Solid Waste Management in Bahrain

The Kingdom of Bahrain is an archipelago of around 33 islands, the largest being the Bahrain Island. The population of Bahrain is around 1.2 million marked by population density of 900 persons per km2, which is the highest in the entire GCC region. The country has the distinction of being one of the highest per capita waste generators worldwide which is estimated at 1.67 – 1.80 kg per person per day. Infact, Bahrain produces largest amount of waste per person among GCC countries despite being the smallest nation in the region. Rising population, high waste generation growth rate, limited land availability and scarcity of waste disposal sites has made solid waste management a highly challenging task for Bahrain’s policy-makers, urban planners and municipalities.

Solid Wastes in Bahrain

Bahrain generates more than 1.2 million tons of solid wastes every year. Daily garbage production across the tiny Gulf nation exceeds 4,500 tons. Municipal solid waste is characterized by high percentage of organic material (around 60 percent) which is mainly composed of food wastes. Presence of high percent of recyclables in the form of paper (13 percent), plastics (7 percent) and glass (4 percent) makes Bahraini MSW a good recycling feedstock, though Informal sectors are currently responsible for collection of collection of recyclables and recycling activities

The Kingdom of Bahrain is divided into five governorates namely Manama, Muharraq, Middle, Southern and Northern. Waste collection and disposal operation in Bahrain is managed by a couple of private contractors. Gulf City Cleaning Company is active in Muharraq and Manama while Sphinx Services is responsible for Southern, Middle, and Northern Areas. The prevalent solid waste management scenario is to collect solid waste and dump it at the municipal landfill site at Askar.

Askar Landfill

Askar, the only existing landfill/dumpsite in Bahrain, caters to municipal wastes, agricultural wastes and non-hazardous industrial wastes. Spread over an area of more than 700 acres, the landfill is expected to reach its capacity within the next few years. The proximity of Askar landfill to urban habitats has been a cause of major environmental concern. Waste accumulation is increasing at a rapid pace which is bound to have serious impacts on air, soil and groundwater quality in the surrounding areas.

Askar Waste-to-Energy Project

The Askar Waste to Energy Project is a pioneering Public-Private Partnership venture and will be based on Build-Operate-Transfer model. The USD480 million waste incineration facility will treat 390,000 tons of solid wastes per year thereby generating 25MW of power which will be fed into the national grid. The project is expected to increase the life span of Askar landfill which is filling up rapidly and would reach its capacity by 2016. The project, expected to commence operations in 2013, will also ease solid waste management situation in the capital city Manama and provide an alternative means for power production in the country.


The Kingdom of Bahrain is grappling with waste management problems arising out of high population growth rate, rapid industrialization, high per capita waste generation, unorganized SWM sector, limited land resources and poor public awareness. The government is trying hard to improve waste management scenario by launching recycling initiatives, waste-to-energy project and public awareness campaign. However more efforts, in the form of effective legislations, large-scale investments, modern SWM technology deployment and environmental awareness, are required from all stake holders to implement a sustainable waste management system in Bahrain.  

وقود الديزل الحيوي

هي الوقت البديلة النظيفة المنجة محليا والتى تعد من الموارد المتجددة  وهذه الوقود عبارة عن خليط من  استرات ألكيل الدهنية حمض مصنوعة من الزيوت النباتية،و  الدهون الحيوانية أو الشحوم المعاد تدويرهاحيثما كان ذلك متاحا، وقود الديزل الحيوي يمكن استخدامها في ضغط الاشتعال (الديزل) محركات في شكله النقي مع تعديلات ضئيلة أو معدومة. وقود الديزل الحيوي هو سهلة الاستخدام، والقابلة للتحلل غير سام، وخالية أساسا من الكبريت والعطريات. عادة ما يتم استخدامه كمادة مضافة الديزل النفطية للحد من مستويات الجسيمات وأول أكسيد الكربون والهيدروكربونات والمواد السامة من السيارات العاملة على المازوت. عندما تستخدم كمادة مضافة، وقود الديزل الناتجة يمكن أن يسمى ب5، ب10 أو ب20،وهو ما يمثل نسبة وقود الديزل الحيوي الذي يتم مزجه مع الديزل النفطي.


ويتم إنتاج وقود الديزل الحيوي من خلال عملية تجمع بين الزيوت المشتقة عضويا مع الكحول (الإيثانول أو الميثانول) في وجود عامل حفاز لتشكيل إيثيل استر الميثيل أو. يمكن مزجه إيثيل الميثيل أو استرات الكتلة الحيوية المشتقة مع وقود الديزل التقليدية أو استخدامها كوقود أنيق (100٪ وقود الديزل الحيوي). وقود الديزل الحيوي يمكن أن تكون مصنوعة من أي زيت نباتي، والدهون الحيوانية والزيوت النباتية النفايات، أو زيوت الطحالب. هناك ثلاث طرق أساسية لإنتاج وقود الديزل الحيوي من الزيوت والدهون:

قاعدة المحفزة عبر الأسترة للنفط

حمض المباشر المحفزة عبر الأسترة للنفط

تحويل النفط إلى الأحماض الدهنية وبعد ذلك إلى وقود الديزل الحيوي.

وهناك مجموعة متنوعة من الزيوت التي تستخدم لانتاج وقود الديزل الحيوي، وأكثرها شيوعا هي فول الصويا وبذور اللفت، وزيت النخيل والتي تشكل الغالبية العظمى من إنتاج وقود الديزل الحيوي في جميع أنحاء العالم. المواد الأولية الأخرى يمكن أن تأتي من النفط النفايات النباتية، والجاتروفا، والخردل، والكتان وعباد الشمس، وزيت النخيل أو القنب. الدهون الحيوانية بما في ذلك الشحم، شحم الخنزير، والشحوم الصفراء والدهون والدجاج وزيت السمك من المنتجات يمكن أن تسهم نسبة صغيرة لإنتاج الديزل الحيوي في المستقبل، لكنها محدودة في العرض وغير فعالة لتربية الحيوانات من أجل الدهون. الجاتروفا هو صغير من الآفات ومقاومة للجفاف شجيرة التي هي قادرة على أن تزرع في الهامشية / الأراضي المتدهورة وتنتج البذور التي تدر عدة مرات المزيد من النفط للدونم الواحد من فول الصويا.

وهناك مجموعة متنوعة من الزيوت التي تستخدم لانتاج وقود الديزل الحيوي، وأكثرها شيوعا هي فول الصويا وبذور اللفت، وزيت النخيل والتي تشكل الغالبية العظمى من إنتاج وقود الديزل الحيوي في جميع أنحاء العالم. المواد الأولية الأخرى يمكن أن تأتي من النفط النفايات النباتية، والجاتروفا، والخردل، والكتان وعباد الشمس، وزيت النخيل أو القنب. الدهون الحيوانية بما في ذلك الشحمر، والشحوم الصفراء والدهون والدجاج وزيت السمك من المنتجات يمكن أن تسهم نسبة صغيرة لإنتاج الديزل الحيوي في المستقبل، لكنها محدودة في العرض وغير فعالة لتربية الحيوانات من أجل الدهون. الجاتروفا هو صغير من الآفات ومقاومة للجفاف شجيرة التي هي قادرة على أن تزرع في الهامشية / الأراضي المتدهورة وتنتج البذور التي تدر عدة مرات المزيد من النفط للدونم الواحد من فول الصويا.

