الإيمان والعمل البيئي في الشرق الأوسط وشمال إفريقيا

أدركت مبادرة الإيمان من أجل الأرض التي أطلقها برنامج الأمم المتحدة للبيئة، أهمية دور المنظمات الدينية حول العالم في توجيه جهود التصدي للتغير المناخي.

يؤمن 84% من سكان العالم بوجود قوة إلهية تتجسد في مجموعة من المبادئ والقيم. لذلك، تتمتع المنظمات والقيادات الدينية بقدرة كبيرة على توجيه العمل اليومي للأفراد المتدينين. كل الديانات السماوية تدعو إلى العبادة واحترام الطبيعة التي هي من خلق الله.


أهمية العلاقة بين الإيمان والبيئة

تستطيع القيادات الدينية المساهمة في بناء القدرات والتوعية والتعليم، وبالتالي ترجمة الحس بالمسؤولية نحو البيئة الى ممارسات عملية على أرض الواقع.

 يقع على عاتق حكومة بعض الدول ذات التوجهات الدينية، مسؤولية وضع السياسات التي تساهم في الاستدامة وحماية البيئة بالانسجام مع المعتقدات الدينية.

توصف المنظمات الدينية بأنها رابع أقوى قوة اقتصادية في العالم. ويمكن فهم القوة التي تتمتع بها تلك المنظمات من خلال هذه الأمثلة على ما يقع ضمن إشراف هذه المؤسسات:

  • 37 مليون كنيسة
  • 4 مليون مسجد
  • الملايين من المعابد
  • 5% من مجموع الغابات ذات الإنتاجية التجارية في العالم، منها 30% تقع في أوروبا
  • 10% من المؤسسات المالية

وعلى سبيل المثال، تساهم قرارات القيادات الدينية لدمج الاستدامة في التصميم المعماري والبناء كاستخدام الألواح الشمسية وإدارة المياه وإدارة المخلفات في تعزيز مبادئ الاقتصاد الأخضر ومن ثم توزيع الفائض من تلك الموارد على المجتمعات المحلية.

الحراك الديني البيئي

كان العام 2015 عاما بارزا للعمل البيئي على مستوى العالم.  فعلاوة على اتفاقية باريس التي التزمت من خلالها 195 دولة إضافة إلى الاتحاد الأوروبي بالعمل نحو مستقبل مستدام منخفض الانبعاثات الكربونية، أطلق العديد من القيادات الدينية دعوات للعمل على حماية الأرض والبشرية من الآثار المدمرة للتغير المناخي.

  • في العام 2015، دعا قداسة البابا فرنسيس في رسالته البابوية “Laudato Si” التي تستعرض المسؤولية الأخلاقية ل 1.2 مليار كاثوليكي إلى إدراك أهمية الأزمة المناخية.
  • وفي نفس العام في مدينة إسطنبول وخلالالندوة العالمية الإسلامية حول التغير المناخي، تبنى القادة الاسلاميون بمن فيهم رجال الدين وصناع السياسات والأكاديميون الإعلان الإسلامي للمناخ. ولكن على خلاف ما حدث في روما وبسبب عدم وجود مؤسسة مركزية قوية تدعم السياسات التي تضمنها الإعلان، لم يحظ الإعلان الإسلامي بالانتشار والدعم المطلوب.
  • في شهر حزيران من العام 2020, افتتح مشروع “The living Chapel” في حديقة “Orto Botanico” في روما للترويج للرسالة البابوية “Laudato Si” وللأجندة العالمية للتنمية المستدامة 2030 التي أطلقتها الأمم المتحدة.

إضافة لما سبق، كان هناك ايضا الإعلان البوذي للتغير المناخي، واصدار الرسائل الربانية عن التغير المناخي من مئات الحاخامات والقادة الهندوسيين الذين انضموا لهذا الزخم البيئي العالمي.

ماذا عن منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا؟

عقد برنامج الأمم المتحدة للبيئة حوارات مع العديد من المنظمات الدينية في المنطقة كجزء من مبادرة الإيمان من أجل الأرض. وتتضمن الاستراتيجية المحدثة عددا من الشراكات مع مجلس وزراء البيئة لدول العالم الإسلامي في المنظمة الإسلامية للتربية والعلوم والثقافة (إيسيسكو)، ومؤسسة قطر، وحديقة القرآن النباتية في قطر، وكلية الدراسات الإسلامية بجامعة حمد بن خليفة؛ والتي تهدف بمجملها إلى تصميم ميثاق إسلامي مدعوم مؤسسيا يتعلق بقضايا التغير المناخي واستعادة النظم البيئية، والحلول القائمة على الطبيعة، والاقتصاد الأخضر، والأخلاقيات البيئية.

يقع على عاتق الأكاديميين وصناع القرار ورجال الدين مسؤولية كبرى نحو دمج التنمية الاقتصادية مع الاستدامة البيئية. شدد الدكتور اياد أبو مغلي – مدير مبادرة الإيمان من أجل الأرض – على الدور القيادي الذي يمكن أن يقوم به رجال الدين في تحفيز المجتمع الإسلامي للحفاظ على البيئة والاستخدام المسؤول للموارد الطبيعة المتنوعة التي تتمتع بها منطقة الشرق الأوسط. وكان للدكتور أبو مغلي نظرة متفائلة تجاه الطلاب والشباب للمشاركة في العمل والحراك البيئي، والتي تتجاوز التبرعات المالية البسيطة نحو مساءلة أكبر للقيادات في دولهم.

ترجمه: سامر فاخوري

طالب هندسة صناعية في الجامعة الأردنية، مهتم بمجال التنمية المستدامة وطرق دمج النهج الهندسي مع تطبيقات التنمية المستدامة في الواقع العملي. شارك في العديد من مشاريع المنظمات غير الحكومية المحلية والعالمية إيمانا بضرورة خلق بيئة مستدامة لجميع مواطني الأرض. يشارك حاليا في مشروع التخرج الذي يتطرق الى قضية الأمن الغذائي في العالم وطرق جديدة عصرية للوصول الى أحقية توفر الغذاء لجميع سكان الأرض.

Note: This article was originally published by egomonk on egomonk insights. The curator and host of this series is Ruba Al Zu’bi

Waste Management Perspectives for Bahrain

Fast industrialisation, urbanisation, enhanced consumerism and rise in standards of living is causing generation of large quantities of waste which needs to be stored, transported, treated and disposed. Globally, municipal and urban governments are spending huge financial and human resources on waste management but the service coverage is barely coinciding with the generated waste quantities as overflowing communal containers and waste heaps are amply witnessed in all major urban centres.

The worldwide quantities of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) are rapidly increasing. It is estimated that around 2.5 billion MT of MSW was generated worldwide in 2000, which is expected to reach 5.3bn MT by 2030. The solid waste generation rate of Bahrain and GCC countries is very high varying from 470 to 700 Kg/capita/year.

MSW consists of domestic waste from residential areas, commercial wastes from markets and commercial centers and institutional waste generated from offices, educational institutes etc., construction waste, garden waste and animal carcasses. The waste is either stored in 200 liter plastic bins or 1100 liters metallic bins from where it is emptied into compactors and trucks and transported to the landfill site for disposal. The waste at the landfill site is compacted and covered with sand to avoid any pollution.

It is estimated that over 4,000 tons per day of MSW is being generated in Bahrain which is being collected from the five governorates by private contractors who transport these wastes to the Asker municipal landfill site located some 25 km away from the city centre in quarry areas.

The broad categories of MSW are biodegradable waste (food and kitchen waste, green waste etc.), Recyclables (paper, glass, bottles, cans, metals, certain plastics etc.), Inert waste (construction and demolition waste, street sweepings, litter, dirt, soil, debris etc.), Composite wastes (waste clothing, Tetra Packs, waste plastics such as toys) and domestic hazardous waste.

