تونس: التهديد المناخي على الأبواب

ألقت التغيرات المناخية بظلالها على تونس التي تعرف منذ منتصف شهر يونيو موجة حر غير مسبوقة وصلت خلالها درجات الحرارة إلى مستويات قياسية. تبدو ولاية تطاوين في أقصى الجنوب إحدى أكثر المناطق تضررا من ارتفاع  معدلات الحرارة، إذ تصل نسبة الصحراء فيها إلى أكثر من تسعين بالمائة وتتميز بمناخ قاحل يكاد أن يكون الغطاء النباتي فيها معدوماً، باستثناء بعض النباتات الصحراوية القليلة مثل النباتات التي تنتمي لعائلة الصباريات، والشيح، والقيصوم، وبعض النباتات الحوليّة الصحراوية  وهو ما يجعل تأثير الحرارة في هذه المنطقة الجافة أشد وطأة .


في هذا الإطار، نشرت جمعية حماية البيئة بذهيبة صورا مفزعة لنفوق عدد من الغزلان بمنطقة الظاهر وهو ما أثار الكثير من الجدل حول قدرة الجهة على الحفاظ على ثروتها الحيوانية التي يتهددها كذلك الصيد العشوائي ومحدودية  التساقطات. وأكد لنا رئيس الجمعية  سامي عون أنهم بصدد دراسة مشروع مظلات صحراوية لحماية مختلف الحيوانات البرية بالشراكة مع ادارة الغابات بوزارة الفلاحة.

لا تبدو هذه الحادثة بمعزل من التحديات الكبرى التي تواجهها تونس للتكيف مع آثار التغيرات المناخية .

إذ تفيد توقعات وزارة البيئة والتنمية المستديمة أن معدلات الأمطار السنوية ستنخفض بنسبة تتراوح بين 10% بالشمال الغربي و30% بأقصى جنوب البلاد مع حلول سنة 2050 . إضافة إلى ذلك، أضحى تأثير تغير المناخ  على الموارد المائية والنظم البيئية والفلاحية (انتاج زيت الزيتون، الأشجار المثمرة، تربية الماشية، الزراعات البعلية) أمرا واقعا  وهو ما سيرفع  من حجم الضغوطات على الفلاحين خصوصا أنّ بعض الأنشطة الفلاحية قد لا يمكن لها في المستقبل ان تتأقلم مع الظواهر القصوى للتغيرات المناخية.

لا تقف تهديدات التغيرات المناخية عند هذا الحد ، إذ في صورة تواصل ارتفاع معدلات درجات الحرارة بالمستوى الحالي، وحسب السيناريو الأقصى المحتمل بينت دراسة أعدتها  الهيئة الدولية لخبراء المناخ ان مساحات تناهز 2600 هكتار يمكن ان تتعرض الى انجراف بحري ونقص في الخصوبة بدلتا وادي مجردة ، علاوة على إمكانية تعرض منطقة خليج الحمامات الى انجراف بحري على مساحة جملية تناهز 1900 هكتار وخاصة على مستوى سبخة سيدي خليفة

كما بينت الدراسة حسب السيناريو الاقصى المحتمل انه يتوقع ان تتحول اكثر من 10 سباخ الى بحيرات تمسح 730 هكتارا محاطة بمناطق رطبة تناهز مساحتها 730 هكتارا بمجموعة من السباخ الساحلية للوطن القبلي وتحول  ارخبيل قرقنة الى مجموعة اكبر من الجزر الصغيرة (قرابة 30% من المساحة الاجمالية للارخبيل معرضة للانجراف البحري).

في المقابل ، لا تعكس الإجراءات على الواقع وعيا بخطورة التهديدات التي تعرض مستقبل الأجيال القادمة ، حيث ساهمت معدلات الحرارة المرتفعة في تسليط الضوء على هشاشة المنظومة المائية. فقد تعرضت معظم المدن التونسية خلال هذا الصيف إلى آنقطاعات متكررة في تدفق المياه . في هذا الصدد، أكد السيد علاء المرزوقي رئيس  المرصد التونسي للمياه، وهي منظمة غير حكومية، أن تونس قد سجلت خلال شهر يونيو الماضي أكثر من 270 حالة انقطاع للمياه الصالحة للشرب في مدن قفصة و القيروان وتطاوين .

ولمواجهة هذه الأزمة الحادة، أعلنت تونس لأول مرة اللجوء إلى المخزون الاستراتيجي للمياه من أجل تغطية النقص الحاصل في التزويد رغم أن معدل الموارد المائية للفرد الواحد لا يتجاوز 385 متر مكعب في السنة أي بفارق يتجاوز600 متر مكعب عن حاجياته التي أقرها برنامج الأمم المتحدة.

و بحسب أرقام وزارة الفلاحة، تسجل تونس عجزا سنويا يقدر ب 275 مليون متر مكعب، بينما تبلغ مواردها المائية نحو 4503 مليون متر مكعب وذلك نتيجة ارتفاع نسق الاستهلاك وتراجع منسوب المياه المخزنة.

رغم دسترة الحق في بيئة سليمة ، لا يزل نسق مواجهة التحديات البيئية بتونس بطيئا ، والتحرك الآن لتنفيذ مخطط  عمل متكامل أضحى أولوية قصوى بهدف وضع منوال تنموي أكثر تكيّفا  مع التغيرات المناخية.

مستقبل تحلية المياة لمنطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا

water-desalination_middle-eastتحلية المياه هي عملية معالجة للمياه يتم فيها فصل الأملاح من المياه المالحة لانتاج مياه صالحة للشرب. عملية التحلية تستهلك كمية كبيرة من الطاقة لانتاج الماء العذب من مصادر المياة المالحة. يتم ضخ الماء المالح في عملية التحلية وتكون المخرجات عبارة عن خط ماء عذب بالاضافة لخط أخر من المياة عالية الملوحه جداً.

يوجد أكثر من 15000 وحدة تنقية مياه على المستوى الصناعي في العالم، بطاقة اجمالية تزيد على 8.5 مليار جالون يومياً. يتفوق أسلوب الترشيح بالأغشية في هذا المجال حيث تبلغ نسبته حوالي 44% من اجمالي الطاقة الاجمالية، يليه التحلية بالتسخين MSF بنسبة حوالي 40 %. وبالنسبة للمصادر، تمثل مياة البحار حوالي 58 % والمياه الجوفية المالحة نسبة 23 % والباقي من مصادر أخرى كالانهار والبحيرات المالحة.

مشاكل المياة في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال افريقيا

الحصول على الماء العذب يعد من أكبر مجالات الاهتمامات الصحية اليوم. فمنطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال افريقيا من أكثر مناطق العالم جفافا. وتؤدي معدلات زيادة السكان العالية بالاضافة للتمدن والزيادة الصناعية مع ندرة المصادر الطبيعيه للماء العذب الي عجز حقيقي في الماء العذب في هذه المنطقة. مصادر المياه العذبه في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال افريقيا يساء استغلالها دائماً مما يؤدي حتما الي زيادة الطلب على المياه المحلاه للحفاظ على مستوى مقبول من امدادات المياه.

ان محطات التحلية التقليديه كبيرة الحجم عالية التكلفة وشديدة الاستهلاك للطاقة، وليست مناسبة للبلدان الفقيرة في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال افريقيا للزيادة في تكاليف الوقود الأحفوري. بالاضافة لذلك، التأثير البيئي لهذه المحطات يعد خطراً على مستوى الانبعاثات الناتجة من استهلاك الطاقة وصرف المحلول الملحي في البحر. المحلول الملحي الناتج له كثافة ملح عالية جدا ويحتوي ايضاً على بقايا لكيماويات ومعادن ناتجه من عملية التحلية مما يهدد الحياة البحرية.

التأثير السلبي لعمليات التحلية يمكن تقليله الي حد ما عن طريق استخدام الطاقة المتجددة لتغذية المحطات بالطاقة. فالمحطات المداره بالطاقة المتجددة تقدم طريقة مستدامة لزيادة توريد المياه العذبة لدول المنطقة، فدول المنطقة لديها امكانيات كبيرة في طاقة الرياح والطاقة الشمسية، والتي يمكن استخدامها بكفاءة في عمليات التحلية مثل التناضح العكسي، والفصل الكهربي وعمليات الفلتره. ان المحطات المداره بالطاقة المتجددة ستزداد جاذبيتها مع تقدم التكنلوجيات وزيادة اسعار الماء العذب والوقود الأحفوري.

محطات التحلية المدارة بالطاقة الشمسية

يمكن استخدام الطاقة الشمسية مباشرة او بشكل غير مباشر في عملية التحلية. أنظمة التجميع التي تستخدم الطاقة الشمسية للتجميع مباشرة في المجمعات الشمسيه تسمى نظم مباشرة، بينما العمليات التي تستخدم مزيج من الطاقة الشمسية مع الطاقة التقليدية  للتحلية تسمى نظم غير مباشرة. العقبة الرئيسية في استخدام الطاقة الحرارية الشمسية على نطاق محطات التحلية الكبيرة هي قلة معدل الانتاجية، وقلة الكفاءة الحرارية واحتياجها لمساحات واسعة. محطات التحلية المعتمدة على الطاقة الحرارية الشمسية تناسب الاحتياجات الصغيره خصوصا في المناطق البعيده والقاحلة والجزر التي تعاني فقرا في مصادر الطاقة التقليدية.


