Renewable Energy in the Middle East

The Middle East energy sector has played and will continue to play an important role in the regional as well as global economy. The oil and gas sector is the largest economic sector in the region. In addition to satisfying energy needs for economic and social development, it is the source of oil and gas export revenues contributing to economic development. Regional countries are heavily dependent on oil and gas to meet their domestic energy demand. Oil contributes more than half of the total energy demand in the Middle East while the rest is contributed by natural gas. Widespread use of fossil fuels has led to severe impact on the environment.  High rate of population coupled with rapid industrialization has led to tremendous increase in energy demand which, in turn, is contributing to significant increase in greenhouse gas emissions.

In recent years, the clamor for renewable energy has increased significantly in the Middle East which may be attributed to concerns regarding global warming and depletion of fossil fuels. Regional countries whose environments are extremely intensive in terms of the carbon emissions and energy usage, like the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia, have taken concrete steps and developed strategies to produce clean energy on large-scale to lower carbon footprint and foster sustainable development.

During the last few years, UAE, Qatar and Saudi Arabia have unveiled multi-billion dollar plans to Improve alternative energy scenario in their respective countries. The most notable example is the Masdar City of Abu Dhabi that has developed a holistic approach to tackle global warming and implement sustainable energy technologies. It will be a sustainable, zero-carbon and zero-waste modern urban habitat. The Masdar City strives to promote innovation and sustainable urban development in a modern cleantech cluster and free economic zone. Another important objective is to involve and support youngsters in the transition to a low-carbon economy.  

The world’s biggest oil-producer, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, is also investing heavily in clean energy technologies to ensure a better future for the coming generation. One of the top priorities of the country is to harness the tremendous solar energy potential available across the country. Saudi Arabia’s interest in renewable energy is a big morale-booster for less-developed regional economies, like Jordan, Egypt and Morocco, to develop ambitious clean energy programs.


Large-scale investments and new sustainable development projects are expected to transform the Middle East into the ultimate destination for clean energy technologies which will not only lower carbon footprint of the region but also reduce the cost of solar, wind and other renewable energy systems. The world’s dependence on Middle East energy resources has caused the region to have some of the largest carbon footprints per capita worldwide. The region is now gearing up to meet the challenge of global warming with the rapid growth of the renewable energy sector. Mass deployment of renewable energy systems is a necessity in the Middle East as the region is grappling with environmental issues like industrial pollution, water-scarcity and unsustainable energy consumption. A successful transition from fossil fuel-based economy to one dependent on renewable energy resources will usher in a new era of peace, prosperity and security in the Middle East. 

Reducing Energy Poverty is Crucial to Sustainable Development

The world is currently facing an unprecedented health crisis, and as usual the vulnerable communities are hit the hardest.  Energy poverty (or lack of access to electricity) is worsening the humanitarian crisis amid COVID-19 pandemic, and is preventing the poor from securing social benefits and economic opportunities.

Electricity, in modern life, is the foundation and lifeline for communities and economies to run and thrive. There is a growing international acknowledgement of the strong ties between poverty and lack of access to modern energy. For example, in impoverished communities, peoples’ well-being is in grave danger, because of the use of dirty and very primitive fuels (forest wood and animal waste). Moreover, rural women and young girls spend excessive time in collecting wood for fuel in order to meet their basic household needs.


Therefore, where there is no modern source of electricity, there is human suffering, lack of access to economic opportunities, and limited opportunities to get healthcare or education. Access to electricity is a key to uprooting people from poverty.

Nowadays, more than 840 million people live without access to modern energy resources and 2.8 billion people rely on primitive domestic heating options to meet their daily heating and cooking needs.  Sub-Saharan Africa has the lowest energy access rates in the whole world – around 789 million people are living without any access to electricity.

Forecasts shows that even with current international efforts to achieve universal energy access, 650 million people will still lack electricity access by 2030. Thus, without access to clean, modern source of electricity power, it would be impossible to achieve the UN internationally agreed sustainable development goals (SDGs) to eradicate poverty and enable for social and economic development.

For example, replacing open fires in poor communities with clean cooking stoves, would save the lives of 800, 000 children who annually die from exposure to indoor pollution. Not forgetting that women and girls are threatened with loss and sexual harassment when go out to search for biomass fuel.  That is why SDG#7 call for action to “ensure access to affordable, reliable and modern energy for all by 2030” that is including universal access to electricity and clean cooking by 2030.

Energy Access Matters

Energy plays a crucial role in poverty eradication. Consequently, access to modern source of power is central to achieving the interconnected goals for the SDGs among them social and economic development aims. Energy poverty is conceptualized as a twin of poverty. The lack of access to sustainable and clean energy fuels and services is described as energy poverty.


According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), in order to lift people from poverty, energy access is fundamental in reducing poverty and improving health, increasing productivity, enhancing competitiveness and promoting economic growth. When access to affordable forms of energy, the vicious cycle evolves around poverty will eventually vanishes.

Ending energy poverty will contribute to building better future opportunities such as job creation, economic growth, agriculture, and education and health services. Finally, access to modern electricity should not be the end in itself; it is about advancing inclusive bottom-up solutions that will enable achievement of sustainable development priorities to end poverty.

Everything You Need to Know About Recycling of Glass

Glass and bottles are a large component of waste due to their weight and density consisting of bottles, broken glassware, light bulbs and other items. The glass bottle use is not much declining due to rising consumers, high consumption and introduction of a variety of soft drinks and juices. Glass recycling is at a minimum in many countries due to lack of segregation, awareness and economic reasons. Management of glass bottles is a major challenge as it takes millions of years to degrade glass naturally.


Glass bottles and jars are 100% recyclable and can be recycled endlessly without any loss in purity or quality. Over a ton of natural resources are saved for every ton of glass recycled. Energy costs are reduced 2-3% for every 10% cullet used in the manufacturing process. Glass that is crushed and ready to be remelted is called cullet. One ton of carbon dioxide is reduced for every six tons of recycled container glass used in the manufacturing process.