MSW generation and its management involves severe health risks and impacts including decomposition and biodegradation of waste due to high temperatures causing obnoxious odours, proliferation of insects and rodents, occurrences of unwanted major and minor fires, contamination of soil and water by leachate generated from the landfills, emissions of toxic gases from waste disposal, burning and incineration.

MSW also contribute to climate change primarily because of methane and carbon dioxide gas emissions. Impacts on terrestrial and marine ecology, traffic generation, road congestion, accidents, dust and noise generation, nuisance, bird hazards, occupational health hazards, litter generation and spreading, impairment of area aesthetics are other serious impacts. Unattended waste attracts flies, rats, and other vermin’s that in turn spread diseases.

We need to understand that the problem of MSW cannot be solved by the governmental authorities alone. We need to equally share the burden in reducing the quantities of waste, storing all garbage generated in containers, segregating waste to assist recycling activities and spreading the message of having environmental friendly waste management. Public awareness and change of attitudes towards waste are required as it affect the population’s willingness to cooperate and participate in practicing efficient waste management practices.

Source reduction is a successful method of reducing waste generation. Practices such as grass recycling, backyard composting can yield substantial benefits. It prevents emissions of many greenhouse gases, reduces pollutants, saves energy, conserves resources and reduces the need for new landfills.

How Does A Wastewater Treatment Plant Work?

Wastewater treatment is essential for minimizing water pollution that can disrupt delicate ecosystems, interfere with food chains, and transmit diseases. As the urban population continues to rise, this increasing population density can generate more organic waste and wastewater, which calls for proper treatment and more efficient wastewater treatment plants.

A dwindling supply of clean water necessitates more cost-efficient, high-quality wastewater treatment systems. These modern treatment plants employ the latest technologies to decontaminate dirty water before funneling the water back into these ecosystems.

What pollutants wastewater treatment removes?

A wastewater treatment system harnesses the power of technology to facilitate wastewater treatment and BOD compliance. Common pollutants include Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD), phosphates and nitrates, pathogens, metals, Total Suspended Solids (TSS), Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), and synthetic chemicals. High BOD levels indicate an elevated biodegradable material concentration, resulting from the presence of pollutants like fertilizer runoff, fecal waste, or food processing wash-down or cleaning.

Releasing phosphates and nitrates to the environment may cause extensive algae, phytoplankton, and weed growth and high BOD. It can also result in eutrophication or water body deoxygenation, which kills aquatic life and potentially causes hypoxia. Pathogens like viruses, bacteria, and fungi, which transmit through polluted water, cause various illnesses such as hepatitis A, cholera, giardiasis, dysentery, botulism, and salmonellosis.

Harmful metals end up in wastewater due to various industrial processes. These metals can threaten human health and environmental well-being alike. Much like the rest of the contaminants, TSS (inorganic and organic suspended solid materials) and TDS (metals, anions, salts, cations, or minerals) damage the crops, kill aquatic life, humans, and may affect irrigation. The typical synthetic chemicals in wastewater are DDT, diethylstilbestrol, PCBs, and dioxin.

The wastewater treatment process

Wastewater treatment plants oversee three main stages: primary, secondary, and tertiary. However, some pollutants require advanced treatment, such as the quaternary, which involves fine filtration or oxidation processes to lower emergent pollutants dissemination.

Every stage targets different pollutants, so the water becomes cleaner as the process advances. Depending on the original water’s quality and the intended purpose for the treated water, certain or a combination of treatment stages are initiated.

Primary wastewater treatment

Primary wastewater treatment involves momentarily holding the wastewater in a tank to allow the settlement of heavy solids at the bottom and lighter solids, grease, and oil to float. Water treatment experts contain these loose materials while the water moves to the next step or discharges. Sedimentation occurs after the filtration of larger substances. During this process, wastewater goes through multiple filters and tanks to separate contaminants from water.

Secondary wastewater treatment

Secondary wastewater treatment operates on a more profound level than the primary stage and eliminates suspended and dissolved biological matter. It usually involves the use of native water-borne microorganisms released in a controlled habitat.

Treatment plants may have to eradicate organisms through a separation process upon completing the treatment before discharging or advancing to the tertiary stage. The secondary step will involve performing biological content degradation through aeration, biofiltration, and oxidation ponds.

1. Aeration

Aeration is a timely process that can last for 30 hours and is equally instrumental, as it involves combining wastewater with a microorganism solution. Aeration gives the bacteria oxygen to stabilize and treats the wastewater by biodegrading the organic substance containing carbon to create carbon (IV) oxide and water. Without sufficient oxygen, breakdown has to occur under slow and odorous septic conditions, resulting in an incomplete transformation of pollutants.=

2. Oxidation Ponds

The large stabilization ponds or lagoons are mainly used in warmer areas to treat wastewater through bacteria, algae, and sunlight interaction. Algae relies on energy from the sun, inorganic compounds, and carbon (IV) oxide released into the water by bacteria to grow. Through photosynthesis, algae release the oxygen required by aerobic bacteria. Sometimes, experts introduce mechanical aerators to provide more oxygen.

3. Biofiltration

Biofiltration is a standard method in greywater recycling, wastewater treatment, and aquaculture, as it helps raise the water quality while lowering water replacement. Biological filters eliminate contaminants through biodegrading natural components, filtering suspended solids, and absorbing micro-pollutants. Biofiltration processes are typically aerobic, so the microorganisms need oxygen for metabolism.


The biofilm receives oxygen counter-currently or concurrently with the water flow. Biofilters have low operating expenses, a simple structure, a robust process, and resistance to shock loads.

Tertiary wastewater treatment

Its primary purpose is to increase the water quality to meet industrial and domestic standards or the specific safe discharge requirements while also removing nitrates and phosphates. For municipal wastewater treatment, this stage also involves eliminating pathogens, making the water safe to drink. The tertiary treatment process is usually performed using substances such as sand and activated carbon.


Successful wastewater treatment requires reliable and high-quality equipment, as the living organisms’ well-being and the environment may depend on it. Wastewater treatment plants can achieve proper wastewater management change by understanding the process and components found in their local water sources.

Sustainable Development in Jordan: Perspectives

During the last few decades, sustainable development emerged as a hot topic in many reform agendas and strategic management plans in Jordan. The picture is not always optimistic where poverty, climate change and wars to name but a few of the continuous burdens, yet, some results have been successfully reaped. In this article, I will provide a reflection on the sustainable development journey in Jordan. Firstly, what the country achieved from the year 2000 to 2015 and secondly, what challenges the country has to counter from the year 2015 to 2030.


Millennium Development Goals – Year 2000 to 2015

Jordan has embraced every single opportunity to create a significant change in each of the three pillars of sustainability; social, economic and ecological.

Firstly, on the social sustainability pillar, the country was ranked as 77th among other 187 countries in the HDI (Human Development Index) by the end of October 2015 [1]. One of the main initiatives was the development of 3-year Executive Development Programs (EDPs) to set agendas and manage them in areas such as unemployment and poverty [2]. As a result, the country managed successfully to reduce the poverty rate from 21% to 14.4% for the period from 1997 to 2012, increased literacy rate to 93.3% across the country and reduced the infant mortality rate (which represents the number of death for infants under one year) to 17 per 1000 infants [3].

Secondly, on the economic sustainability pillar, and despite of the volatility around Jordan which affects the availability of external investments negatively [3], the country adopted new laws that enhanced investments and created a competitive business environment such as the new tax law, the new electronic transactions law [2] and the competition law [1]. The results were shown in the growth of the GDP by 3.1%, the reduction in the inflation rate by 2.8% and the increase in the export growth rate by 9.4%  by the end of 2014 [1].

Thirdly, on the ecological sustainability pillar, Jordan implemented rigorous steps to face the severe water condition in the country.  For example, Jordan started one of the world’s most unique water desalination projects, or what is called “Red Sea-Dead Sea” project, in order to pump the water from the Red Sea to the Dead Sea. The difference in the elevation between the two seas will be used to generate hydroelectricity which will be used in the desalination process and hence providing safe drinking water to the local community [2], [4]. As a result, 99% of the population will have access to a safe drinking water [3].

