نظرة على مشاكل تونس البيئية

سيقودنا قلمنا هذه المرة إلى دولة إفريقية عربية تعد من بين أجمل البلدان و أعظمها من حيث تراثها المادي و اللامادي. إنها دولة تقع في شمال إفريقيا، يحدها من الغرب دولة الجزائر و من الشمال و الشرق البحر الأبيض المتوسط أما جنوبها الغربي فتحدها دولة ليبيا، و تتخللها واحات من النخيل و أشجار الزيتون، و أراض من القمح و الشعير.

إنها تونس العريقة، مزيج بين ما ترك الاسلاف من أقواس و أبواب و ما حباها آلله من سواحل و جبال و صحاري.

تتميز تونس بمناخ معتدل، فدرجات الحرارة معتدلة صيفا و شتاءا، فمناخها الرائع و موقعها الجغرافي الجميل، ساهم بشكل كبير في جلب السياح من مختلف أنحاء العالم، كما ساهم أيضا في جلب نوع آخر من السياح ألا و هم الطيور المهاجرة، حيث تتخد هذه الأخيرة تونس كمحطة للاستراحة خلال هجرتها من أروبا إلى إفريقيا جنوب الصحراء.

يقوم إقتصاد تونس أساسا على الزراعة و الفلاحة، حيث تعرف تونس بإنتاجها للحبوب، الزيتون، و التمور و تعرف أيضا بتصدير منتجاتها البحرية. كما أن تونس تعتمد على السياحة للرفع من اقتصادها و تقليص البطالة، حيث توفر كل ما يحتاجه السائح لقضاء عطلته بكل رفاهية، لكن الجدير بالذكر أن ما يجذب السياح ليس فقط الفنادق و المنتجعات السياحية و إنما طبيعة هذا البلد الخلابة، تنوع منظوماته البيئية بحيث نجد حوالي 69 منظومة طبيعية و اكثر من 7200 من الأصناف النباتية و الحيوانية البرية و البحرية.

فتميز هذا البلد على المستوى العالمي يكمن في مخزونه اللامادي من الأصناف و المنظومات و الموارد الجينية الذي يعتبر نقطة من نقاط قوة هذا البلد، كما أنها في نفس الوقت مكمن ضعف لما تشاهده تونس اليوم من مشاكل بيئية كبرى

أن تدهور الأنظمة الإيكولوجية الساحلية و البحرية و أنظمة المياه العذبة جاء نتيجة أنشطة الإنسان كالصيد الجائر، حرق الغابات، قطع الأشجار، الزحف العمراني و رمي النفايات في كل مكان جعل من المواطن التونسي مواطن غير مسؤول و غير واعي بأهمية تروثه الطبيعية.

المواطن ليس وحده المسؤول عن هذه المشاكل، فنجد من بين المشاكل ثلوث الهواء و المياه من طرف المنشآت الصناعية وأيضا مؤسسات الدولة التي تقف عاجزة عن اتخاذ أي قرار أو موقف لردع الخالفين مواطنين كانوا أو مؤسسات صناعية.

كما نلاحظ أيضا عجز الجمعيات عن أداء دورها كاملا إزاء تردي الأوضاع البيئية و عن إيجاد خطاب مناسب للتحسيس. و الملفت للنظر إيجابيا في تونس خلافا لباقي الدول العربية هو التصالح الواضح بين الجمعيات و مؤسسات الدولة و التطلع للعمل معا من أجل تحقيق أهداف مشتركة.

الهدف هو إبقاء تونس الخضراء ، و هذا لن يتأتى إلا بإدراك أهمية هذه المناطق و مواجهة هذه المشاكل باعتماد أسلوب العمل المتكامل المشترك ، و اتخاذ الإجراءات اللازمة انطلاقا من دراسة علمية شاملة مسبقة للنمطقة من أجل التدخل الصحيح للحد من التدهور و معالجة الخطر القائم على التنوع البيولوجي.

و لتحسين المستوى البيئي للبلاد فالحل هو الطفل التونسي لأنه ركيزة البلاد و مستقبلها لذا من المهم جدا إدراج التربية البيئية في المناهج التربوية و المشاريع العملاقة و مخططات التنمية من أجل الانتقال من برامج التوعية إلى إنشاء جيل تونسي واعي بثروته الطبيعية و بأهمية المحافظة عليها و إستغلال موارده بعقلانية و استدامة.

Sand and Dust Storms in the Middle East: Facts to Know

Sand and dust storms are regular occurrences around the world and more common in arid and semi-arid regions, such as the Middle East. Dust storms play an important role in global dust cycle, and can alter the radiative balance. It can damage agricultural crops and retard plant growth and alter the life cycle of the marine benthic organisms due to less sun light penetration into the sea floor. Dust storms can cause social disruption, economic loss and adverse impact on human health.

sand and dust storm

MENA region has been regularly witnessing extreme weather events in recent years

When the visibility is below 1000 meters on a dusty day, it is considered that dust storm is occurring. Sand and dust storms should not be confused with other types of dusts such as rising dust, suspended dust and haze. The former are mostly associated with dry and hot northerly and north-westerly winds locally whereas the latter are mostly caused by human activities. Many studies have shown that dust oscillation at local level is associated with strengthening and weakening of low level tropospheric wind. The dust storm occurs at any place when there is an interaction of weather event with soil and land management such as soil structure and vegetation cover.

Sand and Dust Storms in Arid Countries

The major source of sand storm in arid countries are the presence of desert itself. The Sahara Desert itself accounts for 25% of the suspended micro particles in the atmosphere. The total worldwide annual production of dust by deflation of soils and sediments was estimated to be 61 to 366 million tonnes. From Africa alone it is estimated that more than 100 million tonnes of dust per annum is blown westward over the Atlantic. Arabian Peninsula is also recognised as one of the major dust sources of the world.

The major source of present day sand and dust storms are the subtropical desert regions and the semi-arid and sub-humid regions, where dry exposed soil is subject to severe winds at the dry period of the year, i.e. the summer time. In the Gulf region, the regional sources of dust and sand are alluvial plains of southern Mesopotamia, Syrian Desert, Jordan and North Saudi Arabia. The dust storms in the region are dominated by Shamal winds, which is the local name for the northerly and north-westerly winds.

In the desert regions, there are two main factors that have been identified as causing sand and dust storms. These are geographic condition and climatic conditions. Some of the components of these two conditions are;

  • Loose and dry sand, dirt, lack of vegetation or land cover
  • Strong seasonal wind speed on the ground
  • Surface air turbulence due to huge amounts of radiation in the region
  • Vertical and unstable weather conditions,
  • Dry surfaces due to lack of rain.
  • Decrease in soil moisture and the soil/ sand binding capacity due to reduced or lack of rainfall
  • Anthropogenic factors such as land clearing and desertification

The frequency of dust storms during the summer time are more as it provides the most favourable climatic conditions for the same. Human induced changes are also considered as significant factors in increase in occurrences of dust storms in some non-arid regions.

Local and Global Impact of Dust Storm on Climate

Dust particles in the air, also known as dust aerosols, cause a shielding effect similar to rain cloud. Hence, dust aerosols can alter the climate by intercepting incoming radiation from the sunlight, reducing the net radiation at the surface during its occurrence. Net radiation is equal to absorbed sunlight minus thermal radiation emitted by the surface back to the atmosphere. This causes a local cooling effect for a temporary period of time. The temperature can reduce by 10C due to diminished sunlight falling onto the surface. However, dust aerosols differ from sulphate aerosols emitted from volcanic eruption activities.

dust storm in middle east

Sulphate aerosols are lofted into the stratosphere following the eruption. They reflect sunlight back into space and reduce the amount of radiative heating both within the atmosphere and at the surface. However, the displacement of solar heat away from surface at local level due to dust aerosol alters the Earth’s climate. The cooling effect can only remain for a short period of time as heat from surrounding warmer region gets transferred to the dust affected region to bring an equilibrium temperature distribution and hence offsetting the cooing effect. Therefore, the local temperature returns to normal after a short period of time.

