The International Road Safety Report: Road Tolls by Country

We compare the number of road fatalities per 100,000 population between the USA and other English Speaking Countries – the UK, NZ, Canada, Australia and Ireland

International Road Safety Report

  • USA road fatalities are 11.78 people per 100,000 population – highest of English-speaking countries
  • New Zealand is second highest, with a rate of 6.01 deaths per 100,000 people
  • Canada is third behind the USA and NZ with 4.59 road fatalities per 100,000 population
  • Australia is fourth highest in terms of road fatalities with a rate of 4.26
  • Ireland’s road fatality rate per 100,000 is 2.96
  • UK has lowest fatalities per 100,000 population, of 2.26 among English-speaking OECD countries

Road fatalities in English-speaking OECD countries

One of the most troubling aspects of modern industrialized society in the USA is the trade-off between ease of transportation and its dangers. Unfortunately, people lose their lives to road and traffic accidents all over the world, and the United States is no exception. Efforts have been made to reduce the road toll (or road deaths/road fatalities) through more stringent safety standards, tougher penalties for ignoring safety laws (e.g., making seat belt use mandatory, harsher punishments for driving under the influence of alcohol), and education campaigns by federal, state, and local road safety authorities.

Road safety is a significant challenge for nations in the Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). As highly industrialized, wealthier nations, these countries have higher rates of car or vehicle ownership than non-OECD countries.

Among the anglophone (English-speaking) countries, there are many disparities in terms of road fatality statistics. The United States, one of the most developed countries, unfortunately ranks highest among English-speaking countries when it comes to road fatalities, while the United Kingdom consistently maintains the lowest rates. Australia falls somewhere in the middle, while New Zealand, by way of comparison, has a far less safe record.

Here, we’ll delve into the statistics about road fatalities and compare them among leading English-speaking nations.

road safety in English-speaking OECD countries

United States road fatality statistics – the benchmark

Road fatalities are a significant concern in the United States, as it consistently ranks among the most dangerous. According to the US Department of Transportation’s National Highway Traffic Safety Authority, 38,824 road fatalities were recorded during 2020, the highest year on record since 2007.

US fatality rates per capita and registered vehicle

The fatality rate per 100,000 population is an important indicator of road safety. In 2020, the United States had a fatality rate of 11.78 deaths per 100,000 population. Comparatively, New Zealand had the second highest fatality rate among the countries analyzed, with 6.01 deaths/100,000 population, while the UK had the lowest rate at 2.26 deaths per 100,000 population, while the OECD median fatality rate was 4.09.

Examining the changes in fatality rates over time can reveal trends in road safety. From 1990 to 2020, the fatality rate in the United States decreased from 17.9 to 11.78 deaths per 100,000 population. This downward trend indicates improvements in road safety measures. However, it is important to note that there was a slight increase in the fatality rate from 2017 to 2020. The lowest point was in 2014, when the rate dropped to 10.3, after which the fatality rate trended upward to 2020.

road safety report usa

In 2020, the United States had a fatality rate of 1.30 deaths per 10,000 registered vehicles. Compared to other countries, the United States had a relatively higher fatality rate in this category. The closest English-speaking country was New Zealand, at 0.69 deaths per 10,000 registered vehicles. The OECD median is 0.52.

Breakdown by Age Group, Road User Group, and Gender

In 2020, the United States had a proportion of road deaths by age group as follows: 3% in the 0-14 age group, 17% in the 15-24 age group, 63% in the 25-64 age group, and 17% in the 65+ age group. Compared to other English-speaking OECD countries, the United States (17%) had a similar proportion of road deaths in the 15-24 age group to Canada (17%) and Australia (17%), but higher than Ireland (10%) and the United Kingdom (16%). Older drivers 65 and older involved in fatal crashes made up 17% of the total; similar to the 15-24 age bracket.

road deaths in USA

Looking at the road user group statistics, the United States had 35% of road deaths categorized as passenger car occupants, 17% as pedestrians, 14% as motorcyclists, 2% as cyclists, and 31% as other. Comparing these figures to other OECD English-speaking countries, the United States had a significantly lower proportion of road deaths among cyclists compared to Ireland (7%), Australia (4%), and the United Kingdom (10%), but a higher proportion of road deaths in the “other” category.

road safety usa

Key findings from the NHTSA showed that Urban fatalities increased by 8.5%, and rural fatalities increased by 2.3%. 42 out of the 50 states including the District of Columbia saw increases in the number of road deaths. Nighttime (6 p.m. to 5:59 a.m.) fatalities increased by 12%; daytime (6 a.m. to 5:59 p.m.) traffic fatalities increased by 1.4%.

When considering gender, the United States had 72% of road deaths among males and 28% among females. This distribution was similar to Canada and Australia but different from the United Kingdom, where males accounted for 77% of road deaths.

The United States exhibited certain similarities and differences in road fatality statistics compared to other OECD English-speaking countries, highlighting the importance of analyzing these figures to identify areas for targeted road safety measures.

road deaths in USA

New Zealand road fatality statistics

With 6.01 deaths recorded for every 100,000 people in the population, New Zealand is one of the least safe nations when it comes to the risk of being killed on the road. This puts them in the seventh worst position among the OECD countries with the highest rate of fatalities. Their incidence of fatalities was 0.69 for every 10,000 automobiles registered in their state. New Zealand’s trend line for fatalities per 100K population has been downward, halving each decade: 21.4 in 1990, 12 in 2000, and 8.6 in 2010.

In terms of the types of people who were killed while using the road, around 66% were either passengers or drivers, 10% were pedestrians, 18% were motorcyclists, and 4% were cyclists. The mortality rate in New Zealand was 0.66 cases for every 100 million vehicle kilometers traveled (VKT).

United Kingdom road fatality statistics

The UK is the fourth safest OECD country in terms of road fatalities per 100,000 population with a rate of 2.26, just behind the top three of Iceland, Sweden, and Norway. As mentioned above, the UK ranks first when compared to other English-speaking countries. Their fatality rate per 10,000 registered vehicles was slightly higher at 0.38, behind Japan and Spain (0.37) and Switzerland (0.35). However, they have managed to halve this number over the past two decades – their fatality rate was 1.2 in 2000 and 0.5 in 2010.

43% of road fatalities were suffered by passenger or car occupants, 23% by pedestrians, 20% by motorcyclists, 10% by cyclists, and 5% by “other.” 77% were male and 23% were female. 2% were aged 0-14, 16% 15-24, 58% 25-64, and 24% over the age of 65.

The fatality rate in the United Kingdom per 100 million VKT was 0.34.

Ireland road fatality statistics

Ireland is towards the top of the league tables in terms of road fatality safety for English-speaking OECD countries. Their fatality rate per 100,000 population is 2.96. Ireland’s fatality rate has trended downward since 2000, where their road fatality rate per 100,000 was 11, more than halving in a decade at 4.7 in 2010. It would seem they achieved another halving of the fatality rate in the ensuing decade. In another measure, Ireland’s fatality rate per 10,000 registered vehicles is 0.52.

The fatality rate per 100 million VKT was 0.41, the OECD median.

