Towards a Waste-Free Ramadan Iftar

iftar-buffet-hotelsIn the holy month of Ramadan, Iftar or breaking of fast becomes our main attention. The Iftars are either taken at home alone or with the family and relatives or at Iftar buffets at hotels and restaurants. The other option usually for the bachelors and less privileged people are to open the fast at mosques and at community centers whereby the iftar and dinner is provided for free organized by the rich, philanthropists, charitable organizations and mosque committees.

Disrespect to Food

It is a common sight that at Iftar, people do not respect the food and drinks that are provided to them and leave it partly eaten/ consumed. At home, food which is cooked and provided is often been consumed and left overs are kept and re-utilized.

At mosques, Iftar plates or boxes are commonly being made which include dates, fruit pieces, samosa, pakoras, biryani and sweets. If open food is served in dishes and plates, it is often being shared between 4-6 people who partly eat the portions they like.

Thus, huge quantity of expensive freshly cooked food provided free by sponsors becomes waste which is conveniently disposed of in the nearest communal bin. The waste also includes water bottles, containers, packaging, cardboards, Styrofoam and plastic plates, sheets, disposable cutlery and tissue papers.

Iftar Buffets – Beyond Imagination

Iftar buffets at restaurants and hotels are no different than at mosques, where Iftar and dinner packages are being offered. In such cases also, there is huge wastage of food, as eating capability of the individuals are limited.

The great variety of iftar and dinner items tend to make people take more than required in their plates which later is thrown in waste bins. Restaurants and hotels provide buffets beyond our imagination, with an ‘all-you-can-eat’ spirit. If people knew what ‘all they could eat’, maybe less food would have been wasted. It is difficult to see that the food quantity run out.

At joint Iftar/ dinner gatherings at mosques, clubs and halls, more food is being provided irrespective of the number of people expected. At hotels and restaurants, food is amply being cooked for the fear that it may be fully consumed and where food availability contributes to the hotels’ reputation as running out of a specific dish would be every F&B manager’s worst nightmare. Thus, higher quantities of food/ dishes are being made.

Irony of the fact is that the leftover food is not allowed to be consumed by the hotel staff or given to charity and has to make its way to the garbage bins. The view of waste containers full of fresh and valuable food is very depressing especially for a country where most of the food items are imported and is expensive.

Iftar gatherings at mosques are also responsible for wastage of huge amount of food

Violation of the spirit of Ramadan

Wastage of food is a sin and a violation of the very concept of Ramadan. The act of throwing away food during Ramadan is a complete contradiction to the philosophy behind fasting. Quran says food waste must be prevented and mention, “Eat and drink, but be not excessive. Indeed, He likes not those who commit excess.”

So let us not waste the food. If surplus food is remaining, it should be packed and send/given to deserving people. We also need to make sure the quality and safety of the donated food. Another viable option to reduce food wastage is by recycling.

Let us be more vigilant and not waste any food waste or drinks. We need to think twice before putting any food waste to the garbage bin. Each individual’s contribution counts.

Let us save our environment.

Switching Energy Suppliers When Moving Into a New Home

There’s an endless to-do list when moving into a new home. For many homeowners going through this process, switching energy suppliers often gets put on the backburner. However, this is a prime opportunity to re-evaluate your usage and choose a new energy supplier that better meets your needs.

Don’t know where to start? Here’s everything you need to know about switching energy suppliers when moving into a new home.


1. Understand Your Consumption

Before you make a change, it’s essential to understand your current consumption. This information will help you make informed assumptions about finding the best plan for your new home. Of course, if you’re moving to a vastly different home (for example, upgrading to something larger to accommodate your growing family), your consumption habits might change.

Take some time to determine how much you’re currently using, then adjust based on data from your new home. If you’re buying, you should be able to access current electrical costs from your realtor.

2. Understand the Application Process

Next, take some time to understand what you’ll need to apply to a new energy provider. You’ll need all the pertinent information about your new home, which may include the existing energy source and provider, as well as the square footage and dimensions. You’ll also be asked to provide proof of identity and may be subject to a credit check.

If you have a loan or a history of missed payments, it’s essential to check your credit report immediately. These issues could limit your options when sourcing a new energy plan. If you have a poor credit score, you may be required to pay a deposit or a higher rate.

3. Understand Variable vs. Fixed-Rate Plans

Next, you’ll need to decide whether a variable or fixed-rate energy plan is right for you. The benefit of a fixed-rate plan is that you’ll be billed the same rate every month, similar to a fixed mortgage rate. If the market skyrockets, your kWh charge will remain unchanged. However, if costs come down, you won’t be able to adjust your billing.

Variable-rate plans are the opposite. You’ll be charged based on the current market rate, which could result in a dramatically different bill each month.

4. Consider the Sources

Depending on where you are, you might have a few options for energy sources— this tends to be the case in deregulated states. You could have the freedom to choose between hydro, nuclear, solar, or natural gas in some areas and only two options in others.


Start by looking at the options surrounding your new home. Then, evaluate the price of each to help narrow down your decision. It’s always worth considering sustainable options. These options sometimes cost more upfront but are eligible for more grants and kickbacks on the other side. Furthermore, it’s a simple way to make a difference in the environment.

5. Look at the Rates, Terms, and Rebates

When you’ve narrowed down your options, start comparing suppliers’ terms, rates, and rebates. Generally, you’ll be eligible for a better rate if you sign on for a longer term. However, breaking your term agreement early can be a costly mistake.

Rebates are often granted for choosing a sustainable energy source or staying within your consumption threshold. These kickbacks offer an excellent incentive for cutting back on your consumption.

6. Ask for Feedback

As you navigate the decision-making process, don’t hesitate to ask your new neighbors or community members which provider they use. Think beyond rates and rebates, and ask for full reviews about their response time, customer service, etc.

Take some time to read online reviews about the provider as well. Remember to take extremely positive and negative reviews with a grain of salt; the truth often lies somewhere in the middle.

