريبة، لأن تقليل مسافات الشحن والنقل البعيدة سوف يكون وسيلة مذهلة لتقليل البصمة الكربونية للنادي، وبالتالي سيكون نادياً صديقاً للبيئة. مثل شراء الطعام والشراب من المصادر المحلية القريبة. وهذا يعني أن هذه المنتجات لن تقطع مسافات طويلة أو بعيدة مما يضمن حصوله على منتجات طازجة وذات جودة أفضل.

ترجمة: ماجدة هلسه

أردنية متعددة الإهتمامات، لديها من الخبرة ما يقارب السبعة وعشرون عاماً في مجال المالية والإدارة في المؤسسات المحلية والدولية، وتعمل ماجدة حالياً مع التعاون الدولي الالماني كموظفة مالية. ومع ذلك كله وعلى الصعيد التطوعي، فإن لديها شغفاً كبيراً بالترجمة في كافة المواضيع والمجالات، وقد بُني هذا الشغف بالخبرة الشخصية والعملية على مدى هذه السنين.

Note: The English version of the article is available at this link.

5 Effective Tips to Keep Your Lawn Healthy

A beautiful, soft and green lawn is a marvel to look at, but can be hard to achieve. Assuming that you already have the right soil and the right type of grass growing on it, it’s a tedious prospect keeping your green as healthy as it possibly could, especially if you have to deal with weeds and other factors. But having a beautiful turf is not complicated; it just takes a bit of effort. In this article, we will discuss a few tips to keep your lawn healthy:


1. Prevention is better than cure

Having to deal with weeds once they’ve taken root is a lot harder than simply making sure they don’t grow in the first place. Get a good pre-emergent herbicide that can target hard to deal with weeds and other plants. These types of herbicides basically work by stopping the weed seeds from sprouting, rendering them practically dead. The grass you’d want to keep healthy should be okay though.

2. Cut high and cut often

Whenever you need to mow your lawn, you may be tempted to cut your grass as low as possible in order to save time. While this may seem more efficient, it actually makes your lawn vulnerable of weeds that can take root, since there’s fewer competition for them. A healthier lawn can be achieved if you cut no more than a third off the top of the grass each time.

3. Invest in a good weed whacker

Weed whackers, also known as weed eaters or string trimmers, are tools that trim your lawn more precisely than a lawn mower can. The best string trimmer is capable of cutting grass cleanly, as opposed to a lower quality one that will tear the grass instead of cutting it. If a grass is torn rather than cut, it results in a more ragged edge rather than a smoother one, which results in a lawn that has a brown hue rather than a healthier green one.

4. Keep your grass well-fed

Makes sure to invest in some good fertilizers for your lawn, one that has a high concentration of nitrogen. Look for fertilizers that can both feed you grass and turn it green quickly as well as maintaining its health over time. Sometimes, the grass turns dormant during summer, which is a result of dry conditions or drought. Dormant grass shouldn’t be fed because they’re unable to absorb nutrients, wasting your time and money.

5. Potty-train your dog

If you’ve noticed that your lawn has large dead spots on it, then it might be your dog that’s the problem. Your dog’s urine is chock-full of chemicals that can kill grass after long periods of time. Teach your dog to do its business away from your lawn the same way you house-trained yet. You should also set aside a spot in your yard with gravel or mulch, where they can pee without ruining your grass. Visit for detailed guides on dog breeds to help with training.

The right lawn maintenance can keep your grass growing healthy and looking its best. A lovely yard is possible, but it’s going to need your help for it to be perfect. Devote a good amount of time every week on your turf, and we guarantee it’ll all be worth it.

إدارة النفايات في المغرب

تعد إدارة النفايات الصلبة واحدة من المشكلات البيئية الرئيسية التي تهدد المملكة  المغربية. إذ تنتج هذه الأخيرة أكثر من 5 ملايين طن من النفايات الصلبة بمعدل نمو توليد النفايات السنوي وصل إلى 3 في المئة. و يعاني التخلص السليم من النفايات الصلبة البلدية في المغرب من أوجه قصور رئيسية  تتمثل في عدم وجود البنية التحتية المناسبة والتمويل المناسب في المناطق خارج المدن الرئيسية.

