5 Astuces Pour être au Chaud Cet Hiver

Même dans le confort de notre propre maison, la saison la plus froide et la plus rude de l’année nous pousse à nous précipiter sur radiateurs, pulls, couvertures et manteaux supplémentaires. Mais ce n’est certainement pas une fatalité : grâce à plusieurs changements très simples, dites adieu à la fraîcheur hivernale de votre foyer et bienvenue à une chaleur douillette et accueillante.

1. Éliminez les courants d’air

Une maison chaleureuse, ce n’est pas qu’un bon chauffage, c’est aussi la capacité à retenir la chaleur. C’est le rôle de l’isolation. Pour empêcher la déperdition thermique, il faut consolider les zones vulnérables telles que les fenêtres et les portes.

draught proofing your home

Heureusement, ces courants d’air peuvent être éliminés à peu de frais. Investissez dans du calfeutrage à bas prix, ou si vous vous débrouillez en bricolage, fabriquez le vôtre entièrement à partir de matériaux que vous avez sûrement déjà chez vous.

2. Optez pour un chauffage efficace avec un circulateur d’eau chaude sanitaire

Il est judicieux d’investir dans l’installation d’une pompe de circulation pour nombre de raisons. Non seulement votre maison sera équipée d’un approvisionnement instantané en eau chaude, le chauffage et la distribution de l’eau dans votre maison seront plus efficaces qu’avec une chaudière classique.

Les pompes de circulation centrales sont équipées de pompes à rotor noyé à commande électrique. Cela permet à la pompe de s’adapter intelligemment à l’évolution de la demande de votre système et de fournir une efficacité maximale permanente.

3. Tirez les rideaux

Pour faire des économies de chauffage sans dépenser un rond, il est absolument essentiel d’ouvrir et fermer les rideaux en fonction du soleil. Exploitez l’énergie thermique naturelle du soleil autant que possible. Ouvrez vos rideaux en journée pour conserver la chaleur.

Il est tout aussi important de fermer les rideaux après le coucher du soleil. Plus vos rideaux sont épais, plus vous conserverez la chaleur.

4. Empêchez l’évacuation de chaleur par la cheminée

Les cheminées sont une source de perte de chaleur souvent négligée à la maison. Leur fermeture n’est pourtant pas bien compliquée : les ballons de cheminée sont une solution abordable qui coûte environ 20 £ (24 €) que vous pouvez poser à l’intérieur de la cheminée à l’abri des regards. Ensuite, gonflez-les jusqu’à ce qu’ils prennent suffisamment d’espace pour bloquer le passage d’air froid et piéger la chaleur sortante.

5. Conservez la chaleur de vos radiateurs

D’ordinaire réservé à l’emballage des repas, le papier aluminium peut servir à conserver la chaleur. Placé derrière le radiateur, le papier aluminium reflète la chaleur et la renvoie dans la pièce, au lieu la laisser s’échapper à travers les murs.

ground source heat pump

Vous verrez déjà la différence avec l’aluminium disponible dans vos placards de cuisine, mais si vous souhaitez un effet plus prononcé, il faudra mettre la main au portefeuille et se procurer du papier aluminium spécial. Mais après tout, avec un prix inférieur à 10 £ (12 €), vous en aurez pour votre argent.

Derniers mots

Vous l’aurez compris, avoir chaud chez soi ne demande pas d’efforts gargantuesques : rien de plus que quelques changements mineurs et faciles à mettre en œuvre. Le fait d’équiper votre logement d’un chauffage plus efficace et plus efficient offre également des avantages pécuniaires. Si la perspective d’un logement plus chaleureux ne suffit pas à appliquer certain changements, l’intérêt financier constitue certainement une motivation supplémentaire.

Translator: Cécile Lamhene

Cécile Lamhene est une traductrice indépendante de l’anglais vers le français. Après un master en traduction juridique, économique et technique à l’université de Lille, elle se spécialise dans le développement durable dans la région MENA et s’intéresse entre autres à l’agriculture, à l’élevage, à l’ingénierie, à l’énergie et à la gestion de l’eau.

Note: The original English version of the article is available at this link.

The Current State of the Solar Industry: An Overview

It is projected that in the near future, solar power might actually overtake other sources of electricity generation. Notably, a lot of concerns has been raised concerning the defects that are brought about by fossil fuels. These encroaching dangers that negatively work against other fossil fuels have led to the rejuvenation of the solar energy industry. The solar industry is now working on their policies to come up with a more realistic and achievable form that will see the industry emerge the best energy provider in the whole world. All this is achievable when the environment and the investors are willing to embrace.

significance of logistics services for solar business

According to the report on the US solar energy policy, they are now inventing the best policies that will see the solar energy integrated into almost all the US electricity systems. It will also design the most efficient and convenient ways to supply solar energy.

Also Read: 4 Myths About Solar Power, Debunked

New solar technologies will be built to fit the energy requirement since the sufficiency is the key here. All this seems to be realizable since a serious climate concerns has been raised and it is now clear that new ways and new power systems need to be embraced to mitigate the climate change that are attributed to fossil fuels.

Among the best kinds of solar energy systems that will likely be embraced are the photovoltaic, solar thermal and concentrated solar power (CSP). The solar industries are now aligning themselves in what they are best in and that is why new gadgets that utilize the solar power are now injected into the market. You will find all kinds ranging from the cheapest and less efficient to the superior and the most expensive solar panels.

It is now possible to get a solar powered helmet, a solar-powered water pump, the D-light solar and even other complex provisions like those installed in the big restaurants. Batteries also will utilize this solar power and actually, it has prevented be the most efficient and convenient form of power with less environmental hazards.

“Solar energy presents an opportunity for property owners across the UK but there is a lot of uncertainty over what the benefits are in real terms and what the figures really mean for householders.” Alastair Kay, Green Business Watch

Solar energy is undoubtedly the cheapest and the most convenient source of renewable power. It is actually the most affordable and it only requires the initial cost and the rest will be naturally supplied by the sun, this explains its relatively high uptake compared with some other newer energy technologies.

The major concerns on the environmental conservation and health concerns also add a more realistic view of the possibility of the resurrection of the solar power again. Though major setbacks have been previously observed in the industry, especially after the election of the US president Donald Trump who had a different opinion about climate change, and that is why only 2 % of the US uses solar power.

Despite this small setback, the current state of the solar energy industry seems to be appealing. It is actually promising and the industry should invent more attractive policies that will see it prosper. The need of the house is to develop more realistic and powerful solar inventions which may allow even larger industries to use solar energy in their day-to-day operations.

A Historic Timeline Of Renewable Energy

The oldest and most prominent sources of renewable energy can be separated into five clear categories – hydropower, solar energy, wind energy, geothermal energy and bioenergy. To document the history of these renewable energy sources from primitive use through the industrial revolution and into the 21st century, Compare the Market has created an infographic that tracks the known timeline of each source.


