Climate Change Impacts in Kuwait

Kuwait is facing a wide range of climate change challenges including sea level rise, water scarcity, desertification and loss of diversity. Kuwait is characterized by high temperature, high humidity and arid lands resulting in seriously degraded soil and land damage in addition to salt intrusion in the aquifers affecting the small scale agricultural lands thus enhancing the food security threat in the region. Since 1975, Kuwait has experienced 1.50C to 20C increase in temperature, which is significantly higher than the global average. In recent years, there has been a sharp change in rainfall pattern in Kuwait which may be attributed to … Continue reading

How Can The Effects Of Climate Change Be Mitigated?

Climate change will affect us all and it’s important to consider how climate change will have wide reaching consequences for generations to come. This article investigates how the effects of climate change will affect all of us and what measures we can take to mitigate the effects of climate change. What is climate change mitigation? Climate change mitigation refers to actions taken to limit climate change by either reducing greenhouse gas emissions or removing those gases from the atmosphere. Mitigation actions can include using new technologies and renewable energies, making existing equipment more energy efficient, and ensuring carbon sinks continue … Continue reading

Rethinking Sustainability: Islamic Perspectives

The 21st century is characterized by a number of global environmental challenges that shaped and defined the discourse and agenda of the West with respect to the developing world, specifically the Islamic world. Islam provides new sustainability perspectives for discovering and explaining the root causes for the current environmental, economic and social crises as manifested in climate change, HIV, poverty and human security. For example, the Islamic perspective on climate change is that the root cause of this global issue is the absence or lack of human stewardship and is an indication of market failures. Pitfalls of the Western Model … Continue reading

The Green Girl of UAE

Kehkashan Basu is a 12 year old environmental and social activist from the United Arab Emirates whose sole objective is to involve and mobilize kids and youth in the movement for a sustainable and green future. Born on 5th June, which interestingly also happens to be the World Environment Day, she feels that it was pre-ordained that she should grow up to be an environmental activist. Spreading the message of peace and sustainability has been her passion since she her early childhood days. Needless to say, Kehkashan has been working tirelessly to motivate youngsters all over the world to care … Continue reading

Desert Locusts Are Swarming With Greater Ferocity

The latest outbreak of locusts over eastern Africa has been ongoing since the beginning of this year. It is considered by the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) of the UN as the worst outbreak of locusts in 70 years. The threat of the desert locust is extreme urgent as it’s a major threat to the food security in the region. Bearing in mind, that this region is extremely vulnerable to the predominant subsistence lifestyle. It also appears that new breeding may have occurred in Ethiopia, Kenya and Somalia which will intensify the infestation. The question that are foremost in minds … Continue reading

Earth Hour – Making of a Movement

Earth Hour is a worldwide movement for the planet organized by the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF). Earth Hour engages a massive mainstream community on a broad range of environmental issues. The event is held worldwide and held towards the end of March annually, encouraging individuals, communities, households and businesses to turn off their non-essential lights for one hour as a symbol for their commitment to the planet Making of a Movement Earth Hour started in 2007 in Sydney, Australia and was conceived by World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF). On the occasion, 2.2 million individuals and more than 2,000 businesses turned their lights off … Continue reading

Climate Justice and Environmental Justice – Two Concepts for One Challenge

Science keeps showing that as the effects of climate change get worse, extreme weather events are hurting developing countries a lot. This is especially true in Africa and Asia. Over half of Africa’s people would be at risk of not getting enough food if global warming reached 2°C. As it is, we have already reached about 1°C above pre-industrial levels (1850–1900). If things keep going the way they are, global warming is likely to reach 1.5°C between 2030 and 2052. From 1990 to 2015, the poorest half of the world, which is the most vulnerable to the effects of climate … Continue reading