Cooling effect of Arabian dust cloud can sometimes be extended from northern Asia to the Pacific and North America when the atmospheric circulation that connects the regions downwind to beneath the dust cloud.

air quality in abu dhabi

Effect on Sand and Dust Storm on Sustainability

Sand and dust storm can cause negative impacts on three pillars of sustainability; society, economy and environment. As the dust cloud rises, it reduces the horizontal visibility. Low visibility can affect human life in many ways. The fine suspended particles also contain contaminants, bacteria, pollens, which cause negative health impacts such as allergies and respiratory diseases.

Dust also carries air borne pollutants such as toxins, heavy metals, salt, sulphur, pesticides etc. They cause significant health impacts when people inhale the contaminated dust. Dusts can corrode buildings and other built infrastructure since it is contains high level of salts particularly in the dust storms of deserted gulf region.

Urban Development in Nouakchott – Perspectives and Challenges

Nouakchott, capital city of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania, is the biggest city in the Sahara region. Like other major cities worldwide, the city is plagued by environmental, social and economic challenges. Sewage disposal network, dating back to 1960’s is no longer sufficient for Nouakchott. The country is heavily dependent on fossil fuels and woody biomass for meeting energy requirements, though there is good potential of solar, wind and biomass energy. Solid waste management is becoming a major headache for city planners. Population is increasing at a tremendous pace which is putting tremendous strain on meager civic resources.


Making of Nouakchott

Mauritania is a Western African country bordered by the Atlantic Ocean, Morocco, Algeria, Mali and Senegal. Most of its 1,030,700 km2 are covered by deserts. A country as wide as Egypt, it is only scarcely inhabited by some 3.500.000 people. A crossing of cultures, most of the country is inhabited by Arab nomads, the Moors, while the South is inhabited by the African Toucouleur and Soninke people.

Before the country became independent in 1960, the French founded the new capital city Nouakchott. Originally, Nouakchott was a city intended for 3.000 inhabitants. Most of the inhabitants were nomads and the city was established at a meeting place and cattle fair for the nomads. The etymology of the name may mean salt marsh or shore. The area is flat, protected from the sea by low dunes and originally bordered by savannah type vegetation.

After independence, the city grew very quickly, well beyond the expectation of its French founders. In the 1970’s Mauritania sided with Morocco in the Western Sahara war, and was badly defeated by the Polisario rebels. The war caused a massive arrival of refugees from the combat zones in Northern Mauritania. At the same time, drought and famine devastated the whole Sahel region which causes a large-scale refugee influx in the Nouakchott region.

Problems Galore

The arrival of refugees swelled the population of the city, making it the fastest growing city in the region, apart from causing a massive disruption in the environment. For decades, the majority inhabitants of Nouakchott lived in slums. The refugees came with their cattle and contributed to the destruction of existing savanna vegetation by overgrazing. The sand dunes quickly became loose and began to threaten the city from the East and North. Chaotic urbanization caused further environmental destruction, destroying the littoral zone.

The city also suffered social problems, as traditional ways of life disappeared. Former shepherds, agricultural workers and freed slaves became urban poor with little education and abilities to fit in a new economic model. The modern way of life lead to proliferation in plastics items and the landscape of Nouakchott got littered with all sorts of wastes, including plastic bags and bottles.

Nouakchott continues to grow with population crossing one million. However, there is stark absence of basic amenities in the city.  Apart from several wells, there are no potable water supplies. The city had no bituminous road beside the two main avenues until recently. The city lacks urban planning, wastewater management and waste management. The construction of harbour and urbanization has led to the destruction of the littoral dunes. The city is in real danger of being flooded in case of sea storm or high tide. The most threatened place is Tevragh Zeina, the most affluent part of the city.

Urban Development in Nouakchott

Nouakchott is a typical example of chaotic urbanization

Sand dunes are another cause of worry for Nouakchott. In the 1990’s a Belgian project for the construction of a green belt helped in stopping the progression of dunes. However, with expansion of the city, people have now started to build their dwellings in the green belt. The city is also at risk of being flooded in case of rain. In September 2013, during late rainy season, several parts of the city were flooded by rain. Parts of the city are still marked by semi-permanent sewage pools which are a major threat to public health.

Silver Lining

In recent year, environment and sustainable development have become a priority. The government has built roads in Nouakchott and constructed a water abduction system for bringing water from the Senegal River. Slums have been replaced by social dwellings for the poorest.  New schools, hospitals and universities are sprouting at a rapid pace.

Plans are underway to develop the interior of the country to stop internal immigration to Nouakchott. The country is also making made ambitious climate change strategies and has banned the use of plastic bags which has led to its replacement by biodegradable or reusable bags. Mauritania has rich biodiversity, especially in its sea. Infact, the country has many biodiversity hotspots which may attract people for ecotourism.

There are huge challenges to be tackled to transform Nouakchott into a modern city. Due to nomadic links, Mauritania’s Arabs have a special link to desert and are counted among the environmentally-conscious people of Western and North Africa. However considerable efforts are required to educate the people living in and around Nouakchott and motivate them to become an active participant in sustainable development of the city.

Eco-Friendly Ways to Manage Food Wastes

Food waste is one of the most prominent waste streams across Middle East.  The mushrooming of hotels, restaurants, fast-food joints and cafeterias in the region has resulted in the generation of huge quantities of food wastes. The proportion of food waste in municipal waste stream is gradually increasing and hence a proper food waste management strategy needs to be devised to ensure its eco-friendly and sustainable disposal.

food waste management

Food waste is an untapped energy source that mostly ends up rotting in landfills, thereby releasing greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Food waste includes organic wastes generated in hotels, restaurants, canteens, cafeterias, shopping malls and industrial parks in the form of leftover food, vegetable refuse, stale cooked and uncooked food, meat, teabags, napkins, extracted tea powder, milk products etc. It is difficult to treat or recycle food waste since it contains high levels of sodium salt and moisture, and is mixed with other waste during collection.

The two main pathways for food waste management are:

  • Composting: A treatment that breaks down biodegradable waste by naturally occurring micro-organisms with oxygen, in an enclosed vessel or tunnel or pit
  • Anaerobic digestion or biogas technology: A treatment that breaks down biodegradable waste in the absence of oxygen, producing energy-rich biogas that can be used to generate electricity and heat.


​​Composting provides an alternative to landfill disposal of food waste, however it requires large areas of land, produces volatile organic compounds and consumes energy. Compost is organic material that can be used as a soil amendment or as a medium to grow plants. Mature compost is a stable material with a content called humus that is dark brown or black and has a soil-like, earthy smell.

food waste disposal

Compost is created by combining organic wastes (e.g., yard trimmings, food wastes, manures) in proper ratios into piles, rows, or vessels; adding bulking agents (e.g., wood chips) as necessary to accelerate the breakdown of organic materials; and allowing the finished material to fully stabilize and mature through a curing process.

Anaerobic Digestion

Anaerobic digestion has been successfully used in many countries to stabilize food wastes, and to provide beneficial end-products. Sweden, Austria, Denmark, Germany and England have led the way in developing new advanced biogas technologies and setting up new projects for conversion of food waste into energy.

Biogas from MSW

Anaerobic digestion is a reliable technology for treatment of organic fraction of MSW

Anaerobic digestion technology is the best possible utilization of food waste. A biogas plant is a decentralized energy system, which can lead to self-sufficiency in heat and power needs, and at the same time reduces environmental pollution caused for food waste.

Among the different types of organic wastes available, food waste holds the highest potential in terms of economic exploitation as it contains high amount of carbon and can be efficiently converted into biogas and organic fertilizer. Food waste can either be utilized as a single substrate in a biogas plant, or can be co-digested with organic wastes like cow manure, poultry litter, sewage, crop residues, abattoir wastes etc.

