التأمل والبيئة

للتأمل أنواع، ومن احدى أنواع التأمل هو المشي في الطبيعة او ما يعرف ب “تأمل المشي”. والبعض يفضل المشي على الجلوس في الحديقة او على الشاطئ. فسكون الطبيعة وجمالها يساعد الفرد في إيجاد الانسجام والتوازن. ولا أهدف من هذا المقال الى القول ان مكان التأمل هو الطبيعة بل يمكن ممارسة التأمل في المكتب أو في المنزل. لكن من منظوري الشخصي يكون أحد أفضل الأماكن للتأمل هو الطبيعة.

البيئة لديها قوة تحويلية، فهي توفر الصفاء وتساعدنا في العثور على أنفسنا مرة أخرى. ان التأمل في مكونات البيئة من نبات وحيوانات يؤدي الى احترام وتقدير هذه المخلوقات. وهذا الاحترام يؤدي الى الحفاظ على البيئة.

مكافحة التلوث وحماية البيئة

في عالمنا الحالي نحتاج للتأمل للحفاظ على البيئة. ففي ظل الثورة الصناعية والتكنولوجيا واستنزاف الموارد الطبيعية، بات من الطبيعي خلق مفهوم جديد بعيد عن تسليع الموارد. ان جعل الموارد الطبيعية عنصرا اقتصاديا قابلا للبيع والشراء عزز الانانية وأدى الى تفضيل المصلحة الشخصية على حماية البيئة.  كما دفع الكثير للتعدي على الموارد البيئية واستنزافها لأجل تحصيل المال. فنرى اصطياد الأسماك تحول من الشباك الى سفن ضخمة تجرف كل ما تمر فوقه. ولا يسعنا المجال لذكر التعديات البيئية.

وهنا يأتي دور التأمل والذي يزفه المرء بالإحساس بهذه الموارد وتعظيمها.

تغير المناخ والتأمل

تغير المناخ من المشاكل التي تواجه العالم أجمع وتجر عليه الويلات. ولكي يصبح تغير المناخ أولوية عالمية، يجب خلق وتوضيح نقاط الاتصال بين حياة الناس اليومية وظاهرة الاحتباس الحراري.ومن احدى العوامل التي أدت الى تفاقم هذه الازمة والعديد من المشاكل البيئة هو أن الكثيرين منا لا يدركون ارتباطنا كبشر بالبيئة وأننا جزء منها ولسنا اوصياء علبها. كثيرون لا يدركون فائدة إقامة علاقة أفضل مع الطبيعة. ويأتي هنا دور والتأمل، الذي يمكن أن يؤدي الى الوعي المستنير الذي يمكن من فهم أفضل للمناطق الطبيعية المحيطة بنا.

 يمكن لليقظة ان تؤدي الى تغير في طريقة تفكيرنا وطريقة معالجتنا للأزمات الاجتماعية والبيئية التي تواجهنا. لذا من الممكن بتضافر الجهود ان يساعدنا في بناء مجتمع أكثر استدامة.  نستنج من أعلاه ان التأمل يساعد في تنمية التعاطف وتعزيز قيمنا الأخلاقية الجوهرية مما ينعكس بدوره على رفع الظلم وإدراك العدالة الاجتماعية وتغليب المصلحة العامة. وعلى الإنسان أن يعي نعمة وجود الطبيعة الجميلة حوله فيحافظ عليها، فالوعي بالأخطار الناجمة عن التصرفات الغير واعية تؤثر سلبا على حياة جميع أنواع المخلوقات. فالتفكر ومعرفة أهمية الحفاظ على توازن الطبيعة يؤدي الى تنمية مستدامة على الصعيد البيئي والاقتصادي والاجتماعي.

ﻤﺒﺎدئ اﻻﺴﺘداﻤﺔ ﻓﻲ اﻟﻌﻤﺎرة اﻟﺘﻘﻠﻴدﻴﺔ اﻹﺴﻼﻤية

تشتمل تعاليم الدين الإسلامي على الكثير من مبادئ الاستدامة التي تداخلت مع التنظيم الإجتماعي والسلوك الإنساني للمجتمع والتي انعكست على النتاج العمراني، والعلم الحديث قادرعلى تطوير قدرات الانسان من أجل استغلال المصادر الطبيعية بشكل يفوق ما حققته العمارة التقليدية، بيد أن ذلك يتطلب تطبيقا منهجيا للعلم ومقارنة شاملة بين الإنشاءات الحديثة والتقليدية، وإحياء المبادئ التي اعتمدت عليها الحلول التقليدية. بغير هذه الطريقة لا يمكن للعمارة الحديثة أن تتفوق بإنجازاتها الإنسانية والبيئية على ما قد أنجزته العمارة التقليدية، حيث أن الوسائل والأفكار المعمارية التقليدية قد تفقد أهميتها مقابل الراحة والسهولة اللتين توفرهما الحلول الميكانيكية، لكنها تسببت بالإستعمال غير المحدود للآلة والذي ساهم في المشكلات الحالية للطاقة والبيئة. ومن أجل ذلك كان العمل الجاد للعودة الى مصادر الطاقة الطبيعية، وفي هذا المجال يمكن أن تكون الحلول التقليدية التي طورتها أجيال من المجتمعات في عمارتها التقليدية، بالإعتماد فقط على مصادر الطاقة الطبيعية، ذات فائدة عظيمة لفتح آفاق جديدة من البحث والتطبيق .

مبادئ الاستدامه في المسكن التقليدي

توافق المسكن التقليدي مع البيئة بكل إيجابيتها وسلبياتها، حيث تم تحقيق الحماية بالحد من تأثير ظروف البيئة الطبيعية القاسية كالمناخ الحار والرطوبة النسبية وشدة الإشعاع الشمسي، أما التكيف فكان بإستغلال الإمكانيات الكامنه لمصادر الطاقة الطبيعية كالشمس والرياح.

هناك العديد من المبادئ الأساسية التي استندت عليها عمارة المسكن التقليدي، والتي يمكن مع بعض التعديل والتطويرأن تكون مؤشرات دالة لتصميم المسكن المستدام المعاصر:

1-البناء بالطين او الآجر

إن المواد المحيطة بساكني المبنى مهمة جدا لتوفير الوقاية من الظروف الخارجية، ويجب بذل عناية كبيرة في إختيارها، بحيث يتناسب ذلك مع خواصها الفيزيائية بالنسبة للتوصيل الحراري، والمقاومة الحرارية، والانفاذ الحراري، وعاكسية الضوء. كما أنها المسؤولة في تحديد المدة الزمنية لإنتقال الحرارة من وإلى المبنى.

يعتبر الطين أو الطوب اللبن أفضل مادة بناء طبيعية، حيث يمكنه توفير العزل الحراري للمبنى، كما يساعد على الحد من إستنزاف الموارد الطبيعية الحيوية، وإنبعاثات الكربون. واستعمل الطين على نطاق واسع في العديد من المبانى الإسلامية على مر العصور، أما الآجر فمن أهم مواد البناء التي استخدمت في العمارة الإسلامية، وخاصة في مصر والعراق وبلاد المغرب العربي حيث يندر وجود الخشب والحجر، ويعرف في العراق باسم الطابوق وفي مصر باسم الطوب الاحمر، وهو يستخدم في بناء الحوائط الحاملة أو كأكتاف أو في بناء القباب والاقبية، وفي حالة بنائه بسمك كبير فإنه يساعد على توفير عزل حراري جيد للفراغات الداخلية بالمبنى.