مشاريع المياه تعتبر من المشاريع المكلفة

تقدم الطاقة الشمسية المركزة (CSP) خياراً جذاباً لتزويد مجال التحلية على المستوى الصناعي بالطاقة اللازمة والتي تحتاج الي سوائل عالية الحرارة وطاقة كهربائية. وتوفر الطاقة الشمسية المركزة طاقة مستقرة للاستخدام المستمر لعمليات محطات التحلية المعتمدة على التسخين او الأغشية في عمليتها. في الواقع، بدأت دول كثيرة في المنطقة كالأردن ومصر والمملكة العربية في تطوير مشاريع تحلية ضخمه معتمدة على الطاقة الشمسية المركزة تبشر بعهد جديد في منطقة الشرق الأوسط.

ان منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال افريقيا لديها امكانيات ضخمة في مجال الطاقة الشمسية والتي تسهل عملية توليد الطاقة اللازمة لتعويض العجز الظاهر في الماء الصالح للشرب. قد تتعرض المنطقة لأزمة مياه شديدة مع عدد السكان الذي من المتوقع ان يتضاعف بحلول عام 2050. يمكن لمحطات التحلية التي تعمل بالطاقة الشمسية مع الاستعمال السليم لمخزون المياه واعادة استعمال مياه الصرف ان تساعد في التقليل من الأزمة المائية في المنطقة. وسوف تقلل ايضاً من الاعباء المادية على حكومات المنطقة من قطاع المياه والكهرباء، ومن ثم توجيه هذه المخصصات المالية في قطاعات أهم كالتعليم والصحة والقطاع الصناعي.

ترجمة: طه واكد – مهندس مدني مهتم بشؤون البيئة – مصر

شريك مؤسس في مشروع دقيقة خضراء  –  معد وكاتب حلقات دقيقة خضراء عاليوتيوب

للتواصل عبر taha.waked@gmail.com   أو admin@green-min.com

Sustainable Solutions: Home Electrical Upgrades

Lights that flicker, half-functional outlets, old technology…sound familiar? You’re not alone in wanting to move past these outdated annoyances.

It’s time to upgrade your home’s electrical system, and while we’re at it, why not turn it into a sustainable haven? This isn’t just about making your life more convenient; it’s about contributing positively to the environment and reducing your carbon footprint.

ecofriendly electrical upgrades

In case you need professional help in the south, before enlisting them, arm yourself with knowledge. Below are recommended sustainable solutions to consider for your home electrical upgrades.

Importance of Sustainable Electrical Upgrades

It’s no longer just about convenience and functionality. Upgrading to a sustainable electrical system is a matter of responsibility. Not only are you setting up for cost savings over time, but you’re also helping to protect our environment.

Sustainable electric upgrades can lower energy consumption and reduce waste. Meaning, they take advantage of renewable energy sources and de-emphasize reliance on fossil fuels. This transition reduces greenhouse gas emissions – the primary driving factor in global warming.

You might think ‘Can one household make a difference?’ Yes! Wide-scale change starts at individual levels. By upgrading our home systems, we can each contribute to slowing down the rate of climate change.

Lastly, consider the financial aspect. A more energy-efficient home translates into substantial savings on utility bills. Who wouldn’t want their wallets fattened while safeguarding the Earth?

Energy Efficient Lighting Systems

Think sustainability isn’t as simple as changing a few light bulbs? Check this out: transitioning to LEDs (Light Emitting Diodes) is straightforward and impactful. LEDs are incredibly energy-efficient, using 90% less power than incandescent bulbs. Less energy used means a smaller electricity bill, and fewer greenhouse gasses released into the atmosphere.

LEDs are not just energy efficient, but they also last longer. With an average lifespan of up to 50,000 hours, they outlast traditional bulbs by a significant margin. Fewer replacements mean less waste produced over time.

How Security Lights Enhance The Protection Of The House

The next step in lighting evolution is integrating smart technology. Smart lighting systems can adapt to natural light levels or be programmed to operate only when necessary, further reducing electricity usage.

Don’t discount the aesthetic element either. Smart lighting can create different moods and atmospheres at the touch of a button. Who knew sustainability could look and feel this good?

Solar Energy Utilization

Capitalize on the limitless power of the sun by investing in solar panels. This renewable energy source reduces dependence on fossil fuels, curbing greenhouse gas emissions in the process.

What about the cost? While the upfront price may seem steep, most homeowners recoup their initial investment within seven to ten years through energy savings. Many countries also offer incentives like tax credits for making the switch.

Solar energy contributes positively to your grid-tied home too. Surplus solar energy generated during peak sunlight hours typically gets sent back into the national grid. You earn credit for this excess power that can offset your utility bills.

Around-the-clock reliance on solar energy is possible with a battery storage solution (BSS). A BSS allows you to store unused solar-generated electricity for evening use or during overcast days. Hello, self-sufficiency!

Smart Home Energy Management

The situation is all-too-familiar: rushing out the door, forgetting to turn off a light or an appliance. Modern technology has an answer – smart home energy management systems!

Fancy having control over all electrical functions within your home from a central device? With a smart home system, you can monitor usage, spot wasteful practices, and make changes in real time.

Automated systems are another great feature. They ensure lights shut off when no one’s in the room or appliances don’t run unnecessarily. This intentionally reduces energy usage and costs.

Futuristic Smart Home

Adding a thermostat to your smart home set-up is the cherry on top. Programmable thermostats alter the temperature according to your daily schedule. You’ll use electricity only when you need it most. The result? More savings and less waste.

Upgrading to Energy Star Appliances

Nearly every appliance in your home now comes with an ENERGY STAR® version. These certified appliances use significantly less power than their non-certified counterparts.

These wonders of modern technology have been designed for maximum energy efficiency, often using innovative solutions such as advanced heat pumps (AHP) for heaters and coolers or high-efficiency motors for washing machines.

The benefit over time? You save money due to reduced consumption while actively contributing to a greener planet.

Nationwide programs like Enhanced Capital Allowances (ECAs) encourage companies to design these eco-friendly alternatives. If you thought sustainable living meant sacrificing comfort or convenience, think again!

Water Heating System Alternatives

If you’re seeking to maximize energy efficiency, consider transitioning from your conventional water heater to an alternative. One such option is a tankless water heater. Unlike traditional models, these units only heat water when you actually need it, thus reducing the amount of energy consumed.

Alternatively, you can utilize heat pump water heaters (HPWHs) instead of classic versions that rely majorly on fossil fuels. An HPWH absorbs heat from the environment and transfers it to water, an inherently efficient process. However, remember that HPWHs are best suited for moderate climates where the ambient temperature generally remains between 40 and 90 degrees Fahrenheit.

An even better option? Solar water heating systems harness the sun’s abundance to hot-wire your hot water system. With active and passive system choices available, solar water heaters can be an effective solution no matter your climate or lifestyle.

Lastly, consider using a condensing water heater if your home uses a significant amount of natural gas. Rather than discarding flue gasses like standard models, this appliance captures and releases them to heat up water in your pipes – a brilliant step towards overall energy conservation.

Electric Vehicle Charging Systems

Electric vehicles (EVs) have been on a meteoric rise worldwide – and rightly so! The reason is clear: EVs run on clean energy as opposed to carbon-emitting fossil fuels. To make the most out of your EV, consider installing a home charging station.

A basic charging station is known as a Level 1 Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE). It’s essentially an extension cord for your electric car which you plug into a standard wall outlet. While this doesn’t require extra cost for installation, charging tends to be slow.

Electric Vehicles Pros and Cons

A Level 2 EVSE is a step up, offering faster charging speeds. It requires professional installation as it uses a 240-volt outlet (similar to a clothes dryer). With a Level 2 system, most EVs can be fully charged overnight which could make a hefty difference to your commuting schedule.

Moreover, some electric companies offer incentives for using EVs and installing home chargers. These rebates can help offset the costs of both your vehicle and charging infrastructure, making the leap to sustainable transport easier to navigate.

Home Energy Monitoring Devices

Have you ever wondered about identifying the most energy-draining appliances in your home? With home energy monitors (HEMs), you won’t have to play the guessing game anymore. HEMs provide real-time data about your household’s energy consumption, letting you make informed decisions and adjustments.

Simple HEMs involve a monitor and sensor clip that fits over the power cable at your meter. More advanced units involve “sub-metering” that can track individual appliances or rooms within your home. Most of these systems present data via mobile applications, so you can check them on-the-go.

There’s also the option of whole-house energy management systems that automatically adjust power usage based on preset preferences. These systems combine Home Area Network (HAN) with advanced Meter Infrastructure (AMI) technology to control temperature settings, appliance functioning schedules, lights, and more.

This hands-on approach to electricity management allows for maximum efficiency in energy usage whilst giving you insights into your day-to-day consumption patterns.