7. Allow Time for the Switch

Finally, get through the energy provider selection process well before your moving date. It can take a couple of weeks to get through the application process, and providers often require advanced notice to make the switch. Ideally, you’ll know who your preferred energy supplier is at least six weeks before you move. That way, if anything goes wrong with the application process, you’ll still have time to get things done.

With these practical tips, you’ll find the right energy supplier for your new home.

الوقود الأحفوري يجب أن يصبح جزء من الماضي

Al-Shaheen-Oilfield-Qatarيشهد العالم منذ أواخر القرن العشرين وبداية القرن الحادي والعشرين تفاقم التحديات البيئية العالمية، لعل من أبرزها ظواهر الاحتباس الحراري  والتغير المناخي وفقدان التنوّع الإيكولوجي وندرة بعض الموارد الطبيعية وغيرها.في هذا الإطار ، تجمع مختلف التقارير على دور مصادر الطاقة التقليديّة في هذه المؤشرات الخطيرة التي تنبئ بالأسوأ إذا لم يقع اتخاذ إجراءات هيكلية لتغيير المنوال الطاقيّ خصوصا في الدول النّامية.

في هذا السياق ، دعت الهيئة الحكومية الدولية المعنية بتغير المناخ إلى إنهاء طريقة استخدام الوقود الأحفوري بلا أي قيود في أسرع وقت ممكن “إذا كان العالم يريد أن يتجنب تغيرا خطيرا في المناخ.”

وطالبت الهيئة، التي تدعمها الأمم المتحدة، إلى العمل على أن يكون إنتاج معظم الكهرباء في العالم من مصادر منخفضة الكربون بحلول 2050 ، مؤكدة على ضرورة  التخطيط لإنهاء استخدام الوقود الأحفوري بشكل نهائي بحلول 2100.

إذ يقول ميلز آلان، الاستاذ بجامعة أوكسفورد وعضو الهيئة الحكومية الدولية المعنية بتغير المناخ: “لا يمكن لنا تحمل حرق كل هذا الوقود الأحفوري من دون التعامل مع النفايات الصادرة المتمثلة في ثاني أوكسيد الكربون.”

وأضاف: “إذا لم يكن في استطاعتنا الوصول إلى سبيل لتجميع الكربون، فسيتعين علينا وقف استخدام الوقود الحفري إذا أردنا وقف أخطار التغير المناخي، وهذه رسالة واضحة جدا في تقارير الهيئة.”

هذه التوصيات تتطلّب الوقوف ضد مشاريع الوقود الأحفوري الجديدة التي تخفي بها عدد من الحكومات فشلها الذريع في تنفيذ وعودها بتأمين انتقال تدريجي إلى مصادر الطاقة البديلة. على سبيل الذكر لا الحصر، كيف تخطط دولة مثل بنغلاديش التي تقبع في المراتب المتأخرة لمؤشرات التنمية الاقتصادية لشراء طاقة الفحم من الهند بسعر باهظ للغاية ؟! دون أن نغفل عن منشآت الفحم المخططة في بوتسوانا وزمبابوي  اللتين ستهددان حق الأجيال القادمة في بيئة سليمة .

من جهة أخرى، لا تبدو الصورة أقل قتامة في إندونيسيا التي لطالما أشارت في مختلف قمم المناخ إلى نيتها في اعتماد مصادر الطاقة المتجددة بنسبة 30٪ بحلول عام 2025 ، إذ أن تخطيطها إلى إضافة 12000 ميجاوات إضافية من طاقة الفحم يضفي الكثير من الشكوك حول جديّة هذا التوجّه.

أما في الأرجنتين ، فإن السبق في اكتشاف  ثاني أكبر حقل غاز في العالم قد جعل المسؤولين هناك يغضون الطرف عن المخاطر المحدقة باستخراج أكثر أنواع الغاز الطبيعي ضررا على المائدة المائية وهو الغاز الصخري الزيتي.

كل هذه الخطوات الخطيرة التي انتهجتها هذه الحكومات لاقت معارضة متوسطة التأثير خصوصا مع أساليب التعتيم والمراوغة عند شرح مختلف هذه البرامج. لهذا السبب ، يجب العمل على زيادة وعي الشعوب باستثمارات حكوماتها في مجال الوقود الأحفوري وتشجيعها على حماية مواردها الطبيعيّة بكافة الوسائل المتاحة.

عزيزي القارئ ! لا تتخيّل أنّ مقومات الانتقال إلى مصادر الطاقة المتجددة غير متوفّرة بمنطقتك بل أن مخزونها قد يكون أعلى بكثير من مصادر الطاقة التقليدية. إذ أشار تقرير الوكالة الدولية للطاقة المتجددة «إيرينا»، الذي انعقد في أبو ظبي في 24 و25 تشرين الأول/ أكتوبر 2010، إلى أن كل كيلو متر مربع من أراضي منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا على سبيل المثال  يتلقى قدرًا من الطاقة الشمسية سنويًا يعادل 5,1 مليون برميل من النفط الخام. وعلى الرغم من وفرة تلك الطاقة، أبدت الدول العربية تباطؤًا في تبني تقنيات توليد الطاقة الشمسية، الأمر الذي يرجع لأسباب منها احتياطيات الوقود الأحفوري الهائلة التي تتمتع بها تلك الدول، فضلًا عن دعم حكوماتها للطاقة لفترة طويلة.

يجب إذن تطوير مستوى الوعي بالتداعيات  الإيجابية  لوقف مشاريع الوقود الأحفور على الصعيد الاقتصادي ودوره الهام في  استحداث عدد كبير من فرص العمل وملايين الوظائف الخضراء في قطاعات مثل الطاقة المتجددة ونظم النقل المستدام والزراعة وحماية البيئة والصناعة والأبحاث والتنمية والإدارة والنشاطات والخدمات  علاوة على أنّ إمكانات النمو الوظيفي في هذا القطاع هائلة.

