Energy Efficiency Perspectives for UAE

With Abu Dhabi alone on track to generate more than 10,000 megawatts of electricity for the first time, discussion about improving energy efficiency in the United Arab Emirates is taking on a more critical tone. Daytime energy use in the hot summer months is still experiencing rampant year-on-year growth, with peak demand this year growing by 12 per cent. Lying at the heart of these consumption levels is the need for air conditioning, which accounts for about half of total electricity demand.


Business and Government Action

At the commercial level, considerable steps are being taken to reduce the Emirate’s carbon footprint. A building insulation program in Dubai has resulted in claims that all buildings there have become twice as energy efficient since completion of the program. Further steps are also underway in other ecological areas such as water efficiency and waste management with the intention of ensuring the green credentials of every building meet international environmental standards and expectations.

At the official level the Emirates’ Authority for Standardization and Metrology continues to implement its Energy Efficiency Standardization and Labelling (EESL) program. This introduced specific efficiency and labelling requirements for non-ducted room air conditioners in 2011.

These measures were joined this year by requirements under the same program for many other household electrical goods including lamps, washing machines and refrigerating appliances. The labelling requirements under this program become mandatory in 2013 enabling consumers to see which machines are the most energy-efficient and make sound environmental choices that will also save them money on running costs. The EESL programme was further extended to include ducted air-conditioners and chillers.

The UAE’s oil and gas sector also is recognising the importance of the energy efficiency agenda. It might seem counterintuitive that a sector with oil reserves of about 97 billion barrels and natural gas reserves of six trillion cubic meters should be thinking about how to save energy. The issue is that these reserves, despite their size, are not finite and that oil for export produces greater revenue generation than oil for the domestic market. It is, therefore, in the oil and gas sector’s interest to work with those trying to drive down domestic consumption, as it will maximise the sector’s longer term sustainability.

The Emirates Energy Award was launched in 2007 to recognize the best implemented practices in energy conservation and management that showcase innovative, cost effective and replicable energy efficiency measures. Such acknowledged practices should manifest a sound impact on the Gulf region to stir energy awareness on a broad level and across the different facets of society.

Significance of Behavioural Change

As much as formal initiatives and programmes have their place in the battle for a more energy efficient UAE, there also needs to be a general shift in culture by the public. Improving public perception of green issues and encouraging behaviours that support energy efficiency can contribute significantly towards the overall goal. As fuel prices increase in the domestic market, the UAE’s citizens are already adding more weight to fuel efficiency when considering what cars they will buy.

SUVs and 4x4s might still be the biggest sellers but household budgets are becoming increasingly stretched and many ordinary citizens are looking for smaller more efficient cars. Perhaps for the first time, the entire running costs of cars are being considered and the UAE’s car dealers and their suppliers are looking to accommodate this change in their customers’ attitudes. This trend is so significant that some car dealerships are seeing large year-on-year increases in sales of their smaller, more efficient models.

Car rental companies are seeing this trend also and in Dubai, at least one is making hiring a car with green credentials more appealing to a wider cross-section of the public – offering everything from the more familiar Chevrolet Volts and Nissan Leafs to the most exotic hybrid and fully electric cars available to hire or lease.


Capitalising on these trends makes both environmental and business sense but economic drivers cannot alone be left to change public behaviour. There are really simple measures that government and business should be encouraging people to take. Some may argue that switching-off computers, lights and air-conditioning at the end of the working day may save energy but is not sufficiently worthwhile promoting – voluntary measures of this sort will not impact on overall energy trends.

There is evidence however that if these behaviours are added to measures like installing energy efficient lighting, lowering thermostats and optimising EESL five-star rated air-conditioners, the energy savings really do become significant – potentially halving a building’s energy consumption.


Conserving energy may not yet be a way of life in the UAE but the rapid changes being seen there are an indicator of what is to come. Formal energy efficiency programs and voluntary measures combined will help the UAE maintain its economic strength in the region and because of this it is one agenda that will not be going away.

Solar Energy Prospects in Tunisia

Tunisia is an energy-dependent country with modest oil and gas reserves. Around 97 percent of the total energy is produced by natural gas and oil, while renewables contribute merely 3% of the energy mix. The installed electricity capacity at the end of 2015 was 5,695 MW which is expected to sharply increase to 7,500 MW by 2021 to meet the rising power demands of the industrial and domestic sectors. Needless to say, Tunisia is building additional conventional power plants and developing its solar and wind capacities to sustain economic development.

Wind Energy in Tunisia

Wind power represents the main source of renewable energy in Tunisia. Since 2008, wind energy is leading the energy transition of Tunisia with a growth of the production up to 245 MW of power installed in 2016. Two main wind farms have been developed until now: Sidi-Daoud and Bizerte.


The first wind power project of Tunisia started in 2000, with the installation of the Sidi-Daoud’s wind farm in the gulf of Tunis. The station has been developed in three steps before reaching its current power capacity of 54 MW.

The operation of two wind power facilities in Bizerte – Metline and Kchabta Station – was launched in 2012. The development of those stations has conducted to a significant increase of electricity generated by wind power, totalizing a production of 94 MW for Kchabta and 95MW in Metline in 2016

Solar Energy in Tunisia

Tunisia has good renewable energy potential, especially solar and wind, which the government is trying to tap to ensure a safe energy future. The country has very good solar radiation potential which ranges from 1800 kWh/m² per year in the North to 2600kWh/m² per year in the South. The total installed capacity of grid-connected renewable power plant was around 342 MW in 2016 (245 MW of wind energy, 68 MW of hydropower and 15 MW of PV), which is hardly 6% of the total capacity.

In 2009, the Tunisian government adopted “Plan Solaire Tunisien” or Tunisia Solar Plan to achieve 4.7 GW of renewable energy capacity by 2030 which includes the use of solar photovoltaic systems, solar water heating systems and solar concentrated power units. The Tunisian solar plan is being implemented by STEG Énergies Renouvelables (STEG RE) which is a subsidiary of state-utility STEG and responsible for the development of alternative energy sector in the country.


The total investment required to implement the Tunisian Solar Program plan have been estimated at $2.5 billion, including $175 million from the National Fund, $530 million from the public sector, $1,660 million from private sector funds, and $24 million from international cooperation. Around 40 percent of the resources will be devoted to the development of energy export infrastructure.

Tunisian Solar Program (PROSOL)

Tunisian Solar Programme, launched in 2005, is a joint initiative of UNEP, Tunisian National Agency for Energy Conservation, state-utility STEG and Italian Ministry for Environment, Land and Sea. The program aims to promote the development of the solar energy sector through financial and fiscal support.

PROSOL includes a loan mechanism for domestic customers to purchase Solar Water Heaters and a capital cost subsidy provided by the Tunisian government of 20% of system costs. The major benefits of PROSOL are:

  • More than 50,000 Tunisian families get their hot water from the sun based on loans
  • Generation of employment opportunities in the form of technology suppliers and installation companies.
  • Reduced dependence on imported energy carriers
  • Reduction of GHGs emissions.