On other important environmental impacts, the country adopted different targets related to climate change, introduced codes for green buildings, launched incentive programs for hybrids and electric cars and finally embraced a Solid Waste Management Strategy [2].

Sustainable Development Goals – Challenges from 2015 t0 2030

In order to continue the sustainable development journey in Jordan, the country has to overcome different challenges as the following.

Firstly, on the social development side, the three main challenges are the growth in the number of the population, the healthcare agenda and the commitment to the human rights especially women rights. Statistics revealed that the number of population was doubled since 1980, and this includes the increased number of refugees in Jordan over the last three decades. The Syrian crisis alone created 4 million refugees to neighbor countries and 8 million internally displaced in five years.

Jordan hosts 1.4 million Syrian refugees, therefore, it is considered the largest recipient for Syrian refugees who resulted in impact with USD 6.6 billion as direct and indirect costs [2], [3].This growth creates a pressure on the limited natural resources and the current infrastructure [3]. Similarly,  the official statistics in regards to the healthcare in the country showed that only 77% of Jordanian citizens are covered by health insurance pension [1] and the official numbers for the unemployment rate revealed that the unemployment rate for females is twice more than what it is for males [1].

Secondly, on the economic development side, the two key challenges are reducing the country’s dependency on the external financial support (i.e. financial aid, long-term loans, and grants) [1], and reducing poverty rate where  2% of the population are living on less than 3 USD per day [1].

Thirdly, on the ecological development side, the four crucial ecological areas in Jordan are water scarcity and the climate change, the wastewater sewer network and sanitation, land degradation and desertification and finally, the dependency on imported energy from other countries. Starting by the water scarcity and the climate change; according to the official meteorological forecast in Jordan, the country is predicted to have an increase in evapotranspiration by 3%. That also is expected to be combined with a decrease in the rainfall by 15% and an increase in the demand for irrigation water by 18%. As a total, the available water in Jordan is expected to be decreased by 30% by 2035 [3].

Syrian refugees at Za’tari refugee camp

Not also the climate change is the major contributor to the water scarcity, but also the domestic misuse of water resources and the increasing number of Syrian refugees who consume approximately one million liters of water on a daily basis [1]. In regards to the sanitation issue; the current wastewater treatment network is not capable to handle all the wastewater discharge in the country. Official numbers state that only 63% of the population is connected to a public sewer system. This also means losing the opportunity of collecting, treating and reusing the wastewater for other beneficial uses [3].

Moving to the land degradation challenge, the country has to deal with the increasing impact of land degradation that resulted due to improper use of the lands, soil erosion, poor solid waste disposal practices and the immigration from rural to urban areas [3]. Finally, the country lacks the needed resources to generate electricity, therefore, around 96% of its fossil is imported [3].

In a small country like Jordan, surrounded by many challenges as I illustrated above, our hopes are still high to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals by end of 2030 and hence creating a better future for everyone in the country.


[1] Bertelsmann Stiftung, “BTI 2016 Jordan Country Report,” Gütersloh, 2016.

[2] I. Fakhoury, “Jordan Statement at the UN Sustainable Development Summit.” Amman, 2015.

[3] H. El-Naser, B. Telfah, and S. Kilani, “Establishing the Post-2015 Development Agenda: Sustainable Development Goals ( SDG ) towards Water Security The Jordanian Perspective,” Amman, 2014.

[4]  Global Nature Fund, “Red Sea – Dead Sea Canal and the feasibility study of the World Bank,” 2013.

CSR Perspectives for the Middle East

Corporate Social Responsibility has moved beyond philanthropy, and is rapidly undergoing integration into the company’s core business strategy. However, in the Middle East, we can find companies that are still perceiving CSR as philanthropy and yet to view it as a “core business strategy “. Is it because of the culture and religion that we should give to the poor (Zakat or charity) so they consider it as their CSR? Should it be obligatory so companies will start thinking about CSR more strategically?


Over the past few years, the interest has literally exploded in regional media and business community with a lot of foreign companies working in the field, companies hiring CSR specialists and setting up CSR departments. The focus is also getting more strategic and more diversified. In a survey, conducted by Sustainability Advisory Group in 2009, it was found that whilst there is a strong in-principle support for CSR initiatives, the region has not yet taken the next step of translating this into budget allocations, clear accountability and rewards and recognition.

There is a significant difference among Middle East nations in applying and practicing CSR. In the UAE and Oman, over the past couple of years there were different planned and meaningful initiatives. Companies in these countries are taking CSR and sustainability very seriously and they are showing an increasing commitment to CSR.  On the other hand, countries like Lebanon, there has been lot of focus on purely PR activities masked as CSR.

In an article entitled “CSR in the Arab World: A Mission Impossible?”, Norwegian researcher Kjetil Selvik mentions that it is hard to spot the difference between CSR and Zakat in practice. In Arab countries, CSR is often reduced to some donations like money or food, or to planting trees in public parks. Measures like these do not satisfy the ambitions of CSR promoters, who would like to see systematic changes in how companies are operating.

Does this mean that CSR won’t have a development impact in the Arab World? One of the main challenges is that CSR is associated with profit logic. The Zakat model differs fundamentally in its incentive for acts of social responsibility. This is something that the individual is supposed to do for God. On the other hand, CSR is promoted as a business tool to improve the company’s reputation, and companies frequently share successful CSR stories with the media and the public.


The normative difference between CSR and Zakat complicate the entrance of CSR into the Arab World. The CSR model introduces an ethical, normative framework that collides with local sensitivities. This is a potential problem of which organizations and businesses trying to introduce CSR in Arab countries should take note, says Selvik.

To conclude, companies in the Middle East are now realizing the importance of adopting a CSR strategy which can help them in reaping the benefits on their triple bottom line. They are trying to go beyond a simple donation or planting trees. Moreover, they are starting to measure their KPIs and to write sustainability reports. However, companies in the Middle East still have a long road to go for achieving sustainability when compared to their Western counterparts.

Anthropogenic Climate Change Impacts on Ecosystems

Anthropogenic climate change is hindering a wide variety of organisms, their genetics and species’ habitats – in short, biodiversity. The accelerated pace of human development and its impacts on biodiversity which sustain it, is both massive and significant. Biodiversity is inextricably linked to climate; climate change is both a cause and an effect of biodiversity change. Climate change jeopardizes the services offered by the global ecosystems that have been taken for granted. Let us examine how climate change is affecting specific ecosystems.


Agricultural Ecosystem

Agricultural ecosystems are spread around the globe; hence, the impacts of climate change on agricultural biodiversity will be diverse and extensive. Climate change is threatening plant growth and production due to proliferation of pests and diseases, wildfires, yield reduction due to extreme weather, and changes in rainfall patterns.

Other risks include nutrients leaching from the soil during intense rains, and greater erosion due to stronger winds, while livestock will be negatively affected by rising temperature, disease and weather extremes.

Forest Ecosystem

Forests cover one-third of Earth’s surface and host two-thirds of all known terrestrial species. Changing climatic conditions may cause frequent forest fires and create conditions favorable to pests; both will lead to degradation and loss of biodiversity.

Marine and Coastal Ecosystems

Oceans cover 70% of Earth’s surface area, forming the largest habitat on Earth; which has some of the world’s most diverse and productive ecosystems, including coral reefs.

