Hima: Integration of Religion and Conservation

Revisiting the earliest days of rural, pastoral- and agriculture-based societies offers thought-provoking answers to solve today’s crises. At the highest levels of international concern, Islam’s formalized system of “Hima,” or Nature Conservation, is receiving optimistic attention. One of the reasons why Hima is an interesting solution for today’s conservation needs is because it developed under a similar set of crises.

Relatively speaking, the ratio of human population to accessible natural resources in the days of Moses was just as dire as today’s challenges. It is possible to recognize the development of Hima by following the early days of Prophet Moses, God’s peace be upon him, as the following history is related in the Torah, the Bible and in the Quran.


The Elevation of Hima in Islam

In Islam, believers are warned repeatedly to obey the set limits, and recognize the prescribed boundaries, or “hudood,” of the Hima as formalized in the following verses of the Holy Quran:

Those are limits (hudood) set by Allah: those who obey Allah and His messenger will be admitted to gardens with rivers flowing beneath to abide therein (for ever); and that will be the supreme achievement. But those who disobey Allah and His messenger and transgress His limits will be admitted to a fire to abide therein: and they shall have a humiliating punishment! [Quran 4:13-14]

In Makkah, the area around the Ka’abah, or the “Sacred House,” is the most famous Hima or “Sacred Precinct” in Islam. Behaviors, rights and responsibilities associated with the Hajj Pilgrimage are highly formalized for this Hima in the Quran:

O ye who believe! violate not the sanctity of the Symbols of Allah, nor of the Sacred Month, nor of the animals brought for sacrifice, nor the garlands that mark out such animals, nor the people resorting to the Sacred House, seeking of the bounty, and good pleasure of their Lord. But when ye are clear of the Sacred Precincts and of pilgrim garb, ye may hunt and let not the hatred of some people in (once) shutting you out of the Sacred Mosque lead you to transgression (and hostility on your part). Help ye one another in righteousness and piety, but help ye not one another in sin and rancour: fear Allah: for Allah is strict in punishment. [Quran 5:2]

A Model for Natural Resource Management

In his article, Hima as a Model for Natural Resource Management in West Asia and North Africa, Dr. Odeh Al-Jayyousi covers Islam’s elevation of the Hima system. Defining the hima as the Arabic translation for “a protected place” or protected area Al-Jayyousi explains that in the original concept, access to this place was declared forbidden by the individual or group who owned it. However, mandatory public sharing, with codified community cooperation and joint protection eventually became the norm.

In the Arab peninsula, where the natural environment is characterized by aridity, fluctuation and uncertainty, cooperation over shared resources becomes essential to securing the livelihoods of local communities. Through public participation (shura) and reaching consensus through consultation, the community-based management model of hima contributed positively to saving and protecting natural resources, wildlife, rangelands and forests for 5000 years, and providing the enabling environment for managing conflicts. The deep understanding of the cycles of nature, seasonal variations and carrying capacity informed social innovation in community-based natural resource management.

Islam contributed to the value system and ethical dimension of hima along with the rational imperative and judgement for measuring trade-offs between human rights and nature conservation. The Prophet Mohammad declared that free access to public water is the right of the community and said that “people are partners in three resources: water, pasture, and fire.” The notion of social justice and equity (adl) for all people, regardless of their culture or belief system, is the cornerstone of Islamic values. Islamic law has devised and formalised specific rules for formulating public policies and making trade-offs between public and private interest. Maslaha (public interest) may lead to an understanding of sustainability in its broader terms. [Dr. Odeh Al-Jayyousi Hima as a Model for Natural Resource Management in West Asia and North Africa]

Need for Authentic Convictions

Wide-scale adoption of Islam’s concept of Hima could effectively slow down the runaway machine that has become global development. With well-protected boundaries, and strongly enforced penalties, the Hima system has at its core the goal of preserving life.

New fuel-efficiency would be a built-in benefit when conservation is backed up by Islam’s teachings against waste, damage, and abuse. Hima boundaries are further protected by the Islam’s guideline that “whatever leads to something prohibited is also prohibited.”

Climate change and human intervention is threatening many wildlife species in the Middle East

However, although most countries have currently established environmental protection agencies, S. A. Hamed sums up the dilemma we need to consider, when confronting the drunk drivers of the Earth’s riding mowers:

“Unless communities are well-informed and consulted during the development planning process, new projects and programs will not benefit from local knowledge and may never gain the support of the community.

Movement towards environmentally sustainable development by any society involves more than establishing an environmental protection agency, raising environmental awareness, or providing technical training. It requires comprehensive efforts on all fronts to strengthen the sustainable development institution as a whole and to shift the priorities of the society at large.

No significant progress in history was ever accomplished without an ethical emphasis, sincere loyalty, genuine affection, and authentic convictions.” [S. A. Hamed, “Capacity Building for Sustainable Development: The Dilemma of Islamization of Environmental Institutions,” in Islam and Ecology, p. 409]


As responsible stewards of God’s creation, sharing our faith is critical in promoting conservation ethics in our families and throughout our communities. These qualities, “ethical emphasis, sincere loyalty, genuine affection, and authentic convictions,” are as miraculous as water in the desert, because we can all share them in common, even among diverse faiths and belief systems. With them, and with each other we can work together successfully to restore creation to its rightful glory.

6 Tools And Products For Your Industrial Business

Commercial businesses sell tangible goods such as airplanes, vehicles, roofing materials, and more. Their price usually depends on their quality. Industrial businesses work differently. Instead of selling the final product, an industrial business supplies other companies with the goods necessary for production, such as raw materials, manufacturing parts, etc.

What makes a commercial business unique is their take on innovation, but when it comes to industrial businesses, the company that supplies the highest-quality materials at the fastest rate will stand out while others are left behind.

Unfortunately, production isn’t a joke, and it’s difficult to improve your current production efficiency unless you adopt new technologies for your industrial business. If that’s what you’re looking for, then the following industrial tools and products may help:


1. Bench Scales

Bench scales, also known as benchtop scales, are small scales that can usually fit on top of workbenches or workstations, hence the name. Due to its size, industrial bench scales are often more accurate when weighing small objects. Some bench scales may include a remote display wherein you can see the weight and other information from far away.

Their size comes in handy since most industrial goods are relatively small, while you can use the remote displays to monitor the weight of objects even during production or development.

Bench scales can come in separate products or as a package with assembly stations, which is yet another excellent tool for an industrial business.

2. Assembly Station

The creation of watches and other crafts consists of countless individual steps. This process is often done by hand and requires the individual to be somewhat skilled with their hands. These types of individuals are rare, but assembly stations aren’t.

Assembly stations have one job—to create craftsmanship products with semi-automated processes. This means while there are still steps done by hand, workers no longer have to handle tasks requiring high levels of precision. Simply put, assembly stations can reduce the time spent on each product and minimize human error.

