الإسلام – في انسجام مع الطبيعة

تعد الازمه الايكولوجيه (البيئيه) في العالم واحده من اكبرالتحديات في عصرنا الحالي. انزل الله الكتب المقدسه من خلال الانبياء و المرسليين و التي جاءت  بالبشرى والتحذيرات في ان معا, وفي ضوء ذلك يتصرف الناس بطريقة الصلاح والعدل.يتحدث الله  في القرأن الكريم عن خلق كل شيئ في ميزان ويحذر من اي عبث في هذا التوازن يؤدي الى عواقب وخيمه. هذا لا ينطبق فقط على العالم من حولنا وانما على انفسنا وارواحنا حيث لا يفرق الاسلام  عالم الانسان من عالم الطبيعه.

impact of environment on mental health

هنالك اكثر من 6000 ايه في القرأن الكريم  منها اكثرمن  500 ايه تتعامل مع الظواهر الطبيعيه. يدعو  الله تبارك وتعالى , البشر مرارا وتكرارا للتفكر باياته والتي تشمل كل جانب من جوانب الطبيعه كالاشجار و الجبال والبحار و الحيوانات والطيور و النجوم والشمس والقمر و قلوبنا. يحتوي الفقه الاسلامي على لوائح متعلقه بالحفاظ على موارد المياه الشحيحه , تنص هذه التشريعات على الحفاظ على الارض, ولديها قوانين خاصه لانشاء المراعي و الاراضي الرطبه و الاحزمه الخضراء وقوانين لحمايه الحياه البريه والحفاظ عليها.

تعتبر زراعة شجره صدقة جاريه, وعملا مرغوبا حيث يكافئ زارع الشجره ما دامت  المخلوقات بكافه اشكالها تستفيد منها. وكان النبي محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم قدحدد 30  كلم حول مدينته المدينه المنوره بالمنطقة محميه والتي يحظر فيها قطع الاشجار ضمن حدودها.  وقد وصف الرسول اماطه الاذى عن الطريق بالصدقة وهي نوع من انواع الايمان. كما و نهى الرسول عن قطع اشجار الارز  في الصحراء حيث تقدم الظل والمأوى للحيوانات. هناك عدد لايحصى من اقوال النبي محمدصلى الله عليه وسلم و التي تحض  على الحفاظ عى الموارد الطبيعيه وخاصه الماء. انه يدعونا الى ما اراد الله لنا ان نكون و هو التناغم و الوئام مع الطبيعه.

لدى البشر القدره على تدمير العالم اكثر بكثيرمن اي نوع اخر من انواع الكائنات الحيه.  لدينا ايضا القدره على التمسك بالعالم المادي . يؤمن الاسلام بان جميع النفوس البشريه تاتي من الجنه و في نهايه الوقت  كل نفس سوف تدخل إما الجنه وإما النار. ويمكننا أن نحول العالم الى ما هو اكثر سخونه و تدميرا  او يمكننا ان نحوله الى شيئ اكثر هدوءا و يشبه الجنه ويعكس الغرض الالهي لوجودنا في هذا الكون.

مع حديث عظيم من أحاديثه صلى الله عليه وسلم (إن قامت الساعة وبيد أحدكم فسيلة فإن استطاع أن لا يقوم حتى يغرسها فليفعل) يتوضح لدينا مدى اهميه  مواصله مجهود  المرء وتمسكه بالامل ليكون بسلام مع الارض حتى النهايه.


سلام عبدالكريم عبابنه

مهندسه مدنية في شركة المسار المتحده للمقاولات – مهتمه في مجال البيئه و الطاقة المتجدده

How Easy Can Be To Store Data With A Data Environment

The term data environment means an environment where data is collected, stored, and analyzed using computer technology. This is quite different to a traditional office environment where people are hired to use their brains, rather than their fingers, to achieve results. In today’s information age, organizations increasingly need to find ways of collecting, storing and analyzing vast amounts of data.

benefits of common data environment

This environment can be created by setting up a specialized room, or space, in your company, such as a data center or an IT department. In addition to this, you should ensure that the appropriate software and hardware are available for the tasks you have been asked to perform. You should also set up policies and procedures so that employees follow the correct processes.

To ensure the data environment is working effectively, you must monitor how it is being used and how it affects the overall performance of your organization. You can do this by reviewing statistics, for example, or by monitoring the productivity of each individual who works in the data environment.

Data Environment can benefit a company

A data environment such as Delphix enables you to collect, store and analyze data. As data volumes grow, so does the need to store and manage it. The ability to analyze data gives you an insight into how your organization is performing. When you know exactly what you are doing wrong and how you can improve, you will be able to fix problems and implement solutions that will help the business.

You can also use data to identify patterns in customer buying behavior. You can then adapt the products or services you offer to meet customer needs and increase sales.

Does the data environment cost a lot of money?

In most cases, setting up a data environment is fairly straightforward. Once you have designed your environment, you can purchase the necessary equipment and hire the people you require.

However, there are many factors that affect the total cost of running a data environment. These include the size of your organization, the volume of data you wish to manage and the complexity of the analysis you are conducting. A good data environment consultant will be able to provide you with a detailed cost estimate.

Types of data environments

There are five main types of data environment: central data environments, decentralized data environments, public data environment, private data environment and hybrid data environment.

  • Central data environments: Used when there is a single location where the majority of the data is stored. An example of this is a centralized data center.
  • Decentralized data environments: Typically used when the data needs to be accessed from a number of different locations. For example, a business might collect data from employees’ personal computers and store it on a network file server.
  • Public Data Environment: Data environment used by a business for public access. These data environments are commonly associated with consumer-facing web sites such as retail sites, search engines, etc.
  • Private Data Environment: Data environment used by a business for internal or secure access. The most common example is the enterprise database that stores sensitive business information.
  • Hybrid Data Environment: Data environment that allows for both public and private access. An example of this type of data environment is a web application that is accessible to the public via a public URL but has limited functionality that requires authentication.

Role of security in Data Environments

There are two main goals that data environments must serve. These are:

  • to protect against loss or damage to data, and
  • to provide assurance to business partners that the data is properly secured.

In addition, data environments must be resilient and must be able to support the business’s growth and expansion plans.

To achieve these goals, data environments should meet certain minimum requirements. For instance, they need to be able to store a reasonable amount of data in a reasonable amount of time. Data environments also need to be capable of performing basic functions such as indexing, searching, sorting, and retrieving data. Finally, data environments should be able to provide audit logs and audit trails for historical analysis.

Data environments play an integral role in ensuring the integrity of business data and protecting it from unauthorized users. To this end, the following features are required of data environments.