The Tunisian Solar Plan contains 40 projects aimed at promoting solar thermal and photovoltaic energies, wind energy, as well as energy efficiency measures. The plan also incorporates the ELMED project; a 400KV submarine cable interconnecting Tunisia and Italy.

In Tunisia, the totol solar PV total capacity at the end of 2014 was 15 MW which comprised of mostly small-scale private installations (residential as well as commercial) with capacity ranging from 1 kW and 30 kW. As of early 2015, there were only three operational PV installations with a capacity of at least 100 kW: a 149 kWp installation in Sfax, a 211 kWp installation operated by the Tunisian potable water supply company SONEDE and a 100 kWp installation in the region of Korba, both connected to the medium voltage, and realized by Tunisian installer companies. The first large scale solar power plant of a 10MW capacity, co-financed by KfW and NIF (Neighbourhood Investment Facility) and implemented by STEG, is in Tozeur.

TuNur Concentrated Solar Power Project

TuNur CSP project is Tunisia’s most ambitious renewable energy project yet. The project consists of a 2,250 MW solar CSP (Concentrated Solar Power) plant in Sahara desert and a 2 GW HVDC (High-Voltage Direct Current) submarine cable from Tunisia to Italy. TuNur plans to use Concentrated Solar Power to generate a potential 2.5GW of electricity on 100km2 of desert in South West Tunisia by 2018. At present the project is at the fund-raising stage.

Future Perspectives

The Tunisian government has recently announced plans to invest US $1 billion towards renewable energy projects including the installation of 1,000 megawatts (MW) of renewable energy this year. According to the Energy General Direction of the Tunisian Ministry of Energy and Mines, 650 MW will come from solar photovoltaic, while the residual 350 MW will be supplied by wind energy. Under new plans, Tunisia has dedicated itself to generating 30 per cent of its electrical energy from renewable energy sources in 2030.

The Vanishing Aquifers in MENA: An Overview

Aquifers are of tremendous importance for the MENA as world’s most water-stressed countries are located in the region, including Kuwait, Qatar, UAE, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Iran, Lebanon and Yemen. However, aquifers in MENA are coming under increasing strain and are in real danger of extinction. Eight aquifers systems, including those in MENA, are categorized as ‘over stressed’ aquifers with hardly any natural recharge to offset the water consumed.


Aquifers in MENA

Aquifers stretched beneath Saudi Arabia and Yemen ranks first among ‘overstressed’ aquifers followed by Indus Basin of northwestern India-Pakistan and then by Murzuk-Djado Basin in North Africa. The Nubian Sandstone Aquifer in the Eastern end of Sahara deserts (parts of Sudan, Chad, Libya and most of Egypt) is the world’s largest known ‘fossil’ aquifer system and Bas Sahara basin (most of Algeria-Tunisian Sahara, Morocco and Libya) encloses whole of the Grand Erg Oriental.

The non-renewable aquifers in the Middle East are the Arabian Aquifer and The Mountain Aquifer between Israel and Palestine. Some parts in MENA like Egypt and Iraq rely on major rivers (Nile, Tigris and Euphrates) but these surface water flows does not reach the ocean now. Needless to say, water demand in arid and dry MENA countries is met primarily by aquifers and seawater desalination.

MENA region is the most water-scarce region of the world. The region is home to 6.3 percent of world’s population but has access to measly 1.4 percent of the world’s renewable fresh water. The average water availability per person in other geographical regions is about 7,000 m3/year, whereas water availability is merely 1,200 m3/person/year in the MENA region. The region has the highest per capita rates of freshwater extraction in the world (804 m3/year) and currently exploits over 75 percent of its renewable water resources.

Primarily global exploitation of groundwater is for agricultural irrigation. In Saudi Arabia, during 1970’s, landowners were given free subsidies to pump the aquifers for improvisation of agricultural sectors. Soon the country turned out to be world’s premium wheat exporters.

But as years passed, water consumption was high in such a rate that the aquifers approached total depletion. Government announced peoples demand to be met by desalination, which is an expensive approach to meet agricultural sector requirement. By end of 1990’s agricultural land declined to less than half of the country’s farm land.

Saudi Arabia is no more a wheat exporter rather relies almost entirely on imported crop from other countries. Unfortunately, country has exploited nonrenewable and ancient ‘fossil’ aquifers which could not be recharged by any form of precipitation.

water management in GCC

Key Issues to Tackle

Stress on a country’s agricultural and water resources majorly cause problems in human health as well as instability and conflicts over shared resources. Climate change has also exacerbated water availability in the Middle East. Infact, water stresses has triggered brutal civil war in Syria and worsened the Palestine-Israel conflicts over sharing aquifers. The key issues, according to World Bank, in water utilization in MENA are as follows:

  • Unsustainable and inefficient use: Middle East countries have the highest per capita consumption of domestic water in the world with 40-50% leakage in the urban systems. And 50% water withdrawn for agriculture does not reach as intended.
  • Ineffective policies: the countries diverts 85% of water to grow crops which would be better importing.
  • Deteriorating water quality: contaminated water systems due to insufficient sanitation infrastructure has caused negative impacts on environment and health issues. Like, in Iran where issues associated with inadequate waste water collection and treatment cost estimated 2.2% of GDP.
  • Excessive reliance on the public investment on water accounts for 1-5 percent of GDP.

In MENA an unexpected climate change is likely to bring 20% rainfall reduction and high rate of evaporation which intensifies water stress. And proportionate climate initiated human behavior, more it gets dry, less water in the river, more tendencies to substitute by groundwater. Also depletion of water below the ground will rise to other disasters like sea water intrusion, land subsidence, especially in Arabian Peninsula, in turn destroys the constructions, infrastructures and developments of the country made-up till date.

How to Save the Aquifers?

We do not know how much water is remaining beneath, but we must understand it is vanishing at a very high rate. MENA must treasure aquifers and natural water resources as same as oil reserves are valued. Individual can play a significant role in saving aquifers in MENA by adopting these simple water conservation guidelines

  • Do not drain cooking oil or grease into sink; use adequate amount, reuse like as a shovel cleaner, polish or donate to machinery shops.
  • Effective use of tap; do not run water while brushing. During winters, store the initial cold water that runs out of the tap prior to the hot water from heater. And also know the convenient tap adjustments.
  • Maintain healthy, hygienic and sanitation practices.
  • Replace conventional water pumps and home appliances with advanced water conservation ones.
  • Avoid unnecessary products, food materials and reduce wastage; water consumed in a diet account’s 92% of water footprint of an individual.
  • Avoid sprinklers for irrigation and in garden use to avoid water loss by evaporation and substitute with efficient water distribution system.

By nature, water is definite in this ‘blue planet’. But when there is no right quantity of water at right quality and time it is called ‘Crisis’.

Recommended Reading: The Challenges of Large-Scale Restoration of the Badiya

Desertec: What Went Wrong?

A plan to power Europe from solar power plants in Sahara desert, popularly known as Desertec, seems to have stalled, but several large North African solar projects are still going ahead despite local concerns. Where did the Desertec project go wrong, and can desert solar power yet play a role in a democratic and sustainable future?

