Why We Need to Use Technology to Fight Climate Change

Climate change is a colossal challenge, and it can seem like individual actions won’t be enough to tackle it, or that we don’t have the resources necessary. But neither of those are true. There are many individual actions we can all take that will help change the course of climate change. Many technologies available at both consumer and industrial levels can play a role, from simple things like switching to LED lights to complex processes such as building wind farms for renewable energy.

With so many people consuming our valuable resources, science says humans are a main cause of climate change. Rapid changes in climate due to human activity have been seen since the industrial revolution. There are other contributors to climate change, such as deforestation and land use practices, but our technological development is unquestionably a major contributor as well.

With so many people consuming our valuable resources, science says humans are a main cause of climate change. Rapid changes in climate due to human activity have been seen since the industrial revolution. There are other contributors to climate change, such as deforestation and land use practices, but our technological development is unquestionably a major contributor as well. Exploring innovative solutions like direct air capture becomes crucial in mitigating the impact of human activities on the climate and working towards a more sustainable future.”

Given that our technologies are not going anywhere, the best thing we can do with them is harness the full extent of their possibilities to mitigate the harm to the planet we have already created. And, at our current point, we need to use everything available to us in the fight against climate change; we’re running out of time. Let’s look at some of the ways technology can help us fight climate change.

Carbon reduction

One of the most promising technologies right now is negative emission tech. It aims to remove carbon from the atmosphere to offset the carbon going into the atmosphere. Of course, there are many ways to reduce how much carbon we put into the atmosphere, like reforestation and changing land-use practices, but those take time, and we don’t have a lot.

Carbon capture technology can help us reach a net-zero state by 2050 (or ideally, by 2030) if it is deployed soon. Currently, in pilot stages are machines that remove carbon from the air and store it underground, and other technologies are in the works.

Smart home tech

Remember when we said there were individual actions to take? One of the most promising is to use smart home tech, such as thermostats, lighting systems, utility meters, and leak detectors, to improve the energy efficiency of our homes.

Eventually, these local systems can be hooked up to smart city systems for more effective energy deployment, waste management tracking, and traffic management, among other possibilities. As the capabilities of the Internet of Things develops, both smart home tech and city-wide smart systems will become effective tools in tackling climate change.

Information and communication

As climate change progresses, severe weather events are becoming more and more common, and these events are costly and life-changing for many. The better we can do in predicting and managing severe weather, the more our recovery efforts will succeed. This kind of tech, for the most part, doesn’t do anything to change the direction of climate change, but it does help humans deal with the consequences.

Some examples of this tech are satellite systems using solar power and early warning systems via mobile networks. Information and communication technology is also being used to track environmental changes, such as temperature and sea level, to mitigate adverse effects on people and animals.

Machine learning and AI

AI is on the leading edge of our technological development and holds great promise for scientists working to better understand and address climate change and its effects. A recent research paper from professionals at Cornell University discusses ten ways AI can help in the fight against climate change. Those include creating low-carbon materials, making transportation more efficient, creating more tools to support individual changes to reduce carbon footprint, and designing more efficient electrical systems.

Artificial Intelligence can provide invaluable assistance in environment protection and resource conservation

One of AI’s other significant contributions is that it helps climate scientists build better prediction models so they can learn more about precisely how our actions are affecting the planet and what changes will be most effective. If you want to know about the benefits of green AI, click here.

Energy production

Greenhouse gases are, of course, produced in large part from our reliance on fossil fuels, which means a paradigm shift in energy production and use is in order if we’re to effectively address climate change. Wind farm tech is already taking hold, but there’s still much to be explored with solar power and how to efficiently store the energy generated from solar panels. Another promising line of investigation is nuclear power, which can produce carbon-free energy. We’re not there yet, but there are companies exploring how to do this safely, such as General Fusion in Canada.

Another type of tech in the works for energy production is the smart grid, which would be able to route energy efficiently and integrate renewable energy systems on a larger scale.

Climate change is a big problem, but there’s hope on the horizon in the form of new and emerging tech. Although different organizations predict different critical deadlines (2030 and 2050 being the two currently discussed), some are pushing for more aggressive action that uses available technology to its fullest extent. The Environmental Defense Fund, for instance, is calling for a 45% reduction in oil and gas methane emissions by 2025, which they claim is possible due to increased digitization in the industry. Technology, when harnessed, is one of the most powerful tools we have to successfully contend with the crisis we’re facing.

Waste-to-Energy Outlook for Jordan

A “waste crisis” is looming in Jordan with more than 2 million tons of municipal waste and 18,000 tons of industrial wastes being generated each year at an annual growth rate of 3 percent. Alarmingly, less than 5 per cent of solid waste is currently recycled in Jordan. These statistics call for a national master plan in order to reduce, manage and control waste management in the country. The main points to be considered are decentralized waste management, recycling strategy and use of modern waste management technologies. Currently there is no specific legal framework or national strategy for solid waste management in Jordan which is seriously hampering efforts to resolve waste management situation.

Waste can be converted into energy by conventional technologies (such as incineration, mass-burn, anaerobic digestion and landfill gas capture). Municipal solid waste can also be efficiently converted into energy and fuels by advanced thermal technologies, such as gasification and pyrolysis. Landfill gas capture projects represent an attractive opportunity for Jordan as huge landfills/dumpsites are present in all cities and towns.

A 1 MW pilot demonstration project using municipal solid waste (MSW) through landfill and biogas technology systems was constructed and commissioned in 2001.  The project was expanded in 2008 to about 4 MW.  Jordan plans to introduce about 40-50 MW waste energy power projects by 2020. However, biomass energy projects offer a low potential in Jordan because of the severe constraints on vegetation growth imposed by the arid climate. It has been estimated that animal and solid wastes in Jordan represent an energy potential of about 105 toe annually, but municipal solid waste represents a major fraction with a gross annual production rate of more than 2 million tons.

More than 80% of actual total manure generation is concentrated in 4 northern Governorates Al Zarqa, Amman, Al-Mafraq and Irbid. More than 80% of cattle manure is being produced in three northern Governorates Al-Zarqa, Al-Mafraq and Irbid. More than 80% of poultry manure production is located in 5 northern Governorates Amman, Irbid, Al-Zarqa, Al-Mafraq and Al-Karak. An exception is sheep manure. More than 90% of sheep manure is available in three Governorates Aqaba (40%), Al-Mafraq (25%) and Al-Zarqa (25%).


In Jordan, waste-to-energy can be applied at small-scale for heating/cooking purposes, or it can be used at a large-scale for power generation and industrial heating. Waste-to-energy can thus be adapted rural as well as or urban environments in the country, and utilized in domestic, commercial or industrial applications.

نصائح لتحسين جودة الهواء في الأماكن المغلقة

يعتبر تلوث الهواء في الأماكن المغلقة واحدا من أكبر المخاطر على الصحة العامة في جميع أنحاء العالم بسبب تزايد عدد الأمراض المرتبطة بالمباني. وجدت الدراسات أن تركيز الملوثات في الأماكن المغلقة هو أعلى بكثير في الداخل مما هي عليه في المناطق المفتوحة (الخارجية)، وتقارب النسبة مرتين إلى خمس مرات وفي بعض الأحيان مئة مرة أعلى من المستويات في المناطق المفتوحة (الخارجية). وبما أن معظم الناس يقضون 80٪ – 90٪ من حياتهم في الأماكن المغلقة، فإن جودة  الهواء في الأماكن المغلقة لها تأثير كبير على الاستدامة.

يؤثر انخفاض جودة الهواء في الأماكن المغلقة على نوعية حياة السكان في المباني، ويؤدي إلى زيادة المخاطر الصحية، وأيضا زيادة المسؤولية على مالك المبنى، حتى انه يقلل من إنتاجية السكان، ويقلل من قيمة المبنى المالية. وبإمكان سوء نوعية/جودة الهواء في الأماكن المغلقة ان يتسبب بحدوث بمرض “متلازمة  مرض المباني”، وهي حالة طبية مرتبطة بضعف الصحة والتغيب المزمن.

