Best Green Ways to Increase Your Property’s Value

Increasing a property’s value is something that everyone hopes to accomplish during their lifetime. The place in which one owns is usually the biggest asset of a person’s life. Therefore, one should treat it dearly by taking steps to improve its condition over the years. Over the past decade, there has been a huge drive towards achieving sustainability in all facets of our lives. Simply put to be sustainable or “green” means to satisfy your present needs in a way that does not compromise the needs or resources of future generations. More importantly to put this into the context of our home, to be sustainable means to be as efficient as possible and not waste all the resources required for the proper operation and maintenance of it.

In the following paragraphs, some of the more direct and easy ways to increase your property value in a sustainable green manner will be explained.

Selecting the right material for sustainable roofs

Yes, there are eco-friendly roofing and the material plays the biggest part of it. In North American houses, roofs are one of the most important and expensive features that need proper maintenance every few years or replacement every 20 to 100 years depending on the roof you have, according to Bartlett Roofing Boise. Thus, when looking for an eco-friendly roofing most property owners aim for the most cost-effective roofing material, but often times neglect durability and do not think outside the box of how selecting the roofing material can not only improve durability, but also increase your property’s value through other indirect cost savings as a result of having an environmentally friendly green roof.

Some examples of great roofing materials that have a direct effect on both durability and sustainability are posted below: 

1. Cool Roof

It is important to have a white-colored reflective roof, especially when living in hot climates. A light-colored roof does a good job of reflecting and not absorbing UV rays, which can really heat up your home and thus increase your air conditioning bill.

2. Metal Roof

Although metal roofs cost a little bit more than regular roofs, this cost is offset by them being long-lasting, up to 50 years and fire-resistant compared to traditional roofs made out of shingles and wood. Metal roofs are also good for those in dry areas who really want to harvest water from the rain. Another important feature of metal roofs is that they are 100% recyclable at the end of their lives and homeowners can usually get some money back when selling their metal roof for scrap.

3. Recycled Shingles Roof

Recycled shingles come from materials such as plastic, wood, and rubber which can be easily repurposed and reused as shingle materials. Recycled shingles are cheap and are usually the greenest roofing material. They are very durable having a lifespan of about 50 years. The sustainability in this type of roof comes from the low energy used and low pollution in the manufacturing of the recycled shingles.

4. Green Roof

Green roofs are roofs with a vegetative layer that is grown on the rooftop of a house or building. These roofs have grown significantly in the past few years. Green roofs improve your property aesthetics, they reduce energy usage due to the thermal efficiency of the soil and also reduce air pollution. Green roofs can also capture stormwater and return it back through evaporation.

Other green home remodelling ideas that will increase its value

Not every remodeling or renovation type will increase your home’s value when it comes time to sell. The push towards sustainability might make your home a bit different from the others and in general if one can find cost savings within sustainability it will make your home very competitive in a buyer’s real estate market.

The following green home remodeling ideas are what can make a home buyer give you more money when it comes time to sell

  • Upgrading Landscape and Curb: The very first thing someone sees when they pull up to your home is the lawn and landscaping. A great luscious green landscape with a proper garden with painted outer fences and walls and adding native plants that reduce water costs and solar lights can drastically make your home greener and improve its appeal to a potential buyer.
  • Replacing Old Windows: Windows are some of the most expensive things in a home that need replacing every 20 years. However, they are one of the most important features that can save you a lot of money through a reduced energy bill. Old windows tend to leak a lot of air as the sun and environment degrade them over time. It is important to replace them with a lighter colored Energy Star rated windows to keep the cold or warm air inside. It is also important to add additional windows to the not so lit areas of your home to brighten it up with some naturally occurring sunlight and get rid of the nonessential lighting within your home.
  • Low-Flow Faucets and Toilets: These are some of the cheapest things that one can replace in a home and have big savings in their water bill. New faucets and toilets are designed to be as water-efficient as possible by incorporating water with air through an aerator which maintains water pressure.
  • Solar Water Heater: It is said that water heating usually accounts for up to 20% of a home’s energy bill. Therefore, in places that see a lot of sunlight installing a solar water heater can do wonders to lowering your energy bill. Not to mention installing solar panels on your roof might be expensive, but you can save plenty of money through government programs implemented to buy back the energy that you capture enabling one to save a lot of money and reduce carbon emissions.
  • Energy Efficient LED Lighting: Replacing all old light bulbs with LED light bulbs can help a home save roughly $1000 over a 10-year period according to USA Today. LED light bulbs convert electricity into light through the use of a semiconductor. LED light bulbs are much longer-lasting than traditional light bulbs.

Therefore, it is important to not think of green home renovations in terms of costs but it is important to think of them as improving the durability and long term evaluation of your property for the better in a changing world.

The Holy Quran: A New Ecological Paradigm

Among the world scriptures, the Holy Quran provides a unique resource for building a new ecological paradigm. Grounded in the Abrahamic tradition, it presents a harmonious view of nature reminiscent of the Far East. In the Quran, “whatsoever is the heavens and on the earth glorifies God” (59:1; 61:1; 62:1; 64:1). “The stars and the trees prostrate” (55:6), “the thunder hymns His praise” (13:13), and “unto God prostrates whosoever is in the heavens and whosoever is on the earth, the sun, the moon, the stars, the mountains, the trees, and the beasts” (22:18). In these and many other verses, the whole of creation is presented as a Divine symphony, for “there is no thing, save that it hymns His praise, though you do not understand their praise. Truly He is Clement, Forgiving” (17:44).


Common Cause of Humanity

According to the latest results from the Pew Research Center, by 2050, over 60% of the world’s population will be Christian or Muslim: 29.7% will be Muslim and 31.4% will be Christian. Muslims and Christians have no choice but to come together to work for the common cause of humanity in confronting this unprecedented challenge. Moreover, to take root in humanity any sustainable ecological worldview must incorporate and address the teachings that much of humanity seeks to follow. As Pope Francis observes, the solutions cannot come from science and technology alone.