If you use social media, you may well have seen a graphic going around, showing a tiny square in the Sahara desert with the caption: ‘This much solar power in the Sahara would provide enough energy for the whole world!’


Can this really be true? It is based on data from a research thesis written by Nadine May in 2005 for the Technical University of Braunschweig in Germany. According to May, an area of 3.49 million km² is potentially available for concentrating solar power (CSP) plants in the North African countries Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya and Egypt. She argues that an area of 254 kilometres x 254 kilometres (the biggest box on the image) would be enough to meet the total electricity demand of the world. The amount of electricity needed by the EU-25 states could be produced on an area of 110 kilometres x 110 kilometres (assuming solar collectors that could capture 100 per cent of the energy). A more realistic estimation by the Land Art Generator Initiative assumed a 20-per-cent capture rate and put forward an area approximately eight times bigger than the May study for meeting the world’s energy needs. Nevertheless, the map is a good illustration of the potential of solar power and how little space would be needed to power the entire planet.

This isn’t a new idea. Back in 1913, the American engineer Frank Shuman presented plans for the world’s first solar thermal power station to Egypt’s colonial elite, including the British consul-general Lord Kitchener. The power station would have pumped water from the Nile River to the adjacent fields where Egypt’s lucrative cotton crop was grown, but the outbreak of the First World War abruptly ended this dream.

The idea was explored again in the 1980s by German particle physicist Gerhard Knies, who was the first person to estimate how much solar energy was required to meet humanity’s demand for electricity. In 1986, in direct response to the Chernobyl nuclear accident, he arrived at the following remarkable conclusion: in just six hours, the world’s deserts receive more energy from the sun than humans consume in a year. These ideas laid the groundwork for Desertec.

What is Desertec?

For the sake of clarity, it is worth differentiating between the Desertec Foundation and the Desertec Industrial Initiative. The non-profit Desertec Foundation was founded in January 2009 by a network of scientists, politicians and economists from around the Mediterranean. Its aim is to supply as many people and businesses as possible with renewable energy from the world’s deserts. This should, they hope, provide opportunities for prosperity and help protect the climate.

In the autumn of 2009, an ‘international’ consortium of companies formed the Desertec Industrial Initiative (Dii), with weighty players such as E.ON, Munich Re, Siemens and Deutsche Bank all signing up as ‘shareholders’. It was formed as a largely German-led private-sector initiative with the aim of translating the Desertec concept into a profitable business project, by providing around 20 per cent of Europe’s electricity by 2050 through a vast network of solar- and windfarms stretching right across the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. These generators would be connected to continental Europe via special high voltage, direct current transmission cables. The tentative total cost of this project has been estimated at €400 billion ($472 billion).

To understand the thinking behind Desertec, we need to consider some history. Between 1998 and 2006, a set of Euro-Mediterranean Association Agreements were formed between the EU and Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Israel, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine and Tunisia. Their stated aim was the ‘gradual liberalization of trade’ in the region and the establishment of a Mediterranean free trade area. A project with similar goals called the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) was championed by the French President Nicolas Sarkozy from 2008, to strengthen the ‘interdependence’ between the EU and the southern Mediterranean.

This goal of ‘interdependence’ is reminiscent of previous French prime minister Edgar Fouré’s famous coinage back in 1956, ‘L’indépendance dans l’interdépendance’, (independence in interdependence), a strategy promoted by successive French governments to maintain control and domination of the new ‘independent’ African countries. The UfM is designed to follow in their footsteps, furthering EU economic interests and reducing the need for energy imports from Russia. Promoting a renewable energy partnership was seen as a priority core project towards achieving these goals.

It is within this context of pro-corporate trade deals and a scramble for influence and energy resources that we should understand the Desertec project and especially its industrial arm, the Dii. Desertec could play a role in diversifying energy sources away from Russia as well as contributing to EU targets of reducing carbon emissions – and what better region to achieve these aims than MENA, an area well-endowed with natural resources, from fossil fuels to sun and wind. It seems that a familiar ‘colonial’ scheme is being rolled in front of our eyes: the unrestricted flow of cheap natural resources from the Global South to the rich industrialized North, maintaining a profoundly unjust international division of labour.

This is a genuine concern given the language used in different articles and publications describing the potential of the Sahara in powering the whole world. The Sahara is described as a vast empty land, sparsely populated; constituting a golden opportunity to provide Europe with electricity so it can continue its extravagant consumerist lifestyle and profligate energy consumption. This is the same language used by colonial powers to justify their civilizing mission and, as an African myself, I cannot help but be very suspicious of such megaprojects and their ‘well-intentioned’ motives that are often sugar-coating brutal exploitation and sheer robbery.

Such sentiments were also raised by Daniel Ayuk Mbi Egbe of the African Network for Solar Energy in 2011. ‘Many Africans are sceptical about Desertec,’ he said. ‘Europeans make promises, but at the end of the day, they bring their engineers, they bring their equipment, and they go. It’s a new form of resource exploitation, just like in the past.’ The Tunisian trade unionist Mansour Cherni made similar points at the World Social Forum 2013 (WSF) held in Tunis when he asked: ‘Where will the energy produced here be used?…Where will the water come from that will cool the solar power plants? And what do the locals get from it all?’

Sustainable Development or Status quo?

There is nothing inherently wrong or dishonest in the Desertec idea. On the contrary, the goal of providing sustainable energy for the planet to fight global warming is to be applauded. But like any other idea, the questions of who uses it, how it is implemented, for what agenda and in which context it is being promoted, are of great importance.

Desertec was presented as a response to the issues of climate change, the Russian-Ukrainian gas conflicts in 2006 and 2009, fears of peak oil, and the global food crisis of 2009. However, if Desertec is really serious about addressing those crises, it needs to target their structural causes. Being an apolitical techno-fix, it promises to overcome these problems without fundamental change, basically maintaining the status quo and the contradictions of the global system that led to these crises in the first place. Moreover, by presenting the Euro-Med region as a unified community (we are all friends now and we need to fight against a common enemy!), it masks the real enemy of the MENA region, which is oppressive European hegemony and Western domination.

Big engineering-focused ‘solutions’ like Desertec tend to present climate change as a shared problem with no political or socio-economic context. This perspective hides the historical responsibilities of the industrialized West, the problems of the capitalist energy model, and the different vulnerabilities between countries of the North and the South. The MENA region is one of the regions hardest hit by climate change, despite producing less than 5 per cent of global carbon emissions, with water supplies in the area being particularly affected. The spread of solar energy initiatives that further plunder these increasingly-scarce water resources would be a great injustice. Desertec also provides PR cover to major energy businesses and oil and gas-fuelled regimes. Supporting big ‘clean energy’ projects lets them present themselves as environmental protectors rather than climate culprits.