ويعود سوء نوعية الهواء في الأماكن المغلقة إلى عوامل عديدة منها على سبيل المثال لا الحصر: عدم ملائمة تصميم المباني، والتهوية غير الكافية، وتدفق الغازات من المركبات العضوية المتطايرة من الأثاث والسجاد والدهانات ومواد التنظيف ومن التنفس البشري. كما تساهم الذرات المتطايرة مثل ذرات القماش والغبار والعث والعفن والبكتيريا وحبوب اللقاح ورذاذ الطيور والحيوانات في سوء نوعية الهواء في الأماكن المغلقة. وتشمل المؤشرات المستخدمة لقياس نوعية الهواء في الأماكن المغلقة : الجسيمات الكلية والمركبات العضوية المتطايرة و الفورمالديهايد وثاني أكسيد الكربون وأول أكسيد الكربون والأوزون (O3) ودرجة حرارة الهواء والرطوبة النسبية. إن تركيز ثاني أكسيد الكربون في البيئة الداخلية أو الأماكن المغلقة هو مؤشر على وضع التهوية إن كانت كافية أم لا.

في منطقة الشرق الأوسط، يعيش معظم الناس في أماكن مغلقة في أجواء ذات هواء مكيّف. مع النمو السكاني السريع، وإزدياد عدد المركبات على الطريق، بالإضافة الى ارتفاع درجة الحرارة، وأنشطة البناء المتزايدة، والعواصف الرملية، فإن تركيز تلوث الهواء في المنطقة  يعد من بين أعلى المعدلات في جميع أنحاء العالم.

وحيث أن الهواء في البيئة الداخلية يعكس أيضا نوعية الهواء في المناطق المفتوحة ونسبة تلوثها فإن انتقال ملوثات الهواء الطلق إلى البيئة الداخلية  يمكن أن يعرض الساكنين فيها إلى أوضاع صحية خطيرة. وبالإضافة إلى ذلك، توجد العديد من مصادر التلوث في الأماكن المغلقة في مواد البناء، ومواد التنظيف، العفن والنمو البكتيري، والرذاذ المتطاير من المفروشات ، والتشطيب والأدوات أو المعدات.

نصائح لتحسين جودة الهواء في البيئة الداخلية

كما أسلفنا سابقا فإن نوعية الهواء في الأماكن المغلقة تتأثر بتركيز تلوث الهواء في الخارج، بالإضافة إلى المصادر الداخلية للتلوث، والتي تكون بالعادة من خصائص البناء أو من عادات سكان هذا المباني. ومن شأن التصميم المناسب للمبنى واستراتيجيات التحكم في النظام الميكانيكي وكذلك تغيير سلوك السكان أن تحسن نوعية الهواء في الأماكن المغلقة وكذلك الصحة والراحة ورفع الأداء والإنتاجية لدى سكان المباني. وللعلم هناك مجموعة من الاستراتيجيات المتبعه لتحسين نوعية الهواء في الأماكن المغلقة:

تصميم مناسب: تغليف البناء، اتجاه البناء، موقع دخول الهواء، وموقع أنظمة التهوية الميكانيكية ، كل هذه العوامل بإمكانها المساهمة في تحسين نوعية الهواء في الأماكن المغلقة. لذان يجب أخذها بعين الاعتبار خلال مرحلة تصميم المشاريع حتى تتم مراقبة المصدر الرئيسي للتلوث في المبنى بأكمله.
تصميم للتهوية الميكانيكية الشاملة: إذا تم تصميم نظام تهوية صحيح فإنه يمكن أن يؤمن إدخال وتوفير الهواء من الخارج بكميات كافية إلى المناطق المغلقة. يتم بالعادة اتباع معايير صناعية  مثل (ASHRAE Standard 62) في معظم أنظمة تقييم المباني الخضراء، لضمان نوعية الهواء في المناطق المغلقة.

في منطقة الشرق الأوسط، يعيش معظم الناس في أماكن مغلقة في أجواء ذات هواء مكيّف

استخدام التهوية ذات النمط المختلط: إن الدمج بين أنظمة التهوية الميكانيكية والطبيعية المستخدمة في المباني، مثل أنظمة التحكم الآلي في النوافذ والنوافذ القابلة للتشغيل، يمكنه أن يساعد في الحفاظ على جودة الهواء في الأماكن المغلقة.
إدارة نوعية الهواء أثناء البناء: خلال مرحلة البناء، يمكن لبعض البكتيريا أن تنمو على مواد البناء بسبب تعرضها للرطوبة، كما يمكن أن يتراكم الغبار والرذاذ بسهولة على مواد البناء إذا لم تكن محمية. لذلك يجب حماية نوعية الهواء من خلال حماية مواد البناء من الغبار والرطوبة.
استخدام مرشحات (فلاتر) الهواء عالية الكفاءة: هذه الفلاتر تقوم بمنع انتقال المركبات العضوية المتطايرة في الهواء الطلق، والغبار، وأنواع الرذاذ والأوزون إلى الأماكن الداخلية. إن استخدام مرشحات (فلاتر) عالية الجودة مثل MERV أثبت بانه الأكثر فعالية في تصفية الغبار في الهواء الطلق والملوثات العالقة.
الصيانه الدورية لمرشحات (فلاتر) HVAC (نظام التسخين، التهوية، وتبريد الهواء): إن استخدام المرشحات وعدم صيانتها وتنظيفها يمكن أن يسبب تهيج الحواس. ولذلك يجب عمل جدول صيانة دورية لهذه المرشحات (الفلاتر).
استخدام المواد ذات الانبعاثات المنخفضة: إن استخدام المواد التي تحتوي على مستوى منخفض من المركبات العضوية المتطايرة مثل السجاد الداخلي والأرضيات المطاطية والمواد الأخرى للأرضيات والسيراميك والأطراف والألواح الجبسية، أو استخدام مواد مانعة للتسرب والمواد اللاصقة الأخرى. هذا إضافة إلى استخدام المواد ذات المستوى المنخفض من الفورمالديهايد، يمكن أن تكون مفيدة.
إجراء عملية تنظيف شاملة للمباني: يساعد التنظيف الشامل للمباني قبل إشغالها بالسكان على التخلص من الملوثات الداخلية فيها ويساعد على استبدال الهواء الداخلي الملوث بالهواء النقي من الخارج.
برنامج التنظيف الأخضر: يكون باختيار مواد التنظيف المصنوعة من مواد منخفضة الانبعاثات وتحديد برنامج تنظيف أخضر للحد من التعرض للتلوث.
شاشات رصد ثاني أكسيد الكربون: تثبيت ودمج شاشات لمراقبة ثاني اكسيد الكربون في نظام التهوية  لتنظيم دخول الهواء النقي وفقا لطلب ساكني المباني. من خلال القيام بذلك، يمكن زيادة تدفق الهواء تلقائيا إذا زاد تركيز ثاني أكسيد الكربون عن مستوى محدد.

ترجمه – ماجدة هلسة

أردنية متعددة الاهتمامات، لديها من الخبرة ما يقارب العشرون عاماً في مجالي المالية والإدارة في المؤسسات المحلية والدوليةوتعملماجدة حالياً مع الوكالة الألمانية للتعاون الدولي كموظفةٍ ماليةٍ في برنامج البيئة و المناخ في الأردن، والذي يعمل لصالح وزارة البيئة في الأردن. ومع ذلك كله وعلى الصعيد التطوعي، فإن لديها شغفاً كبيراً بالترجمة في كافة المواضيع والمجالات، وقد بُني هذا الشغف بالخبرة الشخصية والعملية على مر السنين.