Green Power Purchase Options

If generating renewable electricity isn’t feasible for you yet, there’s still a way to contribute positively to our environment – by purchasing green power. Green power represents electricity produced from renewable resources such as wind, solar, and geothermal energy.

Gravitate towards utility companies that offer green power program subscriptions. They supply a percentage or all of your electricity from certified renewable sources. Note: Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) serve as the proof that they do so.

Community solar programs are another practical route to tap into if you lack the resources for personal solar panel installation. Participants share the costs (and benefits) of a collective solar power system.

A Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) allows one to buy power directly from a renewable project owner at a fixed rate, often lower than normal utility rates. Opting for one can be a financially sound and environmentally conscious choice.

Impact of Sustainable Electrical Upgrades

The impact of sustainable electrical upgrades extends beyond just positive implications for our environment. Besides cutting down on carbon emissions and reducing reliance on non-renewable sources of energy, these upgrades carry numerous other advantages.

The most tangible benefit for homeowners is the drastic reduction in energy costs. A lesser-known fact is that increased energy efficiency often results in improved functionality and comfort levels within your home.

Additionally, by branding your home as ‘green’, it stands ahead in the real estate market, where eco-friendly properties command higher prices and faster sales compared to conventional homes.

Moreover, these sustainable solutions help promote local economic growth by creating ‘green’ jobs probing into renewable energy technologies and efficient construction techniques.

In Conclusion

Embracing sustainable solutions for your home’s electrical system is both an environmentally responsible and a cost-effective move. These green upgrades mark significant strides towards reducing our carbon footprint, promoting economic growth, and safeguarding our planet for future generations. After all, every small step counts!

Water Filtration: The Eco-Friendly Choice for Homes

Kickstart the day with water that packs a punch of purity for your health. As concerns of clean water continue to highlight in mainstream discussions, a significant number of homeowners are leaning towards more eco-friendly solutions. The World Health Organization (WHO) reported in 2019, around 785 million people still lack basic drinking water services. The number stresses on our responsibility to make sustainable choices. So why not start with the earth’s most vital resource – water?

home water filtration system

A home water filtration system is a valuable remedy to these ailments and more, with filtap.com.au suggesting a plethora of eco-friendly options available in the market. Read on to delve deeper into why eco-friendliness and water filtration go hand-in-hand, and how you can adapt them for your home.

Importance of Water Filtration

It has become glaringly apparent that unfiltered tap water may pose significant health risks due to the presence of pollutants, heavy metals, and bacteria. These contaminants can contribute to diverse health problems ranging from gastrointestinal issues to neurological disorders.

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) mandates public water systems to meet certain safety standards. However, the quality may be compromised via numerous points before it reaches your home.

Safeguarding your family’s health requires you to take proactive measures; this is where a home water filtration system plays its part. An efficient filtration system works to eliminate or significantly reduce these pollutants, delivering safe drinking water directly from your faucet.

Moreover, filtered water tastes and smells better, enhancing overall hydration levels of family members- especially children who often resist drinking sufficient water due to its taste.

Eco-Friendly Water Filtration Methods

An environmentally-conscious consumer recognizes that bottled water is disastrous for our planet. In contrast, home filtration systems serve as a more eco-friendly alternative by reducing plastic waste.

Some of the greenest methods of filtration include activated carbon filters, ceramic filters and ultraviolet (UV) filters. Activated carbon filters work by trapping contaminants in the pores of positively charged, highly absorbent charcoal. Ceramic filters use the small pore size of their material to filter contaminants out of the water, while UV filters utilize UV light to kill bacteria and other microorganisms.

Furthermore, modern advancements have made way for more eco-conscience designs, like water-saving reverse osmosis systems. These systems are engineered to waste less water compared to traditional Reverse Osmosis (RO) systems.

Moreover, shopping for filters made from sustainable materials or opting for those that offer recyclable parts also contribute towards lower environmental impacts.

Assessing Home Water Quality

When considering a filtration system for your home, the first step is to assess your water quality. Numerous water-testing kits are available in the market for this purpose. These will test for common pollutants such as lead, arsenic, pesticides, and E. coli bacteria among others.

You could also hire professionals to conduct a thorough analysis for Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), hardness levels, pH levels and other chemical contaminants. Do remember that different areas face distinctive water quality issues; hence, knowing your local water composition aids better decision-making.

Furthermore, even if you’re connected to a municipal water source that meets EPA’s safety standards, strategies like chlorination used to disinfect the water pose another set of health concerns including respiratory problems and potential cancer risks. Therefore, self-assessment is key.

Note that changes in quality can happen over time which means re-testing every couple of years is wise.

Selecting Appropriate Filtration Systems

Once you’re familiar with your water quality, choosing a suitable filtration system becomes easier. This said, striking a balance between necessity and affordability is vital.

home water filtration

On one end of the spectrum are pitcher filters – affordable but require frequent replacements and handle fewer pollutants. On the other end are under-sink or whole-house systems that require professional installation and can filter out multiple contaminants efficiently.

Note that no single technology can remove all types of contaminants, the most effective systems use a combination of technologies. For instance, activated carbon combined with UV purification can suspend particles and eliminate microorganisms concurrently.

Filtration systems that last longer before needing replacement are generally cost-efficient and create less waste making them an eco-friendly choice in the long run.

Home Water Filtration System Installation

The final leap in the eco-friendly filtration journey is the actual installation. If you’re doing it yourself, make sure to meticulously follow all provided instructions to avoid leakage and personal injuries.

For whole-house systems or those involving complex procedures, hiring reliable professionals is highly advisable. Their experience broadens understanding of plumbing systems reducing chances of mishaps or future malfunctions.

Maintaining your unit per manufacturer recommendations not only ensures safe drinking water but also extends its lifespan leading to less wastage of parts and equipment – another win for the environment!

Beyond these steps look for any rebates or incentives offered by your utility company or municipality for installing water-efficient appliances including filtration systems. These incentives often offset some of the up-front costs signaling yet another advantage of transitioning to cleaner, tastier, eco-friendly water at home!

Maintaining Your Filtration System

One cardinal rule of making the most out of your water filtration system is regular maintenance. The upkeep measures you opt for depend largely on the type of system you’ve installed. Systems with reusable filters, for instance, electronic Ion Exchange (IX) systems, require frequent cleaning and occasional re-bedding.

A successful maintenance ritual starts with noting replacement dates and adhering to them. This ensures the filter will catch contaminants effectively while prolonging its lifespan. Keeping a close eye on the manufacturer’s guidelines is also imperative. For example, if you utilize Reverse Osmosis (RO) systems, replacing filters at least once a year is usually recommended.

Finally, be observant. Changes in water taste or a slow-down in flow rate may indicate that it’s time for a change or clean. Regular maintenance helps your system function at peak performance consistently while preventing major breakdowns and replacements which helps the environment.

Benefits of Eco-Friendly Water Filtration Systems

  • The most immediate perk users notice after installing a home water filtration system is improved taste and odor. It enhances the sensory appeal of your water, encouraging you to drink more thereby promoting better health.
  • These systems significantly eradicate harmful contaminants like chlorine, lead, E.coli bacteria that could cause harmful health complications.
  • The eco-friendly value these systems add is tremendous. By investing in such methods, you’re choosing reduced plastic consumption which takes a whopping 450 years to degrade adding to environmental pollution. Therefore, it’s no brainer your home filtration system is playing a part in saving the planet.
  • Economically speaking, owning a water filtration system becomes cost-effective over time versus buying bottled water regularly.

Thus, the benefits of installing and using eco-friendly filtration systems are multi-fold, impacting your health, pocket, and ultimately, the planet positively.

Common Misconceptions About Water Filtration

Oftentimes, misconceptions surrounding water filtration serve as deterrents for consumers. One common myth is that tap water in developed countries is entirely safe for consumption. While most tap water resources conform to EPA’s safety standards, variables like old plumbing systems can reintroduce contaminants making a home filtration system crucial.

water conservation in Middle East

Another misconception is associating discolored water with contamination. While this could be a sign of impurity, clear water isn’t necessarily devoid of harmful substances. Therefore, it’s best not to judge water purity based solely on its appearance.

A common error is mistaking water softeners for filters. Although both improve water quality, they serve different functions. Water softeners specifically target hard-water minerals (calcium and magnesium) and don’t remove other harmful contaminants – something a robust filtration system achieves.

To make a well-informed decision regarding home water filtration, it’s vital that these misconceptions are debunked.

Cost Versus Benefit Analysis

When contemplating an eco-friendly home filtration system, consider the long-term savings versus the initial upfront cost.

While the initial investment for whole house or under-sink systems can seem high compared to pitcher filters, their advantages over time are ample. They deal with a wider range of pollutants ensuring better protection against potential health risks thereby potentially saving thousands in medical bills.

Add to this the savings which come from not buying bottled water regularly and it quickly becomes clear that these initial costs can be offset in the long run. Furthermore, several utilities extend rebates or incentives for installing environment-conserving appliances which can help lower initial expenses.

Therefore, accurate cost versus benefit analysis can help justify the initial costs that these systems come with.