The website of the foundation (which came up with the concept and gave it its name) states: ‘Desertec has never been about delivering electricity from Africa to Europe, but to supply companies in desert regions with energy from the sun instead of oil and gas.’ Despite this, the Dii consortium of (mainly European) companies was openly geared towards delivering energy from Africa to Europe. Eventually, however, the fall in the price of solar panels and wind turbines in the EU led the consortium to concede in 2013 that Europe can provide for most of its clean energy needs indigenously. The tensions between the foundation and Dii culminated in a divorce between the two in July 2013 as the former preferred to distance itself from the management crisis and disorientation of the industrial consortium. As a result of these developments, Dii shrank from 17 partners to only three by the end of 2014 (German RWE, Saudi Acwa Power and China State Grid).

Where is Desertec now?

For some people, the shrinking of Dii signalled the demise of Desertec. However, with or without Dii, the Desertec vision is still going ahead with projects in Tunisia, Morocco and Algeria. Despite its stated ideals about powering Africa, the Desertec foundation is backing the Tunur project in Tunisia, a joint venture between Nur Energy, a British-based solar developer and a group of Maltese and Tunisian investors in the oil and gas sector. It explicitly describes itself as a large solar power export project linking the Sahara desert to Europe that will dispatch power to European consumers starting in 2018. Given that Tunisia depends on its neighbour Algeria for its energy needs and that it faces increasingly frequent power cuts, it would be outrageous (to say the least) to proceed with exports rather than producing for the local market. According to Med Dhia Hammami, a Tunisian investigative journalist working in the energy sector, the project seeks to take advantage of new Tunisian legislation allowing the liberalization of green energy production and distribution, breaking the monopoly of the state company STEG (Société Tunisienne d’Electricité et de Gaz) and opening the way to direct export of electricity by private companies. He describes it as ‘state prostitution’ and a confirmation of the Tunisian government’s submission to corporate diktats that go against the national interest.

Meanwhile, the Moroccan government, with help from Dii consortium members, has attracted funding from international lenders to develop the world’s largest concentrating solar power (CSP) plant at Ourzazate. It was originally envisioned as an export project, but failed to secure Spanish government support for an undersea cable; the project is now promoted as a means for Morocco to increase its own renewable energy supply.

However, the role of transnational companies in the project is still attracting criticism. M Jawad, a campaigner from ATTAC/CADTM Morocco, is concerned about the increasing control exerted by transnationals on electrical energy production in his country. He sees projects like Ourzazate as a threat to national sovereignty in the clean energy sector, because crucial decisions that affect the whole population are being taken by a handful of technocrats, far from any democratic process or consultation.

A Community-centred Approach

The assumption that economic liberalization and ‘development’ necessarily lead to prosperity, stability and democracy – as if neoliberalism and the (under)development agenda of the West had nothing to do with the Arab Uprisings – is preposterous. Any project concerned with producing sustainable energy must be rooted in local communities, geared towards providing and catering for their needs and centred around energy and environmental justice.

This is even more important when we think about the issue in the context of the Arab Uprisings and the demands of the revolutions: bread, freedom, social justice and national sovereignty. Projects involving large transnationals tend to take a top-down approach, increasing the risk of displacement, land-grabbing and local pollution. Without community involvement, there is no guarantee that such schemes will help with alleviating poverty, reducing unemployment or preserving a safe environment.

This has been a major failing of the Desertec initiative. Only a few actors from the South of the Mediterranean were involved in its development, and most of them represented public institutions and central authorities, not the local communities who would be affected by the project.

The Desertec foundation did publish a set of criteria to ensure that large-scale solar projects in desert regions are implemented in an environmentally and socially responsible way. However, in the absence of democratic control, transparency and citizen participation in decision making in the MENA region, those criteria will remain ink on paper.

Another important question is: will these projects transfer the knowledge, expertise and designs of the renewable technology to the countries in this region? This seems unlikely given the transnationals’ usual reticence in doing so and questions of intellectual property around such technologies. As an example, the glass troughs (solar thermal collectors) for North African CSP plants are all made in Germany, and the patents for the glass tube receivers are held by German companies. Without fair access to such technologies, MENA countries will remain dependent on the West and transnationals for future renewable development.

Solar Energy, a new Tool for Authoritarian Regimes?

To come back to the Arab uprisings, Desertec presented itself as a possible way out of the crisis, by bringing new opportunities to the region. This is baffling given that the project co-operated with corrupt elites and authoritarian regimes, some of which have since been overthrown, and others of which continue to oppress their populations.

Instead of providing a route to ‘develop’ away from repressive governments, the centralized nature of large CSP plants makes them an ideal source of income for corrupt and authoritarian regimes in the region (such as Algeria, Egypt and Morocco) and thus could help to keep them in power. To illustrate this risk, let’s take Algeria as an example.

Oil and gas have provided income for the Algerian regime for decades, and are used to buy social peace and maintain its grip on power. As the brutal Algerian civil war (a war against civilians, to be more accurate) was raging, with systematic violence from both the state and Islamist fundamentalists, BP finalized a contract worth $3 billion in December 1995, giving it the right to exploit gas deposits in the Sahara for the next 30 years. Total completed a similar deal worth $1.5 billion one month later, and in November 1996 a new pipeline supplying gas to the EU was opened, the Maghreb-Europe Gas Pipeline through Spain and Portugal. These contracts undoubtedly bolstered the regime as it exerted systematic violence across the country and at a time of international isolation.

Tied to Algeria through huge investments, these companies and the EU had a clear interest in making sure that the repressive regime did not go under and acquiesced to the Algerian regime’s ‘Dirty War’ of the 1990s. A renewable megaproject like Desertec that ties European economies to corrupt MENA governments would create exactly the same kind of problems.

Parting Shot

Whether fossil fuelled or renewable, energy schemes that don’t benefit the people where the energy is extracted, that serve to prop up authoritarian and repressive regimes or only enrich a tiny minority of voracious elites and transnationals are scandalous and must be resisted.

Advocates for benign-sounding clean energy export projects like Desertec need to be careful they’re not supporting a new ‘renewable energy grab’: after oil, gas, gold, diamonds and cotton, is it now the turn of solar energy to maintain the global imperial dominance of the West over the rest of the planet?

Rather than embracing such gargantuan projects, we should instead support decentralized small-scale projects that can be democratically managed and controlled by local communities that promote energy autonomy. We don’t want to replicate the fossil fuel tragedy and therefore we must say: Leave the sunlight in the desert for its people!

Note: This article was originally published in March 2015 issue of New Internationalist and can be found at this link.

لبنان وتغير المناخ

وقع لبنان، بلدي المنشأ، على اتفاق باريس في 22 أبريل 2016، في نيويورك. لسوء الحظ، لم يتم التصديق عليه من قبل البرلمان حتى الآن. يستفيد لبنان من اتفاقية باريس اجتماعيا وبيئيا وماديا. يستطيع  لبنان توفير ما يصل إلى 50 مليار دولار في عام2040    إذا التزمت البلدان الموقعة للاتفاقية بعهودها. وحتى بعد مؤتمر الأمم المتحدة لتغير المناخ ٢٢ في مراكش، لا يزال من غير الواضح تماما كيف ستتلقى البلدان النامية على المبلغ السنوي المتفق عليه في باريس.


