السلوك المستدام : مسؤولية اخلاقية

الإستدامة البيئية يتفاعل الحديث عنها بدراية وبدون دراية، وصار الحديث بشأنها موضة العصر إذ أضحت محط حديث العارفين وغير العارفين بمعانيها وابعادها في منظومة الامن البيئي، و الإستدامة البيئية منتج فعلي للسلوك المستدام، وتمثل في بعدها ثقافة ومسؤولية قبل ان تكون إجراء قانوني واداري، برغم ان ذلك مطلب لتوفير القواعد المؤسسة لبناء نظام الحماية الكفيل بصون السلوك المستدام في العلاقة مع النظم البيئية.


وعندما نشير الى ذلك فإننا ننطلق من واقع مشاهد الخلل في عدم الالتزام بالقواعد القانونية والادارية الوطنية والاقليمية والدولية المنظمة للسلوك البشري مع النظم البيئية، إذ انه برغم وجود القواعد التشريعية والتعاقدية والتوافقية والعرفية نشهد اتساع رقعة الفجوة في عملية تطبيق القواعد والانظمة المعتمدة وطنيا واقليميا ودوليا، ويعزى ذلك الخلل في عملية الالتزام الى غياب المسؤولية الاخلاقية التي تمثل الضمير البيئي الانساني الغائب في حسابات قطاع كبير من المجتمع في بعده الشامل.

هنا يمكن القول ان غياب المسؤولية الاخلاقية تتسب في انعدام الضمير البيئي وذلك يمثل السبب المباشر في ما يشهده كوكبنا من دمار شامل الذي خرج من إطاره المناطقي والوطني والإقليمي متخذا مساره الشامل على مستوى المعمورة بفعل ما نشهده من ممارسات غير مسؤولة في احداث بؤر الحروب المدمرة للبيئات الطبيعية والانسان، وصناعة اسلحة الدمار الشامل، وادخال المواد الخطيرة في الاستخدامات المدنية، وتبني السياسات الصناعية ذات الاثار الكارثية على المحيط البيئي للانسان، والاستغلال الكارثي الجائر والجاني للموارد البيئية، ما يضع البشرية في بؤرة الخطر البيئي الذي يمثل مصدر التهديد الفعلي للامن البيئي للمجتمع البشرية.

لذلك بناء السلوك المستدام في حاجة الى ثورة في واقع القيم المجتمعية والاشتغال على اصلاح الضمير البيئي للانسان والارتقاء بوعيه المسؤول في جوانب ممارساته وإستراتيجياته الاقتصادية والصناعية المضرة بالامن البيئي، وتحجيم ثقافة الانانية في بعد مفهومها في تفضيل المصالح الذاتبة الضيقة على مصالح الحق الانساني، أخذا في الاعتبار ان ذلك النهج يؤسس للممارسات الخطيرة في آثارها على النظام البيئي الكوني، ويتسبب في الاخلال بمعايير الامن البيئي لكوكب الارض.

خلاصة القول ان بناء السلوك المستدام معادلة مرتبطة باصلاح الضمير وتعزيز قيم الاخلاق في مكون السلوك الانساني في بعده الشامل، وان ذلك الجهد مسؤولية مشتركة لقامات الفكر الاجتماعي والسياسي والديني والبيئي ومفكري العلوم الانسانية، وبدون توفر ذلك الجهد فان الحديث عن السلوك المستدام ضرب من الخيال.

Top Tips to Make the Most of Your Scrap Metal Recycling

Scrap metal is a valuable commodity in high demand by small and large corporations. This is why many people have become interested in recycling scrap metal. It can be good for the environment because when the metals are recycled, they’re less likely to end up in landfills, thereby reducing environmental pollution.

Moreover, recycling scrap metal can help conserve energy used in manufacturing. Instead of making new metals from scratch, people and businesses can use recycled ones, reducing energy consumption and reliance on new resources.

Yet aside from the ones mentioned, scrap metal collection can be a great way to earn extra money, but the amount you can make will depend on the strategies you implement.

If you want to venture into the scrap metal recycling business, you can do a few things to increase your earnings.

scrap metal recycling tips

1. Know what kind of metal to collect

Knowing what types of metals are most valuable for scrap metal dealers like langleyrecyclingkc.com is the first step in scrap metal recycling. For example, ferrous metals, such as iron and steel, are typically worth less than non-ferrous metals, such as aluminum, copper, and brass. Therefore, to get the most out of your scrap metal recycling efforts, focus on collecting non-ferrous metals.

2. Sort your metal by type and grade

Once you’ve collected a large amount of scrap metal, it’s time to sort it by type and grade. Most scrap yards will pay a higher price for metals sorted by type and grade because it saves them time and money. So, take the time to sort it into different piles according to type and grade.

3. Remove contaminants

Another tip for recycling scrap metal is to remove any contaminants before taking it to the scrapyard. Contaminants can include things like paint, oil, or dirt. These can decrease the value of your scrap metal, so it’s essential to remove them before taking it to be recycled.

Also, the selling process will be much easier and faster if you prepare and separate your scrap metals before going to the scrapyard.

4. Use a magnet to test metals

Using a magnet is one easy way to test whether a metal is ferrous or non-ferrous. If the metal is attracted to the magnet, it’s likely a ferrous metal and not as valuable. If the metal isn’t attracted to the magnet, it’s likely a non-ferrous metal and more valuable.

5. Know the scrap prices

Before taking your scrap metal to the scrapyard, it’s essential to know the current scrap prices. Scrap prices can fluctuate, so you’ll want to make sure you understand the current price of the metal you have before taking it to be recycled. You can find scrap prices online or by calling scrapyards in your area.

6. Find a reputable scrapyard

Finding a reputable scrapyard is crucial when you’re ready to recycle your scrap metal. Unfortunately, many scrapyards will try to lowball you on the price of your scrap metal. Some of them may not provide a clear answer to your questions. For example, they may not give you transparent responses about how they purchase scrap metals and the separation processes they require.

So, it’s vital to find a scrapyard that has a good reputation to avoid selling your scraps at an unreasonably low price. You can find reviews of scrapyards online or by asking people you know who have experience with scrap metal recycling. Check out their pricing to know how much they’ll buy your scrap metals. But you should understand too that the scrap prices shouldn’t be the only criteria for choosing a company specializing in scrap metal recycling. Consider other factors, such as their customer service and valuable years of experience in the market.

Lastly, a reliable scrapyard will not take advantage of you. Instead, they’ll appreciate your business and help you make the most money from the scrap metals you’re willing to sell. That’s why it’s important to wisely choose the one you want to work with.


7. Get paid

Once you’ve negotiated a price for your scrap metal, it’s time to get paid. Most scrapyards will pay in cash, but some may also offer checks or other forms of payment.

Final thoughts

Recycling scrap metal can be a great way to earn extra cash. Furthermore, recycling metal helps to conserve natural resources and energy as mentioned earlier. To boot, extracting and refining metals is energy-intensive, so recycling scrap metal can help reduce environmental pollution. Finally, it’s satisfying to know you’re doing your part to reduce your carbon footprint.

