8 Signs That You’ll Need A Humidifier At Home

Weather is an important factor in determining our health and the quality of our daily lives. While this might sound quite obvious to some people, if you’re well traveled, then you must be knowing how a slight change in the weather patterns can affect not only the body and but also the immediate surroundings. After all, there must be a reason as to why human beings live in houses while other animals are out there, right? So what happens if your home becomes too dry as well? You will need a humidifier. But before that, you have to recognize the tell-signs like the ones below.


1. You are constantly experiencing static shocks

This might sound a little scary, but static shocks do happen. Well, it should be on rare occasions. So if you realize that you’ve been experiencing this from literally anything you touch these days, then chances are that the air within your home is too dry. This is because dry air is considered an insulator. Therefore, making it easy for them to attack.

2. You have been battling with cold-like symptoms for a while

If you have been using your handkerchief pretty often in the recent days, that too out of normal season and prolonged, then chances are that you’re exhibiting signs of low humidity. You see, prolonged exposure to overly dry air dries out your mucous membranes, thus exposing you all sorts of allergens.

3. Your skin is cracked up no matter the amount of oil you apply

The discomfort caused by dry itchy skin is awfully discomforting. When the air within your home is dry, it sucks up all the moist from your epidermis. You realize that no matter how much oil you apply to your skin, it will still go back to its former state because the surrounding isn’t habitable. It even gets worse if you have been suffering from skin conditions such as eczema and acne. If not addressed on time, this can make you look older than you really are.

4. You see cracks on your wooden furniture and floor

If you thought that your seats, walls, and floors don’t need moisture to maintain their good appearance, then you’re so mistaken. Those unnecessary splits on the furniture whenever you move them around or the creaking sounds your floor makes when you walking, could mean many things but your number one suspicion should be insufficient moisture.

5. You’re turning that furnace on more times than before

While it’s okay to need an extra source of warmth during cold seasons such as winter, it should worry if you still have the urge to use it even after that. This is because, as much as its warm nature is used to combat the cold one, it also sucks up the useful moist from the surroundings in the process. So if you want to maintain the excellent condition of your space, then its advisable to invest in a good humidifier to counter these effects. There are various buying guidelines online to help you make a perfect choice.

6. You notice withering effects on your indoor plants

Indoor plants are good for purifying the air. But like their outdoor counterparts, they also require good conditions to blossom. And since most of them are tropical, they grow well in warm humid temperatures. So if you start seeing them dying out, then it could mean the conditions are no longer favorable. Therefore, if everything else seems fine, then the issue could be low humidity.

7. Your hygrometer reading nears zero

If you want to monitor the humidity of your home, then you must have invested in a hygrometer. This is vital if you have small children to know how to dress them well. So if you wake up one morning and notice its standing at zero. Then your worst fears have been confirmed. You don’t have to wait for another wake-up call to order a humidifier.

8. You are constantly unwell

Having a pet means that you have the responsibility to look out for its general well being. So if out of nowhere they start experiencing unending sneezing, wheezing and skin problems, then you should try to find out the humidity level of your home. This is because just like humans, they too react to dry air and require attention.

Final Words

From the above points, it’s clear that both plants and animals require moisture for survival. And since a standard home is a haven for all, you should always aspire to make it conducive for all. One way to achieve that is by knowing when you need a humidifier and purchase it to avoid unnecessary complications that could drain you financially.

كيفية الحفاظ على المياه في حديقتك

ندرة المياه ليست مجرد مشكلة على المستوى الوطني، بل يمكن أن تمثل تهديداً حقيقياً على الصعيد المحلي أيضاً. منزلنا هو مملكتنا ومجالنا الخاص، حيث يقضي العديد من الأشخاص الكثير من الوقت والجهد في العمل في الحدائق والاعتناء بالمروج لخلق أزهار جميلة، وروائح عطرة، وأعشاب مفيدة، وإنتاج وفير من الخضروات. ولكن، أصبحت ندرة المياه تشكل تهديداً حقيقياً ليس فقط على الصعيد المحلي، بل أيضاً على المستويين الوطني والإقليمي حول العالم.

tips to save water in your backyard

بعد الاستثمار في النباتات، أشجار الفاكهة، الشجيرات العطرية، والعديد من الأبصال، نتطلع للاستمتاع بتفتح كامل، حديقة خضروات مثمرة، وثمار لذيذة. ولكن لتحقيق كل هذا، نحتاج إلى الماء. فصل الصيف ليس مجرد وقت للاستمتاع بالشمس، بل هو أيضاً وقت القيود على استخدام المياه، والآن رسوم استخدام المياه المتزايدة، في وقت نحن بأمس الحاجة فيه إلى الماء. من الحلول السهلة التي يمكن تبنيها هو جمع مياه الأمطار؛ ببساطة، جمع مياه الأمطار المتساقطة. يمكن حتى وضع الدِلاء وأواني النباتات الفارغة في الهواء الطلق لتجميع مياه الأمطار.

تحتاج بعض النباتات إلى المزيد من المياه، بينما تكون نباتات أخرى أكثر تحملاً للظروف الجافة. ولكن في النهاية، تحتاج جميع النباتات إلى الماء. عندما تُحرم النباتات من المياه الضرورية، تتعرض خلايا النبات للإجهاد وتبدأ في الانهيار الهيكلي. سيحدث تباطؤ في نمو النبات وحتى ضرر غير قابل للإصلاح في الجذور. وحتى بعد فترة من الإجهاد الناتج عن نقص المياه، قد يعاني النبات من نمو أقل نشاطاً وقد يصبح أكثر عرضة للآفات والأمراض.

نصائح لتوفير المياه في الحديقة

يحتاج المزارع الجيد إلى العديد من الطرق المختلفة لتوفير المياه في الحديقة. فيما يلي بعض الطرق التي يمكن من خلالها توفير المياه والاعتناء بالحديقة في الوقت نفسه.

