Kia and The Waste Lab Partner to Raise Awareness on the Reality of Food Waste

Kia Corporation partnered with Dubai-based start-up, The Waste Lab, and launched a three-stage GCC based campaign whilst transforming food waste into healthy compost. The partnership, commenced at the start of Ramadan, nudging consumers to rethink their practices and mindset around food wastage.

food waste management

The Waste Lab is a women-led, impact-driven startup based in the UAE, with a mission to reduce and repurpose food waste. Kia has always been an advocate of sustainable mobility solutions. In line with their vision of creating a positive impact on the environment, Kia is facilitating The Waste Lab as part of the collaboration with the Kia Niro Hybrid in the UAE, the Kia K5 Hybrid in Oman, and the Kia K8 Hybrid in Saudi Arabia, as a means of transportation of the food waste into nutrient-rich compost.

What is composting?

Composting is the natural process of recycling organic matter, under controlled conditions, into a soil amendment. Everything in nature eventually decomposes and goes back into the soil. Composting brings together different players to do this work and speeds up the process. The end product is “compost” – the decomposed organic matter’s rich nutrients that can fertilize and enrich the soil for gardening, landscaping, and agriculture.

What is the process?

Generally, three main stages are involved in composting: first, compost goes through the mesophilic stage, where decomposition speeds up and produces heat. Next is the thermophilic phase, featuring high temperatures and the further breakdown of organic matter. Last is the curing stage, where compost cools and matures. Each of the three composting stages comes with a different team of composting microbes, creatures, unique characteristics, and a specific purpose.

Prior to the composting process, it is important to guide people and target entities on proper waste separation, including organic and non-organic materials, and to make sure only suitable materials are sent for composting. By separating organic waste at source, it can be composted to produce a valuable output that enriches the soil, while non-organic waste can be recycled. The Waste Lab then uses a data tracking a routing system to facilitate the collection process. As a sustainable mobility solutions provider, Kia has been supporting The Waste Lab’s operation, by providing them with hybrid vehicles and aiding in raising awareness around the global-wide issue of food waste.


The second step of composting involves the actual composting process, where the organic waste is transformed into nutrient-rich soil. By maintaining proper carbon to nitrogen ratios, aeration, hydration, and optimal temperatures, compost is created as a soil amendment that can improve the health of the soil and the quality of the produce. This step is one the most significant steps as it ensures, the quality of the compost and its benefits ahead.

The third stage is to ensure the efficient utilization of the compost made. It involves using the finished compost to grow healthy nutrient-rich food. Compost is a great soil supplement that can improve soil health but also reduces the waste generated while growing super-local foods.


There are multiple benefits of composting to the overall ecosystem. It reduces the waste in landfills (organic waste accounts for 40% to 60% of landfills) as well as the use of chemical applications. The process also aids in building healthy soil by storing atmospheric C02 and plant nutrients which enhances plant growth and the overall environment around. The composting initiative by The Waste Lab also creates local resources, encouraging food security and a culture that grows home-based plants.

Yaser Shabsogh, Chief Operating Officer, Regional HQ, Middle East & Africa, Kia, commented, “We are excited about our partnership with The Waste Lab and engaging with the community in our collective effort to promote sustainable solutions. Our aim is to generate support from local communities for sustainable initiatives in the region. We aim to shift people’s mindset around food waste and responsible consumption. At Kia, we hold a deep-seated commitment to reducing the carbon footprint and are always trying to pursue innovative means to pursue sustainable solutions. We understand that this commitment has the power to transform our world and bring the cycle of life full circle.”

Lara Hussein and Ceylan Uren, The Waste Lab co-founders also commented: “As we prepare for Ramadan, we often see a surge in excessive buying and discarding of food. However, this time can be used to promote more mindful consumption and sustainability. By emphasizing the advantages of sourcing locally and minimizing food waste, we can raise awareness and promote responsible consumption. Additionally, diverting these precious resources from landfills can have a positive impact on reducing greenhouse gas emissions and supporting soil health, we believe that this initiative with Kia can be transformative and have a positive impact on our world, and we are excited to bring the community onboard to galvanize support. We are grateful to Kia for lending their support and collaborating on this impactful project.”

The Guide of an Eco-Friendly Pet Owner – Top Tips to Follow

This planet is all we have and, unless we start properly looking after it, we can lose everything from ecosystems to all resources, including our most precious – freshwater. However, selective recycling isn’t the only way to reduce pollution and help the planet.

Owning a pet is a great responsibility but also a challenge since most of their accessories and food are made of plastic or packed in it. As one of the most vocal advocates of sustainability in the Middle East, EcoMENA pleads for a more responsible life and wishes to share some easy tips on how to look after the planet while still raising a healthy and happy pet.

Adopt, don’t shop

Although you’ll rarely see stray dogs and cats wandering on the streets of Middle Eastern countries, there is no doubt that many animals are still abandoned by their owners in shelters, because they can no longer provide for them.


If you want to make Earth a better place, start by adopting a pet that needs love and affection instead of spending small fortunes on pure-breed cats and dogs. Remember that whenever you’re adopting from a shelter, you save a life and you gain a new friend or a family member.

Adopting is an economic-friendly solution for all animal lovers, and we assure you there are plenty of adorable kittens and puppies waiting for their forever home.

Opt for sustainable pet food

We know that you want your best for your pet, and this includes paying extra for organic food but why settle for small packages that only add to the global plastic waste? Choose food brands that are committed to making a positive change, and this includes selling their products in environmentally-friendly and biodegradable packages. Check out Nutra Thrive Cat reviews to find the best nutrition for your pet.

If that’s not possible, another way to reduce waste would be to buy larger quantities. Store the extra food in glass recipients or paper bags, in cool and dry places. This will help preserve the flavor and the taste of the food as months pass by. The same goes for resealable bags that won’t alter the food’s properties.

Also Read: How to Read Pet Food Labels

Bake your own treats

Why spend hundreds of dollars on pet treats and contribute to more waste when you can bake or make your own? Various online tutorials will teach you how to make delicious snacks, step-by-step.

What’s even better is that you can bake tasty recipes with ingredients that you already have at home and use for your regular meals. As long as the ingredients are organic and designed for dog or cat consumption, you can create a wide array of treats for any occasion.

