The Impact of Urban Heat Island Effect on Sustainability

Urban Heat Island (UHI) Effect arises due to absorption of incident radiation from the sun by built surfaces of tall buildings, roof, concrete structures and asphalt roads and then releasing it in the form of heat. The term “urban heat island” describes the built-up areas that are significantly hotter than the surrounding open, natural or rural areas.

It occurs on the surface and in the atmosphere. The built surfaces are made of high-percentage of non-reflective and water-resistant construction materials. These materials act as heat sinks that absorb the radiated heat and store it for long time.

urban heat island phenomenon

The Urban Heat Island Phenomenon

Lack of sufficient wind, change in thermal properties of the surface materials and lack of evapotranspiration rate in urban areas cause the urban heat island effect. On the other hand, green, wooded and open spaces composed of vegetation and moisture trapping soil use large proportion of absorbed radiation and release them through evapotranspiration process. As evaporation causes cooling effect, the released water vapour contributes to cool the air in the vicinity.

On a hot summer day, the urban surfaces are exposed to high temperature of   50–90°F (27–50°C) hotter than the air, where as the temperature of the shades or green open areas surrounding the urban surfaces remain close to air temperature. These changes in temperature between two areas create an “island” of higher temperature in the urban landscape. Normally the temperature difference of higher than 10 degrees forms heat islands.

Impacts on Sustainability

The increase in temperature in cities due to urban health island effect can have detrimental impacts on three pillars of sustainability, i.e. environment, people and economy.

Some of the negative effects of urban heat islands include:

  • Increase in energy consumption – Increase in temperature leads to increase in demand for cooling, which subsequently puts pressure on electricity supply during the peak periods of demand.
  • Increase in emission of air pollutants and GHGs – As more electricity is needed to cool the surfaces, demand on energy supply leads to emissions of air pollutants and greenhouse gases from the power plants. Even use of ozone depleting refrigerants such as CFCs in the air-conditioning system cause depletion in stratospheric ozone layer. Elevated temperature also promotes the formation of ground-level ozone.
  • Demand on water – As the surface and air get hotter, people consume more water for both indoor and outdoor usage and it puts pressure on water supply.
  • Ecosystem – Hot surfaces transfer the absorbed heat to water features such as rivers, streams, ponds, lake etc. increase the surface water temperature and alerting the aquatic  ecosystem structure and functions
  • Quality of life – Elevated day and night temperatures along with higher air pollution can cause respiratory diseases, discomfort, heat stress and decrease productivity and increase heat related mortalities.

UHI Effect in the UAE

Urban heat island is quite common in cities located in the temperate zone. However, a very few studies are done so far to find how cities in semiarid and arid areas act as urban heat islands. UAE consists of seven emirates and weather here is tropical desert climate. Out of seven emirates, Dubai, Abu Dhabi and Sharjah have experienced a rapid rise of high and low intensity urban areas in recent years.

Planting more trees and vegetation will go a long way in reducing the impact of urban heat islands

Dubai the most populated and developed emirate and a very few studies indicated that its urban climate is mostly affected by land use changes, vegetation cover, and expansion of built of areas. It was thought that cities in arid region have possibility to act as daily urban cool islands (UCI). However, there are not many studies done so far to establish this. Rather some studies indicated that Dubai has seen 64.8% change in land cover and a 1.5 degree C rise in land surface temperature (LST) in past 10 years. These are the common indicators of UHI.

How to Mitigate Urban Heat Island Effect

Studies have found that the mean daily temperature increase is consistent with increase in urban development. The composition of land cover features can significantly influence the magnitude of land surface temperature.  Hence, increase in percent of vegetation is the most essential driver of reducing the land surface temperature and hence the UHI effect.

Therefore, proper management of green spaces is needed to mitigate the UHI effect in the urban cities of arid and semi arid countries. The heat island effect can be reduced by using following strategies.

  • Build small – Minimise building footprint and maximise open space
  • Minimize hardscape – Design driveways, roads, parking space and hardscape areas smartly by using permeable materials or surfaces such as vegetated roofs, porous pavement and grid pavers. Use open grid pavement system, which is at least 50% pervious and locating the parking space under the building will help reducing the urban heat island effect.
  • Use of reflective materials – Use high reflective materials with high solar reflective index (SRI) values for roofs and non-roof exterior surfaces.  The SRI value is the combined value of reflectivity and emmitance.
  • Shading – Provide shading with existing tree canopy or new trees or with other structures. The surfaces can also be coved by solar panels that produce renewable energy. Shading with some architectural features of SRI of at least 29 will also help to reduce the heat island effect.
  • High albedo cool roof and green roofs: Combination of high albedo cool roofs (roofs with controlled SRI) and vegetated roof surface can reduce heat island effect significantly.


The composition of land cover features can significantly influence the magnitude of land surface temperature.  Hence, increase in percent of vegetation is the most essential driver of reducing the land surface temperature and hence the urban heat island effect. Therefore, proper management of green space is needed to mitigate the UHI effect in the urban cities of arid and semi arid countries.

Qatar’s Fight Against Climate Change

Qatar’s environmental records have always been in news, of course for the negative ones, but it has always strived to work towards reduction of GHGs emissions. Qatar is already doing plenty to help poor countries with financing and it seems unfair to focus on per capita emissions for a country with estimated population of 2.6 million making it the 143th most populous country on earth. (For climate talks, that is heresy). This may sound harsh, especially since Qatar’s contribution to global warming is tiny compared with the United States, China or India.

In recent years, Qatar is making itself a benchmark for all future sustainable and renewable initiatives in the Middle East. Qatar is committed to creating a cleaner and more energy efficient environment which is expected to make significant contributions in addressing climate change challenges and moving towards a more sustainable future.

climate change mitigation in qatar

However, these positive moves will not be enough to cover up the fact that Qatar, much as the other oil-producing countries in the Gulf, has still not made any commitment as part of the UN climate talks. Here’s more about climate change mitigation in Qatar:

Qatar’s Revamping Climate Plans

In line with Qatar National Vision 2030, Qatar aims to reduce its dependence on fossil fuels. Sustainable development has been identified as one of the top priorities in Qatar’s National Development Strategy. Environmental Development is one of the four main pillars of the Qatar National Vision 2030, which aims to manage rapid domestic expansion to ensure harmony between economic growth, social development, and environmental protection.

According to recent reports, Qatar is getting close to opening its long-delayed 200-megawatt solar tender. Qatar currently has a stated goal of installing 10 gigawatts (GW) of solar power capacity by 2030; the 200 MW solar tender represents just a portion of the installations expected over the coming years, but is still a noteworthy quantity. Qatar, as part of its environmental commitment and sustainable development, is turning to renewable sources of energy such as solar power, with initiatives already underway.

Qatar Foundation plays an instrumental role in Qatar’s sustainability efforts as it helps transform the country into a knowledge-based economy. It also endeavors to realize this vision by making sustainability an integral part of the day-to-day lives of local residents. By doing so, QF is working towards achieving its own strategic mission of unlocking human potential and promoting creativity and innovation.

Qatar Foundation, in partnership with the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK), is setting up a pioneering Climate Change Research Institute and a Global Climate Change Forum as part of MoU signed on sidelines of COP 18 UNFCC Doha conference in 2012. The Institute, the first of its kind in the region, will seek to fill critical gaps in research on mitigation, adaptation and climate resiliency for key regions such as tropics, sub-tropics and dry lands. However, it is making a very slow pace due to various issues.

Qatar Foundation for Education, Science and Community Development is producing up to 85 percent of Qatar’s total solar energy as it announced the launch of one of the Gulf region’s first Energy Monitoring Centre (EMC) to manage its smart grid and monitor solar power generation across all sites within Education City. The EMC is part of the recently completed Solar Smart-Grid Project that added a total of 1.68MW of new solar photovoltaic (PV) systems at various facilities. The PV systems at QF now generate 5,180 MWh of clean energy annually, resulting in savings of around 2,590 tons of CO2 emissions every year.

The Qatar Green Building Council, a QF member was established in 2009 to promote sustainable growth and development in Qatar through cost efficient and environment-friendly building practices. There has been rapid progress in green building sector in Qatar with the emergence of many world-class sustainable constructions in recent years. With the fifth-highest number of LEED-registered and certified buildings outside the U.S., Qatar has valuable experience and inputs to offer on the system’s local relevancy and application.

Qatar National Convention Center (QNCC) which hosted Doha UNFCCC climate conference COP 18/CMP8 was the first LEED certified project in Qatar and remains its largest rooftop solar system installed to date. Subsequently, Qatar Foundation continues to have the largest pipeline of all PV installations in the country, in addition to its pipeline of LEED-certified green buildings. With more than five megawatts of solar energy installations planned, Qatar Foundation’s clean efforts are one of the largest in the Gulf region.

qatar national convention center

QF is equally dedicated to sustainable infrastructural development. For instance, the student-housing complex at Education City is currently one of the only platinum LEED-certified student housing complexes in the world. Having earned 12 Platinum LEED certifications in the category of ‘New Construction’ from the US Green Building Council, it is also the largest collection of platinum LEED- certified buildings in one area in the world.