How To Set Up Your Online Store: 5 Sustainability Criterion

Market enthusiasts have rightly said not everyone possesses the art of running a business but if you think you can be the one, the recent craze of online shopping has made it easier for you. Now setting up a business does not cost you your lifetime wealth, time, or even test your technical expertise. A recent marketing survey has shown that around 17.2% of the retail sales are composed of eCommerce selling accounts whereas online shopping in itself is expanding at the rate of 13.7%. So if you are looking for any motivation on how to set up an online store along with your brick and mortar business, now is the time.

steps to launch a sustainable online store

From creating a fusion of your own to selecting from the diverse range of businesses like selling products, dropshipping, warehousing, wholesaling, or even private labeling, eCommerce comes with a pool of options. To further simplify your needs in setting up an online store we have discussed five main steps to launch an ecological yet sustainably running online store.

1. Product/Niche Selection Accuracy

In order to begin with how to set up an online store, the foremost step is to find the product or niche which is the soul of your online selling platform. Here you must select the option which is rare or holds a significant touch of your individuality yet meets the demand and supply nature of the market in the longer run.

By choosing the term right niche or right product we mean that your selected option must show your individuality with the spice of uniqueness. As it will ultimately be the reason for your store’s ecological success.

2. Filling The Industry Gaps

Though when you will first step into the ocean of e-commerce retailing you would feel all the right niches are already taken. That’s totally a matter. With the usage of apt keyword research for niche selection, conduction of S.W.O.T. analysis, and efforts you can still find the unfulfilled gaps and demands of consumers. And yes, here you’ll rise and begin to serve as a consumer’s hero or their true savior.

In order to be more accurate with findings of industrial gaps you can hop on to:

  • Researching through social media the complaints requests or recommendations of consumers.
  • Hopping on google trends to contrast or compare the search volume of products.
  • Studying top sellers and finding out what their consumers ate missing or complaining about.

3. Forum Preferences

After the selection of a niche, the most crucial step is to identify which form of eCommerce platform you want in the search of how to set up an online store. To ease the confusion you can also go for eCommerce service providers or builders but before that select which form of eCommerce, you are willing to have. The options include;

  • Buying a domain with the hiring of professional developers to start it from scratch
  • Getting a domain with the option of an open-sourced eCommerce forum
  • Simply purchasing an established online platform

4. Designing The Interface

Though the idea of judging the book by its copper is considered shallow by many, in the case of how to set up an online store you must care about how the online store will give its first impression. That can only be created through designing a picture-perfect yet user-friendly website interface. Make sure your selected layout or theme is the actual depiction of your business’s nature whereas customized forms of layouts may offer you the following options to design the site;

  • Customization of text sizes
  • Addition of branded assets with high-resolution visuals
  • Color scheme configurations
  • Embedment of social media handles
  • Experimentation with listing of products with diverse and creative page layouts

5. Mastering Marketing

Wait, your struggle has just begun as the main task of promoting your site has arrived i.e. marketing the platform. The idea of promotion has become the easiest with the help of marketing your platform through different online channels, SEO ads as well as social networking advertisements.

Ways to Make Your Business Eco-Friendly

Ads highly help in increasing the visibility of your brand’s content as well as uplifting your revenues. Firstly, you can earn from running ad campaigns through google ad revenue. Secondly, you can generate bigger sales as the more the ads will be run around different sites the greater will be the visibility, and the higher will be the number of viewers who are your ultimate potential buyers.

With the higher recommendation of other digital marketing methodologies, you can also opt for blogging, online advertising, and running social media campaigns.

The Bottom Line

The scope of setting up an online business has been increasing with each passing hour with the uncanny indulgence of digitization in mundane lifestyles. Having said that 50% of the time of today’s generation is spent on mobile phones which is a good touchpoint to connect with a variety of interactions all around the funnel.

Setting up an online store is yet another example where one can easily generate higher profits especially if following ecological business practices. So don’t forget to go green and shine as bright as the queen!

هل تعاني من متلازمة الابنية المريضة

بالرغم من التقدم الذي أحرزه العالم في مجالي البيئة والصحة إلا أنه يواجه أزمة بيئية وصحية غير مسبوقة. ‏من المعروف أن الصحة هي من أغلى وأثمن ما يملك الإنسان, كما أنه من المعروف أن البيئة التي يعيش فيها الإنسان تؤثِّرعلى صحَّته بشكل مباشر وغير مباشر ,لذلك فإن لتنمية الوعي البيئي تأثيراً ملحوظاً على خلق وتعزيز السلوك البيئي الصحي السليم لدى الأفراد.

يعد المسكن من إحتياجات الإنسان الخمسة الضرورية كما صنفها الإسلام ,يمكن لتلوث عناصر البيئة مثل الهواء أن يؤدي إلى مشاكل صحية عديدة؛ فعلى سبيل المثال: يمكن للملوثات الموجودة في الهواء الداخلي في المنزل أن تسبب ظواهر مرضية مختلفة, منها " متلازمة المباني المريضة" .تشير الداراسات أن 30% من بنايات العالم هي بنايات مريضة ,لكن ما هي متلازمة المباني المريضة ؟

لقد تم التعرف على ظاهرة متلازمة المباني المريضة أو Sick Building Syndrome"" في السبيعنيات من القرن الماضي مع بدء إنتشار إستخدام المعدات الكهربائية . يستخدم مصطلح " متلازمة المباني المريضة " عندما تظهر مجموعة من الأعراض المشتركة على عدد من الأشخاص المتواجدين في داخل بناية معينة أو في جزء من البناية وتختفي هذه الأعراض في حال مغادرتها. ولقد وجد أن النساء يعانون منها أكثر من الرجال وهي أيضا موجودة بكثرة بين العاملين في داخل المكاتب والأماكن المغلقة مثل المدارس,أو المكتبات ,أو المتاحف, وبالرغم من التقدم العلمي في مجال الصحة البيئية إلا أن هذه الظاهرة لا زالت غير مفهومة.

كيف لي أن أعرف إذا كنت أعاني من SBS

يكون المبنى مريضاً ويسبب المرض لمستخدميه في حال  :

الأعراض المؤقتة والمتعلقة بالمدة التي قضاها المريض في بناية معينة أو في جزء منها.

إختفاء الأعراض في حال مغادرة المريض البناية.

موسمية الأعراض فهي تتعلق إما بالحرارة أو بالبرودة .

ظهور الأعراض على أكثر من واحد من زملاء العمل أو سكان المنزل .


لا يوجد سبب وحيد إنما تنتج هذه الظاهرة المرضية عن مجموعه من العوامل المرتبطة بآثار سمية للملوثات المتواجدة في داخل البناية وبتراكيز عالية .إن إغلاق النوافذ وإستخدام المكيفات الهوائية صيفاً أو إستخدام التدفئة المركزية أو مدافئ الغاز أو الكاز شتاءً يؤدي إلى سوء التهوية، وهذه أجواء ليست بصحية خاصة مع تواجد المدخنين في البيت.

كذلك فإن العديد من البنايات تعاني من ضعف التصميم أوالصيانة أو ضعف نظام التهوية وهوعادة المسبب الرئيسي للمشكلة,حيث أن ضعف نظام التهوية يؤدي إلى تراكم الملوثات المختلفة والذي بدوره يؤدي إلى رداءة  نوعية الهواء الداخلي في البناية مقارنة مع نوعية الهواء في خارجها حتى وإن كان موقع البناية في مكان يعاني بشدة من تلوث الهواء الخارجي, كما أن سوء التهوية يؤدي إلى إستنشاق المرضى لهذه السموم طوال الفترة التي يقضونها في داخل المبنى. ومن الجدير بالذكر أن التعرض لتركيزات منخفضة جداً من أنواع محددة من الملوثات الداخلية مثل المركبات العضوية المتطايرة تعمل في التسبب في أعراض المرض. من خلال الدراسات وجد أن  أسباب ظاهرة متلازمة المباني المريضة يمكن إيجازها فيما يلي  :

1. الملوثات الكيميائية :

1-1الملوثات الكيميائية الداخلية : مثل الأوزون الناتج عن آلالات الطابعة والتصوير, ودخان السجائر والغازات الصناعية المتصاعدة من السجاد والملابس ,إعادة طلاء البيت بأطلية محتوية على الرصاص, كما أن الإستخدام المتكرر للمنظفات الكيماوية أو المعطرات الصناعية يساهم في تلوث البيئة الداخلية للمنزل.