  • Data Security: Ensuring that data is encrypted while in transit and at rest and limiting the exposure of data.
  • Data Protection: Ensuring that data is backed up and stored in a safe location.
  • Compliance: Maintaining compliance with laws and regulations governing privacy and security.
  • Resilience: Ensuring that data can be accessed and used in the event of an outage.
  • Backup: Ensuring that backups are performed as frequently as possible.
  • Integrity: Ensuring that data is accurate, complete, and reliable.
  • Availability: Ensuring that data is available to users at all times.

Types of data security

The different types of data security include:

  1. Physical Data Security: The process of securing a physical location where data is stored. This includes such things as restricting access to the physical building, restricting access to the physical storage facility, and enforcing access controls.
  2. Logical Data Security: The process of securing data within the confines of a computer system. Logical security can be implemented using both hardware and software.

Data Security impacts the design of Data Environment

In a data environment, there are two main concerns:

  • Security: Ensuring that data is properly secured and protected from unauthorized access.
  • Data Privacy: Ensuring that users’ personal data remains private.

Because the two goals are related to each other, it is critical that the data environment address both of these issues. To this end, the data environment needs to have the following components.

  • Authentication and Authorization: Ensuring that only authorized users can access data.
  • Encryption: Ensuring that data is properly secured while in transit and at rest.
  • Auditing: Ensuring that access to data is properly monitored and recorded.
  • Backup: Ensuring that data is properly backed up and stored in a safe location.
  • Compliance: Ensuring that data is accurate, complete, and reliable.
  • Integrity: Ensuring that data is available to users at all times.
  • Availability: Ensuring that data is available to users at all times.
  • Security-by-Design: Ensuring that security is built in to the data environment.

Common Data Environment

We use ‘common data environment’ (CDE) for referring to a single, common data store across multiple data sources, such as CRM, eCRM, business applications and data warehouses. CDE offers a common data base, and this allows integration between different applications. In addition, it allows multiple applications to share and synchronize data efficiently.


CDE should not be confused with other commonly used terms such as “data warehouse” or “data mart.” The term data warehouse usually refers to a complete data solution that provides the capability to perform complex queries across several databases. Data marts are usually a subset of information that is extracted from large data stores. A data mart is generally used to provide a specific set of data for a particular application. A CDE is designed to support the requirements of various applications within a specific organizational structure.

The main advantage of a CDE is that it provides a centralized database to hold the customer information, which is accessed by many applications. This reduces the requirement to store and maintain multiple copies of the same customer information across different applications. As customers often use multiple channels to interact with a company, having a single point of reference to record interactions helps reduce duplication of effort and data entry.

Types of CDE

A CDE can be a standalone data repository, or a part of the core business applications. It can also be a separate data warehouse or a subset of information contained in the data warehouse.

There are four types of CDEs based on their structure and the underlying technology they are implemented on:

  1. Common Data Access Layer (CDAL): It provides a common interface and enables the applications to access the data from the data source.
  2. Common Data Repository (CDR): It is a logical data repository.
  3. Common Data Store (CDS): It is a physical data store and is a layer of abstraction that hides the differences in the underlying storage media.
  4. Common Business Application Infrastructure (CBAPI): It is a framework that supports the development of the business applications.

Benefits of using CDE

  • Data is managed at the highest level, in a consistent manner.
  • Data is easily shared and synchronized among the applications.
  • Centralized, updated information is always available.
  • Changes to the data in a CDE are propagated to all the applications.
  • Data is stored in one location for quick retrieval.
  • There is no need to duplicate or replicate data.
  • It is easy to expand the CDE by adding new applications, or by adding more data sources.

Disadvantages of using CDE

  • CDEs are expensive, requiring specialized skills and tools.
  • They may require significant changes to the existing business systems.
  • They may be difficult to implement.
  • It may be difficult to manage and control data within the CDE.

CDE is a powerful tool, and it has tremendous benefits for any organization. However, implementing a CDE requires a lot of planning and careful planning.

Morocco Aims To Double Electric Vehicle Production In Two Years

Morocco aims to double its electric car production by 2024, Morocco World News reports. According to Ryad Mezzour, the Moroccan minister for trade and industry, the country is on track to start manufacturing as many as 100,000 electric cars per year within the next two to three years. Fortunately, Morocco’s existing industrial facilities alone are capable of reaching this lofty goal, although helpful international investment may also be on the table in coming years.

Electric Vehicle Production in Morocco

The need for electric vehicle production

Ramping up electric car production is becoming increasingly essential to maintain a competitive edge in a global market. Net zero carbon emission commitments, a sustainable goal pledged by countries around the world, now mean combustion engine vehicles no longer have a bright future in terms of market outlook.

The European Union, for example, Morocco’s largest trade partner, has voted to ban imports of fossil-fuel cars from 2035. Although Morocco is already the biggest carmaking hub in Africa, the country needs to prioritize the shift to electric vehicles in order to stay ahead. As such, Morocco’s now aiming for an electric vehicle production target of one million units per year, as well as to increase national auto part manufacturing in order to reduce dependence on imports.

Saving money while helping the environment

Better for the environment and offering lower servicing and maintenance costs, electric cars are becoming an increasingly popular choice across the world. Although Moroccan authorities have yet to roll-out financial incentives to further increase electric vehicle adoption, other countries do offer these as a way of boosting clean energy use.

The United States, for example, offers a $7,500 federal income tax credit for all new electric cars purchased in or after 2010. A number of states and utility companies also offer hundred-dollar rebates for at-home electric vehicle charger installation. Although a home charger is an ample investment (around $1,300 in total), it can help people save time and money by being able to charge their electric vehicles without leaving home. For standard 240-volt home outlets, plug-in chargers are ideal. Fortunately, plug-in charging systems can be easily upgraded without the need for an electrician.

Environmental Impact of Electric Vehicles

Morocco’s cobalt reserves attractive to electric car manufacturers

International car manufacturers are already favoring Morocco for the country’s ample cobalt reserves, a crucial material used to produce electric vehicle batteries. In fact, Morocco is home to the 11th largest cobalt reserves in the world. In particular, last year, Groupe Renault, the French multinational car manufacturer, partnered with Managem Group, a mining company, to secure a cobalt supply from Morocco. The agreement states Managem Group will provide Renault with 5000 tonnes of cobalt sulfate for seven years. The first shipment will be provided in 2025.

Car exports also play a key role in Morocco’s status as Africa’s auto manufacturing leader — cars are the country’s second biggest exporting sector with exports expected to reach $5.6 billion by the end of 2022. And, with the boost to electric vehicle production, Morocco’s transition  to green, zero-emission vehicles is set to be a success.

