Will Fully Electric Cars Survive in Rural Areas?

Electric cars are predicted to account for 81% of all the EVs sold by 2030. This is about 25.3 million cars which is far beyond their counterparts – PHEVs. With a third of all these EVs expected to find their ways to the remote areas and even permanently be assigned for use in such areas, shall they survive?

Driving the newest Ford Everest model- All-New Jazz 1.5 Luxe Hybrid ECVT down the dusty paths in your rural area may is good. It adapts to every region as it uses a motor to charge its battery. But thinking of Volkswagen e-Up for your next trip may not be a good idea.


With the UK having already drafted a law that’s likely to see a ban on new sales for petrol and diesel cars by 2035, are they prepared to counter the challenge in rural areas? And like many other countries in Europe, how will the fully electric cars survive in rural areas?

Undeniably, urban centres are always the pioneers of most technologies. Equally, they usually get the lion’s share in all goodies. This is likened to the number of electric car charging stations in the urban centres versus the rural areas.

Countries like the US, Iceland, UK, Denmark, Norway and Sweden have the most electric vehicles on their roads. The US currently has over 100,000 electric car charging outlets with California alone having 32,000. China is leading in the number of electric charging stations. But like the other nations, the charging outlets and charging stations are concentrated in the big cities.

A research conducted by Technavio projects the electric vehicle charger market growth rate for the period 2020 – 2025 to be at a CAGR of 29%. China is taking the lead with Europe and North America trailing behind.

electric car charging market

On the positive note, a more rapid growth is being witnessed in the residential segment which comprises of multi-dwelling buildings, homes and office buildings. This mean more electric vehicle chargers are going to be installed in rural. Penetration of EVs in the rural areas where travel distances are shorter is likely to grow at a higher rate than anticipated.

Most countries with large uptake on EVs have already laid down massive public electric charging infrastructure. If they adopt the Chinese infrastructural system, ideologies and offer incentives to investors, every EV owner will be covered.

Not many nations are thinking of robust electric charging infrastructure covering both rural and urban centres as the only way to attract a considerable uptake on EVs. It’s this factor that hinders many potential customers living in rural from buying one.


This scenario may change sooner than is expected if charging stations are installed in new buildings and charger points in busy streets and car parks as directed by the UK government.

With companies like Charge My Street taking the charging challenge to the villages by installing charging units on village halls and market centres, electric car enthusiasts are a happy lot. Again, as individuals and companies like Chargepoint continue to install electric charging stations in cottages and houses in remote areas, fully electric cars are likely to survive in rural areas.

And with countries supporting the use of electric vehicles due to their eco-friendliness and efficiency, we are likely to see the same happening to the charging infrastructures. The process may be slow in the remote villages for a short while.

But as the policies and regulations to end the sale of diesel and petrol cars approaches and competition among the electric vehicle charging station companies races up, charging points will definitely increase in the local villages.

Are Plug-in Hybrid Vehicles Really Environmentally Friendly?

There has been a great conflict between fuel efficiency and eco-friendliness in cars. Even though plug-in hybrid vehicles have for long been thought of as environmentally friendly because they use electricity, in the real world they are the opposite. As countries grapple with the issue of carbon emissions, the PHEVs global market growth shall be a shock if all indications are correct.

Comparing carbon emission rates between eco-friendly cars like Honda Jazz that rely on petrol and plug-in hybrid vehicles, Greenpeace was correct by terming PHEVs as “Wolf in sheep’s clothing”. Contrary to automakers official tests figures of 44g of carbon dioxide emissions, PHEVs emit almost three times. This is according to real-world test results from Transport and Environment and Greenpeace.

plug-in hybrid

Researchers from Fraunhofer ISI and International Council on Clean Transportation (ICCT) conducted research on 100,000 PHEVs and found them to emit two-four times CO2 and consume an average 2-4 times fuel. This research conducted in China, Netherlands, Germany, US, Norway and Canada represented real “Real-world usage of plug-in hybrid electric vehicles”.

Different regions showed slight differences in fuel consumption rates and carbon emission rates but important thing stood out – PHEVs actual rating was too low compared to the real findings. They are not as fuel economical and environmentally friendly as many think.

car fuel consumption

Without a doubt, there will be more plug-in hybrid vehicles on the roads this year and in subsequent years equipped with higher capacity batteries. And despite retailing at a higher purchase price, their efficiency, comfort of driving and ease of use are likely to balloon sales.

If all projections on global electric cars remain constant, they shall dominate all the roads around the world by 2030. Within the period of 2021-2026, the EV market is expected to grow at a CAGR rate of 29%. With these positive projections, shall the environment be safer and vehicles extra efficient?

As faster and efficient PHEV charge stations continue to be launched in many countries, the environmental impact posed by the long-range batteries is a real threat. And equally is the extraction of the raw materials used to manufacture the batteries.

It’s a fact that plug-in hybrid vehicles emit less carbon than traditional or conventional vehicles only if drivers adapt to new driving technologies and charge the battery as often as possible. If drivers of these hybrid vehicles could stop driving aggressively which results in to use of diesel or petrol lesser emissions would be evident.

By all standards, these vehicles whether small or large are more efficient than their traditional counterparts. With new models like BMW X5 xDrive45e estimated to run 50-54 miles on electricity and Hyundai Ioniq Hybrid 39 miles, their efficiency is evident.

Comparing the ballooning fuel costs in almost every country around the world with the cost of charging electric cars, the latter is economical. But with PHEVs, it’s how you balance between using the electric motor and fuel that determines how efficient the vehicle is.

With powertrain being another concern in plug-in hybrid vehicles, they can be the least efficient if petrol or diesel becomes their source of power. It’s for this reason these vehicles are a worry to every nation. The desire to cover long distances in a short period makes many drivers forget to charge the batteries and thus use fuel.

This emits more carbon dioxide and nitrogen dioxides which are among the worst enemies to the environment. How the used batteries from PHEVs are disposed of is another worry. Even though they are recyclable, how much dangerous emissions are we likely to see from the industries years to come?

