أدنى بقعة في العالم تنتج أكبر طاقة شمسية في فلسطين

تشير الإحصاءات إلى أن أكثر من 98٪ من الطاقة يتم استيرادها من إسرائيل، وهو ما يعني أن فلسطين في الوقت الحالي تعتمد بالكامل على الاحتلال الاسرائيلي  لتزويد احتياجاتها من الطاقة والكهرباء, ونظراً لأن فلسطين تستقبل اشعاعاً شمسياً يعتبر الاعلى في العالم وأن أسعار البترول والمشتقات التفطية تعتبرعالية نسبياً بالمقارنة بالدول العربية والعالمية الاخرى فان وجود الطاقة المتجددة لتعزيز وتطوير الطاقة المستدامة للفلسطينيين هو من الأهمية بمكان وأن التركيز على تقليل الاعتماد على واردات الطاقة من الاحتلال الاسرائيلي وزيادة استخدام مصادر الطاقة المتجددة المتاحة في فلسطي هو من سبل تعزيز صمود ومواجهة للاحتلال الاسرائيلي .

المقدسيون وهم سكان القدس المحتلة يواجهون ضغوطا اقتصادية حادة من قبل سلطات الاحتلال الاسرائيلي وتكمن هذه الضغوط على شكل  ضرائب وقيود على النشاط الاقتصادي والسياسي والاجتماعي لسنوات عديدة وذلك محاولة من الاحتلال الاسرائيلي طردهم وتهجيرهم من أماكن سكناهم , ولدعم صمود سكان القدس الشرقية في مدينة القدس المحتلة قامت مؤسسة فلسطين الغد للتنمية والتييترأسها رئيس الوزراء السابقد. سلام فياض، بتمويل مشروع للطاقة الشمسية وذلك بانشاء محطة تولد الطاقة الشمسية ( وقفية البلدة القديمة )

أن سكان القدس والبالغ عددهم حوالي 40 ألف نسمة، يعانون من الفقر والتهميشوعلى الرغم من فقر السكان إلا أنهم ملزمون أيضاً بدفع تكلفة الكهرباء بتعرفة تزيد بحاوالي 15% عن التعرفة التي يدفعها السكان الإسرائيليون، الأمر الذي يثقل كاهلهم، خاصة وأن معظمهم ينتمون إلى شرائح فقيرة أصلاً.

ولدعم صمود هذه العائلات ولمساعدتها في مواجهة المتطلبات المعيشية، قامت المؤسسة بدعم لفاتورة الكهرباء المنزلي ل 5,000 عائلة فلسطينية في البلدة القديمة في القدس، وذلك بواقع 14 دولار أمريكي لفاتورة الكهرباء لكل عائلة، مما يساهم في خفض فاتورة الكهرباءبالمعدلحوالي 25 %وباستدامة لهذا الدعم ولمدة تصل لغاية 25 عاماُ .

في منطقة قريبة من أريحا  المدينة التي تعتبر احدة من أقدم المدن المأهولة بالسكان  في العالم وأدنى مستوى تحت سطح البحر في العالم (  258 متر (846 قدم) تحت مستوى سطح البحر ) يقع  أكبر مشروع للطاقة المتجددة في فلسطين ومدينة أريحا كانت ساحة المعركة النظيفة ضد الاحتلال الإسرائيلي وجزءاً  من السعي المتواصل للاستقلال الذاتي للطاقة في فلسطين .

أن  محطة مشروع البحر الميت الكهروضئية  لتوليد الطاقة  هي من أهم المشاريع وأضخمها ليس في فلسطين وحسب بل في المنطقة العربية ككل وتأتي هذه المحطة التي تقدر طاقتها الانتاجية بـ 710 كيلو واط ساعةوالتي تنتج أكثر من 90000  شيكل شهرياً والتي تم تشغيلها بواسطة شركة كهرباء القدس في ديسمبر كانون الاول عام 2014, وقد تم تصميم وبناء هذه المحطة بنسبة 100%  بأيد وخبرات فلسطينية محلية , ولقد قامت شركة مصادر لأنظمة الطاقة وهي إحدى الشركات الرائدة في مجال تركيبأنظمة الطاقة المتجددة في فلسطين بتنفيذ هذا المشروع وبفترة قياسية لم تتجاوز الستة شهور ، وقد بلغت تكلفة انشاء هذه المحطة ما يقارب المليون دولار أمريكي .

أن هذا المشروع وغيره من المشاريع يعطي أملاً لدى الفلسطينين لاستخدام الطاقة البدبلة كنوع من المقاومة الناعمة والسلمية ويبرز الوجه الحضاري لفسطين في الاستثمار في قطاع الطاقة المتجددة وكبديل عن الطاقة التي يتم استيرادهما من شركات الاحتلال الاسرائيلي وكمصدر طاقة اضافي يغذي النقص الحاد في احنياجات قطاع الكهرباء في فلسطين ولتصبح الطاقة الكهروضوئية بنسبة متقاربة من استخدام الطاقة الحرارية لتسخين المياه وبنسبة 80% من اجالي استخدام الطاقة الحرارية في فلسطين .


المهندس عبد الناصر دويكات

باحث ومهتم بالطاقة المتجددة وترشيد الاستهلاك 

Plastic Pollution: The Search for a Sustainable Solution

Given the present momentum of events, anthropocene may not last for long as it is engineering the apocalypse with the wonder material – Plastics. Anthropocene signifies the geological period when humans have been the dominant influence on the planet’s environment. According statistics, the world produced 322 million metric tons of plastics in 2015; and it is likely to be four times more by 2050. Plastics have become ubiquitous in our lives today.

This wonder material which was invented in 1907 is thickly intertwined with every aspect of our lives today – from toothbrush to the sophisticated gadgets and equipment which define our lives. However, it is so cheap to produce that its use has become rampant in single-use products, also called disposables. However, this is the starting point of the menace. It contaminates every component of our eco-system – land, water and air.


Plastic waste pose a serious threat to marine life in the Middle East

Environmental and Health Hazards

On land, plastic poses the risk of clogging the city sewer system leading to flooding, while stagnant water in big cities conveniently create the ideal breeding grounds for diseases. The harmful chemicals that leech into the soil from the plastics dumped in landfills, can contaminate the soil and ground water entering our food chain. This has been found to lead to hypospadias which is the abnormality of the genitals.

In the research conducted by the University of Minnesota and the State University of New York, out of 159 tap water sample from 14 countries that were analyzed for plastic contamination, 83% were found to contain plastic particles. The study revealed that people may be ingesting between 3,000 to 4.000 microparticles of plastic from tap water every year. Though the health risks are still unknown, what is established is that these particles have a potential to absorb and release potentially harmful chemicals and bacteria.

Almost 19 million tons of plastic waste end up in the oceans each year. Considering the plastic debris found in the ocean today, it is anticipated that the plastics in the ocean will outnumber the fish by year 2050. The immediate dangers to the marine life are from entangling in the nets or rings and by the consumption of the micro-plastics (small pieces into which the other meso-plastics shred) mistaken for food.

But this is just the tip of the iceberg. When plastics enter the marine environment, they are broadly categorized into three, viz., namely microplastics macro-plastics and meso-plastics.

Microplastics and Macroplastics

Microplastics are those that usually have a diameter of 1-5 mm. Microplastics are further divided into primary and secondary microplastics. Primary microplastic are those that are used “in the form of plastic–based granulates or pellets”, while secondary microplastics are those that “occur through the chemical and physical degradation process of macro-plastics”.

Macro-plastics, on the other hand, are those which have a diameter of over 20mm, while meso-plastics have a dimeter of about 5-20mm. Of all these forms, microplastics is the biggest threat to marine life as these plastics are so tiny that they can easily enter the food chain in the sea, which is ultimately ingested by humans. These microplastics tend to further break down into nano-plastics.


Air is the third component of our eco-system that is affected by Plastics. If the by-products from the manufacturing of plastics contaminate air, so do the phthalates. Phthalates are the toxic chemicals added to plastics to make them softer and more pliable. These toxic materials are not chemically bound to the products and easily evaporate into the air. This off-gassing results in the typical “plastic” smell.