In terms of age-group, in 2020 Ireland had 5% of deaths in the 0-14 age group, 10% in 15-24, 63% in 25-64 and 22% in 65+.

Canada road fatality statistics

Canada is towards the middle of the pack when it comes to road safety, with a rate of 4.59 road fatalities per 100,000 population. Canada’s road fatality statistics have trended downward in the previous decades, recording a rate of 9.5 in 2000 and 6.6 in 2010. Their fatality rate per 10,000 registered vehicles was 0.68.

58% of Canadian road fatalities were among car drivers or passengers, followed by 16% of pedestrians, 14% of motorcyclists, and 3% of cyclists. Canada’s fatality rate per 100 million vehicle kilometers traveled (VKT) was 0.47. 3% of deaths were recorded among 0-14s, 17% among 15-24s, 59% among 25-64s, and 22% over the age of 65.

A quick look at Australia

In terms of Australia’s road fatality rate per 100,000 population, Australia’s rate was 4.26, ranking 20th out of the 36 OECD nations. This declined from a rate of 6.1 in 2010, trending downward over the next decade. Australia sits ahead of several other English-speaking countries, which are Canada, New Zealand and the United States.

The fatality rate per 10,000 registered vehicles was 0.55, ranking 18th among 30 nations with available data. This dropped consistently over the preceding ten-year period, from 0.8.

As for the fatality rate per 100 million vehicle kilometers travelled (VKT) in 2020, Australia’s rate was 0.44 –9th out of 15 nations with available data. In Australia during 2020, vulnerable road users (motorcyclists, pedestrian, or cyclists) accounted for 35% of total road deaths, which is lower than the OECD average of 44%.

Australia’s distribution of deaths by age group shows 4% between 0-14s, 19% between 15-24s, 59% between 25-64s, and 19% for over 65s. The gender breakdown was 73% male and 27% female. In terms of deaths by road user group in Australia, 48% were passenger car occupant, 12% were pedestrians, 17% motorcyclists, 4% cyclists and 19% were classified as “other”.

Can we get to Zero road toll?

It would seem that many English-speaking OECD countries have their own challenges to bringing their road tolls or road fatality statistics down. Most trends in the OECD, more broadly, have shown a decrease in road fatalities in the last decade or two. Even in the least safe countries such as the United States and New Zealand, great strides have been taken to reduce the road fatality rate. New Zealand’s rate per 100,000 has roughly halved each decade.

Though cars may be safer and education campaigns may be more prevalent, it may take a quantum leap in technology – accessible for all countries – to whittle the road toll down to even lower levels, or that long-strived for zero number.

Common Water Pollutants and Their Effects on the Environment

English poet W.H. Auden once said, “Thousands have lived without love, not one without water,” and how true that is. Water is what keeps us alive and sustains us. Why, then, do we have such a problem keeping water clean, and what does water pollution do, not only to us but to the environment? Let’s delve into the subject of water pollution so we can better understand it and its effects on the whole world.

Water Pollution Facts

Water pollution is caused when a toxic substance gets into the water supply, whether that be a river, ocean, or the underground aquifer, and contaminates it to the point that the supply becomes dangerous. Water is also particularly vulnerable to pollution because it is a “universal solvent.” Water can dissolve chemicals, bio-matter, and even solids which can enter lakes and rivers or even the underground aquifer and pollute the water supply.


Major water pollutants include the following:

  • Raw sewage: The World Health Organization estimates that 2 billion people do not have access to basic sanitation, and even when they do, it is extremely common for raw sewage to be spilled directly into the sea or another water source.
  • Nutrients: These are nitrogen-rich products such as fertilizers that get washed into the sea or are absorbed and get into the aquifer.
  • Wastewater: This contaminant comes in many forms including chemicals released by factories, washing machine water filled with detergents, and rain runoff from highways.
  • Plastics: A major pollutant that does not dissolve in water. Everything from drinking bottles to clothing is made from plastic, and it is not biodegradable. One plastic bottle can last for 450 years in the ocean.

Environmental Costs

Speaking of plastics, aquatic animals are harmed by plastics every day. They get entangled in plastic and lose limbs or are strangled. Most sea life ingests plastic all of the time. On the coast of South Africa, a sea turtle was saved after scientists pulled an entire plastic bag out of its throat.

In Norway in 2017, a goose-beaked whale had to be put down after eating 30 plastic shopping bags. The two animals that appear to be most sensitive to the harms of plastics appear to be sea turtles and sperm whales, but the stories of animals killed or harmed by plastic go on and on.

The environment is also severely affected by nutrient pollution. Nitrogen causes algae in the water to multiply at astounding rates, and the algae, in turn, absorbs all of the oxygen in the water, causing mass kill-offs of marine life.

Implications on Humans and Entire Communities

In Washington, D.C., in the U.S., the Environmental Working Group conducted research and discovered that carcinogens in American drinking water may be the cause of over 100,000 cases of cancer. While there are medications available to treat cancers, proper care of many forms remains extremely expensive and treatment often prolongs life but does not cure.

In Flint, MI, an entire community faced serious issues due to water pollution from the Flint River. Despite many complaints, the city insisted the water was safe, but it was severely contaminated with lead and other chemicals. Through 2018 and 2019, government officials finally acted on previously overlooked problems and helped residents with health-related issues caused by this disaster. They also replaced the corroded pipes which were the source of the dangerous contaminants.

The U.S. is not the only nation with pollution issues. It’s much worse in developing countries. Of the 3,119 populated areas in India, only 209 of them have any type of sewage treatment facility. It is estimated that more than 3 million children expire every year due to poor sanitation and toxic drinking water. The contaminated water causes such conditions as cholera, diarrhea, and intestinal worms.


Furthermore, in Africa, dirty water acts as a breeding ground for mosquitoes, causing malaria and encephalitis. Over $7 million a year is spent on healthcare to treat waterborne illnesses. Entire developing countries are suffering, with many unfit to work or go to school due to illness. Companies like Waterdrop are taking actions to provide reliable water projects to sub-Saharan African communities.

Both developing and industrialized countries, in addition to the world’s fish and wildlife, are having problems due to water pollution, and it is likely to get much worse before it gets better. Countries need to step up and find solutions to effectively deal with this ongoing problem, or the future of the entire world will be in jeopardy.

Restocking the Seas around Bahrain through Fish Farming

The marine waters around Bahrain have been showing a decline in fish stock for several decades. But in the first decade of this millennium, restocking has become a routine practice endorsed by the former Public Commission for the Protection of Marine Resources, Environment and Wildlife (now the Supreme Council for the Environment). In recent years, the fishing industry in the Kingdom of Bahrain is starting to really look up with the restocking of the waters from farmed fish.


Requirements of a Fish Farm

Fish farming means growing fish in fixed enclosures (tanks, ponds or cages) exposed to the natural climatic conditions of the environs. As part of aquacultural activities (another term for fish farming), one needs to replenish fish stock preferably before the fish species dwindle to almost extinction.

The basic requirements for a healthy fish farm address a number of chemistry-related characteristics. There must be good water circulation which is achieved through tidal action resulting in water velocity in the range of 10-60 cm/sec.  The oxygen level needs to be maintained at the optimum level of  >5ppm while salinity level should approach 49,000ppm. Water temperatures vary with the season and with tidal levels. The range, therefore is between 12 oC  at lowest tide in winter up to 37oC in the peak of summer. Fish prefer alkaline water levels. This can vary with fish species.