What is the Most Suitable Renewable Energy for the UAE

Renewable energy is a hot topic these days. You’ve probably heard of it, but you might not know exactly what it is. Renewable energy is energy that comes from resources that are naturally replenished over time. These resources include the sun, wind, water, and geothermal heat.

renewable energy in UAE

Renewable energy option for the UAE

Renewable energy comes from sources that are naturally replenished and includes solar, wind, water, geothermal, and biomass. The UAE has been a global leader in the adoption of renewable energy technologies and is now looking to expand its renewable energy portfolio.

The most suitable type of renewable energy for the UAE is solar energy. Solar photovoltaic (PV) systems convert sunlight into electrical energy, making them an ideal choice for the UAE’s arid climate. Solar thermal systems use mirrors to direct sunlight onto a receiver that heats up water or another fluid, which can then be used to generate power or heat.

Wind energy is also a viable option for the UAE. The Gulf region has some of the best wind resources in the world and there are already several large-scale wind projects in operation or under development. Wind turbines convert kinetic energy from the wind into electrical energy.

Water is another abundant resource in the UAE and geothermal power could provide a significant source of renewable energy. Geothermal power plants use the heat from the Earth’s core to generate electricity. Biomass, such as wood or agricultural waste, can also be used to generate power from renewables.

Renewable energy is a hot topic these days, and for good reason. Not only does it help the environment by reducing our reliance on fossil fuels, but it can also save you money on your energy bill.

Existing renewable energy projects in the UAE

The UAE has been working diligently towards its goal of achieving renewable energy targets. There are a number of renewable energy projects that are already operational in the UAE. Some of these projects include the conversion of waste into energy, the use of nuclear energy and the development of renewable energy sources like solar and wind power.

One of the most notable renewable energy projects in the UAE is the conversion of waste into energy. This project is being undertaken by a number of partner companies and is expected to help produce 7% of the UAE’s electricity needs by 2021.

Another notable project is the development of solar and wind power. The UAE has been investing in these types of renewable energy for some time now and they are expected to play a major role in meeting the country’s renewable energy targets.

The use of nuclear energy is also an important part of the UAE’s strategy for achieving renewable energy targets. The Barakah Nuclear Energy Plant is expected to come online in 2020 and will help diversify the UAE’s energy supply. Once completed, this plant will be one of the largest nuclear plants in the world.

These are just a few examples of the many renewable energy projects that are underway in the UAE. These projects represent an important step towards the UAE’s goal of becoming a global leader in renewable energy.

The future of renewables in the UAE

Dubai is leading the way in terms of renewable energy in the UAE, with a goal to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050. The Dubai Clean Energy Strategy 2050 plans to invest $163 billion in renewable energy projects in order to diversify the energy mix and achieve 100% reliance on clean energy sources.

Some of the projects underway include the Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Solar Park, which is the world’s largest single-site solar park. With a total investment of $2.05 billion, phase 5 of the solar park is 60% completed. In addition, Dubai is undertaking many other clean energy projects, such as the 5,000-megawatt Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Solar Park.

The Supreme Council of Energy also approved a regulatory framework for cooling service providers and customers to ensure the effectiveness of permit issuance and billing. This meeting also discussed the successful launch of Dewa-Sat 1, part of Dewa’s Space-D programme. Dewa is the first utility in the world to use satellites in its operations.

The Supreme Council of Energy meeting also reviewed participation in the fourth edition of the Emirates Energy Award, which highlights best practices in clean energy, energy efficiency and sustainability in the region. Dubai is taking full advantage of Fourth Industrial Revolution technologies like IoT, artificial intelligence and blockchain to exchange information with help from satellite communications and earth observation technologies.

Joining other global efforts, the Dubai Clean Energy Strategy 2050 is an ambitious plan to increase the share of clean and renewable energy sources in order to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050. The Supreme Council of Energy met yesterday to approve the Dubai Carbon Abatement Strategy 2030, which will help reduce emissions by 30%. This meeting also saw the launch of Dewa-Sat 1, part of Dewa’s Space-D programme. Through initiatives like these, Dubai is taking advantage of Fourth Industrial Revolution technologies like IoT, artificial intelligence and blockchain to improve its utility networks.

What is the best renewable energy for the UAE?

The UAE has made great strides in renewable energy in recent years, with a goal to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050. Dubai is leading the way in this effort, with a number of ambitious projects underway.

renewable energy in UAE

Solar energy is one of the most promising renewable energy sources for the UAE. The country has Abu Dhabi’s Masdar City, which is the world’s first zero-carbon city. The city is powered by a solar farm that covers two square kilometers. With abundance of sunlight solar is a clear option for the UAE to embrace, however one problem rather unique to the Middle East region is the very fine sand particles that are abundant in the air that can settle on the panels reduce the energy efficiency of solar panels, especially after any rain the fine particles stick to the panels.

While no clean energy is perfect and maintenance needs to be done, solar is a very exciting prospect already in place in the UAE and one that is set to expand further to drive the countries goals in renewable power.

تغير المناخ والخطاب الإسلامي و عهد جديد من الاستدامة

تشير الاتجاهات البيئية العالمية إلى أننا نواجه مخاطر نقاط التحول والتغيرات الدائمة في البيئة وفي قدرتها على دعم وتعزيز حياة الإنسان في كل أبعادها.  هذه الحالة من عدم التوازن والتلوث، و التي یشار إليها في الإسلام بإسم "فساد"  تعزى إلى أفعال الإنسان. هذا و يشكل تحويل المجتمع واقتصاد العالم نحو الاستدامة أكبر تحد للعالم في القرن ال21.

من الملهم تسخير المعارف والثقافة المحلية للإبلاغ عن الاستدامة. فالإسلام بوصفه عالمى الانتشار ومنهاج للحياة، يمكنه أن يقدم نظرة مستقبلية جديدة لعلاقة الإنسان بالبيئة داخل اقتصاد السوق المعولم. البيئة والتنمية المستدامة هما عبارة عن أرضية محايدة للحوار بين الثقافات في الشرق والغرب،  وذلك على اعتبار أن علم البيئة يقوم على "الاعتماد المتبادل" و "التعلم الاجتماعي".

