How to Find an Eco-Friendly Portable Generator

Everything we use now depends on electricity, and with the increasing demands on power, and as technology continues to advance, seeking eco-friendly solutions to our day-to-day challenges is quickly gaining popularity. As mindful individuals, we all have a responsibility towards the environment, and should always opt for the eco-friendly choice whenever available.

Practicality, on the other hand, is not something to be compromised. Generators play an important role in most locations, and portable ones are now all the rage since they are a convenient, affordable way to fulfill the requirements of any outdoor activity. When the lights go out, an eco-friendly portable generator can save the day by fulfilling basic household energy needs in addition to protecting the environment.


In this article, we list the most important attributes to look for when searching for an eco-friendly portable generator.

1. Running Watts

Running watts (also known as rated or continuous watts) refers to the continuous power a generator can supply. You can use the running watts to know the maximum amount of load you can connect to the generator.

To figure out how many running watts you need from your generator, add the total number of watts your essential devices use per hour, and multiply it by how many hours, or fractions of hours, you’ll need to use them daily.

2. Starting Watts

Starting watts (also known as surge watts) is essentially the momentary boost of power needed for two to three seconds to start motor-driven appliances like a refrigerator or circular saw. This is the maximum wattage the generator can produce.

3. Weight

It goes without saying that when you are on the move, it’s best to pack the lightweight version of everything. The heavier the device, the less convenient it would be. Your generator should be mobile and easy to carry and store. You can check out this handy review of the top ten portable generators through this link. Weight, however, should not necessarily be a deal breaker, that’s why a thorough comparison of all the other factors should help you decide.

4. Estimated Runtime

Just like your phone battery, it helps to know how long one charge can serve you. It’s good to know that estimated lead times for each generator are based on a number of different requirements, according to the appliances you use them for.

Power On

It takes more than a price comparison and reading portable generator reviews to make the best choice. Since everyone’s needs are different, you must always take your requirements into consideration. Ask the right questions before deciding; is it a light generator you need? What are the devices you will be connecting, as they will determine the running watts and starting watts? How long will you need it for? Is it just for blackout emergencies, or hours at an outdoor barbeque-and-picnic?

To be sure you are making the right purchase, read the reviews and expand on what you’ve learned here, and talk to people who own portable generators, listen to their input and lessons learned.

Tempêtes de sable et de poussière au Moyen-Orient

Les tempêtes de sable et de poussières sont des phénomènes fréquents dans le monde entier, surtout dans les régions arides et semi-arides, telles que le Moyen-Orient. Les tempêtes de poussière jouent un rôle important au sein du cycle de poussière mondial, et elles peuvent modifier le bilan radiatif de la Terre. Ces tempêtes sont susceptibles d’endommager les cultures agricoles, de retarder la croissance des plantes et de modifier le cycle des organismes benthiques marins, car elles empêchent la lumière de pénétrer dans les fonds océaniques. Les tempêtes de poussière peuvent entraîner des perturbations sociales, des pertes économiques et des effets indésirables sur la santé humaine.

sandstorm in kuwait

Les jours poussiéreux, l’on considère que l’on assiste à une tempête de poussière lorsque la visibilité est réduite à moins de 1 000 mètres. Les tempêtes de sable et de poussière ne doivent pas être confondues avec les autres types de poussières telles que les montées de poussière, les particules en suspension et la brume. Ces dernières sont principalement d’origine humaine, tandis que les tempêtes de sable et de poussière sont surtout associées aux vents secs et chauds du nord et du nord-ouest à un niveau local. De nombreuses études démontrent que l’oscillation des poussières au niveau local est liée à la variation de la force des vents stratosphériques de bas niveau. Les tempêtes de poussière se produisent à tout endroit où les phénomènes climatiques interagissent avec la gestion des sols et des terres, telle que la structure des sols ou la couverture végétale.

Les tempêtes de sable et de poussière dans les pays arides

Dans les pays arides, les tempêtes de sable sont principalement dues à la présence même du désert. Le désert du Sahara représente 25 % des microparticules suspendues dans l’atmosphère. La production annuelle mondiale de poussière par déflation des sols et des sédiments est estimée entre 61 et 366 millions de tonnes. Rien qu’en Afrique, on estime que plus de 100 millions de tonnes de poussière par an traversent l’Atlantique pour rejoindre l’ouest. La péninsule Arabique est également considérée comme étant l’une des principales sources de poussière au monde.

Les tempêtes de sable et de poussière actuelles ont pour source principale les déserts subtropicaux et les régions semi-arides et subhumides, où des sols exposés et secs sont soumis à des vents violents lors de la période sèche, c’est-à-dire en été. Dans la région du Golfe, les sources régionales d’émission de poussière et de sable se trouvent dans les plaines alluviales du sud de la Mésopotamie, du désert syrien, de la Jordanie et du nord de l’Arabie saoudite. Les tempêtes de poussière de la région sont provoquées par le Shamal, nom local du vent du nord et du nord-ouest.

Dans les régions désertiques, on a identifié deux causes principales pour expliquer la formation de tempêtes de sable et de poussière. Il s’agit des conditions géographiques et des conditions climatiques. Ces deux conditions contiennent les éléments suivants :

  • Sable meuble et sec, terre, absence de végétation ou de couverture terrestre
  • Vent saisonnier rapide au sol
  • Turbulences atmosphériques en surface dues à d’importantes quantités de radiation dans la région
  • Conditions météorologiques verticales et instables
  • Sécheresse des surfaces par manque de pluie
  • Réduction de l’humidité des sols et de la capacité de fixation des sols et du sable en raison d’un manque de pluie
  • Facteurs anthropogéniques tels que le défrichement et la désertification

Les tempêtes de poussière sont plus fréquentes pendant l’été, car les conditions climatiques y sont plus favorables. Les changements d’origine humaine sont également considérés comme des facteurs significatifs de l’augmentation des phénomènes de tempêtes de poussière dans certaines régions non arides.