For example, Shim (Bream) prefer the pH level to range within 8.2 -8.5. Wind and wave action should be minimal. This is best achieved by locating fish farms downwind of the dominant wind direction which means off the east coast of the island. GPIC is located on the right side of the island with a relatively sheltered site for the fish farm.

Fishes, such as bream, are released into the fish farm on reaching the juvenile stage (i.e when the body weight is around 70gm). The ideal fish weight, 210gm is achieved over the next 220+ days. Population density is very critical in fish farming with an ideal number of 7 fishes/m3. The fishes are fed a supplemental diet of dry food pellets.

The feeding rate is in the range of 3-7% of the fish’s body weight.  So careful monitoring of the fish is really important. This amount of food supplements is spread out over four feedings in one 24-hour period. Feeding amounts can also be influenced by climatic conditions, thermal properties of the water and the current flow rate.


The fishes are monitored and their growth rate and general performance are all recorded. The average fish body weight is assessed every 15 days. It has been observed that the maximum growth rate is achieved when the water temperatures are at 23oC.

As well as monitoring the fish themselves, the environs must also be kept in check. Submerged physical features need to be kept free of any buildup of rough, sharp materials that could harm or injure the young fish. Too many barnacles growing on a structure could cause the subsurface structures to break off.  The enclosure could be damaged resulting in an opening through which the farmed fish might escape prematurely out into the open ocean.

Farmed fish can easily catch diseases. This typically happens when or if the density of the stock gets too high.  Fish can get a variety of diseases so much care is taken to protect the whole project.

Fishes are harvested using such as a dragnet, sieving or a Gill net.  A dragnet is a seine method of fishing where the net hangs vertically in the water with weights holding the bottom down and floats keeping the top floating.  Gill nets are also vertical nets that trap fish via their gills being caught in the net.

Promising Initiative by GPIC

The Gulf Petrochemical Industries Company (GPIC) fish farming activities began in 1996 with a capacity of 10,000 fish. An area of 625 sq. meter forms part of the natural marine environment surrounding the industrial location, has been turned into a fish farming area. The three main species raised in the farm are Black Sea Bream (Shim), Mullet (Meid) and Rabbit Fish (Saffee).  By 2001, the capacity had increased to 30,000 fish. By 2012, capacity had reached 80,000 fish, and by 2015 100,000 fish.

The restocking of the surrounding waters has long been carried out by GPIC as part of their CSR initiatives. Each year, the company releases batches of sea bream into the local waters to replenish the fish stocks of the surrounding marine areas.  In August, 2008, 80,000 hamour and 20,000 subaiti bream, weighing between 80-100gm, were released into the sea. Today the capacity of fishes released to restock the surround marine waters stands at 100,000 fishes. (GPIC Sustainability Report, 2014, Building a Greener Future, 156pp).

Green Your Ramadan

Ramadan is a month which is very different than other months in terms of activities, praying and eating habits. The month call for not eating and drinking from sunrise to sunset to boost physical and mental endurance and to understand the hardships faced by the unprivileged human beings who do not have enough resources to satisfy their basic necessities. The true meaning of Ramadan is purifying ourselves, taking care of our body, soul, people, surrounding and ecosystems which is supporting us.


The month of Ramadan is a golden opportunity to consider making a shift towards a ‘green lifestyle’ that is environment-friendly, non-polluting, non-wasteful and aim toward saving of natural resources. The green lifestyle means improving the quality of life and achieving sustainable development.

Let us create awareness on our resources usage during Ramadan, think and act positively towards our environment and change our unfriendly habits which are impacting our ecosystem. Let us seize this opportunity provided by Ramadan and adopt a model for a green and responsible behavior that addresses the urgent environmental issues.

The month sees an over-consumption of meat, vegetables and fruits together with drinks, juices and syrups. We become more extravagant in terms of using food and resources. Unfortunately, Ramadan has also become synonymous with tremendous food waste generation in Islamic countries, especially in the Middle East. So, let us be patient on these consumption, eat healthy and organic food in manageable quantities.

Let us grow vegetables and fruits at our available land/ space. Use food items judiciously and avoid any wastage. Let us be away from our routine habits that pollute our air, soil and water resources. Let us be aware of our wasteful habits which are affecting the environment and our future generations.

We need to understand that any mismanagement of our precious available resources will be having an irreversible impacts on our ecology and for our future generations. Let us make concerted effort to encourage and embrace “green” practices, especially during Ramadan.


Use food items judiciously and avoid any wastage during Ramadan

Ramadan presents the perfect opportunity to recharge our spiritual batteries for the year. It is a time to seek forgiveness for our misgivings and to reflect upon the signs of creation from Allah. As human beings, we have a duty as stewards over this planet, and it is our responsibility to ensure that the resources and environment are used in a sustainable manner.

Let this month not only harness our mental and physical ability but also be a turning point for respecting our resources and environment. Here are some basic thoughts:

  • Support and utilize local produce.
  • Plan food usage with no wastage.
  • Reducing the water usage, especially during making ‘wadoo’/ ablution. Be vigilant that the tap is closed. Any dripping should be eliminated to conserve precious water.
  • Reducing our energy and carbon footprint.
  • Generating less quantity of waste especially food waste. Support & practice recycling and reuse.
  • No littering especially in common areas, commercial and religious places and shopping areas.
  • Minimum or no use of plastic bags. Using less paper and stationery.
  • Switching off appliances after use like lights, ACs, fans, heaters, iron etc.
  • Using electrical appliances like washing machines, iron, vacuum cleaner and dishwashers in off peak hours.
  • Replacing lights bulbs from incandescent to compact fluorescent and turning off lights when they are not in use.
  • Eliminate use of disposables plates, cutlery, cups, containers etc. Avoid using styrofoam containers and plastic cutlery.

Green SMEs in Middle East: Obstacles and Challenges

With ‘green’ being the buzzword across all industries, greening of the business sector and development of green skills has assumed greater importance all over the world, and Middle East is no exception. Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) operating in eco-design, green architecture, renewable energy, energy efficiency and sustainability are spearheading the transition to green economy across a wide range of industries. Green SME sector in the Middle East has been growing steadily, albeit at a slower pace than anticipated.



One of the major obstacles in the progress of green SMEs in the Middle East the has been poorly-designed regulation. According to Ruba A. Al-Zu’bi, a renowned sustainable development consultant in MENA, “SMEs should be the drivers of transformation towards green economy in the Middle East. Lack of clear policy direction and enablers are hindering growth and competitiveness of green SMEs”.

Product market regulations which stifle competition pose a big hurdle to SMEs operating in renewables, energy, environment and sustainability sectors.  For example, state-owned companies in GCC have almost complete monopoly in network industries which have large environmental impacts (electricity/energy sector) or control strategic environmental services (water and waste management sector).


Restructuring of the SME sector in the Middle East is essential to allow small businesses to grow and prosper, thus catalyzing region’s transition to a green economy. SMEs account for vast majority of production units and employment across the Middle East, for example SMEs are responsible for around 60% of UAE’s GDP.