Filtration System Innovations

The water filtration industry is constantly evolving, courtesy of innovative technologies designed to deliver better results and minimize environmental impacts.

Newer models integrate a Strawman Filtration Process (SFP), an advanced technology providing safe drinking water by eliminating bacteria, parasites, and filtering out chemicals. Specific innovations like connected home water monitors provide real-time quality assessments and warn you before impending filter changes or leaks occur.

Another breakthrough is the concept of smart faucets which purify the water as it flows out, effectively reducing your waiting time to access clean drinking water while looking sleek and modern in your kitchen.

Keeping up to date with these advancements will allow you to enhance your home’s efficiency and safety whilst doing your bit in taking care of the planet.

A Conclusive Sip

Opting for a home water filtration system is no longer a mere choice; it’s a necessity. It guarantees superior health safety by ensuring access to clean drinking water. Economically, it offers significant savings over time and environmentally, it’s far more sustainable than bottled water. While initial costs may dishearten some, considering the cumulated benefits dispels any doubts. Remember, with each glass you are not just quenching your thirst but making a significant contribution towards preserving our planet.

Navigating the Disposal of Electronic Waste: Understanding WEEE Management

The disposal and recycling of waste require meticulous handling, especially for certain kinds of waste that could potentially pose a risk to public health and safety. This discussion centres around the management of WEEE waste.

Defining WEEE

WEEE stands for Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment, encompassing a wide range of items that either plug into an electrical source or are battery-operated, commonly known as “e-waste.” This category also includes lighting equipment like fluorescent and high-intensity discharge lamps, and “white goods” such as major appliances (e.g., refrigerators, washers, and ovens) which account for approximately forty percent of all disposed and recycled WEEE. Everyday household gadgets like microwaves, TVs, computers, and even electronic toys fall under WEEE.

ewaste disposal in UAE

The Importance of Special Handling for WEEE

WEEE disposal is distinct from regular waste management for three main reasons. Firstly, these items are composed of a diverse mix of materials including metals, plastics, glass, ceramics, and chemicals, which require separation for proper disposal or recycling. Secondly, the presence of hazardous substances in WEEE mandates protective measures for handlers to avoid health risks and environmental contamination.

For instance, specific protocols are needed to safely remove freon from refrigerators or mercury from electronics. Lastly, the recovery of valuable materials like precious metals, used extensively in electronics, demands specialised processes due to their rarity and the environmental impact of mining.

Hidden Dangers in WEEE

The risks associated with WEEE extend beyond its complex components. For instance, older appliances may harbour asbestos, despite its ban in new products, posing dangers if disturbed. Moreover, contemporary electronics can contain toxic heavy metals (e.g., arsenic, cadmium, lead, mercury) and flame retardants, highlighting the need for careful disposal.

Advanced Techniques in WEEE Recycling

Beyond the basic definition and importance of handling WEEE responsibly, it’s crucial to explore the innovative recycling technologies and strategies being deployed. Companies like Topwasters are at the forefront, employing methods such as precious metal recovery from circuit boards and environmentally friendly degassing of refrigerants. This segment can delve into the specifics of such technologies, including the use of bioleaching to safely extract valuable metals from electronic waste, thus reducing the need for harmful chemical processes.

Environmental and Economic Benefits of Efficient WEEE Management

A detailed analysis of how proper WEEE management not only mitigates environmental hazards but also contributes to a sustainable economy could be enlightening. This could include statistics on the amount of raw materials recovered and reused each year in the UK, highlighting the reduction in the need for new resources and the associated energy savings. Discussions around the creation of green jobs within the recycling sector, and the potential for technological innovation spurred by the need for better recycling methods, would also fit well here.

Global Impact and the UK’s Role in International WEEE Management

The UK’s efforts in WEEE management can be contextualised within a global framework. By comparing and contrasting the UK’s strategies with those of other nations, readers can gain insight into global best practices and the international collaboration necessary to address the e-waste challenge. This might include examining how the UK’s policies inspire or align with initiatives in developing countries, where e-waste disposal and recycling practices are still evolving.

Consumer Responsibility and Participation in WEEE Recycling

Focusing on the consumer’s role in the WEEE lifecycle, this section could offer practical advice on how individuals can contribute to the proper disposal and recycling of their electronic waste. This includes understanding the environmental impact of improperly disposed e-waste, recognising recyclable electronic items, and knowing how and where to recycle them. Highlighting success stories of consumer-driven initiatives could serve to motivate and educate readers on their potential impact.

Challenges and Future Directions in WEEE Management

Acknowledging the hurdles in the path of efficient WEEE recycling, such as the need for better consumer awareness, technological limitations in recycling processes, and the ever-increasing volume of e-waste, sets the stage for a discussion on future directions. This could explore emerging technologies, policy initiatives aimed at enhancing producer responsibility, and international agreements targeting the global e-waste crisis.

The Role of Professional Waste Removal Companies

Professional waste removal companies are playing a crucial role in addressing both everyday waste management needs and challenges like fly-tipping. These companies offer efficient, responsible disposal services, ensuring that waste is not only collected promptly but also disposed of in compliance with environmental regulations. By offering specialised services for various types of waste—ranging from household rubbish to hazardous materials—these companies are essential partners in the quest for sustainable waste management.

how to reduce e-waste in small businesses

Case Studies: Success Stories

By presenting case studies from within the UK or around the world, this section could illustrate the real-world impact of effective WEEE management strategies. Success stories of companies like Topwasters, innovative recycling technologies, or community recycling initiatives serve as powerful examples of what can be achieved with concerted effort and innovation.

Topwasters Contribution to WEEE Recycling

In collaboration with various UK companies, Topwasters provides a complimentary WEEE disposal service in several London areas as part of the rubbish removal services. This initiative targets items that are challenging to transport due to size or weight, such as large appliances and heavy equipment. Residents with smaller WEEE items are encouraged to utilise their local Household Waste Recycling Centre, where they can dispose of their e-waste free of charge, furthering the directive’s mission to reduce electronic waste in landfills.

Concluding Thoughts: A Call to Action

Ending on a powerful note, this final segment could emphasise the critical importance of everyone’s participation in the fight against electronic waste. Encouraging consumers, businesses, and governments alike to adopt a more proactive stance on e-waste recycling can inspire action and underscore the collective responsibility to protect the environment for future generations.

Through these expansions, the article not only informs readers about the basics of WEEE management but also offers a deeper understanding of its complexities, challenges, and the global efforts required to address them. By weaving together technical insights, environmental impacts, and human stories, the extended article aims to engage, educate, and inspire action towards a more sustainable and responsible approach to electronic waste.

Why You Should Go for Green Electricity This 2024

Carbon dioxide and other global warming pollutants are flooding our atmosphere. These pollutants form a blanket that traps the sun’s heat energy in the atmosphere, warming the earth and putting marine life in jeopardy.

With these alarming updates, people can take some simple steps to help mitigate the effects of climate change. For example, we should invest in technological breakthroughs that enable the use of renewable energy.

What is Green Electricity?

The term “green electricity” refers to energy derived from natural sources such as the sun. Green electricity does not emit contaminants into the atmosphere, whereas renewable energy comes from continuously replenished sources.

reasons to adopt clean energy

Moreover, green electricity refers to energy sources such as sunlight, rain, and wind. It is highly beneficial because they are readily accessible on earth, can be replenished naturally, and do not cause significant environmental damage.

The Benefits of Green Electricity

Aside from the common benefits mentioned above, there are other advantages that green electricity could offer to consumers this 2024.

1. It is Economical

The world has been moving toward renewable energies in recent years. According to a recent study by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), renewable energy is now considered the cheapest form of energy production. Renewable energy in the form of green electricity is now cheaper than new fossil fuel energy.

If it’s economical, why are people still not switching? There is a misconception about green electricity that needs to be clarified. According to a survey, and 11% believe the process is too complicated, 27% are unsure how to proceed, 30% believe there are no green energy providers in their region, and 32% perceive green energy to be too expensive.

In fact, the cost of renewable energy has dropped dramatically in some cases. The large-scale solar photovoltaic project cost, where energy is converted directly into electricity, dropped by 82 percent between 2010 and 2019.

Costs have decreased due to various factors, including improved technology and large-scale development, and the surge of more experienced renewable developers.

2. Promises Low Maintenance Cost

Traditional generators that use traditional fuel sources need total maintenance than renewable energy technologies. Solar panels and wind turbines are examples of renewable energy generation technologies that have minimal mechanical components. The best thing is that they work without flammable, combustible fuel sources, lowering operational expenses.


The best example is solar energy. You can just install it, leave it alone, keep an eye on it, and enjoy the energy it generates for decades. A new solar panel will produce renewable energy for at least 30 years. According to Neeeco’s Mass Save Home Energy Audit, a solar array needs very little extra expense to run and maintain. There are no extra or fluctuating fuel costs, and there are no moving parts to maintain.

3. Cancels Global Warming

The energy industry accounts for about 29% of global warming emissions in the United States. The majority of these emissions are caused by fossil fuels such as coal and natural gas.