وكما هو واضح في اتفاقية باريس، هناك حاجة لإشراك القطاع الخاص في الخطة المناخية للحكومات. ولا يمكن للبنان أن يحقق هدفه دون إشراك جهات فاعلة غير حكومية. لذا بدأ في لبنان في حزيران يونيو ٢٠١٦ مبادرة “Lebanon Climate ACT” الذي هو شراكة بين برنامج الأمم المتحدة الإنمائي والبنك المركزي بقيادة جمعية العقل الأخضر Green mind لإشراك المؤسسات التجارية في العمل المناخي والحصول على اقتصاد منخفض الكربون.

 وكان لبنان قد حاول في السابق القيام بعدة حملات توعية عن التلوث البيئي منها حملة ايكو درايفر “ السائق البيئي” والتي تهدف إلى الحد من تلوث الهواء من النقل البري حيث أن  تلوث الهواء يعد من أخطر المشاكل البيئية في لبنان. وفي دراسة أجرتها الأستاذة نجاة صليبا في السنوات (2007-2010) في الجامعة الأمريكية في بيروت تبين أن  المستويات السنوية  ل PM10 و PM2.5 في جميع مواقع أخذ العينات في مدينة بيروت تجاوزت المبادئ التوجيهية لمنظمة الصحة العالمية ل PM10 (20μg / m3) و PM2.5 (10μg / m3)

رغم ان لبنان بلد غير صناعي وحصته من الانبعاثات الدولية للغازات الدفيئة لا تتجاوز ٠،٠٧  من مجموع الانبعاثات العالمية ، التزم لبنان في مساهمته المحددة وطنيا في سبتمبر / أيلول 2015 بتقليل انبعاثات الغازات الدفيئة بالمقارنة مع الأعمال المعتادة بنسبة 15٪ بحلول عام 2030 بنسبة 30٪  مشروطةً بالحصول على الدعم المادي اللازم. ويصدر قطاع توليد الطاقة أكثرمن نصف انبعاثات غازات الدفيئة في لبنان.وقد بدأت الحكومة اللبنانية عدة خطوات للتصدي لتغير المناخ. وأكثر القطاعات تضررا من جراء تغير المناخ هي الزراعة والموارد المائية.

 ويعاني لبنان أيضا من انخفاض معدلات هطول الأمطار وتغيرhj في الطقس حيث تزداد حرارة الصيف بشكل اطرادي. كما أن لبنان كبلد متوسطي  قد يواجه ارتفاع منسوب مياه البحر في السنوات القادمة. وتوقعت وزارة البيئة اللبنانية في تقريرها لعام 2016 أن متوسط  درجة الحرارة في لبنان سيرتفع بمقدار 1.7 درجة مئوية بحلول عام 2050 بنسبة 3.2 درجة مئوية بحلول عام 2100. وأطلق في ١٩ ديسمبر، كانون الأول، ٢٠١٦ تقرير لبنان الوطني الثالث حول تغير المناخ.  وقد تضمن دراسات فاقت نوعيتها تلك المتضمنة في التقريرين الأول والثاني. وهذا يوضح بجدية العمل لسياسات أفضل ويدل على تكاتف جهود القطاع الخاص والعام للتخفيف من انبعاثات لبنان للغازات الدفيئة.

أنا فقط قلقة من الالتزام السياسي باتفاق باريس، خاصة أنه لم يصدق عليه البرلمان بعد.وبالإضافة إلى ذلك، تظهر أزمة النفايات التي حصلت مدى التحاصص السياسي في لبنان. ويبقى السؤال هل سنتمكن من الحصول على فوائد اتفاقية باريس؟ هل سنكون قادرين على الالتزام بتعهداتنا؟  كيف سنتمكن من الوصول إلى 12٪ من إجمالي إمدادات الطاقة بحلول عام 2020 من الطاقة المتجددة كما تم التعهد بها في مؤتمر قمة كوبنهاغن لعام 2009.  حسب المشاريع التي أطلقت وحسب التعهدات ونظرا للعمل الجاد لبرنامج تغير المناخ في وزارة البيئة نرى ان الحكومة اللبنانية في موضوع تغير المناخ تحديدا تتجه نحو مسار صديق للبيئة وأكثر استدامة.

The Decade of Action: Cities Humanizing SDGs

We are 10 years away from delivering the 2030 sustainable development Agenda. Yet, the pace of progress on achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is slower than sought. In January 2020 and in an attempt to expedite progress, the UN Secretary-General António Guterres inaugurated the ‘Decade of Action’. The Decade is built on three levels of action: global action, local action, and people action.

Weeks after, the COVID-19 Pandemic hit the globe and magnified pressure on achieving all SDGs across borders. While human well-being lies at the heart of the sustainable development Agenda, the global extreme poverty rate is projected to be 8.4-8.8% in 2020, which is close to the level in 2017. This means that an estimated 40-60 million of people may be pushed back into extreme poverty, causing the first increase in global poverty in more than 20 years. This alone can shake most – if not all – of the SDGs targets across the globe.


Experts and reports are highlighting this marked poverty increase along with the following important consequences as priorities that we all need to understand and tackle: women and girls suffer the most economic shocks, around 90% of children are affected by school closures and associated stoppage of nutritional supplements and vaccines, inequalities of all types are amplified, hunger rate is increasing, and climate honeymoon might be shorter than expected. It is time to identify those left behind and ways to mobilize local actors to take the lead towards a global sustainable recovery.

Why Cities?

Cities are vital engines for economic growth and social welfare. Cities that plan, manage, and maintain hard and soft infrastructure services offer tremendous opportunities for poverty reduction and human prosperity. Within the sustainable development framework, Cities can drive the transformation needed to achieve the SDGs and more importantly stimulate local action for strong, healthy, and just societies.

Why SDGs Framework?

The evolving risks and challenges associated with hard and soft infrastructures, social cohesion and safety, climate change, and migration; create new complexity for local governments. SDGs can be the common language and comprehensive framework for understanding and tackling development challenges.

While the SDGs overarching principles and objectives are unified across the globe, they allow for a lot of innovation by Cities in response to their complex and localized needs. Innovation is triggered by endless synergies and interlinkages between the different SDGs to optimize solutions that address more than one priority. Moreover, fiscal constraints that most Cities face are triggers for innovation and deployment of technologies that would further contribute to economic recovery and social justice.

Voluntary Local Reviews (VLRs)

A Voluntary Local Review (VLR) is a tool for local governments to report their progress on SDGs. In 2018, New York City launched the first Voluntary Local Review as a way to localize the reporting of SDG progress. They define VLR as a tangible product for engaging citizens, peer cities, and the global community around the SDGs.

However, the journey turned out to be as valuable as the destination. The VLR process stimulated collaboration between various line institutions on data collection and analysis, mapping local progress, and raising awareness among relevant staff members. Such momentum continued beyond the completion of the report demonstrating other significant outputs from VLRs.

The VLR is also a practical platform to publicize knowledge and information and promote transparency and accountability as core sustainability values.

Unlike the Voluntary National Review (VNR), the VLR – to date – has no official status at the UN. Therefore, there are no formal processes or standards in place for producing a VLR, leaving the door open for each City to create and customize a VLR to its own needs and priorities.

