8 bonnes raisons de passer à l’éclairage solaire

Avec la prise de conscience énergétique, la plupart des gens cherchent à réduire leurs factures d’électricité. Grâce aux progrès de la technologie, de nombreux gadgets viennent aujourd’hui nous faciliter la vie. Les appareils électroménagers deviennent de plus en plus sophistiqués, ce qui peut aussi faire grimper la facture d’électricité, en raison de l’augmentation de la consommation énergétique. Ces appareils peuvent nous rendre la vie plus pratique et plus agréable, mais vos factures d’électricité risquent de vous causer du stress financier, surtout si vous avez une maison très équipée. Dans cet esprit, rien de mieux pour faire la transition vers une … Continue reading

Air Quality in the Arab Countries: An Overview

Air quality in the Arab countries has deteriorated over the past few decades. Emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) have nearly doubled. Changes in the power sector were driven by strategies that have been successfully implemented in many countries in the region to improve energy access, leading to more fossil fuels being burnt in the thermal power plants to meet the increase in power demand. Electricity consumption has increased by 75.5 percent, leading to a total amount of 766.5 million tons of CO2 being emitted in 2015, compared to 436.6 in 2006. Emissions from the transport sector have increased due to … Continue reading

Green Innovations In Plastic Profile Extrusion

Plastic profile extrusion plays a vital role in modern manufacturing, offering versatility and precision for various applications. However, growing concerns over resource depletion and pollution have put pressure on industries to adopt greener alternatives. Innovations in raw materials, energy-efficient machinery, and waste reduction strategies are paving the way for more sustainable production. These advancements not only lower environmental impact but also improve efficiency and product performance. Companies investing in eco-friendly extrusion solutions are staying ahead of regulations while meeting consumer demand for sustainable products. As the industry evolves, manufacturers have more opportunities to reduce waste, conserve energy, and enhance material … Continue reading

Reusing Textbooks Can Repurpose Knowledge for Needy Students

For every academic term or semester, thousands of new textbooks are being printed, bought and used. On the other hand, almost the same number of textbooks and course material are being discarded after its use and find its way to the garbage bins ultimately landing at the landfill site where they are being buried, compacted and disposed occupying precious land area. Usually these textbooks are not being reused or recycled generating huge quantities of paper waste. In many of the private schools, the textbooks have to be bought in every term due to change in edition or minor revisions putting … Continue reading

Eco-friendly Tyre Manufacturing for a Greener Tomorrow

We all have a responsibility to reduce our impact on the environment. Fortunately, more of us are aware of those harmful everyday habits previous generations overlooked than ever today. For example, widespread coverage of plastic pollution has encouraged people to cut down on plastic consumption and take advantage of alternatives. And that’s a crucial aspect of building a greener global culture, considering eight million pieces of plastic enter oceans every single day, posing significant danger to marine life. One problematic product billions of people use every single day is the humble car tyre. It’s so easy to take them for … Continue reading

The Benefits of Green Buildings for the Middle East

The Middle East region faces a unique set of challenges in terms of sustainable buildings and cities. For example, water shortage is mitigated by costly desalination and we are faced with high water consumption which leads to a higher carbon footprint and ultimately impacts climate change. Middle Eastern countries are at the top of the list of largest per capita ecological footprints. In 2020, Qatar has the highest per capita level of carbon dioxide emissions, at 37 metric tons per person annually. Kuwait is second with 20.83 tons, followed by Saudi Arabia with 17.97 metric tons. Therefore, integrating energy efficiency … Continue reading

الديمقراطية في المشروع الدولي البيئي

الديمقراطية القيمة والثقافة الإنسانية التي على الرغم من تنازع الرؤى والمفاهيم حول جوهر مضامينها وتوصيفاتها وضرورة وجودها ومدى شمول توافق أنماطها مع تقاليد وقيم المجتمعات الإنسانية على اختلاف ثقافاتها وانتماءاتها العرقية والدينية، وخصوصية أنظمتها الاقتصادية والاجتماعية والسياسية، تبقى المطلب الإنساني الذي صار يؤكد ضرورة وجوده في مواجهة الأزمات والكوارث الإنسانية وزحمة التراجعات في المفاهيم القيمية للعلاقات، وما يسببه ذلك من شرعنة ثقافة الجريمة وإحاطتها بحزام من التقاليد لثقافة التخلف، والتوجه بشكل متسارع لجعل ثقافة الغاب الوسيلة التي تحكم المجتمع البشري. تلك الحقيقة نتبينها في الانزلاق المتسارع نحو ثقافة الجريمة المبنية على قشور تاريخ ومبادئ ثقافات وهمية تشبه فقاعة الصابون، لكنها أحدثت … Continue reading

