Mercury Spill Control

Mercury finds widespread use in medical devices, industrial instruments, lighting etc. The most common applications are in high-pressure sodium lamps and fluorescent bulbs, thermostats, spent batteries, sphygmomanometers, thermometers and dental amalgams. The amount of mercury going into landfills is increasing every year because of the growing use of mercury-based healthcare, lighting and industrial products and lack of sustainable hazardous waste management practices. Tens of millions of fluorescent bulbs are discarded across the world which usually ends up in dumpsites.

Mercury is a toxin that attacks the central nervous system when ingested or inhaled.  Mercury evaporates very slowly.  If it is spilled or stored improperly, mercury evaporation can cause continual contamination of the air.  Mercury also readily seeps into lakes and waterways.  It builds up in the tissue of fish and animals that we eat, which contaminates the food chain and puts humans at risk. Mercury is toxic even in very small amounts.  It only takes 3 grams (1/25 of a teaspoon) of mercury to contaminate a 60-acre lake.  A typical mercury thermometer alone contains about 2 grams or mercury.

The most common form of a mercury spill is in liquid form. When liquefied, the small beads that form are difficult to pick up and contain, and measures should be taken accordingly to insure workers are protected and do not come in contact with the contaminated area without wearing proper protection. A broken light fixture, while not spread out, is just as much of risk to the employees as the dust very readily spreads and can be inhaled.

Cleanup Procedure

Cleaning up this spill can be done in one of two methods, via amalgamation or insolubilization. Both methods will turn mercury in a non-vaporizing form. Insolubilization requires the mercury to be mixed into a sulfide, where amalgamation mixes the mercury with one or more metals into a solid, which is easier to collect and dispose. Three major surface areas that are encountered in spills are hard, such as concrete or tile, soft, such as carpet, and soils.

Before a spill takes place, the proper materials need to be in order for preventive maintenance. A spill kit should be on hand at any workstation where the risk of mercury spillage and exposure exists at all times. The first step when a spill occurs would be to isolate the contaminated area, evacuating all personal away from the building until the spill can be contained and corrected. The marking off of the area by tape or signs is followed by an immediate interview and spill inquiry report filled out with the workers assistance.

Ventilation is the primary concern of the contaminated area, as the free mercury will readily vaporize and continue to do so until collected. It is recommended to shut down the air conditioning or heating, if applicable, and open the windows to get the maximum amount of air in the room and allow the vapors to flow outside.

After the process of applying personal protective equipment on and the removal of all metallic objects from the worker, use mercury sensing gauges or a gas vapor analyzer to determine the areas of contamination and residue. An alternative method is to use a high intensity halogen light to detect the presence of mercury droplets or powder. A final method would be the application of a Sodium Sulfide solution to the contaminated area. Discoloration in the form of dark reddish brown stain will indicate the presence of mercury.

Upon completion of the spill area, collect all contaminated materials that have been amalgamated into a bucket with sealed lid. This container will be the primary device to return the objects to the mercury recycler. Inspect the area, and atmosphere for any residual indication of mercury vapors. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) standards limit the exposure risks to vapor to be no more than 0.2 mg/L.

Great care must be taken to inspect all the areas before declaring the site now safe for return. Collection of the tools, gloves, boots, etc., can now be done and put into separate containers for disposal. A final protective application from any residual mercury would be to put down a wax like sealant over the surface area, if applicable.

Another common spill situation occurs when mercury has been spilled in a doctor’s office and winds up on carpeting. The same skill and observation to detail must be followed in order to complete the task. Application of the amalgamation powder, and then collection with a mercury only vacuum is the preferred method. The carpet area affected is then cut out and ripped up, with all items, including the vacuum cartridge, contaminated into disposal containers for return to the recycler. Again, as with the hardened surface area, vapor analyzing will indicate if additional treatment is needed.

Occasionally, mercury is spilled outside and into the surrounding soil. Great care must be taken to set up a perimeter around the contaminated area and to collect the soil for cleaning. Soils vary in type and consistency, and commonly, the mercury is found very close to the surface. The soil can be taken off site for reclamation via distillation or by using a combination of forming layers of the amalgamation powder and sand, making a slurry of the soil and water, and passing the mixture through the filter media. The effluent should be tested for mercury contamination and the filter media retained for processing at the recycler.

دليل المبتدئين للطاقة المتجددة

إن الطاقة المتجددة متوفرة في كل مكان حولنا، لكن علينا أن ندرك كيف نستخدمها ونتعامل معها في حياتنا اليومية. جميعنا سمعنا عنها وعن الفوائد المتعددة لاستخدامها من الوقود الاحفوري كالفحم والنفط والغاز الطبيعي إلى طاقة الرياح، والشمس والوقود الحيوي والطاقة الكهرومائية وايضاُ خلايا وقود الهيدروجين. لكن، ماهي الطاقة المتجددة؟ ومن أين تأتي؟ حسناً، نحن نستطيع تسخير واستغلال هذه الطاقة من خلال توربينات الرياح والالواح الشمسية في المنزل او العمل، وأيضاً نستطيع الاستفادة من حقيقة أن الشركات مطالبة بتوليد وتوفير جزء من الكهرباء بإستخدام مصادر الطاقة النظيفة.

حتى إن كانت بعض الشركات – إن لم يكن معظمها – لا تقدم برامج صديقة للبيئة، فلتعلم انه بامكانك وبسهولة أن تقلل من انبعاثات الكربون عن طريق تبديل نوعية المصابيح او الاجهزة التي تستخدمها، الخطوة الاولى تتمثل في فهم الطاقة المتجددة والتعرف على كيفية عملها، لذا هذا هو دليلنا حول الطاقة المتجددة للمبتدئين.

Must Have Solar Light Models

ما هي الطاقة المتجددة؟

الطاقة المتجددة هي نوع من انواع الطاقة التي يمكن تجديدها بسهولة، على عكس الوقود الاحفوري، وتشمل الطاقة المتجددة مصادراً عدة منها الشمس والرياح والحرارة الجوفية والمياه، وتشمل الطاقة غير المتجددة الفحم والنفط والغاز الطبيعي.

مصادر الطاقة المتجددة

  • الطاقة الشمسية: تحويل ضوء الشمس إلى كهرباء بواسطة الخلايا الكهروضوئية أو الإشعاع الحراري (الألواح الشمسية) المستخدمة في أنظمة التدفئة الشمسية
  • طاقة الرياح: توليد الكهرباء عن طريق تسخير طاقة الرياح من خلال توربينات الرياح
  • الطاقة الكهرومائية: إنتاج الكهرباء من المياه المتساقطة أو نقل المياه المستخدمة كمصدر للطاقة
  • طاقة الكتلة الحيوية: تشمل الكتلة الحيوية المواد النباتية مثل المحاصيل الزراعية والأشجار المستخدمة لتوليد الطاقة عن طريق حرقها لمكوناتها الكيميائية مثل الإيثانول

كيفية استخدام الطاقة المتجددة في المنزل أو العمل

الألواح الشمسية

إذا قمت بتركيب الالواح الشمسية الكهروضوئية على سطح منزلك فإنك ستستفيد منها لتوليد الكهرباء لمنزلك أو مكتبك، حيث تعمل هذه الالواح على تسخير أشعة الشمس وتحويلها إلى كهرباء، وبعد ذلك تستخدمها للتدفئة أو تشغيل الاجهزة والمصابيح.

