Water Conservation at Home: An Easy Guide

There is no doubt that we are spoilt in the developed world: We use far too much water, and we really should be doing something about it. The problem is that we live in houses that are already predisposed to wasting water. Granted, these days, if you buy a new home, it should be environmentally sound with the latest domestic water conservation strategies in place. However, what if you live in an older house or in a more modern one that has been poorly maintained?


This article sheds light on where you are using the most water and how you can do your bit to help conserve domestic water.

How is Most Water at Home Used?

The average amount of water used by an American is about 152 gallons a day. In Britain, they do a bit better at 88 gallons. However, to put this into context, the average Asian uses no more than 25 gallons a day and the average African only 12. It seems like Westerners need to do a lot better.

Looking at the numbers above, I think it is fair to say that most of us are blissfully unaware of how much water we use in daily activities. So, let’s have a look at where most of our water goes. As a quick side note, I’m going to continue quoting only figures for the US. Otherwise, this article will be all numbers and percentages.

  • At nearly a quarter (24%) of all daily use, the humble toilet comes in first place. That’s 37 gallons per person each day just for going to the loo.
  • In second place is the shower using 31 gallons (20%) a day.
  • In third place is water from the tap, which uses 29 gallons (19%).
  • And in fourth place are washing machines with 26 daily gallons (17%).
  • At last come leaks with an astonishing 18 gallons (12%) a day.


The remaining 8% is labeled as ‘other’. One of the items probably in the ‘other’ column is water softeners. While it is true that water softeners ‘waste’ water when regenerating, they also save it in many other ways. So if you live in an area with hard water, getting a water softener may benefit your water conservation.

This, however, depends on the right programming so that waste is reduced to a minimum. It is also important that you are not using an outdated model as these tend to use a lot more water than necessary. If you would like to know more, you can find easy-to-understand diagrams of the softening process and how water softener regeneration works on this page.

Domestic Water Wastage

One of the figures that jump out in the list above is the amount of water wasted because of leaks. Citing figures from the EPA, the Washington Post says that Americans waste 1 trillion gallons of water this way – every single year. To put that figure into context (I have a feeling I’ll be saying that a lot in this article), 1 trillion gallons are the equivalent of the water use of 11 million homes.

Although some of this waste can be attributed to invisible pipe leaks, a great deal of it is leaky taps, showers and toilets. To quote the Washington Post ‘one faucet (tap) leaking one drip per minute adds up to 34 gallons per year’.

Another area of concern is the amount of water that a toilet may be wasting. Flushing a toilet uses a considerable amount of water already, but if you add in the amount of water wasted because of worn out flapper valves, a common cause of leaking toilets, the amount could run into the hundreds or even thousands of gallons each year.

Water Conservation at Home

I think it’s fair to say that we could all do more to help the environment by using less water. What many people might not realize is that this is actually not that hard. It doesn’t mean showering only once a week or wearing the same dirty outfit day after day. It’s just making a small effort to fix little things. So, let’s look at some ways we can all do our bit!

1. In the Bathroom

Since the bathroom is where we use almost half of our water, this is where we can do the most good.

  • Firstly, all modern toilets comes with a dual flush system. If yours doesn’t, replacing it would be a good start.
  • Another extremely effective way to save water is to put some pebbles in a couple of plastic bottles, fill them up with water, and then place them in the toilet tank away from any moving parts. That will save you thousands of gallons a year. Just make sure there is still enough water in the tank for a proper flush, about three gallons or so.
  • For showers, one of the best and easiest ways to save water is to install a low-flow showerhead. Not running the shower constantly helps too. Once you have got yourself wet, turn off the shower. There is no need for the shower to be running while you’re lathering yourself up. When you’re ready to rinse, turn the shower on again.
  • Another great way to save water when showering is to add a timer. If you know you only have a certain time to get wet, soaped up, and rinse yourself off, you will spend far less time daydreaming and much more time washing.

2. Doing the Laundry

Saving water when washing clothes is a little more complicated.

  • One obvious way to save water is to make sure you are washing full loads.
  • Another is to make sure you are using a high-efficiency washing machine. If you haven’t got one, you should consider replacing your old washer as you could be using six times less water for each load. If you use your washing machine once a day, that could mean a saving of 329 gallons a week.

3. Fixing Leaks

Finally, let’s look at leaks.

  • The first and most obvious thing to do is fix any leaking taps and showerheads. Don’t forget to check your taps outside as well.
  • Next, check if your toilet is leaking. Sometimes it is not that clear, so one of the best methods is to add a few drops of food coloring to the water in the tank. Check a bit later and if there is colored water in the bowl, you know there’s a leak.

  • After you have done all of the above, one final thing you can do is to check for invisible leaks. This is best done when you are going to leave the house for a few hours or more. If the house is empty during the day, this is a perfect time to check. First, make sure that there is nothing in the house that may use water. Next, check the water meter and make a note of the number. Finally, when you come back, recheck the meter. If it has moved, there is a leak you don’t know about.

There are certainly some shocking figures in this article, but if we were to decide that they were too big to fix, we would never improve the situation. To quote a well-known expression, a journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step. Try and take your first step to save water today.

Tips for Hot Water Conservation in Households

The use of hot water in homes, offices, commercial centers, educational buildings and institutions increases manifolds during winter months. The demand of hot water for showers, laundry and washing makes up more than a third of an average household’s water and energy use in winter. The conservation of energy is essential as the cost of both electricity and water is increasing steadily and the consumers will have to pay more for energy and water bills.

ecofriendly tankless heater

The main areas of hot water usage in residential areas are bathroom and kitchen. Bathing consumes up to 200 liters of hot water, depending on the type of dwelling, type of fixtures/showerhead and duration of bath. It also depends on the number of users and their age. Young people tend to use and waste more water as compared to adults. Women consume water than men.

The other usage of hot water is for laundry which consumes a significant quantity of hot water. A standard warm cycle on a top loading washing machine may use up to 50 liters of hot water. People think that washing with hot water is more efficient and lead to cleaner and tidy clothes and textiles.