The research that went into informing the infographic also touches on the future of each energy source, including the countries that are leading the way by means of capacity and implementation of new technologies.

Some of the most interesting developments across all five renewable energy sources that are covered in the infographic include:

  • The first form of renewable energy, used in the Palaeolithic Age
  • Invention of the first water wheel, windmill and solar panel
  • Creation of the ‘Hotbox’ – a rectangular wooden box with a glass top that can boil water
  • The launch of the first spacecraft to use solar panels
  • Completion of the world’s largest hydroelectric powerplant

The supporting research also revealed some insights that look towards the future. When looking at the top countries with the capacity to install each type of renewable energy, statistics indicate that Italy and the United States are the only countries that consistently appear in the top ten for all five sources discussed in the research. This suggests that they could be leading the way in the global race towards efficient use of renewable energy sources.


As for which source is likely to have the biggest impact in the future, hydropower is expected to remain the largest source of renewable electricity in the world for quite some time. East Asia and the Pacific is currently the largest hydropower producing region, however the global count for hydroelectric power capacity reached a staggering 150 countries in 2019, due to its affordability, reliability and sustainability.

Sources of Information

  1. Cutler J. Cleveland, Concise encyclopedia of the history of energy, 2009. Published by Academic Press. Page 265, 269
  2. International Renewable Energy Agency – Country Rankings: https://www.irena.org/Statistics/View-Data-by-Topic/Capacity-and-Generation/Country-Rankings
  3. International Hydropower Association – 2022 Hydropower Status Report

إحراق الغاز وهدره في العراق: قضية ملتهبة

منذ أن بدأ إنتاج النفط الخام في القرن التاسع عشر كان حرق الغاز وهدره متلازمان معه حيث وجدت الشركات المستخرجة للنفط  بل وبعض الحكومات ايضا، أن الغاز المصاحب هو مصدر إزعاج وانه من الضروري التخلص منه او اتلافه بطريقة او باخرى إذا كان  لإنتاج النفط الخام ان يستمرم ويزيد إنتاجه. لكن قيمة الغاز كمصدر للطاقة وفوائده البيئية بدأت تتحق تدريجيًا ، وأدخلت بعض الحكومات أنظمة للحد من حرق الغاز إلى الحد الأدنى. ومع ذلك ، لا تزال المشكلة قائمة لدينا ، وتشير تقديرات البنك الدولي والذي اسس المبادرة العالمية للحد من حرق الغاز إلى أن حرق الغاز في عام 2017 كان عند مستوى 140 مليار متر مكعب.

 لقد انشا البنك الدولي هذه المبادرة بهدف الوصول إلى انهاء  أي حريق روتيني بحلول عام 2030 وقد بذلت البلدان العربية ، باستثناء العراق ، كأكبر منتجي للنفط الخام ، جهودًا كبيرة للحد من حرق الغاز واستخدام الفائض الناتج عن ذلك  لتوليد الطاقة وانتاج المواد الخام لصناعة الأسمدة والبتروكيماويات. في عام 2013 ، كان إنتاجهم من النفط الخام يقترب من 24 مليون برميل يوميا وحرق الغاز عند 21.8 مليار متر مكعب. وبحلول عام 2017 ، بلغ إنتاج النفط الخام أكثر من 26 مليون برميل يوميا ، وزاد حرق الغاز إلى 25.5 مليار متر مكعب. وجاءت معظم الزيادة في اشتعال الغاز من العراق حيث ارتفع إنتاج النفط في تلك الفترة من 3.0 إلى 4.5 مليون برميل يوميا ، في حين ارتفع معدل حرق الغاز من 13.3 إلى 17.8 مليار متر مكعب. ويتعين على العراق أن يتعلم من جيرانه الشروع في برنامج للتخفيض في إشعال النار إذا أراد الوفاء بوعد وزير النفط العراقي بالتوصل إلى انهار صارم للحرق بحلول عام 2021 ، وهو وعد متفائل للغاية غير مدعم باي  إجراء حازم على الأرض.

وتشير التقارير إلى أن العراق يتلف حوالي 62 في المائة من إنتاجه من الغاز ، أي ما يعادل 196000 برميل من النفط الخام يومياً. فاذا كان سعر برميل النفط 70 دولار ، فإن المورد المهدر يساوي ما يقرب من 45 مليار دولار ، وهو ما كان كافياً لبناء صناعة غاز جديدة بالكامل.لقد ارتفع إنتاج واستخدام الغاز في العراق في الآونة الأخيرة إلى 29.4 و 13.8 مليار متر مكعب سنوياً على التوالي ، مما يعني أن حرق الغاز قد ارتفع أيضًا إلى 15.9 مليار متر مكعب. وهذا يعادل حوالي 260،000 ألف برميل في اليوم أو خسارة تبلغ حوالي 20 مليون دولار في اليوم. ولسد الحاجة من الغاز في محطات الطاقة ، لجأ العراق إلى استيراده من إيران بدلاً من زيادة القدرة على المعالجة وزيادة شبكة النقل والتوزيع.

قد تصل إمكانات الاتفاقات مع إيران في نهاية المطاف إلى استيراد أكثر من 18 مليار متر مكعب سنوياً بتكلفة تقدر بـ10.56 دولار لكل مليون وحدة حرارية بريطانية ، وهو سعر أعلى بكثير من نظيره في الأسواق الدولية. وبما أنه من المتوقع أن يزداد إنتاج العراق من النفط الخام ، فسوف يتبع ذلك إنتاج الغاز بالتناسب ، وإذا لم تتم زيادة المعالجة والاستخدام ، سيزداد حرق الغاز أيضا.

نفذت شركة غاز الجنوب وشركة البصرة للغاز في الآونة الأخيرة بعض الإجراءات لاستعادة الغاز المشتعل في حقول النفط الجنوبية في العراق. إذا حكمنا من خلال حجم ونتائج هذه المشاريع يصبح من الواضح.

حجم هذه القضية. وهذا يعني أنه ما لم يتم التوقيع على المزيد من المشاريع والتعجيل بها ، فإن العراق سيواصل حرق الغاز. وهي تحتاج على الأقل إلى طاقة معالجة إضافية تبلغ حوالي 10 مليار متر مكعب سنوياً مع الأخذ بعين الاعتبار إنتاجها المتوقع من النفط. إن الاستخدام الفعال للغاز في العراق سيخلق فرص عمل ، وزيادة في الإيرادات ، وتطوير صناعات أخرى ، والأهم من ذلك تقليل الانبعاثات الضارة ، وأخيرا مساعدة البيئة.

Alternative Energy Prospects in Morocco

Morocco, being the largest energy importer in North Africa, is making concerted efforts to reduce its reliance on imported fossil fuels. The country currently imports 95% of its energy needs which creates strong dependence on foreign energy imports. Renewable energy is an attractive proposition as Morocco has almost complete dependence on imported energy carriers. Morocco is already spending over US$3 billion a year on fuel and electricity imports and is experiencing power demand growth of 6.5 per cent a year. Morocco is investing heavily in the power sector by building new power plants such as expansion of coal power plant in JorfLasfer and establishment new coal power plant near Safi.

