Everything You Should Know About E-Waste Recycling Process

E-waste has been on a dramatic rise after the introduction of smartphones, tablets, headphones, virtual reality gear and other consumable electronic devices. With that in mind, e-waste recycling is now more important than ever before. What is e-waste recycling? E-waste is the process of recycling electronic products at or near the end of their “useful life.” These electronic products include computers, televisions, VCRs, stereos, copiers, fax machines, smartphones, tables and many more common Android and Apple electronic products. Many of these products can be reused, refurbished, or recycled. Moving forward, I believe that e-waste will also be needed for emerging … Continue reading

Eco-Friendly Lifestyle for Muslims – 6 Practical Steps

We live in a world with rampant environmental degradation and an overconsumption of natural resources. The situation has escalated to a level that inaction today means the end of civilization as we know it in the near future. An eco-friendly lifestyle is no longer a choice; it is a necessity. Islam teaches us to live in harmony with nature. Muslims should live modestly and refrain from being either too miserly or too flagrant in their spending. Examining the need for an eco-friendly lifestyle and the Islamic ruling is important. In this green living guide for Muslims, we will look at … Continue reading

How to Find an Eco-Friendly Portable Generator

Everything we use now depends on electricity, and with the increasing demands on power, and as technology continues to advance, seeking eco-friendly solutions to our day-to-day challenges is quickly gaining popularity. As mindful individuals, we all have a responsibility towards the environment, and should always opt for the eco-friendly choice whenever available. Practicality, on the other hand, is not something to be compromised. Generators play an important role in most locations, and portable ones are now all the rage since they are a convenient, affordable way to fulfill the requirements of any outdoor activity. When the lights go out, an … Continue reading

Tempêtes de sable et de poussière au Moyen-Orient

Les tempêtes de sable et de poussières sont des phénomènes fréquents dans le monde entier, surtout dans les régions arides et semi-arides, telles que le Moyen-Orient. Les tempêtes de poussière jouent un rôle important au sein du cycle de poussière mondial, et elles peuvent modifier le bilan radiatif de la Terre. Ces tempêtes sont susceptibles d’endommager les cultures agricoles, de retarder la croissance des plantes et de modifier le cycle des organismes benthiques marins, car elles empêchent la lumière de pénétrer dans les fonds océaniques. Les tempêtes de poussière peuvent entraîner des perturbations sociales, des pertes économiques et des effets … Continue reading

How Can You Help Nature Every Day

In the modern world, many people think that we need to take care of nature. Now in the world there are many initiatives to improve the environmental situation. The authors of such initiatives in social networks do not even buy Instagram followers to gain a large number of followers. Today we will talk about how you can contribute to saving nature. 1. Save resources Most of us do not notice how many resources are wasted every day. But saving electricity and water is a matter of a couple of minutes! Turn off lights and unplug electrical appliances. Even a smartphone … Continue reading

How to Reduce the Environmental Impact of Your HVAC System

When compared to the many other forms of technological advancements humanity has made over the past decades, air conditioning and electric heating have some of the smallest negative impact on the environment as a whole. Keeping your home cold in the summer and warm in the winter does not produce huge amounts of greenhouse gasses or kill off marine life. The impact of HVAC systems on the environment however, is not completely nonexistent. While comparably small, the carbon emissions of non-electric systems are still a contributor to the global issue of pollution, and even if your system is electric then … Continue reading

4 Reasons to Give Eco-Friendly Gifts To Your Mom

Giving eco-friendly gifts to your mom is the most rewarding gift you can give her. Why? By gifting these types of gifts to your mom, you’ll make her feel like she’s appreciated. Fortunately, there are many ways to present sustainable gifts. First, you could just go online and browse through different online stores, then you’ll come across some amazing deals for eco-friendly gifts in just minutes. Second, go to the local craft store as they usually have some great offers for you. Last, but not least, consider giving eco-friendly gifts to your mom with the help of an expert craft … Continue reading

نظرة على مشاكل تونس البيئية

سيقودنا قلمنا هذه المرة إلى دولة إفريقية عربية تعد من بين أجمل البلدان و أعظمها من حيث تراثها المادي و اللامادي. إنها دولة تقع في شمال إفريقيا، يحدها من الغرب دولة الجزائر و من الشمال و الشرق البحر الأبيض المتوسط أما جنوبها الغربي فتحدها دولة ليبيا، و تتخللها واحات من النخيل و أشجار الزيتون، و أراض من القمح و الشعير. إنها تونس العريقة، مزيج بين ما ترك الاسلاف من أقواس و أبواب و ما حباها آلله من سواحل و جبال و صحاري. تتميز تونس بمناخ معتدل، فدرجات الحرارة معتدلة صيفا و شتاءا، فمناخها الرائع و موقعها الجغرافي الجميل، ساهم بشكل … Continue reading

Sand and Dust Storms in the Middle East: Facts to Know

Sand and dust storms are regular occurrences around the world and more common in arid and semi-arid regions, such as the Middle East. Dust storms play an important role in global dust cycle, and can alter the radiative balance. It can damage agricultural crops and retard plant growth and alter the life cycle of the marine benthic organisms due to less sun light penetration into the sea floor. Dust storms can cause social disruption, economic loss and adverse impact on human health. When the visibility is below 1000 meters on a dusty day, it is considered that dust storm is occurring. … Continue reading

6 Environmental Tips to Consider While Establishing Your Office

As an entrepreneur, you need an effective operations center, perhaps one or a few that you can call your office/s. This is where you’ll handle most if not all the aspects of your business. However, an office is more than just furniture, computers, equipment, and stationery. The effective office setup may vary widely depending on the kind of business you own or are setting up. Additionally, there are quite a number of core considerations that are crucial when establishing your office. If you guessed right, environmental health and eco-friendliness are some of the most important factors to consider these days, … Continue reading

الذكاء الصناعي وإدارة الصحة البيئية في الأردن

تندرج الصحة البيئية ضمن فروع الصحة العامة والتي تهدف إلى تحسين جودة الحياة وتقليل المخاطر الصحية الناجمة عن الظروف البيئية المختلفة, وتتضمن مجالاتها العمل على توعية المجتمع وتطوير السياسات الصحية, كما تعنى الصحة البيئية في دراسة وتقييم أثر العوامل البيئية المختلفة على صحة الإنسان ورفاهيته. تشمل هذه العوامل : التلوث: مثل تلوث الماء والهواء والتربة، وما يترتب عليه من آثار صحية. المواد الكيميائية: مثل البلاستيك والمبيدات الحشرية والمواد الصناعية. العوامل الفيزيائية: مثل الضجيج والإشعاع. الظروف البيئية: كالسكن والنقل والتخطيط العمراني. الصحة النفسية وتأثير المساحات الخضراء على الرفاه النفسي. انتشار الأمراض المعدية وارتباطها بالتغيرات البيئية والاستجابة للأوبئة. إدارة النفايات بشكل آمن … Continue reading

5 Smart Ways To Manage Waste at Home

Our streets are full of uncollected waste spilling over from bin bags wheelie bins and, plastic recycling containers. Removing waste from our homes can be complicated at times, so it helps to know the greatest way to dispose of it.  Waste clearance can be a timewasting and costly affair if not done right and apart from that is important to end this process in an eco-friendly manner. There are some ways to take this stress out of your life so we’re here to highpoint some of the best options available for waste disposal. 1. Try to produce less waste The … Continue reading