Top 7 Benefits of Recycling Used Coffee Grounds

As coffee lovers, we use multiple devices and brewing methods to get coffee in the way we desire. These machines and tools such as a moka pot, a bean to cup machine, or even a prosumer barista model coffee machine. All these methods result in large amounts of used coffee grounds that will usually end in the garbage.

However, you can benefit from used coffee grounds in more ways than one. From using it as a compost or a natural cleaner, the options are endless. Here are remarkable and easy ways for recycling used coffee grounds and save the environment.

recycling of used coffee grounds

1. A good fertilizer for your garden

Coffee grounds can be a good source of nitrogen for many acidophilic plants including many vegetables, fruits, and flowers. It can be used directly on azaleas, roses, rhododendrons.

For example, fruits and vegetables that can benefit from coffee grounds include spinach, blueberries, and tomatoes. Carrots can also get better if you add coffee grounds when sowing it. You will not only get better carrots but also keep your carrots clean from any pest attack.

If you do your own composting at home, add the used coffee grounds for a better and cheaper fertilizer.

New research suggests that coffee grounds should be composted for about 100 days first before putting them on the plants. At first coffee grounds contain high levels of caffeine, tannins, and chlorogenic acids. These compounds can be toxic on plants’ soils.

Anyways, after you compost the coffee grounds completely, these toxins subside. After that the nitrogen and potassium content of the beans will be beneficial for the plants.

2. Keep your house smelling good

To remove any unwanted odors in your house, you can recycle your coffee into a deodorant. Use a bowl of dried used coffee grounds and put it in the fridge or on the counter. It will work as an absorbent material for any unpleasant odor that may result from storing food or from cooking.

DIY tip: You can use coffee grounds as a component in abrasive homemade kitchen cleaners to increase its scratchiness component.

3. Refreshen your indoors with used coffee grounds

Coffee grounds can be a fragrant substitutes to essential oils in candles. Use the old coffee grounds to make a refreshing scented coffee candle and enjoy the coffee aroma.

Damp coffee grounds can help you inhibit dust while cleaning your fireplace. Sprinkle some used coffee grounds around the fireplace to decrease the dust while cleaning. After that sweep the grounds with the ashes and garbage.

4. Coffee grounds as a skin care routine

Used coffee grounds can be great for your skin in many ways. They can be used as a mask for exfoliation. Use yesterday’s coffee ground as a scrub for your skin. You can do this in the shower and use water afterwards to remove the debris.

Pro tip: if you have a dog, use the coffee scrub on him too after giving him a bath. Dogs love this kind of skin stimulation and it keeps them cleaner. Its body will be free from fleas. The smell of the coffee can be repellant for many insects as ants and fleas.

Coffee ground mask is also a great mask for your face. Its antioxidant ability makes your skin fresh and bright. To make this mask make a paste of warm and damp coffee grounds mixed with coconut oil (unrefined), and raw almond milk. Spread the paste on your face in a circular motion, then rinse with fresh water after 10 minutes.

Keep your hands fresh with coffee grounds. Scrub the morning leftover grounds in your hands to remove any unwanted smell. This tip is useful after working with onions in the kitchen as they leave your hands smelly even after using soup.

5. Coffee can keep the ants away

Sprinkle some used coffee grounds around in the corners that ants come from in your house. The scent of the coffee bothers the ants and it works as natural pesticides with out their hazards.

6. Make some coffee fun with your kids

Coffee grounds can be used in arts as a stain due to its vivid coffee color. It can be a perfect and safe material for crafts projects for your kids. The options are endless using this coffee grounds color and it also gives you a quality time with your kids.

Coffee grounds can also be used as a salt dough. Mix some used coffee grounds with salt, water and flour to make an easily moldable dough for the kids. It can be shaped easily as they play and then dried. Once it is hard it can be hung on the wall, or sent as a gift for friends and family.

7. Recycle your office coffee

Your office surely consumes a lot more coffee than you think. Coffee waste in offices can be a valuable resource for recycling. Most companies now aim to go all the way to digital interactions to reduce paper wastes, so coffee recycling might be the next.

coffee waste recycling

Disposing the used coffee grounds into the waste is not a good choice nowadays. Some businesses now started to separate their coffee ground waste and send them to be composted.

Composting the coffee grounds may not be the best options, as coffee waste can be used for more than just a fertilizer. Coffee waste can make coffee logs that burn to provide warmth. They provide more burning time and more temperature.


It turns out the products of the roasting process are not just waste. The used coffee ground is way too valuable to be tossed as a waste in the garbage. It can be recycled into multiple useful items as toys, pesticides, scrubs, and compost. Use the coffee waste at home to save the environment and be an eco-friendly coffee drinker.

Know About Zero Waste Kitchens and Energy-Efficient Cooking

Food is the single largest source of waste. Worldwide, we throw away about a third of our food. More food ends up in landfills than plastic or paper. The enormous amount of wasted food depends on our cooking and eating habits. Generally, it is easy to be sitting at home, in front of your television, consuming whatever you want then throwing every‑thing in the trash. But have we ever thought, where does the garbage go?

Zero Waste Kitchens

Given that most of the domestic waste originates in the kitchen, a green home should definitely include a zero waste kitchen. Zero waste kitchens is not about recycling more of our kitchen waste from plastics containers, metal cans and glass jars. It is about acting on needless waste and stopping it from coming into our homes in first place.

zero waste kitchen


Bea Johnson introduced the concept of the 5Rs in her book Zero Waste Home which are Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Rot. The first and the second R address the prevention of waste, the third R encourage thoughtful consumption while the fourth and fifth Rs are the last stage processing of discards.

The Egyptian cuisine is considered one of the most time consuming and tiring kitchens with a lot of organic wastes. On top of that it is not energy efficient because of long cooking time. A lot of initiatives in Egypt started to promote for the idea of zero waste food. They collect food leftovers and pack them nicely and give them to needy people. Other NGOs can come to your door step and take for example cooking oil. Some also pay for it as incentives to encourage people not to throw it away. Throwing used cooking oil is not only a waste but also cause blockage for the sewage system.


Food waste can be transformed to several sources of energy like biogas and biodiesel or even can be transformed to liquid fertilizers and compost.