Why Automakers Should Be Cautious Of Future EU Policies On PHEV?

Suppose the EURO ambitions of attaining zero emission for all new cars by 2035 become a reality? Shall all the big auto brands trying to position themselves as leaders in PHEV stand the CO2 and nitrogen dioxide emission tests?

It’s very simple for any automaker to rivet a PHEV emblem at the rear of their new models. But with the roadmap already drafted for up to 2040, the leading automakers planning for mass production of plug-in hybrid vehicles should be cautious.


EU policies on emission rates are real. When time for the enforcement of these policies shall come knocking, just as witnessed before, many of the so called PHEVs shall have to be terminated from the governed markets.

Withdrawal of any vehicle from the market is a big loss considering the amount of investment made the manufacturer. It’s for this reason automakers should be cautious of future EU policies.

It all started with EURO 1 rules, then EURO 2 and now auto manufacturers are racing to catch up with EURO 7 rules. With each enactment of the EURO rules and policies, both small and renowned auto brands had to drop some of their brands.

They had to be declared “not good for the environment” and faced out of the market. With the rules being tightened year after year, automakers should be cautious of future EU policies on PHEV. If the trend continues for the next 5-10 years, the billions of dollars these automakers are invested in will never be recouped.

Most of the auto manufacturers are focusing on technologies meant to enhance driver’s experience, fuel economies and entertainment. But with the tightened EU new rules on co2 emissions standards and nitrogen dioxide emission levels, the majority of the models labelled PHEV are likely to be prohibited from terming them as ““sustainable investments”.


Low pricing, safety, fuel efficiency and elegant design as seen in Myvi gt have dominated auto engineers. It’s for this reason some plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV) were found to emit more carbon dioxide and nitrogen oxide compared to its conventional counterparts.

Even though some countries are reluctant in being part of the countries willing to end the production of internal combustion engines that are responsible for polluting the environment, the majority are willing to jump on the bandwagon. This follows after certain EU countries like Denmark, Belgium, Netherlands and Ireland showed an interest in writing to end the internal combustion engine.

The new Euro 7 emission standards are likely to be announced later this year with the enforcement also likely to start in 2025.

Looking at the rate at which EURO emission standards have evolved, how the currently being manufactured PHEV’s will be in compliance with future EU policies on pollutant emission remains hard to guess. Or, will they cheat on emission rates as Volkswagen did?

Already, this fact was revealed by Transport and Environment (T&E) after they found models like Volvo XC60, BMW X5 and Mitsubishi Outlander to emit between 28%-89% more carbon dioxide than is stated in their advertisement. How exact on details automakers are on pollutant emission are should be treated cautiously.

Due to suspicions, EURO 7 option three suggests automatic real-world monitoring of emissions for the entire vehicle’s lifetime. This is likely to put automakers in an awkward position. If rules such as this are brought to life, most models labelled PHEV shall stand the risk of penalties.


Come 2025, if EU policies on PHEV become enforceable, automakers racing to dominate car markets with their PHEV models shall become a worried lot. Especially with lifetime emission monitoring, finding a car fully compliant will be really hard.

Preventive Air Conditioning Maintenance: Why It Matters?

The lack of maintenance and cleaning in the air conditioner can cause a lot of problems. These can affect since the operation of the equipment and imply in a greater consumption of energy, and even favor the occurrence of health problems like migraines and irritation in the mucous membranes.

Preventive maintenance and proper AC cleaning helps reduce the emission of pollutants in the environment, decreases the energy consumption of the appliance, increasing its life.

air conditioner efficiency

Why Preventive AC Maintenance is Important?

In order to have a good functioning of the air conditioning system, it is important to carry out a regular air conditioner repair program. Preventive maintenance adjusts air conditioners as well as reducing the level of pollutants in an air-conditioned environment, while also increasing the life of equipment and reducing energy consumption.

Some maintenance can be carried out by the owner, such as cleaning the air filters, which are easy to remove and clean. This cleaning can be done by running water and neutral soap. To replace the filters in the same way in the air conditioner it is essential that this part is completely clean and dry.

When the air filter exhibits obstruction due to the presence of impurities, it causes the airflow of the product to decrease, i.e. it decreases the air outlet speed of the air conditioner. This obstruction results in a decrease in the performance of the appliance, in the reduction of energy efficiency, in the freezing of the heat exchanger and consequent reduction of the life of the air conditioner.

It is important to point out that most of the existing flaws in air conditioners are due to a lack of preventive maintenance.


It is recommended that a more complete preventive air conditioner maintenance be carried out annually to guarantee an increase in the useful life of the product and thus the permanence of the guarantee. During this maintenance, the removal of the equipment and the dismantling and cleaning of the internal and external parts (cleaning of the heat exchanger, trays, fans, and other internal parts) is of paramount importance.

Guide to Annual Preventive Maintenance

The annual preventive AC maintenance is also essential for the elimination of undesirable odors, preventing the propagation of fungi and bacteria, besides preventing the proliferation of other harmful microorganisms the health of users.

But what can you do to improve the quality of the air you breathe?

  • Always ask for the appliance manual, as it contains all the information on the installation and use of the appliance. Read it calmly and carefully.
  • The filter must be cleaned every 30 days at least, because when they are dirty, they do not let the air circulate freely, causing the appliance to malfunction, causing a greater effort of its mechanics, increasing the increase in energy consumption.
  • Keep doors and windows closed when using the air conditioner.
  • Avoid smoking in air-conditioned environments, since they will be closed, which is detrimental to your health and to people present on the premises.
  • Be aware of the thermostat. Do not let it run at maximum for too long, this will damage the unit.
  • To clean the filter, switch off the appliance, remove the filter and clean it with a vacuum cleaner or with soapy water. Let it dry and put it back in the machine. Do not scrub or twist to avoid damaging it.

These are some of the care needed to keep your air conditioner clean and in good working order.


