Green Growth in Jordan: Prospects and Challenges

The global financial recession triggered serious debate among many countries in revealing the causes behind failures and in innovating affordable solutions. Seeking “transformational” economic growth is very fashionable nowadays bringing to the front-line clean energy and green investments as keys for a better future. And for those countries at the heart of change in the Arab World, the famous “Spring” is bringing a different flavor to the aspired change and reform.

Ways to Make Your Business Eco-Friendly

In Jordan, attention to sustainability (whether environmental or social) is a need as well as a strategic choice. For a country with very limited natural resources and increasingly growing demand, attending for people and environment is not only a political obligation but an under-exploited differentiator that would place Jordan as a regional platform for community-oriented development and sustainable investments.

The known argument of “environment versus investment” should not stay within our dictionary. Both are converging to support development goals especially within a vulnerable environment like ours. The magnified energy crisis that recently hit Jordanians has initiated a paradigm shift in perception and practice. We have never been more aware of the energy cost and the tough budgetary constraints like we are today. I wish I could claim the same for water, another upcoming reality that Jordanians are hardly ready to face.

Learning it the hard way, Jordan is recognizing with no doubt that sustainable development and effective linkages between economic, social and environmental goals, are not attainable without targeting development sectors and mainstreaming sustainability within their plans and operations. The standalone green approach in decision-making is no longer viable as it encapsulates environment away from other development policies and reforms.


The demand for reforms that ensure long-term benefits to the community is dictating an integrated development approach. People need to be conscious about trade-offs and at the heart of the decision-making process. While calling for more jobs and social welfare; Jordanians are becoming more aware of the pressures caused by economic growth on the country’s natural resources. The business and investment climate has its requirements to give back with value added economy. Land, water, energy, infrastructure and good governance are all inputs in the development process; thus, if Jordan is to compete in the market, we should find the right recipe.

Recognizing its untapped resources, Jordan has identified clean energy and green investments as new clusters to boost economic development, provide green jobs, and sustain natural resources. As the first country in the MENA region to conduct a national green economy scoping study, Jordan has identified several opportunities to kick off the green clusters including renewable energy and energy efficiency, water and waste-water management, solid waste, green buildings, ecotourism, transportation etc. However, mainstreaming the green economy potential into those sectors is still limited.

The cost of imported energy amounted to 20% of the GDP (2006). Total imported energy amounted to 96% of Jordan’s total energy needs. The estimated investment made in the renewable energy sector in 2023 was about 4 billion USD.

In 20222, the installed wind power capacity across Jordan was around 600 MW while the installed solar energy capacity was approximately 2 GW in 2022.

A major achievement was made recently with the first patch of agreements signed between the government and renewable energy developers to start the first solar and wind power generation projects enabled by the recently issued comprehensive legislative and regulatory framework for renewable energy.

electric cars market in jordan

Such investments are expected to contribute to the energy security goals, create green jobs for Jordanians, alleviate burden off the government budget and position Jordan on the clean energy map. As promising as this truly is, Jordan needs to proactively pursue the other elements of the value chain, namely; education, innovation & technology, training, and entrepreneurship.

With over 70% of its population under 30 years of age, Jordan’s big investment needs to be in its talent. Mainstreaming the green economy market needs into the education and vocational training systems will enhance the green clusters competitiveness and ensure socioeconomic benefits.

Through building an effective regulatory and governance framework and bringing together public and private sectors as well as civil society organizations; Jordan will establish its competitive edge in the green economy world while striving to meet its people’s development aspirations.

Can Portable Toilets Create a Greener World?

Future generations need a sustainable, safe planet, which is why industries are focusing more on how they impact the environment. Portable toilets are one example of an industry that strives to be eco-friendly. It is a green product since it’s recyclable, and you can move it from one place to another without needing a permanent toilet. Read on to learn more about how portable toilets contribute to a greener world.

environmental benefits of portable toilets

1. Water Conservation

Every day, the average American flushes more water down the toilet than they do for any other purpose. The good news is that you don’t need to flush or use water for waste disposal with a portable toilet, meaning you use less water in the home. Therefore, portable toilets save millions of gallons of water each day.

2. Improve Public Health

Properly maintained portable toilets help reduce the spread of diseases. Most reliable mobile toilet providers use products that do not contain alcohol or formaldehyde, which harms human health and the environment. Installing portable sanitation units at work sites can increase productivity since workers don’t need breaks to go to a remote toilet facility.

3. Proper Waste Disposal

Reputable portable toilet rentals usually ensure proper waste disposal, especially when spread throughout an outdoor area or at a central location. Human waste may contain disease-causing bacteria that can contaminate nearby water supplies if not correctly disposed of. Thanks to technological advancements, portable toilets now have waste removal systems.

4. Minimize Insect Problems

Besides being a breeding ground for germs and pathogens, portable toilets contain human waste, attracting insects that propagate inside the walls and spread through significant contact points. But proper human waste management reduces odors and minimizes insect problems that would otherwise draw the insects.

5. Save on Materials

The temporary nature of portable toilets makes them great for the environment since they are made from recycled plastic, and you can easily transport them or remove them when you don’t need them.  As such, they do not encroach on the land in the same way as regular toilets.

Additionally, portable toilets don’t require plumbing. Thus, there’s no need for a lot of materials that would go to waste. It takes 15 to 30 years for the portable toilet to need replacing, so you can use it for a long time.

6. Prevent the Spread of Disease in Wildlife

Using portable toilets prevents excess human waste from washing into streams and drains, thereby preventing water pollution that would cause diseases and death to wildlife.  These diseases can also spread through human feet, animal hooves, or insect wings. When used at campsites or construction sites, portable toilets collect human waste to prevent the spreading diseases to wildlife.

7. Improves Sanitation

Portable toilets are more than just effective at cleaning up bathroom waste. In addition, people can stay clean by using sanitation options that provide additional protection from diseases from human waste. Most portable toilets have soap and water at the sinks for cleaning and maintaining the toilet.

Moreover, they ensure that the waste does not emit smells that may attract parasites and endanger health.

8. Controlling Odors

A portable toilet solves one major problem of bad smell. Its design locks the odor inside and prevents flies and insects from hovering over it. These toilets also consistently use odor-controlling products suitable for warm climates and can be equipped with winterized options. Most portable toilets have the best bacterial inhibitors and odor neutralizers available.

Bottom Line

Portable toilets are eco-friendly, hygienic outdoor restrooms that have come a long way since their invention. Consider installing a portable toilet to ensure people are safe since it is excellent for the environment because they save water, wastes less material, and keeps wildlife healthy.

رسالة التربية البيئية

يعد التعليم البيئي عملية شمولية تهدف الى إيجاد أفراد مسؤولين قادرين على تحديد القضايا البيئية، وإيجاد الحلول لها، ويتخذون خطوات فعالة نحو حماية البيئة. إن الوعي والمعرفة والتوجهات  والمهارات والمشاركة أسس تقود التعليم البيئي.

لقد  ظهر التعليم البيئي كاداة اساسية لا غنى عنها في تعزيز الالتزام والريادة والسلوك الإيجابي لدى الأفراد، كبارا كانوا أم صغارا، فيما يتعلق بالبيئة. ومن المثير للاهتمام أن التعليم البيئي يساعد أيضا في تحسين الأداء الدراسي للطلاب.

