Sustainable Fashion – Fact or Fiction

The truth behind supposedly sustainable fashion is that it is not sustainable at all. Increasing awareness of the environmental impact of the fashion industry has resulted in emerging ‘eco-friendly’, ‘green’, and ‘conscious’ collections. These labels mean nothing to fast fashion companies but they do mean something to the thousands of trusting consumers being fooled.

is sustainable fashion a fiction

Studies have shown that people are willing to pay more for environmentally aware products which makes sustainability an effective marketing tool. Our high streets have been polluted by greenwashing. Greenwashing is presenting something to be environmentally responsible when it does not live up to the standard it has implied. This has grown with the use of the word ethical, which means that they are socially responsible for their workers but definitely does not include the maintenance of the earth.

Arguably, an ethical brand should also be sustainable. Greenwashing is as simple as using earthy, natural colours with countryside backdrops in campaigns. H&M is most widely known for this in their “conscious” collection which is a small percentage of their products that is allegedly sustainable and good for the environment. To quote their 2019 press release “every piece in the collection is made from a sustainably-sourced material, such as 100% organic cotton”.

What is not clear however is whether their clothes are entirely made from cotton or is it partially made from cotton and that that fraction is what is 100% organic. You will quickly realise that their products are often a mix of fibres where only a small share of the garment is made from more environmentally friendly materials. Furthermore, how is a material sustainably sourced? This relentless use of meaningless, vague, and legally undefined words allows big companies to get away with all of this misinformation.

There are many empty phrases used to trick everyday consumers into believing that they are buying sustainable products. Some brands claim that they reduced their carbon emissions by 15%. They omit the fact that this is a statistic per garment and that they produced 30% more products that year. This use of half-truths, omissions, and in some cases lies goes unpunished as sustainable fashion is a relatively new concept.

Companies can only be trusted if they are 100% transparent about the origin of their materials, the production, and the transport. Your cotton dress that was ‘Made in Italy’ may have only been sewn in Italy. It is important to do independent research and inquiry regarding every garment you intend to purchase.

recycled clothing

An easy way to shop more sustainably is to buy second-hand. This is not very new but is now becoming increasingly popular with the introduction of selling platforms such as Depop and Poshmark. Another way is to invest in longer-lasting and usually more expensive items of clothing this way you are not under the pressure of purchasing clothing as often.

The best way to ensure that you are buying environmentally friendly products is to check the tag inside the garment as to what it is composed of. A good product should include mostly organic or recycled materials. If we cannot trust these brands, then we have the responsibility to shop with sustainability in mind.

The Islamic Principles on Sustainable Development

A huge number of verses in Qura’n and several sayings of the Prophet Muhammad indicate the great importance that has been given to environmental concerns and the responsibility of man to the environment. The concept of sustainable development in Islam can be defined as “The balanced and simultaneous realization of consumer welfare, economic efficiency, attainment of social justice, and ecological balance in the framework of a evolutionary knowledge-based, socially interactive model defining the Shuratic process”. The Shuratic process is the consultation or participatory ruling principle of Islam.

sustainable development in islam

The over arching principle in the use of nature is derived from the prophetic declaration that states: “There shall be no damage and no infliction of damage“. The right to benefit from the essential environmental elements and resources such as water, minerals, land, forests, fish and wildlife, arable soil, air and sunlight is in Islam, a right held in common by all members of society.  Each individual is entitled to benefit from a common resource subject to establishing the degree of need, (needs have to be distinguished from wants) and the impact on the environment.

Earth is mentioned 61 times in the Qura’n. According to Islam, the universe has been created by Allah (God) with a specific purpose and for a limited time. The utilization of natural resources (ni‘matullah – the gifts of Allah) is a sacred trust invested in mankind; he is a mere manager and not an owner, a beneficiary and not a disposer. Side by side, the Islamic nation has been termed as) ummatan wasatan) the moderate nation in the Qur’an, a nation that avoids excesses in all things. Thus, Muslims in particular have to utilize the earth responsibly for their benefit, honestly maintain and preserve it, use it considerately and moderately, and pass it on to future generations in an excellent condition. This includes the appreciation of its beauty and handing it over in a way that realizes the worship of Allah.

The utilization of all natural resources – land, water, air, fire (energy), forests, oceans – are considered the right and the joint property of the entire humankind. Since Man is Khalifatullah (the vicegerent of Allah) on earth, he should take every precaution to ensure the interests and rights of others, and regard his mastery over his allotted piece of land as a joint ownership with the next generation.

Land Reclamation

Prophet Muhammad said, “Whosoever brings dead land to life, for him is a reward in it, and whatever any creature seeking food eats of it shall be reckoned as charity from him“. The Prophet in another occasion said, “There is no Muslim who plants a tree or sows a field for a human, bird, or animal eats from it, but it shall be reckoned as charity from him“; and, “If anyone plants a tree, no human nor any of the creatures of Allah will eat from it without it being reckoned as charity from him“. This testifies the importance the Prophet in the early days of Islam has given to reclamation of land and the equal rights of all God’s creatures to benefit from the resources of earth.

Wildlife Protection

Wildlife and natural resources are protected under Shariah (Rules of Islam) by zoning around areas called “hima”. In such places, industrial development, habitation, extensive grazing, are not allowed. The Prophet himself, followed by the Caliphs of Islam, established such “hima” zones as public property or common lands managed and protected by public authority for conservation of natural resources.

wildlife protection in islam

Climate change and human intervention is threatening many wildlife species in the Middle East

Water Rights

In the Shariah, there is a responsibility placed on upstream farms to be considerate of downstream users. A farm beside a stream is forbidden to monopolize its water. After withholding a reasonable amount of water for his crops, the farmer must release the rest to those downstream. Furthermore, if the water is insufficient for all of the farms along the stream, the needs of the older farms are to be satisfied before the newer farm is permitted to irrigate. This reflects the sustainable utilization of water based on its safe yield.

Environment Protection

The rights to benefit from nature are linked to accountability and maintenance or conservation of the resource. The fundamental legal principle established by the Prophet Muhammad is that “The benefit of a thing is in return for the liability attached to it.” Much environmental degradation is due to people’s ignorance of what their Creator requires of them. People should be made to realize that the conservation of the environment is a religious duty demanded by God. God has said.  “And do good as Allâh has been good to you. And do not seek to cause corruption in the earth. Allâh does not love the corrupters”, (Al Qasas 28:77.(

Waste Generation

Islam calls for the efficient use of natural resources and waste minimization. God says in Qura’n: “Eat and drink, but waste not by excess; “He” loves not the excessive”, (Al-A’raf 7:31). “And do not follow the bidding of the excessive, who cause corruption in the earth and do not work good”, (Ash-Shu’ara 26: 151-152). “And do not cause corruption in the earth, when it has been set in order”, (Al-A’râf 7:56).

Water Pollution

Water also plays another socio-religious function: cleaning of the body and clothes from all dirt, impurities, and purification so that mankind can be presentable at all times. Only after cleaning with pure (colorless, odorless and tasteless) water, Muslims are allowed to pray. One can only pray at a place that has been cleaned. In light of these facts, Islam stresses on preventing pollution of water resources. Urinating in water (discharging wastewater into water stream) and washing or having a bath in stagnant water are forbidden acts in Islam. The Prophet said: “No one should bathe in still water, when he is unclean”.