تولد الالواح الشمسية الكهرباء خلال فترة النهار حتى لو كانت السماء غائمة، وتولد المزيد من الطاقة في الايام المشمسة، بعد ذلك فإنه بإمكانك تخزين الكهرباء المتولدة في بطاريات، لذا ستبقى قادراً على استخدام الطاقة المولدة أثناء النهار في الليل. وبذلك يمكن أن توفر ما مقداره 700 جنيه استرليني سنوياً عن طريق استخدام الالواح الشمسية، وسيقل اعتمادك على شبكة الكهرباء المحلية.

التسخين بالطاقة الشمسية

يستخدم التسخين الشمسي الألواح الشمسية التي تم تركيبها لتوليد الحرارة في الماء المخزن في أسطوانة الماء الساخن فوق الألواح الشمسية.  هذه الاسطوانات تحتاج إلى بضع ساعات من ضوء الشمس المباشر للحصول على ماء دافئ، والذي يمكن استخدامه بعد ذلك للحصول  على الماء الساخن في الحنفيات.

المضخات الحرارية

تستخدم مضخات الحرارة  الهواء الخارجي الحار لتزويد المنازل والشركات بالتدفئة والماء الساخن. تعمل المضخات الحرارية في جميع درجات الحرارة – مثل الثلاجة العكسية.

تعد المضخات الحرارية أكثر استدامة من أنظمة التدفئة التقليدية ويمكن أن تقلل بشكل كبير من انبعاثات الكربون وتجعل منزلك أكثر كفاءة في استخدام  الطاقة. وبالرغم من التكاليف المرتفعه لتركيب مثل هذا النظام إلا أن المضخات الحرارية توفر أكثر من 1000 جنيهاً استرلينياً على التدفئة.

توربينات الرياح

تتوفر توربينات الرياح الصغيرة للمنازل والمكاتب ويمكن تركيبها إما على عمود قائم أو على سطح المبنى. عندما تدور الشفرات ، يتم تنشيط التوربين الداخلي الذي يولد الكهرباء.

الكتلة الحيوية

تحرق أنظمة الوقود الحيوي المواد العضوية لتوليد الحرارة وتوفير الماء الساخن، إنحرق الكتلة الحيوية مثل (قطع وكرياتالخشب) له بصمة كربونية أقل بكثير من حرق الوقود الأحفوري، حيث تشير التقديرات إلى أن حرق الأخشاب بهذه الطريقة لا ينتج الا كمية الكربون التي تمتصها الشجرة خلال حياتها، مما يجعلها محلول تسخين كربوني متعادل.


الطاقة الكهرومائية

إذا كان منزلك أو مكتبك يقع بالقرب من مجرى متدفق، فيمكنك استخدام محطة طاقة كهرومائية صغيرة الحجم لتوليد الطاقة للمبنى الخاص بك.

مزايا وعيوب الطاقة المتجددة


  • مصدر نظيف للطاقة
  • من حلول الطاقة المستدامة
  • أسعار معقولة مقارنة بالوقود الأحفوري


  • ليست فعالة من حيث التكلفة في إنتاج الكهرباء مثل الوقود الأحفوري
  • يمكن أن تكون غير ثابتة أو موثوقة فإنهاعلى سبيل المثال، في الأيام الممطرة أو الأيام بدون رياح، فإن الالواح الشمسية أو توربينات الرياح لن تكون ذات فعالية عالية.

افكار اخيرة

نأمل أن تكون هذه  المقتطفات  قد زودتك بمعلومات كافية وجيدة عن الطاقة المتجددة، حيث يعد استخدامك لهذا النوع من الطاقة خطوة رائعة لتقليل بصمتك الكربونية وتسخير مصادر الطاقة التي توفرها الطبيعة لك.

ترجمه – ماجدة هلسة

أردنية متعددة الاهتمامات، لديها من الخبرة ما يناهز العشرون عاماً في مجالي المالية والإدارة في المؤسسات المحلية والدولية وتعمل ماجدة حالياً مع الوكالة الألمانية للتعاون الدولي كموظفةٍ ماليةٍ. ومع ذلك كله وعلى الصعيد التطوعي، فإن لديها شغفاً كبيراً بالترجمة في كافة المواضيع والمجالات، وقد بُني هذا الشغف بالخبرة الشخصية والعملية على

Solar in Colorado: 3 Things to Know

Coal is one non-renewable energy source that people have long used. But due to industrialization and the increasing population, these sources of energy are decreasing at a fast rate. Additionally, non-renewable energy sources may have a negative impact on the environment. Due to these reasons, there was a need to develop a more sustainable and renewable energy source. Enter solar energy.

going solar in Colorado

States such as Colorado have made an effort to harness this non-depleting energy source, which is no surprise as it’s one of the sunniest states in the US. As technology advances, it has become easier for most Colorado residents to install this cleaner energy to power their home and business operations. However, as a newbie, it might be challenging to go to Solar Colorado. The good news is that the following article outlines the three things you need to know before going solar in Colorado. Keep reading.

1. Solar Incentives

Going solar is not a cheap investment and may leave a huge dent in your hard-earned bucks. However, the total cost of installing a solar system will depend on your energy needs. Due to the high cost of installing solar systems, the government is offering incentives to encourage Colorado residents to go solar. Some of the incentives include:

Federal Solar Tax Credit

In this incentive, a homeowner can claim back a percentage of the capital cost of a solar system. In other words, it affords your dollar-dollar reduction on your owned income taxes. At the moment, the federal is offering a 26% tax credit, but you’ll be eligible for this if you buy and install your solar system on or before 31st December 2022. If you purchase your solar system after the set date you won’t enjoy the tax credit unless the government extends the same.

How To Qualify For Federal Solar Tax Credit

  • One of the qualifications is that you should be paying taxes to the federal government yourself. That makes sense, right?
  • Another qualification you should meet is that you must own solar systems. The panels themselves should be new or at the very least, you’re the first one to use them. There are several ways you can own solar systems in Colorado. They include cash, loans, and more. On the other hand, leasing a solar system may bar you from this incentive.

Sales and Use Tax Exemption

This is another incentive to encourage Colorado residents to go solar. When purchasing goods or services, there is a certain tax you’re expected to pay. However, with this exemption, you’re not expected to pay taxes when you purchase and use solar systems. This incentive plays a huge role in reducing your upfront costs of installing and using a solar system.

2. Factors To Consider in A Colorado Solar Company

Getting a reputable solar company in Colorado can be daunting, especially for a newbie. However, you might employ the following tips to simplify the process.


A reputable company will ensure you get quality products and services at a pocket-friendly cost. It’ll also utilize advanced solutions such as artificial intelligence (AI) to ensure they follow all the set rules and regulations, saving you from non-compliance fines and convictions, which could disrupt your production line. Take your time to go through the provided reviews to gauge whether the company is capable of meeting your needs and expectations.


As mentioned above, a solar system is not a cheap investment. For this reason, it’s important to ensure it’s covered in case anything happens. Go through their warranty coverage to understand what is covered, their policies, and more. This guarantees you have peace of mind even if anything happens to your solar system. Some of the common warranties include equipment, performance coverage, and more.