أولاً وقبل كل شيء، راقب التسريبات في الصنابير وملحقات الخراطيم؛ قد يعني هذا ضرورة استبدال الخراطيم والملحقات القديمة. الخطوة التالية المهمة هي تغطية التربة؛ عندما تكون الشمس عالية في السماء وتكون التربة عارية، يتم سحب الرطوبة بسهولة من التربة. في يوم حار، يمكن أن يفقد متر مربع واحد من التربة العارية لترين من المياه في الهواء. لذا، يلزم اتخاذ إجراءات لمنع هذا الفاقد الكبير من المياه. من الطرق الجيدة اختيار نباتات تغطي الأرض وتحد أيضاً من نمو الأعشاب الضارة. أو يمكن تغطية التربة بغطاء عضوي للمساعدة في الاحتفاظ بمستوى الرطوبة في التربة.

backyard garden

حل آخر واضح هو إنشاء مصدات للرياح. فالرياح يمكن أن تجفف التربة بسرعة، لذا من الضروري تقليل تأثيرها. تقوم الأشجار والشجيرات بذلك طبيعياً، لكن يستغرق الأمر وقتاً حتى تنمو هذه النباتات إلى الحجم والقوة اللازمين لتكون فعّالة. يجب الحذر من إنشاء جدران صلبة، حيث يمكنها حجب الرياح ولكن تعيد توجيهها أيضاً، مما قد يخلق مسارات هوائية أكثر اضطراباً. مع نضوج الأشجار والشجيرات، تزداد قوة جذرها وتتغلغل عميقاً تحت الأرض، وخاصة الأشجار التي تستخرج المياه من أعماق التربة..

اختيار النباتات المثالية للمنطقة مهم جداً. إذا كنت في مناطق حارة وجافة، اختر نباتات أكثر تحملاً للجفاف. بالمثل، إذا كنت في مناطق أكثر رطوبة، اختر نباتات تتناسب مع هذه الظروف. هذا يعني معرفة احتياجات نباتاتك. زرع النباتات التي تتطلب نفس مستوى المياه معاً سيسهل عليك سقي الحديقة حسب الحاجة.

قد تحتاج التربة إلى إضافة سماد عضوي لزيادة قدرتها على الاحتفاظ بالمياه. يمكن شراء السماد أو صنعه في المنزل. في نفس الوقت، يجب السعي لتشبع التربة بكمية كافية من الماء بدلاً من الرش اليومي الذي يعد غير فعّال. وأفضل وقت للري هو في الصباح الباكر قبل شروق الشمس، حيث يساعد ذلك في تجنب تبخر الماء بسرعة. كما يمكن الري في المساء بشرط أن تكون الرطوبة غير مرتفعة لتجنب نمو العفن.

ربما ترغب في الاستثمار في نظام ري. يُعتبر هذا خياراً جيداً إذا تم تصميمه بشكل مناسب باستخدام خراطيم الري بالتنقيط الموضوعة بالقرب من منطقة جذور النباتات، بدلاً من أنظمة الرش العلوية. وأخيراً، استخدم الماء للعناية بالنباتات واستخدم مكنسة لتنظيف الممرات والشرفات، فالماء ثمين جداً لدرجة لا تسمح باستخدامه في غسل هذه الأماكن.

هناك بالفعل العديد من الخيارات والأمور التي يجب مراعاتها قبل ري الحديقة. ولكن المزارع الماهر يعرف نباتاته واحتياجاتها من المياه. ومع قليل من التخطيط الدقيق، يمكنك توفير المياه واستخدامها بفعالية لري النباتات في نفس الوقت

ترجمه: هبة احمد مسلم

أستاذ مساعد في الطاقة المتجددة وتدقيق الطاقة – قسم القوي الميكانيكه و الكهربائية، كلية الهندسة – جامعة هليوبوليس للتنمية المستدامة

The Environmental Impact of Keeping a Clean Home

What does it mean to the environment if your home is clean or dirty? How are our cleaning choices affecting the wider world and our particular piece of it?

This is a part of the environmental puzzle that is often overlooked and not represented in mainstream media, but our personal cleanliness choices in the home have an impact on the environment, even if that impact seems small. Let’s look at some of those impactful choices so that we can better understand the relationship between a clean home and a healthy environment.

environmental impact of clean home

Our Health is Directly Affected by Cleanliness

Most of us were told all through childhood to wash our hands often- after we eat, before we eat, after we play outside, after we touch anything dirty, after we play with animals, etc. This is good advice, and that is because if we touch something dirty and then put our germ-covered hands to our face for whatever reason, we can easily allow germs to get inside our bodies and make us sick.

If we live in a dirty environment inside our own home, then germs will be more prevalent and the risk of illness will be elevated. A clean home makes for a safer environment. There is less risk for contamination, illness, and disease. There is less risk of setting off our allergies as well.

What does that have to do with the environment? Well, if we become sick, we will need to use more resources. We will need to go to the doctor perhaps, or drive to the pharmacy. We may miss work time, which can result in inefficient methods of covering our work by people who are less skilled at it. All of these things burn through resources, and those resources are often finite.

Sickness of any kind is harmful to the environment, as it can spread to animals and can cause a breakdown in normal operations that are costly and resource draining. It is good for the environment if we are healthy, and by keeping a clean home, we can reduce our risk of unhealthiness. This is why environmentally conscious people will use professional cleaning services like condo cleaning and deep cleaning to ensure a tidy, sanitary environment.

Cleanliness Means Less Wastage

It can take a lot of resources to keep a house dirty. We often think the other way around- that a clean house takes lots of work. It does, but it uses fewer resources.

Consider this – if we do not keep a clean house, then we will have to expend more resources to fight pests. That is just one problem that comes with a dirty house. You will have more pests and have to deal with the health problems they cause if you have an untidy house.