2– الراحة الحرارية

استند الفكر التصميمي للمسكن التقليدي على استخدام الفناء الوسطي كنقطة مركزية لتحقيق مبدأ التوجه نحو الداخل، وكان بمثابة الرئة والمتنفس الرئيسي للمسكن، حيث يعمل كمنظم حراري مستفيدا من التذبذب الكبير بين درجات الحرارة ما بين الليل والنهار، وتكوين أماكن ضغط متباينه ما بين الشوارع الضيقة المظللة والفناء الوسطي المفتوح.

وبصفة عامه غالبا ما كان تتتوسط الفناء الداخلى نافورة او بركة ماء او السلسبيل، وكان يزود بالأشجار المثمرة. حيث كانت تعمل هذه العناصر مجتمعه على ترطيب الهواء الجاف وتخفيض درجة حرارته.

ولقد أدخلت بعض التعديلات على مفهوم الفناء لضمان تدفق الهواء ومنها جاء كل من:

– الإيوانات: وهي حيزات تسبقها شرفات تحيط بفناء مركزي مكشوف، خطط بحيث يحتوي قدرا من الظل طوال اليوم، ويفتح الإيوان على الفناء بكامله، وتضم المنازل ايوانان أحدهما صيفي يواجه الشمال، والآخر شتوى يواجه الجنوب.

– التختبوش: وهو حجرة مفتوحة بالكامل على الصحن، ترتفع رضيته عن الفناء وكان خاصا لاستقبال الضيوف في فصل الصيف وتتجه واجهته المطلة على الفناء الى الشمال ويساعد التختبوش على تدفق الهواء حيث يقام بين الفناء والحديقة.

– المقعد ويوجد غالبا أعلى التختبوش وتكون واجهته محمولة على أعمدة ويطل على الفناء وبهذا التكوين فإن التختبوش والمقعد يتعرضان لأقل عدد من ساعات التعرض للشمس مع أقل كمية ممكنة من الطاقة الشمسية عن الواجهات الأخرى.

3 -التهوية الطبيعية

يعتبر توفير التهوية الطبيعية من أهم مبادئ التصميم المستدام في المسكن التقليدي، حيث تقوم التهوية الطبيعية بتبريد جسم الانسان، لانه بازدياد سرعه الهواء يرتفع معدل انتقال الحرارة من جسم الى البيئة المحيطة، كذلك تساعد على التخلص من الرطوبة وتبريد المبنى.

إن ملاقف الهواء هي الوسيله الأهم لإصطياد الرياح وإدخالها إلى فضاءات المسكن، حيث تعتبر أحد أهم العناصر الممميزة في المباني الاسلامية، تقوم الملاقف بتكوين مناطق ضغط متباينة، فتدخل الهواء بعد تنقيته وترطيبه ومن ثم تخرجه عبر فتحات اخرى، و تكون العملية عكسية في ساعات الليل، كما يفيد الملقف في التقليل من الغبار والرمال الذين تحملهما رياح الاقاليم الحارة والجافة حيث تتراكم في النهاية في قعر المهوى.

يعتبر الطين أو الطوب اللبن أفضل مادة بناء طبيعية

وتنقسم ملاقف الهواء الى عدة أنواع: أهمها ملقف السطح والملقف ذو البئر وهما ملاقف ذات اتجاه واحد يتبع اتجاه الرياح السائدة، أما الكاشتيل أوأبراج الرياح فهي متعددة الاتجاهات، وهناك الملاقف البسيطة الشكل مثل الحائط المزدوج والكوات الحائطية والبدقش.وأخيرا البادجير وهو ملقف من نوع خاص تم تطويره في دول الخليج وللبادجير مهوى مفتوح من اعلاه على اربع جهات اواثنتين فقط وبداخله قاطعان متعامدان يشكل موروب على ارتفاع المهوى بكامله وذلك لاقتناص الهواء من اي اتجاه.

4– البناء تحت الارض

إن استغلال إمكانيات التربة أحد المبادئ التي يعتمد عليها التصميم المستدام للاستفادة من الموارد الطبيعية. تعتمد فكرة البناء تحت الأرض على تقليل أو تحديد تأثير الظروف المناخية الخارجية على الفضاءات الداخلية، وذلك بالإستفادة من إمكانيات الخزن الحراري لكتله التربة الذي يسمى التكييف بتأثير الكتله.

تتجسد الإستفادة من خصائص باطن الارض للوصول إلى الراحة الحرارية في فضاء السرداب أو البدروم وهو عبارة عن طابق كامل أو أكثر تحت الارض. كما يمكن أن يكون السرداب بأكثر من مستوى تبعا للظروف المناخية والأدائية الوظيفية، ونجد له مثالا في المسكن التقليدي في العراق بإحتواءه على ما يسمى تيم سرداب وهو عبارة عن نصف سرداب يقع على عمق 1-1.2م مزود بفتحات تطل على الفناء الوسطي .

وقد انتشر استخدام السراديب التقليدية في المناطق المرتفعه عن متوسط المنسوب العام للمنطقة مثل العراق ومصر السعودية، كما توجد أمثلة على المساكن المشيدة تحت الارض بشكل كامل كما في مطماطة في تونس وغريان في ليبيا، أما في المناطق التي يكون منسوب المياه مرتفعا في التربة فيقل استعمال السراديب مثل المناطق الجنوبية من العراق، أو يكاد ينعدم كما في منطقة الخليج العربي.

اتضحت كفاءة الأداء الحراري للسرداب خاصة في ساعات بعد الظهيرة، حيث تصل درجات حرارة الهواء الخارجي إلى حدودها القصوى، أما الفضاءات الأخرى فتقل كفاءة أدائها الحراري كلما ارتفعنا، حيث الطابق الأرضي أفضل في أدائه الحراري على الطابق الأول من السقف المعرض لأشعه الشمس المباشرة طوال النهار، ففي الصباح يستعمل الطابق الأرضي وأحيانا السرداب، وفي المساء تستعمل الطوابق العلوية.

5-الإضاءة الطبيعية

تمثل الإضاءة الطبيعيه أهم إستراتجيات المسكن المستدام لتقليل العبء الحراري، وبالتالي توفير بيئة مريحة للساكنين حيث وجد أن الاضاءة الطبيعية من النوافذ أفضل بثلاث مرات في تحسين الرؤية من الإضاءة الصناعية المعادلة لها.