The extinction of species and the eradication of pristine environments are like the removal of a section from this orchestra of which we are all a part. The Quran thus enjoins us to “walk not exultantly upon the earth” (17:63) and to view the whole of nature as “signs for a people who hear” (10:67; 16:65; 30:23), “signs for a people who reflect” (13:3; 30:21), and “signs for a people who understand” (2:164; 13:4; 16:12, 67; 30:24; 45:5).

Yet, in our rapacious approach to nature, we have failed to reflect and thus become like those of whom the Quran says, “they have hearts with which they understand not; they have eyes with which they see not; and they have ears with which they hear not” (7:179). Unable to see, listen and understand, we have become like one of whom the Quran warns, “when he turns away [from God’s signs], he endeavors to work corruption upon the earth, and to destroy tillage and offspring” (2:205).

Relevance of the Papal Encyclical

Pope Francis’ encyclical on the environment, Laudato Si (“Praised Be”), is a clarion call to all of humanity. It also provides an important opportunity to expand the conversation regarding the relationship between religion and the environment. Many scientists maintain that we have reached “decade zero” for addressing climate change. We thus have no choice but to mine the riches of all the world’s traditions to create new paradigms and new solutions to environmental degradation. As the encyclical states, “We need a conversation which includes everyone, since the environmental challenge we are undergoing and its human roots, concern and affect us all.”

The Papal Encyclical provides an unprecedented opportunity for the people of the world’s faith traditions to turn away from the corruption we have wrought and open our hearts to one another and to the plea of Mother Nature. For her fate will be determined by the decisions of our generation. By drawing upon the shared teachings of our traditions, humanity can again learn to honor the immutable rights of rivers, animals and trees, as well as human beings suffering inhumane working conditions. By bearing witness of our own transgressions, we can reverse our course and ensure that the rights of God’s creation prevail over the transient interests of corporations. As Pope Francis observes, we have no choice but to take this direction and to work with one another.

For Muslims and Christians, the place of human beings is not to subdue the earth. It is to hear the patterns already established within nature and live in harmony with them, had we but eyes to see and ears to hear. In both Christianity and Islam, human beings are presented as stewards of the earth. In the Quran, this responsibility is both an honor and a trial.

Verse 6:165 states, God it is Who appointed you stewards upon the earth and raised some of you by degrees above others, that He may try you in that which He has given you. From this perspective, being stewards of nature is about our responsibility toward God, not our dominion over creation. Neither the Bible nor the Quran has any place for what Pope Francis calls “a tyrannical anthropocentrism unconcerned for other creatures.

We will thus be held accountable for the degree to which we have carried out our function as stewards. As the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) is reported to have said, “The world is a green and pleasant thing. God has made you stewards of it, and looks at how you behave.


Given the state of the environmental crisis and the alarming increase in environmental degradation, one cannot but conclude that contemporary humanity has failed this test. The world and our children can no longer afford the cost of our failures. It is thus time that people of all faiths unite and in the words of Martin Luther King, “rededicate ourselves to the long and bitter, but beautiful, struggle for a new world.”

Important Things You Should Know About Mattress Disposal

When you start to live a greener, more eco-friendly lifestyle, you’ll find that you spend more time recycling and reusing items rather than simply throwing them away. The less waste you can create, the more the environment can thrive. However, there will be times in your life when you’re simply not sure what you need to do to get rid of an old item that you no longer have use for.

If your old and lumpy mattress is far past its best and you can’t donate it to someone in need, then you’ll need to figure out how you’re going to dispose of it without causing any excess damage to the environment.  Here are a few things you’ll need to know about disposing of your old mattress.

1. Always Try Donating First

The average mattress lasts for anywhere between 7 and 8 years. If you’ve decided to get a new mattress, but your old one isn’t completely worn out yet, then you might be able to donate the old product to an organization in need of help.

One particularly good option for international donors is the Salvation Army. This group has thrift stores throughout the world, and the group can provide a furniture pickup service for mattress donations in certain locations. Donations to the Salvation Army are tax-deductible too. If the salvation army isn’t an option, try:

  •       Habitat for Humanity International
  •       Furniture Bank Association of America
  •       Goodwill
  •       Local charity stores
  •       Homeless shelters

Remember, your mattress needs to be in good condition for a donation. That means no tears, no damage that might cause discomfort to a new user, and no bedbugs!

2. Recycling is the Second Best Option

If a donation isn’t possible for you, then you can consider recycling your mattress instead. Up to 90% of your mattress can be recycled and repurposed to create new products. To make sure that you’re recycling your mattress correctly, you’ll need to go online and track down the nearest recycling center that accepts mattresses.

There are likely to be a few options in your local area. For a small fee, some companies will even pick the mattress up for you if you don’t have a way to get the item to them. Remember, most centers will allow you to submit a mattress for recycling if it isn’t in the best condition. However, recycling centers will not take mattresses that have been exposed to pests or bed bugs. Check the terms and conditions of your recycling plant.


3. Junk Removal Companies Can Help You Out

Finally, if you’re getting rid of a mattress that can’t be recycled, and isn’t any good for donation, then your only option will be to have it removed by a junk removal company. These businesses will take items to the dump if they need to go there, but most junk removal companies will also try to recycle or donate used mattresses before simply throwing them away.

Residential junk removal services have the right people and expertise to handle the challenging task of decluttering and disposing of unwanted items in your home. These services typically employ skilled and experienced professionals trained to efficiently and safely remove various types of junk, whether it’s old mattresses, furniture, appliances, electronics, construction debris, or general household clutter.

Using these kinds of companies will cost you a small amount of money, depending on the size and weight of the mattress. Many will charge by volume, although others do charge on a per-item basis. You should also consider checking the warranty of your old mattress before you get rid of it, as the manufacturer might offer disposal services.

But how do you prepare your old mattress for junk removal? You can follow some steps to ensure a smooth and efficient pickup by the removal service. Firstly, strip the mattress off all bedding and linens and ensure it’s completely bare. Inspect the mattress for any hazardous materials, like bedbugs, and inform the removal service accordingly if found. In case of rain or moisture concerns, protect the mattress by covering it with a plastic mattress bag or a large plastic sheet.