Qatar Solar Energy (QSE) has officially opened one of the largest vertically integrated PV module production facilities in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. The 300 MW facility, located in the Doha industrial zone of Qatar, is the first significant development of the Qatar National Vision 2030, which aims to reduce the country’s reliance on fossil fuels in favor of more renewable energy sources. Qatar’s fledgling forays into the solar PV sector have gathered pace last year, when state-backed Qatar Solar Technologies (QSTec) acquired a 29% stake in SolarWorld in a move that raised eyebrows throughout the industry.

The Head of Qatar’s state-run electricity and water company (Kahramaa) has already announced ambitious plans to install solar panels atop the roofs of many of the country’s 85 reservoirs. With these latest plans are for creative solution to Qatar’s lack of viable land space (the country measures just 11,571km²), it is a must in a country with very little available land for large-scale solar plants. Qatar will adopt a scattered model, installing several small- to medium-sized PV installations.

Qatar’s National Food Security Programme (QNFSP) has been a driving force behind the nation’s thirst for renewable energy, creating an action plan designed to better utilize Qatar’s abundant solar radiation. Meanwhile, Qatar Solar Tech 70% owned by the Qatar Foundation has announced that it is scaling up its local manufacturing capabilities, and will build a 297 acre solar farm in the country’s Ras Laffan Industrial City.

As the host country for 2022 FIFA World Cup, Qatar has pledged solar-powered stadiums and the country is also working on a range of other solar projects gearing up to this football extravaganza.


Climate change and increase in temperatures is making Qatar even more vulnerable to the lack of water and food insecurity. Every single drop of water that is used in Qatar needs to be desalinated. Every single gram of food that is eaten needs to be either imported or grown with desalinated water. The plunging price of oil, coupled with advances in clean energy and resource conservation, offers Qatar a real chance to rationalize energy policy.


مشاريع المياه تعتبر من المشاريع المكلفة

Qatar can get rid of billions of dollars of distorting energy subsidies whilst shifting taxes towards carbon use. It is heartening to see that Qatar has recognized the importance of renewable energy and sustainability and its fight for reducing its ecological footprint. A cheaper, greener, sustainable and more reliable energy future for Qatar could be within reach.

القضايا البيئية الكبرى في منطقة شمال أفريقيا

هي منطقة جغرافية تقع في أقصى الجزء الشمالي من قارة إفريقيا، و تمتد من مصر شرقا إلى المغرب غربا، إنها شمال أفريقيا. تضم المنطقة مجموعة من الدول وهي السودان، مصر، ليبيا، تونس، الجزائر، والمغرب. تقدر المساحة الإجمالية لمجموع هذه البلدان ب ٧١٩١٥١٢ كم مربع، كما يقدر عدد سكانها بما يناهز ٢٢١٧٦٣٠٢٦ مليون نسمة.

يحيط بمنطقة شمال أفريقيا العديد من المسطحات المائية، حيث يحدها شرقا البحر الأحمر وشمالا البحر الأبيض المتوسط، أما غربا فنجد  المحيط الأطلسي والذي يعد ثاني محيطات العالم مساحة بعد المحيط الهادي حيث يغطي حوالي ٢٠%  من مساحة الكرة الأرضية وتقريبا  ٢٦% مساحة المياه الكلية للأرض. يسود هذه البلدان مناخ متوسطي، معتدل شتاء و حار صيفا، مما يساعد على انتشار الزراعة في المنطقة.


تتميز المنطقة بغنى تنوعها البيولوجي الذي يعتبر أساس وجود هذه المنطقة على كوكب الأرض، حيث  تشمل بيئات ومنظومات طبيعيـة مختلفة، وأصناف نباتيـة وحيوانية نادرة وموارد جينية متنوعة.

تواجه بلدان شمال أفريقيا كباقي دول العالم العديد من التحديات، أهمها المشاكل البيئية التي تفاقمت في الآونة الأخيرة.  فحسب استطلاعات الرأي التي قامت بها الجمعيات و المهتمين بهذا المجال في مختلف دول المنطقة، فإن المنطقة تعاني من مشاكل بيئية مشتركة  تحول دون تحقيق أهدافها السامية في هذا المجال، مما يحد من تنفيذ إستراتيجياتها ويجعلها أسيرة شبح فقدان تنوعها  البيولوجي الذي يعتبر إطار حياتها وعماد رخاء سكانها  ومحور معيشتهم وثقافتهم وهويتهم، مما أدى إلى عظم الأثر السلبي على نمو المنطقة اقتصاديا واجتماعيا.

يعتبر تواجد المصانع بالقرب من المناطق السكنية من أهم المشاكل التي تعاني منها المنطقة، و ما يرافق ذلك من انبعاث الغازات والمخلفات السامة التي تلوث الهواء والماء على حد سواء ويتسبب في انتشار جلة من الأمراض والأوبئة التي تكون في بعض الأحيان قاتلة، كأمراض الجهاز التنفسي والذبحات الصدرية والقلبية وضعف المناعة. كما يؤدي رمي النفايات سواء من قبل السكان أو المنشآت الصناعية  في المياه العذبة السطحية (كالوديان والبحيرات) أو الجوفية  (كالآبار) إلى تلويث والقضاء على هذه  الخزانات المائية البالغة الأهمية كمورد وحيد  للشرب ولحياة الكائنات الحية المائية وجودة الزراعة.

ينتشر سلوك رمي النفايات  في الشارع العام بشكل كبير بين سكان شمال أفريقيا، فتجمع النفايات يشوه المظهر العام للشارع، ويتسبب في انتشار الروائح الكريهة مما يؤدي إلى عواقب وخيمة على صحة وسلامة المواطن وأيضا يساهم في تدهور قطاع السياحة.


و مرد كل هذا إلى غياب فلسفة الاهتمام بالمجال البيئي، وعدم دمجه في البرامج والمناهج الدراسية، إضافة إلى غياب التخطيط المنهجي لتنفيذ برامج الحماية وانعدام الإرادة السياسية لردع المخالفين أفرادا كانوا أو مؤسسات صناعية، علاوة عن العلاقة المتوترة في أغلب الأحيان بين الجمعيات ومؤسسات الدولة, وعجز الجمعيات ومؤسسات المجتمع المدني عن إيجاد خطاب مناسب للتوعية وتعزيز الحس بأهمية المحافظة على الثروات الطبيعية  كإرث معنوي وحضاري وغير متجدد.

إن لهذه المشاكل البيئية دور في خرق الحدود الجغرافية بين البلدان فهي لم تعد قضية محلية فقط، بل قضية إقليمية وعالمية،  فالتلوث ينتقل من مكان لآخر وتأثيره لن يكون محصورا في منطقة واحدة من الكرة الأرضية عن غيرها من المناطق. فمشاكل شمال أفريقيا البيئية مثلا هي قضية مشتركة وعامة، فالمشاكل التي تشهدها المنطقة اليوم قد تسبب خللا عاما في التوازن البيئي. وبالتالي فإن أهمية الحفاظ على البيئة لم يعد ترفاُ فكرياً أو دعوة للتضامن بل أصبح ضرورة من ضروريات الحياة لأن الحفاظ على البيئة ليس مسؤولية الفرد لوحده ولا مسؤولية مجتمع بعينه أو دولة بحد ذاتها، فالحفاظ على البيئة هو عمل وجهد جماعي يجب أن يقوم به الجميع في كل الدول وفي جميع أنحاء العالم.

إن الحفاظ على البيئة يتطلب نشر توعية ترتبط باحترام البيئة وتبين مدى الحاجة إلى الحفاظ عليها، فاستمرار الإنسان وبقاؤه مرتبط أشد الارتباط بسلامة البيئة المحيطة به، ولذا، يجب وضع محدودية الموارد البيئية الطبيعية  قدرة الأرض على تحمل الاستنزاف من ناحية والتلوث والتدهور من الناحية الأخرى في عين الاعتبار.

Solar Panel Maintenance: The Basics Every Homeowner Should Know

Nowadays, people are joining the wagon of sustainable practices. One of the most popular ones is using solar panels to provide renewable energy for the whole household. While purchasing solar panels can be expensive, they can be worth the investment in the long run because of the many benefits they bring.

One of these benefits is saving electricity bills since solar panels collect energy from the sun and store it for you to use in your home. However, to maximize your investment, you should know the basics to maintain the quality of your solar panels.

how to maintain your solar panel

How Long Do Solar Panels Last?

Generally, solar panels can maintain 80% of their optimal capability for about 25 years. Solar panels that experience wear and tear usually don’t break down completely. Instead, they work at a decreased capacity. If, for instance, you have 300-watt solar panels, during the latter part of their 25-year mark, they’d still be able to produce 240 watts of output.

The problem, however, lies in the equipment you use in conjunction with the solar panels, like inverters and batteries. These pieces of material have a shorter life span and break down more easily. You can expect to replace solar inverters at least once or twice during the entire life span of your system. The good thing is inverters usually have a warrant for up to 10 or 20 years.

If you’re using batteries as well, expect additional costs as they’d need to be replaced often, depending on how you maintain them. For lead-acid batteries, replacement generally occurs every three to seven years. On the other hand, lithium batteries have at least 10-15 years of usable life span.

In addition, residential solar panel installations may also have an impact on your panels’ life span. But when done right, the panels won’t break easily. Similarly, low-quality installation may increase their chances of being easily damaged.

