5 Ways To Become A Conscious Consumer

In recent years, an increasing number of individuals have become more aware of what is known as conscious consumerism and have begun to practice it. People’s shopping decisions are impacted by their desire to positively contribute to economic, environmental, and social movements when they are aware of consumers. As a result, the work of many sectors to protect the environment and improve the living conditions of the economically and socially downtrodden will be aided. Simply said, aware customers, are increasingly purchasing firms that wish to make a difference and safeguard the planet’s, animals’, and employees’ well-being across many social sectors. … Continue reading

10 projets écologiques destinés aux écoliers

Prendre soin de notre écologie, c’est important. Notre propension à exterminer la nature de jour en jour doit cesser. Dans de nombreuses écoles, les petits écoliers apprennent à protéger la nature. Divers projets écologiques ont été lancés afin de sauver la nature: Nous propose 10 idées de projets écologiques destinés à encourager un comportement « vert » chez les écoliers. Les instituteurs pourront aussi se servir de ces informations afin de trouver plus d’idées. D’abord, nous aimerions attirer votre attention sur les principaux facteurs de risque qui nuisent à l’environnement. Prenez connaissance de la liste ci-dessous: Réchauffement climatique ; Catastrophes naturelles ; Pollution en … Continue reading

15 Inspirational Quotes On The Environment

With the New Year’s upon us, global citizens are beginning to think about their goals and what they want to accomplish in 2025. Many people focus on their finances, while others may be thinking about their health and relationships, students are more likely to think, “who could help with my homework” or “how to get a good grade”. Yet there is still one relationship that many people have forgotten: our relationship with Earth. In May of 2006, the film “An Inconvenient Truth” was released and for the first time in a long time, our environmental needs and causes was on … Continue reading

Eco-friendly Ways To Prevent Pests From Entering Our Homes

Pests are universally considered as undesirable and unwanted housemates. This is rightfully so because not only do pests partake in your food uninvited, they also leave destruction in their wake and they are dangerous vectors of diseases. Termites leave the most significant amount of destruction among household pests. Termites can wreck entire rooms if left uncontrolled. Some pests like mosquitoes, ants, bed bugs and ticks just hang around in your house to cause pain and discomfort. Rats, mice, flies and cockroaches not only steal or freeload on your food items, they spoil food or leave undesirable traces of their bad … Continue reading

Environmental Impacts of HVAC Manufacturing

HVAC manufacturing is pivotal to providing comfort to people inside their homes, workplaces, and other indoor environments. But how often do heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) manufacturers consider their impact on the outdoor environment? According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, more than half of the energy homes use is for heating or air conditioning. That’s a lot of energy! Such a big impact means HVAC manufacturers also have a big responsibility to evaluate and improve their environmental impact. How HVAC Manufacturing Impacts the Environment Like other production lifecycles, HVAC manufacturing can have a significant impact on the environment. … Continue reading

إحراق الغاز وهدره في العراق: قضية ملتهبة

منذ أن بدأ إنتاج النفط الخام في القرن التاسع عشر كان حرق الغاز وهدره متلازمان معه حيث وجدت الشركات المستخرجة للنفط  بل وبعض الحكومات ايضا، أن الغاز المصاحب هو مصدر إزعاج وانه من الضروري التخلص منه او اتلافه بطريقة او باخرى إذا كان  لإنتاج النفط الخام ان يستمرم ويزيد إنتاجه. لكن قيمة الغاز كمصدر للطاقة وفوائده البيئية بدأت تتحق تدريجيًا ، وأدخلت بعض الحكومات أنظمة للحد من حرق الغاز إلى الحد الأدنى. ومع ذلك ، لا تزال المشكلة قائمة لدينا ، وتشير تقديرات البنك الدولي والذي اسس المبادرة العالمية للحد من حرق الغاز إلى أن حرق الغاز في عام 2017 … Continue reading

Everything You Should Know About E-Waste Recycling Process

E-waste has been on a dramatic rise after the introduction of smartphones, tablets, headphones, virtual reality gear and other consumable electronic devices. With that in mind, e-waste recycling is now more important than ever before. What is e-waste recycling? E-waste is the process of recycling electronic products at or near the end of their “useful life.” These electronic products include computers, televisions, VCRs, stereos, copiers, fax machines, smartphones, tables and many more common Android and Apple electronic products. Many of these products can be reused, refurbished, or recycled. Moving forward, I believe that e-waste will also be needed for emerging … Continue reading

Eco-Friendly Lifestyle for Muslims – 6 Practical Steps

We live in a world with rampant environmental degradation and an overconsumption of natural resources. The situation has escalated to a level that inaction today means the end of civilization as we know it in the near future. An eco-friendly lifestyle is no longer a choice; it is a necessity. Islam teaches us to live in harmony with nature. Muslims should live modestly and refrain from being either too miserly or too flagrant in their spending. Examining the need for an eco-friendly lifestyle and the Islamic ruling is important. In this green living guide for Muslims, we will look at … Continue reading

How to Find an Eco-Friendly Portable Generator

Everything we use now depends on electricity, and with the increasing demands on power, and as technology continues to advance, seeking eco-friendly solutions to our day-to-day challenges is quickly gaining popularity. As mindful individuals, we all have a responsibility towards the environment, and should always opt for the eco-friendly choice whenever available. Practicality, on the other hand, is not something to be compromised. Generators play an important role in most locations, and portable ones are now all the rage since they are a convenient, affordable way to fulfill the requirements of any outdoor activity. When the lights go out, an … Continue reading

Tempêtes de sable et de poussière au Moyen-Orient

Les tempêtes de sable et de poussières sont des phénomènes fréquents dans le monde entier, surtout dans les régions arides et semi-arides, telles que le Moyen-Orient. Les tempêtes de poussière jouent un rôle important au sein du cycle de poussière mondial, et elles peuvent modifier le bilan radiatif de la Terre. Ces tempêtes sont susceptibles d’endommager les cultures agricoles, de retarder la croissance des plantes et de modifier le cycle des organismes benthiques marins, car elles empêchent la lumière de pénétrer dans les fonds océaniques. Les tempêtes de poussière peuvent entraîner des perturbations sociales, des pertes économiques et des effets … Continue reading

How Can You Help Nature Every Day

In the modern world, many people think that we need to take care of nature. Now in the world there are many initiatives to improve the environmental situation. The authors of such initiatives in social networks do not even buy Instagram followers to gain a large number of followers. Today we will talk about how you can contribute to saving nature. 1. Save resources Most of us do not notice how many resources are wasted every day. But saving electricity and water is a matter of a couple of minutes! Turn off lights and unplug electrical appliances. Even a smartphone … Continue reading

How to Reduce the Environmental Impact of Your HVAC System

When compared to the many other forms of technological advancements humanity has made over the past decades, air conditioning and electric heating have some of the smallest negative impact on the environment as a whole. Keeping your home cold in the summer and warm in the winter does not produce huge amounts of greenhouse gasses or kill off marine life. The impact of HVAC systems on the environment however, is not completely nonexistent. While comparably small, the carbon emissions of non-electric systems are still a contributor to the global issue of pollution, and even if your system is electric then … Continue reading