However, this understanding is subjective due to good quality of washing powders that are available which can offset the use of hot water and maintain fabric quality and durability. A better understanding of what types of clothes are to be washed is to be made to avoid huge quantity of hot water usage.

how to conserve hot water

The amount of hot water used in the kitchen depends on how we wash our cooking utensils. For dishes washed by hand in a sink full of water will typically use around 10 liters of hot water. It is advisable to fill the sink with mixed hot and cold/ warm water and do cleaning and clearing before rinsing to avoid use of more hot water. This activity can saves a lot of hot water which otherwise goes waste.

The main hot water wastage is when we open the tap and wait for hot water to come while the cold water goes to the drain. Usually, all households are careless and do not think it is the water wastage as they wait for hot water to come. The other aspect is leakage in water heater, tank, equipment and piping. A tap dripping at one drop per second wastes 800 liters of water per month.

How to Reduce Hot Water Wastage

Here are a few tips to reduce hot water wastage and for conserving our precious water:

  • Turning the hot water faucet off while shaving or brushing your teeth.
  • Using low-flow faucets, taps and showerheads to reduce water flow and thereby wastage.
  • Ensure geyser, washing machine and dishwashers are of right capacity based on the number of users.
  • Install the hot water equipment close to the point of use to minimize long piping and heat loss like installing separate geyser in kitchen and bathroom.
  • Pre–rinse the dirty dishes using cold water, or scrape them clean before putting them in the dishwater.
  • Use washing machine and dishwasher only when the load is full.
  • Do not waste water when you open the hot water tap, collect this water in a bucket and use it for some other purposes like cleaning and watering plants

Renewable Energy Prospects in Africa

With a sixth of the world’s population, Africa generates a measly four percent of the world’s electricity, three-quarters of which is used by South Africa and northern Africa. According to World Bank statistics, more than 500 million Africans (almost two-thirds of the total population) have no access to “modern energy.” Hydropower accounts for around 45% of electricity generation in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) while biomass (mostly firewood) constitutes about 56 percent of all energy use in sub-Saharan Africa. Large-scale use of forest biomass is accelerating deforestation, and the World Bank estimates that 45,000 square kilometers of forest were lost between 1990 and 2005 across all low-income countries in Africa.

Africa has huge renewable energy potential with some of the world’s largest concentration of alternative energy resources in the form of solar, wind, hydro and biomass energy. Overall, 17 countries in sub-Saharan Africa are in the top-33 countries worldwide with combined reserves of solar, wind, hydro, and geothermal energy far exceeding annual consumption. Most of the sub-Saharan countries receive solar radiation in the range of 6-8 kWh/m2/day, which counts among the highest amounts of solar radiation in the world. Until now, only a small fraction of Africa’s vast renewable energy potential has been tapped.  The renewable energy resources have the potential to cover the energy requirements of the entire continent.

Several African counties, such as South Africa, Egypt, Morocco, Kenya, Senegal, Madagascar, Rwanda and Mali have adopted national targets for renewable energy, and feed-in tariffs for renewable energy electricity have been introduced e.g. in South Africa and Kenya.   Countries such as South Africa, Morocco, Egypt, Cape Verde, Ethiopia, Kenya and Tanzania are developing wind farms.  Geothermal investments are increasing in the Rift Valley area of Eastern Africa.  The pipeline of investments in Africa in hydropower, wind farms, solar PV and concentrated solar thermal, geothermal power and biomass energy underlines the huge potential for a future expansion of renewable energy across the continent.

The African Development Bank, through its public and private sector departments, is currently implementing several clean energy projects and programs to address these priorities particularly in the energy and forestry sectors. The Bank’s energy portfolio currently stands at about USD 2 billion. The AfDB provides two lending windows. The first is a public window, with mostly concessional funds available to governments. The second is a private window, which offers debt and equity on commercial terms. 

Hydroelectric power generation represent an attractive investment in Africa because of tremendous hydropower generation potential, 60% of which is locked within Guinea, Ethiopia and the Democratic Republic of Congo. The AfDB has committed its support to developing the Gibe III hydroelectric dam, in Ethiopia. Wind farms are another lucrative investment arena for AfDB, as shown by AfDB’s commitment for 300MW Lake Turkana Wind Farm in Kenya.  Lake Turkana Wind Power (LWTP) consortium is constructing a wind farm consisting of 353 wind turbines, each with a capacity of 850 kW, in Northwest Kenya near Lake Turkana. The wind power project is expected to reach full production of 300 MW by the end of 2012.  LTWP can provide reliable and continuous clean power to satisfy up to about 30% of Kenya’s current total installed power. 

The Ain Beni Mathar Integrated Solar Thermal Combined Cycle Power Station is one of the most promising solar power projects in Africa.  The plant combines solar power and thermal power, and is expected to reach production capacity of 250MW by 2012. African Development Bank, in partnership with the Global Environment Facility and Morocco’s National Electric Authority, is financing approximately two-thirds of the cost of the plant, or about 200 million Euros.

With growing concerns about climate change, AfDB has compiled a strong project pipeline comprised of small- to large-scale wind-power projects, mini, small and large hydro-power projects, cogeneration power projects, geothermal power projects and biodiesel projects. The major priorities for the Bank include broadening the supply of low-cost environmentally clean energy and developing renewable forms of energy to diversify power generation sources in Africa. The AfDB’s interventions to support climate change mitigation in Africa are driven by sound policies and strategies and through its financing initiatives the Bank endeavors to become a major force in clean energy development in Africa.


10 Different Solar Uses Around The Home

Did you know that solar energy can be used in a variety of ways around the home? In this blog post, we will discuss 10 different ways that solar energy can be used to make your life easier. From powering your home to heating your water, solar energy has a lot to offer! Keep reading for more information on how you can use solar power in your everyday life.


1. Provide electricity

One of the most popular solar uses around the home is to provide electricity. In fact, according to the Solar Energy Industries Association, solar energy is now the fastest-growing source of energy in the United States. This is primarily due to advancements in technology, which have made solar panels more efficient and less expensive.

2. Heating water

Another popular solar use is to heat water. In fact, heating water is the most common use of solar energy in the United States. This is because heating water with solar energy is a cost-effective way to save money on your utility bills.

3. Heating home

One of the most popular solar uses for homes is to provide heating. Solar heating systems use panels to collect and convert the sun’s energy into heat, which is then used to heat the home. These systems can be very efficient and can save homeowners a significant amount of money on their energy bills.