For many obvious reasons, preventive AC maintenance is important. Scheduling regular checks and tracking minor problem solving will help users enjoy all the comfort offered by the air conditioner without worrying that it will fail.

The Environmental Impacts of Industrialization

Everything we do, from the food we eat to the electricity we use, affects the world around us — but it wasn’t always that way. The Industrial Revolution changed the way that we created everything, from food and energy to sanitation and manufacturing technologies, apart from the way we study. Amount of  “do my paper” messages from students to experts did not decrease even at that time. How has industrialization impacted the environment, and what can we do in the future to reduce these environmental impacts?


The Industrial Revolution

The Industrial Revolution started sometime in the middle of the 1700s, when the world’s population had finally started recovering from the deaths of the Black Plague in the 1300s that wiped out more than 75 million people. The planet’s population exploded, reaching 1 billion by 1800 and then doubling again by 1926. By the beginning of the 21st century, it had grown again to 6 billion.

It was coal that shifted the balance of power — using coal as a power source changed the way that we looked at industry, from energy generation to manufacturing. We’ve been using coal since the 13th century, but it wasn’t until the 1800s that industrialization took off.

Back then, we weren’t thinking of the potential impact of burning coal and other fossil fuels to power our new equipment and machinery — we were thinking of growing as much, as fast and as far as possible. It’s only in recent years that we’ve started assessing the kind of impact that we’ve had on the environment as a direct result of this exponential growth. Lately, many students have been writing environmental articles on the topic of global warming and environmental pollution! If you want to free your time from routine tasks and delve into this topic, then you can contact the online essay writing service.

The Impact of Industrialization

There are four primary impact points when it comes to industrialization — air, water, soil and habitat.

The biggest problem is air pollution, caused by the smoke and emissions generated by burning fossil fuels. The United State’s EPA regulates more than 80 different toxins that can be found in industrial pollution, from asbestos and dioxin to lead and chromium. In spite of these regulations, industries are among the worst generators of air pollution in the world.

Water pollution is also a problem in these areas, specifically in regions where factories are built next to natural water sources. These toxins can come in a variety of forms — solid, liquid or gaseous — and they can all end up contaminating the local water supplies. Even landfills and other waste disposal areas can leach toxins into the local water supply, leading to water pollution as in the case of River Nile.

The Carbon Cycle

Soil contamination is another problem that goes hand in hand with industrialization. Lead is the most common form of soil contamination, but other heavy metals and toxic chemicals can also leach into the soil and, in turn, contaminate any crops that grow there.

Finally, industrialization has led to dramatic habitat destruction. Forests are cut down for their lumber, and ecosystems are destroyed to create roads, strip mines and gravel pits. Destroying these habitats upsets local ecosystems and leads to plant and animal extinction if the species are unable to relocate or adapt to their new surroundings. Simple steps, such as using recycled plastic disc golf discs, can go a long way in protecting our forests and other environmental assets.

The Solution

Now that we’ve realized what an impact the industrial revolution has had and is still having on the environment, what can we do to fix it? There are two possible approaches that both factories and legislators can take to help reduce the impact of industrial pollution.

First, industries can reduce their reliance on a product that is causing pollution. One good example is removing lead from gasoline in the 1970s. We’ve lowered our dependence on lead, which reduced the amount of this heavy metal being leached into the surrounding environment.

The other option is to treat industrial waste to remove toxic components so that the rest of the waste can be disposed of safely. It isn’t always easy, and it does require that each factory implements the proper procedures to purify or cleanse their waste byproducts. However, it can help reduce the soil, air and water pollution being produced by these facilities, and also help in conservation of natural resources. Companies like https://allgreenrecycling.com/e-waste-recycling/ can help in managing e-waste in a sustainable manner.

The industrial revolution may have changed the way that we look at the world, but it also changed the impact we had on this planet that we call home. Now that we’ve realized the problem, it’s up to us to fix it so that we can continue to grow and change without destroying our home in the name of progress.

Looking for a reliable service for research on environmental impacts of industrialization? Visit SmartWritingService paper writing service for help.

How to Make the World a Healthier Place to Live?

Let’s go green, today many countries in the world are getting a better understanding of the ecosystem. The way in which the world is suffering, and our need to change it is something we are all coming together and trying to improve. We all share one planet so pulling together and the improvements made is a mutual decision.

It does not matter which country you are in, each country has its problems, some more apparent than others, some are easily solved. The point is by pulling together and recognizing the problems in our own countries and the best ways to help, sharing experiences and ways to fix these issues. We can help each other.

Some inventions help us to be sustainable while helping the environment. For example, many countries that are sunny will use solar panels, windy places will have more use for wind turbines, places that have water difficulties, will find ways around not wasting it.


Why use solar panels?

People will assume understanding solar panels can be complicated, realistically, it means that the panels installed are using the sunlight to make electricity. The panels are normally installed onto rooftops using a professional. The panels create something called an array that supplies solar electricity to power electrical equipment.

The amount of electrical equipment in the home is growing rapidly every year, technology is in everyone’s household in one way or another. How many of those appliances do you possibly need or use? How many are left on standby for long periods of time, without being switched off?

The truth is the children in our today’s society are technology mad, which leads to one thing more electrical equipment for your home. The more electrical equipment/appliances that you own, the more expensive your monthly bill will be.

Lights are one more thing that as a society, most people do not think about. How many of your children will walk out of a room without turning off the light? Do you do this? Sometimes we are all guilty of these things, the problem is, it is not just a waste of money but a waste of energy as well.

The positives of solar panels

There are many positives to using solar panels, saving money will be the one you can physically see! Seeing your bills go down over time, or getting rewarded for having solar panels installed will show in quite a quick way.

Installing solar panels will cost money to start with, however, this is recuperated very quickly. Using your power at the right times in the home, while being joined to the grid will give you credits. Some people chose to sell these back to the electric supplier other people chose to not have any bills. Whatever way you choose you will see the money saved.