بين المواد الأولية البديلة، يحمل الطحالب إمكانات هائلة لتوفير المواد غير الغذائية، وارتفاع العائد المرتفع وغير الصالحة للزراعة المصدر استخدام الأراضي وقود الديزل الحيوي والإيثانول والهيدروجين وقود. الطحالب قد تشد الانتباه لأن الوقود الحيوي على أساس فدان بواسطة فدان، الطحالب يمكن أن تنتج 100-300 مرة من العائد النفطي من فول الصويا على الأراضي الهامشية ومع المياه المالحة. الطحالب هو الكائن الحي photosynthesizing الأسرع نموا، وقادر على استكمال دورة النمو بأكمله كل بضعة أيام.


سجى البغدادي  –طالبة  بكالوريس ادارة مياه وبيئة في  الجامعة الهاشمية ومنسقة كلية الموارد الطبيعة   ناشطة ومتتطوعة  مع عدة مبادرات و مهتم في مجال البيئة والمياه و  التغير المناخ

Analysis of a Composting Facility

The composting process is a complex interaction between the waste and the microorganisms within the waste. The microorganisms that carry out this process fall into three groups: bacteria, fungi, and actinomycetesActinomycetes are a form of fungi-like bacteria that break down organic matter.

The first stage of the biological activity is the consumption of easily available sugars by bacteria, which causes a fast rise in temperature. The second stage involves bacteria and actinomycetes that cause cellulose breakdown. The last stage is concerned with the breakdown of the tougher lignins by fungi.


The composting process occurs when biodegradable waste is piled together with a structure allowing for oxygen diffusion and with a dry matter content suiting microbial growth. The temperature of the biomass increases due to the microbial activity and the insulation properties of the piled material. The temperature often reaches 650C to 750C within a few days and then declines slowly. This high temperature in composting hastens the elimination of pathogens and weed seeds.

Insights into a Composting Facility

A typical composting plant consist of some or all of the following technical units: bag openers, magnetic and/or ballistic separators, sieves, shredders, mixing and homogenization equipment, turning equipment, aeration systems, bio-filters, scrubbers, control systems etc.

Composting costs include site acquisition and development, regulatory compliance, facility operations, and marketing of the finished product. Additional requirements may include land for buffers around the compost facility, site preparation, and handling equipment such as shredders, screens, conveyors, and turners. Facilities and practice to control odors, leachate, and runoff are a critical part of any compost operation.


Composting Facility in Vancouver

The cost of constructing and operating a windrow composting facility will vary from one location to another. The operating costs depend on the volume of material processed. The use of additional feed materials, such as paper and mixed municipal solid waste, will require additional capital investment and materials processing labor.

The capital costs of windrow or aerated piles are lower than in-vessel composting configuration. However, costs increase markedly when cover is required to control odors. In general, costs of windrow systems are the lowest compared to the other two techniques. The in-vessel system is more costly than other methods, mainly with respect to capital expenditures. In addition, it is more mechanized and more equipment maintenance is necessary; however, it tends to be less labor-intensive.

البرك الشمسية في البحر الميت – حين يجد الشباب الأردني الحل لتوفير الطاقة

توالت الاقتراحات و الحلول لمشاكل توفير الطاقة عبر السنين العشر الماضية في الأردن , و كان العديد من المهتمين بهذا الموضوع في وضعية بحث غير منقطعة عن حلول جدية و احيانا جذرية , لكن كما يعلم الجميع ما زال موضوع ” البدائل البيئية ” و كيفية الحفاظ على البيئة و توفير الطاقة موضوعا يصنف تحت قائمة ” الرفاهيات ” و أن هناك ما هو أهم لتسليط الضوء عليه رغم وجود حوال 70 جمعية لحماية البيئة في الأردن .

لكن ليس من الضروري أحيانا  أن تصل التوعية لأعداد ضخمة أو مجتمعات كبيرة , ربما وصولها لأفراد سينعشها و يضخ الحياة فيها من جديد , و من أحد هؤلاء الأفراد الأردنيين الشباب طالب في كلية الهندسة ” هشام البلاونة ” , قرر أن يكون مشروع تخرجه بصمة جديدة  في سجل توفير الطاقة و حماية البيئة في الأردن , مشروعه كان تحت عنوان ” البرك الشمسية في البحر الميت ” بمساعدة أستاذه القديردكتور خلدون الوحوش  الذي يطمح دائماً لنقل مفهوم الطاقة النظيفة إلى مستويات أعلى , و هذا ما ساناقشه في مقالي هذا .

ما هي البرك الشمسية

البرك الشمسية , هي عبارة عن حفرة ثلاثية الأبعاد موضوعة في الهواء الطلق مملوءة بمياه ذات خصائص معينة .  تستقبل الطاقة الحرارية عن طريق العزل , ثم يتم استخراج الحرارة الكامنة فيها من المياه الواقعة في قاع البركة .

البرك الشمسية في البحر الميت

لغرض استخراج الحرارة من مياه البحر الميت , تم تصميم بركة شمسية تجريبية مربعة صغيرة الحجم  1.25 عمقها و عرضها 2.0 . بنيت هذه البركة في منطقة البحر الميت بإحداثيات 30 20 0 شمالا و 35 30 0 شرقا , انتقال الحرارة الموجودة في البركة بالحمل سيمنع عن طريق الملوحة الخاصة بمياه البحر الميت بجانب إضافة مجموعة من الأملاح  ” كلوريد الصوديوم , كلوريد المغنيسيوم و بيكربونات الصوديوم ”  NaCl , MgCl2 و  NaHCO3“,  و التي استخلصت من نفس البحر ” البحر الميت  ” .

ألية عملها

البركة الشمسية هي عبارة عن مساحة كبيرة تقوم بجمع الطاقة الشمسية و تخزينها في نفس الوقت . حين تسقط الطاقة الشمسية على البركة سوف تقوم بتسخينها و تقسيمها إلى ثلاث أقسام القسم الأول هو الطبقة العلوية ”  Surface Zone” ذات المياه العذبة و الملوحة القليلة تبعاً لحقيقة أن الأملاح تتركز في الأسفل , و القسم الثاني هو الطبقة المتوسطة و ما يسمى بطبقة العزل” Insulation Zone” حيث تكون درجة ملوحتها أكبر من طبقة السطح , أما الطبقة الأهم هي طبقة القعر أي الطبقة السفلى و التي تعرف بطبقة التخزينStorage Zone و هي التي تحتفظ بالحرارة الشمسية  وفيها تكمن عملية استخراج الطاقة . و تكون سماكة الطبقة المشبعة من متر إلى مترين تقريبا , أما البركة بشكل عام من مترين إلى أكثر من ذلك .