Energy from Wastes via Thermal Route

Thermal (or thermochemical) conversion systems consist of primary conversion technologies which convert the waste into heat or gaseous and liquid products, together with secondary conversion technologies which convert these products into the more useful forms of energy being heat and electricity.

A wide range of technologies exists to convert the energy stored in wastes to more useful forms of energy. These technologies can be classified according to the principal energy carrier produced in the conversion process. Carriers are in the form of heat, gas, liquid and/or solid products, depending on the extent to which oxygen is admitted to the conversion process (usually as air).

The three principal methods of thermall conversion corresponding to each of these energy carriers are combustion in excess air, gasification in reduced air, and pyrolysis in the absence of air.


Conventional combustion technologies raise steam through the combustion of wastes. This steam may then be expanded through a conventional turbo-alternator to produce electricity. Fluidized bed combustors (FBC), which use a bed of hot inert material such as sand, are a more recent development. Bubbling FBCs are generally used at 10-30 MWth capacity, while Circulating FBCs are more applicable at larger scales.


Gasification of wastes takes place in a restricted supply of oxygen and occurs through initial devolatilization of the biomass, combustion of the volatile material and char, and further reduction to produce a fuel gas rich in carbon monoxide and hydrogen. This combustible gas has a lower calorific value than natural gas but can still be used as fuel for boilers, for engines, and potentially for combustion turbines after cleaning the gas stream of tars and particulates. 


Pyrolysis is the term given to the thermal degradation of wood in the absence of oxygen. It enables wastes to be converted to a combination of solid char, gas and a liquid bio-oil. Pyrolysis technologies are generally categorized as “fast” or “slow” according to the time taken for processing the feed into pyrolysis products. Using fast pyrolysis, bio-oil yield can be as high as 80 percent of the product on a dry fuel basis. Bio-oil can act as a liquid fuel or as a feedstock for chemical production. 

Green Building Sector in the Middle East: Sustainability Perspectives

Green buildings are no longer a marginal concept but are becoming the standard for sustainable building construction and modernization in the Middle East. Forward thinking organizations can realize the benefits of being environmentally aware of the impact of each and every action undertaken in the present world of development. It is no longer about the financial bottom line and whether we are eco-friendly, it is a fundamental component of sustainability. Institutes and organizations in the Middle East can embrace green building initiatives as a mandate, while educational institutes can embrace it as a good citizen initiative developing the minds of young people into being caring and concerned citizens of the planet.


Certification of Green Buildings

The Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED), developed in the USA,  offer directives for both new construction and renovation of already existing buildings. In the USA, LEED certification is required for buildings over a specified floor area, namely 5,000 square feet. There are other green building initiatives originating in the UK and Europe, and in the GCC region as well. The basic premises are similar regardless which system one chooses for building certification.

This is not a single sustainable system but are a range of standards that can be incorporated into new construction or existing buildings. The basic premise is to provide standards for the building owner and the building operators to reference and adhere to in order to operate and manage a sustainable building environment.

With the LEED rating system, there are four levels of certification starting at Certified and progressing to Silver, Gold and Platinum ranking. The ranking is awarded based on number of credits achieved when the overall building performance is benchmarked against the standards. The main areas where the building is benchmarked is in terms of energy efficiency, water conservation and indoor air quality.

The challenge is in utilizing the system with existing buildings as the greater majority of buildings already exist compared with the number of proposed new construction sites. Energy consumption is the greatest sector that can be addressed in terms of efficiency. This is critical, especially with the urgency to mitigate climate change and lower greenhouse gas emissions (GHG), conserve water and manage waste product better.

Identifying the Best Sustainability Strategy

The first step is to identify the best sustainability strategy for an organization based on the present level of sustainability, possible options for achieving greater sustainability, as well as the estimated costs and likely benefits. The main areas of sustainability concerns include energy efficiency, water conservation, indoor air quality, environmental quality, construction materials and site sustainability. To undertake sustainable measures for all areas at once is not a good practice because of the cost involved.


Net Zero Energy Buildings rely on exceptional energy conservation and on-site renewable generation to meet energy requirements..

Therefore, the preferred area for implementing sustainable best practice measures often first address the energy efficiency areas as these measures can have significant cost savings. The evaluation focuses on electrical and mechanical systems, as well as the potential for renewable energy usage. The identification of possible changes to improve the energy efficiency should reduce energy consumption rates by modifying operational procedures. This may be achieved by installing energy efficient light sources, light sensors, and even retro-commissioning air conditioners and/or heat systems.


Water consumption is of growing concern. Therefore, water usage and water recovery and reuse after treatment are all viable considerations. The best practices include managing the water flow at the faucet and the flush system in toilets. These are the two main consumer areas. Other measures depending on location could include harvesting of rainwater and method of irrigation.

Indoor Air Quality

Indoor quality covers several areas such as air quality, thermal comfort and lighting quality. Lighting quality can be improved significantly by using natural light source as mush as possible. Adequate clean, fresh air is critical for the overall well being of the building occupants. This may require the replacement of materials in the building that give of toxic fumes. It could also require changing processes conducted indoors.

Another critical area is to eliminate emission of ozone depleting gases from HVAC systems, fire suppressant materials and refrigerant gases. Many of the latter are already well addressed in developed regions of the globe.  But this is not the case in the less developed regions of the globe.

Waste Minimization

Waste reduction in materials and construction is achieved through waste management processes. This is best achieved through waste management and recycling initiatives. Analysis of cleaning products is another means of improving the overall air quality within buildings. Also, the use of natural building materials is preferable to man-made products.

Sustainable Indoors and Outdoors

The final area to consider is making the overall area – both indoors and outdoors –  more sustainable. This can be reflected in exterior lighting system, landscape of the grounds.  e.g. using xeriscape techniques in desert regions, selecting native plant species better suited to the outdoor conditions, and so on. Transportation options that are more favourable for “green” focus and sustainability are the ideal where employees are encouraged to carpool, as just one example. One measure that has become very popular in Bahrain is capturing solar energy from car parking shade roofing.

The Way Forward

By conducting energy, water and air quality audits, proposed sustainable measures can then be incorporated into large scale organizational planning strategies that make the organization operational procedures “green” and sustainable. These “green” initiatives can be implemented in operational procedures, maintenance and upgrade, as well as in new construction.

Initial implementation typically focuses on low-cost initiatives that have a short-term payback by reducing energy and other resource consumption rates. Over time, sustainable initiatives will highlight the short-term and long-term benefits in terms of environmental, economic and social factors. Ultimately buildings can ensure maximum operational efficiency while achieving a sustainable built environment.