تكمن المعضلة بأن النوافذ تعتبر مصدرا رئيسيا لنفاذ الحرارة لداخل المبنى، مما جعل العمارة التقليدية تطور أساليب مبتكرة للحصول على الإضاءة الطبيعية وطرد اشعة الشمس المباشرة، ومن أهمها المشربيات أوالشناشيل أوالروشن وهي معالجات معمارية تسمح بدخول الرياح الملطفة، ولا تسمح بدخول أشعه الشمس، وعادة ما تغطي السطح الخارجي للشبابيك والبلكونات أو الشكمة التي تستعمل للجلوس في الداخل. تعمل المشربية على ضبط مرور الضوء و تدفق الهواء، وأخيرا تحقيق الخصوصية بفضل خرطها الضيق الذي يصنع من قطع خشبيه مخروطة ومتداخلة. وقد إنتقلت المشربية من مصر إلى بعض الدول العربية وكانت تصنع أحيانا من خامات غير الخشب كالرخام أو الجص أو المعدن.

مما لاشك فيه أخيرا أن المسكن الإسلامي من أحد أهم النماذج نجاحا في تحقيق مفاهيم العمارة الخضراء، حيث نجح في تحقيق التوازن بين الجمال والوظيفة، فقد وجدت عناصر التراث المعماري الإسلامي لتعمل وتكمل بعضها البعض، مع التوليف بين الظروف المناخية والبيئية والاجتماعية المختلفة. أما العمارة المعاصرة فهي تواجه تحديات كثيرة لتثبت أنها قادرة على استيعاب متطلبات التنمية المستدامة والحفاظ على البيئة، لذا فعليها إعادة استكشاف مبادئ العمارة التقليدية وإختيار ما هم ملائم منها للبيئة المحلية والمؤثرات البيئية، لتطوير ومزج هذه المبادئ مع التقنيات الحديثة، واستخدامها في عمارتنا المعاصرة ومساكننا في الوقت الحاضر والمستقبل، حيث يمكن للتقنيات الحديثة أن تجعل استخدام مبادئ العمارة التقليدية أكثر يسرا وكفاءة لتحقيق مبادئ العمارة المستدامه.

Gas Flaring and Venting in MENA: Need for Urgent Action

Every year global oil producers waste precious natural gas by flaring and venting equivalent to the combined gas consumption of Central and South America. The top twenty major gas flaring and venting countries in the world include Russia, Nigeria, Iran, Iraq, Angola, Venezuela, Qatar, Algeria, the United States, Kuwait, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Equatorial Guinea, Libya, Mexico, Azerbaijan, Brazil, Congo, the United Kingdom, and Gabon.

Gas flaring and venting have been known to be associated with crude oil processing in oil fields. Newer oil wells are equipped for the recovery of both oil well gas and crude oil and hence the gas is an additional resource of the oilfield. Currently, gas flaring and venting are subject to strong restrictions not only for economic but especially for environmental reasons. Under the Kyoto Protocol, there are incentives for the construction of plants that have minimum environmental impact and which, at the same time, do not waste precious resources.

Current Situation

In most developed countries, gas flaring and venting has been almost totally abandoned because it is a waste of an important resource and the infrastructures required to utilise the gas in-situ are not difficult to implement. On the other hand, in many developing countries the gas is often not required at the production site and the costs of transportation are very high thus gas flaring and venting is widely used.

The World Bank, through its Global Gas Flaring Reduction Partnership, estimates that globally at least 150 billion cubic meters (bcm) of gas are flared or wasted every year, adding about 400 million tons of greenhouse gases in annual emissions. This is equivalent to almost all the potential yearly emission reductions from projects currently submitted under the Kyoto Protocol.

In many of the countries responsible for the majority of gas flaring and venting, taxation and accurate measurement ensures that correct duty is being paid and the impact on the environment is minimised, but unfortunately this is not always the case.

Gas Flaring in MENA

The contribution of the MENA region is fundamental in order to have a decisive global impact on flaring reduction and associated gas utilisation over the long run. Gas flaring in the Middle East and North Africa region is about 50 billion cubic meters annually, which makes it the second flaring region in the world after Russia and the Caspian region which is almost about 60 bcm. Sub-Saharan Africa flares about 35 bcm. The amount of gas flared in the Middle East alone, almost 30 bcm, could feed a 20 million ton liquefied natural gas plant and substantially reduce environmental pollution in the region.

Data from the World Bank show that some countries in the Middle East and North Africa region have increased gas flaring over the past 12 years or so. These include Iraq, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and Yemen while others such as Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Syria, and UAE have decreased gas flaring.

Published data shows that annual gas flaring equates to one quarter of annual gas consumption in the United States, 30 per cent of the European Union’s annual gas consumption, and three quarters of Russia’s total annual gas export. In Africa, one of the most predominant gas flaring continents, the annual 35 billion cubic metres of gas flared is equivalent to half of the continent’s total power consumption.

Time for Action

There are incentives to implement practices that are more feasible and less costly such as natural gas reinjection into the reservoir, small-scale natural gas liquefaction plants on the production site, the generation of electricity in-situ, the distribution of natural gas to neighbouring urban areas, its use for transportation, etc. while costly operations, such as the construction of pipelines, are carried out only when the natural gas extracted justifies the high costs. Natural gas is a limited and valuable resource and ideally no gas would ever be lost however, the reality of working in fossil fuel production means this is not possible.

Regardless who is flaring the gas, the incentives for investment in flaring reduction must be appropriate and clear. To the greatest extent possible, regulations need to encourage willing buyers and willing sellers to make beneficial economic use of the great volumes of flared and vented gases each year.

Gas flaring and venting reduction regulations and technologies adopted by the countries should be site-specific. No single option is best for all oil fields. Each oil field has its own characteristics, size, local market conditions and infrastructure needs and each country has its own political, institutional and financial frame work.

Precise measurement of gas flaring is therefore the next best thing, as it gives the industry the means to collate data, build an accurate picture of gas flared and plan better ways to reduce loss and create best practice in the future, also more stringent measures are necessary to implement tough control on these matters.

Top 5 Ways to Reduce Your Plastic Footprint

With recent reports on the staggering amount of plastic waste floating in our oceans, rivers and lakes, it is high time we start doing something about this problem. Recycling is good, but for many reasons, it is not the answer to the global plastic pollution. We must all learn how to reduce the amount of plastic waste we are producing in the first place. Here are my five favorite ways to reduce your personal plastic footprint.

1. Bring Your Own Bag

Billions of plastic shopping bags are used worldwide every year. Shops give them out for free to their customers, but they have a huge environmental cost. Few are ever recycled and many of them end up in our seas, where they are mistaken for jellyfish and ingested by turtles and other marine animals. Help cut down on the number of plastic bags used by bringing your own reusable bags to the supermarkets and refusing the disposable ones.

plastic bag alternative

You don’t have to buy new bags; use the bags you already have – backpacks, rucksacks, purses, the baskets on your bicycles. You can also reuse the plastic bags you already have. Give them a rinse if needed between uses. If you need to buy new bags, buy ones made from cotton. Avoid the polypropylene bags that look like fabric; they are actually made from plastic. They are not washable and they fall apart quickly.

Once you’ve got some bags, the next step is making it a habit to bring them with you on your shopping trips. Put some reusable bags in places that help you remember them. Keep some next to your wallet or keys. Stuff some in your purse. Tie some to your bike handles. Put a few in your glove compartment. With practice, it will become second nature to grab your reusable bags!