حين تكتسب  مياه أي بركة الحرارة , سوف تتمدد و تقل كثافتها و ترتفع , حالما تصل سطح البركة ستفقد حراراتها للهواء عن طريق البخار أو تيارات الحمل . أما المياه الأكثر برودة و التي تعتبر الأثقل و الأكثر كثافة سوف تحل محل المياه الدافئة التي صعدت للأعلى , ليخلق بذلك حركة حمل طبيعية تمزج الماء و تبدد الحرارة ” الطاقة ” .

لكن للبرك الشمسية في البحر الميت خاصية تجعلها تحتفظ بالحرارة ” الطاقة ” , وهي ازدياد درجة الملوحة مع ازدياد العمق , و بالتالي يزيد الكثافة مع العمق ايضا مما يجبر الماء الساخن أن يبقى في الأسفل بفعل الأملاح .

و بالتالي فإن الحرارة التي احتفظ بها في الطبقة الأخيرة المشبعة بالأملاح  و التي قد تصل إالى 85-90  درجة سيليسية ستقوم بتحريك توربينات  مولدةً بذلك طاقة كهربائية متجددة نظيفة و صديقة للبيئة , يوضح ذلك بالشكل التالي .

أهمية البرك الشمسية

البرك الشمسية توفر أبسط تقنية لتحويل الطاقة الشمسية إلى طاقة حرارية والتي يمكن استخدامها للعديد من الأغراض. فهي تتميز بقدرتها على جمع و تخزين الطاقة في ان معا . علماً بأن تكلفة البركة الشمسية لوحدة المساحة الواحدة أقل من تكلفة أي جامع حرارة ” طاقة ” متوفر حالياً . بالإضافة إلى  أن التذبذب المستمر لأسعار النفط في هذه الأيام دفع العديد من الأفراد و المؤسسات إلى البحث عن مصادر أخرى متجددة و أقل تكلفة .

كما أن  الماء الدافئ الذي حصلنا عليه بعد استخلاص حرارة البركة  يمكن استخدامه في العديد من الأغراض الصناعية  وأغراض تسخين البيوت الزجاجية خلال حدوث الإنجماد في الشتاء للمناطق المتواجدة أو القريبة من منطقة البحر الميت .

و يمكن استخدام البرك الشمسية في جميع المناخات طالما أن هناك أشعة شمسية متوافرة , و حتى لو تجمدت البركة تبقى البركة الشمسية المشبعة بالاملاح قادرة على انتاج الطاقة .


حتى يتم انشاء بركة شمسية فاعلة منتجة للطاقة الكهربائية , نحتاج إالى التالي :

تتطلب مساحة واسعة نسبياً من الأراضي ذات تكلفة منخفضة .

تتطلب مياه ذات محتوى ملحي عالي .

أن يكون الموقع ذو طاقة شمسية عالية .

وكل هذه المتطلبات أو المعطيات كانت متوافرة في منطقة البحر الميت , فهي أخفض مسطح مائي في العالم و أغناها أملاحاً .

لماذا علينا  تطبيق نظام البرك الشمسية في منطقة البحر الميت ؟

– تخزين الحرارة هائل .

– الطاقة يمكن استخراجها ليلاً و نهاراً .

– ممكن توفير بركة شمسية ذات مساحة كبيرة جداً و بتكلفة منخفضة .

– يمكن بناء البركة بسهولة سواءاً في نطاق صغير أو مساحات واسعة .

– توفير الطاقة الحرارية دون حرق الوقود و بالتالي هي مصدر نظيف قليل التلوث .

– ممكن لهذه التكنولوجيا أن تكون مصدراً حرارياً قوياً للصناعات حيث أن المياه المالحة و الأملاح متوافرة جنباً إلى جنب مع مساحة كافية من الأرض و نظام عزل جيد .

– و أهم سبب من الأسباب أنها مصدر فعال لإنتاج طاقة حرارية متجددة و مستدامة بيئياً .

إذن نظام جديد تمت دراسته و تطبيقه من قبل كادر تعليمي مهتم و واع لقضايا البيئة و أهمية إيجاد البدائل , تعتبر هذه خطوة سباقة في مجال إنتاج الطاقة و تطويرها في الأردن .

لكن السؤال الذي يطرح نفسه : هل سيصل مفهوم ” الطاقة النظيفة ” للأردنيين – أو سكان الشرق الأوسط على حد سواء –  ليدفعهم للدراسة و البحث و التنقيب بشكل جدي يحوّل الأمر إلى محور بدلاً من دراسة ورقية على مكتب  ؟

Are Green Roofs a Viable Option for the Middle East?

Urban green roofs have long been promoted as an easy and effective strategy for beautifying the built environment and increasing investment opportunity. The building roof is very important because it has a direct impact on thermal comfort and energy conservation in and around buildings. Urban green roofs can help to address the lack of green space in many urban areas.

Urban green roofs provides the city with open spaces that helps reduce urban heat island effect and provides the human population on the site with a connection to the outdoors. However, we must differentiate between two types of urban green roofs and assess their adaptability to Arab cities. This article provides an insight on green roofs and roof farming in Arab cities.

Al-Zawya Al-Hamra green roof farms

What are Green Roofs

Green roofs are essentially sustainable and passive design features of vegetation surfaces applied to a waterproofing layer of a suitable conventional roof build-up in rainy climates. In rainy countries such as Austria, Germany and Belgium green roofs are recognized as a significant source-control feature, contributing mainly to stormwater management and drainage control.

Green roofs not only store water at roof level, but also reduce the run-off rate from the roof, which in turn reduces the underground drainage network requirements. It is also possible to use or harvest rainfall from a green roof, although the amount of rainwater that can be used may be reduced depending on the type of green roof implemented.

Generally speaking, there are no green roofs in hot arid climates. In in the Middle East, it is hardly to find any examples of successful green roofs. According to European norms the minimum annual precipitation rate for a green roof should be more than 450-650mm. Therefore, it is impossible to grow a green roof in Cairo (26mm), Amman (276mm), Riyadh (20mm) or Dubai (10mm). Even coastal cities like Alexandria (190mm), Tunis (450mm) or Casablanca (425mm) witness extreme summers and drought periods that almost eliminates the sedum plants from recovery during the winter season.

Facing these facts, there are many voices in the Middle East that surprisingly continue pushing the idea of green roofs claiming to sustain it through artificial irrigation. An idea that make us lose the whole point of sustainability in an already water scarce region.

Unfortunately, across the Middle East there are large numbers of students, architects, clients and even researchers who have a wrong perception and a defective understanding of semantic of green roofs, which are essentially associated with the presence of renewable rain water. This is due to the unfamiliarity with word Green Roof in our region and the huge influence of the Northern imaged media.

Moreover, there are many researchers who talk about the positive side effect of green roofs that significantly save energy, enhance the thermal performance and comfort of buildings, particularly in terms of summer cooling, based on readings and studies made in countries with latitude higher than 40o with temperate or cold climates. What is missing here is local evidence based experimentation and practices that address green roof in the warm and hot climate not from a theoretical copy-paste approach.

