Alimenter les écoles à l’énergie solaire: investir dans l’éducation et l’environnement de façon éclairée

L’énergie renouvelable s’est largement intégrée au mix énergétique mondial, et on assiste à un virage vers des sources d’alimentation pour maisons et commerces plus propres et plus fiables. L’énergie solaire, notamment, est en première ligne de la révolution renouvelable, à travers les panneaux solaires pour toit et les technologies subséquentes disponibles partout, que ce soit votre domicile, votre lieu de travail ou votre établissement d’enseignement. Les écoles du pays ont vite compris qu’il était essentiel d’adopter l’énergie solaire afin de réduire leur empreinte carbone, de réaliser des économies et de fournir des conditions d’apprentissage optimales. Voici pourquoi il est pertinent … Continue reading

Green Building Sector in the UAE: Perspectives

The focus on sustainability is one of the biggest trends in the GCC’s building sector. This is underpinned by Dubai being ranked third in the list of global cities with the highest number of green certified buildings in the ‘Sustainability and Wellness in Dubai’ report by Core Savills with over 550 projects under LEED certification and the implementation of the Estidama framework in Abu Dhabi. Paving the Way In the UAE, the directives by the Federal and Local Government entities to establish a sustainable economy that advocates demand side-energy management, and water & energy use efficiency has encouraged real estate … Continue reading

The Benefits of Green Buildings for the Middle East

The Middle East region faces a unique set of challenges in terms of sustainable buildings and cities. For example, water shortage is mitigated by costly desalination and we are faced with high water consumption which leads to a higher carbon footprint and ultimately impacts climate change. Middle Eastern countries are at the top of the list of largest per capita ecological footprints. In 2020, Qatar has the highest per capita level of carbon dioxide emissions, at 37 metric tons per person annually. Kuwait is second with 20.83 tons, followed by Saudi Arabia with 17.97 metric tons. Therefore, integrating energy efficiency … Continue reading

المبنى الأخضر في الأردن – نافذة جديدة على البيئة

في  دول العالم المتقدم , أصبح الحوار الذي ينافس السياسة و القضايا المجتمعية هو البيئة . أصبحت البيئة محط أنظار الجميع الان بعد سنين طوال من السعي وراء التكنولوجيا و التطور و إهمالها بشكل ملحوظ . إن مفهوم البيئة لم يعد مقتصرا على النظافة و توفير المياه فحسب , بل أصبحت الدول و القارات تتنافس في مجال انتاج الطاقة النظيفة ( طاقة الرياح , الشمسية , الطاقة المائية , طاقة الحرارة الأرضية , طاقة المد و الجزر و طاقة الكتل الحرارية ) وذلك بعد الجزم بإمكانيتها في  تأمين طاقة يمكن الإعتماد عليها في شتى الميادين و بشكل رئيسي بدلا من … Continue reading

Evaporative Cooling: Achieving Energy Conservation in Buildings

The global push toward sustainability and commitment to United Nations’ SDGs has brought innovative solutions of energy conservation in building design and operation. Evaporative cooling has emerged as an effective and environmentally-friendly method for reducing energy consumption (in comparison to HVAC system which consume approximately 40 percent of energy in buildings) while maintaining indoor comfort. Let’s explore the principles, applications, benefits, and limitations of evaporative cooling in achieving energy conservation in buildings. What is Evaporative Cooling Evaporative cooling leverages the natural process of water evaporation to lower air temperature. The principle is simple yet effective: when water evaporates, it absorbs … Continue reading

5 Astuces Pour être au Chaud Cet Hiver

Même dans le confort de notre propre maison, la saison la plus froide et la plus rude de l’année nous pousse à nous précipiter sur radiateurs, pulls, couvertures et manteaux supplémentaires. Mais ce n’est certainement pas une fatalité : grâce à plusieurs changements très simples, dites adieu à la fraîcheur hivernale de votre foyer et bienvenue à une chaleur douillette et accueillante. 1. Éliminez les courants d’air Une maison chaleureuse, ce n’est pas qu’un bon chauffage, c’est aussi la capacité à retenir la chaleur. C’est le rôle de l’isolation. Pour empêcher la déperdition thermique, il faut consolider les zones vulnérables … Continue reading

Revolutionizing Urban Spaces with Living Walls: Enhancing Sustainability and Aesthetics in Cities

Urban environments often struggle with pollution, heat, and a lack of green space. Living walls offer a transformative solution by enhancing air quality, reducing urban heat, and promoting biodiversity. These vertical gardens not only beautify concrete landscapes but also provide essential ecosystem services that are vital for sustainable city living. As cities continue to grow, innovative approaches to design and architecture have become necessary. Living walls can be integrated into both new structures and existing buildings, making them a versatile option for urban planners and architects alike. This trend illustrates how integrating nature into urban design can lead to healthier, … Continue reading

How are Eco-friendly Properties Revolutionising the Housing Market?

Sustainability has been a rising concern over recent years, and the term has become more familiar as carbon emissions and protecting the environment has soared to the top of people’s agenda. Due to the rising environmental concerns and public awareness, homeowners across the UK are relocating from traditional bricks and mortar to different types of property whereby eco-friendliness is the main concern. Developed using environmentally friendly materials, properties that aim to have a limited effect on the environment are built to be as self-sufficient as possible. Through the use of natural resources such as wind and light, sustainable homes can … Continue reading

6 Environmental Tips to Consider While Establishing Your Office

As an entrepreneur, you need an effective operations center, perhaps one or a few that you can call your office/s. This is where you’ll handle most if not all the aspects of your business. However, an office is more than just furniture, computers, equipment, and stationery. The effective office setup may vary widely depending on the kind of business you own or are setting up. Additionally, there are quite a number of core considerations that are crucial when establishing your office. If you guessed right, environmental health and eco-friendliness are some of the most important factors to consider these days, … Continue reading

How to Make Your Home More Sustainable: 14 Effective Ways

Traditional houses were not built with the environment in mind. Most houses require a lot of energy for heating during cold seasons and cooling during hot seasons. A big percentage of houses are not oriented according to the direction of sunlight and wind to achieve better lighting and cooling. As the population continues to increase exponentially, some cities have started to experience the power and water shortage. This problem has led to frequent power and water rationing, especially during dry seasons. It is important for homeowners to renovate their houses so that they can reduce water and electricity consumption. Improve … Continue reading

The Benefits of Integrating Solar Energy in Buildings

The greenhouse gases (GHGs) generated by buildings alone accounted for 13% of all carbon emissions the past couple of years. In order to meet the new ambitious targets to halve the GHG levels recorded in early 2005, the implementation of sustainable and renewable energy sources has now become a crucial element of construction design and management. Whether they are integrated in new homes or retrofitted to older buildings, solar panels are an efficient and accessible source of energy that are becoming more and more common in both commercial and residential buildings (in the U.S., and worldwide). New building codes, incentives for … Continue reading

Green Roofs in MENA – Prospects and Challenges

Green roofs are emerging technologies that can provide a wide range of benefits to communities interested in enhancement and protection of their environment. The major benefits of green roofs are reducing energy use as well as air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions, enhancing stormwater management and water quality, decreasing heat island effect by regulating temperature for the roof and the surrounding areas and providing aesthetic value and habitats for many species. Increased energy consumption in the region is due largely to population growth, with related increases in demand for liquid fuels and electricity for domestic use and devices, heating, cooling, … Continue reading