The key threats facing the unique entity of ocean by climate change include:

  1. Rise in sea level: On coastal margins, rising sea levels may lead to an important coastal habitat reduction such as salt marshes.
  2. Warmer oceans: Rising sea temperatures will lead to increase coastal erosion, extensive coastal flooding events and reducing sea-ice cover. Furthermore, it will affect the species composition and distribution and survival of particular marine resources. Corals reef is a good example, as minor increases in temperature causes coral bleaching leading to loss of coral reef structure and impact negatively on the coral reef ecosystem.
  3. Increased acidification: as the ocean absorbs atmospheric CO2; it becomes more acidic. Increasing acidification of the ocean due to climate change, has made it difficult for coral polyps to capture water`s calcium. Consequently, coral reefs, face bleaching (whitening and death) at large-scale levels.


Polar Ecosystem

Climate change is having the most visible and significant impacts on the polar ecosystems. Escalating melting of ice sheets and glaciers is affecting native people, wildlife and plants in the Polar Regions. Melting glaciers and ice are leading to further release of greenhouse gases and contributing to sea levels rising, threatening many areas with coastal flooding, increasing in beach erosion, and contaminating fresh water supplies.

Furthermore, climate change has devastating effects on polar species, such as: Polar bears, whales, walrus, and seals, which struggle to adapt to the destructive effects of climate change including habitat degradation, changing feeding and migrating patterns. Moreover, warming of areas of the polar oceans in the Antarctic has had a negative impact on the plankton community composition and distribution that support a rich marine food chain.

Mountain Ecosystems

Some plant species showed shifting in distribution, while other plants previously found on mountaintops have disappeared due to climate change. The shrinking of glaciers result from climate change has led to changes in mountains capacities of holding water, hence affecting downstream ecosystems.

Island Ecosystems

Island ecosystems are fragile and characterized by a high biodiversity. The climate change threats the island ecosystems by rising sea level and massive coral bleaching. Island ecosystems also might suffer from reducing rainfall, an increased frequency and/or intensity of storms, and intolerable high temperatures.

Microbial Ecosystems

Microbes are central to all life on earth; Microbes perform different significant functions for ecosystems. Little is known about how climate change will impact microbial communities, hence, accumulating evidences show that climate change can hinder specific properties of entire microbial communities and ecosystem functioning. A recent study has shown that soil microbes alter DNA in response to climate change, therefore affecting microbial influence on soil carbon storage and other greenhouse gases.


Recent researches have also shown an increased in microbial-mediated disease impacts in both the terrestrial and marine ecosystems, due to changes in distributing of existing infectious disease vectors, and the seasonal distribution of some allergens pollen species Additionally, evidences show that changes in climate alter certain properties of microbial communities, which eventually have enormous impacts on the food chain supported by the microbes.

Climate Change Impacts on Biodiversity

The future projection of climate change in the Arabia shows a hot, dry future; researches predict more severe droughts, desertification, shifting of ecosystems and species loss. Furthermore, climate change will lead to a significant heat stress and a severe water shortage, hence, Middle East is identified as the first region to run out of fresh water in the globe.


Generally, terrestrial biodiversity in Middle East will suffer the greatest decrease as a result of climate change, while marine ecosystems will suffer from increase in sea levels, changing circulation patterns, changing the biological characteristics, increasing in invasive species, and the marine ecosystems will become more tropical.


Anthropogenic climate change has started affecting different organisms in different ecosystems. The IPCC’s 2007 calculations estimated that greenhouse gas emissions would need to be reduced by at least 80% by 2050 to avoid the devastating impacts of climate change. Since humans have created this problem, it is our moral responsibility to solve it. Governments need to improve the resilience of their communities to existing impacts of the changes in the climate; by doing so, they can enhance the prosperity and sustainability of present and future generations.

Additionally, energy production from burning fossil fuels produces about 80 % of the global CO2 emissions, thus renewable energy is a desirable alternative for reducing human impacts on climate change while protecting biodiversity. Further research should be undertaken to broaden our perspective on the impact of climate change on different ecosystems, with an effective communicating platform to share information, experience and knowledge in climate change mitigation and adaptation.

Waste Management Awareness in Oman: A Pilot Study

The four Rs (reduce, reuse, repurpose, and recycle) of waste management have not yet entered the everyday discourse of Oman, but does this mean that they are not part of everyday life in Oman? We think the people of Oman can help us to answer this question. To get a first-hand understanding of the degree of waste management awareness in Oman, a pilot study was designed, a questionnaire was prepared, and in a series of interviews with individual Omanis we recorded their responses.


Insights into the Survey

The questionnaire covered household consumption habits, food waste and other household waste, and awareness of the four Rs, with particular attention to recycling. The main focus of the survey was on food waste. Of the 21 questions, fifteen were multiple-choice, with write-in options for any needed explanation. There were six open-ended questions, inviting respondents to give their opinion or share something of their experiences and knowledge of the topic.

The respondents were all adult Omani nationals, ranging in age from their early twenties to their late fifties. All respondents reside in Muscat, but the majority were originally from other provinces and maintained a strong connection with their home village or town. The respondents represented various occupations such as: university student, homemaker, bank clerk, teacher, taxi driver and police officer. The interviews were carried out in March and April 2016.

Who take care of grocery shopping?

60 percent of respondents said that in their household, the wife usually took care of the grocery shopping. 20 percent said the husband had that responsibility, and another 20 percent said that both husband and wife regularly did the grocery shopping together. When asked how often (monthly, weekly, daily, or not regularly) the grocery shopping was done in their households, most respondents said that it depended on the commodity.

Dry goods such as rice, pulses, flour, sugar, and coffee were purchased in larger quantities on a monthly basis, while most households shopped for fruits, vegetables, milk and bread at least once a week.

Do you prefer to buy food in bulk or pre-packaged?

In response to this question: Do you prefer to buy food in bulk (by the gram/kilogram) or pre-packaged? they answered patiently (but clearly some thought it was a silly question) that of course “it depends on the type of food.” Some foods were fresher and cheaper in bulk, whereas other foods were cleaner and free of impurities when packaged at the factory.

80 percent of respondents stated that they shopped at a supermarket for most of their household groceries; 50 percent of them said that they regularly shopped at an outdoor market (such as a fish or vegetable market) for certain commodities. No respondents said that they relied on small shops for their grocery shopping.

A few of the middle-aged respondents recalled that when they were children, there was not much choice when one went to the market. Their parents could buy staples such as rice, flour, tea, coffee and sugar, and a few varieties of greens and fruits. Nowadays, one of them remarked, shopping at the supermarket they had trouble deciding between the many processed and packaged products on offer, such as cheeses, yoghurt, juices, sweets, and imported fresh and frozen meats and other produce.

70 percent of those surveyed said they used the free ‘disposable’ plastic bags dispensed by the shops, and only 30 percent took their own reusable fabric bag or other reusable receptacle to do their shopping. However, those who did go to the outdoor markets said they often brought their own cartons or plastic vegetable crates in order to carry the produce home in their cars.

When asked what their parents or grandparents had used for their shopping, 40 percent said “a basket” and 60 percent said “a box” (meaning either a vegetable crate or a carton). Apparently plastic bags were not an option in “the old days.”

Do you find that your household ends up throwing out food?

The interviewer mentioned to each respondent the statistics that came from the 2012 Sultan Qaboos University study on household food waste in Oman, and posed this question: Do you find that your household/family ends up throwing out food that was not eaten before it spoiled? The responses were somewhat unexpected.

Only 30 percent reported that their household regularly had to throw away uneaten food. The other 70 percent said that when there was any food left over from a family meal or a child’s dish, it was fed to animals such as chickens and goats. Several female respondents mentioned that in general they only prepared enough food to feed their own family and perhaps to send a plateful of it to a neighbour.


In a big city no one notices what you throw in your rubbish bin

The exception to this pattern was when they had guests, in which case it was compulsory to prepare greater quantities than usual. Respondents who brought up the subject of hosting and special occasions explained that in Omani culture it was considered a sign of respect for their guests and a point of honour for their family if they served more food than the guests could actually eat.