The Real Problem

Arab cities suffer from serious problems that are similar to most other large cities in the developing countries. Among the most visible manifestations of the challenges posed by rapid urbanization are many environmental problems, such as pollution, dense urbanization, urban heat island effect and inversed greenhouse effect during winters. In fact, the dense concentration of automobiles and polluting buildings created a negative impact on the environment. In fact, the rapid urbanization not only created environmental problems but also economic problems.

For example, air conditioners are running, over the whole summer period, trying to deliver an endless demand for cooling. This leads to increasing prices of electricity bills. This is due to the lack of energy codes, which means that roofs are without or with very poor insulation. Additionally, cities suffer from constant desert sand depositing together with disappearance of green spaces which lead to deprivation of open space.

During the last decade many Arab cities witnessed several times inefficient food production and distribution, inaccessibly high food prices and above all locally grown food, loaded with toxic contaminants. The fast-growing population and the failing government approaches to housing and spatial planning policies contributed to the growth off informal settlements within and around the center.

For example, 8 million Egyptian live in informal settlements in Cairo with problems of unemployment, pollution, transportation, inadequate drainage and sewerage, and lack of usable urban open spaces. In Cairo, the amount of green space per inhabitant is roughly equivalent to 0.33 square meters per person (3.5 square feet), one of the lowest proportions in the world. Among the above listed problems stands out a common denominator. It is the building roof.

Roof Farming as an Alternative

Under the influence of the all those issues emerges the idea of roof farming. Urban roof farming has long been promoted as an easy and effective strategy for beautifying the built environment and increasing investment opportunity. Roof farming can help to address the lack of green space in many urban areas. Urban roof farms provides the city with open spaces that helps reduce urban heat island effect and provides the human population on the site with a connection to the outdoors. Challenged by environmental and pollution, Cities suffer from locally grown food, loaded with toxic contaminants that threat the health.

In the last couple of years, Cairo suffered from an inefficient production and food distribution and inaccessibly high food prices. The population explosion and the tendency to build on agricultural land have acted to limit the resources of city families and their access to healthy edible products. With a little effort and money, roof farming can contribute in improving the families quality of life and provide them with healthy food and raise their income, this is besides the environmental and aesthetical role it plays.

For example, Cairo citizens and some governmental authorities acknowledged the problem of food contamination & distribution and are mapping measures and methods that can guarantee safe food.While it is not new, the notion of planting rooftops in Egypt has only recently been implemented. In the early 1990s at Ain Shams University, a group of agriculture professors developed an initiative of growing organic vegetables to suit densely populated cities of Egypt. The initiative was applied on a small scale; until it was officially adopted in 2001, by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).


There are several case studies that represent successful projects implemented by different non-governmental organizations (NGO), public institutions and private civil initiatives. For example Ibn Kassir foundation, in Al-Zawya Al-Hamra, Cairo, created a roof farm from wooden containers (barrels) with plastic sheets filled with peat moss or perlite used as substrates. The drainage is driven through small plastic hoses to buckets. This system is producing leafy crops such as parsley, radish, and carrots. A square meter using this method would cost around 400 Egyptian pounds (LE).

Finally, in many Arab cities, where many environmental social and economic problems exist, a beam of light emerges to contribute in solving many of these interrelated problems. Planting our roof with different kinds of vegetables and fruits or even any kind of green plants will change lots of things. It is certain that roof gardening and farming have measurable qualitative and quantitative benefits. The techniques for implementation are simple and doable and above all cost efficient. However, no roof gardens can be created without the knowledge of the factors affecting the creation and design. The most important factors are the climate, the constructional and economic factors.

Regarding green roofs, we shall only address this issue based on experimental and monitored cases. More importantly, a vision is required to be drawn together with long term strategy, adopting the holistic approach of roof farming and providing support and sustainability. It is this holistic approach that can solve many problems of different background and aspects, and can contribute to improving the quality of life of the dense Arab cities.

By exploitation of such roofs, their development and planting; a reasonable ratio of green areas can be reached in the near future. A ratio of 4 square meters per person can be provided once the suitable green framing roofs have been developed and exploited.

Source: Attia, S., Mahmoud, A., (2009) Green Roofs in Cairo: A Holistic Approach for Healthy Productive Cities, Conference Proceeding on Greening Rooftops for Sustainable Communities, June, Atlanta, USA

Food Security in the Middle East

Despite the fact that the Middle East is blessed with a rich geological inheritance of hydrocarbons and mineral resources, it is a water-scarce and arid region that has its share of demographic and socio-economic problems. It is difficult to grow food crops in the Middle East due to scarcity of water supply and limited availability of arable land. The region is highly vulnerable to fluctuations in international commodity markets because of heavy dependence on imported grains and food items.



According to a report issued in 2009 by the World Bank, the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the International Fund for Agricultural Development, “Arab countries are the largest importers of cereal in the world. Most import at least 50% of the food calories they consume.”

Countries like Egypt, Syria, Lebanon or Iraq used to be breadbaskets in the recent past but their agricultural sectors have suffered a lot due to government mismanagement, price ceilings, and underinvestment. Infact, all Arab countries are net importers of grains, with small GCC countries like Bahrain, Qatar, UAE, Kuwait, and Oman almost completely dependent on imports for grains.

The Middle East nations are encountering price spikes on world food markets. This is due to competition for the same food products (wheat, corn, soybeans, animal protein, etc.) from other areas of the world, especially Asia, where incomes are rising and demand for more and better calories is exploding. Besides threatening the well-being of those already living on meager resources, the price hikes have increased the number of poverty-stricken by millions in less-affluent Middle East nations.


ستكون الدول العربيه من اكبر المستورديين للغذاء , وبالتالي ينبغي عليها تحسيين موانئها  و اماكن التخزين و اداره مخاطر الاستيراد.

To make matters worse for the food supply problem, world markets have experienced severe disruptions in the past several years from distant storms, floods and droughts — from Russia to Argentina to Australia. These natural phenomena have disrupted the fabric of global market mechanisms that underlies the international food trade. Prices for basic food staples are already at socially dangerous levels, approaching or exceeding their 2008 peaks.

Of all the Middle Eastern countries facing the current food crisis, Yemen is in the worst shape. A United Nations’ World Food Programme report states that seven million of Yemen’s 21 million people are “acutely hungry”, making Yemen the 11th most insecure food country in the world.

Aquifers are being pumped well beyond the rate of recharge, and the deeper fossil aquifers are also being rapidly depleted. As a result, water tables are falling throughout Yemen by some 2 meters per year. With water tables falling, the grain harvest has shrunk by one third over the last 40 years, while demand has continued to rise. As a result, Yemenis now import more than 80 percent of their grain.

In Saudi Arabia there is little farming without irrigation, which depends almost entirely on fossil aquifers. The desalted seawater used by Saudi Arabia to meet the ever-increasing water demand in cities is too costly for irrigation use. Saudi Arabia’s growing food insecurity has led it to buy or lease arable land in different countries, including world’s hungriest nations Ethiopia and Sudan. Infact, the Saudis are planning to produce food for themselves with the land and water resources of other countries to meet rising food demand of its rapidly growing population.