من هذا المنطلق، لا ينبغي أن يكون النقص في الموارد المالية وفي توفر التكنولوجيا المتطورة في هذه البلدان الشماعة التي تعلق بها هذه الأخيرة عجزها عن استخدام هذه الطاقة الصديقة للبيئة. وبالتالي، يتوجب على منظمة الأمم المتحدة وبرامجها المتخصصة في مجال البيئة والتنمية، والمؤسسات المالية الدولية وخصوصاَ صندوق النقد الدولي والبنك الدولي والمنظمات الإقليمية وتحديدًا الاتحاد الأوروبي والبنوك والصناديق المالية العربية، مساعدة الدول الإفريقية الفقيرة ودول غرب آسيا من أجل الاستفادة من الكميات الهائلة من الطاقة المتجددة التي تتوافر لديها، وذلك من خلال تقديم المساعدات المالية ونقل التكنولوجيا وتشجيع الاستثمار في هذا القطاع الحيوي.

في الختام، إن تغيير العادات الطاقية لبلد ما ينبع أساسا من إرادة شعبه. لهذا ، يجب أن تتظافر الجهود لرسم استراتيجية ناجعة تحول دون استنزاف الموارد وخسارة التنوع البيولوجي ولا مكان فيها لأي مصدر طاقة  مضر بالبيئة وفي طليعتها  الوقود الأحفوري .

Sand and Dust Storms: Impacts and Mitigation

Sand and dust storms cause significant negative impacts on society, economy and environment at local, regional and global scale.  There are three key factors responsible for the generation of sand and dust storms – strong wind, lack of vegetation and absence of rainfall. The environmental and health hazards of such storms cannot be reduced permanently, however its impact can be reduced by taking appropriate measures.

As the dust cloud rises, it reduces the horizontal visibility which can impact human life in many ways. The fine suspended particles also contain contaminants, bacteria, pollens, which cause negative health impacts such as allergies and respiratory diseases.

Dust also carries airborne pollutants such as toxins, heavy metals, salt, sulphur, pesticides etc. which cause significant health impacts when people inhale the contaminated dust.  Dust can corrode buildings and other built infrastructure as it contains high level of salts, especially in the GCC countries.

impact of sand and dust storm

The major impacts of sand and dust storms are listed below:

Environmental and Health Impacts

  • Poor air quality – This is due to increase in contaminant loads and dangerously high level of breathable suspended particles in the air during sand and dust storms.
  • Increase in environmental hazards relating to transportation, building and health.
  • Dust deposition on landscape can cause drying of leaves, retard the growth of plant and cause damage to crops.
  • Suspended dust particles in water can obstruct the penetration of sunlight into the sea floor and hence affect marine life cycle.

Social Impacts

  • Ill heath from inhalation of fine suspected dust particles and pollutants present in the dust
  • Road accidents and aviation hazards due to poor visibility
  • Delay in landing and take-off of air flights and restricted ship movement
  • Increase in stress associated with crop damage

Economic Impacts

  • Damage to physical structures such as buildings, roads, swimming pools etc. due to dust deposition
  • Costs associated with cleaning of infiltrated dust inside the house and building and cleaning of vehicles
  • Cost of removing sand from road and buildings
  • Costs associated with accidents, material loss, delay in flights, delay in movement of vehicles,
  • Costs associated with clearing of buried construction infrastructure such as oil pipelines due to sand and dust during the storms

Reducing the Impact of Sand and Dust Storms

The effects of sand and dust storms can be reduced by using a number of health & safety measures and environmental control strategies.  Large-scale sand and dust storms are generally natural phenomena and it may not be always practicable to prevent it happening.


However, control measures can be taken to reduce its impacts. Localised small-scale dust emission due to human induced activities can be reduced by using temporary mechanical methods such as concrete barrier, mulching, tree buffer etc.

  • Take appropriate control of dust raising factors such as increasing the vegetation cover where possible. It helps in stabilization of the soil, sand dunes and form windbreaks.
  • Use of native plants and trees as buffer can reduce wind velocity and sand drifts at the same increase the soil moisture
  • Design buildings appropriately and conduct air infiltration testing during building commissioning.

Some health and safety measures that should be taken to minimise the adverse impacts due to the dust storm are:

  • Take extra precautionary measures for vulnerable population group such as children, elderly and sick people.
  • Use dust masks – Dust masks have filters which can filter out small particles and contaminants. Hence, mask should be used during the dust storms. Put a wet towel or tissue on the nose and mouth and drink lots of fluid.
  • Clean your face, nose and mouth frequently to prevent any dust entering into lungs and inhale some water through your nose in order to clean the nose of dust particles.
  • Close the doors and windows tightly, pulling all curtains up and put wet towels on the small holes that may be round windows
  • Restricting outdoor activities and staying inside the house.


  • Speer MS (2013) Dust storm frequency and impact over Eastern Australia determined by state of Pacific climate system. Weather and Climate Extremes, Vol 2, page 16-21.
  • Shivakumar MVK (2005) Impact of sand storms/ dust storms on agriculture.  Natural Disasters and Extreme Events in Agriculture. Publisher – Springer eBook, page  159-177.
  • Mohammad, Mohammad-Shafi Abdullah (1989) Dust storm phenomena and their environmental impacts in Kuwait, PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

How Park Signages Improve Visitor Experience

Imagine wandering through a sprawling park, surrounded by lush greenery and the soothing sounds of nature. You’re eager to explore, but a wave of uncertainty washes over you. Where’s the trailhead for that scenic hike you read about? Which path leads to the hidden waterfall? And is there a restroom nearby? Do you feel this way sometimes?

Did you know that Americans visit their local parks an average of 29 times a year? That’s a lot of potential for getting lost or missing out on hidden gems! Thankfully, park signage is the trusty guide that silently leads through these unfamiliar landscapes. It transforms a simple stroll into an immersive adventure. This article will uncover how these seemingly simple signs do more than point the way. So, dive in and discover how park signages can elevate your next outdoor adventure.

park signages and visitor experience

Enhancing Navigation and Wayfinding

At the park entrance, a welcoming sign with a clear map sets the stage for your adventure. This sign welcomes you and provides a detailed map with color-coded trails, points of interest clearly marked, and even estimated hiking times. Armed with this information, you confidently choose your path, knowing exactly where you’re headed.