When owning farmland or outbuildings, sheds look into installing these with solar panels too. Always think about the bigger picture when having these installed. If you live in a hot country and have land that you farm or host people in your home, having savings on your electricity is one of the best ways to save on your spending.

Living a greener life

Living a better healthier way of life is what many people want to strive to achieve, the population is growing, so is unfortunately the amount of waste people dump on the planet. Things that maybe 50 years ago were not noticeable are sticking out drastically now. The way in which waste can be dealt with really can start in your home.


Looking around your home, how many items do you have that are unused? It does not have to be electrical, it can be anything. Collecting all unwanted items from your home and donating them to a charity is a fantastic way of decluttering the home and possibly helping someone in great need.

Doing our bit for the planet can start with things like picking up the litter that you see on the road. Or going to a food bank or homeless shelter with the extra food you have had sitting in the pantry for the last 6 months that will at some point end up in the bin. Donating will help someone who needs it, and give you a small glimmer of pride that the good deed you did may have stopped a family from being hungry that evening.

Recycling plastics and reusable rubbish is also helpful, keep a separate pile where these items can be placed. Avoid taking plastic bags to place shopping in, replace these with material bags, not only do they look pretty, but they also tend to hold much more. Some of the money used to purchase these bags will donate to charity.

Getting the children involved becoming green

So you are wanting a more sustainable green life, how exactly do you get the children involved? Simply make them be a part of what you are trying to achieve. Hands on is normally a successful way of getting children to help, routine and structure and maybe including, a little reward. Yes rewarding your child for doing the right thing. This may be seen to be a little sneaky however you are not going to be giving them a new toy to add to the waste problem.

Encourage children to switch off game consoles, mobile phone chargers, and lights. When going to the toilet have a rainwater bucket so if you or your child has a wee or urinate then instead of flushing simply tip a little water to get rid of the waste. This will save gallons of water.

Dinner time waste can be an issue in some households, as parents sometimes this guilt should fall at our doors. Are you a parent that is guilty of piling your child’s plate up full of food knowing full well it will not get eaten? Instead of doing this give smaller portions, they can always ask for more if it is needed, turn the leftovers into dinner for another day.

Going green and managing a more sustainable way of life, should include your whole family. If you and your partner are paying out for ways to improve the function of your home then, whoever lives in it should help out too. A joint effort is always going to be a good effort and the more you pull together the better the results your family will see.


Going green or moving in the direction to improve the home life you have does not always have to be for financial gain. The rewards in doing the right thing for your children or grandchildren’s generation should be a reward in itself. Making the world a healthier place to live in, is becoming more popular now but it should not be a passing phase that society gets bored with.

Helping each other by sharing tips online or showing things you have gained, living a better life should be something you should be proud of. It’s time the world pulled together and helped each other no matter which country you are from, everyone has something to learn, and equally, everyone can teach someone something they did not know.

Our planet is valuable and we should treasure it, doing the utmost as possible to help and nurture our children so this becomes their lifestyle as a natural progression. Encouraging recycling, saving fuel, and wildlife positively pushing for self sustainability should be something to aim for!

Embracing Sustainability: The Environmental Benefits of Interior Vinyl Wrapping

In today’s environmentally conscious world, sustainability is a crucial factor in every industry, including construction and interior design. As we seek greener alternatives for building and renovating spaces, interior vinyl wrapping stands out as a compelling choice. Not only does it offer aesthetic versatility and cost-effectiveness, but it also presents several environmental benefits that make it an attractive option for eco-friendly renovations.

sustainability in vinyl wrapping

What is Vinyl Wrapping

Vinyl wrapping involves the application of a thin, adhesive film over existing surfaces to instantly transform their appearance. This versatile material can mimic textures like wood, stone, or metal, and comes in a variety of colors and patterns. Ideal for both commercial and residential settings, vinyl wrapping provides a cost-effective and less invasive alternative to traditional renovation techniques. It’s applied directly to furniture, walls, doors, and cabinets, enabling quick makeovers without the need for extensive downtime or material waste.

This method not only revitalizes spaces with a new look but also extends the lifespan of existing fixtures, contributing to more sustainable renovation practices.

Sustainable Practices in Vinyl Production

The vinyl industry has made strides in improving the sustainability of its products. Many manufacturers now use recycled materials in the production of vinyl wraps and have implemented measures to recycle scrap and leftover materials. These practices further reduce the environmental impact of vinyl products and support the industry’s transition towards greener manufacturing processes.

For more insights on sustainable eco-friendly interior wrapping, visit Nova Wrap, a leading vinyl wrapping company in Dubai, where you can explore eco-friendly vinyl wrapping options that cater to both aesthetic preferences and environmental considerations.

Reducing Waste with Vinyl Wrapping

One of the primary environmental advantages of using vinyl wrapping in interior design is waste reduction. Traditional renovation methods often involve stripping old materials and installing new ones, which can generate significant amounts of waste. Materials like wood, metal, and stone not only require extensive mining and processing but also contribute to landfill when removed and replaced.

Vinyl wrapping, on the other hand, can be applied directly over existing surfaces, such as cabinets, countertops, doors, and even furniture. This method extends the life of these items by refreshing their look without the need to dispose of still-functional materials. By reducing the volume of waste sent to landfills, vinyl wrapping supports environmental sustainability and promotes a greener engineering economy.

Lowering Carbon Footprint

The production and transportation of new building materials are energy-intensive processes that contribute to carbon emissions. Vinyl wrapping minimizes the need for new materials, thus reducing the carbon footprint associated with manufacturing and transporting products. Moreover, because vinyl can be manufactured in lightweight rolls and requires less space, it also decreases energy consumption during shipping compared to bulkier traditional materials.

Promoting Indoor Air Quality

Innovations in vinyl wrapping technology have led to the development of eco-friendly adhesives and materials that are low in volatile organic compounds (VOCs). VOCs are known for contributing to indoor air pollution and can have adverse health effects. By choosing vinyl wraps that are certified for low VOC emissions, property owners can improve indoor air quality, creating healthier living and working environments.