Needless to say, participation of SMEs is essential in the transition to a low-carbon economy, thus paving the way for greening the business sector and development of green skills across all industrial segments.


Green SMEs require strong government support for growth, which is unfortunately lacking in several GCC countries. As Ruba Al-Zu’bi puts it, “Despite the humongous opportunity for green growth in the Middle East, magnified by climate change, water scarcity, oil dependency and environmental footprint, green SMEs are plagued by severe challenges and competition.”

Pressing Challenges

The Middle East region is facing multiple challenges in the growth of green SME sector. As Ruba Al-Zu’bi puts it, “The most pressing challenges are (1) increasing disconnect between education and market needs and (2) the disorientation of research and development from industry priorities and trends. Government agencies, business associations and NGOs need to play a bigger role in advocating more streamlined priorities for green growth across all industrial sectors.”

Green SMEs in the region are facing significant barriers to entry despite their key role in developing locally appropriate technologies and eco-friendly business models.

Promising Initiatives

Abu Dhabi has taken a great step towards consolidation of green SME sector by creating the Masdar Free Zone. As a business cluster, Masdar Free Zone endeavors to provide SMEs and startups with an environment that inspires innovation, offers business development opportunities and provides a living lab and test bed for new technologies.


However office rents has been a hurdle to overcome for green SMEs with limited financial capabilities.  “High office rents in Masdar Free Zone have been a major deterrent for small businesses desirous of setting shop in the business cluster”, says Dubai-based sustainability consultant Sunanda Swain.

In 2007, Qatar also launched a promising initiative to promote green growth in the form of Qatar Science and Technology Park (QSTP) with core areas of focus being energy, environment, health sciences and information and communication technologies. During the initial phase, QSTP has been heavily focused on establishing infrastructure and attracting large companies. During the second phase, QSTP intends to target SMEs and provide them support on legal matters, finance, mentoring and business planning.

Future Perspectives

Policy interventions for supporting green SMEs in the Middle East are urgently required to overcome major barriers, including knowledge-sharing, raising environmental awareness, enhancing financial support, supporting skill development and skill formation, improving market access and implementing green taxation.

In recent decades, entrepreneurship in the Middle East has been increasing at a rapid pace which should be channeled towards addressing water, energy, environment and waste management challenges, thereby converting environmental constraints into business opportunities.

Green Finance in the Middle East

Green finance is among the most important enablers that would boost innovation and increase the adoption of green solutions and practices across different industrial sectors. Green finance, which has grown by leaps and bounds in recent years, provides public well-being and social equity while reducing environmental risks and improving ecological integrity.


Middle East is making good progress towards green growth and low-carbon economy. “The latest regional trends highlight the need for green financing mechanisms to support transition to green economy”, said Ruba Al-Zu’bi, a well-known sustainability expert. “While green may be the obvious feasible and sustainable approach, access to finance makes it more appealing for small and medium enterprises and to individuals to promptly take the right decision”, she added.

Jordan is one of the earliest proponents of green finance in the Middle East. “Green finance in Jordan is being offered through public channels, such as the Jordan Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Fund (JREEEF), commercial banks, micro-finance institutions as well as International Financial Institutions”, said Ruba.  “Most of green finance mechanisms are supported by technical assistance, awareness-raising and targeted marketing activities, all of which are crucial to success of green projects”, she said.


In the GCC, the National Bank of Abu Dhabi (NBAD) is gearing up to launch a $500 million green bond, the first in the region. This green bond will provide a boost to renewable energy and energy efficiency sectors, and is expected to catalyze sustainable development projects in the GCC.

To sum up, green finance will act as a major enabler for local, regional and international financing needs of green projects. The regional interest in green technologies and project is expected to provide impetus to climate change mitigation and adaptation projects across the Middle East region. The key to success, according to Ruba Al-Zu’bi, will be market readiness, effective governance frameworks, capacity-building and technology transfer.

أزمه المياه في مصر

تعاني مصر في السنوات الاخيرة من شح شديد في المياه و يعد توزيع المياه غير المتكافئ و اساءه استخدام موارد المياه وتقنيات الري غير الفعاله بعض العوامل الرئيسيه التي تلعب دورا مدمرا للأمن المائي فيالبلاد.

يعد نهر النيل شريان الحياة في مصر حيث  يغطي متطلبا ت الزراعة و الصناعه و هو المصدر الرئيسيلمياه الشرب للسكان. ان ارتفاع معدلات النمو السكاني و التنمية الاقتصادية السريعة  في دول حوض النيل  بالإضافة الى التلوث و التدهور  البيئي آخذُ باستنزاف الموارد المائية في مصر.


 و تواجه مصر   عجزا مائيا يقدر  بسبع بليون متر مكعب سنويا .وفي حقيقة الامر فإن الامم المتحدة قد حذرت من نفاذ المياه في مصر بحلول عام 2025.

دعونا نلقي نظره فاحصه على العوامل الرئيسيه التي تؤثر على الامن المائي في مصر.

الانفجار السكاني

ان العدد السكاني في مصر اّخذ بالتكاثر بمعدل ينذر بالخطر , ولقد زاد بنسبه 41 بالمئه منذ بداية التسعينيات. تشير التقارير الاخيرة من قبل الحكومة الى ان حوالي 4,700   حديثي الولادة تضاف الى عدد السكان كل أسبوع و تشير التوقعات المستقبليه  الى ان عدد السكان سيرتفع من 80 مليون الى 98.7 مليون بحلول عام 2025.

ان الزيادة السكانية السريعة من شأنها ان تضاعف الضغط على الامداد المائي من خلال زيادة الاحتياجات المائية  للاستهلاك المحلي و زيادة استخدام مياه الري  لتلبيه الطلب على الغذاء.

الري غير الفعال

تحصل مصر على نسبه اقل من 80 ملم من الهطول المطري سنويا,وتعد ما نسبته 6 بالمئه من اراضيها فقط صالحا للزراعة وما تبقى فهو صحراء.وهذا بدوره  يؤدي الى الافراط في الري واستخدام تقنيات الري المسرف كالري السطحي ( الري بالغمر) و هي طريقه قديمه للري حيث يتم اغراق القطعة الزراعيه بالمياه.


Industrial pollution is wrecking havoc in Nile

في الوقت الحالي,فان شبكة الري تستمد بالكامل من سد اسوان العالي و هذا بدوره ينظم اكثر من 18,000 ميل من القنوات الرئيسية و القنوات الفرعيه التي تروي الاراضي الزراعيه المجاوره للنهر. يعد هذا النظام غير فعال , حيث يقدر معدل الفاقد من مياه النيل بفعل التبخر 3 مليارات متر مكعب سنويا . ان من شأن  انخفاض الامداد المائي  ان يقود الى انخفاض الاراضي الصالحة للزراعة و حيث ان قطاع الزراعه يشكل اكبر رب عمل للشباب فان شح المياه يمكن ان يقود الى زيادة معدلات البطالة.