If the house is dirty, then that causes the items in the house to break down faster and need replacement. If our clothes get dirty and stay dirty for long periods of time, they may become unusable. We may be tempted to toss out items that have mold growth, pest droppings or other damage that is caused by a dirty house. Items that are kept clean will last longer and not need replacement as soon.

Cleanliness promotes conservation, and people who keep a tidy house will be less likely to waste what they have. If they can find the items they are looking for, they don’t have to go out and buy new ones. If we always put away the possessions in our house and keep them clean and tidy, then that will help with environmental pollution. Fewer resources will be wasted, and there will be  less damage to things we own.

benefits of steam carpet cleaning

Keeping a Tidy Home Promotes Environmentalism

There are likely many environmentally conscious people who have untidy homes but are concerned about the environment outside. This kind of lifestyle creates a juxtaposition that will cause conflict. If we are neat at home, we are likely to care about things being neat outside the home.

So, if we keep a clean home, then it will bother us more to see bottles and other trash strewn about the neighborhood. We will want to do more to clean up rivers and other waterways of garbage if we are cleaning up our own houses. It is tough to be consistently concerned about a clean environment on Earth when we are not concerned about a clean environment in our home.

If we can promote cleanliness at home, then environmental protection will naturally flow from that. We should encourage our children to be tidy and make sure that we too keep things clean at home, and that will cause a natural reaction to clean outside the home as well.

pastel makeover for home

People who are neat at home will always pick up any trash or debris lying around in their house or in their yard. That is natural for them. Then, when they go to the beach or the park, they may pick up items that are out of place. This natural extension of what they do at home could benefit the entire world, and we will do more to protect the environment if we all develop this same characteristic.

Closing Thoughts

It is easy to separate our home life from our outside life, but that can lead to a divide between how we feel and how we act. If we are going to be always environmentally conscious and do our part to protect the environment at home and outside the home, then we should develop a habit of tidiness. Cleaning up after ourselves, keeping our house clean, and eliminating waste will all start at home. If we can nourish these characteristics in our own homes, we will create more environmentally conscious people in our family and among our friends.

Look for ways to be cleaner and neater at home and see if that doesn’t translate to a cleaner environment. We think you will find that it does.

The Impact of Natural Environment on Your Mental Health

Many of us spend our workdays indoors under fluorescent lights with little to no contact with the natural world. As nice as it sounds to get some fresh air or take a walk after work, the thought of it can be exhausting, particularly when the couch is beckoning you home after a long day. But spending too much time indoors is not good for your health, and a growing stack of research has revealed the numerous benefits that being in nature has for your physical and mental well-being.

Ramadan and climate change crisis


How your environment affects your mental health

In our Western and modern world, many people spend most of their time indoors. On top of that, we live in a time where many of us spend half our lives in the digital world, scrolling, swiping, and chatting with people online.

In our increasingly busy lives where we are cooped inside all day and our heads are glued to or distracted by screens, it’s easy to go a long period of time without spending a quality amount of time in nature, much less without our phones.

The thing is, humans need to have contact with natural light in order to reduce stress and blood pressure and boost the immune system. We are also naturally more inclined to be in natural settings than in man-made habitats. Given this, it’s no wonder that we feel mentally and physically drained after working inside all day.

Our tendencies to stay indoors may be one of the reasons why there is an increase in depression, anxiety, and stress which are, sadly, increasingly common mental health disorders. Feeling overwhelmed, a sense of disorientation, and a lack of motivation may also be symptoms of spending too much time in an artificial environment.

Why you should spend more time in nature

The good news is that an increasing body of evidence has revealed that spending quality time in nature can positively impact and improve your mental well-being and physical health.

When taking a walk through forests or woodland areas, physiological signs of stress are reduced and negative feelings such as anxiety, anger, and depression are relieved. This has been well researched in a concept called “shinrin-yoku,” the Japanese term for forest-bathing, and involves walking through a woodland area while engaging all your senses. As well as being calming and grounding, this practice has been proven to boost the immune system, balance and improve heart conditions, and reduce bowel disorders.

Nature has been found to have significant healing properties and provide immunization against diseases. A study found that patients who underwent gall bladder surgery recovered much faster when they had a view of a green, leafy environment from their windows rather than a brick wall. Exposure to green spaces has also been revealed to reduce the risk of such illnesses such as cardiovascular disease, premature death, and high blood pressure. Furthermore, it wards off mental illnesses, with one study revealing that seeing or hearing birds nearby reduces the risk for depression and anxiety.

In addition to all of this, there are spiritual advantages to being outdoors. Spending time in nature rejuvenates your mind and provides space for reflection. It is naturally restorative as there is no pressure to strive or be anyone other than yourself. Your perspective on yourself and the world around you shifts when you acknowledge the beauty of the world and how inextricably interconnected we are to one another. If you’re seeking guidance and tools on how to be yourself and embrace the spiritual benefits of nature, Wicca Academy is a great choice. With their comprehensive resources and courses, you can delve deeper into self-discovery, cultivate authenticity, and tap into the profound wisdom that nature offers.

As beneficial as immersing yourself in a natural environment is, it should not replace professional health care if you are struggling with a mental health disorder. Trusted counseling platforms like www.betterhelp.com provide licensed therapists who are dedicated to helping you heal and grow.

Ways to spend more time in nature

Spending time in nature does not have to be complicated. You can reap its benefits by taking a walk in a woodland area near your home, sitting by a body of water, driving down to your local beach, having a picnic in the park, or spending time in your garden. You can also go on a long hike during the weekends, either by yourself or with friends. Regardless, a restorative place in nature is anywhere you feel most relaxed and calm. The more frequently you visit these spaces and dedicate time to being in nature, the better.