وقد أبان تقرير البنك الدولي،  على أنه في عام 2008، قبل الإصلاح الأخير  “لم يتم  جمع إلا 70 من المئة فقط من النفايات الصلبة البلدية في المدن وأن فقط  أقل من 10 من المئة من النفايات التي تم جمعها هي التي يجري التخلص منها بطريقة مقبولة بيئيا اجتماعيا. هذا مع وجود حوالي 300 مكب نفايات عشوائي، وحوالي 3500 جامع للنفايات، يشكل الأطفال 10 في المئة منهم ،  يعيشون داخل وحول هذه المكبات المفتوحة “.

خطر حرق النفايات

إنه لمن المألوف أن نرى حرق النفايات  كوسيلة للتخلص من النفايات الصلبة في المغرب. حاليا، يتم التخلص من النفايات البلدية  بطريقة هوجاء وغير مستدامة و التي لها آثار كبيرة على الصحة العامة والبيئة. فعدم وجود البنية التحتية لإدارة النفايات يؤدي إلى حرقها كشكل من أشكال التخلص من النفايات غير المكلفة. وللأسف، فإن الآثار الصحية الرئيسية لحرق النفايات هي، يا إما غير معروفة على نطاق واسع أومستهان بها بشكل صارخ  من طرف الغالبية العظمى من السكان في المغرب.

يشكل حرق النفايت مصدر قلق صحي خاص بسبب كمية الديوكسينات الكبيرة التي تنتج أثناء عملية الحرق. إذ يعد الديوكسين من الملوّثات البيئية شديدة السمية التي يتم تحريرها عند حرق النفايات المنزلية. أكثر الديوكسينات التي يتم إصدارها في الهواء أثناء عملية الحرق ينتهي بها المطاف إلى الترسب على أوراق النباتات الخضراء. وبالتالي دخولها في السلسلة الغذائية عبر أكلها من قبل  الحيوانات الحلوبة مثل الأبقار والأغنام والماعز مما ينتج عنه تخزين الديوكسينات وتراكمها في الأنسجة الدهنية لهاته الحيونات. و بمجرد حدوث ذلك، يصبح  من الصعب تجنب الديوكسينات  ويكون الإنسان ، في المقام الأول، الأكثر عرضة لخطر الديوكسينات من خلال تناوله اللحوم ومنتجات الألبان الأخرى، وخاصة تلك التي تحتوي على نسبة عالية من الدهون.

وعلاوة على ذلك، فإن هذا النوع من الحرق في الهواء الطلق يتسبب أيضا في تلوث الجسيمات. ويقصد بهذه الأخيرة، الجسيمات المجهرية التي ينتهي بها المطاف إلى الترسب في الرئتين وبالتالي تسببها في عدد  كبيرمن المشاكل الصحية للإنسان، مثل الربو والتهاب الشعب الهوائية. و للأسف، يعتبر الأطفال وكبار السن الذين يتعرضون للديوكسينات هم المهددون الأكثر بتلك الأمراض. عدا هذا، ينتج عن هذا الحرق مواد مسرطنة ضارة أخرى مثل الهيدروكربونات العطرية متعددة الحلقات، ثنائي الفينيل متعدد الكلور (PCB)، والمركبات العضوية المتطايرة، وسداسي كلورو البنزين .و من المعروف أن هذه  الملوّثات  تسبب مشاكل صحية عدة تتراوح بين تهيج الجلد إلى تلف الكبد والكلى وحتى في بعض الحالات الأكثر خطورة فقد تم ربطها بالسرطان.

و غالبا ما يحتوي الرماد، نفسه الناتج عن حرق النفايات، على الزئبق والرصاص والكروم والزرنيخ. “بإمكانية امتصاص و ومراكمة خضروات الحديقة  لهذه المعادن،  قد يشكل تناولها خطرا على الصحة. يمكن أيضا للأطفال الذين يلعبون في الساحة أو الحديقة أن يبتلعون، عن دون قصد، التربة التي تحتوي على هذه المعادن. أيضا، يمكن أن يجرف المطر الرماد إلى المياه الجوفية والمياه السطحية، و بذلك تتلوث مياه الشرب والغذاء. “هذا دون التطرق إلى فئة جامعي النفايات الذين يعرضون صحتهم مباشرة للخطر بفرزهم نفايات البلدية.