Engineering the Change

Environmentalists and the researchers have suggested various measures to combat the problems arising due to plastics. The philosophy that has gained a lot of prominence lately is the 3Rs – Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. It makes a lot of business sense to recycle the existing plastic waste to feed as raw materials for our insatiable need for plastics.

There have been lot of measures by the governments of developed countries in Europe and America to measure the plastics generated and about the percentage that has been successfully recycled. The European Commission supporting and propagating the “circular economy platform” is a step in this direction. The corporate world also rode the bandwagon of reuse with Apple and Nokia announcing to buy-back their old models emphasizing on reuse.

However, such regulations are yet to gain steam in the developing and underdeveloped world and in the organizations in the world.  Just as prevention is better than cure, the most important in this chain is to “reduce” plastic generation in the first place.

Locus of action

Considering the locus of action to implement the 3R framework, we can identify three levels to work with – individual, organizational level and macro level (national and international). Starting from the individual and his choices leading to the use and disposal of plastics, to the organizational level involving policies and regulations to minimize or use of recycled plastics and choice of environment friendly substitutes.

At the national and international level, global campaigns and initiatives including measures to establish a plastic pollution treaty between nations are being proposed by the think tanks. The overarching goal being the recycling, reuse and reduction of plastics.

The 5 Gyres Institute, which uses research to motivate change, emphasizes that organizations take responsibility for the entire life-cycle of the products they create. United Nations has instituted prevention and significant reduction of marine pollution as a Sustainable Development goal, which is certainly heartening. The United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) in its global campaign is urging individuals to eliminate excessive wasteful use of single-use plastics.

On the other hand, through its Clean Seas campaign, UN urges countries and businesses to eliminate use of micro-plastics from their products and significantly reduce other disposable plastic items by 2022. Ten countries including Indonesia, Uruguay, Costa Rica have aligned themselves to this initiative with a pledge to make provisions to significantly slash marine litter by taking up measures such as taxing single-use plastic bags, better waste management and education etc. Meanwhile, dynamic political conditions and the political agenda of the governments make other alternative level initiatives imperative.

The most important step is to reduce plastic generation in the first place.

Technological solutions and discoveries of bacteria and micro-organisms which would dissolve and digest plastics, don’t seem to be a possibility soon. Measures such as shifting to biodegradable plastics, charging for the plastic bags, training the packing staff in supermarkets to use the optimal number of bags etc. are some of the measures that are being undertaken at the organizational level and the supermarkets to reduce the problem. Similarly, supply chains should also be modified, designed and managed to minimize the use of non-degradable inputs.

Towards a sustainable solution

A more sustainable and long-lasting solution to tackle plastic pollution could be to look at the individuals – grass roots, the source of the demand to find a sustainable solution. Unconventional campaigns such as the one created by Dan de Almeida and Michael Hughes have been very creative. Their proposal to recognize the Great Pacific Garbage Patch as a sovereign nation, named as the Trash Isles, have been quite unorthodox with the aim of creating awareness about the problem. They have approached the UN with the proposal for official statehood for the “Trash Isles” with mock-ups of a passport, flags, currency and stamps for this would-be nation. With the children in their formative years, who are important stakeholders in this phenomenon, schools and educational institutions are doing their fair share by creating awareness and seeding the thoughts.

Sustainable results usually call for more than just creating awareness. We need to conceptualize and design systems and put the required infrastructure in place to enable execution and realization of benefits. If we need to reduce use of single-use plastics, we need to design and propose plastics free solutions to people’s needs at a reasonable cost. Only then can we expect any permanent change.

Can use of Behavioral Modification (BM) in behavior and choices, sound as a probable solution? Behavior modification that works on the ABC (Antecedent-Behavior-Consequence) model involves finding out the antecedents i.e. the current environment that influences peoples’ choices and what can be altered to make it favorable for behavior change. This should then be followed with giving them reasons to change to favorable behaviors and then constantly measure the effect to implement informed interventions and thereby create the much-desired result, a better world.

The gains must be made permanent using the Change Management techniques. This approach may not be easy or involve less effort, however these need to be considered as vital components of the multi-pronged approach essential to tackle this mammoth that is our creation.

Cape Three Forks – A Biodiversity Haven on Morocco’s Mediterranean Coast

It goes without saying that the Mediterranean basin is one of the most diverse areas on our planet. But it is threatened by overexploitation, habitat loss and the impacts of climate change. Morocco’s Mediterranean coast is an important home to several endangered species.

Morocco’s Mediterranean coast appears in the form of four large cavities of varying dimensions. Following the Saidia beach in the east, there is the first groove, which is about 80 km long, starts at the head of water, followed by the “Ras Wark” outcrop – Cape Three Forks.

cape three forks

It extends towards the sea. In this part, there is a 24-kilometer coastal strip that separates Lake Nador from the sea. The second cavity, similar in size to the previous one, extends to the west to “Ras El Tarf” (Ras Tarf) in Tetouan (Tétouan) bordering Al Hoceima Bay (Al Hoceïma) to the east.

The coast is shaped like a large concavity and is very open. It gradually changes from an east-west direction to a south-north direction between the strait and the hotel. The entire coast is a series of cliffs interspersed with small beaches.

The Moroccan Mediterranean coast has a diverse terrain. It looks like a large arch east of “Ras Wark” (Cape Three Forks), which includes a series of steep cliffs cut by deep valleys, carved naturally at a height of 70 meters of red earth material, along 30 kilometers of the slopes of “Kabdana” (Kebdana) and then sandy terrain that isolates Lake “Bouarak” between thee areas of “Arkman” “(Arekmane)and Nador (Nador).

From here comes Cape Three Fork in the Eastern Region of Morocco, to furnish the beautiful landscape spaces of the Moroccan Mediterranean Bank. It is a majestic beach rock or a penetrating mountain outcrop, about 20 kilometers, on the Mediterranean coast, 25 kilometers north of Nador (Nador) and on the outskirts of the Spanish colony of Melilla. One hundred kilometers from the Algerian border, it extends over an area of 8000 hectares, two thirds of its maritime area. As a populated village, it belongs to the village community of Bani Shakir.

Cape Three Forks looks like an island. A majestic mountainous area in the middle of a marine landmark with a wide range of seascapes, characterized by clear water. It is surrounded by small scattered sea islands. And charming shiny beaches, full of pebbles. Its terrain is estimated to be 65 meters above sea level.

what is cape three forks

About 35 kilometers away, a lighthouse is visible at the front of Cape Three Forks with a height of 18 meters. Stories were woven around it about the reasons for its construction.   According to the oral version of the people of the area, a Spanish battleship ran aground and crashed on the site. This prompted the Spanish colonizer in the area to build a lighthouse in 1927 AD to prevent the collision of shipping ships and facilitate visibility in front of passing ships.

The Cape Three Forks area is of great environmental importance for its prominent role in the preservation of biodiversity on the Maghreb Mediterranean coast. Several scientific studies and research have recommended making the area a marine reserve. In 1996, residents of the area were encouraged to classify the site as biologically and ecologically important (SIBE) through the Management Plan for Protected Areas in Morocco. In 2005 it was designated as the Ramsar Wetland Site.

The region has living ecosystems and charming natural resources that are essential to the livelihoods of its local residents, but it remains small and fragile. The main activities that take place in the area are fishing and tourism.

The coastal villages in the area are remote, areas of social fragility and rugged paths. Its inhabitants are forced to live in a steep, rocky, arid and salty land. However, it requires living near waters where catching fish becomes increasingly difficult.

The region has already witnessed a scientific study that allows creating initiatives that provide opportunities and knowledge, ensure access to resources and invest joint efforts between researchers, farmers and poor fishermen, men and women, in order to sustain income sources and adapt to climate change.

The residents of the village of Tabouda adjacent to Cape Three Forks practice some traditional crafts such as fishing, farming, livestock raising and living on various natural resources. The region also suffers from geographical isolation. It takes about half an hour to reach the nearest village and an hour to reach the city of Nador. The road to the top of the head has been connected through the lighthouse, but it remains difficult, requiring restoration and extension. Work is under way to open access to villages in the isolated area.