Things You Should Know About The Dangers of Asbestos

The use of asbestos has been a widespread issue that continues to impact countries on a global scale. As a favored material used in buildings and construction projects throughout the 20th century, asbestos held an incredible appeal as a mineral known for its heat and fire resistant properties.

For decades, this substance was synonymous with manufacturing and development. However, it was soon discovered that once asbestos was disturbed or damaged, the fibrous material could have a fatal effect on those that came into contact with it.

asbestos use in construction industry

Asbestos in the United States

Despite its known dangers, asbestos continues to pose a threat, especially in the construction industry. Every year, around 125 million people around the world experience occupational exposure to asbestos. Much has been done to raise awareness about the substance, yet asbestos is still allowed in construction materials and supplies throughout the United States as 1 percent of the product. Along with this, its more prominent presence in older buildings presents a high risk to construction workers during the renovation and demolition of these structures.

As a result, asbestos exposure remains the primary cause of occupational cancer in the U.S. Construction workers are one of the leading groups that suffer from asbestos exposure, with demolition crews at the forefront in their frequent contact with damaged and contaminated rubble. However, the same can be said for a variety of professionals that repair and refurbish structures built before 1970.

The construction industry can be broken down into a number of specialized vocations, from home renovators to tile setters, carpenters, and plumbers. Asbestos fibers can spread throughout a jobsite through contact, which can further expose family members and loved ones if the material is brought into the home.

There are an estimated 4,000 construction materials that once regularly contained some form of asbestos, including shingles, pipe insulation, paints, and cement. Across such a broad spectrum of supplies and substances, this means that a wide array of construction workers risk exposure to asbestos on a daily basis. Today, these materials may still contain asbestos, given that they meet governmental guidelines.

Asbestos Globally

The risks of asbestos also continue to plague many nations around the world. The Middle East was once used as a hub for asbestos well into the late 20th century, along with the boom in oil drilling. As more and more urbanization and infrastructure projects were taking place, asbestos was being continually brought into the environment.

In the 1960s around 20 percent of asbestos could be found in the Middle East. Although almost 60 individual countries around the world have taken measures to ban asbestos, the material is often still found on construction sites due to global regulation disparity and misinformation or ignorance.

Additionally, in places like South Africa and Canada that once thrived on the mining of asbestos, the dangers of exposure remain prevalent. Because the effects of asbestos inhalation can take decades to present themselves, those who worked with the mineral years ago may still be at a high risk.

Towns neighboring these mines and other construction sites often see the negative impact of asbestos as it is carried out and spread into the environment. Since mining asbestos can send the particles into the air, secondhand exposure was also very common. Despite South Africa’s prohibition of asbestos in 2008, much of the region’s environment is polluted and in some cases, unlivable.

Mesothelioma, a rare form of cancer, has direct correlation with asbestos exposure

Impact on Public Health

Why is this naturally sourced mineral so harmful? Over time, asbestos has been linked to serious cases of asbestosis, mesothelioma, and various cancers. Once the fibrous material has been inhaled, they attach to the lining of the lungs and other respiratory organs. As time passes, these fibers cause irritation and can have a serious impact on health.

Mesothelioma, specifically, is known for its direct correlation to asbestos exposure. This rare form of cancer is especially fatal, as symptoms can take anywhere from 20-50 years to develop. As mesothelioma has a low survival rate, few patients survive more than five years once the symptoms are present and just about 55 percent live longer than six months. There are three strains of Mesothelioma: pleural (in the lung lining,) peritoneal (in the abdomen lining,) and pericardial (in the heart lining).

Asbestos has made a significant impact on the world at large. Despite its beneficial fire resistant properties, the material has too negative of an impact on the health of those exposed to it to be fit for use.

Despite the stricter regulations many nations have put into place, asbestos is still found in numerous older buildings and homes, putting those who renovate and inhabit them at risk. To this day, asbestos is continuously used and mined in several countries. However, if legislation continues towards a global ban on asbestos, and the construction industry moves to educate and take extra precautions when handling materials containing the substance, these harmful effects may become less detrimental.

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A Beginner’s Guide to Greenhouse Gardening

If you’ve ever been interested in greenhouse gardening, you aren’t alone. Greenhouse gardening lets you grow plants on an extended schedule or have things that you wouldn’t normally be able to grow in your area.

If you’re thinking about greenhouse gardening, the following are some of the main things to know as you get started.

introduction to greenhouse gardening

Types of Greenhouses

There are a few main types of greenhouses you’ll initially choose from, including:

  • A cold frame greenhouse is one designed to rely on natural heat from the sun. The sun’s heat creates a microclimate for plants that’s warmer than the air outside. You can extend your growing season, particularly in the weeks that are transitional between seasons.
  • Portable greenhouses come in a range of sizes and designs, and some are small enough to fit on a balcony if you’re in an urban area.
  • Raised bed greenhouses are good for limited spaces, and they are also portable.

When you have a greenhouse, it’s going to work generally by converting light energy to heat. Light will enter a greenhouse, and then it’s trapped by the surrounding material. The light is absorbed by the plants in your greenhouse, and then as part of that, it’s turned into heat energy which remains trapped in your greenhouse. The environment is ideal for plants to thrive no matter the season.

The Benefits

The following are some of the primary benefits that come with having a greenhouse:

  • You get an extended growing season without restrictions on what you grow and when you can grow it. You can plant just about anything, anytime you want. Your garden greenhouse creates a climate that’s warm all year round. You can control the temperature and the growing environment, so you can also start to plant earlier or later in the season. Greenhouse plants you might grow throughout the year include peppers, summer squash, cucumbers, and strawberries.
  • Greenhouse gardens give you more pest prevention. When you plant in the open, it means that animals and bugs are going to have easy access. It’s a lot tougher for pests to get in a greenhouse. You may be able to grow without pesticides at all. As a result, you’re going to get truly organic produce.
  • If you opt for a portable greenhouse, you can move it around different areas of your outdoor space or take it with you if you move.
  • You’re not limited to growing certain foods based on the climate where you live.
  • When your plants are in a greenhouse, there’s a stable environment, so they’re not at the mercy of the elements, which can include major fluctuations in temperature or excessive rain or wind.
  • Since the conditions are more consistent, along with your plants being more likely to survive in a greenhouse, they’re also likely to be healthier.
  • You can have more variety in what you grow. For example, all in one location, you can start seeds, grow exotic plants, and do vertical gardening.
  • You might get a mood boost from spending time in your greenhouse. You can get out of the house even in the cold weather months, and it may help if you have symptoms of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD).

Are There Downsides?

As with anything, there are some downsides to keep in mind before you jump in headfirst to greenhouse ownership.


Knowing about these downsides is just as important as knowing the benefits of a greenhouse. One of the main downsides that you have to weigh is the fact that building a greenhouse can be pricey. Greenhouse kits can cost anywhere from $750 up to almost $6,000, on average. Once you have a greenhouse, you might want to use it more, so you’re going to garden more and need the supplies that come along with that, such as soil and fertilizer.

While the upfront costs can be somewhat expensive, the good news is that operating and maintaining a greenhouse generally isn’t.

Having a greenhouse can get time-consuming because you might spend a lot of time working in it, but for you, this may not be a downside.

While a greenhouse can keep your plants safe and pest-free, if you bring in one plant that has a disease or pests, it can quickly spread whatever it is to the other plants when they’re in an enclosed greenhouse environment. You have to make sure your greenhouse is healthy and clean.

Since greenhouses keep out the majority of pests, that means that pollinators like bees are kept out. If you’re growing plants requiring pollination, as such, you have to do it by hand.

Starting Your At-Home Greenhouse

If you’ve weighed both the pros and cons and decided you want to start a small greenhouse at your house, what should you do to plan it?