According to the Moroccan Ministry of Energy and Mining, the total installed capacity of renewable energy (excluding hydropower) was approximately 300MW in 2011. The Moroccan Government has already achieved its target of supplying around 8% of total primary energy from renewables by 2012 which includes energy generation, conversion and distribution. Morocco is planning USD13 billion expansion of wind, solar and hydroelectric power generation capacity which would catapult the share of renewables in the energy mix to 42% by the year 2020, with solar, wind and hydro each contributing 14%. 

Wind Energy

The technical potential of wind energy in Morocco is estimated to be 25 GW. This is the equivalent to 5 times the current installed power capacity in Morocco, and reflects the huge potential in this clean energy source. Morocco has already installed almost 300 MW wind turbines and other projects are being implemented. At the same time, Morocco launched a wind energy plan consisting in the installation of 2000 MW by 2020. Many experts state that Morocco will install total capacities beyond this plan. In fact, wind energy is already cost competitive with respect to conventional energy resources, and due to the technological progress, the cost is even being reduced significantly. Most of the already implemented projects and those being implemented or planned, are developed by public organisations or within the framework of agreements with public organisations.

Solar Energy

The German International Cooperation Agency (GIZ) estimated the potential of solar energy in Morocco to be equivalent to 1500 times the national consumption of electricity. Morocco has invested in solar home systems (SHS) to electrify households in the rural areas. Morocco has launched one of the world’s largest and most ambitious solar energy plan with investment of USD 9billion. The Ain Beni Mather Integrated Solar Thermal Combined Cycle Power Station is one of the most promising solar power projects in Africa.  The plant combines solar power and thermal power, and is expected to reach production capacity of 250MW by the end of 2012. y building mega-scale solar power projects at five location — Laayoune (Sahara), Boujdour (Western Sahara), Tarfaya (south of Agadir), Ain Beni Mathar (center) and Ouarzazate — with modern solar thermal, photovoltaic and concentrated solar power mechanisms.


Morocco is planning to add a total of 2 GW new hydropower capacities, consisting mainly in small and medium stations. This plan should be achieved by 2020, and combined with 2 GW solar energy and 2 GW wind energy capacities would, add a total 6GW renewable energy capacities, which will supply 42% of the Moroccan electricity in 2020. 

Biomass Energy

Unfortunately there is no national strategy to exploit biomass energy in Morocco. However, there are many potential projects which could promote biomass energy sector in the country, such as waste-to-energy, biofuels and biogas from abundant feedstock like solid wastes, crop wastes, industrial wastes etc. The agronomic research has demonstrated the adaptability of new energetic plants to the arid zones. These plants such as Jatropha urcas, could be cultivated in the arid zone in Morocco, and be exploited for biofuels production and as a green barrier against desertification. Like solar and wind, the biomass energy sector also requires support and investment from the government and private sector.


Morocco is endowed with tremendous alternative energy resources which can be exploited to meet national energy requirements as well as export of surplus power to neighbouring countries. Due to its geographical position, Morocco could be a hub for renewable energy exchange between the European Union and North Africa. Renewable energy sector can create good employment opportunities and can also strengthen country’s economy. However, the government should liberalize renewable energy market, encourage public-private partnership and create mass environmental awareness to increase the share of renewable in the national energy mix.

5 Tips On How To Successfully Trade On Forex

So you have finally decided to try your hand in trading Forex. Although it seems quite simple, a little help drafted from the professionals’ experience is always welcome. Here is how to start trading Forex on the right foot and keep your trading successful.

1. Always go for regulated brokerage

There are so many offers today when it comes to brokerage services. Although you may have stumbled upon the one that exactly matches what you need, you need to be careful. Always check if the broker is not on the blacklist. Some brokers, at some point, fail to comply with the best business practices. And therefore some are put on these lists by Financial authorities. Your duty is to be cautious if you don’t want to fall into the hands of some scammers.

How To Successfully Trade On Forex

2. Carefully choose the currency pairs

As you already know, the core feature of the Forex market is its volatility. The prices change and are correlated. Prices are also correlated with the other markets, primarily commodities.

When you start trading on Forex, don’t go straight for the exotic pairs but choose those from more stable countries and economies. At one point, you may switch to exotic pairs, but just once, you learn the ropes of the most prominent currencies.

3. Have a trading plan at hand

You cannot trade out of the blue just randomly opening positions for various amounts and various pairs at a time. You must have a strict trading plan on when, why and how you invest the money. The first rule is not to trade with the money you need for other everyday expenses. Also, you should try to start two currency pairs for the sake of diversification and coverage of losses, just in case.

Always bear in mind how much you want to play with during one trading session, and make sure to set the limits regarding stop loss and taking a profit. Also, it’s advisable to use a Forex compounding calculator to always know where you are with your investment.

4. Implement compounding strategy

All the profits you make use for the other investments. It’s a very good strategy that can bring you decent profits in the long term. This is one of the crucial strategies in finance and is similar to a snowball effect.

5. Know you investments

Before investing any money, you need to thoroughly understand the assets you are investing in. When we talk about the Forex, there is a good reason you will have to deal with the fundamental analysis on other markets such as commodities. This is because some currency prices are linked to the prices of gold, copper, iron ore etc.

Finally, do yourself a favour and don’t start trading without tapping free education resources. Just armoured with the appropriate first-hand knowledge, you will be able to get the edge on the market.

In Conclusion

Maybe many of you think that Forex is very complicated. The truth is somewhere in the middle. It all depends on your initial approach and the seriousness and dedication to achieving the primary goal- making money.

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How is Crumb Rubber Produced and What are Its Uses

More than 1 billion tires are discarded around the world every year. Disposal of waste tires is a challenging task because tires have a long life and are non-biodegradable. The traditional method of tire waste management is stockpiling or illegally dumping or landfilling, all of which are short-term solution.

Crumb rubber is a term used for recycled rubber from automotive and truck scrap tires. The two major technologies for producing crumb rubber are ambient mechanical grinding and cryogenic grinding. Of the two processes, cryogenic process is more expensive but it produces smoother and smaller crumbs.

how is crumb rubber produced

Ambient Mechanical Grinding

In ambient mechanical grinding process, the breaking up of a scrap tire happens at or above normal room temperature. Ambient grinding is a multi-step technology and uses whole or pre-treated car or truck tires in the form of shred or chips, or sidewalls or treads. The rubbers, metals and textiles are sequentially separated out. Tires are passed through a tire shredder, which breaks the tires into chips.

The chips are fed into a granulator that breaks them into small pieces while removing steel and fiber in the process. Any remaining steel is removed magnetically and fiber through a combination of shaking screens and wind sifters. Finer rubber particles can be obtained through further grinding in secondary granulators and high-speed rotary mills.