Every metric ton of waste glass recycled into new items saves 315 kilograms of carbon dioxide from being released into the atmosphere. Recycling a glass jar saves enough energy to light a bulb for four hours. The world’s best glass recycling practice is in Switzerland where 91% of manufactured glass is recovered for recycling.

Glass is to be separated from other recyclable waste and kept in recycling containers. Glass collection points, known as Bottle Banks are very common in the developed countries where most collection points have separate bins for clear, green and amber glass as re-processors require glass separated by colours.

The use of the recycled glass as aggregate in concrete has become popular in modern times. This greatly enhances the aesthetic appeal of the concrete. Recent research findings have shown that concrete made with recycled glass aggregates have shown better long term strength and thermal insulation due to better thermal properties of the glass aggregates.

There are environmental, economic and social advantages of recycling glass. These advantages include conserving valuable natural resources and raw materials used in industry. By making products from recycled materials instead of virgin materials, we conserve land and reduce the need to drill for oil and deep excavations for minerals. Making products from recycled materials creates less air and water pollution than making products from virgin materials.


Saving energy reduces acid rain, global warming and air pollution. Making products from recycled ingredients often uses much less energy than producing the same product from raw materials. Saving landfill space is another major advantage. Making glass from recycled material requires only 40% of the energy necessary to make it from virgin materials.

To support glass recycling, a deposit system as levied earlier needs to be practiced requiring consumers to pay deposit per container which could be refunded to anyone who returned the container for recycling.

Let us support the environment by re-using the glass containers and bottles, minimizing its usage and avoid disposing it after use. Glass bottles can be re-used for storing other material and as flower holders and for decoration purposes.

How To Start Off-The-Grid Living

The concept of off-the-grid living is gradually growing, aided with the global campaign for a better and sustainable living environment. This alternative lifestyle choice involves total disconnection from basic public utilities, including power, water, and telephone lines.

While it’s an admirable process, it involves thorough preparation for those who want to try it. Here are the basic steps involved in getting an off-the-grid living started.

1. Build A Functional Living Space

The first thing you’ll need to practice your off-the-grid lifestyle is a functional housing set-up influenced by your personal preferences. The first choice for habitation concerns whether you want a completely disconnected lifestyle from the city or a self-sufficient life.


If you’re looking to disconnect entirely, you’ll require a location change. The simplest process involves building or buying a house in a village or town. For the option of a more sustainable lifestyle, you can gradually disconnect from the power grid while taking advantage of some perks of living in the city, such as cycling, riding transit buses, and walking.

2. Ensure a Sustainable Water Source

Water is the next necessary aspect of your off-the-grid life. You’ll need a reliable and clean water source to ensure sustenance in your new home. This is made possible by multiple water sources you can create in your new home, including:

a. Underground Water Systems

This is the most expensive off-the-grid water option, including wells and borehole systems. A well is dug to varying depths between 75 ft. to 300 ft. while a borehole can be sunk from 300 ft. to 1,000 ft. Both systems require a solar or wind-powered pump which delivers the water into your home.

b. Pond

Both natural and human-made pools are great water sources for off-the-grid living. Pond water can be used for recreational purposes such as swimming, farmland support systems for livestock and crops, and domestic use when treated.

c. Streams and Creeks

These are naturally occurring water sources, and if you want access to either a stream or creek, your off-grid home must be strategically located around one. Perennial streams can cater to all your water needs either by manual hand-drawing or a pumping system.

3. Install Alternate Energy

Even if you’re already off-the-grid, you’ll still need an energy source to run several tasks that would still require energy consumption, including outdoor and indoor lighting, laundry, and appliances. Alternatives include the following renewable energy sources:

a. Solar Energy

Solar energy is the most applicable and sustainable renewable energy source. Its energy cycle is powered by photovoltaic (PV) panels, which capture the sun’s rays to provide you with clean energy. You’ll require a battery system to store excess energy from the PV panels to keep your facility powered longer.

b. Hydropower

Hydropower is dependent on the amount of water available at your off-grid home, such as one close to a stream or with constant running water. You can harness this power by using a micro-hydroelectric generator. It’s best installed by professionals to ensure a steady flow and adequate vertical drop of the water source.

c. Wind Energy

The application of wind-powered energy sources is also dependent on the average wind speed within the area. The wind speed witnessed in each area can be checked using appropriate authority websites. The minimum wind speed required is 9 mph and a turbine rated within the range of 5-15 kilowatts.

4. Compost and Grow Your Own Food

Composting is a dated yet effective method of soil improvement and fertilization. This eco-friendly process naturally decomposes domestic organic waste such as yam peels, rotten tomatoes, and vegetables within a soil mass. The compost is then added back to the farm soil to boosts plant growth, plant disease resistance, and maintain soil water and aeration.


Composting facilitates the cultivation of organic farm produce, which will enormously boost your off-the-grid living capabilities. It’s advised that you invest in planting a mix of annuals, biennials, and perennials to ensure food security. The benefits of producing and consuming organic food include healthier meals, improved air quality, and environmental responsibility.

5. Have a Backup Energy Source

A backup energy source is required to insure yourself against any weather-driven energy shortages in your alternate energy sources. This is because there are sometimes drastic reductions in wind speed, water, and sun levels. This will mean experiencing a time-dependent power shortage the moment you’ve expended your battery storage capacity.

Permanent and portable generators are practical backup energy sources that can recharge your battery backup whenever it requires recharging. A permanent generator may have auto-start functions and higher power ratings, but it could be more expensive than portable generators.

Off-the-grid living could also benefit from including an alternate energy source such as integrated solar power systems.


The trend of using alternate energy sources has contributed to the gradual adoption of integrated battery systems as a backup energy source to support the alternative lifestyle of off-the-grid people. But for a more successful unplugged life, you’ll need a sustainable water source, as well as homegrown food and composting, to pull it off.

الحد من تأثيرات العواصف الرملية والترابية

العواصف الرملية والترابية تسبب الكثير من التأثيرات السلبية الكبيرة على المجتمع والاقتصاد والبيئة وعلى النطاق المحلي والإقليمي والعالمي. هناك ثلاثة عوامل رئيسية مسؤولة عن توليد العواصف الرملية والترابية – الرياح القوية، وانعدام الغطاء النباتي وعدم سقوط الأمطار.  المخاطر البيئية والصحية لمثل هذه العواصف لا يمكن تخفيضها بشكل دائم، ولكن تأثيرها يمكن أن يخفض من خلال اتخاذ التدابير المناسبة.