4. Solar ventilation fans

Solar ventilation fans are a great way to keep your home cool during the summer. By using solar power to operate the fan, you can keep your home cool without using any electricity. Solar ventilation fans are available in a variety of sizes, so you can find one that is the perfect fit for your home.

5. Lighting home

Solar energy is a great way to power your home and save money on your electric bill. One of the most popular ways to use solar energy in the home is for lighting. You can install solar panels on your roof to collect the sun’s energy and use it to power lights inside and outside of your home. Solar-powered lights are a great way to save energy and money.

solar lights in parking lot

6. Portable solar power

When you’re on the go, there’s no need to worry about losing power. With a portable solar power bank, you can keep your devices charged up no matter where you are. These banks come in a variety of sizes, so you can find one that’s perfect for your needs. Plus, they’re easy to use – just plug them into your device and let the sun do its work.

7. Heating swimming pool

Heating swimming pools with solar energy is a popular use of solar power. A pool can take a lot of heat to warm up, and a solar heating system can do the job much more cheaply than using electricity or natural gas. In fact, a well-designed pool heating system can even provide all the heat your pool needs during the winter months.

8. Solar-powered pumps

One of the lesser-known solar uses is for powering water pumps. Solar water pumps work by using energy from the sun to pump water from a lower to higher elevation. This is a great option for those who live in areas with low water pressure or those who need a reliable water source in case of emergencies. Solar-powered pumps can also be used to irrigate crops or water gardens.

solar-powered pump

Solar power systems are increasingly becoming common in rural areas

9. Charging batteries

Solar energy can also be used to charge batteries. This is a great option for people who have electric vehicles or boats. The sun’s rays can be used to power these vehicles, which is a more sustainable and environmentally-friendly option than using traditional fuels.

10. Cooking

Solar cooking is a great way to reduce your reliance on fossil fuels, and it’s also a great way to save money. You can use solar cookers to cook food, or you can use solar ovens to bake or roast food. Solar cookers and ovens are very versatile, and they can be used to cook a variety of different foods.


Solar energy is a great way to reduce your carbon footprint and help the environment, and these 10 uses of solar energy are a great way to get started. From powering your appliances to heating your water, solar energy can help you save money and do your part to help the planet.

Climate Change Impacts in the Levant

Many countries in the Levant — such as Palestine, Lebanon, Jordan, and Syria — are afflicted by water scarcity, weak institutional and governmental resource management, high food import dependency and fragile economies – all coupled with increasing populations and demand. According to the recent reports of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the Arab World will be witnessing hotter and drier conditions with extensive droughts causing severe water shortages that will have dire impacts on agriculture and livelihood. Farmers in the Levant have been addressing climate change adaptation and resilience issues through farming, water management and environmental degradation. Global climate change is expected to increase the severity of climatic conditions and increase the vulnerability of Levant countries.



1. Water Scarcity

Water scarcity is one of the issues expected to increase with climate change. This will adversely affect livelihoods and sectors like agriculture, which is the largest water user in the country. The Levant region is projected to be one of the most severely impacted region in the world as per most general circulation models (GCMs) due to the expectation of severe water scarcity which will in turn impact its socio-economic development (Assaf, 2009).

The Levant states’ engagement in the UNFCCC process is vital since major regional studies conducted by the Arab Development and Environment Forum forecasts alarming impacts part of which suggests that increasingly scarce water resources will be further reduced between 15-50% in all four countries.

Moreover, due to water loss and land degradation agricultural self-sufficiency is dismal, especially when considering inefficient irrigation techniques that are more suitable to other areas instead of the Levant region, e.g., severe land degradation in the Euphrates Valley of Syria (Nasr, 2009). This in turn will result and influence the whole issue of food security leading to widespread poverty in the region.

The situation may be exacerbated due to current political instability and conflict in the area — noting that Syria is heavily dependent on water resources outside its borders, while Jordon already consumes more than 100% of their available water (Nasr, 2009; Tolba and Saab, 2009). Jordon, ranked as the fourth most water insecure country in the world, has already identified four critical sectors – water, energy, agriculture and food security – in addition to waste reduction and management.

2. Agriculture

Increase in temperatures and decrease in rainfall also characterizes the main climatic changes facing Levant countries such as Lebanon. Agricultural sector in Levant is expected to experience minimal impact of climate change. However, a reduced amount of agricultural land will be available due to desertification and urban expansion. This means that agriculture will be affected and the price of vegetables, fruits, and other agricultural products will rise as well, bringing about negative impacts on marginalized communities.

agriculture in middle east

3. Increase in Sea Level

An additional factor is the expected rise in sea level that could further contaminate the nearby aquifers such as the coastal aquifer of Gaza that should provide water to impoverished Palestinians. The annual decrease in precipitation has led to less freshwater availability for surface or ground water. It is being projected that a one meter rise in 50 years will cause salt intrusions in Iraq well into the north beyond Basra and intrude into water aquifers in Lebanon, as far as downtown Beirut and Dbayyeh areas (Nasr, 2009).

4. Political Vulnerability

With stringent Israeli control on natural resources use and management, the Palestinian Authority lacks the capacity to enforce regulations and mechanisms to ensure the integ1ration of climate change impacts into development planning in the country. This ultimately increases the vulnerability of governmental and nongovernmental institutions and further intensifies the vulnerability and exposure of communities to the effects of climate change.

Nevertheless, climate change adaptation planning is supported by governmental institutions like the Ministry of Environmental Affairs, Ministry of Agriculture and the Water Authority in addition to environmental NGOs and engaged stakeholders. Similar to Jordan, Palestine climate projections clearly state that water shortages will increase, increasing the water asymmetry already existing due to the unequal use of water between Israel and Palestinian areas.

5. Economic Considerations

In the Levant region, the water sector currently undergoes several environmental stresses resulting from different socio- economic activities and practices, including agriculture, energy, and transport. The potential impacts of climate change on the coastal zone include losses in coastal and marine economic activities such as tourism, agriculture, fisheries, transportation and other essential services. Coastal communities relying on ecosystem services, such as fishing for livelihoods will bear the impacts of increase in sea water temperature as the marine fish stock might decrease and marine biodiversity may change or decline.