We recommend looking into informative and reputable local solar companies in your area with good warranties. For instance, SunPower by Custom Energy will guide you through the process and offers an industry-leading 25-year warranty to ensure you receive what you need.

How Do You Ensure Your Solar Panels Last Long?

Though solar panels need little maintenance for them to function, it’s vital to still look after them to ensure they last long. Here are ways to properly maintain your solar power system.

1. Make Regular Inspection Of Your Panels

More often than not, solar panels are located in higher areas, so they’re less susceptible to breakage caused by ground-level debris. But it’s still an excellent preventive method to check in on your solar panels every once in a while. Taking preventive maintenance like this ensures your panels are free from any buildup of dirt, tree materials, or pollen.

Another factor that could compromise your solar panels’ quality is extreme weather conditions, like hailstorms. Scheduled checkups can ensure your panels didn’t incur any damage after a storm or similar calamity.

2. Clean Your Solar Panels

Although cleaning solar panels can be a labor-intensive activity, it’s vital for their usability. Regularly cleaning your solar panels ensures there isn’t any object blocking them. If your panels are blocked, they may not be able to receive proper insulation. And without proper insulation, you won’t be able to maximize your panels’ energy output.

solar panel maintenance

Scheduling a regular cleanup would depend on how much dirt or debris accumulates over a certain period of time. Thus, a routine inspection is necessary so you could check whether your panels need cleaning. If they do, make sure you use a soft rag or washcloth and mild biodegradable soap for cleaning. If dust buildup is your problem, you can run water through a hosepipe on them. This way, you’d avoid causing damage to the panels.

3. Make Sure Your Panels Are Under Well-Lit Areas

You can get your solar panels’ maximum capability if they’re properly installed. So ensure they’re placed directly under sunlight or the panels aren’t covered by shade. Remember, the energy produced by solar panels decreases significantly if there’s an obstruction between the panels and the sun. So if a tree is obstructing the sun, consider trimming it down if you can. Additionally, make sure to remove unnecessary objects near the panels.

4. Tighten Loose Parts

Just like any other equipment, solar panels come with small parts like bolts and joints, which may loosen over time. Try to check on these as often as you can to ensure optimal energy production at all times.

If you want to take the extra mile, consider using an energy production monitoring device. This would keep track of the energy produced by your panels. When you notice drastic differences in the energy produced, it may be a sign of faulty parts. Compromised components in the panels’ wiring may lead to accidents. Make sure to immediately check your panels out as faulty parts can cause electrocution or even fire.

5. Keep Track Of Your Panels’ Daily Performance

Another effective solar panel maintenance strategy you can follow is to record any critical information that you get. This may be the average energy production in a given amount of time or the daily amount of energy produced at a specific time of the day. If you’re keeping track of the data yourself, you might see discrepancies in the record.

solar panels maintenance

For this, it might be best to get a manufacturer-approved monitoring system to get the most accurate results. With such a system, you can check whether your panels are working correctly and efficiently.


Installing solar panels may be one of the best ways to save on electricity costs. However, if you don’t know how to maintain them, they may not yield optimal results. Thus, considering the basics above can help you maximize your solar panel investment.

The Environmental Impact of Guitars

Since the guitar was invented in the 16th Century, Spain, it has been enjoyed by people all around the globe – with an estimate of at least 900 million guitars existing today. Although, many musicians do worry about the carbon footprint that their instruments leave behind.

Guitars are made from rare woods and old growths. Over the years the manufacturing industry has had its fair share of issues, from illegal logging, scarcity in souring, and environmental regulations.

In this article, we are going to be speaking in more detail about the impact guitars have on the environment.

environmental impact of guitars

Do guitar factories produce a lot of emissions?

Globally, factories produce over 10 billion tons of CO2 each year and account for around 50% of the world’s pollution. While the guitar manufacturing companies only play a small role in these figures, they do of course play a role.

Nonetheless, as we become more environmentally aware, many guitar companies have taken action to equalize their carbon footprint. A prime example is the Music Wood Coalition, a Greenpeace initiative in the US that focuses on moving alternative certified wood sources, and filter out old growths and the deforesting of tropical woodlands. They have worked with huge brands such as Fender, Gibson, and Yamaha, aiming to use 80% alternative wood.

As for electric guitars, brands including Simon Lee have evolved into using recycled material such as CDs, or even old yogurt pots to create fusion into a dynamic polymer. So, whilst there are things we can do to prevent factory emissions, the main problem guitars pose to the environment is their use of rare wood and their participation in deforestation.

What guitar woods are endangered?

Deforestation amounts to ⅕ of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions. Whilst many companies are planting new trees per product sale, the planting rate is still too slow. As stated above, guitars are generally made from rare woods such as ebony or alder, and around 40% of this is sourced illegally. The problem for major tonewoods is the decreasing availability of the highest quality specimen, which generally means the oldest.

Mahogany as a whole is not yet endangered, but when you look at the age of the trees, there has been a great effect. As the old growths have been preferably harvested, we are left with smaller and younger mahogany, which guitar builders regard with lesser worth. The specific Cuban mahogany, on the other hand, is officially endangered.

Other woods to join the endangered list include; Spanish cedar, Madagascar ebony, Brazilian rosewood, and Japanese oak. Some of the vulnerable woods include okoume, utile, Honduran mahogany, and walnut.

Where do guitar companies get their wood?

Most of the highest quality, top in line guitars are made in America or Japan, more alternative wood guitars are made in South Korea, China, Mexico, or Indonesia. These are meant for mass production sales.

The actual wood can be sourced from several other countries. Popular areas include Honduras, Belize, and India, then it is imported around the world. However, with the search to find more alternative wood, this has been changing in recent years. Nowadays, most guitars are made from spruce, which is not yet endangered. This is native to the Western states of North American, from Alaska to California. In addition, guitar makers have moved to using Jatoba as the fretboard wood of choice as other varieties have become less available.

Guitars consist of Northern wood and Southern wood. The Northern wood is used on the top of the guitar body, and the Southern wood is used for the side and back. The Northern wood is particularly important to help resonate sound.


The main environmental impact of guitars is the use of rare or old-growth woods. Guitar makers can be extremely fussy about the type of wood they use as it has a direct impact on the sound of the guitar. Nonetheless, with modern technology and knowledge, companies are coming up with ways to make eco guitars which are more environmentally friendly.

The plus side to guitars is that they generally have a long life span, and realistically, there is no need to replace your current guitar very often. A well-looked-after guitar can last up to 30 years, depending on quality. This should mean that the manufacturing demand can remain at a manageable rate.

How Low-Calorie Meal Planning Supports Sustainability

You probably have never considered how the type of food you eat can impact the environment. Yet, your meal choices make waves. If you are sustainability conscious, then low-calorie meal planning could be one way of minimizing the impact your food choices have on the environment.

Mindful eating reduces waste and resource use, acting like a smart thermostat for your pantry and planet. Plant-based meals and ethical sourcing also add layers to this eco-friendly puzzle.

sustainability benefits of low-calorie meal planning

Imagine taking small steps that ripple into global change – it is possible with the right plan on your plate. Let us dive deeper into how these delicious solutions create harmony between health and habitat, turning everyday dining into an impactful practice.

Ethical Sourcing

Another crucial aspect of sustainable eating involves ethical sourcing. You can tailor your low-calorie meal planning around mindful choices about where ingredients come from, reducing environmental strain. This approach could mean choosing responsibly farmed and harvested foods that support ecosystems and ensure producers follow environmentally friendly practices.

Supporting certified organic or Fair-Trade products means advocating for reduced pesticide use and fair labor conditions. These choices protect the planet and promote social justice within food systems.

They also demonstrate a conscious effort to lessen ecological footprints while supporting industries focused on preservation rather than exploitation.

Mindful Portions

Mindful portion control is also another way low-calorie meal planning supports sustainability. It means cooking and serving food with an eye on what you truly need and cutting down on waste. Smaller portions mean fewer leftovers, which leads to reduced landfill contributions.

Planning meals around realistic servings saves money and resources in the long run. Buying only what fits your plan reduces unnecessary consumption of packaging materials and energy for production.

Embracing mindful eating encourages healthier habits. This strategy aligns personal health goals with environmental awareness by promoting a balanced relationship between nourishment and nature’s limits.

Water-Saving Strategies in Meal Planning

Besides mindful portions, water-saving strategies in meal planning can have a significant impact on sustainability. Prioritizing foods that require less water to grow, like grains and legumes over beef or dairy products, helps conserve this vital resource.

Opting for cooking methods that use minimal water – such as steaming or stir-frying – increases efficiency. This choice benefits both your health and the planet’s resources.

Selecting drought-resistant crops from local markets means supporting farmers who employ sustainable practices. These conscious decisions contribute to the larger goal of reducing agricultural and domestic water waste while maintaining nutritious and satisfying meals on your plate.

Vegan Recipes for College Students

Seasonal Ingredients and Sustainability

Incorporating seasonal ingredients into low-calorie meal planning is another excellent way of enhancing sustainability through your eating habits. Seasonal produce is often grown closer to home, reducing transportation emissions and supporting local economies.

This practice means enjoying fruits and vegetables at their peak ripeness, offering superior taste and nutrition. Seasonal eating encourages diversified farming that aligns with nature’s cycles, promoting soil health and biodiversity.