نموذج التنمية الإسلامي

لا تحدد النظرة السائدة الإسلامية مقومات "حياة طيبة" فحسب، بل أيضا يمكنها أن ترشد وتبلغ و تصلح نموذج التنمية الحالي. ويستند النموذج الإسلامي للتنمية على العيش على الأرض برفق  (الزهد) للحد من بصماتنا البيئية. ويمكن أن تضيف النظرة الإسلامية الإيمان والروحانية ، كبعد رابع ، إلى نموذج الاستدامة (البيئة والمجتمع والاقتصاد).  يعطي الخطاب الإسلامي شعورا بالأمل والتفاؤل بإمكانية إعادة ضبط بوصلة الإنسان: هناك أمل، إذا تمكن الإنسان من إعادة التفكير وإعادة ضبط نماذج التنمية السائدة، وأساليب الحياة والعقليات كما جاء في القرآن الكريم:

 « ظَهَرَ الْفَسَادُ فِي الْبَرِّ وَالْبَحْرِ بِمَا كَسَبَتْ أَيْدِي النَّاسِ لِيُذِيقَهُم بَعْضَ الَّذِي عَمِلُوا لَعَلَّهُمْ يَرْجِعُونَ » 

القرآن 30:41

و تتماشى ماهية الإسلام  بانسجام مع "الحالة الطبيعية" (الفطرة) واحترام التوازن (الميزان) واحترام النسبة (مقدار) في نظم الكون.  و يمكن لدمج هذه المفاهيم جميعها في نظام القيم الإسلامي أن يوفر البعد الأخلاقي للمسلمين في قضية تغير المناخ. و یترجم هذا إلى مصطلحات فنية لقياس تركيز الغازات في المناخ بأجزاء لكل مليون (جزء بالمليون). يدور النقاش بشأن المناخ حول الزيادة في تركيز أو نسبة غازات الاحتباس الحراري و التي يمكن قياسها بجزء بالمليون. نظرا لنموذج التنمية وأنماط استهلاك الإنسان، فإنا نشهد زيادة في تركيزات ثاني أكسيد الكربون بأكثر من 420 جزءًا بالمليون بالمقارنة مع مستويات ما قبل الثورة الصناعية و التي كانت تقدر ب 280 جزءًا بالمليون.

و بِالنّتِيجَة، التصدي لتغير المناخ، من منظور إسلامي ، هوعبارة عن افتراض دور الإنسان کوصي ومفوض (خليفة) ودوروسطية الأمة (أمة وسطا) في الأمر بالمعروف و النهي عن المنكر وضمان الانسجام والتوازن والنسبة الصحيحة (الفطرة). اختلال هذا الميزان  يعزى إلى اختيارات الإنسان التي أدت إلى الإفراط في الاستهلاك، والاستغلال واستخدام للموارد. البعد الأخلاقي للإسلام هو في ربط النظرية بالممارسة من خلال تطور الوعي الجديد والتطور الروحي. وتجسید الإسلام بدوره يؤدي إلى نشاط بيئي ينقذ سلامة الكوكب من خلال حفظ الحياة على الأرض، واحترام حقوق الأنواع الأخرى، وحماية تنوع جميع مجتمعات الحياة.

المناظرات بشأن تغير المناخ في عام 2015

خلال الإعداد  للمناظرات العالمية بشأن تغير المناخ  في عام 2015، وافقت الأطراف في الاتفاقية على تحديد 2 درجة مئوية كحد أقصى لارتفاع مقبول لدرجة الحرارة عن مستوى ما قبل الثورة الصناعية بحلول نهاية هذا القرن. وارتكز هذا القرارعلى حكم سياسي استنادا إلى معلومات علمية. هناك مخاطر كبيرة مرتبطة بأي مستوى من الاحترار و تدعو العديد من الأطراف إلى تثبيت هذه النسبة في أقل بكثير من2  درجة مئوية  بل تهدف إلى أن تكون أقرب إلى 1.5 درجة مئوية  قدر الإمكان.

العلم واضح في هذه المسألة ؛ لكون ارتفاع درجات الحرارة الناتج عن غاز ثاني أكسيد الكربون استمر لعدة قرون، فإن أي حد أعلى بشأن ظاهرة الاحتباس يتطلب خفض صافي انبعاثات ثاني أكسيد الكربون في نهاية المطاف إلى الصفر. و بالنتيجة، فإن تجنب التغير المناخي  الخطير لايتطلب صقلا للنظم القائمة فحسب، بل تحولا اقتصاديا جذريا يقود إلى إزالة عميقة، وبعد ذلك بالكامل، للكربون من إمدادات الطاقة. و سيجلب هذا الانتقال عدة مزايا أخرى ويفتح آفاقا واسعة. وبالتالي سيتيح تلازما كاملا بين الضرورات الأخلاقية والاقتصادية.

و يهدف اجتماع باريس في عام 2015 إلى التعجيل بشكل كبير في هذا التحول والتأكد من استدامته على مر الزمن لضمان عدم تجاوز ارتفاع درجة الحرارة ب 2 درجة مئوية خلال هذا القرن. و ستيمخض عن ذلك الاجتماع، وضع صك قانوني جديد في إطار اتفاقية المناخ، والذي يعد بمثابة معاهدة دولية ذات عضوية عالمية، ليدخل حيز التنفيذ في عام 2020.

أهمية الإعلان الإسلامي بشأن تغير المناخ

للحفاظ على التحول الاقتصادي مع مرور الوقت، هناك حاجة إلى الدافع المعنوي القوي والعميق للتغيير. لذا فالدين يمكن أن يصبح جزءا مهما من الحل إذا استثمرنا هذا المصدر من مصادر التوجيه الإلهي من خلال الدراسة والتأمل وإذا كان هذا يدفعنا للتعامل بشكل مختلف. الإعلان الإسلامي بشأن تغير المناخ، و الذي أطلق في اسطنبول يوم ال19 أغسطس 2015، يعد بمثابة مثال بليغ يجسد دورالإيمان في الإبلاغ وإصلاح الحوار حول الاستدامة. وهذا من شأنه أن يجعل من الالتزام تجاه المناخ القائم على العقيدة ضرورة، بالنظر إلى أن 84٪ من سكان العالم منتسبون دينيا، وفقا لمركز بيو للأبحاث.

لقد كان الإسلام قوة دفع للحضارة عبر التاريخ. و يمكن للإعلان أن يساعد على توجيه القوة الروحية والأخلاقية للإسلام نحو التطلع إلى مستقبل مرن بمناخ ذي انبعاثات منخفضة.

وخلاصة القول، يقدر المعتنقون للديانة الإسلامية  ب 1.6 مليار نسمة. أكثرهم، وربما أغلبهم، يستوطنون البلدان التي هي الأكثر تأثرا بتغير المناخ. لهذا يمكن أن تسهم القيادة الإسلامية  في الخطاب العالمي كما تجلى ذلك بوضوح في الإعلان الإسلامي لتغير المناخ. لدى المسلمين تكليف ومسؤولية لتوجيه القوة الروحية والأخلاقية للإسلام نحو التطلع إلى بناء الحضارة البشرية المستدامة ومستقبل مرن  بمناخ منخفض الانبعاثات.



هند سلامة، حاصلة على شهادة الدكتوراة تخصص الكيمياءـ البيئة من كلية العلوم عين الشق جامعة الحسن الثاني ـ المغرب، عملت كمديرة مشاريع في عدة مؤسسات و أعمل حاليا كمستشارة مستقلة في مجال البيئة و التنمية المستدامة و مترجمة  ، هذا عدا عن مساهماتي في البرنامج التطوعي للأمم المتحدة  UNVو متطوعة أيضا مع EcoMENA

How Education Can Help in Tackling Global Warming?

Climate scientists are sure that humankind contributed to Global Warming. Increase in temperatures create a potential for rising sea level and reducing land surface on which people can live, undermining water and food security, ecosystems, infrastructure, and human health. Struggle for resources is likely to provoke armed conflicts and mass migration. Since this problem is aggravating very rapidly, actions should be taken to prevent or at least slow down further climate change and adapt to its effects.