  • Think about your goals. What types of vegetables and plants are you planning to grow, and how many of them do you want to ideally accommodate? You also might consider whether you want your greenhouse to double as storage for your tools and gardening equipment.
  • You want to choose the perfect site for a greenhouse because this is one of the most important parts. For example, how much sunlight does the site you’re thinking about regularly get? Do you want your greenhouse further away or closer to your home? Do you want to be able to access it quickly?
  • Will your greenhouse be attached or detached? An attached greenhouse shares a wall with your house, while a detached is standalone. An attached greenhouse gets heated air from your home in the winter, keeping it warm, but it can also be more difficult to heat in the winter. A detached greenhouse, by contrast, can have more ventilation, which is good during the summer.
  • How will you heat and cool your greenhouse outside of the sun itself?

Finally, what’s your budget? You can do the labor yourself and save quite a bit of money. If you hire someone else to build your greenhouse, in addition to the costs of the materials or the kit you use, labor can be anywhere from $50 to $200 an hour.

5 Ways to Make Your Car Tires Last Longer

Every driver wants to extend the life of their car tires so that they can save up a huge amount of money. Besides implementing driving practices and maintenance as well as buying high quality tires like the selection of bfgoodrich tires for sale, you can apply some tips to preserve the tires.

This article will show you 5 great ways to help your car tires last longer. But before that, let’s see how long each type of tire can last.

ways to help your car tires last longer

How long can car tires last?

1. Winter tires

The lifespan of winter tires is different from the others. As its name can say it all, these tires cannot be used popularly as it is only suitable for the cold weather and season. Drivers mainly use them when it is snow and icy.

Normally, you should use winter tires that can last for about four cold seasons. Yet, to keep the tires last longer, you should take care of them carefully. If not, the tires’ lives will be shortened, and you must waste more money on the new ones.

2. All-terrain tires

With appropriate care and maintenance, the all-terrain tires can go for nearly 40,000 miles. This is a normal number as this type of tire must travel through more tear and wear than the other ones.

3. All-season tires

According to statistics, the all-season tires can go with you well from 50,000 to 70,000 miles within good care. It is equal to three years using for an average American with mileage habits.

How to make your car tires last longer

1. Check the tread wear frequently

It is advised to check the tire treads regularly to notice some problems relating to uneven wear. You may find the wear on the tier’s edge, feathering, distortion, or cupping. Obviously, if you can find out these problems quickly, you will have more opportunities to correct them and prolong the lifespan.

There is one tip to check the tread is using a penny, which you may hear many times before. It 100% works so you should have a try. Another way to check is to run your hand over the tire tread and feel it. Finally, the easiest way is to spot issues by visual inspection.

Besides, to prevent the tire tread from wearing faster, you should avoid potholes. Also, you ought to check the wheel alignment and address holes and leaks as quickly as possible. Remember that the earlier you catch the problem, the sooner the bad wear can be fixed.

2. Track the tire pressure

If you want to avoid tire wear, you should maintain the pressure specified by the manufacturer. It is very important to vehicle performance. There will be psi numbers placed on the side door and you will find it helpful.

The uneven tire wear can be caused by running too low or too high pressure. For instance, if the pressure is low, the tire’s shoulders will have to carry a huge amount of the carload. As a result, your vehicle experiences more wear.

By contrast, in case the pressure becomes too high, the tire’s center part will experience accelerated wear. Another problem is premature tire end. This has resulted from the uneven tread wear, and it seems to be the primary cause.

Besides, seasonal changes such as ambient temperatures also have an impact on tire pressure. Specifically, the pressure can decrease considerably with regular sub-freezing temperatures.

Hence, it is better to check your tire pressure monthly when temperature swings and the seasons change. Make sure to have some adjustments if needed.

3. Inflate tires appropriately

The best way to take care of your tires is by keeping them inflated properly. Your vehicle brake, handling, and steering will be affected and compromised by the low tire pressure. Besides, the tire sidewalls are also changed by this problem and flex excessively then.

Specifically, it can generate heat and increase tire wear. More than that, it accelerates fuel consumption and reduces the low rolling resistance of the tires.

By contrast, overinflated tires may make your vehicle’s tread wear more quickly, especially the center part. Although it is not taken as seriously as the underinflation, it is still one of the reasons making your tires wear out rapidly.


It is recommended to inspect your tire pressure and keep it from 30 to 35. These numbers are considered normal PSI. In case your tires are out of this range, you should check your vehicle’s manual and find out whether they are under or over-inflated.

Also, make sure there are valve stem caps on your tires so that they can help to prolong the tire’s lifespan. One more issue if you drive frequently but have no valve stem caps is that dirt, debris, and water can be stuck in the tire, causing hydroplaning. From then, the interior part of the tire can be premature aged.

4. Notice the road conditions

Being conscious of the road hazards is a must as it helps your tires roll for a longer time. When choosing a route to go, you should opt for well-maintained roads instead of poorly ones.

In addition, if you must pass through the working zone or construction zone, it is better to take a scenic route.

5. Drive so carefully

Indeed, careful driving habit keeps your tires stay in a good shape on the roughest roads.

It is unnecessary to drive at high speed as it might wreak havoc on your car tires. Each tire has a different speed rating. Obviously, it is not a good idea when you exceed this recommended speed.

Braking suddenly or accelerating quickly just make your tires be worn down quickly. Also, mindless driving over curbs, debris, or potholes is not encouraged. Briefly, your driving practices have a huge impact on the tires’ lifespan.

Thus, to keep it last longer, you should drive smart, carefully, and alert.


As you can see above, there are 5 great ways to help your car tires last longer. All outlined tips are good for any driver. Hopefully, you find these tips helpful and have a happy driving experience with these practices.

Le rôle du savoir et de l’innovation autochtones dans la gestion de l’eau

Nos ancêtres sont à l’origine d’impressionnants systèmes et applications de gestion de l’eau qui leur ont permis de faire face à la rudesse du climat et à la rareté des ressources naturelles dans bien d’endroits dans le monde. Découvrez comment les anciennes civilisations appliquaient les savoirs autochtones à la gestion de l’eau, ainsi que le rôle de l’innovation et de l’entrepreneuriat dans la lutte contre la crise de l’eau qui menace toute la région MENA.

Le passé d’or

Dans la région MENA et depuis le IVe siècle av. J.-C., les civilisations les plus puissantes ont surmonté des conditions arides et semi-arides en grande partie grâce à des technologies de l’eau et une ingénierie hydraulique solides. Au XIVe siècle, les réflexions d’Ibn Khaldoun, grand sociologue et érudit né à Tunis, portent à croire que la formation de villes est un pilier des dynasties résilientes. Il cite également l’accès à l’eau douce comme une condition essentielle de la valorisation des villes et de la durabilité des civilisations.

water management in petra

Les Nabatéens

Pétra, la capitale bimillénaire du royaume nabatéen (situé au sud de la Jordanie actuelle), abrite des preuves inestimables de ces innovations autochtones. Grâce à une technologie de l’eau sophistiquée, les Nabatéens pouvaient garantir la continuité de l’approvisionnement en eau tout au long de l’année tout en atténuant les dangers des crues soudaines. Ils privilégiaient l’acquisition d’une connaissance approfondie de toutes les sources d’eau disponibles ainsi que l’adoption de techniques pour optimiser la surveillance, l’exploitation, la conservation et l’utilisation de ces ressources. Leurs réservoirs d’eau avaient une capacité de stockage équilibrée avec leur système de canalisation, et ils utilisaient des bassins de décantation afin de purifier l’eau et de la rendre potable.

Les Nabatéens avaient une connaissance approfondie de leurs atouts et de leurs contraintes, ce qui leur a permis de créer un système pour optimiser le débit d’eau tout en réduisant les fuites, favorisant ainsi une existence prospère pour de nombreuses années à venir.


