Bridging the Gap: Empowering Farmers with Accessible Patented Technologies

Mixing cutting-edge technology with good old dirt-under-the-fingernails farming is one of the perfect ways to grow not just plants but the whole industry. We’re talking about bridging the big old gap between high-flying patented tech and the everyday heroes who feed us—our farmers. So, it is only natural for farm enthusiasts to look out for methods to sprinkle some innovation across those fields like it’s fertilizer for progress. The good news is that there are some super cool ways to implement tech upgrades in farming, and here are some of them. Sharing the Tech Wealth with Open Source Imagine if … Continue reading

مياه الصرف الصحي في لبنان: مضرة ام فرصة؟

من المرجح أن تأثر التغيرات المناخية على إعادة تغذية الأنهار والمياه الجوفية وتوافر المياه خلال الصيف ومواسم الجفاف يشير التقريرالوطني الثاني للأمم المتحدة (وزارة البيئة, 2011) أنه من المتوقع انخفاض إجمالي الموارد المائية في لبنان ، المقدر حاليًا بـ 2800 إلى 4700 مليون متر مكعب ، إلى 2.550 إلى 4400 مليون متر مكعب و 2350 إلى 4100 مليون متر مكعب إذا ارتفعت درجات الحرارة بمقدار 1 درجة مئوية و 2 درجة مئوية على التوالي. مع تزايد الضغط الناجم عن التوسع الحضري والنمو السكاني إلى جانب محدودية توافر موارد المياه والأراضي ، تعد الزراعة أكثر القطاعات ضعفاً مع تعرض المحاصيل الزراعية … Continue reading

Can The UAE Implement a More Localised Food System? Why That Matters Amid COP28.

If you’ve ever been to or lived in the United Arab Emirates, you might be as surprised as those who haven’t to know that the UAE does produce its own crops. Local produce is a rare sight in UAE’s supermarket, as more than 90% of its food products are imported from across the globe. Such a phenomenon is present in numerous other countries- where imports are unreasonably high or even worse, at an equal rate as exports. This begs the question: can a small desert land such as the UAE reduce its reliance on importing if it really tried? And … Continue reading

زراعة الأسطح لمواجهة التغير المناخي في قطاع غزة

نملك مساحة محددة من الأرض لكن النمو السكاني لا يتوقف، حيث يزداد عدد السكان يوماً بعد يوم بصورة جعلت الكثير من الأراضي الزراعية تتحول إلى مبانٍ سكنية لكي تستوعب تلك الزيادة ، يقدر عدد سكان قطاع غزة في عام 2005 ب 1.390 مليون نسمة و حاليا يقدر ب 1.82 مليون نسمة ، و هذا يوضح تزدايد مستمر بدرجة كبيرة في عدد السكان ، مما أثر على توزيعة المساحات السكانية و الزراعية في قطاع غزة بشكل واضح ، ، حيث  تعتبر مساحة قطاع غزة الكلية 365 كم2 و مساحة الاراضي الزراعية 75.2 كم2 ،بنسبة20.6% من مساحة قطاع غزة الكلية لعام 2011 … Continue reading

Boosting Fruit Crop Productivity: A Guide To Irrigation Systems

In agriculture, the health of fruit crops is paramount to a bountiful harvest. For fruit crops, consistent hydration is vital. Irrigation systems supplement natural rainfall and ensure balanced moisture levels, which is key to preventing drought or disease from overwatering. But before you install an irrigation system and discover how to maximize your fruit crop’s potential, read the guide below. What is an Irrigation System? An irrigation system is a man-made installation designed to deliver water to crops or landscapes. Its purpose is to aid in the growth of agricultural crops, maintain landscapes, and revegetate disturbed soils in dry areas … Continue reading

Managing Water-Energy Nexus For A Better Tomorrow

Water is an essential part of human existence, green source of energy production and input for thermal power generation. The world’s 7 billion people are dependent on just 3% (called freshwater) of the total volume of water on earth. The MENA region is home to 6.3 percent of world’s population but has access to measly 1.4 percent of the world’s renewable fresh water. Due to burgeoning population and rapid economic growth, the per capita water availability is expected to reduce to alarming proportions in the coming decades. The demand for water is expected to increase significantly in future, which is also … Continue reading

Sustainable Cattle Farming: Is It Possible?

Cattle farming is often linked to climate change and pollution. As the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations pointed out in a report from 2013, cattle emit the biggest percent of methane out of all livestock. The most evident solution to this problem is for the population to consume less beef and dairy. However, according to statistics, the per capita meat consumption has gradually increased since 1961 and this tendency is not likely to change. As countries get richer, their population will keep eating more and more meat. So, is sustainable cattle farming a possibility? Regenerative agriculture As … Continue reading

The Significance of Rural Culture in Islam

Rural culture developed magnificently during medieval times in the Islamic Mediterranean countries. It has left its mark on many aspects of daily life in the countryside, from Sicily and the Spanish Levant to the Maghreb and the Eastern regions. Al-Andalus was a perfect example. Not only are Arabic words present in every movement, skill and tradition throughout much of Spain, but the actual rural landscape forms part of this heritage. And the same can be said about age-old customs for the distribution and use of water, for sowing, grafting, harvesting and storing, and many of today’s extensive, organic farming methods. … Continue reading

Breathing Life into Sand

Dake Rechsand’s innovative and transformative solutions are proactively contributing to the creation of a more sustainable and abundant world. The company’s breakthrough breathable sand technology utilizes low-value desert aeolian sand, to create a constantly evolving portfolio of high value products. The solutions offered by Dake Rechsand include applications in water purification, desert farming, water harvesting, construction, sand casting, sand oil and more. The company is transforming food and water security in water stressed regions and is currently engaged in an ambitious plan to enable farming and greenery for at least 10,000 acres across UAE or for half a million trees … Continue reading

Dake Rechsand’s ‘Magic Sand’ Aims to End UAE’s Food and Water Deficit Within 5 Years

Addressing the UAE and larger MENA regions’ sustainability challenges of water conservation, green cover and food security, Dake Rechsands’ breakthrough sand technology can harvest and store rainwater to create a new water source for the region as well as transform deserts into lush tropical forests and organic farms. Dake Rechsand, a collaboration between South Africa’s Dake Group and the Rechsand Technology Group from Beijing, today announced the launch of their revolutionary ‘magic sand’ technology and its affiliated sand-made product range in the Middle East region. The joint venture is the result of their mission to take these innovative technologies to … Continue reading

Food Security in the Middle East

Despite the fact that the Middle East is blessed with a rich geological inheritance of hydrocarbons and mineral resources, it is a water-scarce and arid region that has its share of demographic and socio-economic problems. It is difficult to grow food crops in the Middle East due to scarcity of water supply and limited availability of arable land. The region is highly vulnerable to fluctuations in international commodity markets because of heavy dependence on imported grains and food items.   According to a report issued in 2009 by the World Bank, the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and … Continue reading

Agricultural Biomass in MENA

Agriculture plays an important role in the economies of most of the countries in the Middle East and North Africa region.  Despite the fact that MENA is the most water-scarce and dry region in the world, many countries in the region, especially those around the Mediterranean Sea, are highly dependent on agriculture. The contribution of the agricultural sector to the overall economy varies significantly among countries in the region, ranging, for example, from about 3.2 percent in Saudi Arabia to 13.4 percent in Egypt.  Large scale irrigation coupled with mechanization has enabled extensive production of high-value cash crops, including fruits, … Continue reading