If your mattress is part of a larger bed frame, disassemble it as needed. Ensure that all hazardous materials, like sharp edges and protruding springs, are out of children’s reach. Communicate with the removal service in advance, schedule a pickup, and discuss any specific requirements they may have regarding size or weight restrictions. On the scheduled pickup day, be present or provide access to the removal team and comply with local regulations for mattress disposal.

Additionally, if you’re replacing your old bed with a new one, see whether the company that you’re buying the new mattress from offer a removal service. Some companies are more than happy to responsibly dispose of your old mattress when they deliver your new one.

نصائح لتقليل النفايات الغذائية

للنفايات الغذائية آثار بيئية واقتصادية واجتماعية أيضاً. إن ارتفاع معدلات الدخل والإنفاق الفردية، ومستوى المعيشة، والقدرة على الإنفاق، وسلوكياتنا في إهدار الطعام تؤثر سلباً على مواردنا المحدودة. فأصبح من الشائع أن نرى أكوام من الطعام المتبقي في أطباق الطعام في مراكز التسوق والمطاعم. وللأسف فإن القدرة على الإنفاق أدت إلى زيادة متسارعة في إنتاج وتراكم النفايات الغذائية في دول الشرق الأوسط عامة، وفي دول مجلس التعاون الخليجي خاصة.


ويمكن قياس خطورة الوضع من خلال الحقائق التي تبيّن أنه يتم إنتاج أكثر من 300 طن من النفايات الغذائية يومياً في البحرين، مما يشكل حوالي 11% من النفايات البلدية. حيث يتم إلقاء جميع هذه النفايات في صناديق القمامة ثم جمعها من قِبل مقاولي البلدية، ثم تنقل إلى مكب العسكر الواقع على بعد 25 كليوم متر عن المدينة.

يتوجب على سكان دول الشرق الأوسط أن يدركوا أننا نستورد كميات كبيرة من المواد الغذائية ثم نهدرها دون مبالاة في القمامة. و تشير التقديرات إلى أن ربع الأطعمة التي يتم شرائها تتعفن ويتم إلقاؤها في سلة المهملات قبل أن يتم استخدامها أو أكلها.

يميل الناس إلى شراء كميات أكبر مما يحتاجون، أو مما يمكنهم استهلاكه. وغالباً ما يتركون الطعام الذي تم طلبه أو شراؤه نصف مأكول، وهو سلوك شائع ولكنه غير سليم.

إن ترك بقايا الطعام هو توجه خاطئ يؤدي إلى زيادة الهدر للمواد الغذائية المشتراة، التي لا يتم استخدامها بشكل كامل أو كفؤ، فينتهي بها المطاف في صناديق القمامة. بالإضافة إلى ذلك،  فإن هدر الطعام يكون بنسبة أكبر خلال الموائد المفتوحة (البوفيهات)، حيث تكون خيارات الأطباق أكثر وبكميات غير محدودة. يجب أن يكون التوجه نحو اختيار ما نستطيع أكله فقط.

لقد ازدادت تكلفة الأطعمة المطبوخة وغير المطبوخة بشكل ملحوظ في السنوات الأخيرة، مما زاد الضغط على الميزانية المحلية لأرباب الأُسر الذين يكافحون بالفعل لمواجهة تكاليف المعيشة، والسكن، والرعاية الطبية، والنقل وغيرها. مهمتنا الأولى هي تقليل كمية النفايات الغذائية القابلة للتحلل الحيوي من أن ينتهي بها المطاف إلى صناديق القمامة -ومن ثم إلى مكب النفايات. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، إذا قمنا بتطبيق عملية جمع النفايات الغذائية، فإننا نقوم بإزالة جزء كبير من المكونات القابلة للتحلل الحيوي من صندوق القمامة. ويجب علينا أن ندرك أن وصول الطعام إلى المكب وتحلله حيوياً ينتج كمية غازات دفيئة أكثر.


للنفايات الغذائية آثار بيئية واقتصادية واجتماعية

جدية الأمر تتطلب اتباع عادات غذائية وسلوكيات أفضل؛ “أن تأخذ ما تستطيع أن تأكله احتراماً للطبيعة الأم”. يكمن الحل الاجتماعي والثقافي في اتباع طريقة ذكية للتعامل مع الطعام وتجنب إهداره.

دعونا نمارس النصائح التالية للتقليل من النفايات الغذائية في الشرق الأوسط:

  • اشترِ ما تريد بالفعل وبكميات محددة.
  • شراء المواد الغذائية وخاصة الفاكهة والخضراوات بكميات قليلة وبناءً على حاجتك فقط.
  • حاول استخدام الكميات بالشكل الأمثل وتناول ما يتبقى منها أيضا.
  • لا تخجل من أخذ/تغليف ما يتبقى من الطعام في الحفلات، فهذا لن يؤثر على احترامك لذاتك وسمعتك.
  • يومياً تفقد المواد الغذائية الموجودة في الثلاجة/المجمّد، وسلة الفاكهة الخاصة بك، وتأكد من المواد القابلة للتعفن وانتهاء الصلاحية. وقم باستخدامها أو التبرع بها قبل أن تصبح من النفايات.
  • نحن بحاجة لاتباع أجدادنا في أسلوبهم في “شراء الأقل وتناول بقايا الطعام”، والذي أصبح موضة قديمة بحسب ما يعرف بعادات العصر الحديث.

ترجمة: بثينة أبو روزا

ناشطة اجتماعية وبيئية ،رائدة أعمال والمؤسس لشركة قطوف للتدريب التنموي البيئي والتي تعتبر المركز الاول محليا وإقليما  المعتمد من مؤسسة  سيتي أند جيلد ( City & Guilds) البريطانية المختصة بالتدريب والتعليم المهني، وفقا للمعايير الدولية وبشهادات دولية صادرة من بريطانيا وبمسار مهني في إدارة النفايات وإعادة التدوير.