In countries such as Lebanon, the coastal zone has very high population density (estimated at around 594 inhabitants per km2) and is characterized by a concentration of Lebanon’s main economic activity. In fact, the largest Lebanese cities (Beirut, Saida, Tripoli and Tyre) are located along the coast, and contribute to more than 74% of Lebanon’s GDP through commercial and financial activities, large industrial zones, important agricultural lands as well as fishing and tourism.

In addition to organizational and technical constrains similarly faced by other Levant countries, Palestine is also experiencing political constrains due to the Israeli situation. The shared trans-boundary groundwater is unequally distributed  with Israel using more than 80% of Palestinian water resources.

Research Gap

Due to economic growth and increasing population, energy demand is expected to rise by at least 50 percent in some countries over the next 20 years. The provision of reliable energy supply at reasonable cost is thus a crucial element of economic reform and sustainable development. Transportation sector is of crucial importance for the regions further economic development.

In general terms, lack of and access to data are the main barriers that proved to be the most hindering. The lack of statistics particularly affects the assessment of GHG emissions and economic development scenarios. In turn, governments have blamed the weak economic base for the inability to support research.

The absence of scientific assessments and research in terms of assessing e.g. economic impacts of climate change, the ecological impacts of global warming and the degree of resilience of the different systems are hindering the prioritization of adaptation strategies in the decision-making process.

Syria’s Crisis and Jordan’s Water Struggle: Lessons Learned

Jordan has had to accept being labeled a Refugee Country since its independence, as the country has absorbed several waves of refugees from neighboring countries in a region of uncertainty.  It began with the Arab-Israeli Wars in 1948 and 1967, followed by the Gulf Wars in 1991 and 2004, and ended with the most recent conflict in Syria, which added 1.4 million refugees to the country’s population. This posed extraordinary challenges to Jordan’s water sector, which lacked the necessary resources to meet the increased demand. Former UN High Commissioner for Refugees and current UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres summed up Jordan’s experience in 2014, saying that “the simple act of providing water to Syrian refugees living in Jordan is a daily miracle.”

lessons learnt by Jordan's water sector from the Syrian crisis

In addition, Jordan’s population has increased from 2 million in 1975 to around 10 million in 2020 due to a combination of organic growth and refugee influxes. Jordan’s urbanization has steadily increased, and in 2020, 91 percent of Jordan’s total population lived in urban areas and cities, up from 86 percent in 2010. The country’s population growth, improved living standards, and other social and economic developments have all contributed to an increase in municipal water demand.

The total municipal demand in 2020 was estimated to be 641 million cubic meters, and it is expected to increase by 31% by 2040, reaching 811 million cubic meters. This will result in a 148 percent increase in the supply gap between demand and available municipal water supply by 2040, reaching 530 million cubic meters. An estimated 20% of total water consumption in 2020 will be reliant on overexploited groundwater resources.

Even though Jordan contributed very little to climate change, it is expected to suffer far more than other countries, with less precipitation, dwindling groundwater resources, and rising temperatures in the forecast.

The UNFCCC predicts a 13.6 percent decrease in rainfall and a 1.6 degree Celsius increase in temperature by 2035. This would imply a 15% decrease in long-term groundwater recharge and a 15% decrease in long-term surface water runoff. As a result, available freshwater renewable water resources decreased from 500 m3 per capita per year to 140 m3 per capita per year between 1975 and 2010 and will be further reduced to 60 m3 per capita per year by the year 2035. This will pose exceptional challenges to Jordan’s water security unless the country develops new unconventional water resources to meet demand.

Furthermore, Jordan’s unique topography necessitates water pumping over extremely high elevational differences of more than 1,300m and long distances of more than 300km between available surface and groundwater resources and population centers. This has resulted in high operating costs, with electricity being the most significant contributor. One of the major challenges confronting the water sector is maintaining current water production while also securing the necessary investments to meet the country’s future water demand.

In terms of water management, the arrival of Syrian refugees in 2011 created a “crisis on top of a crisis.” The northern region was hardest hit by refugees, with the population increasing by more than 20% in just two years. The internal displacement of refugees resulted in a settlement pattern that differed markedly from previous crises. Around 85 percent of the refugees lived in host communities, adding to the strain on already overburdened systems. Prior to the crisis, the population was served by an intermittent water supply regime, which meant that there was no buffer to accept additional needs and demands.


Syrian refugees at Za’tari refugee camp

The experience in dealing with the Syrian crisis has gifted the water sector with valuable lessons to become resilient in dealing with similar humanitarian and emergency scenarios.

1. Planning

Water and wastewater treatment projects typically have planning horizons of 25 to 30 years. The arrival of a large number of refugees necessitates earlier investments and raises future costs for water resource development. Donor assistance focuses on investments; however, operational costs are not covered. This jeopardizes the long-term viability of existing and new investments because Jordan’s government is unable to fund the additional resources required through its own revenues.

2. Fundraising

To maximize fundraising, it is critical to move away from short-term planning horizons and capitalize on short-term media attention. The fact that settling refugees in countries with similar socio-cultural backgrounds has reduced tensions and required much less funding (Germany, for example, has budgeted 12 billion EUR for settling 1 million refugees on its land) should aid in the more effective use of limited refugee support funds. Operating costs incurred as a result of providing services to refugees must be factored into the funding.

3. Coordination

For targeted and effective action, early coordination among all stakeholders is required. This contributes to lowering the enormous administration and management costs by establishing focal points within national authorities to coordinate and integrate ongoing investment programs and short-term humanitarian assistance.

lessons learnt from Syrian crisis

Integration of refugees within host communities is preferable as a means of accommodating large numbers of refugees while limiting the establishment of temporary camps, but it can only be accepted if the international community guarantees the resources to reinforce and manage the related infrastructure. Establishing a nationwide related refugee development fund, rather than separate individual or bilateral funding arrangements, and having a multi-sector task force manage and use such funds is thus critical.

Final Remarks

The international community’s reduced support forces refugees to internalize within Jordan and migrate to other countries within and outside the Middle East region. Jordan is by far a stable country that has hosted a large number of refugees from various neighboring countries. Experience has shown that refugees stay for an average of ten years or longer, but international support typically declines over time due to ‘donor fatigue,’ which cannot be accepted. If the necessary international assistance is not secured, Jordan’s water sector will be driven from crisis management to a partial meltdown of service delivery, with serious consequences for stability.