Ambient grinding is the production process used by the majority of crumb producers. The machines most commonly used for fine grinding in ambient plants are:

  • Secondary granulators
  • High speed rotary mills
  • Extruders or screw presses
  • Cracker mills

Cryogenic Grinding

Cryogenic grinding refers to the grinding of scrap tires at temperatures near minus 80oC using liquid nitrogen or commercial refrigerants. Cryogenic processing generally uses pre-treated car or truck tires as feedstock, most often in the form of chips or ambiently produced granulate.

Processing of scrap tires takes place at very low temperature using liquid nitrogen or commercial refrigerants to embrittle the rubber. It can be a four-phase system which includes initial size reduction, cooling, separation, and milling. The material enters a freezing chamber where liquid nitrogen is used to cool it from –80 to –120 °C, below the point where rubber ceases to behave as a flexible material and can be easily crushed and broken.

recycling of scrap tires

Because of its brittle state, fibres and metal are easily separated out in a hammer mill. The granulate then passes through a series of magnetic screens and sifting stations to remove the last vestiges of impurities. This process requires less energy than others and produces rubber crumb of much finer quality.

Uses of Crumb Rubber

Both ambient and cryogenic processing can be repeated to produce finer particles. Increasingly, the two with their attendant technologies, are combined into one continuous system in order to benefit from the advantages and characteristics of each and to reduce overall costs.

The ambient system is generally used for the initial size reduction phases. The cryogenic system is used to further reduce the material in size and then to remove the metals and textiles. The outputs from either or both systems can be used directly or as feedstock for further processing.

Rubber crumb is sold as feedstock for chemical devulcanization or pyrolysis processes, added to asphalt for highway paving and pavement sealers, or used for the production of a large number of recycled rubber-containing products.

Some of the major applications of crumb rubber are as follows:

1. Sport Surfaces

  • Kindergarten Playgrounds and Recreation Areas
  • School Sports Areas
  • Athletic Tracks
  • Tennis and Basketball Courts

2. Automotive Industry

  • Bumpers
  • Splash Guards and Fenders
  • Floor Mats for Cars and Trucks
  • Floor Liners for Trucks and Vans

3. Construction

  • Hospital, Industrial, and Bathroom Flooring
  • Floor Tile
  • Foundation Waterproofing
  • Dam, Silo, and Roof Liners

4. Geotechnical/Asphalt Applications

  • Rubberized Asphalt for Roads and Driveways
  • Drainage Pipes
  • Soil Conditioner
  • Porous Irrigation Pipes
  • Road Building and Repair

5. Adhesives and Sealants

  • Adhesives and Sealing Compounds
  • Textured and Non-Slip Paints
  • Roof Coating and Waterproofing

6. Shock Absorption and Safety Products

  • Shock Absorbing Pads for Rails and Machinery
  • Sound Barriers for Highways
  • Abrasion Lining in Mining Equipment

7. Rubber and Plastic Products

  • Pipe Insulation and Lining
  • Garbage Cans
  • Shoe Soles and Heels
  • Wire and Cable Insulation

Revolutionizing Urban Spaces with Living Walls: Enhancing Sustainability and Aesthetics in Cities

Urban environments often struggle with pollution, heat, and a lack of green space. Living walls offer a transformative solution by enhancing air quality, reducing urban heat, and promoting biodiversity. These vertical gardens not only beautify concrete landscapes but also provide essential ecosystem services that are vital for sustainable city living.

As cities continue to grow, innovative approaches to design and architecture have become necessary. Living walls can be integrated into both new structures and existing buildings, making them a versatile option for urban planners and architects alike. This trend illustrates how integrating nature into urban design can lead to healthier, more vibrant communities.

living wall design

The benefits of living walls extend beyond aesthetics. Studies indicate that they can significantly lower energy costs and improve mental well-being. By exploring the impact of these green structures on urban life, readers will discover how living walls can reshape cities for the better.

Concept of Living Walls

Living walls represent an innovative approach to urban greenery, integrating plant life within vertical structures. They do not only enhance aesthetics but also bring health benefits to the people.

Historical Evolution

The concept of living walls has ancient roots. The Hanging Gardens of Babylon, often cited as one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, showcased garden designs that included elevated plant structures.

In the modern era, vertical gardens gained popularity in the late 20th century, particularly with the work of French botanist Patrick Blanc. His innovative techniques involved using hydroponics and various plant species to create self-sustaining green walls.

Subsequent advancements in technology and materials have further facilitated the implementation of living walls in urban environments, making them more accessible.

Definition and Core Principles

Living walls, also known as vertical gardens or green walls, are structures that incorporate living vegetation. They can be mounted on walls, fences, or free-standing panels.

Key principles include:

  • Plant Selection: Uses native, adaptive, or ornamental plants to ensure biodiversity and resilience.
  • Growing Medium: Incorporates soil, hydroponic systems, or other substrates to support plant growth.
  • Irrigation Systems: Employs automated or manual systems for water distribution, promoting healthy plants.

The integration of these elements contributes to energy savings, air purification, and enhanced aesthetic appeal.

Benefits of Living Walls in Urban Environments

Living walls offer numerous advantages in urban settings, positively impacting the environment, society, and the economy. These benefits enhance the quality of life in cities while promoting sustainability.

Environmental Impact

Living walls significantly improve air quality by filtering pollutants and producing oxygen. Plants absorb carbon dioxide and other volatile organic compounds, contributing to a healthier atmosphere.

Additionally, they regulate building temperatures. Plants provide shade and insulation, reducing the need for air conditioning in summer and heating in winter. This leads to energy conservation and lower utility costs.

Living walls also promote biodiversity. They create habitats for birds, insects, and other wildlife, enhancing urban ecosystems. By integrating green spaces into cities, living walls play a crucial role in mitigating urban heat islands and managing stormwater runoff.

Social and Psychological Effects

The presence of living walls positively influences mental well-being. They contribute to stress reduction and an enhanced mood among city dwellers. Access to green spaces is linked with improved mental health, fostering a connection to nature.

These green installations can also create social spaces. Community-focused designs encourage interaction and engagement among residents. People are drawn to vibrant, green areas, often leading to increased community cohesion.

Moreover, living walls can enhance aesthetic appeal. Attractive greenery transforms urban landscapes, making them more inviting. This can lead to increased foot traffic and a revitalized local culture.

Economic Advantages

Living walls provide economic benefits by increasing property values. Research shows that buildings with green features are often more desirable, leading to higher market rates.

They can also attract businesses. Establishments in vibrant areas with green features tend to draw more customers, enhancing local economies. Living walls may lead to reduced energy costs, which is an advantage for both businesses and residents.

Finally, governmental incentives may support the installation of living walls. Many municipalities offer grants or tax benefits for green infrastructure projects, making them more financially feasible for developers and homeowners.