The fishing community in the area relies on fishing boats measuring 5 to 6 meters in size. Other complementary activities directed towards mountain crops are terraced fields such as horticulture, grains, legumes and tree crops.  The region is witnessing the migration of some residents towards neighboring cities and outside Morocco.

Professor Abdellatif Al-Khattabi, an expert in climate change and former coordinator of the Climate Change Adaptation Project in Morocco, says that the region has risks related to climate change such as higher temperatures, increased frequency and unpredictability of extreme events, such as heat waves, storms and floods. These manifestations and developments have a direct impact on the local community because they threaten traditional agricultural activities through increased evaporation, reduced availability of water for agriculture, and erosion of fragile soils. It also has a negative impact on fishing through a reduction in the number of fishing days, a decrease in the availability of fish, and hence the quantity and quality of fish caught.

Professor Al-Khattabi added that studies have already been carried out in the context of the project to adapt to climate change in Morocco that have worked to enhance the adaptation capabilities of the residents of the Tabouda area in the village community of Beni Shakir.

With the effects of climate change, and the development of fragility of local ecosystems that are threatened by worsening climate changes. The project chose two main pivotal approaches as a field of intervention in terms of adaptation to climate change: improving artisanal fishing practices in order to facilitate the adaptation of fishing to climate change and agriculture and water, i.e. the ability of agricultural activities to reduce the reduction of water resources and the salinity of soil and water, by collecting rainwater and improving resource management.

The scientific study has made it possible to create initiatives that provide opportunities and knowledge, ensure access to resources and invest joint efforts between researchers, farmers and poor fishermen, men and women, in order to sustain income sources and adapt to climate change. It requires more research and study to find ways to support and enhance the capabilities of the region’s residents in accordance with a precise scientific strategic vision.

The marine environment of the site hosts different types of fish and whales, some of which are threatened with extinction. There are loggerhead turtles, fin whales, and types of dolphins. The people of the area expressed their regret over the extinction of the monk seal. it has not been seen for years.

Dr. Naguib Al-Waamari, head of the Regional Center of the Institute of Fisheries Research in Nador reported that 180 species and ten types of benthic communities have been identified. The marine biological communities included in the area vary depending on the nature of their habitat. Cape Three Forks is of great environmental quality and includes many species with a vital index and a great diversity of species, whether protected species or species of commercial importance. It is also characterized by a diversity of habitats such as meadows and rocky caves.

Dr. Najib El Ouamari, the head of the Regional Center of the Marine Research Institute in Nador, reported that 180 species and ten types of benthic communities have been identified. The marine biological communities in the region vary according to the nature of their habitat. The Cape Three Forks, with its high environmental quality, hosts numerous species with significant ecological indicators and a wide diversity of species, whether protected or commercially important. It is characterized by diverse habitats such as seagrass meadows and rocky caves.

cape three forks

Dr. El Oumari added that the waters of Cape Three Forks serve as a habitat for many important species, contributing significantly to the conservation of marine biodiversity in the Moroccan Mediterranean, including coral reefs, light-loving algae communities, algae such as Lithophyllum and Mesophyllum, Phymatholiton, red algae Rhodophycée, Cymodocea nodosa seagrass, Phymatholiton, red algae Rhodophycée, Cymodocea nodosa seagrass, shade-loving cave plants Sciaphiles, and flowering marine seagrass meadows.

The Lithophyllum, Mesophyllum, and Phymatholiton types of algae are found in the coastal rock bottoms primarily in the western region of Cape Three Forks. Moreover, red algae Rhodophycée Peysomnelia are found in semi-dark caves and marine meadows like Cymodocea nodosa, which are located on sandy substrata throughout the coastal strip of the site at depths ranging from 10 to 30 meters, and other species are found on rocky bottoms. The site includes subsurface light-dependent algae that settle on well-lit rocks or sediments. These are the most common species in Cape Three Forks, observed along the entire coast, according to Dr. El Ouamari.

The site contains many corals and sponges such as the yellow clathrin sponge, Clathrus of the Clathrinidae family, Chondrosia Reniformis of the Chondrosiidae family, Axinella damicornis from the Axinellidae family, Axinella species, the blue-coated sponge Phorbacias Tenor from the Hymedesmidae family, “Phorbaceae” , stone sponge Petrobia from the Hymedesmiidae family, “Phorbaceae”, stone sponge Petrobia from The Petrosiidae family and the species “Petrosia”.

The corals mainly include the solitary yellow coral Leptopsammia pruvoti from the Dendrophylliidae family, the species Leptopsammia, the orange coral Astroides calycularis from the Dendrophilliidae family, the species Astroides, as well as the gray-coated Epizanthus arenaceus from the Epizoanthidae family and the species Epianthus.

It should be noted that some species recorded in the Cape Three Forks region are indicative of biological conditions in clean and renewable waters with a low sediment load, reflecting good water quality. Also, the remarkable diversity of species and habitats in this site contributes to its important environmental quality.

According to Mr. Said Azwaagh, the coordinator of the East Side of the Research Group for the Protection of Birds in Morocco, the nature of the Cape Three Forks is rocky, and due to its lack of a suitable breeding ground for bird feeding, its importance in ornithology is evident in it being a resting place for seabirds such as Sternes, Goéland’s Gulls, Audouin’s Gull, and Yellow-footed Gull, which feed on discarded fish remains.

Some of them are by surface or tow fishing boats that roam the site day and night.  The site is also considered a favorite place to observe migratory birds in groups during two periods before breeding (pre-nuptial) at the end of spring or after breeding, beginning of autumn (post-nuptial), the most important of which are eagles (the brown vulture), kites (Milan Noir) and the pink flamingo. And cranes (Les Grues Cendrés) and seagulls, in addition to waterfowl (Fou de Bassan et Puffin).

migratory birds morocoo

Mr. Abdel Salam Al-Waaliti, one of the residents of the area, said that Cape Three Forks is a wonderful tourist product that includes good natural resources that attract tourists. The area is very important environmentally and socially and is attractive in tourism. The site is a destination for many visitors and tourists from all over the world. Visitors to this pristine natural masterpiece go to several swimming and diving enthusiasts who enjoy discovering the aesthetic characteristics of the area. They perform recreational activities and cruise tours with small boats provided by the people of the area.

Residents of the area practice traditional fishing activities and some wild crops based on low rainfall. Mr. Abdel Salam added, “In order to end the isolation of villages in the area, the concerned authorities are now extending routes to villages that are isolated due to the mountainous geographical nature of the area.” Some local residents expressed their desire to speed up the work so that the people of the region can benefit from the expected tourist turnout next summer because they have a unique and qualitative tourist product on the Mediterranean coast.

The Efficiency of Heat Exchangers – Energy Cost Savings Paired with Sustainability

Heat exchangers are pivotal in optimizing energy use across industries, playing a crucial role in heating, cooling, and transferring heat between two or more fluids. These systems are not only fundamental in managing thermal energy efficiently but also in contributing to significant reductions in energy costs and CO2 emissions.

custom-made heat exchange systems

Understanding the Role of Custom Heat Exchangers

At its core, a heat exchanger does precisely what its name suggests—exchanging heat from one medium to another without mixing them. This process is instrumental in various industrial applications, from cooling and heating within production processes to waste heat recovery. The efficiency of these systems lies in their ability to reuse heat that would otherwise be lost, translating into substantial energy savings and a lower carbon footprint.

Custom heat exchange systems are engineered to meet the precise requirements of different processes. This customization allows for the best economic efficiency and sustainability, utilizing components such as steam, gas or water heaters, sorption wheels, and electric air heaters. The adaptability of these systems to specific industrial needs underscores their importance in manufacturing and processing environments.

Customization and Efficiency in the Design

In the development, customization is key to meeting diverse industry needs efficiently and sustainably. This involves optimizing heat transfer surfaces and integrating functional components to enhance system performance. Such tailored designs aim to reduce material use and pressure drops, while ensuring robust and safe operations.