عندما ترتفع سحابة الغبار، فإنها تقلل من مدى الرؤية الأفقية خاصة التي يمكن أن تؤثر على حياة الإنسان في نواح كثيرة.  و تحتوي الجسيمات الدقيقة العالقة أيضا على الملوثات والبكتيريا وحبوب اللقاح، والتي تتسبب في  العديد من الآثار السلبية على الصحة : مثل الحساسية وأمراض الجهاز التنفسي . كما يحمل الغبار العديد من ملوثات الهواء المحمولة مثل السموم والمعادن الثقيلة والأملاح والكبريت، والمبيدات الحشرية وغيرها والتي تسبب تأثيرات صحية حادة عندما يستنشق الناس غبارها الملوث     .

يمكن أن يؤدي الغبار إلى  تآكل المباني والبنية التحتية الأخرى المبنية على مستوى عال من الأملاح، وخصوصا في دول الخليج. فيما يلي قائمة بأهم التأثيرات للعواصف الرملية والترابية:

التأثيرات البيئية والصحية

رداءة نوعية الهواء , ويرجع ذلك إلى الزيادة في أحمال الملوثات , وتنفس الجسيمات العالقة في الهواء ذات الدرجات العالية الخطورة أثناء العواصف الرملية والترابية.

زيادة المخاطر البيئية المتعلقة بالنقل والبناء والصحة.

ترسب الغبار على المساحات  الخضراء يمكن أن يسبب جفاف الأوراق مؤخرة  نمو النباتات ومسببة أضراراً للمحاصيل.

جسيمات الغبار العالقة  في المياه يمكن أن تعيق تغلغل ضوء الشمس في قاع البحر، وبالتالي تؤثر على دورة الحياة البحرية.

الأثار الأجتماعية

 سوء الصحة نتيجة استنشاق جسيمات الغبار الدقيقة العالقة والملوثات الموجودة في الغبار.

حوادث الطرق ومخاطر الطيران بسبب ضعف الرؤية.

تأخر أقلاع وهبوط الطائرات وتقييد حركة مرور السفن.

الزيادة في تلف المحاصيل.

الأثار الأقتصادية

الأضرار المادية بالمنشآت والطرق وحمامات السباحة …ألخ بسبب ترسبات الغبار.

التكاليف المرتبطة بتنظيف الغبار المتسرب داخل المنازل والأبنية وتنظيف المركبات.

التكلفة في إزالة الرمال من الطرق والأبنية.

التكاليف المرتبطة بالحوادث, الخسائر المادية, التأخير في الرحلات الجوية، التأخير في حركة المركبات.

التكاليف المرتبطة بإزالة الدفن الحادث بسبب الرمال والغبار أثناء العواصف لأعمال البنية التحتية مثل خطوط أنابيب النفط.

الحد من تأثير العواصف الرملية والترابية

يمكن الحد من آثار العواصف الرملية والترابية بإستخدام عدد من التدابير الصحية والسلامة واستراتيجيات الرقابة البيئية. على نطاق واسع فإن العواصف الرملية والترابية عموما ظواهر  طبيعية، وأنه قد لا يكون عمليا دائما منع حدوثها   و مع ذلك، يمكن أن تؤخذ التدابير الرقابية للحد من آثارها. على أضيق نطاق فإن انبعاث الغبار بسبب الأنشطة البشرية يمكن الحد منه بإستخدام الطرق الميكانيكية المؤقتة مثل الحواجز الخرسانيية، التغطية، مصدات الأشجار الخ.

السيطرة المناسبة على عوامل رفع الغبار مثل زيادة الغطاء النباتي كلما كان ذلك ممكنا,  كما أنه يساعد في استقرار التربة والكثبان الرملية ومصدات الرياح النموذجية.

استخدام النباتات الأصلية والأشجار كمصدات يمكن أن تقلل من سرعة الرياح والرمال و الانجرافات بنفس الزيادة في رطوبة التربة.

التصميمات المناسبة للمباني وإجراء إختبارات تسربات الهواء أثناء التكليف بالبناء.

بعض تدابير الصحة والسلامة التي يجب اتخاذها للحد من الآثار السلبية بسبب عاصفة ترابية هي:

اتخاذ التدابير الوقائية الإضافية للمجموعات السكانية الغير قادرة مثل الأطفال وكبار السن والمرضى.

استخدام أقنعة الغبار, أقنعة الغبار لها مرشحات يمكن من خلالها تصفية الجسيمات الدقيقة والملوثات. وبالتالي، يجب استخدام قناع خلال العواصف الترابية, وضع منشفة مبللة أو مناديل على الأنف والفم وشرب الكثير من السوائل.

تنظيف الوجه والأنف والفم  بإستمرار لمنع دخول أية غبار إلى الرئتين, مع استنشاق بعض الماء عن طريق الأنف لتنظيف الأنف من جزيئات الغبار.

التأكد من غلق الأبواب والنوافذ بإحكام، وسحب جميع الستائر مع وضع المناشف المبللة على الثقوب الصغيرة التي قد تكون حول النوافذ.

-تقييد الأنشطة الخارجية خارج المنازل والبقاء داخلها.


د. / عصام محمد حسن

 دكتوراه في العلوم  (قسم تطبيقات الليزررفي القياسات البيئية والكيمياء الضوئية  والزراعية)- جامعة القاهرة

كبير باحثيين – جهاز شئون البيئة المصري رئاسة مجلس الوزراء

استشاري البيئة  وسلامة الغذاء و الماء بالمملكة العربية السعودية

Note: The English version of this article ‘Mitigating the Impacts of Sand and Dust Storms’ is available at this link 

The Significance of Rural Culture in Islam

Rural culture developed magnificently during medieval times in the Islamic Mediterranean countries. It has left its mark on many aspects of daily life in the countryside, from Sicily and the Spanish Levant to the Maghreb and the Eastern regions. Al-Andalus was a perfect example. Not only are Arabic words present in every movement, skill and tradition throughout much of Spain, but the actual rural landscape forms part of this heritage. And the same can be said about age-old customs for the distribution and use of water, for sowing, grafting, harvesting and storing, and many of today’s extensive, organic farming methods.