مقدمة عن زراعه الاسطح الخضراء

green-roof-arabicتعتبر زراعه الاسطح من التكنولوجيا التي توفر مجموعة كبيرة من الفوائد الملموسه وغير الملموسه للمجتمعات المهتمة بتحسين وتعزيز بيئة جيدة.للأسقف الخضراء فوائد عديدة فهي تعمل على تنظيم حرارة المبنى ,فتقوم بتدفئته خلال الشتاء و تبريده خلال الصيف كما تساهم فى تقليل مياه الامطار المتسربة من الاسطح، ذلك لأنها تعمل كإسفنجة ماصة للمياه و في الوقت نفسه تستفيد النباتات من هذه المياه.

 كما تقوم الأسقف الخضراء على تقليل التلوث حيث تعمل كفلتر لتنقية الهواء. ومن فوائد الأسقف الخضراء قيامها  بدور هام فى تقليل الضوضاء و التى تعتبر من مشاكل العصر الحديث خاصة فى المدن. كما يجب ان لا  ننسى أن للأسقف الخضراء فوائد اقتصادية عديدة فهى تزيد من عمر المباني حيث تعمل كعازل حراري بحجبها أشعة الشمس عن أسطح المبانى كما تقلل من تكاليف تكييف الهواء خلال الصيف و التدفئة خلال الشتاء.

ما هي الاسطح الخضراء

النظم المستخدمة لزراعة أسطح المباني يجب ان تكون نظاماً خفيف الوزن لا يسبب حمولة زائدة علي المبني، كذلك يجب ان لا يحدث تسريب للمياه من النظام لسطح المبنى حتى يتم الحفاظ على المبنى بصورة جيدة ولفترة طويلة. و قد وجد أن الزراعة بدون تربة بأنظمتها المختلفة وأشكالها المتنوعة هي الاسلوب الامثل لزراعة السطح.

الاسطح الخضراء ممكن ان تتكون من اشجار, نباتات او شجيرات. وعمق وكثافه الطبقة المنبته للزراعه تنقسم الي نوعين مختلفين.

فالاسطح الخضراء ممكن ان تكون مكثفة او قليله الكثافة علي نطاق واسع. فالاسقف المكثفة تكون اكثر سمكا (اكثر من 15 سم عمق), وهي سماكة تسمح لنمو مجموعه متنوعه من النباتات والاشجار والشجيرات. ولكنها ثقيله علي السطح ومكلفه اكثر, وتتطلب المزيد من الصيانة والري.

والنوع الاخر يغطي طبقة خفيفة من الغطاء النباتي وذات سماكة اقل من 15 سم. وهي مخصصه للشجيرات والاعشاب التي لا تتطلب عمق كبير داخل التربة للنمو.

يستخدم نظام ترابيزات المراقد لانتاج المحاصيل التي لا تحتاج إلى حيز كبير لنمو جذور النباتات  مثل  المحاصيل  الورقية  كالجرجير،  الفجل،  البقدونس،  الكسبرة  والشبت.  كذلك يمكن باستخدام هذا النظام زراعة العديد من النباتات الطبية والعطرية والتي تستخدم في البيوت بكثرة كالنعناع، الزعتر، الريحان, وغيرهم.

والاسطح الخضراء علي مساحات واسعه وكثافه بسيطة يتم صيانتها مرتين سنويا عندما تحتاج التربه للترطيب والتسميد, فلها ميزة ان استدامتها ذاتية .

بيئة الزراعة المستخدمة

يجب ان تتوافر في بيئة الزراعة المستخدمة فوق الاسطح عدة مواصفات يمكن ان تلخص بما يلي :

1.      ان توفر البيئة الرطوبة اللازمة لنمو الجذور.

2.      ان توفر البيئة التهوية اللازمة لنمو الجذور.

3.      ان لا  تحتوي البيئة علي مواد ضارة او سامة.

4.      ان تكون البيئة خالية من المسببات المرضية.

5.      ان تكون البيئة خالية من الاملاح .

6.      ان تكون البيئة خالية من بذور الحشائش.

7.      أن تكون البيئة خفيفة الوزن.

8.      أن تتميز البيئة بسهوله تنظيفها و تعقيمها.

9.      سهوله توفر البيئة, مع سهوله عمليات النقل.

10.  ان تكون تكلفه البيئة معتدلة.

ويوجد العديد من المواد التي يمكن استخدامها كبيئة للزراعه فوق الاسطح. وتنقسم الي قسمين رئيسين هما: بيئات عضوية مثل بيئة سرس الارز. او البيئات غير العضوية مثل بيئة البرليت. ويمكن ان تسنخدم البيئات السابقة بصورة منفردة او تخلط معا للوصول الي افضل توليفه تلائم النباتات المزروعه.

اما بالنسبة للاشكال المختلفة لنظم مزارع البيئات فوق الاسطح, فهناك نظام الترابيزات المراقد وتستخدم للنباتات التي لا تحتاج الي حيز كبير لنمو الجذور. نظام ترابيزات الاصص وتسنخدم للنباتات التي تحتاج الي  حيز كبير نسبيا حتي تنمو الجذور مثل الطماطم. وهناك نظام لانتاج بعض اشجار الفاكهة فوق الاسطح مثل البراميل سعه 60 لتر لانتاج بعض الاشجار مثل الليمون.

بسبب الحمل المنشأ من استخدام الاسطح الخضراء الكثيفه فانها تستخدم بشكل اكبر في المباني التجاريه. حيث ان المباني التجارية اكثر تحمل لكونها اقوي من الناحية الخرسانيه, فانها تستطيع تحميل الاوزان الزائدة عنها في المباني السكنية.

بمجرد تجهيز التربة ووضع النباتات المطلوبة وترطيب تربتها, فان السطح المزروع ممكن ان يزن 150 بوند/القدم المربع. ويراعي لخلق جو اخضر وطبيعي للزائريين. ان ييكون هناك اماكن جلوس, مناضد, كراسي وممرات. الامر الذي يخلق بيئة من الطبيعه والهدوء.

والاسطح الكثيفة ذات الاشجار الاكبر حجما تساعد اكثر من النباتات علي الهدوء والاستراخاء, وخلق بيئة قريبة من المتنزهات والحدائق.