An Easy Guide to Green Shopping

With the advent of December, many festivities, celebrations and seasonal parties are planned globally. These events require feverish shopping leading to usage and wastage of more resources. In addition, December is also famous for the shopping mania that grips people from all walks of life. ‘Shopping’ is certainly one of the most famous ‘indoor sport’ being practiced equally by people of developed and developing countries depending on their lifestyle and budget and is mainly being done by the female gender.

ecofriendly shopping

‘Going green’ is a way forward for all of us as it is a lifestyle change including improving our shopping and purchasing habits so that the additional environmental burden can be reduced. The market forces, industries, manufacturers are supported by extensive media and marketing campaigns which lure us to buy more and unnecessary commodities.

The responsibility of environmental stewardship lies on us to control and behave and move to ‘green shopping’ altering our pampered purchasing habits. Start by auditing your lifestyles and shopping list and see where improvement can be achieved to reduce pollution.

Being a green consumer we need to conserve resources, save  energy, and prevent waste by buying  products that are energy efficient, are used or reusable, made with  recycled content or are  recyclable and have no  or less packaging.

ecofriendly shopping

Green shopping involves learning how to buy smartly and keeping environmental considerations in mind. Here are some useful eco-friendly shopping tips:

  • Check if the item is ‘really’ or ‘urgently’ required. May be you do not have an immediate use or can postpone it to any later date.
  • Check what quantity and content of the item is required and for what duration?
  • What are the alternatives to the item in terms of cost, size, number etc.?
  • Buy durable products instead of disposable items. Buy things which last longer and can be reused like rechargeable batteries and avoiding plastic cutlery and plates.
  • Avoid excess packaging. Look for products that have less packaging or buy in bulk meaning less garbage generation, disposal and transportation.
  • Share items with friends. Another way to save resources and energy is to swap and exchange with friends and family instead of buying brand-new products. This includes sharing video games, CDs, DVDs etc. instead of individuals owning them.
  • Buy energy-efficient appliances and electronic items and promote energy-efficient products.
  • Buying useful and sustainable presents and gifts aiming at its use and not cost.
  • Select items made with recycled-content materials.
  • When selecting between two similar products, go for the one you can re-use or re-fill later, or the one that hasn’t wasted resources on a wrapper you’ll throw away as soon as you get home.
  • Buy sustainable products which have the ability to be produced (over and over again) without doing much harm to the environment.
  • Buy locally made or grown food. Local foods are fresher and keep local farmers in business, while avoiding the pollution caused by transporting products around the country or region.

Let us inspire ourselves to live a greener more environmentally friendly, healthy and sustainable lifestyle.

Become a Green Shopper. Explore, Enjoy and Make A Difference!

Ways to Counter Water Scarcity in Jordan

Water scarcity is a reality in Jordan, as the country is counted among the world’s most arid countries. The situation has been exacerbated by the large-scale influx of refugees due to the Syrian crisis. The current per capita water supply in Jordan is 200m3 per year which is almost one-third of the global average. To make matters worse, it is projected that per capita water availability will decline to measly 90m3 by the year 2025. Thus, it is of paramount importance to augment water supply in addition to sustainable use of available water resources.

water scarcity in jordan

How to Augment Water Supply in Jordan?

There are couple of options to increase alternative water supply sources in Jordan – desalination of seawater and recycling of wastewater. Desalination can provide a safe drinking water to areas facing severe water scarcity, and may also help in resolving the conflict between urban and agricultural water requirement needs by providing a new independent water source.

The other way to counter water scarcity in Jordan is by recycling and reuse of municipal wastewater which is an attractive method in terms of water savings. Infact, the reuse of the treated wastewater in Jordan has reached one of the highest levels in the world. The treated wastewater flow in the country is returned to the Search River and the King Talal dam, where it is mixed with the surface flow and used in the pressurized irrigation distribution system in the Jordan valley.

wastewater treatment plant

Another cheap and natural option for wastewater reuse is the construction of wetlands, and surface water reservoirs, which are water storage facilities that are able to collect and hold rain water for later use during dry seasons for irrigation or even for fish farming purposes. To prevent water loss by evaporation, reservoirs should be covered in a specific way to allow air to enter but with minimum evaporation rate. Another option is to install floating solar panels above the reservoir which will not only reduce the evaporation rate but also produce clean energy.

However, technology-based solutions are also raising several environmental and health concerns. Seawater desalination and wastewater treatment are like large-scale industrial projects which are capital-intensive, energy-intensive and generate waste in one form or the other. The desalination process may be detrimental to the marine ecological system as it increases the salinity of seawater.

Similarly, irrigation using recycled municipal wastewater is causing public health concerns. For example, directly consumed vegetables and fruits are excluded from allowable crops. Further studies should be conducted so as to address health issues that might arise from municipal wastewater usage. Effluent irrigation standards should be broadened to encompass a wider range of pathogens, and appropriate public health guidelines need to be established for wastewater irrigation taking into consideration the elimination of steroids.

New Trends to Lookout For

New intervention is needed to satisfy local irrigation demands; irrigation water for agriculture makes up the largest part of total average water used, which accounted for 64% during 2010. The main period of water stress is during summer due to high irrigation demand, and there is therefore a conflict arising between the supply of water for urban use and agricultural consumption.

There has to be a proper combination between improvement of irrigation methods and selection of crop types. Application of updated water techniques, such as micro-sprinkling, drip irrigation and nocturnal, can reduce water loss and improve irrigation efficiency. Infrastructure improvement is also necessary to improving efficiency and reducing water loss.

efficient irrigation methods

Spray irrigation has higher efficiency than traditional methods.

Crop substitution is another interesting method to increase water efficiency by growing new crop types that tolerate saline, brackish, and low irrigation requirements. Such approach is not only economically viable, but also is socially beneficial and viable to mankind in an arid ecosystem. Mulching system is also highly recommended to reduce evaporative loss of soil moisture and improve microbial activities and nutrient availability. Farmers should use organic manure, instead of chemical fertilizers, to increase quality of water and reduce risk of groundwater contamination and agricultural run-offs.

The industrial sector uses about 5 percent of water resources in Jordan, while releasing harmful substances to the environment (including water). Industries have to put together a water management plan to reduce water intake and control water pollution. For instance, the establishment of a local wastewater treatment plant within a hotel for irrigation purposes is a good solution. Traditional solutions, like Qanats, Mawasi and fog harvesting, can also be a good tool in fighting water scarcity in arid areas.