Energy-Efficient Cooking

Every winter we notice an increase in demand for gas cylinders. Gas consumption increase during winter season due to long cooking time to prepare warm meals. It is not only waste of energy but waste of time as well.

zero waste kitchen

We can reduce cooking time by following some simple practical tips for energy-efficient cooking:

  • Marinate the meat that we will consume along the month or even a week and then freeze them. They will take less time when cooked grilled or baked.
  • Another simple tip that is often overlooked way to reduce cooking time. Cook items you eat often in bulk – such as beef, chicken, rice and beans, or pasta – and freeze the leftovers for later use. If you’re freezing cooked pasta, drizzle a little oil over it to prevent sticking when you defrost.
  • Always make essential food components in a large quantity and freeze them. Like chopped onions, garlic, tomato sauce, broth etc.
  • It is important to match the size of any pot or casserole you use on the stove top elements.
  • Turn the heat down to the lowest setting after reaching boiling point. Higher heat just escapes round the side of the pot or boils the liquid faster but doesn’t cook its contents faster.
  • Optimize the use of a preheated oven by cooking several dishes, either at once, or in a row.
  • Don’t turn on the oven too soon before using. Just a few minutes is enough for pre-heating.
  • Turn off the oven or stovetop a few minutes early. The residual heat will keep cooking the food.
  • Use pressure cooker. It uses less energy than standard cooking pans. Reduction ranges from 70% up to 90 % and consequently reduces cooking time.
  • Adding one spoon of vinegar on meat reduce cooking time because it makes it more tender.
  • Do not add salt till late in cooking. Salt increase cooking time when added to beef for example. Add salt only if you are boiling water, as it makes it quicker to reach boiling point.
  • When you use the blinder, mixer or food processor, use it once for adequate amount not every day for small amounts. Freeze the extra amount for another use.
  • Buy air fryers to cook delicious meals in a flash

To conclude, it is not difficult to have a zero waste kitchen and it is easy to transform your kitchen trash into valuable cash. Cooking can also be enjoyable, quick and yet energy efficient. We need always to remember that waste-free kitchen is not only a physical kitchen, but it is mainly a mindset and lifestyle.

How to Avoid the Common Debt Traps

Common sense tells us it’s better to be debt-free than to incur debt. However, if you’re going to have a comfortable life — and have yet to obtain an immense personal fortune — some debt is generally unavoidable. After all, few people are in a position to purchase a home, or a car or pay for a college education outright.

However, there are right ways to go about taking on these debts and wrong ways. In far too many cases, people who recognize we need those things willingly engage in deception to take unfair advantage of us. With this mind, here are some tips for avoiding common debt traps.

Buying More Than You Need

“Congratulations, you qualify for a $2,000,000 mortgage!”

As wonderful as that sounds, do you really need a multi-million-dollar home?

What’s more, even if you do qualify, will your income really support such a loan? After all, there are a number of different ways to structure such a mortgage, as far too many people learned during the subprime mortgage crisis of the first decade of the 21st century.

People were taking interest-only loans for amounts far higher than their incomes would support, with the belief the value of the property would appreciate such that they could refinance and walk away with cash before the principal payment came due.

We all saw how that worked out. It’s always best to limit your borrowing to what your income will safely support. Otherwise, you’re just asking for trouble.

Fantastic Debt Consolidation Offers

“With this deal, you can consolidate all of your outstanding debts into one place with a lower monthly payment and at a lower interest rate.”

However, if you fail to read the terms carefully, you might miss the fact that that low monthly payment and that minimal interest rate are only good for a certain amount of time. And, if you don’t pay off the loan in full before that time period elapses, you’ll be shifted to a much higher interest rate — as well as be held liable for all of the interest that would have accrued on the original balance during the introductory period — at the post-introductory rate. Alternatively, you may have to reach out to invoice factoring company Australia to ease your financial troubles.

And, oh, by the way, there’s also a $500 annual fee, which will be added to your outstanding balance — upon which the post-introductory interest will also be calculated.

When you’re considering any sort of loan of this nature it’s critically important to read the terms carefully to ensure the debt consolidation deal for which you’re signing up really is advantageous to you. Get invoice finance to overcome the hurdles in obtaining finance through traditional methods.

Renting to Own

“Just moved into a new place? Need furnishings? No problem, ‘Rent-a-Couch’ has you covered — and at a far more affordable cost than you might think. Prices start as low as $15 a week! No credit check is needed, you’ll be granted early purchase discounts and paying it off over six months will be the same as paying cash.”

It all sounds really good, until you stop and do the math and realize you could’ve bought the same furniture outright for a whole lot less money. Further, in the age of eBay and Craigslist, you can probably get the exact same furniture for far less money.

One more thing: “Rent-a-Couch” will absolutely show up and take everything back — regardless of how much you’ve already paid into it — if you miss a payment.

Caveat Emptor — Buyer Beware!

Long story short, we live in a market-driven society in which a whole lot of people are out there trying to make as much money as they can with as little effort as possible. In most cases, avoiding common debt traps is as simple as remaining mindful of that fact and carefully examining deals before agreeing to them.

Removable Rooftop Safety Railings For OSHA Compliance

Everyone knows you can never be too careful when it comes to safety in the workplace. Hundreds of business owners every year find themselves tied up in workman’s comp claims for hours upon days, not to mention the money they spend in the process.

Construction sites, shipping plants and shipyards are just a few of the industries that fall victim to workplace injuries every year. These accidents don’t always just stop with an injury – some turn out to be fatal.

If you’re a commercial business owner, especially falling into one of those three categories, you’ve probably got employees working at heights of six feet or higher. What’s the significance of that height? Six feet means your workplace falls into OSHA’s “Six Foot Rule”, which means you’d better have sustainable, non-penetrating safety rails to protect your employees.

Need for Removable Rooftop Guardrail System

The short answer? Absolutely. Come to think of it, that’s the long answer too. Let us explain.

Removable roof safety rails at any height above six feet is an efficient, sustainable way to guarantee your employees won’t be falling to their uncertain doom anytime soon. As business owners and managers, you’ve got enough on your plate simply running your day-to-day business operations. The last thing you need to be thinking about is whether or not Joe in Shipping is going to take a wrong step and plummet to a six-month paid vacation, courtesy of you.

Can’t I Just Put Some Chain Link Up?

Well, you could. That is, if you want to open yourself up to hundreds of potential lawsuits, a damaged reputation, and an overall unsafe working environment.

Let’s face it – there are no shortcuts worth taking when it comes to safety of your employees. Sure, you may save some time and money up front, but the headaches (and not to mention, legal issues) you’ll face in the aftermath far outweigh a few saved dollars. What could you be looking at as a result of cutting corners when it comes to a safe workplace?

