إدارة النفايات في المغرب

تعد إدارة النفايات الصلبة واحدة من المشكلات البيئية الرئيسية التي تهدد المملكة  المغربية. إذ تنتج هذه الأخيرة أكثر من 5 ملايين طن من النفايات الصلبة بمعدل نمو توليد النفايات السنوي وصل إلى 3 في المئة. و يعاني التخلص السليم من النفايات الصلبة البلدية في المغرب من أوجه قصور رئيسية  تتمثل في عدم وجود البنية التحتية المناسبة والتمويل المناسب في المناطق خارج المدن الرئيسية. وقد أبان تقرير البنك الدولي،  على أنه في عام 2008، قبل الإصلاح الأخير  “لم يتم  جمع إلا 70 من المئة فقط من النفايات الصلبة البلدية في المدن وأن فقط  أقل من 10 من المئة من النفايات التي … Continue reading

5 Ways Using Marbles At Home Help Improve Our Environment

It is always important to consider the impact on the environment anytime you want something done in your home. Having this type of concern can make you use an eco-friendly approach to various things like energy you want to be in your house. Marble is an amazing material and has grown to become really popular among homeowners for use in their homes. The reason why most people have grown to like marble is that it provides layers of elegance and aesthetics, but another great thing about the product is that it helps to conserve the environment. Let’s take a look … Continue reading

10 Greenest Ways of Traveling

From plastic waste to carbon emissions, travel isn’t the most environmentally friendly activity. However, the benefits of venturing far from home to experience other cultures are priceless. Many millennials see travel as necessary. Fortunately, there are ways you can make your trips more eco-friendly! 1. BYOE (Bring Your Own Everything) Coffee cups, water bottles, utensils, take-out containers, napkins, and so much more can be brought in your personal item and used throughout your trip. By replacing single-use items with reusable ones, you drastically cut down on the waste you produce while traveling. Also, be sure to bring a reusable grocery … Continue reading

Rediscovering the Natural World – The Islamic Approach

Today more than half the world’s population live in cities. Our increasingly urban lives have ensured an almost total disconnection from the natural world to the extent that it is not uncommon to meet children who believe that milk originates in plastic supermarket cartons. It is as well to be conscious of this as much is left out in their education, both religious and secular, to the extent that we are continuing to cause irreparable harm to the Earth. Muslims are no exception to this, having also adopted urban lifestyles and modern modes of living that reveal an almost complete … Continue reading