Moreover, these choices typically involve fewer artificial interventions like preservatives or chemical treatments. Focusing on what grows seasonally in your area allows you to embrace natural processes while supporting food systems less reliant on resource-intensive practices.

Energy-Efficient Cooking Techniques

Adopting energy-efficient cooking techniques aligns perfectly with sustainability. Choosing methods such as pressure cooking, steaming, or microwaving helps cut down on both time and energy consumption during meal preparation.

Using appliances designed for efficiency can significantly lower electricity use without compromising the quality of your meals. For instance, slow cookers are a great option that combines low-energy needs with flavorful results.

You could also consider streamlining recipes to minimize preparation steps and ensure resources are used wisely. These thoughtful choices in the kitchen allow you to enjoy satisfying dishes while also contributing to a smaller carbon footprint.

Sustainable Ordering Options

Eco-friendly meal planning and cooking can be challenging in today’s fast-paced world. Busy lifestyles often leave little time for these activities, leading many to order food instead.

Selecting establishments focused on eco-friendly practices means you support businesses committed to reducing waste and sourcing responsibly. Look for places offering seasonal ingredients and ethical sourcing as part of their menu philosophy.

Consider a weekly subscription of low-calorie dishes from these sustainability-conscious providers to simplify mealtime without sacrificing values. This approach helps maintain balance in your diet and the environment, allowing convenience and conscience to coexist seamlessly in everyday choices.

Food Storage and Preservation

Embracing food storage and preservation techniques also goes a long way into promoting sustainability within low-calorie meal planning. Utilizing methods like canning, freezing, or pickling extends the shelf life of seasonal produce and minimizes waste.

Storing foods correctly maintains their nutritional value while preventing spoilage. It means less frequent trips to the store, saving both time and energy resources.

Employing reusable containers helps reduce reliance on single-use plastics in your kitchen routine. This simple shift not only protects the environment but also supports a more organized approach to meal preparation.

Composting and Waste Reduction

Mastering food storage leads to another essential aspect of sustainability: composting and waste reduction. Transforming kitchen scraps into nutrient-rich compost is a powerful way to minimize waste and enrich soil for future growth.

food waste disposal

Your leftover fruit peels, vegetable trimmings, and other organic materials become compost, creating a cycle supporting garden health without chemical fertilizers.

Maintaining a simple compost bin at home allows you to manage biodegradable waste effectively. This process not only reduces landfill contributions but also empowers you to contribute positively towards creating more sustainable ecosystems within your local community.

Final Words

Every meal you choose contributes to building a healthier planet. Integrating sustainable practices in low-calorie meal planning turns daily eating into impactful action. By focusing on mindful consumption, ethical sourcing, and waste reduction, your choices extend beyond personal well-being to foster environmental health.

As you embrace these strategies, you join a collective effort to sustain the world for future generations. Every conscious decision matters, be it through energy-efficient cooking or supporting eco-friendly vendors.

Your journey can also inspire others to consider how their plates affect our shared home. With each choice reflecting values of sustainability and health, we edge closer towards ensuring harmony between humanity and nature’s resources.

The Promise of Olla Irrigation

Efficient traditional methods of irrigation that could be of great use on small and medium sized farms and gardens were not well studied or publicized until recently. The olla (buried clay pot or pitcher) method of irrigation is one of the most efficient systems known and is ideal for gardeners and small farmers and can be used in a patio container.[1] I first learned about it in a Chinese agricultural text from 2000 years ago. Olla irrigation uses a buried, unglazed clay pot filled with water to provide controlled irrigation to plants as the water seeps out through the clay wall at a rate that is influenced by the plant’s water use.

olla irrigation system

Why use ollas?

A 2013 study in Kenya found the olla system was much more efficient than furrow irrigation —saving 97.1% of applied water for maize and 97.8% for tomatoes. The increase in yield per unit of water was up 32.2% maize and 43.7% for the tomatoes. In a study in India, the yield of olla irrigated melon was 25 tons/hectare using only 2 centimeters of irrigation water, compared with yields of 33 tons/ha using 26 cm of water with flood irrigation. The stable soil moisture maintained by olla irrigation enables crops to be grown in saline soil or with saline water where conventional irrigation would not work. High tomato yields, 27 tons/ha, were obtained in India using saline irrigation water, EC 10.2 mmhos/cm.

In addition to being more efficient than drip systems, ollas can be used without pressurized, filtered water supplies. The clay pots can be made with locally available materials and skills and are less likely to be damaged by animals or clogged by insects than drip systems. And finally, the ollas may require added water only once every few days or once a week. This makes ollas ideal for farmers and gardeners who are busy with other crops, children, household duties, or who must work away from home much of the week.

commercial ollas

Olla irrigation allows soil amendments to be placed only where they will benefit the crops not the weeds. This is very important as studies of traditional farming systems have found that as much as 30% of the labor is for weeding — labor that could be put to more productive use.

A study in India found that the dry weight of weeds was only 62 kg/ha using ollas compared to 465 kg/ha with basin irrigation. In one of my tests there were kilograms of weeds instead of tons per ha.

olla irrigation

How to Get Started

  1. Buy or make a test olla. Make sure water seeps through the pores and wets the outside of the olla
  2. Dig a pit wider and deeper than the olla (mix in manure and compost if possible)
  3. Fill the pit with water — let drain
  4. Put the olla in the hole after adding enough soil in the pit so the stem is about 5 cm above ground.
  5. Fill the pit around the olla and firm up the soil by pressing on it
  6. Fill the olla with water and cover the olla opening with a lid or stone
  7. The next day see how far out from the olla the soil is still damp
  8. Plant seedlings or place seeds in the damp soil
  9. Refill olla as needed
  10. After the season is over scrub the pots and store upside down.

Any good potter should be able to make ollas. If pots are made specifically for irrigation the clay should not be fired much above 1,000°C or the porosity will be limited. Adding more grog (ground old ceramic) to the mix can increase porosity. The drawbacks of ollas include the cost of the ollas and the energy required to make them. The pores in the pots may clog over time and require scrubbing and soaking with some vinegar or re-firing to clean out the pores.

Buried clay pot irrigation is outstanding. Try it this year. It works so well for container plants. Grow parsley, mint, chives, cilantro, egg plants, cherry tomatoes, or flowers for home use. Or try them for a garden or small farm.

Further reading

Kefa C.C., E. C. Kipkorir, J. Kwonyike, P. C. Kubowon, H. K. Ndambiri. 2013. Comparison of water use savings and crop yields for clay pot and furrow irrigation methods in Lake Bogoria, Kenya. Journal of Natural Sciences Research. 3(8):34-39.

Bainbridge, D. A. 2015. Gardening with Less Water. Storey Publishing.

Bainbridge, D. A. 2013. Fan Shengzhi an agronomist of ancient China.

Bainbridge, D. A. 2001. Buried clay pot irrigation. Agricultural Water Management 48(2):79-88.

Stein, T.-M. 2019. Pitcher irrigation bibliography:

[1] YouTube

What is a Healthcare Reimbursement Plan – Explained

Healthcare Reimbursement Plan or HRA are reimbursements offered by an employer to their employee for health expenses claims. They are an alternative traditional group healthcare plan.

Healthcare reimbursement plans are different because the employer covers health expenses by offering a certain allowance amount instead of choosing a “one-size-fits-all” group health insurance.

A healthcare reimbursement plan can provide an employee with an allowance for medical expenses that includes insurance premiums.

What Is A Healthcare Reimbursement Plan

How Do They Work?

Healthcare reimbursement plans require some legal documentation to be constituted as a formal arrangement.  They are also subject to complex federal regulations which need to be fulfilled such as:

  • Eligibility criteria
  • What medical procedure will be reimbursed
  • How long the process will take
  • The method of payment
  • In case of dispute, what will be the plan of action?

Healthcare Reimbursement Plans Can Be Cashed Out?

No! You cannot cash out your healthcare reimbursement plan. These plans are like an agreement between you and your employer. The funds for your reimbursement are non-existent until you make a claim.

For example, if a certain year you had negligible medical expenses so the funds will roll over to the next year. Although the employer can increase the amount transferred from one year to another, they mostly keep it the same.

What Qualifies As A Reimbursement?

As an employer or an employee, you might be thinking about what might qualify for a reimbursement. The medical expenses that will qualify for reimbursement include yearly health checkups, prescription medicines, insulin, therapy sessions at psychiatrist/psychologist and other medical treatments. They can also be provided for paying insurance premiums.

On the other hand, the expenses that will not be approved for reimbursement include gym memberships, funeral services, non-prescription medication and other services deemed not necessary.

HRA or Reimbursement Plans VS Group Healthcare Plans

Depending on the size of your organisation you will have to choose between an HRA or a traditional group healthcare plan. The thing to keep in mind is that HRA offers more flexibility and requires a small business to spend less money to cover health expenses.

A group healthcare plan provides the same benefits to each employee. The employee has no choice but to spend through their pockets if a certain service is not covered. While a health reimbursement plan lets the employee choose their plan which will cover their medical expenses and get reimbursed by the employer.

HRA’s are also tax efficient because they come under reimbursement regulations. The amount provided to the employees is not considered in income tax so it also benefits the employee. Instead, the business can file for tax deductions when they payout reimbursements to their employees.