والى جانب التعليم ضمن المنظومة المدرسية، يشتمل التعليم البيئي على جميع الجهود المبذولة لتوعية المجتمع من: مواد مطبوعة ومواقع الكترونية ومدونات الانترنت والإعلام بأشكاله المتعددة وحملات التواصل الاجتماعي ..إلخ.

ويمكن تقديم التعليم البيئي الرسمي (المنهجي) من خلال المدارس والكليات والجامعات و بشكل غير رسمي (لا منهجي) من خلال منظمات المجتمع المدني والإعلام والحدائق النباتية والساحات الخضراء. وتعد ورشات العمل وبرامج التعليم البيئي في الهواء الطلق والحملات المجتمعية بعض الأمثلة للنمط اللا منهجي في نشر المعلومة البيئية.

 الاعداد للمستقبل

يمر العالم اليوم بمرحلة غير مسبوقة من التغيرات المجتمعية السريعة. ولأول مرة في التاريخ ينشأ أجيال من الأطفال الذين يعيشون داخل المنازل والمباني والمنسلخون عن الطبيعة. وحتى نعد جيلا جديدا من مناصري البيئة فلا بد من إعداد الأطفال للمستقبل الذي سيرثونه. سيحتاج أطفال اليوم أن يكونوا مناصري البيئة في المستقبل.

سيعيد التعليم البيئي اتصال الاطفال بالطبيعة في ساحات منازلهم وستربي الأطفال على التنمية المستدامة في جميع أنحاء العالم.

دور المعلمين

للمعلمين دور أساسي في نشر التعليم البيئي حيث يسهل على المعلم المحترف لمهنته تحفيز الأطفال. و بسبب طبيعتها المتنوعة التخصصات، تتطلب البيئة معرفة جوهرية بالعلوم والتاريخ والجغرافيا والسياسة والثقافة والاقتصاد والعديد من التخصصات الاخرى. معلمو البيئة المؤهلون يجرون دراسات ميدانية و يطبقون برامج مختلفة ويتعاونون مع الطلبة والمجتمعات المحلية ويستخدمون الاستراتيجيات الديناميكية لربط الوعي البيئي بالأفعال المسؤولة.

سيعيد التعليم البيئي اتصال الاطفال بالطبيعة

البرامج الممكن تطبيقها

للبرامج التعليمية الموجهة للأطفال والكبار دور أساسي في رعاية كوكب أكثر أمانا وصحة. وحيث أن مخرجات التعليم البيئي تكون أكثر تحديا من غيرها فمن المهم رفد الممارسات الحالية في الغرفة الصفية  بأساليب تمتاز بالحيوية والتشاركية والابتكار. لا بد للأساليب التعليمية أن تضمن مشاركة كبيرة للطلبة وأن توفر فرصا كافية لاختبار الطالب للمحيط الطبيعي. وتشمل الأنشطة التشاركية الزيارات الميدانية والمسوحات والاستبيانات وتحليل الوضع الحالي والنقاش الجماعي وتمثيل الأدوار و الألعاب البيئية والأندية البيئية ومسارات التنزه في الطبيعة والعمل على مشاريع بيئية.

لأضافة لما سبق، هناك حاجة لأنشطة شعبية لتحفيز وإدامة اهتمام الأطفال بالتعليم البيئي، ولكن بوجود الاهتمام العالي والالتزام بالتعليم البيئي في المدارس لن يحتاج الأطفال إلى الكثير من الإقناع كي يهتموا ببيئتهم.

ترجمة: قمر الشنار : مهندسة معمارية حاصلة على البكالوريوس من جامعة العلوم والتكنولوجيا الاردنية. عملت خمسة عشر عاما في قطاع بلديات المملكة العربية الهاشمية و شغلت موقع مديرالتخطيط في بلدية اربد الكبرى وعملت على تطوير الوعي البيئي و ادارة النفايات ضمن البلدية و مع المجتمع المحلي من خلال برنامج توأمة مع بلدية فيبورغ الدانماركية.

Tips for Choosing Eco Friendly Window Blinds

Eco friendly window blinds are a great way to add style and beauty to your home while also being environmentally conscious. For the best price and quality, you need to follow some quick tips for choosing eco friendly window blinds.

Read on to find out the way to get the best window treatments:

Benefits of Eco Friendly Window Blinds

Key Points

  • There are many benefits of eco friendly window blinds, including the fact that they can help you save money on your energy bills.
  • Additionally, eco friendly window blinds can also improve the quality of your indoor air and help to reduce the amount of noise pollution in your home.
  • If you are looking for ways to go green with your window treatments, eco friendly window blinds are a great option to consider.

Here are some quick tips for choosing eco friendly window blinds for your home.

What Are Eco Friendly Window Blinds?

Window blinds are a great way to add privacy and style to your home while also helping to regulate light and temperature. However, traditional window blinds can be made from materials that are harmful to the environment.

Eco friendly window blinds are an alternative that helps to reduce your window treatment’s impact on the planet.

There are several different types of eco friendly window blinds available, made from sustainable materials like bamboo, recycled plastic, and even recycled paper.

Eco friendly window blinds can provide the same level of privacy and style as traditional window blinds, but with a reduced environmental impact.

What Are the Benefits of Eco Friendly Window Blinds?

Window blinds are a type of window covering that gives you a lot of benefits.

1. Get Desired Level of Privacy

Eco friendly window blinds can be used to provide privacy.

2. Set a Personalized Tone

Using eco friendly window blinds, you can define and set the tone of a room as per your taste.

3. Prevent Glare

The superior quality window blinds can prevent glare from the sun, thus providing you with a comfortable environment to work on screens.

4. A Variety of Materials to Choose From

Modern window blinds are available in a variety of materials, including wood, metal, and plastic.

5. Minimal Impact on the Environment

Eco friendly window blinds are made from sustainable materials that have minimal impact on the environment.

One type of eco friendly window blind is made from bamboo. Bamboo is a fast-growing grass that does not require pesticides or chemicals to thrive.

As a result, it is an environmentally friendly alternative to wood. Another type of eco friendly window blind is made from recycled plastic. Recycled plastic uses less energy to produce than new plastic, making it a more sustainable option.

6. Reducing Carbon Footprint

Window blinds made from sustainable materials can help to reduce your carbon footprint and make your home more eco friendly.

How to Choose Eco Friendly Window Blinds?

Window blinds are a great way to add privacy and style to your home, but they can also have a significant impact on the environment.

Fortunately, there are lots of eco friendly options to choose from, so you can enjoy the benefits of window blinds without harming the planet.

1. Certified Organic Materials

One of the most important things to look for is certified organic materials. This ensures that the blinds are made from sustainable materials that have been grown without the use of harmful pesticides or chemicals.

Bamboo is a popular material for eco friendly window blinds as it is incredibly strong and durable, yet still marine-friendly.

Another great option is recycled plastic, which uses less energy and resources to produce than traditional vinyl blinds.

2. Environmentally Friendly Manufacturing Practices

When it comes to the actual manufacturing process, look for brands that use environmentally friendly practices such as solar power or green energy.