If spending extra time in the kitchen isn’t your thing, you can always adapt your dinner recipes to the needs of your pet. Steaks are a delicious meal for all your family members and, as long as you don’t use any seasoning or sauces for your dog’s piece, you will have its snack ready in a minute.

Cats love tuna and any other type of fish, so make sure to grill one for them. The same goes for poultry, turkey, and any other type of meat. Grilled, baked or steamed meat represents a healthy choice for all your family members, including your pawed friends.

Eco-friendly accessories and grooming products

If you want to reduce plastic waste, you should also consider opting for green and eco-friendly grooming products packaged in biodegradable bottles. As for leashes, collars, kennels, and even outfits, why not opt for second-hand products?

Many animal lovers tend to buy all the accessories and products they can find for their pets but don’t end up using more than 20-30% of them. Luckily, there are plenty of online forums and even physical stores where you can shop for unused products at discount prices. Reusing and recycling are two of the main principles for a cleaner world, so why not adopt this lifestyle?

Apart from finding unique accessories and cool new outfits for your pooch, you will also save money and prevent waste

Invest in pet-proof products

Cats, dogs, and ferrets are all wonderful creatures but they can end up tearing your house apart and breaking your most valuable belongings. If you’re serious about adopting a new pet, you must know how to “animal-proof” your house to prevent buying new shoes, clothes, electronics, and accessories every other month.

Keep all your shoes and clothes in the closet, on high shelves where your pet cannot reach them and replace some of your tableware with plates, glasses, and cups made of metal or other strong materials. You should do the same with your trash bin if you don’t want your animals to move it from one place to another and spill all its content on the floor.

نصائح لتقليل النفايات الغذائية

food-waste-arabتبذير الطعام له آثار بيئية واقتصادية وكذلك الاجتماعية.  ارتفاع نصيب الفرد من الدخل والإنفاق، ومستويات المعيشة، القدرة على تحمل التكاليف و اللامبالاة تجاه الطعام كلها عوامل لها تأثير سلبي كبير على مواردنا المحدودة. في مراكز التسوق والمطاعم على سبيل المثال ، من الشائع أن نرى كميات متراكمة من الطعام غير المستهلك كليا أو جزئيا. للأسف، الرفاهية تؤدي إلى تفشي  توليد النفايات الغذائية في جميع أنحاء الشرق الأوسط، وخاصة دول مجلس التعاون الخليجي.

خطورة الوضع يمكن قياسها من كون أن أكثر من 300 طن من النفايات الغذائية يتم توليدها يوميا  في البحرين وهذا يشكل حوالي 11٪ من إجمالي  نفايات البلدية . كل هذه النفايات يتم تفريغها   في حاويات و جمعها من قبل عمال البلدية ونقلها إلى مكب عسكر الواقع على بعد نحو 25 كيلومترا من المدينة.

الناس في الشرق الأوسط يجب أن  تعي  أننا نستورد معظم  المواد الغذائية ,ورميها بلا مبالاة في القمامة غير مقبول بتاتا. تشير التقديرات إلى أن حوالي ربع المواد الغذائية التي يتم شراؤها تتعفن وتجد طريقها إلى سلة المهملات حتى قبل استخدامها أو تناولها.

الناس يميلون إلى شراء أكثر مما يحتاجون أو ما يمكنهم استهلاكه وغالبا ما تترك الوجبات نصف مأكولة، و هذا سلوك غير لائق. ترك الطعام هو عادة سيئة تؤدي إلى المزيد من الهدر حيث أن المواد الغذائية  لا يتم الاستفادة منها بشكل كامل وفعال وينتهي بها المطاف في صناديق القمامة. وبالإضافة إلى ذلك، فإن أكثر  مشاهد هدر الطعام نراها في المأدبات و الولائم (البوفيه)، حيث الخيارات من أطباق كثيرة و الكميات غير محدودة. رد فعلنا أو موقفنا من طعامنا يجب أن  يكون “اخذ فقط ما يمكنك أن تأكل.

ارتفعت تكلفة الأطعمة النيئة و المطبوخة بشكل حاد في السنوات الأخيرة، الامر الذي يشكل عبئا إضافيا على ميزانيات البيوت و أرباب الأسر الذين يرزحون تحت تكاليف أخرى مرتفعة من معيشة وسكن ودواء ونقل الخ.  تجنب تبذير الأطعمة هو مهمتنا  الاولى لنساعد على التقليل من كمية النفايات القابلة للتحلل عضويا الذاهبة إلى صناديق القمامة ومن ثم إلى مكب النفايات. وبالإضافة إلى ذلك،  إذا  قمنا بجمع فضلات الطعام، فإننا سنزيل  جزأ كبيرا من نسبة الفضلات القابلة للتحلل من سلة المهملات. ونحن نعلم أيضا أنه عندما يتم إرسال المواد الغذائية إلى المكب فإنها تنتج المزيد من الغازات المسببة للاحتباس الحراري إثر تحللها.

الوضع الراهن يستدعي تطوير عادات غذائية أفضل و تبني مبدئ “خذ فقط ما يمكن أن تأكل” احتراما للطبيعة . “الحل الاجتماعي والثقافي” يكمن في طريقة ذكية للتعامل مع الطعام تجنبا النفايات. دعونا نتبع النصائح التالية للتقليل من النفايات الغذائية في الشرق الأوسط: اقتني  ما تريده على وجه التحديد وبكميات معقولة.

·   شراء المواد الغذائية وخاصة الفواكه والخضروات بكميات صغيرة حسب الحاجة.

·   الحرص على الاستخدام الأمثل للمواد الغذائية وتناول الطعام اللازم وحتى بقايا الوجبات

·   لا تشعر بالخجل من أخذ/تعبئة بقايا الوجبات في الحفلات فإنه لا يؤثر على ثقتك بنفسك وسمعتك.

·   قم يوميا  بجرد المواد الغذائية الخاصة بك في الثلاجة وفي سلة الفاكهة بحثا عن العناصر التي قد تتعفن أو تنتهي صلاحيتها . استفد منها أو تبرع بها قبل أن تصبح نفايات.

ترجمه للعربية يوسف بنغزواني 

New and Larger Wave of Locusts Threaten East Africa and Beyond

Before the current pandemic that the world is battling, East Africa and neighbouring regions of the globe experienced the biggest locust infestation in the past 70 years. That event was devastating. Then the Covid-19 pandemic started to move across the globe. And just as a viral plague can resurface if adequate measures are not taken and sustained for a long enough period of time to interrupt the spread of the virus, the locusts have returned. The locust plague has reappeared in East Africa and is said to be 20 times the strength of the earlier infestations.