However, if you are short on time, there is good news: even spending 5 minutes outside can boost your mood and looking out your window at a green space can lower your heart rate and make you feel instantly calmer. Take 10 minutes to go outside during your work break to soak up the sun—this alone can help your body generate vitamin D, boost your mood, and aid nutrient absorption. Better yet, exercise outside; studies have revealed that working out outdoors is linked to better health and improved mental well-being than exercising indoors.

While you do that, consider leaving your phone at home, in your car, or turned off. We all need a digital detox every now and again, and being in nature is a prime time to do it.

The takeaway

Humans are not meant to live detached from nature. The natural world has proven time and time again to have a restorative, healing, and calming effect on the mind, body, and soul. While it is no silver bullet when it comes to dealing with mental health issues, it is an excellent way to boost your physical and mental health and can intensify your overall happiness and well-being.

The Importance of Edible Landscaping in Your Backyard

Many people are drawn to gardening because it is a rewarding hobby that leaves your yard looking lush and beautiful. However, there is a new gardening trend on the rise that reaps even more rewards. That trend is edible landscaping. Below is an explanation of this gardening method as well as five major benefits of trying it out for yourself.

What is an Edible Garden?

An edible garden integrates food plants in your yard. It combines growing your own food with aesthetically-pleasing landscaping. While many food gardeners may contain their fruits, vegetables, and herbs inside a greenhouse or raised bed that’s sectioned off from the rest of the yard, edible landscaping gets rid of the boundary between food plants and the landscape.

edible landscape in garden

Edible plants are grown out in the open, where they become just as visually important in your yard design as a flower bed or row of shrubs. After all, many edible plants are attractive, too. In an edible landscape, plants serve a dual purpose: they’re both ornamental and edible.

Why start an edible landscape in your backyard? Learn about the major benefits of this gardening method in this post:

1. Positively Impacts the Environment

Edible landscaping is good for the environment for a variety of reasons. For one, flowering plants provide food for local pollinators, such as bees and butterflies. Replacing areas of a grass lawn with garden plants also helps conserve resources. Grass lawns require constant mowing, watering, and fertilizing. Edible plants require no mowing and shouldn’t be treated with pesticides if you plan to eat them. They often also require less water than turfgrass.

2. Reduces Cost of Food

When you have fresh fruits and vegetables growing right outside your door, you won’t need to spend as much on produce at the supermarket. To maximize your harvest, you can choose high-yield plants such as tomatoes, beans, kale, and alliums like onions, garlic, and chives.

3. Lowers Stress

Gardening has been shown to lower stress levels by being a healthy and productive distraction that encourages physical activity. It’s the perfect stress-relieving activity that is rewarding and can help you unwind after a long day. Spending even just thirty minutes out in the garden can benefit your body and mind.

backyard garden

4. Encourages Healthy Eating

Over time, an edible landscape can provide easy and convenient access to vegetables like artichokes, eggplants, beans, and peppers, as well as fruits like blueberries, strawberries, and figs. With a healthy harvest right outside your doorstep, you’ll be encouraged to eat these nutritious foods more often.

5. Adds Color to Your Yard

Purple eggplants, red kale, and multicolored edible flowers will all bring beautiful textures and colors to your yard. Many edible plants sprout beautiful blooms along with their colorful fruit. For example, blueberry bushes have unique, lantern-shaped flowers that appear white in spring and turn red in autumn.

You can even coordinate your edible plants to create a desired color scheme. For example, if you love yellow, you can grow bell peppers and yellow cherry tomatoes. If you’re a fan of purple, you can plant chives and lavender.

Bottom Line

If you’re captivated by the idea of starting an edible landscape, make sure to start off small. Choose just a few edible plants to add in among your ornamental flowers and trees. If they’re sun-loving plants, make sure they get around 6 or more hours of sunlight per day. See how they do, and you can slowly increase the scale of your edible landscape over time. Experiment with placement and designs that embrace both the utility and beauty of your new food plants.

Plug Valve – Types, Functions and Applications

A plug valve is a valve designed with a cylindrical or conically tapered plug used to regulate, open or close flow of fluid. This valve uses a plug to control fluid flow. The plug rotates in the valve body. The plug is designed with one or more ports. When the plug valve is opened, fluid flows through the ports of the plug. Plug valve employ a simple design which makes them relatively cheaper. Plug valves do not have bonnets like other valves such as globe valves and gate valves.

The simplest design of a plug valve is a bi-directional fluid flow valve in which the open position allows fluid to flow while the closed position stops the fluid flow. The fluid flows through the ports which are the inlet and outlet valve ports. The simple design of a plug valve employs a quarter turn to open and close the fluid flow.

working of a plug valve

How does a plug valve work?

Fluid flows through a plug valve via the inlet and outlet ports. It is the position of the ports that determine the open or closed state of the valve. To open a plug valve, the handle is rotated for a quarter turn. This makes the plug to rotate in the anticlockwise direction to allow fluid flow. Fluid starts flowing through the valve when the inlet and outlet ports are aligned with the respective plug ports. Pressure drop occurs across the reduced area of the plug port.

To reduce pressure loss, it is recommended to use a full-area plug. To close the plug valve, the handle is rotated for a 90o degree turn which makes the plug ports rotate and become perpendicular to the valve ports which then blocks fluid flow from the pipeline through the valve. To regulate fluid flow, the plug is rotated for an angle of around 45o degrees. While at this position, the plug causes pressure drop twice relative to when the valve is fully open.

Types of plug valves

1. Lubricated plug valve

This is the plug valve that uses lubricant for easy opening and closing. A layer of lubricant is placed between the plug and the valve body. The lubricant layer helps to prevent fluid leakage by acting as a seal. Plug valve manufacturer recommend lubrication of this valve be done regularly to enhance long service life. The seal used should be able to withstand working fluid temperature as well as debris contained in the fluid. The lubricant also helps to prevent the formation of corrosion on the plug and valve body.