3. Recycling Option

Finally, consider the end of life for your window blinds. Many eco friendly brands offer recycling programs so that you can recycle your old blinds instead of sending them to landfill.

With a little research, it is easy to find eco friendly window blinds that suit your style and budget.

Top 4 Eco Friendly Window Blinds

Window blinds play an important role in any home. Not only do they provide privacy and help to control the amount of light that enters a room, but they can also add a touch of style.

environmentally-friendly blinds

However, traditional window blinds can be made from materials that are not environmentally friendly. Here are four eco-friendly window blinds that are sure to please even the most discerning of homeowners.

1. Bamboo Blinds

Bamboo blinds are a popular choice for eco-conscious homeowners. Made from a sustainable resource, bamboo blinds are sturdy and stylish.

In addition, bamboo is a highly renewable material, making it an excellent choice for those looking to reduce the impact of window treatments on the environment.

2. Hemp Blinds

Hemp blinds offer a similar look to bamboo blinds, but they are made from a different material. Hemp is also a sustainable and renewable resource, making it an excellent eco-friendly option.

In addition, hemp is known for being exceptionally durable, meaning that your hemp blinds are sure to last for years to come.

3. Coconut Shell Blinds

Coconut shell blinds provide a unique look that is sure to add character to any room. Coconut shells are a waste product from the food industry, making them an environmentally friendly choice.

In addition, coconut shell blinds are known for being exceptionally strong and sturdy.

4. Jute Blinds

Finally, jute blinds are another popular eco-friendly option. Jute is a plant fiber that is both renewable and biodegradable.

In addition, jute is often used in carpets and furniture, so it can stand up to wear and tear.

When choosing eco-friendly blinds visit Affordable Blinds for cheap blind options, be sure to consider all your options to find the perfect fit for your home.

Why Go Green with Your Window Treatments?

Window blinds are a great way to add a touch of style to your home while also reducing your carbon footprint. Window blinds can be made from a variety of sustainable materials, such as bamboo, wool, and even recycled plastic.

In addition, window blinds can help you reduce your energy consumption by blocking out sunlight and keeping your home cooler in the summer months.

And because they are so easy to operate, window blinds can actually save you time and money in the long run. So, if you’re looking for a way to go green with your window treatments, eco friendly window blinds are a great option.

Top 7 Benefits of Environmental Education

Introducing environmental education to school going children is essential since it instills in them the values of conserving the environment. This enables them to make a difference both in their schools and in the communities around them. It also provides them with an opportunity to comprehensively understand the myriad of challenges facing the environment, with possible mitigation measures that could be employed to address them.

There are numerous advantages of introducing environmental education into the learning systems in schools. Below are some of the key reasons why it is necessary to incorporate environmental education into the teaching curriculum:

1. Promotes healthy lifestyle

Issues such as obesity and depression emanate from children not getting out more often. According to essay writing service, nature has a healing power and the environmental education activities ensure that children do not laze around lying on the couch watching movies all day.

2. Instills respect for nature

Environmental education enables children to understand why it is necessary to respect Mother Nature, and consequently how to reap from the benefits and wonders that nature provides. For example, popular classes in Australia teaches children learn the dangers of littering garbage all over, and become more responsible individuals.

3. Teaches children about environmental challenges

It also teaches children about some of the pertinent challenges that are prone to affect the environment. This subsequently allows them a chance to contribute to the global efforts of protecting the environment. Environmental teaching also prepares the children for future careers, and equips them with prerequisite skills to become professionals in future.

4. Trains on significance of being kind to nature

This includes being kind to animals and to fellow human beings. It teaches them on why it is important to treat each other well. Children learn that it is important to take care of not just the environment, but on what is on the environment as well. That includes the people around them as well as both domestic and wild animals too.

5. Enables development of critical thinking skills

The discussions,and teachings on environmental education enables the children to make an analysis and evaluation of the circumstances affecting the environment. This in turn prompts them to make informed judgement and decisions based on their assessment of the situation in relation to the environment. The process results in the children developing critical thinking skills that is beneficial to them in life.

6. Teaches them to be responsible

The environmental education program demonstrates to the children on the importance of being responsible human beings. This is both on an individual level as well as collectively as a generation.

7. Assists government meet its objectives

The overall objective of any government is to protect both its citizens as well as their property. This similarly includes protecting the environment in which the people live in. The environmental education programs in schools go a long way in supporting the government’s efforts to safeguard the environment.


It is observed that students who go through environmental education become better and more responsible adults in future. For instance, popular classes in Australia helps students to develop the necessary science and mathematical skills that are crucial in their lives.

Their civic involvement in environmental conservation activities results in a more cohesive society that is anchored on inclusivity. It is vital that the entire human race joins together to make a positive contribution in environmental conservation. Every individual should play a role in ensuring that we secure a safer, cleaner and indeed better environment for generations to come.

How Going Green Can Promote Better Sleep for Your Family

There are many reasons why you might want to live a greener lifestyle. Going green means that you reduce your carbon footprint, support the environment that you’re living in today, and create a better world for future generations. However, there is another major benefit to going green that many people overlook, and that’s improving your sleeping habits.

Many of us struggle to get a good night’s sleep in today’s fast-paced and often chaotic world. With so many stressful things to consider in our day-to-day lives, it is often difficult to shut off at the end of a long day. However, switching to a greener lifestyle could give you the boost you need to achieve a sweeter and greener slumber.

Here are just 3 ways that going green might be able to promote better sleep for your family.

1. You Spend Less Time on Your Devices

One of the best things you can do when you’re “going green” is to spend less time glued to your smartphone and other electric devices. A lot of us have our lives constantly connected to a phone or tablet. However, with a green lifestyle, you’ll be more mindful about the time you spend “unplugged”. An example would be choosing not to use your smartphone in the bedroom when you go to sleep at night.

Cutting your exposure to electronic devices and bright lights for an hour or so before you lay your head down to sleep will work wonders for your sleeping patterns. Remember, the blue light of your phone has been scientifically proven to keep us awake at night, because it mimics natural light, and confuses your circadian rhythm.

2. You’ll Reconnect with Nature

Another common improvement to “going green” involves reconnecting with nature in a multitude of different ways. For some, this might mean composting your coffee and growing your own vegetables in your garden. Moreover, you can also reconnect with nature by bringing more flowers and plants into your home.


Certain plants have the power to improve the air quality in your house, so you’re less likely to struggle with your breathing when you go to sleep. What’s more, there are flowers and blossoms that can improve your quality of sleep through aromatherapy too. Studies have proven that something as simple as inhaling the smell of lavender before bedtime can make it easier for people to drift off and enjoy a better quality of sleep.

3. You’ll Change What You Eat

Finally, going green can also work wonders for improving your family’s health and fitness by changing what you eat. For instance, a lot of people living a green lifestyle will give up on red meats entirely, and start eating more grains and other positive, healthy foods like apple cider vinegar and honey. Studies have proven that the more red and processed meats you eat, the more likely you are to die early of any cause. Don’t forget to get a full private scan to get a complete reassurance of your health concerns.