HRA’s are easier to plan and arrange because they do not require a high amount of money or budget, to begin with. They can be arranged for a business that has very few employees, unlike a group healthcare plan where 100s of employees must pool money.

If you are an SME looking for a health reimbursement plan suitable for your organization then you should check out Take Command Health HRA. They are providing you with healthcare plan solutions that are tailored to your requirements and making it easier for your business to provide health benefits.

Recycling of Polystyrene Wastes

Polystyrene (also known as EPS Foam or Styrofoam) is a highly popular plastic packaging material which finds wide application in packaging of food items, electronic goods, electrical appliances, furniture etc. due to its excellent insulating and protective properties. Polystyrene is also used to make useful products such as disposable cups, trays, cutlery, cartons, cases etc.

EPS foam packaging

Despite the attractiveness of polystyrene, municipalities and organisations are facing a growing problem in disposal of polystyrene packaging and products. Being large and bulky, polystyrene take up significant space in rubbish bins which means that bins become full more quickly and therefore needs to be emptied more often. Polystyrene is lightweight compared to its volume so it occupies lots of precious landfill space and can be blown around and cause a nuisance in the surrounding areas.

Although some companies have a recycling policy, most of the polystyrene still find its way into landfill sites around the world. As per conservative estimates, hundreds of thousands of tons of waste polystyrene is produced in the Middle East and sent to landfills each year.

Environmental Impacts of Polystyrene

While it is estimated that EPS foam (or polystyrene) products accounts for less than 1% of the total weight of landfill materials, the fraction of landfill space it takes up is much higher considering that it is very lightweight.  Furthermore, it is essentially non-biodegradable, taking hundreds perhaps thousands of years to decompose.

Even when already disposed of in landfills, EPS can easily be carried by the wind and litter the streets or end up polluting water bodies.  When EPS foam breaks apart, the small polystyrene components can be eaten by animals which can cause choking or intestinal blockage.

Polystyrene can also be consumed by fishes once it breaks down in the ocean.  Marine animals higher up the food chain could eat the fishes that have consumed EPS, thus concentrating the contaminant.  It could be a potential health hazard for us humans who are on top of the food chain considering that styrene, the plastic monomer used in manufacturing EPS has been classified by the US National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) as a possible human carcinogen.  Styrene is derived from either petroleum or natural gas, both of which are non-renewable and are rapidly being depleted, creating environmental sustainability problems for EPS.

Trends in Polystyrene Recycling

There seems to be a common misconception that polystyrene is non-recyclable.  Being a thermoplastic, it can actually be melted and molded into many different plastic items.  At present, the recycling of polystyrene (or EPS foam) basically follows the following process:

Segregation – EPS foam products are separated from other wastes and then sorted.

Compaction – The segregated EPS foam products are fed to a compactor in order to reduce its volume.  Some compactor systems have a compaction ratio of up to 50:1, which means that it can reduce the volume by up to 98%.

Shredding – Larger pieces are shredded into flakes.  Packaging “peanuts” – small EPS foam pieces used to cushion fragile items – normally skip this step and are fed directly to the pelletizing machine.

Melting/Extrusion – The flakes are forced through pelletizing extruders where they are heated and melted, then allowed to cool in order to solidify. The resulting material can then be used, through reheating and melting, to produce clothes hangers, picture frames, DVD cases and numerous other plastic products.

Major Bottlenecks

Although the Alliance of Foam Packaging Recyclers have reported that the recycling rate for post-consumer and post-commercial EPS in the United States have risen to 28% in 2010 from around 20% in 2008, this value is still lower than most solid wastes.  According to USEPA, auto batteries, steel cans and glass containers have recycle rates of 96.2%, 70.6% and 34.2% respectively. Because it is bulky, EPS foam takes up storage space and costs more to transport and yet yields only a small amount of polystyrene for re-use or remolding (infact, polystyrene accounts for only 2% of the volume of uncompacted EPS foams). This provides little incentive for recyclers to consider EPS recycling.

Products that have been used to hold or store food should be thoroughly cleaned for hygienic reasons, thus compounding the costs.  For the same reasons, these products cannot be recycled to produce the same food containers but rather are used for non-food plastic products.  The manufacture of food containers, therefore, always requires new polystyrene.  At present, it is more economical to produce new EPS foam products than to recycle it, and manufacturers would rather have the higher quality of fresh polystyrene over the recycled one.

Silver Lining

The cost of transporting bulky polystyrene waste discourages recyclers from recycling it.  Organizations that receive a large amount of EPS foam (especially in packaging) can invest in a compactor that will reduce the volume of the products. Recyclers will pay more for the compacted product so the investment can be recovered relatively easier.

There are also breakthroughs in studies concerning EPS foam recycling although most of these are still in the research or pilot stage.  Several studies have found that the bacteria Pseudomonas putida is able to convert polystyrene to a more biodegradable plastic.  The process of polystyrene depolymerization – converting polystyrene back to its styrene monomer – is also gaining ground.

Meanwhile, for the rest of us, we can start reducing our polystyrene consumption by opting to use products that can be reused, such as bringing our own coffee mugs and food containers to stores that serve their food and drinks in EPS foam.  A small change in our lifestyles can make a big difference for the environment.

13 Ways to Minimize the Carbon Footprint of Your DIY Projects

Most of us take up DIY projects as a hobby. However, did you know that you can take up DIY projects to reduce the carbon footprint of your home? DIY projects offer you the perfect opportunity to reuse things. You can create things yourself. You can use eco-friendly materials and resources to do so. When you take these steps, it will be easy for you to reduce the carbon footprint of your home.

You have to change how you do things. When you plan and use such resources, it will be easy to reduce the carbon footprint of your DIY projects. Using eco-friendly techniques does not impact the output of your projects. You can still complete your projects on your deadlines. You can reduce the carbon footprint by doing so. We will today share with you two different steps which you can follow to minimize the carbon footprint of DIY projects.


1. Use recycled tools

The best way to reduce the carbon footprint of your DIY projects is to use recycled tools. Most of the machines use metal pieces like drill bits, screws as well as nails. These tools consist of recycled metal. The website options to buy such tools online are plenty. When you’re buying such recycled tools, the cost of these tools will be on the lower side.

2. Use accessories to the fullest

Many of us like to go for the latest accessories. Even when, our existing appliances like drill machines and woodworking tables are working fine, we wish to upgrade to a newer one. You need to keep in mind that it is a good idea to use the accessories as well as the tools to the fullest before buying more modern appliances and fixtures. If you take steps toward using the accessories and the DIY tools to the fullest, it will be effortless to reduce the carbon footprint.

When you’re speaking about accessories, you have to also look at the safety gear which you use. These include:

  • Gloves
  • Shield mask
  • Protective gear

You have to use them till the time; they are useful. Instead of just changing the protective gear because of the appearance, it is a good idea to clean them. As a result, you can minimize the carbon footprint of your DIY projects.

3. Use old clothes as cleaning rags

When you’re undertaking a woodworking project or building a project, you will, of course, need clothes to clean up the mess. The best way to opt for an eco-friendly solution is to use old clothes as cleaning rags.

You will find a suitable purpose for the older clothes instead of throwing them and at the same point in time; you can minimize buying separate cleaning clothes. You can reduce the waste generated. You can use all your old clothes as cleaning rags for your DIY projects. The dirt and contaminants on your workspace will also be reduced.


4. Recycle the waste

You have to first and foremost segregate the waste. When you separate the trash, only then you can recycle it. In most of the developed countries, waste segregation is compulsory. If it is not so in your state, it is time to follow this policy actively. When you actively follow this policy, you will quickly find out what is recyclable. You can get it recycled yourself or ask your cleaning agent to consider, it is a recyclable material. As a result, it will not go to landfills.

There are many waste aggregators which purchase the stuff which is recyclable. You can directly sell that waste to do them. The residue resulting from your DIY projects will get recycled. Recycling will help you minimize the carbon footprint once again.

5. Organize a garage sale

Most of us throw away our old clothes and possessions. The truth is that someone out there might be looking for the same. They might be looking to get them cheaper. Organizing a garage sale is not a big deal. You can do so easily. There are a few steps to host the garage sale. These include:

  • Listing down the things which you want to sell
  • Arranging them together in your garage or your backyard
  • Advertising your garage sale

The above three steps can make your garage sale a huge success. The third step is critical. You have to use your social media contacts to your advantage. You have to post on Facebook groups and WhatsApp groups in which you are a member. When you do that, you can attract a significant number of people. The more the people, the easier it will be for you to sell out.

Another advantage of a garage sale is that you will be able to monetize your possessions. You can generate some extra cash from your old resources. When you do so, you can put that to good use by buying more plants for your backyard. Thus, a garage sale has multiple advantages rather than just disposing of your oldest possessions.

6. Use reusable bags to keep your tools

Many of us currently use plastic bags to store smaller tools like drilling bits, screws, and nails. It is a good idea to invest in a quality tool bag that has a shoulder strap.. When you use reusable bags, it will be easy for you to reduce plastic usage. Plastic is not recyclable. It can clog up the drains. It can impact the animal ecosystem. Thus, the disadvantages of plastic are many.