2. Non-lubricated plug valve

This is a plug valve that does not have lubricant film. This type of valve is used mostly in low-pressure lines. The valve is designed with an elastomer body liner or sleeve. The liner or sleeve is installed in the body cavity. The sleeve is compressed against the valve body using the sleeve. As such, friction between the plug and body is reduced. This type of valve needs less maintenance relative to the lubricated one.

3. Multi-port plug valve

This is a plug valve used in diversion and transport lines. The use of one multiport plug valve can provide services that will need the use of three or four gate valves or other types of shut-off valves.

4. Eccentric plug valve

This is a plug valve that uses a half plug. This valve is useful where there is a need for a high amount of seat force and low friction from the opening position to the closing position. This type of plug valve has superb closing ability free from fluid leakage.

5. Expanding plug valve

This is the type of plug valve which has a complicated design. This type of valve employs a design that allows open and closing positions of the valve to protect sealing materials from the flow path. The sealing elements and body do not touch each other which helps to prevent abrasion on the seal. This valve is suitable for use where double insulation is not required.

Hydroponic System from Plastic Bottles: Step-by-Step Guide

In recent years, the hydroponic system is getting increasing popularity worldwide. The reason for why it has become so popular is that the same makes the plant growth effortless. Following this system, people prevent the unwanted use of soil as the plants are grown in the container consisting of water, oxygen, and other nutrients. This further keeps their home free from dirt, filth, and hazardous germs.

In addition, the grower is now no more required to provide nutrient to the plants every after 2-3 hours as the plants get their essential nutrients from the liquid solution discharged in the hydroponic container.

how to make hydroponic systems from water bottles

According to the clinical reports, the growth of a plant in this system is observed to be 30%-55% faster than that in the plant grown in soil. Scientists say that the vast difference in the growth rate of plants is mainly because the plants get ample of oxygen in the hydroponic system that often aids plant to absorb the nutrients easily.

Besides that, the hydroponic system is termed as an environment-friendly procedure of plants grown as it uses comparatively less quantity of water than soil gardening. Although this system is effective enough to grow your herbs rapidly, the same is a bit expensive (it is costly and needs electricity to function) and complicated system.

But no need to worry now as this system can be designed at your home with the ordinary materials like water bottles. This not only cut down the expenditure of buying a large hydroponic tank but can also be maintained easily. Now the question is “how to build a hydroponic system out of plastic bottles?” so here I am presenting a guide following which you can prepare your home hydroponic system in an effective way.

Hydroponic System From Plastic Bottles

In order to construct a home-based hydroponic system from plastic bottles, you are required to assemble a few materials that are:

  • Plastic water bottle
  • Cutting equipment such as the razor, blade, knife, and scissors.
  • A marker
  • Awl or drill
  • Perlite
  • Water resistant tape (try to use duct tape if possible)
  • Cotton yarn or other such wicking product
  • Water, nutrient solution for herbs, and a liquid fertilizer

Once you have collected the above-mentioned materials, you are ready to build a hydroponic system. Follow the below-listed steps and get a perfect yet inexpensive system for the quick growth of your plants.

Step 1

Remove the top section of plastic bottle using a knife, razor, or a blade. Make sure to cut it off from the mark where the curve of the bottle connects to the straight edges of the same.

Step 2

In order to place the lid in the bottle, twist the upper section of the same and put it at the base. Now once the lid is settled in the bottle, use a marker to mark the point where the lid is inserted. This mark will aid you as a reference in positioning the nutrient solution.

Step 3

Drill a large hole in the lid of your bottle. While drilling, make sure to keep the hole sufficient for the undyed cotton yarn to pass through it.

Step 4

Once you have drilled a hole in the bottle, pass the cotton yarn through the same and thread it to the lid. This yarn should cover the entire bottle as it will work as a mediator of transmitting the nutrient solution to your hydroponic system.

Step 5

Now take out the top portion of the bottle placed on the bottom surface of the same and add the hydroponic nutrient solution in the underside section. While filling up the bottle with nutrients, it is recommended to consider the mark (made in step 2) as a reference to avoid overfilling of liquid solution.

Step 6

Reinsert the removed upper section of the bottle again at the bottom and fasten it using a water-resistant tape. This step will enable the cotton yard to descend into the water solution.

Step 7

Dampen the perlite utilizing the liquid solution and position the same into the top section of the bottle. Thread the cotton yard through this perlite to enable the nutrients to pass through the base of the bottle to the perlite-filled upper section.

Step 8

Position a small sapling in the perlite and make sure that its entire roots are concealed. This sapling will pull out the nutrients from the moistened perlite. Once these nutrients are absorbed by the sapling, the further nutrient will be drawn from the base of the bottle to the cotton yarn.

Step 9

In order to add more nutrients to the hydroponic system, remove the duct tape from the top and bottom section of your bottle. Do not forget to connect the pieces again after refilling the system.


With these steps, you can build your own hydroponic system from plastic water bottles without spending much. However, while preparing it through water bottles, take certain precautions to avoid the unnecessary cuts in your hands. This hydroponic bottle-based system can also be utilized for starting the seeds using the above-mentioned steps but you need to add water in place of nutrient solution unless the seed is grown.

Swing Trading Strategies for Prop Firm Traders

Swing trading is a popular trading strategy used by prop firm traders to capitalize on short-term price fluctuations in the market. It allows traders to take advantage of both upward and downward movements, making it a versatile strategy that can be profitable in different market conditions.

Understanding Swing Trading

In order to excel at swing trading, it is essential to have a solid understanding of the basics. Swing trading involves holding positions for a short period of time, typically a few days to a few weeks. Traders aim to capture the “swings” in price that occur within this time frame.

fundamentals of swing trading

Swing trading is a popular strategy among active traders due to its potential for quick profits and the ability to capitalize on short-term market movements. It requires a keen eye for technical analysis and the ability to make rapid decisions based on market conditions.