Designing and Implementing Living Walls

Creating living walls involves several critical components, including careful site selection, appropriate plant choices, and effective irrigation systems. Each element contributes significantly to the functionality and sustainability of the installation.

Site Selection and Wall Preparation

Choosing the right location for a living wall is crucial. Factors such as sunlight exposure, wind patterns, and potential obstructions must be considered. Walls facing south or southwest typically receive the most sunlight, benefiting plant growth.

Proper wall preparation includes ensuring a sturdy structure that can support the weight of the plants and their growing medium. The surface should be cleaned and waterproofed to prevent damage to the underlying wall. Additionally, the installation should allow for airflow to mitigate moisture buildup, which can lead to mold or rot.

Plant Selection and Maintenance Requirements

Selecting the right plant species is vital for a successful living wall. Factors to consider include climate, light availability, and wall orientation. Native plants are ideal due to their adaptability and lower maintenance needs.

Maintenance requirements should be outlined prior to installation. This includes pruning, fertilizing, and monitoring for pests. A diverse plant selection can improve resilience, as different species may respond uniquely to environmental changes. Regular assessments will ensure the wall remains vibrant and healthy.

living walls in urban spaces

Irrigation and Drainage Systems

Effective irrigation is essential for sustaining living walls. A well-designed system can include drip irrigation, which delivers water directly to the roots, minimizing waste. Timers can be implemented to automate watering schedules, ensuring consistent moisture levels.

Drainage systems are equally important. They prevent water accumulation, which can cause root rot. Incorporating a drainage layer in the wall’s design allows excess water to escape, promoting healthier plant growth. Regular inspection of irrigation and drainage systems is necessary to ensure they function properly and efficiently.

Case Studies and Model Projects

Living walls have become a prominent feature in urban design, showcasing their ecological benefits and aesthetic appeal. Various cities have implemented these installations, serving as successful models for future projects.

Successful Urban Installations

Cities like Singapore and Paris have prioritized living walls to enhance urban biodiversity and aesthetics. In Singapore, the Parkroyal on Pickering hotel features extensive vertical gardens that not only reduce energy consumption but also improve air quality. This innovative design integrates nature seamlessly into the urban landscape, attracting both tourists and residents.

In Paris, the Mur Vegetal project by Patrick Blanc has transformed drab building façades into vibrant living walls. With over 15,000 plants from various species, this installation contributes to urban cooling and biodiversity. These projects illustrate the practical benefits of living walls, providing valuable lessons for other urban areas.

Innovative Designs and Technology Integration

Modern living walls incorporate advanced technologies to optimize plant health and sustainability. Hydroponic systems are commonly used, providing plants with nutrients through water solutions, minimizing soil-related issues.

Smart irrigation systems, like those seen in installations across Los Angeles, monitor moisture levels and weather conditions. This technology ensures efficient water usage, promoting a green ecosystem while conserving resources.

Another notable example is the Green Wall at the Barbican Centre in London. It uses a detailed irrigation and nutrient delivery system, supporting plant growth in a variety of conditions. Such technological integration enhances the viability and longevity of living walls in urban environments.

The Importance of Planting Trees in Islam

There is an inseparable relation between the environment and our soul. Islamic teachings on environment offer a completely integrated view of the Universe where human souls and the environment are all part of one living, conscious whole. The Holy Quran exhorts us to live a balanced, moderate and sustainable life without causing any harm to the Earth.

It says, “And do not commit abuse on the earth, spreading corruption.” (2:60) and “And do not desire corruption in the land. Indeed, God does not like corruptors.” (28:77).

planting a tree

In the Quranic view, corruption on earth is not confined to only political crimes such as frauds, theft, rape, illegal banking or other prevalent malpractices. Deforestation, toxic waste, pesticides, and cutting trees are also part of grave corruption and hence brazen violation of true Islamic universal values.

To wage an eco-Jihad will be a noble effort, to please God and to ensure that we experience heavenly bliss in this world and the Hereafter. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) spent all his life in an eco-Jihad, saving humankind, caring for other creations, preserving the earth, planting trees and protecting the environment at large.

importance of planting trees in Islam

When Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was just 12, he travelled to Syria with his uncle and took shelter under a tree. Today, after more than 1400 years, the same tree is alive in the northern deserts of Jordan. This tree, which sheltered the Prophet (SAW), is the only living tree in hundreds of square miles of emptiness. It speaks volumes about the Prophet’s utmost care for the preservation of trees. He left behind a living inspiration for all humankind to go green, for his holy shrine is known as “the Green Tomb”. Greatly venerated by Muslims the world over, it is one of the most visited Islamic heritage sites. The Companions of the Prophet (SAW) were also keen on planting trees, protecting wildlife and other acts of environmental stewardship.

A famous quote of The Prophet (peace be upon him) powerfully highlights the importance of environmental conservation

“Whoever plants a tree and diligently looks after it until it matures and bears fruit is rewarded”.

There are many Hadith emphasizing the need to go green, preserving natural resources, protecting wildlife, showing kindness towards animals and birds, planting trees and living moderately.


According to Prophet Muhammad (SAW), a tree was not only a resting place, but also an infinite mercy of God that one should take care of.  Ultimately, planting a tree is a Sadaqah-e-Jariya or an ever-lasting charity in Islam. Whenever a human being or even an animal shelters under the shade of a tree or relishes a fruit that it produces, the planter earns infinite rewards, even after his death. For the poor and rich alike, planting a tree is the easiest and surest way to earn Sadaqah-e-Jariya.

So, let us all try to make our Earth clean and green by planting trees.

Everything You Should Know About E-Waste Recycling Process

E-waste has been on a dramatic rise after the introduction of smartphones, tablets, headphones, virtual reality gear and other consumable electronic devices. With that in mind, e-waste recycling is now more important than ever before.

What is e-waste recycling?

E-waste is the process of recycling electronic products at or near the end of their “useful life.” These electronic products include computers, televisions, VCRs, stereos, copiers, fax machines, smartphones, tables and many more common Android and Apple electronic products. Many of these products can be reused, refurbished, or recycled.


Moving forward, I believe that e-waste will also be needed for emerging renewable energy technologies including solar panels, battery energy storage, solar monitoring systems and much more.

Why E-Waste is so Important?

E-waste will be a critical component to saving our environment since most of our consumable electronics are comprised of precious metals, materials, chemicals and more. That is why most of our electronics cost so much initially. As these processes for procuring these materials become more efficient, the cost for these items decreases.

But that’s not enough… When the cost decreases it means supply is high and demand remains high. Thus, these consumables are being consumed at a faster rate.

And, to ensure we properly save the environment, basic waste management steps including recycling, reuse and refurbishing becomes much more important.

All consumables now have a shelf-life. For instance, solar panels have a 30 to 40 year lifespan. At the end of a solar panel lifespan, it’s important that we breakdown the precious metals or refurbish the metals to reuse the technology.