الجانب الإيجابي

إلا نه هناك خبر سار بخصوص مستقبل إدارة النفايات الصلبة في المغرب و الذي يتمثل في كون البنك الدولي قد خصص 271300000 دولار للحكومة المغربية من أجل وضع خطة إدارة النفايات البلدية . وتشمل تفاصيل الخطة استعادة حوالي 80 موقع دفن النفايات، وتحسين خدمات جمع النفايات، وزيادة إعادة التدوير بنسبة 20٪، وهذا كله بحلول عام 2020. في حين يتوقع  أن يصنع هذا الإصلاح المعجزات لسكان المناطق الحضرية فإن المرء يأمل أن تشمل فوائد هذا الإصلاح  فقط حوالي 43٪ من سكان المغرب الذين يعيشون في المناطق الريفية، مثل أولئك الذين يعيشون في قريتي.

ومما يعد من البديهيات، أنه وبالرغم من توجه المغرب نحو نظام إدارة ، أكثرصداقة للبيئة  وأكثر أمانا، للنفايات الصلبة، فإن عددا كبيرا من سكانه، بمن فيهم الأطفال وكبار السن، سيغفل عنهم هذا الإصلاح. و حتى يتم بذل المزيد من الجهد، بما في ذلك مبادرات التمويل وزيادة في التعليم، سيظل هؤلاء الناس عرضة لظروف معيشية حرجة بسبب التمويل غير المناسب، و وضعية البنية التحتية والتعليم.


هند سلامة، حاصلة على شهادة الدكتوراة تخصص الكيمياءـ البيئة من كلية العلوم عين الشق جامعة الحسن الثاني ـ المغرب، عملت كمديرة مشاريع في عدة مؤسسات و أعمل حاليا كمستشارة مستقلة في مجال البيئة و التنمية المستدامة و مترجمة  ، هذا عدا عن مساهماتي في البرنامج التطوعي للأمم المتحدة  UNVو متطوعة أيضا مع EcoMENA

5 Ways Using Marbles At Home Help Improve Our Environment

It is always important to consider the impact on the environment anytime you want something done in your home. Having this type of concern can make you use an eco-friendly approach to various things like energy you want to be in your house. Marble is an amazing material and has grown to become really popular among homeowners for use in their homes.

The reason why most people have grown to like marble is that it provides layers of elegance and aesthetics, but another great thing about the product is that it helps to conserve the environment. Let’s take a look at the ways how marbles can help improve our environment.

1. Marbles are Natural

Marble is environmental-friendly since it is a natural stone and this benefits the environment in so many ways. Because it is in the natural form, marble doesn’t require any power of energy to produce and therefore doesn’t cause any pollution and saves on energy. What’s more, marble has thermal mass which helps to insulate your home naturally, which saves energy since you won’t be required to heat or cool your home.

2. Marbles Don’t Require Manufacturing

Marble doesn’t require any machines to be created but requires people to harvest it, thereby eliminating the need to run machines that emit gases and pollute the environment. Because of this more people get jobs of harvesting the material and this creates job opportunities in the society.

Employment is created from the fact that marble can be quite heavy to carry from its original position and therefore many people are required to do the job. This greatly benefits the environment by eliminating the use of machines which would’ve otherwise caused pollution and helps people who were unemployed to find jobs.

3. Marble Can Be Recycled

The good thing about marble, since it is a natural stone it can easily be recycled later on if you want to change the flooring, counters, or other marble aspects in the house. There won’t be any need to dispose old material, instead all you have to do is call a marble company like to remove the old pieces of marble and re-use them anywhere else. These old marble pieces can be used to make tiles and anything else which can come out from the pieces.

This ability of marble to be able to be recycled makes it even more environment-friendly and efficient for use. Whereas it pays to recycle a naturally occurring item that has zero effects to our environment, instead of having to replace it with other not so environmentally friendly items.

4. Marble is Durable

Durability is a key factor when considering building your home and marble can really come in handy for you in this case. Since marble is natural stone it has a durable quality and when you construct your home with it, your home is able to withstand wind, snow, rain, heat, and even fire.

Also, when you use marble to build interior structures like the kitchen counter top among others, it is hard for them to get burned, scratched, or even stained. The durability makes marble environmental-friendly since you don’t have to keep extracting the material in case of damages, as marble is strong enough to withstand damages and can also be recycled.