Of course, going green doesn’t have to mean becoming a vegan or vegetarian. It could mean that you simply eat more healthy and organic foods, bringing plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables into your diet. When you cut processed and sugary foods out of your life, you’re less likely to be kept awake by a variety of additives and preservatives at night. What’s more, you might find that you’re not as hungry or likely to snack during the evenings, which again can keep you awake while your body is digesting food instead of sleeping.

Going Green Could Change Your Life

Going green isn’t just a positive step for the planet. It is also an important way to transform your life and create a healthier routine for you and your family. A green lifestyle that supports stronger connections to nature, a healthier, more organic diet, and less exposure to screens will improve your health and help you to sleep more soundly too. What have you got to lose? Give green living a try.

Drilling Waste Management and Cement Industry

Drilling_WastesDuring the exploration and production of oil, huge amounts of drilling wastes are produced in the form of mud and cuttings.  As per conservative estimates, around 0.37 kg of drilling wastes is generated for every barrel of oil produced. The American Petroleum Institute (API) has estimated that approximately 1.21 barrels of total drilling wastes are generated for every foot drilled.

The Middle East oil and gas industry has made a lot of effort in order to reduce the environmental impact of their activities; modern drilling methods such as horizontal drilling, navigating the drill bits three dimensionally through the earth, contacting and economically producing resources while minimizing surface disruption. Drilling wastes must be properly managed to prevent negative impact on human health as well as on the environment.

Drilling Waste Management

Drilling waste management technologies and practices can be grouped into three major categories: minimization, recycle/reuse, and disposal. The first step in managing drilling wastes is to separate the solid cuttings from the liquid drilling mud. Once solid and liquid drilling wastes have been separated, companies can use a variety of technologies and practices to manage the wastes. For some applications, drilling wastes are solidified or stabilized prior to their ultimate management practice.

Drilling wastes, such as cuttings, are indifferent and not of specified quality. The cuttings separated from the mud at the shale shakers may be coated with so much mud that they are unsuitable for the next reuse or disposal step or are difficult to handle or transport. Constituents of the cuttings or the mud coating them (e.g., oil, metals) may leach from the waste, making them unsuitable for land application or burial approaches.

Various materials can be added to cuttings to solidify and stabilize them. Still this can be an opportunity for cement plants to use uncontaminated cuttings as substitute raw material, even in a lower substitution. The use of such raw materials will be more environmental friendly then the common practice of oil companies to spread such cuttings on the land.

Several different approaches are used for injecting drilling wastes into underground formations for permanent disposal. Slurry injection technology, which involves grinding or processing solids into small particles, mixing them with water or some other liquid to make slurry, and injecting the slurry into an underground formation at pressures high enough to fracture the rock. As these muds could be used as fuel resource and substitute other fossil fuels, it is preferred to process the muds and use them.

Use of Drilling Wastes in Cement Industry

Thermal technologies use high temperatures to reclaim or destroy hydrocarbon-contaminated material. Thermal treatment is the most efficient treatment for destroying organics, and it also reduces the volume and mobility of inorganic such as metals and salts. Additional treatment may be necessary for metals and salts, depending on the final fate of the wastes. Waste streams high in hydrocarbons (typically 10 to 40%), like oil-based mud, are good candidates for thermal treatment technology.

The use of drilling wastes and muds is most preferable in cement kilns, as a cement kiln can be an attractive, less expensive alternative to a rotary kiln. In cement kilns, drilling wastes with oily components can be used in a fuel-blending program to substitute for fuel that would otherwise be needed to fire the kiln.

Drilling muds can be used in cement industry as a source of energy

Cement kiln temperatures (1,400 to 1,500 degrees C) and residence times are sufficient to achieve thermal destruction of organics. Cement kilns may also have pollution control devices to minimize emissions. The ash resulting from waste combustion becomes incorporated into the cement matrix, providing aluminum, silica, clay, and other minerals typically added in the cement raw material feed stream.

Recent studies have shown that it is feasible to use such drilling waste as substitute fuel in a cement plant. The drilling mud can be processed by a centrifuge to separate remaining water, compressed by a screw into a solid pump and conveyed.

The cement industry can play a significant role in the sustainable development in the Arab countries, e.g. by reducing fossil fuel emissions with the use of refused derived fuels (RDF) made from municipal solid waste (MSW) or hazardous waste such as oil spilling.

The cement companies in the Middle East can contribute to sustainability also by improving their own internal practices such as improving energy efficiency and implementing recycling programs. Businesses can show commitments to sustainability through voluntary adopting the concepts of social and environmental responsibilities, implementing cleaner production practices, and accepting extended responsibilities for their products.

8 Top Tips to Support Women Leaders

Despite the headway made toward gender parity over the years, progress is still slow. Holding a leadership position as a woman doesn’t come without its challenges. We speak to eight inspirational women from around the world to get their top tips on how to survive and thrive at work.

At Nexford, we’re fortunate enough to have an incredible team including fierce 🔥 women leaders. So, to support women across the globe, we asked eight of them for their tips on succeeding in your career.

1. Network with other women

“Networking in any industry is important especially in today’s job market. However, for women, networking is sometimes the only way to gain admission or acceptance into specific industries. Networking among women has grown exponentially over the past decade and has given rise to forming female only networking groups.

Not only do these groups offer advice on “moving up the corporate ladder” but also offer support on topics such as asking for flexible hours to care for young children or aging parents, and how to discuss salary increases. They also often include motivational and uplifting stories from others who have faced similar challenges or roadblocks. My advice would be that when deciding which networks to join, do a little research and make sure the network offers open communication while also maintaining professionalism.” 

2. Use compassion to deliver results

“It is a bit of a generalization to say that women are more compassionate by nature than men, but research shows this to be true. The University of Cambridge carried out a study and found that, on average, women have a greater ability to recognize what another person is thinking or feeling. However, being compassionate can be a double-edged sword in the workplace. Some may take advantage of you for your compassion, while others may be inspired by it and support you in your actions.

What really matters is that you are always genuine when expressing compassion. Take the time to understand where your team members are coming from, care for them and show them genuine concern. You should also look at their circumstances and do your best to take that into consideration when deciding on an action plan for your team. Show them that you are not just concerned about your personal or company goals, but also about theirs. Let your actions show that success is not just about your leadership, but about the team’s overall success in the company.”

3. Give praise and recognition in the workplace

“Praising others does not diminish your own value and competency or make you any less of a leader or signal weakness. Regular recognition of skills and achievements builds moral and dedication in your team members while also reinforcing the actions you want continued. Employees who feel valued through recognition are willing to go the extra mile, help out in a pinch, and are less likely to leave.”

According to KPMG Women’s Leadership Study more than half (53%) of working women say that receiving praise influences the perceptions of themselves the most. In other words, support and feedback is important for women’s self-esteem and confidence.

4. Practice gender-neutral recruitment

“Hire people based on skills and competencies, never gender. Recruiters need to be aware of unconscious bias – subconscious processes that affect our decision-making.” There are four areas in recruitment you can practice gender-neutral recruitment, according to Beth.

“Write job ads in an unbiased way. For jobs where we offer flexible work arrangements, we need this to be really clear so that women who have young families are more likely to apply.”