Top 5 Most Environmentally Friendly Colleges in the U.S. 2023

Education is only effective when it is combined with real change that impacts the world we live in. Selecting a college to study in can be a bit challenging as there are a plethora of factors you consider before choosing the best option. Some of these factors are education quality, study-life balance, healthy competition between students, co-curricular activities, and more. One other essential factor that a lot of people fail to consider is how environmentally friendly the university is. How can a college be environmentally-conscious, you may ask? To begin with, having many plants on campus and following eco-friendly practices for day-to-day college activities are some ways to do the same.

top 5 environmentally friendly colleges in the USA

Climate change impacts everything, and educational institutions are not exempt from taking responsibility for making the world better. Existing in harmony with nature ensures that we all have a healthy and hopeful future. Students need an environment where they feel safe and connected to nature to perform as well as they can in their academics.

Here are the top 5 environmentally friendly colleges in the United States

1. Colorado State University

Known as a very eco-friendly university in the United States, Colorado State University was the first ever university campus to get platinum status in the Sustainability Tracking, Assessment, and Rating System. Other than this, the campus has taken initiatives to introduce eco-friendly projects such as a food scrap and waste reduction program. This program managed to reduce the number of leftovers at college events and prevent food wastage. The project also aims to provide students with access to healthy food whenever and wherever.

Apart from this, Colorado State University has aimed for 100% carbon neutrality before the end of this decade. The campus is one of the best sustainable and eco-conscious colleges in the whole country and is an excellent place to pursue your on-campus or online environmental science degree. This is an excellent example of the initiative the modern educational institution can partake in to manage its impact on the environment.

2. University of Virginia

A worthy recipient of the Green Ribbon Schools award given by the U.S. Department of Education, this university has worked hard over the last decade to make its campus a sustainable and harmonious environment for humans. The initiative recognizes schools and universities that practice sustainable habits and invites them to an exclusive ceremony where they receive the award and much-needed media attention. The University of Virginia ranks among the top 10 law schools in the US, according to LSAT experts, With such a great green initiative by the university, it certainly makes it one of the finest campuses to study law.

The University of Virginia encourages and promotes sustainability among students and faculty members. They do this using diverse programs such as the Recycling and Waste Diversion program, the Green Workplace program, and the Green Labs program. These projects do an essential job of informing and educating students to minimize the amount of waste they create in their daily lives.

This college and other “green” institutions like to make their students understand the need for eco-friendly living. They often do it by adding some assignments associated with the environment and its protection. There are so many eco-friendly projects conducted at the university that many students think, “I would love it if someone could write my college research paper for me.” If that is your thought process, you can always contact a professional writing service. Their experts can write some essays for you to reveal some of your academic pressure.

3. Green Mountain College

As its name implies, Green Mountain College is an efficient and sustainable education leader in the country. The university was one of the first campuses in the United States to be awarded the reputed EPA Energy Star Campus recognition award. This recognition boosted the campus’ eco-friendly goals and pushed it in a greener direction.

Green Mountain College wants to convert to using renewable energy completely and be 100% carbon-neutral by 2030. Being very student-forward, the university’s sustainable actions are led by its graduates and students. One of its notable eco-friendly projects, the college’s biomass facility, was created and designed by students themselves and continues to be maintained the same way. Apart from learning essential things such as writing tips and marketing skills, the students at Green Mountain College learn to love and be one with nature early on in life.

4. Arizona State University

Known as a pioneer and industry leader among other eco-friendly colleges, Arizona State University launched its impressive “Carbon Project” to eliminate as much of its carbon emissions as possible. To do this, the campus planted more trees inside the university and allowed departments to shift to using electric vehicles.

environmentally-friendly college

The campus also began adopting carpool arrangements for its teachers and students and urged everyone to use sustainably-produced products. The university also often collaborates with ethical companies that practice fair trade labor practices. The college’s administration has always encouraged its students to take up eco-friendly and environment-based research projects to raise awareness and educate themselves.

5. The University of North Carolina

Another well-known environmentally-conscious college with the intent of attaining complete sustainability, the University of North Carolina intends to accomplish the following three goals:

  • No waste sent into landfills
  • Zero greenhouse gas emissions
  • Minimal usage of water and resources

In addition to this, the campus has invested a lot of resources in minimizing waste and constructing buildings that are energy efficient. It motivates its students and teachers to use transportation options that are friendlier to the environment. Unity among teachers, staff, students and the local community allows the university to take small steps towards sustainability that help them reach bigger goals. The campus also hosts numerous events to raise awareness about the preservation and conservation of the environment.


Every college wants to be green, but not all of them can achieve their goals effectively. To truly achieve complete harmony between nature and modern life, a campus must provide students with a conducive environment that keeps them close to nature. The colleges mentioned above are following essential sustainability practices to mitigate the effects of global warming. So, if you want to study at a university that cares about global well-being and ecology, the colleges on our list are worthy candidates for you.

Why Mediterranean Countries are Safest Bet to Solve Energy Crisis in Europe

Europe has been desperately trying to find alternative sources of energy to replace Russian gas. American Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) imports used today, is only a temporary solution and not a long-term one, due to its high costs and transport limitations. However, Algeria, Israel, Egypt, and possibly other transit nations like Libya and Turkey in the future can all contribute significantly to the continent’s increased energy demands. In the Eastern Mediterranean significant amounts of natural gas have recently been discovered recently and could increase gas collaborations with Europe.

European partnership with Mediterranean energy producers

Algeria increased its pipeline supplies to Europe by over 10% on available export routes in the first ten months of this year and is considered as a major gas supplier. Since 1996, Spain has purchased gas from Algeria through the Maghreb-Europe pipeline, which passes through Morocco, and since 2011, it has done so through the undersea Medgaz pipeline. Nevertheless, the dispute between Algeria and Morocco over the Western Sahara, which Morocco claims as its territory while Algeria supports the Polisario Front calling for Sahrawi independence, has consistently impacted relations between Madrid and Algiers, especially the two nations’ energy commerce.

Tensions have progressively gotten worse over the last two years and led Algeria to end gas exports via the Maghreb-Europe pipeline and therefore cut off supplies to Morocco, planning instead to expand the capacity of the Medgaz pipeline[1].