  • Legal Issues – If someone takes a fall on your watch, you can bet they’ll be holding you responsible for it. Without a removable safety railing in place for protection against falls, you’re leaving yourself vulnerable to future legal action.
  • Wasted Money – Of course, with any set of legal troubles comes a costly defense. Not only are you running the risk of having to pay for damages if and when you lose a suit, but you’ll also be providing your own legal costs out of pocket too.
  • Inefficiency – Losing a key member of your workforce can be devastating to the overall productivity of your business. Not to mention the potential of OTHER workers walking out the door because they too feel unsafe.
  • OSHA Citations – An OSHA citation is a surefire way to make sure you’re spending plenty of company (or personal) funds to pay up. OSHA also requires citations to be posted at or near the place of the original infraction, so everyone will know about the safety shortcomings in your workplace.

Things to Look For

There are few different ways for you to go when dealing with rooftop safety railings. There’s plenty to consider when it comes to figuring out what to purchase, but we took the hard work out of the equation for you and narrowed it down to some of the most important things to take into consideration:

  • OSHA Compliance – This is arguably the most important thing to think about when looking for the perfect removable safety railings for your workplace. Aside from doing their job and keeping your employees safe, the proper removable rooftop guardrail system will keep your organization OSHA compliant – in essence keeping it open for business.
  • Quality Materials – Safety is obviously something you shouldn’t be trying to cut back costs on, and this is no different. Look for a removable railing system that’s made from high quality materials, and is certified and inspected by a third party organization.
  • Style – Nobody is expecting you to throw an eyesore onto the top of your building. After all, it’s first impressions that are everything when it comes to new and continued business. Look for a railing system that comes with a sleek powder coating – some may even let you customize the look to match the colors of your business!
  • Non-Penetrating Safety Rails – A non-penetrating safety rail means you won’t have to bore through your rooftop surface to install it. This means you’re not compromising the rest of your structural safety for the sake of increasing it somewhere else. You’re also going to be cutting down on installation time – a definite plus when it comes to cost and efficiency.

So, What’s the Best Bet?

Everyone’s situation is always different, and you’ll want to analyze your individual organization’s needs before making a purchase. Make sure you fully understand what you’ll be needing before diving headfirst into spending money.

That being said, a 360 mobile safety railing is among the best choices when it comes to rooftop protection.

Sturdy cast iron bases for the system keep the railings in place, without requiring you to drill into your rooftop. The 360 bases allow for easy installation – you probably won’t need more than one or two people to get the job done in a timely manner. Not to mention most 360 mobile safety railing systems double as either a permanent solution at leading edges, skylights and roof hatches, or a temporary solution at construction sites or shipping and receiving areas.

It is clear that when you’re thinking about potential rooftop safety measures, removable rooftop safety railings will offer the best, most sustainable solution for your organization. They’ll provide an unmatched level of safety for employees – and just as importantly, keep you as a business owner out of the courthouse.

Keeping your organization consistently updated when it comes to OSHA compliance is also among the top benefits of utilizing a removable rooftop guardrail system. Don’t cut corners on the safety of your workers and the reputation of your business!

أهمية المحافظة على المياه المنزلية

تعاني منطقة الشرق الاوسط من ندرة المياه وسوء الإدارة للموارد المائية. وعلى الرغم من الإستثمارات الضخمة في قطاع المياه، لا تزال قضية إدارة المياه شكل خطوره من الناحية الإقتصادية والبيئية في جميع أنحاء هذه المنطقة. الإستهلاك المفرط للمياه هي قضية خطيرة ويعتبر معدل استخدام نصيب الفرد من المياه في معظم بلدان الشرق الأوسط أعلى كثيرا من المعدل العالمي. فعلى سبيل المثال، متوسط استهلاك المقيمين في كل من الإمارات العربية المتحدة والسعودية حوالي 250 لترا و550 لترا من المياه يوميا على التوالي. بينما معدل استخدام الفرد للمياه في المملكة المتحدة وألمانيا حوالي 127 لترا و150 لترا من المياه يوميا على التوالي. هذه الإحصائيات تعد تذكرة لوجوب كبح الإستهلاك المفرط للمياه فوراً من أجل تأمين إمدادات المياه للأجيال القادمة.


ندرة المياه هي حقيقة واقعة في معظم دول الشرق الأوسط سواء كان ذلك في الكويت القاحلة أوالأردن الخضراء. ومع ذلك، فإن معظم السكان لا يدركون أويتجاهلون هذه الحقيقة الصارخة. إن ارتفاع معدل النمو السكاني إلى جانب الصناعة المتقدمة يدعو إلى وجوب اتباع نمط استخدام استدامي للمياة في القطاعات السكنية والصناعية والزراعية.

القطاع السكني هوالمسؤول عن أكبر استهلاك للمياه في الشرق الأوسط، فعلى سبيل المثال، تعتبر استخدام الأسر للمياه في دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة حوالي ربع إجمالي استهلاك المياه، حيث تستخدم الأسر المياه لأغراض الشرب، الغسيل، تكييف الهواء، ري الحدائق والمزروعات الخ. ونظرا لارتفاع الطلب على المياه وتضاؤل امدادات المياه العذبة، تعتبر المحافظه على المياه المحليه حاجه ملحة. المحافظة على المياه لا يساعد فقط على توفير المياه ولكنها أيضا تساعد على حفظ الطاقة اللازمة للتنقية وتحلية المياه ونقلها أيضا.

الحفاظ على المياه يمكن ان يكون  في جميع أنواع المباني السكنية والمؤسسات والمباني التجارية في الشرق الأوسط. إن تركيب التقنيات والمنتجات المحافظة لمياه مثل منظمات المياه في الصنابير، أواستخدام صنابير وصنابير استحمام (دش) ذات تدفق منخفض، أوالمراحيض المنخفضة التدفق، وأجهزة غسيل الصحون وغسالات الملابس المحافظة على المياه، تلعب دورا هاما في توفير المياه على المستوى المحلي. وعلاوة على ذلك، يمكن اكتشاف وتحديد مواقع التسرب في شبكات المياه، وضمان تشغيل الصمامات على الضغط المناسب لتساعد على توفير قدر كبير من المياه. كما أن اصلاح التسرب في الأنابيب والتجهيزات والخزانات والتوصيلات يعزز من فاعلية توفير المياه. كما يمكن استخدام صمامات تخفيض الضغط للتخفيف من قوة وكمية المياه المتدفقة.

global water crisis

 لتعزيز الحفاظ على المياه، ينبغي علينا قياس امدادات المياه. فرصد وقياس استهلاك المياة يساعد على زيادة كفاءة شبكة توزيع المياه ويمكن أن توفر بيانات دقيقة لمستوى استهلاك المياه لأفراد معينين. كما يمكن رفع الدعم وتسعير المياه تسعيرا مناسبا لتكون أداة قوية لفرض المحافظة على المياه على مستوى استهلاك الأسر، فزياده تسعير المياه لا يساعد فقط في تحسين البنية التحتية للمياه ولكن يمكن أيضا أن يكون رسالة قوية للجمهور أن للمياه قيمة معينه عالية ويجب المحافظة عليها.