1-2  الملوثات الكيميائية الخارجية :  سخام السيارات.

2. العوامل الفيزيائية : ضعف التهوية, درجات الحرارة العالية , تغيير درجات الحرارة خلال اليوم , الرطوبة المنخفضة, الذبذابات,ضعف الإضاءة, الغبار ,إستخدام شاشات العرض لساعات طويلة.

3. العوامل البيولوجية : إن إنخفاض معايير النظافة تؤدي إلى تراكم الملوثات البيولوجية مثل حبوب اللقاح وحويصلات الفطريات وعث الغبار و العفن,والبكتيريا القادمة من المرحاض , والحشرات .

4. العوامل النفسية : الضغط والتوتر وضعف أخلاقيات الفريق العامل .



 من المهم ملاحظة أن مريض "متلازمة المباني المرضية" قد يعاني من بعض أو جميع الأعراض التالية :

  1. الصداع.
  2. الدوخة.
  3. صعوبة التركيز.
  4. تهيج الأنف والحنجرة والعيون .
  5. الغثيان .
  6. التعب العام و الإعياء.
  7. السعال.
  8. طفح جلدي .
  9. الحساسية للروائح.


مخاطر التعرض للبناء المريض

من المهم أن تكون قادراً على التعرف على أعراض SBS والتعامل معها بسرعة, حيث أن واحدة من القضايا الأكثر إشكالية والمتعلقة بـ SBS هو التشخيص الخاطئ وبالتالي عدم المعالجة والتي تؤدي إلى إزدياد حجم المشكلة, إذا واجهتك هذه الأعراض ولم تختفي حتى بعد مغادرة المبنى  فإن هذا قد يكون دليلاَ أنك تعاني من مرض يسمى ( Building-related illness( BRI

  • هل تعلم أنه يمكن أن يكون لـ  SBS  أثار نفسية طويلة المدى على شكل إكتئاب ,أو القلق أو حتى جنون العظمة؟


ما الذي يمكنني القيام به حيال SBS

تتلخص الحلول بتلافي المسببات ,عليك البدء بإتخاذ الإجراءات اللازمة إذا كنت تعتقد أن منزلك مريضاً،حيث أنك تحتاج إلى تحسين نوعية الهواء الداخلي, فبمجرد أن توقف بيتك عن إصدار هذه السموم فإن الأعراض المرضية ستتوقف تلقائياَ.أما على صعيد العمل, فإن متلازمة الأبنية المريضة تؤدي إلى إرتفاع غياب الموظف وإنخفاض كفاءته بالعمل , لذلك فإنه يجب التشاور مع زملائك لمعرفة ما إذا كانوا يعانون من نفس الأعراض, وفي حالة وجود الأعراض فإنه يجب تفحص المبنى من قبل خبير مؤهل,حيث أن ضعف تصميم المكاتب و ضعف صيانة أنظمة التهوية لها أن تضاعف الآثار الصحية السلبية للعوامل الملوثة. 

تمتلك الطبيعة أدوات فعالة جداً لتنظيف الهواء, حيث أن أشعة الشمس لها أثر العجب في تنظيف الهواء. لا بد من أن يكون هنالك منافذ كافية لدخول الشمس والهواء,فمن المهم جدا التركيز على التهوية الطبيعية الجيدة وبشكل دوري خلال اليوم حتى في أيام الشتاء القارصة البرودة ,كما أنه يجب الإهتمام بالنظافة العامة للبناية وهذا لا يعني الإسراف في إستخدام المنظفات إنما إستخدامها بإعتدال, أيضاً يجب التأكد من صحة إستخدام المواد المنظفة وتخزينها بعيدا عن أية مواد أخرى, كما يجب تفحص أنظمة التدفئة والتكييف والتبريد والتهوية وبشكل دوري.

لحسن الحظ أن هنالك بدائل طبيعية والتي تعمل على تنقية الهواء في الأماكن المغلقة مثل المنزل,حيث أنه يوجد أنواعاً من النباتات تعمل كمنقية للهواء الداخلي حيث أنها تقوم بإمتصاص المواد السامة من الجو. كما أن للنباتات تأثير ايجابي على الصحة النفسية فلقد أثبتت فعاليتها في زيادة التركيز والنشاط وفي التخفيف من الإرهاق والتوتر. ليس هذا فحسب, بل تفوق النباتات الخضراء شاشات الحماية أهميةً في التخفيف من تأثير الموجات الكهرومغناطيسية الضارة الصادرة عن الالكترونيات.مايلي قائمة بهذه النباتات لإختيار المناسب منها:

  1. زنبق السلام Peace Lily.
  2. Pothos Golden.
  3. أجلونيما Chinese Evergreen.
  4. نبتة الثعبان .Snake Plant
  5. الأقحوان الداخلي Daisies.
  6. أضاليا داخلية .Chrysanthemum
  7. Australian Umbrella Tree.
  8. الدارسينا Dracaena.
  9. Aloe Vera.
  10. السرخس Boston fern.



 يقضي الإنسان معظم يومه في داخل المباني أو البيئات المغلقة, ولقد أصبح الهواء الداخلي عرضة للتلوث مما يسبب أعراضا مرضية كما في " متلازمة المباني المريضة ", تسبب هذه المتلازمة الصداع والإجهاد الشديدين للمريض كما أن لها آثاراً سلبية واضحة على الصحة الجسدية والنفسية وتؤدي إلى تراجع الإنتاجية في العمل. تتلخص الحلول بتلافي المسببات ,كما تمتلك الطبيعة أدوات فعالة لتنقية الهواء, فالحرص على التهوية الطبيعية الجيدة حتى في فصل الشتاء مع ضرورة التأكد من دخول الأشعة الشمسية للمنزل بإعتدال له أثر العجب لحل المشكلة, أيضا يمكن إستخدام النباتات الطبيعية والتي من السهل العناية بها كمنقي طبيعي للهواء الداخلي ,كما أنه يجب عدم الإسراف في إستخدام المواد والمنظفات والمعطرات الكيماوية مع ضرورة مراعاة الحفاظ على معايير النظافة العالية. 

6 Tips That Will Help You Sleep Better Every Night

Sleeping is one of the great pleasures that life gives us and, in addition, it is a vital physiological process to maintain good health. If you have trouble falling asleep, do not miss these tips that will help you sleep better every night. What can you do to sleep better?

Doing physical exercise regularly, avoiding stressful situations, trying cbd oil or using a warmer to sleep better are some of the guidelines that will help you get a quality sleep every night.

According to recent research, millions of people around the world suffer from the effects of insomnia, an alteration that, according to experts, could become a global health problem if the appropriate measures are not taken.


Surround yourself with things that make you smile and improve your comfort and guarantee a pleasant sleep with the perfect comforter for you.

If you find it difficult to sleep every night, follow these simple tips and you will be able to fall asleep and rest as your body deserves:

1. Practice physical exercise

Physical exercise is one of the fundamental keys to maintaining good health, but it is also key to sleeping better. And it is that staying physically active throughout the day and doing activities in a moderate way, can help you sleep better and fall asleep faster each night.

In addition, it has been shown that people who walk, swim, jog, or ride a bike on a daily basis wake up less frequently each night.

2. Use the bed only to sleep

Bed is the place we should only go at night, so the rest of the activities you do during the day should be outside of the bed. Watching television, reading a novel, or surfing the Internet are activities that should be done in another part of the house if you want to sleep better at the end of the day. This is part of having good sleep hygiene, a core component of CBTi.

3. Get yourself a good rest area

The place where you go to sleep every night should become an area that exudes tranquility and relaxation in all its corners, and has a natural feel about it. When you go to bed each night, it is best that the room is completely dark, that it is not too cold or too hot, and that there are no noises that could disturb your sleep.