وعلي جانب اخر فان الاسطح الاكثر انتشارا والاقل كثافة تكون افضل للمباني السكنية و المدارس. فهي سهله التركيب والصيانة وممكن ان تضاف الي المبني بعد بدء الاسكان بدون تخوف من الاحمال الزائدة. ايا كان نوع النباتات او الشجيرات المستخدمة فانه يمكن اضافة وزن 10-35 بوند/القدم المربع, لاجمالي أحمال السطح. الحشائش والنباتات غير المستهلكة لكثير من الماء من الانواع التي تجد استحسان للزراعة فوق السطح وذلك نظرا لاستخدامها القليل للماء وجذورها القصيرة.

 ومن أهم فوائد الاسطح الخضراء انها صالحة للمباني القديمة والحديثة.

 والانظمة المستخدمة للزراعه يمكن ان تكون وحدات بطبقة صرف وطبقة فلترة من القماش وطبقة انبات بنوع معين, وشبكة ري وصرف متشابكة. والنباتات المستخدمة والتي تكون مسبقة التجهيز خارجيا, البوتقات المستخدمة التي تكون منفصله عن النظام او مركبة جزء منه. وهذا النظام يسمح بتكوين النظام بشكل منفصل.


تختلق التقارير  التي توضح تكلفة النظام المتسع والاقل كثافه للتربه المستخدمة ليكن في المتوسط لزراعه النظام المتسع ما بين 8-20 دولار/ للقدم المربع. وبالنسبة للنظام الكثيف مابين 15-50 دولار/القدم المربع. وبالمقارنة للاسطح التقليدية المزروعه والتي تكون في المتوسط 16 دولار/القدم المربع وقد يعلو عن ذلك في التكلفة. ولكن بالرغم من ذلك فان ما توفره الاسطح الخضراء من فوائد بيئية وجمالية وصحية هي اكثر بكثير من التكلفه المتوقعه للتنفيذ.

فوائد الاسقف الخضراء

الاسطح الخضراء لديها القدرة علي خفض متطلبات الطاقة بطريقيتين:

امتصاص الحرارة واعتبارها عازل حراري للمبني. فاضافه طبقه من التربة والنباتات الي السطح يزيد طبقة العزل الحراري علي السطح. فالاسطح هي اكثر الامكان التي تفقد الحرارة الداخلية في الشتاء وتزيد سخونة المبني في الصيف. الاسطح الخضراء يمكن ان تقلل من كمية الطاقة اللازمة لتلطيف الحرارة داخل المبني وبالتالي الحد من متطلبات الطاقة والتي لها تاثير ايجابي علي نوعية الهواء وتخفيض نسبة تلوثه.

كما ان الاسطح الخضراء ممكن ان تقلل من انبعاثات غازات الاحتباس الحراري وثلوث الهواء المرتبطة بزيادة نسبة ثاني اكسيد الكربون في الجو. وتعتبر محطات الطاقة والمعروف انها مسببة لانبعاثات ثاني اكسيد الكربون تكون الاسطح الخضراء حلا ايجابيا علي تقليل هذه الانبعاثات عن طريق تحويله الي اكسجين مما يساعد علي تحسين نوعية الهواء في البيئة المحيطة.

ترجمه: هبة احمد مسلم- دكتور الهندسة البيئية. باحث في الشئون البيئية. معهد الدراسات والبحوث البيئيةجامعه عين شمس.

مدرس بالاكاديمية العربية للعلوم والتكنولوجيا والنقل البحري-  مصر.

التحكم في البيئة والطاقه داخل المباني.

هندسة الميكانيكة- وكيل محرك دويتس الالماني بمصر. 

للتواصل عبر hebamosalam2000@gmail.com

Different Types of Docks and Its Environmental Sustainability

Like anything else, docks have variations for every function you need. It provides a functional outstretch to an adjacent shoreline. Docks are used for commercial and residential purposes. The different types of docks available in the market range from lightweight to heavy-duty, which depends on the usability of the docks.

Property owners who are planning to install docks need to consider the sustainability of the components. It would be best to use those docks that are not harmful to the marine environment. Let us be conscious of the things we use!

Types of Docks

Each type of docks has its own distinct feature which makes it beneficial for a certain function. When you know the types of docks, you can easily determine the configurations and components of the docks. By then, you can confidently customize the docks based on the features you need.

Removable Docks

Removable docks are the most known and chosen dock for consumers who are living in a harsh climate. They are easy to install and quick to remove. There are two popular removable docks known in the market:

  1. Floating Docks: This removable dock is independent of its stability from the sea bed. It is quite impressive that it only has minimal to no obstruction to the marine life environment. Do not worry. There are anchors to stabilize the float, it is attached to heavy-duty ropes that are tied on the shore.  For those property owners who need an economical, environmentally-friendly, and cheaper dock, floating docks are the answer.
  2. Pipe Docks: For property owners who are looking for the cheapest dock installation and a lightweight alternative, pipe dock is the solution. Pipe docks stand up on legs and sit above the water. Originally, pipe docks are made stationary, but they are customized to have wheels to easily remove them. This type of dock have little impact on the marine environment since it is not submerged in the water.

As we can say, both removable docks have only minimal to no impact on the marine environment. Let us go over the permanent docks!

Permanent Docks

From its name, permanent docks are purposely built to last for years. Permanent docks are stable, they are in a fixed installation. It is expected that these permanent docks can withstand harsh weather and constant use. There are two permanent docks mentioned in this article.

  1. Crib Docks: This dock is termed crib as it is a weighted-down container. The container is filled with rocks or other weights to build an anchor for the dock. These cribs are a solid foundation for a permanent dock. As the anchor is secured, a deck is installed and built on top of the cribs.
  2. Concrete Docks: An alternative option for alternative marine activity is made possible with concrete docks. It is expensive to construct, yet the ideal option for heavy-duty uses. Both foundation and deck are made from concrete to provide a durable and long-lasting structure for decades.

These permanent docks are both installed using heavy equipment, and they are affixed to the sea bed. They may have simple or complex configurations depending on the property owner. But, any configuration of the permanent docks will cause disturbance to the marine environment. Permanent docks are mostly used for commercial properties.

Removable Docks are Environmentally-Friendly

As discussed above, floating docks and pipe docks have minimal to no impact on the marine life environment. Floating docks are a good option to install for waterfront properties. It offers quick access for those who enjoy waterside leisure. Property owners will enjoy their floating dock system for commercial, residential, or marina activities. The floating cubes provide any needs on the shoreline.

These floating dock systems are a revolutionary product. They are made out of high-quality plastic that can endure up to 20 years. You can configure any system you want depending on your application options. You will see the difference in floating docks when you compare it with other types of docks. It has an outstanding lifespan and high-resistance to harsh weather, dangerous chemicals, and punctures.