5. Marble is Affordable

The affordability of marble is great for the environment in that many people can afford to use it, thereby avoiding other manufactured items that will affect the environment as they are being processed. Marble is a natural stone and therefore doesn’t require the use of machine for extraction. This greatly helps you save on cost yet still preserves the environment.

benefits of marble

Another thing which we mentioned earlier that also helps to make marble much affordable is that it doesn’t get damaged easily, and old pieces of marble can be recycled and used to make something else.

Final Thoughts

Marble provides great benefits to the environment and not only that, but is also safe and efficient to use for your home. Therefore, the next time you think of building a house, changing any interior part of your home, or replacing something in your home, consider using marble to help conserve the environment.

Every person shares a responsibility to care for this environment for the sake of a peaceful coexistence with nature, as well as for our future generations. Apart from marble being very practical in your home, it is also aesthetically strong and highlighting the beauty of your home in a natural way.

How Islam is in Harmony with Nature

The ecological crisis of the world presents one of the biggest challenges of our time. Through prophets and messengers, God has revealed holy books that bring both glad tidings and warnings, so that people act in a righteous and just manner.

In the Holy Quran, God speaks of creating everything in balance, and warns that transgression of the balance shall have disastrous consequences. This holds true not just for the world around us, but also for our souls, for Islam does not differentiate the world of man from the world of nature.

green muslims

There are over 6,000 verses in the Holy Quran of which more than 500 deal with the natural phenomenon. Allah, the Almighty, repeatedly calls on mankind to reflect on His signs, which include all aspects of nature such as trees, mountains, seas, animals, birds, stars, the Sun and the moon and our own hearts.

Islamic jurisprudence contains regulations concerning the conservation and allocation of scarce water resources; it provides legislation for the conservation of land; it has special rules for the establishment of rangelands, wetlands, green belts and for wildlife protection and conservation.

Planting a tree is considered a sadqa-e-jariyah, an act of continuous charity, a desirable deed for which the planter is rewarded for as long as the tree benefits any form of creation. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) had declared a 30-km area around his city of Medina a protected grove, prohibiting the cutting down of trees within its borders.

Quran and environmental conservation

Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) prescribed picking up litter from the streets as an act of faith. He forbade the cutting of cedar trees in the desert since they provided shade and shelter to animals. There are innumerable sayings of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) that stress on conservation of resources, especially water. He calls upon us to be what God intended us to be, which is in harmony with nature.

Humans have the capacity to subvert the world, far more than any other living species. We also have the capacity to uphold the physical world. Islam believes that all human souls come from a garden, and that at the end of time each soul will either enter the garden or the fire. We can turn the world into something that is hotter, greedier and more destructive, or we can turn it into something that is calm, garden-like and reflects the divine purpose.

natural attractions in UAE

Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) famously said, “Even if the Day of Judgment should arrive and you are holding a sapling in your hand, plant it.” This also indicates that one should never lose hope and continue one’s efforts to be at peace with the earth till the very end.


Sustainable Waste Management: What Every Homeowner Should Know

Waste management is often the most overlooked process in homes. Most homeowners in urban areas typically rely on rubbish removal services because of the convenience they bring.

Sustainable waste management is everyone’s responsibility. As the human population rapidly grows, the consumption of various goods increases, producing more waste. Although some organizations and government institutions develop solutions, they still require active individual participation.

Here are some solutions to sustainable waste management every homeowner should know:

sustainable waste management for homeowners

1. Intentional Waste Reduction

Most types of waste are produced and, therefore, can be reduced. These are plastic bags, food packaging, packets, straws, and other disposable items. These usually end up in rivers and oceans, harming marine life.

Waste reduction should start in every home. A simple change everyone can make is buying unpacked items and goods in biodegradable packaging. For instance, you may purchase fruits and vegetables in your local farmer’s market. Doing so will lessen the use of plastic compared to purchasing peeled and sliced ones in supermarkets.

Another home essential you can replace with an eco-friendly option is food wraps. Instead of single-use cling wraps, you may use beeswax wrap as an alternative. You can wash and reuse it until it wears out, then it’s compostable.

For unavoidable nonbiodegradable waste, create a proper segregation bin for collection. If you want to dig deeper into efficient waste collection systems, you can get the facts here.

2. Composting

Composting is a traditional yet effective way of managing biodegradable and food waste. Its byproduct can serve as fertilizer for your garden.

Learning different types of composting will help you determine which works for you. Not everyone has large backyards for a compost pit. However, some alternatives like a covered compost bin prevent bug and pest infestation.