Food Security Strategy in Qatar

Qatar is a water-scarce and arid region which has its own share of demographic and socio-economic problems. The cultivation of food crops is a difficult proposition for Qatar due to scarcity of water supply and limited availability of arable land. The country is vulnerable to fluctuations in international commodity markets because of heavy dependence on imported grains and food items. The increasing dependence on foreign food imports is leading to a growing sense of food insecurity in Qatar.

Understanding Food Security

Food security is the condition in which all people at all times have a physical and economic access to safe, adequate and nutritious food to satisfy their daily calorific intake and allow them to lead an active and healthy life. Individuals who are food secure have an access to a sufficient quantity of food and do not live in fear of hunger and starvation. On the other hand, food insecurity exists simultaneously and inhibits certain groups of individuals from gaining access to nutritionally adequate and safe food. In the case of Middle East and North Africa (MENA) countries, food insecurity is related to poor quality diets rather than calorie-deficient diets. A typical diet in MENA region is high in saturated fats, sugar and refined foods which is a major cause for increase in chronic diseases in the region.

There are a multitude of factors which may challenge a nation from achieving food security. Some of these factors include; the global water crisis and water deficits which spur heavy grain imports in smaller countries ultimately leading to cutbacks in grain harvests. Similarly, intensive agriculture and farming drastically influence soil fertility and cause a decline in crop yield. Another notable factor limiting food security includes the adverse effects of climate change such as droughts and floods which greatly affect the agricultural sector.

The impacts of declining crop yields will include a change in productivity, livelihood patterns as well as economic losses due to declining exports. According to the Global Food Security Index, countries which are on top of the food security index include USA, Norway and China. The countries suffering from greatest food insecurity include, Democratic Republic of Congo, Togo and Chad.

Food Security Strategy in Qatar

Being one of the fastest growing economies in the world, Qatar is facing large-scale influx of expatriate workers which has resulted in tremendous increase in population in recent years. Limited land availability, chronic water scarcity and constraints in agricultural growth have led to growing concerns about food security. Agriculture plays a strategic role in the nation’s food security. Qatar imports over 90% of its food requirements due to the scarcity of irrigation water, poor quality soils and the inhibitions due to climatic conditions. Infact, the country is facing an agricultural trade deficit of QR. 4.38 billion equivalent to $1.2 billion. 

In response, Qatar has begun to address the situation by aiming to efficiently utilize ‘cutting edge technology’ to establish a sustainable approach to food security for dry land countries. The Qatar National Food Security Program (QNFSP) was established in 2008 and aims to reduce Qatar’s reliance on food imports through self sufficiency. The program will not only develop recommendations for Food Security policy but intends to join with international organizations and other NGOs to develop practices to utilize resources efficiently within the agricultural sector.

Qatar has established a nation-led National Food Security Program to encourage domestic production which will lead to scientific and technological development in two specific areas to increase domestic production. These areas include development in agricultural enhancement and food processing. QNFSP’s approach to expanding the agricultural sector aims to introduce the best practices and establishing a sector which considers its economic efficiency, optimal usage of scarce resources with limited impact on the environment as well as profitable and sustainable agriculture. A key element of this approach will include the deployment of advanced crop production technologies and advanced irrigation systems. The QNFSP will require well managed stakeholder participation, revised agricultural possibilities and of course a comprehensive strategy for agricultural research.

The nation’s second approach to increase domestic production includes regulations and implementations on food processing. Food processing increases the shelf-life of food, reduces raw food losses and enables the continuity of product availability. By enhancing the shelf-life of food and reducing the amount of food being wasted improves a nation’s food security. The QNFSP aims to develop the nation’s food processing industry by taking advantage of the new industry being established in Qatar which will allow the country to sell its own processed goods on the global market. To meet this objective the nation will need to implement international quality assurance mechanism to be capable of producing high quality products as well as to expand their food reserves and storage facilities.

Sahara Forest Project

In addition to the trenchant efforts being made by the Qatar National Food Security Program, an interesting and promising pilot project named Sahara Forest Project is being rigorously pursed in Qatar. The Sahara Forest Project allows for sustainable production of food, water and energy while revegetating and storing carbon in arid areas.

A one hectare site outside Doha, Qatar, hosts the Sahara Forest Project Pilot Plant. It contains a unique combination of promising environmental technologies carefully integrated in a system to maximize beneficial synergies. A cornerstone of the pilot is greenhouses utilizing seawater to provide cool and humid growing conditions for vegetables, The greenhouses themselves produce freshwater and are coupled with Qatar’s first Concentrated Solar Power plant with a thermal desalination unit.

An important part of the pilot is to demonstrate the potential for cultivating desert land and making it green. Outdoor vertical evaporators will create sheltered and humid environments for cultivation of plants. There are ponds for salt production and facilities for experimentation with cultivation of salt tolerant plants, halophytes. Additionally, the facility also contains a state of the art system for cultivation of algae.

Benefits of Owning a Hybrid Vehicle

Hybrid vehicles are not new; however, their popularity has increased over time. Even though hybrid cars may seem hard to produce, the exact opposite is true.

Hybrids are just cars with both gasoline or diesel engine and a battery-powered electric motor.

A hybrid vehicle, such as the Toyota Prius and the 2022 Toyota Corolla, conserves fuel and emits less CO2 emissions. The purpose of two engines is to reduce fuel consumption and, therefore, to save energy.

Benefits of Buying a Hybrid Vehicle

How Hybrid Cars Work

Any vehicle with two separate power sources can be classified as a hybrid car. Due to the high expense of combining the two, hybrid cars use petrol and electric engines.

There are three main classes of hybrid cars: series, parallel, and series-parallel. Each class uses power and petrol in a slightly different way.

The best hybrids are sometimes termed series-parallel hybrids since a computer system continually analyses the car and switches across driving modes as needed. They are, however, the most expensive than other hybrid varieties.

A plug-in hybrid may be any of the three categories of hybrids (PHEV). Initially debuted in 2010, PHEVs significantly increase the electric driving range by enabling the battery to be recharged by plugging it into an outlet, equivalent to an all-electric car.

What Are The Benefits Of A Hybrid Car?

1. Environmentally Friendly

One of the best things about a hybrid car compared to a petrol-powered vehicle is that it runs cleaner and gets better gas mileage, making it better for the environment.