Tailored Solutions for Diverse Industries

Custom-made heat exchange systems are designed to fit the unique requirements of different sectors, ensuring optimal performance and sustainability. Industries that greatly benefit from these innovations include:

  • Food Industry
  • Dairy Industry
  • Chemical Industry
  • Pharma Industry
  • Pulp/Paper Industry

These sectors rely on heat exchangers for a range of processes, such as maintaining precise temperature conditions, ensuring product quality, and adhering to strict hygiene standards.

Sustainability through Innovation

Enhancing Features for Optimized Performance

Focusing on efficiency, eco-friendliness, durability, compact design, and cost optimization is fundamental in the evolution of heat exchanger technology. These attributes are critical in addressing the demands of modern industrial applications, offering a pathway to sustainability and economic efficiency. Leveraging expertise in thermal engineering and mechanical design, industries worldwide are moving towards solutions that are not just functionally superior but also environmentally responsible, marking a significant step forward in industrial thermal management practices.

Maximizing Industrial Efficiency and Sustainability

Achieving up to 40% energy cost savings and CO2 emission reductions of up to 100%, custom heat exchange solutions are an important example of promoting smart sustainability. These figures are not just impressive; they represent a significant leap towards greener, more sustainable industrial operations. There are case-studies of heat exchange manufacturers like AnyTherm from Switzerland who report a payback period of approximately 0-4 years for their clients.

Technological Innovations Driving Change

The advancements in heat exchange technology, such as finned tubes, pillow plates, and bespoke filtering units, are key to these systems’ impact. These components are meticulously engineered to enhance heat transfer efficiency, cater to specific process requirements, and withstand the demanding conditions of industrial environments. Their adaptability and performance efficiency underscore the importance of custom-designed solutions in achieving economic and environmental goals.

The Path Forward – MENA’s Potential with Heat Exchange Technologies

Given the MENA region’s diverse climate and industrial landscape, incorporating heat exchanger technologies offers a strategic advantage. These systems can be particularly effective in optimizing energy use and enhancing cooling processes, essential in the region’s hotter climates. Tailoring solutions to the specific needs and environmental conditions could significantly improve industrial efficiency, reduce energy consumption, and support sustainability goals.


MIT web course on Heat Exchangers

الطاقة المتجددة في رؤية السعودية 2030

في الخامس والعشرين من شهر أبريل لعام 2015م تمت الموافقة من قبل مجلس الوزراء السعودي على إقرار ميثاق وطني جديد في المملكة العربية السعودية يعرف “رؤية المملكة 2030م”، على أن يتولى مجلس الشؤون الاقتصادية والتنمية وضع الآليات ومتابعة الوزارات والجهات المستهدفة من خلال مؤشرات الأداء الرئيسية في تطبيق برامج وآليات رؤية السعودية 2030م. وتعد هذه الرؤية خطة عريضة لضم وتنظيم العمل الحكومي والخاص للعمل على تحقيق أهداف الرؤيا.


ومن بين الأهداف المتضمنة في رؤية السعودية 2030: وجود خطة متخصصة تسعى لتنويع وتنمية الاقتصاد السعودي، حيث تأمل هذه الخطة الطموحة إلى التحول باقتصاد المملكة من المرتبة العشرين حاليا، لتصبح ضمن أفضل خمسة عشرة اقتصادا في العالم. وستعمل المملكة على زيادة إيراداتها غير النفطية ستة أضعاف من 43.5 مليار دولار سنويا إلى 267 مليار دولار سنويا! وتماشيا مع أهداف الرؤيا حدث تغير وزاري حيث أضحت وزارة الطاقة والصناعة والثروة المعدنية المتعددة المهام بدلا لوزارة البترول والثروة المعدنية. والجدير بالذكر أن هذا التعديل الوزاري يدل على نية المملكة العربية السعودية الاهتمام فعليا بالطاقة الشمسية.

البرنامج الوطني للطاقة المتجددة

يعد البرنامج الوطني للطاقة المتجدد، مبادرة استراتيجية في عهد الملك سلمان بن عبد العزيز آلِ سعود، وتنضوي هذه المبادرة تحت مظلة رؤية السعودية ٢٠٣٠م وبرنامج  التحول الوطني ٢٠٢٠م. ويعمل البرنامج الوطني للطاقة المتجددة على إنتاج ٩.٥ جيجاوات من الطاقة المتجددة بحلول ٢٠٢٣م، إضافة إلى هدف مرحلي بتحقيق ٣.٤٥ جيجاوات بحلول ٢٠٢٠م.

السياسات والأطر التنظيمية

وبحسب ما ذكر في نص رؤية السعودية 2030 بوجود عوائق تحد من انتشار مشاريع الطاقة المتجددة، لذلك لابد من الحاجة إلى الدعم السياسي لتحسين فرص الطاقة المتجددة لتساهم في مزيج الطاقة الحالي. والهدف من سياسات الدعم للطاقة المتجددة هو لدعم التصنيع والتطوير في هذا القطاع الواعد، وبناء القدرات التسويقية، والعمل على خفض الكلفة الاقتصادية للألواح الشمسية، والتركيز على الدور الهام الذي تلعبه الطاقة المتجددة للتخفيف من تبعات التغير المناخي وتلبية الاحتياج المحلي من الطاقة مما يساهم في تعزيز أمن الطاقة.

والجدير بالذكر أن المملكة العربية السعودية تحتاج للبدء بتكوين إطار قانوني وتنظيمي ملائم لجذب القطاع الخاص للاستثمار في الطاقة المتجددة والمساهمة في تحقيق اهداف رؤية 2030. وتعتبر “هيئة تنظيم الكهرباء والإنتاج المزدوج” هي الواجهة المنوط بها تنظيم صناعة تحلية المياه وإنتاج الكهرباء في المملكة العربية السعودية، بالإضافة إلى ذلك فهي تعمل على بناء وتطوير سياسة وطنية للطاقة المتجددة. ويشمل ذلك خطة وطنية لصناعة الكهرباء ودعم القطاع الخاص في توليد الطاقة الكهربائية من خلال منتجين مستقلين لتحقيق التنافسية في هذا القطاع. مما سيسمح للمستهلكين من الحصول على خدمات الكهرباء بصورة مباشرة من الموردين بحسب الأسعار المتفق عليها.

10 Basic Things Every Car Owner Should Know

Owning a car is so exciting. The first days are just so thrilling when the car is still new. Wait until you run into mechanical issues and you will know that maintaining a car and owning one are two very different things. In fact, buying a car is cheaper than maintaining one when you do not arm yourself with knowledge on how to maintaining it.

Read through these 10 basic things that every car owner should know. It will save you lots of cash, time and give you peace of mind.


1. Regular Car Maintenance

For a first-time car owner, you are clueless and car maintenance may seem an expensive affair and it’s easy to just ignore because you think your car is still new. But someone who understands vehicles knows that regular car maintenance is critical, it is expensive but all worth it. Your vehicle comes with a manual that tells you what regular services your car needs.

2. Shocks and Struts

If you halt your car and you feel your car rocking back and forth or some rattling when going over the bumps then your shocks and struts have seen better days. This is very common with older cars. It is easy to ignore this signs because they happen over time.

3. Emergency Kit and Roadside Kit

Cars have a tendency of breaking down when you least expect it so you always always need to have proper car insurance coverage. Most car owners can relate to this. It is important that you always have an emergency kit with you and that includes roadside kits as well. Always ensure that you have a First aid kit, fire extinguisher, at least three reflective warning triangles, jumper cables, flashlight, foam tire sealant, tire gauge, tow rope, duct tape, and at least a warm blanket.

4. Brakes

You have to really monitor your brakes. They are such a safety concern. If you feel your steering shaking when you step on the brakes, get them checked because it might affect your car’s stability as well as the Anti-braking system.

5. Headlights and Taillights

These two lights get dimmer with time so it’s important that you monitor them. In fact, it’s recommended that you change your headlights every year.

6. Spare Tire

A spare tire is one of those things you know you must have even if you know nothing else about cars. A spare tire comes must be accompanied by tire changing tools. Don’t forget that lest you get stranded in the middle of nowhere. Make sure that you know how to change a tire as well. You can’t always be asking strangers to help, it’s not safe.