L’innovation ne se réduit pas à l’ingénierie et à la science ; les marchés de l’eau et la décentralisation de la gestion des ressources en eau sont des éléments importants, que les organismes de réglementation et les associations d’utilisateurs des ressources en eau peinent à maîtriser. Le programme communautaire de gestion de l’eau d’Oman, fondé sur le droit à l’eau, sur les institutions et sur les marchés, est l’un des plus anciens au monde.

Le coût de l’eau était ajusté en fonction de l’offre et la demande. L’existence d’un droit à l’eau établi, le recours à une gestion transparente et la favorisation du commerce de l’eau ont à l’époque grandement contribué à mieux gérer l’eau d’irrigation.

L’avenir est là

Bien que le secteur de l’eau présente un potentiel d’innovation illimité, ce dernier demeure sous-exploité dans la région MENA. Les technologies de l’information, la gestion des données, l’intelligence artificielle et nombre d’autres outils donnent des occasions d’innover et de contribuer à l’élaboration de solutions de gestion de l’eau efficaces, ainsi qu’au développement socioéconomique.

Aujourd’hui, l’innovation et l’entrepreneuriat sont plus que jamais au centre des projets de développement dans la région MENA. La mise en place d’un environnement favorable aux start-ups technologiques afin d’attirer les investissements, créer de l’emploi et stimuler le développement économique est un objectif commun à toute la région. En ce qui concerne l’eau et en dépit de l’importance stratégique du secteur, il existe peu d’innovations liées à l’eau susceptibles de pénétrer le marché et de s’y faire une place, que ce soit dans la région ou dans le reste du monde.

Plus récemment, les concepts porteurs de croissance verte et de solutions climato-intelligentes ravivent l’intérêt autour des innovations en eau à vocation locale, afin d’alléger la charge économique et sociale liée à la pénurie d’eau et aux mauvais systèmes de gestion. Parallèlement, les investissements à incidence sociale gagnent en popularité, et les investisseurs actuels cherchent à investir dans des entreprises qui disposent d’un cadre ESG (environnement, social et gouvernance) solide.

Si l’on devait trouver un côté positif à la pandémie de COVID-19, ce serait d’avoir remis la production locale et l’autonomie au goût du jour. Qu’il s’agisse d’alimentation, d’énergie ou de ressources en eau, la disponibilité et l’accessibilité financière ne doivent pas être compromises. Depuis 2019, les programmes ciblant les innovations et les start-ups du secteur de la sécurité alimentaire et de l’agriculture de pointe sont en pleine expansion. Des pôles d’innovations, des compétitions, des accélérateurs et des incubateurs spéciaux ont été lancés en soutien au nexus eau-énergie-alimentation et de façon étroitement liée avec le réchauffement climatique et l’inclusion sociale.

sahara forest project

Par exemple, le pôle d’innovation régional MENA de WE4F soutient les innovateurs de solutions éprouvées qui visent les problèmes liés à l’eau ou à l’énergie au sein de la production alimentaire urbaine ou rurale, mise à l’échelle par le biais de divers outils financiers et non financiers. Alors que ces efforts prennent de l’ampleur, on assiste à l’émergence de besoins locaux, notamment la montée en compétences et la gestion des connaissances. Les jeunes diplômés disposent d’informations relativement théoriques concernant un sujet ou une spécialité précise. Cependant, la plupart de ces diplômés en ingénierie, en sciences et en commerce manquent de compétences et d’une connaissance pratiques du nexus et de l’interconnectivité qui lient l’eau, l’alimentation, l’énergie, la société et l’environnement. C’est ainsi qu’ont émergé de nombreux programmes de formation et de montée en compétences afin de combler ces lacunes et de guider la jeune génération vers l’avenir.

En Jordanie, un exemple prometteur de ces modules de montée en compétences a été lancé au travers d’un partenariat entre le projet Sahara Forest et l’Université technique Al Hussein (HTU). Ce programme de montée en compétences pour les ingénieures de l’agriculture de pointe et de la sécurité alimentaire a été expérimenté sur 30 jeunes femmes provenant de divers gouvernorats, sélectionnées à partir d’une candidature spontanée et de critères prédéfinis. Les participantes ont pu profiter d’une formation sur le terrain avec le projet Sahara Forest à Aqaba, de conférences et de séminaires techniques dispensés par des professionnels, d’un mentorat avec des femmes leaders et des discours inspirants des experts du marché.

De tels programmes devraient non seulement viser à aider les jeunes sans emploi à rejoindre le marché du travail, mais aussi à élargir leurs horizons pour qu’ils puissent créer des occasions pour eux-mêmes, pour leurs pairs et pour les populations locales. Revaloriser l’agriculture, l’eau, l’énergie et la nature, c’est l’élément déclencheur pour transformer l’avenir du travail dans la région MENA.


Translator: Cécile Lamhene

Cécile Lamhene est une traductrice indépendante de l’anglais vers le français. Après un master en traduction juridique, économique et technique à l’université de Lille, elle se spécialise dans le développement durable dans la région MENA et s’intéresse entre autres à l’agriculture, à l’élevage, à l’ingénierie, à l’énergie et à la gestion de l’eau.

Note: The original English version of the article is available at this link.

6 Environmental Tips to Consider While Establishing Your Office

As an entrepreneur, you need an effective operations center, perhaps one or a few that you can call your office/s. This is where you’ll handle most if not all the aspects of your business. However, an office is more than just furniture, computers, equipment, and stationery. The effective office setup may vary widely depending on the kind of business you own or are setting up. Additionally, there are quite a number of core considerations that are crucial when establishing your office.

If you guessed right, environmental health and eco-friendliness are some of the most important factors to consider these days, especially when establishing an office in the city. According to the dozens and dozens of positive testimonials and happy customer reviews about them, you can never go wrong with YourCityOffice.com when looking for office space in London, the UK, and several other popular cities around the world. But still, you’ll have more than a few options to pick from if you’re looking at it from an environmental point of view.

Here are a few important tips to consider while establishing an eco-friendly office:

how to setup a sustainable office

1. A suitable location

The location is one of the most important factors to think about when establishing an office. Depending on the kind of business you’re involved in, some important factors to put into consideration would include the level of noise pollution, public amenities nearby (like clean water, sewer systems, garbage collection), and the ease of accessibility to both your employees and clients.

2. Get adequate office space

An overcrowded place is never environmentally friendly. When establishing an office, it’s important to consider the amount of space you need, that which will comfortably fit all your equipment, stationery, and staff without looking overwhelmed when the maximum number of clients are in the facility.

3. Facilities, utilities, and amenities

Your employees will definitely need a clean and reliable place to make their nature calls. Some of them will need amenities such as a kitchen and probably a diner where they can possibly prepare or warm and comfortably take and their healthy meals from.

Stuffiness and unsanitary conditions are never environmentally friendly as they may encourage the growth of microbial agents, mold, toxins, and other environmental pollutants. On this note think about things such as indoor air quality, garbage management, heating, and serviced air conditioning.

Considering these aspects, it’s essential to focus on restroom facilities as well. Opting for sturdy metal partitions from onepointpartitions.com can ensure privacy and maintain hygiene standards in the workplace. Additionally, incorporating efficient ventilation systems in these areas will further improve air quality and reduce the likelihood of pollutants accumulating. It’s also advisable to regularly service HVAC systems to maintain a comfortable and safe working environment for everyone.

4. Consider a paperless office

Papers come from trees, and every tree we cut down adds up tears to the global warming menace we currently face in the world. You may not be able to completely go paperless, but it pays to minimize the use of printed material as much as possible.

When establishing an office, this may include making room for the use of tech gadgets such as tablets, phablets, and biometric recognition devices where necessary, especially in cases where clients are needed to sign against certain clauses or documents.