A hybrid car has two engines—a gasoline engine and an electric motor—that work together to save fuel and energy.

2. Reduced Reliance on Fossil Fuels

A hybrid car is much better for the environment. They don’t eliminate the need for oil and gas, but they use less of them because the internal combustion engine doesn’t run as much. It would be easier to save more fossil fuels if more people drove hybrid cars.

3. Regenerative Braking System

When you hit the brakes in a hybrid car, it helps charge the battery. An internal mechanism kicks in when the energy is released and uses it to charge the battery. This means you don’t have to stop and wait for the battery to charge.

4. Hybrid Cars Are Made of Lighter Parts

This means that they use less power to run, and it also saves a lot of energy because the engine is smaller and lighter.


5. Higher Resale Value

With the price of gasoline going up, more and more people are buying hybrid cars. As a result, these green cars are now selling for more than the average price when they are resold.

So, if you’re not happy with your car, you can always sell it to someone who wants one for a higher price.

6. All-Electric Drive

Hybrid cars can be driven with just electric power. This happens when the car is moving slowly, when the engine is idling at a stoplight, or when the engine is first turned on.

Usually, the internal combustion engine doesn’t start working until it’s moving faster, which is where it works best. This helps the car use less gas overall.

7. Automatic Stop/Start

When a hybrid car is stopped, the engine turns off by itself, and when the accelerator is pressed, the engine turns back on. PHEVs can go faster and for longer distances than traditional hybrid vehicles. Hydrogen fuel cell cars use less energy because they only give off water vapour and warm air.

8. Financial Benefits

Many tax credits and other incentives help make hybrid cars more affordable. Because they pay less in taxes each year and don’t have to pay congestion fees, they spend less on fuel.

Is an HEV or PHEV Better?

Hybrids that don’t break the bank go with PHEVs. It feels like an all-electric car but has a gas engine as a backup for longer trips and no “range anxiety.”

Are Hybrids Worth the Investment?

If significantly reducing fuel consumption and emissions is crucial, then yes. Hybrids are often more inexpensive than pure electric vehicles and frequently more responsive than their gasoline-only counterparts.

Do Plug-in Hybrids Have the Ability to Charge While Driving?

They do self-charge because the petrol engine charges the battery pack while braking energy is gathered and stored as electricity.

Some PHEVs can also fully charge the battery while driving. Additionally, you may select to operate in a petrol/electric hybrid mode and preserve the charged battery for later use.


Choosing whether or not to purchase a hybrid vehicle requires more than a desire to be environmentally conscious. You must consider the local resources that may assist you in repairing and preserving the vehicle.

إدارة المخلفات الطبية في دول الشرق الأوسط

قطاع الرعاية الصحية في منطقة الشرق الأوسط ينمو بوتيرة سريعة جدا، الأمر الذي أدى بدوره إلى زيادة هائلة في كمية النفايات الطبية في المستشفيات والعيادات والمؤسسات الأخرى. وفقا للتقرير الصادر من وزارةا لشئون البيئة المصرية، مصر انتجت 28,300 طن من النفايات الطبية الخطرة في عام 2010. وفي منطقة الخليج، يتم انتاج أكثر من 150 طن من النفايات الطبية والمملكة العربية السعودية وحدها تنتج نصف هذة الكمية تقريبا. هذه الأرقام تدل على حجم المشكلة التي تواجهها السلطات البلدية في التعامل مع مشكلة التخلص من النفايات الطبية في جميع أنحاء منطقة الشرق الأوسط.

حجم المشكلة

الكمية المتزايدة من النفايات الطبية زادة من التحديات البيئية والصحية في المدن الرئيسية في المنطقة. وتفاقم الوضع لعدة أسباب منها استخدام طرق غير لائقة للتخلص من هذا النوع من النفايات، قلة في التكنولوجيا المستخدمة، وعدم وجود أبحاث في مجال إدارة النفايات الطبية. الإدارة غير السليمة للنفايات الطبية من المستشفيات والعيادات وغيرها من المرافق في منطقة الشرق الأوسط تؤدي لزيادة المخاطر في الصحة المهنية والعامة للمرضى والعاملين في القطاعات الصحية وإدارة النفايات الطبية وناقليها وعامة الناس. حتي انها قد تؤدي أيضا إلى تلوث الهواء والماء والتربة والتي قد تؤثر على جميع أشكال الحياة. والأهم من ذلك، إذا لم يتم التخلص من النفايات بشكل صحيح، قد تٌجمع المعدات الطبية (وخاصة الحقن) من قبل العابثين بالمخلفات وإعادة بيعها والذي قد يسبب في كثير من الأمراض الخطيرة.

طرق إدارة النفايات الطبية في منطقة الشرق الأوسط تقتصر على الحرق على نطاق صغير أو الدفن. ممارسة دفن النفايات الطبية هي مصدر قلق بالغ لأنه تشكل مخاطر كبيرة على الصحة العامة والموارد المائية وخصوبة التربة وكذلك جودة الهواء. في العديد من دول الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا، يتم خلط النفايات الطبية مع النفايات البلدية الصلبة و / أو النفايات الصناعية التي تحول النفايات الطبية إلى مزيج من المواد الخطرة.

سياسة “من” المطروحة عام 2004 في تفاقية استكهولم، شددت على ضرورة النظر في المخاطر المرتبطة بحرق نفايات الرعاية الصحية لأنها تنتج كثير من الملوثات التي قد تشمل الجسيمات الصغيرة، والمعادن الثقيلة، والغازات الحمضية، أول أكسيد الكربون والمركبات العضوية. في بعض الأحيان الجراثيم قد توجد في المخلفات الصلبة وعوادم المحارق السيئة التصميم والمدارة بشكل سيء. وبالإضافة إلى ذلك، المركبات العضوية القابلة للترشح، مثل الديوكسين ، وعادة ما تكون موجودة في بقايا الرماد السفلي. 
ونظرا لهذه العوامل، فإن العديد من البلدان الصناعية تتخلص تدريجيا من محارق الأدوات الطبية لاستكشاف التقنيات التي لا تنتج أي ديوكسين. ودول مثل الولايات المتحدة وايرلندا والبرتغال وكندا وألمانيا اغلقت بشكل كامل أو وضعت حظر على محارق النفايات الطبية

التقنيات الواعدة
التقنيات البديلة لمعالجة النفايات الطبية هي التعقيم بالبخار والتعقيم بالبخار المتقدم، والعلاج بالموجات الدقيقة(الميكرويف)، التعقيم الحراري الجاف، والتحلل القلوية، والمعالجة البيولوجية. في الوقت الحاضر، التعقيم بالبخار هو أسلوب العلاج البديل الأكثر شيوعا. أجهزة التعقيم المتقدمة أو تقنيات معالجة البخار المتقدمة تجمع بين التعقيم بالبخار مع الشفط، والخلط الداخلي أو الجزئي، التقطيع الداخلي، والتجفيف، والضغط مما يؤدي إلى تقليص الحجم الى 90٪..