“Practice ‘blind recruitment’ where we mask a candidate’s name, age, and gender when assessing their applications and hire based on the candidate’s skills and competencies.”

“Use objective-type assessments and score cards to determine whether a candidate is qualified or not.”

“Conduct a job evaluation by looking at the rankings and hierarchy of jobs within your organization.”

When it comes to de-biasing language in job ads, a report highlights studies that show how the language used to recruit can influence whether the role will appeal to men or women, affecting the gender split of applicants. Certain language can even deter women from applying for certain roles by inferring that the job is male dominated, and vice-versa.

5. Adjust your mindset and believe in your purpose

“As women, we need to believe in ourselves and nurture self-care. The biggest challenge with this is mindset. Adjusting our mindset means getting over the fear and doubts that we may have been conditioned to. These are the same fears and doubts that told us not to dream about becoming a successful career woman, business leader or politician.

To succeed, we need to learn to truly let go of this mindset and fully believe in ourselves, and even more importantly, our purpose. When women leaders anchor their development of self in purpose, rather than position or perception, this often increases their motivation.”

This is reiterated in a 2013 cover story for the Harvard Business Review, “Women Rising: The Unseen Barriers,” where authors Herminia Ibarra, Robin J. Ely and Deborah M. Kolb argue that “effective leaders develop a sense of purpose by pursuing goals that align with their personal values and advance the collective good.”

6. Your network is your net worth

“I’ve learned from experience that for female leaders, your network of peers is the real treasure as you progress in your career. Be it through men, women or seniors, essentially, it’s all about leaning on your network when you need key advice or want to get something done. Arguably, it’s relationships that open doors.

“Yes, people at the top are great but never underestimate the power of your peers. Your classmates, colleagues, and friends are all part of an ecosystem to help you grow and are the strongest relationships in your network. Reach out to peers from different industries with contrasting skills, talents, and walks of life. This will support you throughout your upward career journey.”

“We are what we tell ourselves, and we appear to others in the ways we present ourselves.”

7. Perception is Empowering

“Why is self-confidence at the pinnacle of self-destruction? Is it because women try to reach the summit of perfection with everything they do? If yes, they cannot succumb to the idealistic notion of knowing that what they do is good enough. If so, why are women so hard on themselves and feel the need to strive for perfection, even with the most ordinary things in their lives?

I believe it all has to do with how women perceive themselves. Perception is empowering. We are what we tell ourselves, and we appear to others in the ways we present ourselves. It is time to put the self-empowering mantras on repeat until we no longer need to hear it because we truly believe it.”

A recent study from psychological scientists Natalia Karelaia of INSEAD and Laura Guillén of the European School of Management and Technology found that female leaders could benefit from holding positive perceptions of themselves with the study stating that it “resulted in favorable psychological and motivational consequences.”

8. Embrace subjective feedback

“During your career, you’ll get a lot of subjective feedback – your voice is not loud enough, you are too bossy or bitchy, you are too nice and not authoritative enough, you have unpopular opinions. What I always try to remember is that feedback is a subjective interpretation based on the views of the person who gives feedback. Therefore, feedback allows you to learn how other people think and how you project yourself. So, work on the feedback that hurts you the most and make small adjustments while maintaining your authenticity. It is all about developing your toolkit rather than changing who you are.”

In fact, subjective feedback in the workplace is very common as Paola Cecchi-Dimeglio writes on gender bias in Harvard Business Review. She writes: “One of my findings, using content analysis of individual annual performance reviews, shows that women were 1.4 times more likely to receive critical subjective feedback (as opposed to either positive feedback or critical objective feedback). That’s because annual evaluations are often subjective, which opens the door to gender bias (“Tom is more comfortable and independent than Carolyn in handling the client’s concerns”) and confirmation bias (“I knew she’d struggle with that project”), among other things.”

At Nexford, we want everyone to succeed and unlock their full potential women leaders included. For more information on equal pay, you can check out our Women in Business Equal Pay Scholarship.

The Promise of Equitable EdTech: Debunking Common EdTech Myths

Equitable EdTech or education supported by technology has become a debate topic for the entire world. Moreover, the pandemic has fueled talking about the pros and cons of incorporating education with technology.

But if you really pay attention to the talks of the correct and learned people, you will realize that equitable EdTech is the future. It exists for a better future. It gains its name equitable EdTech because you need equal amounts of education and technology for a brighter future.

If you ask ib extended essay writer or experts in journalism, they will give you a great perspective of equitable EdTech that will lead us to a future that we all dream of.

But there have been some myths circulating about EdTech which are misleading people especially parents. They are confused about whether they should support EdTech or continue relying on the traditional methods of education.

So here are some common myths related to EdTech which we are going to bust for you.

Debunking Common EdTech Myths

1. EdTech will replace teachers

How in the world is it possible to replace teachers? It is practically impossible. In fact, teachers are synonyms for learning.

EdTech will not replace teachers but it will provide them with materials and ways for an enhanced teaching experience. EdTech ensures that teachers have their upper hand at teaching. In fact, without teachers, even EdTech will have no meaning.

The interactive classrooms already have eased the teacher’s tasks and improved students’ learning. For example, a simple Pythagoras theorem could be taught while the triangle moves along in 3d and builds itself. These visuals will help the students to grasp the teachings early and remember them as well.

Thus, no teachers will extinguish if equitable EdTech is practiced.

2. Students will suffer from increased screen time

First of all who are we comparing students’ screen time to? Because adults spend more than half of the day in front of the screens. And if you compare them with the past generations, well internet and stuff were not easy to access then.

But yeah it is important to limit screen time but it is also important to educate. And if education gets entertaining, interactive, and engaging through screens, then it is better to give a break than completely stop it. Here is where EdTech comes to play.

Equity EdTech demands students to balance screen time and do on-ground research. It pushes students to read books, discover learning materials practically, and physically explore the environment.

Thus, EdTech does not mean only screen and technology for the students. It is actually providing the best of both worlds.

3. EdTech will replace physical classrooms

Again this is a big no-no.

How can students learn the importance of staying in a community unless they go out and explore the world? And a child’s first community learning experience apart from home is school.

online education

So no matter how much the world advances, the physical classroom can never be replaced.

Yes, virtual classrooms have taken over but teachers and students are cringing to go back to school. In fact, EdTech has ensured that even in the pandemic education does not come to a standstill.

So no matter how advanced the technology gets, the love and need for physical classrooms will always exist.


Implementing equitable EdTech is the need of the hour. Every educational institute must weigh its pros against the cons. In fact, EdTech has a proven record of students learning and grasping better than the traditional education system. It has known to make the children sharper and sensible, but with the help of teachers!

Environmental NGOs as a Trigger for Social Good – a Jordanian Perspective

While growing in number and scope with each passing year, environmental NGOs in Jordan are striving to become a model in civil society participation, collaborative governance and social impact. They are demonstrating how green advocates can lead by example and become a role model for other development leaders. Those non-for-profits are challenged to not only be the watchdogs and outreach arms but also act as community organizers and change agents that our country and region aspire for.