زرع الأشجار لم يكن بهذه السهولة

ظاهرة الاحتباس الحراري  كانت كلمة جديدة بالنسبة لي عندما كنت في الصف السادس. مندهش من التأثيرات، سألت أستاذ العلوم، “إذا كان بإمكان طلاب مدرستنا زرع الأشجار؟”. كانت الفكرة هي زراعة حوالي 500 شجرة. لسوء الحظ، جاء الرد بالنفي. في الواقع، لقد كان تحديًا عمليًا بالنسبة لنا هو الحصول على المساحة لزرع والإبقاء على 500 شجرة، وكان ذلك نتاج افكاري وأنا طفل. في وقت لاحق، انتهى بنا المطاف في زراعة خمسة أشجار فقط، عاش منها اثنان. الآن عندما أزور مدرستي، وأنظر إلى الشجرتين اشعر بالفرح. وتعصف بذهني الافكار، ماذا لو زرعنا 500 شجرة وتمكنا من حماية أكبر عدد ممكن من ال … Continue reading

What are the 5 Causes of Global Warming?

The extra heat in the earth’s atmosphere is called “global warming.” It has increased global temperatures. To date, global warming is a top contributor to climate change. It also results in extreme weather conditions, the destruction of communities, and rising sea levels. Today, the earth is warming quicker than it has in history. Because greenhouse gas emissions also cover the earth, the heat from the sun is trapped. It also disrupts the average balance of nature. Causes of Global Warming Here are five top reasons why global warming keeps increasing today. 1. Consumerism It is easier for consumers to have access … Continue reading

الإسلام و حماية البيئة

حماية البيئة هو جانب هام من جوانب الإسلام. بما اننا خلفاء في الأرض، فإنه يقع على عاتقنا كمسلمين العناية بالبيئة، فهناك غرض محدد وراء وجود أنواع مختلفة، سواء كان ذلك نباتات أو حيوانات.  لذا يتوجب على المسلمين التفكير في العلاقة بين الكائنات الحية وبيئتها والحفاظ على التوازن البيئي الذي خلقه الله فحماية البيئة أمر أساسي للمعتقدات الإسلامية، والبشرية لديها مسؤولية لتضمن الحفاظ الآمن للبيئة حماية البيئة والحفاظ على الموارد  المنظور الإسلامي حول حماية البيئة يعكس صورة إيجابية عن الإسلام وكيف يحتضن كل مسألة  تواجه البشر على وجه الأرض.  الموقف الإسلامي تجاه البيئة والحفاظ على الموارد الطبيعية لا يعتمد فقط على … Continue reading

Earth Day 2015 – It’s Our Turn to Lead

Like Earth Days of the past, Earth Day 2015 will focus on the unique environmental challenges of our time. As the world’s population migrates to cities, and as the bleak reality of climate change becomes increasingly clear, the need to create sustainable communities is more important than ever. Earth Day 2015 will seek to do just that through its global theme: It’s Our Turn to Lead. With smart investments in sustainable technology, forward-thinking public policy, and an educated and active public, we can transform our cities and forge a sustainable future. Nothing is more powerful than the collective action of … Continue reading

جودة الهواء في الأردن – المخاوف الرئيسية

يعد تلوث الهواء مصدر قلق كبير للسكان في كل أنحاء العالم، لما له من تأثير سلبي مباشر وغير مباشر على صحة الإنسان والحيوان وباقي مكونات البيئة المحيطة، ويزداد القلق من تلوث الهواء مع تعدد المصادر المساهمة بهذا التلوث وتنوعها وانتشارها الواسع. حيث بدأت مشاكل تلوث الهواء في المدن الصناعية ولم يقتصر على المدن الصناعية فحسب ولكنه انتشر ليشمل المدن ذات الكثافة السكانية العالية نظرًا لتعدد وتنوع وشدة الأنشطة البشرية فيها. وقد أظهرت دراسات قامت بها منظمة ال WHO أن ملوثات الهواء تسبب أمراض القلب والرئتين والأوعية الدموية  وبعض الأمراض الجلدية مثل سرطانات الجلد وذلك بسبب التعرض للأشعة فوق البنفسجية الناتج … Continue reading