العلاج الموجات الدقيقة هي تقنية واعدة حيث يكن ذلك عن طريق إدخال الحرارة الرطبة والبخار الناتج عن طاقة الميكروويف. العلاج القلوية هو عملية كيميائية فريدة حيث انها تستخدم مادة قلويه حارة لهضم الانسجة البشرية، والنفايات الجرثومية وقطع التشريح، العمليات البيولوجية المستخدمة في صناعة السماد يمكن أيضا أن تٌستخدم للتخلص من المواد العضوية في النفايات الطبية مثل مخلفات المشيمة.



صخر فهد الهذلي- مهندس كيميائي.  جدة، المملكه العربيه السعوديه

Living Room Furniture Options That Are Environmentally-Friendly

As of October 2017, the United States Green Building Council reported there were more than 370,000 green homes in the United States. Although green homes made up just five percent of all homes in 2005, the percentage significantly rose to 23% of all American residences in 2017. We’ve come a long way in going green in a short time.

However, there is much more that we can do to make our home more environmentally friendly. While green activists focus on issues such as solar energy and recycled plastic, we have an often overlooked additional opportunity to make our homes green. It is called living room furniture options that are environmentally-friendly. We are not talking about specific types of furniture, but how we can use living room furniture to enhance the environment.

Use What You Got

Sustainability is an eco-friendly term that is frequently misunderstood. In easy to understand terms, sustainability is minimizing the use of natural resources. No other living room strategy has more of a positive impact on sustainability that using other types of materials to design and construct new pieces of furniture. Here are some living room furniture sustainability ideas:

  • Use large jars to design lampshades
  • Build shelves with thick, sturdy cardboard
  • Construct a chair out of books
  • Make a gorgeous coffee table from old tree stump

The last idea offers a two for one benefit, as you use less wood for making a chair and you do not need wood to create a bookshelf. You have a large number of resources available online to help you come up with living room furniture sustainability ideas.

When Old is New

Purchasing new furniture can not only be expensive, it also produces a larger carbon footprint than if you decide to go with used furniture. The stigma of owning so-called hand me down furniture quickly fades when guests to your home understand you are making an eco-friendly statement for your living room furniture options. Here are a few sources of old furniture that you can turn into new living room furniture:

  • Parents
  • Friends
  • Siblings
  • Professional peers

When anyone you know chooses to downsize into a smaller home, the chances are good he or she does not need to move all of the current furniture to the new home. This means you not only might find a bargain; you might also benefit from receiving an older piece of furniture for free. There are also shops and boutiques offering used furniture at affordable prices.

Make Your Own Furniture

Anyone that has a background in woodworking-even a novice-can harness to together a piece of furniture from the oak, pine, cedar, or mahogany wood sitting unused nearby in a woods or a forest. Large furniture manufacturers waste a lot of resources because of the massive amount of materials the companies process to construct new furniture.

If your woodworking skills are not up to par, picking up a few tips online and/or from a couple of woodworking books should be enough information to help you get the ball rolling on an environmentally-friendly living room furniture design project.

Go Green with Coatings and Adhesives

It is not just the materials used to create furniture that determines the level of eco friendliness. You also have to consider the coatings and adhesives used to roll out the finished product.

The key is to avoid leeching harmful chemicals into the environment, which is the primary objective of an exterior coating service that finishes both walls and furniture. Moreover, an exterior coating service will make sure you do not have to repeatedly coat the same pieces of furniture.

Feng Shui the Living Room

Implementing the mindfulness philosophy of Feng Shui can change the energy flow of a room from overly hyperactive to a soothing ambiance that puts everyone at ease.

So, how does Feng Shui create furniture options that are environmentally-friendly? The answer is by using the same principle of mindfulness to create a less busy looking and feeling room.

Less is More

At the heart of Feng Shui and eco-friendly living room furniture options is the concept of clutter free. Many Feng Shui experts recommend addressing clutter in the mind, as well as clutter in the nearby living environment.

There is not a chance of achieving Feng Shui in a living room cluttered with unnecessary pieces of furniture. Use the term streamline or whatever term works best for you, but remember that a clutter free living room is an effective way to reduce your carbon footprint.

Let There Be Light!

Poor lighting is the biggest obstacle to achieving Feng Shui in the living room. Installing overhead and task lighting can turn a once stale looking living room into a vibrant place to entertain guests. A bright artificial lighting system can also make fewer of pieces of furniture shine.

With fewer pieces of furniture, you have addressed the important issue of depleting finite natural resources. In addition to artificial light sources, you can really make a room hum Feng Shui by opening up the shades and inviting the sun in for an extended stay. Sunlight produces an airy, welcoming ambiance in a room that requires fewer pieces of furniture to come together aesthetically.

Balance of Colors and Shapes

The more is not the merrier for living room furniture mantra comes into play when discussing the importance of establishing Feng Shui. By focusing on achieving design balance in colors and shapes, you quickly realize that a few pieces of furniture are no longer a good fit for the highest traffic area of your home.

For example, adding several pieces of blue furniture contrasts poorly with the look of all pink walls. Achieving the highest level of Feng Shui involves balancing the colors and shapes of every piece of living room furniture. The furniture that does not work for Feng Shui balance can be donated to an organization that gives furniture away to people that need it most.

One more thing about using living room furniture options that are environmentally friendly. Wood is not the only material that requires sustainability monitoring. You also have to consider the environmental impact of using furniture that is manufactured by processing precious metals.

Recommended Resource: Benefits of Using Eco-friendly Wood Products