Water Conservation

The teachings of Prophet Muhammad emphasize the proper use of water without wasting it. The Prophet said: “Don’t waste water even if you are on a running river”. He also said: “Whoever increases (more than three), he does injustice and wrong”.


تشجيع الناس على عدم تضييع الماء خاصة في المساجد و دور العبادة

Sustainable Forestry

Islamic legislation on the preservation of trees and plants finds its roots in Qura’nic teachings of Prophet. They include the following: “Whoever plants a tree and looks after it with care, until it matures and becomes productive, will be rewarded in the Hereafter” and “If anyone plants a tree or sows a field and men, beasts or birds eat from it, he should consider it as a charity on his part”. He is also reported to have encouraged tree planting as a constructive practice, saying that even if one hour remained before the final hour and one has a palm-shoot in his hand, he should plant it. Even at times of war, Muslim leaders, such as Abu Baker, advised their troops not to chop down trees and destroy agriculture or kill an animal.

Public Participation

The protection, conservation, and development of the environment and natural resources is a mandatory religious duty to which every Muslim should be committed. This commitment emanates from the individual’s responsibility before God to protect himself and his community.  God has said, “Do good, even as God has done you good, and do not pursue corruption in the earth. God does not love corrupters”.

Morocco-Nigeria Gas Pipeline: Economy Development or Environmental Disaster

An ambitious project concerning energy industry in Africa between Morocco and Nigeria was set to be constructed to enhance the acceleration of electrification projects across the West African region. The objective of Morocco-Nigeria pipeline project is aimed at creation of a competitive regional market of electricity, and to connect gas resources from Nigeria to West African countries including Morocco.

The pipeline project will be approximately 5,660-km long and its construction works will be in phases covering 25 years. After feasibility studies in 2017, the two countries opted for a combined onshore-offshore route to build the pipeline.

The two countries are expecting great economic outcomes by conducting this milestone gas pipeline project. In fact, it is considered a strategic project by both countries, will have a significant impact on the populations of West Africa and likely to evolve Morocco and Nigeria into leaders of South-South cooperation in Africa, according to “” [1.


Major Causes of Concerns

This pipeline project has been a subject of major discussions concerning its impact on the environment, public health and biodiversity of the area. It is considered a step back for Moroccan efforts to produce more clean energy and harness the solar power as a main energy source of the country. Various policy, decision maker and environmental specialists did raise concerns about the choice of spending nearly 20 billion US dollars on a pipeline while it can be invested in improving and strengthening renewable energy projects in the West African region.

One of the major environmental objectives set by the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP) [which was hosted by Morocco in 2016] is the reduction of the fossil fuels-based energy due to its bad consequences on the health of human beings and the planet earth in general. However, we still see Morocco and Nigeria willing to implement this project despite concerns raised by various NGOs protesting the gas pipeline project. Some of the key contentious issues for the NGOs are as follows:

  • While the acceleration of global warming exceeds all expectations and greenhouse gas emissions have set a new record in 2016, the construction of this pipeline can only go in the direction of an increase of extraction and consumption of fossil resources, the main causes of global warming.
  • Contrary to what is often asserted, natural gas is not clean energy. The methane in it is more volatile than CO2, and much more powerful in global warming potential. Moreover, the concentration of methane in the atmosphere has accelerated dangerously since 2007.
  • The extraction, transportation and use of fossil fuels has considerable environmental implications in the form of disturbing effects of seismic studies on marine fauna, the use and release of various chemical substances and wastes, the risks of leaks, fires and explosions related to corrosion and navigation are additional risks to that of methane emissions. This will destroy livelihoods of millions of our people depending on fisheries in our regional waters.
  • The section already constructed (WAGP) was done without consulting the populations who rejected the environmental impact study.
  • It is a top-down project that does not consider the needs of the populations and the environment. They are not consulted and will not be the first beneficiaries of this pipeline. While Nigeria is Africa’s largest exporter of gas and oil, less than half of the population has access to electricity. In Benin, Togo, already served by the WAGP, barely a third of the population have access to electricity.
  • The proposed pipeline is a project for the multinational corporations. Nigerians do not benefit from oil exploitation in Nigeria.
  • The energy produced will be used primarily to fuel agri-business projects and export-oriented industrial clusters at the expense of small farmers and artisans and the satisfaction of the needs of the people.
  • This project will be a financial sinkhole. It is likely that the forecast cost of US $ 20 billion will be probably doubled and will lead to an exponential increase of the debt burden of our countries.

The Way Forward

The complete independence from the consumption of fossil resources is far to be a reality for the African continent that suffers from a shortage in energy production and transmission. This shortage and dependence on foreign investments is set to grow in the light of the recent efforts of industrialization of the continent set by the African Development Bank [4] [5].

Morocco-Nigeria Gas Pipeline Project will have negative impacts on environment, public health and biodiversity.

The combination of industrialization and energy sufficiency is a complex multi-objectives problem. It needs a special evaluation and analysis to consider all factors and reduce the side effects on the environmental and social prosperity of the African population.

A smart production of energy and transmission to the West African region is a possible alternative for the pipeline project. The investment in solar energy which is one of the valuable resources of the African countries is a must. 20 billion US dollars could make a difference in the energy network of the continent and transform it into one of the leaders of clean energy in the world.

خطط برنامج الأمم المتحدة للبيئة تعزّزقدرة البلدان على رصد مصادر المياه

 عندما نتكلم عن المياه، لابدّ لنا من التركيز على المنطقة العربية التي يشكّل سكانها 5 % من عدد سكان العالم، ولكنها لا تمتلك سوى 1% من اجمالي كميّة المياه العالمية. وفقا لتقديرات الأمم المتحدة، فان اثنتا عشرة دولة عربية تعاني من نقص حاد في المياه؛ اذ ان كمية المياه المتؤتية من مصادرمتجددة لا تصل الى 500 متر مكعب للفرد الواحد سنوياً. وقد طرحت الاستراتجية العربية للأمن المائي  (2030-2010)، مشاريع لادارة والاستخدام الكفوء لمصادر المياه.

غير ان قطاع الزراعة لا يزال يستهلك 85% من مصادر المياه العذبة في حين لا تتعدّى العائدات الزراعية اكثر من 8% من الناتج القومي. كما ان الدخل العالي للفرد في بعض البلدان العربية، والنمو الحضري وعدم اعتماد القطاع السياحي مبادئ الاستدامة، وتوفّر الكمية الكافية من الطاقة لتحلية المياه،  اضافة الى الصراعات التي شهدتها المنطقة وادّت الى الهجرة الداخلية لكمّ كبير من السكّان، كلها عوامل وضغوطات ساهمت في زيادة كمية استهلاك المياه العذبة ونفاذ مصادرها.