 اصبحت المخلفات الزراعية والنفايات الصناعية السائلة  و مياه الصرف الصحي ُتلقى بغير اهتمام في نهر النيل مما يجعلها تدريجيا غير صالحة للاستهلاك البشري. اضف الى ذلك فإن مياه الصرف الصحي القادمة من الاحياء الفقيرة ومناطق عديدة في القاهره اضحت تفرغ في نهر النيل وذلك لنقص  المحطات المعالجة لتلك المياه.

 تلك المخلفات الزراعية عاده ما تحتوي على ملوثات من مبيدات الحشرات و الاعشاب مما يؤثر سلبا على مياه النهر. كذلك النفايات الصناعية السائله غالبا ما تكون شديدة السميه وتحتوي على معادن ثقيلة و التي يمكن ان تتحد مع المواد الصلبه العالقة في مياه الصرف الصحي لتشكل الوحل. كل هذه العوامل مجتمعه معا من شأنها ان تلوث نهر النيل و تنذر بشؤم للأجيال القادمة.

الاضطرابات الاقليميه

تسيطر مصر على غالبيه الموارد المائية المستخرجه من نهر النيل بمقتضى معاهدة الحقبه الاستعمارية التي تضمن حصة  ما نسبته 90 بالمئه من نهر النيل و تمنع الدول المجاوره لها من الحصول ولو على قطره واحده من النيل من دون الحصول على إذنها .وعلى الرغم من ذلك فان هذا لا يمنع  البلدان الواقعه على نهر النيل  مثل بوروندي و اثيوبيا من استغلال الاضطرابات السياسيه التي تعصف بمصر وكسب المزيد من السيطرة على حقوق  النيل. ورغم ان نهر النيل يزود مصر بما نسبته 95 بالمئه من المياه العذبة   فإن فقدان بعض الامدادات المائية يمكن ان يشكل متاعب إضافيه لمصر.


إن قضيه المياه في مصر تتصاعد بنسبه مثيره للقلق. بحلول عام 2020 ,سوف تستهلك مصر بما يقدَر 20 بالمئه اكثر  من المياه مما كانت عليه. مع فقدان قبضتها على النيل  فان شح المياه في مصر  من شأنه ان يهدد استقرار البلاد و الهيمنة الاقليميه. و هذا يحتم على الحكومة المصريه و جميع السكان التحرك بسرعة وبشكل حاسم للتخفيف من شح المياه  وتطبيق اساليب و تقنيات اكثر فاعليه للمحافظة على المياه و منع تلوثها  ووضع وتطوير خطط من شأنها السيطرة على تلوث المياه وجعل تقنيات الري اكثر فاعليه و كفاءة و ذلك لتجنب وقوع كارثة.


سلام عبدالكريم عبابنه

مهندسه مدنية في شركة المسار المتحده للمقاولات – مهتمه في مجال البيئه و الطاقة المتجدده

8 Best Sedan Car Rentals in Dubai

Sedan (saloon) cars are one of the most common models of cars that are offered by rental companies. Different car makers like Toyota, Honda, Kia, Chevrolet, Mazda, Renault etc, all have popular sedan cars that are roaming the streets of Dubai. If you don’t have an idea of what a sedan car is or looks like, then here is a simple explanation. A sedan car simply has four doors and a trunk. It is also easily recognized by its fixed B pillar between the front and the rear windows.


Have you ever wondered or thought about which sedan you would love to rent? Surfing the net in search of it might actually be confusing from the different options available. This article has generally surveyed the city of Dubai and has come up with the best sedan cars made available by most rental companies for renting.

If you want to rent a sedan in Dubai, one amongst these listed below should be your obvious choice. Check them out:

1. Renault Symbol 2020

Renault symbol (2020) is one of the most common sedans offered by rental companies in Dubai. The French company has actually added elegance, quality and technology to the symbol. It comes with airbags, automatic door lock, brake assist, foldable rear seats, hill assist, power steering, audio controls on steering wheel, CD player, Bluetooth, keyless entry etc.

It comes with a 1.6-cylinder engine boasting of 102HP and 145 Nm of torque. It has top speeds up to 180 Km/h and it accelerates from 0 – 100 Km/h in 11 seconds. It also measures 4.354m, 1.994m, 1.529m in length, width and height respectively. It is my first choice sedan available for car rentals in Dubai. Rent the iconic Renault Symbol today to meet your needs and comfort.

2. Hyundai Accent 2020

The Hyundai Accent 2020 comes with a 120 HP 1.6-liter engine. This 5 seater sedan has everything a modern car can offer with its good interior leather seats, top class entertainment features; Bluetooth, AM/FM radio, audio control steering etc. Rent your Hyundai Accent 2020 from Car rental Dubai at a cheap and affordable rate.

3. Geely Emgrand GC6 2018

Although not a popular brand like Honda and Toyota, Geely Emgrand GC6 2018 is actually an economical modern-day sedan which offers you top features you so much desire. It has a 1.5L engine generating 99HP and 141 Nm of torque. This gives a top speed of about 165Km/h. This beauty powers from 0 – 100 Km/h in 14.5 seconds, having 5 comfortable seats with an automatic transmission, 4.342m, 1.692m, 1.435m in length, width and height respectively.

4. Nissan Sunny 2020

This powerful machine from Japanese automakers comes with a 1.6-liter 4 petrol engine that generates 118 HP and 149 Nm of torque. It comes with halogen headlamps, power steering, airbags, disc brakes, Bluetooth, CD player, mp3/radio, anti-theft alarm etc. With exquisite interior and top quality leather seats, you can’t talk about sedans in Dubai and ignore the Nissan Sunny 2020.

5. Toyota Corolla 2020

Toyota is one of the most popular car brands in Dubai. The Toyota Corolla 2020 is another popular sedan offered by top rental companies. The Toyota Corolla 1.8L engine with 139 HP. It carries a 6-speed manual transmission with all Modern features like Bluetooth, Bluetooth wireless technology, voice recognition system, comfortable seats with headrests etc. It also has an anti braking system, airbags, driver-assistance etc.

6. Peugeot 307 2017 1.6 Allure

The Allure stands tall and looks like the popular Hyundai Elantra. The Allure is fitted with a 1.6L engine generating 115HP and 150Nm of torque, sitting at 4.4m long, 1.7m wide and 1.5m tall. The Allure has a top speed of 188Km/h and accelerates from 0 – 100Km/h in 11.8s. The Peugeot has always been known for its strength, durability and quality. It is amongst our top car rental sedans in Dubai.


7. MG 360 2019

As one of the upcoming sedans in Dubai, the MG 360 2019 is one of those sedans to look out for. If you prefer something different, outstanding, and not common then go for the MG 360. It carries a 1.5L engine that gives out 109HP and 135Nm of torque capable of moving the machine from 0 – 100 in just 13.7s. This beauty also has a top speed of 170Km/h with a 55-liter fuel tank capacity and 5 seats.

8. Mitsubishi Attrage 2019 1.2 GLX

It is one of the popular rental cars in Dubai. The 2019 model of Mitsubishi Attrage is fitted with a 1.2L engine that generates 76 HP and 100 Nm of torque. It carries automatic transmission and power to 170 Km/h, also accelerating from 0-100 Km/h in 14 seconds. The Mitsubishi Attrage is a top rental car in Dubai when it comes to the sedan category.