According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), carbon dioxide emissions in the United States increased by around 7% between 1990 and 2013, with emissions from fossil fuel combustion for electricity generation accounting for the majority of the increase. More recently, carbon dioxide emissions from energy consumption in the United States increased 3% in the first half of 2014, compared to the same period in 2013.

Consequently, replacing fossil-fuel-based electricity generation with renewable energy sources is an essential move toward slowing and eventually halting global warming.

4. Promotes Public Health

According to a US Environmental Protection Agency report, Americans spend between $361.7 and $886.5 billion per year on population health.

A significant portion of this budget is spent on preventing and curing diseases linked to fossil fuels like breathing disorders, heart attacks, neurological conditions, cancer, and various other severe and possibly lethal complications. All of these pose long-term health hazards of living in industrially contaminated areas.

The harvesting and combustion of solid fuels, coal, and biomass have the greatest health consequences, primarily in the form of general ambient air pollution and occupational health hazards.

Harmful pollutants such as nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide, and carbon dioxide are reduced by producing power from low-carbon energy sources and reducing energy demand through green electricity.

5. Generates More Jobs

Thousands of jobs are now generated by renewable energy in the United States. Manufacturing, construction and turbine installation, project development, operations and maintenance, transportation and logistics, and consulting services employed over 125,580 workforce in the wind energy industry in 2023.


According to the latest figures published today by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), renewable energy continues to provide socio-economic benefits by generating multiple jobs worldwide.

Renewable energy jobs have been growing at a promising rate around the world. By implementing a comprehensive policy structure that drives the energy transition, it will create significantly more jobs.

Final Thoughts

People worldwide need electricity, and adopting renewable energy sources is preferable to continuing to rely on polluting fossil fuels. Renewable energy is an integral part of the solution to the global threat of climate change. We should take a step towards adopting such a beneficial trend in energy production.

Design Beyond The Ordinary With Creative Fabrica Studio

Introducing Studio, the online design tool as the latest innovation from Creative Fabrica. This new, modern, and unique platform serves as a complete all-in-one solution that can revolutionize the way you create, inspire, materialize, and even advertise your ideas!

Whether you’re an experienced designer aiming to elevate your creations or an absolute beginner eager to venture into the world of digital design and crafting, this tool can help you on your journey.

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Studio Highlights

As crafters and professionals know, a good platform is not just about creating a great design – but it’s also about how well it functions, what tools it contains, and how easy it is to use.

The best about Studio? It offers some of the most extensive features to be found in one single online design platform:

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Quality Resources

  • Fonts: Studio comes fully equipped with a vast selection of fonts to use for any of your designs. From script to modern, to playful and professional fonts – there is a style that you can find for just about any genre of design work.
  • Graphics: Explore the extensive, high-quality graphics and elements libraries. What’s more, if you cannot find the design you have in mind you can easily browse more assets from within the Creative Fabrica database or simply upload your own!
  • Templates: There are seemingly countless free templates for almost anything you want to make. From online and offline ads to personal and professional stationery. From print on demand to crafting and home products. With the click of a button, you can even create engaging, eye-catching social media posts!

Smart AI Tools

  • Inpainting: This innovative tool allows you to upcycle or improve your images. Upload your image, brush over an area that you would like to alter, remove, or replace, and type out an inpainting instruction for AI. Within approximately 5 seconds, you will see some true magic come to life in your design. This can even be done on any online device!
  • AI Art: With the help of Spark AI, you can even create an entirely new image or graphic. Type out your prompt to tell AI what to make and voila! If you are new to AI, you can even make use of the prompt builder for free.

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Photo Editing Tools

  • Background Remover & Transparent Maker: Easily remove the background of your images and/or graphics, creating a transparent backdrop for editing. This tool can also be helpful when trying to create an SVG cut file. Professional designers and hobbyists alike will appreciate features like background removal, which can transform multi-layer images into sleek designs. Users can easily remove background from photos to reshape and repurpose images with elegance and precision. These tools play a crucial role in enhancing the efficiency and creativity of design projects.
  • Background Color Change: Change the color of your background to elevate your design. This is especially perfect for product photography and mockup design.
  • Advanced Cropping: Easily crop your images or graphics with the standard cropping tool. Additionally, you can use the Circle Crop. It’s usually hard for beginners in other programs, but Studio makes it easy.
  • Image Resize: Resize your photos for social media banners, profile pictures, website listings, and more.
  • Overlay, Blur and Unblur, and Color Changes: You can completely redesign your photos and graphics using any of these photo editing tools. Want to add a blur to your background to create a focused product image? Or maybe unblur an object instead of having to retake multiple pictures to get the focus just right!
  • Add Text, Emojis, Stickers, and More: Create a fun design using text, emojis, stickers, or doodles. Make your party invitations even more personalized, or add a whimsical flair to your social media posts and Etsy listings.
  • Enhancers and Filters: Go next level by using image enhancers that add vibrancy and clarity to your projects. You can also add a unique filter to make your images look more professional!
  •  Watermark Tools: Add a watermark to your mockups and designs to help eliminate any copyright possibilities. This is especially handy for Etsy and other marketplace listings.

Having all of these tools in one, easy-to-use platform not only can save you precious time and money but streamlines the entire creative journey – from idea to fruition!

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File Conversions

Gone are the days of searching online for a tool to convert your image file extensions. Now you can do it all within Studio – including creating your own SVG’s!

  • Convert JPG to PDF
  • Convert JPG to PNG
  • Convert PNG to JPG
  • SVG Converter

Studio Pro vs Free

While anyone can use Studio for free, there are many benefits to using the Pro version. With a Creative Fabrica All Access Subscription, you not only get to use every element available in Studio, but it also gives you access to a seemingly endless library of fonts, graphics, crafts, SVG’s, and more. Plus, you also can use Spark AI without limits. Is it worth it? It certainly is – however, don’t let this stop you from creating with Studio. The free assets are plentiful and with a little creativity, you can whip up some truly unique designs – for both personal and commercial use!

Get Inspired

Want to jump right into creating with Studio but not too sure where to begin? Have a peek at Creative Fabrica Studio on YouTube. You will find all kinds of inspiration and ideas, from making tumbler designs, sublimation printing, and social media posts, to creating gorgeous invitations, gift tags, and t-shirts!

You will also discover the Studio How To’s Playlist. Learn everything from creating your first design, how to use the tools, to using AI.

Studio isn’t just a design tool – it’s your next all-in-one platform that can change the way you create. It’s a celebration of innovation, creativity, and the joy of bringing your ideas to life.

So what are you waiting for? Jump on in and let your imagination soar to new heights with Creative Fabrica Studio!

Why You Should Consider Sustainable Merchandise For Your Next Corporate Event

Imagine your company’s next corporate event. You’re shaking hands, exchanging ideas – and gifts. But what if those gifts did more than just break the ice? What if they stood for something bigger?

Sustainability isn’t a buzzword anymore; it’s a business imperative. Companies weaving eco-friendly practices into their fabric are not only benefiting our planet but also scoring big with consumers and stakeholders who value environmental responsibility.

ecofriendly corporate merchandise

Now, let’s dive into why embracing sustainable merchandise is more than a mere nod to current trends – it’s an investment in your brand’s future and the world we share. Let’s have a look at the tangible perks of choosing green for your company’s image and underline how this move can boost internal culture, resonate with clients, and set the stage for genuine impact.

Corporate Responsibility

Nowadays, adopting sustainable practices and building an eco-friendly company culture is no longer something the “edgy guys” do. If you want to stay in the game, you have to get on with the trends – there’s no way around it.

According to a recent Nielsen global survey, 81% of respondents feel strongly that companies should help improve the environment. This is a powerful shift in consumer sentiment that’s been brewing for years, and it just started to feel palpable. However, with a bit of clever strategizing, it can also be an opportunity for profit.

Flipping the script on operational norms serves a dual purpose. It shores up your brand against rising scrutiny and fosters goodwill among your clientele, business partners, and workforce alike.

When you integrate sustainability into your corporate identity, it converts into currency—the kind that cultivates trust and attracts investment dollars focused on sustainable growth. Moreover, when done right, sustainability is a fantastic market differentiation technique in an economy ever more conscious of its ecological footing.

Sustainable Merchandise as a Statement

Have you ever stopped to consider what happens with all the merchandise and single-use items generated by a large corporate meeting or event?

We can tell you – a large majority of them (yes, your promotional items included) end up in landfills, and since they’re not eco-friendly will pollute the environment for hundreds of years. We all know plastic pollution is a huge problem, so why would you want to contribute to making it even worse?

Additionally, in a world of eco-aware consumers and talent, offering non-sustainable merchandise can turn into a huge brand image problem. Therefore, companies that use sustainable alternatives solve two problems in one swift move.

Ideas for Sustainable Merchandise

The good news is that you can find a wide range of sustainable and ethically-produced products that can be turned into merchandise for corporate events. For instance, you can use custom caps and beanies crafted from organic materials using energy-efficient processes.