فبينما تشكّل الانهار المعمّرة 70% من مصدر المياه العذبة في  بعض البلدان كلبنان والأردن، تعتمد بلدان اخرى مثل عُمان والسعودية وسوريا ودولة الامارات العربية المتحدة واليمن على المياه السطحية والانهر الموسمية. اما باقي البلدان العربية الأخرى، فان ثلث امدادات المياه تأتي من المياه الجوفية.

كما يؤدي استخراج المياه الجوفي بشكل مستمر وغير مستدام الى شحّ مخزون المياه الوطني والمشترك بين البدان مما يؤدّي الى نشوء الصراعات. فقد أكّد الباحثون على ان 70 الى 80 % من اسباب الصراع الداخلي في اليمن، هو الحاجة الى المياه في ظلّ تزايد عدد السكان وسوء ادارة المياه. 

ولا بدّ من ان نشير الى ان 75% من مصادر المياه، هي من خارج المنطقة العربية بما في ذلك تحلية مياه البحر التي تستهلك كميات ضخمة من البترول الذي بدأ ينفذ وبالتالي يجب التركيز على استحداث آليات تحلية تعتمد على الطاقة البديلة. اذ ينتج عن عملية التحلية مخلفات تؤدي الى تملح البحار المحيطة وزيادة درجة حرارتها وبالتالي تقلل من كفاءة محطات التحلية.

امام هذا الواقع المرير حيث اصبحت الصراع على الماء صراع من اجل البقاء، ندّق في برنامج الامم المتحدة للبيئة في غرب آسيا ناقوس الخطر وندعو الدول العربية الى اتخاذ اجراء سريع لتنفيذ خطط للادارة المتكاملة للموارد المائية،  بما في ذلك ادارة الطلب على المصادر المائية المتوفرة واعتماد التكنولوجيا الحديثة والابداع الفكري والفنّي في شتّى استخدامات المياه المنزلية والصناعية والزراعية.

من ناحية اخرى، تعاني المنطقة العربية من تهديد لأمنها الغذائي بسبب اعتمادها على مصادر مائية شحيحة وعلى استيراد موارد غذائية رئيسة من الخارج او الأستثمار في اراضي زراعية خارج حدود المنطقة العربية. لذلك فان التعاون الاقليمي في منطقتنا هو حاجة ملّحة لضمان الأمن المائي والغذائي العربي.

اما على الصعيد العالمي، فلم يكن لبرنامج الأمم المتحدة للبيئة (يونيب) ان يلزم الصمت  وعلى مرأى منه ثلث من سكّان العالم يصارعون من اجل حياة  تتلاشى امام ندرة المياه، منهم مليون ونصف طفل  يقضون كل عام ظمأى او بسبب الآفات الناتجة عن تلّوث المياه وانعدام امدادات الصرف الصحّي.

ازاء تلك الأزمات التي تسبّبها الحاجة الملّحة الى المياه، وضع برنامج الأمم المتحدة للبيئة استراتجية خاصّة  بناءً على طلب من حكومات العالم، من شأنها توفير المبادئ التوجيهية التي يجب ان تتبنّاها السياسات لتحقيق الاهداف المنشودة  من حيث تأمين حاجة البلدان للمياه  بشكل عادل ومستدام ومكافحة العوامل المناخية والبشرية التي تتسبّب بالجفاف.

اضف الى ذلك، النظام العالمي للرصد البيئي/برنامج المياه، الذي يعتبر ابرز البرامج التي وضعها يونيب وتضمّ مئة دولة حول العالم من ضمنها السعودية والكويت والأردن والعراق. حيث يعمل هذا البرنامج على تعزيز تبادل المعلومات والبيانات  حول نوعية المياه العذبة ويساهم في زيادة قدرة البلدان النامية على رصد نوعية المياه داخل القطر او الاقليم.

وان لم يسعنا من خلال هذا النص، ذكر جميع التقارير والبرامج والحلول العالمية والعربية الخاصّة بادارة مصادر المياه، فاننا نشدّد على اهمية الجهود الاقليمية لادماج قضايا المياه بالسياسات الوطنية والدولية  في السعي لايجاد الآليات اللازمة للحدّ من الازمات التي يولّدها النقص الحاد في المياه، كتلك التي تسبّبت بنزوح أكثر من 100.000 من سكان شمال العراق عام 2005.

فنظراً للضغوطات التي تعاني منها منطقتنا العربية من التزايد السكاني الى تغيّر المناخ وموجات الجفاف والتصحّر وانحباس الأمطار، تعتبرقضية المياه من ابرز القضايا التي تحتاج الى حلّ يرتكز على التعاون الاقليمي. اذ يعتبر نجاح الاستراتجيات المتعلقة بالمياه رهن الالتزامات السياسية والمالية والبشرية اضافة الى عوامل اخرى كتقييم موثوق لمصادر المياه المتوفرّة.

فلا بدّ لنا من ان نلفت الى دراسات برنامج الأمم المتحدة للبيئة التي قدُّرت مساحة مصادر المياه في غرب آسيا ب 85  كلم مكعب؛ والتي من المرجح ان تنخفض الى 20 بالمئة خلال الخمسين عاما القادمة بسبب عوامل متعدّدة كتغيّر المناخ.

ان الماء بشتى انواعه يختزن ثروات عدّة تشكّل مصدراً للحياة ولانتاج الطاقة المتجدّدة؛ وفي صونه، نشارك برنامج الأمم المتحدة للبيئة في تحقيق خطّة المستقبل الذي نصبو اليه حتى لا يعاني اي فرد اويقضي بسبب عدم وفرة المياه

اذا يعتبر التخلي عن اللحوم ضروريًا للتخفيف من تغير المناخ

استهلاك اللحوم هو عنصر أساسي في النظام الغذائي الحديث. في العالم المتقدم، كان استهلاك اللحوم في ارتفاع مستمر منذ عقود. في العالم النامي، يأكل الناس كميات أقل من اللحوم لأنهم لا يستطيعون تحمل تكلفتها الباهظة. إن حجم الاستهلاك العالمي للحوم له آثار بيئية خطيرة ويزيد من حدة تغير المناخ. وهذا يعني أن الإنتاج العالمي للغذاء مسؤول عن ثلث جميع غازات الاحتباس الحراري المنبعثة من النشاط البشري. لذلك، من المنطقي القول بأن العلاقة بين استهلاك اللحوم والآثار السلبية لتغير المناخ مثل الاحتباس الحراري هي شيء يجب استكشافه بعمق حتى نتمكن من فهم كيفية تقليل مخاطر الكوارث البيئية.

how giving up meat can reduce climate change impacts

علاوة على ذلك، يلعب التخلي عن اللحوم دورًا أساسيًا في الحد من آثار تغير المناخ. إن معيار استهلاك اللحوم غير مستدام بيئيًا لأن “الأبقار والأغنام والماعز … لا تزال بحاجة إلى الكثير من الأراضي للرعي” والتي يمكن استخدامها بدلاً من ذلك لزراعة المزيد من الأشجار لامتصاص المستويات العالية من ثاني أكسيد الكربون في الغلاف الجوي، وهو مشروع حاسمة للحد من آثار تغير المناخ. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، إن البصمة الكربونية للحوم البقر والضأن أعلى بثلاث مرات تقريبًا من تلك الموجودة في لحم الخنزير أو الدواجن أو الأسماك المستزرعة لكل 100 جرام من البروتين، و ٢٤ مرة أعلى من البقوليات مثل الفول والعدس. وهذا يرتبط بالتأثير الكارثي لتربية الماشية على البيئة.