The Fight for Food

Billions of young, hungry locusts are swarming across the continent from their breeding grounds in Somalia. As the summer season is fast approaching, fresh, young vegetation is starting to flourish with the help of the seasonal rains.

Rural people are in a double whammy situation, needing to protect their crops by whatever means are available while the spread of coronavirus is over-shadowing them as well. The fight for food will win out over the fight for prevention of the virus. Its another catch-22 where humanity suffers from infection or dies of starvation. These are impossible situations in which to have to make choices. The most destructive impact obviously wins out.

The nations affected include Kenya, Ethiopia, South Sudan. The swarms have also been sighted in Djibouti, Eritrea, Tanzania and the Congo.

Village farmers have very limited means of defeating the locusts and driving the swarms off their lands onto neighbouring lands. The farmers even resort to bang metal pots and pans, throwing stones, and whistling and shouting. Others merely watch and stare. Their main crop is a starch-food, cassava that helps ward off the village people from starvation.

The Role of Climate Change

The UN Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO) attributes the locust infestations partly due to the change in the regional climate. In other words, climate change. New swarms keep appearing because of the ideal breeding conditions. These favourable conditions could last through May, meaning that more swarms of the locusts could appear during the harvest months, June and July.

To counterattack the locust swarms, the UN is appealing for financial aid to be freed up and made available for combat measures. The young or juvenile locusts are far more voracious that the mature adult locusts. The scientists, satellite information analysts to be precise, at the Nairobi-based Climate Prediction and Application Centre are analyzing satellite imagery.

The Difficult Fight Against Locust Swarms

The ability to fight the swarms with the spraying of pesticide is severely restricted by the Covid-19 regulations that have significant restrictions on travel and delivery of the much needed pesticides. The dilemma is which infestation takes precedence. Field verification of the severity of the locust swarms is also hampered majorly. Overall, the world is stretched to its limits dealing with the global pandemic that other regional plagues are not receiving the attention that they also need in terms of combating the devastating situation.

The extent of these swarms is vast, that aerial top-spraying is the best option but there are border control issues as well as the challenges of securing aerial flight crews and delivery of pesticides via road or air. There is major concern, that the importation of pesticides from suppliers around the globe is also hampered by the interruptions in international cargo shipments during this pandemic.

Bottom Line

The food security in East African nations are seriously threatened by crop devastation, loss of pasture cover used as fodder for livestock and forest cover could also be denuded. The final note of gloom is that these swarms are appearing in regions previously not subjected to locusts.

The solutions are not obvious while the situation is dire for all concerned individuals. Researchers prefer to write on situations and propose solutions or at least recommendations. In this case, nature is proving stronger humankind in its ability, not to control, but even to work with nature.

How Businesses Can Reduce Paper Use: 8 Effective Ways

As a business owner, ensure environmental friendliness in all aspects of your business dealings. And one aspect of that is the reduction of paper usage. Reducing paper usage is an effective way to promote sustainability and a healthy environment.

Everyone would want to save money and the planet at the same time. With a paperless office yet to be achieved, there are ways you can use less paper in your business.

Here are ways businesses can ensure less paper usage:

ways businesses can reduce paper usage

1. Using Email And Internet Faxing

To reduce paper use, replace traditional paper communication with electronic communication. Instead of using paper to send announcements, memos and newsletters to employees or various stakeholders, it can be replaced by email or any other digital platform. This way, you save on paper and enhance an eco-friendly and cost-effective environment.

Additionally, you can use internet faxing to send and receive important documents. Companies like allow you to receive and send fax from Gmail, tablet or phone. The fax can be attached to an email and viewed on any device, reducing the need to print it. This cuts down the need to use paper unless when necessary.

2. Copying And Printing On Both Sides Of Paper

Print on both sides of the paper when printing documents you want to use on your business premises. Doing that helps save half the amount of paper you want to use. And this will reduce the amount of paper used and needed in your office and save money on purchasing printing papers.

3. Encourage The Use Of Dual Monitor

Another way of going encouraging paperless is considering dual monitors, which prevent workers from printing documents. Though it might seem expensive to use a dual monitor rather than printing the papers, it’s worth the expense when it comes to sustainability. The dual monitor setup reduces the need to print documents and makes transferring manual data much more effortless.

4. Share And Store Files Digitally

The digital revolution has transformed most aspects of office operations, and it’s essential to take advantage of it to improve the environment. Digital solutions can be incorporated into most operations, hence the need to equip all workers with tablets. Documents can be shared in digital formats rather than printing hard copies of every document.

automated reminders

Furthermore, you can record, share and store documents digitally. For example, using cloud solutions and digital backups to store your files can free up your office space and eliminate paper files. Employees can be encouraged to limit hard copy notes and instead substitute them with digital notes or emails too.

Sharing and storing files digitally embraces a paperless environment that is sustainable for business operations.

5. Enforcing Printing Policies

Office employees may take print equipment for granted. An employee can decide to print documents just because the printer is available.

And to reduce the use of paper and printing, managers need to enforce policies concerning the printing of documents. There should be rules about printing and when to use hard copies within the company. Printing documents is unnecessary when sharing or saving digitally is an alternative.

6. Consider Reusing Paper

Rather than throwing away papers, consider reusing them. Here are ways you can reuse paper:

  • Creating crafts and art projects: For instance, colored ones can be used for crafts and art projects. When you’re creative, leftover paper products can be helpful.
  • Wrapping fragile materials: Newspapers and magazines can be used in wrapping and packing fragile materials.
  • Wrapping gifts: Colored paper can be used to wrap gifts. You can look for colorful pages which can help wrap gifts.
  • Recycling: Paper can be reused through recycling and making new paper. This involves collecting used paper and breaking them into a pulp; later, used paper can be used to create new ones, thus reducing the demand for paper production.