The Basics of Swing Trading

At its core, swing trading is all about identifying short-term price patterns and trends. Traders look for opportunities to buy at the bottom of a swing, when prices are low, and sell at the top of a swing, when prices are high.

Technical indicators such as moving averages, relative strength index (RSI), and Fibonacci retracement levels are commonly used by swing traders to identify potential entry and exit points. These tools help traders gauge the strength of a trend and determine optimal times to enter or exit a trade.

Key Principles of Swing Trading

Successful swing traders follow a set of key principles to guide their decision-making process. These include having a clear trading plan, using proper risk management strategies, and having the discipline to stick to their plan even when emotions are running high.

Risk management is particularly crucial in swing trading, as positions are typically held for a short period of time and market volatility can lead to rapid price fluctuations. Traders often use stop-loss orders to limit potential losses and protect their capital from significant drawdowns.

Essential Tools for Swing Trading

In order to effectively analyze the market and make informed trading decisions, prop firm traders rely on a variety of tools. These include technical analysis indicators, fundamental analysis data, and various charting techniques.

When it comes to swing trading, having a solid understanding of risk management is crucial. Traders often use tools like stop-loss orders and position sizing strategies to protect their capital and minimize potential losses. By implementing risk management techniques, swing traders can ensure that a few losing trades do not wipe out their entire account.

Technical Analysis in Swing Trading

Technical analysis is a key component of swing trading. Traders use various technical indicators, such as moving averages, MACD, and RSI, to identify potential entry and exit points.

Additionally, some swing traders incorporate advanced technical analysis tools like Fibonacci retracements and pivot points to further refine their trading strategies. These tools can help traders identify key support and resistance levels, which are crucial for making well-informed trading decisions.

Fundamental Analysis for Swing Traders

While swing trading is primarily driven by technical analysis, it is important to consider fundamental factors as well. Swing traders often look at earnings reports, news releases, and industry trends to gain insight into the underlying value of a stock.

Moreover, some swing traders use a top-down approach to combine both technical and fundamental analysis. By first analyzing macroeconomic trends and then drilling down to individual stock analysis, traders can gain a comprehensive understanding of the market environment and make more informed trading decisions.

Developing a Swing Trading Strategy

Having a well-defined trading strategy is crucial for success in swing trading. Traders need to identify tradeable assets, determine the optimal timing for their trades, and implement effective risk management techniques.

Identifying Tradeable Assets

When selecting assets to trade, swing traders look for stocks or other financial instruments that exhibit consistent price movements and have enough liquidity to allow for smooth entry and exit.

Timing Your Trades

The timing of trades is critical in swing trading. Traders analyze price patterns, support and resistance levels, and other technical indicators to determine the best entry and exit points for their trades.

Risk Management in Swing Trading

Managing risk is essential for preserving capital and achieving long-term success in swing trading. Traders use techniques such as setting stop-loss orders, diversifying their portfolios, and sizing their positions appropriately.

Swing Trading Strategies for Prop Firms

Prop firms often develop and implement specific swing trading strategies tailored to their trading objectives and risk appetite. Here are three popular swing trading strategies:

Strategy 1: Trend Following

Trend following strategies involve identifying and trading in the direction of the prevailing market trend. Traders use technical indicators such as moving averages and trend lines to confirm the direction of the trend and enter trades accordingly.

Strategy 2: Mean Reversion

Mean reversion strategies aim to profit from price reversals that occur after a stock or other financial instrument has experienced a significant deviation from its average price. Traders look for oversold or overbought conditions to enter trades.

Strategy 3: Breakout Trading

Breakout trading strategies focus on identifying stocks or other assets that are about to break out of a range or pattern. Traders enter trades when the price breaks above a resistance level or below a support level, expecting the breakout to continue in the same direction.

Evaluating Your Swing Trading Strategy

Regularly assessing the performance of your swing trading strategy is crucial for continuous improvement and long-term success. Traders use various performance metrics to evaluate the profitability and riskiness of their trades.

Performance Metrics for Swing Trading

Some common performance metrics used by swing traders include the win-loss ratio, average profit per trade, maximum drawdown, and risk-adjusted return. By analyzing these metrics, traders can identify areas for improvement and refine their trading approach.

Adjusting Your Strategy Over Time

Market conditions and trends change over time, so it is important for swing traders to adapt their strategies accordingly. By continually monitoring the market and evaluating the effectiveness of their approach, traders can make necessary adjustments to stay ahead of the curve.

In conclusion, swing trading offers prop firm traders the opportunity to capitalize on short-term price fluctuations in the market. By understanding the basics of swing trading, using essential tools, such as a Prop Trading Firm, and developing a sound trading strategy, traders engaged in prop trading can increase their chances of success. However, it is important to regularly evaluate and adjust the strategy to adapt to changing market conditions. With proper risk management and discipline, swing trading can be a profitable strategy for prop firm traders.

The Benefits of Integrating Solar Energy in Buildings

The greenhouse gases (GHGs) generated by buildings alone accounted for 13% of all carbon emissions the past couple of years. In order to meet the new ambitious targets to halve the GHG levels recorded in early 2005, the implementation of sustainable and renewable energy sources has now become a crucial element of construction design and management. Whether they are integrated in new homes or retrofitted to older buildings, solar panels are an efficient and accessible source of energy that are becoming more and more common in both commercial and residential buildings (in the U.S., and worldwide).

New building codes, incentives for installation, and the opportunity for businesses and homeowners to save money on utilities in the long run are all great reasons behind the huge increase in solar installations throughout the United States, Europe, and Africa.

Benefits of Incorporating Solar Energy Technology In Construction

Control Of Energy Systems In Commercial Properties

As well as helping to meet targets to reduce carbon emissions, businesses with their own on-site solar installations can benefit from a dependable energy source that gives them greater control over their power systems. Outages and surges from the grid can cause damage to equipment and result in unnecessary downtime, while a constant and reliable source of solar energy can make a business more resilient.