توفير الدعم والإعانات لأجهزة توفير المياه مثل المراحيض الحديثة المعدلة مثلا يمكن أن يكون حافزا جذابا. أويمكن تشجيع التنسيق للحدائق ذا الاستهلاك المنخفض للمياة اوبالمناظر الطبيعية في الهواء الطلق الذي يقلل إلى حد كبير استخدام المياه في المناخ الجاف، مثل الشرق الأوسط. وكثيرا ما يخلط الناس بين المحافظة علي المياه والحد من استهلاك المياه. لكنها في الواقع تشمل أيضا استخدام التكنلوجيا المحسنة والممارسات التي تقدم استخدام أفضل مع كميات أقل من المياه. 

Water Conservation Strategies to Increase Water Efficiency

To deal with water management challenges, it is important to bring a balance between both water supply and demand side. This can be done by employing strategies to increase water efficiency and water conservation. Water conservation strategies for the Middle East include reducing the use of potable water where possible, find alternative source of water for various water usage and increase the water efficiency of fixtures and equipment.

Efficient strategies along with water monitoring that tracks water consumption and identifies problems can significantly reduce both indoor and outdoor water consumption in water-scarce Middle East countries like UAE, Qatar, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia.

Most of the water conservation strategies have no additional cost implication and/or provide rapid payback while other strategies such as wastewater treatment systems and greywater plumbing system often require substantial investment.

water conservation strategies

The concept of rainwater harvesting

1. Reduce Indoor Potable Water Consumption

Consumption of potable water in indoor uses can be reduced by installing water-efficient low flow fixtures for water closets, urinals, lavatories, showers, kitchen sinks and by using non potable water for flush functions.

The sources of non-potable water are mainly captured rainwater, greywater, municipal treated sewerage effluent (TSE) or reclaimed water. Waterless urinals are available in the market, which can be used in commercial buildings. Flow restrictors, electronic controls and compositing toilets can also help in achieving indoor water reduction targets.

Also Read: Eco-friendly Practices for Efficient Plumbing Systems

2. Reduce Outdoor Potable Water Use

Landscape irrigation consumes huge amount of potable water. The water use for outdoor landscaping can be reduced significantly through an integrated approach. This includes employing combination of water-efficient irrigation technology, mulching, reduced turf or no turf grasses, using non-potable or recycled water, installing sub-meters to track and log irrigation trend and choosing native and adapted plant species in landscape design and using xeriscaping methods.

efficient irrigation methods

Spray irrigation has higher efficiency than traditional methods.

High performance water-efficient irrigation systems such as drip irrigation, bubbler distribution systems, scheduled irrigation and weather-based irrigation controlled can be used to increase the water efficiency.

3. Reduction in Process Water Use

The typical building systems that use process water include cooling towers, boilers, chillers, dishwashers and washing machines. The volumes of water used in these systems are quite significant.

The strategies to reduce process water use include; use of non-potable water such as rainwater, greywater or TSE in building processes and systems such as cooling towers. Metering of process water system can be done to collect information on water consumption and to identify leaks.

greywater recycling

4. Recovery and Reuse of Condensate Water

Condensate produced from air conditioning equipment can be recovered and reused within the building. The condensate can be collected by installing a collection pan and then transferred to different systems through drainage pipes for various reuse purposes such as irrigation, toilet flushing, or other onsite purposes where it will not come in contact with the human body.

For buildings with a cooling load equal to or greater than 350 kilowatt, a large volume of condensate can be recovered and reused.

Also Read: Eco-friendly Initiatives for Sustainable Commercial Plumbing

Towards New Partnerships in Water Management

Market-exchange economy and territory-bound nation state were not designed to accommodate a communication revolution that can envelop the globe and connect everyone and everything on the planet simultaneously. The result is that we are witnessing the birth of a new economic system and new governing institutions that are as different from market capitalism and the modern territorial state as the latter were from the feudal economy and dynastic rule of an era ago.

Markets, in effect, are linear, discrete and discontinuous modes of operation. The new communications technologies and partnerships, by contrast, are cybernetic, not linear. The operational assumptions that guide networks and partnerships transform much of conventional modes of partnerships/ networks models and open up a new window for rethinking governance of natural resources and linkages between conservation, livelihood, human wellbeing and environmental health.


Global and Local Water Agenda

Understanding the global and local water agenda is vital to conveying the ‘water knowledge’ between the North and the South and within countries in the South. Building an ‘institutional water memory’ is a necessary condition for transferring the ‘water knowledge’ between the global and local arenas. The experience of the last three decades, as formulated in the Mar Del Plata Action Plan (1977), Dublin Principles and Agenda 21, emphasized the need for integrated water management. All these initiatives call for a comprehensive vision of the water sector, which combines both sanitation and irrigation in the water sector.

The last two decades have taught us two major lessons in water management. First, we recognized that water is only one of a number of natural resource elements that needs to be managed in a sustainable manner. Second, we realized that water resources development is not attained only by supplying physical infrastructure. A new shift in thinking took place by changing infrastructure from supply-oriented — supply of facilities to communities who will one day become consumers — to demand–oriented, by focusing more on adequate assistance and development of the local capacity

Disseminating these lessons of sustainable water management may be achieved through dialogue and partnerships between the North and the South. This, in turn, is an important factor in enhancing the adaptive capacity of the people in the South. It is interesting that combining the global water vision with action at the local level was evident in the 1992 Earth Summit and Agenda 21. Both these global initiatives advocate solutions in water management that are characterized by a combination of government decentralization, devolution of local communities of responsibility for natural resources, and community participation.

The value of partnerships at both global and local agendas in water and sustainable development may be understood from various dimensions including: impact, benefits and externalities. ‘Think global, act local’ is a well-known saying that must be formalized and put to work.

The interactions between the technical and political discourses in water management and sustainable development resulted in an evolution of different paradigms (hydraulic mission, environmental, economic, social and governance).  The following issues represent my views of how new forms of partnerships in water management can evolve across themes, disciplines and time and space.

Partnership for Water, Sustainable Development and Poverty

The implementation of the global agenda Post 2015 should consider the role of water and ecosystem services in sustainable development. Historically, the policies imposed by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank, through the agricultural structural adjustment loan (ASAL), had shifted the economic incentives away from small farms toward large estates producing for export which places many small farmers are at risk of poverty. Water and environmental problems affect the poor the most, yet they are the least equipped to solve these problems.


The indicators of success in the implementation of the global agenda are judged on impact, benefit and outcomes at global, regional, national and local levels. For example, the Brundtland Commission on the Environment and Development‘s proposed answer to global poverty and environmental problems was an annual three per cent increase in the per capita income.