تتسبب تربية الماشية في فقدان الموائل الطبيعية حيث يجب تطهير المزيد من الأراضي وإزالة الغابات بينما تستمر انبعاثات الكربون في الزيادة . على المستوى العملي، فإن الحملة لتقليل الاستهلاك العالمي للحوم وإنقاذ الكوكب تعززها حقيقة أن إنتاج لحوم الأبقار يرتبط بفقدان الغطاء الحرجي الاستوائي في غابات الأمازون المطيرة.

لذلك يعتبر التخلي عن اللحوم خطوة مهمة من منظور أخلاقي خاصة بسبب تأثيرات تغير المناخ. يضع نمط الحياة الخالي من اللحوم ضغطًا أقل على البيئة لأنه يقلل بشكل كبير من خطر إزالة الغابات وزيادة انبعاثات الكربون بسبب انخفاض الطلب على إنتاج اللحوم. نتيجة لذلك، أعتقد أن التخلي عن اللحوم أمر بالغ الأهمية لتقليل بصمتك الكربونية والبقاء استباقيًا في التخفيف من آثار تغير المناخ.

سبب آخر يجعل التخلي عن اللحوم مهمًا في الحد من آثار تغير المناخ هو أن اللحوم الحمراء هي مصدر رئيسي لانبعاثات غاز الميثان. الميثان، أحد غازات الدفيئة، يزيد الاحترار بمقدار 23 مرة عن ثاني أكسيد الكربون ويساهم بشكل مباشر في الاحتباس الحراري، وهو أحد التداعيات المهمة لتغير المناخ. ومن النتائج الأخرى لاستهلاك اللحوم روث الماشية المسؤول عن 65 في المائة من انبعاثات أكسيد النيتروز. أكسيد النيتروز، غاز آخر من غازات الدفيئة، يبقى في الغلاف الجوي لمدة 114 سنة. يساهم أكسيد النيتروز في تغير المناخ من خلال بقائه في طبقة الأوزون والتسبب في الاحترار العالمي.

من وجهة نظر المستهلك، أوصي بتقليل استهلاك اللحوم أو اختيار نظام غذائي خالٍ من اللحوم حيث ستنخفض انبعاثات الميثان وأكسيد النيتروز وهذا سيساعد على تقليل المخاطر العالمية للاحترار العالمي وتخفيف آثار تغير المناخ. يمكن دعم رأيي بالأدلة. على سبيل المثال، ثلاثة من أكبر منتجي اللحوم في العالم، JBS و Cargill و Tyson ، انبعثوا ما يقرب من العديد من الغازات المسببة للاحتباس الحراري مثل أكبر شركات النفط ، بما في ذلك Exxon و BP و Shell .

علاوة على ذلك، يعد التخلي عن اللحوم أمرًا حاسمًا في الحد من آثار تغير المناخ حيث ينتهي الأمر بإهدار اللحوم في مواقع دفن النفايات وإطلاق كميات كبيرة من غاز الميثان، أحد غازات الدفيئة. على سبيل المثال، “نهدر ما يقدر بنحو 1.3 مليار طن من الطعام كل عام” ويؤدي إهدار اللحوم إلى زيادة انبعاثات الميثان. بدورها، تؤدي انبعاثات غاز الميثان هذه إلى ارتفاع نسبة غازات الدفيئة في الغلاف الجوي مما يؤدي إلى الاحتباس الحراري وتفاقم آثار تغير المناخ. نظرًا لأن كل من روث الماشية واللحوم المهدرة المترسبة في مواقع دفن النفايات يطلق غاز الميثان في الغلاف الجوي، فإن الخطر على البيئة لا يمكن إنكاره. لذلك، هناك سبب وجيه آخر للتخلي عن اللحوم وهو تقليل تلوث الهواء الناجم عن المستويات العالية من الميثان في الغلاف الجوي.


تشمل الفوائد البيئية الناتجة عن اتباع نظام غذائي خالٍ من اللحوم تلوثًا أقل للهواء الناجم عن مواقع دفن النفايات. في رأيي، هذا سبب رائع لاختيار نظام غذائي خالٍ من اللحوم. لا يقلل النظام الغذائي الخالي من اللحوم من انبعاثات الميثان فحسب، بل يقلل أيضًا من تلوث الهواء المسؤول عن ملايين الوفيات المبكرة كل عام ويؤجج تغير المناخ. على هذا النحو، لمكافحة حالة الطوارئ المناخية والمساعدة في حماية بيئتنا، نحتاج جميعًا إلى تقليل كمية الطعام الذي نهدره.

في الختام، يعتبر التخلي عن اللحوم أمرًا ضروريًا للحد من الآثار طويلة المدى لتغير المناخ. يرتبط استهلاك اللحوم ارتباطًا وثيقًا بالمشاكل البيئية مثل إزالة الغابات وفقدان الموائل الطبيعية وانبعاث غاز الميثان وأكسيد النيتروز، وكلها تسبب تراكم غازات الدفيئة في الغلاف الجوي وتساهم في ظاهرة الاحتباس الحراري. يرتبط هذا مباشرة بتغير المناخ. لذلك، فإن تقليل تناول اللحوم أو أن تصبح نباتيًا هو الخطوة الأولى لتقليل الآثار الضارة لتغير المناخ.


علياء الشملان. الرياض، المملكة العربية السعودية

علياء الشملان طالبة في الثانوية في الصف العاشر بمدارس التربية الإسلامية. ولدت وترعرعت في الرياض بالمملكة العربية السعودية، حيث تواصل العيش بشغف لعلوم البيئة والحفاظ على البيئة واستعادتها. خارج المدرسة، تتطوع لمساعدة الآخرين على اكتساب المزيد من المعرفة، وكذلك من أجل تطويرها الشخصي، وهي تستمتع بقضاء الوقت في الهواء الطلق، والرسم، وإجراء البحوث العلمية.

July 2019 – The Hottest Month Since 1850

Thousands of surface monitoring stations spread around the globe have gathered temperature data and other meteorological information to secure the ranking of July 2019 as the hottest month on Earth since 1850. It is important to mention that there are very scant meteorological records prior to this date for global analysis.

Independent climate monitoring organizations and research institutes such as Berkley Earth and Copernicus Climate Change Service (EU) have bother reached similar analysis results even though the margin from the previous warmest month of July 2016, is a very slight increment of 0.14 degrees (0.08C). Other research institutes shared their analysis such as NASA announcing that the July 2019 global average surface temperature is 1.71 degrees (0.95C) warmer than the 20th century average. The Japanese Meteorological Agency found the July 2019 global average surface temperature to be on par with the July 2016 data. Other supporting data reflect that the ten hottest July global average surface temperature have occurred since 2005.