Therefore, weddings, the arrival of a newborn, the two Eids and other celebrations could be expected to result in substantial quantities of wasted food. However, according to several respondents, “back in the village” this is not what happened. Tribal and local municipal regulations actually prohibited the disposal of large quantities of food waste at dumpsites.

The main reason given was that leaving leftover food outside was “bad for the livestock.” That is, a camel will naturally eat as much food as it finds, and if discarded food such as rice is left out in the open, the camel will continue to eat until it gets sick. This surprising claim about camels eating cooked rice seems to be supported by scientific research: “Yagil (1990) observed that camels selected feed which is highly digestible, especially rich in easily fermentable carbohydrates and having high water contents [sic].” Cooked rice fits all three criteria.

Furthermore, camels are proficient at “eating in excess of their immediate needs and storing the extra as fat in the hump.” So out of necessity to protect the health of the camels, it was forbidden to scatter uneaten food. Instead, whoever hosted an event at which quantities of excess food remained would take the food immediately to any nearby encampment of migrant workers and distribute it there. Alternatively, the hosts would distribute it to needy families in their community. If it was not possible to donate the leftover food to others, it was dried in the sun to preserve it and then fed in small quantities to livestock such as goats and chickens.

Comparison between ‘Now’ and ‘Then’

When asked to compare the level of household food waste generated today and when they were children, there was unanimous agreement among respondents that either no or little food was ever wasted “back then,” whereas modern-day urban living has made it harder to avoid wasting food. The respondent above-mentioned who had remarked on the great variety of options available in supermarkets posited that this meant that people ended up buying more than they could practically consume.

Another factor suggested by respondents as leading to increased food waste is simply living in a big city where no one notices what you throw in your rubbish bin: back in the village or small town, neighbours would know exactly what your family has tossed into the local dump, so there was a sort of peer pressure against food waste.

What type of drinking water does your household consume?

As a follow-on to consumption patterns for food, the survey asked what type of drinking water each household consumed. In most parts of Oman, it is assumed that tap water is not safe for drinking. 80 percent of respondents said they subscribed to a commercial service for drinking water. Of those, two-thirds purchased refillable water dispensers (such as Salsabeel, a local brand), usually delivered to their homes as part of the service; one-third bought water from the ubiquitous blue tanker trucks that also deliver to residences in Muscat and other cities and towns.  No households in the survey used non-refillable plastic water bottles (such as Masafi or Oasis brand) as their primary source of drinking water, but thirty percent said they used them on occasion, especially when travelling by road.


Interviewees were asked which of these components (food, plastic packaging/bags, paper/cardboard, plastic bottles or “other”) made up most of the refuse found in their own household rubbish bins. Half of them asserted it was plastic packaging or plastic bags, one-third believed it to be paper and/or cardboard, and the remaining respondents said it was plastic bottles (such as containers for juice, water and household disinfectants).

Are you aware of any local programme for recycling?

The questions about plastic water bottles and what types of material were trashed led to this next query: Are you aware of any local programme for recycling? Only twenty percent of respondents answered “Yes,” and of those, none were aware of any active recycling programme in their neighbourhood or workplace. One respondent thought that the 2013 Dar al Atta’a clothing recycling initiative was still ongoing, because the bins for paper and cardboard recycling set up by the same charity around Muscat in 2015 looked almost identical to those previous bins for clothing.


A few respondents had heard that plastic bottles were being collected somewhere in the city, but had no idea where. Several respondents mentioned that in the past, they used to see individuals salvaging empty aluminium soft drink cans from municipal rubbish bins near streets and in public parks. A couple of these respondents noted that the remuneration price for those used cans had fallen several years ago, and they believed this to be the reason this type of recycling seemed to have disappeared.

Do you recycle any of these items?

The follow-on question was: Do you recycle any of these items? paper/cardboard, plastic bottles, aluminium/metal, glass, clothing or “other”. The category “other” was intended to catch possible but expectedly rare responses such as batteries, electronics and printer ink cartridges. One would think that this follow-up question would have received “Not applicable” as a response from all respondents. However, a few respondents mentioned that they “recycled” some of their own household’s waste, in that they re-used or repurposed items such as cardboard boxes, plastic bottles, glass jars and old tee shirts. Most (70 percent) said that they regularly donated used clothing to poor families or (especially with children’s clothing) gave them to relatives.

This question spurred a couple of female respondents to comment on clothing “waste” as a problem “particular to Omanis,” as they saw it. They mentioned that Omanis who wear traditional clothing must have most of their clothes tailor made, and that—particularly for women’s wear—the fashions changed quickly from season to season. As a result, many women and girls felt they could not be seen wearing last season’s dresses and scarves, and had to buy the latest styles.

One respondent further remarked that the cycle of conspicuous consumption was affecting Omani society at many levels, and was even more problematic when it involved costly commodities such as mobile phones, especially on the part of the youth, who junked their “old” phones for the latest models with astonishing frequency.

What factors influenced the beliefs and attitudes about wasting food or throwing away useful items?

Interviewees were asked what factors influenced their beliefs and attitudes about wasting food or throwing away useful items. Sixty percent said that religion (Islam) played the greatest role in this. Thirty percent said family upbringing was the main influence and another ten percent attributed their attitudes to their culture. Education and tradition were mentioned by the majority of respondents as the secondary factors.

What do you think that people in Oman can do to help reduce the amount of waste they are making?

The final question in the survey was: What do you think that people in Oman can do to help reduce the amount of waste they are making? This open-ended question elicited a variety of responses: “Be responsible for yourself and your family”; “don’t buy more than you need”; “donate extra food and clothing instead of throwing it away”; and “re-use items in your home and at your farm.”

Note: This is the second article in our special series on ‘Waste Management in Oman’. The first part can be read at this link.

The third and final part analyses the results of the survey and makes a wide range of recommendations to improve the waste management situation in Oman.

الابتكار من أجل التنمية المستدامة.. مسؤولية الجميع

على مرعقود طويلة،  اقتصر تقدم و تطور العلوم والتكنولوجيا والابتكارعلى البلدان الأكثر تقدما، حيث لا يزال الاستثمار في مجال البحث والتطوير دون الطموح في البلدان النامية. حتى مع وجود أشخاص ذوي قدرات و مواهب بارزة،  لا يزال البحث والتطوير  محصورين  في نطاق المختبرات فقط، بعيدا  عن التفاعل مع حاجات السوق والمجتمع. ولكن ليس من الممكن بأن يستمرالحال كذلك كون الإجراءات والخطوات الجماعيه المتخذة على الصعيد المحلي هي الأدوات الأساسية نحو التغيير العالمي


 ولا تعمل الأهداف العالمية للتنمية المستدامة على تسليط الضوء على الابتكار كأحد الأهداف التنموية فحسب، بل تؤكد أيضا على الأهمية الكبيرة للابتكار من أجل تحقيق الأهداف الأخرى. سواء عملنا على التصدي لتحديات  التعليم، أوالطاقة، أوالصحة، أوالتغيير المناخي، أو الفقر؛ فلابد من تناول العلوم والتكنولوجيا والابتكار بأسلوب تشاركي شمولي لضمان المنفعة العامة

إن بناء  عناقيد اقتصادية مستدامة وشركات صغيرة/أعمال مجتمعية تتمحور حول التكنولوجيا الجديدة ليس ممكنا إلا من خلال  تحفيز عنصر الابتكار ضمن جميع شرائح المجتمع المحلي؛ بما في ذلك النساء والشباب والمجتمعات الأصيلة

 ويعتبر ربط الاحتياجات التكنولوجية المحلية بالفرص العالمية تحديا مشتركا في العديد من البلدان، وللتغلب على هذا التحدي يتوجب علينا جميعاً أن نكون أكثر وعياً  لديناميكية السوق وأهمية شمول المجتمع بجميع عناصره وشرائحه.  وتعد القدرة على تحديد ومعرفة الاحتياجات والقدرات المحلية المتعلقة بالتكنولوجيا هي الجوهر لتكوين تصور واضح عن القيمة المضافة للتطبيقات التي بدورها ستعمل على تعظيم الانتاجية وتعزيز التنافسية الاقتصادية

