CDM Enhancing Africa’s Profile Among Investors

The Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) is an extremely simple concept. Companies in developed economies can continue with their polluting ways so long as they pay for reductions in greenhouse gas emissions elsewhere in the world. Substitute Egypt, Libya, Sudan, Zimbabwe and a string of other African countries for ‘elsewhere’. CDM may not figure highly on the financial radar screens of many entrepreneurs and business people across the globe. They’re probably much more exercised over the merits or otherwise of business banking services, But maybe they should be looking at CDM, not least because entrepreneurial activity and green make interesting bedfellows these days. … Continue reading

How Mindfulness Can Support Sustainability

Though the two may seem to lack connection, mindfulness and sustainability can actually go hand-in-hand. This may be especially true if you wish to adopt new sustainability practices or change various habits that affect the environment. So, how do they go together, and what can you do if you need help with mindfulness? About Mindfulness To understand how mindfulness can support sustainability, it may be helpful to first define mindfulness as a standalone concept. The American Psychological Association or APA dictionary describes and defines mindfulness as, “awareness of one’s internal states and surroundings.” Mindfulness is a common tool employed in … Continue reading

Things You Should Know About Oceans and Marine Biodiversity

Seventy per cent of the Earth’s surface is covered by the oceans. Its coral reefs are its rainforests and they teem with life, from minute plankton at the bottom of the food chain to giant whales, the largest animals that have ever lived. The biodiversity of the oceans is greater than that found on land and estimated to be between 50–80 per cent of the total. This rich marine biodiversity is suffering the same fate as its land-based cousins. Oceans play a major part in maintaining the CO2 balance, but like terrestrial ecosystems they suffer when this balance is disrupted. … Continue reading

The Top 4 Advantages of Solar Lighting

Large companies and homeowners alike enjoy the many benefits that only solar lighting can provide. Solar lights are ideal for areas that are off-the-grid, where energy is costly or if the company is looking to showcase their eco-friendly approach to energy. Installing solar lighting is considered one of the most cost effective projects to date as they do not require trenched grid power and the actual costs of installation are minimal. There are many ways to take advantage of solar lighting solutions. Some are as small or simple as a singular LED bulb or a solar lantern, while others are … Continue reading

Gas Flaring and Venting in MENA: Need for Urgent Action

Every year global oil producers waste precious natural gas by flaring and venting equivalent to the combined gas consumption of Central and South America. The top twenty major gas flaring and venting countries in the world include Russia, Nigeria, Iran, Iraq, Angola, Venezuela, Qatar, Algeria, the United States, Kuwait, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Equatorial Guinea, Libya, Mexico, Azerbaijan, Brazil, Congo, the United Kingdom, and Gabon. Gas flaring and venting have been known to be associated with crude oil processing in oil fields. Newer oil wells are equipped for the recovery of both oil well gas and crude oil and hence the gas … Continue reading

Environmental Justice in the 21st Century: A Case Study

The world has changed a lot since the environmental justice movement first began, and while we’ve made progress in some areas, we still face many of the same struggles. The environmental justice movement asserts that everyone has the right to equal environmental protection. It also promotes equal access to the decision-making processes that affect having a healthy environment. While we’ve made some strides towards these goals, but certain groups, including people of color and low-income people, are still disproportionately affected by poor environmental conditions and hazards. Warren County’s Quest for Environmental Justice Warren County, North Carolina is often referred to … Continue reading

النفايات مصدر

القراءة المتوالية في بحث وتوصيف اختصاصات ومسؤوليات المجالس البلدية ومعالجة القواعد القانونية المنظمة لها أثارت اهتمام المتابعين لما جرى نشره من موضوعات في صفحتنا على الانستغرام، وان ذلك الاهتمام يدعم الاهداف والمقاصد التي تبنيناها في تبصير المجتمع بقضايا المجالس البلدية واختصاصاتها كمنصة مهمة تجسد في جوهر مهامها قيمة مجتمعية، وينبغي ان تكون فاعلة في صون الحقوق والمصالح الاجتماعية بمختلف اتجاهاتها المعيشية والاسكانية والاجتماعية والاقتصادية والبيئية والحضرية. الاهتمام الذي لمسناه من المتابعين لهذه الموضوعات يجسد الصحوة الاجتماعية في الاهتمام بكفاءة العضو البلدي واختيار الانسب الذي يحقق مصالح المجتمع، كما ان معالجاتنا لمشكلة النفايات والاهمية الاستراتيجية للمجالس البلدية في ايجاد الحلول العملية … Continue reading

The Environmental Risks of Improper Medicine Disposal

With more people leaning on prescription medication to fix their diseases and ailments, it becomes an issue when they don’t know how to properly dispose of it. During 2015-2016, it was proven that just under half of the population of America had used prescription drugs in the past 30 days. Many people tend to just forget about their prescription medication which leaves it available for children to find accidentally. However, others will casually throw away their drugs or flush them. The result of this can have an awful impact on the environment. This is why we must understand how to … Continue reading

المخاطر البيئية لمرادم النفايات في دولة الكويت

دولة الكويت هي احدى دول الخليج العربي الغني بموارده الطبيعية, وهي كذلك من أعلى الدول نسبة في توليد النفايات الصلبة مقارنة بعدد السكان, حيث ينتج الفرد الواحد – في الكويت-  يوميا حوالي 1.4 كيلوغرام من النفايات. اضافة الى ذلك مازالت الطرق البدائية هي المستعملة في التخلص من النفايات الصلبة. و المدهش اكثر هو أنه على الرغم من صغر مساحة دولة الكويت الا انه يوجد عدد كبير من المرادم  المنتشرة بكثرة. هناك 18 عشرة موقعا لردم النفايات, 14 منها مغلقة, و 4 مواقع مازالت مستعملة. مرادم النفايات في الكويت هي خطر محدق بالبيئة وصحة المجتمع.  واضافة الى ان تكديس النفايات الصلبة يحمل … Continue reading

Environmental Education: Key to a Better Future

Tomorrow’s leaders need to be equipped for tomorrow’s challenges, and we must adequately prepare our children for the future they will inherit. As climate change is being felt across the globe and its long-term catastrophic impacts have never been so scientifically clear, environmental education is the key to a better future. In an era where more and more children are disconnected from nature, we should recognize the importance of making a real investment in environmental education and outdoor learning. Studies have shown environmental education engages students in learning, raising test scores, and encouraging youth to pursue career in environmental and natural … Continue reading

Eco-Friendly Design Trends To Create A Sustainable Home

48% of consumers are ready to change their shopping and lifestyle habits to save the environment. As more and more people begin to prioritize sustainable living, interior design trends are evolving to meet this increasing demand. Using eco-friendly materials, replacing old appliances, and incorporating a minimalist aesthetic are some key ways you can be conscious, mindful, and eco-friendly about your home design. Use eco-friendly materials Eco-friendly design materials can help create a stylish, sustainable home that minimizes your carbon footprint. Recycled metal, for example, is typically used to create eco-friendly furniture, lighting fixtures, and art sculptures. Steel, in particular, can be used to establish … Continue reading

How Loving the Environment Radiate a More Beautiful You?

Everyone is striving to exhibit beauty on the outside by donning expensive clothing, hairstyles, makeup, jewelry, and anything else that could add an extra touch of elegance. But, did you know that there is a deeper beauty than the external beauty we run after? Radiance is an aspect of beauty that resonates from the inside. It’s not about having a perfect face, body, or image. Radiance is more awe-inspiring than the regular beauty everyone is chasing after. It’s actually the light that shines from our hearts. So, how can one experience this magnificent form of beauty? Here are a few … Continue reading