Not only are the thermometer readings soaring but the extent and natural disasters are also extensive. Extreme heat waves across Europe and in parts of the USA have raised the awareness of the severity and consequences of increased temperatures. Wildfires have moved further north into the Arctic regions across Siberia, Greenland and Alaska. Previous years, wildfires have raged across the mid-latitudes in west and southern-west North America and the Mediterranean regions. Also, this year, sea ice levels in both the Arctic and Antarctic have been at record lows. Low sea ice levels translated to missing sea ice that would have extended to over 1 million square miles of ice was absent.

Greenhouse gases emissions into the atmosphere, resulting from the burning of fossil fuels, is not in dispute. There are weak, natural triggers such as El Niño and La Niña phenomena, that can trigger warmer temperatures, but the El Niño is very weak this season.

Data from the period, 1850-1900, is considered a baseline for pre-industrial temperature trends. According to Berkley Earth, the July 2019 global average surface temperature was 2.2 degrees (1.22 C) warmer than the pre-industrial trend. The Paris Climate Agreement aimed to keep the long-term global average surface temperature below, in fact “well below” 3.6 degrees (2.0 C). But to have any hope of achieving this or staying below this limit requires drastic action by the major developed nations that are driving the global warming powerhouse. This is where we fail to see any responsible action by leading well developed nations.

In terms of the whole year as being noticeably warmer throughout the 12-month period, will most likely continue to be held by the year 2016.  But this is not about breaking records but a severe warning alert that our planet is consistently recording hotter and hotter temperatures across the globe that require serious action on the part of all more developed and less developed nations if we wish to have a sustainable future on this planet.

Medical Waste Management in MENA

Healthcare sector in MENA region is growing at a very rapid pace, which in turn has led to tremendous increase in the quantity of medical waste generation by hospitals, clinics and other establishments. According to a recent Ministry of State for Environmental Affairs report, Egypt generated 28,300 tons of hazardous medical wastes in 2010. In the GCC region, more than 150 tons of medical waste is generated in GCC countries every day. Saudi Arabia leads the pack with daily healthcare waste generation of more than 80 tons. These figures are indicative of the magnitude of the problem faced by municipal authorities in dealing with medical waste disposal problem across the MENA region. 

Magnitude of the Problem

The growing amount of medical wastes is posing significant public health and environmental challenges in major cities of the region. The situation is worsened by improper disposal methods, insufficient physical resources, and lack of research on medical waste management. Improper management of medical wastes from hospitals, clinics and other facilities in MENA pose occupational and public health risks to patients, health workers, waste handlers, haulers and general public. It may also lead to contamination of air, water and soil which may affect all forms of life. In addition, if waste is not disposed of properly, ragpickers may collect disposable medical equipment (particularly syringes) and to resell these materials which may cause dangerous diseases.

Medical waste management method in MENA is limited to either small-scale incineration or landfilling. The practice of landfilling of medical wastes is a matter of serious concern as it poses grave risks to public health, water resources, soil fertility as well as air quality. In many Middle East and North Africa countries, medical wastes is mixed with municipal solid wastes and/or industrial wastes which transforms medical wastes into a cocktail of dangerous substances. 

The WHO policy paper of 2004 and the Stockholm Convention, has stressed the need to consider the risks associated with the incineration of healthcare waste as a typical medical waste incinerator releases a wide variety of pollutants which may include particulate matter, heavy metals, acid gases, carbon monoxide and organic compounds. Sometimes pathogens may also be found in the solid residues and in the exhaust of poorly designed and badly operated incinerators. In addition, leachable organic compounds, like dioxins and heavy metals, are usually present in bottom ash residues. Due to these factors, many industrialized countries are phasing out healthcare incinerators and exploring technologies that do not produce any dioxins. Countries like United States, Ireland, Portugal, Canada and Germany have completely shut down or put a moratorium on medical waste incinerators. 

Promising Treatment Options

The alternative technologies for healthcare waste treatment are steam sterilization, advanced steam sterilization, microwave treatment, dry heat sterilization, alkaline hydrolysis, and biological treatment. Nowadays, steam sterilization (or autoclaving) is the most common alternative treatment method. Advanced autoclaves or advanced steam treatment technologies combine steam treatment with vacuuming, internal mixing or fragmentation, internal shredding, drying, and compaction thus leading to as much as 90% volume reduction. 

Microwave treatment is a promising technology in which treatment occurs through the introduction of moist heat and steam generated by microwave energy. Alkaline digestion is a unique type of chemical process that uses heated alkali to digest tissues, pathological waste, anatomical parts, or animal carcasses in heated stainless steel tanks. Biological processes, like composting and vermicomposting, can also be used to degrade organic matter in healthcare waste such as kitchen waste and placenta.

How Can You Make Your Summerhouse Eco-Friendly?

Many of us have had a rising concern for our environment, opting to do what we can to make our world a better place to live in. Thus, most people are gearing towards eco-friendly homes, while corporate buildings continue to improve their structures or create business establishments using sustainable design methods to protect the ecosystem.

We all know that our home environment impacts our health and quality of life. For several years now, designers have worked hard to lessen the negative impact on the environment by developing sustainable architecture. Interior designs focus more on improving light sources, ergonomic elements, and indoor air quality. All these factors aim to improve people’s health and well-being and help heal the environment.

how to ,make your summerhouse ecofriendly

Apart from your home, you may also want to focus on your summerhouse and make it even more eco-friendly. Since you spend a lot of time there, especially during the hottest seasons of the year, it is an excellent idea to make some improvements and create an eco-friendly summerhouse. And if you plan to build a summerhouse soon, consider the following tips to make it an eco-friendly one.

Use sustainable construction materials

Whether you plan to build a summerhouse or are making improvements to your existing one, it is best to use sustainable construction materials that help protect the environment.

For instance, it is recommended to use log lap cladding that is environment-friendly, natural, and durable. It offers natural insulation so that heat is maintained inside the summerhouse during the cold season. It is also tough and durable, withstanding the elements, so your structure is protected in the outdoors.

Opt for energy-efficient appliances

There are many energy-efficient appliances available today for you to choose from. You can select ovens, refrigerators, dishwashers, air conditioners, and other devices we typically need at home. Your summer home can use these types of appliances instead of traditional ones that use up a lot of energy, so it can help you save more and help the environment to go for those that save on energy.

Additionally, it would be best to switch to LED lights that offer the same illumination without consuming too much power. They last longer and are affordable too. Finally, use a digital thermostat to control the temperature where it is most comfortable for your HVAC system.

how to reduce heating and cooling costs at home

Learn how to repurpose and recycle

Instead of getting rid of excess construction materials such as wood or bricks, use your creativity to create something functional with them by repurposing. For example, you may create a fireplace or construct an outdoor table with leftover materials. Additionally, you may find a use for them should you need to make repairs and save money in the process.

For other items you have, think of how to recycle them instead of throwing them away, especially those that are non-biodegradable. Again, be resourceful and create something you can use from these items.

upcycling of tires

It is our responsibility to take better care of our world. The future of our children depends on it. We should also teach our family members to be more conscious about how to protect the environment. You can do your part by creating an eco-friendly summerhouse.