 قد يكون تعزيز و تحفيز الابتكار على المستوى المحلي هو الوصفة السحرية التي  تؤدي إلى التقدم في مجال تحقيق أهداف التنمية المستدامة إذا ما توفرت جميع المكونات اللازمة لذلك . إلا أن البلدان النامية تحتاج إلى المساعدة والدعم لتطوير وتصميم نماذج محلية ملائمة للابتكار ضمن إطار التنمية المستدامة

الأهداف العالمية للتنمية المستدامة

 ولعل  الدروس المستفادة في هذا المجال تشير إلى أن القطاع العام قد لا يكون هو المحرك الرئيسي للابتكار. حيث تلعب الشركات دورا هاما في تسريع  وتيرة الابتكار سواء كانت من فئة المستثمرين أو المستهلكين. إلا أن المحفزات الحقيقية للابتكار المستدام لم يتم تمكينها وتفعيلها بالشكل المطلوب بعد. إذ يقع على عاتق  الجامعات والمؤسسات البحثية ومراكز الدراسات والفكر والمنظمات غير الحكومية مسؤولية أخذ زمام المبادرة  في عملية تحديد الاحتياجات المحلية وتعزيز الروابط بين اللاعبين الرئيسيين. وللقيام بهذا الدور، لابد وأن نمكن هذه المؤسسات من  فهم تحديات التنمية المحلية وتحويلها إلى فرص للابتكار

من خلال الجمع بين المعرفة والتأثير المجتمعي الناتجين عن التعاون والتحالف بين العلماء ومؤسسات المجتمع المدني، نستطيع الوصول إلى بيئة ممكنة على مستوى السياسات والتشريعات تحفز الابتكار المحلي والإقليمي وتحتفي بالمبتكرين.


نيرمين ابو شاويش

تخرجت من الجامعه الهاشميه عام 2005 حاصله على بكالوريوس في ادارة المياه والبيئة، حصلت في عام 2016 من وزارة البيئة الاردنية على دبلوم في تقييم الاثر البيئي، تعمل منذ تخرجها في احدى كبرى شركات التصميم و الاستشارات الفنيه في العالم، تنوعت خبرتها بين العمل في مجال دراسات بيئية لكبرى المشاريع داخل المملكه كدراسه تقييم الاثر البيئي لمشروع شبكة السكك الحديدية الوطنية وبين الاشراف على تطبيق خطط الادراة البيئية اثناء تنفيذ المشاريع كالاشراف على مشروع ممر عمان التنموي

ثقافة المجتمعات الأصلية في معادلة السلوك البشري والتنمية المستدامة

المجتمعات الأصلية في المناطق المختلفة من العالم التي قطنت الغابات والجبال والسيوح والسهول والمناطق البرية والساحلية، بنت منظومة من القيم والتقاليد والثقافات المتعارف عليها التي صارت على مر الزمن نظاماً عرفياً يحدّد مبادئ والتزامات العقد الاجتماعي والسلوك البشري في العلاقة مع النظم البيئية، وجرى الاعتراف بها وتأكيدها في مواثيق المؤتمرات الدولية بشأن التنمية المستدامة ومبادئ الاتفاقية الدولية للتنوع الحيوي.


وتؤكد المادة (8) الصيانة في الوضع الطبيعي، من الاتفاقية على أن على كل طرف متعاقد، قدر الإمكان وحسب الاقتضاء وذلك وفقاً لما هو منصوص عليه في البند (ي) «القيام، رهناً بتشريعاته الوطنية، باحترام المعارف والابتكارات وممارسات المجتمعات الأصلية والمحلية التي تجسد أساليب الحياة التقليدية ذات الصلة بصيانة التنوع البيولوجي واستخدامه على نحو قابل للاستمرار، والحفاظ عليها وصونها وتشجيع تطبيقها على أوسع نطاق، بموافقة ومشاركة أصحاب هذه المعارف والابتكارات والممارسات، وتشجيع الاقتسام العادل للمنافع التي تعود من استخدام هذه المعارف والابتكارات والممارسات».

ومن المعروف أن هذه القيم تدخل في المرحلة المعاصرة ضمن منظومة المقومات الاستراتيجية لخطط العمل التنفيذي لبناء السلوك البيئي وإنجاز أهداف التنمية المستدامة.

البيئة البحرية معلم رئيس في مكونات النظام البيئي، وهي مصدر مهم لحياة ومعيشة المجتمعات الأصلية في البلدان المشاطئة للبحار في العالم التي اعتمدت في منظومة حياتها على ما تكتنزه نظمه الطبيعية من ثروات حيوية، وبنت منظومة متنوعة من المبادئ والالتزامات العرفية لصون نظامها البيئي ومكوّنها الأحيائي لتأمين متطلبات استدامة بقائها. ويمثل البحر ركناً مهماً في استراتيجية حياة المجتمعات الأصلية في بلادنا كمقوم معيشي واقتصادي وقيمة روحية واجتماعية، وكموقع مهم للراحة والاستجمام وممارسة الأنشطة الترفيهية والاجتماعية.

وبحكم علاقتنا الممتدة لما يقارب العشر سنوات في ممارسة الصيد البحري تمكنا من الاطلاع على حياة وثقافة وممارسات وسلوك أهل البحر في بلادنا، وللبحارة مبادئ متعارف عليها في ممارسة الصيد البحري، تمثل جزءًا من قيم السلوك البشري الرشيد في العلاقة مع مكونات المنظومة البيئية للبحر، والالتزام المسئول بصون نظافة ونقاء مياهه. ويمكن تبين ذلك في الممارسات الرشيدة التي يلتزم بها أهل البحر للحفاظ على الثروة السمكية، وتتمثل في الحرص على عدم صيد الأسماك الصغيرة واعتماد فتحات بمقاييس محددة في صناعة شبابيك الصيد والأدوات التقليدية للصيد المعروفة بـ «القراقير»، لاستبعاد الصيد الجائر للأسماك الصغيرة، والالتزام بمواسم للصيد والحفاظ على سلامة الفشوت والشعاب المرجانية، وترشيد استهلاك الحشائش البحرية للصيد وعدم رمي «القراقير» المتهالكة في المياه البحرية لحماية مواقع الصيد من التلوث الذي يؤدي إلى تدهورها وهجرة الأسماك. كما كانوا يؤكدون دائماً ويحرصون على تربية أبنائهم وزرع ثقافة السلوك الرشيد في العلاقة مع البحر.

البيئة الصحراوية هي أيضاً ثروة مهمة لحياة قطاع واسع من المجتمعات الأصلية في العديد من البلدان، وتتميز بخصوصيتها في المكوّن الروحي وفي وجدان وثقافة وتقاليد المجتمعات المحلية الأصلية، التي توارثت قيم ومفاهيم العلاقة الرشيدة في الاستثمار الموزون لما تكتنزه من موارد وخيرات. والباعث الفعلي لتلك العلاقة يتمثل في الارتباط التاريخي والحياتي لتلك المجتمعات بالبيئة البرية، حيث سجلت تلك العلاقة مآثر تاريخية ظلت محفوظة في ذاكرة ووجدان أهل البر، وتشكّل مؤشراً مهماً لطبيعة العلاقة مع ما يكتنزه نظام البيئة الصحراوية من ثروات مهمة لحياة المجتمعات الأصلية التي تقطن في تلك البيئات.