On the other hand, when you’re using reusable bags, they can last for an extended time. Instead of throwing them, you should recycle them. The advantage of reusable bags is that the carbon footprint during their manufacturing is often on the lower side. These bags constitute recyclable materials.

Even though they might be a tad bit more expensive as compared to the plastic bags, but in the longer run, you will gain a significant advantage. Not only, you will be able to reduce the carbon footprint, but also you can use them for an extended time.

7. Use paper judiciously

Most of us envision the project work on paper before executing them. In many cases, people have a diary or use a regular paper to draw the blueprints. The problem is that the more paper you use, the higher the carbon footprint of your project.

Step 2


You might argue that it is necessary to use pen and paper to plan your projects. You need to understand however that there are multiple alternatives available. The other options are not that harmful to nature. We will highlight some of the options which you can use.

  • Whiteboard

When you use a whiteboard, you can quickly draw a blueprint as per your requirement. Once the need of that information is over, you can quickly erase the whiteboard. With the help of whiteboard, you will be able to minimize the necessity of using paper significantly.

  • Tablet

Most of us have at least a single touchscreen tablet in our homes. You can create the blueprints using the touchscreen tablet, or you can directly access the designs from the Internet. When you do so, it will be easier for you to minimize the use of paper.

Thus, when taking up DIY projects, it is not necessary to always use paper. You have these few alternatives to minimize the use of paper.

8. Carpool to get resources for your projects

Most of us cannot buy an electric bike just for taking a few trips to the hardware store. A much better alternative is to go for carpooling. You should not use your car for every trip to the hardware store. The problem in doing so is that you will increase the carbon footprint of your DIY projects.

Carpooling is an affordable alternative. The cost of carpooling is on the lower side. You can quickly get it with the help of your smartphone. Thus, not only your time will be saved, but also the carbon footprint will be minimal.

A great alternative altogether is to order tools online. The Tool Nerds in your family will love this because they won’t need to worry about traveling to the hardware store. You can get it delivered to your home. You can use the cardboard boxes for a variety of purposes after unpacking it. You can use the paper invoices as a rough paper. There are many websites which sell all type of tools including recycled tools. After a few clicks on the computer, all you need to do is sit back and wait for them to be delivered right to your doorstep.

9. Reuse plastic

Even when you try to reduce the use of plastic articles in your home, abandoning them all together is not a possibility. One thing however which you can do is to reuse the plastic items instead of disposing them. There are a few ways in which you can do so like:

  • You can use the old milk jug as a bag dispenser.
  • You can use plastic containers as nail holders.

These are just some of the ways how you can reuse the plastic articles and containers instead of disposing off them. Since you might not buy the new materials for the purposes mentioned above, you will reduce their carbon footprint as well.

10. Use energy efficient lighting

The problem with CFL light bulbs is that not only they consume more power but generate more heat. The high temperature will necessitate better cooling and better climate control systems. Once again, you will end up wasting a significant amount of energy.

The best alternative to this problem is to use LED bulbs. With the help of LED lighting, you can reduce the energy which is consumed to generate the same level of illumination. The illumination produced by LED lights is higher as compared to CFL. The LED lights do not dissipate the same amount of heat as CFL lights. Thus, you will not have to set the thermostat lower.


There is a dual advantage when it comes to reducing the carbon footprint by using LED lights. You can install the LED lights in your garage and your workspace when it comes to completing DIY projects.

11. Unplug the appliances when not in use

When you’re undertaking DIY projects, we often leave devices and gadgets plugged in. The problem is that even on the standby, gadgets and appliances consume energy. Thus, you are wasting electricity. It is important to unplug the devices when not in use.

When you disconnect the appliances from the electrical socket, it will be easier for you to reduce the consumption of electricity. Additionally, you can protect the devices from any voltage or current fluctuations. Thus, the life of the appliances also increases.

12. Use solar electricity

The best way to reduce the carbon footprint of your DIY projects is to use solar power in the form of electricity or solar lights. You can install solar panels in your backyard or on top of your workspace. When you do so, the electricity which we will consume in that room will be from renewable sources. It will not be from traditional fossil fuels. Thus, not only you can reduce the cost of electricity but also reduce your energy footprint. Even though the upfront cost of setting up the solar panels can be a bit higher but in the longer term, not only the cost of electricity will be lower but also your carbon footprint.

Moreover, you can install the solar panels precisely as per the requirement. If you’re looking to use solar electricity for other purposes, you can connect a higher number of solar panels. If you need them for your DIY projects, you need a few solar panels. Thus, using solar electricity is one of the best ways in which you can reduce the carbon footprint while completing your DIY projects.

When you combine the use of LED lights with solar electricity, the energy footprint of your workfloor gets drastically reduced. The steps above when used in conjunction can minimize the carbon footprint significantly.

Final Thoughts

So, if you are a DIY fanatic, now is the time to make your projects eco-friendly. You can do so by following the above tips which we have highlighted. When you reduce the carbon footprint, it will be easy for you to create sustainable projects. These will not only help you save a significant amount of money but also do your bit for the environment. It is even better if you prompt your friends to undertake the same steps to reduce the carbon footprint and pollution.

أنظمة ري عالية الكفاءة للحدائق المنزلية والشجيرات والأشجار

إن العديد من الأسر والمجتمعات وحتى البلدان معرضة للخطر بسبب التغير المناخي الذي يتسبب في حدوث موجات من الجفاف والفيضانات الحادة والشديدة، حيث أن إمدادات المياه محدودة في الكثير من المناطق وتكاليفها أيضاُ آخذة بالارتفاع. لذا فإنه بإمكان أنظمة الري تحقيق أكبر استفادة من إمدادات المياه المحدودة. على مدى ما يقارب الاربعون عاماً قمت بتجارب وتعديل استراتيجيات لإنشاء مصانع في صحارى سونوران وموجافي شمال أمريكا، حيث يصل معدل هطول الامطار الى 7.5 سم في العام الجيد، حيث تكون هذه الانظمة مفيدة للحدائق المنزلية وزراعة الشجيرات والأشجار في الأراضي القاحلة.

بدأت السعي بهذا الموضوع في الثمانينات، عنجما بدأت البحث حول العالم عن تقنيات الري ذات التقنيات المنخفضة التي تناسب المواقع القاحلة. وكنت قد أجريت أيضاَ العديد من المقابلات مع الاشخاض الذين زاروا هذه المناطق حيث كنت أعمل. وقد اكتشفت العديد من الانظمة التقليدية المستخدمة ولكن غير معروفة نظراً لان العلماء الذين اجروا عليها الابحاث اعتبروها بدائية وغير كفؤة. ولكنني قمت باختبارها وتحسينها في السنوات التي تلت. حيث وجدت انه بامكاني إفادة المزارعين الصغار الذين يعملون في المناطق ذات المياه باهظة الكلفة أو تعاني من نقص في المياه.

إن الطلب على الري مرتبط بوظائف التمثيل الغذائي المعتمد على المياه المستمدة من رطوبة التربة، حيث تصبح التربة أكثر إجهاداً بسبب التفاعل بين قلة الهطول والتبخر والرياح وكذلك نمو النبات نفسه بالإضافة إلى درجات حرارة الهواء والتربة. حيث أن الرطوبة النسبية المنخفضة (أقل من 10%) وسرعة الرياح العالية يؤديان إلى فقد المياه بسرعط كبيرة مما يجعل النباتات تتكيف مع الجفاف بمرور الاشهر او السنوات القليلة الاولى، ربما لا تنمو، لكنها ستصمد في انتظار أول مطر غزير. 

ملاجــئ النباتات

إن إيواء النباتات بملاجئ الأشجار البلاستيكية أو الصخور أو الجدران الصخرية أو مظلات الشمس أو النباتات المجففة يمكن أن يقلل من الطلب على مياه النباتات ويحسن البقاء والنمو. قد تبدو ملاجئ الأشجار ذات الجدران الصلبة بمثابة موت في الصحارى شديدة الحرارة لكنها في معظم الحالات قامت بتحسين فرص البقاء بشكل كبير حسب دراستي. مع درجات حرارة سطح الأرض التي قد تقترب من (70 درجة مئوية) ومع وجود ملاجئ للرياح والرمال فإن هذا سيقلل منالإجهاد والطلب على المياه. ومن المهم في كثير من الأحيان أنها تقلل من الرعي الجائر للحيوانات الأليفة والبرية. لم تكن درجات حرارة الهواء المرتفعة في الملاجئ الصحراوية مشكلة بشكل عام، لكن بعض الأنواع حساسة أكثر من غيرها.

high efficiency irrigation system

إن  السر في تقليل استخدام المياه هو توصيل المياه إلى منطقة الجذر بسرعة وكفاءة مع عدم وجود جريان أو ترطيب سطحي أو فقدان للتبخر،حيث  يمكن للتربة الرطبة أن تسهل امتداد الجذور وتطوير نظام جذري كبير.

unique irrigation methods

حصاد مياه الأمطار

إن تجميع واستخدام مياه الامطار يعتبر أمراً ضروريا، حيث يمكن لهذه المياه النقية الخالية من الاملاح أن تعوض تراكم الملح على المدى البعيد في الاسطح التي تحتوي على نسب عالية من المعادن أو مياه الابار، يمكن أن يؤدي تشكيل تجمعات المياه الصغيرة ، والمستنقعات، والحفر، والطبع، وتركيب حزم القش عموديًا في الثقوب أو الخنادق إلى تحسين حركة المياه السطحية إلى التربة في حالة هطول أمطار غزيرة. ومع ذلك، فإن هطول الامطار القليل يُعرض هذا المهاد للكثير من المطر قبل بلوغه التربة. لذا فإنه بالامكان لاصحاب الحدائق المنزلية أن يستخدموا مياه الاستحمام وغسل الاطباق في معظم أنظمة الري بالطبع إن كانت نظيفة. قام والديّ باستخدام هذه المياه في حدائقهم لاكثر من 20 عام مضت.