Unfortunately, transferring agricultural land from subsistence farming to export crops has led to even more food shortages. By attempting to ensure their own food security by acquiring foreign farm holdings, affluent nations are creating new food shortages in other parts of the world.

Due to reduced flows of the Euphrates and Tigris Rivers, Iraq and Syria’s grain harvests have been hit badly. Given the future uncertainty of river water supplies, farmers in both countries are drilling and over-pumping more wells for irrigation. Syria’s grain harvest has fallen by one fifth since peaking at roughly 7 million tons in 2001. In Iraq, the grain harvest has fallen by one fourth since peaking at 4.5 million tons in 2002. Jordan, with 6 million people, is skating on thin ice agriculturally. Forty or so years ago, it was producing over 300,000 tons of grain per year. Today it produces only 60,000 tons and thus must import over 90 percent of its grain.

With fast growing populations and an increasing pressure on water resources, governments must act urgently to prevent the looming food crisis.  A recent World Bank report found great inefficiencies in many Arab ports and the ways that Arab countries store grain compared with other large wheat importers, such as the Netherlands and South Korea. Port facilities, slow customs service and inefficient transportation from the ports to the mills all contribute to the worsening food situation. Arab countries are going to be huge importers of food no matter what; therefore they should improve their port and storage facilities and manage import risks.

Introduction to Solar Pond

A solar pond is a three-dimensional, open-air pit, filled with water endowed with special properties. It receives solar energy through insulation, then the trapped heat is extracted from it from the water lying at the bottom of the pond. When solar energy falls onto the pond, it heats the water, splitting it into three sections: the first section is the uppermost layer, or Surface Zone, containing fresh water with a low level of salinity. This owes to the fact that salts gather at the bottom.

The second layer is the middle layer, called the insulating layer or Insulation Zone, whose salinity is greater than that of the surface level. The most important layer, though, is the bottom or lowest layer, known as the Storage Zone. This is the layer which retains solar energy and at which the extraction of energy is possible. This saturated layer is between approximately one and two metres thick, whereas the pond is generally two or more metres deep.


When the water of any Solar Pond gathers heat, it expands, becomes less dense, and rises. As soon as it reaches the pond’s surface, is loses its heat to the air as water vapour or by convection currents. The coolest water, which is considered the densest and heaviest, changes places with warm water which has risen to the surface, thus creating a natural carrying movement which mixes up the water and disperses the heat energy.

Importance of Solar Ponds

Solar Ponds provide the simplest technique for transforming the sun’s energy into solar power, which can be extracted for different purposes. Check out solar panel installers if you want to make the best use of solar energy.

Solar Ponds are unique in their ability to gather and store energy simultaneously. It is known that the cost of Solar Ponds per unit area are less than any other current popular solar energy collector, as well as the fact that the continuous fluctuations in oil prices in recent times have pushed many individuals and organisations to look for other, cheaper, renewable sources of energy.

Similarly, the warm water which we get after extracting the pond’s heat can then be put to multiple industrial uses and to heating greenhouses in or around the Dead Sea region when the winter frosts set in. Solar Ponds can be used in all climates, as long as there is lots of sun, and even if the pond froze over, it would still be able to generate energy as it is saturated with salts.

For an efficient, energy-generating Solar Pond to be set up, the following are needed: a relatively large area of low-cost land, water with high salinity and lots of sunshine. All these prerequisites are abundant in the Dead Sea region, which is the lowest and saltiest body of water in the world. Solar Pond system in the Dead Sea will help in large-scale energy storage and should be seen as an innovative step in the field of energy production and development in Jordan.

Solar Pond in the Dead Sea

In order to extract heat from the water of the Dead Sea, a small, square Solar Pond, 1.25 metres deep and 2.0 metres wide was designed as a test by Hashem al-Balawneh, an engineering student from Jordan, under the guidance of Dr. Khaldun al-Wahoosh. This solar pond was constructed in the Dead Sea region, at the coordinates 0 20 30 N, 0 30 35 E. Heat is prevented from escaping via convection by the Dead Sea water’s specific salinity, as well as by the addition of a group of Sodium Chloride, Magnesium Chloride and Sodium Bicarbonate salts (NaCl, MgCl₂ and NaHCO₃), which are also extracted from the Dead Sea.

Solar Ponds in the Dead Sea have a certain characteristic which allows them to keep heat energy, and that is the increase in salinity with increased depth. Accordingly, density also increases with depth, forcing the warm water to stay lower down because of the salts. Next, the heat which the water has absorbed in the last, salt-saturated layer whose temperature can reach between 85-90°C – moves turbines, thus generating clean, renewable, environmentally-friendly electrical energy.

Translated by Katie Holland

Katie Holland graduated from Durham University in 2015 with a degree in Arabic and French, having also studied Persian. Currently working in London, she hopes to develop a career that uses her knowledge of Arabic and the Middle East, alongside pursuing her various interests in the arts. 

CDM Projects in MENA Region

The MENA region is an attractive CDM destination as it is rich in renewable energy resources and has a robust oil and gas industry. Surprisingly, countries in MENA host very few and declining number of CDM projects with only 23 CDM projects registered till date. The region accounts for only 1.5 percent of global CDM projects and only two percent of emission reduction credits.

The two main challenges facing many of these projects are: weak capacity in most MENA countries for identifying, developing and implementing carbon finance projects and securing underlying finance.


The registered CDM projects in MENA countries are primarily located in UAE, Egypt, Jordan, Morocco, Qatar, Syria and Tunisia. Other countries in the region, like Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and Oman, are also exploring opportunities for implementing projects that could be registered under the Kyoto Protocol.

Potential CDM projects that can be implemented in the region may come from varied areas like sustainable energy, energy efficiency, waste management, landfill gas capture, industrial processes, biogas technology and carbon flaring. For example, the energy efficiency projects in the oil and gas industry, can save millions of dollars and reduce tons of CO2 emissions. In addition, renewable energy, particularly solar and wind, holds great potential for the region, similar to biomass in Asia.

Let us take a look at some of the recent registered CDM projects from the MENA region.

Al-Shaheen Project (Qatar)

The Al-Shaheen project is the first of its kind in the region and third CDM project in the petroleum industry worldwide. The Al-Shaheen oilfield has flared the associated gas since the oilfield began operations in 1994. Prior to the project activity, the facilities used 125 tons per day (tpd) of associated gas for power and heat generation, and the remaining 4,100 tpd was flared.


Under the current project, total gas production after the completion of the project activity is 5,000 tpd with 2,800-3,400 tpd to be exported to Qatar Petroleum (QP); 680 tpd for on-site consumption, and only 900 tpd still to be flared. The project activity will reduce GHG emissions by approximately 2.5 million tCO2 per year and approximately 17 million tCO2 during the initial seven-year crediting period.