الباحث والإعلامي الجزائري عياش يحياوي سجّل في كتابه «خلوجبات» بعض هذه المواقف، حيث دوّن بعض أقوال الرواة في المنطقة الغربية في أبوظبي، ويقول الراوية علي زايد بن دودة المنصوري من منطقة السلع في أبوظبي أن «الصحراء كانت نظيفةً في رملها وهوائها، وكان البدوي يشعر بذلك ويلمسه في حياته اليومية، ولم تكن رائحة البترول ومشتقاته معروفة. قاع نظيف، القرص، يوم تسوي القرص وتشويه تشم ريحته من بعيد، الهوا صافي، ما في بترول، ما في آيل، ما في غبار، كان ابن آدم قوي، صاحي، يصيد أرنب ويشويها، ويطبخ عليها عيش، ويشرب لبن، والقاعة نظيفة، والقاعة ما فيها وسخ، ما فيها شي، البوش، الجمل الجمل، نضيعه ما ندري في الليل وين، بعيد مثل الشبهانة، نشم ريحته في الليل، ونعرف وين، ونعرف مكانه، الهوا نظيف».


الوعي الاجتماعي بضرورة الحفاظ على الثروة الطبيعية لصون ديموية بقاء المجتمعات المحلية القاطنة في المناطق البرية مؤشر مهم في بناء منظومة القيم والعادات والتقاليد والأعراف المجتمعية في العلاقة مع ما تكتنزه تلك المناطق من ثروات وخيرات حيوية. وكما بيّن لنا الشاعر بخيت المسافري من مدينة الذيد في الشارقة «أن المجتمعات البدوية كانت تنظم سير القوافل البرية وفق مسارات متعارف عليها يضمن عدم التأثير السلبي على الموارد الطبيعية في تلك المناطق، وتعليم الأجيال على عدم السير على المواقع العشبية التي هي ثروةٌ للرعي،

كما أن لها نظاماً للرعي وطرقاً ومواسم محدّدة للتحطيب واستغلال ثروات وخيرات بيئات المناطق البرية. وفي السياق ذاته درجت المجتمعات المحلية على ممارسة أنشطتها المتنوعة التي تميّز بها مجتمع البادية في مناطق متعارف عليها وبشكل منظم يحول دون التعدّي على مكوّنات تلك المناطق، والامتثال للعادات والتقاليد الرشيدة في الحفاظ على نظافة بيئات المناطق البرية وجعلها مكاناً ملائماً للراحة والاستجمام».إن هذه المفاهيم الخاصة بالعلاقة مع البيئة غدت منظومةً متكاملةً للعقد الاجتماعي في تنظيم العلاقة مع النظام البيئي في المناطق البرية.

Breathing Life into Sand

Dake Rechsand’s innovative and transformative solutions are proactively contributing to the creation of a more sustainable and abundant world. The company’s breakthrough breathable sand technology utilizes low-value desert aeolian sand, to create a constantly evolving portfolio of high value products. The solutions offered by Dake Rechsand include applications in water purification, desert farming, water harvesting, construction, sand casting, sand oil and more. The company is transforming food and water security in water stressed regions and is currently engaged in an ambitious plan to enable farming and greenery for at least 10,000 acres across UAE or for half a million trees by H1, 2021.

Chandra Dake, the Executive Chairman and Group CEO of the Dake Group, talks to EcoMENA about the ‘Magic Sands’ technology, and how it can transform the agricultural scenario in the UAE and other countries in the MENA region.


EcoMENA: How does Dake Rechsand breathable sand technology align with the UAE government’s vision of creating a more food and water secure UAE?

Chandra Dake: Speaking in a recent cabinet meeting, His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum raised the issue of working towards a UAE of the future, which is self-reliant in meeting its food and water needs. This is a responsible reaction to the disruption of global supply chains that we experienced after the COVID-19 outbreak. However, ramping up local production of food, and enhancing the UAE’s ability to be water secure, will also make a significant impact in lowering carbon emissions. As Sheikh Mohammed pointed out, the solution lies in implementing innovative technologies that produce practical results, in a sustainable manner.

Dake Rechsand’s breathable ‘magic’ sand products take an abundant local resource – desert sand – and repurpose it to be the solution, rather than being part of the problem. It’s crucial to note that our solutions are completely scalable, empowering large scale implementation through government or agri-business intervention, as well individual users who wish to reduce the environmental impact of their homes and communities.

EcoMENA: Could you elaborate on how these ‘magic’ breathable sand products can be implemented in individual and community applications?

Chandra Dake: We have all witnessed the increase in rainfall in the UAE due to cloud seeding. However, this has also led to an increase in flooding, and has not yet had an optimal impact on greening the nation.  Dake Rechsand’s products can transform rainwater harvesting efforts, as well as enabling vigorous plant growth in sand, using much less water than conventional methods. These are two capacities which, in combination, can transform the UAE.

The opportunities for a decentralized and community led impact are endless. Corporate offices looking to landscape their campuses, schools wishing to teach their students the value of sustainability, or even people who would like to try their hand at growing vegetables and fruit in their backyard, as well as greening their gardens. All this and more can become possible while drastically reducing water consumption, as well as enabling the harvesting of rainwater using tiles, kerbstones and pavers from our IDER range of products.

EcoMENA: What do think will the impact of the Dake Rechsand technology on future projects and developments in the UAE?  

Chandra Dake: The UAE has emerged as a regional commercial hub, which is the location of choice for regional headquarters for several large corporations. At the same time, it is also a major residential real estate market, famed around the world for its luxury developments and great livability.  The UAE administration has introduced several investor friendly initiatives, to make these market segments attractive to international investors.

These strengths can be further enhanced by landscaping companies and consultants using our products in projects. Residential communities, commercial compounds, healthcare and educational campuses, and more, can all be enhanced using our breathable sand products. These sites can be much more green and lush, even at the height of the harshest UAE summer, while using significantly less water than they currently do.


A layer of 1 inch of our magic breathable sand, when applied a few inches under the root bed of the plant, allows enough water to be retained for the plant to flourish. Not just that, the kerbstones and paving products we offer can reclaim the excess water, and also collect rainwater, for underground storage that keeps water fresh for up to seven years. These capabilities will lead to decentralized water sources, which together contribute to a self-reliant and thriving UAE.

EcoMENA: What about the top-down government led initiatives for food and water security? Are Dake Rechsand products compatible with that scale of implementation as well?

Chandra Dake: Any progressive vision of the future must be anchored in sustainable smart urban clusters, which provide residents with the greatest access to conveniences and services, while doing so sustainably. However, a ‘smart’ city is not just about embedded digital technologies and future-ready public transport etc. At the end of the day, such urban clusters need access to abundant local food and water sources.

The UAE administration has garnered a lot of international praise for its people-centric and visionary initiatives. Nevertheless, until recently, the food needs of these large urban populations would have needed to rely on imports. Water resources would have had a large desalination component, which is heavily reliant on energy consumption. When Dake Rechsand’s breathable sand technology is added to the larger technology driven vision for the future of the UAE, an instantly more sustainable and self-reliant model becomes possible to implement.

دليل التسوق الأخضر

مع قدوم شهركانون الأول، يتم التخطيط و التحضير للعديد من المناسبات والحفلات الموسمية على الصعيد العالمي. و يأتي مع هذه المناسبات نوع من التسوق المنفعل مما يؤدي إلى استخدام وهدر المزيد من الموارد. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، شهركانون الأول هو أيضا مشهور بهوس التسوق الذي يُسيطر على الأشخاص من مختلف مناحى الحياة “التسوق” هو بالتأكيد أحد أشهر ‘الرياضات في الأماكن المغلقة “يُمارس بالتساوي من قبل شعوب الدول المتقدمة والنامية إعتماداً على أسلوب حياتهم وميزانياتهم و تقوم به السيدات بنسبة أكبر.


“التحول الأخضر” هو الطريق الجديد بالنسبة لنا جميعاً فهو عبارة عن تغيير نمط الحياة الى الأفضل بما في ذلك تحسين العادات الشرائية و نمط التسوق الخاص بنا بحيث نعمل على تخفيض العبء البيئي الإضافي الناجم عن العادات القديمة. تعمل قوى السوق العالمية و المنتجين و الصناعات بالتعاون مع المؤسسات التسويقية و الإعلامية على تنظيم حملات تسويقية تهدف إلى استمالتنا لشراء المزيد من منتجاتها الأساسية و غير الأساسية.