How to Make an Eco-Friendly Company Culture

Nowadays, you can customize your own hat by using a specialized online service that covers printing and shipping. This way, you don’t invest extra resources, you use a highly efficient process, and you avoid high expenses – it’s a win-win-win situation!

Here are a few more ideas that may fit your company better:

  • Reusable Drinkware: Bid adieu to disposable bottles and cups by offering stainless steel water bottles or glass tumblers.
  • Seed Paper Products: Imagine handing out business cards or event agendas that can be planted afterward.
  • Solar-Powered Tech Gadgets: Solar chargers or calculators illustrate power need not always come from the grid.
  • Recycled Material Bags: Whether for toting conference materials or grocery shopping post-event, bags fashioned from recycled plastics make utility eco-friendly.
  • Bamboo Desk Accessories: Swap out plastic for bamboo in desk organizers, pens, and USB drives.
  • Biodegradable Lanyards: Made from materials like bamboo fiber, cotton, or corn-based plastic, these lanyards ensure even the small details are earth-conscious.
  • Edible Treats with Compostable Packaging: Share locally sourced snacks wrapped in compostable packaging

These products (and many others) are ambassadors of your company’s ethos. Moreover, such items spark conversations—anecdotes shared over coffee or anecdotes tweeted to networks—that multiply their value far beyond their physical lifespan.

Close the Event with an Invite to Meaningful Dialogue

Sustainable products—be they organic-material caps, energy-efficiently embroidered beanies, or plantable business cards—serve as icebreakers and kindle conversations around sustainability practices.

The choice of eco-friendly swag speaks of a company that does not only preach green philosophies but also marches on the path. This move can elevate brand integrity in the eyes of customers and increase engagement among employees who take pride in their employer’s commitment.

So, these tokens become more than mere gear—they turn into emblems of change, vehicles for influence extending far beyond tangible utility. The conversation started at your event might ripple outwards, inspiring broader change—a fitting testament to your brand’s foresight and dedication to shaping a greener future for all.

The Blue Belt Initiative: Promising Ambition To Transform Challenges Into Opportunities That Protect The Oceans

It is good for the African continent to wrap itself with the belt of sustainability and the protection of marine biodiversity. What’s even better is for the ‘Blue Belt Initiative’ to launch from the furthest northwest point of the African continent (Marrakech, Morocco), a Mediterranean and African region, and in a global forum where the international community discusses a crucial issue for our planet’s security, the issue of climate.

blue belt initiative

The “Blue Belt Initiative” started during the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Convention on Climate Change (COP22), hosted by Morocco in 2016. The initiative serves as an international and African cooperation tool to change the way oceans are managed in the fields of fishing and aquaculture. The initiative serves as an international and African cooperation tool to change the way oceans are managed in the fields of fishing and aquaculture. This platform, which stimulates innovations, seeks to support actors involved in the creation of projects by facilitating the search for funding, monitoring their achievements, and sharing expertise, experiences and innovative solutions.

The initiative represents a valuable opportunity for Africa to join forces to preserve oceans, promote the blue economy, meet future challenges, and position African countries as key players in protecting the planet and sustaining marine activities.

Morocco has one of the most productive marine areas in the world. It is an important strategic repository of marine food resources. It has all the ingredients needed to develop a diversified blue economy. It has a high growth potential. The multiple strategic economic and environmental dimensions of marine areas place Morocco, together with all maritime countries, responsible for the preservation of the oceans.

The challenges of protecting the oceans and maintaining the sustainability of fisheries and aquaculture are now clear. Changes in aquatic systems due to climate change will affect the fisheries sector and ecosystem services along the value chain. Thanks to Morocco’s natural resources and the recent efforts made within the framework of the national strategy “Halieutis, it has managed to establish a vibrant fish food industry, making it a sector that contributes to national food sovereignty and security, as well as to global food provision.

As food security has become vulnerable, it has become imperative to take urgent measures accommodate these changes and anticipate their effects on aquatic food production systems, as well as to promote scientific research and innovation in this field of blue economy and provide knowledge and information to those concerned in the sector.

The African experience has shown that effective political participation in fishing management is essential for the sustainability of this sector, but enhancing the regional participation of actors in the management process as well as adopting a regional approach seems to be a key factor that determines the success of any fishing policy.

It is necessary to work on supporting the resilience of oceans and marine ecosystems, especially marine biodiversity, by enhancing the capacity to adapt to climate change..

Therefore, the convergence of interests and interests in the environment, climate and oceans will contribute to the adoption of a basic ecosystem approach, the “Blue Belt Initiative”. It is a new tool for sustainable fisheries and aquaculture in the context of climate change and the new blue economy.

This initiative aims to complete regional and national strategies for the fisheries sector in terms of sustainable and environmentally friendly activities, while changing environmental constraints related to the effects of climate change into new economic opportunities with added value. It provides job opportunities and is based on a comprehensive goal of providing a collaborative platform that places ocean users at the heart of the process to work together. It ensures the resilience of the oceans, the sustainability of the fishing sector and the health of the ecosystem, and is supported by scientific research and sound data.

The initiative proposes a set of priority solutions aimed at adaptation and contributing to mitigating the effects of climate change in order to support the emergence of coastal observation systems and their integration into international systems, promote participatory science through the “user-monitor,” concept, improve ocean observation in priority African regions and encourage the development of adaptive strategies.

The proposed solutions aim to enable the industry in the field of sustainable fisheries to achieve climate and economic control by reducing fishing, better protection and better assessment. Additionally, for sustainable aquaculture that contributes to mitigating the effects of climate change, such as large marine algae, microalgae, or integrated multi-nutrient aquaculture.

It is worth mentioning that the initiative has been joined by 31 member countries, including 23 African countries and the European Union.  It mainly focuses on coastal areas and economic zones, especially those that focus on the majority of fishing and aquaculture activities, representing more than 85 percent of global fishery resources.

It is worth mentioning that the city of Agadir in Morocco hosted the second high-level conference of the “Blue Belt Initiative” in January 2023 under the slogan: “Towards scientific, economic, and environmental integration for the benefit of the blue economy,” aimed at providing examples of sustainable projects aimed at commercial businesses.

blue belt initiative

The conference brought together 32 speakers, comprising about 20 delegations including 15 African countries, held in a context characterized by the urgent need to preserve precious oceans while ensuring the viability of the fisheries and aquaculture sectors. Africa, aware of these critical issues, has pooled its resources to craft a collective, comprehensive, and integrated vision for the blue economy. At the heart of this dynamic cooperation, regional and sub-regional cooperation, South-South, has proven to be a fundamental pillar, enabling the harnessing of international support and successful addressing of these urgent challenges.

The forum provided an opportunity for dialogue and enhancing cooperation and synergy among various parties.  It also served as a chance to strengthen technical and scientific cooperation, through the signing of memoranda of understanding to conduct fish stock assessment campaigns in the Exclusive Economic Zones of Benin and Liberia by the National Institute for Fisheries Research. Morocco mobilized the research vessel “Al Hassan Al Marrakchi” and scientific teams from the National Institute for Fisheries Research (INRH) for a mission at sea lasting approximately two months from January 16 to March 10, 2024, covering initially both Benin and Liberia, with financial contribution from the international governmental organization “Ministerial Conference on Fisheries Cooperation Among African Atlantic Coastal States (COMHAFAT).”

The conference brought together 32 speakers, comprising about 20 delegations including 15 African countries, held in a context characterized by the urgent need to preserve precious oceans while ensuring the viability of the fisheries and aquaculture sectors. Africa, aware of these critical issues, has pooled its resources to craft a collective, comprehensive, and integrated vision for the blue economy. At the heart of this dynamic cooperation, regional and sub-regional cooperation, South-South, has proven to be a fundamental pillar, enabling the harnessing of international support and successful addressing of these urgent challenges.

The forum provided an opportunity for dialogue and enhancing cooperation and synergy among various parties.  It also served as a chance to strengthen technical and scientific cooperation, through the signing of memoranda of understanding to conduct fish stock assessment campaigns in the Exclusive Economic Zones of Côte d’Ivoire, Benin, and Liberia by the National Institute for Fisheries Research. Morocco mobilized the research vessel “Al Hassan Al Marrakchi” and scientific teams from the National Institute for Fisheries Research (INRH) for a mission at sea lasting approximately two months from January 16 to March 10, 2024, covering initially both Benin and Liberia, with financial contribution from the international governmental organization “Ministerial Conference on Fisheries Cooperation Among African Atlantic Coastal States (COMHAFAT).”

BENRAMEL MOSTAFA Président de l’Association Minarets Ecologies pour le Développement et Climat emphasized the importance of the Blue Belt Initiative at the national level by enhancing sustainability in the marine fishing sector and developing sustainable fishing techniques, as well as protecting marine biodiversity. This initiative aims to create job opportunities by supporting aquaculture projects and developing the infrastructure of the maritime sector.  Additionally, it aims to improve food security by increasing fish production and enhancing access to fish for all segments of society. Furthermore, it seeks to adapt to climate change by supporting projects that mitigate the impacts of climate change on the maritime sector.