GASCO Project (Abu Dhabi)

Located at the Asab and Bab gas processing plants in Abu Dhabi, the energy efficiency project is the fifth CDM project in the UAE to be registered under the Kyoto Protocol. The ADNOC’s GASCO CDM project helps to reduce CO2 emissions through installation of a device in the flare line to considerably reduce the consumption of fuel gas, thereby ensuring lower greenhouse gas emissions.

The project contributes to Abu Dhabi’s and ADNOC’s goals for sustainable development while improving air quality in the region. This retrofit project is expected to generate approximately 7,770 CERs per year.

Kafr El Dawar Project (Egypt)

Located at the Egypt for Spinning, Weaving and Dying Company in Kafr El Dawar near Alexandria, the fuel switching project is the latest CDM project from MENA to be registered under the Kyoto Protocol. The Kafr El Dawar CDM project helps reduce COemissions through switching from the higher carbon intensive fuel such as Heavy Fuel Oil (HFO) to natural gas, a lower carbon intensive fossil fuel, contributing to Egypt’s goals in sustainable development.

It has also significantly mitigated atmospheric emissions of pollutants while improving air quality in the region. The replacement of HFO with natural gas is expected to generate approximately 45,000 Certified Emissions Reductions (CERs) per year.

الطاقه المتجددة بالمغرب العربي

المغرب، كونها أكبر مستورد للطاقة في شمال أفريقيا، تبذل جهودا مركزة للحد من اعتمادها على الوقود الأحفوري المستورد. وتعتبر الطاقة المتجددة  مصدر موثوق في بلد مثل المغرب العربي التي لديها الاعتماد الكامل تقريبا على شركات الطاقة المستوردة.والمغرب تنفق سنويا  أكثر من 3 مليارات دولار على واردات الوقود والكهرباء في حين انها تشهد نمو الطلب على الطاقة بمعدل 6.5 في المئة سنويا.

وفقا لتقرير الوزارة المغربية للطاقة والتعدين، الطاقة الإجمالية المركبة للطاقة المتجددة (باستثناء الطاقة المائية) ما يقرب من 300ميجا وات في عام 2011. وقد حققت الحكومة المغربية بالفعل هدفها المتمثل في توفير حوالي 8٪ من إجمالي الطاقة الأولية من مصادر الطاقة المتجددة بحلول عام 2012 والذي يتضمن توليد الطاقة وتحويلها وتوزيعها.المغرب يخطط لاستثمار 13 مليار دولار لتوسيع مشاريع طاقة الرياح، والقدرة على توليد الطاقة الشمسية والكهرومائية التي من شأنها ايصال حصة مصادر الطاقة المتجددة في مزيج الطاقة إلى 42٪ بحلول عام 2020، مع الطاقة الشمسية وطاقة الرياح والطاقة المائية بمساهمة فردية من كلا علي حدي تصل الي 14٪.


برنامج الطاقة الشمسية في المغرب

أطلق المغرب أحد أكبر وأكثر الخطط طموحا في مجال الطاقة الشمسية في العالم باستثمارات قدرها 9 مليارات دولار أمريكي. وتعتبر خطة الطاقة الشمسية المغربية كعلامة فارقة على طريق البلاد نحو إمدادات طاقة آمنة ومستدامة وايضا هي طاقة نظيفة وخضراء وبأسعار معقولة. الهدف من هذه الخطة هو توليد 2000 ميغاواط (أو 2 جيجاوات) من الطاقة الشمسية بحلول العام 2020 من خلال بناء مشاريع الطاقة الشمسية على نطاق ضخم في خمس موقع – العيون (الصحراء) وبوجدور (الصحراء الغربية)، طرفاية (جنوب أغادير )، عين بني مطهر (وسط) ورزازات – باستخدام تقنيات مختلفة للطاقة الشمسية من استخدامات مسخنات حرارية والخلايا الضوئية والمركزات الشمسية.

وسيكون اول مصنع، في إطار خطة الطاقة الشمسية المغربية، سيتم التكليف به في عام 2014، ومن المتوقع أن يكتمل في عام 2019 المشروع بأكمله. وبمجرد الانتهاء،فمن المتوقع لمشروع للطاقة الشمسية توفير ما يقرب من خمس توليد الكهرباء السنوي في المغرب.

المغرب، الدولة الافريقية الوحيدة التي لديها وصلة كابلات الطاقة إلى أوروبا، هو أيضا تلعب دورا رئيسيا في خطة الطاقة الشمسية لحوض البحر المتوسط والمعروفة بمبادرة ديزيرتيك الصناعية. يهدف مفهوم ديزيرتيك لبناء محطات الطاقة الشمسية لتزويد الطاقة المتجددة من منطقة الشرق الأوسط إلى الدول الأوروبية باستخدام كابلات الجهد العالي ذات التيار المباشر (HVDC).

في المرحلة الاولي لتوليد 500ميجاواط في ورزازات وهي أكبر محطة للطاقة الشمسية الحرارية في العالم. سيتم بناؤها باستثمار 2.3 مليار يورو تقديريا، و المشروع هو المرحلة الاولي ليتم تنفيذها في إطار خطة الطاقة الشمسية المغربية. مجمع للطاقة الشمسية ورزازات، بسعة إجمالية قدرها 500 ميغاواط، وسوف يدخل في خدمة شبكات التوزيع المغربية في عام 2015 ويبلغ حجم انتاجها تقريبا 1.2 تيراوات ساعه / سنويا لتلبية الطلب المحلي. وسوف تكون المرحلة الأولى تقنية القطع المكافئ بانتاجية 160 ميغاواط في حين سيتم استخدام الخلايا الضوئية و تقنية المجمعات الشمسية CSP في مراحل لاحقة.

ومحطة عين بني التكاملية بين النظام الشمسي كدورة مركبة مع المحطة البخارية هي واحدة من مشاريع الطاقة الشمسية الواعدة في أفريقيا. المحطة تجمع بين الطاقة الشمسية والطاقة الحرارية، ويتوقع أن يصل إلى الطاقة الإنتاجية من 250ميغاواط بحلول نهاية عام 2012. البنك الأفريقي للتنمية، بالتعاون مع مرفق البيئة العالمية وهيئة الكهرباء الوطنية المغربية (ONE)، تقوم بتمويل ما يقرب من الثلثين من تكلفة المحطة، أو حوالي 200 مليون يورو.

في عام 2010، تم تعيين الوكالة المغربية للطاقة الشمسية (MASEN)، وهي مشروع مشترك للقطاعين العام والخاص مخصصا لتنفيذ هذه المشاريع. وبهدف تنفيذ المشروع ككل ال التنسيق والإشراف على الأنشطة الأخرى المتصلة بهذه المبادرة. المعنيون واصحاب القرارات من المشروع جهات تشمل صندوق الحسن الثاني للتنمية الاقتصادية والاجتماعية، شركة الاستثمار الطاقوية وهيئة الكهرباء الوطنية المغربية (ONE). ويدعم خطة الطاقة الشمسية من ألمانيا، بتمويل تقدمها وزارة البيئة الألمانية (BMU) وبنك التنمية الألماني Entwicklungsbank بينما تعمل GIZ في المهارات وبناء القدرات اللازمة للصناعة.