Conséquences des tempêtes de poussière sur le climat à l’échelle locale et mondiale

Les particules de poussières dans l’air, aussi connues sous le nom d’aérosols de poussière, entraînent un effet bouclier similaire à celui des nuages de pluie. Ainsi, les aérosols de poussière peuvent influencer le climat en interceptant les rayonnements solaires entrants, réduisant ainsi le rayonnement net à la surface de la Terre. Le rayonnement net est égal à la lumière du soleil absorbée moins le rayonnement thermique émis par la surface renvoyé dans l’atmosphère. Cela entraîne temporairement un effet de refroidissement local. La température peut chuter de 10 °C avec la diminution des rayons solaires tombant sur la surface. Les aérosols de poussière se distinguent cependant des aérosols sulfatés produits par les éruptions volcaniques.

Les aérosols sulfatés sont injectés dans la stratosphère suite à une éruption. Ils réfléchissent la lumière du soleil et la renvoient dans l’espace, réduisant ainsi la quantité de rayonnement thermique dans l’atmosphère et à la surface. Cependant, en éloignant la chaleur solaire de la surface au niveau local, les aérosols de poussière agissent sur le climat terrestre. L’effet de refroidissement ne dure que pendant une courte période de temps, avant que la chaleur provenant des régions plus chaudes environnantes ne soit transmise à la région poussiéreuse par équilibre thermique, ce qui compense l’effet de refroidissement. La température locale redevient donc normale après une courte période de temps.

air quality in abu dhabi

L’effet refroidissant des nuages de poussière arabiques s’étend parfois du nord de l’Asie au Pacifique et à l’Amérique du Nord, en raison de la circulation atmosphérique qui relie les régions touchées par les nuages de poussière aux régions sous le vent.

L’influence des tempêtes de poussière et de sable sur la durabilité

Les tempêtes de poussière et de sable peuvent entraîner des effets négatifs sur les trois piliers de la durabilité : social, économique et environnemental. La visibilité horizontale diminue avec la montée du nuage de poussière. Une faible visibilité a de nombreuses conséquences potentielles sur la vie humaine. Les particules fines suspendues contiennent également des polluants, des bactéries, du pollen, ce qui entraîne des effets négatifs sur la santé tels que des allergies et des maladies respiratoires.

La poussière transporte également des polluants en suspension tels que les toxines, les métaux lourds, le sel, le sulfure, les pesticides, etc. L’inhalation de la poussière contaminée entraîne des conséquences significatives sur la santé. La poussière favorise la corrosion des bâtiments et d’autres infrastructures, car elle contient des niveaux de sels élevés, qu’on retrouve notamment dans les tempêtes de poussière de la région désertique du Golfe.


Translator: Cécile Lamhene

Cécile Lamhene est une traductrice indépendante de l’anglais vers le français. Après un master en traduction juridique, économique et technique à l’université de Lille, elle se spécialise dans le développement durable dans la région MENA et s’intéresse entre autres à l’agriculture, à l’élevage, à l’ingénierie, à l’énergie et à la gestion de l’eau.

Note: The original English version of the article is available at this link.

An Urgent Call to Save the Dead Sea from Extinction

The news headlines read that the Dead Sea is dying so fast that it could totally disappear by the middle of this century. With the waters dying up, the exposed land is cracked and salt encrusted. Sinkholes are appearing as well and adding to the level of natural destruction. The rate of this process is being monitored by measuring the rate at which the water line is retreating. It is presently receding at the rate of one meter each year.

biodiversity in dead sea

The Dead Sea region is of great importance to three main religious groups: Jews, Muslims and Christians. The Dead Sea Scrolls were found in this region. It is believed that Jesus was baptized in the river feeding into the Dead Sea. And today its of importance for agricultural purposes, and especially for tourism as well as being the home for both Jordanians and Israeli people.


The consequences of this drying up of the saline waters are drastic. The tourist industry in the area will totally disappear. The sinkholes are swallowing up roadways and buildings as well as causing long term damage in the natural environment. This is not a recent concern. The various authorities in Jordan have been deliberating over the situation for the past 20 years.

To date, more than 6,000 sinkholes have appeared in the area, both on the Jordanian and the Israeli side. In fact, Israel has already closed resorts in the area and sections of Highway 90 have already disappeared due to the sinkholes.

The Depletion of Dead Sea

The major reason for depletion of Dead Sea include human activities such as damming the river upstream and aggressive mining.  Syrians had down on the Yarmouk River and the diverting of the natural river flow by the Israelis. In addition,  the rainfall rate in the ten-year period from 2004-2013 has been below the long term normal rainfall. Other hydrological data is also disappointing.

The Dead Sea also received replenishment from groundwater but these waters are also diminishing.  The Disi aquifer that feeds into the Dead Sea is nearing exhaustion. It has a possible expected life span of about 30 years. The surface Dead Sea waters are also evaporating at a significant rate that is increasing due to warmer temperatures. This is another impact of global climate change. The temperatures are also predicted to increase over the coming years. The increment could be in the range of 5-11 degrees centigrade while rainfall is expected to decrease by a possible 30 percent.

In addition to hydro- and meteorological predictions, these is aggressive mining for minerals in the area. The salt waters are siphoned off from the Dead Sea and deposited in evaporation pans. The waters are then naturally evaporated leaving minerals such as bromine and potash. It is estimated that over 60 billion gallons are pumped out of the sea every year.

The retreating shoreline is exposing saline lands unsuitable for agriculture or any other use. Other farms in the area are also going out of business because of the extent of change in the natural climate of the area has become far less humid meaning the farmers need to locate other sources of moisture to irrigate their crops. This is a major challenge in a water scarce part of the globe.