Lastly, it is easy to maintain floating docks. You only need water and broom to clean it. Refrain from using harsh chemicals, it may go down the water. Its molded polyethylene docks are resistant to oils, salt, and UV ray exposure. Thus, it does not peel, splint, or rot like other docks. Even if it is a low maintenance dock, it is ensured that it has long-term durability and reliable performance.

Are you looking for a reliable floating dock to install in your property? Hisea Dock offers a secure and stabilized floating dock system. You can design any system you would like, their team offers assistance for further inquiries. Moreover, the components they use for their floating docks are sustainable and environmental-friendly.

Why Colleges Should Go for Online Education to Save the Environment

Climate change has been established as an actual, factual event that is changing everyone’s lives, and not for the better. Polar caps are melting, the temperature of the entire Earth is rising, and our oceans are filling with garbage. People across the world are responding in different ways, including reusing products and recycling others, but what about colleges and universities? What can they do to help the environment?

There are several ways that colleges can make a positive impact on the environment, but one of the best ways is to move towards online education. Here’s why:

It Reduces Electrical Use

Electricity is the top service in demand today, along with the Internet. Without it, modern society would cease to function. It’s also what’s eating up an incredible amount of resources on a day-to-day basis.

In cases where the electricity is being provided by a clean fuel source, like hydro, wind, or nuclear power, there isn’t’ as much of an impact on the environment. Unfortunately, there are still many cities that still supply their power through fossil fuels and coal, both of which are incredibly damaging to the environment and only accelerate climate change.

Either way, using less electricity is good for the environment. Online classes mean that students aren’t traversing hallways and sitting in classes. They are, instead, accessing a custom made website from home. As a result, the lights are off in those rooms not in use. That means that the buildings on-campus are using less electricity than before, which is better for the environment.

Online Education Reduces the Use of Heat and Air Conditioning

It’s beyond question that this world is full of different climates ranging from freezing cold to hotter than an oft-mentioned netherworld. People like to stay within a comfortable zone, and so some regions have people turning up the heat while others are putting on their air conditioners.

College campuses know that they’ll be inundated with complaints if their buildings aren’t kept cool on hot days and warm on the cold ones. It’s these very systems that are also contributing to climate change, however, and the best way to take care of it is to be able to turn down those thermostats and turn off those air conditioners.

The best way to do that, without an uprising that is, is to not have students in those classrooms at all so that those thermostats can be turned down. Online classes allow for that to happen.

It Uses Less Paper

The biggest issue affecting climate change is the clearcutting of forests in countries like Brazil for paper production and land for farming. This is something that contributes to the buildup of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Why? Because we’re cutting down the one thing that absorbs carbon dioxide and emits oxygen: trees.

Paperless offices are the best approach to reducing the number of trees fallen every year, like the one PaidPaper, the website that provides truthful reviews of the best writing services, has, but many schools require handouts and other materials to be given out, and paper is the default method for their delivery. This situation also means that reviews, an essay, or any other kind of writing usually ends up on paper.

Online classes, however, make using paper almost impossible as all of the materials that students need have to be accessible online. It won’t affect ideas like students need to think like scientists, at all. Essays and tests are done electronically, rather than in person. Online classes mean a paperless class for an essay, reviews, or just to do the best writing they can, and that will save dozens, if not hundreds, of trees every year.

Online Classes Mean No Cars and Buses

Staff and at least some students tend to live off-campus and usually away from the college. For them to get to work and class, they have to have some form of transport.

Yes, some do use bicycles to get to work, but most use another form of transit like a car or a city bus. Both use fossil fuels, and both contribute to negative environmental effects on the world. The best way to negate the effects of fossil fuels is to stop using them.

Again, the best way to accomplish this is to ensure that those students don’t have to get into a car or bus in the first place. Online classes make sure that they can stay at home and save on gas.

It’s Cheaper

What do all of these reductions in electricity, heating, air conditioning, and paper use add up to? Lower budget costs and happier board members, which makes any college administrator smile. The only thing that’s still needed is electronic media and technology, which the university would purchase, anyway.

Those additional funds can be put towards a higher profit margin, or they can be diverted back into the university in ways that save even more money, like improving the insulation in older buildings and the installation of heat-efficient windows.

In conclusion, the benefits of going online for both the college and the environment are many, the disadvantages few. That’s why many universities are getting on board with the idea of online classes.

السياسات المناخية في تونس : ناجعة رغم ضعف الإمكانيات

أصبح التغير المناخي حقيقة واقعة في تونس التي تعاني الأمرين  لمجابهة مشاكل  التصحر وندرة المياه وتدهور الموارد الطبيعية. وبالرغم من إسهامها المحدود في انبعاثات غازات الدفيئة على مستوى العالم، إلا أن أخطار التغير المناخي الواقعة عليها قد تكون عالية التأثير و هو ما يسيل الكثير من الحبر حول مدى نجاعة السياسات المناخية بتونس.

وضعت تونس، وهي رابع دولة عربية قدّمت مساهماتها المعتزمة المحددة وطنيا في مجال خفض الإنبعاثات من الغازات الدفيئة ، تغيّر المناخ في مرتبة متقدّمة على جدول أعمالها السياسي والاقتصادي باعتبارها  البلد الأول في المنطقة الذي ضمّن دستوره الوطني الجديد إقرارا بتغيّر المناخ تفرض من خلاله الدولة  الحق في “بيئة سليمة ومتوازنة والمساهمة في سلامة المناخ بكافة السبل المتاحة”. كما  كانت تونس من أوائل الدول التي صادقت على اتفاقية الأمم المتحدة بشأن تغير المناخ (UNFCCC) في سنة 1993 وبروتوكول كيوتو في سنة 2002. من ناحية أخرى ، إستفادت وزارة البيئة التونسيّة من تواجد فروع لمنظمات  تعنى بالجانب البيئي على أراضيها على غرار المنظمة الألمانية للتعاون الدولي (GIZ) و منظمة فريدريش إيبرت (Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung) لإنشاء استراتيجية وطنية بشأن تغير المناخ (SNCC)، تأخذ في الاعتبار التحديات والاتجاهات الجديدة لتونس ما بعد الثورة.