How to Reduce Ecological Footprint Using Traditional Materials on Home Renovation

Environmental responsibility has become a huge market over the last decade or so. Businesses, homes, products and practices are all being affected by the desire to produce environmentally friendly policy, which is ultimately a good thing for everyone. Not only are we creating better practices to show consumers, competition, and collaborators that we care for the environment, but we are also doing a good deed for our planet. The end goal is a way to shift our actions towards sustainable, or less wasteful lifestyle in every area of life. This is surprisingly evident in how we use materials in home renovations.

Not many of us consider how a home renovation can be impact on an ecological level. Why would we? It does not seem to be as impactful as massive solar farms, windmills, or electric cars. Well, the fact is that the small impact we make in our everyday life adds up. Sometimes we do not consider how those little things we can do add up. Throwing out a recyclable piece of waste, leaving lights on, leaving the tap running, having our car running. We can’t possibly stop every little indiscretion from happening, it’s just part of life. However, some of the things we do in our actions can be managed. This brings me back to my point about home renovations.

When we commit to a home renovation, there is a great deal of waste, products, residue, and other material that we kick up or use. The building materials we use are also impactful in ecological footprint terms (footprint being how much of an impact on the environment an action is). Asbestos, dust, various liquids, runoff, chemicals are all examples of materials or byproducts that can get reabsorbed into the environment and cause problems for water tables, wildlife, plants or any number of natural neighbors we may have.

Before committing to a lengthy or extensive renovation, we should consider issues of cost to our environment and how much we are affecting it, not just how it will affect our budget. Like I said, while some things we can’t control in our daily lives, others we can. Such is the case for home renovations.

With that being said, here are ways to achieve a minimal ecological footprint when using traditional materials for your home renovation:

Designing Your Home

From the beginning, the design of your home is the framework for all the things you do in terms of the renovation. How much material you need, home size, and types of material you will be using (this point I will get to later on in the article). All of these considerations for your home renovation are also considerations you must make when considering your ecological footprint and how you will be trying to achieve a minimal one.

  • First, your home design will play a huge role in achieving a minimal, or reduced, ecological footprint. Consider how natural light can help you reduce the use of traditional lighting. Light bulbs and other sources of light that run on electricity will waste a lot of light in your home and is generally not that great for environmental impact. One traditional material that people do not consider when trying to create a well lit home is their glass windows.
  • Glass windows can create a vast amount of natural light that will illuminate your home without relying on electrical power. This technique reduces your energy consumption, saving you money, and creating a home that feels alive and welcome. An overabundance of lightbulbs, like fluorescent or incandescent, can often feel like our home is flush with artificial lighting. Combining glass windows with polished concrete floors can also create more light as the light bounces off of the glossy finish and creates a natural glow in the room. The specialists over at Carrcrete have come up with a good method for achieving this technique. You can even pick certain levels on how glossy the end results will be. Using windows to allow more light in is a great way to introduce natural light, reducing energy consumption for our ecological footprints, and can even help heat our homes with the amount of sun gets in which reduces our reliance on home heating and energy.
  • Consider how much material you will need beforehand so that you do not end up buying or making too much and having to throw it out afterwards. The amount of excess or wasteful material that goes into a renovation is staggering. Cutting a piece of plywood that is inches long out of a 4 x 4 foot piece seems redundant. Try to reduce this waste by selecting what you need in smaller portions and get it when you need it, rather than too much at a time.

Reusable or Recyclable Materials

Traditional materials do not always have to be wasteful. When you are committing to a home reno, materials like glass, siding, brick, concrete, etc. can all be found in reusable or recyclable forms. Material can be reused to make new ones for your needs when doing a home renovation while lowering your ecological footprint. Reclaimed flooring is a big way to reduce impact.

Flooring makes up a massive chunk of the space in our homes, during a renovation you may be looking at a new wood or concrete floor for an interesting new look and that is smart for these reasons:

  • Reclaimed wood is widely available and can minimize your ecological footprint. Wood flooring is one of the most common desires for those who want to renovate or buy a new home. It is beautiful and it is a solid option. Even if you choose to renovate again you can recycle or reuse wood flooring for something else later on. You can even consider making it into wall siding, cabinets, countertops or any number of options. Wood is also easily recyclable if you do not use it for a new project or reno. Other friends, family or home owners may want to acquire it from you and you would be keeping more materials out of landfills. Recycled or reused wood also has less of a chance of being covered in volatile organic compounds (VOC) which can run off into the water or soil.
  • Concrete is surprisingly very recyclable or reusable, being crafted from a composite material of metals and other material that was reused for environmental reasons. One of the benefits of concrete is that, like I mentioned earlier about the polished floors and light, that the process to that technique is environmentally friendly because it emits no VOC’s, new raw materials are not produced as its water-based, and of course, they reduce lighting needs in the home.
  • Other examples of reusable materials to achieve a minimal ecological footprint are bamboo, cork, sheep’s wool, and recycled wood are all excellent options for other areas of your renovation.

Replacing Older Materials With Smarter Options

While there are areas of your renovation that are not so easily replaceable with reusable materials or recycled materials, you can still make small contributions to your existing materials. Even traditional materials found in every home can be at least managed so that they are using less resources and leaving less of an ecological footprint as their more wasteful counterparts.

Here are some ways you can reduce your footprint with existing traditional materials in your home:

  • Microcement is a good replacement for traditional cement as it is very adaptable for your needs. This product can be used for flooring, walls, older concrete, metal, plastic, and many more. The advantages in using microcement for your home renovation is that it saves cost and waste because it can be applied over existing surfaces quickly and easily, giving new life to surfaces in the home.
  • Change out your light bulbs for more cost effective, and energy saving ones. Examples of lightbulbs that are better options for cost and energy are LED or fluorescent. I know earlier that I said lightbulbs create unnatural light which isn’t ideal, but I also did preface this subsection by stating that some materials in your home can only be managed, and not fully replaced. Incandescent light bulbs use more energy compared to fluorescent and LED, these can easily be replaced for a quick fix. LED lights have a slight edge over incandescent not only for the cost and energy benefits, but also for the fact that they can be placed in tight spots and afford more flexibility to light those tricky spots of a house during your reno.
  • If you are fully committed to a reno and can make it happen, try reposition windows to allow for a better flow of air throughout your home so that you can reduce the need for air conditioning in the house during the summer months. If your reno is not that extensive, there are other solutions to do so. Vinyl stripping windows or using wood frames with double glazed glass will prevent heat loss as well as any loss in A/C if you choose to stick with a traditional A/C unit. Sealing windows is a big reason for a spike in energy use which is bad for minimizing our ecological footprint. This also applies to insulation (wool’s sheep is a good reusable material). You may also consider installing a whole-house fan.

Deconstruct, Not Destroy

While renovating, you should always try to opt for deconstructing any of your own materials that you are going to be getting rid of in or on your home. Demolishing parts of your house will create waste that is unusable for others. By deconstructing the houses parts you can recycle those parts for others use.