Madrid, which had previously maintained that the UN should decide the status of the area, supported Rabat’s proposal to maintain sovereignty over the Western Sahara while providing it independence to manage its own internal affairs. The Algerian government has repeatedly warned Spain not to re-export gas it receives from Algeria to Morocco[2], which has struggled to make up for shortages caused by the termination of flows via the Maghreb-Europe pipeline and Algerian ambassador in Madrid has been withdrawn following these events.

Moreover, the agreement on gas between the EU-Israel-Egypt[3] comes as European politicians are more concerned about Egypt’s economic stability. The Russian invasion of Ukraine has severely impacted Egypt, especially in terms of food security, and the Egyptian government is working to contain what may become a growing economic disaster. While macroeconomic growth rates have been largely positive, pressure is growing due to inflation and skyrocketing food and energy costs.

Recurring political unrest in Egypt is a nightmare scenario for many European governments, who have been scarred by the experience of the unrest that engulfed the Middle East and North Africa in the wake of the Arab Uprisings in 2010 and 2011. In particular, the migration crisis that was precipitated and made worse by the violent conflicts in Syria and Lebanon.

All in all, while Europe is attempting to diversify energy imports too rapidly, new partnerships with Mediterranean Energy producers must be recognized for their geopolitical complexity and instability that could jeopardize the energy security of future strategies.




The Menace of Landfills in Kuwait

Kuwait, being one of the richest countries, is among the highest per capita waste generators in the world. Each year more than 2 million tons of solid waste in generated in the tiny Arab nation. High standards of living and rapid economic growth has been a major factor behind very high per capita waste generation of 1.4 to 1.5 kg per day.

The prevalent solid waste disposal method in Kuwait is landfill burial. Despite being a small country, Kuwait has astonishingly high number of landfills. There are 18 landfills, of which 14 sites are closed and 4 sites are still in operation. These landfills act as dumpsites, rather than engineered landfills. Infact, landfill sites in Kuwait are notorious for causing severe public health and environmental issues.

Besides piling up huge amounts of garbage, landfill sites generate huge amount of toxic gases (methane, carbon dioxide etc) and plagued by spontaneous fires. Due to fast paced urban development, residential areas have expanded to the edges of landfill sites thus causing grave danger to public health.

Landfills in Kuwait

The total land area of Kuwait is around 17,820 sq. km, out of which more than 18 sq. km is occupied by landfills. Area of the landfill sites ranges from tens to hundreds of hectares with waste deposition depth varying from 3 to 30 meters. All kind of wastes, including municipal wastes, food wastes, industrial wastes, construction and demolition debris etc are dumped at these sites. Infact, about 90 percent of the domestic waste is sent to landfills which imply that more landfills will be required to tackle rapidly increasing volumes of solid wastes.

Most of the landfill sites have been closed for more than 20 years due to operational problems and proximity to new residential, commercial and industrial areas. These sites include Sulaibiyah, Kabed, Al‐Qurain, Shuaiba, Jleeb AI Shuyoukh, West Yarmouk, AI Wafra among others. Migration of leachate beyond landfill site boundaries is a frequent problem noticed across Kuwait. Groundwater contamination has emerged as a serious problem because groundwater occurs at shallow depths throughout the country.

The major landfill sites operated by municipality for solid waste disposal are Jleeb AI Shuyoukh, Sulaibiyah and Al-Qurain. The Qurain landfill, with area of 1 sq. km, was used for dumping of municipal solid waste and construction materials from 1975 until 1985 with total volume of dumped waste being 5 million m3.

The Sulaibiyah landfill site received more than 500 tons of waste per day from 1980 to 2000 with area spanning 3 sq. km. Jleeb AI Shuyoukh, largest landfill site in Kuwait with area exceeding 6 sq. km, received 2500 tons per day of household and industrial waste between 1970 and 1993. Around 20 million m3 of wastes was dumped in this facility during its operational period.

Over the years, most of the dumpsites in Kuwait have been surrounded by residential and commercial areas due to urban development over the years. Uncontrolled dumpsites were managed by poorly-trained staff resulting in transformation of dumpsites in breeding grounds for pathogens, toxic gases and spontaneous fires.

Most of the landfill sites have been forced to close, much before achieving their capacities, because of improper disposal methods and concerns related to public health and environment. Due to fast-paced industrial development and urban expansion, some of the landfills are located on the edges of residential, as is the case of Jleeb Al-Shuyoukh and Al-Qurain sites, endangering the lives of hundreds of thousands of people.

How Asia Pulp & Paper Adopts CDP Carbon Disclosure Standards

Asia Pulp and Paper (APP) Sinar Mas Shows How The Pulp & Paper Industry Can Incorporate CDP Standards

The pulp and paper industry is one that has been deeply impacted by the rise of the eco-conscious consumer. Whether a business produces disposable, reusable, or repurposable paper products, many pulp and paper companies continue to be placed under further scrutiny by consumers. Issues such as resource depletion and carbon emissions are common critiques of the industry, regardless of how useful or necessary their products may be.

At the same time, many pulp and paper companies such as Asia Pulp and Paper (APP) Sinar Mas have proactively moved towards comprehensively integrating sustainability outcomes into their overall operational strategy.

Asia Pulp and Paper CDP Carbon Disclosure

Seeking out awards and standards to integrate into your company’s sustainability strategy is the first step to officiating your business’ efforts, establishing trust with the consumer base, and providing transparency to stakeholders. The inclusion of reliable third-party standards or guidelines into long-term sustainability strategies such as Asia Pulp & Paper’s Sustainability Roadmap Vision 2030 not only provides an external source for validating the company’s claims, but also reassures skeptical consumers.

There is no shortage of internationally-recognised charities, non-profit organisations, and other organisations that provide strict standards that pulp and paper companies can integrate into their sustainability strategies. One such organisation is CDP, a not-for-profit charity that runs global disclosure and corporate environmental reporting systems dedicated to managing environmental impacts.

What is CDP?

Formerly known as the Carbon Disclosure Project, CDP is an international non-profit organisation that originally focused on encouraging individual companies to disclose their environmental impact and carbon emissions.