As you venture deeper into the park, strategically placed directional signs act like breadcrumbs, guiding you along winding trails and ensuring you don’t miss a turn. These signs are thoughtfully designed to blend seamlessly with the environment. Wooden signs might be nestled among the trees, while metal ones could reflect the industrial history of a particular area. Each of them is like a piece of a puzzle, fitting together to create a cohesive wayfinding system that eliminates the guesswork and lets you focus on enjoying your surroundings.

Providing Essential Information

Park signages are a fountain of knowledge, ready to quench your curiosity. They’re like mini lessons scattered throughout the park, offering fascinating insights into the ecosystem, history, and culture of the area. These informational signs can be found in various forms, from interpretive panels with stunning photographs and detailed descriptions to interactive exhibits that engage all your senses. They might even include QR codes that link to videos, audio recordings, or virtual tours, providing a multi-layered learning experience.

Informational signs aren’t just about fun facts and historical tidbits. They also play a crucial role in promoting responsible park use and environmental awareness. Signs that explain the park’s Leave No Trace principles, highlight the importance of staying on designated trails, or educate visitors about the fragility of certain ecosystems can inspire a sense of stewardship and encourage visitors to protect these natural treasures for generations to come.

Highlighting Points of Interest

A park signage is also your personal tour guide, showcasing the must-see spots and under-the-radar treasures that make each park unique. Imagine you’re meandering through an expansive botanical garden, surrounded by a sea of colorful blooms. A beautifully crafted sign catches your eye, beckoning you towards a secret alcove. Intrigued, you follow the sign and discover a secluded garden overflowing with rare orchid species in full bloom. The accompanying sign reveals the orchid’s fascinating history, its delicate beauty, and the meticulous care it requires. Suddenly, you’re not just admiring a flower; you’re witnessing a botanical masterpiece, a hidden wonder you might have otherwise missed.

Signs are like spotlights, illuminating the park’s most captivating features. They might direct you to a scenic overlook with panoramic views, a historic monument with a fascinating backstory, or a unique geological formation that tells a tale of ancient times. By highlighting these points of interest, they can transform a leisurely stroll into a treasure hunt, encouraging you to explore deeper and discover the park’s many wonders.

Promoting Accessibility and Inclusivity

Park signage is about making everyone feel welcome and included. To achieve this, consider these key points:

Accessible design

  • Use high-contrast colors and clear fonts for easy readability.
  • Incorporate tactile elements and Braille for visitors with visual impairments.
  • Provide multilingual signage to cater to diverse communities.

Informative content

  • Clearly indicate accessible routes and amenities, such as ramps, restrooms, and parking spaces.
  • Provide details about trail surfaces and grades to help wheelchair users choose appropriate paths.
  • Create family-friendly maps highlighting areas for children.

Engaging features

  • Incorporate playful illustrations or interactive elements for children.
  • Use universally understood symbols and icons.

Prioritizing accessibility and inclusivity is about removing barriers and ensuring that all visitors have equal access to the park’s wonders.

park signage

Enhancing Aesthetic Appeal

Beyond wayfinding and information, park signage plays a crucial role in shaping the overall aesthetic experience. Imagine strolling through a lush forest and stumbling upon a hand-carved wooden sign with intricate details that seamlessly blend with the natural surroundings. These signages complement the park’s unique character and atmosphere.

Natural materials like wood and stone can create a rustic, organic feel, while metals like copper or bronze can add a touch of elegance and sophistication. The colors chosen for signs should also harmonize with the surrounding environment, using muted earth tones or vibrant hues that reflect the local flora. The design of the sign itself is equally important. Whether it’s a classic serif font for a historical park or a playful script for a children’s garden, the typography should complement the park’s theme and purpose.

Encouraging Recreational Activities

Well-placed signage can be your activity coordinator, sparking inspiration and inviting you to discover the park’s recreational offerings. Signs can point out prime fishing spots, serene picnic areas, or hidden coves perfect for kayaking. You might even stumble upon a sign advertising a guided birdwatching tour or a yoga class in the park. A park signage transforms a passive experience into an active one. It encourages you to get out there, explore, and have fun..

Final Thoughts

A park signage is the silent architect of your outdoor experience, subtly shaping your journey and enriching your connection with nature. They’re the key to unlocking the full potential of every park visit. So, the next time you find yourself wandering through a park, take a moment to appreciate the humble signs that guide, inform, and inspire you. Who knows what hidden wonders you might discover?

5 Cheap, Easy Vegan Recipes for College Students

Veganism is gaining popularity as a food preference and a lifestyle choice. There are many ways in which veganism can prove to be healthier for our bodies, environmentally beneficial, and less cruel to animals. Many nutritionists have designed diet plans that cater specially to vegan lifestyles. Students can look into any of these diet plans if they wish to try eating vegan food at any time. However, students who want to eat healthier often have many things on their plates, and they don’t have the time to cook. We can offer a solution to this issue. In this article, we shall discover some easy and inexpensive recipes that students can use to make vegan dishes.

Vegan Recipes for College Students

1. Vegan Salad Bowl

This easy, no heat, no cooking vegan salad is the perfect snack for students! A vegan salad is one of the easiest meals to make, as it takes hardly 15 minutes to put this dish together. The preparation is simple. Mix finely chopped red onion, some salt, sugar, pepper, and vinegar in a large mixing bowl. Set it aside. Now put some cooked and chilled couscous, as well as cucumber, dill, and lettuce, in another bowl. Sprinkle some olive oil and mix the vegetables so that the oil coats all the vegetables evenly. Now add your pickled onions to the mixture, and your vegan salad bowl is ready to consume.

Busy students often neglect their diets and only focus on their coursework and completing their assignments on time. Fortunately, there are solutions to this problem. Students can pay for college research papers and then use the time they save to make vegan meals for themselves.