With more efficient technology, the costs associated with commercial solar panels have fallen. This means that, as well as saving money on energy bills over the long-term, the price of installation is more affordable.

Integrating Solar Panels in New Buildings

Of the range of personalized options for home design that builders can offer home buyers, the integration of solar panels in new buildings is becoming increasingly common. California was the first state to make the inclusion of solar panels mandatory on all new homes, and now advocates in 10 other states, including Maryland, North Carolina and Texas, would like to see the same building code implemented in the coming years. Incentives and rebates to encourage builders to include renewable energy sources in their plans are already available in many areas of the country.

how to maintain your solar panel

Experts at EcoWatch note that while the addition of panels can push up the initial price of a property, research shows that home buyers are happy to pay a premium for solar-ready properties. As well as being a more environmentally-friendly option, they know that, over time, they will save money on utility bills.

Ultimately, the hope is that the same or similar building code will be implemented all over the world in the near future, as it would greatly benefit homeowners, especially in developing nations. In other words, not only solar power not only serves an environmental good, but can also alleviate finance burdens for the general public.

An increasingly important element of construction is the implementation of clean and affordable renewable energies. Fitting solar panels to commercial buildings is highly cost-effective, while incentives and rebates encourage home builders to include solar panels on private homes.

SEO for Sustainable Businesses: An Introduction

As the clamor for sustainability continues to grow, so do businesses that gravitate towards being green. But it’s not enough to be a green business to thrive in the industry. You also need to market your green business well. Keeping up with the times, marketing needs to be present online as well. This is where SEO comes into the picture.

If you are not familiar with it yet, here is a crash course on everything you need to know about SEO basics, most especially for your sustainable business.

What is SEO?

Before jumping into the basics, let’s start with what SEO exactly is. SEO is short for Search Engine Optimization, which is a method or tool that digital marketers use to get more views on their website by appearing on top of search results. Since most people go to Google to find what they need instead of stores, you have to appear first in search results for people to become aware of your company and products.

The more traffic that goes to your website, the more people will know about your company. With an increased awareness, this will also help you drive sales and generate more revenue.

SEO Basics for Your Eco-friendly Business

1. Keywords Matter a Lot

One part of SEO basics you need to know is the way keywords are used. Keywords are what people search for on Google. Your goal as a sustainable business should be for your website to pop up on the first page of search engine results when someone searches for a specific keyword associated with your business. Thus, it’s important to think about the keywords you should align with your website.

With this in mind, keywords become a primary factor to be considered when you start thinking about SEO. You need to take a look at your customers and figure out how they search. Know what words or phrases they use to find your green business.

Once you have the right phrases and keywords, you can now use those to your advantage and apply those keywords on your website to appear relevant in search results. Use the right keywords, and you’ll be surprised with the results. One more tip, if you end up using a digital marketing agency for SEO services, make sure to choose one with experience in your industry so that they choose the right keywords. A great example of this would be an automotive eCommerce store working with an automotive digital marketing agency like automotive-marketing.

2. Make Sure Your Website Loads Fast

Another basic element of SEO is that your website has to load fast. The reason behind this is because search engines usually prioritize listing websites that load fast on top of search results. Google can measure this using their tools, so be sure to find out what these are and tweak your website to make it load faster if you want to optimize it. 

3. Have a Mobile-Friendly Website

Most people nowadays are on their phones, so the best way to reach your customers is to be mobile-friendly. Not all websites are viewable on mobile phones in the same way you see them on the web. You need to deliberately create your website to be viewable on mobile, and for it to be friendly to use on a mobile device.

SEO has tools that can measure how mobile-friendly your green business website is. At the same time, it will also help you optimize your website.

4. Installing an SSL Certificate

Your SEO strategy should contain installing an SSL as one of the top priorities in your to-do list. Websites with SSL certificates usually rank high in search results because it signifies a level of security for the website. Installing an SSL certificate will make your green business’ website more legitimate and secure.

5. Link Building with Other Websites

Once you make sure your website has the appropriate tools for SEO, you now need to do SEO externally. At times, optimizing the green business’ website itself is not enough. This is where other websites come in.

Another SEO basic is to build links with other websites. Link building is crucial for the success of your strategy. You will need help from more popular websites by getting them to have some blogs or articles link back to your website. Doing this will boost your rankings in search engine results.

On the other hand, another way to implement link building is to have more authoritative websites linked in your article. By having authority websites linked in your article, your website will be more legitimate. As a result, this will also boost your rankings on various search engines.


Getting the word out about your sustainable company is as useful as having a good business model. Boost your digital marketing efforts and reach more people by crafting effective strategies for SEO. Your digital presence is as important as your physical presence. With the SEO basics above, you can fully optimize your green business online.

Effective Ways to Make Your Beach Trip Eco-friendly

Island nations have many opportunities to take action and look after our shoreline and help to protect our beaches from trash and waste accumulation. Yes, one can join a major beach clean-up. And this sort of activity is great. But this is action after the fact, after the accumulation of trash on the beach and other shorelines.  But we can also be pro-active when we arrive at the beach to enjoy a day in the sun.

The sooner one adopts these behavioral patterns, the easier it will be to really enjoy your leisure time at the beach. And to be able to encourage others who have not considered these actions. Stay focused and think “clean waters, clean beaches means a better fun day at the beach”. In this article, we will discuss a few tips to make your beach trip eco-friendly so keep reading:

how to make your beach outing eco-friendly

What do you need for a beach picnic? Plates and cups and cutlery, right. But not the plastic kind that you throw away after one use. Chose reusable and non- breakable plates and containers. Cloth napkins, stainless steel or bamboo straws. All reusable, all washable in a dish washer. And a great way to minimize the waste deposited at the beach in trash bins or across the sandy beaches themselves. Plastics especially things like drinking straws and food wraps can have dire impact on the marine ecosystem if carelessly tossed on the shoreline.