Red Sea – Dead Sea Project

One suggested remedial action is to build a desalination plant in southern Jordan along the Red Sea and deposit the brine residue (via a pumping pipeline) into the Dead Sea. A desalination plant is an expensive project, and this proposal is an even more expensive solution.

The interest and investment in the Red Sea – Dead Sea project will help to alleviate some of the water issues in the region. First and foremost, the issue of water availability in a water scarce region. This is a vital resource for the growing population and the need to continue producing foods for local needs and for the international export market. Such a project as this water initiative will also impact the political and social relationships between Jordan and Israel, as well as the State of Palestine. The new collaborations will strength the 1994 Peace Treaty signed between Jordan and Israel.

The project does have complications and requires focused understanding and anticipated impact of bring in waters from the Red Sea and adding the resource to the Dead Sea which has a very distinct set of water conditions and characteristics. If excessive amounts  of water are introduced it could cause such changes as flourishing the growth of algae, adding gypsum to the natural composition of the waters which could cause the waters to turn a milky colour and cause crystallization on the surface waters.


The future of a very unique region is being held in a very precarious situation as scientists, agriculturalists, tourists, developers and politicians strive to identify the best action to sustain the local environment.

Energy Conservation in Bahrain: Perspectives

Bahrain has one of the highest energy consumption rates in the world. The country uses almost three times more energy per person than the world average. Based on 2022 statistics, the country consumed 22 MWh of energy which is 5 times the Middle East average and 7 times the global average. Infact, the per capita energy consumption in Bahrain is among the highest worldwide. The country is witnessing high population growth rate, rapid urbanization, industrialization and commercialization with more visitors coming in, causing fast growing domestic energy demand and is posing a major challenge for energy security.

energy consumption in bahrain

Per capita energy conservation in Bahrain is among the highest worldwide

The Bahrain Government is aware of this challenging task and is continuously planning and implementing projects to enhance the energy production to meet with the growing demand. The issue of efficient use of energy, its conservation and sustainability, use of renewable and non-renewable resources is becoming more important to us.

The Rising Demand for Energy

The increasing temperatures in the country is causing more need for air conditioners and use of electrical appliances along with water usage for domestic and industrial purposes. This phenomenon is continuing in Bahrain and other GCC countries since past three decades with high annual electricity and water consumption rates compared with the rest of the world.

Bahrain’s energy requirement is forecast to more than double from the current energy use. While the concerned authorities are planning for induction of more renewable energy initiatives, we need to understand the energy consumption scenario in terms of costs. With the prices of electricity and water going up again and again, it is imperative that we as consumers need to think and adopt small actions and utilize practices that can conserve energy and ultimately cost.

The country has already embarked on the Energy Efficiency Implementation Program to address the challenge of curbing energy demand in the country over the next years. The National Energy Efficiency Action Plan and the National Renewable Energy Action Plan (NREAP) have already been endorsed. The NREAP aims to achieve long-term sustainability for the energy sector by proposing to increase the share of renewable energy to 10 percent by 2030.

As individuals, we need to audit how much energy we are using and how we can minimize our usage and conserve it. Whenever we save energy, we not only save money, but also reduce the demand for such fossil fuels as coal, oil, and natural gas. Less burning of fossil fuels also means lower emissions of carbon dioxide, the primary contributor to global warming, and other pollutants. Energy needs to be conserved not only to cut costs but also to preserve the resources for longer use.

Ways to cut energy bills at home

Energy Conservation Measures in Bahrain

Here are few energy conservation tips we need to follow and adopt:

  • Turning off the lights, electrical and electronic gadgets when not in use.
  • Utilizing energy efficient appliances like LED lights, air conditioners, freezers and washing machines.
  • Service, clean or replace AC filters as recommended.
  • Utilizing normal water for washing machine. Use washing machine and dish washer only when the load is full. Avoid using the dryer with long cycles.
  • Select the most energy-efficient models when replacing your old appliances.
  • Buy the product that is sized to your actual needs and not the largest one available.
  • Turn off AC in unoccupied rooms and try to keep the room cool by keeping the curtains.
  • Make maximum use of sunlight during the day.
  • Water heaters/ Geysers consume a lot of energy. Use them to heat only the amount of water that is required.
  • Unplug electronic devices and chargers when they are not in use. Most new electronics use electricity even when switched off.
  • Allow hot food to cool off before putting it in the refrigerator

How Can You Help Nature Every Day

In the modern world, many people think that we need to take care of nature. Now in the world there are many initiatives to improve the environmental situation. The authors of such initiatives in social networks do not even buy Instagram followers to gain a large number of followers.

Today we will talk about how you can contribute to saving nature.

1. Save resources

Most of us do not notice how many resources are wasted every day. But saving electricity and water is a matter of a couple of minutes! Turn off lights and unplug electrical appliances. Even a smartphone charger left unattended consumes electricity unnoticed. When buying household appliances, choose energy-saving models with special markings.

energy conservation guide

Installing an apartment water meter will help save on utilities and at the same time help nature. Additionally, install economical shower heads with a flow rate of less than 10 liters per minute. Load the washing machine fully and set the washing temperature to low. This will help reduce electricity consumption by 80%.

2. Separate trash

People have learned to deal with garbage in three ways: leave it in landfills, burn it or recycle it. Unfortunately, in addition to recycling, such methods destroy nature and are hazardous to health.

Separate waste collection helps to recycle what is no longer needed into new things and useful materials. For example, new notebooks and paper for the office are made from waste paper, old plastic bottles will turn into multi-colored children’s slides.


