4 Common Misconceptions About Climate Change

From an individual level, climate change can seem as a difficult issue to connect with, often leaving people with emotions of helplessness as they struggle to understand this phenomenon. While most people can identify practices to reduce their carbon footprint, very few of them actually engage in such activities. One of the main reasons for such inertia from the public may lie in the image of climate change, portrayed by media as being distant, remote and affecting future generations. Here are some of the most common myths and misconceptions about climate change: 1. There is still no global scientific consensus … Continue reading

كلّ ما يجب معرفته عن التصحر

مع تجاوز عدد سكان العالم 7 مليارات نسمة، فإن الضغط على الأراضي ازداد بشكل هائل في العقود الأخيرة. أصبح الأمن الغذائي والمساكن وسبل العيش من أهم المفاهيم الرائجة في الوقت الحالي. والمفارقة أنه بالرغم من الطلب المتزايد على الأراضي، فإن أكثر من 10 ملايين هكتار من الأراضي الصالحة للزراعة تتحول إلى صحراء كل عام. وتكمن العوامل الرئيسية المسببة للتصحر في إزالة الغابات والرعي الجائر وطرق الزراعة غير المستدامة وممارسات الري الضعيفة، إلى جانب تغير المناخ. ونقلاً عن السيد لوك غناقادجا، السكرتير التنفيذي لاتفاقية الأمم المتحدة لمكافحة التصحر، حيث قال: “يعد تدهور الأراضي ظاهرة عالمية، حيث يحدث 78 في المئة من التدهور … Continue reading

Desertification in MENA – Causes and Solutions

Desertification is a worldwide phenomenon afflicting countries all over the world. The desert is making a comeback in the Middle East, with fertile lands turning into barren wastes. According to UNDP’s 2009 Arab Human Development Report, desertification is threatening around one-fifth of the MENA region. China is experiencing desertification at an alarming rate – as much as 1,300 square miles each year. Sub-Saharan Africa is drying up, as are regions of Turkey that were once rich agricultural lands. During the 1992 Rio Earth Summit, the world’s leaders adopted the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) and agreed on the desertification definition … Continue reading

Causes and Consequences of CO2-Induced Ocean Acidification

“The CO2 problem” has traditionally been understood as the fact that excessive CO2 produces global warming. But near the end of the 20th century, scientists started talking about a second CO2 problem, “ocean acidification”. Ocean acidification results from the fact that about 30 percent of our CO2 emissions have been absorbed by the ocean. This absorption keeps down the warming of the atmosphere that would otherwise be produced by these emissions. Ocean acidification involves the ocean’s pH, changes in which make the water become either more alkaline or more acidic. Tests have shown that “for more than 600,000 years the … Continue reading

Carbon Capture and Storage: Prospects in the GCC

GCC countries are burgeoning economies which are highly dependent on hydrocarbons to fuel their needs for economic growth. GCC nations are fully aware of the mounting consequences of increasing levels of CO­2 on the environment, mainly attributed to soaring energy demand of domestic and industrial sector. Regional countries are undertaking concrete steps and measures to reduce their carbon footprint through the introduction of renewable energy and energy efficiency measures. Among other options, Carbon Capture and Storage, popularly known as CCS, can be an attractive proposition for GCC nations. What is CCS Carbon capture and storage (or carbon capture and sequestration) … Continue reading

Re-thinking Sustainable Innovation: A New Development Discourse

The climate change presents a challenge to science and policy makers to articulate a new discourse for  sustainable development. Although, the Middle East, the cradle of civilization, was  a fertile land, it was transformed by modern technology and new models of development into a vulnerable ecosystem. The Paradox The paradox is that we are witnessing high levels of poverty despite a growth in global GDP. Also, our natural capital is being degraded at an alarming rate. This is evident when we look at global indicators; i.e., the planet has lost half its mangrove in the last century, and about 70% … Continue reading

An Interesting Approach to Combat Climate Change in the South Pacific

New Zealand initiative named “Climate Shift” is a three-tiered approach being proposed to combat local climate change and in turn contribute to the global reduction plan to help protect our entire global environment. It focuses on addressing environmental issues on three fronts. The obvious and essential first step is to tackle the actual emissions with significant reduction. The next front is to engage with and seek support from independent organizations and governmental bodies while reaching out to the people of the land to get more engage and take responsibility. The final front is working with nature itself ensuring the sustainability … Continue reading

العدالة البيئية – جوهر الإسلام

لكل إنسان  الحق في التمتع ببيئة نظيفة وصحية .الجانب الأكثر أهمية في كفاحنا الأزلي ضد التلوث البيئي هو العدالة البيئية. حيث يُعد موضوع العدالة البيئية من أهم المواضيع بالنسبة للمجتمعات المهمشة وذات الدخل المنخفض والنائية أيضاً حيث تتحمل هذه المجتمعات عبئًا لا يتناسب معها بسبب التلوث الصناعي. كانت الحملات الشعبية التي قدتها سابقاً الاقليات العرقية والمجموعات ذات الدخل المنخفض هي التي وضعت السمات الواضحة لحركة العدالة البيئية في جميع أنحاء العالم. لقد أثبتت العدالة البيئية أنها قادرة  على توفير الحماية من خلال التوزيع العادل للمنافع البيئية لجميع شرائح المجتمع. في العقود القليلة الماضية اكتسب توزيع المنافع البيئية، مثل المساحات الخضراء والهواء النظيف … Continue reading

Water Scarcity in Bahrain

Bahrain is listed among the top ten countries that are likely to suffer from a water crisis in the next 25 years. The World Resources Institute (WRI) have estimated that 33 countries, half of which are in the Middle East, would suffer from a severe water crisis by 2040. According to the study that included 167 countries, the top ten countries that would face water crisis by 2040 are Bahrain, Kuwait, Palestine, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia and Oman. The finding shows that the Middle East is already probably the least water-secure region in the world as it … Continue reading

Climate and Weather – They Are Not The Same Thing

We can predict the climate but we are not so good at predicting the weather. Why is this? First, let us clarify the difference between weather and climate. Weather is what happens in the atmosphere here and now. The weather may seem chaotic, even random. Weather tends to be what many of us focus on especially before weekends and holiday, and very special events. As community-based people, we need to know what the weather will be in the very near future. We have an immediate need to know whether the weather conditions with be sunny and fine, wet and windy, … Continue reading

10 projets écologiques destinés aux écoliers

Prendre soin de notre écologie, c’est important. Notre propension à exterminer la nature de jour en jour doit cesser. Dans de nombreuses écoles, les petits écoliers apprennent à protéger la nature. Divers projets écologiques ont été lancés afin de sauver la nature: Nous propose 10 idées de projets écologiques destinés à encourager un comportement « vert » chez les écoliers. Les instituteurs pourront aussi se servir de ces informations afin de trouver plus d’idées. D’abord, nous aimerions attirer votre attention sur les principaux facteurs de risque qui nuisent à l’environnement. Prenez connaissance de la liste ci-dessous: Réchauffement climatique ; Catastrophes naturelles ; Pollution en … Continue reading

15 Inspirational Quotes On The Environment

With the New Year’s upon us, global citizens are beginning to think about their goals and what they want to accomplish in 2025. Many people focus on their finances, while others may be thinking about their health and relationships, students are more likely to think, “who could help with my homework” or “how to get a good grade”. Yet there is still one relationship that many people have forgotten: our relationship with Earth. In May of 2006, the film “An Inconvenient Truth” was released and for the first time in a long time, our environmental needs and causes was on … Continue reading