Assembly stations may also serve as a workstation for workers as it pretty much contains everything they need, such as a monitor, scales, retaining rings, and drawers where they can store small gizmos.

3. Torque Screwdriver

Screwdrivers have always been a must-have in any production-based business, as most of the apparatus you’ll see today contains at least one screw. Much like any other tool, screwdrivers have evolved from being just the plain old piece of metal in a rubber handle.

Torque screwdrivers have the same function as regular screwdrivers, but with a twist—it allows the user to control the force applied to the screw, making sure it doesn’t exert too little or too much pressure. This can be handy when dealing with fragile packages where excessive tightening can often lead to unforeseen damages.

4. Diode Lasers

A semiconductor laser is a relatively prominent technology in almost every industry. It can be used for optical processes, telecommunications, and even medical treatment. However, a recent innovation on this technology has slowly taken the industrial sector by storm—diode lasers.

A diode laser is a type of laser technology that has a relatively high power but is more energy efficient. But that’s not the only reason why it’s becoming a hit in the industrial sector. Diode lasers are also compact, making it possible to integrate this technology into existing machinery. They also have long lifetimes, making them maintenance-free and highly reliable.

Simply put, if your industrial business deals with machinery, diode lasers can be an excellent tool, whether it’s for joining or welding components.

5. Inkjet Labelers

If a wire has no label, workers can potentially cut or unplug the wrong cables and wires, which can be extremely dangerous in most cases.


Wire marking is the process of putting labels or marks in things like cables, transformers, fuses, etc. This practice is essential to any industrial business as it can potentially save lives. Although there have been many wire marking tools in the past, inkjet labelers are the way to go since ink can withstand scratches and lasts for a very long time.

6. Cutting Plotters

Prototyping is a fundamental process among businesses, especially in large-scale projects. It’s where you create a visual representation of the product, which allows you to investigate all of its aspects. In some cases, you can spot flaws or problems within the product and fix those issues, saving you the money and time you would’ve spent for mass production.

While there may be different ways to create prototypes, if you’re looking for an affordable yet effective tool, a cutting plotter is your best bet.

Wrapping Up

While it’s true that these tools and products can be great additions to your business, you have to remember that these devices are also hazardous. On that note, it might be a good idea to conduct equipment training before adding these industrial tools to the workplace.

نظرة عامة حول جودة الهواء في الدول العربية

تدهورت جودة الهواء في الدول العربية خلال العقود القليلة الماضية ، حيث آرتفع معدل  انبعاثات ثاني أكسيد الكربون (CO2) إلى حوالي الضعف. كما ساهمت  التغييرات التي عرفها  قطاع الطاقة والتي استمدت من التجارب الناجحة في تطوير معدل النفاذ إلى مصادر الطاقة بعدد من بلدان المنطقة  في  إحراق المزيد من الوقود الأحفوري في محطات الطاقة الحرارية لتلبية الزيادة في الطلب على الطاقة.

ازداد استهلاك الكهرباء بنسبة 75.5 في المائة ، مما أدى إلى إنبعاث ما مجموعه 766.5 مليون طن من ثاني أكسيد الكربون في عام 2015 ، مقارنة بـ 436.6 في عام 2006. كما آرتفعت الإنبعاثات الصادرة من قطاع النقل بسبب النمو الكبير في هذا القطاع خصوصا مع غياب تدابير تخفيف فعّالة وضعف وسائل النقل العام في معظم البلدان.


تدّعي دراسة أجريت في المدن الكبرى في المنطقة أن الاضطرابات في بعض البلدان قد أدت إلى انخفاض في الانبعاثات. قد يحمل هذا بعض الغازات بسبب تباطؤ الصناعات والنقل الشخصي ، لكن من الواضح أن الغبار والملوثات الأخرى الناتجة عن النزاعات قد ازدادت.

وفقاً لمنظمة الصحة العالمية (WHO)،  تعتبر المنطقة العربية من بين الأسوأ في جودة الهواء. إذ غالبا ما تتجاوز المستويات المسجلة لتلوث الهواء 5 إلى 10 أضعاف المعايير العالمية، وكانت العديد من المدن العربية قد سجلت حضورها في قائمة أكثر 20 مدينة ملوثة في العالم. في هذا الإطار، تشمل الانبعاثات الزائدة أول أكسيد الكربون الناتج عن قطاع النقل و أكسيد الكبريت و أكسيد النيتروجين ، مما يؤدي إلى تكون الأمطار الحمضية والأوزون والمركبات العضوية المتطايرة (VOCs).

لقد تحقق الحد من محتوى الكبريت في وقود الديزل في معظم الدول العربية من خلال تشديد المعايير ، مما ساهم في انخفاض مستوياتها من 1000 جزء في المليون إلى حوالي 50 جزء في المليون. علاوة على ذلك، تم تحقيق تحول إلى البنزين الخالي من الرصاص من خلال تحمّل فروق التكلفة، تليها فرض حظر كامل على استخدام الوقود المحتوي على الرصاص.

Arab region is among the worst performers in air quality

وتشمل تدابير التخفيف التي يمكن تنفيذها للحد من الانبعاثات الصادرة عن قطاع الطاقة تحسين جودة الوقود ونشر التكنولوجيات المتجددة والأجهزة ذات الكفاءة في استخدام الطاقة. إضافة إلى ذلك، تقوم معظم الدول العربية بتطوير سوق قابلة للاستمرار لاستثمارات الطاقة المتجددة. بين عامي 2012 و 2015 ، شهد إجمالي القدرة المركبة القابلة للتجديد زيادة بنسبة 150 في المئة ، وتجاوزت 3GW ، باستثناء الطاقة الكهرومائية ، مقارنة بـ 1.2GW في عام 2012.

تندرج معظم استراتيجيات النقل المستدامة في واحدة من ثلاث فئات: تحسين تكنولوجيا المركبات / الوقود ، تحسينات عمليات الطرق / المركبات وإدارة الطلب. هذا يعني أنّه لم يتم بعد تنفيذ نظام نقل جماعي رسمي على نطاق واسع في المنطقة. تنتج محركات البنزين عموما انبعاثات أقل ضررا مقارنة بالديزل ، وبالتالي فإن تشديد المعايير المتعلقة بنوعية البنزين سيؤدي إلى انخفاض كبير في الانبعاثات.

يعد النجاح في إدخال السيارات الهجينة والكهربائية إلى الأردن على مدى السنوات الثماني الماضية مثالاً ساطعاً على كيفية تأثير السياسات المالية المستهدفة على السوق. في غضون بضع سنوات ، ساعدت مجموعة من الإعفاءات الضريبية على السيارات النظيفة ، وزيادة الضرائب المفروضة على تلك التي لديها انبعاثات أعلى ، في زيادة عدد السيارات الهجينة والكهربائية في الأردن إلى نصف عدد السيارات المسجلة حديثًا.