If we apply this global goal to the national/local level, it will yield interesting results. There would be a first-year annual per capita increase (in U.S. dollars) of $633 for the United States, $3.60 for Ethiopia, $5.40 for Bangladesh, $7.50 for Nigeria, $10.80 for China, and $10.50 for India. After ten years, such growth will have raised Ethiopia’s per capita income by $41, while the United States’ will have risen by $7,257. Hence, the local agenda in MENA countries should focus on people-centered development. Local people must benefit from the results of water initiatives.

Partnership for New Water Ethics

It is imperative to adhere to a global ethics in terms of sustainable development. Studies show that a preference for local solutions is justified only by the notion of equity, interpreted as the need to prevent shifting problems to others or elsewhere. Shifting problems to other places is not equitable for the part of the generation given the problem (from an intra-generational equity point-of-view). Ignoring problems is not equitable for the following generation (from an intergenerational point of view).

Global and Local Water Partnership

Water is essential for our survival

Hence, the MENA region must insist on its right to maintain an environment free of hazardous waste or any form of pollution that may affect human health. Simply said, we all live downstream. Mainstreaming culture and values in water management discourse is crucial to ensure relevance and impact.

Partnership for Water Governance, Equity and Human Rights

MENA countries must continue to strengthen and build the capacity of all institutions of the civil society. The civic intelligence should be enhanced to realize that sustainable development is a human right.

The basic question, ‘Who gets what and why?’ has both equity and ethical dimensions. Establishing a shared vision (constructing a joint reality) of sustainable development among the global and local stakeholders helps address environmental security, equity and ethics.  Policy makers in the Middle East and North Africa region should consider the role of indigenous people (like farmers) in the socio-economic development.

Globalization is characterized by two competing salient forces — the integration and marginalization forces. There are two different types of globalization — market-based globalization, and civil-society globalization. The marginalization of the poor in the South due to privatization of the utility services may be minimized if we consider the ‘region’ rather that the ‘nation-state’ as the unit of analysis. Jordan must continue to harmonize the Arab regional vision to ensure sustainable development.

Democratization and public participation is a necessary condition for achieving sustainable development.  MENA countries must enhance both the efficiency and efficacy of “governance” in strategic water management. Transparent indicators must be established and enforced to attain this goal after the social changes and entropy of the region after 2011.

Finally, a shift in thinking is needed in the new global economy and thus water partnerships. Instead of adopting the saying ‘Think global, act local’, we must adhere to a motto of  ‘Globalize consciousness, regionalize vision, and localize benefits’.

ROOTA and the 4 E’s – Helping a Marginalized Community in Cairo

Rising Out Of The Ashes (ROOTA) is a Canadian Registered Charity with the objective of alleviating poverty and improving education.  For the onset, ROOTA started by helping the marginalized community of the Zabaleen (which stands for Trash Collectors in slang Egyptian) of Manshayet Nasser.  Work with our boots on the ground The Association for the Protection of the Environment, we service a population of around 45,000.

Roota Charity

What is ROOTA’s goal?   

Education, and Income Generating Projects

We achieve this through the 4 E’s – Environment, Education, Empowerment and Employment – which are interacted and work in unison.  The Zabaleen are farmers who migrated in 1940 to upper Egypt seeking a better life.  They became responsible for recycling around 80 percent of the garbage in Cairo sifting through the garbage segregating waste and recyclable products with the objective of repurposing what they can thus saving the environment.

helping the zabaleens of cairo

A  typical day starts around 2AM going through the quiet streets of Cairo collecting garbage from every apartment, from floor to floor  accumulating  garbage in a big sack, throwing it  on his back (it is always a he), and eventually settling it on the donkey cart which he has been traveling with through the streets of Cairo until around 6 a.m.  Arriving in Garbage city  he delivers the goods to the women in the family i.e.  daughters, mother, sisters, who start sifting through the garbage.

ROOTA objective is  to help the Zabaleen do what they do in a more efficient way by providing them with opportunities of education, empowerment and employment.  Education opens a wealth of knowledge and thus enabling them to apply more advanced and healthier methods helping the environment and our lives.  During one of my visits I was flabbergasted to observe young women wearing protective gloves while sifting through garbage…that was a beam of light and hope.

ROOTA  offers opportunities for adult and children education.  For adults’ education, scholarships for qualified candidates to continue higher studies at colleges and universities for those who aspire to achieve a dream of a career.  In addition, literacy classes through the Condensed Literacy Education (CLE) program for a period of nine months after which the participants sit for a government exam to obtain the primary degree certificate which has a  rate of success around 75%.    It costs around $50.00 to support the Zabaleen for the CLE and scholarships.

For Children, ROOTA, offers an after school tutoring program, and day care services for around 400 students. The women usually have to attend to their children and to facilitate their participations in the programs offered, the women are encouraged to bring their children with them when being involved in a program. ROOTA offers the children day care services, and meals i.e. breakfast and lunch.  In addition, tutoring is given to those students who are in need of extra help with their studies or have dropped out of school due to family circumstances.

health camp for zabaleen

ROOTA supports as well opportunities for economic development by offering Income Generating Projects teaching Zabaleen women  for a period of three months to work on looms and sewing machines.  It also, installs home looms which costs $500.00ea for those who wish to work from home due to family situations, allowing them an extra income to help the family entity and aspiring to achieve economic development for this community.  Thus comes empowerment and employment opportunities.

ROOTA aspirations for 2021/22 is two fold: supporting 10 Zabaleen with scholarships  and  keeping kids in school and be a lighthouse for hope.

For more information:

Rising Out OThe Ashes
91 Rylander Blvd, Unit 7, Box 460, Toronto,  ON  M1B5M5, Canada
Charitable 783861529 RR 0001

Strategic Water Management in the 21st Century

The global water crisis in the 21st century is related to many economic, political, and social factors. A lot of people believe that the main reason behind the crisis lies in poor strategic water management and not in the lack of resources. It is estimated that in a few years almost half of the world’s population will live in water-stressed areas, such as MENA, where inhabitants will struggle to gain access to clean water.


Saving the Environment

It is no secret that the environmental pollution is affecting every aspect of our lives. But when it comes to water resources, the problem is very obvious. Most of the water available on our planet is contaminated and has to go through a lot of filtration processes before it is available for use.

This means that governments need to work by establishing effective laws that criminalize the contamination of resources. At the same time, they should invest in clean water in order to establish filtration stations. Moreover, they will have to keep an eye on new technologies that they all have to adopt in order to save the current supply of clean water.