Local responses proved to be ineffective. Therefore, states should develop a complex of behavioral, institutional and technological approaches, mix different strategies, combine policies, involve all actors from individual citizens to international institutions in a well-organized campaign against Global Warming. Governmental plans are fundamental, but the everyday behavior of all society members is also of great importance. That is why changes should be introduced at all levels.

People are often unaware about the issue, believe that it is not so important, that the state should solve all global problems or that risks will manifest themselves after hundreds of years when new generations will replace current ones.

Also, taking into account the controversial nature of media content, citizens do not understand which facts are true and false, how they should behave to preserve nature. Bloggers, researchers, and journalists promote different ideas. Some of them claim that climate change is just a myth, while others are sure that threats are quite real and the land surface may be covered with water in a dozen years.

People need some reliable information center which would provide them with the latest news and effective instructions. Experts from Pro-Papers are sure that the educational system quite can perform these functions.

Educating responsible citizens

Schools and universities are places where people not only study different majors but also learn to live in the modern world. According to alchemy tuition, the knowledge of ways to stop climate change is no less important than writing, reading and counting skills. Young people should find out how to become worthy sons and daughters of the Earth and not just good engineers, accountants or lawyers.

After mastering basics in a primary school, students develop such high-level skills as categorization, induction, and deduction. Educators not only provide information but also teach children to think logically, distinguish cause and effect connections, and solve problems.

Researchers claim that educated individuals better assess risks and make more correct decisions. Therefore, schools and universities should raise people not just living for today but thinking about the future, undertaking responsibility for all their choices and actions, in particular, those related to Global Warming.

Raising preparedness

Academic life teaches young people to plan their actions. Statistics show that educated citizens are more patient and goal-oriented, dispose of finances and time wisely, understand that certain actions have to be done, even if results will be assessed only by future generations. Their forward-looking worldview should increase the effectiveness of mitigation and adaptation approaches.


Educational institutions should ensure that graduates are ready for disasters and have all necessary knowledge to save their lives, can distinguish threats before they gain dangerous scale, instill the habit to prevent problems rather than suffer from consequences.

Access to resources

In addition to direct impact, an academic background may protect graduates from the effects of climate change indirectly. As a rule, people with a degree have higher social status and income level, which provides access to such resources as disaster insurance, quality houses in low-risk zones, and renewable energy sources used at home.

One more resource of great importance is information. Since young people get accustomed to processing large data volumes during their student period, it is much easier for them to find the necessary facts and instructions, make well-informed decisions. This refers not only to warnings and weather forecasts but also accessing a general environmental situation, drawing conclusions on complex issues.

Less educated people usually do not care about reducing emissions, changing their habits, consuming climate-friendly food, and using fuel-efficient cars. Teachers should emphasize the importance of all these things since the earliest grades, explain how nature-preserving behavior can change the world for better. Then our planet will have a strong social capital. People will have the motivation to be cautious and not ignore news about Global Warming like artificial hype.

Apart from in-class discussions, academic communities may inform students about climate change in social networks and at youth events. Multiple information channels ensure that important things will be heard and considered, more people will accept the ideas of sustainable consumption and lifestyle.

Parting Shot

Despite the above benefits, education is still not considered as a fundamental way to address the Global Warming problem, which means there is much work to be done. Joint efforts of the government and representatives of the scientific world are sure to bring good results.

4 Ways For Students To Save The Environment

One of your jobs as a student is to be informed and updated with what’s happening in the world. One of the biggest issues the world has in the 21st century is pollution. Oceans are full of plastic. Because of global warming forests in Siberia and the Amazon are burning to ash. These are just a few signs that prove that the status of the environment is not a good one.


The young generation has to protect what others could not. Fighting for a cleaner planet and a better world has never been so urgent like nowadays. If you’ve ever wondered how to help the environment, let’s see how a normal student can make a difference!

1. At home

Where you live as a student: the dorm, you still live with your parents or you’ve rented a flat with your friends you have to know that the change starts with you and your way of living. The solution is not a difficult one: reduce, reuse and recycle. Reduce what you’re consuming, reuse what you’re throwing away and recycle what you have to throw away.

Another thing you can do at home is to buy a filter for your tap water. Most of the cities around the world do not have drinkable tap water anymore because of pollution. A simple solution is to buy a water filter that improves the quality of the water you have at home already. This way you don’t use plastic containers for your bottles of water, keeping the ocean cleaner this way and the trash away from those amazing Australian beaches. So you save water for people who actually need to buy it from the store.

2. On the way to school

Needing a means of transportation is not something you can run away from. Of course, we encourage you to walk or cycle to where you have to get, but if that distance is a larger one you can get a bus and share this way the mean of transportation with other people.

Something cool that’s been trending for the past years is ecofriendly electric scooters. Getting a small scooter that you can store in the back of your class or near your desk is a practical way to get from point A to point B. Charging it at home, it usually gives you power for 20 km at least. Plus, they’re mixing the saving of the planet with lots of fun, from my experience.

Not all electric scooter models are ideal for kids. Some are too heavy or too fast, so getting something that suits the age of your kid is important. Eridehero has an excellent guide on that.

3. At school

Once you get to where your eco-friendly means of transportation take you, you still have to behave accordingly to your goal of saving the planet. When you prepare for the next day at school you can cook your lunch at home and take it with you in a reusable container that you’ll wash after you finish eating. This way you save the planet from having to decompose another plastic wrap of a school sandwich. Don’t buy a bottle of water from school. Take one from home and take with you some of that home filtered water from your brand-new water filter.

Try using pencils instead of pens. They’re made out of wood and they’re recyclable. You can also buy notebooks made out of recycled paper. They’re not as shiny as the other ones but they keep your conscious and your planet cleaner. Don’t throw your notes away after you finish that year. There are people who consider to buy essay online and so you can reuse the paper and the knowledge.

Power down your laptop when you’re taking a break. Every watt you consume at home or at school is produced most likely in a power facility that in a way or another pollutes the environment. Try helping out with that too.

4. Having fun

Something most people don’t consider is that you can be friendly with the environment while having fun too. If you’re in a helping mood try volunteering to associations that clean the oceans or the forests. Avoid plastic straws as much as you can as those little plastic nightmares are impossible to recycle!

Final Thoughts

It’s up to us! If we fight for our planet, we’ll keep it! Everything starts in your own mind and in your own home. Reduce as much as you can, reuse everything that can be reusable and recycle with care. Go to school as eco-friendly as you can. Take a bus, walk, cycle or get one of those really fun to ride electric scooters or skateboards if that’s what you’re into. At school do everything you’re doing at home. Think twice about throwing away a piece of paper because it always has two sides.

Starting to believe in something is the first step to making it real. So let’s start believing in ourselves and in our planet!

Unending Benefits of Natural Ventilation

Natural ventilation is a method of allowing fresh outdoor air into indoor living spaces by natural means without the use of air conditioning units and other types of mechanically driven devices. It  is the process of changing or replacing stale or noxious air with fresh air in any space to provide high indoor air quality to control temperature, replenish oxygen, remove moisture, odors, smoke, heat, dust, airborne bacteria and carbon dioxide.