Guidelines for Eco-Friendly Eidul Fitr

The culmination of the holy month of Ramadan is with the festival of Eidul Fitr or Feast of Breaking the Fast. Eid is considered as a religious holiday celebrated by Muslims worldwide and to show a common goal of unity. The main aspects of Eid are congregational prayers in mosques, open areas and parks, get to gather of families and friends at home or restaurants, making and eating special dishes and wearing ceremonial dresses.

Eidul Fitr, like other local, national and religious festivals often have a major impact on the environmental resources. Extra food, drinks and clothing are made, used and consumed. People spend a fortune on these items. The cost and environmental consideration is often being neglected, not considered and forgotten.


The celebrations and festivity are often extravagant and cause pollution and harm to the environmental resources. The day starts with the special prayers whereby men, women and children gather to offer prayers. The site of praying after the ritual is often plagued by litter, rubbish and waste scattered all over the place and even blowing in the air and migrating to nearby safe havens for unaesthetic accumulations.

Special food is prepared in houses which are visited by the relatives and neighbours. This causes great food wastage often due to under utilization as food is prepared more than the number of visitors and with a feeling that it should not be finished. On the other hand, people also eat limited quantity of special food less than expected or prepared which goes waste quickly. This includes special breakfast, lavish snacks, sumptuous lunches and extravagant dinners during the festival days.

To supply the population with the required quantity of food, government makes huge efforts in procuring or rather over-procuring food stuff for local consumption. It includes meat, poultry, vegetables, fruits, dairy products, cereals, grains, packaged food etc. Meat and poultry is lavishly eaten during the Eid holidays. The demand of beef, mutton, chicken etc increases to around 50% of the normal demand, which in itself is very high.

Eidul Fitr also prompts extra and panic buying of food items and eatables, which are out of shelves quickly in the super markets and cold stores during the last days of Ramadan. This trend again leads to more wastage as the food items bought are not being fully and efficiently utilized and ultimately end up in garbage bins.

Over the period of years, the festivities are increasing with more buying of items and eatables per head. Consumption of eatables has increased many folds in the Middle East  and people have become more wasteful due to rise in income, living standards and affordability. But affordability does not mean that wastage should increase.

While planning for Eidul Fitr celebrations, it is now imperative that we need to think twice before buying, procuring any food items, clothing etc and taking environment into consideration.

Let us change our attitude towards festivity and wastage and celebrate a Green Eid.

Tips for an Eco-friendly Eidul Fitr

  • Buying clothes and dressings with minimum packaging.
  • Buy food items in calculated quantities based on the actual requirements and number of guests to be served.
  • It is better to serve food in limited quantities rather than extravagantly in large dishes and quantities.
  • Educating guests in avoiding leftovers and wasting food.
  • Serving drinks in small glasses
  • Avoid using disposables such as cutlery, plates, napkins, tissues etc.
  • Giving leftover food to the less privileged and poor people in the neighbourhood

Let us endeavor to celebrate the Eid in an environment-friendly and sustainable manner.

عِقْد العمل: المدن وأنسنة أهداف التنمية المستدامة

بقي أمامنا 10 سنوات على إنجاز ما التزمنا به ضمن الأجندة العالمية للتنمية المستدامة 2030. إلا أن وتيرة التقدم في تحقيق أهداف التنمية المستدامة أبطأ من المطلوب. في كانون الثاني/يناير 2020، وفي محاولة لتسريع التقدم وتكثيف الجهود، أطلق الأمين العام للأمم المتحدة أنطونيو غوتيريش “عِقْد العمل والإنجاز من أجل التنمية المستدامة”. ويستند العِقْد إلى ثلاثة مستويات من العمل: العمل العالمي، والعمل المحلي، والعمل الشعبي.

وعقب أسابيع من الإعلان، ضرب وباء “كوفيد-19” الكرة الأرضية وفاقم التحديات أمام جهود تحقيق أهداف التنمية المستدامة حول العالم. وفي حين أن رفاه الإنسان يقع في صميم التنمية المستدامة، إلا أن التوقعات تشير إلى ارتفاع معدل الفقر المدقع العالمي إلى 8.4 – 8.8 % في العام 2020، وهو ما يقارب معدلاته في العام 2017. وهذا يعني أن ما يقدر بنحو 40 إلى 60 مليون شخص قد يُدفعون إلى براثن الفقر المدقع، مما يتسبب في أول زيادة في الفقر العالمي منذ أكثر من 20 عاماً. وهذا وحده كفيل بتهديد معظم أهداف التنمية المستدامة في جميع أنحاء العالم إن لم يكن كلها.


Achieving low-carbon, sustainable growth in Arab cities is a complex task.

وبينما يشير الخبراء والمنظمات إلى هذه الزيادة الملحوظة في الفقر، تبرز الظواهر الوخيمة التالية كأولويات نحتاج جميعاً إلى فهمها ومعالجتها كونها في قلب الأهداف التنموية: تعتبر النساء والفتيات من أكبر المتأثرين بالصدمة الاقتصادية، كما يتأثر 90% من الأطفال حول العالم بإغلاق المدارس وبما يرتبط بذلك من توقف تزويد المكملات الغذائية واللقاحات. ومن الملاحظ أيضا ازدياد مستويات عدم العدالة والفروقات الاجتماعية بأنواعها، وتصاعد معدلات الجوع، مع التلويح بعدم القدرة على الالتزام بمستويات خفض الانبعاثات اللازمة للتصدي للتغير المناخي.

لقد حان الوقت لتحديد من تركنا خلفنا من فئات هشة ولحشد وتمكين الجهود المحلية للأخذ بزمام المبادرة نحو تحقيق انتعاش عالمي مستدام.

لماذا المدن؟

المدن هي محركات حيوية للنمو الاقتصادي والرفاه الاجتماعي. فالمدن التي تخطط وتدير وتديم خدمات البنية التحتية والتنمية البشرية بشكل كفؤ توفر فرصا هائلة للحد من الفقر وتحقيق الرفاه الاجتماعي. وفي إطار التنمية المستدامة، يمكن للمدن أن تقود عملية التحول اللازمة لتحقيق أهداف التنمية المستدامة، والأهم من ذلك أن تحفز العمل المحلي من أجل مجتمعات منعة وصحية وعادلة


إطار أهداف التنمية المستدامة – لماذا؟

تؤدي المخاطر والتحديات المتنامية والمرتبطة بالبنى التحتية والتنمية البشرية والتماسك والسلامة المجتمعية، علاوة على تغير المناخ والهجرات البشرية؛ إلى تعقيدات إضافية في مهام الحكومات المحلية. وقد يشكل الإطار العام لأهداف التنمية المستدامة اللغة المشتركة والإطار الشامل لفهم تلك التحديات والتعقيدات والتصدي لها. ففي حين أن المبادئ والأهداف الشاملة للتنمية المستدامة موحدة في جميع أنحاء العالم، إلا أنها تتيح المجال للكثير من المواءمة والابتكار من قبل المدن للاستجابة لاحتياجاتها المحلية الفريدة والمعقدة. وتعد الروابط والتداخلات المتعددة بين مختلف أهداف التنمية المستدامة أحد أهم محفزات الابتكار لتطوير الحلول التي تعالج أكثر من أولوية وتحقق أكثر من هدف. ومن جانب آخر، فإن المحددات المالية التي تواجهها معظم المدن تعتبر أيضا محفزات للابتكار ولتطوير ونشر التكنولوجيا التي من شأنها أن تساهم في الانتعاش الاقتصادي والعدالة الاجتماعية.