Make sure that your bedroom is always well organized, and that it does not have too many objects around the bed. Also, it is recommended not to have a television in the sleeping room.

An important factor to improve the quality of your rest is to get a comforter or a quilt, but it will be good to know their differences before choosing the ideal one for you.

4. Limit caffeine intake

Coffee, soft drinks that contain caffeine or tea are the great enemies of sleep. Therefore, if you like these drinks a lot, it is preferable that you drink them during the day and that you avoid them from the afternoon. In this way, you will be able to overcome another of the obstacles that prevent you from sleeping well every night. You may also try some mushroom tea to sleep better every night.

5. Naps should be short

If you are one of those who cannot do without taking a nap every day, you don’t have to give it up if you have insomnia. The only thing you should try is that this dream is as short as possible. A nap of about 20 minutes each day will do you very well and will not prevent you from falling asleep at night.

6. Avoid sleeping pills

Sleeping pills can be of great help at first, however, after time passes, the body will get used to these types of drugs and you will not be able to fall asleep naturally. For this reason, experts recommend doing without sleeping pills or using them only for very short periods of time. You may also try cbd oil to fall asleep with ease.

We suggest a comfortable and functional environment. The inevitable computer, which has become the main tool of every young man, a study area, together with another where he can feel comfortable playing a musical instrument.

How to Reset Your Sleeping Habits

If it turns out that you go to bed at night and don’t fall asleep, but instead think about anything from your homework, to walking the dog the next morning, you may need to “reset” your sleeping habits. Try the following:

1. Get any stressful thoughts out of your mind

Imagine a relaxing scene that involves sleep and build that scene in your mind. For example, suppose in the scene you are lying in a hammock, on the beach, and under the stars. Imagine the sound of the waves. Do you hear other sounds, like the breeze through the palm leaves? What sensations do you have (like the slight sway of the hammock or a warm and gentle breeze)? Is there someone else with you? Concentrate fully on this scene for a bit.


2. Try waking up for a short time

Get out of bed and do something relaxing that might make you sleepy, like reading something boring or playing a repetitive game, like Sudoku. Keep the light dim and go back to bed in about 30 minutes (or sooner if you start to feel sleepy).

3. Avoid technology such as phones and television

Bright screens can confuse your brain into thinking it’s time to get up. And anything that stimulates your brain – from a text conversation on your mobile to a video game – can also activate your body into the awake mode.

Getting up for a short time can be helpful if you have trouble falling asleep from time to time or if you ever wake up and can’t go back to sleep. But you are not interested in getting up every night. If you’re having trouble falling asleep, it’s best to train your body to slow down and relax with a pre-bedtime routine that you should apply every night. Doctors call this process “good sleep hygiene.”

Good sleep hygiene includes activities that signal the body that it is time to sleep, such as going to bed at the same time each night, unplugging all technology equipment, and keeping the room dark. It also includes avoiding caffeine or other stimulants for several hours before going to sleep.

It can help you to approach your dream like any other goal: make a plan that helps you focus on that goal and get the results you want!

7 Unique Ways the World is Adapting to Limited Resources

Globally speaking, we use 30 percent more of the earth’s non-renewable resources than is sustainable. Unsustainability means using resources at a quicker rate than they can regenerate, therefore limiting their availability for future generations. Resource limitations include deforestation, degraded soil, polluted air and water sources, water table depletion, acidic oceans, and declines in biodiversity.


One of the most impactful ways for the consumer goods industry to help the planet is to play a part in adapting to the decreased availability of resources and sustainability. This means redesigning consumer products and production systems to use fewer environmentally harmful or resource-depleting raw materials. As a response, many product designers have worked to create goods that use sustainable and renewable resources, and the results are some unique and elegant solutions. Read on to know how the world is adapting to limited resources:

1. Stone Paper

Stone paper is a renewable form of paper made from natural stone which can be used to replace paper that has been made from wood pulp. Unlike other paper substitutes, such as hemp paper, stone paper has a decreased water footprint, making it an extremely sustainable and paper-like substitute fit for many uses from notebooks to art. It’s also more durable than traditional paper, and many forms offer the advantage of being waterproof.

2. Renewable Wooden Goods

Renewable wood is sourced from certified forests and tree farms, such as those with the sustainability marker of the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) and similar organizations. In many cases, this wood is harvested from tree farms. Tree farms, while often constituted of monocultures, offer consumer goods manufacturing the opportunity to use natural wood without cutting down the precious ecosystems of natural growth forests across the world.

This process allows wooden consumer goods to be renewable, in addition to biodegradable. Additionally, they require less energy and the decreased use of fossil fuels in the manufacturing process. Representative items include sustainable wooden watches or consumer electronics, such as headphones. Similarly, renewable bamboo is arising as a useful substitute for short-term and single-use plastics, such as drinking straws and toothbrushes.

As an added bonus, it’s common for companies that specialize in sustainable natural wood materials to participate in tree-planting programs. This means that for each sale, they participate in a planting organization that allows them to plant trees for future use and sustainability.

3. Zero-Paper Technologies and Forms

Digital technologies have opened up amazing possibilities for cutting paper out of the workflow entirely. Digital technologies have adapted into new and unique avenues of work, practicality, creativity, and expression. Digital technologies are now capable of imitating most forms and uses of paper, from contracts and paperwork, books and reference materials, to note-taking and many forms of art. It is now possible for not only people, but also businesses to live and work completely paper-free without compromising any of their hobbies, productivity, or functionality.

recycled paper

4. Household and Office Efficiency

Reducing energy use in the home is one of the most often-used methods of reducing individual carbon footprint and resource consumption. This is because it directly affects individual and business expenses while also allowing individuals to take part in preserving the environment. Consumer goods have developed household items, technologies, and appliances that use less energy while also utilizing solar panels.

Decreasing energy consumption in the home often means switching to lighting and appliance options that require less energy during their active time. Additionally, many houses and workplaces are switching to the use of solar panels wherever possible. While not all homes can afford their own solar panels, smaller solutions often include solar lighting for the lawn and other outdoor areas.

5. Repurposing Recycled Materials

Recycled materials are being used to produce new and unique articles of furniture. Furniture made from recycled materials is not only environmentally friendly but more durable. This makes it better for the consumer in the long run, since recycled furniture can last longer before breaking down. Furniture isn’t the only industry using high quality recycled materials to great advantage, though.

Sustainable technological items, for example, often use materials that bypass harmful plastics, such as FSC-certified wood, stainless steel, recycled metals, such as aluminum, and natural fabrics and fibers. Additionally, many of these renewable materials allow for greater long-run durability. More durable goods means fewer consumer gadgets and electronics clogging landfills.


6. Biodegradable or Compostable Material

While clutter and consumer culture is one kind of problem for the environment, the packaging that these items come in is an additional problem that has even less purpose than the goods that they envelop. Even worse, the majority of compostable packaging for consumer goods is made of plastic, which uses fossil fuels to create, is often non-recyclable, and in most cases does not biodegrade for many years.

Many ecologically concerned consumer goods companies are addressing this problem head-on by searching for alternative packaging solutions. Often these solutions do not include plastics, or, when they do, the plastic has been treated to be biodegradable. In other cases, companies will opt to use recycled and recyclable materials, such as recycled paper or cardboard, or glass.

In the end, adaptable resources are most often a response to consumer demands. These demands then spur on unique designs and environmentally friendly manufacturing. The more eco-friendly alternatives that we are aware of, which do not require the use of non-renewable resources, the better positioned we are to change manufacturing and product creation practices for greater sustainability.

Solid Waste Management in Iraq

Iraq is one of the most populous Arab countries with population exceeding 32 million. Rapid economic growth, high population growth, increasing individual income and sectarian conflicts have led to worsening solid waste management problem in the country. Iraq is estimated to produce 31,000 tons of solid waste every day with per capita waste generation exceeding 1.4 kg per day. Baghdad alone produces more than 1.5 million tons of solid wastes each year.