Ventilation is important as it reduces unhealthy air pollutants, such as formaldehyde and radon. It reduces excessive moisture and humidity levels, which can lead to mold growth and can cause structural damage. Ventilation reduces naturally occurring odors in the house from pets, cooking, smoking, and other everyday living activities.

While buying or moving to a dwelling, we often consider factors like exterior and interior of building, paint, space, location, building finishes, tiles, ceramics, bath room and electrical fittings etc, but we never ponder on the ventilation aspect. Perhaps this is due to having air conditioners in almost all buildings of the country.

Ventilation is provided through openings such as windows, ventilators and doors. Because of central cooling systems, most people don’t open windows and doors as often. Therefore, air conditioning has become the only principal mode of ventilation in urban surroundings.

A home’s natural ventilation rate is unpredictable and uncontrollable due to the openings, depending on dwelling location, size and number of openings in wind direction. Thus, one cannot rely on natural wind only to ventilate a house uniformly.

Ventilation is needed for removing water vapor produced by respiration, burning, and cooking, and for removing odors. If water vapor is permitted to accumulate, it may damage the structure, insulation, or finishes. In the absence of adequate ventilation, irritating or harmful contaminants can build up, causing occupant discomfort, health problems and reduced performance levels.

Harmful pollutants from a variety of sources can contribute to building-related illnesses. Ventilation systems that are improperly operated or maintained can contribute to sick building syndrome (SBS) which may cause symptoms like dry mucous membranes, eyes, nose and throat irritation. These disorders lead to increased occupant sickness and reduced work efficiency.

The advantages of natural ventilation are many and can have a tremendous positive impact on its occupants, building and the environment. It is suggested that natural ventilation is to be used on optimum basis keeping following aspects in mind:

  • Use fans at appropriate locations to blow air from the cool side of the dwelling to the hotter side.
  • Don’t keep your windows closed.
  • Do occasional air wash of your dwelling.
  • Open windows for durations, depending on the sunlight and its intensity.
  • Cross ventilation in a dwelling will enhance air quality and will avoid it to become a sick building.
  • Provide fountains, pools or swimming pools outside the dwelling which can act as transition spaces where air is naturally cooled before passing through interiors.

A proper design, operation and maintenance of the ventilation system is essential in providing indoor air that is free of harmful concentrations of pollutants. Improvements in indoor ventilation may substantially increase an individual’s health, moral and productivity.

Energy Perspectives for Jordan

The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan is an emerging and stable economy in the Middle East. Jordan has almost no indigenous energy resources as domestic natural gas covers merely 3% of the Kingdom’s energy needs. The country is dependent on oil imports from neighbouring countries to meet its energy requirements. Energy import costs create a financial burden on the national economy and Jordan had to spend almost 20% of its GDP on the purchase of energy in 2008.

In Jordan, electricity is mainly generated by burning imported natural gas and oil. The price of electricity for Jordanians is dependent on price of oil in the world market, and this has been responsible for the continuous increase in electricity cost due to volatile oil prices in recent years. Due to fast economic growth, rapid industrial development and increasing population, energy demand is expected to increase by at least 50 percent over the next 20 years.

Therefore, the provision of reliable and cheap energy supply will play a vital role in Jordan’s economic growth. Electricity demand is growing rapidly, and the Jordanian government has been seeking ways to attract foreign investment to fund additional capacity. In 2008, the demand for electricity in Jordan was 2260 MW, which is expected to rise to 5770 MW by 2020.

In 2007, the Government unveiled an Energy Master Plan for the development of the energy sector requiring an investment of more than $3 billion during 2007 – 2020. Some ambitious objectives were fixed: heating half of the required hot water on solar energy by the year 2020; increasing energy efficiency and savings by 20% by the year 2020, while 7% of the energy mix should originate from renewable sources by 2015, and should rise to 10% by 2020. 

Concerted efforts are underway to remove barriers to exploitation of renewable energy, particularly wind, solar and biomass. There has been significant progress in the implementation of sustainable energy systems in the last few years to the active support from the government and increasing awareness among the local population.

With high population growth rate, increase in industrial and commercial activities, high cost of imported energy fuels and higher GHGs emissions, supply of cheap and clean energy resources has become a challenge for the Government. Consequently, the need for implementing energy efficiency measures and exploring renewable energy technologies has emerged as a national priority.  In the recent past, Jordan has witnessed a surge in initiatives to generate power from renewable resources with financial and technical backing from the government, international agencies and foreign donors. 

The best prospects for electricity generation in Jordan are as Independent Power Producers (IPPs).  This creates tremendous opportunities for foreign investors interested in investing in electricity generation ventures. Keeping in view the renewed interest in renewable energy, there is a huge potential for international technology companies to enter the Jordan market.  There is very good demand for wind energy equipments, solar power units and waste-to-energy systems which can be capitalized by technology providers and investment groups.

Ultimate Guide To An Eco-Friendly Home

To be eco-friendly means to be respectful, or not harmful, to the environment. In today’s world being eco-friendly is a hot topic of conversation. Many people are curious about or interested in helping the environment, but they may not be sure where to start. Yes, trying to create a sustainable home and to make your home more eco-friendly can be a little overwhelming at first, but it can make for a fun and educational DIY project for the entire family. Lets go room-by-room:



An obvious place to start is in the kitchen, where there are a ton of opportunities to be environmentally conscious. From smart grocery shopping, to recycling, to water conservation, there is a long list of things that one can do to take better care of the environment in the kitchen.

You can start being eco-friendly from the get-go. When grocery shopping, here are some important things to think about:

Grocery bags

It’s much better for the environment to bring your own reusable grocery bags as well as smaller reusable bags for items such as fruits, vegetables, and nuts. Some places in the U.S. and around the world have already banned single-use plastic bags to cut down on waste.


An easy way to reduce waste is by shopping for foods that have little or no packaging. Fruits and vegetables are clearly great options for this. Of course, in some cases you’ll just need to find the most eco-friendly option.

Food Waste

A simple thing that you can do to help is to buy less food. Buying less food will ensure that it doesn’t spoil and go to waste. Although overbuying at the grocery store is very common nowadays, buying what you need, or even buying less than what you need can

  1. save you a lot of money,
  2. cut down on food waste, and
  3. keep your kitchen more organized.

The most important thing when shopping for groceries is to be conscious of what you’re buying and to try to reuse as much as possible.

Speaking of reusing, recycling is another great, and easy, way to help the environment. Of course, recycling should be done throughout the entire house, but a large amount of recycling can always be done in the kitchen.

Keeping your plastic, paper, and glass separate is easy and will reduce the amount of waste that goes to the landfill. It is also an excellent idea to keep your organic waste, such as fruits and vegetables, dairy products, grains, coffee, egg shells, etc. together so that you can utilize it for composting in your garden.