Reusing paper plays a significant role in reducing waste and, at the same time, encouraging a sustainable environment within the business premises.

recycled paper

7. Considering Paperless Presentations

Most companies use hard-copy handouts for presentations and during meetings. And in most instances, these materials are used for a short period and then thrown or discarded, which leads to a pile-up of paper waste. Instead, it’s vital to have paperless presentations, which therefore utilize digital tools like laptops, projectors or tablets. While in the meeting, the team members can access information digitally and also take notes digitally

8. Encouraging Paperless Payments

To reduce paper usage, you can consider paperless invoices in your businesses. Companies can ensure clients get receipts, statements and invoices through email rather than paper. Besides, businesses can consider electronic payment options, for instance, digital wallets, to reduce the use of paper checks, providing convenience for both clients and FSA for employees. By considering paperless payments, businesses minimize paper usage, hence simplifying financial processes.


Businesses must adopt sustainable processes like reducing paper usage to keep the environment sustainable. It protects environmental resources by embracing digital solutions, reusing papers, enforcing policies, and limiting the use of hard copies in businesses. The implementation of these strategies impacts the environment as well as the general operation of the business.

How to Use Your Whirlpool Bath More Sustainably

We all know that whirlpool baths are truly a luxurious addition to any home bathroom. They offer a relaxing and soothing experience – an experience we all need in our ever-hectic and demanding lives. However, we also know that whirlpool baths can be quite energy-intensive and, thus, can significantly impact the environment. But fortunately for you, if you’re concerned about your environmental impact but still want to enjoy your whirlpool bath, there are several ways to use it more sustainably and in a more eco-friendly manner. So how can you use your whirlpool bath in a more sustainable way? Let’s learn more about it, shall we?

eco-friendly ways to use whirlpool bath

Choose a model that’s energy-efficient

The good news is that whirlpool baths are now more energy-efficient. For instance, you can look for models with a high Energy Factor or EF rating or are ‘Energy Star’ -certified. An Energy Star-certified whirlpool bath can save up to 60% in energy expenses compared to a standard model. Meanwhile, the EF or Energy Factor rating indicates the model’s energy efficiency, with higher ratings indicating greater efficiency.

2. Use eco-friendly cleaning products

When cleaning your whirlpool bath, choose eco-friendly cleaning products. Harsh and strong chemicals can damage the bath’s surface – and even worse, harm the environment. You can instead opt for natural cleaning solutions such as lemon juice, vinegar, or baking soda. These natural cleaners are not only effective – they are also safe and environmentally friendly.

3. Fill the bath with cold water

In order to save energy, fill the bath with cold water as opposed to hot water. With this, you can reduce the energy required to heat the water, saving you money and reducing your environmental impact.

4. Limit the amount of water you use

To reduce water usage, only fill the tub with the amount of water you will need. In other words, avoid overfilling the bath, as this wastes water and can put additional strain on the motor of the whirlpool. If you want, you can use a bucket to measure the amount of water you require before turning on the jets.

5. Use the timer function

Most whirlpool baths today come with a timer function that allows you to set the amount of time the jets will run. You can use this function to limit the time the jets are running. Keep in mind that the longer the jets run, the more energy they consume.

6. Opt for a water-saving showerhead

If your whirlpool bath comes with a showerhead, consider replacing it with a water-saving showerhead. This can help you reduce the water used during your bath, saving you money and decreasing your environmental impact.

7. Don’t forget to maintain your whirlpool bath

Regular upkeep and maintenance are crucial to keeping your whirlpool bath operating efficiently. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for cleaning and maintenance, and have the unit serviced regularly by a professional. When you have a unit that is well-maintained and cleaned regularly, your whirlpool bath will use less energy and last for a longer time, reducing the need for parts replacements.

Future Water Scenarios in GCC

Water is an important vector in the socio-economic development and for supporting the ecosystem. In the arid to extremely arid Arabian Peninsula, home of the GCC countries, the importance and value of water is even more pronounced. The GCC countries of United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Qatar, and Kuwait, are facing the most severe water shortages in the world.  Rainfall scarcity and variability coupled with high evaporation rates have characterized this part of the world with a limited availability of renewable water.  However, the scarcity of renewable water resources is not the only distinctive characteristic of the region, inadequate levels of management and the continuous deterioration of its natural water resources have become during the past few decades equally distinguishing features as well.

Clamour for Water

In the last four decades, rapid population growth and accelerated socio-economic development in the GCC countries were associated with a substantial increase in water demands, which have escalated from about 6 Billion cubic meters (Bcm) in 1980 to about 30 Bcm in 2010.  These demands have been driven mainly by the agricultural sector consumption (currently (2012) consumes about 77% of total water used), and by rapid population and urban expansion (18%).  

To meet rising demands, water authorities have focused their efforts mainly on the development and supply augmentation aspects of water resources management.  Demands are being satisfied by the development of groundwater (83%), extensive installation of desalination plants (15%), expansion in wastewater treatment and reuse (2%), in addition to dams construction to collect, store, and utilize runoff.  Currently, groundwater resources are being over-exploited to meet mainly agricultural water demands, with continuous deterioration in quantity and quality. In most of the countries, unplanned groundwater mining continues without a clear “exit” strategy. To meet domestic water supply requirement, GCC countries have turned to desalination and have become collectively the world leaders in desalination, with more than 50% of the world capacity.  However, desalination remains an important technology, capital intensive and costly, and with negative environmental impacts.  In terms of wastewater recycling, available treated wastewaters are still not being reused to their potential; planning for full utilization of treated effluent are in the early stages.

In fact, the supply augmentation approach coupled with inadequate attention to improving and maximizing the efficiency of water allocation and water use have led to the emergence of a number of unsustainable water uses in these countries, such as low water use efficiency, growing of both water demands and per capita water use, increasing cost of water production and distribution, and deterioration of water quality as well as land productivity.  The situation was further aggravated by the lack of comprehensive long-term water policies and strategies that are based on supply-demand considerations, and was further compounded by the institutional weaknesses, multiplication and overlap of water agencies, and inadequate institutional capacity development and enabled participating society. 

The Way Forward

Fortunately, all the GCC countries have realized that efficient development and management of water resources requires water policy reforms, with emphasis on supply and demand management measures and improvement of the legal and institutional provisions. In essence, appropriate water sector policy reform need to address the key issues of reliable assessment of water supply and demand, water quality deterioration and protection, water use efficiency and allocation, role of the private sector, pricing policies and cost recovery, groundwater mining, stakeholder participation, improved institutional support, food security and the increasing problem of water scarcity. Water policy reform needs to address these key issues, taking into consideration the specific requirements and the prevailing social, economic, and cultural conditions of the GCC countries. 