Managing food waste at home is highly beneficial to reducing rubbish ending up in landfills. You can also reap the benefits of self-sustainability when growing vegetables and fruit trees in your garden.

3. Biogas Digester

Another way to deal with biodegradable waste is using a biogas digester. It provides an efficient composting solution that takes sustainability to a different level.

A biogas digester decomposes organic matter like biodegradable waste and food scraps into biogas through anaerobic digestion. The methane gas it produces by the end of the process can fuel a stove cooktop.

Biogas from MSW

Anaerobic digestion is a reliable technology for treatment of organic fraction of MSW

Setting up a biogas digester in your backyard can solve many problems. Aside from being a sustainable waste management tool, it also helps reduce the amount of methane gas released into the atmosphere. Instead of letting organic waste decompose in landfills, you can use them for growing and cooking food.

4. Recycling And Repurposing

Nonbiodegradable waste is more challenging to dispose of sustainably. Home items like appliances and gadgets usually end up in scrapyards. Although environmental institutions are taking action to repurpose them, the amount of waste the world produces every day makes it more challenging.

You can start recycling and repurposing at home. You can find some easy DIY projects using recycled materials like plastic and glass bottles. When you recycle, you’re giving these items a new purpose while helping the environment.

However, recycling isn’t limited to small items. Some tiny house DIY-ers often use reclaimed materials to save construction costs. These may include windows, doors, sinks, and even floor planks. Repurposing is a wise solution for tiny living as it is rooted in reducing a home’s carbon footprint.

5. Hiring Bin Collection

Hiring bin collection should be every homeowner’s last resort for managing waste. Only a few rubbish removal services practice sustainable waste collection, so you have to be mindful of hiring one.

Some garbage collectors practicing eco-friendly waste management bring their collections to different recycling plants. Unfortunately, the rest usually take a shortcut by simply dumping the rubbish in landfills.

When hiring bin collection services, know where they’re dumping the waste. It’s also best to hire one near your area, so they don’t have to consume more fuel to get to your house. Looking at sustainable waste management from a broader perspective makes it efficient and in keeping with the goal.

Also Read: Rubbish Removal in Sydney – What to Expect?

6. Greywater Filter

Wastewater is often overlooked when tackling sustainable waste management. For some, it’s easy to take clean water consumption for granted in locations with abundant water sources. However, water conservation should be everyone’s priority because we have no idea when its supply will remain unlimited.

greywater recycling

Installing a greywater system in your household can help save the environment and your budget. The water coming from your shower, sink, and laundry can be collected and filtered through a system. Then, you can reuse it for watering plants.

Furthermore, you may install a more complex water filtration system to purify greywater for home use. Some new technology allows the reuse of filtered and purified grey water for laundry and showers. You may also collect and filter rainwater as another sustainable water conservation option.


Sustainable waste management is one of the best solutions to lessen the effect of climate change. This responsible act can help you live with a purpose—to help save the earth for you and the future generations.

10 Greenest Ways of Traveling

From plastic waste to carbon emissions, travel isn’t the most environmentally friendly activity. However, the benefits of venturing far from home to experience other cultures are priceless. Many millennials see travel as necessary. Fortunately, there are ways you can make your trips more eco-friendly!

1. BYOE (Bring Your Own Everything)

Coffee cups, water bottles, utensils, take-out containers, napkins, and so much more can be brought in your personal item and used throughout your trip. By replacing single-use items with reusable ones, you drastically cut down on the waste you produce while traveling. Also, be sure to bring a reusable grocery bag with you if you plan to hit the markets.

plastic bag alternative


2. Travel to Eco-Friendly Locations

Some countries are more environmentally-friendly than others. Traveling to eco-friendly destinations like Spain helps you spare the planet while experiencing another culture. The country’s natural beauty is living proof of its people’s dedication to green living. You can take in the beauty of Spain while being green at your holiday home at Countries like India, Pakistan, and Moldova don’t rank as high on the eco-friendly scale.

3. Take the Train

When you are traveling from country to country, you can significantly reduce your carbon footprint by taking a train instead of an airplane. Europe has an efficient railway system that makes intercontinental travel a breeze. Why fly from country to country when you can experience the countryside on a relaxing train ride? You will see more of the area and help the planet!

ecofriendly mode of travel

4. Eat and Drink Local

Importing and shipping foods make a huge carbon footprint on our planet. When you are traveling, you can reduce your environmental impact by chowing down on local delights. Coastal areas offer fresh-caught fish; other areas boast fresh produce. If you want to taste some local dishes, opt for local restaurants rather than big chains.