ترجمة: أشرف الشيباني 

صحفي و مترجم تونسي ، له مقالات عديدة في قضايا التغيرات المناخية و هو عضو في مبادرة كلايمت تراكر الألمانية .

Energy Sector in Arab Countries

Arab_EnergyThe Arab energy sector has played and will continue to play an important role in the regional as well as global economy. In addition to satisfying energy needs for economic and social development, it is the source of oil and gas export revenues contributing to economic development. The Arab oil and gas sector represents the largest economic sector in the region. Increase of oil revenues were the main drivers for economic development in most of the Arab oil producing countries.

The Arab economies, as well, are heavily dependent on oil and gas to meet their domestic energy demand. Oil contributes about 53.6 % of the total demand and the share of gas represents about 43.9 %, while other resources such as hydro power, coal, and renewable resources represent only about 2 %

The energy sector in MENA has been struggling in recent years to find ways to tackle existing and anticipated shortfalls in resources and investments. In many cases, the efficiency of energy production and consumption patterns in the region requires improvement. Though the per capita energy consumption in the GCC sub-region are among the world’s top list, more than 40 percent of the Arab population in rural and urban poor areas do not have adequate access to energy services. It is also noted that almost one-fifth of the Arab population relies on non-commercial fuels for different energy uses.

Energy Consumption in Arab Countries in 2003

  • The average primary energy consumption reached 1196 kgoe per capita, compared to the world average of 1523 kgoe. Wide disparities exist in the levels of energy consumption within and between Arab countries.
  • The average electricity consumption reached 1445 kwh per capita regionally, compared to the world average of 2271 kwh per capita, and
  • The average primary energy intensity in the region is 0.51 kgoe per US$ compared to a world average of 0.27 kgoe, reflecting the low economic returns on energy consumption in the region

Electricity Consumption in Arab Countries in 2005

  • Installed capacity in 2005 was 124 GW compared with 13 GW in 1975.
  • Electricity consumption in 2005 was 480,000 GWh (480 TWh) compared  with 22,000 GWh (22 TWh) in 1975.
  • Half of the installed capacity exists in Arab Gulf countries.
  • Population in 2005 was 313 million compared to 140 million in 1975.
  • Annual per capita consumption increased from 160 KWh in 1975 to 1530  kWh in 2005.

Energy efficency is still not a priority in the industrial sector in Arab world

Relying heavily on fossil fuels, it is evident that the current trends in the Arab energy sector are unsustainable. The move towards achieving the objectives of energy for sustainable development requires policies and measures to address energy management issues, while maintaining the effective contribution of the sector to the region’s prosperity.

Since 1992, Arab countries have been moving towards the sustainability of the energy sector to achieve the goals and targets relevant to the key energy issues. Several Arab declarations have been issued in recent years emphasizing concerns and commitment of regional powers to achieve sustainable development. Some progress has bee achieved; however, more steps are required to achieve the desired objectives.

Climate Change Mitigation in Tunisia: Challenges and Progress

Climate change has become a reality in Tunisia, which is struggling to cope with the problems of desertification, water scarcity and the degradation of natural resources. Despite its limited carbon footprint, the risks of climate change may be high. The fourth Arab country to have published its Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDC) for a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, Tunisia has put climate change on the top of its political and economic agenda. It is also the first country in the region to include in its new Constitution recognition of climate change: “A sound and balanced environment while contributing to the safety of the climate by all available means.”


Tunisia is making serious efforts to reduce its carbon footprint by 13 percent by the year 2030. The share of renewable energy in electricity generation is expected to increase to 14 percent by 2020 and upto 30 percent by 2030. These ambitious indicators are a strong boost to the efforts aimed at holding the increase in the global average temperature to well below 2 °C above pre-industrial levels and to pursue efforts to limit the temperature increase even further to 1.5 degrees Celsius.

In addition, the limited national energy resources are an opportunity to develop renewable sources of energy and improve usage efficiency in line with the new job strategy that helps to reduce youth unemployment.

Tunisia has for several years embarked on a real process of reducing the carbon-based economy in a step to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions. This requires a package of long-term proactive climate change mitigation measures in the area of energy control. However, this process needs further consolidation and enhancement. Nonetheless, many problems threaten the sustainability of this trend.

Tunisia lacks funding to change its energy generation infrastructure, as well as a clear lack of environmental awareness, environmental education, information, and proper management, both among the public and decision-makers.

Desertification and drought are real threats for Tunisia

This must be accompanied by the development of communication discourse for local and international environmental organizations to take bolder action in this regard. A simplified and smooth dissemination of information and training the environmental stakeholders are key pillars of the implementation of a long-term strategy.

For this purpose, these actions should primarily target state actors, not to mention the general public, civil society, the media, academics, researchers, and others, while establishing complete databases on research and studies carried out in or around Tunisia on the issue of climate change.

In this context, special attention should be given to the employment of natural solutions that are easy to implement, such as planting trees in desert areas and protecting soil from erosion, especially since Tunisia does not have the technology to apply high-cost geological engineering with unsecured results.

The Paris Agreement, with its various financial and technical opportunities, is expected to be an important incentive for Tunisia to strengthen its efforts to combat climate change, which requires a global roadmap to reduce emissions and increase adaptation efforts.

The Islamic Discourse on Climate Change

Global ecological trends show that we face the risk of tipping points and irreversible changes in the environment and in its capacity to support and sustain human life in all its dimensions.  This state of imbalance and pollution is referred to as “fassad” in Islam which is attributed to human-made actions. Transforming society and the world’s economy to a sustainable basis presents the most significant challenge to the 21st century.

It is inspiring to harness local knowledge and culture to inform sustainability. Islam as a worldview and a way of life can provide a fresh outlook to human-environmental in a globalized market economy. Environment and sustainable development is a neutral platform for dialogue between cultures in East and West since ecology is about “interdependence” and “social learning”.


Islamic Model of Development

Islamic worldview not only defines what constitutes a good life “Hayat Tayebah” but also can guide, inform and reform the current development model. The Islamic development model is based on living lightly on Earth (Zohd) to limit our ecological footprints. The Islamic worldview can add the 4th dimension to the sustainability model (ecology, society and economy); i.e., faith and spirituality.

Islamic discourse on climate change offers a sense of hope and optimism about the possibility of re-alignment of human compass. There is a hope, if humans can re-think and re-adjust the dominant development models, life styles and mind sets as stated in the Holy Quran:

ظَهَرَ الْفَسَادُ فِي الْبَرِّ وَالْبَحْرِ بِمَا كَسَبَتْ أَيْدِي النَّاسِ لِيُذِيقَهُم بَعْضَ الَّذِي عَمِلُوا لَعَلَّهُمْ يَرْجِعُونَ

Corruption has appeared in both land and sea

Because of what people’s own hands have brought

So that they may taste something of what they have done

So that hopefully they will turn back

Qur’an 30: 41

The essence of Islam is being in a state of harmony and “natural state” (fitra) and in respecting balance (mizan) and proportion (mikdar) in the systems of the universe. All these notions embedded in the Islamic value system can provide an ethical dimension for Muslims on the climate change issue. Translating this into the technical terms of measuring the concentration of climate in parts per million (ppm).