In harmony with the overall awakening of social entrepreneurship and youth movement within MENA region, green startups and community-based initiatives are climbing to the top as platforms for youth to express their views and take action. Jordan might be an exception in that it specifically enjoys the presence of a large educated young population coupled with a huge pressure on infrastructure and resources magnified by the influx of refugees from neighboring countries.  Such circumstances while being a tremendous challenge also form an opportunity to advance innovation and entrepreneurship especially for urban water, energy and environmental solutions.

Recent statistics show that an average of 48 Jordanian NGOs is established each month mounting up to around 3800 in 2014. Out of those, ninety-two are already registered as environmental societies with over half of them located outside the capital Amman. Eight NGOs sharing common environmental goals formed together the first Federation for Environmental NGOs and hope to be more impactful when united.

Whether all of this is enabled by the supportive legal and regulatory framework or powered by increased awareness among the population of the role of civil society in sustainable development; it is an evolution that calls for some reflection! Does this figure reflect a real grass-roots movement towards a sustainable way of living? Are these green NGOs a representation of a stronger public-private-community dialogue on environmental issues? And can we – as Jordanians and environmentalists – sense/measure the impact of real change on the ground?

While no one might have the evidence-based answer to all of those questions, there is no doubt that the green civil society experience in Jordan forms a unique model across the country and the MENA region. It is led mostly by Jordanian professionals and activists with shared inclination to making a difference. Younger generations are more conscious and action oriented when it comes to sustainable development.

In and outside Amman, volunteerism and community-based activities are becoming more innovative and inclusive providing hope for a better future. Nevertheless, NGOs still struggle with their institutional and financial sustainability and mostly fall behind in finding innovative ways to survive the increased competition.

The Beginning and The Evolution

Back in the 60s, the Royal Society for the Conservation of Nature (RSCN) was established as the first entity focusing on wildlife protection and nature management in Jordan, prior to the existence of any environmental authority. RSCN continues to perform its functions via a legal mandate and delegation from the Government of Jordan in the areas of hunting regulation and protected areas management forming an excellent partnership model with the public sector.

Today, RSCN deploys sustainable development principles in the protected areas demonstrating job creation and community development in their good standards. Dana natural reserve is an international eco-tourism destination because of those successful partnerships. Nature protection is no longer a hurdle to development but rather a pillar to ensure its sustainability. Aiming to bridge the skill and knowledge gap in nature protection and eco-tourism, RSCN established the international-standard “Royal Academy for Nature Conservation”.

With the first environmental protection law that was issued in 1995 and the further institutional development through the establishment of the Ministry of Environment in 2003; it became inevitable for civil society organizations to be part of the evolution. Introducing environmental management tools such as environmental impact assessment (EIA) required public participation and consultation. Several NGOs were established and trained to take part in those consultations and ensure new projects take both the environment and society into consideration from as early as the planning stage.

Triggered by its scarce natural resources and commitment to international environmental treaties, Jordan went as far as integrating environment into its trade agreements. The US-Jordan Free Trade Agreement was the first to include an environmental chapter. Further bilateral and multilateral agreements such as the EU-Jordan Association Agreement included sustainability and environment as a pillar and as a cross-cutting issue that should safeguard cooperation in various development sectors. NGOs needed to cope with all of that and raise the bar for more synergy between environment, community and economic development.

The New Language

For a long time, the core focus of the environmental community has been on protection and conservation. Jordanians still recall the advocacy breakthrough of 2006 when the environmental NGOs exerted exceptional pressure on the legislative and executive bodies to prevent the approval of the Agriculture Law amendments that was foreseen to jeopardize the important forest areas by opening them for purchase by investors.

Today, Jordan is aggressively pursuing green economy targets as the first country in the MENA Region to conduct a scoping study and prepare a strategy for green growth. The ninety-two environmental NGOs would need to be well prepared for a completely different argument. Away from green, the socio-economic dimension will be the winner with more demand for jobs, local economic development and innovation. Environmental mainstreaming into development sectors would be the new strategic planning tool to ensure sustainability. Concepts of smart cities and green infrastructure should start to show on pilot and large scales how quality investment is attracted and high paying jobs are created.


For the first time, green businesses are coming together to establish business associations that advocate for better enabling environment and fuel green economy. Such private sector led organizations work to provide needed platforms and tools to equip green labor force and organize dialogue with the public sector and international community. The progress made by the private sector to become more organized through business association should be leveraged and further expanded to incorporate more companies especially startups and SMEs.

The Leap

In May 2014 and as a marked step towards a stronger impact, eight environmental NGOs decided to formalize their partnership through establishing the “Jordanian Federation for Environmental NGOs”, commencing a new era of green social impact, policy advocacy and good governance. The eight founding NGOs are: Jordan Environment Society (JES), Royal Society for Conservation of Nature (RSCN), Jordan Royal Marine Conservation Society (JREDS), Energy Conservation and Environmental Sustainability Society, Arab Group for the Protection of Nature, Jordan Society for Combating Desertification, Organic Farming Society, and the Jordan Green Building Council. They bring a mix of the old and new united by their shared concerns, passion and vision.

The federation’s internal bylaw stipulates the goals of the “Jordanian Federation for Environmental NGOs” to cover the following areas: policy and legal advocacy, awareness raising and capacity building, coordination and collaboration among members and across the sector, data and information dissemination, and members support. While many are unaware of the existence of the federation, it is only by action that it will prove vital for Jordan and sustainable development as a whole.

A Meaningful Impact

Throughout the years, the relationship between the green sector players had its ups and downs especially in how the public sector managed the engagement with the private sector and civil society. It is evident that this relationship has grown in the past few years triggered mainly by the need for stronger positions towards the huge challenges facing environment in Jordan and the realization of the important role that each party can play in achieving sustainable development goals. NGOs were the main advocate to stop a government decision to merge the Ministries of Environment and Municipal Affairs in 2012.

As mature as it would prove to be, the Federation for Environmental NGOs bears the responsibility of the whole sector’s maturity especially when it comes to improved dialogue and coordination. The visionary leaders who realized the value of uniting for a cause are those who need to cascade such vision to the other sectors. Shifting from reactive to proactive, NGOs are obliged to change mindset of their boards and staff to be able to change communities. The world is more convinced that the private sector holds the promise for green economy, green jobs and better future.

However, very little synergy is found with the educational, research and innovation institutions which are crucial to develop the brains and change the mindset. Innovation in green is not kicking off as it should be in MENA. Research, science and technology continue to be disconnected from market needs. The NGOs and business associations need to step up as drivers for a well integrated change process that assures people as well as the green enterprises of their safe and flourishing future.

Let’s not wait and see but let’s join the movement and make it happen!