Finally, water conservation is another thing to focus on, especially in the kitchen. You can save a bunch of water by opting to wash dishes by hand, instead of using a dishwasher. When washing pots and pans you can let them soak instead of keeping the water running for long periods of time. If you want to go the extra mile you can also reuse cooking water to water the garden.


There are more opportunities than you might think to be environmentally friendly when designing a green bedroom. It all comes down to the products you use and how those products are made. For example, with bedding, it is important to do your due diligence and to find mattresses, sheets, and comforters that are made out of sustainable materials.

When researching eco-friendly products, it is necessary to keep in mind that you should be looking for both environmentally friendly raw materials and production processes. Some of the most eco-friendly fabrics are hemp, linen, and organic cotton. The most ethical production processes conserve water an reuse and recycle waste.

A habit that’s even better than purchasing new environmentally ethical products is to buy vintage or used products that you can continue using or upcycle into something stylish. Visit your local thrift shop or vintage clothing store to limit buying new clothes. Then, when you finished with an item of clothing you can give it away to someone you know or donate it.


Just like in the kitchen and the laundry room, water conservation is one clear way to be more sustainable in the bathroom. Taking showers instead of baths will save you water and money. Obviously, taking shorter showers will help you conserve even more. You can also install water saving toilets, low-flow shower heads, and low-flow faucets to really do your part.


When shopping for bath towels, remember, organic cotton and hemp are two very sustainable options. After showering, you can use a bath towel multiple times before sending it to the laundry room.

Finally, when it comes to health and beauty products, you can reduce a lot of waste by cutting out one-time use items like wipes, Q-tips, paper towels, etc. You can replace these items with reusable products like washcloths and towels. An easy rule of thumb is that toilet paper should be the only disposable in the bathroom.

Also Read: 5 Trends in Sustainable Home Building

Laundry Room

In the laundry room, we can start off with the washer and dryer. If drying your clothes on a clothesline is an option for you, it really is the best route. You’ll save money on electricity and you’ll be helping the environment as well. For washing, there are many eco-friendly washers these days that will use less water and electricity per load than washers of the past. If you are in the market for a new washer, you could donate or recycle your old one, and look for a more sustainable replacement.

Detergent is another area of opportunity in the laundry room. Like with many other consumer products, you’ll want to do a little research before choosing a detergent that is less harmful to the environment. In general, eco-friendly alternatives won’t use certain chemicals like chlorine or phosphates, which will reduce the environmental impact.


A common place to start in the backyard is to start an edible garden. Starting an edible garden can be great fun for you and the entire family. An edible garden will help you save money while having your very own healthy food resource right at your house. This will reduce the amount of grocery shopping that you need to do, as well as the amount of packaging that you are responsible for throwing away. As mentioned earlier, composting will help you fertilize your garden, while reducing the amount of waste that goes to the landfill as well.



If you live in a small apartment and don’t have a yard, don’t worry, you can still start your very own indoor edible garden. Container gardening is great for growing herbs and certain vegetables.

To go along with your edible garden you can add to your green oasis by planting trees that are common in your area. Trees will help the environment by providing oxygen and help you by providing beauty and shade for years to come.

Do Your Part

While practicing a completely zero waste lifestyle might be next to impossible for most people, we can all try to help and do our part by starting small and going from there. You can start room-by-room, or try to do the whole house at once. Regardless of how you start, you’ll be saving money, helping the planet, and being more healthy all at the same time.

نشر قصص نجاح في التنمية المستدامة في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال افريقيا

يقطن في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال افريقيا اكثر من 350 مليون نسمة تجمعهم اللغة العربية كعامل مشترك. لا نزال نعاني حتى اليوم من قلة المحتوى العربي المتعلق بالتنمية المستدامة على الشبكة العنكبوتية خاصة ذلك المتمحور حول الأهداف العالمية للتنمية المستدامة والمبادرات والجهات المعنية بها.

على الرغم من التحولات السياسية والاقتصادية والاجتماعية التي يمر بها سكان المنطقة وخاصة الشباب تحت سن الخامسة والعشرين والذين يشكلون أكثر من نصف عدد السكان، الا أنهم يعملون على الابتكار وادخال التغيير الايجابي الى مجتمعاتهم. أنه من الاهمية بمكان أن نعمل جميعا لدعم هذا التاثير الايجابي سواء بمعلومات ذات مصداقية أو بالترويج لقصص النجاح أو حتى بوسائل الاتصال والتكنولوجيا المتعددة.

نحن سعداء اليوم بهذه الشراكة ما بين EcoMENA والتي هي مؤسسة تطوعية تعمل على رفع الوعي حول القضايا البيئية والتنمية المستدامة في منطقة الشرف الاوسط وشمال افريقيا، وبين +SocialGood  التي تشكل مجتمعا عالميا من المبدعين في حقول التكنولوجيا وقادة الفكر والرواد الاجتماعيين وصناع التغيير والمواطنين العالميين يتشاركون من خلاله بالافكار من اجل صنع التغيير على ارض الواقع.

تهدف مبادرة  #InspireMENA التي تنطلق اليوم الى رفع الوعي حول قضايا التنمية المستدامة وآثار المشاريع الناجحة في دول المنطقة. فكل قصة من القصص التي ستتناولها السلسلة سيتم عرضها باللغتين العربية والانجليزية (أو الفرنسية في بعض الأحيان) وستنشر على الموقعين الخاصين ب EcoMENA و +SocialGood .

يسرنا دعوة الخبراء والمختصين والمتطوعين والكتاب الى مشاركتنا في ايجاد قصص النجاح الحقيقية في المنطقة والمساهمة في الكتابة والترجمة.

العناصر التي نبحث عنها في قصص  #InspireMENA:

وصف للمخرجات / النتائج (كما ونوعا).

مالذي يجعلها قصة نجاح ملهمة؟ مالتغيير الذي ساهمت بصنعه؟

بأي من أهداف التنمية المستدامة العالمية يرتبط اثر هذه القصة؟

ما الموارد التي خدمت القصة وكيف تم الوصول اليها؟

من هم شركاؤك في التنفيذ ومن هو بطل القصة؟

ماذا ستغير اذا ما عدت بالزمن الى الوراء (الدروس المستفادة)؟

هل تحفز قصتك قصصا مشابهة في مجتمعك أو بلدك أو في العالم؟

العدالة والشمولية من الركائز الاساسية للتنمية المستدامة. كيف تحكي قصتك على ضوء ذلك؟

كبف تقيس أثر مبادرتك الان وفي المستقبل؟

ماذا تقول للقارئ؟ هل تدعونا الى صنع تغيير معين بناء على قصتك؟

ارشادات حول  المشاركات المقدمة

يمكن للقصص والمساهمات التركيز على الجوانب التالية : التنمية المستدامة، حماية البيئة، الريادة الاجتماعية والريادة الخضراء، بناء القدرات، الشمول الاجتماعي، تمكين الشباب، التعليم البيئي، الطاقة المتجددة، ادارة النفايات، ادارة والحفاظ على الموارد، وغيرها. يقترح الرجوع الى الاهداف العالمية للتنمية المستدامة كمرجع حول القضايا الاخرى التي يمكن التطرق اليها.