2.  Tomato Curry With Roasted Eggplant

Tomato and eggplant is a well-sought combination for many. The tanginess of the tomatoes compliments the roasted and smoky flavor of eggplant to create a mouth-watering dish that cooks in less than 30 minutes. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees Celsius or 350 degrees Fahrenheit. While your oven is pre-heating, cut the eggplant into large cubes. Spread the eggplant in a pan and pour some olive oil to thinly coat it. Add some salt, pepper, and spices to the run to deepen the flavor.

After the oven has pre-heated to the required temperature, place the pan with eggplant into the oven and let it roast. In the meantime, finely chop your tomatoes and cook them in a pan on low heat. Once your eggplant is roasted, mix it with your tomato purée and enjoy over any grain or pasta.

Also Read: How Low-Calorie Meal Planning Supports Sustainability

3. Spinach and Chickpea Curry

Making spinach and chickpea curry needs a small amount of planning. Chickpeas are high sources of protein. They are also highly flavorful when cooked with spices and condiments. To make a spinach and chickpea curry, you must soak the chickpeas in water overnight. This is the first step. The next day, take some oil and heat it in a pan. Add your spices and let them temper. Next, add finely chopped tomatoes and onions and wait until the onions sauté. Then add your chickpeas. Once the chickpeas are soft, add the washed and chopped spinach.

Remember that spinach cooks very quickly, so you need to keep the heat only for a few minutes after adding the spinach. Once the spinach has shrunk, your curry is ready. This dish is best served with some rice or some Indian flatbread.

4. Lentil and Cardamom Soup

One of the easiest things to make on the go is soup. Making soup is an easy and quick undertaking. Most of the time, making soup takes less than 20 minutes to make. The process is also simple. First, you must cut up all the ingredients that you want to add to your soup. For lentil soup, the most popular choices for vegetables include onions, tomatoes, lentils, garlic, and carrots. Roughly chop all these vegetables and add them to your pan.

Add a few drops of olive oil, spices, cloves, and cardamom, and let the vegetables cook. You can add water if needed. Once the vegetables are soft and fully cooked, set your pan aside to cool. Once your vegetable stock has cooled down, put it in a blender to make a smooth purée. Add your purée back to your pan and dilute its consistency with either water or coconut milk. Let it boil for a few seconds, and your soup is ready to consume.

veganism in mena

5. Vegan butter chocolate chip cookies

Vegan butter chocolate chip cookies are a simple snack to make and tasty to eat. The first step to making these delicious cookies is combining almond flour, butter, dates, and rolled oats in a mixer. Next, in a separate bowl, combine peanut butter and almond oil. Add your dry mixture to your wet mixture while stirring continuously to avoid forming lumps. Once your mixture is combined well, form cookies and bake them.

There are many more such recipes that students can try to cook for themselves. Not only that, but as a student, you can also try to create your own recipe and publish it online on a blog. You can check out writing tips to understand the best way to write your recipes and share them with other students.

Concluding Thoughts

There are many myths surrounding veganism. People wrongly believe that veganism is an expensive lifestyle and that vegan diets cannot provide a body with its required nutrition. However, this is not true. Many vegan recipes are tasty and healthy at the same time!

In fact, vegan recipes use different kinds of vegetables, which are often less expensive than cooking with meat. If you are curious about the vegan lifestyle and vegan meals, and you’d like to taste a vegan meal, you can try any of the recipes mentioned in this article. We hope that this article inspires you to include more vegan foods into your diet and encourages you to try a more extensive variety of dishes regularly.

An Easy Guide To Setup Your Greenhouse

We have all heard about greenhouses, and we have all been told that it is healthy for the environment. However, we might have never been taught how to build one, or how important it is for our Earth. Now more than ever, given the ever-growing presence of global warming that is threatening our planet, it is a must to have a greenhouse. This having been mentioned, if you’re looking to have one, here are some tips in a guide to help you setup your greenhouse.

1. Structure

Picking the appropriate structure for your greenhouse is by far the most important step that you have to take on; choosing the right structure determines the effectiveness and functionality of your greenhouse. Understand that every structure has its own function, so choose a structure that will be within your budget and at the same time can help you achieve amazing results. Prefabricated greenhouse is a popular choice of greenhouse structure since it can be built and installed quickly and it is oftenly cheaper.

2. Greenhouse Hardware

Meticulously choosing the hardware for your greenhouse is a very important step as well because the hardware that you choose to hold up your structure is what’s going to save your greenhouse through storms and harsh weather.

3. Cooling Systems

Greenhouse plants are prone to overheat, which is why you need to take care of the cooling systems and ventilation for your greenhouse. There are definitely several types of cooling systems, but it is preferable that you choose one that is practical, long-lasting, and strong enough to cover your greenhouse as a whole.

4. Property

One of the many things that you have to look into as well, is buying a property that has enough space for you to build your own greenhouse on. There are many real estate agents out there, but this reliable investing group has a high level of experience, a variety of sources, plenty of resources, and professional methods to satisfy their customers. It is essential that you have a real estate agency that you can rely on in order for you to get the most efficient setup for your greenhouse.


5. Heating Systems

The heating system you will choose for your greenhouse will be based on the structure you chose earlier; you also need to pick the right size of the heating unit and how appropriate it will be for your greenhouse.

6. Environmental Controls

It is vital that you have a functional thermostat so you can have complete control over the temperature in your greenhouse. You constantly need to improve the circulation to remove the humidity in the air by the environmental control options. Which is why it is important that you make sure that the environmental controls are easy to use and that you understand their features and how they work.

7. Building

Finally, you have reached the last step. Now all you have to do is order your greenhouse and build it once and for all. There are many manuals and several specialists that you can consult in the building process, but know that half of the work is done since you have bought all the needed equipment.


Congratulations on being an environmentally aware citizen of the earth! Now that you have built your own greenhouse with the appropriate structure, chose the perfect hardware, picked the perfect cooling systems, purchased a property for your greenhouse, bought the right environmental controls, and finally bought it, you have done your bit for the environment. Your contribution is important, especially if you are aiming to build something as big as a greenhouse.