The climate debate is about the increase in the concentration or proportion of greenhouse gases which can be measured in ppm. Due to human development model and consumption patterns, we are seeing an increase in carbon dioxide concentrations of more than 420 ppm as compared to pre-industrial levels of 280 ppm.

Addressing climate change from an Islamic perspective, is about assuming the human role as a trustee and steward (khalifah) and the role of the median community (ummah wassat) to enjoin good and forbid evil and ensure harmony, balance, and right proportion (fitra). This balance has been disturbed due to human choices which result in overconsumption, overexploitation and overuse of resources.


The ethical dimension of Islam is about linking theory and practice through evolving new consciousness and spiritual development. Embodying Islam in turn will lead to environmental activism to save the integrity of planet through protecting life on earth and to respect of rights of other species and the protection of the diversity of all communities of life.

The Global Debates on Climate Change

As for preparing for Climate Change global debates, parties to the UNFCCC have agreed to set an upper limit on acceptable warming at 2 0C above the pre-industrial level by the end of this century. This decision was based on political judgment informed by science. There are significant risks associated with any level of warming and many parties call for stabilisation well below 2 0C aiming to be as close to 1.5 0C as possible.

The science is clear. Due to the fact that warming from carbon dioxide persists for many centuries, any upper limit on warming requires net carbon dioxide emissions to eventually fall to zero. Avoiding dangerous climate change therefore requires fundamental economic transformation, not fine tuning of existing systems, leading to deep, and later full, decarbonisation of energy supply. This transition will bring multiple other benefits and open up huge opportunities. So the moral and economic imperatives are therefore fully aligned.

Significance of Islamic Climate Change Declaration

To sustain the economic transformation over time, there is a need for strong and deep moral motivation for change. Religion can become a powerful part of the solution if we tap into this source of divine guidance through study and reflection and if this motivates us to act differently.

The Islamic declaration on climate change, launched in Istanbul on 19th August 2015, is a profound example of the role of faith in informing and reforming sustainability dialogue.  This makes faith-based climate engagement essential, considering that 84% of the world’s population is religiously affiliated, according to the Pew Research Center.


Islam considers mankind to be stewards of resources endowed by Allah

Islam has been the motive force behind civilization through history. The declaration can help to channel the spiritual and moral force of Islam towards the aspiration to build a low-emission climate resilient future.

In sum, Islam counts amongst its faithful 1.6 billion people. Many of them, perhaps the majority, are in countries which are most vulnerable to climate change. The Muslim leadership can contribute to global discourse as manifested in the Islamic declaration of climate change. Muslims have a mandate and responsibility to channelize the spiritual and moral force of Islam towards the aspiration to build a sustainable human civilization and a low-emission climate resilient future.

Corporate Shared Value: Trends in the Corporate World

What if businesses could both make money and do good through the same actions? Businesses leaders who subscribe to the idea of corporate shared value believe they can. Many proponents even say it redefines and revitalizes capitalism. Michael Porter, a professor at Harvard Business School, and Mark Kramer, managing director of the global social impact consulting firm FSG, kicked off the corporate shared value trend in 2011 with an article in Harvard Business Review.

Corporate Shared Value (or Shared Value) is a new generation business thinking which enhances the competitive position of the company while at the same time advances the society in which it operates.

The article, titled Creating Shared Value, started a global discussion of the authors’ idea. Capitalism, the authors wrote, was in trouble. Trust in businesses had dropped to an all-time low, and most people believed they caused more harm than good.

Part of the reason for this, they said, was that companies tended to focus on short-term approaches to creating value and, by doing so, ignored long-term impacts and unmet needs in the market.

Businesses could change that, Porter and Kramer argued, by focusing instead on creating shared value.

What Is Corporate Shared Value?

Kramer and Porter defined shared value as a method of creating economic value, so it also adds value to society and addresses additional challenges.

By taking this approach, companies could realign their success with social progress, they said. It enables them to see social issues as businesses opportunities and profit from them, while also making positive social changes. Profit and doing good don’t have to be separate according to the corporate shared value (CSV) argument.

This concept is different than corporate social responsibility (CSR) or philanthropy. These efforts focused on giving back or minimizing the harm that a company does. CSV isn’t meant to replace CSR. Instead, it builds on the idea by making positive actions an integral part of a business’ everyday operations. It adds value for both society and investors.

How Businesses Can Create Shared Value

In their article, Porter and Kramer outlined three ways in which companies can create shared value.

Reimaging Products and Markets

The first method involves a company’s products. It includes creating or redesigning products, so they meet societal needs. These products often help unserved or underserved customers.

One example of the successful use of this tactic comes from healthcare company Novartis, which launched an initiative aimed at reaching people in rural India in need of healthcare services. The program offers medicines that address regional health issues, sells them in smaller packages to increase affordability, employs local sales staff in its distribution system, provides health education and improves healthcare infrastructure through partnerships with micro-finance organizations.

The initiative has tripled the percentage of people who go to the doctor in the areas in which it operates and became profitable after 31 months of operation.

Redefining Productivity in the Value Chain

This tactic involves improving practices to utilize resources better. It could include enabling more efficient or productive use of material resources, financial resources, employees’ skills and business partners’ capabilities.

Wal-Mart frequently engages in these types of initiatives, which both conserve resources and boost the company’s profitability. In 2005, it set a goal of doubling its fleet’s efficiency by 2015. By improving its processes for loading, routing and driving and investing in new technologies, it increased efficiency by 102.2 percent from 2005 to 2015 and created approximately $1 billion in savings annually.

Creating Supportive Industry Clusters

Businesses can also create shared value by improving the supporting institutions, supplier base and available skills in the communities in which the company operates. These changes can increase productivity, support innovation and foster growth.

Famous mainly for its chocolate and other candy, Mars depends on the cocoa industry to succeed, which is primarily made up of smallholder farms in countries like Ivory Coast.

The company’s Vision for Change initiative focuses on improving farmer incomes in Ivory Coast by boosting average yields to one metric ton per hectare and achieving social and environmental benefits through these productivity gains. It aims to improve planting material and soil management in part through training and engagement with farmers.

Parting Shot

While not everyone agrees on the significance of corporate shared value, growing numbers of companies are integrating it into their operations. Will CSV transform capitalism, or will it be more of a passing trend? Only time will tell.