2. Don’t Buy Bottled Water

Plastic water bottles are one of the most common items of trash found in our waterways. Unfortunately, accessing clean drinking water that’s not in a bottle can sometimes be a challenge in the Middle East. The water in our homes may not always be drinkable straight from the tap. Invest in a water filter and have it installed for your whole house or just your kitchen tap. There are many filters available on the market. Research them and decide which is best for you.

Next, invest in a reusable water bottle that you can fill before you leave the house. Stainless steel is best if you can find it. Buy one for each member of your family. If you must purchase bottled water, look for a company that provides the large returnable and refillable bottles.

3. Say No to Straws

Yes, those little plastic straws we get in our drinks add up to a huge problem. When placing an order for a cold drink, tell the waiter that you do not need a straw. If you really can’t drink without one, check out options for reusable straws. You can purchase stainless steel, glass, and paper straws from various online shops.

4. Bring Your Own Containers

Ordering food for takeaway? Bring your own reusable containers and ask the restaurant to put your food in those instead of the plastic or polystyrene ones. If you order a lot of takeaway, consider investing in a set of reusable utensils so that you can also refuse the plastic disposable ones. Wooden or bamboo forks, knives, and spoons would be easy to carry in your purse or clear backpack.

Ordering a coffee to-go? Bring your own mug or thermos. The disposable cups the coffee shops use may look like paper, but they are often lined with plastic and come with plastic lids. Avoid all of the plastic by bringing your own mug!

coffee waste recycling

5. Buy in Bulk Whenever Possible

For many people, most of our plastic waste comes from the kitchen. And a lot of it is plastic packaging for food. You can avoid much of this plastic by shopping from the bulk bins. Bulk bins (or bags as they often are in the Middle East) are a way of selling goods by weight. The product is stored in the bags and customers can measure out any amount they would like.

Typically, customers are given plastic bags to fill. Refuse those and bring your bag or container to fill. Since most shops now have digital scales, it is easy to put your empty bag on the scale, hit the tare button, fill your bag, and then return it to the scale and get the weight of the goods only.

Often products sold in bulk are less expensive than those already packaged in plastic. Reuse glass jars and fill up on rice, nuts, flour, beans, and more! Find a shop near you that sells what you want in bulk and then speak with the clerk to ensure that you can bring your own bags. You’ll most likely have better luck with this if you shop from smaller supermarkets and avoid the large chains.

Eco-Friendly Design Trends To Create A Sustainable Home

48% of consumers are ready to change their shopping and lifestyle habits to save the environment. As more and more people begin to prioritize sustainable living, interior design trends are evolving to meet this increasing demand. Using eco-friendly materials, replacing old appliances, and incorporating a minimalist aesthetic are some key ways you can be conscious, mindful, and eco-friendly about your home design.

Use eco-friendly materials

Eco-friendly design materials can help create a stylish, sustainable home that minimizes your carbon footprint. Recycled metal, for example, is typically used to create eco-friendly furniture, lighting fixtures, and art sculptures. Steel, in particular, can be used to establish a modern, industrial look while being durable and non-toxic (it can also be recycled an infinite number of times).

Eco-Friendly Design Trends

Alternatively, bamboo is a sustainable alternative to wood; it has a range of interior uses from furniture and flooring to utensils. Unlike wood, bamboo requires less pesticides and fertilizers to grow and harvest and takes just three to four months to reach maturity.

Replace old home appliances

Older home appliances are typically less energy-efficient than newer models designed with sustainability in mind. A still-functioning older appliance that’s seen better days will generally require more energy to run, in turn driving up your power bill and carbon footprint. Replacing old appliances with new, energy-efficient models is often therefore kinder to the planet.


For example, old refrigerators typically use around 33% more energy than newer, sustainable models. In this case, a replacement would also save you over $140 in energy costs over five years. Just be sure to dispose of any old appliances responsibly. Consider recycling, selling, or giving away old appliances that are still in working condition.

Go minimalist

More than simply just being on-trend, creating a clean and simple minimalist home can help you live a more sustainable lifestyle as less resources are required. For example, multi-use furniture like nesting tables, coffee tables that double as seating, shelving that functions as room dividers, and daybeds lets you reuse and repurpose pieces as needed. With multi-use furniture, you don’t need as much furniture as you otherwise would, which in turn helps conserve natural resources.

benefits of marble

Creating a sustainable home can help save the environment and lower your carbon footprint. By using eco-friendly materials, replacing old appliances, and incorporating minimalist design, you can easily create a stylish and greener home.

Sustainability Principles in Traditional Islamic Architecture

Islam came with many sustainability and environmental conservation principles, which appeared in all aspects of the Islamic society. This green vision of Islam is also reflected in the city planning and traditional architecture. Infact, Islamic cities were shaped by Islamic beliefs on environmental conservation and sustainability.

The traditional house adopted in Islamic architecture respects the environment in more ways than one: first by minimizing the impact of harsh natural environment conditions such as hot climate, relative humidity and solar radiation intensity, second by maximizing the potential possibilities of these conditions to achieve the thermal comfort of inhabitants and utilizing the benefits of natural energy sources such as sun and wind.

Traditional Islamic architecture relied on basic sustainability principles, which, with some modification and development, can be useful indicators for the contemporary sustainable house design.

Building with Clay or Brick

The materials are very important to protect the building from external conditions, for that selection materials are very sensitive stage due to physical properties concerns: optical reflectivity, thermal conductivity resistivity and transmissions. Also, because it is responsible of heat transfer into and out of the building.

Clay is the best natural building material, since it can provide heat isolation. It also helps to reduce the depletion of vital natural resources and carbon emissions. Clay has been widely used in Islamic world throughout the ages.

As for Brick it is one of the most important building materials used in Islamic architecture, especially in Egypt, Iraq and Morocco (where wood and stone are rare). Brick was used to build bearing walls, beams and domes. Due to providing good thermal isolation for interior spaces, if it was built in a large thickness.

Thermal Comfort

The main concept of designing the traditional Islamic house was the Courtyard, using courtyard as a central point to achieve the principle of introvert, which was the lung of the house.

The great difference between the temperatures between day and night made it acts as a thermal regulator, by creating different pressure areas between the narrow-shaded streets and the courtyard in operation called night flushing.

In general, the courtyard was often centered by a fountain or salsabil in addition to fruit trees. These elements worked together to moisten the dry air and reduce its temperature. Some modifications were done to the courtyard to ensure keeping the flow of air which led adding more architecture element such as: Iwan, takhtabush, maqaad and many others.

Natural Ventilation

Natural ventilation is one of the most important principles of sustainably in a traditional Islamic house, as the air speed increase the rate of heat transfer from the body to environment, it also helps to get rid of moisture, and cool the building.

The malqaf is the most important appliance to catch and enter the wind into a house. It is also considered one of the most important elements of the Islamic buildings. The malqaf defined as: an architecture element that used to ventilate the building.