How Does E-Waste Recycling Works?

E-waste recycling can be a bit of a challenge due to the components of the discarded electronics. Like I mentioned above, these electronics are highly complex and usually comprise of glass, precious metals, chemicals and more.

The e-waste recycling process usually relies on a number of different processes to ensure safe, reliable recycling of these consumables. The basic steps in e-waste recycling program includes collection, transportation, sorting, shredding, separation and material processing. Let us have a look at each of these steps:

1. Collection and Transportation

Transportation requires a long process. First, you have to find collection bins to collect the required materials. These bins are usually scattered across cities making it very hard to collect in an efficient process. Secondly, you will need to haul the fully collected materials to the facility for the actual recycling process.

2. Sorting

The next step is to ensure that each compiled electronic waste material is sorted into the specific technology. This is an important step because not all electronic waste is created equal. With e-waste, you have materials that have varying components. Do you think a TV has the same recycling process as an iPhone? It doesn’t. How about vintages of technologies? The recycling needs for an iPhone 4 might be a lot different than an iPhone X. Sorting is critical to building an efficient e-waste process.

3. Shredding

Next step is to shred all of the material down into tiny bits so you can prepare for further separation. When you can shred everything down, you can then see how the materials are comprised. You will see the small 100mm pieces of metal or e-waste that you can separate out for the actual recycling process.

4. Separation

Finally, usually a powerful overhead magnet will take the shredded material and separate out the variations of precious metals. Electronics have a lot of metal in different variations like steel, copper, aluminum, circuits, etc. Therefore, the process of separating it out is important to ensure you are creating a product recycling output.


The most advanced momentum regarding e-waste in the GCC can be found in the UAE.

After separation, the recycling facility will begin the process of melting down the material and developing it in a form that allows the material to be used down the road. Getting your electronics in the right hands is very important as the decomposing of these metals simply won’t happen for many years if they are put in a landfill.

Bottom Line

Electronic waste recycling is extremely important for consumers to be aware of. You should definitely consider the outcomes of your electronics if they are not properly recycled. Take time in considering where the best place to recycle your electronics may be. Contact your local recycling facilities to see if they offer electronics disposals.

Start recycling electronics now. We don’t have much time to spare in developing environmentally friendly habits. Don’t let these precious materials end up in a landfill.

Are you ready to start recycling your e-waste? Let us know in the comments below. I’d love to hear from you.

Forex Trading in Qatar: A Comprehensive Guide to Starting with the Best Broker

Forex trading in Qatar has gained immense popularity in recent years as more people seek opportunities to invest and diversify their financial portfolios. As a global financial hub, Qatar offers a promising environment for forex traders, supported by legal frameworks and top-tier brokers. In this guide, we’ll explore everything you need to know about forex trading in Qatar, answer questions like “Is forex trading legal in Qatar?”, and provide a detailed roadmap to help you start your trading journey with the best forex broker in Qatar.

forex trading in qatar

Top 10 Forex Brokers in Qatar

  1. Exness (Rating: 9.1/10) – Offers ultra-fast withdrawals, flexible leverage options, and free VPS hosting.
  2. FBS (Rating: 9.0/10) – Provides high leverage up to 1:3000, a variety of account types, and access to MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5 platforms.
  3. Pepperstone (Rating: 8.8/10) – Known for razor-sharp spreads, advanced trading tools, and robust market analysis.
  4. IC Markets (Rating: 8.9/10) – Offers raw spread accounts, a scalping-friendly environment, and high liquidity.
  5. eToro (Rating: 8.5/10) – Features social trading, copy-trading, and a user-friendly interface.
  6. AvaTrade (Rating: 8.7/10) – Provides multiple platform options, competitive spreads, and strong educational content.
  7. HotForex (Rating: 8.6/10) – Offers multi-asset trading, high leverage, and responsive customer service.
  8. FXTM (ForexTime) (Rating: 8.4/10) – Focuses on customizable accounts and provides strong trader education.
  9. Swissquote (Rating: 8.9/10) – Delivers reliable customer support, comprehensive market insights, and cutting-edge platforms.
  10. Alpari (Rating: 8.2/10) – Known for flexible leverage options and investment-focused accounts like PAMM.

Is Forex Trading Legal in Qatar?

Forex trading is indeed legal in Qatar, making it an attractive investment option for residents and expatriates alike. However, the legal framework surrounding forex trading in the country is important to understand before starting. Below, we’ll explore the regulatory landscape, permissible activities, and what traders should consider to ensure compliance with local laws.

Forex Trading and Qatari Law

Forex trading is permitted in Qatar, but it operates within a structured legal and regulatory framework. The Qatar Financial Centre Regulatory Authority (QFCRA) is the primary body responsible for overseeing financial and investment activities, including forex trading. This ensures that trading activities are conducted ethically and transparently, protecting the interests of investors.

Key aspects of the legal framework include:

  • Regulation of Brokers: Only brokers that meet QFCRA standards are allowed to operate in the country. It’s essential to choose a broker that is regulated by reputable authorities, such as the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC) or the Financial Services Commission (FSC).
  • Compliance with Sharia Law: As an Islamic nation, Qatar ensures that financial practices comply with Sharia principles. Many brokers, including FBS, offer Islamic trading accounts (swap-free accounts) to cater to Muslim traders.

Are There Any Restrictions on Forex Trading?

While forex trading is legal, there are certain guidelines and restrictions that traders in Qatar should be aware of:

  1. Licensing of Brokers: Forex brokers must be licensed and comply with international standards. Working with unregulated or offshore brokers can expose traders to legal and financial risks.
  2. Taxation: Currently, Qatar does not impose income tax on individual forex profits. However, this is subject to change, and traders should stay updated on tax laws.
  3. Promotions and Bonuses: Some promotions offered by brokers may be restricted in Qatar. Always read the terms and conditions carefully to ensure they align with local regulations.

Islamic Principles and Forex Trading

A significant aspect of forex trading legality in Qatar relates to its compliance with Islamic finance principles. Sharia law prohibits earning or paying interest (Riba), which can be an issue with standard trading accounts that involve overnight swaps. To address this:

  • Brokers like FBS offer Islamic accounts that are swap-free, meaning no interest is charged or earned on positions held overnight.
  • These accounts are specifically designed for Muslim traders who wish to engage in forex trading while adhering to their religious beliefs.

How Regulation Benefits Traders

Qatar’s regulatory oversight provides several advantages for forex traders:

  1. Investor Protection: The regulation ensures that brokers operate transparently and ethically, safeguarding traders from fraud and unfair practices.
  2. Fair Trading Conditions: Regulated brokers must adhere to strict guidelines, offering traders fair spreads, reliable execution, and secure platforms.
  3. Dispute Resolution: In case of disputes, traders can rely on Qatari authorities or the broker’s regulatory body to mediate and resolve issues.