5. Consider remote workers

In this advanced world of technology, many tasks can be handled remotely without the need to go to an office. It saves time, fuels costs, and time for your workers, which could be a plus for your business. If you intend to accommodate working from home, you’ll want to have a desk in the office that manages your remote workers. If hybrid is the best option, then consider these renting benefits for your office.

6. Use eco-friendly products

The production of electricity adds to our carbon footprint. When establishing your office, it pays to pick energy-saving electronic equipment and lighting products. It is also important to develop an energy-saving culture that your employees and office staff will follow when using such equipment, for instance, ensuring that copiers, printers, lights, and computers are off when not in use.

Final Thoughts

Especially for businesses, being a friend of the environment isn’t always an easy task. However, this doesn’t necessarily mean that it is not achievable. With the above tips, you can establish a green office without sacrificing its reliability towards your clients or your employees’ comfort.

How to Make Your Home More Sustainable: 14 Effective Ways

Traditional houses were not built with the environment in mind. Most houses require a lot of energy for heating during cold seasons and cooling during hot seasons. A big percentage of houses are not oriented according to the direction of sunlight and wind to achieve better lighting and cooling. As the population continues to increase exponentially, some cities have started to experience the power and water shortage. This problem has led to frequent power and water rationing, especially during dry seasons.

It is important for homeowners to renovate their houses so that they can reduce water and electricity consumption. Improve your house by insulating the doors, walls, ceiling and windows to conserve energy. However, renovation alone is not enough. Old electronics that consume more power should be replaced with modern ecofriendly models to conserve energy. People who are building new houses should use environmental-friendly building materials to minimize pollution and over-exploitation of resources.

green building rating systems in Middle East

Solar batteries of most sustainable homes are usually stored in the garage. These batteries work best at room temperature (25 degrees Celsius). Therefore, it is important to renovate your garage so that it can maintain its temperature during cold seasons. This can be achieved by replacing old single-layered garage doors with modern multi-layered garage doors.

Garage doors with multiple layers have polyurethane or polystyrene insulation which prevents heat loss. Garage doors that don’t close well and the ones with small openings or cracks allow heat loss. Faulty garage doors should be repaired to maintain the temperature of your garage. Garage door reparations and installations are available at https://okdiscountgaragedoor.com and other companies that offer the highest quality and affordable services.

How to make your home more sustainable?

1. Insulated floors, ceiling and walls

Insulation reduces energy loss during cold days or winter. There are various types of insulation materials that you can use in your house. The common ones are rubber and aesthetic materials. Install thick carpets in your living room and bedroom to keep your feet warm. Insulation prevents your floor and walls from becoming too cold.

2. Double-glazed windows

These windows stop heat loss to the environment when closed. Double-glazed windows are perfect for houses located in windy areas and high altitude areas. Another advantage of using such windows is that if one glass breaks, the other one protects you from cold winds. Some models of double-glazed windows let in less natural light during daytime, but their insulation capability is more important in a house. Thermal-backed curtains can be used instead of double glazed windows if you have financial constraints.

3. Building materials

As a developer or home owner, you should think about environmental protection before launching your project. Get wood, stones and other building materials from environmentally certified companies. Some companies illegally harvest trees from protected forests located in remote areas. Their activities destroy habitat for wild animals and they also harvest endangered plant and animal species.

Avoid products obtained from endangered plant and animal species. Some endangered tree species such as mahogany are used to make expensive wood products. The high demand for such products encourage illegal harvesting of the trees. Always check for the tick that indicates if a company is environmentally certified before signing a contract.

Toxic building materials, especially those with traces of heavy metals such as lead, and mercury should be avoided at all cost. Materials with asbestos are good for insulation, but they are also deadly. Also check the radiation level of the materials to avoid getting deadly diseases such as cancer and other health complications.

Build your house using bricks with spaces at the center since they are cheaper and easier to transport. Always outsource building materials from your neighbourhood, or within your country to minimize the cost of transportation and pollution. Sand and gravel should be covered during transportation to prevent air pollution. During construction, ensure that all activities are carried out during daytime to avoid making noise at night when most people are asleep.

4. Orientation of the house

When building a house in a cold environment, ensure that you orient your house properly so that it can get maximum sunlight during daytime. Build the house away from tall trees or other objects that can obstruct it from direct sunlight. With enough natural light, you don’t need to switch on lights during daytime.

However, you should orient your house depending on the wind direction if you live in a desert, within the tropics or other hot areas. Increase the size of windows to allow more wind to get in the house and provide natural cooling. This will prevent your air conditioner or fan from running the whole day thus saving electricity.

5. Composting

Every household produces a significant amount of waste each day. Most of the waste is biodegradable and it comes from the kitchen. You can buy a compost tumbler to convert biodegradable waste into manure. The manure can be used to enrich the soil in your garden. Buying a compost tumbler is advantageous since you can sell your manure to farmers and generate side income.


Home-made manure eliminates the need to buy chemical fertilizers to grow flowers and vegetables in the garden. Fertilizers dissolve in water runoff and pollute rivers and lakes causing eutrophication. Compost manure is environmental friendly and it doesn’t cause this problem. Finally, composting reduces the amount of waste that ends up in landfills and garbage collection sites thus reducing the overall cost of waste management.

6. Biogas production

Biogas has methane, which is an excellent fuel. Biogas can be used for cooking and lighting. Households that use biogas get low electricity bills. Setting up a biogas plant is a long term investment. The amount required to set up a biogas digester depends on the material used and the size of the project. The amount of biogas that is produced varies depending on the size of the composter and the way you feed it with waste.

Biogas production is a good project for farmers who live in remote areas because they can get a lot of plant and animal waste. Studies show that biogas production reduces the amount of methane released into the atmosphere thus reducing greenhouse effect.

7. Rainwater harvesting

Most people don’t harvest rainwater because they don’t have a storage tank. You can start harvesting rain water by just purchasing a huge plastic storage tank or building a concrete storage reservoir to collect rain water. The tank can be located in the basement to prevent it from occupying precious space on the surface.

Rainwater harvesting reduces the amount of water run off which causes flooding downstream. Rain water can be used for various purposes. It is true that rainwater is not safe for drinking, especially if it is harvested in a highly polluted urban area. However, you can buy a machine that purifies water. If the cost of purification is high, you can use the water for washing your car, washing clothes, cleaning the house and watering your flowers, fruits or grass in your garden. This will significantly reduce your water bills, especially if you have a big family.

why rainwater harvesting

8. Using energy-saving electronics

Most companies have started to phase out electronics that consume a lot of power to conserve energy. Bulbs are some of the most important gadgets in a house. However, most traditional bulbs consume a lot of power.

Replace your high voltage bulbs with LED bulbs to save electricity. Most LED bulbs are brighter, smaller, and more efficient. Replace security lights around your house with ecofriendly LED bulbs. The security lights can have a control system which automatically switches them on and off at a specified time. This minimizes the chances of bulbs lighting during daytime if someone forgets to switch them off.

Phase out old CRT computer monitors and power hungry but less efficient CPUs. Use a laptop or a tablet instead of a desktop computer since the small gadgets require less power. Turn off the air conditioner, bulbs, fan, fridge and other electronics if they are not in use. When you want to shower, If the water is not too cold or frozen, you can avoid heating it to save electricity.

9. Use solar energy

Sunlight is free of charge and you can convert it into power using solar panels. The power generated by a solar panel can be stored in batteries for future use. The lighting system can get its power from batteries connected to solar panels to save electricity. Electronics that consumes less power can also be connected to the batteries.

Buy a solar water heating system to heat the water that goes to your shower. This eliminates the need to heat water during a shower.