7. Vehicle Fluids

To keep your car running smoothly, you have to regularly check your car fluids. The most important being the engine oil, coolant, brake fluid, power steering fluid, and windshield washer fluid. While maintaining your vehicle, using genuine Toyota parts can significantly extend its lifespan and enhance performance. Unlike aftermarket alternatives, OEM parts guarantee a perfect fit and reliability you can trust for your Toyota.


8. Car Tire Pressure

Monitoring your car tire pressure is one of the most important safety measures. It is supposed to be low neither too high. When pressure is too low, it will cause friction between the tire and the ground which will make the tire wear out very fast. On the other hand, when it is too high, it will cause less traction.

9. Flashing Check Engine Light

You should immediately get your car checked if you notice the engine light flashing. That is an indication that something is seriously wrong with your car and you should not drive it.  It means that there is some sort of misfire and it can lead to catalytic converter damage or a loose gas cap.

10. Good Mechanic

Besides everything else that you will need to know as a car owner, getting yourself a good mechanic will save you lots of stress. Knowing that you have someone very knowledgeable and reliable is important. Someone whom you can get hold of easily and will respond almost immediately. Do not go for the cheapest, a cheap mechanic is expensive in the long run.

11. Importance of Using a Car Cover

A custom-fit car cover is important to protect your car from the elements, dust, and debris. For example, Mustangs are luxury cars that should be kept in good condition, so using a Mustang-specific car cover can help maintain their value and appearance. A properly fitted car cover will also prevent scratches and dings from occurring. It’s important to choose a car cover made from high-quality materials that will resist water, UV rays, and mildew. By investing in a custom-fit car cover, you’re ensuring that your Mustang will stay looking like new for years to come.

Final Words

Your car is going to be probably the second most expensive investment after your home. Therefore it deserves nothing but the best care and accessories such as the best car covers and mats, superior vehicle fluids and cleaning detergents if you self-clean. You should also invest in the best car covers to protect your car when it is not in use.

Current Renewable Energy Potential in Egypt – An Overview

Egypt aims to increase the share of renewable energy in electricity generation to 42% by 2035, compared to 20% in 2022. This strategy is based on Egypt’s desire to reduce dependence on fossil fuels. The Egyptian government aims to reduce dependence on fossil fuels and increase the overall share of renewable energy sources in electricity generation to meet the growing demand for energy. This shift aims to reduce the negative effects resulting from dependence on fossil fuels, such as high carbon emissions, higher energy intensity, and increased subsidies for fossil fuels. According to NREA (2023), the total electricity generation  from renewable energy in Egypt in 2023 reached 25,875 GWh, compared to 25,753 GWh in 2022.

renewables capacity in Egypt

1. Hydropower

The Aswan Dam was initially constructed between 1899 and 1902 for irrigation purposes and has been enlarged twice in 1929 and 1934. The dam was eventually equipped with a hydroelectric plant in 1960. (Britannica, 2023)

The Aswan High Dam construction started in 1959 and was completed on stages in the 1960s. The dam is located approx. 7 km upstream from the Aswan Dam. The dam was constructed to protect the country from high floods and droughts, increase the agricultural land, retain water from being wasted into the sea and generate electricity for economic growth, among other objectives. It has an installed hydroelectric generating capacity of 2,100 megawatts.

There are currently four main hydroelectric generating stations in Egypt, and there is potential for increasing the hydropower generation.

Figure 1 shows the changes in the electricity generated from hydropower during 2000/2001-2020/2021. It reached its maximum of 15510 GWh in 2007/2008, then decreased to 12863 GWh in 2009/2010 and continued to gradually increase until it reached 13545 GWh in 2015/2016, then it decreased again until it reached 13121 GWh in 2018/2019. The hydroelectric power generation increased by 14% to 15038 GWh in 2019/2020, compared to the previous year 2018/2019. Assiut hydroelectric power generation plants were operated in 2017/2018 with a production of 32.2 GWh before it increased to 207 GWh, a 543% increase.

hydropower generation in egypt

Figure 1: Energy Generated from Hydropower 2000/2001-2020/2021 (GWh)

Source: Egyptian Electricity Holding Company (EEHC)- Annual Reports (2003/2004-2020/2021).

Table 1 shows the changes in the hydropower energy generated from each of the main hydropower stations,  the high dam, Aswan Dam I, Aswan Dam II, Esna, and Naga Hamadi, from 2010/2011 to 2020/2021.

Table 2 indicates that the High Dam had the largest load in 2020/2021, producing 2400 MW, while the Assiut plants had the lowest load, producing 43.5 MW.

Table 1:  Energy Generated from Hydro Power Plants by Source (GWh)

hydroelectric in Egypt

Source: Egyptian Electricity Holding Company (EEHC) – Annual Reports (2011/2012-2020/2021).

Table 2: Hydropower indicators 2020/2021

High Dam Aswan Dam I Aswan Dam II Esna Naga Hamadi Assiut
Generated Energy (GWH) 10329 1733 1581 453 439 234
Peak load (MW) 2400 280 270 84.4 66.2 43.5
Max. daily generated energy(GWh) 51.8 7.8 6.5 2 1.6 1.6
Efficiency (%) 84.8 84.5 88.7 90.4 87.7 82.4

Source: Egyptian Electricity Holding Company(EEHC)- Annual Report 2020/2021.

2. Wind energy

In 1993, Egypt started the wind power program to generate electricity when the government established in Hurghada a 5 MW pilot wind farm (Hussein, Abokersh, Kost, & Schlegl, 2016). Figure 2 shows the electricity generated from wind energy during 2000/2001-2020/2021. The electricity produced from wind increased from 137 to 1524 GWh from 2000/2001 to 2011/2012. In 2012/2013, the electricity generated from wind decreased to 1260 GWh, a decrease of 17.32%, probably because of the political disturbance at that period. It continued to increase again, reaching its maximum of 5257 GWh in 2020/2021.

As shown in Figure 3, the lowest value of the installed capacity of wind was 140 MW in 2003/2004 and continued to increase until it reached 550 MW in 2010/2011, with an average rate of increase of 293%, although in reality, the rate has been increasing year after year. It remained constant until 2013/2014, likely because of the political disturbance. It then accelerated and increased from 967 to 1385 MW, a 43% increase from 2017/2018 to 2020/2021. Egypt accounted for 21% of Africa’s total wind generation capacity in 2020 (IRENA and AfDB, 2022).

wind energy in Egypt

Figure 2: Energy Generated from Wind 2000/2001-2020/2021 (GWh).

Source: Egyptian Electricity Holding Company (EEHC) – Annual Reports (2003/2004-2020/2021).

installed wind power in Egypt

Figure 3: Installed Electrical Capacity from Wind  2000/2001-2020/2021 (MW).

Source: Egyptian Electricity Holding Company (EEHC)- Annual Reports (2003/2004-2020/2021).

Table 2 shows the values of the achieved fuel savings and Emissions reductions from wind production from 2010/2011 to 12016/2017.  The value shows a decrease from 312 to 269 ktoe in the period from  2010/2011 to 2012/2013, a decrease of 13.80%; then it increased again during the period (2013/2014-2016/2017), reaching 467.06 ktoe. The lowest emissions reduction value from wind production was 708 thousand metric tons of CO2 equivalent in 2012/2013,  while the highest was 1223 thousand metric tons of CO2 equivalent in 2016/2017.

The demonstration wind farm in Hurghada was constructed in 1992 and is the oldest wind farm in Egypt. It includes four units with a capacity of 100 kilowatts, and the local manufacturing rate of some components has reached 45% (Clausen et al., 2004). The Zafrana wind farm was installed in several phases, starting from 2000/2001, through governmental cooperation protocols with Germany, Denmark, Spain, and Japan. The installed wind energy capacity at Zafrana reached 754 MW in 2015/2016, and the farm includes 700 turbines of different models (CAPMAS, 2018).

Table 2: Fuel Saving and Emissions Reductions in Egypt 2010/2011-2016/2017.