Cities Leading The Way

Cities like New York and Helsinki are pioneering the marsh towards SDGs implementation. Many Cities from all around the globe are joining the movement through various networks and platforms. Smaller Cities with limited resources and less visibility are taking small but solid steps on the same path. While VLRs are meant to report on progress, they also provide the right context for collective dialogue and agreement on priorities, targets, and Key Performance Indicators.


Some of the commitments reported by New York City in its VLR include: reaching carbon neutrality by 2050 by pursuing steep cuts in greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) from buildings, and by sourcing 100% clean electricity, while creating green jobs and holding polluters responsible for climate-related costs; finding ways to beneficially reuse 100% of the City’s biosolids by 2030, so these investments would contribute to both renewable energy and zero landfill goals; and several other commitments related to environment, health and financial inclusiveness. The VLR defines 10 KPIs to track progress on SDGs targets.

The city of Helsinki, on the other hand, values sustainability as a driver for being renown as a global innovation hub. Its VLR puts quality education and decent work and economic growth on the top of the list, in addition to several other targets that would contribute to achieving the City’s vision.

A close-up on our part of the world, and specifically on Jordan, reflects a spectrum of initiatives by the city of Amman and a few other Cities. Amman joined several networks and platforms to strengthen and promote its clean energy, low Carbon, and resilience strategies. Other important players, such as the Cities and Villages Development Bank, are embarking into the sustainability field to enable stronger action by local municipalities. On a smaller scale, Sahab City is demonstrating real leadership in the transformation towards sustainability.

Sahab suffers a poverty rate of 54%. Its total area is 12 Km², where around 75 thousand Jordanian Citizens are living within this limited area in addition to another 40,000 Syrian refugees. The City is home to two of the largest industrial zones in the Kingdom and is combating several environmental challenges. Despite the limited resources available for Cities like Sahab, it is emerging as a role model in designing and kickstarting the implementation of clean energy (energy efficiency and renewable energy) strategy. Driven by its team’s passion and commitment, Sahab joined the Covenant of Mayors initiative that aims to support and engage Cities and Towns to reaching energy and climate targets.

Big or small, Cities are the collective DNA for SDGs. Through putting Cities and their interactions in the front seat, we humanize the SDGs framework and bring it closer to local issues and actors. It cannot be timelier to leverage the SDGs framework to create and foster partnerships and collaboration among people and institutions to co-create and implement common sustainable development plans.  

How To Say ‘No’ to Disposables: Useful Tips

The waste quantities in all parts of the world are increasing many folds. In the past three decades, the waste quantities have almost been doubled. The per capita waste generation is alarmingly high especially in GCC countries. The municipal and governmental authorities have to spend huge resources in collection, storage, transportation, treatment and disposal of these wastes. With limited recycling facilities and absence of reusing culture, more quantities of the waste is now to be managed.


Major part of our municipal waste is still heading towards our landfill sites where it is being dumped, compacted and covered. The landfills are in quarries areas which are becoming soon filled up with the waste. In Bahrain almost 1.7 cum of space is required to accommodate 1 tons of waste.

Use of disposable cutlery has been increasing exponentially in developing countries. Despite a growing push to recycle and reuse, we must try to correct not the symptoms but the disease, and to do that, we should all avoid and reduce. The use of ‘disposables’ in the Middle East has increased exponentially in recent years and the items and quantities are increasing with each passing day.


Use of disposable cutlery has been increasing exponentially in developing countries

Here are few suggestions to avoid the use of disposables in our daily lives:

  • Avoid Paper Cups and Plates as paper manufacturing consume trees and are bleached white with chlorine, a process that releases dioxin, one of the most toxic chemicals on the planet, and emit methane, a greenhouse gas when trashed and thrown in a landfill.
  • Avoid Polystyrene and Styrofoam which are hazardous, carcinogens, cause air pollution and can cause nervous system impairments among workers. Styrene can leach from containers into our food. Polystyrene cannot be recycled and never biodegrades; it only breaks down into smaller pieces, polluting the environment and harming the animals that mistake it for food.
  • Avoid bottled water and use reusable containers for water storage and drinking.
  • Avoid Plastic and Paper Shopping Bags. Keep your own cloth bag ready for all occasions.
  • Avoid Plastic Utensils, paper napkins, plastic cutlery, forks, spoons and knives. Use chinaware or glassware instead.
  • Avoid Use rechargeable batteries instead of single use batteries.
  • Avoid using disposable diapers and use cloth diapers.
  • Using ink pen rather than ball points and getting a refillables.
  • Using handkerchief rather than tissue and paper towels.
  • Avoid using disposable stirrers and individually packaged sugar, milk and creamer. Use a spoon for stirring and place the sugar and milk in reusable containers or jugs.
  • Avoid using individual sachets of chilly, mayonnaise or ketchup sauce. Store the sauce in reusable bottles and dispensers instead.
  • Avoid Gift Wrapping and put the gift in a reusable bag instead..

Each time you throw something in the trash, please consider that you have paid its cost and are contributing towards more waste at the landfill.

Please avoid disposables. Be wise and environmentally-friendly.

Tips for Balancing Study in College and Other Areas of Life

While attending college can be exciting, it can also be difficult especially when it begins to take almost all your time and leave you with less time for yourself, family, friends, and activities you love to do. It can be challenging to balance academics with other areas of your life, such as work, social obligations, family responsibilities, and personal hobbies.

But with the right attitude, knowing and applying the right techniques, it’s possible to keep a healthy balance and succeed in all areas of life in college. We’ll look at some strategies for this balance in college in this article, the following are some tips.

Balancing Study in College with Life

Make time for yourself

Make sure to include some quality time for yourself in your schedule as you are organizing your time. Finding time for activities that bring you joy is crucial. To facilitate that, you can apply  to a to help you with your study while you make the most out of your time.

It doesn’t matter if you want to ride thrilling rollercoasters or visit your favorite restaurant; all that matters is that you make an effort to decompress.

Set up a schedule

Making a schedule can help you balance work and other responsibilities with your studies. Create a daily, weekly, or monthly schedule that allocates time for work, time for study, time for class attendance, time for socializing, and time for personal pursuits. You can use this to organize your tasks and make sure you have enough time for every area of your life.

Set attainable goals

You can better combine your schoolwork and other responsibilities by setting realistic goals. Establish attainable goals that will help you accomplish your desired outcomes in each aspect of your life. Your motivation and attention to your priorities will both be aided by this.

Prioritize your tasks

Setting priorities might also assist you in striking a balance between your education and other responsibilities. Before tackling jobs that are less urgent or less vital, decide which ones are most crucial and should be completed first. By doing so, you will efficiently manage your time and make sure that you meet all of your deadlines on time.


Learn to take a break

To balance education and other responsibilities, it is also crucial to take breaks. Study sessions that last long can become exhausting and result in burnout. Take brief pauses every hour or so to re-stabilize your body and mind. You’ll be able to maintain attention and productivity as a result of this.