Risks of Trading with Unregulated Brokers

Despite the legality of forex trading in Qatar, some traders may unknowingly fall prey to unregulated brokers. These brokers often promise unrealistic profits but lack oversight, exposing traders to:

  • Fraud and Scams: Unregulated brokers are not bound by legal or ethical standards, increasing the risk of losing your funds.
  • Lack of Transparency: Hidden fees, manipulated spreads, and unfair trading conditions are common with unregulated brokers.
  • Legal Risks: Trading with offshore or unregulated brokers may violate Qatari law, leading to potential legal consequences.

To avoid these risks, it’s crucial to choose a reputable and regulated broker like FBS, which has a proven track record of reliability and compliance.

How to Ensure Compliance When Trading in Qatar

To trade legally and safely in Qatar, follow these steps:

  1. Choose a Regulated Broker: Verify the broker’s licensing and regulatory status. FBS, for example, is licensed by several international regulatory bodies, ensuring a secure trading environment.
  2. Verify Islamic Account Options: If you require Sharia-compliant trading, confirm that the broker offers Islamic accounts without overnight interest charges.
  3. Understand Broker Policies: Familiarize yourself with the broker’s terms and conditions, particularly concerning leverage, bonuses, and withdrawals.
  4. Stay Informed: Keep track of any changes in Qatari financial regulations that may impact forex trading.

Why Legal Forex Trading is an Advantage in Qatar

Qatar’s open approach to forex trading provides a unique advantage for traders:

  • Economic Stability: Qatar’s robust economy and stable currency (Qatari Riyal) offer a secure environment for trading.
  • Technological Infrastructure: With high internet penetration and advanced financial systems, traders can access global markets seamlessly.
  • Support for Financial Growth: Legal forex trading provides Qatari residents with an opportunity to grow their wealth and diversify their investment portfolios.

Why Forex Trading is Popular in Qatar

Qatar’s booming economy, high disposable income, and tech-savvy population create a fertile ground for forex trading. Here’s why forex trading has become a preferred choice for many investors in Qatar:

  1. Accessibility: Forex trading platforms, like FBS, provide easy access to global markets through intuitive apps and online portals.
  2. Diverse Opportunities: The forex market operates 24/5, offering traders the flexibility to participate at their convenience.
  3. High Leverage: Many brokers, including FBS, offer attractive leverage options that allow traders to maximize their trading potential.

How to Start Forex Trading in Qatar

Getting started with forex trading in Qatar is easier than you might think. Follow these steps to begin your journey:

1. Educate Yourself

Forex trading requires a good understanding of market dynamics. Beginners should invest time in learning about:

  • Currency pairs
  • Market analysis (technical and fundamental)
  • Risk management strategies

FBS provides free educational resources, including tutorials, webinars, and demo accounts, to help new traders build their skills.

2. Choose a Reputable Forex Broker

Selecting the right broker is crucial for a successful trading experience. Factors to consider include:

  • Regulation and licensing
  • Trading platforms and tools
  • Spreads and fees
  • Customer support

FBS consistently ranks as the best forex broker in Qatar due to its excellent reputation, user-friendly platforms, and exceptional customer service.

3. Open a Trading Account

With FBS, opening a forex trading account is a straightforward process:

  • Visit the FBS website and complete the registration form.
  • Verify your identity by uploading the required documents.
  • Choose an account type that suits your trading needs.

4. Fund Your Account

FBS supports multiple payment methods, including local bank transfers and online payment gateways, making it convenient for traders in Qatar to deposit funds.

5. Start Trading

Once your account is funded, you can start trading on the FBS top forex platform. Use the demo account to practice trading strategies before venturing into live trading.

How To Successfully Trade On Forex

Why FBS is the Best Forex Broker in Qatar

Among the numerous forex brokers in Qatar, FBS stands out as the top choice for both beginners and experienced traders. Here’s why:

  1. Regulation and Trustworthiness

FBS is a globally recognized broker regulated by reputable financial authorities, ensuring a secure trading environment for Qatari traders.

  1. User-Friendly Platforms

Whether you prefer trading on a desktop or mobile, FBS offers seamless platforms like MetaTrader 4 (MT4) and MetaTrader 5 (MT5) with advanced tools for market analysis.

  1. Low Spreads and High Leverage

FBS provides competitive spreads and high leverage, allowing traders to maximize their profits while managing risks effectively.

  1. Local Support

With dedicated customer support for Qatar-based traders, FBS ensures that your queries and issues are resolved promptly.

  1. Educational Resources

FBS goes the extra mile by offering comprehensive learning materials, making it the best forex broker for beginners in Qatar.

Top Features of FBS for Forex Traders in Qatar

  1. Wide Range of Account Types: From Cent accounts for beginners to ECN accounts for advanced traders, FBS caters to all experience levels.
  2. Islamic Accounts: FBS offers swap-free accounts that comply with Islamic principles, making it a popular choice for Muslim traders in Qatar.
  3. Promotions and Bonuses: FBS frequently runs attractive promotions, such as welcome bonuses and cashback programs, adding value to your trading experience.
  4. Fast Deposits and Withdrawals: With multiple payment options, FBS ensures quick and hassle-free transactions.

Tips for Successful Forex Trading in Qatar

  1. Stay Informed: Keep track of global economic news and events that can impact currency prices.
  2. Use Risk Management Tools: Set stop-loss and take-profit levels to protect your capital.
  3. Diversify Your Portfolio: Avoid putting all your funds into a single trade; diversify across different currency pairs.
  4. Practice Patience: Forex trading requires a disciplined and patient approach. Avoid making impulsive decisions based on short-term market fluctuations.

Challenges of Forex Trading in Qatar

While forex trading offers lucrative opportunities, it’s not without challenges. Common issues include:

  • Market Volatility: Sudden price movements can result in significant gains or losses.
  • Lack of Knowledge: Beginners may find it challenging to understand the complexities of the forex market.
  • Scam Brokers: Working with unregulated brokers can expose traders to financial risks.

By choosing a reliable broker like FBS and continuously improving your trading skills, you can overcome these challenges and achieve success in forex trading.

Forex Trading Strategies for Qatari Traders

  1. Scalping: Involves making quick trades to profit from small price movements. Suitable for traders who can dedicate time to monitoring the market.
  2. Day Trading: Focuses on opening and closing trades within the same day. This strategy minimizes overnight risks.
  3. Swing Trading: Ideal for traders who prefer holding positions for several days to capture larger price movements.

Bottom Line

Forex trading in Qatar offers immense potential for financial growth, provided you approach it with the right knowledge and tools. By choosing FBS as your broker, you gain access to a secure and user-friendly trading environment, comprehensive educational resources, and top-notch customer support. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced trader, FBS equips you with everything you need to succeed in the dynamic world of forex trading.

Ready to start your forex trading journey in Qatar? Sign up with FBS today and take the first step towards achieving your financial goals!