Year Fuel-saving


Emissions reductions


2010/2011 312 822
2011/2012 327 856
2012/2013 269 708
2013/2014 278 728
2014/2015 309 792
2015/2016 432.18 1132
2016/2017 467.06 1223

Source: NREA, 2018

3. Solar power

Figure 4 indicates that Egypt did not use solar power at a reasonable commercial or private scale until 2010/2011 when the produced solar energy reached 206 GWh. The produced solar energy increased from 206 to 237 GWh from 2010/2011 to 2012/2013, a 15% increase before it dropped to 114 GWh in 2013/2014, a 52% decrease, likely because of the political unrest at that time.

Electricity produced from solar increased again from 114 to 1525 GWh from 2014/2015 to 2018/2019, a substantial increase of 1237%. It continued to accelerate and increased to 4945 GWh, a 224% increase from 2018/2019  to 2020/2021.

solar power generation in Egypt

Figure 4: Energy Generated from Solar in Egypt 2000/2001-2020/2021 (GWh).

Source: Egyptian Electricity Holding Company (EEHC) – Annual Reports (2003/2004-2020/2021).

Figure 5 shows the installed solar power capacity from 2011/2012 to 2018/2019. The installed solar power capacity remained constant at 20 MW from 2011/2012 to 2015/2016. The addition of new projects increased the installed capacity to 89 MW in 2016/2017, increasing 345%. The big increase in the installed capacity of solar power occurred in 2020/2021 due to the addition of 1465 MW from Benban Solar Energy Park (EEHC, 2021).  In 2020, South Africa and Egypt were the top solar producers in Africa, representing more than 75% of the total installed solar capacity in Africa (IRENA and AfDB, 2022).

installed solar power in egypt

Figure 5: Installed Capacity Solar in Egypt 2011/2012-2020/2021 (MW).

Source: (CAPMAS, 2018) and (EEHC, 2021).

Table 3 shows Egypt’s fuel saving and emissions reductions from 2010/2011 to 2017/2018. It indicates that the first year of using solar energy witnessed a fuel saving of 46 ktoe and reduced emissions by 124 thousand metric tons of CO2 equivalent. The lowest value of the reduction in emissions was 63 thousand metric tons of CO2 equivalent (k-tCo2) in 2013/2014, while its highest value reached 319 (k-tCo2) in 2016/2017 before it decreased to 110 thousand metric tons of CO2 equivalent in the year 2016/2017.

solar energy potential in egypt

Similarly, the lowest fuel-saving value was 34 ktoe in 2015/2016, which rose to its maximum value of 119 ktoe, an increase of  250%.  Kuraymat solar hybrid plant was the first solar plant in Egypt and was launched commercially in July 2011. The project is one of 3 projects implemented in Morocco, Algeria, and Egypt, with an overall capacity of 140 MW (NREA, 2009).

Table 3: Fuel Saving and Emissions Reductions in Egypt  2010/2011-2017/2018.

Year Fuel-saving


Emissions reductions


2010/2011 46 124
2011/2012 102 271
2012/2013 51 134
2013/2014 58 63
2014/2015 0 0
2015/2016 34 92
2016/2017 119 319
2017/2018 110 287

Source: NREA, 2018


Hydropower was the first renewable energy source that Egypt used to generate electricity, maintaining its lead in renewable sources throughout the study period. We observed  a significant increase in wind  power during the period (2000/2001-2020/2021), as it increased from 137 GWh in the year 2000/2001 to 5257 GWh in the year 2020/2021, ranking second in generating electricity from renewable sources. However, the year 2012/2013 witnessed a decrease of 17.3% in wind-generated electricity compared to 2011/2012.  This decrease was attributed to political disturbance during that period.

Regarding solar energy, Egypt did not use solar energy in a reasonable commercial or private system until 2010/2011. The significant increase in solar electricity generation in 2019/2020 resulted from the construction of the Benban power plant. We can conclude that increasing the share of renewable energy in electricity generation in Egypt in recent years has had a positive impact in reducing emissions and saving fuel. These effects are expected to increase with the expansion of reliance on renewable energy.


CAPMAS. (2018). New and renewable energy in Egypt. Cairo.

Clausen, N., Mortensen, N. G., Hansen, J. C., Clausager, I., Jensen, F. P., Georgy, L., & Said, U. S. (2004). Wind Farm Planning at the Gulf of Suez (No. Ris0-R-1387; Vol. 1387). Roskilde.

EEHC. (2021). Egypt Electricity Holding company Annual Report. Retrieved from http://www.moee.gov.eg/test_new. Accessed 1 Feb 2022

HuSSEIN, N. S., ABOkERSH, M., KOST, C., & SCHLEGL, T. (2016). Electricity Cost From Renewable ENERGY TECHNOLOGIES IN EGYPT. Freiburg.

IRENA and AfDB. (2022). Renewable Energy Market Analysis : Africa and Its Regions. In Energy Market. Abu Dhabi and Abidjan: Renewable Energy Market Analysis: Africa and Its Regions, International Renewable Energy Agency and African Development Bank.

NREA. (2009). New & Renewable Energy Authority – Annual Report 2018. Retrieved from http://ckd.vacloud.us/rooms/kidney-info/topics/how-to-protect-your-kidneys/#slide_2

NREA. (2018). New & Renewable Energy Authority – Annual Report 2018. Retrieved from http://nrea.gov.eg/Content/reports/English AnnualReport.pdf

NREA. (2023). Egypt- 2023 Renewable Energy Indications. Cairo: New and Renewable Energy Authority.

Strategies for Vehicle Protection: Choosing the Right Insurance

No matter how good of a driver you are, you can easily get into an accident even if you did nothing wrong because, when you’re driving, you also depend on other motorists. That is why hitting the road requires you to always be prepared for the worst-case scenario. And this is where vehicle insurance enters the picture.

But it takes more than just picking the first insurance plan you see that you are sufficiently covered. It all comes down to knowing your particular needs, weighing your options, and coming to wise judgments. However, not everyone knows the right strategies to get the right insurance without breaking the bank.

vehicle protection insurance

To that end, let’s explore five essential tactics for successfully navigating your insurance options.

1. Recognize Your Needs for Coverage

The first step in protecting your car is figuring out what insurance coverage best fits it. Consider your driving style, car model, and budgetary circumstances. Comprehensive and collision coverage may be required to protect against all kinds of calamities, from accidents to theft, if your vehicle is newer or you are financing it. Some people may need high risk insurances like an impaired driving car insurance – which can influence the premiums.

On the other hand, if your vehicle is older, you might want to consider liability insurance, which only covers damage to other people’s cars. Your car’s value and your driving style act as a lighthouse, directing you toward choosing between all-inclusive coverage and a more affordable option that complies with regulations.

If you are wondering how much insurance premiums will set you back, you should expect to pay anywhere from $1500 to $1800 per month.

2. Compare Prices and Shop Around

The initial estimate you get shouldn’t be the end of your search for the ideal insurance plan. It takes time to locate the best deal because insurance providers differ greatly in their prices and coverages.

Make use of Internet resources to evaluate quotes from multiple insurers. And while you are browsing, ensure that you are only going over local insurance companies or brokerages. For instance, if you are in Toronto, contact only Toronto insurance brokers as they will outline the best price options for basic auto insurance coverage (which is mandatory) and also additional coverage as they work on your behalf and have your best interests in mind.

3. Make the Most of Discounts

Taking advantage of discounts is a prudent way to reduce your insurance costs without compromising coverage. For a variety of reasons, such as having a spotless driving record or having theft prevention devices installed in your vehicle, insurers offer a wide range of benefits. Insurance products that are bundled, such as home and auto coverage, can also save money.

Some discounts are hidden, therefore it’s a good idea to discuss any possible markdowns with your insurance provider or broker. Regularly updating your insurance policy can also reveal other cost-saving options, such as those related to changes in your vehicle’s operating habits or its age.


4. Review and Update Your Policy on a Regular Basis

Your insurance needs are likely to change as your life does. To make sure your coverage is appropriate for your current circumstances, you should examine your policy annually. Your insurance needs and rates may change in response to events like moving to a new residence, making vehicle changes, or even purchasing a new car.