Garbage sorting tips:

a. Start small by choosing one or two types of recyclable waste

Choose what is easier for you to sort or take for recycling or disposal: for example, starting with glass, paper, AA batteries or plastic caps (how to understand the label). This will make it easier to remember what should not fall into the common tank.

b. Consider storage space

Another plus of separate garbage is that it will have to be taken out less and less often. True, part of it will remain at home for a while. Decide ahead of time where to place the container, boxes, or baskets for this waste, and how to compactly fold, bandage, or flatten the waste.

If the habit of sorting garbage is still hard for you, use two containers for the first time — for recyclable garbage (it will be easier to separate later) and the one that you usually use.

c. Create a tradition

Involve your family in the initiative, arrange a competition or arrange an eco-day once a month with garbage sorting and preparation for recycling. Such a tradition will not only take you one step closer to an eco-friendly lifestyle, but will also be a pleasant occasion to please yourself and your loved ones.

3. Donate items for recycling

Separate waste collection leads to the next point in terms of saving nature — recycling. Ecologists around the world are worried now: if recycling is not introduced, then in 10 years the landfill area will become huge.

Identify recyclable waste and find out where it is accepted, for example, using the Greenpeace interactive map, and allocate a separate container in the house so as not to get confused.

4. Choose eco-friendly transport

The most beneficial modes of transportation for people and nature are walking and cycling. There will be less harm to the environment when choosing public transport instead of a car.

But, if you still cannot do without a car, use the advice of environmentalists to help reduce fuel consumption and reduce the impact on the environment.

Benefits of Buying a Hybrid Vehicle

First, take care of your car, not only when something is broken: get your vehicle checked on time, change air filters, engine oil, and spark plugs. Secondly, try to keep a constant speed and do not exceed the allowed limit. Driving at 50 km/h instead of 70 km/h will save 20% of fuel.

If you stop for more than a minute, turn off the engine. Maintain proper tire pressure: Under-inflated tires produce more drag and, as a result, increase fuel consumption.

5. Reuse and don’t waste

Reducing waste is just as important as recycling it properly. Today, almost to everything disposable, there is a reusable alternative. Buy less of what will fly into the bin almost immediately: replace disposable cups with a thermos, products in additional packaging with those that are by weight (use your own containers and shoppers). Try not to throw away quality packaging and find new uses for it. This will help get rid of the need to buy something and throw something away.

Green Career Tips by Salman Zafar

Salman Zafar, Founder of EcoMENA, talks to Bhavani Prakash of Green Collar Asia about cleantech industry trends, and offers tips for professionals trying to enter renewable energy and waste management sectors.  

Green Collar AsiaHow did you become so interested in renewable energy and waste management technologies?

Salman Zafar: I am a chemical engineer by education. After completing my Master’s degree program in 2004, I got the opportunity to work as a Research Fellow on large-scale biogas power projects which initiated me into waste management/bioenergy sector.

During the course of my fellowship, I was involved in the design, operation and troubleshooting of waste-to-energy plants and biomass energy projects. The idea of converting wastes into clean and useful energy appealed to me in a big way, and after completing my education in 2006 I started writing articles and blogs on biomass energy and waste management which were well-received around the world. A Swedish gentleman read one of my articles and was so impressed that he asked me to prepare a comprehensive report on biomass energy situation in Southeast Asia and there was no looking back from that day onwards.

Green Collar AsiaAs a leading authority in Asia and the Middle East in this realm, can you give an overview of waste management trends in the region?

Salman Zafar: The rapid increase in population, rising standards of living and scarcity of waste disposal sites has precipitated a major environmental crisis in Asia and the Middle East. Municipalities are finding it extremely hard to deal with mountains of garbage accumulating in and around urban centres. Reduction in the volume and mass of municipal waste is a crucial issue especially in the light of limited availability of final disposal sites in many parts of the world.

The global market for solid waste management technologies has shown substantial growth over the last few years and has touched USD 150billion with continued market growth through the global economic downturn. Over the coming decade, growth trends are expected to continue, led by expansion in the US, European, Chinese, Asia-Pacific and Indian markets. Asian and Middle Eastern countries are also modernising their waste management infrastructure and have seriously begun to view waste-to-energy technology as a sustainable alternative to landfills for disposing waste while generating clean energy.

Green Collar Asia: What are the drivers that are required for waste-to-energy technologies to scale up? What kind of policy support would be conducive?

Salman Zafar: Waste-to-energy technologies cannot prosper without political, legislative and financial support from different stakeholders. Close and long-term cooperation between municipalities, planners, project developers, technology companies, utilities, investors and general public is indispensable for the success of any waste-to-energy project.

Energy recovery from wastes should be universally accepted as the fourth ‘R’ in a sustainable waste management program involving Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. An interesting fact is that countries (like Sweden, Denmark and Germany) which have reduced dependence on landfills have the highest recycling rates, and they have achieved this in combination with waste-to-energy.

Green Collar AsiaWhich areas/regions are investing most in renewable energy, or rather where do you see a lot of activity?

Salman Zafar: China, United States, Germany, India and Brazil are witnessing a good deal of activity in the cleantech sector. China has made rapid progress in renewable energy sector, particular in wind energy, and invested more than USD 6 billion in different renewable energy resources in 2012. India is among top destinations for renewable energy investments with more than USD 6.85 billion pouring in for solar, wind and biomass projects in 2012. Brazil has also made strong investment in clean energy and is the market leader in Latin America.

Green Collar AsiaAs a keynote speaker and panelist for several events, do you see a growth in the number of conferences in renewable energy and waste management, and new locations for these?

Salman Zafar: Yes, there has been significant proliferation in academic as well as industrial conferences in recent years. Renewable energy has caught the attention of the policy-makers, academic institutions, corporates, entrepreneurs and masses because of concerns related to global warming, industrial pollution and dwindling fossil fuel reserves. Infact, oil-rich countries like UAE, Qatar and Saudi Arabia are working on large clean energy projects to mitigate the harmful environmental effects of the oil and gas industry and to augment their fossil fuel reserves.