Enhancing Energy Efficiency

Vinyl wraps can also contribute to energy efficiency in buildings. Reflective or lighter-colored vinyl wraps can reflect sunlight and reduce the need for artificial cooling, especially in warmer climates. This not only helps in reducing energy consumption but also lowers utility bills, making it an economically and environmentally beneficial option.

Towards a Greener Future in Renovation

The shift towards sustainable building materials is vital for reducing our environmental footprint. Interior vinyl wrapping not only offers an innovative solution to renovation challenges but also aligns with global sustainability goals. By choosing vinyl wraps, property owners and designers can participate in the movement towards more sustainable building practices, showcasing that modern aesthetics can go hand-in-hand with environmental responsibility. With its ability to meet both functional and ecological demands, vinyl wrapping is set to become a cornerstone in the future of eco-friendly renovations.

Tips for Re-entering and Maintaining a Safe Workplace Post Covid-19

The pandemic disrupted the global workforce and accelerated the adoption of new ways of working. And as mass vaccinations roll out, business leaders are pivoting from the response to recovery phases and are now focusing on how to reopen offices effectively, efficiently, and most importantly, safely. Leaders are now faced with the challenge of designing the future of work.

But with an abundance of “unknown unknowns,” re-entering the workplace is not as simple as opening the offices and re-installing the 9 to 5 workday. Everything from local and federal health ordinances and fears of a repopulated workplace to individual employee preferences must be considered. Rather than defaulting to a checklist-based approach, employers must reimagine the office and work-life after COVID-19.


Here are some fundamental elements that will help you stage the return to work plan and ensure safety at the workplace:

1. Recognize Your Organization’s Risk Level

All businesses must utilize the basic principles of risk management to forge their way to recovery. To navigate the risks associated with re-entering the workplace, you must first identify what those risks are. For most organizations, the pandemic’s exceptional circumstances brought to light certain risks they had never considered—for instance, the infection risks of the open office.

Open office environments were designed to foster collaboration by enabling free-flowing movement. So, how do you ensure safety and social distancing in an environment designed to bring people together?

Before making the decision to reopen offices, you must catalog the risks your company might face once people are back in the office. Understand that not all workplaces are easy to control for hygiene and safety.

As a business leader, there are two variables you must consider:

  • The proximity of exposure – how closely people interact within a closed environment
  • The extent of exposure – how long people interact and how many people an individual tends to interact with within a typical workday,

One thing is for sure: you’ll have to restructure your office. Take advantage of restoration and reconstruction services to ensure the safety of your employees.

2. Implement Organization-wide Safety Measures

All organizations must implement a workplace safety program. Mitigating health risks, such as COVID-19 transmission, requires a comprehensive set of protocols and policies that govern business operations. It’s no longer business as usual. The health and well-being of your employees come first.

At the very least, workplace guidelines must cover:

  • Social distancing regulations at work. The Center for Disease Control recommends spacing out people and workstations by at least six feet to reduce the risk of transmission.
  • Having employees wear face masks or a plexiglass face shield while in the office.
  • Elevator-use regulations – Managers should encourage employees to stay off crowded elevators. There shouldn’t be more than 4 or 5 people in such small and enclosed spaces.
  • Office cleaning and sanitization procedures. It’s advisable to use certified disinfection services to help curb infection rates.
  • Office density reduction and limitations on non-essential common areas such as fitness centers and break rooms
  • Promote frequent hand washing and proper respiratory health etiquette

As business leaders, it’s your responsibility to ensure health and safety plus reduce the risk of transmission during onsite business operations. Remember, you must also adhere to regulations being passed by your local and state governments.


3. Be Agile

To recover and thrive in a post-pandemic world, organizations must embrace resilience and agility. Companies must continuously monitor the situation and adjust accordingly. As employees return to their workplaces, companies must remain vigilant, watching out for infections as well as productivity levels.

Employees are the backbone of every business. Organizations must have protocols in place to deal with incipient outbreaks. Your workforce must feel confident that their safety and well-being are being catered to. How else will they remain engaged and productive? The well-being of your employees must guide every action you take.

Always be prepared. And create an environment where employees feel free to stay home if they are sick. Also, identify what can be done remotely and create a schedule of who returns when. Odds are you don’t have to bring all your employees back all at once. A hybrid onsite and remote work model will help you manage your team better in case of any emergencies.

4. Keep Communication Lines Open

As vaccine rates pick up, there’s some light at the end of the tunnel. However, a significant majority of workers are anxious about returning to the office. Managing employee stress and anxiety is now a major concern of HR departments worldwide.

It’s important to be transparent about the decision-making processes. Frequently communicate the protections that will be in place. Consider establishing a COVID-19 re-entry task force that includes frontline employees and key workplace stakeholders.

Create a safe space to share concerns and ideas about returning to the workplace and, if possible, develop an employee assistance program or a policy that allows employees to share concerns and other stressors. Providing employees with reliable information about the effects of COVID-19 on mental health can help in alleviating fear and anxiety.

Now Is the Time

Don’t wait to craft your post-pandemic plan. At this moment in time, you should already have one. A re-entry plan will ensure a smoother and safer transition process for your employees.

الذروة النفطية…..بين النظرية و الواقع


يعد النفط اليوم من أهم مصادر توليد الطاقة في العالم، بالطبع بعد اليورانيوم، وقد تم وضع الكثير من المواد تحت التجربة لتكون بديلآ للنفط و لكن لم تتك بالنجاح إلى يومنا هذا.و السبب الرئيس لذلك هو فقدانها الكثافة التي يتمتع بها النفط، فضلا عن أنها لا تحقق معدلات العائد التي يحققها الإستثمار في إستكشاف وإنتاج النفط،. وهناك أيضآ أبحاث علمية تشير إلى أن العالم مقدم على كارثة إذا لم يتوصل لمصدر بديل له، حيث لا يمكن للإقتصاد العالمي أن ينمو حاليآ بدون وجود كميات كافية من الطاقة تتماشى مع إحتياجات هذا النمو. وتتزايد النقاشات اليوم أكثر من أي وقت مضى بأن العالم بدأ بالفعل بالإقتراب من مرحلة الذروة النفطية.