تعتبر أنظمة الري بالتنقيط متطورة جداً ومدروسة بشكل جيد وتصلح في بعض الحالات، إلا أنها تحتاج ضخاً منتظماً للمياه وترشيحاً دقيقا وصيانة منتظمة كذلك. بالعادة إن نظام التنقيط العميق (المدفون) يعتبر الافضل لانه ينقل المياه الى عمق التربة، ولكن من الصعب مراقبته وصيانته. حيث يتم سد البواعث بالرواسب والاملاح والكثير من الحشرات ايضا تقوم بسد البواعث. بعض الحيوانات البريه كالقيوط والارانب تقوم بمضغ الانابيب حتى وهي فارغة من الماء، لذلك – وحسب اعتقادي – سميت هذه الانابيب بأنابيب السباغيتي، في احدى الدراسات التي قمت بها عن هذه الحيوانات فاننا قمنا بقطع المواد الطاردة لحماية النباتات التي لم تمسها تلك الحيوانات اساساً وقمنا بوضعها على الانابيب.

أنظمة ري لم تسمع عنها قبلاً ولكنها جديرة بالاعتبار

على مدى سنوات عديدة من التجربة والخبرة، اكتشفت بعض الانظمة في عدة ثقافات حول العالم، وهذه الانظمة عملت بشكل جيد وجُربت على مجموعة واسعة من أنواع التربة والنباتات المختلفة. جميعها يستهلك كميات أقل من المياه مقارنة بأفضل الأنظمة المألوفة، ومناسب للحدائق والمزارع وإحياء الغطاء النباتي والتشجير، وبعض أفضل البدائل تشمل مايلي:

الري بالأنابيب العميقة

يُعد الري بالأنابيب العميقة طريقة فعّالة جداً ولكنها غير معروفة كثيراً، وهي عبارة عن استخدام أنبوب عمودي مفتوح من (البلاستيك، قنوات او خيزران مع شبكة مثقوبة، أنبوب من الورق الشمعي، حزم من العصي أو ثقب مملوء بالحصى…) يقوم بتوصيل المياه إلى جذور الاشجار. تعلمت هذه الطريقة خلال تواجدي في الهند. وتعتبر الانابيب العميقة أكثر كفاءة من الري بالتنقيط السطحي أو الري التقليدي لأنها تقلل من التبخر. أثبتت الدراسات التي قمت بها بأن النباتات التي تمت سقايتها بهذه الطريقة أنمت جذوراً أكبر وتكيفت بطريقة أفضل لتبقى على قيد الحياة، ونمت هذه النباتات بشكل أسرع بعد هطول أمطار الصيف النادرة.

الري بالأنابيب العميقة يمكن أن يستخدم مياه ذات جودة منخفضة، ومن الممكن اعدادها بمواد أولية ويدوية بسيطة دون الحاجة إلى تعقيد (لا يوجد حاجة إلى مياه مفلترة). توفر هذه الانابيب كفاءة أفضل باستخدام المياه لانها تقلل التبخر. وتقلل أيضاً من نمو الاعشاب الضارة. للري اليدوي: نقوم بوضع أنبوب قطره حوالي 4 -5 سم عمودياً في التربة بعمق يقارب 30 – 35 سم بالقرب من النبات، يجب تثقيب الانبوب من جانب واحد بثقوب مقاس 3 – 5 مم وتوجيهها نحو النبات لتسهيل نمو الجذر المبكر. ومن الضروري ابعاد السحالي والحيوانات عن الانابيب، ممكن أن تُغطى بصخرة صغيرة او غطاء، لكن استخدام الشاش سيسهل عملية الري، إذا كان عدد الانابيب قليل فأنه بالامكان قص وتحضير الشاشات يدوياً، أما للمزارع والمشاريع الكبيرة، فالافضل استخدام الشاش المصنع المقصوص لنقوم بتغطية الانابيب او توصيلها بها.

تٌمكًنالأنابيب العميقة إمكانية تطبيق المياه بسرعة وكفاءة على  الأشتال دون جريان المياه حتى على المنحدرات الشديدة ويمكن  عمل ذلك يدويًا من إبريق ماء أو من خرطوم إلى استخدام خزان مياه. إن وضع الأنبوب العميق على الجانب العلوي من النبات يحميه من الانزلاق والدفن تحت التربة. يمكن ترك الأنابيب في مكانها أو إزالتها بعد عدة مواسم وإعادة استخدامها، يتواجد الان بالاسواق أنوا ع جديدة للانابيب العميقة وهي جميلة جدًا ولكنها باهظة الثمن.

وتُستخدم هذه الطريقة أيضاً بتوصيلها مع نظام الري بالتنقيط المتقطع أو الانبوبي، بالامكان استخدام انبوب بلاستيكي مقاسه 1.25 سم مثبت عمودياً بعمق 20 – 25 سم يعمل مع ثقوب او بواعث تنقيط موضوعه على الانبوب، وهذا يوفر لنا فوائد أنظمة التنقيط المدفونه ولكنه أسهل بالصيانة والإصلاح.

الري بالقُلة (إبريق أو وعاء فخاري مدفون)

من الأنظمة الاكثر كفاءةً على الإطلاق، حيث يستخدموعاءًا  فخارياً غير مزجج مدفوناً يكون مليئاًبالماء لتوفير إمدادات ثابتة من المياه للنباتات التي تنمو حولنا، تم وصف هذا النظام لأول مرة منذ 2000 عام في كتيب مكتوب في الصين للأشخاص الذين لديهم القليل من الأراضي والقليل جدًا من المياه. يتسرب الماء عبر جدران الوعاء المدفون بمعدل مُتحكم به جزئيًا لاستخدام النبات للمياه ويوفر توصيل المياه بوعاء الطين المدفون للنباتات إمدادًا ثابتًا بالمياه حتى خلال الفترات الحارة جداً والرطوبة المنخفضة والرياح الجافة. يعد توصيل المياه بهذه الطريقة مفيدًا أيضًا في التربة الرملية أو الحصوية الخشنة التي تستنزف بسرعة كبيرة وفي التربة المالحة كذلك. كماأن  مستوى الرطوبة الثابت في التربة يجعل الري بوعاء الطين المدفون طريقة جيدة للاستخدام مع البذر المباشروقطعه.

innovative irrigation methods

يسمح الري بوعاء الطين المدفون بوضع تعديلات للتربة حيث ستسفيد المحاصيل بدلاً من الأعشاب الضارة. وفي دراسة أجريت على الأواني الفخارية فيكينيا انخفض استخدام المياه بنسبة 97% وزاد المحصول بنسبة 40% مقارنة بالري السطحي. كما أن توزيع الماء المتحكم به يقلل من نمو الأعشاب الضارة. ولقدأظهرت دراسة أجريت في الهند أن الوزن الجاف للحشائش في المحاصيل التي تستخدم الري بوعاء فخاري مدفون كان 13% فقط من وزن الحشائش في المحاصيل التي تستخدم الري بالأحواض. في إحدى دراساتي، كان وزن الحشائش 23 كجم/هكتار فقط مقارنة بـ 6700 كجم/هكتار في قطعة أرض مروية مجاورة.

لقد نجح الري بالأواني الفخارية بشكل جيد في المناطق المتأثرة بالملوحة أو حيث تتوفر المياه المالحة فقط للري. في إحدى الدراسات، كان إنتاج الطماطم أعلى في الواقع مع الماء المالح قليلاً. تعتبر الأواني الفخارية ذات قيمة للعديد من المواقع التي بها مشاكل في الحدائق ومزارع السوق والمناظر الطبيعية وإعادة الغطاء النباتي هذا النظام يعمل جيداً مع النباتات التي تتعفن بسهولة إذا تبللت الأوراق أو السيقان. يمكن ملء الأواني الفخارية المدفونة يدويًا أو توصيلها بشبكة أنابيب أو خزان مائي.

يعتبر الري بالأواني الفخارية المدفونة فعالاً جداً لري الفسائل فيالمشاتل أو الحقول حيث يتم وضع وعاء فخاري مغلق داخل وعاء أكبر مع ترك الصرف مفتوحًا لتمتلئالمساحة بين الأواني بالرمل أو خليط التربة. يمتلئ الوعاء الداخلي بالماء ويحافظ على الرطوبة في التربة ويسمح الوعاء الخارجي بالتهوية ويقوم بالتبريد، يُعد هذا النظام مثالياً لأشجار الصفصاف وأشجار القطن، والنباتات العُقلية صعبة النمو.