يمكن تقديم القصة من قبل الجهات القائمة على المشروع او المبادرة قيد العرض أو من قبل أحد العاملين فيه المشروع أو أحد أصدقاء المبادرة الخ.

يفضل أن يكون طول المقال ما بين 800 الى 1500 كلمة.

يمكن تقديم القصة باللغة العربية او الانجليزية او كليهما.

يراعى أن تكون المساهمات مركزة وواضحة وذات مغزى يهم القراء بمختلف شرائحهم.

يجب ان يكون صاحب المساهمة مستعدا للاجابة على ملاحظات واسئلة القراء، ان وجدت.

تخضع كل المساهمات الى مراجعة وتدقيق من قبل خبراء ومختصين. نحتفظ بحقنا في عدم نشر اي مساهمة بناء على المراجعة.

كيف بدأت هذه المبادرة #InspireMENA :

حيث أن EcoMENA و +SocialGood تتشاركان في دعمهما للتنمية المستدامة وتمكين الشباب ونشر المعرفة والترويج لقصص النجاح فقد تم الاتفاق على التعاون لنشر قصص واقعية من منطقة الشرق الاوسط وشمال افريقيا والتي تمثل قصص نجاح في مجالات التنمية المستدامة المختلفة. وقد جاءت الفكرة من المهندسة ربى الزعبي ممثلة الاردن في مجموعة (+ScoailGood Connectors) حيث عملت على بلورة المبادرة عقب حضورها لاجتماع المجموعة في واشنطن في شهر تموز 2015. حيث عملت ربى مع سلمان ظفار المؤسس المشارك في EcoMENA لاطلاق حملة في الاردن والمنطقة للبحث عن المشاريع والمبادرات المبتكرة ذات الاثر الملهم في التنمية المستدامة وتشجيعها.

للمشاركة معنا، أرجو التواصل من خلال:

ربى الزعبي rubaalzoubi@gmail.com

سلمان ظفار salman@ecomena.org

Best Waste Reduction Programs for Students

It wouldn’t be a big of a surprise to tell that the waste reduction nowadays is more of a necessity rather than a voluntary facility. With a continuous rise of awareness over the need to reduce the amount of waste, students are expected to participate in the programs designed at their educational institutions. What’s clearly seen is that essay sources clearly underline the need in engaging students to become the parts of those green campaigns, aimed to make our plant a safer place for everyone. So, let’s review the following waste reduction programs for students, which have proven of being the best in the field.


1. Life of a Product

One of the most groundbreaking ideas is the so-called “Life of a Product” game. The essence of this activity relies upon the choice of a certain product, which is further analyzed from the perspective of its production. Students might choose any product they prefer, ranging from a banana to their personal laptop.

Basically, the review of the manufacturing, used resources, transportation means, and renewable resources used sheds light on how complicated is the modern production. As a result of this waste reduction programs, students are expected to acquire basic knowledge on what resources are used in everyday consumption. What a brilliant idea, for certain!

2. Presentations

Being a purely theoretical program for reducing waste, this facility aims to evoke understanding among students on how to omit food excesses. Hosting a speaker, for instance, is deemed as being one of the most eye-opening facilities to launch a large reducing waste program.

By inviting guest speakers from environmental or waste-related organizations, students might investigate how the recycling activities are conducted. By doing so, the environmental presentations are potent instruments for increasing awareness over the waste reduction needs.

3. Cafeteria Project

Obviously, most students perceive a cafeteria as the most beloved shelter in their educational institutions. In the context of reducing waste, one of the most useful waste-reducing programs is the so-called “Cafeteria Project.” By decorating the cafeteria with booklets that contain useful tips on how to reduce the overall amount of waste, the project might become the fundamental driver for change.

Students would be most likely to recycle bottles and cans, at the same time, making wise choices while buying lunch, as emphasized by the EPA. So, not only booklets and posters are important for informing the student audiences but also essential for changing the habits pertaining to recycling.

4. Waste Reduction Plan

This project, probably, requires the most attention, efforts, and time in order to be efficiently launched. The design of the waste reduction plan is a troublesome activity, which requires a full apprehension of the topic. So, only students who are aware of the existing recycling, reducing, and eco-related activities should be engaged in the design of this plan.

Usually, academic institutions that apply this project are more prone to purchase unique recycling and waste management equipment, even including the automatic trash compactors. Be sure that the design and the respective launch of the waste reduction plan will change each and every aspect of everyday schooling. If you’re not prepared for it, go ahead and embrace yourself.

5. Fundraising is Real!

Although we hope that eco projects are becoming more popular among the younger audiences, some of them still require financial aid. If your academic affiliation requires some sort of assistance for the launch of the waste-reducing initiative, don’t be shy to inform wide audiences.

Use Kickstarter or other platforms to shed light on the project, at the same time, emphasizing its irreplaceability. If you’re competent enough, you might even initiate your own reducing waste startup there. Although these cases are rare, your brave ideas might find the realization in real-life circumstances. So don’t miss trying fundraising to finance the waste reduction facilities at your educational institution.

6. Waste Audit

Regardless of whether one would associate it with a real waste reduction project or not, conducting a waste audit is useful for getting acquainted with your specific recycling context. Usually, a waste audit is a long and dull process, which identifies what might be recycled, what should be stored, and what pieces might be eliminated from the chain.

Usually involving numerous individuals, including instructors, managers, students, and administrators, a waste audit is applicable for the actual reduction of waste. Since all contexts and schools are different in terms of waste composition, an audit is something that should be pursued to facilitate waste reduction.

7. On-Campus Thrift Store

If you’re courageous enough to launch your own waste-reducing initiative, consider creating a space with a thrift store within your school! Once you realize that the reducing waste rates are not that high as you’ve expected, be sure to comply with a new rule. Can’t reduce? Reuse!

Be sure that students know about the need to minimize the cloth waste, which increases exponentially with each year. Not only it would be a great idea for a waste reduction but also decisive for fostering socialization and closer ties between students. Go and organize one if you long considered this particular waste-reducing program.

8. Sign Partnerships

The last recommendation from our side is to re-invent the common rule of making partnerships. If you’re still backpedaling on reducing waste considerable in your educational institution, don’t be hesitant of establishing ties with local organizations and unions. They will guide you throughout your project, regardless of its nuances and specifications.

Sometimes, contacting the professionals in waste reduction could be eye-opening. So, don’t dare you becoming too arrogant because of your ecological activities. Need Help? Go and get it.

Final Remarks

It doesn’t really matter what of the recommended trash reduction programs you choose afterward. Just be sure to get ready to a proper launch, accompanied by the wide range of engagement from students. Only by doing so, you won’t fail in waste reduction program at your school or any academic institution. Best of luck to you and your ecological student project!