The malqaf on the other hand creates different pressure zones between inside and outside. The air enters after purifying and moisturized, then been pushed out openings. At night this process is reversed. The malqaf also reduce dust and sand, which been carried by hot dry wind, where it eventually rests at the bottom of the malqaf.

There are several types of malqaf: the most important are the roof malqaf and the well- malqaf which are one-way, following the general winds direction. Then kashtil or wind towers which are multi-directional. Also, there are other simple types of malqaf such as the double wall, and badqash. Finally, there is a special type of malqaf called Badgir, which was developed in the Arabian Gulf, it is a shaft opened from above from the four sides (sometimes on only two), it has two diagonal stripes inside that catch the wind from any direction.

Building Underground

Utilization the soil potential is one of the principles which sustainable design depends on to benefit from natural resources. The idea of building underground depends on minimizing or determining the effect of external climatic conditions on the interior space, by taking advantage of the thermal storage potential of the mass of soils.

Traditional architecture benefit from soil to reach thermal comfort by including basement in house design, which used to be one or more underground floors. This basement could be belt multi-leveled depending on climatic conditions and functional performance. Basement could be found in the traditional houses in Iraq, which is half basement located at a depth of 1-1.2 m with openings at the central courtyard.

Traditional basements were more common in highlands, such as Iraq and Saudi Arabia, there are also examples of fully built underground houses such as in Mattmatta in Tunisia, and in south areas of Libya. Areas with High water levels in the soil did not use this method such as South of Iraq and the Gulf region.

Mudhif – A traditional reed house made by the Madan people in the swamps of southern Iraq

The effective thermal performance of the basement appeared especially in the afternoons, when the external air temperatures reach its maximum limits. Traditional inhabitants used ground floor and basement in the mornings, and upper floors at evenings.

Natural Lighting

Natural lighting is the most important strategy of sustainable housing, in order to reduce the thermal load and thus providing a comfortable environment, since natural lighting is three times better in improving vision than the industrial lighting equivalent.

The problem is that windows are a major source of heat inside the building, which made traditional Islamic architecture to develop solutions to inter natural light and block direct sunlight. The most important of these are the mashrabiya, which is an architectural element that allows wind to enter and prevents the sun, these usually cover the outside of windows and balconies. Mashrabiya control light, air flow and outside expose. That made mashrabiya a strong privacy element for its narrow cartel, which used to be made of wood cones and sometimes of non-wood materials, such as marble plaster and metal. Mashrabiya first appeared in Egypt then transfer to the other Arab countries.


The traditional Islamic architecture is one of the most successful models in achieving the concepts of green design. It created beautiful harmony and fine balance between form and function. The elements of the Islamic architecture were founded to work side by side, boosting each other’s and complementing different climates as well environmental and socio-economic conditions.

The modern architecture needs to re-explore the principles of traditional architecture, choose the convenient methods to local environment, absorb the requirements of sustainable development and mix these principles with modern technologies. To conclude, modern technologies can make use of traditional architecture in creating a more sustainable world.

How COVID-19 Has Prompted an Overhaul of Building Cleanliness

The impact of COVID-19 is being felt in nearly every industry and country around the world. With people experiencing new anxieties about being in public spaces for short or extended periods, businesses have had to adapt to ensure workers, customers, and clients are comfortable.

Below is an assessment of how the pandemic resulted in businesses in all sectors hiring contract cleaning professionals and making other changes to the way they prioritized building cleanliness.

How COVID-19 Improved Building Cleanliness

Thorough Surface Cleaning

The spread of COVID-19 can occur through surfaces, as the virus can survive on surfaces for an extended period. When the pandemic first emerged, globally, in March 2020, the growing wisdom centered around the virus spreading through contact with contaminated surfaces.

Experts told people to wash their hands, use hand sanitizer, avoid touching their mouth or nose after touching a possibly dirty surface or object, and to avoid touching shared surfaces as much as possible.

Such advice stuck with business owners, who wanted to ensure that workers and customers were comfortable being in a shared environment. That meant a great deal of surface cleaning using hydrogen peroxide, disinfectant cleaners, or soap and water mixtures.

Every company took on this challenge in different ways, with some businesses asking their employees to take on a greater load. People who were working on the floor or interacting with customers had to continuously wipe down any surface that another person could frequently touch. Such a process may seem arduous, but the goal was to keep everyone safe.

Larger companies and smaller businesses with greater budgets chose to hire professionals. One of the advantages of hiring a cleaning professional is that a business can delegate such work to the professionals.

Having a single cleaning staff member on site is often enough to ensure periodic cleaning, while a business can also choose to hire one or two cleaners to perform a deep clean once a day.

Hygiene is More Relevant Than Ever

Businesses are not only making an effort to ensure that common spaces receive thorough deep cleaning and periodic spot treatment, but they are also encouraging their employees to take care of their own hygiene.

In the past, a small business such as a local grocery store or a family restaurant may not have put too much thought into employee cleanliness. If an employee did not have the best hygiene, they may not have been told by management to clean up their act.

building cleanliness and covid-19

Now that customers are focusing on any instance where an employee may be doing something to compromise the safety of everyone at the establishment, such as not wearing a mask or sneezing in the vicinity of others, employees must be more vigilant about their actions.

Companies encourage their employees to wear clean clothes, keep their workspaces neat, tidy, and wiped down, and ask that they always wash their hands after they use the bathroom or interact with a customer.

More Client Communication

Businesses hiring cleaning crews to ensure their spaces are tidy and hygienic is not new. Major companies have always hired cleaners to ensure that the office spaces and common areas are clean, while stores, restaurants, and other such establishments also go through routine cleaning.

A significant shift since 2020 is that clients are now more eager to understand how much cleaning the professionals are doing. Clients ask about the cleaning products a cleaning professional is using, along with their technique for wiping down surfaces, vacuuming or mopping floors, and cleaning bathrooms. There is also a greater appreciation for the work that cleaners perform.

Many cleaning contractors have found that they are receiving requests from clients more regularly than before the pandemic. Increased communication also means that cleaners have a chance to discuss any of their concerns with clients, which includes appropriate compensation for their work.

The Emergence of Green Cleaning

The pandemic is not the only change that came about in 2020, with much of the Western world taking a greater assessment of humanity’s impact on the climate. With the climate change conversation more relevant than in the past, green cleaning is emerging as a significant trend in 2021 and beyond.

Businesses are aware that customers care about both cleanliness and preserving the environment, which is why showcasing a company as an “environmentally friendly” business is so appealing.

Cleaners now receive requests from clients who want them to use environmentally-friendly products whenever possible. That means cleaning services must now adapt by learning about sanitizing methods that use organic and natural cleaning supplies.

Building Ventilation Upgrades

A great deal of focus on building cleanliness revolves around sanitizing surfaces, wiping down countertops, and regular vacuuming or mopping of floors. The coronavirus, however, spreads most often through the air. That is why companies are also focusing on the improvement of their building ventilation.

In some instances, creating a cleaner environment for customers involves opening windows to allow air to come in and out. Many restaurants, grocery stores, and other such locations can open up their doors and windows, ensuring a steady breeze of air throughout the day.