In the majority of the poor and developing countries, the inadequately made infrastructure is the reason why a lot of clean water ends up in waste. Most of these countries have no specific laws or tactics that can be used to benefit from wastewater or other purposes.

Pollution is also one of the reasons why most of the water available is left unused. You can definitely write an incredible research paper on the topic with the help of But solving the problem is a little bit more challenging.

In order to remove waste and chemicals, water has to be treated extensively. The process is expensive and most developing countries can’t afford these technologies. So, they switch to other resources that are already easier to use.

Water Wars in Asia

In some areas in the world, there is already a political, even a military, conflict because of the scarcity of water. India and Pakistan are already fighting over resources. The 2 neighbor countries are currently heading towards a military crisis that might damage the ecology of the region for good. India is planning to build 3 dams which will redirect the flow of its rivers away thus blocking Pakistan’s access to the supply coming from the Ravi, Sutlej, and Beas rivers.

Although the 2 countries already have a successful treaty that they both signed in the 1960s, new political, economic, and industrial changes have made some of the terms seem obsolete especially to the Indian side. Today, India believes that some of the resources that run to Pakistan are already affecting its industrial and economic progress and development.

A New Conflict Over the River Nile

There is also another conflict going on between Egypt, Sudan, and Ethiopia. For centuries, Egypt has enjoyed the generous flow of the River Nile that provided for the Egyptians and was the main reason behind the boom of the Ancient Egyptian Civilization. Moreover, in the 1960s Egypt was able to build the High Dam that was used to save water in times of drought as well as generate enough electricity to fund the modern industrial revolution.

The new war is taking place between Egypt on one side and Ethiopia on the other, while Sudan is in the middle between the two neighboring countries. The dispute started when Ethiopia decided to build a dam that will block most of Egypt’s water supply. Ethiopia claims that Egypt has politically controlled the Nile for decades and even centuries and it was about time that this all changed.

With the help of Israel, Ethiopia decided to build this dam until it was almost finished during a period where Egypt was dealing with a lot of internal political unrest. Ethiopia claims that the dam is essential for the country’s development as it will help to provide the electricity needed to fund an industrial progress, pretty much what Egypt did about 6 decades ago. However, with the population increase in Egypt, the new dam presents a strategic threat.

Although Egypt has built their Aswan Dam to preserve water, a lot goes wasted due to poor water management and the lack of investment in resources’ preservation. Strategic experts believe that Egypt will start to suffer from immense water shortages over the next decade.

People Have to Change

Dealing with the crisis starts with raising water awareness. A lot of people don’t realize that our planet can eventually run out of clean water. The increase in population presents a huge increase in demand that the current resources are unable to provide. People can do a few things that will help preserve water, one person at a time.


Climate change is profoundly affecting water resources in the Middle East

Using wastewater for irrigation is one of the best solutions to make use of wastewater without spending a lot of money or resources on chemical treatments. A lot of people should also learn about the smart domestic use of water at home. This will include the amount of time and the way they use water while brushing their teeth or taking a shower. Home residents should make the necessary investment in home appliances like washing machines and dishwashers especially the ones that use less water and energy.

A crisis is not going to affect one region or country in particular. Climate change is going to aggravate the water crisis in the coming years in water-stressed regions of the world. The environmental, ecological, social, and political effects can be widely spread across the globe. For example, the scarcity of water will affect several ecosystems involving the lives of animals, fish, birds, and plants. As a result, a lot of animals can go extinct due to the uncontrollable drought.

At the same time, the shortage in water can lead to the development of a lot of health problems that are going to affect millions of people. It is important that all countries should cooperate to come up with better water crisis management strategies to help our planet survive.

7 Reasons Why You Should Choose Zero Valent Iron Powder

Zero Valent Iron, also abbreviated as ZVI, is widely used for soil remediation and groundwater remediation. It is used as a reductant by degrading a variety contaminants found in the environment. A variety of other similar sites benefit from this powder’s characteristics, e.g. mine water drainage. This bulk reducing agent comes in various grades which influence the method of injection into any site. These methods of injection include:

  1. Direct Push Injection Method
  2. Hydraulic Fracturing and Injection
  3. Pneumatic Fracturing and Injection
  4. Injection Wells

The above injection methods all come with various advantages and disadvantages, both dependent on the ZVI particle size chosen and the site properties. For more details on these methods, you can visit and learn more about Zero Valent Iron.

benefits of zero valent iron

Let us now look at reasons why you should add Zero Valent Iron Powder to your shopping cart.

1. Zero Valent Iron is Durable

When out shopping for an agent that converts contaminants to non-toxic matter, you want something that will last long. It’s made of the best prevention chemicals that keeps it on the right state for a long time. ZVI has that characteristic and it guarantees longevity of between 3-15 years. This time frame is dependent on the:

  • Zero Valent Iron Grade

The finer the powder particles are, the more reactive it is with the contaminants and the faster its ability to come into contact with the contaminants. The more coarse the particles, the longer it will take to react and also the longer its presence on your site.

  • Contaminated Site conditions

Every site comes with different characteristics as discussed below. The intensity with which your site is contaminated will determine the amount applied which in effect will affect the length it lasts on site.

soil remediation

2. Multiple Grades

This characteristic is ideal because every site has different requirements. These requirements vary due to a difference in geological settings which come with different contaminant profiles. One of the things that highly influence ZVI’s reactivity is grade particles.

This will help people is choosing the best grade depending on their income and purchasing power. Having a site inspection before purchasing ZVI is ideal because that will help determine the grade required for your site. It will also help in determining the length that ZVI will serve you.

3. Zero Valent Iron is Safe

This means that it does not cause more harm to your site by either introducing more harmful chemicals or reacting with your site’s soil. It only reacts with harmful contaminants leaving your site to perform as you desire.

Daughter products DCE and VC are harmful products which are produced during remediation processes but when you choose Zero Valent Iron, their production is minimized. It said to be safe for use for all the ages. It does not have serious side effects on the user.

4. Injection in Hard to Reach Surfaces

ZVI’s characteristics of coming in varying size particles is a gift that keeps on giving because it enables injection in hard to reach places. These size options have also encouraged the advances in injection methods. These methods make it efficient for any consumer regardless of their geological location or site contamination to find a method that best works for them.

5. Cost Effective

Its longevity characteristic goes a long way in saving the ZVI user the agony of replenishing fast depleting stock. When the ZVI powder is well paired with your site requirements, you are in a position to better plan on usage and purchase requirements.