كفاءة الطاقة في الإمارات العربية المتحدة

إمارة أبو ظبي , هي الوحيدة في مجال انتاج 10.000 ميجاواط من الكهرباء و للمرة الأولى , و بالحديث عن تحسين كفاءة الطاقة في الإمارات العربية المتحدة , الموضوع أصبح يأخذ منحناً جدياً  حيث أن الإستهلاك اليومي للطاقة في أشهر الصيف الحارّة مازال يعاني من النمو المتزايد من سنة إلى أخرى , مع ذروة حاجة وصلت إلى 12 بالمئة . مع غصة كبيرة تركتها نسب استهلاك كبيرة سببها مكيفات الهواء , والتي تشكل نصف الإستهلاك العام من الكهرباء في المنطقة .

إجراءات الحكومة و القطاع التجاري

حسب المستويات التجارية , هناك خطوات ملحوظة تؤخذ للحد من ما يعرف ب " بصمة الكربون " الإماراتية . نظام عزل المباني في إمارة دبي أدى إلى حدوث العديد من المطالبات التي صرحت بأن هذه المباني تستهلك ضعف كفاءة الطاقة منذ تطبيق هذا النظام . هناك خطوات إضافية تجري في مساحات بيئية أخرى مثل كفاءة المياه و إدارة المخلفات مع نيّة في تعزيز الإعتماد على الأنظمة صديقة البيئة لكل مبنى يوافق المعايير و المقاييس البيئة العالمية .

على المستوى الرسمي واصلت هيئة المواصفات و المقاييس الإماراتية تنفيذ برنامج " توحيد كفاءة الطاقة و تصنيفها –Energy Efficiency Standardization and Labelling (EESL ) " . هذا سيعرّفالكفاءة المحددة و التصنيفات المطلوبة لمكيفات هواءغير الأنبوبية  في عام 2011 .

هذه المقاييس ستنضم هذه السنة للمتطلبات الواقعة تحت نفس النظام للعديد من السلع الكهربائية المنزلية بما فيها المصابيح , الغسالات و أجهزة التبريد .المتطلبات التصنيف هذه ستصبح تحت غطاء هذا النظام بشكل إلزامي في حلول عام 2013 لتمكن المستهلك من معرفة أي هذه الأجهزة قد يكون ذو كفاءة أفضل و تشكيل صورة جيدة عن مجموعة خيارات صديقة للبيئة قد تساعده في توفير نقوده على تكاليف التشغيل .نظام (EESL)  سيمتد في عام 2013  ليشمل مكيفات الهواء الأنبوبية و البرّادات .

قطاع النفط و الغاز الإماراتي ايضاً يدرك أهمية أجندة كفاءة الطاقة . قد يبدو أمراً غير متوقع أن يتم التفكير بكيفية حفظ الطاقة بوجود قطاع النفط و احتياطه الذي يصل إلى 97 برميلاً و الغاز 6 تريليون متر مكعب من احتياطي الغاز الطبيعي .القضية هي بأن هذه الإحتياطيات بالرغم من حجمها فهي ليست محدودة , وأن واردات تصدير النفط للخارج أكبر من عرضها في السوق المحلي . و من أجل هذا الغرض , فإن قطاع الغاز و النفط مهتم بالعمل أكثر مع الذين يحاولون خفض الإستهلاك المحلي , مما يؤدي إلى استدامة هذا القطاع بشكل أطول .

جائزة الطاقة الإماراتية أنشأت في عام 2007للتعرف على أفضل طرق تمارس في مجال حفظ الطاقة و إدارتها و التي تعكس الإبتكار , الفعالية من ناحية التكاليف و تدابير كفاءة الطاقة القابلة للتكرار . و بعض هذه الممارسات المتعارف عليها يجب أن تكون ذات تأثير على منطقة الخليج العربي  لتحريك التوعية في مجال الطاقة بشكل واسع و علىكافة شرائح  المجتمع .

أهمية تغيير السلوك

المبادرات الرسمية والبرامج لها مكانها في معركة الحفاظ على كفاءة الطاقة في الإمارات , يجب أن يكون هناك نقلة نوعية شاملة في الثقافة تجاه هذا الموضوع من قبل المواطنين . تحسين الإدراك لدى المجتمع في مجال القضايا البيئية و تحسين التصرفات البيئية و التي لها دور داعم في مجال كفاءة الطاقة ممكن أن يساهم بشكل ملحوظ تجاه الهدف الرئيسي المنشود .

كما تزداد أسعار النفط في الأسواق المحلية , فإن المواطنين الإماراتيين يزيدون العبء على كفاءة البنزين اخذين بعين الإعتبار أنواع السيارات التي يبتاعونها . إن سيارات الدفع الرباعي تتصدر المرتبة الأولى من ناحية المبيعات في الإمارات لكن ميزانيات الأسر تزداد و العديد من الأسر عادية يبحثون عن مركبات صغيرة و أكثر كفاءة . ربما للمرة الأولى تكون تكلفة التشغيل المجملة للسيارات أُخذَت بعين الإعتبار و أصبح تجار السيارات يتطلعون إلى استيعاب أذواق زبائنهم . هذا التوجه الدارج أصبح ملحوظاً حيث أن بعض تجار السيارات لديهم رؤيا قوية بأن يزداد سنويا بيع السيارات الصغيرة و صاحبة الكفاءة العالية .

و تجار السيارات في دبي أيضا لديهم نفس الرؤيا , حيث أنه هناك واحد على الأقل يقوم باستئجار سيارة ذات مواصفات محافظة على البيئة تجذب انتباه شريجة جيدة من المجتمع , كما أن هناك شركات Chevrolet Voltsو Nissanأتاحت فرصة استئجار و تأجير  سيارات كهربائة بشكل سهل .

إن الإستفادة من هذه التوجهات يجعل قطاع التجارة و البيئة مدرَكين بشكل ملحوظ لكن رواد الإقتصاد وحدهم لا يستطيعون تغيير تصرفات المجتمع . هناك العديد من التدابير البسيطة التي يمكن للحكومة و الاقتصاديين إتخاذها لتحفيز المواطنين و تشجيعهم لاتخاذها . بعضهم يعترض أن إطفاء جهاز الحاسوب , الأضاءة و مكيفات الهواء عند الإنتهاء من العمل ربما قد يحفظ الطاقة لكنه ليس كافيا  او مجديا – التدابير الطوعية من هذا النوع لا تؤثر على اتجاهات الطاقة عموما .

و لكن هناك أدلة بأنه إن أضيفت هذه السلوكيات إلى مجمل التدابير كتركيب الإضاءة الوفرة للطاقة , خفض الحرارة و تحسين مكيفات  EESL  الهوائية , سيكون حفظ الطاقة ملحوظا – أي من المحتمل تخفيض استهلاك المبنى للطاقة .

مبدأ حفظ الطاقة لم يشق طريقه بشكل قوي في الإمارات , لكن التغيرات السريعة الملحوظة تنبئ بالمزيد القادم . برامج كفاءة الطاقة الرسمية و التدابير الطوعية ستجتمع لمساعدة الإمارات على إبقاء وضعها الإقتصادي قوياً في المنطقة , و بفعل ذلك لن تصبح هذه الأجندة بعيدة عن التحقيق .


عبدالله دريعات – منسق مشروع في  منظمة ايكوبيس/ أصدقاء الارض الشرق الاوسط – مهتم في مجال البيئة والمياه و  التغير المناخ