مقدمة في عملية التسميد

composting-arabicإن عملية التسميد هي  عبارة عن تفاعل معقد بين النفايات والكائنات الحية الدقيقة المتواجدة داخلها . الكائنات الدقيقة التي تنفذ هذه العملية تنقسم إلى ثلاث مجموعات: البكتيريا والفطريات، والفطريات الشعاعية . الفطريات الشعاعية هي شكل من أشكال البكتيريا مثل الفطريات التي تفتت المواد العضوية .المرحلة الأولى من النشاط البيولوجي هو استهلاك السكريات المتوفرة بسهولة عن طريق البكتيريا، مما يسبب ارتفاعا سريعا في درجات الحرارة . تليها  المرحلة الثانية التي تسبب فيها  البكتيريا والفطريات الشعاعية  انهيار السليلوز . المرحلة الأخيرة هي المرحلة  المعنية بإنهيار اليغنينس “lignins” الصلبة من قبل الفطريات .

الحلول الوسط لهذه العملية تتخلص  بالتسميد بكلفة منخفضة دون التهوية الإجبارية ، أما تكنولوجياً استعمال أنظمة أكثر تقدماً باستخدام الهواء و الحرارة كتغذية إجبارية . النباتات الأساسية في عملية التسميد  قادرة على  التعامل مع أكثر من 100.000 طن سنوياً  من النفايات القابلة للتحلل ، ولكن عادة ما تكون سعة النبات  حوالي 10.000 إلى 30.000 طن سنويا.

يجب فصل النفايات القابلة للتحلل قبل عملية  التسميد: نفايات الطعام النقية فقط  ، نفايات الحديقة، ورقائق الخشب، وبعض الورق حسب مدى مناسبته لإنتاج نوعية جيدة من السماد . ويمكن تصنيف منهجية التسميد هذه إلى ثلاث أقسام  رئيسية  : السماد اللاهوائي ، الكمر الهوائي، و التمسيد بواسطة الكائنات الحية الدقيقة ” مثل الديدان ” . في التسميد اللاهوائي، تتحلل المواد العضوية في غياب الهواء .  و من الممكن جمع المواد العضوية في حفر و تغطيتها  بطبقة سميكة من التربة وتركها من ستة إلى ثمانية أشهر .  السماد الذي تشكل ليس بالضرورة أن يكون قد تحول بشكل تام ربما سيحتوي على بعض  تكتلات  ” aggregates ”  .

الكمر الهوائي هي العملية التي يتم من خلالها  تحويل النفايات العضوية بوجود الهواء  إلى سماد أو مغذي للسماد  ، ويمكن أن تكون من أنواع مختلفة. الأكثر شيوعا هي طريقة التكويم، حيث تقسم المادة العضوية إلى ثلاثة أنواع مختلفة، ثم توضع في حفرة كومة فوق الأخرى و تغطى بطبقة رقيقة من التربة الجافة أو الأوراق . تحتاج هذه الكومة إلى أن تخلط كل أسبوع ، وتحتاج حوالي ثلاثة أسابيع ليأخذ التحوّل منحاً جدياً . هذه العملية تقريبا نفس طريقة الحفرة، ولكنها تحتاج حفراً مخصصة . ينبغي القيام بالخلط كل 15 يوماً ، وليس هناك وقت ثابت لتأكيد جاهزية السماد .

يستخدم بيركلي الطريقة التقنية و كثيفة المجهود كما أن لديه متطلبات دقيقة للمواد التي يتم تحويلها إلى سماد . المواد القابلة للتحلل بسهولة، مثل العشب، والمواد نباتية، وما إلى ذلك، يتم خلطها  مع فضلات الحيوان بنسبة 1:2  . و يجهز السماد عادة في غضون 15 يوماً .

يتضمن التسميد بواسطة الكائنات الحية الدقيقة استخدام ديدان الأرض كمفاعلات و محفزات حيوية لعملية التسميد . ويتم ذلك في حفر مصممة خصيصا حيث يحتاج دودة الأرض الى التكاثر و تكوين مجتمعات حيوية  أيضا. التسميد بواسطة الكائنات الحية الدقيقة  هو خيار قائم على الدقة ويتطلب الإشراف على العمل من قبل خبير . كما أنه خيار عالي التكلفة .


على كل حال , خلافاً للخيارين أعلاه هي عملية عديمة الرائحة مما يجعلها الخيار الأفضل للمناطق السكنية .  كما أن  نسبة  تحويلها للمواد إلى سماد عالية للغاية ، لذلك جودة المنتج النهائي عالية جدا مع  وجود مغذيات دقيقة  والمغذيات صغيرة ايضا .  يحتوي المنتج النهائي أيضا على ميزة أنه يمكن أن يجفف ويخزن بأمان لفترة أطول من الزمن.

يحتاج تسميد النباتات إلى بعض أو كل الوحدات التقنية التالية: الفتاحات الحقيبة، فواصل مغناطيسية و / أو الباليستية، غرابيل (منخل)، القطاعات، معدات المزج و الخلط ، ومعدات التحويل وشبكات الري، وأنظمة التهوية وأنظمة الصرف الصحي، المرشحات الحيوية ، وأجهزة الغسيل، وأنظمة التحكم، وأنظمة التوجيه.

تحدث عملية التسميد عندما تتراكم النفايات القابلة للتحلل جنبا إلى جنب على شكل  هيكل يسمح لانتشار الأوكسجين مع محتوى المادة الجافة مسببا بيئة مناسبة لنمو الميكروبات.  درجة الحرارة تزداد بزيادة الكتلة الحيوية وذلك بسبب النشاط الميكروبي وخصائص عزل المواد المكدسة . غالبا ما تصل درجة الحرارة من 65 درجة مئوية إلى 75 درجة مئوية في غضون بضعة أيام ثم تنخفض ​​ببطء. هذا الارتفاع في درجة الحرارة يعجل القضاء على مسببات الأمراض وبذور الحشائش.


علا محمود المشاقبة , حاصلة على درجة البكالوريوس تخصص ” إدارة الأراضي و المياه ” من الجامعة الهاشمية – الأردن بتقدير جيد جدا , أعمل تطوعيا كعضو إداري مع مجموعة ” مخضّرو الأردن JO Greeners”  منذ ثلاثة سنوات و حتى الأن  , و متطوعة أيضا مع منظمة  EcoMENA  . موهبة الكتابة شيء أساسي في حياتي و قمت بتوظيفها في كتابة و خدمة القضايا البيئية 

ترشيد الطاقة في المساجد

المسجد هو المكان الذي يستخدمه المسلمون للعبادة ولتأدية صلواتهم على مدار السنة، إضافة الى الدور المحوري الذي يلعبه في المجتمع الاسلامي. تعمل المساجد ضمن جدول زمني محدد ومرتبط بمواعيد الصلوات اليومية الخمس الممتدة على طوال اليوم، وتستغرق كل فترة صلاة من 30 الى 60 دقيقة وهي تختلف من مسجد لاخر، وقد تطول فترة بقاء المصلين في المسجد اكثر من المعتاد في بعض المواسم والصلوات مثل صلاة الجمعة وصلاة العيدين وشهر رمضان. في السنوات الأخيرة اصبحت المساجد شديدة الاستهلاك للطاقة نظرا لإستخدام مكيفات الهواء وسخانات المياه والإنارة وغيرها من الاجهزة الكهربائية. لقد تطور الشكل العمراني للمسجد نتيجة الموقع الجغرافي والبيئة والعوامل المناخية المحيطة، ومع ذلك يمكن تصنيفه من حيث الحجم والموقع وفق ثلاثة انواع :المسجد المركزي الكبير، والمسجد الجامع ومسجد الحي او المصلّى.

