Industrial Symbiosis Prospects in Jordan

In a developing country, such as Jordan, with a relatively emerging economy and limited natural resources, the industrial sector expends more effort than developed countries and even more than developing countries that are rich in natural resources. In such a situation, industries should look into finding solutions to sustain their existence, which is not confined to keeping their production lines running and making profit, but it goes beyond that, it goes to a whole way of thinking a way that integrates the surrounding environment and that confirms on the industrial sector responsibility toward the environment, the home of its raw material.


Working Principle for Industrial Symbiosis

Basically, this is what can be called as Industrial Sustainability.

“Sustainable industrial development means doing more with less – increasing eco-efficiency, that is, decreasing the level of pollution and at the same time the amount of energy, material and other inputs required to produce a given product or service.

A concept that can be very important to attaining Industrial Sustainability is Industrial Symbiosis which offers a very feasible solution to a tight economic status. Especially that the payback that emerges from applying such a concept in the right conditions and circumstances exist makes is tempting.

The benefits range from reducing the amount of waste released to the environment; reducing the cost of waste disposal and the cost of purchasing raw materials to even achieving better socio-economic status by generating new income source and employment opportunities.

Marian Chertow, a pioneer in Industrial Symbiosis, has acknowledged that “Industrial symbiosis engages traditionally separate industries in a collective approach to competitive advantage involving physical exchange of materials, energy, water, and/or by products. The keys to industrial symbiosis are collaboration and the synergistic possibilities offered by geographic proximity”

Many industrial clusters over the developed countries has merged the Industrial Symbiosis concept with their environmental management systems, some saw failure and the other witnessed great success and benefits. Together failure and success emerged lessons learned.

One of the very successful experiences developed and still existing is Kalundborg, Denmark which has been described as an evolutionary process in which a number of independent by-products exchanges have gradually evolved into a complex web of symbiotic interactions, many studies show that this Industrial Symbiosis network has contributed significantly in reducing environmental impacts and increasing economic benefits over the years.

During my research journey in 2011 to investigate Industrial Symbioses existence or potential opportunities in Jordan, in which Zarqa Free Zone was taken as a study sample, it was concluded that there are some forms of waste exchange in the zone but it still did not reach the minimum criteria of Industrial Symbiosis. The potential and willingness from industries do exist to form an Industrial Symbiosis network especially that it could generate additional income to their business.

Many challenges were identified that could hold back the Zarqa Free Zone from adopting Industrial Symbiosis in its environmental management, such as the lack of adequate database that list the important data for evaluating any exchange such as the type and quantity of waste released from each industry. The current fluctuating financial situation is another obstacle that could be distracting industries from looking into best environmental practices.

All in all, the challenges found could be solved by offering economical incentives and promoting successful pilot projects. In Jordan, national and political schemes have the opportunity to adapt, integrate and encourage such a concept.

الاثار الضاره لرمي النفايات

يعد رمي  النفايات خطر شائع يمكن للمرء ان يشهده في جميع المناطق الحضريه, حيث الشوارع و الارصفه و مواقف السيارات و الطرق السريعه اغلبها مغطاه باغلفه المواد الغذائيه و زجاجات المياه و المشروبات الغازيه و الاكياس البلاستيكيه و النشرات الدعائيه و اعقاب السجائر بالاضافه الى المناديل الصحيه و الاوراق و غيرها.

1.9 بليون طن ما يقدر سنويا من النفايات ينتهي بها المطاف في المحيطات , مما يدل بشكل واضح على ان الناس يميلون الى رمي الاشياء عشوائيا في اي مكان على القيام  برميها في صناديق القمامه.

لايعد رمي هذه  القمامه مشكله جماليه فحسب و انما  مشكله بيئيه لها عواقب وخيمه يمكن ان تستمر لعقود. حيث تستغرق حاويه التايرونوم اكثر من مليون سنه لكي تتحلل, كذلك فوط الاطفال تحتاج الى اكثر من 500 سنه لتتحلل. السجائر تستغرق اكثر من 10 سنوات و حتى قشور الموز و البرتقال قد تبقى لاكثر من شهر.

للقمامه القدره على التسبب بالضرر على صحه الانسان و السلامه العامه و كذلك على البيئه. و يعد تسمم الحيوانات و قتل الحياه المائيه بشكل مباشر عن طريق الاختناق و غير مباشر من خلال التاثير على نوعيه المياه احد اهم التاثيرات الضاره التي تسببها القمامه.

رمي النفايات ايضا من شانه ان يجذب الحشرات و القوارض. تحمل هذه القمامه الجراثيم التي تجذب الجرذان و التي عادة ما تحمل معها انواعا متعدده من الامراض التي تسبب المرض و الاعتلال للناس.

بالاضافه الى ذلك تسبب القمامه الحوادث بينما يحاول السائقون تجنبها على الطريق. الاطفال الصغار يمكن ان يسقطوا على القمامه في الملاعب و يصابون بالجروح.

تضر القمامه أيضا النباتات والغطاء النباتي والمناطق الطبيعية. هناك العديد من العوامل التي قد تؤثر على سلوك رمي النفايات من بينها الإزعاج والكسل، وغياب الملكية و الشعور بالانتماء للمنطقه او الحي الذي يقطنه بالاضافه الى الشعور بأن شخص آخرسوف يجمعها، عدد و مواقع صناديق القمامة  وقربها من المنطقه، وغياب العقوبات الحقيقيه وتطبيق التشريعات، وغياب  كلا من الضغط الاجتماعي و المعرفة بالآثار البيئية المترتبه على رمي النفايات كلها عوامل تؤثر على سلوك المواطن و تجعله غير آبه او مكترث بالمحافظه على بيئته نظيفه. معظمنا قام برمي القمامة بطريقة أو بأخرى. رمي النفايات شيء نتعلمه من الآخرين ودون وعي ننقله لأطفالنا.