Today the organisation helps investors, businesses, cities, and governments evaluate their environmental impact and connects them to accredited solutions providers to take immediate action and create a sustainable economy.

CDP has three key areas of focus: Water Security, Forests, and Climate Change. Each of these categories has further criteria against which participating member companies are assessed and graded. Put together, this results in an overall score that can be a measure of a company’s environmental consciousness, advanced sustainability governance, and outspoken leadership in addressing climate change.

In its annual ranking process, CDP also rewards businesses that provide high-quality disclosure with a place on the so-called “A-list”.

Why should pulp and paper companies disclose with CDP?

CDP disclosure has various benefits for companies in any industry or sector. Compared to other certifications that have a complex and costly accreditation process, CDP primarily relies on audited self-reporting in line with its goals to make risk management and corporate environmental reporting a normative part of global business culture.

Businesses can easily participate in CDP membership provided they are willing to collect their own data and present it for a report – which can be seamless for a company that has already integrated CDP standards into its sustainability reporting.

Pulp and paper companies, in particular, stand to benefit from carbon disclosure and other environmental measures due to the resource-intensive nature of their industry. Under its “Forest” area of focus, CDP specifically recognises the timber industry (including pulp and paper companies) as one of the industries that drives deforestation and forest degradation globally.

To address this, CDP has introduced various critical steps and commitments that pulp and paper companies can adopt to improve the sustainability of their supply chains. This includes public commitments to sustainable development, traceability targets related to larger environmental commitments, and enforcing monitoring systems to assess and assure the company’s compliance.

CDP disclosure can also benefit pulp and paper companies in the following ways:

1. Greater Stakeholder Transparency

Environmental disclosure is highly sought for and in constant demand in today’s eco-conscious economy. Such demands are coming not just from consumers but investors and stakeholders at all levels.

CDP themselves report that 680+ investors with over US$130 trillion in assets and 200+ large purchasers with over US$5.5 trillion in annual procurement expenditure are now looking to CPD participating businesses as a benchmark for transparency and long-term sustainability.

Today’s investors understand the strong link between longevity and environmental sustainability; they want to invest in viable long-term business which, in the context of climate change and emerging sustainability regulations, is only possible with vetted sustainable businesses.

Participating in CDP disclosure standards isn’t just a moral or ethical imperative for companies anymore, but can have a positive impact on their business by improving their standing with stakeholders.

Businesses in the pulp and paper industry will benefit from the transparency that CDP offers when it comes to selling shares and corporate investment. This grading demonstrates a business’ willingness to report data on sensitive topics, and provides a benchmark against which concerned parties can measure progress in sustainability. Asia Pulp and Paper’s Sustainability Report 2020 is an example of self-reporting that other pulp and paper companies can look towards when crafting their own disclosure processes.

2. Improved Brand Reputation and Management

Brand reputation is one of the most important factors when it comes to consumer relations. Brands that destroy trust with their customers through superficial commitments to sustainable development or quality-control shortcuts could also suffer financially as sales decrease alongside their brand reputation.

Pulp and paper companies remain vulnerable to blows to their brand reputation in the context of increased consumer scrutiny, especially as more companies specialising in sustainable alternatives emerge onto the market. The industry can overcome concerning press coverage and the public’s concern around their resource usage by taking responsibility for the environmental impact of their enterprises, choosing transparency, and committing to third-party assessment by external international authorities such as CDP.

3. Keeping Pace with Regulation Standards

Climate change, human rights, and sustainable resource management are now global concerns that businesses of all sizes will need to address in order to stay afloat. State and federal governments are under increased pressure from consumer groups to set and achieve international sustainability goals, which means increased regulations for businesses operating in areas of concern.

sustainability goals of APP Sinar Mas

In a world in which mandatory corporate environmental reporting and disclosure is gaining momentum, disclosing through CDP enables companies to meet reporting rules in multiple regions. It also provides an advantage over the local competition; by adjusting sustainability standards ahead of government regulations, pulp and paper companies following CDP’s standards have fewer adjustments to make if reporting becomes mandatory. This also allows organisations greater flexibility in redirecting their resources to more salient areas in line with larger policy changes.

4. Long-term Benchmarks of Success

Not all businesses are going to start CDP reporting with an A+ grade; sustainable businesses don’t grow overnight, and committing to a long-term sustainable development strategy takes ample time, resources, and effort at every level of an organisation.

Because progress can happen so slowly, it’s easy to lose sight of how far the business has come on a YoY basis. This is where CDP reporting can come in to offer third-party insight into a business’ sustainability progress over time, as well as accreditation in recognition of improved sustainability measures.

Asia Pulp and Paper has been transparent in its improvement in CDP grades across the years, beginning with an A- in supplier engagement and B scores in climate change and forest in 2020, and increasing to Asia Pulp & Paper receiving A- grading in CDP’s Forest category in 2021.

The organisation’s earlier efforts at implementing sustainability into its overall strategy have also been recognised as a case study on CDP’s website. The case study attributes the organisation’s success to various mechanisms within its Forest Conservation Policy including a sustainable and responsible forestry management plan, bottom-up consultations with stakeholders, and external community-focused projects such as the Desa Makmur Peduli Api (DMPA) programme.

This is an example of an organisation that has made tremendous efforts towards sustainability across multiple aspects of its organisational strategy, and is committed to finetuning its measures to improve its overall grading over time.

media and sustainable development

Pursuing Sustainable Development through CDP Disclosure

The CDP framework provides a point of reference for both businesses and consumers to assess an organisation’s environmental commitments, and can help all parties involved make better decisions about how resources are used as part of the production process.

Companies in the pulp and paper industry need to normalise corporate environmental reporting, carbon disclosure statements, and external auditing if they want to survive the new era of sustainability legislation and eco-conscious consumers and stakeholders. Businesses can also look towards projects by organisations that have already embraced CDP disclosure (such as Asia Pulp and Paper) as a blueprint for what steps to take next – whether or not these organisations have made it onto CDP’s A-List yet.