Such a change not only improves the way customers may view that business but has a marked impact on the chances of someone contracting COVID-19 when they spend time at that establishment.

Another way that companies are looking to improve their commercial spaces is through improved air conditioning ventilation. Offices and many commercial buildings do not have windows that are operable, which means that ventilation must be done through the HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) systems.

natural ventilation

Many companies are investing their money in improved HVAC systems or newer air filters, which both allow for better filtering of the harmful particles that can cause the spread of coronavirus among people who are working or visiting that establishment.

Will the New Trends Remain?

The question that many cleaning contractors and business owners will be asking is whether the present trends in building cleanliness will continue. As the pandemic eases and people return to normal life, will customers still care about cleanliness in the same way?

Some experts believe the new changes are here to stay, as 2020 meant that people became a lot more aware of how germs can spread in public spaces. Businesses may learn that investing more money in building cleanliness is a trend that will continue for the foreseeable future.

Smart Home Solutions to Build a Better Tomorrow

Before homeowners knew how connected smart homes would start working successfully, the prototypes shown seemed complicated and far-fetched. Thankfully, building a futuristic smart home in the modern day isn’t as overwhelming or intimidating as it seemed in the yesteryears.

It is important that you pick and choose features that match your needs and your budget. This, therefore, means that you do not have to view the project as an all-or-nothing situation. Here is a rundown of some of the most futuristic solutions you could implement in your dream home today.

1. Voice-Controlled Smart Speaker

All smart speakers are powered by smart assistants and they come with a dedicated app, which serves as some kind of a hub. Through the app, you can register and easily access other smart home devices. This allows you to control all smart home devices using voice commands via the controlled smart speaker as opposed to visiting or using individual apps.

Not all voice controlled smart speakers are the same and some only allow the integration of certain services. For instance, Apple’s HomePod works only with Siri. Alexa powers the Echo speakers by Amazon. The Echo devices come in all shapes and sizes, thereby making them some of the most versatile. Google also sells a bunch of Home products, which are powered by the Google Assistant. Other audio gadget manufacturers have started integrating voice assistants in their products as well, like Samsung soundbars for Smart TV that are capable of taking voice commands through Alexa or Google Assistant.

2. Smart home security systems

Sure, the aforementioned smart plugs and lights can be used to switch on and off appliances to give potential intruders the illusion that someone is home or you can invest in cameras and locks. Smart doorbells, on the other hand, let you check who is walking to your doorstep, even when you’re far away from home.

The system uses a dedicated security camera and an inbuilt app calling feature, which relies on one-way video and two-way audio. Travis from WiredSmart says smart security cameras are some of the key items that should be installed in Australian homes.

If you are interested in knowing sustainable home security systems, read this article.

3. Smart Plugs Make Everything Smarter

A smart plug is simply an adapter that is capable of turning your basic home electronics into smarter devices. These plugs incorporate WiFi and allow you to control any of your home devices remotely via an app.

However, to get the most from smart plugs, some of the appliances must be dumb. For example, a coffee maker needs to have a power switch that allows you to leave it on in order to allow the smart plug to manage its power.

Futuristic Smart Home

4. Smart Lighting

With smart bulbs, you enjoy the ability to secure your home, provide dimming abilities to any basic light switch, save energy, and saves you the trouble of using an inconveniently located light switch. You can achieve all this by replacing standard bulbs with smart bulb options.

Final Words

Home technologies are expected to integrate into more aspects of our daily lives. The voice control feature incorporated in phones is now available in smart home speakers. The home technologies provide a major breakthrough advancement that can now be enjoyed in modern, smarter homes. With the advancements in technology, homeowners can look forward to smarter solutions for even easier home automation.

How To Score Deals When Shopping For Eco-Friendly Essentials

Shopping for green and sustainable products is a great initiative you can do to be a more responsible citizen. With so many products on the market today that harm the environment and deplete natural resources, the damage done to the planet is getting worse. However, while many individuals would want to do their part to minimize this damage, they might find it challenging to use green products.

Organic materials and other natural products usually have higher price tags. This could be why many industries use unnatural ingredients, chemical compounds, and other more affordable materials that are unfriendly to the environment just to save on costs. While it might seem unfeasible to shop for eco-friendly essentials at this rate, the following tips and methods would show you how to score deals when buying green products.

Score Deals When Shopping For Eco-Friendly Essentials

1. Purchase From Online Sellers Of Sustainable Products

One way to get amazing deals on green products is to shop online. There are many online shops and e-commerce sites that offer eco-friendly stuff. You can check them out for promotions and discounts. Sometimes, even expensive brands have promotional offerings. Just browse through their sites, and you’d find some great deals.

There are online selling sites that offer coupons, which you can use to buy green products at a lower cost. For instance, there’s an Amazon Promo Code for green products and similar deals, which would allow you to get freebies if you buy a certain number of products.

Online platforms are usually generous at giving discounts through coupons, so keep an eye out for these. You can visit their sites from time to time or just turn on your notifications.

2. Subscribe To Eco-Friendly Subscription Boxes

To become an eco-friendly product enthusiast, you don’t need to go all out. There are easy ways to achieve this. For instance, you can start by investing in eco-friendly subscription boxes. Through these boxes, you’ll know which essentials are being offered by companies and brands today. You’d also gain access to quality green products without doing much research and exerting much effort on your end.

If you decide to go green, you’d need to make thorough research on companies’ supply chain methods. But you won’t have to do this if you subscribe to eco-friendly boxes. Doing so would save you time and energy as these products are already carefully curated to fit your needs and preferences. These products were handpicked by providers, and they add only those that pass the criteria. Hence, each product in the box provides value for their subscribers.

You can cut the time and effort spent hunting down sustainable alternative products at brick-and-mortar shops. Instead, rely on suggested products included in these eco-friendly boxes. You’d be more familiar with a wide range of products and get to try items you’d perhaps stick to using. With a guide to green shopping and a subscription to eco-friendly boxes, you’d be almost ready to be a green supporter all the way.

3. Stay On The Lookout For Flash Sales

Even expensive and high-end brands selling sustainable products also go on sale. This is the perfect time for you to buy fantastic quality green products, especially if you’re on a tight budget. There are many ways for you to score the best deals from these brands. You just need to conduct research and know when they’d have discount events and grab that chance. Also, try to find out if they have partnerships with other distributors that sell the products at lower costs.

Some sites have quick sale events, which would accommodate only the fastest and keenest customers. Hence, to score deals, you need to be quick in checking them out and spotting bargains as they’re the ones that sell out fast.

plastic bag alternative

While sustainable products are often priced higher than regular ones, it’s understandable how shoppers would clamor for these quick sales. But you can increase your chances of finding these sale events by knowing which sites to visit often and signing up for an account. Consider being included in their email list, too, so you’d be prompted whenever they have upcoming flash sales.

4. Consider Buying From Garage Sales

Buying eco-friendly essentials can also be made possible by visiting garage sales and looking for eco-friendly items. You may find handcrafted products, which are usually green and sustainable as they generally require fewer natural resources and less energy to make. The best benefit you’d get from buying at garage sales is acquiring your green essentials at very low costs while saving the environment from junks that can still be repaired, reused, or recycled.