Furthermore, addressing the immense challenges associated with water resources management in the GCC countries requires daring reforms to existing institutions and policies governing water resources. Far-reaching and multi-sectoral approaches will be critical if we are to overcome inefficient use of water resources and make their use sustainable.

However, the most important choices affecting water resources, as well as the environment, in the future are not necessarily water/environment sector choices; achieving water/environmental sustainability relies on a multitude of potential interventions and developments, such as changing governance approach, the education system, the implementation of technological innovations, changing the behavior of people, in addition to many other socio-economic policies. Moreover, water and environmental policies should not be compartmentalized, and they should be integrated and mainstreamed into the national socio-economic development plans. 

Food Waste Woes in Qatar

food-waste-qatarFood waste is a huge issue in Qatar. In 2012, a massive 1.4 million metric tonnes of food was consumed and wasted in Qatar. This figure, divided by the then population of 2.05 million, equates to an average of 636 kilograms (kg) of food per person for the year, or 1.74 kg per day. Given the benchmark of two kg per person per day (preferably nutritious fare that does not contain too many kilojoules), that does not sound too excessive. But if you remove the young, elderly, short-term visitors/workers and people who consume less than two kg per day from the equation, it is clear that much more than two kg per adult is either consumed or wasted. This only compounds the country’s rapidly growing and expensive obesity problem.

Added to the wasted food are the litres of bottled water and soft or hot drinks that are consumed every day. The average Qatari resident uses 675 litres of water per day (drinking, washing and waste), at a rate double that of the average European.

Over and above the 1.4 million tonnes of wasted food, an additional 14 percent – representing nearly 20 million kilograms – is also discarded or destroyed before it even reaches the Qatari end-consumer. This food is either past its sell-by date or spoilt due to problems with the cooling chain. On one hand, this is due to a lack of effective agricultural planning, and decades of environmental degradation (after all, even the local fish industry is but a shadow of its former self). But on the other hand, Qatar’s growing and increasingly affluent population means that money is no deterrent in terms of the quantity and quality of food demanded. Huge banquets, often with expensive exotic food, are commonplace, and Qatar is the fastest-growing food consumption market among Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries.

According to data published by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) in 2014, the average local inhabitant wastes up to 250 kg worth of food per year, compared to just 70 kg in other regions. But while Qatar as a country, and the GCC as a region, are among the biggest culprits, food waste is a global problem. Nearly 30 percent of all food fails to end up in someone’s mouth, and if the total worldwide food loss and waste were a country, it would be the third largest CO2 offender on the planet.

Qatar-based sustainability advocacy group EcoMENA estimates that about half of the waste sitting in Qatar’s landfills is made up of leftover food. The combination of the country’s very high consumption rate and very low recycling rate, mean that mountains upon mountains of food are being dumped. Furthermore, only a minimal portion of this discarded food is being composted, despite the short supply of good soil. EcoMENA’s research shows that up to 25 percent of all food prepared during Ramadan is eventually thrown away – even at a time when the distribution of leftover food to the poor is traditionally at its highest.

4 Jobs that Make a Positive Impact on the Environment

The environment is a vital part of our planet, and it is crucial to keep it healthy. Thankfully, many people are taking great steps to ensure the environment gets the care it needs. One way individuals can positively impact the environment is by getting a job in one of these four areas. These jobs not only help improve the environment but also provide individuals with an opportunity to make a living while making a difference.

Benefits of Incorporating Solar Energy Technology In Construction

Man examining genaration of solar power plant, holding digital tablet with a chart of electricity production. Concept of online monitoring of the electric station

Job #1: Renewable Energy Technician

The demand for skilled technicians is rising as the world continues to shift towards renewable energy sources. If you want to pursue a career in renewable energy technology, becoming a Renewable Energy Technician may be the perfect job for you. This profession involves working with solar panels, wind turbines, and other alternative energy sources to ensure their proper functioning.

If you’re unsure where to start or how to get into this field, consider exploring engineering degrees online. Many universities offer comprehensive programs that cover everything from basic electrical principles to advanced sustainability practices. By obtaining an engineering degree online, you can gain the necessary knowledge and skills to excel as a Renewable Energy Technician without attending traditional classes. As a Renewable Energy Technician, your work will be vital in creating a more sustainable future for future generations.

Job #2: Environmental Scientist/Engineer

Are you interested in a hands-on career that helps the environment? Look no further than becoming a an environmental scientist or an environmental engineer. As the world shifts towards sustainable development and environmental conservation, there is an increasing demand for environmental scientists and environmental engineers for the development and management of environmental protection systems.

essential equipment for pathology lab

Having the proper education and training is essential to pursue this exciting career path. Discover engineering degrees online that focus on renewable energy technology. These programs offer electrical engineering, environmental science, and project management courses to prepare you for your future as a renewable energy technician. With these skills under your belt, you’ll be equipped to take on various roles within the industry – from designing new systems to troubleshooting existing ones. If you’re passionate about sustainability and want to make a real difference in the world while earning a great living, consider becoming a renewable energy technician.

Also Read: A Guide to Sustainable Engineering Practices

Job #3: Recycling/Waste Management Technician

As the world becomes increasingly conscious about the environment, individuals and businesses turn to recycling to reduce waste. Recycling helps conserve natural resources, saving energy and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Consequently, there has been a rise in demand for waste management professionals trained in recycling techniques.

One such career is that of a Waste Management Technician. This job involves overseeing the collection of recyclable materials from various sources like households or commercial establishments, sorting them into categories, and transporting them to designated facilities where they can be processed and turned into new products. It’s an essential role that contributes significantly towards environmental sustainability.

Waste Management Technicians must possess excellent organizational skills to ensure that recyclable materials are collected efficiently without causing any disruption to daily routines. They should also have good communication skills as they interact daily with people from different backgrounds.

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Job #4: Conservation Biologist

Conservation biology is a crucial field of study that focuses on protecting and preserving natural resources and ecosystems. Conservation biologists play a vital role in safeguarding endangered species, mitigating the impact of climate change, and promoting sustainable development practices.