Alcorque, aceña, acequia, alberca, almatriche, almazara and aljofaina are just a few of the Spanish words of Arabic origin that refer to rural culture, and Arabic farming systems such as albuferas (lagoons), olive groves and terraces give the Mediterranean landscape its characteristic appearance.

But what is especially outstanding is the way in which the medieval Muslims managed common natural resources both fairly and sustainably, to use a word that is much in vogue today. This was based on Islamic tradition regarding justice and distribution of goods. The Holy Qur’an and the Sunnah, as well as traditions attributed to the Prophet Mohammed, frequently mention the importance of equity and transparency in distribution and trade.

The following Quranic verse, posted at the entrance to Harvard University, lays the foundations for an unmistakable concept of social justice:

O you who have believed, be persistently standing firm in justice, witnesses for Allah, even if it be against yourselves or parents and relatives. Whether one is rich or poor, Allah is more worthy of both. So follow not [personal] inclination, lest you not be just. And if you distort [your testimony] or refuse [to give it], then indeed Allah is ever, with what you do, Acquainted. (Qur’an, 4-134).

Although in short supply today, solidarity was much appreciated in the Muslim world during the early centuries. The second Caliph of Islam, Omar Ibn al-Khattab, stated that if a person died from poverty, the inhabitants of the town were required to make up for his death as if they had all been guilty of his murder.

Natural resources had to be fairly shared throughout the community. As the Hadith states, “Muslims share three things: water, pastures and fire”. And day labourers taken on for specific tasks had to be paid immediately, as stipulated by the Prophet of Islam, who ordered that their wage should be paid “before their sweat dries”. On the subject of food, it is of note that the famous Spanish saying, still in use today fortunately, “where three can eat, so can four”, comes in its literal form from a well-known hadith.


Also of interest is the close relationship our forebears had with nature. For Muslims, tending the land is an amanah, a responsibility, because during their time on earth they are mere khalifah (or vice-regent), and are obliged to use the land with moderation and balance. In Islam, work in itself is an act of adoration, and if the work involves cultivating the land, the benefit multiplies.

There is a beautiful hadith that states,

No Muslim plants or sows something, so that a bird, a man or an animal can eat from it, without there being a benefit for him”.

A person who farmed land in the public domain or that belonged to no-one had a special right over it, as stipulated by the Prophet in the 7th century, many centuries before the famous sentence by Emiliano Zapata, “Land belongs to whoever works it”.


But, perhaps, where regulation and sharing were most important was in the use of water. Al-Andalus was again an example, though not the only one. There were public persons such as the sahib al-saqiya, the water sharer, or the qada al-miyah (water mayor), and the official al-amin al-maa. The term amin in Arabic, the person who is trustworthy, came to be used in irrigated farming in the Christian parts of Spain, in the form alamín in Castile, and alamí in Valencia.

This is just a brief outline, but it gives an idea of the moral and ethical values that, in general, governed the rural life of Muslims in medieval times.

10 Eco-Friendly Appliances to Make Your Kitchen Green

Our world is going through some of the most troubling times in the recent past. With an uncertain present and future, it is the need of the hour to protect and preserve our planet and its invaluable resources dearly! This is why a majority of global organizations and corporates are looking forward to sustainable living and seeking eco-friendly alternatives.

You, too, can contribute to make our planet a greener and better place to live for us and future generations. All it takes is a large heart, genuine willingness, and some awareness to swap your existing resources with their eco-friendly alternatives. Let’s start this change from the heart of your household, which is your very own kitchen!


We are sharing with you some of the appliances, which you can swap for planet-friendly and nature-loving equivalents.

1. Electric Kettle

Make sure you have an electric kettle, as these are energy efficient, with a measuring scale, and preferably switches-off automatically with temperature control feature. This way, you will boil only what is required, till the required level of temperature, and prevent unnecessary/ prolonged boiling of water.

2. Coffee maker

The market is flooded with “efficient” coffee makers. Yet, finding the perfect one can still be a task! But, not now. You can visit for the best reviews and buying guide of the eco-friendly coffee making appliances. Just so you know, it is best to pick a coffee maker that is not a single-use ‘pod’ kind, uses a reusable filter, and has a thermal coffee carafe. Ideally, you should brew the coffee manually and use coffee grounds in garden and beauty treatments.


3. Toaster

It helps to pick a toaster that is energy efficient, doesn’t have unrealistically long bread slots, toasts just two slices at a time, has good temperature control feature, and does not overheat the bread.

4. Blender

Keeping a blender that does not consume too much energy/ wattage to process the ingredients will be the best choice to have in the kitchen. It is necessary to maintain your appliances well and replace/fix electrical gadgets as and when required.

5. Rice cooker

Pick the one that actually meets your daily need and is sufficiently large to feed all your family members. It should have a stainless steel bowl, as the one with Teflon contains harmful chemicals (PTFE and PFOA).

6. Induction cooktop

This appliance is the most energy-efficient kitchen gadget that cooks food via electromagnetic induction heat. So, the food heats up only when a utensil is placed over the cooktop, which saves natural gas and electrical energy. You must choose the one with auto-switch mode and can also control the cooking temperature.


7. Dishwasher

This is one appliance that must be energy-efficient as dishwashers tend to consume a lot of water and electricity. Being an appliance of regular use, you must pick one that runs on less power and water, without compromising on the quality of the job.

8. Refrigerators

As per the newest norms, all refrigerators must have energy-stars to reflect their energy efficiency. The appliance with more number of stars is energy efficient and consumes lesser electricity to run. Refrigerators must not give out CFC and HFC (chlorofluorocarbon and hydrofluorocarbon). These gases actively destroy the precious ozone layer in the Earth’s atmosphere.