10. Gardening and Landscaping

Local flowers and grasses should be planted in the garden to minimize the amount of water used for irrigation. Grasses should be planted on bare grounds to help reduce erosion, which causes siltation in rivers, dams and lakes. Avoid exotic plants that are expensive to maintain. Some plants require pruning and spraying which is costly. Some conifers such as Cyprus trees get attacked by aphids and they require regular pruning to remove unwanted branches. However, if Cyprus trees are well maintained, they can be trimmed to achieve an amazing visual balance in the garden.

edible landscape in garden

Plant vegetables such as cabbage, tomato and kales in the garden to eliminate the cost of buying greens from the grocery. If you have a large garden, plant fruits such as oranges and passion. The garden can supply you with fresh fruits and vegetables throughout the year. This will stop you from buying vegetables from unknown sources. Some vegetables in the market are genetically modified while others were sprayed with uncertified or illegal insecticides while on the farm.

11. Wind energy

Like solar energy, wind energy is also environmentally friendly and renewable. What you need is a wind turbine and lithium-ion batteries to store the power. People living in remote areas with high velocity winds can generate free power and use it for lighting and heating. Areas with high velocity winds include deserts, shorelines, and open spaces.

Windmills produce some noise and it is advisable to install them a few meters away from your house. If you have a borehole, you can use a windmill to pump water into a storage tank on the surface. If you can’t afford a wind turbine, you can design your own using DIY tutorials available online.

12. Double walls

Double walled houses tend to be warmer than those with a single wall. The walls have a small space between them, which is filled with air. Air is a bad conductor of heat and this prevents heat loss to the environments. Such a house remains warm for a long period of time and it requires less heating during cold seasons.

13. Save water

Use taps that limit water-flow to reduce wastage of water. Repair leaking taps and pipes immediately to prevent losing the precious water. Only wash clothes and towels that are dirty a few times per month to limit the amount of water used for washing. Reuse the water that you have used to wash clothes for cleaning the house or flushing the toilet.

The shower heads should allow less water to flow to minimize the amount of water used during a shower. Go for toilet designs that use less water to minimize wastage. Use a water tab just a few times a month since it wastes a lot of water. Buy vacuum cleaners and other cleaning gadgets that use less water.


14. Plastic, paper, steel and glass recycling

Waste recycling is important when it comes to reducing environmental pollution and reducing the volume of garbage in land-fills. Plastics are a nuisance in streets, parks, rivers and even oceans. In fact, there is a huge volume of plastics in the oceans and it is killing most aquatic animals. Most plastics are non-biodegradable hence they are always present in the environment. The volume of waste plastics can be reduced if plastic recycling is done efficiently.

If polythene bags get collected and disposed of properly, there will be minimal clogging of sewage pipes and drainage systems in urban areas. The best way to enhance plastic, paper, steel and glass recycling, is by having a receptacle for each type of waste. You can sell these materials to companies that recycle them and get paid.

Collect all metals when demolishing a house and take them to a recycling company since metals with sharp edges can cut or injure people. Stones and bricks can be used to build new houses to reduce the amount of debris in the environment.

Bottom Line

It is important to build or renovate our houses while keeping the environment in our minds. The goods and products that we consume come from the environment and the waste goes back to the same environment. We should be careful to reduce environmental pollution and over-exploitation of resources.

If you own a house, you can reduce consumption of several items to protect the environment. Some of the things that you can do is rainwater harvesting, composting, biogas production, generation of wind energy among others. Old houses should be renovated to add a layer of insulation to prevent heat loss. If every household becomes eco-friendly, we will reduce the amount of waste in our landfills and we will use less water and electricity.

الذكاء الصناعي وإدارة الصحة البيئية في الأردن

تندرج الصحة البيئية ضمن فروع الصحة العامة والتي تهدف إلى تحسين جودة الحياة وتقليل المخاطر الصحية الناجمة عن الظروف البيئية المختلفة, وتتضمن مجالاتها العمل على توعية المجتمع وتطوير السياسات الصحية, كما تعنى الصحة البيئية في دراسة وتقييم أثر العوامل البيئية المختلفة على صحة الإنسان ورفاهيته. تشمل هذه العوامل :

  1. التلوث: مثل تلوث الماء والهواء والتربة، وما يترتب عليه من آثار صحية.
  2. المواد الكيميائية: مثل البلاستيك والمبيدات الحشرية والمواد الصناعية.
  3. العوامل الفيزيائية: مثل الضجيج والإشعاع.
  4. الظروف البيئية: كالسكن والنقل والتخطيط العمراني.
  5. الصحة النفسية وتأثير المساحات الخضراء على الرفاه النفسي.
  6. انتشار الأمراض المعدية وارتباطها بالتغيرات البيئية والاستجابة للأوبئة.
  7. إدارة النفايات بشكل آمن ومستدام.
  8. المياه النظيفة والصرف الصحي.
  9. الممارسات الزراعية المستدامة وتعزيز الأمان الغذائي.

تعد الصحة البيئية مسألة حيوية تؤثر بشكل مباشر على جودة الحياة ورفاهية المجتمعات, ومع تزايد التحديات البيئية العالمية، أصبحت الحاجة إلى استخدام التقنيات الحديثة، مثل الذكاء الصناعي، أمراً ضرورياً لتعزيز الصحة البيئية, إذ تمتلك التكنولوجيا الحديثة القدرة على تحسين الظروف البيئية. وبالرغم من التحديات المختلفة, تسعى الأردن جاهدة لتحقيق الاستدامة بيئية، ومن هنا يأتي دور الذكاء الصناعي كأداة واعدة تساعد في إدارة هذه التحديات.

AI in environmental health management

تحديات الصحة البيئية في الأردن

يتميز الأردن بتنوع بيئته الطبيعية، إلا أنه يواجه العديد من التحديات في مجال الصحة البيئية, من بينها يبرز شح المياه والذي يؤثر على الزراعة والصحة العامة وكافة المجالات بلا استثناء. كما يعتبر تلوث الهواء إحدى المشاكل الرئيسية التي تعاني منها المدن الكبرى مثل عمان والزرقاء نتيجة لدخان المصانع والمواصلات. كما يواجه الأردن تحدي إدارة النفايات التي تؤثر إذا لم تعالج بالشكل الصحيح على صحة البيئة والسكان سلباً على حد سواء.

أدوات الذكاء الصناعي

يمتلك الذكاء الصناعي مجموعة من الأدوات المبتكرة والقادرة على تحسين الرفاهية العامة وتعزيز فعالية إدارة الصحة البيئية في الأردن,  فباستخدام النماذج التنبؤية وأجهزة الاستشعار المدعومة بالذكاء الصناعي يمكن مراقبة جودة الهواء وقياس مستويات الملوثات مثل ثاني أكسيد النيتروجين والجسيمات الدقيقة في مدن أردنية مختلفة, والذي من شأنه أن يساعد السلطات المحلية في توقع وتحديد الأنماط المكانية والزمانية لتدهور جودة الهواء اعتماداَ على العوامل المرورية والجوية, مما يعزز قدرتها على اتخاذ إجراءات سريعة وفعالة للحد من انبعاث الملوثات، مثل تنظيم الحركة المرورية وتشجيع استخدام وسائل النقل العامة.

كما يمكن استعمال الذكاء الصناعي في تطوير تطبيقات تفاعلية على الهواتف المحمولة, والتي تتيح للمستخدمين الوصول إلى معلومات فورية حول جودة الهواء في مناطقهم, مما يمكنهم من اتخاذ قرارات مدروسة بشأن الخروج أو ممارسة الأنشطة في الهواء الطلق, كما يمكن لهذه التطبيقات أن تكون أداة توعوية وذلك من خلال تقديم تعليمات حول كيفية تحسين السلوكيات البيئية مما يعزز المشاركة المجتمعية.

أضف إلى ذلك, القدرة على استعمال الذكاء الصناعي كأداة واعدة لتحسين عمليات جمع النفايات وإعادة التدوير،حيث يمكن استخدامه في تطوير أنظمة إدارة النفايات وتحليل البيانات المتعلقة بكمياتها وأماكن تجمعها الأكثر زخماً، مما يساعد في تقليل التلوث.