الاستعراضات المحلية الطوعية (Voluntary Local Reviews)

الاستعراض المحلي الطوعي هو أداة تستخدمها الحكومات المحلية للإبلاغ عن التقدم المحرز في تحقيق أهداف التنمية المستدامة. في العام 2018، أطلقت مدينة نيويورك أول مراجعة محلية طوعية كوسيلة لمأسسة عملية إعداد التقارير حول التقدم المحرز في تحقيق التنمية المستدامة. ومن الممكن تعريف الاستعراض المحلي الطوعي على أنه منتج ملموس لإشراك المواطنين، والشركاء، والمدن النظيرة، والمجتمع العالمي في تحقيق أهداف التنمية المستدامة.

ومع الوقت، تبين أن القيمة المضافة من الرحلة لا تقل أهمية عن الوجهة أو المخرج النهائي. فقد ساهمت عملية المراجعة وإعداد التقرير الطوعي في تحفيز التعاون بين مختلف المؤسسات المعنية في المدينة من خلال جمع البيانات وتحليلها، وتحديد وتقييم التقدم المحرز من مختلف الأوجه، علاوة على تعزيز الوعي وبناء القدرات بين الموظفين المعنيين. واستمر هذا الزخم والتعاون إلى ما بعد الانتهاء من إعداد التقرير، مما يبرز مخرجا هاما آخر من عملية المراجعة المحلية. كما أثبتت الاستعراضات المحلية أهميتها كمنصات لنشر المعرفة وتعزيز مبادئ الشفافية والمساءلة كقيم جوهرية للتنمية المستدامة الحقيقية.

المدن تقود التغيير

على خلاف الاستعراض الوطني الطوعي (Voluntary National Review) ، فإن الاستعراض المحلي الطوعي لا يتمتع بأي صفة رسمية في الأمم المتحدة. لذا، لا توجد إجراءات أو معايير معتمدة لإعداده، مما يترك الباب مفتوحا أمام كل مدينة لتصميم وإعداد المراجعة التي توائم احتياجاتها وأولوياتها.

تقود بعض المدن مثل نيويورك وهلسنكي المسيرة في متابعة تحقيق أهداف التنمية المستدامة. وينضم تباعا العديد من المدن من جميع أنحاء العالم من خلال شبكات ومنصات مختلفة.  ويشمل ذلك عددا من المدن الصغيرة ذات الموارد المحدودة التي تقوم بخطوات صغيرة ولكنها ملموسة على نفس المسار.

في حين توفر الاستعراضات الطوعية معلومات موثقة حول التقدم المحرز، فهي توفر أيضا السياق الصحيح للحوار المشترك والاتفاق بين مختلف الجهات المعنية على الأولويات والأهداف ومؤشرات الأداء الرئيسية. ومن بين بعض الالتزامات التي أعلنتها مدينة نيويورك في استعراضها الطوعي: الوصول إلى الحياد الكربوني بحلول عام 2050 من خلال السعي إلى تنفيذ إجراءات صارمة لتخفيف انبعاثات غازات الاحتباس الحراري من المباني، والاعتماد على مصادر نظيفة للكهرباء بنسبة 100٪، بالتوازي مع خلق فرص عمل خضراء وتحميل الملوثين الكلف المتعلقة بالتغير المناخي؛ بالإضافة إلى إيجاد طرق لإعادة الاستخدام النافع لكافة المخلفات الحيوية للمدينة بحلول عام 2030، حيث ستساهم هذه الاستثمارات  في تحقيق أهداف الطاقة المتجددة وتقليل نسبة النفايات الذاهبة إلى المكبات إلى الصفر؛ كما تضمنت المراجعة العديد من الالتزامات الأخرى المتعلقة بالبيئة والصحة والشمولية المالية. وحدد الاستعراض المحلي الطوعي لمدينة نيويورك 10 مؤشرات أداء رئيسية لتتبع التقدم المحرز على أهداف التنمية المستدامة.

من ناحية أخرى، تعترف مدينة هلسنكي بأهمية الاستدامة في جعلها مركزًا عالميًا للابتكار.  وتضع هلسنكي التعليم الجيد والعمل اللائق والنمو الاقتصادي على رأس الأهداف التي تسعى إلى تحقيقها ضمن رؤية المدينة.

وبنظرة أكثر قربا، تيرز في منطقتنا العربية، وتحديدا في الأردن، مجموعة من المبادرات التي تقودها المدن والسلطات المحلية. فقد انضمت العاصمة الأردنية عمّان إلى العديد من الشبكات والمنصات لتعزيز تبنيها لاستراتيجيات الطاقة النظيفة، والانبعاثات الكربونية المنخفضة، والمدن المنعة. كما تعمل جهات أخرى هامة، مثل بنك تنمية المدن والقرى، على تبني برامج خاصة لدعم الاستدامة وتمكين البلديات المحلية من تنفيذ مشاريع استراتيجية في هذا المجال.


وعلى نطاق أصغر، تُظهر مدينة سحاب قيادة وريادة حقيقية في التحول نحو التنمية المستدامة. وتعاني سحاب من نسبة  فقر تصل إلى  54%، وتبلغ مساحتها الإجمالية 12 كم2 يقطن فيها حوالي  75  ألف مواطن أردني بالإضافة إلى 40,000 لاجئ سوري. تواجه سحاب العديد من التحديات البيئية، وتضم المدينة اثنتين من أكبر المناطق الصناعية في المملكة. وعلى الرغم من محدودية الموارد المتاحة لمدن مثل سحاب، إلا أنها تبرز كنموذج يحتذى في تصميم والبدء بتنفيذ استراتيجية خاصة بالطاقة النظيفة (كفاءة الطاقة والطاقة المتجددة).  كما انضمت سحاب، مدفوعة بشغف فريقها والتزامه، إلى ميثاق رؤساء المدن والمحليات العالمي للمناخ والطاقة (Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy) والذي يهدف إلى دعم وإشراك المدن والبلدات في تحقيق أهداف الطاقة والمناخ.

المدن – كبيرة كانت أم صغيرة – هي الحمض النووي المتكامل لأهداف التنمية المستدامة. ومن خلال وضع المدن وتفاعلاتها في الصف الأمامي، فإننا نضفي الطابع الإنساني على أهداف التنمية المستدامة ونقربها من القضايا المحلية والجهات الفاعلة. ولا يمكن أن يكون الوقت أكثر ملاءمة للاستفادة من إطار أهداف التنمية المستدامة لإنشاء وتعزيز الشراكات والتعاون بين الأفراد والمؤسسات للعمل معا على وضع وتنفيذ خطط مشتركة لانتعاش اقتصادي مستدام.  