9. Frying pans

Pans and pots are the frontline workers of our kitchen. It is practically impossible to arrange a meal without using one of these. And this also brings to their importance in getting a sustainable kitchen. You must avoid getting pots and pans with Teflon coating as it contains carcinogen and environment offenders PFOA and PFC. Cast iron, stainless steel, stoneware, and enamel-coated pots and pans are eco-friendly alternatives you may consider.


10. Electric oven

There are several electric ovens available in the market that claim to cook better with lesser power. You must invest in the one with multiple cooking modes to prevent hoarding of various electrical appliances, uses lesser power to get the desired results, and with an efficient temperature control feature.

The Future Of Dermatological Testing: Is Vegan The Way Forward?

The rapidly growing consumer awareness surrounding ethical choices in skincare and cosmetics is pushing the industry to evolve. The idea of ‘vegan’ extends far beyond diet, reaching into every aspect of consumer lifestyle choices, including beauty and healthcare products.

Traditional dermatological tests involve allergen and irritation checks, often performed on animals or using animal-derived substances. Vegan dermatological testing, on the other hand, utilizes cutting-edge technology to mimic human responses without causing harm to living beings.

vegan-friendly dermatological testing

This harmonizes with a wider societal shift toward ethical and sustainable practices, making skincare compatible with moral and ethical considerations.

Understanding Dermatological Testing

When the phrase ‘dermatologically tested’ appears on a product, it often means that the ingredient or product was tested in the presence of a dermatologist. This adds a layer of clinical rigor to the process, ensuring that products are both safe and effective for human skin.

Traditional dermatological tests often use animal models as part of their study design. However, as consumer sentiment shifts, more and more companies are choosing vegan-friendly testing methods, thereby cutting out animal-derived ingredients and animal testing from the equation.

While animal testing was once seen as the standard for dermatological research, technological advancements now offer viable alternatives.

Sustainability And Ethical Concerns

In the context of increasing environmental degradation and climate change, the sustainability of dermatological testing and skincare products becomes increasingly important. Vegan products often use plant-based ingredients, which are generally more sustainable and have a lower carbon footprint than animal-derived ingredients.

Animal agriculture significantly contributes to environmental issues such as deforestation, water pollution, and greenhouse gas emissions. By avoiding animal-derived ingredients and focusing on sustainably sourced plant-based components, vegan skincare aims to be part of the solution to these pressing global challenges.

Moreover, ethical concerns about animal welfare continue to be a driving force behind the vegan movement. Traditional animal testing methods raise questions about the ethical treatment of animals, leading many consumers to seek out cruelty-free alternatives. Vegan dermatological testing aligns with these ethical considerations, offering a guilt-free option that is becoming increasingly mainstream.

Advanced In-vitro Methods

Advanced in-vitro methods offer an ethical alternative to traditional animal-based dermatological tests. These methods typically involve using human cell cultures or synthetic tissues to model human skin responses. Not only do these tests avoid animal suffering, but they also often yield more accurate and reliable data due to their closer approximation to human biology.

The use of 3D human skin models, for instance, has shown promise in predicting skin reactions such as irritation and sensitization. These models closely mimic human skin’s architectural and functional characteristics, providing invaluable data for dermatological testing.

In the coming years, more resources will likely be invested in perfecting these in-vitro methods. As they become more advanced, these techniques could ultimately surpass traditional methods in terms of both accuracy and ethical soundness.

Machine Learning And AI

Incorporating machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) into dermatological testing can further revolutionize the vegan approach. These technologies can analyze vast datasets to predict how human skin reacts to different ingredients or products without requiring animal or even human trials.

Machine learning algorithms can sift through various variables, from molecular structures to historical data, to make incredibly accurate predictions. AI’s ability to process large amounts of data in a short time makes it invaluable for the speedier development of vegan skincare products.

As these technologies evolve, the reliance on traditional testing methods will likely diminish. This would expedite the product development process and set new industry standards for ethical testing.

Regulatory Challenges And Opportunities

As vegan dermatological testing gains traction, it also encounters various regulatory challenges. However, these challenges often serve as opportunities for standardization and quality improvement. Most countries have their own regulatory agencies overseeing skincare and cosmetic product safety, but there is currently no global standard for ‘vegan dermatological testing.’

future of vegan dermatological testing

Standardizing vegan dermatological testing methods would not only provide clarity but would also allow for international recognition of vegan products. Regulatory bodies could collaborate to create universally accepted guidelines that uphold both ethical and scientific standards.

As regulations catch up with the rapid advancements in vegan dermatological testing, more products will likely gain certification, boosting consumer confidence and further promoting ethical practices in the industry.


The future of vegan dermatological testing heralds an unprecedented fusion of ethical stewardship and groundbreaking scientific advancements.

Enhanced by state-of-the-art in-vitro techniques and the computational might of machine learning and AI, vegan dermatological testing is transcending traditional boundaries. Moreover, as regulatory frameworks evolve to embrace this new paradigm, the practice promises to shift from being a mere ethical alternative to becoming the new industry standard.

In sum, vegan dermatological testing is shaping up to be a transformative force that elevates consumer trust and ushers in a new era of ethically responsible and scientifically robust skincare.

الإيمان والعمل البيئي في الشرق الأوسط وشمال إفريقيا

أدركت مبادرة الإيمان من أجل الأرض التي أطلقها برنامج الأمم المتحدة للبيئة، أهمية دور المنظمات الدينية حول العالم في توجيه جهود التصدي للتغير المناخي.

يؤمن 84% من سكان العالم بوجود قوة إلهية تتجسد في مجموعة من المبادئ والقيم. لذلك، تتمتع المنظمات والقيادات الدينية بقدرة كبيرة على توجيه العمل اليومي للأفراد المتدينين. كل الديانات السماوية تدعو إلى العبادة واحترام الطبيعة التي هي من خلق الله.


أهمية العلاقة بين الإيمان والبيئة

تستطيع القيادات الدينية المساهمة في بناء القدرات والتوعية والتعليم، وبالتالي ترجمة الحس بالمسؤولية نحو البيئة الى ممارسات عملية على أرض الواقع.

 يقع على عاتق حكومة بعض الدول ذات التوجهات الدينية، مسؤولية وضع السياسات التي تساهم في الاستدامة وحماية البيئة بالانسجام مع المعتقدات الدينية.