3. The Benefits Of Going Solar In Colorado

The following are the benefits you might enjoy after installing solar systems in Colorado. They include:

1. Save Money

As mentioned above, Colorado is one of the sunniest states in the US. Thus, you’ll have access to a free energy source. Although it might have a higher upfront cost, it’ll reduce your dependence on utility providers, saving you money in the long run. Also, the federal tax credit may help save you some bucks.

Benefits of Incorporating Solar Energy Technology In Construction

2. Environmental-Friendly

Over the last few years, people have acknowledged the need to protect the environment. Solar energy produces little to no pollutants. Thus, installing a solar system will play a huge role in reducing carbon emissions, and reducing the chances of contracting diseases caused by pollutants.

Wrapping Up

As discussed above, solar energy has become one of the sources of clean energy. Residents of Colorado have harnessed this energy source to power their home and business operations. However, you should conduct extensive research to understand what you need to know before going solar in Colorado or your locality.

Waste Prevention in Middle East – Prospects and Challenges

The best way of dealing with waste, both economically and environmentally, is to avoid creating it in the first place. People and businesses that use resources wisely not only save money but also have much less impact on the environment. That is why waste prevention rightly occupies the top spot in the so-called “Waste Hierarchy” set out in EU and national waste legislation. 

Waste prevention is about the way in which the products and services we all rely on are designed, made, bought and sold, used, consumed and disposed of. For example:

  • Making products that are more durable, repairable, re-usable and recyclable would help cut down on the amount of waste being created
  • Encouraging people and businesses to re-use goods via charity shops or other re-use networks would help boost markets for second hand items
  • Reducing the amounts of hazardous, harmful, or difficult to recycle substances in products or materials would help to protect the environment as well as improve the efficiency with which resources are used. 

Key Elements of Waste Management Hierarchy

The aim of the waste prevention is to break the link between economic growth and the environmental impacts associated with the generation of waste. This is sometimes referred to as “decoupling”, as in the past there has been a link between economic growth and increases in the amount of waste being produced.

Present Scenario

The per capita production of solid waste in Arab cities such as Riyadh, Doha and Abu Dhabi is over 1.5 kg per day, placing them among the highest per capita waste producers in the world. In urban areas, waste management is particularly pressing. Over the last few generations the Arab world has seen a rapid increase in its urban population, with some countries, such as Kuwait and Qatar’s population being urbanized at over 90%. Governments in those regions are struggling to keep a pace with population growth. 

Consumer waste, however, is not the only, or even the main, culprit. Construction waste is hugely dominant. It’s the main component of waste in the Middle East region. At the height of the building boom, among the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), 55% of waste was estimated to come from construction and demolition. Currently across the region overall, less than 20% of solid waste is properly treated, and less than 5% is recycled. The Middle East’s growing waste problem has started a debate among the region’s officials and environmentalists, some of whom are eager to see schemes such as pay-as-you-throw implemented. 

Major Challenges

For a good waste prevention plan to work for cities like Dubai, Muscat and Doha, it is important to say that there is going to have to be a high number of different initiatives that will work together in order to build up a waste prevention plan.  There has to be a commitment from all parties to create a ‘Waste Prevention Programme’.  Governments should propose policy, which include proposals for tool-kits on waste minimisation, business waste reduction trials and a Waste Prevention Fund.

It is not going to simply take one thing from governments saying ‘adopt this’, as that is not going to be enough. While a waste prevention programme is required from governments and businesses, what is also needed is to develop a plan in order to gauge future policies that could tie in with the waste hierarchy.

Municipal officials in the region should urge residents to help tackle the significant environmental challenge posed by increasing volumes of waste by changing entrenched habits and taking personal responsibility to ensure clean surroundings. There are people from many different cultures. It is important to keep the awareness and waste prevention campaigns high because each new resident will bring in their own habits and there will no doubt be some people who have no regard for the environment. In return, governments should make it easier for householders and businesses and everyone to do the right thing.

A study by the top four global custom market research firm, Synovate, on ‘green’ behaviour shows that consumers in the UAE are among the top purchasers of ecological and organic products, but rank near the bottom when it comes to recycling household waste. The survey also found women and older consumers are more environmentally conscious.

With a large expat community, many residents come to Middle Eastern countries where recycling is already part of everyday life. “The challenge is one of communication to generate awareness of recycling amongst a transient community and to create commitment from homeowners and residents to participate in the local initiatives being launched by both the public and private sectors. Most resident communities in the Middle East do not have the household recycling collection that exists in other countries.”

Action Plan

Middle Eastern governments should agree a responsibility deal with the business sector which should include a commitment by businesses to promote the waste hierarchy and the need to place greater emphasis on waste prevention and resource efficiency in their dealings with their waste producer customers. Also, there should be discussions  looking at issues such as how to decide which products and materials to target as waste prevention priorities, how to extend re-use, repair, and leasing business models, and how to make the idea of “waste prevention” more meaningful to people and businesses.

Priorities products and materials for waste prevention could include electrical and electronic equipment, clothing and textiles, construction materials, food waste, and packaging. The governments should put in place the much-needed recycling infrastructure and make segregation of waste at source compulsory. But a problem still remains in getting the recycling message across.

Correlation of green habits likely has a lot to do with availability. Middle East countries are quite good at buying ecological and organic products but could do better at recycling. That’s because they don’t have a well-developed system for collecting recyclables, which helps explain this. So the results don’t necessarily mean that people don’t want to be greener – it may just be that they can’t. Governments across the region could certainly help increase their population’s ability to engage in more green behaviour, whether by promoting recycling programmes, or by offering incentives to producers of ecological and organic products.

An issue that I have stressed to the officials during my visits to Dubai is that there still isn’t a watchdog monitoring green companies in the UAE as there is in European countries. Recycling is not cheap but there are ways and means to mitigate the cost. If it is managed properly, implemented correctly, and there is awareness among stakeholders, it will not be a burden on the malls.

Good waste management systems and plans are currently being implemented in the Middle East and the regulations will definitely bring positive benefits on the regions waste programme as it presents an opportunity to review recycling and ensure it is in line with each government’s regulations.

Why You Should Consider Switching to LED Christmas Lights

The number one decor that creates a festive atmosphere are Christmas lights. And even though no other decorations are included, these lights are going to make you imagine about Christmas. They are usually installed on Christmas trees but there are various techniques on how to use them as indoor decorations. They can be hung above your windows, hallways, doors and can even be installed on your stairways. These will surely fill your space with shimmering lights!


Furthermore, you can make absolutely fabulous-looking wreaths and lanterns for indoors easier especially when you make use of LED lights. With exceptional durability and a wide range of dazzling colors, LED Christmas lights for holiday displays are much more than energy-saving alternatives.

Discussed in this article are the benefits of using LED Christmas lights and some tips and ideas for a festive indoor decoration on Christmas holidays. Read on to know more!

Why Use LED Christmas Lights?

Almost all people are aware that LED Christmas lights are one of the most energy-efficient Christmas decors. But aside from this, there are more reasons why you should consider switching to LED lights. To know more about what LED lights are and how they work, read on this article.

Why do you think the majority of Christmas consumers prefer LED lights over incandescent ones? Below are five reasons why.

1. LEDs Have an Exceptionally Long Life

There are many sets of LED lights that are proven to last more than a thousand hours. This is much more beyond traditional sets of miniature incandescent lights that usually last for only one or two seasons.