مسؤولية الإشراف البيئي تقع على عاتقنا كأفراد للسيطرة والتصرف والانتقال إلى “التسوق الأخضر” لتغيير عاداتنا الشرائية المدللة. يبدأ تحمل هذه المسؤولية من خلال مراجعة لائحة التسوق الخاصة بك و تدقيق نمط حياتك وتحديد مجالات التحسين و التغيير للحد من التلوث.

و لنصبح “مستهلك أخضر” نحتاج إلى الحفاظ على الموارد، وتوفير الطاقة، ومنع النفايات عن طريق شراء المنتجات ذات الكفاءة في استخدام الطاقة، مُستخدمة أو قابلة لإعادة الاستخدام، مصنوعة من مواد معاد تدويرها أو قابلة لإعادة التدوير و غير مغلفة أو تستخدم مواد أقل للتعبئة والتغليف.


يتضمن “التسوق الأخضر” تعلم كيفية الشراء بذكاء مع أخذ المعايير البيئية في عين الاعتبار. واليكم بعض النصائح المفيدة “للتسوق الصديق للبيئة”:

  1. تحقق مما إذا كانت السلعة “حقا” أو “على وجه السرعة” مطلوبة. قد لا يكون لديك حاجة لإستخدامها فورا أو يمكنك تأجيلها إلى وقت لاحق.
  2. تحقق من كمية ومحتوى السلعة المطلوب بالإضافة إلى المدة ؟
  3. ما هي بدائل هذه السلعة من حيث التكلفة والحجم والعدد وما إلى ذلك؟
  4. التوجه لشراء المنتجات المعمرة بدلاً من السلع الاستهلاكية. شراء السلع التي تستمر لفترة أطول ويمكن إعادة استخدامها مثل البطاريات القابلة لإعادة الشحن وتَجنب المنتجات البلاستيكية مثل أدوات المائدة والألواح.
  5. تجنب السلع التي تتسم بالتعبئة والتغليف الزائد. إبحث عن المنتجات الأقل تغليفاً أو توجه للشراء بكميات كبيرة مما يعني كميات أقل من القمامة للتخلص والنقل.
  6. تشارك مع الأصدقاء. طريقة أخرى لحفظ الموارد والطاقة هي التبادل مع الأهل والأصدقاء بدلاً من شراء المنتجات الجديدة. ويشمل تشارك و تبادل ألعاب الفيديو والأقراص المدمجة وأقراص الفيديو الرقمية ،إلى اَخره… .
  7. شراء الأجهزة و السلع الإلكترونية الموفرة للطاقة وتشجيع المنتجات الموفرة للطاقة.
  8. شراء الهدايا المفيدة بهدف الإستخدام وليس التكلفة.
  9. إختيار السلع المصنوعة من مواد معاد تدويرها.
  10. عند الإختيار بين المنتجات المتماثلة، إختر المنتج الذي يمكنك إعادة استخدامه أو إعادة تعبئته في وقت لاحق، أو تلك التي لم يتم هدر الموارد على تغليفها حيث أنك سوف تقوم بالتخلص منه بمجرد وصولك إلى المنزل.
  11. شراء المنتجات المستدامة والتي لديها القدرة على أن تُنتج (مراراً وتكراراً) دون أن ينجم عنها الكثير من الضرر على البيئة.
  12. شراء السلع المصنوعة محلياً و المنتجات الغذائية المزورعة محلياً. الأطعمة المحلية طازجة و شراءها يحفاظ على القطاع الزراعي المحلي و يدعم المزارعين المحليين للبقاء في السوق، مع تجنب التلوث الناجم عن نقل المنتجات في جميع أنحاء البلد أو المنطقة.

دعونا نُلهِم أنفسنا على العيش بنمط حياة ملائم و صديق للبيئة ، صحي ، ومستدام.

تحول إلى متسوق (مستهلك) أخضر. إستكشف وتمتع و أحدث فرقا!

ترجمة م. لينا مراد خالد الكردي

ماجستير طاقة متجددة و كفاءة الطاقة \ باحثة

الترجمة ليس بالضرورة أن تُمثل رأي أو توجه المترجمة

Climate Change Impacts in North Africa

In North Africa, rising temperatures associated with climate change are expected to decrease the land areas suitable for agriculture, shorten the length of growing seasons and reduce crop yields. The decrease in annual precipitation that is predicted for Northern Africa in the 21st century will exacerbate these effects, particularly in semi-arid and arid regions that rely on irrigation for crop growth.

Whilst extreme events associated with climate change, like floods and droughts, will probably set economic development back many years, approaches to climate change adaptation are not usually aligned with development issues. Climate change mitigation will divert resources from programmes to address poverty, unemployment and poor-living conditions and threats the sustainability of development process.


Therefore, seemingly conflicting interests between the development and climate change agendas often arise, especially in regions like North Africa.

Sea Level Rise, Droughts and Floods

Droughts and floods are the most common climatic events in North Africa and represent direct threats to lives, livelihoods and socio-economic aspects. However, as one of the world’s most water-scarce regions with a high dependency on climate-sensitive agriculture, the economic and social conditions in North Africa are likely to deteriorate in the future. This is also particularly relevant to the region due to the high dependence of regional economies on agriculture.

The main economic and social activities in North Africa are concentrated along the coastal zones. Population within 100 km of coast is 68.8 percent in Algeria, 78.7 percent in Libya, 65.1 percent in Morocco, and 84 percent in Tunisia. Thus, sea level rise could result in major population movements and adversely affect many economic activities like tourism; a major source of employment and income in Morocco and Tunisia.

Water Scarcity

North Africa faces many similar issues to the Levant region when it comes to geographical climate impacts in terms of water scarcity and soil degradation. Furthermore, in Egypt it is projected that 1 meter sea level rise will affect an approximate of 6 million people mostly ‘poor’, living in the Nile delta basin. Thus this weakening in the Nile Delta which is heavily inhabited and used for agriculture shall impact millions of people.


Recent studies have forecasted that Nile river’s flow will decrease by 40-60% which will increase frequency and intensity of drought, particularly in North African countries causing major socio-economic and political problem for the region. It is also emphasized that Egypt will have to redesign its water policy due to precipitation changes around Ethiopia, from where 80% of water that flows into Egypt is generated.


In North Africa, rising temperatures associated with climate change are expected to decrease the land areas suitable for agriculture, shorten the length of growing seasons and reduce crop yields. In these countries, we estimate that a 1°C rise in temperature in a given year reduces economic growth in that year by about 1.1%. The decrease in annual precipitation that is predicted for Northern Africa in the 21st century will exacerbate these effects, particularly in semiarid and arid regions that rely on irrigation for crop growth.

As one of the world’s most water-scarce regions with a high dependency on climate-sensitive agriculture, the economic and social conditions in North Africa are likely to deteriorate in the future. This is also particularly relevant to the region due to the high dependence of regional economies on agriculture.


Desertification and drought are real threats for Tunisia

Crop production would be reduced across much of the continent as optimal growing conditions are exceeded. The capacity of African communities to cope will be significantly challenged. In North Africa, infrastructure and adaptation to extreme weather events are expected to prove costliest.

Economic Impact

The main economic and social activities in North Africa are concentrated along the coastal zones. Thus, sea level rise could result in major population movements and adversely affect many economic activities like tourism; a major source of employment and income in Morocco and Tunisia.

There needs to be integration into the political and economic choices made by these countries, so that there is an understanding of the structural reality of climatic change in its broad dimensions and with its medium- and long-term repercussions. There is a need to make a clear and direct connection between this phenomenon and other socio-economic factors that are more integrated on a policy level.