توصف المنظمات الدينية بأنها رابع أقوى قوة اقتصادية في العالم. ويمكن فهم القوة التي تتمتع بها تلك المنظمات من خلال هذه الأمثلة على ما يقع ضمن إشراف هذه المؤسسات:

  • 37 مليون كنيسة
  • 4 مليون مسجد
  • الملايين من المعابد
  • 5% من مجموع الغابات ذات الإنتاجية التجارية في العالم، منها 30% تقع في أوروبا
  • 10% من المؤسسات المالية

وعلى سبيل المثال، تساهم قرارات القيادات الدينية لدمج الاستدامة في التصميم المعماري والبناء كاستخدام الألواح الشمسية وإدارة المياه وإدارة المخلفات في تعزيز مبادئ الاقتصاد الأخضر ومن ثم توزيع الفائض من تلك الموارد على المجتمعات المحلية.

الحراك الديني البيئي

كان العام 2015 عاما بارزا للعمل البيئي على مستوى العالم.  فعلاوة على اتفاقية باريس التي التزمت من خلالها 195 دولة إضافة إلى الاتحاد الأوروبي بالعمل نحو مستقبل مستدام منخفض الانبعاثات الكربونية، أطلق العديد من القيادات الدينية دعوات للعمل على حماية الأرض والبشرية من الآثار المدمرة للتغير المناخي.

  • في العام 2015، دعا قداسة البابا فرنسيس في رسالته البابوية “Laudato Si” التي تستعرض المسؤولية الأخلاقية ل 1.2 مليار كاثوليكي إلى إدراك أهمية الأزمة المناخية.
  • وفي نفس العام في مدينة إسطنبول وخلالالندوة العالمية الإسلامية حول التغير المناخي، تبنى القادة الاسلاميون بمن فيهم رجال الدين وصناع السياسات والأكاديميون الإعلان الإسلامي للمناخ. ولكن على خلاف ما حدث في روما وبسبب عدم وجود مؤسسة مركزية قوية تدعم السياسات التي تضمنها الإعلان، لم يحظ الإعلان الإسلامي بالانتشار والدعم المطلوب.
  • في شهر حزيران من العام 2020, افتتح مشروع “The living Chapel” في حديقة “Orto Botanico” في روما للترويج للرسالة البابوية “Laudato Si” وللأجندة العالمية للتنمية المستدامة 2030 التي أطلقتها الأمم المتحدة.

إضافة لما سبق، كان هناك ايضا الإعلان البوذي للتغير المناخي، واصدار الرسائل الربانية عن التغير المناخي من مئات الحاخامات والقادة الهندوسيين الذين انضموا لهذا الزخم البيئي العالمي.

ماذا عن منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا؟

عقد برنامج الأمم المتحدة للبيئة حوارات مع العديد من المنظمات الدينية في المنطقة كجزء من مبادرة الإيمان من أجل الأرض. وتتضمن الاستراتيجية المحدثة عددا من الشراكات مع مجلس وزراء البيئة لدول العالم الإسلامي في المنظمة الإسلامية للتربية والعلوم والثقافة (إيسيسكو)، ومؤسسة قطر، وحديقة القرآن النباتية في قطر، وكلية الدراسات الإسلامية بجامعة حمد بن خليفة؛ والتي تهدف بمجملها إلى تصميم ميثاق إسلامي مدعوم مؤسسيا يتعلق بقضايا التغير المناخي واستعادة النظم البيئية، والحلول القائمة على الطبيعة، والاقتصاد الأخضر، والأخلاقيات البيئية.

يقع على عاتق الأكاديميين وصناع القرار ورجال الدين مسؤولية كبرى نحو دمج التنمية الاقتصادية مع الاستدامة البيئية. شدد الدكتور اياد أبو مغلي – مدير مبادرة الإيمان من أجل الأرض – على الدور القيادي الذي يمكن أن يقوم به رجال الدين في تحفيز المجتمع الإسلامي للحفاظ على البيئة والاستخدام المسؤول للموارد الطبيعة المتنوعة التي تتمتع بها منطقة الشرق الأوسط. وكان للدكتور أبو مغلي نظرة متفائلة تجاه الطلاب والشباب للمشاركة في العمل والحراك البيئي، والتي تتجاوز التبرعات المالية البسيطة نحو مساءلة أكبر للقيادات في دولهم.

ترجمه: سامر فاخوري

طالب هندسة صناعية في الجامعة الأردنية، مهتم بمجال التنمية المستدامة وطرق دمج النهج الهندسي مع تطبيقات التنمية المستدامة في الواقع العملي. شارك في العديد من مشاريع المنظمات غير الحكومية المحلية والعالمية إيمانا بضرورة خلق بيئة مستدامة لجميع مواطني الأرض. يشارك حاليا في مشروع التخرج الذي يتطرق الى قضية الأمن الغذائي في العالم وطرق جديدة عصرية للوصول الى أحقية توفر الغذاء لجميع سكان الأرض.

Note: This article was originally published by egomonk on egomonk insights. The curator and host of this series is Ruba Al Zu’bi

Waste Management Perspectives for Bahrain

Fast industrialisation, urbanisation, enhanced consumerism and rise in standards of living is causing generation of large quantities of waste which needs to be stored, transported, treated and disposed. Globally, municipal and urban governments are spending huge financial and human resources on waste management but the service coverage is barely coinciding with the generated waste quantities as overflowing communal containers and waste heaps are amply witnessed in all major urban centres.

The worldwide quantities of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) are rapidly increasing. It is estimated that around 2.5 billion MT of MSW was generated worldwide in 2000, which is expected to reach 5.3bn MT by 2030. The solid waste generation rate of Bahrain and GCC countries is very high varying from 470 to 700 Kg/capita/year.

MSW consists of domestic waste from residential areas, commercial wastes from markets and commercial centers and institutional waste generated from offices, educational institutes etc., construction waste, garden waste and animal carcasses. The waste is either stored in 200 liter plastic bins or 1100 liters metallic bins from where it is emptied into compactors and trucks and transported to the landfill site for disposal. The waste at the landfill site is compacted and covered with sand to avoid any pollution.