Want to know more about the difference between LED lights and incandescent ones? This article provides a comprehensive comparison between LED and incandescent lighting.

2. LEDs Have Visually Parallel Output Light

LED light bulbs emit brighter and a more vivid light compared to conventional incandescent bulbs. Moreover, the stunning output light of LEDs is among its most complimented feature by customers.

3. LEDs Have More Advanced and Innovative Designs

LED lights are accessible in a wide color spectrum and have a number of varieties. They feature unique capabilities regarding light display including their ability to be dimmed and change in color.

4. LEDs Produce Less Heat

LED light bulbs produce less heat or no heat at all. This means they are always cool when touched making them safer for animals and children even if these are around during all seasons.

5. LEDs Can Be Connected in Long Strings

When you use LED lights, you can connect strings of LED lights together while using only one power outlet. Many conventional mini Christmas lights only allow the connection of 4 to 5 sets. But with various mini LED light strings, the end-to-end connection of 40 to 50 strings together can be done depending on your light count. If you are decorating large displays for Christmas, LED lights make this a lot easier.

Now, before we go on to the Christmas lighting styles and ideas, discussed below is our most recommended LED lighting style: LED strip lights. Wondering why? Read on the next section.

Why Use LED Strip Lights as Christmas Lighting?

There are various options to decorate your Christmas displays using LED lights. The 7 advantages of using LED strip lights rather than traditional Christmas lights are listed below.

1. They have a longer service life.

The lifespan of LED strip lights can reach up to 50,000 hours or more. This saves you maintenance costs and effort of changing your lights frequently.

2. They blend in easier.

LED strip lights are easier to blend in the displays or surroundings so they can be left up throughout the year. Buy Christmas jumpers and start your big and bright celebration.

3. They are very safe.

LED strip lights only have low voltage which is 12 volts. Furthermore, they are available in various colors you can choose from making the creation of festive light atmosphere a lot easier on your furniture, TV, monitor or even outdoors by elaborating effects on color changes.

4. They are suitable for light installations.

LED strip lights are intended for light installation effects and only take a few steps for the installation to complete.

5. They are very flexible.

LED strip lights are very flexible. Strips make it easier to light separate and curved spaces. All you have to do is remove its adhesive back and then stick in on any surface to illuminate your office or home with RGB and white led strip lights.

6. They can withstand weather extremities.

LED strip lights can withstand bitter winters and harsh winds. They are among the most sturdy lighting solutions.

7. They are available in white colors.

LED strip lights are available in static white colors so they can also be used as additional lighting for your properties to make them more elegant at any time period. You can use them as lighting for Thanksgiving and Halloween too.

Wondering where you can buy LED strip lights? Check out this manufacturer.

Other Christmas Lighting Decorating Ideas

2. Use Fairy Lights

Fairy lights may be small due to their tiny bulbs but they are mighty. Don’t be fooled by their size because they produce an incredible glowing, bright light! You can pick both new plug-in and battery operated options on green or silver wires for:

  • Wrapping around greenery,
  • Brightening craft projects, or
  • Illuminating glass jars.

#2 Use LED Icicle Light Bulbs

This is among the most popular outdoor LED list styles for Christmas. They are used to line roofs and in indoor decorations for ambient lighting in bedrooms. They are also increasing in popularity in wedding decors to produce a romantic mood. LED icicle lights come in a wide spectrum of colors and fun combinations such as green and red for Christmas. A color combination of purple and orange is also available for Halloweens!

Also Read: Sustainable Weddings: Making Your Big Day Eco-Friendly

#3 Use Falling Icicles and Grand Cascades

This is a twist on conventional icicle lights! These can be attached in stringers to imitate dripping ice and falling snow. Grand cascades are composed of diodes that light up and descend. This, simulating snow showers and shooting stars!


In this article, we have discussed why you should use LED bulbs as Christmas lighting, specifically LED strip lights. These are suitable for spaces that need very flexible installations and have a longer life span and can withstand extreme weather conditions compared to other Christmas lights. Then we gave you other five Christmas LED light styles you can use to decorate your home or office.

Want more? Here are 30 Christmas Decor DIYs using string and fairy lights you can follow. Have fun transforming your house or office into a fairyland!

الإعلان الإسلامي للمناخ يدعو للتخلص من الوقود الأحفوري

أطلق قادة المسلمين من ٢٠ دولة الاعلان الاسلامي من اجل التغير المناخي لدعوة 1.6 مليار مسلم في جميع أنحاء العالم للنهوض بواجبهم الأخلاقي في التصدي لمسألة تغير المناخ في اطار واجباتهم الدينية .تم تبني هذا الإعلان من قبل ٦٠ مشارك في الندوة الاسلامية المعنية بتغير المناخ المنعقدة بإسطنبول في ال١٧ وال١٨ من شهر أغسطس لعام 2015 ، حيث دعا كافة الأطراف في “مؤتمر اتفاقية الأمم المتحدة الإطارية بشأن تغير المناخ”، الذي سيعقد في باريس في شهر ديسمبر القادم ويحضره زعماء العالم، ان يقوموا بإتخاذ قرارات والتزامات طموحة وملزمة قانونياً للدول المشاركة، لوقف التغير المناخي واستخدام الوقود الاحفوري عن طريق توفير مسار لوقف الاحترار العالمي بدرجتين او درجة ونصف عن ما قبل الثورة الصناعية.

ويعرض الإعلان قضية أخلاقية، تعتمد على التعاليم الإسلامية للمسلمين و الأشخاص من جميع الأديان في جميع أنحاء العالم لإتخاذ إجراءات عاجلة بشأن تغير المناخ. الإعلان تمت صياغته من قبل فريق متنوع من علماء الدين الإسلامي من جميع أنحاء العالم بعد فترة مشاورات مكثفة قبل الندوة. وقد سبق إقراره من قبل أكثر من 60 مشاركا بما في ذلك مفتي أوغندا ولبنان. الإعلان الاسلامي يتفق مع الاعلان البابوي للحد من التغير المناخي وحصل ايضاً على دعم من المجلس البابوي للعدل والسلام من الكرسي الرسولي.

يدعو الإعلان إلى التخلص التدريجي السريع للوقود الأحفوري والتحول إلى الطاقة المتجددة بنسبة 100٪ وكذلك زيادة الدعم للمجتمعات الاكثر تضرراً من آثار تغير المناخ. هذا الاعلان يمثل شريحة واسعة من المجتمع من مختلف الاطياف التي تدعو الحكومات إلى الحد من بصمتهم الكربونية والتخلص التدريجي من استخدامهم للوقود الأحفوري من خلال التحول إلى مصادر الطاقة المتجددة بنسبة 100%. وتحث الدول الغنية والمنتجة للنفط للتخلص التدريجي من جميع إنبعاثات الغازات الدفيئة بحلول عام 2050.  وتدعو الشركات للالتزام بالطاقة المتجددة 100٪ من أجل التصدي لتغير المناخ والحد من الفقر وتحقيق التنمية المستدامة.