6. Degrades a Vast Number of Contaminants

Not only does this contaminant come highly praised in longevity, it also reacts will a large number of contaminants. Most of these, if not all, can be found in one site hence reducing the need for purchasing another type of reductant. Some of these contaminants include:

  • Phenol
  • Dyes
  • Nitrate
  • Heavy metals
  • Arsenic
  • Nitroaromatic compounds
  • Chlorinated organic compounds

7. Various types within the ZVI family

There are several types of Zero Valent Iron which all come with a variety of advantages for any ideal consumer. These types include:

(1) Ferox Flow ZeroValent Iron Powder

  • It is the most flexible in the ZVI family and can work on any site
  • It is 95% pure ZVI and has no residual oils
  • It is very cost-effective
  • It provides a long term treatment solution due to its direct placement characteristic

(2) Ferox PRB ZeroValent Iron Powder

  • Is mainly designed for groundwater and soil remediation
  • It is free of rust and dust
  • It is ideal for effective long time reactivity life
  • It is cost effective
  • It can be combined with Ferox flow in cases of sites with high concentration and still maintain its longevity characteristic

(3) Ferox Target ZeroValent Iron Powder

  • Provides high reactivity but a shorter treatment life
  • Reacts abiotically with contaminants. This helps in bypassing harmful daughter products (DCE and vinyl chloride)
  • It is 95% pure ZVI and has no residual oils
  • It can also be combined with Ferox flow for the purpose of providing additional reactivity and longevity

(4) Ferox Plus Emulsified Zero Valent Iron (Ezvi)

  • It has vast experience in ground water and soil remediation
  • It is used to dehalogenate hydrocarbons such as VC, CFC, PCE and TCE
  • It is easy to inject
  • It arrives at the site in its ready to use form
  • Reduced treatment time
  • Cost efficient for sites within which chlorinated solvents have been identified
  • Consists of nano/micro scale ZVI
  • Ferox Plus bridges the chlorinated DNAPL remediation limitations on expenses and poor available technology

Final Remarks

Is your site in dire need of chemical reduction? Then ZVI is definitely the choice product for you. Having gone through all the above advantages of ZVI, you are guaranteed quality results when you purchase this oxidant. Its safety characteristic guarantees a restoration of your soil instead of causing more damage. The guaranteed longevity period comes well proven leaving you the choice as to which grade will suit you best.

With increasing technology and the variety that comes with this ZVI iron reductant, you are guaranteed to find a cost effective product that works for you. The various types within the Zero Valent Iron work together in cases of limitations, with ZVI you are guaranteed quality for your money.

العاصفه اليكسا – الجوانب الايجابيه لمنطقه الشرق الاوسط

شهد العام 2013 تحول في التاريخ عندما اجتاحت العاصفة اليكسا منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا حيث جلبت العواصف الثلجية والأمطار الغزيرة والرياح الجليدية لهذه المنطقة التي لم تشهد مثل هذه العاصفة منذ أكثر من 100 عام.  حيث تسببت العاصفة اليكسا بالفيضانات المدمرة في المدن العربية، مثل غزة، وانقطاع التيار الكهربائي في بعض مناطق الأردن.و تساقطت الثلوج بغزارة في الأردن و التي  غطت الشوارع، مما أعاق الحركة واجبرت الناس على المكوث في منازلهم لعدة أيام.  لقد جلبت هذه العاصفة أيضا المشقة والبؤس لللاجئين السوريين حيث  عانوا البرد القارس في خيام هشة وملاجئ مؤقتة.

الجوانب الايجابيه

لا نريد التقليل من شأن  الصعوبات و المعاناه الانفه الذكر التي تسببت بها اليكسا الا ان  مثل هذه العاصفه من شأنها ان تكون مفيده من جانب واحد الا وهو كميه المياه التي جلبت للمنطقة. لقد جلبت العاصفة اليكسا  وفره من المياه لمنطقه تعاني من شح شديد فيه. تأثيرات شح المياه اصبحت محسوسه بشكل واضح وسريع في جميع انحاء المنطقه,حيث تؤثر على بلدان مثل الاردن ومصر وفلسطين. وبالتالي فأن هذا الانهمار من الماء  يمكن ان يجلب بعض الراحه من حيث  وفره المياه مع جريان مياه الامطار وتساقط الثلوج الذي يعد مصدرا للمياه العذبه.

ولكن للاسف فأن هذه المصادر اديرت بصوره سيئه جدا مما تسببت بحدوث الفيضانات و اغلاق الطرق والشوارع بالثلوج. مياه الامطار الفائضه اختلطت مع مياه الصرف الصحي مسببه فيضان من مياه الصرف الصحي غمرت جميع انحاء المدن و البلدات المحليه . مما نتج عن ذلك حدوث مشاكل صحيه ضاره بين السكان المقيمين, الذين دعوا  للخروج بحلول سريعه  لمعاناتهم.

حل واحد يمكن استخدامه الا و هوحصاد مياه الفيضان و كميات الثلوج الكبيره. حصاد مثل مصادر المياه هذه  من شانه ان يقلل من اثار ندره المياه و الحد من الاضرار الماديه  للمدن و البلديات .

حالما يتم جمع مصادر المياه هذه , وجب عليهم معالجتها قبل استعمالها .و ما ان تتم معالجتها يمكن استخدام المياه في نشاطات متنوعه كالري او اي نوع من الاستخدامات المنزليه.

دراسه حاله – عمان

على مدار العاصفة ، شهدت عمان كميات وافرة من الثلوج والأمطار التي وضعت المدينة في ما بدا وكأنه طريق مسدود. وقد اضحى السكان غير قادر على الذهاب إلى العمل وأداء روتينهم اليومي . وقد غطت الثلوج  الشوارع التي وصلت إلى 3 أقدام ، مما جعل من الصعب جدا التنقل عليها . على الرغم من أن تساقط الثلوج كان له  تداعياته الضارة ، فهو مصدر للمياه العذبة . أن حصاد تلك المياه و الثلوج التي انهمرت  كان يمكن ان يكون إجراء بسيط نسبيا من شأنه ان يجنب  المدينه من الطريق المسدود التي وصلت اليه.

ان مثل هذا  الإجراء يتطلب قوى عاملة ، جنبا إلى جنب مع شاحنات ناقله ، لتعين الخروج إلى الشوارع و البدء في جمع أكبر قدر ممكن من الثلوج .حالما يتم جمعها، سيتم نقلها إلى أقرب محطة لمعالجة مياه الصرف الصحي ، مثل محطة معالجة مياه صرف السمرة التي  تقع في  منطقه عمان الرصيفة الزرقاء الكبرى   (هناك حاليا 26 محطه معالجة مياه الصرف الصحي في الأردن) .حالما يتم  معالجتها فان  المياه المنتجة يمكن أن تضاف إلى منظومه شبكه أنابيب المياه وتوزيعهاعلى البيوت.