Being eco-friendly is perhaps the best decision you can make today. The environment needs saving, and it’s a way for you to help contribute to conserving nature. By following the advice enclosed in this article, you’d learn some diverse ways to find the best deals to buy eco-friendly products. Subscribe for eco-friendly boxes, do online shopping, visit garage sales, and stay alert for flash sales. All these tactics will make you reap amazing rewards after.

Islamic Perspectives on COP

It is a ripe time to reflect briefly on the upcoming COP from an Islamic perspective. By now everyone is well aware of the cause of severe climatic disturbances which affect us all and the poorest and most vulnerable in particular: sheer greed and unbridled, reckless, consumption.

Islam has always provided the keys to a harmonious life in which humans refuse to take more from nature than they need for their sustenance and enjoyment. Islam has repeatedly warned about the imbalances and inequalities that would arise if one were not to follow its recommendations.

God created the world in balance (mizan): habitats, ecosystems and all forms of life. A balance that only humans are capable of breaking, due to their capacity to corrupt the Earth (fasaad), as repeatedly mentioned in the Quran. So much so that man’s actions have led to the climate change we are witnessing in the form of chronic drought, devastating floods and all manner of extreme meteorological phenomenon.

Mankind as Viceregent

Man, as vice-regent, or God’s representative on Earth – “Lo I am about to put a vice-regent on Earth” (Quran, 2:30) – has the highest degree of responsibility, al-Amanah, with respect to the rest of Creation: his peers and other living and non-living things. Therefore, he is responsible for exercising justice on Earth. This concept of justice is firmly rooted in the Islamic tradition, although it is not always exercised:

“O you who have believed, be persistently standing firm in justice, witnesses for Allah, even if it be against yourselves or parents and relatives. Whether one is rich or poor, Allah is more worthy of both. So follow not personal inclination, lest you not be just.” (Quran, 4:135).

Islam considers mankind to be stewards of resources endowed by Allah

Islam considers mankind to be stewards of resources endowed by Allah

In this practice, environmental justice is vital, based on fair and equitable management of the natural resources that have been created and which are available to all without exception: animals, plants and people. It is necessary to create sustainable and lasting economic models, distinct from the current financial debauchery, which reaches all sectors of the population and all regions of the planet with equanimity.

Islam Loves Nature

Islam is the Green Civilization. A civilization which loves nature and which is conscious of its value and fragility. Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) set an example as to how to relate to the world, and consistently urged restraint in our dealings with nature. He was especially careful in the use of water, this resource which is so rare and scarce in certain regions of the planet. His zeal reached such a degree that he encouraged people to carry out their ablutions with as little water as possible, even if they were bathing by a river.

Prophet Muhammad (SAW) prohibited the killing of animals that were not intended for the table, and the felling or uprooting trees without just cause. He also called for frugality in eating, urging people not to consume more than necessary and what the body is able to assimilate, thereby preventing disease and the hoarding of food.

This brief overview invites us to become aware and to take individual and collective action, based on the most genuine Islamic principles, which are true for all mankind.

Rooftop Solar Plant: Everything You Need to Know Before Installing Solar Rooftop Systems

Middle East is blessed with ample sunlight all throughout the year. In addition, most of our homes boast of spacious rooftops that bathe in sunlight during the day. These are ideal circumstances for harnessing the energy produced by the Sun and convert it into electricity for domestic use.

This can be achieved by interfacing the energy with the help of an inverter. This inverter would convert the DC energy generated by a rooftop solar plant into AC energy and make it usable for our electrical appliances.

But while rooftop solar plants are excellent for generating electricity from the sun, there are a few factors that you should keep in mind before installing solar rooftop systems. Let’s take a look at a few of these factors.

installing a rooftop solar plant

Types of Rooftop Solar Plants

There are three kinds of rooftop solar plants that you can choose from.

1. On-grid Systems

An on-grid rooftop solar plant is directly linked to the main grid supply. This system enables electricity to be used from the grid when the rooftop solar plant is unable to generate the required amount of energy. However, a well-planned rooftop solar plant can efficiently generate enough power without using grid supply, enabling significant cost saving.

In fact, on-grid rooftop solar plants can also generate excess electricity that can be supplied back to the grid and earn you compensation through a process called net-metering.

2. Off-grid Systems

The off-grid system is one in which the rooftop solar system is not connected to the main grid. This system is self-contained and has its own battery. The battery is charged by the solar energy generated by the rooftop solar plant, which is then used to power different appliances.

When there is no grid supply or when the supply is exceedingly irregular with frequent breakdowns, this system comes in handy.

3. Hybrid Systems

The third option is a hybrid rooftop solar plant. This system combines on-grid and off-grid power sources. Although a battery is included  in this type of system, the advantage is that once the battery has been fully charged, the extra power generated is fed into the grid, creating added profits for the user.

The Nature of Your Rooftop

The next thing to keep in mind before installing solar rooftop systems is the nature of your roof and how feasible would it be to install a rooftop solar power plant over there. Here are a few things you need to consider:

  1. How much sunlight is available throughout the year
  2. Available area on the rooftop
  3. Whether the orientation of the roof is towards the sun or not

The cost of a rooftop solar plant is influenced by the nature of your roof. Certain rooftop layouts may require additional elements and those elements might add to the cost of your rooftop solar plant.

How Much Area to Use?

The availability of sunlight and the space available on the roof determines the maximum energy that can be generated through your rooftop solar plant. The type of system you opt for (on-grid, off-grid, or hybrid) can help you decide how much space needs to be allocated on your roof for installing solar panels and producing electric power.



The homeowner can conduct a cost analysis and determine the amount of electricity required in order to be profitable. This could involve satisfying the homeowner’s energy requirements as well as the amount of energy that can be transferred to the grid to create additional profits.

Aside from these factors, another factor that you need to keep in mind before installing a home solar plant is the brand. While there are several companies that offer these systems, you must opt for reputable brands in order to get your hands on a system that not only offers superior quality but also lasts longer.

Air Quality in Abu Dhabi: Perspectives

Sandstorm_MiddleEastThe air quality topic has taken relevance in the media lately, perhaps because 95% of the world’s population is breathing unhealthy air, or because in a year it can contribute to the deaths of more than 6 million people [1]. We are starting to realize that those beautiful sunsets which we enjoy across the Middle East are the result of pollutants and dust; and most likely each one of us know of someone with asthma or any other respiratory disease whose condition worsens under poor air quality.

Poor air quality is more common in the big and developed cities instead of impoverished rural areas far away, which is the case of other environmental pressing issues like limited access to water and energy. It is in these cities where you, the reader, is most likely to live in. The unique characteristics of each region influences its ability to disperse or aggravate the situation.

In the Middle East, the harsh natural conditions combined with increasing emission of pollutants are threats to maintain a clean air. Herein, a brief air quality outlook for Abu Dhabi is provided, presenting perspectives on the sources of emissions, current state, as well as some of the responses from the administration in terms of policies and measures.