If you want to minimize your ecological footprint and reuse traditional materials in your house, you do not have to keep adding more to your house. Using recycled or reused materials for your own renovation project will allow you to take apart your house and give those pieces to someone capable of refurbishing them for others use. This creates a positive feedback loop of responsible waste management.

Even dust particles, asbestos, mold, and mildew can be dispersed into the air when you demolish parts of a house, or the whole thing. This is a health hazard for the environment and other people. Taking apart the house piece by piece saves these health concerns. Run off chemicals are also easier to detect when you dismantle parts of the house during renovation and can be disposed of or contained much easier than if you had just smashed the place to bits. Keep this option in mind when starting, or finishing your renovation.

We are always trying to find ways to go green, or at least we like to tell ourselves that we do. The fact of the matter is that sometimes it can be hard to stick to our goals of committing to a better lifestyle, better activities and more conscious effort to develop green habits. Focusing on how we can improve our ecological footprint should be a consideration that we have in mind when involving ourselves in as many aspects of our lives as we can. One such way is in home renovation.

Before you started reading this article I am sure you asked yourself how home renovations can be such a big impact on your ecological footprint. It seems odd, or at least like a question you would not ask yourself day to day. Now after you have read this you should be a master of knowing the ways to minimize your ecological footprint with traditional materials in a home renovation.

Consider how your lighting increases energy consumption in the home and implement design strategies like large glass windows to reduce the need for lightbulbs. Use polished concrete floors to reflect light through the house. Adopt reusable and recyclable material building strategies so you do not waste products like wood, concrete, vinyl and other building materials.

If you cannot replace materials entirely with recycled material, you have options too. Consider changing out incandescent light bulbs with LED or fluorescent ones to cut down on energy consumption, as well as utilizing air flow techniques like sealing windows properly to reduce the loss of cold air, loss of hot air, and running up the energy bill. Remember to deconstruct your home renovation materials so they can be reused for someone else so they do not get stuck with an abundance of waste either.

That’s about it. Hopefully this list of techniques will help your ecological footprint decrease to a level that you feel comfortable with, and your home renovation project is a success with the added bonus of being an environmentally sustainable achievement.

Will Ethereum Flip Bitcoin?

Ethereum and bitcoin have been at the forefront of the other 20,000 plus cryptocurrencies available in the global market today, thanks to their massive global adoption. They are the first two cryptocurrencies to be formed; however, it isn’t the sole explanation behind this.

The two major cryptocurrencies have been around for more than ten years and are still holding onto their market supremacy with no signs of slowing down.

How can Ethereum Flip Bitcoin

The question of the Ethereum price prediction — of whether Ethereum will outperform the most valuable crypto asset, Bitcoin, has, however, generated a lot of debate among cryptocurrency investors. It is crucial to first be aware of the present status of the market from both sides before assessing the likelihood of this happening and making a rough Ethereum price prediction. While Bitcoin presently has a market cap of over $435 billion, Ethereum currently has a market worth of nearly $197 billion.

Another thing that favours one cryptocurrency over another is the presence of competing factors. For instance, the fixed pool of Bitcoin boosts the price of BTC, as a commodity with a limited supply is bound to increase over time. In the case of Ethereum, the blockchain’s capacity to enable smart contracts may lead to fresh ideas that broaden the platform’s potential applications and raise the rate of Ether, the platform’s native cryptocurrency.

Ethereum Merge

Many assume that the approaching historical event of the Ethereum Merge will significantly influence the platform’s growth despite the interesting argument between supporters of each project on whether Ethereum will finally flip Bitcoin.

The world recognizes the Merge as the most significant improvement to the Ethereum network ever. The network will move to the less expensive proof-of-stake consensus technique, replacing the costly proof-of-work mechanism. To ensure a secure transition to proof-of-stake, they claim that thorough testing and bug bounties are currently being conducted.

Will Ethereum overtake Bitcoin


The following and last significant trial test for the merge is slated for August 6–12. According to the Ethereum developers, the genuine integration is anticipated to take place the week of September 19 if everything goes according to plan. Up to that point, there will probably be more price fluctuation and a greater influence on derivatives while making the Ethereum price prediction possible.

The project was initiated in 2013; as mentioned above, this event is the most significant one in its history. This leads some individuals to predict that, once Ethereum reaches the milestone later this year, it will probably overtake Bitcoin in market capitalization.

Although supporters of Bitcoin insist that the actual “flipping” won’t take place for a long period, the options market has a different take. According to reports, the “bullish enthusiasm” around the Ethereum integration caused Ether open options to “flip” Bitcoin open options for the first time on the well-known exchange – Deribit.

Even yet, the buzz around the “flip” in the Ether options market may just be meaningless sound for the time being; nonetheless, if it persists, the so-called “flippening” may be more likely than previously believed.

The following are the existing and upcoming Ethereum upgrades;

  1. The Beacon Chain (which is live already)
  2. The Merge (to be launched before the end of 2022)
  3. Sharding (Estimated for 2023 – 2024)

How can Ethereum flip Bitcoin?

This flipping may occur in various ways and for various causes. Since there is a limited amount of Bitcoin, some of its value stems from its rarity, a quality akin to that of antiques and works of art, and can also serve as an inflation hedge.

However, compared to cash processors like Visa, which can handle further than 60,000 transactions per second at their worst, Bitcoin’s blockchain is currently only able to handle roughly seven transactions per second. As a result, Bitcoin is now too reluctant to function as a valid means of exchange – forcing people to look for a more efficient and faster system.

On the other side, Ethereum has made it feasible to build and develop new, valuable products and services even while these render its smart contracts susceptible to attack. As a means of exchange, these developments on the Ethereum blockchain will require some ether coin, which raises the price and demand for the cryptocurrency.

The Ethereum blockchain is now the foundation for most NFT projects and several other web3-focused platforms, and more are being added daily. Decentralized finance (Defi) applications like Uniswap and Aave are also among the significant inventions existing, although not experiencing the same rapid development as the ICO craze of 2017. With the help of these programs and others, it is now practical to trade and lend Ethereum-based tokens anonymously, without using centralized exchanges.

Also, some people who choose to invest in Ethereum also stake ETH in order to generate a return and weather short-term price volatility, with the expectation that this yield will eventually be worth more in the long run if and when “The Flippening” occurs, or something similar like a pump to 0.1 for ETH/BTC.

Before losing stream, history proves that ETH’s market cap in 2017 reached almost 75% of that of Bitcoin. It has generally risen over the past year and reached its highest level in January 2022. From its present level of 0.07, ETH/BTC should reach highs of 0.1-0.15 during the following bull market (likely in 2023–2024).

For a market cap to flip, ETH/BTC needs to reach a value of 0.177 or above. If ETH maintains its speed over the next four to five years, there is a good probability of this. At this time, ETH will likewise become independent of BTC’s movements and set a new benchmark for altcoins to imitate.

Closing Thoughts

Many analysts have already shared their thoughts on the Ethereum price prediction-– believing that Ethereum will overtake Bitcoin, including Bitmex CEO Arthur Hayes, who forecasted the cryptocurrency’s price would reach $10,000 by the end of 2022 or early in 2023. Of course, it would at that price.