You can change your coverage through a routine reassessment, which may result in cost savings. For example, you may decide to lower comprehensive coverage if the value of your car has drastically decreased. On the other hand, a longer commute to a new workplace may require you to examine your liability limits. Maintaining your policy in line with your present requirements not only maximizes your coverage but also keeps you from paying too much for protection that you don’t need.

5. To Reduce Premiums, Raise Your Deductible

One good way to reduce your insurance costs is to raise your deductible, or the amount you have to pay out of cash before your coverage starts. Your insurance premium can be lowered by selecting a higher deductible, which might result in a sizable monthly payment reduction.

Setting the deductible at a level you can comfortably afford in the case of a claim is necessary for this technique, although it does need some balance. It’s a decision about personal risk management: you can get cheaper premiums if you agree to pay a larger upfront cost in the event of an accident.

Examine your financial situation and estimate the amount you may reasonably pay out of pocket following an incident before making this adjustment. With its low chance of a claim, this approach is especially alluring if you’re a cautious driver with a clean driving record.


Understanding the options for auto insurance requires planning, which should be based on careful consideration of your requirements, careful comparative shopping, and proactive policy management. You can obtain the best possible coverage for your car at a reasonable price by understanding your coverage needs, shopping around, looking into discounts, updating your policy on a regular basis, and modifying your deductible.

This well-rounded approach guarantees that you will be financially astute and confidently prepared to face the future, safeguarded against the unanticipated.

4 Things You’ve Never Thought of That Can Help the Environment

Most people want to make the world a better place. There are tons of ways to do that – alternative energy sources, walking instead of driving, reducing water usage, and more. But what if you’re already doing those things and you still don’t think it’s enough? In that case, you’re in luck. We’ll be discussing four unique things that you can do in order to help the environment. Remember that by helping the environment you’re also creating a better life for yourself as well as future generations. So, if you’re up for the challenge, keep reading.


1. Re-evaluate your after-life choices

I think it’s fair to say that most people don’t spend a lot of time thinking about what they can do for the environment once they’re passed on. Most of us don’t like thinking about a future without us in it at all. However, things like burials and cremation can cause a lot of damage to the environment.

If you’re someone who wants to make the world a better place while you’re alive, it makes sense that you’ll want to carry that legacy with you, even once you’ve passed. You probably already have a funeral plan set up, so just amend it to state that you want an environmentally friendly cremation.

2. Plant more trees

Look, most of us don’t have time to be planting as many trees as we should, which means that it’s something that often falls on the back burner. But planting trees is a great way of slowly counteracting the damage that we as humans are causing to the environment.

One way to make sure you get at least a few trees planted each year, is to make it a family tradition. Whenever there’s a birthday in your family, you can all gather to plant a tree. This will help create memories and help improve the state of the environment. Besides that, there are various other benefits of trees.

3. Use organic pesticides

If you’re big on helping the environment, you may already be growing your own vegetables. Creating your own vegetable patch is a starting point for many people when it comes to helping the environment.


And while it is true that it’s beneficial, those benefits can be cancelled out if you use pesticides that harm the environment. Switching over to organic pesticides is such a simple thing to do, yet it can make an impact on the state of the environment. There are various benefits of making your own organic pesticide.

4. Look at your plastic usage

More and more people are trying to lessen their single use plastic usage. This is great for the environment, as single use plastics are a major cause of pollution. In fact, certain countries, such as Canada, are aiming to ban single use plastics by this year!


Until that happens, though, it’s your responsibility to re-evaluate how much plastic you’re using, and how much of that is single use plastic. It’s so simple to buy your own travel mug instead of getting a new Styrofoam cup for your coffee each morning, or to buy reusable shopping bags instead of plastic ones.

Water Leakage Control: Effective Tool for Water Conservation

Water is a basic need of our life and is amply provided by the Governmental agencies. However, we as consumers do not prioritize on water wastage and leakages issue due to the subsidized water cost. The leakages from taps, valves and appurtenant are often noticed but the invisible leakages under the sink often goes un-noticed and drips occurring are not taken seriously and addressed till the leakage get larger and leak get worse.


The Menace of Water Leaks

Water leaks from pipes, plumbing fixtures, faucets, valves and fittings are a common sight in buildings and structures and is a significant source of water wastage.  Only a small drip from a worn faucet washer can waste around 75 liters of water per day. Thus, we need to check all the water pipes and fittings regularly to assess their operational status and any leak occurring should be urgently repaired or replaced.

Leaks from pipes, plumbing fixtures and fittings are a significant source of water wastage for many households.  Research has shown that the typical home can lose 7.6 m3 to 76 m3 of water per year due to leaks. Some leaks are obvious, such as dripping faucets and leaking water heaters.

Unfortunately, many leaks go undetected for years because the source of the leak is not visible. Faucet leaks are a common occurrence and usually simple to repair.  A faucet dripping slowly at only one drop every two seconds will waste more than 1,000 gallons or 3.7 m3 per year.

Toilets are another common source of leaks in the home, and usually go unnoticed because the leaks are often silent and out of view.  Several research studies have found 20% to 35% of all residential toilets leak to some degree. Large toilet leaks can be detected when the valve constantly emits a hissing or gurgling sound when the toilet is not in use.

Detection of Water Leakages

We frequently see dripping and leaking water gadgets, pipes and toilets but do not take any action for its correction, mainly because of our attitude and lack of awareness. It is now important to inspect our water gadgets, pipes and fittings in our home, dwelling and place of work or study and take corrective actions.


For checking the water leakages, first note water meter reading. Re-check again after two hours with all water gadgets are shut. If the meter does not read exactly the same, you probably have a leak in the system whereby water is being wasted for which you have to pay the cost which will be increasing with time.

If your toilet is leaking, the cause is often an old, faulty rubber packing/ washer which decay with number of uses or minerals build up on it. Replacing the damaged rubber packing is inexpensive and can be done easily. Another way to find out if you have a toilet leak is to place a drop of color dye in the toilet tank. If the color shows up in the bowl within 15 minutes without flushing, you have a leak. Make sure to flush water immediately after this experiment to avoid staining the tank and toilet.


Potable water is supplied to our homes, offices and institutions after abstraction, treatment and through long distribution and pumping network and entails huge cost which is heavily subsidized by the Government. It is high time that we consider water conservation as a priority step and avoid any water wastage and leakages at home, offices and institutions.

The time is now to deal with water leaks promptly and giving it a priority. Remember- fixing water leaks will save money, is good for the environment and will save our limited water resources.  

هل مياه الشرب المعبأة ملوثة بجزيئات الميكروبلاستيك

بما أن 70% من جسم الإنسان عبارة عن ماء وأن كل انسان بالغ يحتاج الى لترين من الماء على الأقل يومياً، فإن مياه الشرب الصحية تشكل أهم عوامل الصحة العامة. ومن يشرب مياه ملوثة تتراكم السموم في في جسمه يومياً، وهو ما نسميه بالتسمم التراكمي الذي يؤدي الى أمراض عَصيّة.

إن تلوث مياه الشرب بالميكروبات، وبدرجة أقل بالكيماويات، شائعاً في المجتمعات الفقيرة حيث لا توجد تنقية فاعلة للمياه. أما في الدول الغنية فقد تكون هناك ملوثات غير مدرجة في قائمة القياسات المخبرية وقد تكون أكثر ضرراً على صحة الإنسان. إن المياه المعبأة شائعة جداً باعتبارها مياه صحية، بل يسمونها أحياناً “مياه الصحة”، فهل هي صحية فعلاً؟


إن جزيئات الميكروبلاستيك  لايمكن رؤيتها بالعين المجردة، بل ان الباحثون يستخدمون مادة تلوين مع الأشعة تحت الحمراء لرؤيتها تحت المجهر. بعضها يدخل جدار الإمعاء الدقيقة والبعض الآخر يدخل الأنسجة الداخلية للإمعاء ويمر خلال الجهاز اللمفاوي. هناك جزيئات صغيرة جداً (20 ميكرون) تدخل مجرى الدم مباشرة لتصل الى الكبد والكليتين. أما الجزيئات الكبيرة (110 ميكرون) فيمكنها الدخول عبر الأوردة الكبيرة مثل الوريد البابي الذي ينقل الدم الى الكبد. وعليه فإن مثل هذه الجزيئات يعتبرها الجسم أجساماً غريبة ويستميت في التخلص منها. بل ان جزيئات الميكروبلاستيك تعمل كالإسفنجة فتمتص الكيماويات وتنشرها.