Impact of poor air quality

Poor air refers to air entering your body not only carrying oxygen to energize your cells, but also pollutants. These pollutants can be miniscule particles of dust or harmful chemicals, the most common being sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, ozone, carbon monoxide, volatile organic compounds and hydrogen sulfide.

The effects on human health range from nauseating odors to heart and lung diseases, and even cancer, depending the vulnerability and exposure of the receiver [2]. This same poor air is metabolized by plants and animals, and some of the pollutants even end up being deposited in oceans, water bodies and soils through the rain.

Influencing factors

The accumulation of pollutants in the air is influenced by the capacity of the environment to disperse those pollutants, and the rate at which new pollutants are received by the atmosphere. Three factors have been determined to be the most influential for the air quality of an area: The terrain, the meteorology, and the emissions.

The first two are responsible for the wind, the rain, heating effects amongst other phenomena that creates atmospheric conditions of stability, influencing the mixing and dispersion of pollutants. However, as you may have inferred, there is very little that we can do to modify these.

The third factor, emissions, are divided into natural and anthropogenic origin. Natural emissions are the product of natural occurring events and are virtually inevitable, such as the dust from the desert. Anthropogenic emissions on the other hand result from man-linked activities such as combustion of fuel or industrial processes. As we are in control of these processes and can modify them, it is the focus of the air quality management efforts.

Situation in Abu Dhabi

Abu Dhabi’s conditions are defined as arid, indicating very little precipitation and large barren areas. The combination of winds over desert raises dust and sand particles capable of travelling long distances. Therefore, the background levels of particulate material (PM) are significantly high in Abu Dhabi, especially after a dust event has occurred. These dust events are more common during the summer months due to stronger winds.

In addition, anthropogenic emissions have increased exponentially since the 60’s because of the rapid economic growth experienced by the emirate. The oil exports initiated a new age for Abu Dhabi; soon new industries had to be run, millions of expatriate workers arrived, magnificent development projects were envisioned, and with these, an increased demand for water, electricity, transportation and land use. Emissions from industrial activities, energy generation and transportation are the main pressure on the quality of the air in the emirate [3].

Air quality in Abu Dhabi

The air quality of a site is evaluated against standards defined by the national authority based on international guidelines or local studies. Standards are given in terms of maximum ambient concentration of a given pollutant at which not harmful effects on human’s health are expected. This is usually micrograms of a pollutant per cubic meter of air.

Abu Dhabi hosts a network of 20 monitoring stations constantly feeding real time information [4]. The results from such monitoring was summarized in the latest State of the Environment Report covering the period 2007 to 2015 [3].

Compliance with the UAE Standards and Trend analysis per pollutant in the Abu Dhabi Emirate [3]

Particulate matter [5] and ozone seem to be the pollutants of concern for the emirate; although the increasing trend of the other pollutants may indicate the need for additional measures of control before it reaches undesirable levels.

The PM results don’t come as a surprise, as it is not difficult for an Abu Dhabi inhabitant to perceive the dust, even in their homes with doors and windows closed. This dust originates mostly from sand from the desert surroundings, infrastructure development and construction activities, but also from combustion of fuels and transformation of other pollutants. I personally notice less dust on the environment during the weekends when the construction works are paused.

Ozone is not emitted directly by a source, but it is the result of the interactions between other pollutants, UV radiation, oxygen, etc. This complex process of formation difficult the task of identifying and managing precursor agents. Some suspected sources include oil and gas activities, petrol stations, fuel combustion during transportation and even vegetation.

It is also important to note that air quality conditions are perceived in a localized manner, rather than the same conditions across the whole emirate. As such, areas in proximity to industries, power plants, refineries, highways, construction sites, etc. are more likely to present poor air quality.

Arab region is among the worst performers in air quality

Also, the impacts on one’s health are consequent to other factors such as pre-existent health conditions or age. As an effort for managing the impacts, the Environment Agency has released an app with live air quality indicators geographically represented available to the public [6].

What is being done?

With a demand for resources increasing rapidly, the threat on clean air is unceasing. The authorities have recognized air pollution as the primary environmental threat to public health in the UAE [3,4]. The efforts from the administration include:

  • Strengthening the regulatory framework for air quality and monitoring compliance,
  • Maintenance and extension of the monitoring network,
  • Integrated efforts from all influential institutions and departments in Abu Dhabi and in the UAE for knowledge exchange and implementation of measurements for resource efficiency and public awareness,
  • Continuous reporting and warnings accessible to the public,
  • Active research for sources and pollutants identification,
  • Motivating for transitioning to cleaner and more efficient sources of energy,
  • Improving the quality of fuels used for transportation and promote lower emissions vehicles, among other measures.

The longer the wait for effective actions to be implemented, the more resources will be required to mitigate or contain the negative effects of pollution. The administration has embarked in the complex task of maintaining economic growth without compromising the environmental resources and is starting to turn into green growth strategies for such end.

Role of the Public

As citizens we also have a responsibility to play as those harmful pollutants result from creating resources to supply our needs. Citizens can help by reducing electricity and water consumption at home, use lower emissions vehicles, prefer local products or ensure appropriate waste disposal, to name a few.

If you or someone of your family is sensitive to air pollution, maintain informed about outdoor conditions and limit the exposure if required, limit the access of dust into your household and replace frequently the air filters in your ventilation system.

It is important to remember that air quality and climate change are strongly linked. Most of the activities that release pollutants also release greenhouse gases or aggravate the heating effect on the atmosphere. On the other hand, expected climate change effects in the Middle East include increased temperatures and reduced precipitation. Having less rain diminishes the natural cleaning of pollutants in the atmosphere, and higher temperatures increase the need of energy for cooling, which if supplied from fossil fuels, causes more emissions.


The harsh natural conditions of the region and a rapid increasing demand for resources are an unceasing threat for clean air. It can be said that the air in the emirate of Abu Dhabi is of good to moderate quality, with localized areas of attention, and being particulate matter and ozone the pollutants of concern. Attention is also required to other pollutants that although at safe levels, have shown an increasing trend in concentration during the past 10 years.

The goal of a clean air requires the combined efforts and commitment of the administrative institutions, the industrial sector, the research bodies and the citizens. It is necessary to turn the traditional development model into a green growth strategy capable of maintaining economic objectives without compromising the environmental resources and the welfare of the citizens of the region.


[1] Health Effects Institute. 2018. State of Global Air 2018. Special Report. Boston, MA: Health Effects Institute.

[2] DEFRA. 2018. Air quality: explaining air pollution – at a glance. Available online at https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/air-quality-explaining-air-pollution/air-quality-explaining-air-pollution-at-a-glance

[3] Environment Agency – Abu Dhabi. 2017. Abu Dhabi State of the Environment Report.

[4] Environment Agency – Abu Dhabi. 2016. Available at https://www.ead.ae/Pages/Green%20Business/air-quality.aspx

[5] Here reference is made to PM10, or particulates with a diameter smaller to 10 µm.

[6] Gulf News – Environment. 2018. Abu Dhabi launches live air-quality app. Available at https://gulfnews.com/news/uae/environment/abu-dhabi-launches-live-air-quality-app-1.2262492