تتمثل الأحمال الكهربائية الاساسية في المساجد بأجهزة تكييف الهواء والإنارة وسخانات المياه والتدفئة ومراوح التهوئة ومكبرات الصوت، اضافة الى بعض الثلاجات ومبردات المياه. لذلك يمكن الأخذ بالاعتبار عدة تدابير لتوفير الطاقة وبالتالي الحد من فواتير الكهرباء التي تتكبدها المساجد. فيما يلي العديد من التجارب المضمونة التي تساعد في حفظ الطاقة في المساجد وتحويلها الى مساجد خضراء وصديقة للبيئة:

  • الخلايا الشمسية الكهروضوئية

ان استغلال سطح المسجد بتركيب أنظمة الطاقة الشمسية الكهروضوئية يمكن أن يلبي الاحتياجات من الطاقة بشكل جزئي او كلي، هذا ان لم نقل تصدير الفائض الطاقة المُنتجة وبالتالي تأمين مدخول مادي اضافي للمسجد؛ مع العلم ان مساحة سطح المسجد بالعادة تكون كبيرة بما فيه الكفاية ومسطحة وخالية من العوائق التي تمنع وصول اشعة الشمس للخلايا.

  • المكيفات عالية الأداء

ان استخدام المكيفات ذات الكفاءة العالية، والتي لديها عدد اكبر من مؤشر النجوم الدال على قدرة التكييف مقارنة مع استهلاك الكهرباء، كفيلة بخفض فاتورة الكهرباء الشهرية وتقديم خدمة تبريد افضل للمسجد، مع الأخذ بالإعتبار ان اجهزة التكييف قد تم اختيارها او تصميمها من قبل مختصين ووفقا لحاجة المسجد الفعلية، وان أعمال الصيانة الوقائية تنفذ دوريا.

  • منظم الحرارة الذكي (ثيرموستات)

تركيب منظم حرارة متطور لوحدات التكييف وضبطه على درجة حرارة متوسطة، ومبرمج وفق جدول زمني معين بحيث يرتبط بأوقات الصلاة، مع امكانية التحكم به عن طريق الانترنت، ويكون مزودا بحساس استشعار لعدد الاشخاص داخل المسجد لتشغيل اجهزة التكييف بالطريقة المثلى ووفق ما تقتضيه الحاجة لتوفير جو مريح للمصلين.

  • الإنارة بتقنية أل إي دي (LED)

يعتبر هذا النوع من المصابيح من احدث التقنيات الموفرة للطاقة في مجال الإنارة، بحيث يستهلك طاقة أقل بنسبة 90٪ من اللمبات التقليدية المتوهجة، ويتمتع بعمر تشغيلي أطول، وآمن بيئيًا ، ويعكس الألوان بشكل افضل وينتج حرارة أقل.

  • حساسات الحركة والإشغال

تعتمد هذه الحساسات على حركة الأشخاص او تواجدهم داخل المسجد، وبالتالي تتحكم في تشغيل او ايقاف الأنوار ووحدات التكييف وفق المنطقة المأهولة فقط.

  • الستائر الهوائية

ستارة الهواء عبارة عن جهاز يدفع الهواء بواسطة مروحة داخلية ليخلق حاجزًا هوائيًا غير مرئي عند المدخل، وذلك ليفصل بين مساحتين مختلفتين في درجات الحرارة مع ابقاء المجال مفتوحا امام الاشخاص للعبور.

  • النوافذ الزجاجية المزدوجة

إن تركيب النوافذ ذات الزجاج المزدوج المضغوط يشكل عزلا حراريا جيدا مع المحيط الخارجي، فيقلل من تدفق الحرارة المتبادلة بين داخل المسجد وخارجه، وبالتالي يقلل من الطاقة المستخدمة في عمليات التدفئة أو التكييف، مما يؤدي بدوره إلى خفض فاتورة الكهرباء للمسجد.

  • أنظمة الطاقة الشمسية لتسخين المياه

ان تسخين المياه خلال فصل الشتاء يستهلك كمية هائلة من الطاقة الكهربائية، لذلك فإن التحول من نظام كهربائي أو نظام يعتمد على الوقود إلى نظام يعمل بالطاقة الشمسية سيوفر الكثير من الطاقة ويخفض فاتورة الكهرباء ويقلل من الانبعاثات والاحتباس الحراري.

  • تقسيم المناطق داخل المسجد

الفصل داخل المسجد بين المنطقة المستخدمة يوميًا والمناطق الأخرى نادرة الاستخدام، وذلك عن طريق إضافة حواجز أو جدران او ستائر شفافة لحصر المكان واستخدام الأحمال المطلوبة فقط في محيط معين.

  • ضوء النهار الطبيعي

يمكن تقليل تكاليف الاضاءة خلال النهار وذلك بالسماح للضوء الطبيعي من دخول المسجد من خلال فتحات النوافذ المتوفرة عادة في الجدران او الأسطح او القباب، وهذا يؤدي الى زيادة الراحة والتركيز وخلق بيئة صحية وهادئة للمصلين في المسجد.

  • إعادة إستخدام المياه الرمادية

المياه الرمادية هي المياه الناتجة من أحواض الوضوء ومغاسل اليدين وغرف الاستحمام، فهي مياه منخفضة التلوث ويمكن إعادة استخدامها في ري المزروعات والنباتات والأشجار المحيطة بالمسجد.

  • حساسات كشف تسرب المياه

يعتبر تسرب المياه من المشاكل الشائعة في العديد من المساجد، مما يؤدي الى هدر كميات كبيرة من موارد المياه النظيفة والطاقة، ولضمان الإستخدام السليم والآمن والفعال لهذه الموارد لا بد من استخدام أجهزة كشف التسرب والقيام بأعمال الصيانة الدورية للمناطق المعرضة.


المسجد هو المكان المثالي بالنسبة للمسلمين لعكس تعاليمهم الدينية المتعلقة بالحفاظ على البيئة وحفظ الموارد الطبيعية. فإذا تمكنا من تحويل المسجد من بناء شديد الاستهلاك للطاقة إلى بناء صديق للبيئة وموفر للطاقة، فسيكون من السهل اعتماد أسلوب حياة معتدل وبناء مجتمع واع بيئياً.