As far as new venues for cleantech conferences are concerned, countries like United Arab Emirates, India, China and Singapore are in the limelight. Worldwide enthusiasm for renewable energy and green technologies has increased dramatically in recent years, and hundreds of conferences and exhibitions are being organized each year at hitherto unknown destinations which is surely helping in raising environmental awareness and career development.

Green Collar Asia: What skills and competencies are required for this field?

Salman Zafar: Skills for cleantech jobs are more or less the same as that required for traditional jobs. The capability to transfer traditional skills to a green energy project is a crucial factor for any industry professional. Renewable energy jobs are heavily based on core knowledge areas like math, science, engineering and technology.

To get an edge, it would be beneficial to get specialized knowledge and experience in the areas of energy efficiency, waste management, environmental policies, natural resource management, sustainability, computer modeling tools, artificial intelligence, IoT etc. A wide variety of jobs are on offer in the cleantech sector, such as managers, process operators, analysts, engineers, IT professionals, systems engineers, designers, technicians etc.

Green Collar Asia: What advice would you give to professionals entering this sector?

Salman Zafar:  Being a relatively new industrial segment, it is advisable not to rush things while entering the cleantech sector. Focusing your education on core knowledge areas is the first step towards a green energy career. There is an avalanche of jobs in this sector, and key to success is to use your transferable skills to get a dream job.

How to Reduce the Environmental Impact of Your HVAC System

When compared to the many other forms of technological advancements humanity has made over the past decades, air conditioning and electric heating have some of the smallest negative impact on the environment as a whole. Keeping your home cold in the summer and warm in the winter does not produce huge amounts of greenhouse gasses or kill off marine life. The impact of HVAC systems on the environment however, is not completely nonexistent. While comparably small, the carbon emissions of non-electric systems are still a contributor to the global issue of pollution, and even if your system is electric then chances are the electricity was generated from a coal-fired power plant which creates negative runoff for the atmosphere.


If you care about the environment and your impact on it, the best thing for you to do about your HVAC system is to follow these suggestions and make sure your impact on the planet is as small as it can possibly be.

1. Alternative Power Source

While traditional heating like wood stoves and furnaces are easy to supply, they aren’t as clean and renewable as some of the more eco-friendly alternative energy sources that have become available in today’s market. Solar and wind power become more and more available every day, boating little to no negative environmental effects at all, harnessing the power of nature for clean renewable energy.

If you live near a dam or other major hydroelectric power source, chances are you probably already get some of your power from it, so simply try to keep your energy use to a minimum in order to maximize the output of the hydroelectric plant. If you live in an area which is typically sunny and bright, installing solar panels might be an option for maximizing your home’s energy production.

Solar panels provide clean, continuous energy with absolutely zero negative impact on the planet. Having these wired into your heating and air conditioning equipment could help save both money and the planet.

2. Home Insulation

After making sure the energy your home is using is clean, the next step is maximizing its effects. A badly insulated home bleeds energy and money like nothing else and it is estimated that a home that is insulated saves one thousand five hundred times the energy of a non insulated one. Make sure your home’s insulation is effective and functioning in order to save the most possible energy and the planet as well.

3. HVAC Equipment

One of the most important factors of all in the heating equation is your actual HVAC equipment. If you are using a faulty or outdated air conditioning and heating system then chances are you aren’t being as cost effective or environmentally friendly as you can. You don’t always need to have the newest model per se, but if your HVAC equipment is more than four or five years old, or if you are unaware of your systems age, looking in to an upgrade can only help.

New climate control systems can help drastically reduce energy usage and environmental impact by lessening or eliminating any pollution the system outputs as well as increasing energy efficiency. Calling local professionals like Empire HVAC can help you get the information you need to know when updating your systems as well as helping you pick out and install the best one for you and your home.

Bottom Line

The best way to lessen the impact of HVAC systems on the environment is to examine all aspects of your life, how much energy you consume and how much of it you can change or reduce. This is our planet and it’s our responsibility to take care of it as best we can so that it will last as long as possible and harbor life for just as long.

Middle East Water Week Conference and Exhibition – December 9th –12th, Al Khobar, KSA

A premier forum for discussing important issues in Produced Water and Industrial Water management will take place at the Middle East Water Week Conference & Exhibition in 2024, which will be held at the Kempinski Al Othman- Al Khobar, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. This event, which aims to promote sustainable practices in water treatment, reuse and management, is slated from December 9th –12th and is hosted by Produced Water Society and organised by Energyte – Energy Technical Exchange.

middle east water week

The conference will feature eminent speakers and experts delving into the opportunities, challenges and technological advancements in water management. It will be chaired by Mr. Hani Al Khalifa, President of the Produced Water Society – Middle East Chapter. Ahmed Abouzaid, Region Director and Produced Water Chair (GaTney Cline Energy Advisory – Baker Hughes); Raghed Mallouhi, Sales Director and Industrial Water Chair (Veolia); and Mohammed AlMugahwi, Technology Deployment Supervisor and Awarding Evaluation Chair (Aramco) will also be part of the leadership.

Key subjects covered in the sessions will include industrial water solutions, produced water management, environmental regulations, technological services and treatment technology advancements. In light of the goal of the gathering, the Chairman stated, “We would like to invite all IOCs and NOCs to be key players in the growth and upkeep of this knowledge sharing as we work together to create a sustainable future. In the conference, we can bolster the region’s ambitions for a sustainable future and safeguard our priceless natural resources for future generations.”