As a conservation biologist, you will be responsible for researching various ecosystems to identify threats and develop effective strategies for their conservation. You will work closely with governments, non-profit organizations, and other stakeholders to implement these strategies and monitor their progress. Your work may also involve public outreach efforts to raise awareness about the importance of conservation efforts.

A career as a conservation biologist can be incredibly rewarding as you contribute to protecting our planet’s biodiversity while enjoying opportunities for travel, fieldwork, and scientific discovery. However, it can also be challenging as it requires interdisciplinary skills such as data analysis, communication skills, and policy development knowledge.


These four jobs provide a great opportunity for those who want to impact the environment positively. These roles are essential to protecting the planet and solving environmental challenges. From renewable energy engineers to green roof installers to environmental engineers, many of these positions provide meaningful and rewarding work while contributing to the well-being of our planet. Working in one of these important roles is a powerful way to help protect our environment and fight climate change. Now is the time to explore job options that make a difference.

Also Read: Environmental Psychology: Key to Understanding Human-Nature Relationship

Water Pollution Worries in the Developing World

Water pollution has become a major concern worldwide, especially in developing countries where around 3.2 million children die each year as a result of unsafe drinking water and poor sanitation. Access to adequate wastewater treatment facilities in the developing countries is very limited. For example, only 209 of India’s 3,119 towns and cities—less than one in ten—have even partial sewage systems and treatment facilities.


As a result water bodies in developing nations are often used as open sewers for human waste products and garbage, which is evident at the Ganges River in India which receives over 1.3 billion liters of domestic waste, along with 260 million liters of industrial waste, run off from 6 million tons of fertilizers and 9,000 tons of pesticides used in agriculture, and thousands of animal carcasses.

The reason behind the absence of adequate water treatment facilities and regulations in developing countries is the lack of finances available for funding infrastructure that can regulate water pollution. This in turn reduces the amount of clean water available for human consumption, sanitation, agriculture and industrial purposes, in addition to various other ecosystem services. A decrease in the amount water available for use holds devastating environmental, health, and economic consequences that disrupt a country’s social and economic growth.

Environmental and Human Health Costs

Unsafe water, lack of sanitation facilities and poor hygiene are the leading causes of mortality and morbidity in developing countries because contaminated water carries various diseases such as cholera, intestinal worms, and diarrhea. It is estimated that up to half of all hospital beds in the world are occupied by victims of water contamination.

Furthermore, dirty water (standing in puddles or stored) provides a perfect breeding ground for mosquitoes that go on to spread diseases such as malaria and encephalitis.  The UN estimates that 60% of global cases of malaria and 80% of malaria deaths in Sub-Saharan Africa (nearly 1 million per year) are related to inadequate water storage facilities.

Economic Implications of Water Pollution

It is estimated that around $7.3 million is spent on healthcare for waterborne diseases alone.  Furthermore, large amounts of money are lost due to the deteriorating health of a country’s population with many citizens unable to attend school or work due to health issues. Above all, water pollution and lack of sanitation holds a significant burden on women.


Teenage women are unable to attend schools that lack adequate sanitation and are often entrusted in collecting groundwater for their families due to the lack of a constant water supply. Women embark on 3-4 hour treks in order to collect contaminated water, which they carry back to their homes. This deprives them from the possibility of attending school or holding a permanent job thus further reducing a family’s income.

Water quality is also important for various industries (such as power generation, metals, mining, and petroleum) that require high-quality water to operate. Lower quality water could impact and limit the choices of technology available to developing countries.

Reductions in water quality have the dual effect of not only increasing the water stress to industrial companies in these areas but also increase the pressure to improve the quality of the industrial wastewater. This in turn increases the costs spent on environmental rehabilitation and remediation.

Tackling the Challenge

Water quality is gradually becoming the leading problem throughout the developing world. Drinking water sources are under increasing threat from contamination, which holds widespread consequences for the health, and the economic and social development of various countries. Governments in the developing nations, as well as donor nations and organizations, should strengthen efforts to provide adequate water services for their citizens.

Water policies must be redefined and be strictly implemented, and water programs should be better integrated into a country’s cultures and values than they have been in the past. Water programs are not required to be large scale and financially intensive, and can be simple and financially viable.

An example of such a program is’s use of the “micro loans” system. This system entails providing micro loans to local families to allow them to build adequate piping systems and sanitation facilities within their homes. This will allow for an increase in the family’s income due to better health and less time spent on water collection. If the governments of developing countries adopt such a system, it will provide them with a simple yet efficient solution to the water pollution dilemma that will also produce massive payback for the country.

Therefore it is evident that although water pollution can be lessened through the help of donor nations and organizations, the key to addressing these issues lies within the developing countries themselves. Governments must realize that action must be taken immediately because if water pollution continues to grow, the future will be very bleak.

التحديات البيئة لقطاع الطاقة في المملكة العربية السعودية

بالرغم من جهود المجتمع الدولي والعلماء المختصين بالبيئة في سبيل تقليل الاعتماد على الوقود الاحفوري كمصدر رئيسي للطاقة واستبداله بمصادر نظيفة ومنجددة للطاقة, الا ان الوقود الاحفوري والمتمثل بالنفط والغاز يبقى المصدر الرئيسي المعتمد والاكثر فاعلية. ونقلا عن فان الطلب العالمي على الوقود الاحفوري سيتزايد في المستقبل. ان معدل انتاج النفط والغاز قد تزايد تدريجيا منذ السبعينيات الى سنة 2020, وذالك تبعا للطلب المتزايد عليه.


ان المشكل الرئيسي في الاعتماد على النفط والغاز كمصدر رئيسي للطاقة يكمن في نسبة التلوث البيئي الذي يخلفه هذا الوقود خلال انتاجه . على سبيل المثال, تطلق شركات النفط والغاز مايقارب 2000 طن من المواد الكيميائية فى الغلاف الجوي, وتسكب بحدود 70 طن من الماء الملوث في البحار سنويا. ان هذا الكم الهائل من التلوث المستمر, والناتج عن عمليات الانتاج الاعتيادية لهذا الوقود وليس العرضية, يشكل ثاني اكبر تهديد  للنظام البيئي العالمي وسلامة الحياة البشرية بشكل عام. وتاتي الانبعاثات الغازية الغير مرغوبة من مركبات النقل والمواصلات بانواعها ومخرجات المصانع,  بالمرتبة الاولى من حيث المساهمة بالتلوث البيئي العالمي بنسبة 90% خصوصا بالمدن الكبرى.