الذروة النفطية هي مصطلح اخترعه عالم الجيولوجيا الأمريكي الشهير كينج هوبرت في خمسينات القرن الماضي. والذي استطاع ان يتنبأ بالذروة النفطية في بعض المناطق من الولايات المتحدة و التي ستكون في السبعينات. و بالفعل حصل بالضبط ما تنبآ به هذا العالم. فعندما تبلغ عملية استخراج النفط لمستوياتها القصوى، تأخذ في التراجع و تنتهي تدريجيآ. فالنفط يعتبر مورد ناضب أو كما يقال غير متجدد.

فهذه النظرية تؤكد أن الإنتاج العالمي من النفط وصل الي ذروته اليوم وأنه آخذ في الإنخفاض لامحالة بعد أن أستهلك العالم نحو 50 في المائة من احتياطياته النفطية. فهذا يؤكد أن النفط قد يشارف على الإنتهاء إذا لم يتم وضع خطط واضحة و صارمة في ترشيد استهلاكه و كذلك  الحث على إستخدام هذا المخزون الإحتياطي بالطرق المثلى. ولكن هذه النظرية لا تجد قبولاً لدى العديد و الذين يشيرون دائما إلى أن مخزون الأرض من النفط كبير جداً ويحتاج فقط إلى استثمارات للتنقيب.

تعتبر المملكة العربية السعودية من أعلى دول العالم تصديرآ للنفط, و الوحيدة القادرة عبر مخزونها الإحتياطي في ضبط و موازنة سوق النفط العالمي. و قدر هذا المخزون ب265.4 مليار برميل أي ما يكفي عند مستوى الانتاج الحالي لأكثر من 72 عاماً. و حسب التقارير الصادرة عن أرامكو فإن هناك حوالي تريليون برميل سيكتشف في المستقبل و الذي سيلبي إحتياجات العالم رغم الإستهلاك الحالي لمدة قرن واحد.

فاليوم تركزالدولة حاليآ جهودها في تنقيب وإستخراج الغاز الطبيعي, حيث أنها لا تستورد الغاز الطبيعي و لكن تعتمد على الإنتاج المحلي له. و بجانب ذلك تقوم المملكة حاليآ بتكثيف استثماراتها الضخمة في مجال الطاقة الشمسية و النووية أيضآ.

ولكن هل يعتمد على الغاز الطبيعي و الطاقة المتجددة كبديلآ عن النفط في تلبية الإحتياجات المحلية للسعودية و التي هي في تزايد ملحوظ كل يوم؟ حيث أن معدل الإستهلاك المحلي في السعودية بلغ في عام 2011 أعلى مستوياته مقارنة بالدول الصناعية, و سجل إستهلاك الكهرباء في المنازل السكنية و المباني النصيب الأكبر منه.

فهل بالفعل أن ذروة النفط قد حان أوانها؟ و إذا ليس اليوم, فمتى؟ و كيف ستكون ملامحها خصوصآ على الدول المعتمدة كليآ على النفط؟ هل ستكون عواقبها متفاوتة سواء على الدول المتقدمة و الغير متقدمة؟  حيث أن الطلب العالمي عليه سيرتفع إلى ذروة تبلغ 110 ملايين برميل يوميا في وقت ما بعد 2020 على أقصى تقدير. أعتقد أن الوقت قد حان لكي يبدأ العالم بالتخطيط لما بعد عصر النفط.

12 Ways To Make Your E-commerce Business More Green

Embracing eco-friendly practices in ecommerce is not just a moral imperative in today’s world; it’s also a smart business decision! There’s a growing trend of consumers seeking out eco-friendly products and services. Many shoppers are now more conscious of the environmental impact of their purchases and actively seek out businesses that align with their values. By embracing eco-friendly practices, your ecommerce store can attract these environmentally-conscious consumers and gain a competitive edge in the market. Adopting eco-friendly practices can enhance your brand’s reputation and perception among consumers. When customers see that your business is committed to sustainability, they are more likely to trust and support your brand. A positive reputation for environmental responsibility can also lead to increased customer loyalty and advocacy.

ecommerce eco-friendly

Implementing eco-friendly practices can often lead to cost savings in the long run. For example, reducing packaging materials, optimising transportation routes to minimise carbon emissions, and implementing energy-efficient measures in your operations can all help lower expenses over time. Additionally, investing in sustainable practices can sometimes qualify your business for tax incentives or grants. Sustainable practices ensure the long-term viability of your business operations. By conserving resources, reducing waste, and minimising environmental impact, you can help safeguard the planet’s natural resources for future generations while also securing the continuity of your e-commerce business.

By making your e-commerce business more environmentally friendly you will not only benefit the planet but can also enhance your brand image and appeal to eco-conscious consumers.

Here are 12 ways you can make your e-commerce business more green:

1. Sustainable Packaging

Use eco-friendly packaging materials such as recycled cardboard, paper, or biodegradable materials for shipping products. Minimise packaging waste by choosing the right size packaging for your products.

2. Minimalist Design

Minimalist packaging typically involves using fewer materials, such as cardboard, paper, or biodegradable/compostable materials. By minimising the amount of packaging used, your business can reduce its environmental footprint and conserve valuable resources. Minimalist packaging is often lighter and more compact than traditional packaging designs. This can result in lower transportation costs and reduced fuel consumption during shipping, contributing to lower carbon emissions and overall environmental impact.

different types of sustainable packaging

3. Carbon Neutral Shipping

Partner with shipping companies that offer carbon-neutral shipping options or invest in carbon offset programs to mitigate the emissions generated from shipping your products. By prioritizing carbon-neutral shipping options or carbon offset programs, ecommerce businesses can encourage other companies within the industry to follow suit. This collective action can lead to broader adoption of sustainable shipping practices and contribute to meaningful reductions in carbon emissions across the sector.