حل المعضله

إن الدافع و الرغبه الى القاء القمامه عاده ما يتم بدافع من عدم الاحترام للقانون و تطبيقه فضلا عن الجهل و الغطرسه في سلوكنا و اعتقادنا بان هنالك من سوف يقوم بتنظيف ما نخلفه من فوضى. مبالغ كبيره من المال تصرف لجمع و تنظيف القمامه التي يلقيها الناس من غير تفكير في الشوارع و الاماكن العامه.  جمع النفايات عمليه مكلفه و تستغرف وقتا طويلا لابقاء البلاد نظيفه.

ان القمامه مشكله يمكن السيطره عليها, و يعد التثقيف اداه مهمه لذلك. من هم على درايه و بينه من مخاطر القمامه غالبا ما يبذلون جهدا اكثر لجمع القمامه ووضعها في الصناديق المخصصه لذلك, بالاضافه الى انهم يعلمون الاخرين الطريقه الصحيحه للتخلص من القمامه.

ان حملات التنظيف للمجتمع من شانها ان تشجع المواطنين على الفخر باحيائهم و االمحافظه على مظهر نظيف و صحي.

يمكن للنفايات ان تشكل غزوا يكسو المكان و يمكن للناس ات تحدث فرقا و من مسووليتنا ان ننظف القمامه بطريقه وديه للارض.

ان المجتمعات النظيفه تشكل بيئه افضل لجذب الاعمال التجاريه و السياح و المقيميين . لا يوجد هنالك اي سبب يدعونا لالقاء القمامه حيث يمكننا دائما ان نجد صندوق قمامه لنرمي فيه.

دعونا نكن قدوه للاخرين و خاصه الاطفال بعدم القائنا للقمامه و من خلال حملنا لحقيبه خاصه للقمامه في سياراتنا  و تغطيه حاويات القمامه باحكام لمنع تناثرها و انتشارها بفعل الرياح و الحيوانات.  عند زيارتك للحدائق العامه و اماكن الترفيه تاكد من مغادره المكان نظيفا  للشخص الذي سوف ياتي بعدك للاستمتاع .


سلام عبدالكريم عبابنه

مهندسه مدنية في شركة المسار المتحده للمقاولات – مهتمه في مجال البيئه و الطاقة المتجدده



Artificial Reef Construction in the Arabian Gulf

Coral reefs around the globe are highly sensitive to abiotic and biotic factors that alter the natural balance of the marine ecosystem. This in terms threatens coral species with the effect of ‘bleaching’ which is slowly destroying the coral communities. As the ecosystem deteriorates, this in turn impacts the fisheries industry which in the Arab Gulf is a major source of local revenue and a major food source for the people of the region.


Artificial Coral Reefs

To counteract the susceptible marine ecosystems, a very innovative and creative approach that has been tried and tested in other parts of the globe, has become a strength in reestablishing marine ecosystems in the Arabian Gulf.

Artificial coral reef building approach is one way to mitigate the environmental situations where fish breeding grounds are being destroyed especially by human activities such as overfishing, and island development and land extension along the coast lines. A local company, Al Seef Reef Arabia was established in 2012 in partnership with international partners to design and produce artificial reef units suited for the local environs.

The Magic of Reef Balls

The reef ball is the most widely used design for re-establishing coral reef areas. Within the Arab Gulf, the natural reef has coral “bommies”. The man-made reef balls are similar in design and function creating ideal environs for both juvenile and adult fishes. The reef balls provide safe and nutrient rich habitats for fish to bred and grow into full-sized mature species.

The reef balls are made of a marine grade concrete mix of high strength (50+ MPA). There are no toxic chemicals added to the mix and the life expectancy of the reef balls in the Arab Gulf is anticipated to be in excess of 100 years. The balls range in size from as small as 20 kg right up to 9 tonnes. The ball shape is the standard design, but indigenous designs are also explored and experimented with.  It is hoped that they will be an added feature in the tourist industry.


Reef ball is the most widely used design for re-establishing coral reef areas

The artificial reef balls have other benefits as well as repairing fish habitats and assisting in replenishing local fisheries. The artificial reefs are hardier and more resilient, so once habitats are re-established, the reefs will provide more diving opportunities for both locals and tourists.

Re-establishment of Marine Ecosystems

Because the Gulf is a major region for oil production which impinges on the coastal waters, as well as the shipping of oil and its byproducts, the marine environment is subjected to harsher factors that degradade the local marine environment. The artificial reefs make a major contribution to reestablishing and strengthening these environments. As well as enhancing the local fisheries and coral regions, the reef balls can also provide beach protection and act as breakwaters in areas subjected to more aggressive wave action.

The changing climate also has its natural impact as temperatures steadily creep higher each season. There can also be increased levels of toxicity and salinity in the surrounding waters due to anthropogenic activities. Man is able to give nature a hand with these artificial structures.

Bahrain Leading the Way

With government support, the local company has been able to deploy 4,500 reef units since 2014. There are a total of ten reef complexes now deployed in Bahrain coastal waters.  The main objective was to re-establish fish breeding grounds that provide a safe environment for juvenile fishes to mature and ultimately replenish the fish stocks and secure the local fishing industry.

Potential sites for the establishment of artificial reefs are first identified. The areas are then studied and investigated directly with scuba divers and remotely with drop-down video camera, as well as by conducting fish surveys of the area. After a full hydrodynamic assessment of the area is conducted, then plans are devised for restorative action through the placement of the artificial reef balls. Monitoring is conducted on a quarterly basis to record and quantify the re-establishment of various fish species, especially those species that are most favoured in the fishing industry.

As the artificial reef balls projects are still in the early stages, details regarding exact location and the level of restoration is not released to the general public nor scientific community. We will all have to wait a little longer before quantitative evidence is made available to the community at large.

مشروع قناة البحرين الأحمر-الميت

قناة البحر الميت و البحر الأحمر , و البعض يسميها قناة البحرين أو قناة ال “ Red-Dead  “  هذا هو المشروع الذي تم توقيعه في التاسع من كانون الأول لعام 2013, حيث تم بالإتفاق مع السلطات الثلاث الأردنية , الفلسطينية و الإسرائيلية معا . يهدف هذا المشروع الضخم بناء خط انابيب يمتد من البحر الأحمر إلى البحر الميت، وهو جزء من مبادرة من شأنها انتاج ملايين الأمتار المكعبة من مياه الشرب للأماكن الجافة في المنطقة وجلب مياه البحرالأحمر إلى البحر الميت  لتحقيق الاستقرار في مستوى مياهه وتوليد الطاقة الكهربائية لدعم احتياجات الطاقة لهذا المشروع .