من بين المتحدثين الرئيسيين في الندوة هم ثلاثة من كبار مسؤولي الامم المتحدة – من برنامج البيئة للأمم المتحدة، و اتفاقية الأمم المتحدة الإطارية بشأن تغير المناخ وفريق الأمين العام للأمم المتحدة بشأن تغير المناخ. واشتملت الندوة على عروض من قادة مسلمون مؤثرون، بمن فيهم رجال دين، وناشطون،وعلماء، وأكاديميون، وصناع قرار، وممثلو مجتمع مدني من مختلف أنحاء العالم.

ردود الفعل

“بالنيابة عن مجلس أندونيسيا  للائمة و 210 مليون مسلم نرحب بهذا الإعلان، ونحن ملتزمون بتنفيذ جميع التوصيات. إن أزمة المناخ التي يتعين معالجتها من خلال تضافر الجهود، لذلك دعونا نعمل معا من أجل عالم أفضل لأطفالنا، وأطفال أطفالنا. “- دين شمس الدين، رئيس مجلس أندونيسيا للائمة.

“أنا فخور بأن إسمي مرتبط بالإعلان الإسلامي حول تغير المناخ و الذي صدر في اسطنبول اليوم. حيث أني مسلم و أحاول اتباع التعاليم الأخلاقية للإسلام للحفاظ على البيئة ومساعدة ضحايا التغير المناخي. إنني أحث جميع المسلمين في جميع أنحاء العالم للتصدي لمشكلة تغير المناخ العالمية “- الدكتور سليم الحق، مدير معهد الدراسات البيئية

“اساس الإعلان هو تجديد مبدأ الإسلاميين البيئيين وهو ما سيحفزنا على التحرك مستقبلاً وسوف نكون سعداء عند تبني المجتمع لهذا الاعلان و التطوير  منه ايضاً.” – فازلن خالد، مؤسس، المؤسسة الإسلامية للحفاظ على البيئة والعلوم البيئية.

“ بفرح كبير وبروح من التضامن أنني أعبر لكم عن دعم من الكنيسة الكاثوليكية للصلاة من أجل نجاح المبادرة الخاصة بكم ورغبتها في العمل معكم في المستقبل لرعاية بيتنا المشترك، ولتمجيد الله الذي خلقنا “- نيافة الكاردينال بيتر تركسن، رئيس المجلس البابوي للعدالة والسلام، الفاتيكان.

“طاقة نظيفة ومستقبل مستدام للجميع يعتمد على تغيير جذري في فهمنا كيف نقدر الطبيعة وبعضنا البعض. تعاليم الإسلام تؤكد على خلافة البشر في الأرض ،على واجبهم بتصحيح السلوكيات والتحرك من اجل وقف التغير المناخي،”- كريستيانا فيغيريس، الأمين التنفيذي للاتفاقية الإطارية بشأن تغير المناخ.

” ما يسعد المجتمع المدني من خلال هذا الإعلان انها قادمة من المجتمع الإسلامي، الذي يمكن ان يغير قواعد اللعبة، كما أنه يتحدى جميع قادة العالم والدول وخاصة المنتجة للنفط، للتخلص التدريجي من انبعاثات الكربون، وتدعم التحول العادل إلى 100٪ طاقة متجددة باعتبارها ضرورة لمعالجة تغير المناخ، والحد من الفقر وتحقيق التنمية المستدامة في جميع أنحاء العالم. “- وائل حميدان، المدير الدولي لشبكة العمل من أجل المناخ.

أداء الحج الأخضر

يعتبرالحج أكبر تجمع من الناس في العالم حيث يتلاقى المسلمون من عدة بلدان لأداء الشعائر الدينية، ويؤدي ما يقرب من ثلاثة ملايين مسلم فريضة الحج كل عام. إن اتخاذ الترتيبات اللازمة سنوياً لعدد الحجاج المتزايد يشكل تحدياً لوجستياً بالغاً للحكومة والسلطات المعنية المكلفة بتوفير احتياجات السكن والنقل والصرف الصحي والغذاء والرعاية الصحية للحجاج.


للحج أثر هائل على البيئة. فأثناء الحج، تتولد كميات ضخمة من النفايات التي يجب جمعها وإدارتها بطريقة مناسبة. تتعلق الآثار الضارة الأخرى باستخدام المياه المفرط وإنتاج المياه العادمة ومركبات النقل التي تسبب تلوث الهواء ورمي النفايات والزجاجات البلاستيكية والحفاضات المستخدمة ومغلفات المواد الغذائية. كل هذه الملوثات ليست فقط ضارة بالبيئة ولكنها أيضاً موذية للعين. وتتفاقم المشكلة بسبب الجهل وانعدام الوعي وعدم التزام الحجاج  بالتعامل السليم مع الموارد البيئية.

للأسف، لا يدرك غالبية الحجاج أن مفهوم حماية البيئة وواجبات الحفاظ على المحيط البيئي كامنة في الإسلام. وفقاً للقرآن، أوكل الله البشر بالحفاظ على الأرض والبيئة. بإمكان الحج أن يكون مستداماً إذا تصرف الحجاج بطريقة صديقة للبيئة وتجنبوا كل التصرفات الملوثة.

تقوم السلطات المعنية بالتخطيط وإنفاق الأموال وتوفير المرافق لتتناسب مع عدد الحجاج، ولكن الموقف غير المسؤول للكثير من الناس يهدد الموارد البيئية.

ستساعد الجوانب التالية في جعل الحج أكثر استدامة وأكثر حفاظاً على الموارد الطبيعية:

الشراء الأخضر: شراء ما هو مطلوب فقط والحرص على شراء المنتجات الصديقة للبيئة.

استخدام الحد الأدنى من الماء للوضوء والاستحمام وغسل الملابس والاستخدام الشخصي. فتح صنبور المياه للسماح بتدفق محدود.

الإبلاغ عن أي تسرب مياه إلى السلطة.

إعادة تعبئة وإعادة استخدام عبوات المياه.

شراء الطعام بكميات تتناسب مع الحاجة، وتجنب الطعام الفائض.

تجنب المواد الغذائية المغلفة.

تجنب استخدام أدوات المائدة القابلة للرمي.

تجنب رمي النفايات، وجمع كل النفايات والتخلص منها في المواقع المخصصة.

تجنب استخدام أكياس التسوق البلاستيكية.

استخدام وسائل النقل الجماعي.

تقليل استهلاك الكهرباء.

عدم ترك الأضواء مشعلة في الغرف الفارغة.

إطفاء أجهزة الشحن عند الانتهاء من استخدامها.

شراء الأجهزة الموفرة للطاقة إذا لزم الأمر.

على خلفية تجمع العالم في الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية لمناقشة آثار تغير المناخ والاتفاق على التزامات دولية، يمكننا أن نتعهد على المستوى الفردي بمساعدة كوكبنا الوحيد. البيئة هي خلق الله ويجب أن يتم احترامها. دعونا نساهم في حج أخضر وفي إحداث تأثير جذري على النظام البيئي لجعله أكثر استدامة ولإظهار أن الإسلام هو منصة مثالية للحفاظ على البيئة.


نادين كتخدا هي مسؤولة المعلومات والتواصل والتدريب في جمعية إدامة للطاقة والمياه والبيئة في الأردن. حصلت على شهادة البكالوريوس في العلوم البيئية ودراسات التنمية الدولية من جامعة ماك غيل  في مونتريال. وتشمل تجربتها العمل البحثي والميداني في كندا والأردن، إعداد حملات توعية حول الطاقة والمحافظة على المياه، تنظيم الفعاليات، وإطلاق مشاريع الطاقة المتجددة في قرى الأردن. تتعدد اهتمامات نادين لتشمل موارد الطاقة المتجددة والإدارة المستدامة للمياه بالإضافة إلى التغذية والرعاية الصحية في البلدان الأقل حظاً.