4. Green Supply Chain

Work with suppliers and manufacturers who prioritise sustainability in their operations. Choose suppliers that use renewable energy, minimise waste, and employ fair labour practices.

5. Product Sourcing

Source products that are made from sustainable materials, produced using environmentally friendly processes, and have minimal environmental impact throughout their lifecycle. You could also aim to choose suppliers that provide transparency and traceability throughout the supply chain. Ensure that they can provide information about the origins of materials, production processes, and environmental impact assessments.

In a similar vain collaborate with suppliers to develop sustainable solutions and improve environmental performance. Work together to identify opportunities for waste reduction, energy efficiency improvements, and other sustainable initiatives.

6. Energy Efficiency

Implement energy-efficient practices in your e-commerce operations, such as using LED lighting in warehouses, optimising heating and cooling systems, and investing in renewable energy sources like solar power. Choose equipment with high energy efficiency ratings to minimise electricity consumption during daily operations.

Consider investing in renewable energy sources, such as solar power or wind energy, to supplement your energy needs. Install solar panels on rooftops or unused land to generate clean and sustainable electricity for your facilities. Explore incentives and financing options for renewable energy projects to reduce upfront costs.

7. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Encourage customers to recycle packaging materials or offer incentives for returning packaging for reuse. Clearly communicate your recycling and reuse initiatives to customers through your website, order confirmation emails, and packaging inserts. Inform them about the types of packaging materials that are recyclable and provide instructions on how to properly recycle or return packaging for reuse. You should also implement recycling programs in your warehouses and offices to minimise waste.


8. Eco-Friendly Office Practices

Reduce energy consumption in your office by using energy-efficient appliances, implementing paperless practices, and encouraging telecommuting to reduce carbon emissions from commuting.

9. Green Marketing

Highlight your eco-friendly initiatives and products in your marketing campaigns to attract environmentally conscious consumers. Use messaging that emphasises sustainability and environmental responsibility.

10. Community Engagement

Get involved in environmental initiatives in your local community or support environmental organisations through donations or partnerships. Engage with customers and employees in environmental stewardship activities to foster a sense of environmental responsibility. Launch educational campaigns through your website, social media channels, and email newsletters to raise awareness about environmental issues and provide tips for sustainable living. Share information about the environmental benefits of your products and encourage customers to make eco-friendly choices.

how companies can become more eco-friendly

11. Life Cycle Assessment

Conduct a life cycle assessment of your products to identify areas where you can reduce environmental impact, such as sourcing materials from closer suppliers to reduce transportation emissions or optimising product design for recyclability.

12. Continuous Improvement

Regularly evaluate your e-commerce operations and identify opportunities for further improvement in sustainability practices. Stay informed about new technologies and best practices in sustainable business operations. Sustainable practices ensure the long-term viability of your business operations. By conserving resources, reducing waste, and minimising environmental impact, you can help safeguard the planet’s natural resources for future generations while also securing the continuity of your ecommerce business.

Bottom Line

In conclusion, adopting eco-friendly e-commerce methods is advantageous for your company’s finances, reputation, and potential for future growth in addition to the environment. Setting sustainability as a top priority will help you meet requirements, satisfy customers, and make the world a healthier place. Therefore, by implementing the suggested tactics, you may attract eco-aware customers, improve the environmental friendliness of your e-commerce firm, and support international efforts to mitigate climate change and protect the environment.

5 Sustainable and Eco-Friendly Coffee Drinking Habits

Coffee is one of the most consumed beverages in the world, among water and tea. The potent drink is so popular that some people are unable to function without a strong cup of joe before they start their day.

If you’re an avid coffee enthusiast, there are things you can do to make the experience even more satisfying. There’s nothing more rewarding than enjoying your morning brew with the knowledge that you aren’t doing any more harm to the environment.

You can help save the world by adopting these sustainable and eco-friendly coffee drinking habits:

1. Brew Your Own Coffee

Convenience is the capitalists’ game nowadays. The hustle and bustle of urban living have pushed people into putting their needs first without consideration of their action’s environmental impact.

Coffee chains are so popular because they make your coffee in just a few minutes. However, the carbon emissions that some of these companies emit take a toll on Mother Nature. Fortunately, it’s not too late to be more eco-conscious. Start by making your own coffee at home.

It may sound daunting, but brewing your own coffee offers the benefits of producing an infusion that suits your tastes perfectly. You have full control over the darkness or lightness of the drink while saving money and the environment simultaneously. If you love coffee, you should have a good knowledge of the top coffee brewing methods.

The pour-over method has recently been catapulted to mainstream popularity. This straightforward coffee-brewing process involves drenching freshly-ground coffee beans with hot water, which dissolves the solubles in the beans.

Here are three simple things you’ll need for your home coffee pour-over:

  • Manual GrinderChoose manual over electric grinders to reduce your energy usage. Also, always purchase high-quality products that will last a long time to avoid sending more waste to landfills. This item is crucial in achieving the proper texture of the coffee beans.
  • Pour-Over Brewers – You’ll also need a specialized cup that will serve as a container for your coffee beans as you pour hot water over it. This brewer has holes at the bottom to allow the magical potion to drip into your ceramic cup.
  • Reusable Filter – Filters contribute to the waste that entails coffee production. Plus, most paper filters are bleached with chlorine or oxygen, adding to the chemical waste in the environment. Avoid these issues by investing in reusable filters that you can just wash and use again for your next brew. Even if you prefer to use pod machines like Nespresso, they have reusable pods so you can fill them with your own coffee grounds. For those of you who are still on the market for automatic espresso machines, look for an eco-friendly option that saves water and electricity.