Islamic Perspectives on Overpopulation, Overconsumption and Climate Change

Overpopulation – and incipient overconsumption – are the twin products of the capitalist system. Consumerism is characterized by the desire for material goods. It is the dominant ideology of our times and holds responsibility for the Climate Crisis. This is as consumerism is intimately linked with anthropocentrism, environmental destruction and global inequality Moreover, Islam can provide a thoroughgoing critique of the prevailing socio-economic system.  As such, it is necessary to develop a strong Islamic platform in order to work towards economic justice and sustainability.


Overpopulation can be better understood through analysis of overconsumption and resource depletion. The scale of the problem can be evidenced by high birth rates in the developing world as well as the global increase in life expectancy. Indeed, capitalism and development have fueled medical advances and raised the average standard of living. Nonetheless, the notion of continuous development and human progress raises serious ethical concerns.

Hence, the necessity of challenging, “the premise of perpetual growth in consumption, which puts it on a collision course with the natural world”. [1] Consequently, Islamic thought and practice can help shift the status quo. This is especially pertinent in the developed world. Therefore, much of blame goes to, “those in rich countries currently responsible of overconsumption”. [2] Also, this relates to Islamic practice. More specifically, “the focus will be on the individual’s spirituality…rather than working solely on the outer material world”. [3] Thus, Islam can mitigate the worst effects of resource depletion by emphasizing moderation and self-reflection.

In the long-term, restructuring individual behavior can influence the outcome of the Climate Crisis. This is as Islamic teachings can encourage good citizenship and motivate people to be less materialistic. On the whole, such individual transformation can curb overconsumption and reduce the effects of Climate Change.


In addition, overpopulation and overconsumption link with Islamic concerns around environmental sustainability. Environmental sustainability relates to, whether environmental resources will be protected and maintained for future generations. As a result, “any transition towards a sustainable world can only be effective if societal changes complement technological advancements”. [4] Islam is well equipped to lead the way. Islamic teachings can act as a revolutionary tool for social transformation and cut the cycle of overpopulation and overconsumption.

As the Qur’an stresses individual accountability, Islam has, “no conceptual difficulty in addressing questions of regulating population in the light of available resources”. [5] On the whole, such social concern is also reflected in the Islamic response to Climate Change. Sustainability must be embedded within the wider Islamic framework in order to raise consciousness of Climate Change. Hence, Muslim scholars (ulama) are obligated to, “issue fatwas on the environment”. [6] Taking decisive action is also an educational requirement.

Therefore, “governments could introduce curriculums in schools highlighting themes found in the Quran such as the importance of nature, treating animals compassionately and the prohibition on wastefulness”.  [6] If this advice is heeded, then young people will be better prepared to deal with the long-term consequences of Climate Change. On the whole, new Islamic initiatives are necessary to inspire eco-consciousness and encourage systemic change.

Moreover, overpopulation and overconsumption link with Islamic concerns about inequality and poverty. To a certain extent, this discourse also relates to Climate Change. Although, “average living standards have risen… the gap between the very rich and the very poor has broadened”. [7] Hence, citizens of low income countries are ill equipped to face the challenges to come. This is as, “poverty and environmental issues are interrelated”. [7] Furthermore, environmental problems are more severe among the poor and marginalized in the Global South.

Environmental degradation is fueled by overconsumption in the Global North and adds to structural problems in the developing world. Meanwhile, a growing population in the Global South- and the prevalence of large families- puts strain on natural resources and negatively impacts quality of life.  Subsequently, the Climate Crisis “increases the impact of floods and other environmental catastrophes” [7]. Islamic teachings offer a powerful alternative. Consequently, “Islamic microfinance holds tremendous potential to tap into … Islamic donor streams – zakat, sadaqat, and waqf – and channel them toward strategic, impact-oriented goals” [8].

To conclude, Islamic teachings offer a practical approach to overpopulation and overconsumption. By providing a visionary perspective on socio-economic problems, Islam is useful for engaging with the Climate Crisis.


[1] Lent, J., 2018. What Will It Really Take To Avoid Collapse? | MAHB. [online] MAHB. Available at: <> [Accessed 10 August 2020].

[2] Russell, R., 2017. Let’s Talk About Overpopulation… | DW | 10.02.2017. [online] DW.COM. Available at: <> [Accessed 10 August 2020].

[3] Samsudi, S., 2017. Islam And Sustainable Consumption. [online] The Star Online. Available at: <> [Accessed 10 August 2020].

[4] Koop, Fermin. 2020. “Overconsumption Is The Bane Of Sustainability, New Study Concludes”. ZME Science.

[5] Baig, Naeem. 2014. “Climate Change: A Muslim Perspective | Islamic Circle Of North America (ICNA)”. Icna.Org.

[6] Casey, Michael, and Karl Ritter. 2012. “Some Wish Islam Would Inform Climate Talks”. News.Yahoo.Com.

[7] Bharadwaj, Niranjan. 2016. “The Relationship Between Poverty And The Environment”. Voices Of Youth.

[8] Kustin, Bridget. 2015. “Does Islamic Finance Reduce Poverty?”. World Economic Forum.

Earth Day 2017: Environmental and Climate Literacy

The campaign theme for Earth Day 2017 is Environmental & Climate Literacy, and conservationists, researchers and educators will be using this Earth Day to increase awareness about climate change and environmental issues. Earth Day has now grown into a global environmental tradition making it the largest civic observance in the world and is widely celebrated event in which over one billion people from over 190 countries will participate by taking suitable actions for saving our mother Earth.


Significance of Climate Literacy

“Education is the foundation for progress,” Earth Day Network said on their website. “We need to build a global citizenry fluent in the concepts of climate change and aware of its unprecedented threat to our planet. We need to empower everyone with the knowledge to inspire action in defense of environmental protection.”

The campaign hopes to not only educate and inspire but also advance policies geared towards defending our environment and accelerating green jobs and technologies. To achieve these aims, Earth Day 2017 encourages everyone to gather with their communities for an Environmental & Climate Literacy Teach-In.

Environmental and climate literacy is the engine not only for green growth and advancing environmental and climate laws and policies but also for accelerating green technologies and jobs.

Time for Action

Planting trees and enhancing forest cover is critical work because it has the potential to restore land, benefit local communities, and combat climate change. In fact, poverty is linked to deforestation, and without tackling sectors like agriculture and forestry, it will be nearly impossible to avoid the worst consequences of climate change.

To help jumpstart Earth Day education efforts, the Earth Day Network has downloadable Earth Day Action Toolkits available that explain scientific and environmental crises caused by human actions. By providing this literature, the network is hoping to help enact change and take steps toward progress.


Environmental education is the foundation for progress.

The Earth Day movement is continuing, entering the 47th year to inspire, challenge ideas, ignite passion, and motivate people to action. Let us contribute to the best of our capabilities. This initiative will make a significant and measurable impact on the Earth and will serve as the foundation of a cleaner, healthier and more sustainable planet for all.

You can also get involved by making small green changes in your lifestyle:

  • Walk to work, cycle or take public transport
  • Cut back on single use plastics
  • Recycle
  • Go paperless
  • Go meat or dairy free at least once a week
  • Plant a tree
  • Buy local produce