Practice saying “No”

To balance your schoolwork and other responsibilities, it can be helpful to learn to say “no”. Saying ‘no’ to some requests or activities can be necessary if you have too many tasks to do. By doing this, you will stay away from overcommitment and this guarantees that you have enough time to complete what you need to.

Steer clear of multitasking

Some people may prefer to multitask. But the issue with multitasking is that it uses up more of your energy than usual and, in many instances, it takes longer time than usual to carry out a particular task.

The best approach to finishing a task is to do it and then move on to another. Because you don’t want to exhaust all of your energies and still not complete a task, try to avoid doing everything at once.

If you need assistance, ask for it

Many people are prepared to assist you with any scenario you might encounter during your time in college. You can reach out to an academic adviser for help, student council, and classmates. Even qualified therapists, doctors, and mentors are ready to help you. Ask for assistance and guidance when you need it.

Have enough rest

To balance education and other areas of your life, it is always important to get enough rest. Fatigue, stress, and a lack of focus can result from a lack of sleep. To help you feel rejuvenated and motivated, make sure you get at least 7-8 hours of sleep each night. Click here to know how to get better sleep every night.


Stay organized

Staying organized can help you strike a balance between your college study and other areas of your life. Organize and make accessible all of your study materials and other necessary objects. You’ll be able to save time and stay on top of your obligations this way.

Avoid Distractions

Nowadays, the majority of us occasionally become distracted by using Facebook, Twitter, or constantly checking our mobile devices. This can divert your attention away from the work you should be doing and can take a lot more time than usual to complete it. Remaining focused is an ideal thing to do to finish a task and move to the next.


Balancing study in college and other areas of life has been a puzzle for most college students, but having a knowledge of these tips and being able to apply them solves this puzzle.

It’s possible to achieve success in all areas whether you’re in college or out of college. By following these tips, you can maintain a healthy balance in every area of your life and achieve your goals.

Waste-to-Energy Pathways

Waste-to-energy is the use of modern combustion and biological technologies to recover energy from urban wastes. The conversion of waste material to energy can proceed along three major pathways – thermochemical, biochemical and physicochemical.

Thermochemical conversion, characterized by higher temperature and conversion rates, is best suited for lower moisture feedstock and is generally less selective for products. On the other hand, biochemical technologies are more suitable for wet wastes which are rich in organic matter.


1. Thermochemical Conversion of Waste

The three principal methods of thermochemical conversion of MSW are combustion (in excess air), gasification (in reduced air), and pyrolysis (in absence of air). The most common technique for producing both heat and electrical energy from wastes is direct combustion. Combined heat and power (CHP) or cogeneration systems, ranging from small-scale technology to large grid-connected facilities, provide significantly higher efficiencies than systems that only generate electricity.

Combustion technology is the controlled combustion of waste with the recovery of heat to produce steam which in turn produces power through steam turbines. Pyrolysis and gasification represent refined thermal treatment methods as alternatives to incineration and are characterized by the transformation of the waste into product gas as energy carrier for later combustion in, for example, a boiler or a gas engine. Plasma gasification, which takes place at extremely high temperature, is also hogging limelight nowadays.

2. Biochemical Conversion of Waste

Biochemical processes, like anaerobic digestion, can also produce clean energy in the form of biogas which can be converted to power and heat using a gas engine. Anaerobic digestion is the natural biological process which stabilizes organic waste in the absence of air and transforms it into biofertilizer and biogas.

Anaerobic digestion is a reliable technology for the treatment of wet, organic waste.  Organic waste from various sources is biochemically degraded in highly controlled, oxygen-free conditions circumstances resulting in the production of biogas which can be used to produce both electricity and heat.


Anaerobic digestion is a reliable technology for treatment of organic fraction of MSW

In addition, a variety of fuels can be produced from waste resources including liquid fuels, such as ethanol, methanol, biodiesel, Fischer-Tropsch diesel, and gaseous fuels, such as hydrogen and methane. The resource base for biofuel production is composed of a wide variety of forestry and agricultural resources, industrial processing residues, and municipal solid and urban wood residues. Globally, biofuels are most commonly used to power vehicles, heat homes, and for cooking.

3. Physico-chemical Conversion of Waste

The physico-chemical technology involves various processes to improve physical and chemical properties of solid waste. The combustible fraction of the waste is converted into high-energy fuel pellets which may be used in steam generation. The waste is first dried to bring down the high moisture levels. Sand, grit, and other incombustible matter are then mechanically separated before the waste is compacted and converted into pellets or RDF.

Fuel pellets have several distinct advantages over coal and wood because it is cleaner, free from incombustibles, has lower ash and moisture contents, is of uniform size, cost-effective, and eco-friendly.

Food Security in Lebanon

Lebanon is clubbed with middle range countries in food security. According to an ESCWA report, 49 percent of Lebanese are reportedly worried about their ability to access enough food, and 31 percent of them stating that they were unable to eat healthy and nutritious food over the course of a year. There is scary statistics related to food security in Lebanon especially after the flow of Syrian refugees.


Syria used to be an important route for agriculture activities in Lebanon.  There was an agriculture trade through Syria and with Syria. The bilateral agreement has declined from 2011-2012, which led to the increase o illegal trade on borders for the two countries.

From 2015, things started are getting worse especially for Syrian and Palestinian refugees. Food secure Syrian refugees households have fallen from 25 percent to 11 percent.  Syrians refuges are depending on food assistantship provided by UNHCR which amount is decreasing by time.  15% of the Lebanese children under five suffer from dwarfness.

Lebanon’s food resources are wasted through mismanagement of water resources and corruption. Things got worse when Lebanon hosted more than one million Syrian refugee. Increasing population and decreasing water availability will affect food production and affect food security. Agriculture polices need to be improved. Crop productivity should be worked on.

One of the main cases is depending on food imports to secure the national need of nutrients. Lebanon food export compared to Lebanon food import is 16.5%. More than 50% of our food is imported.  Fixing the agriculture sector can solve this. The agriculture sector has been neglected by government, which forced many farmers to abandon there lands and work in cities.

Agriculture is outdated and we can change this by technology. Agriculture is based on science so use this science to study the root of the problem. The main problem is that farmers in Lebanon big issue in selling their products. If we search for technical solutions in other countries we can find several successful stories in developing countries, such as Kenya where an app has been developed for connecting farmers while farmers in Egypt which has early warning of mastitis to improve milk yield;

Many in Lebanon started doing good successful projects as RIEGO in Lebanon, water loss in production. Eco industries: aim to optimize high yield. Solution built in Lebanon but their market outside Lebanon.; Green studios which do  vertical agriculture especially  outdoor vertical planting; E2  from AUB sorting of vegetables for pickles industry.  So the technology can be used in agriculture sector to buy land, fertilizers, seed to produce, share economy where we share tractors, and trading between farmers using mobile apps.

The displacement of farmers and destruction of agriculture sector can be reversed if the Lebanese returned to their original diet full of nutrients and varieties rather the western adopted diet that is rich with lipids and sugars. The National Poverty Targeting Programme, which assists the Lebanese poor, should incorporate food assistance on a wider range.  The e-card program that connects local farmers and shop should be applied completely.  This will increase social stability and protect children from child labor which will increase the number of educated people.