At the regional level, Benramel emphasized that the initiative seeks to enhance cooperation between African countries and the Mediterranean region in the field of marine fishing and the blue economy. It aims to facilitate the sharing of knowledge and experiences among countries in the fields of marine fishing and the blue economy. Additionally, it aims to mobilize financial resources to implement sustainable development projects in the field of marine fishing and the blue economy, and to protect marine biodiversity through cooperation in combating illegal fishing and marine pollution.

Benramel also highlighted the initiative’s effective contribution, in its international dimension, to achieving sustainable development goals, eradicating hunger, and protecting marine environments. Furthermore, it aims to strengthen international cooperation and provide a framework for cooperation between countries to enhance the sustainability of marine fishing and the blue economy, adapt to climate change, support innovation, and attract necessary funding to address all the challenges facing the sea, which serves as a food source, a reservoir of carbon dioxide, and a regulator of various atmospheric phenomena.

Mr. Mohamed Rida Derdabi, president of the Moroccan Association for the Protection of Marine Environment and Sustainable Development, considered that the “Blue Belt Initiative,” adopted by Morocco along with several partners, serves as a comprehensive strategy aimed at achieving a smooth transition towards an environmentally friendly blue economy. It ensures the balance between the integrity of marine ecosystems and the dignity of individuals working in the maritime sector, providing the sector with options and alternatives to address the impacts of climate change.

The deterioration of fish stocks at the local, regional and international levels is pushing many countries, including Morocco, to seek implementable solutions and alternatives based on sustainable practices such as sustainable fishing and aquaculture. The success of these solutions remains inherently dependent on the development of scientific research, as well as the exchange of knowledge and experiences.

“So, it can be said that the Blue Belt Initiative is an initiative with multiple economic, environmental and social dimensions. Its aim is to adapt and adapt to the current reality of scarce products, rising sea water temperature, rising sea acidity, changes in the structure of marine ecosystems. It seeks to adopt new and sustainable practices such as expanding protected areas to restore the health of ecosystems and fish stocks, creating quality marks, and granting ecological certifications to specific products, as well as valorizing underutilized fish species,” added Mohamed Rida Derdabi. Mohamed Rida Derdabi

Dr. Patrice Brehmer, an oceanographer at the French Research Institute for Development (IRD) and the Scientific Advisor to the Permanent Secretary of the Sub-Regional Fisheries Commission (CSRP) said that at the political level, following several pilot initiatives, the Blue Belt Initiative has effectively achieved its goals within a timeline. However, now is the time to give it the scope it deserves to achieve its goals, a work that has been focused on in recent years.

The signing of the “Agadir Declaration” (16 countries) was a great success and an important step forward. In addition, the Blue Belt Initiative now has a strategic framework extending from 2023 to 2027, which will allow it to start operating and still find sources of funding. It is important to emphasize that any large-scale action requires a long preparation time in order not to disappoint partners, achieve tangible results and achieve tangible results for the ultimate beneficiaries of this initiative. We are confident that the initiative is on track to achieve its full potential and continue to promote marine sustainability and environmentally responsible practices in fisheries.

Patrice added that the promising prospects of the initiative include enhancing the ability to adapt to climate change through sustainable practices in the marine and fisheries sectors, promoting economic growth through the responsible exploitation of marine resources, preserving marine biodiversity necessary for the food security of coastal populations, enhancing regional cooperation in order to effectively manage marine resources, and developing local expertise by supporting research and innovation in the management of marine resources, providing a path towards a positive transformation of a more sustainable and equitable management of the oceans, especially in Africa, where expectations are high and the prospects are very promising.

For further clarification, a brief interview was held with Dr. Abdelmalek Faraj, the Director General of the National Institute for Fisheries Research in Morocco

Question 1: Has the initiative achieved the prospects set for it since its launch in terms of conserving resources, in terms of African coordination and creating a unified vision to address major and common problems?

Since its launch, the Blue Belt Initiative has made many achievements, especially in terms of coordination and mobilization of stakeholders around priority areas. So far, the initiative has 31 member states and has organized two major high-level conferences in 2019 and 2023. These events have presented several topics that are now considered as priority tools and solutions for the conservation of marine resources. From this point of view, the “user-monitor” concept promoted by the initiative has been implemented through the programs and projects of “Controlled Fishing” (LA Pêche Sentinelle). These initiatives have been well received by professionals and are currently being developed, generating interest at the national and regional levels, especially along the West African coast.

In addition, this initiative provides a framework for coordination and a platform for dialogue that has facilitated the implementation of memorandums of understanding with member states such as Benin and Liberia. These memoranda were implemented through scientific exploration campaigns in the sea carried out by Morocco, forming part of the Royal Integrated Vision of Atlantic Integration.

Question 2: Morocco is in a good position in the field of marine research. Marine research has made tremendous progress in terms of scientific results. What is the role of marine scientific research in the context of the initiative?

Fishery research plays a crucial role. Through research and innovation, we can increase and disseminate our knowledge of the marine environment and make it accessible to all users. By investing in research and innovation, we will develop new ways to sustainably exploit our oceans and thereby respect their environmental integrity. There is a significant global knowledge gap in the field of oceans, which is why Morocco is committed to strengthening its capacity and developing knowledge at the national and African levels.

Question 3: Is the Moroccan coastal strip in the Mediterranean Bank involved in the initiative?

Yes, obviously, and it is important to note that the General Fisheries Authority for the Mediterranean (CGPM)is a partner in the initiative. In general, although the Blue Belt Initiative currently focuses on Africa, the initiative is by definition open to all coastal areas as it focuses on most fishing and aquaculture activities on a global scale, and up to 85 percent of the world’s catch is from fisheries. However, these areas are also areas that are more exposed and more sensitive to human activities and their impacts. Hence, there is a need to act at this level as a priority, both in terms of scientific monitoring and transforming ocean exploitation systems for sustainability.

Finance for Green Entrepreneurs, Start-ups, and SMEs: Perspectives for Jordan

Jordan is one of the most water scarce countries in the world where resources are far below the water poverty line which is 1000 m3 per capita per year. Adding to water scarcity, energy availability is another challenge where 96% of the demand is imported from outside.  Due to climate change, both water and energy sectors are expected to be negatively impacted. Lack of water and high prices of energy will both hinder the economic growth and employment rates adding further stress on the current high unemployment percentage specially among youth.

green finance in middle east

Need for Green Economy

To get out of this bottleneck, there is a need to employ youth through green economy and to promote green entrepreneurship, start-ups, and Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs). Even the green innovation culture in Jordan is still new, there are few organizations that work in this field such as Queen Rania Center for Entrepreneurship (QRCE), Business Development Center (BDC), Abdul Hameed Shoman Foundation (AHSF), Oasis 500, CEWAS, and Shamal Start.

Shamal Start – Leading the Way

Shamal Start is one of the business accelerators in Jordan which works on green entrepreneurship and start-ups. Students from Irbid and Mafraq submit their green ideas to benefit from the mentoring and financial support. Here are some of the green start-ups that have passed the eligibility criteria for Shamal Start:

  • Petra for Green Community Entrepreneurship is a social enterprise which works on solving environmental issues by developing solutions for water, energy, and food related challenges. One of their products is waste-free water filter which could save up to 50% of water.
  • Mattab which developed a speed pump that produce renewable energy from the hydraulic pressure of the vehicles movement.
  • BioJust which developed an automated device that convert organic waste from vegetable oils into biogas.
  • A+ Solar which uses the kinetic motion to improve the thermal comfort and day lighting through the efficient utilization of the sun light.

Business Development Center (BDC) provides the needed training and financial access for entrepreneurs and start-ups including the green ones through different fund programs such as SANAD and Youth Employability. There are many other national and international NGOs that promote entrepreneurship but with less focus on green innovation. Adding to that. Universities in Jordan have been always contributing to the green and sustainability culture.

The German Jordanian University in Amman launched a Green Hackathon in 2016 to raise awareness on water and energy-efficient solutions among students and to encourage the green entrepreneurship culture. The students were asked to come up with solutions for challenges in the industries and society. The topics in that event were renewable energy solutions for the university, waste/ water management in smart cities, energy consumption optimization for courier service, and sustainable shelter/ room for rural areas.

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Green Finance in Jordan

Financial support in the early stages and accessibility to fund were reported as the major obstacles for green entrepreneurs, start-ups and SMEs in Jordan.  SMEs represent 99 % of the private sector and employ 77% of the labor force. However, they receive only 13% of the total value of the commercial loans. Jordan was ranked 185 out of 189 countries in both 2014 and 2015 in terms of access to credit in a report for the World Bank.

This is a real need for early stage financial support and seed funding for green businesses in Jordan

Microfinance in Jordan has been a successful alternative for the commercial loans for start-ups and SMEs because of the flexible requirements and conditions to access credit. There are many private financial institutions that provide microfinance through international grants such as FINCA, The National Microfinance Bank (NMB), The Women Microfund, and Al-Ahli Microfinance Company.

Roadmap for Future

Moving forward, there is a persistent need for early stage financial support and seed funding for green entrepreneurship, start-ups, and SMEs in Jordan. A green fund for youth entrepreneurs and start-ups will promote green business, encourage youth to come up with clean technologies and innovations, and improve the financial accessibility for green start-ups and SMEs.