في الواقع, تولي كبريات شركات النفط والغازاهتمام متزايد لحماية البيئة, خصوصا بعد التشريعات العالمية الجديدة لحماية البيئة والمدعومة بمنظمات البيئة الدولية. لكنه مما يبعث بالاسى في هذا الصدد انه لايوجد عمليات تشغيل لمصافي النفط ومعامل الغاز بشكل خالى من التلوث او من مسببات التلوث تماما. ذالك بسبب المخرجات الغير مرغوب فيها من تلك المعامل والاساسية في عمليات التشغيل. ناهيك عن استهلاك الطاقة الكبير وما ينتج عنه من انبعاثات ضارة. لذالك, فان المخاطر من حدوث تلوث بيئي مثل انسكابات الزيت او انبعاثات الغازات الضارة, تبدو انها المصاحب الاساسي لعمليات انتاج الطاقة الاحفورية.

تهتم جمعية حماية البيئة والحياة الفطرية في المملكة السعودية بالمحافظة على سلامة البيئة من التلوث بجميع اشكاله. و يتناسق هذا الاهتمام مع جهود ارامكو السعودية بالمحافظة على سلامة البيئة البحرية في الساحلين الشرقي والغربي. وكما هو معروف فان اكثر حقول وابار النفط في المملكة العربية السعودية تقع في القسم البحري. لذالك فان امكانية حوادث انسكابات الزيت قائمة للمنشات البحرية والحفارات وشبكة خطوط النفط والغازمما يزيد التحدي امام حماية الحياة البحرية وبالتالي البشرية .

يعتبرمنع انسكابات الزيت من اهم التحديات البيئية في عمليات انتاج الزيت لسببين. اولا, ان انسكابات الزيت في المنطقة المغمورة يصعب التحكم فيها لطبيعة المياه والتيارات المائية. ثانيا, بسبب الضرر الكبير الذي تسببة انسكابات الزيت على البيئة البحرية والحياة المائية فيها والتي بدورها  تمثل الغذاء الرئيسي للمجتمع المحيط. لقد وجد , حسب دراسات وابحاث علمية , انه عند حدوث تسرب زيت في البحر فان طبقة الزيت الممتدة على سطح الماء تحتوي على 60% من مشتقات الهايدرو كاربون والتي يتبخر منها 50% الى الجو.

اضافة الى ذالك فان منطقة تحت السطح تحتوي على مايقارب 30% من تلك المشتقات, وتتناقص هذه النسبة تدريجيا بالنزول الى العمق لتصل الى 10% عند عمق 100 متر.

ومن المؤسف حقا ان هذه المنطقة  تحت سطح البحر تشكل المحيط والبيئة المناسبة لحياة الاحياء البحرية والعوالق  والتي بدورها  تمثل الغذاء والمرعى لكثير من الاسماك.

اضافة الى ما تقدم, فان الانسكابات النفطية عادة تحدث كنتيجة غير متوقعة لخلل في المعدات والمنشات او خطوط الانتاج واثناء عمليات التشغيل الاعتيادية. بمعنى انها لايمكن التنبؤ بها او تجنبها على اغلب الاحوال. مثلا في عمليات الشعلة , والتخريج الغازي, او فصل المعدات القديمة, او عمليات الحفر وماشابها من اعمال قد يصاحبها امكانية تسرب نفطي.


ويحوي التسرب النفطي خطر التصعيد للحوادث البسيطه والتي قدد يتطور ليصل الى نقطة عدم السيطرة. لذالك فان الانسكابات النفطية في البمناطق المغمورة تحتاج الى تعاون دولي متين وخطط  للطواري معدة مسبقا للسيطرة عليها والحد من ضررها على البيئة. والجدير بالذكر في هذا الصدد ان الحكومات والجهات الرسمية المختصة تصنف الانسكابات النفطية في الاولوية القصوى بعد حوادث النيران والانفجارات.

ثانيا, التحدي الثاني الذي يواجه المملكة العاربية السعودية في قطاع الطاقة هو انبعاثات ثاني اكسيد الكربون . كنتيجة ضرورية وعادية من تشغيل كثير من المصانع والتي تحدث باستمرار في مصافي النفط ومعامل فصل الزيت من الغاز وغيرها ممن المصانع البتروكيميائية, فان انبعاث غاز ثاني اكسيد الكربون يتزايد في الجو. وياتي تاثير غاز ثاني الكربون كبير في تلوث الهواء ورداءة جودته والذي يؤدي الى زيادة حرارة الكوكب والى ظاهرة الاحتباس الحراري, بالاضافة الى المشاكل الصحية للانسان.

وياتي مفهوم تحسين جودة الهواء في الفقرة  الثانية من القانون البيئي الدولى. كما انه يتقاطع مع العنصر العاشر, والحادي عشر, والثالث عشر من اهداف التنمية المستدامه لميثاق الامم المتحدة.

وكعضو في مجموعة الدول الاقتصادية الكبرى العشرين فان المملكة العربية السعودية قدمت خطة بيئية شاملة الى الامم المتحدة تلتزم فيها بتقليل انبعاثات غاز ثاني اكسيد الكربون والغازات الدفيئة والمؤثرة سلبا على طبقة الاوزون, بمعدل 130 مليون طن بحلول 2030.

لقد وعدت المملكة , في مؤتمر التغير المناخي في باريس سنة 2015, بالعمل على تحقيق تلك الخطة والالتزام بالاطار الزمني لذالك.

ويذكر ان الغازات الدفيئة ومنها على سبيل المثال غاز ثاني اكسيد الكربون والميثان وغيره, يشكلون الملوث الاساسي للبيئة والذي يمكن التقليل او السيطرة عليه بمراقبة  الظوابط والقوانين  في المصانع والشركات.