العيب الرئيسي لهذا النظام هو تكلفة صُنع القُلل التجارية في الولايات المتحدة (على سبيل المثال GrowOya)، يمكن لصانعي الفخار المحليين توفير هذه الاواني محلية بتكلفة أقل، وسيتوفر سوقاُ جديدا لهم. نستطيع تنظيف هذه الاواني عن طريق فركها بالماء ونقعها بالماء مضافاً له بعض الخل. وبعض الذين يستخدمونها يقومون بتنظيفها باعادتها الى النار.

الأنابيب الطينية المسامية

تعمل الأنابيب الفخارية المسامية مثل الأواني الفخارية المدفونة، ولكنها قد تحتوي على عدد قليل من الأعشاب الضارة يعتمد العمق المناسب لدفن الأنبوب الطيني المسامي على خصائص الأنبوب الطيني (محتوى الطين، المادة العضوية، درجة حرارة الحرق، مدة الحرق) وخصائص التربة (الملمس، البنية، الكثافة، المسامية، المادة العضوية في التربة) والضغط الهيدروليكي (إن وجد). يتم دفن الأنابيب الطينية المسامية في خندق مستوٍ أو مائل قليلاً على عمق يتراوح من 20 إلى 40 سم للتربة المتوسطة إلى الناعمة مع وجود صفوف من النباتات على بعد حوالي متر واحد. غالبًا ما يكون قطر الأنابيب الطينية المسامية 10-15 سم مع وصلات تتلائم جيدًا مع بعضها البعض وتكونمغلقة لمنع دخول الجذور وتوزيع المياه بشكل غير متساوٍ وعادةً ما يتم وضعها من طرف إلى طرف بواسطة وصلة مانعة لتسرب الماء، أو وصلة أسمنتية، أو موصلات بلاستيكية أو مطاطية، حيث تسهل الوصلات المطاطية تفكيك نظام الأنابيب وتنظيفه ونقله.

عادةً يتم وضع الانابيب في صفوف المحاصيل مباشرة تحت الصف او بين الصفوف، وايضاً يتم استخدام شبكات الانابيب، لانها تروي مساحات اكبر من الاباريق او الكبسولات المسامية، حيث يكون توصيل المياه أقل دقة. ينتشر الماء على شكل شريط افقي متسلسل في التربة مما يجعله مناسباً للمحاصيل التي تزرع بصفوف متقاربة مثل الجزر وبعض الخضروات الاخرى ونجح بشكل جيد في زراعة التفاح ايضاً.

تستجيب الانابيب الطينية للطلب بكفاءة عالية جداً في استخدام المياه. أوجدت التجارب التي اجريت عليها أن استهلاك المياه بطريقة الانابيب الطينية كان أعلى فعالية كان 80%، 81، و83% لنباتات اللفت، البامية والباذنجان مقارنة باستخدام الري المائي التقليدي. وزاد بالتالي انتاج المحاصيل. أما إذا تكلمنا عن العيوب فتتمحور بقلة الموردين، الوزن والجهد المبذول لتركيبها وتتظيفها.

ري الفتائل

إحدى طرق الري الأقل شهرة حيثتستخدم الفتائل لتوصيل المياه إلى النباتات. لقد تعرفت لأول مرة على هذا الشكل الفعال للغاية من الري من خلال ورقة بحثية في الهند، حيث تم استخدام الفتائل جنبًا إلى جنب مع الري بأوعية فخارية مدفونة. يمكن أن تكون الفتائل ذات تدفقٍ سريع (الجاذبية) أو بطيء(الشعري). يتم  التدفق الشعري عندما تلتصق الفتائل بالجدران وتكون  أقوى من قوى التماسك بين جزيئات السائل وهذا يتيح للمياه أن ترتفع إلى الفتيل. يجب اختبار مادة الفتيل قبلاً، لأن بعض المواد أفضل بكثير من غيرها. نقوم  بتعليق أحد طرفي الفتيل في الماء الملون وقياس ارتفاع الشعيرات، في بعض الفتائل يرتفع الماء  ليصل إلى 50 سم. لإجراء اختبار تدفق الجاذبية، ما عليك سوى وضع الفتيل وربطه بخزان مائي.

يعمل فتيل النايلون أو البوليستر المجدول بشكل أفضل من الانواع الاخرى، ويمكن استخدام القطن ولكن بامكانه السماح لنمو الطحالب عليه، وايضاً فإنه بالامكانإعداد الفتيل كنظام تدفق حر مع ضغط الجاذبية فقط أو كتغذية شعرية مع حمل الماء لأعلى وعلى طول الفتيل بمعدلات منخفضة جدًا للري على المدى الطويل من الخزان. قد تكون الفتائل مفيدة للري العميق باستهلاك الحد الادنى من المياه وذاتكفاءة عالية، وقد يساعد الفتيل في ربط الجذور من السطح إلى المياه الجوفية على عمق 2-4 أمتار.

هنالك  الكثير الذي يتوجب القيام به لتطوير أنظمة أفضل للفتائل وتقييم الاستخدامات الأكثر ملاءمة للفتائل الشعرية والجاذبية بشكل كامل. يمكن تعديل معدل التدفق باستخدام مشبك على الفتيل الموجود أسفل الخزان مباشرةً، ويمكن استخدام ترتيب الفتيل المتعدد لتحسين نمط الجذر الذي من شأنه تحسين الثبات بالرياح، وكذلك يمكن دمج الفتائل في شبكة مضغوطة. قد تكون الفتائل أيضًا فعالة جدًا في إنشاء العُقل وفي مساعدة النباتات المترامية على ضفاف الانهار بالوصول إلى المياه الجوفية. يمكن أيضًا استخدام الفتائل لسقي النباتات المنزلية عندما تضطر أن تتركها لبضعة أيام.

ما الافضل؟ يتعين عليك التجربة لمعرفة ذلك!

من أهم مزايا هذه الأنظمة متانتها وتكلفتها المنخفضة وملائمة حجم الري للحاجة الفعلية. أما بالنسبة لي فلقد اعتدت على استخدام الأنابيب العميقة في العديد من مشاريع الترميم  خاصتي، واليوم أنا أعتمد على الأواني الفخارية المدفونة في حديقتي و النباتات المزروعة في الأواني وهي تعمل بشكل جيد.

ترجمة: ماجدة هلسه

أردنية متعددة الإهتمامات، لديها من الخبرة ما يقارب السبعة وعشرون عاماً في مجال المالية والإدارة في المؤسسات المحلية والدولية، وتعمل ماجدة حالياً مع التعاون الدولي الالماني كموظفة مالية. ومع ذلك كله وعلى الصعيد التطوعي، فإن لديها شغفاً كبيراً بالترجمة في كافة المواضيع والمجالات، وقد بُني هذا الشغف بالخبرة الشخصية والعملية على مدى هذه السنين.

Note: The English version of the article is available at this link.

Earth Day 2014 – Focus on Green Cities

Earth Day, celebrated annually on April 22, marks the birth of modern environmental movement. Earth Day has now grown into a global tradition making it the largest civic observance in the world and is one of the widely celebrated events in which over one billion people from over 190 countries participate by taking suitable actions for saving our mother Earth. The Earth Day was first organised in 1970 to promote respect for life on the planet and to encourage awareness on air, water and soil pollution. Each year a different theme or topic is selected.

Earth Day 2014

Earth Day 2014 will focus on ‘Green Cities’ as a unique environmental challenge to make our livelihood environmental friendly. Due to rising population, more migration is taking place from rural to urban areas. Today, more than half of the world’s population lives in cities with urbanisation rates rising and impacts of climate change have prompted the need to create sustainable communities. The Earth day is observed believing that nothing is more powerful than the collective action of a billion people.

It is a fact that people are crowding cities and with the increase in population density, pollution of all sorts is increasing as well. Many cities are finding it difficult to cope with this fast urbanisation and to provide basic facilities like shelter, infrastructures, water, sanitation, sewerage, garbage, electricity, transportation etc. to its inhabitants.

People who live in high-density air pollution area, have 20 per cent higher risk of dying from lung cancer, than people living in less polluted areas. Children contribute to only 10 per cent of the world’s population but are prone to 40 per cent of global diseases. More than 3 million children under the age of 5 years die every year due to environmental factors like pollution.

Earth Day 2014 will seek to create awareness amongst people to act in an environmental friendly manner, promote and do smart investments in sustainable urban system transforming our polluted cities into a healthier place and forge a sustainable future. It’s exceptionally challenging for our communities and cities to be green.

Action Plan

It’s time for us to invest in efficiency and renewable energy, rebuild our cities and towns, and begin to solve the climate crisis. Over the next two years, with a focus on Earth Day 2014, the Green Cities campaign will mobilise a global movement to accelerate this transition. Most of the Middle East nations have limited land area and are particularly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change which is affecting the social and environmental determinants of health, clean air, safe drinking water, sufficient food and secure shelter.

We need to audit our actions and see what are we contributing towards your environment and community? Earth Day is a day for action; a chance to show how important the environment is to us. Earth Day is about uniting voices around the globe in support of a healthy planet. The earth is what we all have in common.

Let us be a part of this green revolution, plan and participate in Earth Day activities moving from single-day actions, such as park cleanups and tree-planting parties to long-term actions and commitments and make our city a healthier place to live as the message of the Earth Day is to “Actively participate and adopt environmental friendly habits”.