كما تبدي تونس  نيّتها العمل بجد  لخفض كثافة انبعاثاتها الكربونية بنسبة 13 في المئة بحلول سنة 2030. هذا ومن المنتظر أن تزداد حصّة الطاقة المتجدّدة في إنتاج الكهرباء لديها إلى 14 في المئة بحلول سنة 2020، و30 في المئة بحلول سنة 2030. هذه المؤشرات الطموحة عزّزها تأكيد رئيس الحكومة يوسف الشاهد  خلال افتتاحه لندوة “تسريع تنفيذ برامج النجاعة الطاقية” يوم الخامس من أبريل نيسان الجاري بأن تونس مطالبة أكثر من أي وقت مضى بتنفيذ إستراتيجيات ناجعة للإنتقال الطاقي قائم على الطاقات المتجددة لبلوغ الأهداف الطاقية والمناخية المرسومة .

في سياق متصل، شرعت تونس منذ عدة سنوات في عملية حقيقية تقليص الاقتصاد القائم على الكربون في خطوة التخفيف من انبعاثات غازات الدفيئة . هذا الأمر تطلب حزمة من الإجراءات الاستباقية طويلة المدى في مجال التحكم في استخدام الطاقة ومع ذلك، هذه العملية تحتاج لمزيد التوطيد و التعزيز.

إلا أن عديد الإشكاليات تطفو على السطح  قد تهدد استدامة هذا التوجه، إذ تفتقر تونس للتمويل اللازم لتغيير نظم إنتاج الطاقة علاوة على غياب واضح للتوعية والإعلام والترشيد سواء لدى العامة أو لدى اصحاب القرار.

هذا الأمر، يجب أن يقابل بتطوير الخطاب الإتصالي للمنظمات البيئية المحلية والعالمية لاتخاذ إجراءات أكثر جرأة على هذا الصعيد. إن نشر المعلومة بشكل مبسط و سلس وتكوين الأطراف ذات الصلة بالشأن البيئي   تعتبر من الثوابت الرئيسية لتنفيذ استراتيجية طويلة المدى. لهذا الغرض، يجب أن تستهدف هذه الإجراءات أساسا  الجهات الفاعلة في الدولة ناهيك عن عامة الناس، أعضاء المجتمع المدني، وسائل الإعلام، الأكاديميين والباحثين وغيرهم وإنشاء قواعد بيانات كاملة عن البحوث والدراسات التي تجرى في تونس أو عنها في الخارج حول قضية تغير المناخ يتم تحديثها باستمرار. في هذا الإطار ، يجب إيلاء عناية خاصة بتوظيف الحلول الطبيعية سهلة التطبيق على غرار القيام بحملات تشجير بالمناطق الصحراوية و حماية التربة من الانجراف و حسن ادارة النفايات. خصوصا مع عدم آمتلاك تونس  للتقنية اللازمة لتطبيق الهندسة الجيولوجية ذات التكلفة العالية والنتائج غير المضمونة.

يُرتقَب أن يشكّل اتفاق باريس الأخير، مع مختلف الفرص المالية والتقنية التي يُتيحها، حافزا مهما لتونس كي تعزّز جهودها في مجابهة التغير المناخي  وهو ما يتطلب آلتفاف جميع الأطراف و تقديم خارطة طريق للتقليل من الانبعاثات وتزيد من مجهودات التكيف لأن إرساء منوال تنموي مستدام ينطلق من هناك.

Saudi Arabia’s Road to Fuel Economy

Saudi Arabia is a private car-oriented society, and has one of the world’s highest per capita fuel consumption in the transportation sector. This is primarily due to lack of efficient public transportation and current fuel subsidy policy. The country is witnessing an escalating demand on its domestic energy needs and it is imperative on policymakers to devise policies for conservation of energy resources and reduction of GHGs emissions in the transportation sector. Adapting energy-efficient fuel standards will help Saudi Arabia country to bridge the gap with the developed countries. The enforcement mechanism for the establishment of Saudi fuel economy standards will lead to achievement of strategic energy conservation objectives.

Energy intensity in Saudi Arabia has set high records reflecting the growth of the economy and the increasing demand on fossil energy in the domestic use and heavy industries operations. Energy intensity in the Kingdom was twice the world average in 2010 and with unbalanced growth between energy use and economy, this should rang the bell for the Saudi government to adapt a bundle of energy policies that curtail the increasing growth of energy demand domestically.

CAFE Standards

Corporate Average Fuel Efficiency standard (CAFE) was first enacted after the Energy Policy and Conservation Act of 1975 in the USA. That policy was due to energy security concerns and environmental objectives. The USA current standard is 27.5 mpg for passenger’s vehicle and 20.7mpg for light trucks. Similarly to the USA CAFE objectives, the Kingdom approach is to reduce gasoline consumption and induce conservation and increasing efficiency of the light-duty vehicles (LDV).The proposed standard mandates require that all new and used passenger vehicles and light trucks either imported or locally manufacture should comply with new fuel standards. The framework for this law to be effective will start by January 1, 2016 and fully phased out by December 31, 2025. The Saudi Energy Efficiency Center (SEEC) and other entities including the Saudi Standards, Metrology and Quality Organization, Saudi Customs, and Ministry of Commerce and Industry have been asked to monitor the implementation of the CAFE standards.

The purpose of the fuel standards is to commit the light-duty vehicle manufactures sell their cars in the kingdom and comply with the Saudi CAFE. This standard has a double dividends from the automobile manufacturer side its incentivize them to introduce the up-to-date efficiency technologies and cut the supply the low-efficient technologies to the Saudi market. The Saudi CAFE standard targets an improving in the overall fuel economy with an average of 4% annually. This would lift up the Kingdom’s fuel economy LDVs from its current level of 12 km per liter to 19 km per liter by 2025.

The Saudi CAFE standard shows a focused strategy to setting long-term standards over the course of a given time frame and its committed efforts to manage both newly imported or used LDVs. According to Prince Abdulaziz bin Salman al-Saud, the Saudi transportation sector consumes about 23 percent of the total energy in the kingdom and about 12 million vehicles consume about 811,000 barrels of gasoline and diesel per day. Moreover, there are 7 LDVs entering the market every year with a forecast to reach 20 million by 2030.


Saudi Arabia’s CAFE standard is a means to stimulate energy efficiency and encourage resource conservation and contribute to the environment. This will enable consumers to save money, reduce fossil fuel consumption and strengthen the Kingdom’s role in the fight against climate change.

Gas Vs Electric Mowers: Are You Ready to Go Green?

There are many factors to take into account when deciding whether to purchase an electric-powered lawn mower or a gas-powered lawn mower. Today there are more options than ever due to advances in technology in both gas motors and batteries. As you weigh your options you should consider the size of your lawn and how you wish to mow it.

compare electric vs gas lawn mower

Gas-powered mowers

Gas-powered motors have traditional gas engines that use gas tanks and oil reservoirs. When operating they produce carbon monoxide, also known as combustion exhaust, which is detrimental to the environment. Also, you have to make sure you have enough gas on hand and that it is the correct grade.