Modern Greenhouse Design Ideas For Your Future Home

Greenhouses have definitely evolved through time. It has come a long way from its plain and simple designs to the now high-tech structured architectures. The location, weather, and the availability of materials have a lot to do with the never ending innovations. Consider these modern greenhouse design ideas that will complement your home, lifestyle, and passions in life if you plan to build your own greenhouse in your backyard.



1. Strong and Sturdy Foundation

Having concrete and dug-deep foundation will keep the structure in place and could last longer as compared to bamboos or soft wood which are susceptible to pests attack and damages.

Concrete and heavy footings can save you a lot from trouble in the future. You do not have to dig everything out if you want to make some new tweaks on your greenhouse.

2. High-rise Walls

Air ventilation is very important when building greenhouses. High walls of about 10 feet at least are generally acceptable. It would be nice to imagine yourself working on an extensive and well-ventilated space with enough area for your other hanging plants and an extra spot to store your garden tools.

The team of elite Brisbane architects knows what are the best quality materials to use in order to create an edgy, long-lasting and modernized plan that will suit your taste.

3. Anti-Fog Wall and Roof

Too much sunlight can damage and wilt your plants. With the anti-fog technology incorporated in the structure, the additives applied causes the water to condense rapidly when it hits the wall and roof. This process makes the fog disappear right away.

The castiron guttering collects the water formed from the condensation to be utilized by the plants. Architects can guide you on what type of wall material could maximize water collection.

4. Large Windows

Adding windows can also be a good option since not all the time the weather is humid and not every time the heat of the sun is excruciating for the plants, You can opt to have it opened during milder weather condition and let the natural air pass through the windows as compared to vents which only allows less air to enter the structure. You can have it circular, rectangular or eccentric shaped windows.

backyard garden ideas

5. Plumbing, Water System Options

Water is one of the most important factors in determining the healthy growth of your plants. You can install rainwater catchment that stores inside the drums.

You can also use automatic water system and sprinkler system that is automated watering of your plants. This can reduce your time watering the plants so you can use it to spend on other essential things.


It doesn’t matter if you are building a small or a large scale greenhouse as long as you are technically guided. Seeking the help of professionals can also lessen your worries because you know that it is built on trust and high standards. You can also be sure that it is safe and securely built. At the end of the day, we all want a cozy and productive space, and of course, produce high quality plants.

Wildlife Protection in Bahrain: An Overview

Wildlife maintains ecological balance of nature, food chain and nature cycles and plays an important role in the environment and for human progress through availability of large gene pool for the scientists to carry research and breeding programs in agriculture, animal husbandry and fishery. The World Conservation Union estimates that there are more than 16,000 wildlife species that are currently threatened with extinction. In the last 500 years, 820 species have become extinct as a result of human activity.


Al-Areen Wildlife Park in the only protected area on land in Bahrain, and is spread over 400 hectares

Bahrain has very limited wildlife population, and its conservation is of great importance. Al Areen Wildlife Park located in Sakhir is a nature reserve and zoo. The park is one of the five protected areas in the Kingdom. The reserve is house to 100,000 planted flora and more than 90 species of birds and 50 species of animals. The inmates include extinct species including the wild Arabian Oryx, Persian Gazelle, Chapman’s Zebra, the rare Addax and many other exotic birds.

Unfortunately, many people try intimidating animals or birds for the sake of pleasure and time passing often with bad intentions and having no respect for wildlife. Usually children do mischievous activities of throwing stones and litter on animals to get their attention or throwing eatables thinking that these poor creatures will eat. It is a very cruel example of unfriendly action towards beautiful creatures that provide us with recreation and happiness.

We need to realize that we are bound with all other forms of life in one gigantic ecosystem and have to improve our attitude and way of thinking about other creatures on earth. We need to understand that animals and birds are also creatures like us and have full right to live in harmony with the human beings. We need to be careful in our acts of dealing with them and taking care of their wellbeing.

help stop wildlife poaching

We being the dominant creatures on this planet need to create more awareness about animals and birds and school children are to be trained in how we deal with them and care about their welfare. At park and other recreation areas, we need to stop other people harming the birds who do it just as a random sport or activity.

It is suggested that NGOs need to engage volunteers to support and assist the staff at wildlife parks and to create awareness amongst the people how and what contribution animals and birds are providing and how we need to take care of them.

Wildlife conservation is imperative if we are to become stewards of the earth, and to create a truly sustainable future for ourselves and for the generations to come.

What is the Difference Between Carpet Dry Cleaning and Steam Cleaning?

Steam carpet cleaning and dry carpet cleaning are two of the main ways to deep clean your carpet. Both of these cleaning methods serve to restore your carpet and remove deeply ingrained impurities from its fibres.

While both of these carpet cleaning methods strive for the same outcome, they are fundamentally different. Steam cleaning involves hot water injected within the fibres to sanitise them, while dry carpet cleaning is all about using a chemical solution applied to the carpet without causing it to get wet.

benefits of steam carpet cleaning

If you have a carpet at home and wish to keep it clean and fresh, opting for one of these cleaning methods is the right choice. It’s important to know more about them to make an informed decision.

Steam carpet cleaning

Steam cleaning your carpet is one of the best ways to ensure its fabric is restored to as-new condition in an eco-friendly manner. The carpet cleaning service from Crystal Carpet Cleaners is all you need to get your carpet clean and look like the day you bought it.

Steam cleaning involves a machine with a water tank that heats up to produce steam. Under high pressure, the steam is injected deep within the carpet fibres to remove allergens and dirt. The water is then extracted, which is why the cleaning method is also referred to as hot water extraction.

The method is highly effective because the hot steam easily kills off dust mites, bacteria and all sorts of allergens that dwell within the carpet fibres. Furthermore, steam cleaners are also effective for treating tough stains on the carpet, as they break down the materials and remove them during extraction.