مشروع قناة البحر الأحمر – البحر الميت من المتوقع أن تصل تكلفتها من 250 إلى 400 مليون دولار أميريكي , سوف تدفع  من قبل  البلدان المانحة ومصادر خيرية فضلا عن ضخ سيولة من البنك الدولي .

ألية التنفيذ

في غضون عام من الان سيتم نشر عطاءات دولية لبناء خط الانابيب في الاراضي الأردنية على طول وادي عربة. يقع البحر الميت على ارتفاع 427 متر تحت مستوى سطح البحر، وسوف تتدفق المياه بشكل طبيعي لأنه من البحر الأحمر – لأن مستوى البحر الأحمر أعلى من مستوى البحر الميت – .  حوالي 200 مليون متر مكعب من المياه سيتم ضخها من البحر الأحمر، في الطرف الجنوبي الأقصى من إسرائيل، سنويا.  كما سيتم انشاء محطة لتحلية المياه في مدينة العقبة الأردنية ، عبر الخليج من منتجع ايلات الاسرائيلي، وسوف تنتج مياهاً للشرب .

ستستقبل إسرائيل حوالي 30 إلى 50 مليون متر مكعب، لصالح ميناء إيلات والمجتمعات في المنطقة القاحلة  و وادي عربة، في حين أن الأردن سيستخدم 30 مليون متر مكعب للمناطق الجنوبية . سيتم ضخ مائة مليون متر مكعب من المياه المالحة شمالا إلى البحر الميت لتجديد مياهه  . بالإضافة إلى ذلك، فإن إسرائيل سوف تضخ مياهاً عذبةً من بحيرة طبريا  تقدر ب50 مليون متراً مكعبأ لمنطقة شمال الأردن و 30 مليون متراً مكعباً إلى الضفة الغربية .

وضع البحر الميت

مستوى المياه في البحر الميت آخذ في التقلص بمعدل متر واحد أو أكثر  في السنة الواحدة ، وتقلصت مساحته بنسبة 30٪ تقريبا في السنوات ال 20 الماضية . ويرجع ذلك إلى تحويل حوالي 90٪ من حجم المياه إلى نهر الأردن . في أوائل عام 1960 ، انتقلت  1.5 مليار مترا مكعبا من المياه بشكل  سنوي من بحيرة طبرية إلى البحر الميت. لكن السدود والقنوات ومحطات الضخ التي قامت إسرائيل ببنائها هي والأردن وسوريا لتحويل المياه للمحاصيل والشرب خفضت التدفق إلى حوالي 100 مليون مترا مكعبا سنويا .

الأثار البيئية لهذا المشروع

إن عملية نقل كميات من المياه من بحر  إلى أخر يمكن أن تسبب عواقب وخيمة على الخصائص الطبيعية الفريدة لكلا البحرين، وكذلك وادي الصحراء الذي يفصل بينهما ” العربة “. بعض من هذه الخصائص، وخاصة  خصائص منطقة البحر الميت  فريدة من نوعها بحسب المنظور العالمي، وبالتالي هي في غاية الأهمية . و حسب ما صرح به مجموعة أصدقاء الأرض في الشرق الأوسط FoEI

أن المخاطر التي قد يتسبب بها هذا المشروع تلخص بالتالي :

الأضرار التي قد تلحق في طبيعة  البحر الميت الفريدة ، وذلك بسبب خلط المياه مع مياه البحر الأحمر، أو المحاليل الملحية التي تم إنشاؤها من عملية تحلية مياه البحر الأحمر الذي يحتوي على تركيبة كيميائية مختلفة. وهذا يشمل التغيرات في ملوحة المياه، وتشكيل كمية كبيرة من الجبس، وتشكيل المركبات السامة المتطايرة، والتغير في معدلات تبخر المياه، والتغيرات في تكوين البكتيريا والطحالب التي تعيش على سطح البحر، والتغيرات الكيميائية في الصخور التي تحيط بالمياه، وفقدان الفوائد الصحية الفريدة التي تمثل جزءا كبيرا من الجذب السياحي لمنطقة البحر الميت.

الأضرار التي ستلحق المناظر الطبيعية والنظم الإيكولوجية في وادي العربة، وذلك بسبب البناء، وزيادة في نسبة الرطوبة الناجمة عن قطاعات القناة المفتوحة.

التهديدات التي يتعرض لها التراث الأثري ,  حيث سينتقل خط الانابيب عبر مناطق التراث الثقافي الهامة، مثل وادي فينان، حيث تعتبر من أقدم مناطق التعدين واستخراج النحاس في العالم .

تعددت الاراء حول رفض و قبول لهذا المشروع , من جهة يراه البعض وبالا سيحل على البحر الأحمر من جهة و على البحر الميت من جهة أخرى , أما البعض الاخر يراه طوق النجاة الوحيد و سبيلا لتأمين الطاقة و المياه و تحقيق رؤية طال انتظارها  . لكن السلطات الثلاث – الأردنية و الفلسطينية و الإسرائيلية – قد وقعت عقد البدء بتطبيقه , فلا تراجع الأن , ما علينا سوى الانتظار من اربع إالى خمس سنوات كما صرح المسؤولون عن المشروع ,

لنرى هل سنندم أم سننقذ  البحر الميت من قبر الطبيعة ؟

Islam and Animal Rights

All living beings – humans, birds, animals, insects etc – are worthy of consideration and respect. Islam has always viewed animals as a special part of God’s creation. Mankind is responsible for whatever it has at its disposal, including animals whose rights must be respected. The Holy Qur’an, the Hadith, and the history of Islamic civilization offer many examples of kindness, mercy, and compassion for animals. According to Islamic principles, animals have their own position in the creation hierarchy and humans are responsible for their well-being and food.