Rapid increase in waste generation production is putting tremendous strain on Iraqi waste handling infrastructure which have heavily damaged after decades of conflict and mismanagement. In the absence of modern and efficient waste handling and disposal infrastructure most of the wastes are disposed in unregulated landfills across Iraq, with little or no concern for both human health and environment. Spontaneous fires, groundwater contamination, surface water pollution and large-scale greenhouse gas emissions have been the hallmarks of Iraqi landfills.

National Waste Management Plan

The National Solid Waste Management Plan (NSWMP) for Iraq was developed in 2007 by collaboration of international waste management specialist. The plan contains the recommendations for development and which explains the background for decisions. The key principles of waste strategy development in Iraq can be summarized as:

  • Sustainable development;
  • Proximately principles and self-sufficiency;
  • Precautionary principles;
  • Polluter pays principle;
  • Producer responsibility;
  • Waste hierarchy;
  • Best practicable environmental option.

The plan generally states that Iraq will build 33 environmentally engineered landfills with the capacity of 600 million m3 in all of the 18 governorates in Iraq by 2027. In addition to constructing landfills the plan also focuses on the collection and transportation, disposable, recycling and reuses systems. Social education was also taken into consideration to ensure provision of educational system which supports the participation of both communities and individuals in waste management in Iraq.

Besides Iraqi national waste management plan, the Iraqi ministry of environment started in 2008 its own comprehensive development program which is part of the ministry of environment efforts to improve environmental situation in Iraq. Ministry of Municipalities and Public Work, in collaboration with international agencies like UN Habitat, USAID, UNICEF and EU, are developing and implementing solid waste management master plans in several Iraqi governorates including Kirkuk, Anbar, Basra, Dohuk, Erbil, Sulaimaniya and Thi Qar.

Promising Developments

Kirkuk was the first city in Iraq to benefit from solid waste management program when foreign forces initiated a solid-waste management program for the city in 2005 to find an environmentally safe solution to the city’s garbage collection and disposal dilemma. As a result the first environmentally engineered and constructed landfill in Iraq was introduced in Kirkuk In February 2007. The 48-acre site is located 10 miles south of Kirkuk, with an expected lifespan of 10–12 years and meets both the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and European Union Landfill Directive standards.

The Iraqi city of Basra also benefited from international aid with the completion of the first landfill that is compliant with international environmental standards has been completed. Basra solid waste management program developed by UNICEF will not only restore efficient waste collection systems in the citybut will also create informal “recycling schools” that will help in spreading environmental awareness in in the city’s society by launching a campaign to educate the public about effective waste disposal practices, in addition to that In the long term, the Basra city program plans to establish a regional treatment and disposal facility and initiate street sweeping crews. Basra city waste management program is part of the UNICEF program supported by the European Union to develop Iraq’s water and sanitation sector.

Erbil’s solid waste management master plan has also been developed by UNICEF with funding from the European Union. Recently a contract was signed by the Kurdistan Region's Ministry of Municipalities and Tourism and a Canadian company to recycle the city's garbage which will involve the construction of two recycling plants in the eastern and western outskirts of Erbil.

UNICEF has also developed a master plan to improve the management of solid waste in Dohuk Governorate which has been finalized in June 2011. Solid waste management master plans for Anbar, Sulaimaniya and Thi Qar governorates are also a part of UNICEF and EU efforts to attaining Iraq’s Millennium Development Goal targets of ensuring environmental sustainability by 2015.

Even though all of the effort by the international organizations are at local level and still not enough to solve solid waste management problem in Iraq, however these initiatives have been able to provide a much needed information regarding the size of the issue and valuable lessened learned used later by the Iraqi government to develop the Iraqi national waste management plan with the support of organizations such as UN Habitat, UNDG Iraq Trust Fund and USAID. The Iraqi national waste management plan is expected to ease the solid waste management problem in Iraq in the near future.

Introduction to Trigeneration


Trigeneration refers to the simultaneous generation of electricity and useful heating and cooling from the combustion of a biomass fuel or a solar heat collector. Conventional coal or nuclear-powered power stations convert only about 33% of their input heat to electricity. The remaining 67% emerges from the turbines as low-grade waste heat with no significant local uses so it is usually rejected to the environment.


What is Trigeneration

In a trigeneration system, the supply of high-temperature heat first drives a gas or steam turbine powered generator and the resulting low-temperature waste heat is then used for water or space heating. Such systems can attain higher overall efficiencies than cogeneration or traditional power plants, and provide significant financial and environmental benefits.

Trigeneration is one step ahead of cogeneration that is the residual heat available from a cogeneration system is further utilized to operate a vapor absorption refrigeration system to produce cooling; the resulting device thus facilitates combined heat power and cooling from a single fuel input. The heat produced by cogeneration can be delivered through various mediums, including warm water (e.g., for space heating and hot water systems), steam or hot air (e.g., for commercial and industrial uses). 

Advantages of Trigeneration

Trigeneration is an attractive option in situations where all three needs exist, such as in production processes with cooling requirements. Trigeneration has its greatest benefits when scaled to fit buildings or complexes of buildings where electricity, heating and cooling are perpetually needed. Such installations include but are not limited to: data centers, manufacturing facilities, universities, hospitals, military complexes and colleges. Localized trigeneration has addition benefits as described by distributed generation. Redundancy of power in mission critical applications, lower power usage costs and the ability to sell electrical power back to the local utility are a few of the major benefits.

Most industrial countries generate the majority of their electrical power needs in large centralized facilities with capacity for large electrical power output. These plants have excellent economies of scale, but usually transmit electricity long distances resulting in sizable losses, negatively affect the environment.

Large power plants can use cogeneration or trigeneration systems only when sufficient need exists in immediate geographic vicinity for an industrial complex, additional power plant or a city. An example of cogeneration with trigeneration applications in a major city is the New York City steam system. The city of Sydney has embarked upon an ambitious trigeneration plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 70 percent by producing 477 MW of local power using trigeneration systems.

One of the technologies that have the best performance for being integrated into a trigeneration system is the fuel cell. Systems working on fuel cell technology can transform the energy of a chemical reaction into electrical energy, heat and water. Its main practical applications range from bulk production of electricity and heat to its use in sectors such as aerospace, maritime or surface transport and portable devices.

Trigeneration Prospects in the Middle East

There is very good potential for deployment of trigeneration in the Middle East. The constant year-round heat coupled with expensive glass exteriors for hotel, airports, offices, apartments etc result in very high indoor temperatures. The combination of distributed generation of power and utilization of waste heat can provide a sustainable solution to meet the high demand for refrigeration in the region. District cooling has the potential to provide a viable solution to meet air conditioning requirements in commercial buildings, hotels, apartment blocks, shopping malls etc.

Trigeneration systems can play a vital role in reducing energy requirements in Middle East nations. Apart from providing cooling needs, such systems can reduce the need for new power plants, slash fossil fuel requirements and substantially reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the region.   

Bioremediation: Fighting Pollution with Bacterial Assistance

Bioremediation is an engineering process which uses microorganisms to degrade a material. It can be used to treat contaminated media such as water, air and soil, by altering the environmental conditions to stimulate growth of microorganisms and degrade the target pollutant and enhance the quality of the media. In this age of rapid industrialization and depleting natural resources, there is an alarming need for a much effective sustainable development model and new ways to decontaminate and re-energize our surrounding land, water and air. Bioremediation provides an efficient and environment-friendly treatment compared to various other remediation technologies involving chemicals and radiation.

A popular application of bioremediation is in oil spill clean-up. Since oil spills can have grave repercussions to the aquatic eco-system, oil eating microbes are introduced into the affected regions or the conditions are altered to conduct the growth of such microbes. Another popular and widely used bioremediation application is the treatment of contaminated soils and land.

Bioremediation in Agricultural Sector

The recent statistics suggest that there has been significant decrease in the use of these harmful chemicals in the developed countries like China, but the usage rates are still the same in the developing ones. These developing countries are among the top importers of fertilizers and pesticides. The use of such fertilizers and pesticides may ensure a short term benefit, but in the long term it is suicidal for the human health and natural ecosystems.