Environmental Impacts of Seawater Desalination

Desalination is a process that removes salt and minerals from seawater and turns it into a potable resource. It is extremely helpful in areas experiencing rising water demands due to water scarcity, droughts, growing populations and increased water consumption. With the ocean covering most of the Earth’s surface, seawater provides a sustainable, long-term solution to a problem that won’t soon dissipate.


By 2015, 18,000 desalination plants had cropped up worldwide, producing 22,870 million gallons of fresh water per day. Experts believe desalination, coupled with future advancements in technology, could be the key to establishing drought-proof communities worldwide.

A clean source of water is still a major concern in many places around the world. However, the process of desalination comes with its own environmental risks. Desalination’s role in the future of sustainability will depend on how these risks are addressed and adapted.

The Production of Brine

During the desalination process, half of the collected water will end up as fresh water. The remaining half will be a highly concentrated brine containing a mixture of toxic chemicals. Research shows that desalination plants produce 141.5 million cubic meters of brine each day, compared to 95 million cubic meters of fresh water. Disposal of this brine can be costly and, if tossed back into the ocean, can be deadly to marine life.

But this minor setback could lead to new economic opportunity. Briny discharge is often a source of precious minerals and elements like salt and uranium. Uranium can be resold to reduce overall operating costs and salt can be made commercially available as a de-icing agent. Experts believe this financial benefit could be enough incentive for plants to turn to extraction.

Desalination_Middle East

The amount of brine generated can also be reduced through more efficient desalination processes. A modern kind of membrane technology called reverse osmosis is cheaper, requires less energy and produces less brine. Sustainable desalination practices will depend on plants switching over from outdated methods, such as thermal desalination, which sucks in seawater, heats it up to a vapor and then pushes the remaining brine back out to sea.

The Impact to Marine Life

Another concern in the desalination industry is impingement and entrainment. During the intake process, when water from the ocean is sucked in, marine life like fish and crabs can get sucked in and die against the intake screen, called impingement. During the treatment process, smaller organisms like fish eggs and plankton can also get sucked in and killed, referred to as entrainment.

One way to reduce this threat is to switch from a surface to a subsurface intake process. This means extracting water from beneath the ocean floor instead of on top, where sand can act as a natural filter to protect marine life. This natural filter also reduces the need for chemicals and energy consumption during the treatment process, which can significantly cut costs.

A subsurface intake process isn’t the only solution available to protect marine life. Experts have also found ways to adapt screen openings to incorporate a finer mesh with less space for organisms to enter the intake. Another option is the lower the through-screen velocity. Impingement occurs when the through-screen velocity is so high that crabs and fish are unable to move away when caught. The EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) has determined a velocity lower than or equal to 0.5 feet per second can effectively address marine impacts.

The Consumption of Energy

Energy use is a concern in any industry, and desalination is no different. Worldwide, desalination plants consume more than 200 million kilowatt-hours of energy per day. Energy costs make up about 55% of a desalination plant’s operating costs, making them especially vulnerable to price increases. In comparison, a traditional drinking water treatment plant consumes less than 1 kilowatt-hour per cubic meter. Eighty-five percent of Americans support increasing federal investment to rebuild water infrastructure, indicating how we get our water is of high importance to today’s consumers.

Desalination plants who adopt the reverse osmosis process — which also produces the least amount of brine — see a major decrease in energy usage, down to three to 10 kilowatt-hours per cubic meter. But researchers are still looking for cheaper and more eco-friendly ways to treat seawater. One method being tested is forward osmosis, which uses a solution of salt and gases to create a pressure difference. Experts say this can lengthen the lifespan of reverse osmosis membranes and reduce the need for disinfectants during treatment.

Solar is also being considered as a solution to high energy consumption. Experts are using the sustainable form of energy as a way to improve the thermal desalination process. The desired outcome is a more efficient water treatment method that requires less startup and integration capital.

Bottom Line

Desalination may have some drawbacks. The production of brine and the consumption of waste are at the forefronts of experts’ minds as they determine an efficient way to solve one of the world’s most pressing problems — access to clean drinking water. Luckily, new solutions, like the use of updated filtration and intake systems and solar energy, are being developed and integrated to reduce the impact of the desalination process.

Towards an Eco-Friendly Eidul Adha

Eidul Adha, like other religious festivals, often has a major impact on the environmental resources. Extra food, drinks and clothes are made, used and consumed which results in a major environmental footprint. The celebrations and festivity are often extravagant and cause pollution of different forms.

The day starts with the special prayers whereby men, women and children gather to offer prayers. The site of praying after the ritual is often plagued by litter, rubbish and waste scattered all over the place and even blowing in the air and migrating to nearby safe heavens for unaesthetic and unhygienic accumulations.


Muslims on Eid al Adha perform ‘sacrifice of animal’ as a ritual to celebrate the supreme sacrifice given by Prophet Ibrahim to obey God’s command to sacrifice his son Ismael. Many of the residents do the sacrifice at their houses and other communal sites, which often are not cleaned later on from blood, skin, leftover fats, intestines, limbs etc.

After sacrifice or Qurbani, special food and meat in different styles is prepared in houses which are visited by the relatives, neighbours and well-wishers. This cause great food wastage as number of dishes and quantity of food prepared is more than the number of visitors. This practice is repeated in breakfast, lavish snacks, sumptuous lunches and extravagant dinners during the festival days.

We need to understand that the Government makes huge efforts in planning, procuring animals, food stuff and other related items for local consumption. It includes meat, poultry, meat, vegetables, fruits, dairy products etc. Meat and poultry is lavishly eaten during the Eid holidays. The demand of meat (beef and mutton), chicken and related meat products increase to around 50% of the normal demand.

Over the period of years, the festivities are increasing with more buying of consumable items and eatables per head. Consumption of eatables has increased manifolds and people have become more wasteful due to rise in income, living standards and affordability.

Also Read: The Future of Holiday Celebrations

But affordability does not mean that wastage should increase. While planning for Eidul Adha celebrations, it is now imperative that we need to think twice before buying, procuring any food items, clothing etc. and taking environment into consideration.

Let us change our attitude towards Eid al Adha festivities and celebrate  it in the right spirit by:

  • purchasing limited number of clothes and dressings with minimum packaging,
  • preparing planned meals based on the actual requirements and number of guests to be served,
  • making small or limited servings to the guests to avoid wastage,
  • educating guests in avoiding leftovers and wasting food,
  • serving drinks in small glasses,
  • avoiding disposable cutlery, plates, napkins, tissues etc. and
  • giving leftover food items to the less privileged and poor people.

Let us strive to celebrate Eid al Adha in an eco-friendly way.