The value of Bitcoin and its market cap could potentially decline; some predict it could reach as low as $14,000; additionally, if ETH outperforms Bitcoin following the ETH 2.0 merge and holds more of its value, it may be possible to flip BTC at a lower price in the future.

World Wetlands Day – Celebrating Our Wetlands

azraq-wetland-jordanWorld Wetlands Day (WWD) is celebrated on 2nd February every year. It marks the date of the signing of the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands on 2nd February 1971. WWD was celebrated for the first time in 1997. Every year there is a different theme and the theme for World Wetlands Day 2018 is “Wetlands for a Sustainable Urban Future”.

What is a Wetland

A wetland is a land area that is saturated with water, natural or artificial, static or flowing, fresh, brackish or salty and include areas of marine water, the depth of which at low tide does not exceed six meters. The unique feature of wetland is its characteristic vegetation and soil conditions. We need to know that more than a billion people make a living from wetlands. Livelihoods from fishing, rice farming, travel, ecotourism, and water provision all depend on wetlands. They are vital to us in many other ways.

Importance of Wetlands

Wetlands play an important role in the processes that keep our landscapes healthy and productive. They support industries such as agriculture, fisheries, forestry and tourism by supplying water for crops, stock and people, maintaining water quality, providing habitat for commercial species and having cultural and recreational values. Wetlands host a vast variety of life, protect our coastlines, provides natural defenses against river flooding or storm surges and store carbon dioxide to regulate climate change.

Wetlands cover less than 10% of the earth’s surface, but are the source of almost 25% of the world’s productivity. Wetlands play a major role in the environment, mainly water purification, flood control and shoreline stability in addition to recreation. Wetlands are home to a wide range of plant and animal life and are called the sponge of the natural world as they absorb much of the pollution we produce. They filter out pollutants and slowly release clean water and oxygen back into the ecosystem. Unfortunately, wetlands are often viewed as wasteland, and more than 64% of the world’s wetlands have disappeared since 1900.

World Wetlands Day

World Wetlands Day is an annual opportunity to raise public awareness and promote the value of wetlands. To celebrate World Wetlands Day (WWD) event, variety of programs like seminars, lectures, nature walks, sports, competitions, poster exhibitions, video films screening, slide shows based on the wetland, art and quiz competitions, painting competition, photography exhibition, community cleanup, interviews on radio and television are organized at the area, locality, city and national level at many places.

The event celebration plays a great role in making the healthy wetlands in order to deliver the worth ecosystem service to benefit the common people. The demands of water required for growing crops, energy supply and various needs of the industry are also focused during the WWD celebrations. It is mainly celebrated to promote the proper use of wetlands and their resources.

Flamingos at Dohat Arad marine reserve in Bahrain

The Ramsar Convention offers an international structure in order to globally support the conservation and sustainable management of the wetlands. It is celebrated to make aware the public, discus the value of wetlands, its beneficial aspects as well as to promote its conservation and use for enhancing the overall level of the human health, growth and development.

Wetlands in Bahrain

Bahrain is very keen in the protection of biodiversity and natural heritage and has established Al Areen wildlife reserve in 1976. The principal wetlands in Bahrain are coastal mudflats. The country became a party on the Convention on Biological Diversity in 1996, and the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands in 1997. There are six protected natural reserves, the Al Areen park being terrestrial reserve others are marine protected areas namely Ras Sannad in Tubli Bay, Hawar Islands, Mashtan, Dohat Arad and Hayr Bulthama. The protection of the biodiversity is incorporated in Bahrain National Environment Strategy.


We need to appreciate the wetlands and avoid littering and discharging any hazardous effluents into water bodies including pesticides, fertilizers, detergents, soaps and chemicals as it will change the nutrient levels and may kill fish and destroy wetland ecosystem.

Let us spread the message and enhance awareness on wetland conservation and protection. The Ramsar Convention Secretariat has developed a number of downloadable World Wetlands Day materials for 2018. These materials can be found on the website. Groups and individuals are encouraged to adapt these materials for their own World Wetlands Day events and activities.

Introduction to Composting

The composting process is a complex interaction between the waste and the microorganisms within the waste. The microorganisms that carry out this process fall into three groups: bacteria, fungi, and actinomycetes. Actinomycetes are a form of fungi-like bacteria that break down organic matter.

The first stage of the biological activity is the consumption of easily available sugars by bacteria, which causes a fast rise in temperature. The second stage involves bacteria and actinomycetes that cause cellulose breakdown. The last stage is concerned with the breakdown of the tougher lignins by fungi.


Central solutions are exemplified by low-cost composting, as discussed here by GardenDIY, without forced aeration, and technologically more advanced systems with forced aeration and temperature feedback. Central composting plants are capable of handling more than 100,000 tons of biodegradable waste per year, but typically the plant size is about 10,000 to 30,000 tons per year.

Biodegradable wastes must be separated prior to composting: Only pure food waste, garden waste, wood chips, and to some extent paper are suitable for producing good-quality compost.

The methodology of composting can be categorized into three major segments—anaerobic composting, aerobic composting, and vermicomposting. In anaerobic composting, the organic matter is decomposed in the absence of air. Organic matter may be collected in pits and covered with a thick layer of soil and left undisturbed six to eight months. The compost so formed may not be completely converted and may include aggregated masses.

Aerobic composting is the process by which organic wastes are converted into compost or manure in presence of air and can be of different types. The most common is the Heap Method, where organic matter needs to be divided into three different types and to be placed in a heap one over the other, covered by a thin layer of soil or dry leaves. This heap needs to be mixed every week, and it takes about three weeks for conversion to take place. The process is same in the Pit Method, but carried out specially constructed pits. Mixing has to be done every 15 days, and there is no fixed time in which the compost may be ready.

Berkley Method uses a labor-intensive technique and has precise requirements of the material to be composted. Easily biodegradable materials, such as grass, vegetable matter, etc., are mixed with animal matter in the ratio of 2:1. Compost is usually ready in 15 days.

Vermicomposting involves use of earthworms as natural and versatile bioreactors for the process of conversion. It is carried out in specially designed pits where earthworm culture also needs to be done. Vermicomposting is a precision-based option and requires overseeing of work by an expert. It is also a more expensive option (O&M costs especially are high).

However, unlike the above two options, it is a completely odorless process making it a preferred solution in residential areas. It also has an extremely high rate of conversion, so quality of the end product is very high with rich macro and micronutrients. The end product also has the advantage that it can be dried and stored safely for a longer period of time.

The composting plants consist of some or all of the following technical units: bag openers, magnetic and/or ballistic separators, screeners (sieves), shredders, mixing and homogenization equipment, turning equipment, irrigation systems, aeration systems, draining systems, bio-filters, scrubbers, control systems, and steering systems.

The composting process occurs when biodegradable waste is piled together with a structure allowing for oxygen diffusion and with a dry matter content suiting microbial growth. The temperature of the biomass increases due to the microbial activity and the insulation properties of the piled material. The temperature often reaches 65 degrees C to 75 degrees C within a few days and then declines slowly. This high temperature hastens the elimination of pathogens and weed seeds.