Extensive use of chemicals shoots up the amount of nitrates, sulphates, phosphates in the soil, depleting the nutrients required for plantation and affecting the water holding capacity of the soil. Moreover these mixed with rainwater can turn the soil acidic which might then infiltrate into both ground and surface water affecting the people and animals around. Apart from the chemical related issues, the percentage of uncultivated and unused lands is staggeringly high in many countries and the deforestation rates in many quickly urbanizing countries are alarming. Thus there is a desperate need of convert these unused lands to high cultivating ones , rejuvenate damaged soils and treat various industrial wastes, emissions , as Bob Brown, a respected political figure and environmentalist once said “The future will either be green or not at all “.

Wide Array of Processes

Bioremediation processes ranges from simple home remedies to highly engineered complex ones. Bioremediation helps in converting the harmful hydrocarbons, sulphates, nitrates etc into much simpler, useful and easily degradable elements like sulphur, nitrogen etc that can be used as fertilizer and can be easily degraded too. Bacteria and Fungi are the two main microorganism classes that assist in such processes. The use of bioremediation techniques for decontaminating ground water resources has found to be cost-effective, saving millions of dollars.

The most popular and cheapest home bioremediation method is the use of compost. Rich in nutrients, the compost is very beneficial for land in many ways. It can act as a soil conditioner, a natural pesticide and helps in reducing soil erosion. The composting process also provides a favorable condition for the growth of essential bacteria, fungi and protozoa that further enhances its uses. Nowadays many governments are promoting the use of compost by helping to set up compost plant in houses at subsidized prices. In general, use of organic fertilizers and pesticides help in maintaining the health of the soil and the yield from it.

Another common practice is crop rotation using legume plants like peas, beans etc. Crop rotation is a practice of growing different classes of crops in same area as per the respective seasons. The legumes roots contain bacteria called Rhizobia that fix the atmospheric nitrogen and converts it into ammonia, improving the health of the soil.

The more advanced form of bioremediation includes In-situ and Ex-situ bioremediation. In-Situ, the cheapest and more efficient among the two, involves collection of soil samples, studying its characteristics and pollutants, and then applying the appropriate bioremediation technique to the land. Ex-situ deals with extreme contaminations like an oil/chemical spill, for which the contaminated part of the land is physically removed and treated in bio-reactors and also with some of the home techniques mentioned before like composting. Various bacteria (like E.coli) have been found to be effective against heavy metal pollutants like cadmium, lead etc that have adverse effects on the growth of plants. There are many Biosensor bacteria that help detecting the presence of such heavy metals. Microorganisms and even plants are also genetically modified to remove harmful pollutants.

Relevance for the Middle East

In the Middle-East countries, where the petroleum industries are the backbone of their economy, there are large numbers of on-site oil rigs and oil storage tanks, emissions of by-product gases, mismanaged waste disposal, increased chances of oil spills and unfortunate fire accidents leaving the surrounded soil with high quantity of hydrocarbon pollutants. Even the lack of natural vegetation and plantations leave the cities unguarded against the sandstorms, periodic droughts and temperature rise.

There are reports claiming that the Middle East countries will be uninhabitable after the next 50 years due to these reasons. Mainly these hydrocarbon polluted soils are washed with conventional reaction agents and bleaches. It helps to get rid of the pollutants but does nothing to enhance the quality of the soil and make it healthy enough for plantation uses.

Bioremediation is a popular method to treat oil spills in seas and on beaches.

Use of bioremediation techniques not only remove the pollutant but improve the overall nutrition of the soil and with continuous effort the soil could be healthy enough for other productive activities. The bacteria used for these purpose beaks the hydrocarbon and then degrade the same. Growth of fungi also accelerates the oil degradation rates as they can grow in low pH /nutrient environments and work alongside bacteria to degrade twice as much.

Second alternative involves growing certain classes of plants that tolerate oil and whose roots are associated with oil degrading microorganisms. This would work well in moderate and weakly contaminated areas, but heavily contaminated areas would first have to be mixed with clean sand to dilute the oil to tolerable levels for plants.

Future Outlook

Contrary to what some people in the industry believe, bioremediation really does work to remove different pollutants for soils, water bodies as well as atmosphere. But the success of bioremediation depends on more people- environmentalists, researchers and government representatives – working towards this cause and spreading awareness and educating other about it. The scope of bioremediation is endless. More aggressive researches need to be done for treating radioactive contaminants and genetically developing defense mechanisms against newly emerging threats to the natural resources. As research and development of bioremediation continues, many governments are easing their regulations on the use of such technologies.

It is expected that more and more matches between microbes and the pollutants they can remove will be made in the near future. Eventually a standard method of directly comparing bioremediation techniques will be developed. For now, the industry is left with the task of choosing between the degree of biodegradation and cost effectiveness of the method.

Strategizing Water Security in the GCC to Meet the Needs of a Growing Population

Water security has become an increasingly hot topic in the GCC as regional governments struggle to meet the water needs of a rapidly increasing population. If population and development levels maintain their fast-paced upward trajectory, so too will the demand for water, food, and energy increase at the same rate. The Gulf region as a whole remains geographically handicapped in the sense no major rivers flow through it, and it possesses few renewable aquifer endowments. Therefore, there is an urgent need for these states to manage their scarce water resources efficiently.


Currently, the states rely heavily on groundwater sources, followed by desalination, as the primary means of obtaining potable water. However, as groundwater depletion continues and technological advancements in desalination maintain a relatively slow pace, these countries will have to take drastic steps to improve their water security.

Areas for Improvement

Unplanned rapid urbanization is a huge water usage culprit, as it requires large amounts of water, placing undue stress on resources. For many Gulf nations, unprecedented development and urbanization has occurred during the past few decades, leaving no time for aquifers to replenish themselves. This poses challenges to satisfying water needs for domestic, agriculture and industrial sectors. Given that much of the region is made up of desert, a plausible solution is to increase the number of drought-resistant crops grown that require only minimal amounts of water to produce. As such, investing in GMO technology to design crops better adapted to the desert climate should be a top regional priority.

In addition, the states can improve upon existing agriculture policies so as to more effectively allocate water supplies and promote laws expanding the use of modernized irrigation systems while reducing the area of crops high in water consumption. Strides have also been made in the direction of promoting the farming of crops tolerant of brackish water as a form of irrigation.

Another related area of untapped potential is that of increasing the use of recycled water, which currently only makes up around 2% of the region’s water consumption. This reused water is taken from either agricultural or industrial sources, and treated to a different degree depending upon its intended usage. To reach potable levels, it must be treated to a high degree, but lesser levels of treatment are needed for other purposes, such as landscape irrigation or toilet flushing.


Unfortunately, there remains a low demand for recycled wastewater in the region, as potential consumers perceive a high difference in quality between conventional and recycled water. Proposed attempts to counter this include the implementation of a targeted reuse plan, through which wastewater effluents would be combined with conventional water, and a differentiated water-delivery policy will be adopted.

Virtual Water

Agricultural sector is responsible for around 70% of water consumption in the GCC, following a trend to increase food security, as GCC nations realize they would economically benefit from cultivating their own crops, as opposed to importing. However, this is not necessarily the case, as states could benefit greatly from ‘virtual water’ trade.

Virtual water refers to the hidden embedded cost, in terms of water volume, used to produce a product. By importing water-intensive products while exporting products that are not as water-intensive, GCC countries can then ‘save’ this water for other uses. For Oman in 1998, the country’s virtual water imports accounted for triple the total annual replenishment of the country’s water resources. The case of Oman proves the potential of virtual water trade in helping the Gulf countries protect their water resources.

Steps Forward

Several GCC states have taken steps to implement new and innovative educational campaigns educating their populations on water conservation, in attempts to limit consumption. The UAE in particular, being the most water distressed country in the region, has designed and implemented several campaigns. One of these is ‘Peak Load,’ which attempts to limit the amount of unnecessary water and energy appliances during ‘peak-load’ hours, 12-6pm over the summer.