علاوة على ذلك, فإنه يمكن للذكاء الصناعي ومن خلال تحليل البيانات المختلفة أن يلعب دورًا في التنبؤ بتفشي الأمراض المرتبطة بالعوامل البيئية, مما يعزز استجابة النظام الصحي واتخاذ التدابير اللازمة للوقاية. كما تسهم تكنولوجيا  الذكاء الصناعي في الأرصاد الجوية  في تحليل بيانات الطقس وتوقع التغيرات المناخية والتنبؤ بالكوارث الطبيعية مثل الفيضانات أو الجفاف، مما يسمح باتخاذ إجراءات وقائية لحماية السكان.

يعتبر الذكاء الصناعي أداة قوية لتحسين كفاءة استخدام المياه وتقليل استهلاكها وبالتزامن مع تحسين الإنتاجية وإدارة نظم الري, إذ يمكن من خلاله تقليل الهدر المائي وتحديد مناطق الفقد في شبكات المياه,

وتعديل استراتيجيات الري بناءً على البيانات المناخية. كما يسهم الذكاء الصناعي في تخطيط المدن المستدامة وتحليل بيانات التخطيط الحضري، مما يساعد في تصميم مساحات حضرية أكثر استدامة وصديقة للبيئة.

محاذير استعمال الذكاء الصناعي في الادارة الصحية البيئية

هناك بعض السلبيات والتحديات المرتبطة بتطبيق الذكاء الصناعي في ادارة الصحة البيئية, منها محدودية الموارد المالية في الدول النامية, إذ  يتطلب تطوير وتنفيذ هذه التكنولوجيا استثمارات كبيرة في تهيئة البنية التحتية والتدريب. أضف إلى ذلك تحدي دقة المعلومات وتوافرها, حيث تتوقف دقة نتائج الذكاء الصناعي على جودة البيانات المدخلة, فإذا كانت البيانات غير دقيقة، فإن النتائج ستكون مضللة مما يؤدي الى اتخاذ قرارات خاطئة, خاصة فيما يتعلق بالمجتمعات الأقل حظاً. كما يعتمد الذكاء الصناعي على كميات هائلة من المعلومات والتي قد يتعذر جمعها في بعض المناطق.

تتعلق بعض المحاذير بالنواحي الانسانية, فقد يؤدي الاستخدام المفرط للذكاء الصناعي إلى تجاهل الخبرة البشرية وتقليل الاعتماد على العمالة البشرية في بعض القطاعات مما يعيق الحلول المستدامة, كما يثير استعمال الذكاء الصناعي مخاوف  تتعلق بالأمان والخصوصية.

use of tech in climate action

أما السلبيات البيئية, فهي تتعلق مباشرة باستهلاك تقنيات الذكاء الصناعي الكبير للطاقة، مما يساهم في زيادة الانبعاثات الكربونية إذا لم يتم استخدام مصادر الطاقة المتجددة. ومع تزايد استخدام الأجهزة الذكية, سيؤدي ذلك حتماَ إلى ارتفاع نسبة النفايات الإلكترونية، حيث غالبًا ما تتطلب هذه الأجهزة تحديثات متكررة, مما يجعل إدارة النفايات الالكترونية وإعادة تدويرها تحديًا كبيرًا. كما أن استعمال الذكاء الصناعي سيشكل ضغطأ على المصادر المائية حيث تحتاج بعض عمليات إنتاج الأجهزة الذكية إلى كميات كبيرة من المياه, بالإضافة إلى حاجة مراكز البيانات إلى أنظمة تبريد تعتمد على المياه.


يمثل استخدام الذكاء الصناعي لادارة الصحة البيئية في الأردن خطوة هامة  نحو تحسين جودة الحياة وتحقيق مستقبل أكثر استدامة. فمن خلال الاستثمار في هذه التكنولوجيا العصرية، تأمل الأردن في معالجة التحديات البيئية بصورة أكثر فعالية، و تعزيز بناء بيئة صحية لأجيالها القادمة. ومع ذلك، يتطلب هذا التحول استثماراً في الموارد البشرية والبنية التحتية,  فضلاً عن تشجيع الابتكار وتعزيز الوعي المجتمعي حول أهمية التكنولوجيا, وذلك من خلال تقديم ورش العمل والندوات. ولنجاح استخدام الذكاء الصناعي في إدارة الصحة البيئية، يجب أن يكون تتكامل الجهود بين الحكومة والمجتمع المدني والقطاع الخاص. كما تعتبرمشاركة الجامعات والمراكز البحثية ضرورة ملحة لتقديم الدعم في مجالات البحث والتطوير لضمان نجاح هذه المبادرات.

وكما تم توضيحه سابقاً, فإن تسخير الإمكانيات الكاملة  للذكاء الصناعي يتيح لنا تحقيق تحسينات ملحوظة في الصحة البيئية, والتي تشكل جزءاً جوهرياً في بناء مستقبل أفضل للأردن. وبينما يمكن للذكاء الصناعي أن يساهم في تحسين الكفاءة وتقليل الهدر وتحسين فهمنا للتحديات البيئية وتقديم حلول مبتكرة والتنبؤ بالمخاطر البيئية، إلا أن استخدامه على نطاق واسع قد يتسبب في مشاكل بيئية إضافية إذا لم يتم تبني استراتيجيات مستدامة. لذا، فإن التعامل مع هذه القضايا يتطلب التفكير النقدي والتخطيط المدروس والتشاركية بين القطاعات المختلفة لضمان استخدام الذكاء الصناعي بطريقة تعزز الصحة البيئية وتحافظ على الحقوق الإنسانية وتدعم الاستدامة.

5 Smart Ways To Manage Waste at Home

Our streets are full of uncollected waste spilling over from bin bags wheelie bins and, plastic recycling containers. Removing waste from our homes can be complicated at times, so it helps to know the greatest way to dispose of it.  Waste clearance can be a timewasting and costly affair if not done right and apart from that is important to end this process in an eco-friendly manner.

There are some ways to take this stress out of your life so we’re here to highpoint some of the best options available for waste disposal.

sustainable waste management for homeowners

1. Try to produce less waste

The best way to get rid of garbage is to try and produce less. By decreasing the amount of waste your produce will save a big pain later doubting what to do with it. Before you know where to reduce home waste, you will need to discover where it is coming from. There are some ways of doing this, but first, you must be aware of the different types of household waste. Some of the types of rubbish that homeowners produce include e-waste, hazardous material waste, organic waste, and chemical waste.

2. Recycle or Reuse

If it is possible to stop producing waste another smart method for proper waste disposal is to reduce, reuse, and recycle. Try to recycle as many products as you can. Around 75% of all the waste is recyclable. People generally have no idea about which materials can be recycled and how to properly recycle those materials.

3. Organize your waste

Another smart way for proper and eco-friendly rubbish removal is organizing your waste.  The reason why your waste should be separated is that different types of household waste need to be disposed of in different ways. The best way to organize waste is to separate the recyclable items and the non-recyclable items. To do that you can place two bins in your home and throw each waste in the right place.

4. Skip bins services

Skip bins are brought to your house and you load your rubbish into them yourself. They can be effective when a recognized quantity of non-toxic waste is produced and there are no forbidden items to dispose of. But, sometimes it is difficult to order the right size of the skip, and owners mix rubbish without considering the rules for toxic waste. With skip bins, stacking rubbish can be heavy work and you also have to clean up yourself after that. Besides, skip bins can irritate the neighbors.

ways to remove rubbish in London

5. Rubbish removal service

A rubbish removal service is one of the smartest ways for rubbish disposal. The company team will come to your house and remove all types of waste no matter how large, disordered, or poisonous they are, and make all the areas clean and tidy before they leave. They will always make sure that the garbage is recycled properly.