It is estimated that over 4,000 tons per day of MSW is being generated in Bahrain which is being collected from the five governorates by private contractors who transport these wastes to the Asker municipal landfill site located some 25 km away from the city centre in quarry areas.

The broad categories of MSW are biodegradable waste (food and kitchen waste, green waste etc.), Recyclables (paper, glass, bottles, cans, metals, certain plastics etc.), Inert waste (construction and demolition waste, street sweepings, litter, dirt, soil, debris etc.), Composite wastes (waste clothing, Tetra Packs, waste plastics such as toys) and domestic hazardous waste.

MSW generation and its management involves severe health risks and impacts including decomposition and biodegradation of waste due to high temperatures causing obnoxious odours, proliferation of insects and rodents, occurrences of unwanted major and minor fires, contamination of soil and water by leachate generated from the landfills, emissions of toxic gases from waste disposal, burning and incineration.

MSW also contribute to climate change primarily because of methane and carbon dioxide gas emissions. Impacts on terrestrial and marine ecology, traffic generation, road congestion, accidents, dust and noise generation, nuisance, bird hazards, occupational health hazards, litter generation and spreading, impairment of area aesthetics are other serious impacts. Unattended waste attracts flies, rats, and other vermin’s that in turn spread diseases.

We need to understand that the problem of MSW cannot be solved by the governmental authorities alone. We need to equally share the burden in reducing the quantities of waste, storing all garbage generated in containers, segregating waste to assist recycling activities and spreading the message of having environmental friendly waste management. Public awareness and change of attitudes towards waste are required as it affect the population’s willingness to cooperate and participate in practicing efficient waste management practices.

Source reduction is a successful method of reducing waste generation. Practices such as grass recycling, backyard composting can yield substantial benefits. It prevents emissions of many greenhouse gases, reduces pollutants, saves energy, conserves resources and reduces the need for new landfills.

How Does A Wastewater Treatment Plant Work?

Wastewater treatment is essential for minimizing water pollution that can disrupt delicate ecosystems, interfere with food chains, and transmit diseases. As the urban population continues to rise, this increasing population density can generate more organic waste and wastewater, which calls for proper treatment and more efficient wastewater treatment plants.

A dwindling supply of clean water necessitates more cost-efficient, high-quality wastewater treatment systems. These modern treatment plants employ the latest technologies to decontaminate dirty water before funneling the water back into these ecosystems.

What pollutants wastewater treatment removes?

A wastewater treatment system harnesses the power of technology to facilitate wastewater treatment and BOD compliance. Common pollutants include Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD), phosphates and nitrates, pathogens, metals, Total Suspended Solids (TSS), Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), and synthetic chemicals. High BOD levels indicate an elevated biodegradable material concentration, resulting from the presence of pollutants like fertilizer runoff, fecal waste, or food processing wash-down or cleaning.

Releasing phosphates and nitrates to the environment may cause extensive algae, phytoplankton, and weed growth and high BOD. It can also result in eutrophication or water body deoxygenation, which kills aquatic life and potentially causes hypoxia. Pathogens like viruses, bacteria, and fungi, which transmit through polluted water, cause various illnesses such as hepatitis A, cholera, giardiasis, dysentery, botulism, and salmonellosis.

Harmful metals end up in wastewater due to various industrial processes. These metals can threaten human health and environmental well-being alike. Much like the rest of the contaminants, TSS (inorganic and organic suspended solid materials) and TDS (metals, anions, salts, cations, or minerals) damage the crops, kill aquatic life, humans, and may affect irrigation. The typical synthetic chemicals in wastewater are DDT, diethylstilbestrol, PCBs, and dioxin.

The wastewater treatment process

Wastewater treatment plants oversee three main stages: primary, secondary, and tertiary. However, some pollutants require advanced treatment, such as the quaternary, which involves fine filtration or oxidation processes to lower emergent pollutants dissemination.

Every stage targets different pollutants, so the water becomes cleaner as the process advances. Depending on the original water’s quality and the intended purpose for the treated water, certain or a combination of treatment stages are initiated.

Primary wastewater treatment

Primary wastewater treatment involves momentarily holding the wastewater in a tank to allow the settlement of heavy solids at the bottom and lighter solids, grease, and oil to float. Water treatment experts contain these loose materials while the water moves to the next step or discharges. Sedimentation occurs after the filtration of larger substances. During this process, wastewater goes through multiple filters and tanks to separate contaminants from water.

Secondary wastewater treatment

Secondary wastewater treatment operates on a more profound level than the primary stage and eliminates suspended and dissolved biological matter. It usually involves the use of native water-borne microorganisms released in a controlled habitat.

Treatment plants may have to eradicate organisms through a separation process upon completing the treatment before discharging or advancing to the tertiary stage. The secondary step will involve performing biological content degradation through aeration, biofiltration, and oxidation ponds.

1. Aeration

Aeration is a timely process that can last for 30 hours and is equally instrumental, as it involves combining wastewater with a microorganism solution. Aeration gives the bacteria oxygen to stabilize and treats the wastewater by biodegrading the organic substance containing carbon to create carbon (IV) oxide and water. Without sufficient oxygen, breakdown has to occur under slow and odorous septic conditions, resulting in an incomplete transformation of pollutants.=

2. Oxidation Ponds

The large stabilization ponds or lagoons are mainly used in warmer areas to treat wastewater through bacteria, algae, and sunlight interaction. Algae relies on energy from the sun, inorganic compounds, and carbon (IV) oxide released into the water by bacteria to grow. Through photosynthesis, algae release the oxygen required by aerobic bacteria. Sometimes, experts introduce mechanical aerators to provide more oxygen.

3. Biofiltration

Biofiltration is a standard method in greywater recycling, wastewater treatment, and aquaculture, as it helps raise the water quality while lowering water replacement. Biological filters eliminate contaminants through biodegrading natural components, filtering suspended solids, and absorbing micro-pollutants. Biofiltration processes are typically aerobic, so the microorganisms need oxygen for metabolism.


The biofilm receives oxygen counter-currently or concurrently with the water flow. Biofilters have low operating expenses, a simple structure, a robust process, and resistance to shock loads.