والجدير بالذكر في هذا الشان ان 92% من انبعاثات غاز ثاني اكسيد الكربون مصدره قطاع الطاقة والمتخصص اساسا بعمليات توليد الكهرباء. وعلى مستوى الشركات ايضا فان شركة الكهرباء السعودية ايضا قد اعلنت عن خطتها لتقليل الاعتماد على الوقود الاحفوري لانتاج الكهرباء والاستثمار في الطاقة النظيفة. ولكنه فد يبدو من الصعب الاتزام بتوليد القدر المطلوب من الكهرباء من الطاقة الشمسية بالرغم من وجود طقس مشمس طوال السنة, ولو في الوقت الراهن. والسبب يكمن في ارتفاع تكلفة تصنيع الخلايا الشمسية في الوقت الراهن والطلب الكبير على الكهرباء من قبل المصانع. حيث يلزم الاستثمار في الصناعة استهلاك كميات كبيرة من الكهرباء ناهيك عن توسع المدن السكنية والازدياد المضطرد في الطلب على الكهرباء.

كما انها عالميا تبدو من اكبر التحديات ان تستمر في انتاج الطاقة بالطرق التقليدية والمشتقات الهيدروجينية بتكاليف منخفضة ومزامنة ذالك بالمحافظة على الالتزام بقوانين البيئة والمسؤلية الجتماعية . وكذالك, ان التوازن بين ثورة النشاطات الصناعية المتزايدة في المملكة العربية السعودية وحاجتها للطاقة مع الالتزام بتقليل الانبعاثات للغازات الدفيئة يعد تحديا حقيقيا. وياتي البديل الامثل لانتاج الطاقة والذي يناقش في المملكة العرية السعودية وهو معامل الطاقة الذرية للاغراض السلمية. وبالرغم من المخاطر العالية للطاقة النووية للاغراض السلمية, الا انها تعد الامثل لانتاج الكهرباء حيث الكفاءة العالية والانبعاثات الاقل.

ان انسكابات النفط وانبعاثات الغازات الدفيئة تحمل اثارا سلبية جمه على المناخ العالمي وجودتة. لذالك فان التعاون الدولي وتوحيد الجهود والتشريعات هو النهج السليم في سبيل تخطي تلك التحديات والتقليل من اثارهم السلبية.

ختاما, يمكن القول ان البنامج التحويلي في المملكة العربية السعودية لتحقيق رؤية 2030 قد يكون اداة اصلاح لتخطي التحديات البيئية التي تواجهها المملكة . مثلا, التركيز على الذكاء الاصطناعي في تصميم مصانع صديقة للبيئة وزيادة الوعي بالقوانين الدولية للمحافظة على البيئة, بالذات في قطاع الاعمال, والتركيز على اهمية اعادة التدوير واستخدام مواد صديقة للبيئة.

ان استغلال التغيير الكبير الحاصل في المجتمع السعودي للتركيز على اهمية البيئة والحفاظ عليه وسن قوانين وتشريعات لصالح البيئة  يعد لفته ذكية واستغلال امثل للنقلة النوعية التي تعيشها المملكة في الوقت الراهن.

وختاما يمكن القول بان نهج المملكة العربية السعودية  لحماية البيئة , وهي المنتج الاكبر للطاقة في العالم, هو نهج مشجع وواعد ويعكس دورها كعضو بارز في مجموعة الدول الصناعية العشرين.

Tips for a Green Ramadan

Ramadan is quite different from other months in terms of activities, praying and eating habits. During this month, Muslims should abstain from eating and drinking from sunrise to sunset to boost physical and mental endurance and to understand the hardships faced by the poor and needy who do not have enough resources to satisfy their basic necessities. The true meaning of Ramadan is purifying ourselves, taking care of our body, soul, people, surrounding and ecosystems which is supporting us.


The month of Ramadan is a golden opportunity to consider making a shift towards a ‘green lifestyle’ that is environmental-friendly, non-polluting, non-wasteful and aim toward saving of natural resources. The green lifestyle means improving the quality of life and achieving sustainable development.

Like celebrating so many environmental days, Earth Day, World Environment Day etc., why not celebrate the Ramadan as a greening month. Let us create awareness on the subject, think and act positively towards our environment and change our unfriendly habits which are impacting our ecosystem.

Let us seize this opportunity provided by Ramadan and offer a model for a green and responsible behavior that addresses the urgent environmental issues.

Go Green in Ramadan

Ramadan witness an overconsumption of meat, vegetables and fruits together with drinks, juices and syrups. We become more extravagant in terms of using food and resources. So, let us exercise moderation on these consumption, eat healthy and organic food in manageable quantities. Let us grow vegetables and fruits at our available land. Use food items judiciously and avoid any food wastage during Ramadan.

  • Let us be away from sins and habits that pollute our air, soil and water resources.
  • Let us be aware of our wasteful habits which are affecting the environmental and our future generations. Any mismanagement of our precious resources will be having irreversible impacts on our ecology.
  • Let us make concerted effort to encourage and embrace “green” and ecofriendly practices, especially during Ramadan.

Ramadan presents the perfect opportunity to recharge our spiritual batteries for the year. It is a time to seek forgiveness for our misgivings and to reflect upon the signs of creation from Allah. As Muslims, we have a duty as stewards over this planet, and it is our responsibility to ensure that the resources and environment are used in a sustainable manner.

Tips for a Green Ramadan

Let the holy month of Ramadan not only harness our mental and physical ability but also be a turning point for respecting our resources and environment.

green ramadan

Some basic tips for a green Ramadan are:

  • Support and utilize local produce.
  • Plan food intake with proper nutrition and at suitable timings.
  • Cut down and eliminate intake of fast food.
  • Reducing the water usage, especially during making ‘wudoo’/ ablution. Be vigilant that the tap is closed. Any dripping should be eliminated to conserve precious water.
  • Reducing our energy and carbon footprint.
  • Generating less quantity of waste.
  • Emphasizing on recycling and reuse.
  • No littering at any places especially common areas, commercial and religious places and shopping areas.
  • Minimum or no use of plastic bags. Using less paper and stationery.
  • Switching off appliances after use like lights, ACs, fans, heaters, iron etc.
  • Using electrical appliances like washing machines, iron, vacuum cleaner and dishwashers in off peak hours.
  • Planting a tree and taking care of plants and trees.
  • Replacing lights blubs from incandescent to CFLs or LEDs and turning off lights when they are not in use.
  • Similarly, at the mosque, keeping outside doors closed when the air conditioning is on and dimming the lights also reduces energy consumption as well.
  • Eliminate disposables plates, cutlery, cups, containers etc.
  • Avoid using styrofoam containers and plastic cutlery.

Don’t forget to check out our interesting infographic on how to reduce food wastage in Ramadan

reduce food wastage in Ramadan