Qatar has also made achieving sustainable development goals a national priority as part of the Qatar National Vision 2030. Such initiatives as these are important since states will likely need to use both bottom-up and top-down approaches to adequately deal with water scarcity issues, and cooperation from the public is vital.

Traditionally, water security in the GCC has been directly tied to fossil fuel exports. A sizable portion of revenue collected through these exports goes towards improving water sustainability measures and investing in technologies to help them do so. However, as oil resources continue to be depleted, the states grow increasingly vulnerable in terms of energy, water, and food security. By focusing on disentangling water security from fossil fuel exports, the region will be better equipped to address water scarcity as a stand-alone issue.

دور الشركات الناشئة في التعافي المستدام في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال إفريقيا

أوشكت العديد من الشركات على الانهيار بسبب جائحة كورونا. في عالم ريادة الأعمال، تجد العديد من الشركات الناشئة والتي لا تمتلك شبكة أمان اجتماعي نفسها فجأة معتمدة كليًا على مدخراتها. وحيث يركز العالم الآن على مرحلة التعافي من آثار الجائحة، يدرك أصحاب الأعمال أهمية بناء نماذج عمل وهياكل أكثر مرونة ومنعة لمواجهة أزمات مشابهة ولتجنب أي صدمات اقتصادية.


التكيف مع الواقع الجديد

تسعى الشركات الناشئة الخضراء إلى تطوير حلول مبتكرة تهدف إلى استغلال النفايات أو إعادة استخدامها، وتقليل تكاليف التصنيع، وتخفيف الضغط على نظامنا البيئي الطبيعي وموارده. علمتنا جائحة كورونا كذلك أهمية الاستعانة بسلاسل الامداد المحلية أينما كان ذلك ممكنًا، مما أدى إلى خلق فرص عمل جديدة وقلل من البصمة الكربونية الناتجة عن وسائل النقل.

  1. كريم – وفرت شركة كريم ٥٠٠٠ وظيفة في عام ٢٠١٨. وخلال الفترة التي كان هناك توقعات لرفع الحظر عن قيادة الإناث للسيارات، دربت شركة كريم سائقات في المملكة العربية السعودية.
  2. مزارع برديا – تستخدم مزارع برديا تقنية الزراعة المائية والتي تستخدم كمية مياه أقل بنسبة تصل إلى ٨٠٪ من طرق الزراعة التقليدية.
  3. شركة (Seramic Energy) – تقوم الشركة بتطوير مشاريع قائمة على عملية المعالجة الحرارية والتي تعتبر مهمة لإدارة نفايات الصناعات الثقيلة.
  4. شمسينا – تصمم الشركة وتصنع تقنيات خلايا شمسية بأسعار معقولة.

وفقًا للآنسة ألين بوسمان من منظمة سيواس، اضطرت الشركات الناشئة البيئة في مجال المياه والصرف الصحي والنفايات والزراعة أن توقف عملها أو أن تتكيف مع الجائحة وتبعاتها. اختار معظم هذه الشركات التكيف من خلال تنويع نماذج أعمالها أو توجيه منتجاتها لمساعدة المجتمعات الأكثر تأثرا.

لا تتمتع الشركات الكبرى بالمرونة وسرعة الحركة التي تتمتع بها الشركات الناشئة. لذا، يجب على الشركات الناشئة التي تعد محركات للنمو المبتكر إعطاء الأولوية للجوانب التالية:

  1. الخروج من مرحلة إدارة الأزمة إلى التعافي والمنعة
  2. تضمين مبادرات ترتكز على البيئة والمجتمع والحوكمة الرشيدة من أجل تطوير حلول طويلة الأمد وبناء القدرات
  3. التركيز على الحلول الموجهة بالمجتمعات المحلية
  4. تبني أهداف ذات أثر مجتمعي لا تقتصر على الربحية او قابلية التوسع
  5. الاستغلال الأمثل للموارد الموجودة لاستكشاف قيم جديدة
  6. التوجه نحو الاقتصاد الدائري الصديق للبيئة
  7. ضمان خلق فرص عمل
  8. الاعتماد على القيادة الواعية مجتمعيا
  9. الاستفادة من الاستراتيجيات التسويقية الرائدة لتقليل تكلفة الترويج للخدمات او المنتجات

نوافذ الدعم الخارجي

تقدم المنظمات العالمية والإقليمية الدعم المالي وخدمات الاحتضان والتسريع للشركات الناشئة الواعدة إدراكًا منها للإمكانات الهائلة التي يمتلكها رياديو الأعمال في حل المشكلات المتعلقة بالوصول إلى الموارد.

تعهد مجلس الأعمال الإقليمي التابع للمنتدى الاقتصادي العالمي بتخصيص ١٠٪ من ميزانيته السنوية للشركات الصغيرة والمتوسطة والشركات الناشئة وريادي الأعمال.

يساعد برنامج مسرعة (C3) للأثر المجتمعي في تمويل الشركات الناشئة التي تساهم بشكل كبير في تحقيق الأهداف العالمية التنمية المستدامة ولديها مسار واضح لتحقيق الربح. في العام ٢٠٢٠، وصل للمسرعة أكثر من ٦٠٠ طلب دعك من منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال إفريقيا.

تساعد سيواس، الحاضنة العالمية الأولى من نوعها في مجال المياه والصرف الصحي والتي تتميز ببرنامج التدريب على الابتكار في مجال الأعمال البيئية، في إعادة التركيز على إدارة الموارد.  لسيواس – الشرق الأوسط أهمية عظيمة في ضوء النقص الحاد في الموارد المائية الذي تعاني منه المنطقة والحاجة الكبيرة لإدارة الموارد المائية والصرف الصحي.

العقبات أمام الشركات الناشئة

أظهر تقرير صادر عن ستارتاب جينوم (Startup Genome) أن هناك انخفاضًا في رأس المال الاستثماري العالمي بنسبة ٢٠ ٪ على الأقل منذ شهر كانون الثاني ٢٠١٩، وهو تاريخ بداية جائحة فيروس كورونا. العقبات الرئيسية التي تواجه الشركات الناشئة اليوم هي:

  1. التمويل البذري
  2. التعامل مع البيروقراطية الحكومية
  3. التدفق النقدي
  4. دعم الحكومة والقطاع الخاص
  5. التخفيض من القوة العاملة

لم يعد بإمكان الشركات الناشئة الاعتماد فقط على الأموال الناتجة من الوعي العام أو على الدعم المقدم من الحكومة والقطاع الخاص، فاليوم يعتمد أصحاب هذه الشركات على أنفسهم في تطوير وسائل بديلة لتوليد الدخل وللمساهمة في إيجاد فرص العمل الجديدة. تتركز معظم البؤر الساخنة في الابتكار وريادة الأعمال ضمن المناطق الحضرية في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال إفريقيا. لذا، لابد من جعل عملية الابتكار المجتمعي أكثر ديموقراطية بحيث يدعم وينطلق من القواعد الشعبية المجتمعية.


درست رويدة الهندسة المعمارية وبيئة البُنيان في الأردن، ثم إدارة التقنيات والموارد مع التركيزٍ على إدارة المناطق الحضرية والإقليمية في ألمانيا. ساهمت رويدة خلال سنين عملها ودراستها في مبادرات ومشاريع مختلفة حول التصميم البيئي؛ الأمر الذي ساعدها على بناء شخصيةٍ داعيةٍ لقضايا البيئة. تتطلّع رويدة للمساهمة في ترويج الابتكار في قطاعي المياه والبيئة في الأردن وفلسطين والمنطقة. رويدة مديرة مشروع بمنظمة سيواس. إلى جانب هذا العمل؛ تدرس رويدة الدكتوراة في ألمانيا في مواضيع المرونة الحضرية ومخيمات اللاجئين.

Note: The English version of the article was published by egomonk on egomonk insightsThe curator and host of this series is Ruba Al Zu’bi