Let’s take Danville city in Georgia, for example. While tourists may opt for familiar places to eat, we recommend checking out the local diner called Me’s Burgers and Brews; it’s easily one of the best restaurants in Danville. It’s a family-owned joint that serves gourmet burgers and craft beer, and they source local products from Melrose Bison Farm and the Windmill Farm Bake Shop. This means they provide fresh ingredients while lessening the waste from packaging and logistics as well. So no matter where you go, be sure to fill up on foods that are native to the region.


5. Take Direct Routes When Flying

Here is your excuse to avoid layovers. You can’t avoid flying, but you can cut your greenhouse gas emissions significantly by only taking flights that go directly to your destination. Planes emit the most harmful gas and use the most fuel when they are taking off, so you make your trips a little more eco-friendly when you reduce the number of takeoffs. Also, fly with budget airlines. They usually fill more seats per flight than their expensive counterparts, saving the environment and your wallet.

6. Take the Bus

Taking an Uber everywhere isn’t the most efficient way to get around. One of the best ways to get around locally is to use public transportation. Taking the bus or subway is a great way to meet the locals and get from place to place. The metro produces 76% fewer gas emissions than cars. Some cities even use electric buses that reduce smog and cut back on natural gas usage.

7. Don’t Go Off the Beaten Path

When you are hiking, don’t stray from the marked trekking trails that are designated for hikers. Leaving the trail is risky, and you might accidentally stomp on fragile plants or animal homes. Avoid unfortunate encounters with powerful animals and keep the wildlife around you safe by only hiking on the set path.

sustainable trekking trails


8. Take Tours That Give Back

Plan your tours with organizations that contribute to the community in some way. Local tours often donate part of their proceeds to great causes. If you can take a few tours that teach you about the local environment while helping it out, that’s a win-win. When you take tours, be sure to ask about the size of the tour group. Small groups harm the environment less than large ones, and tours with fewer people give you a more intimate experience and a chance to ask questions.

9. Go Electric

If you need to rent a car for your trip, consider renting an electric-powered car. It usually does more harm than good to replace your car at home with an electric one if it is still in good condition, but why not spare the environment some stress by driving an ecofriendly car on your vacation?


10. Treat Your Holiday Home Like a Home

You wouldn’t wash a towel after one use or leave the lights on when you leave your home; could you imagine the laundry and the electric bill? When you are traveling, it’s important to maintain your at-home eco-friendly practices. Always hang your towels back up so that housekeeping doesn’t wash them, turn off lights when you leave a room, and don’t spend an eternity in the shower!

Whether you reduce your environmental impact by bringing your own food containers or cutting out layovers, anything you do helps. Together, we can significantly reduce the environmental footprint we make when traveling while still being able to experience the big, wonderful world.

Solar Panels for Commercial Buildings: 5 Things to Consider

Society and technology have truly come a long way. From fixed fires in the hearth to gas and electric lighting, it makes sense to want to upgrade your business with a commercial solar energy system.

However, like with any early adoption, it pays to conduct a thorough evaluation. In fact, it’s likely the only way to determine the best process to incorporate solar technology with your commercial building.

commercial solar energy system

A rooftop solar power project in Abu Dhabi

1. Solar Technology

When considering a solar energy system, it’s important to differentiate between solar technologies and solar power systems. Solar technology has two dominating categories — solar thermal power (CSP) and photovoltaics (PV). When you see residential homes and commercial buildings with solar panels, it’s likely using PV. On the other hand, CSP, which uses mirrors and heat, is typically found in large power plants.

2. Solar Cells

Most people don’t realize that it’s not the solar panels that convert energy. Rather, it’s the solar cells contained in arrays that make up a solar panel.

Arrays are thousands of individual solar cells grouped together. Currently, there are about 24 unique types of solar cells that can be broadly categorized into three groups.

Crystalline Silicon

The majority of PV cells are crystalline silicon (c-Si) wafers. They come from lab-grown ingots, which take approximately a month to grow fully and can form into single or multiple crystals.