هل وُجد الميكروبلاستيك في مياه الشرب ؟

نعم، فقد أعلنت وكالة الأنباء الكندية أن جزيئات الميكروبلاستيك وجدت في 60% من زجاجات المياه المعبأة التي تمت دراستها حديثاً. وفي دراسة بجامعة ولاية نيويورك لأغلب أنواع المياه المعبأة الشائعة في أمريكا وجدت في المتوسط 325 قطعة من جزيئات الميكروبلاستيك في كل لتر، يصل بعضها 100 ميكرون. وخلاصة الدراسة أن 93% من زجاجات المياه التي تمت دراستها تحتوي على جزيئات الميكروبلاستيك، واحتوى بعضها على 10,390 قطعة ميكروبلاستيك في اللتر الواحد.

هذا النوع من تلوث مياه الشرب يعتبر حديثاً، وان هيئة الصحة العالمية ما زالت تدرس مخاطره على صحة الإنسان لتحديد المعدل الآمن لوجودها في مياه الشرب. حتى في أمريكا وكندا وأروبا لا توجد حالياً حدود قصوى للميكروبلاستيك في مياه الشرب.

من أين ياتي الميكروبلاستيك ؟

انه متوفر في البحار والمحيطات ومكبات النفايات وقد يصل لمياه الشرب عن طريق مصدر المياه أو عن طريق الهواء أو من مراحل التعبئة. وقد يدخل أجسامنا عن طريق الغذاء، خاصة الأغذية البحرية.

إن البحار والمحيطات الآن تحتوي على أكثر من 150 مليون طن نفايات البلاستيك، ومن المتوقع أن يفوق حجم البلاستيك حجم الثروة السمكية في البحار بحلول عام 2050. ومن المقلق حقاً أن نفايات البلاستيك في بعض المناطق البحرية قد فاقت الكتلة الحيوية للعوالق بستة أضعاف. والعوالق هي القاعدة الأساسية التي تبدأ منها أي سلسلة غذائية في البيئة البحرية.

وعليه فإن المياه المعبأة قد لا تكون آمنة للشرب وربما يكون الأفضل البحث عن بدائل. أضف الى ذلك أن زجاجات البلاستيك نفسها التي قد تظل فترات طويلة في المستودعات صارت الآن من أكبر ملوثات البيئة في كل دول العالم، إذ تستغرق 1000 سنة للتحلل الكامل وتفرز كيماويات ضارة اثناء تحللها تسبب الكثير من المشاكل الصحية، خاصة تلك المتعلقة بالإخصاب وأمراض السرطان. فهل من بدائل؟

إن تركيب فلتر آمن بالمنزل وحمل الماء في أواني قابلة لإعادة الاستخدام، من البدائل المتوفرة حالياً ولكن من واجبنا جميعا أن نقلل من استخدام البلاستيك والتخلص منه تدريجياً من أجل صحتنا وصحة بيئتنا، وخاصة أن المجتمع الدولي احتفل هذا العام بيوم البيئة العالمي رافعا شعاراً لقضية بيئية أفرزتها الحياة المدنية والصناعية المعاصرة، ألا وهي قضية استخدام البلاستيك والتي أصبحت تشكل إحدى التحديات البيئية الكبرى في وقتنا الراهن.

5 Ways Eco-Friendly Sleep Can Help You Achieve Good Health

Your sleep health is one thing that you should always be cautious about. After all, the quality of your sleep decides the way all of your systems function. A disruption in your sleep routine can lead to a range of health issues such as diabetes, weight gain, poor memory, hear problems, decreased alertness, etc. A great way to improve your sleep health is switching to eco-friendly sleeping. Eco-friendly sleep is nothing but overhauling of your sleeping environment where you use sustainable products rather than relying on synthetic ones. Without further ado, let us learn how eco-friendly sleep can not only make your sleep quality better but improve your whole life.


1. Furniture

A good way to start using eco-friendly items for your bedroom would be to go for reclaimed wooden furniture instead of new ones. This makes sure that there is no expenditure of energy that would have otherwise been spent in the manufacturing process of a new one. Be it benches, bedside tables, tools, or chairs, you can always find sellers of used furniture. While going for new furniture, make sure that its production has minimal impact on the environment, and it does not employ harmful chemicals and retardants. The retardants which are used for preventing a fire accident, are toxic enough to cause cancer and neurodegenerative diseases, among other health issues.

A common mistake that people commit while setting up their bedroom is failing to place appropriate furniture. Keeping a chair made of materials that are natural or recycled in your bedroom will make sure that you do not use your bed for the purpose of sitting.

2. Bedding

If you are currently using materials like polyester and nylon for bedding items, we will recommend that you get rid of them as soon as possible. Not only do these fabrics trap a lot of heat but are also bad for your skin. They are nonbiodegradable in nature and their manufacturing process consumes a great amount of water. It is therefore better to pick sheets and pillow covers that are not only good for health but also sustainable.

Cotton, linen, silk, etc., are few such preferable eco-friendly bedding materials. While picking such items, make sure that the silk or cotton used in it is farmed organically without the use of harmful pesticides and insecticides. Another hot favourite organic material for sheets is bamboo. It is known for growing fast and consuming a vast amount of CO2 in the process.

3. Mattress

We spend one-third of our day on our mattresses. Shouldn’t we then look to have a mattress that is comfortable for us and sustainable for the environment? The best way to do this is to replace your old foam or innerspring mattress with organic materials like organic bamboo and organic wool. Foam mattresses are notorious for releasing harmful gases and VOCs into the air long after their manufacturing. Instead of dumping your innerspring mattresses into the landfill every few years, go for mattresses made from 100% natural latex. Such latex mattresses will last for more than double of innerspring mattresses.

Organic mattresses can be a bit expensive, but sleeping on them will ensure proper heat regulation, comfortable feel, support for back, and prevention from exposure to allergens and chemicals. Make sure that you are able to complete the required amount of sleep without interruptions on your new mattress. Use this site to calculate the sleep amount you receive everyday so that you maintain a consistent sleep routine.


4. Paint

If you have ever been exposed to fumes emanating from paints that causes irritation in your eyes or nose, you probably are aware of their toxic nature. According to a study published in the Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, there was a heightened risk of developing different types of cancer among painters, artists, plant workers, and lacquerers. The harmful pigments, solvents, and VOCs found in the paints is therefore not only bad for the environment but lethal for us humans too. You should therefore opt for non-toxic and VOC free paint before painting your bedroom.

Nowadays, there is a wide variety of eco-friendly paints that are made from natural materials such as milk, clay, citrus, etc. Before buying such paints, see to it that the production employs water conservation, low waste production, and reduced toxic emission.

5. Decor

Choosing eco-friendly decor for your bedroom is not just a great way to increase the room’s appeal but also good for the pocket. Instead of relying on ACs that harm the environment by contributing to the ozone depletion by releasing greenhouse gases, allow the windows to be kept wide open so that there is proper air circulation. This also helps you get enough exposure to natural sunlight in the daytime. In an absence of such a source of light, make sure that the artificial lights used in the room are LED that consume less power.

Make use of your creative side and recycle old boxes and bottles to create items like pen stands and flower vases. Fill your room with a good amount of plants that boost the supply of oxygen such as the Snake Plant, the Rubber Plant, or the English Ivy.

Bottom line

Eco-friendly sleeping is not just a bundle of steps that you practice to improve your sleep. It is a part of a sustainable way of living that ensures that you maintain the best health possible through use of natural products while not causing harm to the environment. We hope that the steps mentioned above help you achieve the right sleep quality and overall good health when you adopt eco-friendly sleeping.