Top Eco-Friendly Roofing Options for Your House

Costs, performance, and design take priority when homeowners embark on a construction project. While these factors are important, it’s important to consider other underlying factors which are important as well. Sustainability is fast gaining traction in the construction industry due to unending advantages to the house owner and the environment. Below are top eco-friendly roofing solutions for your house:


1. Green Roof

No, a green roof isn’t about the color of the roof. Instead, it’s about the vegetation and plants on it. Interesting, huh? Well, apart from the beauty it bestows upon the property it’s installed, another advantage is heat absorption.

This roof acts as an extra layer of insulation which serves to trap the heat, thus regulating the building’s temperature. In turn, this will reduce your energy costs. In fact, according to a certain study, this roof shows it can reduce energy consumption by up to a staggering 75 percent.


This is good news if you live in an urban area since it’ll also block the heat from other buildings and the population. Another advantage is you can plant vegetables on the roof. Therefore, you’ll have access to fresh produce, which translates into a healthy lifestyle.

The only disadvantage is the purchase and installation price which may be out of reach for many aspiring homeowners. Besides, the installation process requires an expert roofing company to install because the roof needs specific structural support. You can visit https://thoroughroofing.com/ for more on this.

2. Metal Roofs

If durability, longevity, and performance take center stage, then metal roofs take the top spot. Furthermore, you can choose from a wide variety of available materials including tin, copper, steel, and aluminum among others.

No matter the season, metal roofs are up to the task. After installation, these roofs can last up to 50 years. What’s more, they are insect and fire resistant, thus making them suitable for both commercial and residential use.

The best part about metal roofs is they are energy-saving and recyclable. Thus, making them eco-friendly and a great investment. You may also consider using aluminium guttering as aluminium is high resistance to corrosion. When considering roof repair vs replacement, it’s important to evaluate the extent of damage and the long-term benefits of each option.

3. Cool Roofs

The name says it all. These roofs boast of blocking ultraviolet rays from the sun thanks to the colors used. As such, less heat reaches your home’s interior.

This move will see you save tons of money you’d have otherwise used on purchasing and installing cooling machines. Cool roofs also join the fight against carbon emission. Since you don’t have to use cooling machines, you’ll reduce the energy consumption in your home. On durability, these roofs last long since they don’t absorb as much heat from the sun as other roofs.

4. Rubber Shingle Roofs

If you’re on a tight budget, then this roof is your best bet. Not only are they cheaper than other roofs but also easy to install and maintain. You can also choose a design and color which suits your personality.

Rubber shingle roofs are also durable and resistant factors such as rot. Another advantage is its insulation capabilities which will save you money on energy bills. Don’t let budget versus durability get the better of you. Rubber shingle roofs provide a solid answer.

5. Wood Shake

Also known as cedar shakes, these roofs stand out with their unrivaled beauty. They scream class and ooze elegance, thus luring anyone who sets eyes on them. However, there’s more to the beauty than what meets the eye.

Wood shakes are strong and durable. In fact, you can rest easy for 40 years with regular maintenance. What’s more, you’ll enjoy stress-free months in your new home thanks to reduced energy costs. The roof offers insulation making it an energy-efficient roof.

While this roof offers durability, it comes at a high cost. In addition, you’ll have to deal with frequent plant growth and insect infestation which may cause damages if not attended to on time. Nevertheless, the wood comes treated so you can worry less about these factors.

6. Solar Roof

This roof is similar to slate and asphalt shingle roofs. The only difference is the shingles on solar roofs can convert light into electricity, thus providing energy solutions. Installing requires technical expertise since they need a layer of supporting material not forgetting they are electric components.


A downside to this roof-type is the initial costs. However, you stand to gain long-term benefits including lower power bills and reduced carbon emissions.

7. Clay Roofing Tiles

Clay roofing tiles add character to your property besides visual appeal. Furthermore, you stand to save money on power bills thanks to its ability to insulate the property as well as reflecting heat from the sun. You don’t have to worry about durability because clay roofs last longer. In addition, they are also waterproof.

Some downsides include the weight which requires a strong support structure to avoid collapsing. This presents added costs on labor during installation.

Bottom Line

Green is the way to go and with eco-friendly roofing material, the world will be a better place. Nevertheless, it’s vital you take your time to arrive at a suitable roofing type depending on your preferences and budget. If you feel overwhelmed, contact a roofing expert to guide you through the process.

The Importance of Environmental Education for Children

Environmental issues are one of the major problems of today’s world. We’re living in an era where the Earth is jeopardized on different levels, and the efforts we’re putting in to change that don’t seem to be enough. We’re struggling with preserving our planet, and we need to address that issue over and over again. In addition, we need to be more active and involved in changing our behaviors in order to be environmentally conscious.

Many people seem to forget that everything starts with an individual. You don’t have to be part of an environmental movement or organization in order to contribute. It’s always welcome, but not necessary. In essence, changing some of your everyday habits and raising awareness of the environmental issues is a great way to start. Same goes for children – teaching them the basics and employing quality environmental education can go a long way. Together, we’re going to look at the main reasons why environmental education for children is crucially important.


What Are the Biggest Environmental Issues?

Before we move to the education of children, let’s take a step back and remind ourselves what are the biggest problems our plant is currently facing. It’s important to keep ourselves aware of the population’s major issues.

Here are the biggest environmental issues:

  1. Air, Water and Land Pollution
  2. Global Warming
  3. Waste Disposal
  4. Deforestation
  5. Climate Change
  6. Overpopulation
  7. Species Extinction

The list can go on but you get the picture. It’s clear that we’re at a critical point in which we need to stay united in order to preserve our planet.

What is Environmental Education?

Environmental education refers to teaching and learning everything there is to know about our planet, it’s resources, nature, and sustainability. It’s a process of gaining awareness of the issues and learning how to solve them.

Let’s break down environmental education to its basic components. Here’s what it’s all about:

  • Raising awareness of the environmental issues
  • Gaining factual knowledge
  • Changing people’s mindset
  • Gaining skills to act on the problems
  • Inspiring people to inspire others

This kind of education is simply mandatory if we plan on solving the environmental issues and saving our planet. Without the education and raising awareness, people won’t have the knowledge to realize how serious the issues are.


Schools, Take it to Another Level!

Schools need to work on improving the environmental education and taking it outside of the biology classroom.

There are government funds and Environmental Education Grants you can apply for. You need a good plan and a detailed project description, and you can make some wonderful changes in your school!

Make sure your application essays are top-notch. If you need help with editing or proofreading, you can find it in online writing services such as RatedByStudents or HotEssayService.

Starting Early

We’ve reached a critical point when it comes to environmental issues. There’s no time to waste and we need to take action as soon as possible.

Given the situation, it’s only natural we educate our children about the concerns and problems we’re facing.

Children need to learn about environmental issues from the earliest age, in order to gain valuable insight and avoid adopting bad habits. Here’s a couple of important things that children need to understand:

  • the concept of preserving the nature
  • the importance of being environmentally active
  • their role in making a difference
  • their behavior affecting the rest of the world

By starting the environmental education early, we create a healthy mindset in our children. We don’t allow bad habits to even be created, let alone take over the good ones.