The benefits of carpet steam cleaning

Steam cleaning has many benefits. It is a popular cleaning method for extending the life of your carpet and keeping it free of allergens. Here are some of its benefits.

Efficient form of cleaning

Steam cleaning takes care of the dirt and dust embedded deeply within the fibres of the carpet. Unlike vacuum cleaning, which only tackles surface dirt, steam cleaning breaks down the particles deep within the fibres. It’s an effective way of cleaning carpets.

Deal with all sorts of allergens

The hot steam used during a steam cleaning session reaches high degrees and is effective at killing germs, bacteria and all sorts of allergens within the carpet fibres. You don’t need to worry about things like dust mites, bed bugs and other unwanted guests on your carpet.

It is safe for people with allergies

Those who struggle with allergies and sensitivity to cleaning chemicals can breathe a deep sigh of relief. Steam cleaning is an eco-friendly method that doesn’t rely on harsh chemicals and cleaners to do the job. Vapour from distilled water is all it takes to sanitise your carpets and deal with allergens on the surface.

Prolong the life of your carpet

Steam cleaning works equally well for new and neglected carpets. Using this cleaning method is a sure way to improve the appearance of the carpet, as well as prolong its life due to the restorative effect of the steam.

No residue on the carpet

With steam cleaning, you don’t have to worry about any residue left on the surface. Water vapour enters the carpet fibres and is then extracted. There will be some moisture left but it will dry quickly if you provide enough ventilation.

Things to keep in mind about steam carpet cleaning

Carpets are made of different materials and as such require different care methods. Certain fabrics do not do well with any sort of moisture during cleaning. You should consult the manufacturer’s care instructions before you proceed with steam cleaning, or else you risk damaging your carpet.

When steam cleaning your carpets, make sure you let them dry completely before you step on them. Before steam cleaning you should always vacuum the carpet surface to remove solid spoils first.

Dry carpet cleaning

This carpet cleaning method differs from steam cleaning substantially. It’s a multi-step process. First, the carpet is treated with a cleansing compound and cleaning agents. That’s where the name ‘dry cleaning’ comes from. These cleaning solutions aim to break down any residue within the carpet fibres.

Next, cotton pads (bonnets) are used. They are immersed in hot water and essentially condition the carpet with the aid of a rotary machine. The motion releases dirt and allergens, essentially cleaning the carpet with minimal moisture.

rug cleaning innovations

The benefits of dry carpet cleaning

Dry cleaning can yield excellent results when done right. You can take advantage of its main benefits.

It doesn’t leave the carpet soaking wet

The main benefit of dry cleaning lies in the fact that it doesn’t require excessive moisture. It is ideal for delicate fibres that do not tolerate steam and any kind of wet cleaning. The cleaning process leaves the carpet dry and ready for use almost immediately.

Deep cleaning prowess

Dry cleaning is much better than simple vacuuming. It supplements the process with efficient cleaning compounds, which break down dirt and stains. These chemical solutions can leave the carpet looking like new immediately.

Added protection

Using dry cleaning solutions introduces a new kind of benefit for your carpet – a protective layer. It serves to prevent stains and spills from soaking into the fibres.

Things to keep in mind about dry carpet cleaning

This carpet cleaning method features the use of strong chemicals, which can be problematic for people with respiratory sensitivities and allergies. It’s recommended that such people and pets don’t come into contact with the carpet for some time after the cleaning procedure.

Both carpet cleaning methods have strong advantages and some downsides that you should be aware of. Knowing which cleaning method to choose for your carpet is essential for keeping it fresh and beautiful at all times.

احراق الغاز و هدره

من المعروف أن إحراق الغاز وهدره يرتبطان بعملية استخراج النفط الخام في حقول النفط. أن آبار النفط الحديثة تكون قادرة لاستعادة كل من غاز آبار النفط والنفط الخام ، وعليه  فإن الغاز يشكل مورد إضافي لحقل النفط. تلجأ الكثير من شركات النفط المنتجة في العالم إلى حرق الغاز المصاحب لحقول النفط بكميات كبيرة محاولةً تعظيم أرباحها، واستخدمت في سبيل ذلك أرخص السبل للتخلص من الغاز الطبيعي الذي لا تريده.

وتحرق شركات النفط الغاز المصاحب لأن النفط ينتج في مناطق نائية بعيدة عن المراكز الاقتصادية والسكانية ويحتاج نقله والاستفادة منه استثمارات كبيرة لا توفرها أسواق الطاقة. ونظراً لكون شركات النفط تركز على مصالحها فهي تريد النفط المنتج وترى في إحراق الغاز المصاحب أرخص الطرق لتعظيم الأرباح.


ومازال حرق الغاز بدون فائدة منتشرا في كثير من بلدان. حيث ان الدول العشرين الاكثر هدرا للغاز هي روسيا ، نيجيريا ، إيران ، العراق ، أنغولا ، فنزويلا ، قطر ، الجزائر ، الولايات المتحدة ، الكويت ، إندونيسيا ، كازاخستان ، غينيا الاستوائية ، ليبيا ، المكسيك ، أذربيجان ، البرازيل ، الكونغو ، المملكة المتحدة ، والغابون وتقدر بعض المصادر أن الغاز الذي يتم إحراقه في حقول النفط والغاز يمثل حوالي 5 بالمائة من الإنتاج العالمي من الغاز الطبيعي، ولو استخدمت هذه الغازات لتوليد الكهرباء لغطت احتياجات القارة الافريقية.

من ناحية أخرى، أن إحراق الغاز هو إحراق لثروات بشرية تقدر سنوياً ببلايين الدولارات، ولا يقتصر الأمر على ذلك، بل إن إحراقه يساهم في زيادة انبعاث الغازات الدفيئة ويضر بالبيئة المحلية في كثير من الدول بدون أي فائدة للبشرية. لقد طرح البنك الدولي مبادرة للتخلص من ظاهرة حرق الغاز الطبيعي والتي تدعو إلى وقف حرق الغاز الطبيعي بصورة نهائية قبل عام 2030. ويحاول البنك الدولي من خلال هذه المبادرة العمل مع الدول وشركات النفط ومؤسسات التنمية لوقف إهدار الغاز الطبيعي بهذه الطريقة وإيجاد أسواق لبيع هذه الغازات أو وضعها في استخدامات نافعة للبشرية. ويمكن استخدام الغاز الطبيعي كوقود أو حتى تحويله إلى مصادر طاقة أخرى يمكن نقلها بطرق أيسر.