The conference will be enhanced by an exhibition space that offers businesses a chance to present their technology and services. Businesses can establish new connections and strengthen existing ones with customers by using this platform. Because decisionmakers will be present, exhibitors can place themselves at the forefront of industry innovation by gaining insightful information about the market and receiving immediate feedback.

Special advantages are offered with sponsorship options, which include Diamond, Platinum, Gold, Silver and Gala Dinner choices. Discounted delegate registration, a full-page colour advertisement, press kit releases, VIP passes, free delegate passes, prime booth space and press kit releases are several of these.

The conference will also feature the prestigious Water Awards, recognizing outstanding individuals, organizations, and initiatives that have made significant contributions to advancing water science, technology, management, and stewardship. These awards aim to celebrate the most innovative thinkers, collaborative leaders, and dedicated professionals in the water sector who are driving positive change and shaping a more sustainable water future.

Industry executives, public servants, environmental experts and innovators can network, gain knowledge and contribute to a sustainable future in water management at this conference and exhibition. Attend the Middle East Water Week Conference & Exhibition in 2024 to take part in a conversation about water sustainability that will change the water industry.

Visit the event website for more information

How Science Helped Our Homes be Energy-Efficient

Technology is advancing every day and the need for more energy is also increasing. The linear progression of energy consumption is going to be bad for us all if not handled correctly, so energy efficiency has become a priority for every industry. The more advanced technology gets, the more energy sources are utilized. Homes nowadays use about double the energy homes in the 80s needed. Trying to conserve energy has been the sensible course of action; for the environment is mostly polluted by non-environmentally-friendly energy sources.

Conserving energy also means conserving money, it may be expensive to get all the environment-friendly system running at first, but it definitely saves a lot of money in the long run. Thanks to science, it is becoming a lot easier for people to make their homes run on efficient, cheaper and cleaner energy sources. We’ll be reviewing some of the best ways to make your home energy-efficient.

energy conservation guide

1. Smart Thermostat

When you’re switching from a common analog thermostat you may feel that a smart thermostat is just an overpriced thermostat. That is not really true, heating and cooling is responsible for about half the energy consumption in homes.

Smart thermostats sure cost more than ordinary ones, but they save you a lot of money. Some smart thermostats have the ability to remember the preferences of temperature and their time. Most of smart thermostats can be controlled remotely and work in sync with HVAC to control the temperature of your home from anywhere with internet access.


2. Magnetic Cooling

A technology based on the phenomenon of magnetocaloric—variance in temperature according to the magnetic field— was created by General Electric and Oak Ridge National Laboratory. It was incorporated in refrigerators introducing water-based cooling fluid, which makes it more efficient and healthier in cooling while saving you energy and money.

3. Solar Panels

The solar panels used to be very expensive and out of reach for many homes, fortunately, nowadays getting the solar panels is much cheaper than it used to be 10 years ago. It is still expensive to set up and buy the panels, but if you can afford it, then you should definitely consider it.

The efficiency comes from the fact that you are producing your own energy/electricity instead of buying it from a provider. Solar energy is considered one of the cleanest sources of energy available, no pollution whatsoever to the environment.

4. Smarter Homes

A smart home means a house that you can control many of its elements through your electronic devices like phones and tablets. As long as the appliances in your home are connected to the internet it can provide you with live data so you could monitor it while you’re away. You can control lighting, temperature, air access, and humid with a few taps.

Also Read: Eco-friendly and Sustainable Home Security Systems

smart home

Final Thoughts

It may look like your home is a few steps away from becoming sentient, unfortunately, we’ll have to wait for science to reach that point yet. Science is taking strides in home and quality of life improvement every day. You should always research the newest utilities and systems according to the level of convenience, you’re looking for that may, of course, suit on your budget. Have an energy efficient home!

La crise de l’eau en Égypte et la dégradation du Nil

L’Égypte peine à gérer les pénuries d’eau et la production alimentaire. D’ici 2025, l’approvisionnement en eau de l’Égypte par habitant et par an devrait chuter de 600 m3 à 500 m3, ce qui correspond au seuil absolu de pénurie d’eau selon l’ONU. L’Égypte ne dispose que de 20 m3 de ressources intérieures en eau douce renouvelables par personne, ce qui entraîne la forte dépendance du pays vis-à-vis du Nil en tant que source d’eau principale.

Degeneration of Nile

La pénurie d’eau s’est tellement aggravée qu’on observe plusieurs jours sans eau dans certaines zones du pays, avec un retour des pressions ne durant parfois que quelques heures par semaine. Le pays doit agir sans tarder.


L’agriculture contribue à environ 15 % du PIB de l’Égypte et représente 32 % de la main-d’œuvre, le riz étant la principale production agricole du pays. Le riz fait partie intégrante de l’alimentation d’une famille égyptienne. Cependant, la culture du riz consomme de fortes quantités d’eau. La production d’un kilo de riz nécessite environ 3 000 L d’eau en moyenne. Ce nombre varie en fonction du climat, du type de sol et des techniques de gestion de l’eau.

Dans certaines zones spécifiques du delta du Nil, le gouvernement a réduit la superficie de la surface allouée à la culture du riz à 400 000 ha (les agriculteurs pouvaient auparavant utiliser la majorité du delta du Nil). Le gouvernement a même eu recours à certaines mesures radicales, telles que l’utilisation de mélanges incendiaires sur les rizières cultivées en dehors de la zone affectée. Cette mesure a suscité l’indignation et des manifestations de la part des agriculteurs, qui objectent que la zone allouée ne suffit pas à subvenir à leurs besoins. De telles tensions causées par le manque d’eau furent l’un des éléments déclencheurs du Printemps arabe entre 2011 et 2012.