السواك : فرشاة الأسنان العربية العضوية

منذ القدم, استخدم الإنسان العديد من التقنيات الطبيعية للحفاظ على صحة الفم والأسنان, ومن هذه الأدوات استخدم أغضان وجذور الأشجار المتواجدة طبيعياً في المناطق التي قطنها, ومن هذه الأشجار شجرة الآراك أو Salvadora persica  المنتشرة في المنطقة العربية. تسمى الأعواد المشتقة من شجرة الآراك بالمسواك أو السواك, يرجع إستخدام السواك في المنطقة العربية إلى عصر ما قبل الإسلام,  لكن كان للإسلام عظيم الأثر في إنتشار وإستمرارية إستخدام السواك في العالم, فكما ورد في الأحاديث الشريفة عن الرسول محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم يعتبر إستخدام السواك جزءاً مهماً من الطقوس الدينية الإسلامية للحفاظ على نظافة الفم وصحة الأسنان واللسان, كما نسبت الأحاديث  النبوية العديد من الفوائد الصحية الأخرى للسواك بما في ذلك تعزيز الذاكرة والبصر، والمساعدة على الهضم، وتخفيف الصداع، وتخفيف ألم الطواحين وتقوية مخارج نطق الكلام وتصفية الصوت والتخلص من بحة الصوت.

شجرة الآراك  

تنتمي شجرة الآراك إلى الفصيلة الآراكية, وهي شجرة دائمة الخضرة تعيش في المناطق الحارّة والإستوائيّة والصحراويّة, أزهارها صفراء تميل إلى الخضرة، أما ثمارها والتي تسمى بالكباث فهي صغيرة الحجم بطعم ٍ حلوٍ يكون لونها في البداية أخضراً ومن  ثم يتحول إلى الأحمر وعند النضج  تصبح سوداء اللون, وتتميز شجرة الآراك – أو كما تسمّى أحياناً شجرة السواك- بمقاومتها للجفاف وملوحة التربة.

فوائد الآراك الصحية والإقتصادية

من الناحية الصحية, فإن القيمة العلاجية والطبية الفريدة للسواك مثبتة وبالأدلة العلمية, حيث يمزج السواك بين عنصريين أساسيين للحفاظ على صحة الفم والأسنان وهما: المواد الكيميائية الفعالة ذات الخواص المضادة للجراثيم الضارة, والتقنيات الميكانيكية المرنة التي تساعد على الوصول إلى جميع المناطق في الفم دون القيام بحت الأسنان وبالتالي عدم التسبّب بحساسيتها ودون التسبب بأي أذى للثة. ولقد أظهرت الأبحاث أن السواك إذا ما استخدم بالطريقة الصحيحة فإنه يحافظ على صحة الفم بفعالية عالية ويعمل كمضاد للمايكروبات المسببة لإصفرار الأسنان وتشكل طبقة البلاكplaque ، كما أنه يمتلك خصائص طبية تجعل منه علاجاً فعالاً لإلتهاب اللثة وأداة ممتازة لتبييض وتطهير الأسنان ووسيلة للقضاء على رائحة الفم الكريهة مع توفير رائحة فم لطيفة. كما ولقد ثبت علمياً أن تركيب السواك يحوي مكونات طبيعية مفيدة تعمل كمواد مضادة للإلتهاب والإحتقان وعلاج تسوس الأسنان والتي لا توجد عادة في معاجين الأسنان التجارية .

وهذا ولقد حصل السواك على قبول عالمي حيث شجعت منظمة الصحة العالمية على إستخدام عصي المضغ كأداة فعالة للحفاظ على النظافة الفموية. أما تجارياً، فلقد أنتجت بعض البلدان مثل السعودية ومصر وسويسرا والهند والباكستان وماليزيا معاجين أسنان تحوي العناصر الفعالة الموجودة في شجرة الآراك.

يعد الآراك أو S.persica    من الناحية الإقتصادية نباتاً متعدد التطبيقات, إذ يستفاد من ثماره كفاكهة تمتاز بحلاوة الطعم ذات قيمة غذائية عالية للإنسان والطير, كما وترعى النوق والأغنام على أوراقه وثماره وأغضانه حيث أنها غنية بالدهون وتساعد على زيادة وزن المواشي وكمية إنتاجها من الحليب, كما وتحوي أوراق وثمار الآراك مواد غذائيّة مهمّة تعمل على تقوّية أجسام الأغنام والإبل, أيضاً يستخرج من الآراك الصمغ والراتنجات (Resin). بالإضافة إلى ذلك، فإنه يستخدم كنبات في تربية النحل والناتج في هذه الحالة عسلٌ غني بالمركبات الطبية الطبيعية. ليس هذا فحسب,  بل وتحتوي بذور الآراك على نسبةٍ عاليةٍ جداً من الزيت تصل إلى 40% من محتوى هذه البذور, هذا الزيت ذو قيمةٍ اقتصاديةٍ مرتفعة حيث يستخدم في صناعة الصابون والمنظفات ويعتبر هذا الزيت بديلاً جيداً لزيت جوز الهند, ويستخدم زيت الآراك موضعياً على الجلد لعلاج الروماتيزم وتمسح به أجساد الأطفال الحديثي الولادة نظراً لخواصه المطهرة .

مما لا شك فيه أن السواك أداة إقتصادية للحفاظ على نظافة الفم نظرًا لوفرتها ولسهولة إنتاجها،  ولكن ومن المدهش أنه وبالرغم من الإستخدام التاريخي والواسع النطاق للسواك في المنطقة العربية, إلا أنه لم يتم بحث إستخدامه سابقاً من الناحية البيئية كأداة للحفاظ على الصحة الفموية ومقارنة ذلك مع تحقيق أهداف التنمية المستدامة, إذ يمكن إستغلال الإستخدام الواسع للسواك في البلاد الإسلامية بيئياً وذلك بتقديم السواك كأداة صديقة للبيئة وفريدة من نوعها  لتنظيف الفم والأسنان كما سيوضح لاحقا.

فوائد الآراك البيئية

أولاً من الناحية الزراعية

تنتشر زراعة الآراك أو S.persica على نطاق واسع في عدة مناطق في شبه الجزيرة العربية وذلك ليس فقط لإستخدام فروعها كفراشي أسنان طبيعية، إنما أيضاً لتوظيف النبات نفسه كمصداتٍ للرياحِ ولتشكيل أحزمةٍ طبيعيةٍ لحماية محاصيل البستنة والزراعة, كما وتُزرع أشجار الآراك في الأودية الصحراويّة لتثبيت التربة ومنع إنجرافها, هذا وتساعد زراعتها في إستصلاح موائل الكثبان الرملية وإستغلال التربة المالحة في الزراعة.

ثانياً من ناحية الحفاظ على المصادر الطبيعية

تعتبر عمليتي إنتاج السواك وإستهلاكه عمليتان مستدامتان وتحافظان على عناصر البيئة من ماء وهواء وتربة,  فمن حيث التركيب فهو يتركب من مادة عضوية بحتة متوفرة طبيعياً,  أما من ناحية الإنتاج فلا تحتاج عملية إنتاجه إلى خبرة أو أية موارد أو مواد إضافية أو مصانع أومعدات ضخمة, كما أنه على عكس عملية تصنيع فراشي الأسنان ومعاجين الأسنان الصناعية, فإن إنتاج السواك لا يولد نفايات صناعية نهائياً ولا يلوث الهواء كما تفعل الصناعات الحديثة, أضف إلى ذلك أن إنتاجه  يعتمد بشكل كامل على الطاقة الشمسية الطبيعية فقط فهو بذلك موفر للطاقة ولا يعتمد على طاقة الوقود الأحفوري الملوثة للبيئة,  أما من ناحية إستهلاك المياه  فإن نبتة S.persica تتمتع بقدرة عالية على تحمل ملوحة التربة حيث يمكن لبذور هذا النبات أن تنمو في ماءٍ مالحٍ معدل ملوحته dsm 15,
كما تتميز هذه النبتة بإستهلاكها الضئيل للماء حيث أن شجرة الأراك قادرة على تحمل بيئة قاحلة للغاية مع متوسط ​​هطول أمطار أقل من 200 ملم سنوياً.  وحتى بعد الإستخدام, فإن السواك صديق للبيئة حيث أن التخلص من بقاياه سهل جداً نظراً لطبيعته العضوية.