From these large ingots, the single crystals are used for monocrystalline silicon (mono-Si) cells and solar panels. At the same time, the polycrystalline cells and solar panels (poly c-Si) use the multi-crystals.

Monocrystalline cells have a distinctive color and are cylindrical. They provide the most efficient energy conversion, but cutting the cells to shape can be somewhat wasteful.

On the other hand, polycrystalline cells don’t go to waste because they’re melted and poured into the arrays. However, this process diminishes some of its effectiveness.

types of solar cells

Thin Film

Thin-film solar cells are also PV cells but are about 100 times thinner than c-Si. These use amorphous silicon (a-Si). However, they’re not limited to a-Si. They can also be made from organic PV, copper indium gallium diselenide (CIGS) or cadmium-telluride (Cd-Te).

They’re by far the cheapest and most flexible option because they can be laminated onto various surfaces. These surfaces include glass, skylights and roofing tiles. However, the benefit of flexibility means decreased levels of efficiency compared to c-Si cells.

Third Generation

Third-generation cells are the latest and greatest in solar cell technology. These solar cells pick, choose and combine the best qualities of c-Si and thin-film cells. The end result is a sustainable product that’s efficient, practical and cheaper to produce.

3. Types of Solar Energy System

There are three types of systems that dominate the industry. Depending on your building’s location and usage requirements, one type will be better suited than another.

Grid-Tied Solar Energy System and Power Outages

First, you have a grid-tied solar system that connects to the local power grid. This system is excellent for those in cloudy places who worry about not having enough electricity or suffer from power outages.

You save money on your energy bills by first using up all your converted energy from the sun and can then tap into the grid on an as-needed basis.

Another benefit is net metering. This is when your system produces excess energy and sends it back to the grid in return for credits on the next electricity bill. However, not every state or municipality offers net metering, in which case a hybrid system may be more advantageous.

Being tied to the grid also means that these systems require less equipment, which reduces the overall cost. If the upfront costs are a deterrent, consider calculating how much a grid-tied system would be and how much you could save in the long run.

Off Grid House

Off-Grid Solar Energy System and Battery Storage

These systems are best for commercial buildings that use some means to be completely energy independent. Off-grid systems can be more expensive because they require larger batteries and other materials.

They work best with smaller commercial buildings designed to conserve energy in any way possible. For example, a solar panel generator and energy-efficient windows are extra measures you can take.

However, off-grid systems aren’t an end-all-be-all to your remote commercial building. That’s because the batteries have limited storage capacity that can get quickly used up.


Finally, there’s a hybrid system which is a combination of the other two. They’re connected to the grid but also come with extra battery storage.

Hybrid systems may prove the most beneficial if you find your commercial building uses a lot of power. The system first uses the energy stored in batteries and then calls on the grid when demand exceeds solar energy production. As an added benefit, hybrid system owners can take advantage of net metering.

4. Does Your Commercial Building Require Battery Storage?

It may seem like the obvious answer is to get a solar system with battery energy storage, but it’s not necessary in some cases. For example, battery storage has minimal financial benefit if you have a grid-tied system in an area that offers net metering.

On the other hand, commercial buildings prone to constant blackouts will certainly benefit from a hybrid system. That way, you have energy stored for blackout conditions and net metering to assist with monthly costs.

5. DIY or Professional Installation?

While the commercial solar panel cost isn’t cheap, it’s never recommended to install it yourself. More often than not, the DIY installation ends up costing more than hiring a professional.

Installing solar panels comes with risks easily overlooked that can cause significant issues down the line. For example, incorrectly connecting a single wire can lead to electrocution, fires or your panels not working at all.

Without adequate roofing knowledge, a DIYer can accidentally damage the roof and cause leaks. Additionally, many solar panels require a licensed professional to install for the warranty to be valid.

solar panels maintenance

By taking the chance and doing it yourself, you run the risk of voiding your warranty and missing out on compensation if anything goes wrong. However, if you’re adamant about self-installation, double-check for building permits and regulations.

The last thing you want is to complete a perfect job, only to have your local authorities come and tell you to take it down within a week.

Ordering a Solar Panel System for Your Commercial Building

As you can tell, a lot goes into solar panels and determining which type is best for your commercial building. However, you shouldn’t let that deter you from making your building eco-friendly.

The most efficient way to determine the best system is to shop around. Your local companies can present valuable insight into any specific incentives offered by your state.