حصاد ومعالجة هذه المصادر المائية تخفف من آثار ندرة المياه حتى لو لفترة زمنية قصيرة. فهو مفيد من حيث عدة طرق:

تتيح لطبقات المياه الجوفية و الأنهار الوقت للتجديد (حتى لو لفترة قصيرة)

يقلل من التكاليف المالية التي تنفق على استخراج المياه ( لفترة زمنية قصيرة)

يقلل من كمية الوقود الأحفوري المستخدم أثناء استخراج المياه ( الحد من اطلاق غاز  ثاني اوكسيد الكربون( CO2

ازاله الثلوج من الشوارع  التي تمكن الناس من العوده إلى روتين حياتهم اليومية  و عملهم .

للتغلب على التحديات

وغني عن القول ، معالجة مياه الصرف الصحي لديها جوانبها السيئه . الأولى، هي الطاقة المكثفة و متطلباتها الماليه. وثانيها ، فإنه يتطلب قدرات تكنولوجية متقدمة للغاية.اما الثالث ، فانها تتطلب مساحة كبيرة لتنفيذها. باستثناء الأردن و مقدار قليل من دول اخرى في المنطقة ،  ليس الكثير منهم لديه القدرات الاقتصادية والتكنولوجية للخضوع لمثل  هذا النوع  من إدارة المياه. تتفاقم المشكلة من جراء الصراع السياسي في المنطقة التي تشهده حاليا . دول مثل سوريا وفلسطين لديها قيود سياسية أكثر من غيرها  والتي لا تسمح لها باستخدام هذا المصدر المائي لكامل إمكاناتها .

ومع ذلك ، هناك طرق أبسط لمعالجة مياه الصرف الصحي التي لا تعتمد بشدة اقتصاديا و تقنيا.مثل هذه التقنيات تتطلب مساحة كبيرة حيث يسمح  لمياه الأمطار الزائدة بتخزينها لفترة معينة من الزمن، والذي يسمح للاوساخ بالاستقرار في الجزء السفلي من المنطقة ( التي يتم فيها تخزين المياه ) . ثم يتم تمرير المياه من خلال شاشة تصفية كبيرة تزيل الاوساخ المتبقية و البكتيريا من الماء. هذه الطريقه لا تعالج المياه كما تعالجها محطات معالجة مياه الصرف الصحي ، لكنها تعالج بما يكفي من أجل إعادة استخدامها لمماراسات معينه (مثل الري ، والغسالات، و الاستحمام).


مع اعلان الأمم المتحدة عام 2013 “السنة الدولية لتعاون المياه” ,أصبحت ندرة المياه التهديد الأكثر حاليا الذي يواجهه العالم. ندرة المياه  الاكثر حده في منطقة الشرق الأوسط  حيث لا يملك سوى 1٪ من موارد المياه الصالحة للاستخدام في العالم، في حين وجود 5٪ من سكان العالم في هذه المنطقه. ومع زياده تعداد  سكان منطقه الشرق الاوسط أبعد من ذلك، فأن  من المرجح ان تزيد ندرة المياه, مع توقعات تشير إلى أن منطقة الشرق الأوسط  سوف  تنفذ من المياه بحلول عام 2050.


سلام عبدالكريم عبابنه

مهندسه مدنية في شركة المسار المتحده للمقاولات – مهتمه في مجال البيئه و الطاقة المتجدده

استخراج الطاقة من النفايات

انظمة التحويل الحراري (أو الكيمو حرارية) تبدا بتكنولوجيا تحويل النفايات إلى حرارة عن طريق تحويلها لوقود اولا بشكل غازي او سائل، كما يمكنها التحويل باستخدام تقنية التحويل الثانوية التحويلها الى اشكال أكثر فائدة من الطاقة( حرارية و كهربائية). هناك مجموعة واسعة من التقنيات موجودة لتحويل الطاقة المخزونة في النفايات إلى أشكال مختلفة من الطاقة. هذه التقنيات يمكن تصنيفها وفقا للناقل الرئيسي للطاقة المنتجة في عملية التحويل. اشكال الطاقة من غاز، سائل  أو صلبة، وهذا تعتمد على طريقة ونسبة الأكسجين في اثناء عملية التحويل (عادة هواء).

الطرق الرئيسية الثلاثة للتحويل وفقا لآشكال الوقود الناتج هي الاحتراق المباشر في الهواء الزائد ، تحويل في خفض الهواء (وقود سائل/غازي)، والانحلال الحراري في غياب الهواء لاستخراج وقود صلب .

thermal conversion of waste

الاحتراق المباشر

تقنيات الاحتراق التقليدية ينتج عنها بخار من خلال حرق النفايات. ومن ثم يمكن توسيع هذا البخار من خلال توربو المولد لإنتاج الكهرباء. (Fluidized bed combustors)، والتي تستخدم  مادة خاملة صلبة مثل الرمل لتساعد في نقل الطاقة وتحويلها بشكل افضل وهذه التقنية تعتبر اكثر تطور. وتستخدم ايضا  (Bubbling fluidized bed combustors)  في مدى 10-30 ميغاوات بينما اضافة التدوير بميزة (Circulation) افضل للأحجم الأكبر. 

عملية التحويل لوقو غازي

طريقة التحويل في هذه العملية تعتمد على نسبة الأكسجين (هواء) في عملية الاحتراق وتقليلها لينتج غاز اول اكسيد الكربون والهيدروجين ومن ثم يمكن تحويلها لغاز طبيعي. غازان الهيدروجين واول اكسيد الكربون ذو قيمة حرارية أقل من الغاز الطبيعي ولكن لا يزال من الممكن استخدامها كوقود للغلايات، لمحركات للتوربينات بعد تنظيف مجرى الغاز من القطران والجسيمات.

الانحلال الحراري (وقود صلب)

الانحلال الحراري هو مصطلح يطلق على الانحلال الحراري للخشب في غياب الأكسجين. فإنه يتم تحويل النفايات إلى مجموعة من فحم صلب وغاز ونفط حيوي. وتصنف هذه التقنية لأنحلال حراري “سريع” أو “بطيء” وفقا للوقت الذي يستغرقه تجهيز المواد المراد تحويلها إلى وقود صلب بالانحلال الحراري. باستخدام الانحلال الحراري السريع، يمكن استخراج نفط حيوي بنسبة تصل إلى 80 في المئة من الناتج لهذا التفاعل. النفط الحيوي يمكن أن يكون بمثابة وقود سائل أو كمادة وسيطة لإنتاج المواد الكيميائية.


صخر فهد الهذلي- مهندس كيميائي.  جدة، المملكه العربيه السعوديه