Islam strongly asks Muslims to treat animals with compassion and not to abuse them. The Holy Qur’an states that all creation praises God, even if this praise is not expressed in human language. Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) often chastised his Companions who mistreated animals, and spoke to them about the need for mercy and kindness.

Holy Quran and Animal Welfare

The Holy Quran contains many examples and directives about how Muslims should treat animals. The Quran describes that animals form communities, just as humans do:

“There is not an animal that lives on the earth, nor a being that flies on its wings, but they form communities like you. Nothing have we omitted from the Book, and they all shall be gathered to their Lord in the end”(Quran 6:38).

The Quran further describes animals, and all living things, as Muslim – in the sense that they live in the way that Allah created them to live, and obey Allah’s laws in the natural world.

“Seest thou not that it is Allah Whose praise all beings in the heavens and on earth do celebrate, and the birds (of the air) with wings outspread? Each one knows its own (mode of) prayer and praise, and Allah knows well all that they do.” (Quran 24:41)

 “And the earth, He has assigned it to all living creatures” (Quran 55:10).

Animals are living creatures with feelings and connections to the larger spiritual and physical world. We must consider their lives as worthwhile and cherished.

“And the earth, He has assigned it to all living creatures” (Quran 55:10).

These verses serve as a reminder to us that wildlife, like humans, are created with purpose. They have feelings and are part of the spiritual world. They too have a right to life, and protection from pain and suffering.

Hadith and Rights of Animals

Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) exhorted Muslims to show kindness and compassion towards animals and birds, and repeatedly forbade cruelty towards animals.

“Whoever is merciful even to a sparrow, Allah will be merciful to him on the Day of Judgment.”

“A good deed done to an animal is like a good deed done to a human being, while an act of cruelty to an animal is as bad as cruelty to a human being.”

The Messenger of Allah (SAW) once passed by a camel that was so emaciated that its back had almost reached its stomach. He said, “Fear Allah in these beasts who cannot speak.” (Abu Dawud)

Humans were created by Allah, the Almighty, to be custodians and guardians of the Earth. Killing without need- that is killing for fun- is not permissible.

The Companions said,”O Allah’s Messenger! Is there a reward for us in serving the animals?” He replied: “There is a reward for serving any living being.” (Bukhari)

A group of Companions were once on a journey with the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, and he left them for a while. During his absence, they saw a bird with its two young, and they took the young ones from the nest. The mother bird was circling above in the air, beating its wings in grief, when the Prophet came back. He said, Who has hurt the feelings of this bird by taking its young? Return them to her.” (Muslim)

In Islam, hunting for sport is prohibited. Muslims may only hunt as is needed to meet their requirements for food. This was common during the time of the Prophet Muhammad, and he condemned it at every opportunity.

Few Points to Ponder

We need to seriously ask ourselves – is the Muslim community upholding the rights of animal despite explicit orders from Allah (SWT) and the Prophet (SAW)? What should our role be, not only in the debate on such subjects, but in conservation and protection of animals and the environment as a whole? Have we disenfranchised wildlife? How do the laws of the country in which we live stand up to the Islamic principles? And finally, how does Islam help us to find solutions to the dilemmas we face?


It is not impossible to demand greater action and consideration for the natural world. Bolivia has gone as far as to legally grant nature equal rights with humans and has introduced the Law of Mother Earth which reportedly assigns 11 new rights to nature, including: ‘the right to life and to exist; the right to continue vital cycles and processes free from human alteration; the right to pure water and clean air; the right to balance; the right not to be polluted; and the right to not have cellular structure modified or genetically altered.’ Ecuador has also changed its constitution to give nature “the right to exist, persist, maintain and regenerate its vital cycles, structure, functions and its processes in evolution”.

These laws are considered radical, but what it enshrines does not ask for much, indeed only that animals, and nature are given equal respect and care- as much as is expected of us in Islam. Individuals and governments have an important role to play in educating the public on animal welfare and establishing institutions to support animal well-being.

What is Vermicomposting

Vermicomposting is a type of composting in which certain species of earthworms are used to enhance the process of organic waste conversion and produce a better end-product. It is a mesophilic process utilizing microorganisms and earthworms. Earthworms feeds the organic waste materials and passes it through their digestive system and gives out in a granular form (cocoons) which is known as vermicompost.


Simply speaking, vermicompost is earthworm excrement, called castings, which can improve biological, chemical, and physical properties of the soil. The chemical secretions in the earthworm’s digestive tract help break down soil and organic matter, so the castings contain more nutrients that are immediately available to plants.

How is Vermicompost Produced

A wide range of organic residues, such as straw, husk, leaves, stalks, weeds etc can be converted into vermicompost. Other potential feedstock for vermicompost production are livestock wastes, poultry litter, dairy wastes, food processing wastes, organic fraction of MSW, bagasse, digestate from biogas plants etc. Earthworms consume organic wastes and reduce the volume by 40–60 percent.

Each earthworm weighs about 0.5 to 0.6 gram, eats waste equivalent to its body weight and produces cast equivalent to about 50 percent of the waste it consumes in a day. The moisture content of castings ranges between 32 and 66 percent and the pH is around 7. The level of nutrients in compost depends upon the source of the raw material and the species of earthworm.

There are nearly 3600 types of earthworms which are divided into burrowing and non-burrowing types. Red earthworm species, like Eisenia foetida, and are most efficient in compost making. The non-burrowing earthworms eat 10 percent soil and 90 percent organic waste materials; these convert the organic waste into vermicompost faster than the burrowing earthworms. They can tolerate temperatures ranging from 0 to 40°C but the regeneration capacity is more at 25 to 30°C and 40–45 percent moisture level in the pile.

The burrowing types of earthworms come onto the soil surface only at night. These make holes in the soil up to a depth of 3.5 m and produce 5.6 kg casts by ingesting 90 percent soil and 10 percent organic waste.


The types of vermicomposting depend upon the amount of production and composting structures. Small-scale vermicomposting is done to meet personal requirements and farmers/gardeners can harvest 5-10 tons of vermicompost annually. On the other hand, large-scale vermicomposting is done at commercial scale by recycling large quantities of organic waste in modern facilities with the production of more than hundreds of tons annually.