Tertiary wastewater treatment

Its primary purpose is to increase the water quality to meet industrial and domestic standards or the specific safe discharge requirements while also removing nitrates and phosphates. For municipal wastewater treatment, this stage also involves eliminating pathogens, making the water safe to drink. The tertiary treatment process is usually performed using substances such as sand and activated carbon.


Successful wastewater treatment requires reliable and high-quality equipment, as the living organisms’ well-being and the environment may depend on it. Wastewater treatment plants can achieve proper wastewater management change by understanding the process and components found in their local water sources.

Sustainable Development in Jordan: Perspectives

During the last few decades, sustainable development emerged as a hot topic in many reform agendas and strategic management plans in Jordan. The picture is not always optimistic where poverty, climate change and wars to name but a few of the continuous burdens, yet, some results have been successfully reaped. In this article, I will provide a reflection on the sustainable development journey in Jordan. Firstly, what the country achieved from the year 2000 to 2015 and secondly, what challenges the country has to counter from the year 2015 to 2030.


Millennium Development Goals – Year 2000 to 2015

Jordan has embraced every single opportunity to create a significant change in each of the three pillars of sustainability; social, economic and ecological.

Firstly, on the social sustainability pillar, the country was ranked as 77th among other 187 countries in the HDI (Human Development Index) by the end of October 2015 [1]. One of the main initiatives was the development of 3-year Executive Development Programs (EDPs) to set agendas and manage them in areas such as unemployment and poverty [2]. As a result, the country managed successfully to reduce the poverty rate from 21% to 14.4% for the period from 1997 to 2012, increased literacy rate to 93.3% across the country and reduced the infant mortality rate (which represents the number of death for infants under one year) to 17 per 1000 infants [3].

Secondly, on the economic sustainability pillar, and despite of the volatility around Jordan which affects the availability of external investments negatively [3], the country adopted new laws that enhanced investments and created a competitive business environment such as the new tax law, the new electronic transactions law [2] and the competition law [1]. The results were shown in the growth of the GDP by 3.1%, the reduction in the inflation rate by 2.8% and the increase in the export growth rate by 9.4%  by the end of 2014 [1].

Thirdly, on the ecological sustainability pillar, Jordan implemented rigorous steps to face the severe water condition in the country.  For example, Jordan started one of the world’s most unique water desalination projects, or what is called “Red Sea-Dead Sea” project, in order to pump the water from the Red Sea to the Dead Sea. The difference in the elevation between the two seas will be used to generate hydroelectricity which will be used in the desalination process and hence providing safe drinking water to the local community [2], [4]. As a result, 99% of the population will have access to a safe drinking water [3].

On other important environmental impacts, the country adopted different targets related to climate change, introduced codes for green buildings, launched incentive programs for hybrids and electric cars and finally embraced a Solid Waste Management Strategy [2].

Sustainable Development Goals – Challenges from 2015 t0 2030

In order to continue the sustainable development journey in Jordan, the country has to overcome different challenges as the following.

Firstly, on the social development side, the three main challenges are the growth in the number of the population, the healthcare agenda and the commitment to the human rights especially women rights. Statistics revealed that the number of population was doubled since 1980, and this includes the increased number of refugees in Jordan over the last three decades. The Syrian crisis alone created 4 million refugees to neighbor countries and 8 million internally displaced in five years.

Jordan hosts 1.4 million Syrian refugees, therefore, it is considered the largest recipient for Syrian refugees who resulted in impact with USD 6.6 billion as direct and indirect costs [2], [3].This growth creates a pressure on the limited natural resources and the current infrastructure [3]. Similarly,  the official statistics in regards to the healthcare in the country showed that only 77% of Jordanian citizens are covered by health insurance pension [1] and the official numbers for the unemployment rate revealed that the unemployment rate for females is twice more than what it is for males [1].

Secondly, on the economic development side, the two key challenges are reducing the country’s dependency on the external financial support (i.e. financial aid, long-term loans, and grants) [1], and reducing poverty rate where  2% of the population are living on less than 3 USD per day [1].

Thirdly, on the ecological development side, the four crucial ecological areas in Jordan are water scarcity and the climate change, the wastewater sewer network and sanitation, land degradation and desertification and finally, the dependency on imported energy from other countries. Starting by the water scarcity and the climate change; according to the official meteorological forecast in Jordan, the country is predicted to have an increase in evapotranspiration by 3%. That also is expected to be combined with a decrease in the rainfall by 15% and an increase in the demand for irrigation water by 18%. As a total, the available water in Jordan is expected to be decreased by 30% by 2035 [3].

Syrian refugees at Za’tari refugee camp

Not also the climate change is the major contributor to the water scarcity, but also the domestic misuse of water resources and the increasing number of Syrian refugees who consume approximately one million liters of water on a daily basis [1]. In regards to the sanitation issue; the current wastewater treatment network is not capable to handle all the wastewater discharge in the country. Official numbers state that only 63% of the population is connected to a public sewer system. This also means losing the opportunity of collecting, treating and reusing the wastewater for other beneficial uses [3].

Moving to the land degradation challenge, the country has to deal with the increasing impact of land degradation that resulted due to improper use of the lands, soil erosion, poor solid waste disposal practices and the immigration from rural to urban areas [3]. Finally, the country lacks the needed resources to generate electricity, therefore, around 96% of its fossil is imported [3].

In a small country like Jordan, surrounded by many challenges as I illustrated above, our hopes are still high to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals by end of 2030 and hence creating a better future for everyone in the country.


[1] Bertelsmann Stiftung, “BTI 2016 Jordan Country Report,” Gütersloh, 2016.

[2] I. Fakhoury, “Jordan Statement at the UN Sustainable Development Summit.” Amman, 2015.

[3] H. El-Naser, B. Telfah, and S. Kilani, “Establishing the Post-2015 Development Agenda: Sustainable Development Goals ( SDG ) towards Water Security The Jordanian Perspective,” Amman, 2014.

[4]  Global Nature Fund, “Red Sea – Dead Sea Canal and the feasibility study of the World Bank,” 2013.