Eco-Friendly Lifestyle for Muslims – 6 Practical Steps

We live in a world with rampant environmental degradation and an overconsumption of natural resources. The situation has escalated to a level that inaction today means the end of civilization as we know it in the near future.

An eco-friendly lifestyle is no longer a choice; it is a necessity. Islam teaches us to live in harmony with nature. Muslims should live modestly and refrain from being either too miserly or too flagrant in their spending.

Examining the need for an eco-friendly lifestyle and the Islamic ruling is important. In this green living guide for Muslims, we will look at some practical ways Muslims can incorporate an eco-friendly lifestyle into their daily routine.

eco-friendly muslim

The Rationale for an Eco-Friendly Lifestyle

Global temperatures have risen by nearly 1.07 ⁰C from the 1900s to 2010s. While this number may not appear significant, the impact of even a minuscule change in the overall temperature can be devastating for entire habitats. It is estimated that 3 to 3.6 billion people are vulnerable to the effects of rising global temperatures.

Rising sea levels threaten large swathes of coastal areas that are in danger of disappearing underwater. Sea levels have already risen 8 to 9 inches from their 1880 levels. Many plants and animals are on the verge of extinction as their habitats have been transformed due to human activity.

The large-scale exploitation of natural resources and unregulated waste disposal are added to the woes. Excessive production and consumption have led to the exhaustion of many non-renewable resources. Production and consumption also result in the creation of waste that is being disposed of without much concern for the environment.

There is a lot of work that needs to be done. Our existing way of life could be more sustainable in the long term. The future of our planet is critically linked to our present actions and behaviors. As Muslims, we believe that Allah (SWT) has assigned us a duty to protect and save the environment we live in.

Islamic Perspective on Sustainable Lifestyle

Islam is very clear when it comes to environmental issues and living sustainably. Allah (SWT) has made mankind a regent over all other creations. This implies that while we are bestowed with Allah’s (SWT) blessings, we are also responsible for caring for them.

Allah (SWT) created all that is on the earth to sustain life and provide us with comfort. The sun, for example, provides energy to sustain life. Allah (SWT) is the Creator and Provider. While we are free to use natural resources to live a comfortable life, this does not give us the right to exploit and waste resources. Allah (SWT) clearly states in the Holy Quran:

“O sons of Adam, attire yourselves at every time of worship; eat and drink, but do not be wasteful, for God does not like the prodigals.” [7:31]

We are taught to adopt a balanced lifestyle in every aspect of life. More of anything is good. For instance, too much prayer may detract from our worldly duties. Similarly, production, consumption, and doing business are all essential activities. However, we must also abide by a code of conduct. Striving for worldly gain should never override our morals.

The life of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (SAW) also lived an exemplary life. When he first declared prophethood publicly and invited people to Islam, he encountered a lot of hatred. This quickly changed into persecution. The Holy Prophet (SAW) stood steadfast in the wake of the open opposition of the unbelievers, even if it meant denial of basic needs, like food and water, for extended periods.

environmental justice in islam

After migration to Madinah, despite being the political, social, and religious leader, the Holy Prophet (SAW) continued to live a simple life. He never indulged himself in material things. The life of the Holy Prophet (SAW) is a blueprint for living a modest and plain yet spiritually fulfilling life.

Practical Steps to Live in Harmony with Nature

Here are some steps Muslims can take to adopt an environmentally-friendly lifestyle:

1. Mindful Consumption

Individually we cannot control the amount of goods and services being produced, but we can bring about a change by altering our spending habits. Mindful consumption forces us the consumers, to ponder our purchasing practices.

Too many of us are indulging in overconsumption without realizing it. The amount of food that goes to waste each day. Landfills are full of clothes, shoes, and accessories that are barely worn once and thrown away because the trends have changed.

Most of us live in capitalistic societies where consumption is the driving force behind the economy. We must change this by questioning what we buy. Do we need the latest smartphone model when our current model is working perfectly fine?


We will automatically cut back on our purchases when we are conscious about them. Material possessions do not satisfy emotional or spiritual needs. However, this is the lie that capitalism sells us. It equates all happiness with material ownership. This is not true, and the sooner we figure this out, the faster we can escape the rat race to own more and more stuff.

2. Opt for Sustainable Brands

When we do consume and buy things, we should choose brands that prioritize the environment. This will incentivize these brands to continue with their mission. Our support matters because eco-friendly brands usually bear a higher cost of production.

Additionally, choosing these brands sends a powerful message to other brands that people’s preferences are changing in favor of companies that care for the environment. This makes going eco-friendly more profitable for companies and incentivizes them to switch to environmentally-friendly production methods.

3. Give Charity

Charity or sadqa is over and above the obligatory alms and zakah that we must give. Not only does giving charity prevent us from overindulging, it also leads to an improved circulation of wealth in the economy.

Inequality leads to a lot of distorted outcomes. For example, when a few rich people own most wealth producers, they are inclined to cater to their needs and wants and produce unnecessary goods and services. These include ostentatious luxury items, like designer handbags.

Reducing inequality leads to a better utilization of scarce resources as more are allocated towards improving the well-being of the majority of people, not just a minority.

The best thing is that sadqa does not have to be monetary. Anything that benefits another person is considered an act of charity. Hazrat Anas bin Malik (رَضِيَ ٱللَّٰهُ عَنْهُ) narrates:

The Prophet (ﷺ) said, “

If any Muslim plants any plant and a human being or an animal eats of it, he will be rewarded as if he had given that much in charity.” [Sahih al-Bukhari, Book 78, Hadith 43]

Incidentally, planting a tree is another eco-friendly step we can take. It only requires us to spend little resources and is an effective way to preserve the environment. Just remember to plant trees that are local to the area.

4. Support Leaders Pushing for Change

The environment has become a significant political issue, not just nationally but internationally. Public discourse around climate change and environmental degradation is widespread, and many are leading the charge in the right direction.

As individuals, we can bring about a seismic shift in policy by supporting leaders raising environmental concerns. Our support will have a domino effect and eco-friendly policies will be incorporated from the top.

sustainable muslims

إن التعليم البيئي يعد المفتاح لمستقبل أفضل

5. Educate Others

Most people support preserving the environment and living in harmony with nature. However, they must gain the knowledge or tools to make a difference. Educating others can help them live eco-friendly lives, and collective action is always more impactful.

This is also a form of charity, as we discussed earlier since our good deed’s benefit is being forwarded and multiplied. Teaching others to make even small changes is a decisive step we can take, the consequences of which go beyond our own lives.

ecofriendly family trip

6. Nurturing Nature

Allah (SWT) created us to live in tandem with nature. We are hardwired to be the protectors of the environment. The exploitation of natural resources, wastage, and disregard for the environment goes against our nature.

We feel guilty when we waste food or cut down a tree. Once we realize that nurturing nature is innate, we can better follow an eco-friendly lifestyle. Minor changes and steps can have a meaningful impact if only we believe in ourselves and put in the work.