If you think that the process is time-consuming, the best thing about this brewing method is that you can make a huge batch that’s good for a few days and just store it in your fridge. It’s all about planning your week to eliminate the pressure that goes with busy weekday mornings.

2. Bring Reusable Cups

Another convenience factor that significantly harms the environment are single-use coffee cups, especially plastic ones. If you really can’t help but go to your favorite coffee shop, you should, at least, bring a travel cup or tumbler with you to avoid using disposable containers.

Single-use cups are detrimental to the status of our world today. Did you know that today’s generation produces 300 million tons of plastic waste annually? Be an eco-friendly consumer and bring a reusable eco friendly cup with you on your next coffee run so that you can enjoy a guilt-free cup of joe.

3. Buy Fair Trade Products

Support local companies that care about their craft as well as the environment as much as you do. Organizations that join the fair-trade movement put the planet and their customers before profits.

Do your research and find ethical coffee suppliers in your area. Aside from ensuring that they source their coffee correctly and with regard to the environment, you’ll also recognize products from these companies because of their sustainable packaging like paper and biodegradable plastics.

4. Go for Composting

Composting is a natural way of recycling organic waste like your ground coffee beans. You can turn the waste from your manual coffee-brewing process into mulch and use it to fertilize your garden.

These are the steps on composting ground coffee beans:

  • Find a Place for Your Pit – For those who have a backyard, you can easily dig out space for your compost pit. Nonetheless, apartment residents can also dispose of their biodegradable waste through this method by buying a large container. Poke some holes on the base for ventilation and place the vessel above a tray to catch the drainage. Pour some soil and worms to aid the decomposition process.
  • Add Materials Layer by Layer – Place twigs and straw first to create tiny spaces at the bottom of your compost pit. This feature allows the air to circulate within the pile. Then, make sure to alternate moist and dry materials to help the waste break down quickly.
  • Moisten Your Compost Regularly – Water your compost pit regularly during the summer months when rain is scarce. Moisture is a decisive factor of the decomposition process.
  • Cover to Retain Heat – Aside from moisture, heat also facilitates the breaking down of organic waste. Cover your pit with wood, carpet scraps, or plastic sheeting to help keep the heat inside your pile.
  • Aerate the Pile Every Few Weeks – Oxygen is another crucial component in decomposition. That’s why you have to schedule a time to aerate your compost pit every few weeks to bring in oxygen into the pile.

5. Avoid Buying Lots of Coffee

While buying in bulk allows you to minimize the packaging, having extra coffee beans may lead you to brew more than you need for a day or week. Estimate how much you need for the month and avoid grinding more than how much you need for one brewing session.

Another way to make your coffee habit more eco-friendly is to “consider frothing” an eco-friendly plant-based milk by using the pulled milk method which doesn’t require any power or electricity.


You don’t have to choose between having your coffee fix and saving the environment. You can do both by opting to brew your own coffee at home using manual grinders, a pour-over brewer, and reusable filters.

Of course, you should have already made a habit of skipping single-serve cups in favor of reusable mugs or tumblers. Remember to support companies that aim for sustainable products as well. Lastly, try your hand at composting to dispose of your organic waste naturally and avoid buying more coffee than you need.

How Green Can A Condo Be?

Condo living is becoming a more popular and viable option with regard to residency as more and more people are now moving closer to cities for business and career opportunities. Condominiums offer sufficient space for living and close proximity to leisure establishments as well as the central business district. However, living in the city should not detach residents from the larger society and nature. How green can a condo be? Read ahead for tips to ensure greener living in a condo.

1. Gardening

Gardens are serene and relaxing. They are also good for the environment. Many will say space in condos is finite; thus, landscaping may not be achieved. The truth is vertical gardening fosters both indoor and outdoor growth of plants, irrespective of their layout and size.

It is worth noting that this kind of gardening can be achieved through attaching plants to hangers. Another option of gardening is growing climbing plants that wrap around furniture, posts, or balconies. Additionally, small indoor fountains can be created to bring some life to condos. A kitchen garden that grows herbs can give it a nice touch as well as offer fresh ingredients to spice up meals.

2. Green furniture and energy-efficient appliances

In order to reduce electricity consumption in condos, it is important that energy-efficient appliances with the energy star are used. Appliances that go to sleep mode when they are not in use to reduce power consumption. For the purpose of lighting, compact fluorescents or LEDs cut energy costs as compared to regular incandescent light bulbs.

Furniture is a vital component in any home. Using locally made and eco-friendly equipment also plays a crucial role in making condos greener. Proper placement of appliances and the use of solar panels is also essential to reduce energy consumption. For instance, placing an air conditioner near direct sunlight hinders cooling, thus increasing energy consumption.

Pearl of wisdom: Globally, efforts to ensure comfort, as well as eco-friendly condos, cannot be ignored. Green living is important in maintaining an environment which facilitates and elevates the quality of life. Beautiful sceneries help in creating memories which are treasures that no one can steal.

3. Recycling

Green waste management is not a new concept in modern living. The aspects of separation and reuse are good ways to handle and reduce daily waste. Carrying travel cups for tea and reusable shopping bags are great ways of eliminating waste.

4. Green transportation

To ensure greener condo living, make sure the location is ideal for environmental-friendly movements. In general, developers like Great Gulf build projects in areas that have good walk scores or bike scores. Condo residents can now simply cycle or walk to work without much hassle. By so doing, pollution is reduced. Also, adopting a carpooling scheme with fellow neighbors is a great way of reducing the neighborhood’s carbon footprint.

As more people strive to live near central business districts, going green for condos is a concept that cannot be ignored. In an ideal world, an eco-friendly lifestyle saves residents money and guarantees quality of life. Recycling, gardening and landscaping, energy and water conservation, and green transportation are ways that condo residents can adapt to lead healthy and comfortable lifestyles.

It suffices to say that going green enhances the infrastructure and life-cycle performance of a building. Green buildings also improve the quality of water and air; they also protect and enhance biodiversity and ecosystems.

Enjoy serenity!