Afin d’apaiser les tensions et l’agitation populaires, le gouvernement tente d’augmenter l’approvisionnement en eau à travers la réutilisation des eaux usées traitées agricoles et municipales pour l’irrigation des cultures. Cependant, la mise en place de telles initiatives est trop lente pour faire face à l’augmentation de la demande.

Le gouvernement doit appliquer de nouvelles méthodes d’irrigation à travers le pays (les agriculteurs dépendent toujours fortement de l’irrigation par déversement et par canal dans le delta du Nil), ainsi que des techniques agricoles intelligentes, telles que l’utilisation de cultures moins exigeantes en eau. En ayant recours à des cultures moins gourmandes en eau, l’on pourrait considérablement réduire la quantité d’eau utilisée dans l’agriculture et contribuer à l’augmentation de l’approvisionnement en eau.

La pollution du Nil

Le rôle vital joué par le Nil en Égypte remonte au moins au temps des pharaons. Pourtant, malgré son importance pour les égyptiens, les eaux du plus grand fleuve au monde sont polluées par diverses sources, avec une augmentation exponentielle des niveaux de la pollution ces dernières années.

La dégradation du Nil est un problème souvent sous-estimé en Égypte. De nombreux habitants dépendent du Nil à des fins de consommation, d’agriculture et d’usage municipal. La qualité de l’eau devrait donc être une priorité. Les eaux sont principalement polluées par des rejets municipaux et industriels. On observe de nombreux incidents de fuite d’eaux usées, de dépôt de carcasses d’animal et d’émission de déchets industriels chimiques et dangereux dans le fleuve du Nil.

Les déchets industriels mènent à la présence de métaux (notamment de métaux lourds) dans l’eau, ce qui pose un risque significatif non seulement pour la santé humaine mais aussi animale, ainsi que pour la production agricole. Nombre de poissons meurent empoisonnés en raison des taux élevés d’ammoniaque et de plomb. La qualité et la quantité de la production agricole sont touchées par l’utilisation d’eaux non traitées à des fins d’irrigation, car les bactéries et les métaux présents dans l’eau nuisent à la croissance des produits végétaux, surtout dans le delta du Nil où la pollution est plus élevée.


River Nile is commonly used for dumping of household trash

Naturellement, la pollution du Nil est un problème complexe vieux de plus de 30 ans, que le gouvernement tente de contenir par la mise en place de règles plus strictes sur la qualité et le type de déchets et d’eaux usées déversés dans le fleuve. Cependant, des mesures de nettoyage du Nil rapides et concrètes s’imposent, comme le traitement des eaux usées avant leur évacuation, et la mise en place de restrictions plus fermes pour une élimination des déchets industriels sûre et responsable. La question ne peut être ignorée plus longtemps, car la hausse continue de la population se reflétera sur la demande en eau, dont les ressources du pays s’amenuisent. Chaque goutte compte.

Le barrage du Nil Bleu

La construction d’un barrage et d’une centrale hydroélectrique en amont du fleuve par l’Éthiopie constitue un autre défi qui pourrait bien diminuer la part égyptienne du Nil. Depuis quelque temps, l’Égypte est particulièrement préoccupée par la construction du Grand barrage de la Renaissance éthiopienne (GERD) dans le bassin versant du Nil Bleu, une des sources principales du Nil.

Le barrage de la Renaissance, dont la construction a débuté en décembre 2010, peut contenir 74 à 79 milliards de m3 et générer 6 000 mégawatts d’électricité par an. Il s’agit d’une préoccupation majeure pour l’Égypte, qui craint que le barrage ne réduise la quantité d’eau (55,5 milliards de m3) qui lui parvient du Nil. Le GERD risque de libérer un débit d’eau insuffisant lors de la saison sèche, réduisant ainsi la quantité reçue en aval. Les tentatives égyptiennes de pallier les pénuries d’eau durant cette période se retrouveront fortement entravées.

Pollution of Nile River

Industrial pollution is wrecking havoc in Nile

Plus tôt dans l’année, l’Égypte, l’Éthiopie et le Soudan ont confié à deux entreprises françaises la rédaction d’un rapport sur les conséquences du barrage dans les trois pays. Ce rapport clarifiera les effets du barrage sur les pays situés en aval. Les résultats du rapport n’ont pas encore été rendus publics.


En cas de maintien du scénario actuel, l’Égypte risque de se retrouver en situation absolue de pénurie d’eau d’ici dix ans. Le pays devra ainsi lutter afin de garantir des conditions adéquates à sa population. À l’instar de nombreux autres pays qui manquent d’eau, l’Égypte doit atténuer la pénurie par la mise en place de techniques intelligentes de conservation de l’eau, par l’adoption de technologies économes en eau et par le contrôle de la pollution de l’eau.

Avec la hausse prévue de la sécheresse et des canicules dans la région MENA, l’Égypte ne peut se permettre de négliger ses politiques de conservation de l’eau. Elle doit prendre des mesures immédiates afin de répondre aux besoins en eau de la population.


Translator: Cécile Lamhene

Cécile Lamhene est une traductrice indépendante de l’anglais vers le français. Après un master en traduction juridique, économique et technique à l’université de Lille, elle se spécialise dans le développement durable dans la région MENA et s’intéresse entre autres à l’agriculture, à l’élevage, à l’ingénierie, à l’énergie et à la gestion de l’eau.

Note: The original English version of the article is available at this link.

4 Reasons to Give Eco-Friendly Gifts To Your Mom

Giving eco-friendly gifts to your mom is the most rewarding gift you can give her. Why? By gifting these types of gifts to your mom, you’ll make her feel like she’s appreciated.

Fortunately, there are many ways to present sustainable gifts. First, you could just go online and browse through different online stores, then you’ll come across some amazing deals for eco-friendly gifts in just minutes. Second, go to the local craft store as they usually have some great offers for you. Last, but not least, consider giving eco-friendly gifts to your mom with the help of an expert craft person.