A solar-powered mosque in Tadmamet, a village south of Marrakesh.

برنامج المغرب لاستخدام طاقة الرياح

المغرب لديه إمكانات ضخمة لاستخدام طاقة الرياح نظرا لان لديها 3500 كم خط الساحل ومتوسط ​​سرعة الرياح بين 6 و 11 م / ث.

مناطق بالقرب من ساحل المحيط الأطلسي، مثل الصويرة وطنجة وتطوان (مع ​​متوسط ​​سرعة الرياح السنوية بين 9.5 و 11 م / ث في 40 مترا)

 وطرفاية والعيون والداخلة، وتازة (مع متوسط ​​سرعة الرياح السنوية بين 7.5 و 9.5 م / ث في 40 مترا) بسرعه رياح جيدة.

 وفقا لدراسة أجرتها CDER وGTZ، يقدر امكانية سواحل المغرب الكلية لطاقة الرياح بنحو 7963 تيراواط ساعة سنويا، وهو ما يعادل نحو 2600 غيغاواط. تم تثبيت مجموع طاقة الرياح في المغرب في نهاية عام 2010 مع أكثر من 286  ميجا واط و اكثر من 800 ميجاواط تحت الانشاء.

تم تثبيت أول مزرعة رياح في المغرب في عام 2000 مع قدرة 50.4 ميجاواط بمنطقه الكوتيا البيضاء (Tlat Taghramt – محافظة تطوان)، تقع علي بعد 17 كم من بلدة Fnidek. الإنتاج السنوي للمشروع حوالي 200 جيجاواط ساعة، وهو ما يمثل 1٪ من استهلاك الكهرباء القومية السنوية.

 في عام 2007، تم انشاء محطةAmogdoul بقدره انتاجية 60 ميجاواط كمزرعة الرياح، على كاب سيم جنوب الصويرة، وتم نشر تفاصيل المحطة على الانترنت. وقد تم تنفيذ وتشغيل المحطة من قبل هيئة الكهرباء الوطنية المغربية ONE، وتنتج حوالي 210 جيجاواط ساعة / السنة. مشروع آخر هو 140 ميغاواط ذو علامة واضحة في مجال استخدام طاقة الرياح في Allak، EL- Haoud وBeni Mejmel، بالقرب من طنجة وتطوان والذي دخل في الشبكة القومية المغربية في عام 2010 مع انتاج سنوية تبلغ 526 جيجا واط ساعة سنويا.

المغرب لديها خطة واضحة وتسعي لتحقيقها بتوفير 2 ميجا واط من طاقة الرياح بحلول عام 2020. وسوف تخرج عن قريب اكبر محطة طاقة رياح في افريقيا بمطقة Tarfaya بقدره انتاجية 300 ميجا واط وبتكلفة استثمارية بحوالي 350 مليون دولار.

هيئة الكهرباء الوطنية المغربية ONE تقوم بتطوير حوالي نص المشاريع المتفق عليها بينما النصف الاخر يستثمر بواسطة المنتــفعين والقطاع الخاص من خلال برنامج مباردة EnergiPro والذي يقوم بتشجيع المصنعين والمستثمرين لتقليل تكاليف الانتاج بانتاج طاقة محلية بقدره 50 ميجا واط . وججزء من المباردة (ONE) تضمن الدخول للشبكة القومية مع امكانية شراء الفائض من الكهرباء المنتجة بتعريفة وحوافز تختلف باختلاف المشروع القائم للانتاج.

ترجمه: هبة احمد مسلم- دكتور الهندسة البيئية. باحث في الشئون البيئية. معهد الدراسات والبحوث البيئيةجامعه عين شمس.

مدرس بالاكاديمية العربية للعلوم والتكنولوجيا والنقل البحري-  مصر.

التحكم في البيئة والطاقه داخل المباني.

هندسة الميكانيكة- وكيل محرك دويتس الالماني بمصر. 

للتواصل عبر   

Making a Switch to Circular Economy

All forms of wealth and security, including climate stability, biodiversity, resource availability, soil fertility, air and water purity and health, are depleted by the systemic error of running a linear economy. Linear economics consumes the basis for future growth so what is now growing fastest is unproductive activity, inactivity and instabilities. The credit crunch marks the withdrawal of faith in growth-as-usual and any reliable revival of growth and prosperity requires a switch of vision.


Circular Economics

The future for growth is circular economics where more economic activity would mean a faster pace of change away from waste-making and towards looking after the world and all its inhabitants. This would preserve and regenerate material value, co-operation and natural capital instead of losing it, so growth would work to build the basis for more growth.

Today this may appear idealistic. Yet if circular economics was already practiced, and people were accustomed to prosperity based on resource security, then any proposal to adopt an exploitive self-defeating vision would be laughable.

Promise of Precycling

Economic dependence on waste is perpetuated by managing waste primarily as an addiction to disposal, “how can we get rid of all this junk?” The ‘waste hierarchy’ (reduce, reuse, recycle, then dispose) that has been available since 1975 is commonly quoted but in practice the bulk of effort and funding provides for continuing long-term disposal to ecosystems (by landfill, waste-burning and pollution).

The waste hierarchy is being used backwards and no nation has yet attempted to create the incentives for an economy that grows from the work done to end waste dumping and implement circular economics. This is achievable with the concept of ‘precycling’ originally used for public waste education.

Precycling is applicable throughout an economy and may be understood as action taken to prepare for current resources to become future resources. The ‘pre’ prefix emphasises that this cannot be arranged after something becomes waste; it must be done beforehand. The scope of action extends far beyond recycling, to creating the economic, social and ecological conditions for all resources to remain of use to people or nature.

Precycling Insurance

A simple economic tool is available to switch from linear to circular economics and from dumping waste to dumping the habit of wasting. This tool internalises diverse externalities efficiently within markets by paying the price of preventing problems instead of the larger or unaffordable price of not preventing them.

Precycling insurance is an extension of the EU WEEE Directive’s ‘recycling insurance’ from just recycling to all forms of preventing all products becoming waste in any ecosystem. This allows a single economic instrument to work with the issues at every stage of product life-cycles. Significant producers would be obliged to consider the risk of their products ending up as waste in ecosystems and to retain responsibility for insuring against that risk.

Life Insurance for Products and Planet

Precycling insurance is a form of regulation to be set-up in every nation but not centrally planned. The volume of regulation can be cut but its effectiveness drastically boosted. For example, emissions can be cut rapidly with no need for any further ineffectual negotiations about capping. Unlike taxes, the premiums from precycling insurance would not be handled by governments (whose role would be to legislate, monitor and ensure full public transparency).


Unlike conventional insurance, the premiums would not be collected up and then paid out following (potentially irrecoverable) planet crunch shocks. Premiums would be distributed by insurers and invested preventively throughout society, to cut the risk of resources being lost as wastes.