Electric-powered mowers

Electric mowers operate using the same concepts as gas mowers; however, their motors operate using batteries that are charged by connecting them to typical garage outlets, a process which is greener and cleaner. While this does give them many eco-friendly benefits, there are many other factors to consider.

Noise Pollution

Environmental pollution isn’t the only pollution to be considered when comparing gas-powered mowers to electric-powered mowers. There is also the matter of noise pollution to consider. Gas-powered lawn mowers are loud. Electric-powered mowers, on the other hand, purr like kittens by comparison.

You might want to take into account how close you are to your neighbors; or you might want to consider whether you or your neighbors have small children or pets that might be frightened by the sounds of a loud gas-motor. Check out Sydney lawn mowing if you are looking for a reputed lawn care professional.


While the battery used to operate an electric mower is a quieter and cleaner source of power, it does need maintenance. The battery’s posts need to be cleaned from time to time and the battery itself needs to be charged regularly, regardless of how often it is used.

Still, this is much less than the maintenance required for a gas-powered mower that needs to have spark plugs, filters, oil and other components regularly replaced.

Battery life vs Gas-power

How long will an electric-powered mower’s battery hold a charge if it is well maintained? For about an hour, which should be more than enough time to mow a small or mid-sized lawn. If you have a lawn that is larger than an acre, you might want to consider purchasing a riding lawn mower. At this time an electric-powered lawn mower will cost around twenty percent more than a gas-powered lawn mower of similar size, so for an electric-powered riding lawn mower you may be looking at several hundred dollars more than its gas-powered equivalent.

It is up to you, based on the size of your lawn and how often it needs mowed and the current price of gasoline, to do the math in order to determine whether an electric riding lawn mower is cost-effective.

Raw Power

Another point to take into account when considering gas vs electric mowers is that a battery’s charge will drain and so will the mowers power right along with it. In other words, a mower with a fully charged battery will be able to cut thicker grass than it will at a half or a quarter charge; whereas, a gas-powered mower will cut grass with consistent force whether it is fully gassed or it is running on fumes.

If the weight of the machine is an issue, you should know that electric powered mowers are much lighter than their gas-powered counterparts. This is due to the fact that gas-powered engines need metallic parts in order to function properly; while electrical engines can work just as well if certain metal parts are replaced with plastic parts. A lighter mower will be easier to push through well maintained lawns, yet harder to push through overgrown lawns.


Finally, there is the issue of safety. It takes a great amount of force to bust open a battery. All batteries, from the AAA you use in your television’s remote control to the car battery that can withstand a head-on collision, are designed to stay intact. As long as they do, they are completely safe.

Gas-powered engines, however, require gasoline and oil which are both flammable and combustible, not to mention toxic if inhaled or swallowed (again thinking of small children and pets).

Bottom Line

In conclusion, there are pros and cons to switching to electric and it is up to you to evaluate your individual needs and their requirements as to whether or not the switch is warranted. Remember, for smaller or mid-sized lawns electric mowers are an eco-friendly option; while commercial lawn mowing may benefit more from the power of a gas-powered mower. Whichever you choose, keep in mind that, due to technological advancements, both options offer an efficiency and an ease of use that surpasses mowers of yesterday.

Why Water Pollution Is a Major Worry in the USA: 4 Water Contamination Events and Their Effects

According to a Gallup poll, the majority of Americans are deeply concerned about water pollution. 56% are concerned about drinking water quality and 53% are concerned about the water quality of rivers, reservoirs, and lakes.

Americans have cause for concern. Over the years, there have been multiple water contamination events in the US.

water pollution in USA

Why Water Pollution is a Major Worry in the USA

Water pollution in the US is actually a growing problem, though it has been a problem for a long time. In the nineteenth century, water quality was improved in many bodies of water thanks to new mining processes and mechanized agriculture.

However, with a lack of regulation, into the twentieth century, rapid urban growth and extensive industrialization resulted in discharges of toxic chemicals, sewage, and other pollutants that affected both surface water and groundwater.

Such problems were not addressed with any sense of urgency until the late twentieth century, and various water contamination events continued to occur.

These have left a lasting impact on ecosystems, water quality, and public health across the nation.

While the implementation of pollution prevention, control and treatment methods are now widely used throughout the country to help ensure water quality is at the safe level determined by federal and state regulations, many bodies of water throughout the US sadly violate those water quality standards.

Let’s take a look at four well-known water contamination events and see what their effects were.

1. The Woburn, Massachusetts Water Contamination

Between 1969 and 1979, industrial solvent polluted the river in Woburn, Massachusetts. The chemicals that contaminated the water were trichloroethylene and perchloroethylene.

Sadly, twelve children in the area who were exposed to the contaminated water developed leukemia and residents saw an increased risk of other types of cancer and birth defects.

2. The Flint Water Crisis

In recent years, there has been an ongoing drinking water crisis in Flint, Michigan. The problem began when the water source was changed from Lake Huron and the Detroit River to the Flint River.

The water has been contaminated with dangerous levels of lead as well as other pollutants. Tragically, that has left many local residents with health issues, including skin lesions, memory loss, vision loss, hair loss, and high lead levels in their blood.

3. The Camp Lejeune Water Contamination in the 1950s – 1980s

At the military base Camp Lejeune, in North Carolina, there was contamination of the water supply for more than three decades.

Between the 1950s and the 1980s, contaminants like trichloroethylene, perchloroethylene, vinyl chloride, and benzene caused military personnel, their families, and civilians on the base to develop symptoms that may be an indication of contamination.

Indeed, the Camp Lejeune water contamination caused many people to develop a number of cancers, such as bladder cancer, kidney cancer, and breast cancer, and other health problems, including birth defects, miscarriages, and Parkinson’s disease.

The scandal has led to many lawsuits. In fact, lawsuits continue to this day

4. The Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill

In 2010, the BP semi-submersible oil rig, Deepwater Horizon, saw an explosion that tragically killed eleven of the crew and displaced the rig from the well at the bottom of the sea. As a result, the oil in the well spread into the ocean.

deepwater horizon cleanup

Bioremediation is a popular method to treat oil spills in seas and on beaches.

Due to the difficulty in sending a probe over 5,000 feet beneath the surface, the well wasn’t capped for a further eighty-seven days, contaminating the water and causing untold damage to the sea life.

The oil spill, which happened in the Gulf of Mexico, saw 3.19 million barrels of oil spread into the ocean, and 1,000 miles of shoreline were impacted.