In addition to making your mom feel that she has made the world a better place, but will also show her how important she is to the world, here are more reasons why you should give eco-friendly gifts to your mom:

1. Environmental Awareness

As many people are becoming aware of the damage and devastation that’s being inflicted on the environment, we’re seeing a rise in the number of environmentally friendly products that are now being offered. Since many people don’t have the time to go to the grocery store anymore, they’re looking for ways to save money and reduce their carbon footprint. If you have some extra money, you could make a difference with your purchases by buying beautiful and less harmful products.


When you’re choosing eco-friendly gifts, you want to make sure that you choose something that’ll be appreciated and be enjoyed by everyone that receives it, especially your mom. This is an important step to take when you’re trying to make your life a little easier and helping out the planet. Thankfully, you could always find a way to make your own eco-friendly products or even have someone else make them for you.

2. Non-Toxic Components

Another factor that makes green gifts an attractive option as a gift to your mom is the fact that the components aren’t toxic.

Many items these days contain harmful chemicals, like lead and chromium, which can be harmful to one’s health, especially if you’re sensitive to these components. Plus, prolonged exposure to these components can cause severe health issues, which will cost you a lot of time and money in the long run.

Furthermore, these components are really harmful to the ecosystem, like poisoning bodies of water or chemically damaging the home of local animals. When gifting eco-friendly gifts, you can rest assured that the components of the gift you chose are not only well built but safe for the environment and wouldn’t cause health issues, like lead poisoning.

3. Waste Reduction

Why do you need to give eco-friendly as a gift for your mother? As mentioned, since people are becoming more environmentally conscious in recent years, eco-friendly gifts are becoming increasingly popular. You may be surprised to know that a vast majority of people in the United States, for instance, will give some type of green product or item during the holidays, most of which are going to make them and the recipients feel good!

It’s important to make sure you understand the different options available and that you don’t just choose the first one that you come across. When dealing with waste reduction, you must consider all of the options, including the types of material used. There are also some gift options available that are better for the environment and better for the community. For example, some require less garbage to be thrown away, so it’s easier to be environmentally friendly and keep costs low.

4. Plenty Of Gift Ideas

There are many eco-friendly gift ideas you can choose from these days – green shopping has never been easier. From eco-friendly toothbrushes to eco-friendly jewelry pieces and more, you’ll certainly be able to find the best one.


With so many options, you can easily find eco-friendly gifts for everyone. However, you should remember that while eco-friendly products are a great way to promote an eco-friendly cause, it should never compromise its quality and durability. With this in mind, you’ll definitely be able to find the best eco-friendly products.

If you’re ever unsure of which gift to get for your mum, it might be a good idea to visit a local shop and speak with an experienced professional who can help you generate ideas you might not have considered before. Granted, these ideas might not be eco-friendly, but it wouldn’t be difficult to take an idea and turn it into something that helps the environment.


In the end, there are a number of reasons to take on the responsibility of taking care of the environment and how this can benefit your family. Whether it’s an eco-friendly piece of jewelry or a clothing item made from recycled materials, there are a number of options available that can suit just about any individual, especially your mom.

How are Eco-friendly Properties Revolutionising the Housing Market?

Sustainability has been a rising concern over recent years, and the term has become more familiar as carbon emissions and protecting the environment has soared to the top of people’s agenda. Due to the rising environmental concerns and public awareness, homeowners across the UK are relocating from traditional bricks and mortar to different types of property whereby eco-friendliness is the main concern.


Sustainable housing aims to diminish environmental impacts of building

Developed using environmentally friendly materials, properties that aim to have a limited effect on the environment are built to be as self-sufficient as possible. Through the use of natural resources such as wind and light, sustainable homes can significantly lower their carbon footprint and how much heat and power a homeowner consumes. These are the types of properties that are causing a dramatic change in the property landscape, and revolutionising the market in a way that no one could have ever predicted a couple of years ago.

As society becomes more eco-conscious, people are becoming more aware of the negative effects on the environment. According to a survey conducted by the Guardian, over two-thirds of millennials buy as many eco-friendly products as they can, and 66% of global respondents say that that they’re willing to pay more for products and services which come from companies that are committed to a positive social and environmental impact.

RW Invest is one of the UK’s leading property investment companies who develop all properties with an eco-conscious tenant in mind. West Point development in Manchester is complete with smart lighting and other eco-friendly features to keep utility bills to a minimum and reduce carbon footprint. The amount available to save depends on how many eco-friendly features your property has, although if your home is extremely reliant on features like solar panels, double glazed windows and smart lighting, the average eco-home cuts energy bills by 30%.

In today’s real estate market, sustainably building a property can significantly increase the value of a property compared to conventional houses. Energy efficient homes or those with high performing appliances can sometimes cost a little more to build, but a homeowner has the potential to make up the cost of construction and more when they come to sell. On the other hand, using recycled materials means a lower upfront cost as materials are more likely to be available and nearby, minimising the distance they need to be shipped therefore reducing the carbon footprint.

Not only is the construction of an eco-friendly home cheaper in most circumstances, but these particular properties also rely on renewable energy leading to reduce running costs as well as less maintenance involved after completion. Using less money on repairs and general maintenance of the property is a huge selling point should you wish to make a profit. The added lifespan of a brand-new eco-friendly property will ultimately lead to a higher value from home surveyors, increasing an initial investment.

Many homeowners are considering eco-friendly properties as smart investments. Smart investing is the process of making more calculated and researched decisions that satisfy your needs and financial goals for the future, as well choosing the best investment strategy at the time to let you maximise your wealth’s growth potential over the forthcoming years. Sustainable living and eco-friendly housing are revolutionising the property market, attracting a diverse range of individuals to a better, more efficient way of living.