New Fines for Littering in Bahrain

Littering is a common phenomenon both in urban and rural areas of Bahrain. Streets, sidewalks, parking lots, roads and highways are mostly covered with food wrappers, soft drink and water bottles, plastic bags, handbills, cigarette butts, tissues, papers etc. Litter has the potential to cause harm to human health, safety, welfare as well as the environment. Littering can be a fire hazard and it attracts pests and rodents. Litter also cause accidents on roads as drivers avoid litter on road. Litter also harm plants, vegetation and natural areas. The temptation to ‘litter’ is usually motivated by disrespect to the law and its enforcement as well as ignorance and arrogance in our attitude, thinking that municipalities will clean our mess.

There are several factors that may impact on littering behaviour including inconvenience and laziness, absence of ownership or pride for the area, feeling that someone else will pick it up, number, placement and appearance of litter bins at or near the site, absence of realistic penalties, enforcement of legislation, lack of social pressure and lack of knowledge of the environmental impacts of littering.

New Littering Fines in Bahrain

The local authorities in Bahrain have now taken cognizance of the situation. Now littering on Bahrain's roads could carry fines of up to BD300 if a new draft law is passed by parliament. The National Cleanliness Law was approved by the Capital Trustees Board last week and includes tougher punishments for dumping waste, leaving animal faeces on the streets, and disposing of medical or hazardous substances in public. The new law will give more judicial power to the municipal officials to penalize the offenders.

Under the existing law which is almost three decades old, offenders are fined only BD10 for littering. However, if the new rules are implemented, then fines for minor offences will range between BD100 and BD300 and for serious offences will be between BD500 and BD1,000.

Capital Trustees Board chairman has very rightly mentioned that ‘Dumping and littering have become a habit for a number of people and it needs immediate action, especially with fines not matching the offences. The fines once imposed will be monitored by the Capital Trustees Authority, and Bahrain's three other municipalities.

Thus, dumping and littering whether on main roads or neighborhoods, on pavements or alleys, at beaches or wasteland are prohibited. Also, dumping anything that may obstruct traffic or prevent people from movement is illegal whether it is garden waste, construction waste, furniture, vehicles or any other materials.

Conquering Litter

Litter can be conquered. People can make a difference. It is our responsibility to clean up the litter in an ‘earth-friendly manner.’ Clean communities have a better chance of attracting new business, residents and tourists. There is no reason for any of us to litter because we can always find a litter bin to throw the trash away.

Let us set an example for others, especially children, by not littering and by carrying a litterbag in our vehicle, securely covering trash containers to prevent wind or animals from spreading litter, when visiting parks and recreation areas make sure to leave the area clean for the next person to enjoy and restricting the distribution and disposal of handbills.

PPP = Permanent Plastic Problem

The 3P’s of plastic – PPP – first is that the item or object is plastic. The second concern is that plastic is permanent. Not permanently in use, but after is use it has a very long life-span before it breaks down totally. And that leads to the third, and ultimate issue, that plastic becomes a problem.

The issues around plastic are multi-facetted, complex and very diverse. It depends on the composition of the raw materials, how the materials are combined and made into the plastic product. Then it becomes an issue in how the product or object is disposed of. The story then becomes very long in terms of how it breaks down, where it breaks down and what is breaks down into.

permanent plastic problem

Carbon footprint is heard so frequently these days in the context of climate change and global warming. The carbon footprint associated with the production of plastic is huge. Plastic production consumes large quantities of oil, and/or natural gas and energy to power the whole series of production processes. A baseline to start with is that in the production of just 1kg of plastic produces 6kn of CO2. The plastic production process also requires a large quantity of usable, clean water.

There is copious research in plastics, microplastics, accumulation of microplastics in our food chains which translates to our ecosystems in which we live. There are tonnes and tonnes of plastics in our oceans. Figures currently estimated at 8 million tonnes of plastics end up in our oceans. This happens so simply because we are a throw-away society. Instead of disposing correctly or recycling, people literally throw their plastic waste around them. In gutters, streams, alleyways, on the road. Other plastic waste may be carried by wind or washed away by rainwater and overland flow. It may come from wash off from landfills, improper storage and illegal dumping. This can be summed up in one word: trash.

Some plastic is recycled. Although recycling plastic is not a straight forward and easy option. Different types or composition of plastics require different recycling methods. Unfortunately, only about 9% pf the global plastics are recycled. This could be summed up as sheer apathy.

According to numerous fishery studies and research projects, more and more fish are ingesting microplastics. This means that microplastics are entering our food chains and food webs. Microplastics are minute, tiny, miniscule pieces of plastic.  Still plastic. One needs to realise that we are part of the food ecosystem, in fact we are generally placed at the top of the food web.

As the microplastics pass through the various food chains, there is a process called bioaccumulation taking place. The actual accumulation increases through the food chains. As one moves up the chain, from proto- and zoo-plankton, through the lower level consumers, with the smaller fishes consumed by the larger fishes, their predators, the level of microplastics keeps increasing. And so yes, it is a documented fact that humans are now consuming fish with significant levels of microplastics in the tissues of the fish.

plastic problem

It is estimated  that humans are consuming a rather frightening amount of microplastics in the order of 40,000 pieces of plastic per week. A crude calculation of this amount of microplastic would be equivalent to the size of a credit card. This could be summed up as unpalatable.

Why is there such a demand for plastics you may be wondering. First and foremost, liquids both drinking liquids but also cleaning and lubricant liquids are containerised in plastics.  But around 40% of plastics are used in packaging. Filler plastics, protective wrappings, individual packaging, tapes and straps. The list of uses seems endless. Is it that necessary. This could be summed up as waste.


What are the estimates of global plastic waste per annum. Hold on to your hats, Even take a seat. People on our planet, all 8 billion of us, produce around 300 million tonnes of plastic waste annually. Yes, its hard to visualize to truly appreciate these figures. Let us put into a visual context, that is like a full load of trash from a dump truck being emptied into the ocean every minute of every hour of every day for one whole year. No wonder sea level is rising!