Don’t throw your food scraps and leftovers up in the air or out to sea. These can be harmful to marine life as often the waste is not a natural food source such as potato chips. Wrap them up and take them home to dispose of properly.  Think of the beach as another front lawn or garden area as you have at home.

Yes, others before you may have dropped the odd waste object such as a soda or water bottle. Instead of complaining, just bend down and pick it up. You know what to do with it. This brings up the idea of perhaps having a pair of rubber gloves for clean-up, perhaps even a small shovel or an extendable picker-upper. And place these collectables in your compostable plastic trash bag ready for taking home at the end of your fun day.

Talking of trash bags, plan and be prepared. Be sure to have one bag for recyclables and another separate bag for the trash. No one wants to have to handle trash twice, not deal with sorting it on returning back home after a fun day at the beach.

plastic ingestion by marine organisms

Often when we spend a day of leisure at the beach, we transport our plastic buckets and plastic beach toys as well as the children enjoy the beach just as mush as swimming in the ocean waves. So we need to be sure we collect all the children’s toys and plastic inflatables. Or today’s toys could all become more beach trash.

And if it is a birthday party celebration, no balloons. Lost balloons eventually deflate into a lose scraggle mass of rubber that is very harmful to both birdlife and marine life. There is a catching slogan, “Balloons blow, don’t let them go.” Better yet, select an alternative, be creative. Perhaps use environmentally friendly bubble solutions.

We go to beaches on hot, sunny days. That means we need to drink water so as to not get dehydrated. Instead of purchasing packs of one-use water bottles, prepare at home and fill up the refillable water bottles. This will really cut down on potential trash. That brings up the great attitude of “carry out what you carry in”  or in this case, onto the beach. Leave only your footprints in the sand.


فهناك المجموعات البيئية التي تتبنى الانشطة الموجهة في تنظيم حملات تنظيف البيئات الطبيعية في المناطق البرية والساحلية


Do our house pets, especially dogs, go to the beach with us?  Check the rules and regulations as to who is allowed on the beach. And as with exercising your house pets in community parks and green areas, same as at the beach, clean up after them. You know the routine. This is very important for health issues and water quality. And keep the pets away from entering into algal blooms. Those areas that look green and slimy.

Perhaps the beach is ideal for shoreline fishing. That is great. But again, be careful with the fish hooks and fishing lines. Both the lines and the hooks could be lethal for birdlife and marine species if left as trash on the shoreline. Again, be sure to collect all your belongings and take them away with you at the end of the day. Even smash the sand castles or water diversion channels one might make in the course of the fun day.

Follow these sustainable beach practices and leave nature as natural as possible after your fun day at the beach.

How To Find The Best Brush Cleaner?

The fact that finding the best makeup brush cleaner will be a game-changer is not just in how long your brushes will last, but for the health of your skin, too. Clean brushes mean you apply makeup both smoothly and safely, reducing the possibility of bacteria buildup and outbreaks of skin irritation. In this article, we’ll share some essential tips. Here’s what to look for, plus a few pro advice on just how to find the perfect cleaner for your kit.

brush cleaner

Know your brush materials

The kind of bristles on your brushes will dictate the type of cleaner you’re looking for. Natural bristle brushes, which replicate animal hair, are a bit more high maintenance and require gentle, nourishing cleaners-like conditioning ingredients, such as coconut or argan oil. Synthetic brushes usually can take a bit more heavy-duty cleaning and do not absorb products quite as deeply. For synthetic brushes, a plain brush cleaner—liquid or solid—will suffice.

Liquid vs. solid cleaners

Liquid and solid cleaners are good, though each has his or her merits. Solids are nice for quick cleanings, and many have a small scouring surface that will help remove any buildup without causing too much wear on the bristles. Liquids do the job of deep cleaning well, with some even offering antibacterial properties for complete sanitation. If you use a lot of liquid foundation or cream products, liquids can be especially great at breaking down oils and heavy pigments.

Ingredients matter

Similar to skincare, ingredients can make a great difference in cleaners. Look for cleaners that are free from harsh chemicals like sulfates, alcohols, or parabens because such ingredients can dry the bristles, therefore leading to shedding or splaying. Plant-based ingredients or mild surfactants are the best options; they provide powerful breakdowns of makeup residue while also being gentle. In sum, the high-quality cleaners have aloe vera, tea tree oil, and chamomile extract because these are natural antibacterial ingredients and are soft to the bristles of the toothbrush.

Consider your routine and convenience needs

If one is one of these individuals performing quick cleans between applications, then a spray-on brush cleaner is the way to go. Spritzing them directly onto brushes and off onto a tissue or towel is possible, making these ideal for Makeup Artists who need to quickly sanitize between clients. For more intensive at-home cleaning, a deeper cleaner is best. Anyone also has quick-dry formulas from some brands, which is a godsend when one needs to wash a brush and perhaps intends on using it shortly thereafter.

Test before you commit

Just like skincare, you may have to try a few before you can tell if it’s the right one for you. It is good practice to size down to a smaller version whenever you can, to see what effect it has on your brushes. You will want to search out a cleaner that effectively takes off makeup without being too abrasive on the bristles, so no residue will be left behind. A good test is how long it takes your brushes to dry, and also if the bristles remain intact and smooth after they’re cleaned.

Looking for the best brush cleaner? If so, visit: https://allegro.pl/kategoria/pedzle-i-akcesoria-czyszczenie-pedzli-323881

To sum up

Ultimately, the best makeup brush cleaner is one that aligns with your brushes, skincare needs, and way of life. A little attention to these details will keep your brushes in top condition and give you even better, cleaner makeup application—and happier skin!