The Relationship Between Climate Change and Natural Disasters

Many natural disasters are directly linked with the climate change including floods, hurricanes, heatwaves, droughts, wildfires and storms. Such disasters have claimed more than 600,000 lives in the past two decades. The frequency and magnitude of these disasters are increasing with time and is not going to subside even with the plans of reducing our greenhouse gas (GHG) emission and signing of climate change agreement at Paris.

sandstorm in kuwait

UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction recorded an average of 335 weather-related disasters between 2005 and 2014, an increase of 14% from 1995-2004, and almost twice the level recorded during 1985-1995. According to the report, 4.1 billion people were injured, left homeless or were in need of emergency assistance as a result of weather-related disasters between 1995 and 2015. About 332,000 deaths occurred and 3.7 billion people were affected in Asia alone. These figures are alarming and an eye opener to all of us to understand and to promptly react to this urgent problem based on our floods and storms accounted for the majority of deaths due to weather-related natural disasters.

As per data, floods accounted for 47% of all weather-related disasters from 1995-2015, affecting 2.3 billion people and killing 157,000. Storms were the deadliest type of weather-related disaster, accounting for 242,000 deaths or 40% of the global weather-related deaths, with 89% of these deaths occurring in lower income countries.

Extreme temperatures as a result of global warming caused deaths of about 164,000 people, of which 148,000 deaths, about 92%, were caused due to heat waves; 90% of the deaths from heat waves occurred in Europe alone. In Russia, more than 55,000 people died as a result of heat wave in 2010 and total deaths were 70,000 in 2003 in Europe.

According to the World Bank’s “Natural Disaster Hotspots: A Global Risk Analysis” report released in March 2015, more than 160 countries have more than a quarter of their populations in areas of high mortality risks from one or more natural disasters. The first decade of the 21st century saw 3,496 natural disasters from floods, storms, droughts and heat waves.

extreme weather events in iraq

As per the World Meteorological Organisation, the world is nearly five times as dangerous and disaster prone as it was in the 1970s, because of the increasing risks brought by climate change. The cost of disasters rose to $864bn in the last decade.

We need to understand that the climate changes are not uniformly spread around the world. The sea level rise is expected to be 10-15% higher in countries closer to the equator, low lying, coastal countries and small island states like Bahrain. The warming will bring more droughts, flooding, sea level rise, heat stress, more water consumption, more energy and cooling requirements and spread of waterborne diseases like cholera and diarrhoea. Thus, it will affect all of us irrespective of our location and status.

The time has come for every individual to adopt environmentally safe habits and caring attitude towards finite natural resources.

10 Eco-Friendly Projects for School Students

We should take care of our ecology. We kill our nature every day and this tendency must be stopped. Many schools teach little schoolers on how to protect our nature. There are different ecological projects that are initiated to rescue nature. essay pro review has 10 eco-friendly project ideas for school students that will engage them in being “green”. Teachers may also find this information useful to generate more ideas.


Firstly, we’d like to pay your attention to the main risk factors that negatively affect the environment. Take a look at the list below borrowed from online custom essay writing company and its team of reliable academic writers:

  • Climate change;
  • Natural catastrophes;
  • Pollution of all kinds;
  • Decrease of flora and fauna;
  • Deforestation;
  • Ineffective environmental law and policies;
  • Chemical effluents;
  • Technology and production, etc.

This list may be longer. Now, let’s review the top environmental project ideas ideas from writing essay help.

Project 1

The first go green project idea is to dig a vegetable plot. Devote some land on school grounds to grow organic vegetables. Mind that it can be used in the school cafeteria, as well as given to food banks to help starving people who don’t have enough money to buy food.

Schoolers will have to take care of this garden. They should plant, grow, and monitor their orchard. It’s a good time to give them information about every vegetable they plant. Thus, you combine work and education. Tell about the main qualities and health benefits of each green.

Tip: If there are no finances for this project, try to engage some local communities and centers.

Project 2

Engage children in recycling. Many people throw trash and other spoiled things right in the street. This also contributes to the destruction of nature. Teach kids that it’s a wrong action and they should use special containers for the proper kind of trash.

You may visit the local landfill or recycling facility. Let them see how the wastes get utilized. Thus, you’ll develop the habit to throw trash where it will be reused or recycled. You may provide some data about how long various items are decomposed, which are most toxic, how their recycling frees place and purifies the surrounding.

Tip: Organize the area for gathering garbage and sort it into proper containers to send it to the recycling facilities.

Project 3

Another important eco-friendly project is to plant trees. This is one of the favorite eco-projects that captivate merely all children. They are fond of planting trees and thus, can be easily taught about the usefulness of planting. It’s a perfect chance for teachers to tell how trees absorb carbon dioxide and produce oxygen.

Tip: In case, the school doesn’t have its own territory for tree planting agree on planting in local parks or backyards of every pupil. Choose fast-growing trees so that kids could quickly see the results of their efforts.

Project 4

Another great project-idea is to launch a “green competition”. Such a project will surely engage more pupils because it will plant a seed of healthy competition to win the award and praise. Schools will be more encouraged due to the sense of extra effort. A small tournament may be based on different projects – garden, tree planting, eco-essays and so on.

Tip: Children should be given freedom of choice to reveal their creativity and show that they really care.

Project 5

You can also offer children to recommend some eco-friendly cleaning systems. People use systems to clean products and clothes. Unfortunately, many of them are actually toxic and poisonous. Teachers may suggest their pupils think about alternative systems of cleaning, which are environmentally safe.

Tip: Ask children to offer at least one more safe system or program that can be used safely. For example, it may use of solar energy.

Project 6

You should also take care of the quality of the air. Thus, you can install air quality meters with your school students. It’s a good way to detect how clean the air is and whether one should undertake some measures to improve the situation. This is also a good chance to tell children about the main air pollutants and factors that pollute the environment via the air.

Tip: If you don’t have enough funds, ask school administration, parents and local organizations to aid.

Project 7

You may organize a food day. Students should bring natural and safe products. The project should take place regularly. Give awards to students who bring healthy products and lecture them about dangerous foods and products.

Tip: Contact local farms and restaurants to organize special food festivals and get some product support.

Project 8

Establish a green club. It should be a special student community that will take care of the environment on the campus. Thus, children will teach their peers to protect nature.


Tip: Encourage and organize different “green” activities.

Project 9

Install an energy meter. This project is similar to air meters. Explain to children why energy conservation is important and how to use it reasonably.

Tip: Enumerate possible alternative sources of energy that are safe for us.

Project 10

Initiate a water bottle campaign. Students should gather plastic bottles and send them to recycling facilities. Explain why plastic and other water containers are harmful to the surrounding.

Tip: Encourage children to use only eco-friendly containers.

Bottom Line

We believe that appropriate education of children will help them to understand that we must protect our nature. Teachers may use our concepts to “plant and grow” the seed of understanding.

العوائق والتحديات التي تواجه المؤسسات الصغيرة ومتوسطة الحجم العاملة في القطاعات الخضراء

مع انطلاق كلمة “البيئة” ككلمة رنانة على مستوى جميع الصناعات والقطاعات، فان اتساع مجال التحول الأخضر في قطاع الأعمال وتطوير مهارات العاملين فيه أصبح ذا أهمية على مستوى العالم، والشرق الاوسط ليس بمنأى عن هذا التطور.