No plastic is not the cause of sea level rise. But our plastic waste ending up in our oceans is a real and alarming fact. Everyone is responsible because we all use plastic in some form or other. Unless you are a 100 and naturalist, you are contributing to this waste accumulation on our planet, earth. We are all accountable. So what will be your next move?

5 Rules to Become a Zero-Waste College Student

Are you a college student who is trying to give back to the environment by going zero? Are you looking for tips on how to go waste-free? Well, you are in the right place. We will show you some ways with the help of which you can achieve a zero-waste lifestyle and low waste living.

We begin by saying, Congratulations. It is highly appreciated that you are trying to play your part in the betterment of the world at such a tender age. Let’s look at a few ways that will help you answer the question of how to go waste-free and that you can follow to have a very low impact on the environment during your 4-year stay at college.

1. Take part in university green activities

You may not know this, but several universities and colleges have a community garden, a compost system, or both of them. All you need to do is find out where it is in your college. A few colleges also have a kitchen compost. Instead of throwing your food scraps in the trash, you can place them in the college’s compost.

Several universities have a gardening club. You can join the gardening club, and use recyclable resources as pots and decorations. You can plant seeds in eggshells, and can use various other items as pots.

If you have searched and your college doesn’t have any of this, then you can take the initiative and start one yourself.

2. Get used textbooks

Another thing that you can do when you are thinking about how to go waste-free to get old textbooks. You are going to be studying new courses every semester. This means that you will have to buy textbooks every 6 months.

Not only are they expensive, but they are also seldom worth the cost since you are hardly ever going to use once the semester is over, except in a select few cases.


Reuse of textbooks will not only help in environmental conservation but also help in education of children in less-privileged countries.

Therefore, it is a good idea to buy used books. Contact your seniors, and see if they have the books you need. You can go to the college library and get the books issued to you for the semester. With the advent of technology, most of the textbooks are available in their soft form online.

You can buy papers online for college and download the soft form of books instead of buying physical books to adopt a zero-waste living style and start a low waste living. You can read the world news on various blogs and forums online instead of physically buying one. There are various blogs online that help college students with several study-related issues, such as how to start a research paper and where to find the best material online.

3. Use reusable things

The best way to start low waste living is to start using reusable items. You can begin by using a plastic or glass water bottle. It is a very simple yet important step. You will not only contribute to nature, but you will also be saving yourself money by not buying a water bottle whenever you feel thirsty. A pretty deal, right? Don’t buy one-time use items, even things such as disposable plates for your dorm kitchen.

4. Buy durable school supplies

It can be pretty exciting and fun to shop for new things when school starts. However, don’t let the excitement cause you to overspend. Look for more durable and sustainable things. Use your old things, such as rulers, folders, binders, scissors, to begin your zero waste living.

If you have no choice but to buy new things, make sure that you buy things that have been made out of sustainable materials or recycled materials. Moreover, you can use your laptops to take notes instead of notebooks. If you can’t entirely stop using notebooks, then reduce the number of notebooks you use at least.

When you write research papers and articles, you do a lot of research work and use up plenty of paper. Don’t waste resources and buy college papers online. To start your zero waste living, buy college paper from the best and cheap sites. Don’t buy paper for college physically.

5. Use college transport

Most colleges and universities provide transportation facilities to their students. Instead of coming to college via taxis, or on your vehicle, make use of this facility and reduce your carbon footprint. You can walk to the campus, or ride a bicycle.


Earth is our home, and instead of destroying it or contributing towards its destruction, we should look for ways in which we can give back to it. Adopting zero waste living not only helps you reduce your carbon footprint, but it also helps you save money, which as a college student, you are going to be short of.

You need to remember that every step counts, no matter how small it is. Minute things such as using reusable straws and turning the tap off as you brush your teeth have a bigger impact than you’d think they’d have.

Here’s to going green, people!

Lifestyle Changes That Can Protect The Future Of Our Planet

We are all more than aware of the global environmental situation that seems to be becoming increasingly worse as time goes and while many homeowners would love to advocate for the environment and work towards making a change, not everyone is entirely certain as to which lifestyle changes would make any difference at all. However, if more people were aware that they could save thousands of gallons of water per year and reduce the consumption of power, perhaps more people would be making an active effort to fight climate change and the destruction of our planet.


If you are hoping to make a difference that will positively impact the environment, you should consider the following lifestyle changes to help the environment.

1. Use Renewable Energy

The use of renewable energy is still a relatively new concept and while some consider renewable energy to be a costly investment, the initial spend will save you a significant fortune in the long run. What’s more, you will also be making a massively positive impact on the environment, which means you will be saving the planet and your pocket at the same time.

There are several ways that you can use renewable energy, such as solar panels for home, solar-powered water heaters, wind turbines for larger properties, and even hydro-power depending on your region and the location of your property. Choosing the best solar panels for harnessing renewable energy can essentially cut your power bill completely.

2. Getting Around

Even though it has been a common goal for the past several decades to purchase a car and travel in comfort, younger generations have noted just how backwards the goal is. Rather than saving to purchase a luxury vehicle, you should be considering methods of transportation that will not harm our environment. While you could consider biking to work, those who do not have to travel too far could also consider walking.

If walking or biking is simply not a realistic solution, you could consider travelling with others on your way to effectively reduce carbon emissions as there will essentially be fewer vehicles on the roads if more people travelled together when possible. Alternatively, investing in an electric or hybrid vehicle would also be a fantastic choice that will help protect the future of our planet.

3. Reduce Water Usage

From time to time, most homeowners have experienced water restrictions and cuts during maintenance and other issues. However, rather than degrading the short changes to your day, it would be wise to consider how little water your household is using during restrictions as you could ultimately continue and create a routine in which using water sparingly eventually becomes a habit.


Reducing your water consumption each day will ultimately help save thousands of gallons per year. Therefore, even small changes to your lifestyle will make an impact in a positive way.

Bottom Line

Reducing water consumption, switching to renewable energy, and changing your method of travelling can make a difference to the future of our environment and when considering that these changes will also save you a small fortune, you and the planet will benefit from your decisions. Sustainability and minimalism will save you money and save the planet at the same time.