Government and international organizations should work together on establishing green funding mechanisms by advocating globally, enabling the environment, and setting the rules and regulations that allow for such mechanisms to take place. The lack of accessible green finance for youth entrepreneurs will have negative implications on the employment rates and the willingness to innovate in solving water and energy problems.

All You Need to Know About Renewable Energy in Jordan

Renewable energy systems have been used in Jordan since early 1970s. Infact, Jordan has been a pioneer in renewable energy promotion in the Middle East with its first wind power pilot project in Al-Ibrahemiya as early as 1988. In the recent past, Jordan has witnessed a surge in initiatives to generate power from renewable resources with financial and technical backing from the government, international agencies and foreign donors. However, renewable energy in Jordan remains largely untapped due to high cost associated with non-conventional energy resources and relatively cheap availability of oil and natural gas.

Wind energy is feasible mainly in areas overlooking the Jordan Valley and Wadi Araba. Solar energy potential is also high since many parts of the country experience between 300 and 320 days of full sunshine throughout the year, it also lies within the solar belt of the world. Biomass energy potential is also attractive in the form of urban wastes, organic industrial wastes and animal manure. With rapid technological advancements, other sources such as waste-to-energy, hydro power and geothermal energy are also realistic options.


Currently, Jordan is looking at having 10% of its energy mix generated from renewable energy sources by the year 2020. Thus, the country is implementing a plan to generate 600MW of wind energy, and 600MW of solar energy to reach this target. It is to be mentioned that Jordan’s renewable energy potential is certainly higher than this target, which may led to the possibility of exporting surplus renewable power within the region and beyond.

Solar Energy

The solar energy potential in Jordan is enormous as it lies within the solar belt of the world with average solar radiation ranging between 5 and 7KWh/m2, which implies a potential of at least 1000GWh per year annually. Solar energy, like other forms of renewable energy, remains underutilized in Jordan. Decentralized photovoltaic units in rural and remote villages are currently used for lighting, water pumping and other social services (1000KW of peak capacity). In addition, about 15% of all households are equipped with solar water heating systems. Recently, a solar pond for potash production was built in the Dead Sea area.

Jordan has major plans for increasing the use of solar energy. As per the Energy Master Plan, 30 percent of all households are expected to be equipped with solar water heating system by the year 2020. The Government is hoping to construct the first Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) demonstration project in the short to medium term and is considering Aqaba and the south-eastern region for this purpose. It is also planning to have solar desalination plant. According to the national strategy the planned installed capacity will amount to 300MW – 600MW (CSP, PV and hybrid power plants) by 2020.

Wind Energy

Wind energy resources are abundant and can cover a significant amount of Jordan’s energy requirement if implemented properly. There are a number of places known by their high wind speed (greater than 5 metre per second) and long windy times, such as Jordan Valley and Wadi Araba. The existing wind farms in Hofa and Al-Ibrahemiya are good examples of successful wind energy projects.


These farms are connected to the national grid and characterized by a high availability and excellent capacity factors. Currently, there is a plan for three wind farms with maximum capacity of 300MW each, distributed among three sites in the northern and southern regions of Jordan.

Waste-to-Energy and Biomass Energy

Municipal solid wastes represent the best source of biomass in Jordan. The per capita of waste generated in Jordan is about 0.9 kg/day. The total generation of municipal waste in Jordan is estimated at 1.84 million tons per year. The main resources of organic waste in Jordan that can be potentially used to produce biogas are summarized as follows:

  • Municipal waste from big cities
  • Organic wastes from slaughterhouse, vegetable market, hotels and restaurants.
  • Organic waste from agro-industries
  • Animal manure, mainly from cows and chickens.
  • Sewage sludge and septic.
  • Olive mills.
  • Organic industrial waste

According to a study conducted by the Greater Amman Municipality, around 1.5 million tonnes of organic waste was generated in Jordan in 2009. In addition, an annual amount of 1.83 million cubic meter of septic and sewage sludge from treatment of 44 million cubic meter of sewage water is generated in greater Amman area. The potential annual sewage sludge and septic generated in Amman can be estimated at 85,000 tons of dry matter.


The Government of Jordan, in collaboration with UNDP, GEF and the Danish Government, established 1MW biogas plant at Rusaifeh landfill near Amman in 1999.  The Plant has been successfully operating since its commissioning and efforts are underway to increase its capacity to 5MW. Infact, the project has achieved net yearly profit from electricity sale of about US $ 100, 000.  The project consists of a system of twelve landfill gas wells and an anaerobic digestion plant based on 60 tons per day of organic wastes from hotels, restaurants and slaughterhouses in Amman. The successful installation of the biogas project has made it a role model in the entire region and several big cities are striving to replicate the model.

Storm Alexa – Positive Aspects for MENA

storm-alexaThe year 2013 saw history being made when Storm Alexa swept across the Middle East and North Africa bringing blizzards, torrential rain and icy winds to a region that hasn’t experienced such a storm in over 100 years. Storm Alexa caused devastating floods in Arab cities, such as Gaza, and power cuts in certain areas of Jordan. Heavy snowfall in Jordan covered the streets, hindering mobility and forcing people into their homes for several days. The storm has also brought hardship and misery upon the Syrian refugees enduring the bitter cold in fragile tents and makeshift shelters.

Positive Aspects

However, with no intention of belittling or undermining the aforementioned difficulties and suffering, such a storm could be beneficial in terms of one aspect: the water it brings to the region. Storm Alexa brought an abundance of water to a region suffering from severe water scarcity. The effects of water scarcity are rapidly being felt across the region, with water shortages affecting countries such as Palestine, Egypt, and Jordan. Therefore, this outpour of water could bring some respite in terms of water availability in these MENA countries, with rainwater runoff and snowfall being large sources fresh water. Sadly these sources have been very poorly managed causing floods, and snow-covered streets.

Flooded rainwater has mixed with wastewater triggering an overflow of wastewater throughout local cities and towns. This has produced adverse health problems among the resident populations, who are calling out for rapid solutions to their strife. One solution that can be utilized is harvesting floodwater and the large amounts of snowfall available. Harvesting such water sources would help reduce the effects of water scarcity, and reduce physical harm to cities and towns.

Once these water sources are collected, they must be treated before they are reused. Once treated, the water can be used for a variety of activities such as irrigation or any type of domestic use.

Case Study – Amman

Over the course of the storm, Amman has seen ample amounts of snow and rainfall that have put the city in what seemed like a standstill. Residents were snowed in unable to go to work and perform their daily routines. The streets were covered with snow that reached up to 3 feet, making it very difficult to move about. Although the snowfall had its detrimental repercussions, it is a source of freshwater.  Harvesting it would have been a fairly simple procedure.

The procedure would require manpower, along with trucks, to set out to the streets and start collecting as much snow as possible. Once collected, it would be transported to the nearest wastewater treatment plant, such as the Samra wastewater treatment plant located in the greater Amman Russeifa-Zarqa area (there are currently 26 wastewater treatment plants that exist in Jordan). Once treated the water produced can be added into the water pipe systems and distributed among households.

Harvesting and treating these water sources eases the effects of water scarcity even if for a short time period. This is beneficial in several ways:

  • It allows over used water aquifers and rivers time to replenish (even if for a short period).
  • It reduces the financial costs spent on water extraction (for a short time period).
  • It reduces the amount of fossil fuels used during water extraction (reducing CO2 release).
  • It removes snow off the streets allowing people to go back to their daily routines, and to their work.

Challenges to Overcome

Needless to say, wastewater treatment has its downsides. First, it is energy intensive and financially demanding. Second, it requires very advanced technological capabilities. Third, it requires a large area in which it is to be implemented. With the exception of Jordan and a handful of other countries in the region, not many have the economic and technological capabilities to undergo this type water management.


The problem is further exacerbated by the political strife the region is currently experiencing. Countries such as Syria and Palestine have more political constraints than others that do not allow them to use this water source to its full potential.

However, there are simpler ways to treat wastewater that are not so economically and technologically reliant. Such techniques require a large area where the excess rainwater is allowed to be stored for a certain period of time, which allows the waste to settle at the bottom of the area (in which the water is stored). The water is then passed through a large filtering screen that removes the remaining waste and bacteria from the water. This method does not treat water as thoroughly as wastewater treatment plants, but it treats it enough for it to be reused for certain water intensive practices (e.g. irrigation, washing machines, showering).


Water scarcity has become the most dangerous threat the world is facing. Water scarcity in MENA is further intensified as it only holds 1% of the usable water resources in the world, while having 5% of the world’s population. With regional population set to increase even further, water scarcity is likely to increase, with predictions indicating that the MENA region will run out of water by the year 2050.

Although harvesting the water provided by Storm Alexa does not provide a long-term solution to water scarcity in the region, it offers a short-term respite from its effects. This gives countries more time to plan ahead and to develop further in their quest to mitigate water scarcity. With scientists indicating that such storms are to become even more rare due to the effects of climate change, there are good opportunities to use these events for the welfare of mankind.