ولم يشارك في هذه المبادرة إلا عدد قليل من الشركات والمنظمات.  أن ما لا يقل عن 150 مليار متر مكعب من الغاز على مستوى العالم يتم إشعاله أو إهداره كل عام  مما يضيف نحو 400 مليون طن من غازات الاحتباس الحراري في الانبعاثات السنوية.  وهذا يعادل تقريباً جميع التخفيضات السنوية المحتملة للانبعاثات من المشاريع المقدمة حالياً في إطار آليات كيوتو.


تبلغ نسبة حرق الغاز في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا 50 مليار متر مكعب سنوياً ، مما يجعلها ثاني منطقة في العالم بعد روسيا ومنطقة بحر قزوين التي تبلغ حوالي 60 مليار متر مكعب. كمية الغاز المتوهج في الشرق الأوسط وحده ، حوالي 30 مليار متر مكعب ، يمكن أن تغذي 20 مليون طن من الغاز الطبيعي المسال.  تشير بيانات البنك الدولي إلى أن بعض البلدان في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا قد زادت من حرق الغاز خلال الـ 12 عامًا الماضية أو نحو ذلك. وتشمل هذه: العراق وعمان وقطر والمملكة العربية السعودية واليمن في حين أن دول أخرى مثل الجزائر ومصر وليبيا وسوريا والإمارات العربية المتحدة قد انخفضت حرق الغاز. تُظهر البيانات المنشورة أن حرق الغاز السنوي يعادل ربع الاستهلاك السنوي من الغاز في الولايات المتحدة ، و 30 في المائة من استهلاك الاتحاد الأوروبي السنوي للغاز ، وثلاثة أرباع إجمالي صادرات الغاز السنوية في روسيا. وفي أفريقيا ، وهي واحدة من أكثر قارات حرق الغاز انتشارا ، فإن 35 مليار متر مكعب سنويا من انبعاث الغاز يعادل نصف الاستهلاك الإجمالي للطاقة في القارة.

في العديد من البلدان المسؤولة عن معظم عمليات إشعال الغاز وهدره، تضمن الضريبة والقياس الدقيق أن يتم دفع الرسوم الصحيحة ويتم تقليل التأثير على البيئة إلى الحد الأدنى ، ولكن هذا ليس هو الحال دائمًا. هناك حوافز لتنفيذ ممارسات أكثر جدوى وأقل تكلفة مثل إعادة حقن الغاز الطبيعي في الخزان ، ومحطات تسييل الغاز الطبيعي على نطاق صغير في موقع الإنتاج ، وتوليد الكهرباء في الموقع ، وتوزيع الغاز الطبيعي على المناطق الحضرية المجاورة وما إلى ذلك ، في حين تتم العمليات المكلفة ، مثل بناء خطوط الأنابيب ، فقط عندما يبرر الغاز الطبيعي المستخرج التكاليف المرتفعة.

وبغض النظر عمن يحرق الغاز ، يجب أن تكون حوافز الاستثمار في خفض الحرائق مناسبة وواضحة إلى أقصى حد ممكن. لا يوجد خيار واحد هو الأفضل لجميع حقول النفط. لكل حقل نفط خصائصه وحجمه وظروف السوق المحلية واحتياجات البنية التحتية الخاصة به ، وكل بلد له إطاره السياسي والمؤسسي والمالي الخاص به وبالتالي ، فإن القياس الدقيق لحرق الغاز هو أفضل شيء ، لأنه يعطي الصناعة وسيلة لجمع البيانات ، وبناء صورة دقيقة للغاز المشتعل وتخطيط طرق أفضل لتقليل الخسائر وإنشاء أفضل الممارسات في المستقبل ، كما يتم اتخاذ تدابير أكثر صرامة لمراقبة هذه الأمور.

Solar Energy in Jordan

The solar energy potential in Jordan is enormous as it lies within the solar belt of the world with average solar radiation ranging between 5 and 7 KWh/m2, which implies a potential of at least 1000GWh per year annually.

Solar energy, like other forms of alternative energy, remains underutilized in Jordan. Decentralized photovoltaic units in rural and remote villages are currently used for lighting, water pumping and other social services (1000KW of peak capacity). In addition, about 15% of all households are equipped with solar water heating systems. Portable solar generators can be helpful in transforming the renewable energy landscape across Jordan


Jordan has major plans for increasing the use of solar energy. As per the Energy Master Plan, 30 percent of all households are expected to be equipped with solar water heating system by the year 2020. The Government is hoping to construct the first Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) demonstration project in the short to medium term and is considering Aqaba and the south-eastern region for this purpose. It is also planning to have solar desalination plant. According to the national strategy the planned installed capacity will amount to 300MW – 600MW (CSP, PV and hybrid power plants) by 2020.

One of the most promising potential investments in renewable energy worldwide will be installing more than 250 MW of concentrated solar power (CSP) in Jordan’s Ma’an development zone through different projects developed by the private sector. The upcoming CSP solar power plants in Ma’an would highlight Jordan’s strategy of sustainable energy diversification. Many companies use R&D tax credits to carry out these initiatives.

The Ma’an Development Area enjoys about 320 days of sunshine a year, with a high level of irradiance that allows over 2500 million kWh of primary energy to be harvested annually from each square kilometre.  At full capacity, the planned flagship CSP plant could meet some 4% of the Kingdom’s electricity needs, reducing the reliance on electricity imports from neighbouring countries. Surplus energy could in turn be sold to Syria, Egypt and Palestine, whose networks are connected to Jordan.