السواك وأهداف التنمية المستدامة للأمم المتحدة

وعند الرجوع إلى أهداف التنمية المستدامة للأمم المتحدة (SDG), نجد أن إستخدام السواك كبديل مستدام لفرشاة الأسنان الصناعية يحقق بصورة مباشرة أو غير مباشرة الأهداف التالية :

  • الهدف الثالث المتمثل بتمتع الجميع بأنماط عيش صحية.
  • الهدف السادس المتمثل بتوافر المياه للجميع وإدارتها إدارة مستدامة.
  • الهدف السابع المتمثل بالطاقة نظيفة والمستدامة.
  • الهدف الحادي عشر المتمثل بمدن ومجتمعات محلية مستدامة.
  • الهدف الثاني عشر المتمثل بوجود أنماط إستهلاك وإنتاج مستدامة.


مما سبق يستنتج أنه يمكن تبني السواك بسهولة كفرشاة أسنان صديقة للبيئة وكبديل أخضر لفرشاة الأسنان البلاستيكية التقليدية للحفاظ على نظافة الفم وصحة الأسنان, حيث أنه فرشاة أسنان عضوية طبيعية تتميز بوفرتها وبسهولة إستخدامها وبإنخفاض تكلفتها وتكلفة إنتاجها وتوفيرها للماء والطاقة مع عدم إنتاجها للنفايات الصناعية أو تسببها بالتلوث سواء في أثناء عملية التصنيع أو بعد الإنتهاء من الإستخدام, هذا وإن زراعتها تعتبر إستصلاحاً للتربة المالحة  وذات قيمة إقتصادية وبيئية مهمة.

How to Convert Scrap Tires into Biofuel

Waste disposal is a serious concern these days, especially with the increasing public awareness of the need to protect the environment. Solid wastes like old tires present complicated disposal problems. Large, hollow, durable, and non-biodegradable, old tires can take up substantial space in landfills. Leaving tires to nature can also be problematic as mosquitoes and other pests may thrive on them.


In the United States, an estimated 300 million scrap tires are produced every year. Around the world, the number jumps to about 2 billion. Fortunately, there are several ways to recycle scrap tires including conversion into biofuels.

What is Tire-Derived Fuel?

Tire or rubber recycling can take on several forms. Tires can be reused in railway lines to reduce vibration. It can also be used as construction materials in playgrounds, running tracks, and other facilities.

One of the best ways to reuse scrap tires is to convert these to biofuel. Generally referred to as tire-derived fuel (TDF), it is a cleaner, more sustainable, and cheaper alternative to fuel. TDF provides an advanced and practical approach to tire recycling, and widely used in industrial facilities worldwide including pulp and paper kilns, cement kilns, and electric utilities.

As a supplemental fuel, it helps companies generate savings in energy costs while increasing boiler efficiency and lowering air emissions. It is estimated that more than half of the scrap tires generated yearly are used as TDF.

With its high heat value, scrap tires are an excellent fuel source. Consider that the heating value of an average passenger tire can go up to 15,000 British thermal units (Btu) per pound, which is even better than the 12,000Btu per pound of coal.

On a grander scale, scrap tires represent a viable energy source. Based on the average discard rate of 300 million tires a year, it is estimated that old tires can produce energy equivalent to around 17 million barrels of oil. This is roughly less than 1% of the energy needs in the United States.

Conversion of old tires into biofuel

There are two physical actions involved in the conversion of tires into biofuel: shredding and pyrolysis, or the decomposition of the tires by exposing it at high temperatures and the use of a special catalyst.

TDF processing may involve whole tires or tires cut down into uniform species. The size of the tire for fuel conversion would largely depend on the kind of combustion unit to be utilized.

In shredding rubber, scrap tires can be entirely placed into the shredder. There is also the option to have the beads extracted before shredding. Shredders are high-shear and low-torque in nature capable of reducing truck tires with an outside diameter of 48 inches to 1 to 4-inch pieces.

After the tires have been cut into smaller pieces, these are then fed into a pyrolysis reactor. In this machine, the rubber is softened by exposing it to high temperatures that can exceed 700 degrees Celsius. At high-temperature heating, rubber polymers would break down into smaller molecules. These would then vaporize and exit from the pyrolysis reactor.

The vapor can be condensed into bio-oil or pyrolysis oil, an oily type of liquid. It can also be burned directly for power production. Some molecules too tiny to condense remain as gas and burned as fuel.

Critical to this process is the heating rate of a tire as it can affect reaction time, product quality and yield, and energy requirement. In instances when the heating temperature is at around 450 degrees Celsius, the product is liquid which is often a mix of hydrocarbon. At heating temperatures above 700 degrees Celsius, the primary product is synthetic gas or syngas primarily because of cracking of the liquids.

Aside from being used as biofuels, the derived byproducts of bio-oil and syngas can be used as feedstock for refining chemical products. Bio-oil is coveted for its low sulfur and residual carbon content aside from having a high calorific value. It is used in paper mills, cement kilns, power plants, foundries, industrial furnaces, and other industries.

The solid residue from scrap tires called char contains inorganic matter and carbon black. It is commonly used as activated carbon or smokeless fuel in the rubber industry.

In Australia, however, a tire recycling process does not require the shredding of scrap tires in order to convert it into biofuel. The Victoria-based Green Distillation Technologies processes all kinds of tires including the super singles with a diameter of 1.2 meters. The tires are loaded into an airtight process chamber. Shredding, crumbling, or chopping of the tires are not required.

The tires are then subjected to high-temperature heating which serves as a catalyst for a chemical reaction. The tires are destructed into various compounds, one of which is gathered and condensed into the oil. This is the same as the bio-oil produced by a pyrolysis reactor.

Application of Tire-Derived Fuel

As mentioned earlier, biofuel from scrap tires is useful in various industries such as cement manufacturing. TDF is used by cement makers to augment their fuel for firing cement kilns. The use of tires as fuel has also been proven to help in reducing the emission of harmful chemicals into the air.

TDF is also tapped by pulp and paper companies to supplement wood waste, the main fuel used in powering pump mill boilers. TDF has a higher heat value than wood waste while helping overcome operating problems such as low heat content and high moisture content. The use of TDF likewise helps pulp and paper mills lower their fuel costs and improve their combustion efficiency. It can also help improve the public image of paper mill boilers.

To conclude, converting scrap tires into biofuels present a practical energy source for many industries around the world. Thermal conversion of tires into an alternative and clean fuel is considered an environment-friendly and practical approach to disposing of a difficult solid waste.