Applications of Vermicompost

The worm castings contain higher percentage of both macro and micronutrients than the garden compost. Apart from other nutrients, a fine worm cast is rich in NPK which are in readily available form and are released within a month of application. Vermicompost enhances plant growth, suppresses disease in plants, increases porosity and microbial activity in soil, and improves water retention and aeration.

Vermicompost also benefits the environment by reducing the need for chemical fertilizers and decreasing the amount of waste going to landfills. Vermicompost production is trending up worldwide and it is finding increasing use especially in Western countries, Asia-Pacific and Southeast Asia.

A relatively new product from vermicomposting is vermicompost tea which is a liquid produced by extracting organic matter, microorganisms, and nutrients from vermicompost. Unlike vermicompost and compost, this liquid organic fertilizer may be applied directly to plant foliage, reportedly to enhance disease suppression. Vermicompost tea also may be applied to the soil as a supplement between compost applications to increase biological activity.

Vermicompost may be sold in bulk or bagged with a variety of compost and soil blends. Markets include home improvement centers, nurseries, landscape contractors, greenhouses, garden supply stores, grocery chains, flower shops, discount houses, and the general public.

A Message on International Youth Day 2016

The theme of International Youth Day 2016 is ‘The Road to 2030: Eradicating Poverty and Achieving Sustainable Consumption and Production’. Globally the governments and organizations are making efforts in involving the youth in environmental conservation and preservation and assisting them in improving the environmental situation and public health in their own areas, cities and countries.


The International Youth Day is also meant to recognize efforts of the world’s youth in enhancing global society. It also aims to promote ways to engage them in becoming more actively involved in making positive contributions to their communities. The involvement in environmental conservation and decision-making and in the implementation of programs is critical and crucial to the long-term success of a healthier world.

Brief Background

The world youth makes up one sixth of the total population of the world. The UN defines the youth as the age group between 15 and 24 years old. Majority of these young men and women live in developing countries and their numbers are expected to rise with time. In 1998 a resolution proclaiming August 12 as International Youth Day was adopted during the World Conference of Ministers Responsible for Youth. That recommendation was later endorsed by the UN General Assembly in 1999. International Youth Day was first observed worldwide on 12th August in 2000.

Towards Sustainable Consumption

Many global programs and initiatives are now involving and targeting the youth for bringing in the change. Sustainable consumption is an umbrella term that brings together a number of key issues, such as meeting needs, enhancing the quality of life, improving resource efficiency, increasing the use of renewable energy sources, minimizing waste, taking a life cycle perspective and taking into account the equity dimension.

Youth constitutes one-sixth of the world’s population

Sustainable consumption and production maximize business potential to transform environmental challenges into economic opportunities and provide a better deal for consumers. The challenge is to improve the overall environmental performance of products throughout their life-cycle, to boost the demand for better products and production technologies and to help consumers in making informed choices. It involves different stakeholders, including business, consumers, policy makers, researchers, scientists, retailers, media, and development cooperation agencies, among others.


Youth constitutes one-sixth of the world’s population

Focus on Food Waste

The theme of International Youth Day 2016 is important for food, water and energy consumption as each year, an estimated one third of all food produced, equivalent to 1.3 billion tons’ worth around $1 trillion ends up rotting in the bins of consumers and retailers, or spoiling due to poor transportation and harvesting practices.

Almost 1 billion people go undernourished and another 1 billion hungry. Overconsumption of food is detrimental to our physical and mental health and the environment. 2 billion people globally are overweight or obese. Land degradation, declining soil fertility, unsustainable water use, overfishing and marine environment degradation are all reducing the ability of the natural resource base to supply food.

Need for Coordinated Action

Many activities and events that take place around the world on International Youth Day promote the benefits that young people bring into the world. Many countries participate in this global event, which may include youth conferences on issues such as environment, education and employment.

Other activities include promoting the world’s youth, as well as various sporting events, parades and mobile exhibitions that showcase young people’s achievements. The concerned authorities in the country give high priority to the youth and youth programs and involve them in planning and implementing activities that enhance their awareness on environmental issues and problems.

Many NGOs and community based organizations are working in enhancing the awareness on environmental subjects and problems. Local organizations are targeting not only towards sports, religion and charity but area cleaning and enhancing landscaping have also become a priority. Let the youth work on reducing the food waste, promote recycling and reuse, conserve electricity and water, cleaning and beautifying their areas and teaching others to take care of our planet.

Why is it Important to Reuse and Repurpose Old Clothes?

Tens of millions of tons of old clothes are discarded worldwide each year. In affluent countries, around 5-6% of the municipal solid waste is comprised of used clothes.  Americans discarded 14 million tons of textiles in 2018, out of which only 15 percent was recycled, while more than 11 million tons of textiles were dumped in landfills across the country. The situation is no different in the Middle East where huge amount of clothes and other fabrics gets accumulated in our homes each year.


When thrown in communal bins, textile wastes are transported to the landfill site, where it is dumped and buried taking a sizeable area of the landfill space and entailing cost of transportation and handling. Decomposing textiles releases methane, a harmful greenhouse gas and a significant contributor to global warming. There are dyes and chemicals in fabric and other components of clothing that can leach into the soil, contaminating both surface and groundwater.

Rash purchases and impulse buying, especially in ‘discount sales,’ are the main reason for un-worn clothing pile up at our homes, which takes up a sizeable portion of our wardrobe storage areas. Another reason of not discarding the clothes is the guilt over wasting money which keeps us from throwing out unwanted clothes. Especially women hoard particular styles of clothes in the hope of a fashion revival.

According to, The first task is to evaluate what we have been wearing and what we will use and what can be discarded. The second task is to see if these clothes can be altered and re-worn by us or our household members. Next task is to see if these clothes can be re-used or re-purposed for other draping like windows, covers, ventilators etc. Finally the option is to donate these textiles to poor people and charity organizations benefiting the community.

We should try to understand that over 70% of the world’s population uses second-hand clothes. Let these clothes find a new face and bring smile on the faces of less-privileged communities. This act of kindness is not only morally pleasing and religiously satisfying but will also depict that we care for waste, community and the environment.