Support would be provided for the dialogue, understanding, participation, capabilities, designs, efficiencies, facilities and ecological productivity needed to return used matter as new resources for people and for nature. Today’s resources would feed tomorrow’s economy.

A Free Market in Harmony with Nature

Precycling insurance would switch the power of markets to reversing the planet crunch. The speed and scale of change would exceed the expectations of all who are accustomed to ineffectual controls designed to make markets less-bad. All market participants (such as buyers, sellers, investors and governments) would adapt their decisions to the new incentives, profiting by addressing actual needs rather than superficial consumerist wants.


Producers would remain free to choose how to meet customers’ needs without waste, and even free to continue making wasteful products, in competition with other producers cutting their costs (including precycling insurance costs) by cutting their product’s waste risk. Economic growth would no longer be a competitive scramble between people rushing to acquire and discard ever more resources from an every-shrinking stock. The economy would prosper in harmony, rather than in conflict, with nature.

Shrinking Material and Energy Demands

The material requirements of today’s linear economy would rapidly shrink since the new incentives would lead to the most needs being met with the least materials moved the least distance and then regenerated rather than dumped. The energy requirements of today’s linear economy would rapidly shrink since a smaller material flow with higher quality materials closer to where they are needed requires less energy to process.

Shrinking energy dependence is the key to energy security, economic recovery, climate restabilisation and prevention of conflict over diminishing non-renewable resources. The resource and energy efficiency of circular economics makes it realistic to plan the necessary reductions in GHG concentrations.

Unleashing Solar Power in Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia is the largest consumer of petroleum in the Middle East, with domestic consumption reaching 4 million barrels per day in 2012 out of daily production of 10 million barrels. Saudi Arabia’s primary energy consumption per capita is four times higher than the world average.

Strong industrial growth, subsidized oil prices, increasing energy demand for electricity and transportation is leading to a growing clamor for oil in the country. The total energy consumption in the Kingdom is rapidly rising at an average rate of about 6 percent per annum.


Solar Energy Prospects in KSA

To meet the rising local energy demand, Saudi Arabia plans to increase generating capacity to 120 GW by 2020. Residential sector holds the biggest share of total energy consumption, accounting for as much as 80 percent of the electricity usage. Despite being the leading oil producer as well as consumer, Saudi Arabia is showing deep interest in the development of large projects for tapping its rich renewable energy potential, especially solar power.

The country plans to invest more than $100 billion in clean energy projects to meet its objective of getting one-third of electricity requirements from alternative energy resources.

There is a growing interest in utilization of solar energy in Saudi Arabia as the country is blessed with abundant solar flux throughout the year. Saudi Arabia has one of the highest solar irradiation in the world, estimated at approximately 2,200 thermal kWh of solar radiation per square meter.


The country is strategically located near the Sun Belt, not to mention wide availability of empty stretches of desert that may accommodate solar power generating infrastructure. Moreover, vast deposits of sand can be used in the manufacture of silicon PV cells which makes Saudi Arabia an attractive location for both CSP and PV power generation.

Promising Developments

The first initiative from the government was the establishment of King Abdullah City for Atomic and Renewable Energy (KA-CARE) which is the official agency in-charge of promoting clean energy in the Kingdom. The kingdom is planning to add an additional 41 GW of solar power by 2032, with 16 GW to be generated by photovoltaics and 25 GW by solar thermal power plants. One of the major achievements was the establishment of 3.5MW PV project at the King Abdullah Petroleum Studies and Research Center.


Concentrated solar power is another interesting option for Saudi Arabia due to its strong dependence on desalination plants to meet its water requirement. Waste heat of a CSP power plant can be used to power seawater desalination projects. Recently Saudi Electric Company has selected CSP to produce electricity with 550MW Duba 1 project, an integrated Solar Combined Cycle Power Plant located 50km north of Duba near Tuba. The plant is designed to integrate a parabolic trough unit of around 20 to 30MW.

Keeping in view its regional dominance, Saudi Arabia can play a vital role in the popularization of solar energy in the MENA region. Solar energy program may not only augment oil-wealth of the Kingdom, but also transform Saudi Arabia into a net solar power exporter in the near future.

District Cooling in the Middle East: Potential and Challenges

District cooling produces chilled water in a centralized location for distribution to buildings like offices and factories through a network of insulated underground pipes. The chilled water travels to different buildings, where the water circulates through refrigeration coils or uses absorption technology to enter the air-conditioning system. During winter, the source for the cooling can often be seawater, so it is a cheaper resource than using electricity to run compressors for cooling.


What is District Cooling

District cooling provides effective control over internal temperature of a building, requires less maintenance than a standalone air-conditioning system, consumes lesser space and reduces noise pollution. The effect of district cooling systems on the environment is minimal because of the reduction in carbon dioxide emissions, use of eco-friendly refrigerants and implementation of rigorous health and safety standards.

The Helsinki district cooling system in Finland uses waste heat from CHP generation units to run absorption refrigerators for cooling during summer time, greatly reducing electricity usage. In winter time, cooling is achieved more directly using seawater. The adoption of district cooling is estimated to reduce the consumption of electricity for cooling purposes by as much as 90 percent. The idea is now being adopted in other Finnish cities.

The use of district cooling is also growing rapidly in Sweden and in a similar way. District cooling is very widespread in Stockholm, the capital of Sweden. In fact, approx. 7 million square meters of commercial space in Stockholm is connected to the district cooling grid. The Stockholm district cooling grid currently consists of different systems with capacities ranging from 3 MW to 228 MW. The district cooling network in Stockholm is currently 76 kilometers long.

District Cooling Prospects in the Middle East

There is tremendous potential for the utilization of district cooling systems in the Middle East. The constant year-round heat coupled with expensive glass exteriors for hotel, airports and offices etc result in very high indoor temperatures. The combination of distributed generation of power and utilization of waste heat can provide a sustainable solution to meet the high demand for refrigeration in the region. District cooling systems can provide cooling solutions to commercial buildings, hotels, apartment blocks, shopping malls etc.

The world’s largest district cooling plant, Integrated District Cooling Plant (IDCP), was installed in The Pearl-Qatar in 2010. IDCP will service more than 80 apartment towers, beachfront villas, townhouses, shopping complexes, offices, schools and hotels throughout the Island, ultimately supplying more than 130,000 tons of refrigeration to the Island’s estimated 50,000 residents.


World’s largest district cooling plant has been installed in The Pearl-Qatar

Despite paramount importance of air conditioning in Middle East countries, regional governments have failed to incorporate it in policy and planning which has lead to the evolution of an unregulated market for cooling systems.  Most of the cooling methods employed nowadays are based on traditional window units or central air cooling systems where consume copious amount of power and also damage the environment.


District cooling has the potential to provide a viable solution to meet air conditioning requirements in the Middle East. Low energy requirement, peak saving potential, eco-friendliness and cost-effectiveness are major hallmarks of district cooling networks.

District cooling can play a vital role in fostering sustainable development in the Middle East nations. Apart from providing cooling needs, district cooling can reduce the need for new power plants, slash fossil fuel requirements and substantially reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the region.