Awareness and Knowledge

Kids need facts. We need to give them the knowledge necessary for understanding what is happening in their surroundings.

Environmental education teaches them about:

  • major environmental issues
  • what causes the issues
  • how they can help to solve the issues
  • what is their role in the system

Once children are properly educated and informed, they are ready to be a part of the global fight for environment preservation.

They’ll start raising the awareness of others. They’ll start contributing to the global movement as individuals.

Adopting New Habits

Environmental education for children is not just about the theoretical knowledge. On the contrary, it’s about answering the following question:

  • What can you DO in order to help save the planet?

In other words, environmental education is about taking action. Children get the chance to adopt new habits and employ them in their everyday life.

They learn about:

  • recycling
  • riding a bike instead of their parents driving them
  • planting trees
  • turning off the light and unplugging appliances
  • planting a garden
  • avoid plastic bags and use reusable ones instead
  • eating less meat and more fruits and veggies
  • wasting less

Children will carry their habits home and continue living in an environmentally- friendly way. The habits they adopt ones will stick to them forever, and help them be a part of a better, more aware and more active generation.


Using environmental issues in student learning shows children the bigger picture

Inspiring Others

Kids are great influencers, and we can learn a lot from them. Changing their routine might affect their family members, friends and peers to do the same.

In other words, by educating the children, we educate everyone around them. They’ll be the ambassadors of environmental awareness.

They can influence their parents to:

  • drive less
  • quit smoking
  • save energy
  • properly dispose of trash
  • adopt new habits

By giving a good example, children will become environmental educators themselves.

Volunteering and Taking Action

The best part about environmental education for children is that they get the chance to do good, help others, make changes and contribute the overall mission of reducing everything that’s making our planet polluted and at risk.

They can participate in:

  • cleaning natural surfaces
  • environmental awareness workshops
  • recycling movements
  • ecological restoration
  • marine conservation

Give Your Kids a Chance to Love Environment

Environmental education isn’t strictly tied to the school. It doesn’t end once the bell rings. Kids need to learn to implement their knowledge in other spheres of their life. Their family needs to support them.

If you have kids, find a way to keep them thinking about the environment outside of school and contribute its preservation. You can:

  • Send them to environment summer camps

A great way to spend the summer: making new friends, acquiring new skills and helping save the environment.

  • Help them organize a local environment event

Your kids can organize an event such as cleaning the local river or park, collecting plastics and disposing of it properly or donating for an environmental cause.

  • Have them participate in an essay-writing contest about the environment
    If your kids like to write, they can participate in a contest and share their environmental vision with others. They might even win a prize.


Environmental education is important for everyone. The more we know about the ways we damage our planet, the quicker we can change and adopt new habits. We need to start from ourselves and move on to inspiring others.

The children are the future, which is why it’s necessary to pass on the knowledge onto them. By starting as early as preschool, environmental education will shape the mindset of your children and make them environmentally aware and responsible. That will inspire them to make smart choices and good decisions. And that is a kind of generation we need!

How to Make Hunting Better for the Environment

Being environmentally-conscious and adopting an eco-friendly lifestyle is definitely a growing trend that is rapidly spreading across various layers of our society. A lot of the modern hunters are people who embrace an eco-friendly way of living just as much as they are interested in hunting. Therefore, it’s important to understand whether hunting can be eco-friendly and what steps need to be taken.


The question of environmentally-conscious hunting is complex. On the one hand, it is about improving current regulations and making certain changes that will have a positive impact on nature and the future of our planet. On the other hand, hunting itself can be seen as a sustainable activity, as a return to a more natural way of living, compared to purchasing meat at the grocery store.

Although there are many vehement opponents to hunting, there are ways in which hunting can continue as an activity, as long as it is controlled and well regulated, while actually contributing to the overall wellbeing of the environment.

1. Follow the Rules and Respect Hunting Laws

The first and crucial step toward eco-friendly hunting is being aware of all the hunting regulations that apply to each area and following the appropriate rules. Establishing hunting seasons with firm delimitations, according to the specificity of each country and area, has been one of the most important steps for protecting wildlife.

Hunters need to be fully aware of interdictions and laws that are specifically implemented in the area where they intend to hunt. It’s best to do proper research before planning a hunting trip, in order to make sure that hunting regulations are not violated.

2. Keep Your Hunting Equipment in Check

Choosing the appropriate firearm, crossbow and tripod stand is another important aspect of eco-friendly hunting. Ethical hunting means selecting the appropriate type of weapon for each type of game, in order to be effective without causing unnecessary agony. Also, keep in mind that the industry of hunting gear and equipment is consuming a lot of natural resources.

Having a few, but top-quality pieces of equipment is better for the environment than constantly adding cheap accessories to your hunting pack, that are not durable and have higher costs over time. Wearing the right attire is another significant thing to keep in mind. More and more eco-friendly options are available for modern hunters.

3. Stay Close to Home

Avoiding long-distance hunting trips in favor of local areas is a great way to minimize the impact of hunting on the environment. Any kind of travel simply means burning more fuel and, therefore, contributing to the depletion of natural resources and global warming. Although it can be more difficult, try to research and find hunting opportunities as close to home as possible.

Being more involved in your own community and taking responsibility for your choices also include understanding the local environment and its particular needs. Instead of going for a particular type of game, regardless of the distance and impact on the natural habitat, green conscious hunters select their target based on local needs.


For example, if there is a wild pig problem in the area, hunting will act as an effective control method, as opposed to ignoring this problem and choosing a random hunting target.

4. Avoid Any Waste

Waste products that are being inappropriately discarded all over the woods are still one of the biggest issues when it comes to protecting our forests and wildlife. Responsible hunting includes leaving zero waste during and after any hunting session. Hunters already carry heavy packs and wear heavy gear.

However, they need to also have specific bags for gathering any garbage and disposing of them according to regulations.

Local regulations should also reinforce the obligation of not leaving any waste behind, for hunters specifically. Waste has a huge negative impact on the environment and we are seeing that even the most remote, wild areas in the mountains are becoming suffocated with discarded garbage.

Cleaning up after themselves and maintaining a waste-free hunting area are important characteristics of modern hunters.

Hunting and Sustainable Development

Hunting and green living can definitely coexist if simple but firm steps are taken. The bigger question is, however, whether hunting can contribute to a more sustainable way of living in the future. Considering that the current meat industry is one of the biggest polluting factors in modern society, going back to hunting seems to be a good option.

Compared to the entire process of industrially obtaining and distributing meat, hunting has a less negative impact on the environment. However, the possibility of actually replacing meat in the supermarkets with game, as a contribution to sustainable food, seems infeasible.

On the other hand, without healthy wildlife, there would be no more hunting. Therefore, efforts should be directed toward sustaining our natural environment and the development of wildlife.