The Pandemic is Shifting Public Attention Towards Sustainable Living

Since the COVID-19 disease outbreak, it hasn’t been particularly easy to track down good news, especially on a global level. Due to huge decreases in travel, however, emissions dropped drastically and gave Mother Nature a long overdue chance to catch her breath. For the most part, globally speaking, the pandemic has also been a catalyst for people and communities working together in the fight against COVID-19.

Parts of this increase in working together involve more sustainable practices in a world full of factory shutdowns and increased difficulties in getting food. This sustainability silver lining is widespread, and here are some acts of sustainability during the pandemic that are getting a lot of attention in the public eye.


Gardening has been gaining a lot of popularity since the beginning of the pandemic, and for many good reasons. Not only is the time spent outside very good for stress and anxiety relief, but the final product is (if all goes well) some healthy food. Both personal gardens and community gardens have been gaining popularity since city lock downs, and the latter is also helping shrink the amount of food deserts found in urban areas.

This positive spiral effect of gardening makes it a hopeful pick for a trend that lasts long after COVID has gone. Gardening helps the mind while creating products that help the body, and the very existence of the food also helps with financial issues and overcoming burdens to healthy food options.



Sustainability is a popular trend in travel, with things like electric cars increasing their sales quarter after quarter, and for good reason! The vehicles legitimately help save the planet, and with gas prices so high, not paying for fuel makes the vehicle an investment that slowly-but-surely pays for itself. But the only thing better than clean travel, is no travel, and the coronavirus pandemic has been a catalyst for many innovations caused by the inability to travel and gather.

Most businesses that have moved to the digital/remote work settings have continued similar levels of output from a business standpoint… all while their employees’ only commute was from the bedroom to the kitchen table. Take into account the energy saved at empty office buildings, and a wonderful byproduct of remote work has been drastic reductions in energy use.

As many businesses weigh the pros and cons of a life remote, there is reason to be hopeful that many will consider these sustainable practices and allow willing employees to continue working hard while minimizing their work-related carbon footprints.


With schools also moving to digital platforms, opportunities for sustainability assessments are aplenty. Many colleges are utilizing downtime to plan out better sustainability initiatives to undertake when campuses open back up. Renewable energy has long been part of most universities’ growth plans, and with empty campuses (and minimal dips in tuition), construction on renewable plans can get underway.


Educating students on these initiatives and the reasons they are important leaves a lasting effect on sustainability as well. Students share their knowledge, and sustainable ideas spread.

Also Read: Digital Literacy – Empowering Sustainable Development


Whether it be a sustainability movement listed here, or one of the many other ones, continuing to implement these changes and educate about the reasons they are important must last long after COVID lockdowns cease. It’s understandable and expected that the first few months after a vaccine is readily available will result in surpluses of travel and overuse, but reminding ourselves and others that one of the few silver linings of the pandemic was the positive effect on the environment can help ensure changes continue for the good.

Energy Efficiency in Saudi Cement Industry

Saudi Arabia is the largest construction market in the Middle East, with large development projects under way and many more in the planning stage. The cement industry in Saudi Arabia is evolving rapidly and annual clinker production was 75 million tonnes in 2018.

The cement industry is one of the highest energy-intensive industries in the world, with fuel and energy costs typically representing 30-40% of total production costs. On an average, the specific electrical energy consumption typically ranges between 90 and 130 kWh per tonne of cement. Keeping in view the huge energy demand of the cement industry, the Saudi Arabian government has been making efforts to reduce the energy consumption in the country towards a more sustainable one.


Energy Demand in Cement Production

The theoretical fuel energy demand for cement clinker production is determined by the energy required for the chemical/mineralogical reactions (1,700 to 1,800 MJ/tonne clinker) and the thermal energy needed for raw material drying and pre-heating. Modern cement plants which were built within the last decade have low energy consumption compared to older plants.  The actual fuel energy use for different kiln systems is in the following ranges (MJ/tonne clinker):

  • 3,000 – 3,800 for dry process, multi-stage (3 – 6 stages) cyclone preheater and precalcining kilns,
  • 3,100 – 4,200 for dry process rotary kilns equipped with cyclone preheaters,
  • 3,300 – 4,500 for semi-dry/semi-wet processes (e.g. Lepol-kilns),
  • Up to 5,000 for dry process long kilns,
  • 5,000 – 6,000 for wet process long kilns and
  • 3,100–6,500 for shaft kilns.

Energy Efficiency in Cement Industry

With new built, state-of-the-art cement plants, usually all technical measures seem to be implemented towards low energy consumption. So, how to reduce it further? Energy efficiency is based on the following three pillars

  • Technical optimization
  • Alternative raw materials for cement and clinker production
  • Alternative fuels

In Europe, the new energy efficiency directive from 2011 intends to reduce the energy consumption of the overall industry by 20%, achieving savings of 200 billion Euros at the energy bill and with the goal to create 2 million new jobs within Europe. This approach will have a significant influence also on the cement industry. Saving 20% of the energy consumption is a challenging goal, especially for plants with state-of-the-art technology.

In older plants modernization in the fields of grinding, process control and process prediction can, if properly planned and installed, reduce the electricity consumption – sometimes in a two digit number.

Alternative Fuels

Alternative fuels, such as waste-derived fuels or RDF, bear further energy saving potential. The substitution of fossil fuel by alternative sources of energy is common practice in the European cement industry.The German cement industry, for example, substitutes approximately 61% of their fossil fuel demand. The European cement industry reaches an overall substitution rate of at least ca. 20%.


Reduction of clinker portion can be an attractive route to reduce energy consumption in cement industry

Typical “alternative fuels” available in Saudi Arabia are municipal solid wastes, agro-industrial wastes, industrial wastes and some amount of crop residues. To use alternative or waste-derived fuels, such as municipal solid wastes, dried sewage sludge, drilling wastes etc., a regulatory base has to be developed which sets

  • Types of wastes/alternative fuels,
  • Standards for the production of waste-derived fuels,
  • Emission standards and control mechanism while using alternative fuels and
  • Standards for permitting procedures.

Alternative Raw Materials

The reduction of clinker portion in cement affords another route to reduce energy consumption. In particular, granulated blast furnace slags or even limestone have proven themselves as substitutes in cement production, thus reducing the overall energy consumption.

To force the use of alternative raw materials within the cement industry, also – and again –standards have to be set, where

  • Types of wastes, by-products and other secondary raw materials are defined,
  • Standards for the substitution are set,
  • Guidelines for processing are developed,
  • Control mechanisms are defined.


To reduce the energy consumption, an energy efficiency program, focusing on “production-related energy efficiency” has to be developed. Substantial potential for energy efficiency improvement exists in the cement industry and in individual plants.

A portion of this potential will be achieved as part of (natural) modernization and expansion of existing facilities, as well as construction of new plants in particular regions. Still, a relatively large potential for improved energy management practices exists and can be exhausted by determined approaches.