Many local charities in the Middle East understand this situation and have placed containers and boxes for collection of used clothes from the community. Kindly look for these in your area or donate your used clothing to people who really need them and can wear them with pride during festivals and other occasions.

If the clothing is not wearable, it can be converted into wipes that can be used around the house to clean up spills, dusting, cleaning your car etc. Worn-out textiles can be collected and reprocessed as fibers which can be used as filler in vehicle seats, upholstery, insulation, wipe clothes and rest can go to the landfill.

The clothing materials could be reused, repurposed and upcycled into a wide range of items, such as cloth bags, hats, quilts, etc. based on your creativity and usage. The bottom line is to have a regular clearance of your clothes and check your wardrobe making sure that new purchases are thought out and calculated.

كيفية التجنب من شرب المعادن الثقيلة؟

تظهر المعادن الثقيلة بشكل طبيعي في البيئة المحيطة بنا. لذا فهي ليست من المواد التي نريدها في أجسامنا. ينتج عن كل من المعادن الثقيلة الشائعة تفاعلات مختلفة داخل الجسم. في بعض الحالات قد تساهم بعض المعادن بالتسمم أو بعض الأمراض. إليكم ما نحتاج معرفته عن المعادن الثقيلة وكيفية تجنب شربها.


الأعراض التي تسببها المعادن الثقيلة إن وجدت في ماء الشرب

ليس من السهل دائمًا معرفة ما إذا كان لديكم معادن ثقيلة في مياه الشرب. تتراوح الأعراض المتعلقة بوجود كميات من المعادن الثقيلة من خفيفة إلى شديدة ، فهي تميل إلى التطور ببطء بمرور الوقت. تشمل بعض الأعراض الشائعة المرتبطة بالتعرض للمعادن الثقيلة ما يلي:

  • الإسهال والغثيان و / أو القيء
  • وجع البطن
  • ضيق في التنفس
  • ضعف عام

أشارت منظمة الصحة العالمية أن الولايات المتحدة هي واحدة من دول العالم التي تحتوي مياهها الجوفية بمستويات أعلى من مادة الزرنيخ. المعادن الثقيلة الشائعة الأخرى التي قد تكون في مياه منزلك تشتمل على كميات من النحاس والكادميوم والكروم والنيكل والرصاص. ترتبط بعض الأعراض بتناول كميات من المعادن الثقيلة.على سبيل المثال،التعرض بوجود كميات من الزئبق في مياه الشرب يؤدي بالتسمم، أو مشاكل في الكلام والسمع أو تغيرات في الرؤية أو تلف الأعصاب في اليدين أو الوجه.

اختبار جودة المياه الخاصة بمنزلك

الخطوة الأولى التي يمكنك اتخاذها لتجنب شرب المعادن الثقيلة التي قد تكون موجودة  الماء هي اختبار المياه للتأكد من خلو المعادن الثقيلة. ستحدد النتائج ما إذا كانت هناك كميات كبيرة من أي معادن ثقيلة شائعة في مياه منزلك. من المرجح أن تتجنب شرب المعادن الثقيلة إذا تواجدت في المياه القادمة إلى منزلك.

تجنب المأكولات البحرية التي تحتوي على مستويات عالية من الزئبق

إذا اتضح أنك تعرضت بتناول كميات أعلى من المعتاد من المعدن الثقيل في مياه الشرب او بعض المأكولات ، فإن اتخاذ خطوات إضافية لتجنب زيادة هذه الكميات قد يكون مفيدًا. المأكولات البحرية هي نقطة انطلاق جيدة. تعد أغلب المأكولات البحرية من المأكولات التي تحتوي على كميات قليلة بالمعادن الثقيلة. في الواقع ، تعد العديد من أنواع المأكولات البحرية مصدرًا موثوقًا للعناصر الغذائية المفيدة.

لكن ما من الأفضل تجنب تناول المأكولات البحرية التي تحتوي على مستويات عالية من الزئبق. وهذا يعني على وجه التحديد تجنب الاستهلاك المفرط لما يلي:

  • سمكة السيف
  • سمك المارلين
  • تونة كبيرة العين و التونة ذو الزعنفة الصفراء

فحص الأنابيب واستبدالها (إذا لزم الأمر)

معظم المنازل التي شيدت قبل عام ١٩٨٠ استخدم  لحام الرصاص لتأمين وصلات الأنابيب. تعاني بعض المنازل أيضًا من مشاكل في وجود كميات من الرصاص والنحاس في خطوط التوصيل المياه. لذا إذا أظهر الاختبار مستويات عالية من المعادن الثقيلة في مياه منزلك ، من الممكن أن تكون قد تسربت من خلال أنابيب المياه. يمكن أن يحدد فحص السباكة الشامل ما إذا كانت المشكلة من أنابيب المياه الخاصة بالمنزل. إذا كان الأمر كذلك، فتحديثات وتصليحات السباكة المناسبة سوق تكون الحل الأمثل لحل هذه المشكلة.

عدم استخدام الأطباق القديمة بشكل متكرر

قد تحتوي أواني السيراميك القديمة على الرصاص. إذا كنتم تستخدمون أطباق قديمة عادةً ، فمن الأفضل استخدامها للمناسبات الخاصة فقط. اختارو الألواح الغير السامة وأواني الطهي والتقديم  المصنوعة من المواد التي لا خطر منها للاستخدام اليومي.

إستبدال موازين الحرارة الزئبقية بأخرى رقمية

قد يبدو من غير المحتمل أن ينكسر مقياس الحرارة الزئبقي القديم ويدخل إلى مياه الشرب المنزلية. ومع ذلك ، من الأفضل أن اتخاذ الحيطة و الحذر واستبدال موازين الحرارة الزئبقية المستخدمة في مطبخك أو منطقة تناول الطعام ، بأجهزة رقمية وحديثه

الحذر في استخدام مبيدات الأعشاب

إذا كنت تعمل بانتظام في حديقة منزلك ، فكن على دراية بأن بعض مبيدات الأعشاب تحتوي على معادن ثقيلة. خصص بعض الوقت لاختيار منتجات لا تحتوي على مستويات عالية من المعادن الثقيلة.