Waste Management Perspectives for Oman

Globalization and modernization has led to increased consumption among the Omani population. Reportedly, the average Omani household throws away one-third of the food it purchases. Conspicuous consumption fuelled by peer pressure and effective advertising brings more goods and products into the home than the family members can actually make use of. And along with the increase in merchandise comes a lot of extra packaging. Product packaging now accounts for the bulk of what is thrown into household rubbish bins. The urge to keep pace with what one’s neighbours, relatives and peers acquire means higher rates of consumption: a new mobile … Continue reading

المبنى الأخضر في الأردن – نافذة جديدة على البيئة

في  دول العالم المتقدم , أصبح الحوار الذي ينافس السياسة و القضايا المجتمعية هو البيئة . أصبحت البيئة محط أنظار الجميع الان بعد سنين طوال من السعي وراء التكنولوجيا و التطور و إهمالها بشكل ملحوظ . إن مفهوم البيئة لم يعد مقتصرا على النظافة و توفير المياه فحسب , بل أصبحت الدول و القارات تتنافس في مجال انتاج الطاقة النظيفة ( طاقة الرياح , الشمسية , الطاقة المائية , طاقة الحرارة الأرضية , طاقة المد و الجزر و طاقة الكتل الحرارية ) وذلك بعد الجزم بإمكانيتها في  تأمين طاقة يمكن الإعتماد عليها في شتى الميادين و بشكل رئيسي بدلا من … Continue reading

الضرر البيئي الناتج عن الصناعة

ان العالم حولنا يتأثر بكل ما نفعله، من استهلاكنا للطعام، الى الكهرباء التي نستعملها. ولكن الواقع لم يكن دائما على هذا الحال. الثورة الصناعية غيرت طرق الانتاج والأكل والطاقة وكذالك الصحة والتكنولوجيا الصناعية. الثورة الصناعية بدأت الثورة الصناعية في منتصف القرن السابع عشر (م)، عندما كانت اعداد سكان العالم قد شارفت على العودة الى مستوياتها الطبيعية التي كانت قد تأثرت بالوفيات الناجمة عن الطاعون الاسود الذي قضى على 75 مليون انسان سنة 1300م. وبسببها ارتفعت اعداد سكان الارض الى المليار في سنة 1800، ومن ثم الى ضعف ذلك في سنة 1926. في بداية القرن الواحد والعشرين كانت اعداد السكان قد … Continue reading

The Benefits of Owning a Hybrid Vehicle

Hybrid vehicles are not new; however, their popularity has increased over time. Even though hybrid cars may seem hard to produce, the exact opposite is true. Hybrids are just cars with both gasoline or diesel engine and a battery-powered electric motor. A hybrid vehicle, such as the Toyota Prius and the 2022 Toyota Corolla, conserves fuel and emits less CO2 emissions. The purpose of two engines is to reduce fuel consumption and, therefore, to save energy. How Hybrid Cars Work Any vehicle with two separate power sources can be classified as a hybrid car. Due to the high expense of … Continue reading

Solar-Powered Schools: A Bright Investment for Education and the Environment

Renewable energy has become vastly ingrained in the global energy mix as the world turns to cleaner, more reliable sources for powering homes and businesses. Solar energy, in particular, has been at the forefront of the renewable revolution, with photovoltaic (PV) rooftop panels and subsequent technologies found everywhere, from where you live and work to where you go to school. Schools across the country have quickly realized the importance of adopting solar power to reduce their carbon footprints, save money and provide optimal learning opportunities for their students. Here’s why investing in solar-powered schools makes sense for enhancing education and … Continue reading