إن المؤسسات الصغيرة ومتوسطة الحجم التي تعمل في قطاع التصميم البيئي ، العمارة الخضراء، الطاقة المتجددة وكفاءة استخدام الطاقة، والاستدامة بشكل عام كلها تعمل على توجيه الدفة نحو نحو التحول إلى الاقتصاد الأخضر في شتى القطاعات. إن قطاع المؤسسات الصغيرة والمتوسطة الحجم العاملة في المجال البيئي في الشرق الأوسط ينمو بشكل مطرد وإن كان بسرعة أقل من المتوقع.

الإطار التنظيمي

ان من أكبر العقبات في وجه تطور قطاع المؤسسات الصغيرة والمتوسطة الحجم العاملة في المجالات الخضراء هو ضعف الأنظمة والقوانين المنظمة لهذا القطاع. ووفقا لربى الزعبي، الخبيرة في مجال الاستدامة البيئية في الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا ” إن المؤسسات الصغيرة ومتوسطة الحجم هي التي يجب ان تقود التحول نحو الاقتصاد الأخضر في منطقة الشرق الأوسط. ويعد عدم توفر السياسات والممكنات التي توجه هذا القطاع أحد معيقات نمو وتنافسية هذه المؤسسات”.

إن القوانين التي تحكم السوق وقطاع الأعمال تشكل عائقا كبيرا أمام المؤسسات الصغيرة والمتوسطة الحجم العاملة في قطاع الطاقة المتجددة والبيئة والاستدامة. فعلى سبيل المثال فالشركات الحكومية في دول الخليج العربي تتمتع باحتكار شبه كامل فيما يتعلق بشبكات الصناعات التي لها تأثيرات بيئية كبيرة (مثل الكهرباء والطاقة) او تسيطر على خدمات بيئية استراتيجية (مثل إدارة المياه والمخلفات).

إعادة الهيكلة

إن إعادة هيكلة قطاع المؤسسات الصغيرة والمتوسطة في الشرق الأوسط مهم جدا للسماح لتلك المؤسسات بالنمو والتطور وبالتالي لتحفيز انتقال المنطقة إلى اقتصاد أخضر. توفر المؤسسات الصغيرة والمتوسطة النسبة الأكبر من الوحدات الانتاجية والوظائف في مختلف أنحاء منطقة الشرق الأوسط، فعلى سبيل المثال المؤسسات الصغيرة والمتوسطة مسؤولة عن حوالي 60% من الناتج المحلي الإجمالي في دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة. وتجدر الإشارة إلى أهمية مشاركة المؤسسات الصغيرة والمتوسطة في عملية التحول ألى اقتصاد منخفض الانبعاثات مما يمهد الطريق نحو قطاع أعمال أكثر استدامة ونحو تطوير المهارات في مجال البيئة ضمن شتى القطاعات.

إن المؤسسات الصغيرة والمتوسطة الحجم تحتاج الى دعم حكومي قوي والذي نفتقده للأسف في العديد من من دول الخليج العربي، وكما توضح ربى الزعبي “على الرغم من الفرصة الهائلة المتاحة للنمو في الشرق الأوسط والتي تعززها عدة عوامل اهمها التغير المناخي، شح المياه، الاعتماد على النفط إضافة إلى البصمة البيئية،إلا أن المؤسسات الصغيرة والمتوسطة العاملة في القطاعات الخضراء مهددة بالتحديات المتعددة وبالمنافسة المتزايدة”.

تحديات ملحة

تواجه منطقة الشرق الأوسط تحديات عدة فيما يخص نمو المؤسسات الصغيرة والمتوسطة العاملة في القطاعات البيئية، كما توضح ربى الزعبي “إن التحديات الاكثر إلحاحا هي: 1) الفجوة ما بين التعليم ومتطلبات سوق العمل، 2) التشتت في توجيه البحوث والتطوير نحو أولويات الصناعة. يتحتم على المؤسسات الحكومية، وجمعيات الأعمال والمنظمات غير الحكومية لعب دور أكبر لحشد التأييد ومواءمة أولويات النمو الأخضر في شتى القطاعات.”

تواجه المؤسسات الصغيرة والمتوسطة الحجم العاملة في القطاعات الخضراء معوقات كبيرة لدخول السوق على الرغم من دورها المهم في تطوير تكنولوجيا ملائمة للاحتياجات المحلية وفي تأسيس نماذج أعمال صديقة للبيئة.

مبادرات واعدة

اتخذت أبو ظبي خطوة كبيرة لتجميع المؤسسات الصغيرة والمتوسطة الحجم العاملة الخضراء عن طريق انشاء مدينة “مصدر” الحرة. كتجمع للأعمال، توفر مصدر للمؤسسات الصغيرة والمتوسطة وكذلك للشركات الناشئة بيئة تلهم الابتكار، وتقدم فرصا لتطوير الأعمال، كما انها تعد مختبرا حيا وحاضنة اختبار للتكنولوجيا الحديثة. على الرغم من ذلك، فان ارتفاع إيجارات المكاتب يعد عائقا أمام المؤسسات الصغيرة والمتوسطة ذات الإمكانيات المحدودة. وكما أوضحت مستشارة التنمية المستدامة، سندانا سواين، والتي تعمل في دبي “إن ارتفاع إيجارت المكاتب في منطقة مصدر الحرة كان أحد الأسباب التي دفعت الشركات الصغيرة للابتعاد عن إنشاء أعمالها في تجمع الأعمال هذا”.


في عام 2007 قامت قطر ايضا بإطلاق مبادرة واعدة للترويج للأعمال الخضراء ودعمها وذلك بإنشاء واحة قطر للعلوم والتكنولوجيا والتي تركز على مجالات الطاقة، والبيئة، وعلوم الصحة، وتكنولوجيا الاتصال والمعلومات. في بداياتها ركزت المؤسسة على تأسيس البنية التحتية وجذب شركات كبيرة، وفي المرحلة الثانية تنوي الواحة استهداف المؤسسات الصغيرة ومتوسطة الحجم وتزويدها بالدعم في الجوانب القانونية والتمويل والإرشاد وتخطيط الأعمال.

التوجهات المستقبلية

هناك حاجة ملحة للتداخلات العاجلة على مستوى السياسات لدعم المؤسسات الصغيرة والمتوسطة الحجم العاملة في القطاعات الخضراء في الشرق الأوسط لمساعدتها على تجاوز المعوقات المختلفة من خلال: تبادل الخبرات والمعرفة، رفع مستوى الوعي البيئي،  تحسين الدعم المالي، دعم بناء وتطوير المهارات، تحسين الوصول إلى الأسواق، وفرض الضرائب البيئية.

في العقود الماضية، شهد قطاع الريادة في منطقة الشرق الأوسط تسارعا ملحوظا، مما يستوجب توجيه الريادة نحو معالجة قضايا المياه، والبيئة، و إدارة المخلفات بحيث تساهم في تحويل التحديات البيئية الى فرص اقتصادية.

ترجمة: فرح الشيشاني

تعمل فرح في مجال تقديم الاستشارات في الاعمال واستحداث المحتوى الرقمي بما يشمل الترجمة. يسبق ذلك عملها على مدى ست سنوات في مجال تطوير الأعمال وإدارة المشاريع في قطاعات عدة منها التصميم والانشاءات والطيران. تقوم حاليا بتقديم استشارات خاصة للمؤسسات والشركات الناشئة فيما يختص بالنواحي الرقمية وبناء استراتيجية اتصال الى جانب تطوير المحتوى والهوية المؤسسية.