التحقق من محتوى الأدوية

قد يبدو الأمر من غير المحتمل أن يحدث، ولكن بعض الأدوية تحتوي على معادن ثقيلة كمكونات رئيسية. يفضل التحقق من المحتويات المحددة لأي أدوية تتناولون بشكل منتظم. إذا لاحظتم مستويات عالية بشكل غير عادي من المعادن الثقيلة ، فتحدثو إلى الطبيب حول إمكانية التغيير إلى أدوية أخرى تعالج مشاكلكم الصحية ولكن بمحتوى أقل بالمعادن الثقيلة

استبدال الطلاء القديم

من المرجح أن يكون الرصاص قد استخدم قي طلاا المنازل القديمة. وفقًا لوكالة حماية البيئة ، تم حظر استخدام المستهلك الطلاء المحتوي على الرصاص في عام ١٩٧٨. لذلك ، إذا كان لديك منزل أقدم من هذا ولم يتم تغيير الطلاء ، فهذه خطوة من يفضل القيام بها.

هناك طريقة أخرى لتجنب المعادن الثقيلة في مياه الشرب الخاصة بالمنزل وهي استخدام فلتر مياه موثوق. يمكن أن يوفر الفلتر عالي الجودة مياه منزلية أنظف وأكثر صحة وأمانًا للاستخدام للشرب بشكل منتظم. ، أنتم تستحقون مياه الشرب التي لن تؤثر سلبًا على صحتك وتعيش حياة أكثر سعادة. مع الاحتياطات المناسبة  يمكنك تحقيق هذا الهدف والاستمتاع بصحة عالية.


 محمد عدنان النخلي- مهندس كيميائي- مهتم في تفكك البوليميرات إلى موادها الأولية وتحويلها إلى مواد مفيدة، وتقليل المخلفات البلاستيكية في البيئة.

Connected Vehicles – Enabling Green Transport

Connected vehicles technology is a wireless-based technology which enables vehicles (light as well as heavy) to instantly communicate with each other, through an onboard installed device that receives warning signals ahead of time about road closures, pile-ups and other potential hazards related to weather conditions. Connected vehicle aims to enable safe, inter-operable networked wireless communications among vehicles, the infrastructure, and passengers’ personal communications devices.


The United States Department of Transportation (DOT) defines this revolutionary technology as achieving “cleaner air through smarter transportation.” DOT, in coordination with major automakers and other public and private sector innovators, has been working to advance vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) and vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) communications technology to help prevent traffic crashes before they happen.

The network captures real-time data from equipment located on-board vehicles (automobiles, trucks, and buses) and within the infrastructure. The data are transmitted wirelessly and are used by transportation managers in a wide range of dynamic, multi-modal applications to manage the transportation system for optimum performance.

Advantages of Connected Vehicles

An important role of this system is to mitigate environmental impacts of using roads and highways as it generate as well as capture environmentally relevant real-time transportation data and use this data to create actionable information to support and facilitate “green” transportation choices. The system focuses on improving air quality, reducing GHG emissions and decreasing fuel consumption. Connected vehicles technology is a good tool to mitigate climate change and achieve emissions reduction targets.

Through connected vehicles, drivers will have advance information about traffic congestion etc. which will enable people to reschedule, postpone, cancel or carpool their trip. Informed travelers may decide to avoid congested routes, take alternate routes, public transit, or reschedule their trip — all of which can make their trip more fuel-efficient and eco-friendly.

People can also shift to public transportation which will result in fewer GHG emissions caused by significant reduction in fuel consumption and less traffic congestion thus enhancing the air quality. The traffic agency can also introduce a fine “pricing policy” in heavy traffic areas. Connected vehicles technologies promote eco-driving by advising drivers to minimize fuel consumption or directly control engine brakes without requiring the driver’s intervention.

Potential in the Middle East

Connected vehicles have the potential to solve transportation woes and ease traffic mobility in major Middle East cities like Jeddah, Riyadh, Abu Dhabi and Dubai which are plagued by heavy traffic volumes. Moreover, deployment of this technology will enable people to take a real-time situation decision and maintain sustainable traffic practices.

In addition, connected vehicles will be a handy and efficient tool to mitigate environmental impacts of the rapidly growing transport sector. Moreover, connected vehicles, ranging from cars to trucks can relay important safety and mobility information to one another which may help in saving lives, preventing injuries and easing traffic congestion.

Solid Waste Management Challenges in GCC

The challenges posed by solid waste to governments and communities are many and varied. In the GCC region, where most countries have considerably high per capita waste generation values, the scale of the waste management challenge faced by civic authorities is even bigger. Fast-paced industrial growth, recent construction boom, increasing population, rapid urbanisation, and vastly improved lifestyle coupled with unsustainable consumption patterns have all contributed to the growing waste crisis in the GCC.


Among the GCC nations, United Arab Emirates has the highest municipal solid waste generation per capita of 2.2 kg (which is among the highest worldwide) followed closely by Qatar, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Oman and Bahrain. The total urban waste generation in the GCC has been estimated to be around 150 million tons per annum, with MSW being the second largest stream after construction wastes.

Key Challenges

A look at the composition of municipal solid waste in GCC nations suggests that it is largely decomposable and recyclable. However, at present waste disposal into landfills/dumpsites remains the widely practiced method. In countries such as Kuwait and Bahrain where limited land is available, this doesn’t seem to be most prudent option. At present, waste management sector is facing multiple challenges in the form of:

  1. Lack of clear reliable framework by which the solid waste sector is administered from the collection, transformation to disposing or treatment phases
  2. Absence  of effective and comprehensive legislative frameworks governing the solid waste sector and the inadequate enforcement mechanisms, which are no less important than the legislation themselves
  3. Management activities of MSW are considered public services
    which are directly controlled by governmental institutions. Such management arrangement is considered weak as it lacks market mechanisms, and in this case economical incentives cannot be used to improve and develop the MSW management services
  4. Inadequate human and organizational capacities and capabilities
  5. Scarcity of accurate and reliable background data and information on the status of solid waste such as rate of generation of different solid waste constituencies, assessment of natural resources and land-use,   and transportation needs, scenarios of treatment, growth scenarios of solid waste which are linked to several driving forces. Needless to say, data and information are the crucial elements for developing MSW management system including the adequate monitoring of the sector.
  6. Inadequate waste strategies/management infrastructure:  In most GCC countries existing waste handling capacities are insufficient. Presently recyclable recovery rate is low. Further, in the absence of local recycling facilities, there is no alternative except to dump the otherwise recyclable material at landfills.
  7. Waste recycling is expensive: Though recent years have seen an increase in the number of waste recycling facilities the economics of recycling is still not very favourable. In many cases recycling waste is expensive compared to buying the product which can be attributed to lack of recycling facilities.
  8. Under developed market for recycled products: Insufficient demand for recycled products in the local market is another reason, which has hampered the growth of the waste recycling industry.
  9. Public attitude: Economies in the GCC countries are oil dependent due to high reserves of fossil fuels. For several decades alternatives such as solar and wind were not considered and oil was the easier option.  Recently and due to drop in oil prices more consideration is given to renewable sources. Similarly waste was mainly landfilled as it was the easier choice, yet due to known complication with such treatment, more suitable measures were considered. Therefore there is the need for an effective comprehensive “education and awareness” program in regards of these two issues

The Way Forward

GCC urgently requires an ambitious sustainable development agenda with waste management (minimisation, reuse and recycling) among its main priorities. Waste has a range of environmental impacts, on air, water, and land and also is a major economic drain, especially on city budgets. It is estimated that 50% of a city’s budget is spent on waste management.

The inefficient use of scarce resources reflected in materials discarded and abandoned as waste represents a huge economic and environmental cost borne by society as a whole.


GCC urgently requires more recycling facilities, like this MRF in Sharjah

Management of solid waste is a serious challenge faced by most modern societies. But waste is not only a challenge: it is also a largely untapped opportunity. Proper waste management presents an opportunity not only to avoid the detrimental impacts associated with waste, but also to recover resources, realise environmental, economic and social benefits and take a step on the road to a sustainable future.

The benefits arise when waste is treated as a resource, a resource that can be recovered and put to productive and profitable use. Products can be reused and the materials that make them up can be recovered and converted to other uses or recycled.

The Problem of Used Lead-Acid Batteries

Lead-acid batteries are widely used on a mass-scale in all parts of the world.  They act as power sources in a wide-range of equipment and appliances used by households, commerce and industry. Lead-acid batteries finds wide application in all modes of modern transport including cars, trucks, buses, boats, trains, rapid mass-transit systems, recreational vehicles etc.

During power-cuts, lead-acid batteries provide emergency power for critical operations such as air-traffic control towers, hospitals, railroad crossings, military installations, submarines, and weapons systems. All automotive batteries and 95 percent of industrial batteries are lead-acid secondary cells.


Harmful Impacts of Batteries

Lead-acid batteries contain sulphuric acid and large amounts of lead. The acid is extremely corrosive and is also a good carrier for soluble lead and lead particulate. Lead is a highly toxic metal that produces a range of adverse health effects particularly in young children.

Exposure to excessive levels of lead can cause damage to brain and kidney, impair hearing; and lead to numerous other associated problems. On average, each automobile manufactured contains approximately 12 kilograms of lead. Around 96% lead is used in the common lead-acid battery, while the remaining 4% in other applications including wheel balance weights, protective coatings and vibration dampers.

In the developing world, more than 3 million die each year due to lead contamination from processing of used lead-acid batteries, with South America, South Asia and Africa being the highest affected regions.

Collection Strategies

The most common and most efficient method for the collection of lead-acid batteries is through the battery retailer where a discount is given against the purchase price of a new battery provided the customer returns the used battery. In some countries a deposit has to be paid when a new battery is purchased and is only returned to the customer when the battery is returned to the retailer for recycling.

In several parts of the world, reconditioned lead-acid batteries are offered for sale. In the Caribbean islands there is a thriving second-hand automobile trade and thousands of used Japanese cars are imported into the region every year to be broken up for spares. Many of these vehicles have a used lead acid battery, which is removed from the vehicle and shipped to Venezuela for recycling.

An informal collection mechanism is through rag-pickers who scavenge for discarded materials that can be reused or recycled. Rag-pickers scour waste dumps, strip abandoned vehicles and wrecks and even collect batteries that have been used for standby power in domestic houses.

Recycling Methods

Lead is highly toxic metal and once the battery becomes inoperative, it is necessary to ensure its proper collection and eco-friendly recycling. A single lead-acid battery disposed of incorrectly into a municipal solid waste collection system, and not removed prior to entering a resource recovery facility for mixed MSW, could contaminate 25 tonnes of MSW and prevent the recovery of the organic resources within this waste because of high lead level.


Recycling of used lead acid batteries is a complex process

Recycling of used lead-acid batteries, provided it is done in an environmentally sound manner, is important because it keeps the batteries out of the waste stream destined for final disposal. Lead from storage batteries placed in unlined landfills can even contaminate the groundwater. Given the issues mentioned, sourcing high-quality battery parts is also crucial. Companies like Source One Parts Center provide essential components ensuring longer battery life and sustainability. Recycling prevents the emission of lead into the environment and also avoids the energy usage associated with manufacturing lead from virgin resources.

Obtaining secondary lead from used lead-acid batteries can be economically attractive, depending upon the market price of lead. Recovery of lead from batteries is easier and requires significantly less energy than producing primary lead from ore. Recycling also reduces dispersal of lead in the environment and conserves mineral resources for the future when undertaken in an environmentally and socially responsible manner.

Parting Shot

It is to be noted that recycling of used lead acid batteries is not a simple process that can be undertaken in small scale enterprises. Infact lead-acid battery recycling is regarded as one of the worst polluting industries worldwide. Certain control measures should to be taken to prevent adverse impacts to people and the ecology. With exponential rise in consumption of lead-acid batteries, it is imperative on all Middle East nations to put together a viable strategy to tackle the problem of used lead-acid batteries.